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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1931 m.YTHEVlLLE. (ARK.) COURIER NEWS Girl Wlul.s Sword for Dcmpsey'V; Ifearl PAGE THRK'l of Hoover, Maintenance of Tariff By Smoot. SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. (UP) Pronounced on politic. 1 ministration prcblcms, foreign relations and the current business pression were expressed by.

Smoot. dean of the United St Senate, 0:1 his return t3 Utah frorv tlie capital. Outstanding among 1 Smoot's ideas are: Timt President Hoover will re-elected. Tliat is not the remote? 1 chance of forma lion cf a thir (Progressive) party. That -Democrats and Projrcv Ives are to commended no! forcing an extra session of ereis.

iTariff Saved War That, thj." sugar situation. wit'. 1 production of 50 per cent more gar in 1930 than the world coul' consume, was deplorable: that lift sugar factory would have ben in operation last year but for Thai the silver market is in shape; but hns reached the battoni That, as far as he is concenisrt. not one penny oE the foreign deb; will be cancelled. That Hie future oC industrix America will depend lankly en taiift" rates imposed on foreign imported foods.

That it was "providential" Her bert Hoover in the president', chair to lead the country tr.rousl the present national crisis. Mcst Trying Congress That the 71st Congress was th most trying in his entire cxuai'i ence. That "my Democratic brethrc are' continually damning the act but I know of only one stance where a Democratic ator didn't vote for a rate in crease for his state." Building Program Blcssinj That the federal building pro gram, is a blessing for the conntr at this time. That the Republican party be dry and there is ssme doub whether the Democrats will next election. That Governor Franklin Ross" veil and Al Smith arc cut Democratic presidential That (he Progressives.

I hey. hold tne balance" of pr.v will- it uncomfortably far tl Hepublican administration sion of Smoot indicated he would aga be -'a" candidate, for re-election 1932. "If the paople cf Utah fee! 11 services have bsen satisfactory can ses nn rcnsrin why should be candidate," he said. Divorce Colony Arrives I I MARION, April 17 jMrs. (1 Judys Davis Smith, 2'J.

wife of nilhoad conductor, the fust 1 to hike ti'ni(iorLiry tlL'iiii. 1 liiro lo netting a divorce decree now Arkansas 'M day Insv, It was revealed today. 1 She raid she will file suit ayalns'. husband, Hugh Smith, Corinth, I on fiuiir.eJs of ly. Tlie new law.

if not declared illegal by filing of pctilicn dennind- ing a vote upon it, will faccom? cf- clive June 12. a Mosque of Persia Beautiful Oriental Structure pph Blossom Time in (hark Fruit Belt MNTONVILLE, Ark, April Arkansas apple belt directed Its attention today lo m- lo-lnj Ihcusands of visitors IM.II: Ing In his section lor apple blossom time. For many years the apple orchards have attracted vis-. itois frcm Missouri, Oklahoma and I rllis Aikansas. Resoils ami hotels nre crowded and many hundreds more iiie expected over week end.

Grchnvdists predict a bumper crop is the of heavy blosms. iaSc Income Tax Mon Coming Here Next Week pii-lnre shows the famous portal of MasJkl-l-Shah. Note and Hie main dome or (he mosque behind. the 'I he famous or r.ionqrr. at Isfahan, Persia.

Is (UK of the most beautiful buildings in the world. Diilll by Shall Abbas I at the end of tile 15lh century, li Is com- H. L. Finn, state revenue ascn' for the division'having headqusr- tcrs at Jonesboro, has announced I that P. C.

Harris, field auditor, will enorita Maria de Jesus Austin be in Blytiievllle April 22 and 231 bove. 1G years old and the en! to aid local citizens in preparing' bullfighter th? tlieir slate income tax returns to: bricks of great brilllnncy. It I New York Cotton leap at the chanc? lo No information was given asj.Mny lonor arid obey Jack to where Mr. Harris will nnke hould he obtain a divorce. "11? headquarters here, but last yrar Iways been my ideal," she said rr state Income tax man was at th: uarez, H.

M. "My greatest irnbi- courthouse. icn is to fight a L-ig. tad bull in! arena where Mr. i present." liCl 'i Mrs.

Crowder of Arnnrel, ITull Johnson of Blytheville YCItK. April 17 (UP) cioyjd steady. High Close 1012 10M 1010 1017 1030 1057 1038 1043, 107P 1C88 1000 107S 1093 1112 10M 1100 1101 111C 1101 1110 1125 im 1124 1152 Jill Dec Jan Mr.r Srots nitct at 1015, imehanGCd. I Cotton NEW ORLEANS. April 17 'see County Farm Terms i TM tjnjjLAKO, lucker Om 1 hefts Mls Arnoltl wcre lests of cotton closed steady.

N'ipper Wednesday aflenioon. Opon Three negro Jamss r.iuv ird, Audio Stone and Walter 'ord, were committexl to the county farm by Justice R. L. McKni-jlu i upon conviction, on petit- brce.iv charges in connection Lheft of mechanical parts from tV Tucker cotton gin, east of this city The negroes were fined S25 cicf. and unable to pay the fines, were, committed to tr.e farm.

The stolen parts were recovered by dcp 1 out of Constable Harry T.iylor'i of fice and city police. Negroes Plead Guilty Constable Mrs. Tomlinson, Mrs. t'orl- lock and Lavern and William nil- litigs were guests or Mr. and Mrs.

Earl Shaneyfelt Sunday. Dec Amoni; those who attended church. Jon at Driver Grove Sunday were Mr. ni and Mrs. Dcnsel llowarci, Alb2rt! Haskins and daughter, Mr.

anj 920. Mrs. E. C. Shaneyfelt- and Harry I Mrs 0 5 Hawkins visited Mrs.

Wednesday afternoon. I A number cf pupils from f- Half i Moon attended the lilcrnrv meet at-Osccola Saturday, mil wo.i the CUD for evcnt TU I PL- I T. J. was the 5 ue 3 of tolheiisof thickens Mr ail( Mrs E(U Wcilnesday. Doyle Widner of Cornell i in Half Moon Sunday and MDn- 1010 1037 IOCS 10D2 1112 1125 quiet and 1029 1057 1038 1112 1112 Low Close 1010 101G 1035 10U IOCS 1076 1C90 )00a nn nn 1120b unchtingcd 05 Bankrupt in It! In good icpalr despite Us In Persian mosque ctcsian.

avc an Iniporlance not observable i or Moorish countries, and re cflcn uf bulbous outline. AbDU 15lh century, the colonnaded raycr halls In fnvci laryc, sciunrc, domed Interiors. The imperial mosque retains the rlginal court wllli four Imprcssivi lurches. Its main prayer hull Is he climax of i'crslan mosque dc. ign.

It is covered by 11 bulbou: and preceded by the nous pointed arched perch, fiankei slim tuluarcls. The mosque Is located in til lean of Isfahan, on the south side if the Maidan-l-Shah, an Imposing -octangular space. 1CBO tent by 522 'cet. boidcreil by brick buildings, arched portal leads to 111': Qnstipated? pcrly incrnitiK arid cunitipilicn cad with a bowel action froo anJ D.I pituro her no piio, DO Try It. Only 3tc.

Tfic MD TO-NIGHT JckbRPOW ALRIGHf Make the leu umiglit April (UP Clirenc-! Satmders Stoics of TII California. flle.1 ary petition of bankruptcy .11 federal court larc today. Pfmiscot and Dunklin Top State in Farm Loan CCTC-TER. Mo. According to uics from the St.

Louis farmers' sicd'loan office IK? largest amount in drouth leans paid to farmers in any -county in Missouri is Pemiscot county. The county has had 713 auplica- tions approved totaling 5228,587 and.5190.321 of the amount has bnen paid, the balance to be pnlrt in installments. Thew are loans approved up to April 6. Un to the end of last week the St. Louis office had paid a total 53.913 loans amounting to SG.491,C58.

Dmiklin county second to Pcn'iscot. having had 5118.534 in loans approved and $102,667 paid. lr, -Fvnnklin county. Missouri, only i one loan hart been paid for SloO. Gasconade county also shows only borrower with a.

loan of S513- Miller county had one loan totaling Harry Taylor and oi his force believe 'they "iflvi? at least weakened the ranks day. of chicken thieves which have in- ted this section for many weeks pi i i IT with the conviction of three nc- UGVCmna rained Hot TICK en charts of petit larceny. I The entered pleas of jiiilty to the charges, crowing out of chicken thefts, in Justice Ed Walker's court and fined S25 each, to be worked out on the Tamalp Vendor 1 "-IHd'S enaor $125, and for -4CO. Adair county had Osceola Students Will Compete at Jonesboro OSCEOLA. April following students will represent the Osccob high school in respective literary subjects at the annual literary and field inset fcr UiElric Four of the Arkansas association at Jnesboro Ramcllc Weinberg, shorthand and typcm-iting; Ruth Goldberg, piano; Darolhj Louise Vales, voice: Virginia Burton, Josic Young and Dorothy Louise Vales, trio.

Tlie students be accompanied by Miss Catherine Harwell, teacher of public school music. On Saturday Coach Adkinscn will accompany Bob Dsan and Laiildes to the meet for the track and ntMclIc events. wtr enter the 100-yard and the 220- yard clashes, and Bob will compete in the 880-yard run. (UP) Guleano 68. who as "Hot Tamale Joe was known to all Cleveland- county farm If payment is not ers Hc (1 he had nnde.

The negroes wera listed as llvcti for 53 Pushing his cart C.eor-,? Williams. Henry and thr ough darkened streets while Harry Claybrcok. shouting his familiar but mystcri- Atout a dozen chickens were, re- OI1S "Chic-a-bbo, skellibMchi-" cr-vered by the officers tind returned to their owners. i Places at Remodeled OSCEOLA. April mcxleting of the R.

C. rose t'jilrt- on East Hals for occupnn- cy by the iwstoflice hns been followed by improvements in three other bu-inesE buildings in th: same block. C. M. Dennison's jewelry and C.

L. Drake's grocery arc b. 1 remodeled and nlate fronts insialled nr.fl thfr R. the from th' one to o. cup 1 by tha Fice is bsin? rs l' "orated and enu'." 1 ned for by t''e Cleaners.

Materials for the three ar" being furnished by the He had always refured to reveal the meaning cf these strange worrls. With $40 in his pockets, Messina cnme to Cleveland to establish himself as a hot tamaie vendor. It was his boast that he doubled his original stake nightly. At any rate, saved money, purchased property, put two sons through college, one cf whom Is now a physician, and in his later spent his winters in California or Honolulu ivhere he maintained residences. Railway Conductors Hold Triennial Convention KANSAS triennial convention of the Order of Railway Conductors and the women's auxiliary will begin here 'May 4.

to continue for Ihrd; W2eks. The sessions arc expected to at. tract more than l.CCO delegates and Liimhw company. Cap Wisennn of somc 20W vWlors BRl ls 1 1 Emi tlm bs 1-Mdquarters for the Click of Luxcra is doing thj ma- conductors, while the auxiliary meet in the Hotel President. DcJl and VicitiHfi The foIlowiiiT nupils were on the honor roll for the last sis weeks: Roren.

J. T. Tatc ind I.oui.'v Mc.idor. 2nd Cecil Metcalf. Betty Armstrong nnd Joyce Gill.

i 3rd Hoss. Muriel Billiard. Marguerite Simmons ami jrnt Barber. 4th grade Rose Stacy, Junior Bullnrd, James Orlce, Wilma Ejrry ip-1 Ruth Henderscn. 5th W.oodard.

1 nnd Eva Catherine Gill. 6th grade Louise Cresap and Evans. YO-U SAVE IN BUYING Lawful Community Has a- rieed Peace UttlCerS 8Hi Hcn- RAVENDEN, Ark (UP) This dcr Willie U. Evans ami Mar- farming' community believes thatj tlorllc in havinj no police officers, mar-1 shals, city eovcrmrsnt or courts it; bt. Petersburg Bank Is setting a nr.w record.

Even slate snd county Ricnt Is bcking Irre, chiefly be- i'nise there has no lawless- for several years. Justice of Pence Bart Manning held office for 10 yenrs before Imj his cffic.3 two years ago. He Closes Doors Today ST. PETERSBURG. April 17 (UP) The Central National which two weeks ato listed its lotnl resources at $3.613,189, clrrcd here today.

Silas S. Scud- dcr is chairman of the board and BAKING POWDER You save in KC.UwLESSlr^nol high priced brands. roR OVER IT'S DOUBLE ACTING MIlllONSOF POUNDS USED iatd.lhat this court was not needed, liayard P. Cook Is vicj president CASH GROCERY A Blytheville Store SUGAR Limit 10 1'ounds 48c STRAWliliKRIES Tinl IT 1 EMS Fresh Dozen 20 Gold Dot or Forest Park 2 Pounds 25c SORGHUM Tennessee Gallon 80c COFFEE Maxwell House Pound 29c C. or While Eagle 10 Bars 29c PINEAPPLE lirokcn Slice No.

2 Can 25c Whole. 8 lo 10 Mis Pound 9c 9 I BACON K. C. liest Sirloin Pound 20c BRAINS ,10 Bargains for Saturday and Monday BRAINS lIAll.l Home Naked £AC HAM 1,1, ul) BACON Arm HENS FULL BACON Smokcd LOAF Chick Vb.5 SAUSAGE smok 25 Lean No Hone I'ound 16c PCRKSTEAKS Nice and F.ean Pound 16ic Pure Pork Pound lie ROASr; a S12 ISTEW IiccfI FRANKS 1 Lb. One Lb.

Kniut Hoth For SALT MEAT SALT MEAT For foiling Pound Sic LOAF FISH Cat FRANKS 15 LARD 1'111'C 2 0 Lb. SALIMA tlo jb 40 LIVER Vis LI). I 2 PIGTAILS Pounds 49c II Tiny Tad 2 CANDY GINGER ALE m. MEAL Host Cream 2 Hack 47c Country Clul) OA I'kas. BEANS strili TOMATOES 3 ins '25 Goldendale, Pure Creamery, I'lbl'Limlt WESSON OIL 111: SOUP Toni s20 POFJK AND HBANS 2 for EGGS I'rosh fnim Iht Country Doz.

17c HOMINY No L25 Can 10 CRACKERS 2 Never before have we offered oulsfand- value in BREAD CARROTS HEK'l'S Hunch CAULIFLOWER )1C OKRA Krcsh LEMONS Lurxc 3GO's Doz. 19c BROOMS GRAPE FRUIT OfTC Each 1 for PEAS Enslish Florida, Large and Weil Bleached Stalk I.nrKC -I8's 1 Heiiil 0 BEANS M1C 0 70 New IOC 1C 3 l.lw. 10 POTATOES Red Triumphs Clean Slock Pk, 35c CABBAGE ONIONS APPLES 25 large Calif. Valinicias Doz.

23c Fn-sh OfTC Each OJ POUNDCAKE CAKE Sl)icc ir a 25 BANANAS Pound ASPARAGUS Fresh OOC Bunch uj CAKE AngeiF Sh29 VANILLA Layer, Ea. 15c Krcsh from the Field Pt. 15c.

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