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The Springfield News-Leader from Springfield, Missouri • Page 5

Springfield, Missouri
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Uncle Sam Flour lbs. 4i .75 1.SS Kansas Best Flour it Iba. 41 lb. Iba. 5 .78 11 40 $175 Our Chief Flour 24 lb.

41 Iba. lb. I .75 $1.45 2.85 Gold Star Flour -4 lb. 41 lb. lb.

.75 $1.60 $2.95 B.Q. Flour Jill. 41 lbs. lbs. $1(9 Briderer's Best Flour Jilb.

41 lb. Iba. $1.65 Pork Hama. pound Bugar Cured, plain Hum, pound 4 pounda Dried Peachea pounda Dried Applee pounda Fresh Prune a 14c Pork Hard Rides, 4Q1A pound 2V 2 pounda Pur QITn I-ard tlt r.nnd 6e; 1 ponnda. $1.18.

Sweet Cider gallon 1 pounda bulk Coffee pounda bulk Off Arburkle Coffee1 'pound Oold Cup pound Red Wolf Coffee pound Forbes" Quality Coffee pound White House. Coffee pound 25c 25c 95c 30c 30c 35c 35c Vacuum Coffee, polaon- token out. per can. 20a. SOe.

and 40c. Htoiwerk Chocolate, '-fTV pound OvL ettolwerk or Herehey half. 20 Jellr Powder (ilka Jails) Cn two packages Alv 25c 25c Fresh Mangoes, Green Beans, 1 bushel NORTHERN PC POTATOES Ibu. It'un I'ork Chopa 26c lb. Furr Lar-l 2oc Hirakfat-t Uiicon, 25c 'w'y Kotnul'Steiik, 15c larjfp ca'iH .25 -nnn Karly IVh aui Kxfra Stantiard 25c IK.

t'snx iiimhi iimvh urn aw larjre ciiiih Hominy 15o smi IVt or CHi iiiitioii Milk. loxrn 10c lb, bulk I.HtnulP.v Starch. ll'lhx. Pivkli S1 Crafkent. pkiTH.

Corn Flaki-s 2 pkys. Rolled Onts 15c Ib. Khiicv II. ad Hicr. I lb.

Vnry Cal. rracba 25c ''rHpo Kruit, 3 and 4. lot itl.i Oi ai trrs, loz. 20o and 25c 2 quart Cranbrrrifs .150 anrr Vlrry 10o a si MA- AMS-aTa viy a pouna 01 our ouc vone It'a MDnCCTV'C HADICT 114 South St. Phone 2510 Com Chops, at store Bran.

at store HhorU. at atora Whit Phorta, at atora An Beef Steak or Roast, lb; Lamb Brisket, pound 4 All 10c package or cut a. (or Union leader, 19c alu S1.25 $1.00 51.25 $1.40 Thomaa or International St and Poultry food tic sise, 201 ic alia. 40c i 1 0 7el IS.ia sis. S2.00.

TOBACCO hVVW to pscksges or ita, for aattJV. cuts Pork Liver. pound frge, fkinned Sugar llama, half or whole, pound 25c 45c Chewing Gum. any kind. '1 OO all kind, packages a if.assf I pound Breakfast OA A Baeoa.

pound 17He 5c Cured 15c Itraakfaat Bacon Squares, "7b pound Solid Northern Cabbage. 1f 5 Iba. 40c 100 lbs UC POTATO El Legal, SO lb. bushel I 70c Tomatoei. Artichokes.

Ronraani Lettuce, Quim Quati, l.urn Oreeii Onions. 10c bunches. Radishes 10c .1 bunches fresh homegrown Lettuce 10c Satisfaction Gnnrsr.teed Measured. It-lb. Ctttt buabal Uwt Home Grown Turnips, QC Hubbard Squaab aach, up and New Filberts, pound New Bratlls.

pound Extra larga washed Braiila, pound. New Pecana, pound 10c 20c 25c 15c English Wstnuts," 20C PWll NuU. 2 pound Blark Walnut. peck 25c 15c Pure Country Sorghum CAA gallon pall JUL Red Wing Orape Juice Pine tOet quart. Mc half Tffjv gallon 4 DC Cauliflower, Cukes, Fresh J.H.BRIDGER 323 204 E.

CommercJiJ Phonea 43S-437-1000. Phone 1374-575 1 1 Wholesale and BetaU Grocer. 1963 Springfield Phone 693 TELEPHONES 310-311 PAGE 5 Good Things for rne Sunday Dinner Read This Page Carelully Springfield Missouri republican, Saturday, November 20, 1915 SSI Phone Your Order Early 90,000 LBS. FLOUR. Standard Flour, per 100 Every Kind Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.

9 (1k. WW Special Menus The foljowlnc groupa et luncheoai menus for a week represent twe trpea. for the borne without servaats and of moderate means; for the home with some help and a little more lux urious circumstances. They are typical menua far atudenta and arhool chil drea. with per bap a the exception of the tea: I A i Raked Salmon Bread and Butler Tea Orange A I 1 Yreoeh Toast Apple Salad Crackers Cocoa a a EpUt Peaa with Bacea Rolls I Lett ace Salad Tea Ruaaiaa Salad Corn meal Uufflns Baked Cuatard A Esc on Spinach Holls Oiaserbread Cranberries A Scalloped Oysters Coleslaw Boston Brewa Bread To MAY GIVE CREDIT FOR BIBLE STUDY Dr.

Georft Urges Sunday School Workers To Confer With Teachers' Association. An effort to devlae a plan for the giving of credit to High school grad i.atea for Bible study probably will PMd by the Mlaaourl State Sunday School associatloa as a result of an addreea delivered before the association at Its concluding session In Bt Louis Thursday night by Dr J. H. George, president emeritus of Drury college! George recommended that the association appoint a special committee to confer with the officers of the Missouri Teachers' sssociatlon In regard to such a plsn. In urging the giving ef High school credits.

Ir. CSeorg ssld: "The 'High School Credit' Is the subject se.igned to me," aald Dr. tSeorge. "NolwUhetandlng the dangers attending thia move, and tb l.rejudlct against It. 1 am a firm in the principle, and I can see no Insuperable difficulty In csrrylns it nut.

Our high schools are giving training to our voinig people for their position, ss leaders In our civic, pollti. si. prufe.sional and Industrial life. Why should we give millions" dollars and consecrate tboussnds of our 'ineat young people for educational work In high schools snd bar accurate scientific Instruction? Why shoulri ws taboo the Bible, the only adequate t. it -book In morale and religion? "In North Dakota the plan has been 7 A Baked Macaroni and Cheese String Bean Salad Hread and Butter Baked Apples 1 Salmon tfalad Hot Blacult 'Grape Fruit Chats I Waffles and Syrup Grape Fruit Salad Wafers 4 Tea jn Egg Tlmhals Het Rolls Cranberries Tea 4 Asparagus Salad Hat Chocolat Brownies a-B.

Tsrsley Omelet French Peaa Roll Sponge Cake Sliced Oranges I Fried Oysters Philadelphia Relish Coleslaw Graham Bread Cracksrs worked out. and la more than In Us experimental atage. Proteatanta. Catholics and Jew entered Into a plan of promoting eut-of-school study of ths Blbls as literature for high school In Colorado and Indians, rs-serially in Gerry, plana for credit In high schools hsve been adopted, which involve the study of ths Bible not only literature, but also for distinctly lellglous purpose. Colored Plan Outlined.

The Colorado plan provides for a four-year elective course of Bible study for high school students, which shsl) be adaptsd to ths unfolding life et the pupils correlated with the curriculum of the high schools. These courses of study sre to be given by tke respective churches. Hebrew. Catholic and Protestant alike, at the Sunday school hour. If possible, under Instruction ef qualified teachers.

Pupils successfully completing the course of study shall receive academic credit for the work done. The plan la clearly within the law. No etate or public school building Is used for religious Instruction. No stste funds are ueed. No religious instruction la given ty public school teschers during school hours.

Each denomination, each sect ie. therefore, privileged to impart ln-1 atrurtlon to Ita own children, and according to It own canons of Interpre-tstion. "This plsn necessltstss the standardisation of our Hunday schools. If ths pupils ate to receive academic credit for work done In Sundsy schools, these schools must conform to academic stsndsrds of education." The cost so smsll results so quirH tnd satisfactory La ItspubUcao want ads. SA TURD A OFFERINGS Incluiling evrry thiiijj that is pood to rat together with qnr prompt sj-rvier, is what makes this the ideal place to buy your "GOOD THINGS TO EAT." BABY I IMA siF.ANS IOC quality 17 Kqual to ir fresh vues.

LARGE OUEEN OLIVES Per 20e SPRING CHICKENS Nice large ones, per pound 14o DRESSED SPRING CHICKENS Hwlft's milk fed. New fork dressed Spring Chickens, per pound CASABA MELONS MALA3A CRAPES. FRESH FRUIT Fancy Es ting Apples, the eck flood Cooking Apples, the peck (tweet Apples, the peck GRAPEFRUIT IS LOWER Extra large else Irge else Medium rise Smsller slxe NEW TANGERINES. NSW FLORIOA ORANGES. CALIFORNIA ORANftKS TOKAY ORAPES GENUINE JELLY OUMDROPS, the pound 20c.

Don't think that tbia is the ordinary kind you'll like them. We are going to CANDY GROCERY STORE every Saturday until Christmas. Watch for our specials an buy your Christmas Candy here. .40 .12 Me ......10 a i -7 1 2c thia the you 32t-331 EAST WALNUT ST. THANKSGIVING GOODIES rlffTIFUL lit MARKETS Local grocery atorea have been well Kupplled the laat few weeka with freih, crl.p vegetablea and other dalntle, f.r the ThnkKivtng feaat.

There has been a ready demand for Ihe since many persona are buying in advance before the cholceat of I he edible, have lieeh sold. Chlne.e rahhage anil celeryhearts have almoat disappeared from the market, but there la an abundance of nearly every dther variety of vegeta- ble. Orape fruit la Belling much cheaper thin usual, the beat selling at three for twenty-five cen's. Banana, apples, grapes andoranges can be bought reaaonably cheap. Since the cold weather began, the meal markets vare enjoying an In-creaaed trade on fre.h ftah, oysters, frankfurters, aauerkraut and wetnles.

POLICE CHIEF TO HUNT. Thomaa i. Hunter, chief of the Springfield police drrartment. will lrat Sunday morning for a bunting trip of several dava on hi. farm mile aoutheast of Pprlngfield, near Seymour.

THREE MOKE CaHMDTAL CASES PUT ON DOCKET, With the addition of three taord cases Krldsy. sll for felonies, the dock I at for the November term ef crtmlair court a Increased to eighty-flvei caaes. Informations were filed by Sam Wear, prosecuting attorney, with R' Arnold, clerk ef the criminal eeurt. Friday. against Willie Wtlllaa; harged with faionieua aaaault.

Lr. Saundera. charged with felonious ssf suit, aad Leran Oelat sad Clyde, -heatham, charged with larceny. i You Will Be Thankful If You Buy Your Thanks- 1 4 sivine auDDiies nere. 3 This yearly event haa been practiced by scores ef families throughout the United States.

The custom was originated by the Puritans years ago. Thia is a day that is always celtbrsted with a feast. It's noedlfM for us to toll you that we have only the quality kind of foodstuffs that is sure to make your Thanksgiving dinner an enjoyable oue. Plum Pudding lckle. Sour, Mince -Meat Sweet and Dill Olives.

Itlpe and Ureen OIHee. Stuffed, tCelery Pimento Almond). Sweet and Sour Olive Relish Currant Nuts Raisins Figs Orange Peel Dates Rsli.hss Cltmn, lmon snd Golden (isle Coffee A FEW REMINDERS TURKEY AND CHICKEN FRUITS Club House Brsnd Apricots reaches Pears Hoys I Line Cherries rinespple Grapes Plums Crs it he tries Celery lettuce Rsdtshes Csullfiower fireen Bssns Fgg Plant Etc. MELLONS 600 502 College St. Phones 683 684 Csnnsd Vsgstsblss CluhJHease Brand Asparagus Tips Tiny "ifted Tess Msiss Corn 8U1ngls Gresa Sssas Lima Besas Okra Tomatoes Fruit Cake Heme Made Cake ell kind Cheese, kinds.



HAMS, lb 16, No. 1 Eggs. 25c Dressed Hens, lb. 15c Lamb Legs, lb Lamb Fronts, 10c Fancy Pork'Chops, lb Good Beef Steak, lb. Round Steak, 14c Sirlojn Steak, lb Fancy Rolled Roasts, lb 13c Fancy Rump Roasts, lb 12V.C Brookficld Cream.

Butter, lb. 34c Morris Umbra Bacon, lb 16Vac Fancy Smok. Calif. Hams, lb. 12c Dry Salt Bellies, lb 14c Dry Salt Jowls, Wieners and Coneys, lb, 2Vzt Brick and Longhorn Cheese.

Heinz New Kraut, 3 lbs. New Mince Meat, 3 lbs. 25c Brick Chili, 15c GIVE US YOUR TURKEY ORDER FOR THANKSGIVING REMEMBER THE NUMBER-313 BOONVILLE STREET QUALITYPRICE AND HONEST WEIGHT OUR MOTTO MAKE. YOUR SUNDAY DINNER A BIG SUCCESS Pick Up The Telephone Now And Give Us An Order For "BANQUET" BUTTER and "BANQUET SPECIAL" ICE CREAM fj "Banquet Special" Ice Cream is made from pasteurized products a combination of flavors with SUNM AID SEEDLESS RAISINS. It is pure and wholesome and a de- '1 licious cream.


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