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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

0 THE COURT RECORD. Tla City af Lake Tlry Sae4 for Iafrtnr- tAf Ua Holly Water TT arks Patent. Tla Etata Zninnooa Caaa to Ea Partly Eeaijned Tha UaiTemty Oaaa Arsja. loaa F. Scaalaa Int alayar Marrlaea tor a $50,000 Slaa4sr Criminal Coort at.

ZJUC8 TUW WAIEB 'WOIML The Holly lUamfMtarinc Company of Loek-port. 5- X. yea terday Bled a. blU to the Ualted Bute Clreatt Coort iftlut th city of I a View. Cook County.

BL. to reetraia tha by UkiTIratBUrwrti Bxaaafaetared to tn- fxlncetamt of what la known the HoUy eye- trm -f water worka. On March 1869. Blrdaill Hollo obtained a tstWnt for en ImprOTemamt la water supply regulators for water works, aad la aw aad neefnl rreUm for aopplylnc clUs aad twaa with, water. TbU patent wad wlesned As.

2. 187a aad aia oa Sot. 5. 187X Oa Not. 7.

1ST. HoUy aaatxaad two-third of aia Mini te tha eomDlalaaata. aad tb remalaiac thtrd Jan. a. lbL, HoUy.

oa Sept, 14.1WK. go nt a puni for aa impcoTemeot to ity Tair lor nut ipse. iau pease, tn i atw aslga1 a eomolalaaaia. maaa act arms thaw timUow, enpolytat a anrtoae LaiM nc Hmlr atttM Ua their wotxa. t- nM tolanBMtaUia decision oi saarra I iruBMi ud (imbM dietrte of le- is I unction to fa tot cf Hoiir.

la a bill hied April 13. 1874. exaiast I bias Clt-. IhL. aad euetalning low vmnh, liMawkinltlikiMn a bill Bid Inrtl 11.

11178. hautu aaexnex oi moo inlMt the Vtrtnua Muklu Compaay aad otaere lor laMactiwal of lbs mum peteata. aad holding that the "Pleadere system, aadrr wkieb ids dfndaeta were meaatBctariaft, aa litrunaul of the Uoily patent. To atty of lau lw as air on to do using the "rlaadora rnia. aad coort la aakad la eajola OIVIXAL BTAT8 MVUICI COMFAsT.

Tho for th stockholder of tb de- fuasrt 6aAe laomraaeo Company waited on Judg rrniarnl yooterday to raforaao to hi recent doslaioa aCoottac tka lUbllUy of taa stocfcaola or to tba taaral eredltors. They deairod a ro- koartoc of tbeeae pocnt whether or no tbe aaookaoldcra onto boaad to reetore to tba gen eral toao) ta lawrt of money which had beea taken oot of It to oar the 44 par oral diTidaad to tbe apoetal faad arodtlnrar Jaaca vremaMad raraaoa io Boar oral am-imu. oot aUowod oaonorl to aabatt wrlttea bnrfa to two woaka, to wo tea taa eoaaael for ta aottttoaora for ruaw were to ra- pjj wllala IM weak afterward. Taa xiTamMjTT cakm. JadaaTaloyyaoterday hoard a domarrrr which wao hioa to too hill of vbo Pvoplo.

ex rl Hl( iuaranr atUla. acalaat tho Ualrerstty of Cbl- eaco. The roaa4 of Ooaiarror wae ta aaa tarn argaad aofora Jad Draiaawad. Tlx That ta hiU aaooJd aao booa aMd by ta ctororr Ooaoral. aad aot by to tMoto'a Ataorary of Cook Cooaty.

Mr. Edward Baby tppwna for Ir. Barrwacha, i. I ttlah for th TJnioa Mataal Lit JasaraaoaCewipaay. aad A.

Oratory for th L'Blvorauy. Ta ooart took taa eaa aadarad- aliroaa suit loimT rwm katob. la tao aaaorlor Coart yosMrday Joaa V. Beaa- laa brwacht aa aettoa of aland or aaainat Carter K. Huron aad WUllam J.

CUatwa. th Clerk of IM boata btd Polio Coart, elalmlaa C50.UUO daaiaaoa for alieced defaaiauoa of character. ho aotaoa acataaa afayor Uarrlaoa Io oanded oa aa aanrtma aaad to hlaapooch la MoCorailck HaU oa toetordtr alht ta Sct that Hcaalaa ley ta tho aaaa of th alaa a hot aJao beeaoa Mr. Harriaoa had pahiady doaonaofil Hoaniaa aa a a 1 1 hnaaat aoooooaol. ctmniiL oovwx Mm a da Hawoa yoaaarday nhanaod troaa th iv pox to tha lower Crtottoai Coart.

aad arid a abort aa. oaos aaaaooy on aw pa aia ooart ycotarday. aad will aot aaUl to-morrow. Tao Lull ox ta uiBuaa Mart waa Kept bnay taking oat aataxaliaaUoa paper yeatcr-Oay. la th oau for ta apru term or ta Coart th eaa of Al fcolake.

ladkHed for tax for- vrte. la act for Taoaday, April IX Ta cnauaai and county coorta win eJoeed to-day. Jadr Hawoa wiu to-morrow eommeao th caU of tba oaaaadar for th Aarll torn of ta Criauaal Coart, aad oall aot to exooed fifteen ail of which will sailed oa Moaday. April la. Jadaa Taly wui decide eooa caaa to-ator- row moralac aaaoa; walefe will probably ta Siouatiy wiU eaoa.

Too AtroeliaM coon wiu reader opinions Thursday. Th rroaat coart ymoraay allowed claim of to Tbtrd Xatioaal Baak aralaat th estate of tb tat Kba B. Ward, to hi lifetlai a promt-aeat reUlar-aalll operator, aooaauaa to M7.3II. a lads-meet obtained la th United States Dsstno Coart. which waa appealed and aaboeaneaUy afarsaod by tha Halted Biale Ba- prwrn Coart.

I ixart aiao isooau leuers or aanunureraiiOB la ta atata af Hiram Hastings to Darld Haaul' ton. ta boada of 10O.Ooo. rTMlay next wvu a ta laat day tor aarrie for i at ta Urealt Coart. CAT.TJ roi WZDVZSOAT. Jadgo Una ts Toledo, aad Warsaw Co will ba heard oa two later- Tanis' petttlona.

Jadja Blodtatt eonzt that weak. Appellate Coart No ooart ta day. For Thurs day ana la Koa. Al, 62, 53, aad ftS. aad opin ions at 10 a.

an. Jadr Gary eaa mm trial. Call ta dar Koa. 45 Z. 4M.

400. 463. 46S. 473. 476, 477.

470. 4 BO. 461. 496. aad 600 to 63a adxw Baatth x.4o.

Bantnt an Baaaan. an trial. Ko Are oall. Trlai oaU ha Mo. S.W70.

aad Jade WH lis mono aaaa am trial, will alat ea Jada jarya sail Jadr eiiaaaa ao mmen UU to- Jodre Oardner So anaaa am bsarliic CaU la Koa. 1. 2. a. aad Jadw Bonn JWt.

Lynch Levxa Bhora aad Xlcnixaa boo there Ballread Co. ea trial, tall Is No. 3S6. 887. 3U.

aad 8U3l Jadr Moraa mo eaa oa trlai. Uai la Koa. 43 1. 4i7. 442, 447, 460.

462. 463. 464, 467. aad eo sd Tle-r no. S8.

Bracaronl oa Flaaaoa; abeartoa. Call as Koa. a. 40. 4J, aad 43, Jadra Harnaia Bet ajotioaa.

Jadx Looaala Set ae. TrmKaS49L Call Term No, j. 1.846. 147. 1.34ft.

fyl. 1.04M. 1.1 Ml. 1,17 1.1 1.300, 1.804. i.via Uiii laa, ltbdk loo.

1.ZJ7. aad 701. Jadre Hi-CtD Hoa. 1 1 14 Oi. XV, ex.

41, 47. 40, SM W. Jadao Aataoar cioa. X.01X XU16. 1-WT7- 1.0 0, 1.0A7.

aad 1 MU. ITaboe Coarl Oaaaral TUB COTTXT TJ. aV CTXODIT. 1796 Tba Sally aTanafaotartoar Caoapaay Laxa Tkw, IO. BQ roatrala Ufrlasentent aa aosaplalaaat'a nateata far liaptetad waa ampply nlstora far water worka.

aad for a now system for aapplrtoa eirtsa aad towna with water. BXeta At Pack, aoira. arroaa jvoob T7arstcrT. Cbaaoory Jfarioi a' Lea a aad Treat Co Ta Cbieace, rakia aad 8o4A western Kailroad Coj order toot roar par ta tha KaUoaal Tab Worka etJlSoO ie.sia.Coaa Mat Itf la Co ra hotratlai; ordex reXA roar aoot Btnaap. a mximiox.

7S.504 Withheld. 78300 Jeaar. Ilnaalaa Cnrtor H. aad WUllaia J. Cllason.

Caaa K. B. 2Uhlaaon, atty. 7d.20 htary XaUer ooaph alataar. Bfll for dJraro for dmaroaaos aad adaitsry, aad for laaaotloa.

sf. I. Brown, aalr. 7.5v7 rraaeoa X. Owaa ts WHllam lb R.

rvwens. Confaaaloaj af Jadxavrnt 644 IXZa, XX U. iiiilla. atty. 7,, xri Jotra ra 8am.

Confaa-ai -n el )narmea4 UTiDii. 8aa etty. H. HowtlB et al oa Lonla Lery, reeboaa. and Caknown cestoi aa l-etiuoa tm BtcaasUoa Han 6106.

ea, i 7.AI for pressed. II Leaisa Berry ESs Tvaner, John uuop, and tliirer fanner. BUI I' recloss treat deed for 'lO lot 1 7, blocs: TZ. ta too at sea 7. 39.

14, i. Usee aoir. Jw Lei 7 et alra Klcbael Doraer. (jo-x 7 saner, i lower ok Craur, aura. i 1 a ririf i sssij.

i t-twae- X. word ts Oi axles T. Grass. tl jai.acB iJ-iO. tiler 1.

eieculrlx cf IUsh, daoaaaed. TS Greenwich Inaaraao Compaay. Asv BobnTler ss FollaDlbee. attya. 8s us ts Maa batten Fir laanrane Contain, int.

tVkl Heme alt ra. 7a517 Martha H. Walker ra Ooorr Band. John W. Iioaae.

Sanaa O. Walker. Kdward WalXar. A. It.

Chetlato. Cbarlao Fareo, Charles Hrown. Thoaaa Brown, aad Heary 1 aoxax, Pstltkjn of dower. Isnam At Ltooola. eoire.

7S.51 Elisabeth Uasaaxb, for the aae of Henry W. Paal ea Kdward Vleadel, Asst. $.,000. eosepa Uppnaa, ttr. 7.ilSe slier town National Bank Ta Eafl Welaaaar.

faTld CllffsrdL aad Krxlrst Clifford. Bill to lorooloao anortaTaara for dl.OtAi oa sola lb aad 16, la block la Hirxtna, Law At Co. 'a adda wtoiotro. eobar.wiieua.aoir. r-srrKT juartra am.

Ordsis Z.WU ldUuiaTa ts West; sxs to aaa of 4 th last aaatd. aad mis to aaalalOdaya 4H.3ii, City ts flabbard: order aa prspsxed 73.409, City ts Unkaowa owners; order aa ors- parsd 6.44, City ts Kir era order aa pre pared. eadrmanta aad Trlale S.31L. Ooorv W. Jack' son et al ea Morris M.

Jones; jad vt, o-16. 1U, ao ex Alsx P. Monro Ta nav Toplia; jaact, ajio-tMi, aad appld by pi IT. UV-4VOUI aaUTH. Orders 2,900.

Bottoiaiey ts McOnlre; salt dla a and Jadyt want proa 2.132, People ts Best; rai oa deft to plead la ZO dare. Jadxmeat 'Aotttt, CoUlng ts Dlcklnsoa; ladct for ooats ts pis. UW-mMI WTLUAarsOX. Trial 2.1UJ, liow ts Comeaa; jury ta yerdict. CHAjrcrxy jtjdob jAMnaon.

Orders 2U, Clerelaad ra Cle-relaad; role to soow oaaae la an weak why deft ahonld not pay V40 pr month aly aad dO aolr foee itKi, Uowe ra Baadall: role to ana bill aa amd to 'M dara 15'i, Thompaoa ts Bersey pi oa ealr 7O.07. Tobsy ts Has: It to amd bill 4Si. Cooley tb Graham: defli of esrteua defte tt3, EataaSTS Klaaeyj order of ref eat aside and It tenia amd bill 172. HoUstr ts Jackson; rule on Boiomoa roldateia to pay reat or racmte in 1 week 6ai, Uaioa Mataal llf Ina Co Ta litreeta- Sald; reeicuatioa of Galierr, rscr, aoocDted, his rent eeafd. aad James U.

Pace apotd 7.ftl4, bam Ta Jones: same 411. 8am Ta Kslsi; aaaa 63.1U1. Btersna ts lleffrom; compltaaok sat of decre 71.182, Baldarto ts hoebler: order that deft dallrar doss to par cnasor la ft daya after sTric ttfta. Erana ts halts rale oa bpraxaa, oauth, and Pare, bpcaaa At batlth to aaa orer la 1U daya 1.047. Ay Prtodemaaa demr snstd aad It to amd.

UlToro PUJ. Aaxnat Pnac from Cartouu PflasT: for draakeaaeos was. Uarrey T. 1j from Carol las K. lss: for desert Ion.

CHAXCBBy JVDOS OiaDIRa. Older boase re Baiatnaai Unas to aaa extd 20daya oe7. bkarda ra bkarda; rale to show os ess dlaeufd vJ4. Bocrra ra McCaaley demr of ijsna jl MoCaalay aaatd; blUrdia aa ta her aad pi ua ealr. CISCTJIT.

xxw surra. r7.76S Jobs 0SaU ts James Morraa aad Mary Morraa. Confeaaloa of Jadxmeat. 6326.79. J.

M. Bersrly, atty. 37.769 John Oadoryaha, ez son tor of th laat will aad teat of Frederics: W. Godaryabo, de ceased, riCa Meyer. Aest, 3.0UU kUdrldsr At Tunrtellotte, atty.

37.77 Julsna al alter st al ts jobs w. Brtdcmaa. Aaat, 6OU. Boblaaoa At Green, axtrs. 37.771 Bill Withheld for aerrloa.

37.773 a. W. Baaeett ra Too mas D. Barrett. Appeal.

i. i Jacoo r. taster ts uextar A. tnowi- toa, Charlea D. Kaowlton, Heary M.

Bern am. and Charlea L. Carrier. Bill to set aalde aai aad for aa acoooatlnc- Decker, DencUa At aviat-ler, aolra. 37.774 wuium ys Heary aVaatX Trespass.

W. a. Forrest, atty. 37.77S x.mily Baba ts rrederick aUrcboff. Aacaat Koch, Caroline Babn.

aad Tbomaa Bair- ley. Bui to remoT cloud and est aside a sola Arthar SVhroeder. soir. 37.77b Anton Uroacbak et al ts vlchoOas Miller. Case.

63.0UO. (worrt "parllae. atty. 37.777 liia Mills ts tisnry Mills, bill for dl- rorc for daoartioa. J.

N. At F. W. Barker, aolra. 37.77a Albert J.

Btaabam et al ts Herab M. Biacbam. Emma J. Blnchara. Mary M.

Bincoam. Asanel Gaa. Cbarlao J. Fraax. add Frsoorick Maranda.

Bill for perUUua. Koblasst. aolr. 37,779 Lena Malarewart ts Belniich Maier- niu lor a i rorc i or crnity aaa arnaxea-Hame aolr. 37.7S4e-llea Larson ts Mrs.

a H. Threw. AppeoL 37.7SI rranose w. uarrey Asabel Oar. Bill to set aside tax sale.

Jons P. Wilson, soir. 37.782 Cordelia Faaalas Ta Georr fanning. BUI for dlToroe for draakeaaoaa aad crueitr. G.

G. Giboaa, aolr. 37.7J JiossJlnd WiUmartb st al ra Jennls P. ConnUT. Jaaaea Coaalff.

Arthur F. WUlmarth. Aaaa W. Jones, Joseph Putnam, raardian of Aaaa W. Jonea, Joseph W.

Helmer, Job a G. Hnortall, trustee, olio BnasnthaL and Godfrey Boydackar, snccsesor to trast. Bill for parti tion, tioyn. notion at noya. soirm.

37.74 Frank Btyt Ta Juan Dolrrsl. Appeal. HnDoreeaed on Katarday 37.7b" Aana B. Keweli ts Joha Keweil, Bill for dlToree for dnnkaaneas aad adultery. W.

K. Lefltoxwell, soir. uw chtet fcmci Mont Orders 3,436. Comatock ra Pope; mo far aew trial by pld 3,601. Ulraeh re Wood; It to deft to wubd school orders attend to depoaiooa 3.93A.

Wehrmaaa ts Welle: antt dla p. o. Jads-menta and Trials eu ra Mar ran; odrtoa cot. 632t.79 2.4A2. Wm.

B. Ed brook a ra Charles Hetxal: radct. 81oO 3.b5. bewmaa ts Kallar: taken nnder adramt. uw-toimii ximioxT.

Jndrmente 3.9M, Kos ts aloes: ladrt en TT- dtet and appld by deft Becker ra Becxer; lad art oa werdlct and appld. CUXCHT-JtTXJX TT7LXTT. Ordars S.O06. koplsohka ts aluukschka: ordsr that deft 1 ay com pit 63 pr week aly and $20 antra tee 1.631. iiayea ra Ha yea; rule oa deft to snow cause by Wednesday next why he aboaid not be attend for contempt la Tiolatias; ta) Fonk ts Fonk: dsmr arid and It to ana by Apt WUmlaa-toa btar Mlalnc Co ts buohanaa: dia at tae ooste of Gorx aL Clark 2,173, Clapp ra Tonog; Ten a ehsnred to Jndr Jameson, eoadlUoa that record be Bled la bo oer lor Ct by Wedneaoay next 33U, Xortoa ts nrtln ordsr that rear make anal rapt aad pay OHxncna-y ruDoa BiBrxrrki.

Ordsrl Utf7. Eneelbardt ts Kaaoinardt; ref to Winds 1,157. Walker ts Wlckwlre; It to amd sap bill 1.402. Bone Ta Phil lips: cross bill Died and mi on deft tosrste to plead to IO darn 1.344, Murphy ts Marpby; st for next ealr 1.046. Foaa ra Foes; Urn to aaa extd 1 week 319.

AlliLs ts Condlt: anastar rept aad xe before master nd, exe 10 a tend thereto la this ooart and est for next ealr l.Ool, O'Brten ts O'Brtea; Unbert xlamett anaatd la place of Wittier At Cammlaca as aolr for eomplt 1.322. Lntea ts llyde Park; bill dia 0 2.004. Saillett ra order tsat deft pay eomplt par week temp aly 4 SO, Klrehotf ts Baha; death of JallnaBaha sac by deft aolr 477. Phillip Ta AAkiaa; order for It to withd deaar 2.UB4, Boise ts Boise; order that daft pay aom pit 6-1 per week temp aly aad 060 salt moaay ait, Uildebraadt Ta Harm: rut oa rscr brae into at his rept by Friday morale- aext 2.142. Jobaaa ts Gaaxer; aaa to dia la) ea bill, aaa aad aXTt orld aad it to amd aaa.

Users WltharsU ra atommer; dQt and deeree of aaie. lilToree 1.828. Barbara Millar from Ooorr M. Ulllert fororaoity. coxTMnr.

amrou runom vooiom. Orders 3.083. Heary Lladarmaa ts Ferdtoaad copy cf toatraottoas and af mo and point for a new trial ardared to be filed nana pro tan as of Not 7. 1S80 2.338. William M.

Cox ts Joha Aw Pa Ilea; aaat; dismissed at PIS a eoat on aaa af atty 2.03U. Henry a Fttea ts W. CL Johasoa; aaat; dismissed at Dlff's eoat 144. Aacnst X. Lamb Ta B.

Xaaia and Cdward Mooaey; trospoaa; appeal bead filed; William Caaniarham. aar. aooroTed. Inala L7u. OUro Oava to OaUIek Taorb- sxaraeoa: Jury trial; lease to amoad derlared la-atanier: aia aakes eon-suit 2,000 Darid AdJor ts May Alloa aad O.

W. jTlaadars; appeal by deft; jnxy trial, on trlat, CaUJClXAOe nxyoxx xddob ma Ordars 896. Loax. a a all, ats; lndt dla for waa as pros 617. WUmoa; now trial fraated U173, Boholu: ball axed at 61.200 1U74.

Baaae: ball fixd at $1,0001,170, Ooorr Hart, nrte. and Bobert Behweei aad WeadaUa Meyer sura reeo la 63.0UO ea todt for Urosay 1,1 7t. eaa start, prla. aaa af icaeei aaiiiTaa aaa enn Uart aoxs tsouc la 63.0OW an ladA for larceny. ntOSATX.

aaFoaa judos xxkxxmmocxxm. Oeartllimhlri Estat of Hsnry JoeaS at aL aaiaera: lattsis of raardnap losaad ta Denial Keller: bead In 62.200 appro Estate af Frederick Preaaet, miner; letter of ftnardasp tea ad to Catherine Orderf star; bond la 61 Jh0 aoprd. idmiBlslratanas Filsaf Joan W. Hohmidt: latter of admn ieaaod to Carlatoph P. Gerlaeh.

bond to 62.3oa aoard Estat of Freak Vaoek. touers af adma aasuod to Kdward A. Flaner. bond to Si. 00O apprd AUtat of Hiram Hssfitiss; letter of adma isaaad vo Darkl ii.

Ha mil vo a. baad to 6100.0UO attud Estate of ilaraaoo Ls Wais- luerbl adma Issasd to Jacob A. Walt- man, bond la Sl.uoO apord Eatate of aerie F. W. Jonas; letters of adma to Denial Metley, bond la 64.O00 appro.

Order at LixxM fntteraoa et sX nitnors; fsarda's aoc aoprd- hat Joseph Martial, miner; sreardn'e ibt aad aeet apprd and cit die Ft Aafnate Wolff; proof of heUsp Eat tben B. Ward: cim of the Tbirtl Aat UK far oiaV3V7.21 Est Henry Appel; naal aoot appro, oat de clared as tiled aad admx dischsd Est issser Gedaey: axtr's aeoend aoea apprd lst Joha linrixaa. mlBor; rnardnsacct apprd and clt dla hat Jame Miller; cim of Joha talermia for a. Id at Oeorre Yaa- r-r iraorp A. Treyser made party dell to clt I ir c1 uardn Bl bl Iny wittila 6 days fro-u dts-ljt Jewri L.

lialer, ra.uur; Urn XuX Zi acl acct Vo Jan 1. Ifxrth Lathropi lay and apprst apprd Est Bnea Lowrnateia ai, minors 5 HI. sltala A dan from data Eat Caroline llspriner; alia clt tseaed aarast Amelia aiiiie. ,1 Mt liniiii.v.

inril 11 at 2 -M bsraaei IL GUbert: tor and apprst spord Est ii (!lB. anorat aad wda awdapwd aad It to aell personal prop at pebli eel Eat Cornelia M. GUbert; proof of bslrsp Kst alia HSU et aj. minora oraer eaierea Uiac Buarda to sarreader polioy -Est Frdlnan Jseeer: dedlmna lseaed fcsi uubiu elr nf lUmnel Car for atUd aild Kt Goorre Yasrrr; farther serine oa clt acalaat OanUa UlilsrMaidkilnnlia st 'I'M am bat Frd- rick Bchneuler et al, minors: anarda rer to stead as aoot apprd aad cit aiMn- Campbell, minor; first aaal aoot apprd. aad ml.f antlinruiB, fiutda ta borrow aad ett die Eat Carl A.

Sohlepper. minor; ard snLharlslne ernarda to aell a frame bouse for aot lees than 2uO Kat Francis a Ballsbarr. minor; lay apprd and rept to stead aa acct apprd Est Humphrey Morn then; proof of betrap Kat Albro K. Bisbop eertsiB claims slid Kst Wtrick Hull I Tan elm OI lienrr M. Boiea for 6341.33.

B. A. Eckhart for MiX30. and elm of Gaet Khym for 64,44 aild Est Jacob Haaslnfer; elm of Maua uunam ear for m-2'JU Km Aliaml H. Ward: elm of W.

8 Carmerfor62 aild Est Peter Calls han; cina of Joseph Murphy for Emma Hawaon for 68. Wm. Tarer for fO, O. P. Caanlncbam for ri.

aad Mana at Heed for 610 slid Eat William bobabort: for 644 aild Est rirbilia rreeman claim of Kirkolaa Birrea lor 63a 1 6 slid Est X. D. U. Preaael final acct apprd aad extr disehr fd. MUNICIPAL NEWa, Tbtbtt borlal pormita wars lxaaed yeater- day.

Tn City TreaaTirer rwooivwd $2,224 from the Water Department yseterday, aad 624 from the comptroiior. Turn City Hall employee aad some of tha outside attaches were paid yesterday, aaoat $20,000 beinc dlaboraed la aU. Ott Kxanrxxa Caxorxn calls attention to the present tnrbld eondltloa of the city water aupoly aa belst eanaed by tb we dracglac oa tae bottom, between th shore aad th crib la aa aabrokra floe that la about solid ta th bed of the lake This la mease body of toe baa taken each Complete possess loa that the supply of water la also affected, the flow lata the crib be tas Try slow and weak, caaalnx a oorreepoad- lax low pressor la th Pip. CONDUCTORS AND DRIVERS. It was reported yseterday that Banartntandeat Lake, of tha West Dtrlaloa Btrt Car Compaay.

had rislted bis afflos for tb first Urns In two weeks, harlax safacleaUy roooTorod from a ee- Ter alek a pell ta allow him to do so, and that tha petition of th conductor aaa arirer or i compaay for aa advance la pay weald reoe Mr. Lake attenUoa. A oall at the eompaay a offioa. howTr. nroTod th report to 111 foaaded.

aa Mr. Lak had aot beea oot, aad would not be able to loare hia noes for aom dare. Meanwhile It waa beilsTed and exaectod that the employee would eonttaae a taey ear doaa. aad th mi Tier would rest paadinaT Mr. ika illaeea.

Th am Dior ea intend bold ins a ssHiii tnia erenina. at waich It will be decided a to hat will ba don by them. Th disposition la to take a UueraJ Ttsw of tba altaaatoa. belieT- 1d6 the oompaay will act Justly la tha aad. INSURANCE ITEMS.

Besineos among the city banks was naasnally brisk yesterday afternoon, the demand for money con tin nine very stroac Exchanc was aelllag at from 37 to 30 oeats dleooant. The banks sTeaerally will closed to-day. The New Orleans Insurance Com cany of Hew Orleans aaa established a local axeacy bar aa- der tb maaaxmat of Mr. W. O.

McCormick. Taey will write Are. rlrer. aad marine risks. Mr.

sines Ayr, iormeriy oi taia oity, oat lat ter it of Milwaukee, baa beea appointed local asset of tba Pbmnix Fire lnaaranoe Compaay of Hartford. Tao compaay will more Ix-tweea now aad th let of May. and bexia wrltinc aa eooa as tha aaoeaaary paper eaa be gotten oat, FACTS. Pander oa those facta yon eaaaot ba well or set wall if your bowel aad kidneys rsrus to act Drenerlr. Kldner-Wort anil restore their healthful actio.

Bay ii to either too dry or liquid form end (1v It a taithf al trial. Urn rlsts sell It. He ad Tgrtiaerpen t. ZeOTTXRT. WILLARD HOTEL LOTTERY DRAWS APRIL 7, A FULL DRAWING.

TkRAWTXGS hare taken claoe at LOUISTTLLE. AF XI aader aacbority of a special act of the Kentucky LecMkatar. aaa aaaer toe aoeoiot control of disinter as ted com las loners appointed by tba act. lut of nurc. Th WUlard Betel wttn all CinrA rvnfl its fixtures sad Faraitora I atrowt i oa Uiarn ares 1S.OOO fi-lxea, eavrb 6.000 10,000 4.000 6.000 Two Cash Prlaoe.

oavclt fSS.OOO FIto Cash Prina. ooch 1.000 1to Caah Prlaoa, aarb iOO. rtfty Cash Prises, sorb BjlOO Owe Hsuadrod Cash Prises, each tVAO 1to tJoavdred Cash frizes, each SXO. Oa jtet of Bar t'urmltur Oavs Ktao Plaavo One llsodansas SUtot Test 64 400 Itoxo Old Boexrboa tVHlsky, 636. IO Bashota Caampaiaa, Five Uaadrod Cash Prise each BIO 400 ftoxoa Floo Wtoe, 0.000 6.000 lO.OOO 1,000 AOO lOO 14.XOO S50 6UMM 1S.OOO Oosxaty Wbleky, HsiaaHarassarara, 610 tJWO FIT Ilasvdrod Cash Prlaoe, esseh 610.

AvOOO AMOUNT1XO TO $300,850. Whsls TVsketa. ttaj M-Tes. BU Qoartars. BS.

BsmlttsnCTe br Baak Check, Erin FosSal Moaer Ortar or Itianstsnd af slL sumpoaaiUe aeenia wanted st all potata. CIrealara syvinx full inlonnatioa and Urxets were obtained from w. c. u. wiurs.

wnxiiro Hm.u Loruyjixav rr. or sr. r. as a its Boom 7. Oiiceee.

111. rXQAIs, TBC I EE'S 8AfJB-WHEltXAa AXDItfTW JseksoD, la his ewa rts-kt and aa trusts, aad Mary A. Jacxsoa. hia wife, did sxscasa and ashrer a th an dais of Jul lata. 1M7A aad recorded la efnee et JuoX (Josnry.

Iinaots. to bouk 13 et Beoords, a aesrs 161. wasreuy tney ennTsyea ao saM trustee tba property hei smaller esscnued. ta trust, ao secure the farmeat of the Joint bood of Andrew B. Jackaoo.

I isr lea at. Moras, and Issas h. Hit, la the penal sam et aoiMtiUuasd tor the per meet et eltMtotbe Trarsiers lasaraare torn pear of Hertford, cesnscd-cut. July lain. 1x7a, with inaarsst at tha rat of paromt per auaum.

parablo aemieaaualir oa tba Ibih day ef Jaausry ao July of each rear, whieh said iaterept wsa evvieaosd lo coopoa tat i reel aeaaa tor the aom 7s eaea. perabss aa sUiissslii. Aad a it's, it waa arvTMiea la aad by the tanat of ssmI trust deed that is esse et a oef salt is to permsnt ef either ef the prim-iBsi sum or the folates thereon, asrursd by sam trust Sss. for tb ay see of twenty ears after the earn sarasas do, taat tnsa toe vrlnct- psl stim soasrored misbt, at th epttoa of 1 he TraTotor Insoraars Uaaiaaaiy of af artteed, Coo-dn ana pay. i Trareiers' la- Beetioat, or IU lauu.

oeuoms at once able aad oa the apptieaaoa of said Th suraarsCowjpeaT Biorssaid.or Its assiraa. said trustee waa smoussrid aa sell sod dispose of esid nremisss. and all nrha, bile. lasat. sod eajmlty of leoamptioa the rrasitaTS-Uaereia, thstr haataj axssoaais.

-aatreiors. aad asssme. And wbsi naa.detaiilt has been made la the aeysisot ef the prtnciDel sun, sees red brssid trust lut fsliisa euaea Jalr loth. IM7S, aad tner Is aowdne ta Bruact. pal aad Interest to dot ss ssad indsbt insiaa the sam vt Sluui aad the lea-si holder of saad Inli aiailaisi.

and ta tru.t dssd ascuria th ssiss, karlnx applied to to andrraiinksd. as such trust, to ssU said hew, tiieiofore. pabil Botsra Mbsreby gtrea that aader aad by Tina trust deed will, oa ef tea aower la ms Tasted br said trust deed win. tao -juia oay et apru. ami.

st iv clerk lu the lor Boon, sell at pubiie aocuoa at th Bertn jot of tho isnawna, in lool ueaety, 1111- Bona, for the hMhsot sad beat pnes win bnnc la cash, tne property msoUoaed. la aald. trust Said, aad oMcrlbad as loUowe. a win Let It ass 1 ia ssura Ju. la taesaouiTisioa lam aa aocera iars, la said eouaty, a patled and racoruod ta the Jte-eorder's Ae of Cook Cooaty, niin-ns, ta book flof ptaaa, at ps 7 torsi her with all the nrnt, biis, later est, bsoant, and equity of reasesptioa ef the ersator.

ilialinalioUHB Taa sraatar. Andrew B. Jackseavbs sosssted. ButprviiT to aladerei aadoaTSTd tSs sonltr idnlty of rslsBMloi ta eaid premt shew by th rasore la ah ty deed, aa ussx Oouaty. iluaola.

Tae resoraa la Oaeb Cwantr. iniaais. that nubort eacxaoa, aaarew saxsoo, lliism O. Jackaoa la hhi owa nil Mmrw JmIks. William O.

Jackson lav his own ns-ht sod aa adrainia- trator of the asiate ef Andrew a. Ja-iua. Mary E. Ladd. a uiiara M.

1 ary Laud. uiiara at. nrrua, snr J. rn-isiM-a. ILiaaie J.

Vsa (Jot. B. Ksneasr. saA Jul. tx KlMaf hT, or aar had.

serae iatsrast aa aaaa twaaaisss, but wnx-h is suassnasol to and Bablaot to tbelsaa tat hore-menueoa IJelsdUUcsaa uoosq trusa eeve. a.tstAJI A. A. rxlla. ataorner.

bazsd. TVuilea, srv-4-li TrytLic NtiTlCK la HKUEHY t.lVtJf that I. Aarast heoiisas. nt arrliis Kea. hae.

aedia Seuhsss. sad frank Tisohsas, mtnora. aader sad or nrtoe of a tena eM be Has. J. C.

AnloaerbarXsr. Jsdrsef lie Preaete Ceart ef Lnk County, will ssli atpuuuc aeoioa-ea woanseday. tne x-Tth dar Of Aorll. A. 11.

st Uia hone mi Id e'clouk ta the forenoon, at the door of tn ITubate Court of Cook Couaty, bos. 77 and TS Mouth Clark street, la the sa it of Chlnsyo. the hwheet aod best bi.Mer tor cash, ail ths riKUt. litis, and latrreat ot aaid a uiis k-aaana, ra.ll a Xeuhaoa. anal k'rstia Sik.n.

ta sua as tns foe Ittwlnar aaernbsd real estate, lewH: A uadjrlded ene-siitn. (l-j interest In lot thirtr-Uirse lusate eiristoa of lots twe cjj. tar-e i.ii, fsur t. and fir (... la b'ocA forty-DT Itt.Csnal Trn asw auhdirlatoa of bioraa lb pert of secuou rwsair-rn ll.

trwnAio thirtr-Bine rsnjes fourteen 1 1 4 eset of the tiurd uun h. auusird 1 ths ci of vruVsnO, a 1 -1 i.i a ii of salj tulaora, a -i. a nrsTjRAircz: R. S. CKITCHELL EE ram.iUJin 141 143 ASSURANCE CD, OF LONDON.

INCORPORATED 1788. ZiOBSBa ZA2X. $63,000,000. (Orer $500,000 Lean PHI to mm.) jLtMlTAl. STATEnETT ef the U.

a BRA-fcH PBfZTrx XWURAUCh CO, of Leadou, la the ajusMeui of Ureal Britain, oe the Slat Bar of Desmaw. immu. so. to the Aaditor ot ftblM Aeeaaaasaf the fstsie et lawt AaSaTn. rnited ot.

ass Cash oa baa aad ia bank. du aad accrued ea D. 6. beads preaniaaa la coarse ef eellectioa aad Casa hsld by V. a.

truatess anil rr trast dead tor la real aat Lesaapelai devostts to secure iiablU. twaia other Sis is lumlasnv eO0T3S.7f M.Mi.1.1 47JH1J 11.74.2 6oM42Ja 1SU4S.7S 63aJllAJT ores a aim a tor Irs, re. ad-jasied aad aapsad orusseiaiaas tor lessee uaoa waach ao ecu aa ass beea tassaw MJKWja Total stos amount ot rial ma for loa. reiasaraaee aad ssiTaaraclaiSBs Uaersoa bVOOOjO Rsi aaouat ef sspsMf losesa. Ames a i et uaearned pramiuaaa ea all eolslsadlas nsas 44.1S1A1 Sts.lr7.44 tvxrTi au tfthar TtWasI soeesoee oofoeooeoo Less uabillUsa asm red by paetal ds-poattala athcr TwbUhabll.h- 3S.S45Ja 6-J7sUs3J6 64M.TaS.7T lAAOSJtl as istslisd dartaa tne year, la Inreraa'and slVadanda' 'reostVoa'darins tb Total tneome StMxM-OS EXPENDITURES.

Lcaan paid darmx the 81S7J46JM Cumauaaioaa aad aalanss paid durtrur ST.71-J Taxsa Anrtmr lbs ysar I l.l 1 Amount of all ctuar sinsnditurss a.J84.77 Total ajuojasas Tot si rtexs taksa duria the ysar la lla- noaa Total oremluma rouTd danas the ysar ia Illinois S7J11M Total losses isK-arrrd dortaa th year la Iiiiaois 1117 Total amoant of all nsas eutstaadlnr A. l. litVlKU. Attorney. Balii ilbed and aworn aa oefors ras taia vsta day ef Janaary.

lssl, ADWlA OOIU.1. Commissioaer for llliaoia. Borne efnee ststvmsat for year sutlinx Dee. 2 Is7(t Capital paid ap, cash Asi, ft.oV.3 7 Ljabtiides ast surplus. If.

W. CniTCnEM. ACO 6areaifa AIJAL rAXETlE.X Of the UTMBEKJf ZSTM ErsCkA.tCB COM PA XT. of Philadelphia, in th Mate vt Faauarlvania. on the 81st day ot ljerember.

lw. made to th Auditor of fne It Acoiwjaiaot tha Stale of luiaoia. pursuant to lawi CAPITAL. Amosmt otaapitalaaeek asl us ta BSaOJDOtM AuKilC falsa of real estaas nmt by tba com Loana oa beads and iUilroed bonds sa stacks JfO7.5iO.00 taui, caty. esaaty.

aad other boada. Kt.7au.uO Utiier eorporatioa stocks a i. 77 A. 00 Lsoi an ceilabral 7.OO.i-ti ea baa and ia aank 11.344.73 interest sas aod aorraed eVro.a fremluaas In eoorae ef eolleettoa aad Prsauum Betas Amount reclalmabla oa perpetual pon- J7.7 KfU.OO 4S7d Beatada 1 ail eTatal a roes rial ma for loaaaa. aAV lasted and aapald rnssolaiais tor Inaaas.

upon nice a aotaoa has booa e.nT9aw Tetal of 69Jr70JM nam lor 10a Hatsmeuatot aapsid AmeoBt of unearned premiums SB alt eetstsaalas' naka BSJTTtJN r.2S.;3 17Atl S.J0.1 ad.41 Dus ea aerpstu. xrs policies. Liu for ealanas, rout, etc Due for miss sad 1 ama tori Total Uabllltlss. 64M16JM 5T2.1 4.40-AJ7 i.Muaa Premluma iscslrsd dunnx tbe year, ta biareat aad airldanas rstmrsd durlaaT as rear Aaa oust rsxaiToA tram all ether aoorcoa. Total XiTTlJiai- Loaaaa paid darfns tae ysar UiTideaua paid duriux taa Cora BBlsslona aad aalartas paid Banna: the Taxes paid eurlne th year 611.71JM 14JUWS ajtsA SLoer Total StAAaOAJ UlMrsXJAXEOCa.

Total risks taken danux the year ia 1 liaau art en aure aa Total premluma fsssaTad dunnx tha rear ajMOAw xsiai osaas aawarroa eeraoaj isarswia Assms Total tot ah.nskseuwtaadlae.. AT7AisK0 wt-rn tuuxrx rrsatdsnt, GKOiUi U. CHU A aJJ, oeeretary. re era as batere ma taia 1Mb day ef TBtJJt. J.

HONtT loaar for miaeis. Philaaaiphia, Pa. Jaaaary. lani. B.H.CRITCI1ELLACO, Areslt AJf.XlTAL.

RTATEUETT Of tb ErTaJaPBJS FIltB AMD MAaUxX DtsTJaUwcB OUetPahX. tABclaaatt, la tha etats et Ohio, ea tbe Slat day ef Dasnaiet, la, asads aa the Aauinse ot auaAooeaata at tns atate ot Aiuaaia, pursuaat to CAPITAL. imtaat ef aaextal stack paid lap ta faJL. a-vaia Fataoef real aetata owned by thaaaaa- 6146.7T0J14 IJtlS.Tt 1M.377A7 34.1euMI hiusd auu Leana ea beads and I site tales stoess aaa Bisls. dty.

esBnty, ana staor 1 Other eerpereuea Casa SB baad aad ia sank, premiums ta soarse et tr.uaiaissioa.... mama mwimw fcsata du and aorraad. busdj 64416jn Total 1 646tMo7Jr7 iaari.rTTTl Jastad 87.30X76 iresseisisaa tor leasee pea which no actloa ha I 4JU4TS SUtAJW aw'tbi'V sa a eases, saews e. Amonat of aassraed pram In taa ea aa 614J41AS 6SJIM46 lot. 00 ajti.73 asuaaioR Sue tar "mTmtrwyr-'n Tetal Utratlk i tr 678.717JrT raoansd Auna taa year, ta oasa aiaoooBia Premiama roeotTwi durina the year, ta ootsa S8.1l4e.7d laisrest aad aUndsnda reoatTsd dartaal Axaeuat reoaH'oa'frp all leer sums.

6.74UM Total 61A8.S17.73 Losess paid dnrlni 10 6 68.7$ JM Vinaaiiu pita auiar ia. kS.alf. da paid urine' fas kSJ)17AM 60.188.42 700.00 lliseUll Commissioaa aad taisnsa aue Taase paid Sana- the year roa of aa other Tebdaitaaw 6171e-U6 Total risk taksa dunax the year to IlU- Total prsmluaisreosiTeddarlas theyoar in 1.11B01S Jntal tosses incurred annas tha year ia Tetai aaaouni ef all ri-ia 8 ll4.7Ji Jd.OOKD. berrsiarr. absrrfred aad a worst bsfors me tr'.

i-thaayof aauaxy, 1 001 a HA 1 LJ otary Pa bias, Bamiitou wuif Chie. r. to, oaa asstbsd lee Caw state uxitts. I- ef" f-ss- mm. VaW I LA SALLE ST.

SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE or jiaSsachusetts. INCORPORATED 1840 LOSSES PAID OVER $7,000,000. ($700.000 raid to Chicagfj.) AvIJAL HTATEtE.TT Of fh mmonxLB mm tt mam renm. ANCK OOMfAh of BoeiBsneld, ia the btats of Mass. cnossus, ea tae ear of uecemoer, ia(i, mad to tha Auditor ot Public Accounts ot tba btata ot Blip ossa, yaraaaai as lew i CAPITAL.

Aaaeuat of eapltal atock paid a im fall SXOOOJXMlO 6in.4M.ia LVeans ea bonds and I sited aisles stacks and bunds Railroad hossa Railroed stocks. Baak stocks. Loans ea euUaieral aerunty Cash ea head an in Interest Aae aaa Preuuaaas la course ot collect! so aad Basis aus aad aocruoiy. Tntaf assets-. iAfiUTTJBa, Oresselalms for lessee.

a I naiad suA nanaid BVKtJrrxax 31t.6rt.rt7 Xl7.7M.oo ais.o-j.oo 7.6a-j.-r 103.000 Gross eisims tor lusaaa. uaoa which no acden baa Been latea 68.18346 si'Wy' SaJloS Tefal sroaa aaa aaat et claims for In. aa mxiXTt Deduct reinsurance and aaiTBwa claim tbereoa 6.103 Ks amoant ef as said I as. as. Amount of uBeeraed premiama a au oatBtaadlBaT neks Das for commissions, brakarace.

ate. 67461466 81.1TS.4S 1A.4M0 Total Uabllltlss 67'JdS7 l.tAIML dunas tba rear, bl ease WlSjBM.7 aissasi sou aiTaueaaa roooiTaa a anas th 88JW7 Jl Ameuai reoHTed from all other ts UlSAA Total 61Jia.79ej4 LATuiAi t. a an. Lsnes oslA durine las asnjiRjM lftl.aiaj fojtsiTit o.Asaui fhridends pud dunaa tb year Cemmlssieas aad aalanss paid darins Taxes paid d.irlns tbe sr AaneuataCad olasr Total aivuissuin. Total risks taken durine the ysar ia IU- inoaa 66.011T03JX Total vremlams rscstrsd dorins; tbe yearia I.uneia 89J178.44 Tetal looses Incurred durine the year la UUmaim T.79 Total amount at all rlska outtaadlnz.

1M.OOX313UM J. PI HAM. rrssioest. bAXFUKO J. HA LA, secrotary.

Btibai uli id aad sworn to bctere this Sirn day ot Janaary. tool. W. T. bTKKRa.

Jostles of th Pear, rjprlzucns'd. Maaa. K.i,CKlTCHELLA CO, Aaretatst A.T11IAL STATETfETT af th rtRT oosipaxt ofth oou.t 1 1 OF I'iiXLAJiiLLJ'BUA. laesled sx Pnilsdalsbis. in the Stat of PeaaarlTsuia.

oa la 31st day ot Ueosmbsr. 1KS0, mads to the Auditor of Pulauc Aoosuaal th swaaaoi iniaoia, pursuant ao 1ST CAPITAL. Amoaatef capital atock paid nytafud. SxOOOOOM AJMaTTo. Talneef real attata wosd by tbeeeaa- Loaua oa Doadsaiid sa'ortcacsa 11111111 Itatlroail boads aaa btata.

city, eeaaty. and other Boads. Other osrperatto stocks Leans ea collateral Cash ea baad and la bans dua and acoraed Premiama in course et coUeetlea and traasmiaaloa 83A.aoo.M 14.t.Xi.tM Bd.ledJM 35.77S.(k 2U.4AS.70 sVUe3Ji3 S.40S.44 Amount ot ail thar a. X37.4S Total 1 INABILITIES. Orcea eUima for loaias, ad- jasaaa au unpaid aiBOjan) ay ia earn 0.16860 Total si am am (rant of claims forlossss 6530 Pedort reinauraore aad aalTas claims Sjr7ej06 Bet amanniot uapsud looses Amoual of unearned oa all euutandinr nsts Amount ro Isimaol ea perpetual Are risks Unpaid dlrtdeBds Dus tar salartss, renaa.

etc A3 other rial aaa against the Tetal liabilities INCUMk. Premiama reealTed dorins; tns year In In teroat and sVidands reosiTsd 2iuiac tbe year Amoant reoatTsd tsum all ether sourcia, Tia reals, etc 63Jf76JM 1X480J1 66.48 JTS 14A 1M.00 aaejta oAi.7A4.4d 617J78JH 1441136 1JM8A3 Total 63aVUlJ8 ciPajiprrunBt. Losses paid durlnr th yasr 812.784.4S PiTMiends paid duria ths lOJMMMs Commlasiena aad aalarua paid Aurtna; tbe year 8.643.31 Tares paid dnrlsr tb year B5l.i3 Aaaooat at all ether 8,787.13 Total arpandltiiias. 631 MrsCELLAIIBOCa. Total east af all naka ST.

037,76300 JA1IK3 N. T)X President, JUU.S WKXSU tfeerretary. sserrfbed saA aeora te beXar at tola xsUtdayaf Janaary. 181, rTrLe, jr. notary PnbUa, R.

n. CRITCII E3L.Ia ACQ, Aftremt- Ai-TOAE HTATETIE.TT ef fh FIRST BATTO'AL FDUE CrsUKABCB COM. FIRST Hi WsTSSt day sf Dm a Accoun i W.tenr. la tb btatanf Maoaachuestta, oa tneSlat laaoember.

1SM1, made to the Auditor et Pubiie ta ot th Btata et llliaoia, piirauaai ts start CAPrrAi. Ajaomat at apttal atock paid ay ta fatl. 6400j0jSO AvSoATXS, alas at seal satats owned by thee 1 Loauaea boorta aad 8S.800.0O lfciosuiXl Xw.t7.!X S.3J7Ao lAsvS.IMI 1.SAU.IM ia.wAs.ia Raiiroed hones aad atocks. atate. oty, senary, and ether Bank sleeks.

Loons ea collateral Cash ea baa and la esnx foterestdaa aad prsouaaaa la coarse ot celaatmea and Beau due aad accrued-. 19.44 o373.UA.43 I JtfinjTTjra. Justed aad ''6S74UT At 6 alaT esaat ss claims for lasses, a pea which no ecttea has been paay. 1.1A4X6Q Sat amoaatef unpaid leases Amouut ot absaraed praaiumt oa all 67 U.7 o8.T8S.7 a-telAd -6M803A7 aaswaoiar nail. Sa tor TOtmasAaBtl TKOOXa, tsusfnd arttnax the soar ta 666480.81 laodJM btsrVaaA dlTaaoads VomV Amoant reosirea XxoaVafl aiber" aeai Total baooma.

6111J4H XXr3Ull lJKat. 1 Iesea paid dunnc tbs yssr 6W.74T.n landeaoa paid Burins' tha avOuOJMI Commissious and aaianea paid snHne the aftj Taxes para dnrtnar tbe year 4.71 Aaaoaat at ail otoor avpsadlturea. S.094A1 Total irjmHtures 61e3eSotL87 hnaciXLAJtEoua. Total risks taken durtns; the year In nu- beta -vt-u-lf 6808jrT7jO Total premiums rooeired durinaT tb year la llunoia 81133.14 Total loaaaa laeurred Aurins th year to iiimoia Tetal aaaoaat all naka eutstandinr. 7.18i,7l4JXI CBA8.

B. PBATT. Preaideat, K. J. TaT14a-, Secretary.

nuvTfbed sadsweia ta beiore ma thin 2 day et Jauaary. leei. J. H. 1, Commiasionar tor r.

cr: JTcniei-j- tt i 3 iySUaARCE STATEAIElfTS. Alt.ttAL STATEMENT tb HUfaJOJT ntSPKASCK O0MPA.TT of Jersey City, ta the btat ot hew Jersey, nD tba Slst day ot Ijecsmber. InrMA made to tne Auditor ct Public Aaeouat ot the btat of Illinois, pnrsnaat to Is art 1H Til Amount of csistal r0 j1 1 up in Tatae af real estate owned by tuoaosx. Loans oa boads and tao rtar axes. Lulled Olslea bonds lUilroad bonds aud bank stocks Utuer oorporatloa Loans on collateral security Cash oa baad and ia lan In arrest due and premiama in course ot CO LI action aaa transrsiaaioa 6UO0.0OOOO 614.609JS3 fXl-iO J7JIO lAloOJW 2o.lS4J Jib7J3 838JJ7 Total 6V45eK)3j08 643.S6o.aO Amnunt of aaeainad prsmiums on all oautanriint Total 843.266JM 65L4C3J3 10542.74 xiatAsva.

as laiadni dannx lb year, la C6JaAo4a eoooOooeo eoo ee Interest and dtrldaada rsceiTsd dariux tbs year OB2.108J7 auu-av ail vau. Lossa paid dartnf th yssr toTKlenda paid durtus; tb Commissions and kalinas paid durtox tberesr 623.204JM 2.097 JTT Taxes paid Anna the j.7in.7e Bva7-8t Amount 01 ail other Total expondltrirea 6V314Jw BUMJlJallEtla. Ats efmks asksa dunu ll veer is iJTl- aois Sl.fi2X10S.00 Total prsisiuma reueiTsd dunnx the yssr lBlllluota Total lueses incurred dunnx th year la IHioota. .77.... 7.SW.85 Total aoioantof aU risks 4.474416 JAMxs OOrtliA, Jeeraent.

U. WIIM IV lisurslai aabacrfbad and aworn to before this 7th day of February, lbal. WAt. tutinxutriur r. at ta 'Ii anrery.

PRO PO AI 8, PROPOSAL POB3 MIUTABT 8CFTLJJSS. Ikjot Or sarrKaaLAjrrKa a omct. 11S8 fllrard at. FuiLxiErHiA.Ps-Msi 18. 1881.

SkALUi PhOPOHALH, ia triulirate, with a copy of Una advartiaemeat and nt tbe iustractions to bid. Asra attached to each, will be recolred at this flics, until noon. April -JU. lMML for fnrmaninx tbs V. a.

OuarMraiaatar' IlsparUnent with the loUowinx art trim 1 be dehTsred at tb Quartermaster's Depots at Fhiierieipfcla. ra, or errrraoumie. 1.UU Axes: 10.000 Ax-belTee: l.uoO Snoreia with lonr handiea StW Trumpets IVM) Trampat Crooks an Tent I'ina 1 11.UOO bcrubbtnx Brushes lliiMU yards Dark bin wool ft lrtins A'iaaaet, 6-4. I1M1.UOO yards Can tea Flannel. To bo deiirered at the Uuufi nahf1! lamotat Phllaaelplua.

Pa. 1S.0UU Helmeaa, )j)00 Helmet Eatd Top Meres sad spikes S4.UO0 tads buttons, assorted 1 OoO Whits Metal Xumbsre: 13.000 Campaign Beta: XS.UUU FarareCapai b3.0IMi Bait CadenhirUi pair wool blockings; lixl.isJO pairs White Beriin (Mo as 1 10JMKJ pairs wool Ml ttena: 4.000 pairs Arctae OTorshoes: SU.tMMj wooiea Blanketa: 70l yards tt-4 Faclnx Cloth MMXIO yards akv bias Kersey. S-t haary quality: 15.UO0 yards Cap LiciaaT Flannel 0 yaroa a-4 uers auus laanei tor xuoueee ins yams CnaTM Padding DMasj yards axlesla: olB) ouaees mlh china Thread; 4.400doeea mi Bpool Oot tea: 4.0UO ua iimu coat Butiooai s.tssi aroas ahlrt Buttons: 10,000 Book aod F.res: 10.000 yard Worsted Cord; 40.000 tiilt bacfcles: UOXW0 yards White Tape. Biddari sm lnfnrmsd that all article will ba sab- Jected to a rigid anspoenoa: that a full compliance with the epeanosUons will be Insisted 00, and no articles interior to tb standard will be aecepteo. Toe JoTrnment noes oa tbe narat to reject any or aU 01 da.

A pretrrsocs will be given to arnelea of do me-uc produmoa aaa manassctnra, anuwa 01 pnr sad quality beiae etraal. Bidders ars also utormad that abase eooda are oV UTeraoie and payaljie oa aad after July 1. 181. For rooaea of onatrd instrucriona to bidders and other tnlonnedoa apt-ly at this ofnos. aToiopss containing proposals to be' Indorsed "Proposals for Military aad kdrtrmsta to tb D.

H. BTJCaTJtB. Asst. Q. AL GBraU T.

6. fTopwAala for Bnffxlo 0rrTfata, Far Caps, aad faaaatlets. rmrOT OcAXTia Asxra'a Orncx, 1 1 38 OraAjrpSr, 1 raii.iDrtrau.rx-no. CrA BALED PROJAXjAUS. l.STnJPfjCATi.

WITH A copy of this advertisement attached to aarb. will be rsceiTed at tola efnre uuol noon. Acril A. 1881. for funiabtpg tbe IT.

6. tjuartermaater's Dspartment wita Buffalo Orersoatei Muakrat or Buffalo Caps 44JU0 pairs Jena rat or JJuflelo Uauatleta. bids sr requested tor delirerr either al tba Jlrer-soBdJ UadJ. or Pnllsderphla (P I Drpota of to Vartarm aster's Department, and bidders are informed that all srtlciea will be sanaaitted to narld ianaeaoa. and that rail compbaaca with tba atandsrd asm pies sui ao inaisioa upon, aaa that a article so them will so aeceptad.

Tha Uorernment ust ra i th right torejnt any or all bids. A preference will be girea to araclea of do-ateaoc produrtaoa and manufacture, coaditione of srsinlornid tSsess a odearadetlisialial and parable ea and after July 1. leel. For turtaer inform anon apply ax tmSoinc. A aia for blank proposaia.

EaTelonea eootainlns? nen Bosaia te be tbSnrssil "Pro posals for Buffalo Or ercoata and Fur Caps and and addressed to th undersigned. U. H. hCCKA Aaat, Q. Oeneral.

U. 6. A. ExtextsIoB of BbjXsJo BrTialrrater, 5. Ts TJaiixp ttTATX fironrrxa Of rxoo.

Si I- March 11. 1K1. WXUXD PROPOAIo for ths extension ot the Bnf- tJ tela ITnel sal i will be at tbe V. 8. Ea- rineer QftWw.

Oawsgo, X. uaul la. m. a Moaday. ipruu.lui.

rTopoeaia most mad trtprirest spscinrsonaa, blank forms, and inetroetioaa to bidders may ba bad I SPPilCSUOB tllM UTBOB. WALl ta McFABLAiTD. Malar of Englneeia. IjnproTeaieBt of fTIisan li arbor, A. Y.

rxTTTTi 8raTra EaoTirxKa Or tcx. I O-wsoo, X. March 12. 1881, I 'tiLKD PROPOtiALn tor the Extension of tb Piers at Wilson Harbor. X.

wiU ba reoarsd at th U. a. engineer Office. Oswego. 1 until 11 o'clock a.

m. on Monday. April xo. iwi. Proposaia must bemad la Mptieate.

Bpsrffk-sttons. blank forma, aud instruction to bidders may be bad oa application to this rtioe. aiLiLtt arraitiAp. ataioroz jHtgineer. LmproTement of PoltBejTille Harbor, N.

Y. TJktttd b-tatks xsronrxxn Crrncx, 1 OeTxoo, Jdarch 14. 1-81. SriT-n a OrXBxALb for tbe extensloB of tbe Piers at PaltneyriUe Harbor. K.

will be racaiTed at tb U. 3. njrlner Omce. Y. until o'clock a is.

on Monday. April liwl. IVrooosalB must be made ra tnobeate. Buoi Ifkattona. blank forma, aad InMrucrioae to bidders may ba had oa appuratioB to this offi-e.

am it atcxarti u. ataj or or nginou s. LnprsTemeiit of Little Sodsa arbor, K. T. Cxrrxn btatzs Immn Orncx I OSWEOO.N.

March IA lfWl. SEALED PROPOJiAia for the extansioa of tbe piers at Little Sodas Harbor. N. Y- srtil be received at the t. a.

Ansiaeer fjsworo. N. until 11 o'dork a. m. oa Moaday.

April 25. 11. rropoeaia moot be made in triplicate. tuclnea-riona. blank forma and lnatruetione to rBitrtara mar be aaa oa apnuracion to in is omce.

a atvi Aiu atajorot inrtneara. Extension of tha Oswego Breakiraters TJaTrtra 8tatx Kiromxa Orrtcz, I Oawxuo, 7y ll.rch 16. 18M1. IALED tor the Bxteosloa of tb 6s- vera Breakwater will be received st tn C. H.

n- nnser ofaos. uswero. A. uatil 11 o'clock a. ax, on atonaay.

Apni zj, loot. Prwiwsiala muat he made la trinBeata. guara rV'arJ ens. blank forms and instruetaoa to bidders may ba hadoa appucsnoB io uiia omce. saLita aicr iniA.iu, Major OI EBgli LaiprOTis; CIuuiae.1 at Tonawaiitla liar- dot, a.

a. Can bp Bran: Omcm. Oawsno. N. lluck 19.

ldl- SEATJ3) ytWTyCWtALJj for Im pro Ting the Channel at Toaawsnda H.rtnr. X. sill Im seM at the ft a. Engineer othoa. oawega, until 11 o'clock a.

au ea Monday, Arli S.V, 1H1. Prvpostomustbmdtaa4plicate. BpcteaMona, blank lorn is. and instruetkMia to birlilera may be had on appursuna to ni otnne. wAiaxjt MhlA.iD, Major ot fcmnneera.

lnpraTi-w Channel atlTIlaoB Harbor, X. Ta varrrKO sram auitaotsa vmva. (kwnuL II T. kuri It. llMI.

I SflATJID FROPOiAi-- lor IniproTing tbe Channel at Wilson Harbor. X. ill be received at tba II. ta. EnrlneMr Omce.

Haeero, until 11 o'clock An. saMeaosy. April iS.lH.Sl. PrepessI not made ia trlpHeat. rJpeciScarJona.

blaak forma, aad instroctioa to tad liar may be bad oa application to this offkoa. waixjt atcrxnXAaix, atajor ox jnunneera. IaiproTiBs; C-ABBel at Great Sottoa liar tor, 5s Ts tTnTTxo arATya Bt of Kara Or tux, oawgoo, etaroo tsei. 9 SEATJTD PROPOSALS fer Imyroniij the channel Uroat Modus Harbor, ji. Y.

will be racalTwl at 1 17. 8. Bagineer Ofuca, Oswcge. N. uaui ciocg a in.

oa Apru iwi. Proposaia must ba made ia ttiptirato. BperlOcatlons, bias a forma, aad instrwUea as faeduera. mar be had ua appbeaaca to this offlos. McJAlUAfu.

aisjor ox cmrtnseia. tmprvTinr; ChajuiH at Os wefo ILsrbor, S.T. 8tatx- BKonraaa Omen, uvwaMLa. i.airca a SCALED PBUPOnAcs lor Impronnr tha Channel at Oawage Haroor. M.

T. will reeaiTd at tb U. 8. Englaeer Othoa. Oewego.

K. Y. until 11 e'olocX a. ha. esTMoaday.

April SA, Ts8L, Protnssis Bull bs mads la Mnlicat. tnrnneatlaos. blank forma, and ioau-nruoua to btddora, may bo had oa appiicauon to tnia etn fc. Alu r. Jin tiu.u.

major r-nFineers. Iaiprorinf ChaBael at xJltleTotiuA Hai Dora As Is TArrrn 8tatx Ewuiit xxa Orr rcn, I Marchrl. 1W1. I XALED PROPOKAUt for ImproTing the Channel at Llttie bodas Harbor.

N. Y- will bs reealTed at tha M. ILnslneer iMSre. Oswesro. V.

nntd 11 e'clook av i.oa Monday, April v. I Nil. Proposals must be mads ia tripueara. 8sedtteattota. Manx forms, and Instrurtloa to biildn may be had ea apalicaaon to this ofhtw.

wajuin alcriiu a aaiar ox uigiuseiB. ImprOTlaf C-ajiae4 at ITaddlxtt-toa Har- 09Tf As la Uirrrso Statki ExotirKxn Orrtcs. 1 Oawxso. K. Y.

March'Wl. I SyjLIjm FTtOPXlHAUl for ImproTing too Channel at addlngtoa Harbor. B. 1, will bs received at tbe B. J-nrlneer Othoe, Oswro, Ja.

uaui 11 a CiocX a. I. on Monday, April So, lrsol. Pronossls mnt be made la trlbtlrate. Boariileatlona.

blank tonus, and instructions to bidders, mar ba had aa appllcstinn to tins ofUce. WA1.1 r.rt urriKLat. major or mrmear. assrcwarirg KOTiciHoirrfnT.w disttcict sua ef Illinois, a. At Cbicago, In aaid district, on the loth dar of bepb-mber.

A. U. leTW. Ine nndunixned herelir elTee aorieeof hia anoeioa. Knelt as auu of Xlanhsw b.

Dickeraoa, ot Ciitoaarn. inthscountr of Coo. snd r.tate ot Illinois, a tio has been ajno. ed a bsn.mi t. uroa hi owe ptiiion.

fjy Intxidteartc -1 in and t.r ad ilm'Yal and Departure of Trains. CHICAGO ABD IT0STHVE3Trw. Sleket Orttraasi 63 Osrit st, UraadJPaeiaa UtL Lnnk'a tipresa omce, 69 talari. Jala ZZZTh Canal at, snd st the depou. ClVfcAC'.

B-6 AMD OVAHA-LtJTM. Iiepot oomer Walls aad AUnxia ska. 8:30 am' OedsrRapiiis Hxurasa mlPadric Bxprass l-' a bspnis iCxpreas and lanktoo 12 -30 is-Dos Moines Liar hipross 9 :13 nit Cm aha aad Aigbt I' rat Cedar r. a pule Mgat I ii i las aud Vanxtoa 8:12 ml Dee Moiiim igUt 8:15 a Preeport and Jmbuuu. l.tpm-lreeport stl Dubuuue J.

8 sao m'riine Express.l..... ArrtTS. a -Stispm TflO am.rM.Twe-?xli2!"' i iTw. Hock ford ii ISti tea Eii-'H Preeport, RocktJrd Je'6n 4 si- Msywood aia a fciirtn a' LombarU Psssensr.lT??" 45 a i "8 si 30 iopS: gg- tzzxzizzrz mXiTlm 8:1 Its :4.5 am 1 rs-ef-dJT; Dlfisium" 8 -00 a m. wriTLt tajiai and hiaae atroats.

1 2" M'lwauki, FrnX-T" HtHWpoa 0-30am top is 45a i xass fam.i z. 4 :10 i. 'IMia PaeSiSr -l Tt anknvaa 11 OA a Eurnland PmZSTZZSlmiZ--- jmm Canal sad Ala 7-411, wm rlOaaja 104W I 9:45 ana hlOfO am snt a 8:15 am f70a 44i0pm l4K0p-1 Hytoam mt t-Paul and MmoeaoollaK lmf. and S11" am Winona and Oontrsi ait Winona snd Central DaxotZ pfMlV 'fxannrf. lai.osiuruay.

xtiaiiy. I Holiday only. IXLIIOia tTRBTTt t- imn ay. atatvtoroa stiom. near oi ftras 2.t2irilTi-.1'1" Bu7DPtaot J-aksatrsetsnd foot ot 1 su-sscond :0 a Louis aad Texas rrni 8 -W mi be.

Louis and TmrrZXTIZ ArrfTO. attOam Jtopm ox 8-JMpm PSOi ti-vipm CSfO i iro Sw Orloaas Erprav aa a Bw -TW 1 1 111 tm WO TIM m- Hprlmrtleld tBdtup tnpnugOeid i-ht Express" jKS 5. a) ePeoria, Bur. and Keokuk I Ti 1 m. nBao and t'bataworth BxZ rl.

4:45 ni lilimaa Passeuger. S-Pni Dubuque aod aoaiUirCi rioioa rlOKW -st5 3:45 pin Ona- Vu turds night runs to UUmaaooir. nraayalebt reaa as pea CHI0A3O. BUSLIS3T0JT AUTD OUTICT. eS'rS sahr2l nSani-aet .1 I XrTTTa.

a me uiswi ona MIBSBJI rilS 1.M ea a i 4m a Aurora bandar I 1X a wiA Anrors Ct------- 10rt 4 Mendota Ottawa arassUZ IlTn! 4 i'5 Pt Louia Ilo A-ApavtiBocktord. Fraoport, Jiock I sue 4 35p malAurora Iw ma Aurora Paaseng r. AI0r45 a -a I jddia a 23 meTexaa Airbt ....5 t5s3 a. 8apmi Kansmatybjoyunitxisi 7kxi2 Freeport Dubaoa t-lprrss, :1, JiJ 11 as i Wednesday A bsXurdar Xnea-i a Deny uslly exrpYwwi'caaUy day daily except Monday mum on (lo-wheel) sleepine ear and paw iuui coocbes betwroa Chicseo. DesMolnes, Clounod Blu llh.

Omaha. Lincoln, ot. Joseph. Tims 'peka. bus 1 1IT tnmnen vilhAUt rhUI.N through without ensure.

with recti nine rh.i r. mil uv. a aw. cars atxacnoa to i vmcAOO urn axtob. Cmea Depot, West fade, corner Canal sad Tsa Stlseta.

Bear Vsa ttneea mtnumt sail Twenty-third ti ust. Ticket omces. si depot-, ttraal Psanc Hotel, rainier Hons, and tiS bout- Clark at, laaT 1 .1 Amra 31 -30 pm- 'iKanam dty J) ei. Pueblo aadl 4lifAeri, Fia I ii mmm lmmm. Mt aauai atyaah fajlaw Keihl I ico.AnzousaudCsl.PastKxpt73 8 a InrneM and TexXx 7 8 rOO a B- Mobile aad Jtsw Orleans a it 6AM a ml.Psons, BurUngtoa sad Keokuk last txprssa.

Tia r73 at 8:00 Louia. bprtaxnold. aad! I sx 6a90 a (Peons. buruutoa and Ko kakF I Fast Tin Cbenoa. a at 64M a m'fPekia and Peoria Ex, Tis Joust a a SHsi a mr Peona.

aeokuk and liariinsrton 117 Sim a aa 13i 4) ml8treator. Wenooa, Laooa aadl SJV SP MOUffH oVoVA.J.aM TfT I at luatiy. -xops luaoiy. nEICAQO. KOCK ISLIKD ABU PACITIOj Depot, eorner Tan Horea and Sber man atissta.

Ticker 1 1 nn as. oo ixars au-eea. pnermaa txousa, raimsr -Houea. Grand Paclaa. and 75 Canal at, cor.

Madisoa. Lesrs. Imit 10 a mt Derm port ft Peoria SKXlpm i45 pm fltaa i tunuA iuua cat Sioaomt hanaaa City, Lee Ten worth. A i Atcalaon Fast xores -OO aai Para Accommodation. mM mi Caiuij Hluas Skahl Expi xocKiaai AAI Bit insas tAty.

uatasworui I aniaei. alas e.M, BL0K rru UVD ASD AAaHumioST BE19H1 i Atcniaoo ntxni ax Siftfia AenommodaMoa -3rto 7rt5a 40 a Aeoemmodation. IS :15 Aooommodanoa. a tiUlia -wi mH Aocommoaaaioa 6 .0 a 415 a as Accommodation yiom 1 1 ma lavanoniuoa. i me iiwwimiBffli 10 4t5 am All aieals on tns umina xproas are aerreu.

tn rues raja al 75 rain as earn CSICAOO. JC ILW ATJtEE AID ST. 0raI Depot. Madison. Canal, and Adams at.

TVket orbeas.63 Clark street, 1 aimer Housa. Ursai Pacln Uotsl. aad at depot. 7- a Krfina Ailiwausee sse, -iiwy a Milwaukaa A Waukesha I 10:10 as Mil wsukee, Ht. Paul and Min-jt fj 4sig 10:10 a mil 9KXpmt 10:10 a SHMpml I lOreea Bar.

Meomhs and Ap- I 4 a pletoaExprssa trauia l7XWam' Lslllwsukee. Madison, prairie PSJOpmr out, in aa xowa, ana laauiai Kx ureas f7x)0am SlOOpBtl 10a6 am lOKMam 4 4XIP LSterene Point aad Aahlaadl fExorea 17 As) am I PrairtedaChleo "7rf5pm UoertrTliis Amoinm.wlaQon.f aogla nssearer a Dubuque A Cedar JUpida Ex. I SKJOpm t.ieis A Kirklsnd Pass, daily .1 FJsia anertal Fast Kroress.l All UJ nMuta Min. rtia in. MlialnkSL Tick em tor Nt.

Foul and Minneapolia are rood either Tia Madisoa sadFn raada cnisa, or naisnuss ana ssaa PITT2B0KO. dlCIIa'ATI AJ1 L0HI3 Depot corner of Madison aad Oaaal etroeta, Wasti side orncas. 121 Banoolph street, tstand Paciu Hotel. Palmar House, aud at depot, Leas. I lAmro.

a m'Dsy aUtiitm J0m .40 KolNiXht xpress (dsilTl P1TTSBUB8 IDBT WAtVE AID CK1CA93 Depot, ooraor Taa Burea aod Oaaal atav.TIcc olnoa be dark at- Fauner no use. urai aa jraouaa. ana aspa, dm Mail aad Erpiwa r7Vw as Mllev Yark sss :15 mriacino I xprsss, ifM 8 ml aat Line jetS AM a BS pA-XiBOh-t Alii U-iU re. es neattanai xoalldxnc. foot of Monroe stiaa.

and TwentT-eecond atreet. Ticket Clartc street, aimer Uoaaa. taraad Paciao and i posiuoa Bniuiing. I Arrrea. BS -ao 'Morning 4 4i asi uiuw i CEICAOU AID KASTXXX ILUAOIS XAIL WAT javototonor6aamanATwalttB Lrara.

ArTtra, Sloo mi'ashrSeTLd riorum a 715 am 'Dauy ax bttaaxy. iiieuy. fAlCHlGAH" CtfTTBAls rM ota, foot ot Lska street and toot ot Toenly eatiisi street, llckst omces. 67 Clsrfc atrset. soutlisa.t eoe-per baadolpb atiout, Urand paexao Ho tel.

a dPilmot Hooae. Miuascara, MaH, Tia Mala aad Air Arrtro. bioOpm 7i40a. Siftoom jOO ib'iMV ion auu swmi aiyr 8 opm' ppecLsa stew xvsa sisi 8:40 AslS PI aaiamaswo Aceoia modatioa ktianno AXprsB alaiiyi. hlo-ii am rj a bUtcnm" a in fVi I.iV,: mil Md MiH-irt 60 Iicket efceea at Depots, Via Boraa jstreet, hVl ofLa bails.

Xwenty-seroad atrset, and To atrset. Ticket and Freight offices nnder bhermaa House, aad least mS IB tatond PacaaW and Faults House, mm e. I Am, ssmiMan.TtA Mala Ltue giwia Paioa ai-ibpscu al. Y.A Air lAna. pat uSv sa.

mtt i 1:15 nil Auanuesjuusuy. na Air Lin la m- itixnt Axpreaa, Tia a ta 1 UiO 5 Mil nt 11:10 a at X'i 41 ut'jCeuour 3 :40 la Kjassboor 6 4A ni' joolcuour Aocommoilstioa. 1U -t 0 liauara aowbsww.m...m.. XXPXWATloa OT sscrv, oua iara. tAxcept Mstardar.

tlJsuy. tkcept Mondsya fExosptaundara aad loader, eaunuays aula, aiaarauaysan AaaiunlayS cnaauruaysoaxr WABASH, ST. lOTTIS AWD PACTTTC. Dspet corner diss-art and Archer ars. (Twenty-third aw, Arvuer ar, cars.

Tie bmm ma ae iiw oepes. Ticket ofbue. 83 Clara at- uxana A auiio Ho us, and palmer xtonae. 1 rains. LeaT.

ArrfT. Bl. Louis and Oult 8:45 smj J-Jitm bt. Louis and Uulf Fast 8 :55 ni 7 :1 5 a ia AansssOlty DeuTer Fast Axliil3 mr eons, uur. r.e a us a Fwona aad Fekiu luOju 14 t.ta wnii(Hu aius is.

uti risaspiBf 3e30pm iUmlyr, "Dauiy. Xnrpt hUDtiar. nrt rViliiuiiTi Kr inn--fs nm rrrt fi Bfr rVOIVLUW CnJbtr, S. "1 i -a. jV NO J-" 41 f.Bf sot 7:15 am 7:15 am ana 11 m0 am 9:15 am 1 :45 a tjL si" inueuta lA i rrvS "TXJfVfl "sruueta S5am II a nt Doiraefitiran acoamawd'kZS i -il llvlvmb l-aafic fast Kiprea7 qZZ ViOl aa Kanaas A ColoradojEipreoaini A I'tAa Ill a al lusualll.

a S-W I raasafar.

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