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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 1

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

circular. SELTZER APERIENT. Those terrible Ueadaches generated by obstructed secretions, and to which ladies are especially subject, can always be relieved, and their recurrence prevented, by the use of TAaaAxr'a ErruvxsciurT BSLTXXS Al'XIUKST. PRorfRAm.K AT AI.I. DKFO STORKS.

ARTISTIC TAILORING. 15 per Ct. Discount On all garments ordered of us in July, from and mfUir the 6th lust. Ein AUD ELY A Tailors. APOLLINARIS- Apollinaris THE aUEEN OF TABLE EritiMk Medical Journal.

"L'EAU DE TABLE DBS B.ETNES." Le Gaulvit Ports. ANNUAL SALE, 8,000,000 BOTTLES AND JUGS. Of alt Mineral Water Dealer and Druggists. ATKTITILOJRIIJG 15 per Ct. Discount On all garments ordered of as In July, from and after the 6th Inst.

EDWARD ELY Tailors. CEMETERY COMPANY. THE FOREST HOME CEMETERY COMPANY bep to draw the attention of all perton. especially tiiiHie reaiduue on the Wettbide and id the we.teni tub-urb of tlie city, who are Jesirou. ol wunim a fainilv bunal place, to the aliove-menuoncd cemetery The same is located on the wooded bank.

o( tbe Deplaimw River, about four mile went of Central Park, cmum-Ing the imma, beauuful part of the once celebrated Huh'i Part. and can be reached by a pi'aaut drive on kfaliou through Central Park. paNeing the race courte or by Twelity-tiocnnd ttreet. Visitors will admit xnat no oilier cemetery artnicl Chicago can compete with the Forest Home fur the bentv nf ita natural eceuery. Prices as yet are very ru-iderate.

securing tamily lot leet. but as soon ax the projected railroad connecion ia ostabliHhed there will be a lante run. ujii re)iuiiiim. n-raee aaareea, K.S Wulilnirton Street Busses lesve every Sunday morning, st 10 aharp, irrirn ruin av. SDMMIR RESORTS.

DR. DIO LEWIS' SANITARIUM. At Ariyigton tlriL-htx (S from Bo.ton. Mas.r 1 1 1 A- wiere aeufrntiu resoarcesfor pleasure and health, bend fur full KAWUV t-ZKT AliOVB Ude-watrr. Capacity, three larpe hoteU.

v. tli ao-commodaaon (Or npenJnne 1. Fornar-tlciilara. address- C.A. M'ALSKiiL.

Treat. Harnion- ARTISTIC TAILORING- 15 perOt. Discourit on all garments ordered of tu la July, from and after the 6th Inst. EDWARD ELY Tailors. HOTEL.

riSUCOTAQUA DOUSE, LAKE CENEVA, WIS. vJXJiiMnZJl Accommodation for Mtwmim iu rooaiani attendance, K. MALI- e.i.rirf r. SCALES. FAIRBANKS' 01 ajiuaiuj

mm Ill 111 Lake SttJlilearo. a eaiwrBlasany eaiy the nn.nni ARTISTIC TAILORING. 15. per Ct. Discount On an garwaeata entered to July and after the 0th last.

EDWARD ELY Tailors. CAKDY. sTl'A 1VTTTr ertSferste. B-t 4. .11 WW UIMHUI, Oonfectioner.

iH Matuaoe st-Odeaen. REWARD. KB WABD-A BKwARD OP BK Iaid to any one retarnnw Koseia leather case (or enter-book eontalned in lUlettln charm 0( rentlemaa Yfrl Mra-iABTwy. absrsisa Meass. lit Jtt How America's Offerim; Was Distributed Among the Irish Sufferers.

Eumor that the Sultan Has Determined to Beject the Berlin Decisions. The Preparations at Athens to Put the Army Upon a War Footing. France Would Not Actively Interfere In the Work of Coercing the Porte. The Committee on the Amnesty Agree Upon a Terr Important Amendment. Other Bill BeoTMi Against the Unauthorized Religious Congregations to Be Enforced, Additional Resignations of Magistrates in Consequence Communists foreign Affairs.

THE AMERICAN FUND. HOW IT WAS DISTRIBUTED. NEW Yous UllliU) BcilKAC, 1 Lo.viwn, July 6. lSM). 5 By table to The Inter Occan.l Tbe thus comments on the report of the Honorary Secretary of the raid Kclief Committee on the Distribution of the Amcr-cau Funds: Since the announcements made of the large contributions offered by America the New York Herald fund for the relief of the distress in Ireland yery little has been stated of the doings of the committee in the distribution.

A report in a recent number of that paper details the operations of the committee to the end of May. They soem to set to work in a very sensible fashion. They husbanded thoir resources while the Mansion House and Duchess of Marlborough's funds were most active, and now that the latter are approaching exhaustion, the American money is bein spent more freely. Instead of one special date and leaving: a place, the llrrali committee put their hundred places on the list for reg ular fortnightly contributions. The Duke of Edinburgh lent them the use of the gunboat Goshawk, and they loaded her with clothing and materials for making up for children, nd with cans of tlje soup which had been brought over from the United States by the The Rev.

Dr. Hepworth, in a fortnight's trip, distributed these things among the western Islands; Ten thousand dollar was spent In feeding the children at the schools, and 5 l.lill children every day received a meal of a penny loaf of bread, with milk. where it can be got cheaply, and in some of the convents cocoa was urnishea. The effect of this regimen, as a change from In THE EASTERN QUESTION. ATTTTUDB OP TUBKKT.

Const ASTEfOPLS, July 0. La Turquie, in 1 article believe to be directly inspired by the Cabinet, publishes an elaborate defense of the action of the government with regard to the treaty of Berlin. It says the Porte's negotiations with Greece were frustrated by the inordinate pretensions of the latter. The delay in the Montenegrin question is owing to circumstances over which the Porte has no control The Saltan is anxious to introduce reforms, but cannot do so wine to the uncertain charac ter of the country. The article then ao- enses Europe of falling to execute its obli gations toward Turkey.

It charge that the Sultan has not been put in possession of tbe Balkans; Bulgaria has not been forced to de molish her fortresses; the Bulgarian tribute and the Servian portion of the Ottoman debt have not been fixed LoNDoy, July 6. A dispatch from Constan tinople says the Sultan and the Ministers have finally determined not to accept the recommendations of the Berlin conference. Mahmoud Fadin Pasha, now Identified with the English party, was the only Minister who counseled an acceptance of the proposals of the conference. A strong party is in favor of Bending an immediate declaration of war to Athens If the Greeks effect any military concentration on the frontier. OKEBCX Loimox, Jnly 6.

A correspondent at Athena state all preparation are making to pat the army on a war footing by the end of the summer. A correspondent at Constantinople says the tone of the Turkish paper is more peaceiui. A correspondent at Berlin bears from rood source that the United States Govern mens is negotiating wita tne rorte regarding the safety 01 American missionaries in x.u rone an Turkey should trouble break out, Various special dispatches point out that would not acuveiy interfere to coerce the Porte. FRANCE. TBS AJOTKSTT box.

Pabis, July 8. The committee on the amnesty bill held a second Bitting, at which they partially reversed their former decision. They resolved to report for adoption La- I neonara alternative diu in na original OlIBMANY. THE SATIOSAJ- LIBERALS. Loxdox, July t.

A Berlin dispatch says the breach In the National Libera; party is enlarging daily. Most of the LlberU journals call for reorganization under the lead of orckenbeck and Laelicr, CHINA AND RUSSIA. UNCOXVTEMED UITOBTS. 8t. PaTKEsiicBti.

July 0. Unconfirmed re ports have reached Naryn that the Chinese have forcibly enrolltd 0,000 Kashgarians to repair the roads. A dispatch from Taohkend reports that General Kaufmann left that place the 22d of May to Inspect the troops at Deraireetschensk, ana was to go tnence to huidla. He had al ready appointed his staff for the impending campaign against tho Chinese. CHURCH AND STATS.

THE EXPULSION OF THB JKSVTT8. Pabis, July 0. The Vultaire states that the decrees against non-authorized religious con gregations will be enforced at the end of the present week against the Franciscan, Capu chin, Endlst, and oblate order. One hundred and ten magistrate have now resigned, rather than enforce the reli gious decrees. SPAIN.

THE QUESTION OP INDEMXrTT. Madrid, July B. The Council of the Min is try is considering the question of the indemnity demanded by the United States for losses sustained by the American citizen in Cuba MOROCCO, nnrjoious liberty dekaxded. Madrid, July 6. The powers have ad dressed an energetic, collective note to the government of Morocco, demanding religious UDerty lor all tne subjects ol the Sultan.

SAN DOMINGO THB PKK8IDEMCT. Havaxa, July a Merino has been elected President of San Domingo. MEXICO. THE PRESTDEXCX Special Telegram to The Inter Ucesnj New Yoax, June 8. A dispatch from tho City of Mexico, dated June 30, say: Efforts have been made to get President Diaz to extend his term of office to the 5th of May, 1881, upon the constitutional ground that the President shall serve four years.

President Dias took the executive chair May 5, 1S77, by decree of Congress, which declared, at the same time, that bis term should end Nov. 30, 1880, that being the end of the regular Presidential term. The advocates of prolongation insist that the constitution authorizes Diaz to serve the full term of four years, but he declares he will abide by the Congressional decree, A special military force 1 being organized for the protection of the Vera Cruz Railroad. Tbe Teh nan tepee Railroad Company has contracted for 15,000 tons of steel rails in England The authorities of Vera Cruz have com. menced the demolition of the walla around the city.

RUSSIA THK KIHIIJHT. Lokdok, July 0. A dispatch from Berlin says: Tbe muraerer ot Princ Krspotkin is believed to have disclosed the names ot all tna nrincinai Nihilists to the Ilusatan Gov ernment, which has thus been able to arrest all the zingleadera The Usual Texas Tragedy Fatal Shootina Affray Among Miners Other Crimea. THE CODE. SOUTH CanOLXKA.

CiiAELKSTON, July li. Colonel C. Caeh, of Chesterfield, killed llliani M. Shannon, of Camden, In e. a duel yeaterday.

to the Xrwt ad Courier say the duel took place at Dubose's Bridge, on the border of Camden County. Shannon, "the challenging party, fired first, the ball striking the ground near Cash's feet. Cash then fired aud the ball passed through Shannon's heart Death was instantaneous. Colonel Shannon denied to the last having reflected on Mrs Cash in the legal proceedings which account of the latter' abusive publication concerning him. Shannon was a lawyer of high character, and leaves a large and dependent family.

The meeting took place at 'i o'clock yesterday. This fatal duel was the outcome of a controversy between Colonel B. Cash and Captain W. Depass. and Colonel William M.

Shannon. Depasa and Cash made arrangements to fight, but did not meet In consequence of the arrest of tbe former. Shannon was challenged by Mr Cllncby, one of the parties to the controversy, but the challenge was refused. Cash then published Shannon as a coward and out of this, it Is supposed, the meeting arose. The difficulties above mentioned led to the formation of tbe Camden Antl-dnelling Association Colonel Shannon was about 00 years of age, and universally beloved and respected.

VARIOUS VILLAINIES. HIS rOl'STB MAX. Special Telesram to The Inter Oeean.l Omaha, July Two Italian had a quarrel in an Italian fruit store in this city this afternoon at 'i o'clock, when one drew a revolver, saying, "I have killed three men before," and shot the other, the bullet passing through his body from left to riifht. entering about tho second rib. Their names are unknown Tho wounded man says he knew the man who murdered hlra only five days He rvfusns to gi- either bU own name or the name of hs murderer.

He will not survive the'nijlit. Ha Is about 40 years old An ante-mortem statement will be taken to-night. TOX. TBOT sfTIi riOHT- RpertalTeietfTam to Tb. Inter Titoy Mnxs, Iowa July Trnt lima Ockah correspondent arrived here this after noon.

Nearly every man wears a bandaged Investigated to-day. It appeared uig a note lon-e-iourcna 01 an men uwu in the door oC the burglar cheat, and then left, leaving several broken drills. THE BUSINESS WORLD. BUTTER AND CHEESE. iLars.

Hpeelsl Telewram to The Inter Ocean.) KlXilx. July n. Cheese active, higher. and In demand. To-day on lb Board of Trade il'id I holes aold at fur nrt-aklmmsd and caused the trouble, and challenged Cash on nHc for fall -cream, sutler advanced lc over laxt week'a prices; lbs sold at 2 1 A'l 1 Hei Irregular sales 4.1'tsi boiea cheese and I lb.

baiter. Total aaln. Mil bt. Tbs market closed firm aud in good akaoe, with an oxiward Undency. Ktw ynag.

Jiw Yobk, July 6 lluuer roiet bat firm st llV-lc Choose micner aud uuaetUod at eVSc I'UIA PKI1.A DELPHI a. Julv Batter firm, with ltitbt extra, 'J'c; New YorK Stu-and Bradford County. Pa extrv litJoc; Vctera Kewerve extra, 1 fie. 1 7c do gnnd to choice, l'afljc. Ksira steady at lutl3c Choe firm.

Croamcry, 37 fair tu good. 6S.A7C, THE CROPS. KASTCUX IOWA. Sperla! Telecnm Tie Inter Ckdak ItAPTim, Iowa. July ft Th Burltnrtnn, Cedar Rapid, and Northern Hallway Cootpanv have Just received full and complete report of the condition of crop along that Ua.

there being about seventy-five stations each resort-Ins and a the reports are from points a few miles apart, from the Missouri line OS th south, to Albert Lea. ua tu aorta, the following eondeaaed report Is aa accurate statement of the condition of cro lurouKnoul Pastern Iowa tbs rsa ck.vtaok or wukat la less than last year, forty statioas showing a decrease of from ten to fifty per ceat averacina 1 about tlitrty per cent. Tea stations thow altrht Increase. averaciog about ieu per eent while twenty-live points Indicate the same The oon-j dltion of tbe growing cruris, however, la reported 1 good at all bat lea polnta, waera it Is conn, There la, prohahly. aa Issrsaei cent In the acrratr? of corn, aad th grewiag crop la magnificent.

The report shows that about twenty -five per cent of lbs crop of la7tf 1 still In the country. oats. Oat acreage Is considerably tacraneed ever 1 479, sod tbe present crop very fine. THK ACBXAOB 0T BABLKT remains unchanged as cots pared witn last year. i head The town people are greatly rfe- At a goodly uamtex of pom ts ao barley is eows- pressed over the fearful fight that occurred on the Fourth.

There are about four hundred well to-do citizens in this town. On Buffalo Creek, in the north part of the county, is a larsro settlement of Irish, who dislike the people here, and have long threatened to fight them. They gave notice they would b. here at the celebration They came in squads, and about 4 o'clock opened out by insulting Marshal II Risden, who engaged A Buckingham as deputy and several special police The officers attempted to arrest some rough who brought a keg of whisky with them. The fight began near a saloon, and was engaged In by over a hundred, the line extending to a picnic grove and dance-bouse a quarter of a mile away.

One of the contestant describes the fight as terrible and Jsloody; men were knocked down by clubs, rocks, or whatever was handy. Several physician were present and went to work. The fight lasted one hour. Women rushed around the ground screaming frantically, a numoer fainting. Joe Devlin had his skull broken In by a rock.

He cannot live, and physicians say Gunning ia dangerously injured on the head, his skull being fractured. The injured were taken to their homes, some living fifteen miles away, and it is expected several are more severely wounded than they appeared to be. Further trouble la feared, as the Irish left (wearing revenge Following 1 a list ot those badly hurt: Al Buckingham, Deputy Marshal; W. Payton, Arthur Dudley, Fred Buckingham, Church, B. Baxter.

James Gleason, D. Smith, J. Payton, and Thomas Hinds Scores of other are more or less injured Mostly all the Buffalo-roughs are farmers. Tne report railroad trouble 1 denied, but it is a fact the Irish were opposed to the tax voted some time ago. It is very difficult to obtain information, a the participant are badly scattered, i HOT DKAJX San Fkaiccmco, Cal, Jnly 8.

A Bodie dispatch says: "Patrick Carroll, a miner, who was ejected from a meeting' of the Miners' Union last night, attempted to re-enter the hall, and fired at those who opposed him, when he was shot dead. He was a native of Lynchburg, Va, and was said to be a great grandson of Charles Carroll of Carroll ton THE USUAL TEXAS ThAOKDT. Galtestok, Texas, July 6. The Xrtet' special says: "In an affray in Campbell's store, in Alasscoa County, between two of the Dee brothers and two of the Myers, one of each was killed and the other badly wounded." BUBBEXSEBRD BY HT OBDSMKK. Boston, Masa, Julv 6.

George W. serve, arrested last week for the alleged forgery of real estate assessments, has bean surrendered by his bondsmen. The forgeries are said ts) amount to $35,000. THE BBOWX artJKDKB TBXAX. Special Tslagrsm to Tbs Inter stand Ixi i a a APOLia, July ti.

The defease began the introduction of testimony la the Brown murder trial to-day, and first attacked Belle Wilson's story, whioh was that defendant had admitted her guilt to her while in Jail together. A number of rile prostitutes swore that Belle Wilson bad stated to thesm that she was to get $5UO and her release from Jail for telling the story. One wit una The growing crop seems to be health aad coming on Cnel with indications favorable. riAi SKCO I not a general crop. There Is none sown In the boothem part of tbs Htate, along the line of railway this report ts from.

ConMuerable i reported, however, lu the counties of Benton, Payette, Hlackhawk. AilamaKee. anl trumlv Where there Is any, the growing crop is reported guod. KTK acreage Is aoat the tame a last year, aad the cron is marked good. Indicating an average crop.

From the seventy-five statioas, report come from only five or six that chtnrh bars are at work, and even then not bad. Iowa's crop mav be set down the same as tbe Re publican majorny next fall very large. Good crops niaKe good tinges: good times good Republicans, and. as a natural consequence, good government. On the other hand, poor crop cause hard times, which In torn make Cereer backer, sad Democrats.

Poor whtakv also makes O.ranerats. and aa a rule the poorer tbe whlaky tbe worse tb Democrat. MICHP1AM HAT AND WHEAT. Special to Tit Inter Kalamazoo. Mich July 6 Tbe hay crop baa been almost entlrelv secured with bat slight dsmsre from the frequent rains.

A general har vest of the wheat has commenced, and Is being vigorously poabed forward, a tbe prospects are the yield will be by tar tne finest had la this section of the count ry for years past. VIClmTT or MATTOON. Snecia) lo Th. Inter tkteau.t Mattoon. I1L, July 6.

Excessive rains have visited this section of the State for a week past, retarding- the wheat harvest, daraag ing tbe oats crop, and stonpine work In lower ground planted In corn. To-day tbe weather is more hopeful Some wheat that was cut a Uttle green Is heating in the shock, bnt If the weather keeps dry Uttle will be dam agud. Gate are badly blown down, WOOL PHU-ADrLPHTA, Pai July d. Wool steady and firm; Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wast Virginia double extra and above, 48e50o; extra, A9 49c; medium, 4B950o; coarse, IZSVAa. New York, Michigan, Indians, and Western fins, 44 c47c: medium.

4a49c; coarse, 42vM3c washed combing and delaine, 'jic: un washed do. S33ic; tab-washed, pulled. 40g45a WALL STREET. STOCKS. SKW TOBJC, July 6.

Tbs stock market was dull throughout most of the day. Ia early deal ing peculation waa strong la tone, and prices advanced to cent, Canada Southern. Sew Jersey Central. Delaware, Lacks wan and West-era. Wabash, aclflo, aad fines aad Texas leading la the Improvement Daring the after noon toe market reacted to cent, bat re covered sugnuy la late aeauags.

and steady SET GOODS. SXW TOBX. HEW YOKE, Joly C. Business continues light in sll departments, but buyer ars arriving in considerable numbers, and a mors active de mand is expected shortly. Cotton goods quiet In first hands.

Light prints doll, hat there more tnqutry for dark, fancy prists. Woolens la light demand, foreign goods rexnala quiet. PROVISIONS. nkw Toaa. Vlw TCttaV Jnly Mesa pork advanced 809 Oe pet brl.

and Closed very strong, with better Speealatlve (nun try. Sales, 635 oris new settling prios an Us $12.70: L350 brl Aagnst, 12.00012.75 750 brts Mparflaa. third call. Aa gnst, Beptember, Oe- tsber. SlS.eOs31S.25: the year.

1L05 lLsO. Beef trmly held, aad la rscdersU ln- sjatryi city sxkca India aaeaa, Ot SBanr4.t Beat haax rats qaai bat Brut, Bad la VOL. IX, NO. 91. CHICAGO, "WTHDNESDAy, MOR20XO JULY 7, 1880.

WHOLE NO. 2.G18. COAL. Miner T. Ames Co.

MIT1M IB TT- XUtDB 01" HARD SOFT GOAL No. 125 IiA SAIXE Minor and Shippers of MINONK COAL. Wll promptly fill all orders by the rmr orVm. EDUCATIONAL. I0X COLLEGE Ita standard la that of New Engl and colleges.

Offers Classical and a Hclenttllc Course. ach of fnnr yesr. Baa a Kood Uyniuaaium for sjratemauc phvatcal edu-cation. Ia pervaded bv an earnest Uhrubau spirit, and noted for the manbness and good conduct of its stu-denta. Expense, exce-ptiouatlv moderate.

KNOX 8KMl.NABV.-For young ladies. Mm. M. H. whlbiuc.

Principal. Four years' coure. lUrs faculties in Music and Painting. Lanre, well-arrani-d building, lie liued. uouie-likt, and pleasant.

Board, With furpiahed mom. fuel, and liaht. 3 per week. KKUX ACADKMY. -Three years' rourse.

student thoroughly fitted for the Collets or Seminary, or fur buaineaa. Htudenu of both the College and Academy are fur-pithed with good board for 2 per week. 'ail term opens September '2. For catalogue or other information, address ialiwlmrv, (iorvo Davie, Treasurer, or KMVIU.N BATKHAN. President.

WESTERN FEMALE SEMINARY, OXFORD, ML Holyoke Plan. The 20th year will commence bsptcmber 1. 1RHO. Board, Tuition, Fuel, and Lights $170 per annum, bend (or catalogue to HEI.KfVKAROrVY. Principal.

THE RELIEF FUND. dian meal, is a wonderful improvement in the health of the little onea. But the chil dren could not go to school without clothes. and to provide these a ladies' committee was formed In Dublin, and over 700 seamstresses are maintained in that city bv the work provided for them, in mating cor- doruv trousers and flannel blouses for boys and linsey dresses and calico chemises for girls. Over 17.000 children have th'is be'n well clothed.

The discount allowed on the coet of materials has covered the cost of postage and stationery, and the fund has been managed at a cost of onlv one-half per cent. About 000 has been spent uon fishing nets for the poor fishermen of Kerry and Clare, and fishing gear and repair boats for the islanders of the coasts of Mayo, Galway, and Donegal have cost another ,,000. Ihe cargo of the Constella tion, nearly all of which went to the name districts out) of the reach of railways, included barrels of seed potatoes, 143 barrels or corn-meaL UM) barrels of tiour. 1 Is barrels of oatmeaL 5 barrels of canned meat, and 7 cases of clothing. BisMaJtcx.

form, but with an amendment ltm- iting the period assigned for granting pardon by the government to an interval between the present date and July 14, instead of fixing it at three months. This report will be discussed toy the Chamber of Deputies to-morrow. TUI NATTOXAX yiTX The Chamber to-day voted to grant 500,000 francs for the expenses 01 the national fete, July 14. THK COMJaTTHIKTB. Lokdon, July 0.

A l'ans correspondent telegraphs: "An attempt is making by the enemies of the Republic to get the Communists to meet at Cemetery Pere la Chaise tho 14th of July, but there is reason to believe the Senate is alarmed at the situation, and is disposed to yield." GREAT BRITAIN. A PLZASAXT OCCASION. LrvzBPooL, July 0. Stephen D. Packard' United States Consul here, banqueted the masters of the American ships in this har bor and others last night, in commemora tion of Independence Day.

Over IOO persons were present The banquet was less of a private celebration than usual. the Mayor of Liverpool and other notabili ties were present. The toasts offered "The Queen," "The President of the United States," "The Mayor and Corporation," and "The Anniversary of American Indepen dence. The last toast was responded to by Albert D. Shaw, United States Consul at Man- chueter.

THK rIBTTJHBANC IN rUELAVD cnj. London. July 0. It is believed the irovem mcnt hits information which renders them very desirous that the coniiHinsation for dis tur bailee in Ireland bill should become a law. They know that in the distressed districts evictions cannot be enforced during the coming autumn anal win ter without producing terrible events.

and that in the ubience of such a law the government's responsibility wul be much greater than they Lave thought proper to state to the Houmj of Commons. The tinea severely condemns the compensation for disturbance in Ireland bill, and suys if it becomes a law landlords will remain unpaid, except in a few instances where they axe wealthy anu drtertnirffed enough to brinr their tenants before the County Court, and brave the risk of having unjust damaguM awarded against them. 11UAPUAUOR. It is stated that the brat writ served on Urodlauifh for voting in the House of Commons, was made out prior to the time when he voted, and muy be vacaU-d if be wishes, and that the second writ was served in the precincts of the Uoue of Commons, and is, therefore, void. It is probable, however, as the question must lie decided, liradiaugU will oppose tha hrst writ ou its merits.

IK1SH CHOPS. London, July 0. A dispatch from Dublin says: "The weather all over Ireland, up to the present, has been miwt favorable It is expected that the jiato crop will be enormous. It promises to exceed anything seen In Ireland since the period anterior to the famine of 147. The root and cereal crops are also luxuriant TUK Tl'UV.

Lonixjv, July 0. Boreas won the Newmarnet selling plate. Templar second, Fripou third. Iled Wolf and tUJer-berry ran. Losdon, July i.

The results of the running in the race for the Derby were sustained, there having been no misdescription in tue case of ben d'Ur. The race for the July stakes for 2-year-old coir and tiiiies wa won by Hal tisJ, Lonl-lard's Lrouois second, uud Neophite third. Lleven ran. Loriilard's l'aw l'aw was scratched. THK PKINCB MOKUstKJfT.

A public meeting to protest against the erection of a monument to the 1'niwe Imperial in WttetiniastT Abbey will be held in Sl James 11 all on the 10th lust. Sir Wilfred Lawsbn will preside. MURDER BY THE CODE. Colonel Shannon 8hot Through the ileurt In the Duel at Camden. Particulars of the Fatal and To An Bow Ha was lacfguaxded Into Fighting, Fall a Victim to the Honor a Ruffian and ChlTalric Bully.

of Omaha Desperado Comrummates Ilia Fourth Homicide with a Revolver. crested a tittle stir bv swearing that Judge Heller had called on Italia one day to talk with her about her evidence. It is expected that argument will be reached to-morrow. ua) la sr. Hperial Telswrarn to In inter Joaan.i Klxuakt, Ind, July ti At Humraltvtlle la.t night thieves broke Into tbe stores of A.

Moore and A Menlfel A and stole money. Jewelry, dry goods, boots, to the amount of several hundred dollars It Is supposed that tramps did the work. As yet no clew to the roblxrrs. TO DBA Tat Hpeelsl Taleeram Ui 1 be Inter Orean.l AiiaiAM, Mich July Prusecator Underwood was called to lillaswood yeaterday to conduct an Inquiry into the death of John Jackson, aged years and a respectable farmer, who became intoxicated, aud while ridinir home with his brother, also Inebriated, fell or lav down in the vehicle In such a manner that bis nock hung outside and produced strangulation. AcciriKBTAL.

snooTrxa. ttpeelsl Taiewram In inter Oouaa I JtiLWALAKK, July a The fatal shoot- good dsmaad. and Arm: pleklad bellise l.eno pickled Cut shoulders at 1U 7VOs, as to I as SVa 2-M pickled hams, 1 le: pickled a bowlders. 51 pickled bams, 1 0 1 1 smoked aac 1 l'ilec; smoked shoulders, OA'sa Middle in quiet, but very Irmly bald; loaf ekes short clear, 7Ve: lose sad short el "2 and bait. 7 Has.

Dressed boa first sad Lard Casta lots about steady: options -rat el active, cine, luff very Una at as advance of about 5e ever tbe closing fig-ores of Friday last, cnicmin CrcnrATl. Ohio, Jnly Pork strong sad higher at $13. Lard Demand fair, and price hither at tVi.PU. Balk meats strong at aLGST. Bacon quiet bat firm st 5.37s.

7.JjJ4. BAi-TIMOSK. BALTTMrmx, Jnly Prevtsioas firm. Mess pork. 1 Je 1 3 Balk Meats Loose shoulders, 5 4C clear rrb sides, 7tse; do packed.

547ac. IWoo Hhouldera. be: clear rib sides. Ma lUnu, llVsliHss- Lard Iicnned trca. ie.

ST. 1XH.TS. Sr. Lotrrs, Mo. July Pork higher: fl 123 11 sad July $13.0 Angast.

Dry salt metis ing iu the town of Oak Creek on the 5th was strong and higher; summer meats at tLtjo, that sev- era! boys were nnnir at a mark with an old horse-pistol, and that one of them, named Paul Herman, aocideutly dtacharged the weapon while handing it to John Prey, aired 14 years, tustautly killing him. Tbe vorulct was lu accord anoe with these facta. PoLmO) DC BO LASS Bieial T.lecrain ui rue Intnr low (ttt, Iowa July 4 Last nlgbt burglars entered the Dow City Bank, and drilled and blew open with powder the fire-proof safe, inside of which was a burglar safe, irclfht clear, TI- IO, freight, IS- Bacon nieaer at V7.S7suf 7.5t aa.u. Latra aomlnal.

I rrs' oaxKAsa XrrOnjin, Ls, July Pork strong sad higher; held at $13. Lard hlgber; tierce, 7c; I krg, rj'ac Bulk meats scarce ana firm; aheui- dera, loose, IVtl'ac: packed, Bacon firmer: sboaldera, clear rib, clear, tjatc Hams huraj--cured firmer can vassed, lUeJll PHTLAIiaXPBlA. PrilaDbXPHIa. Julv Provlaioss firm. Beef Mees, l-l'J'se.

Mess pork. 13lJx They evidently worked all nixht on the bur- 1 lUma hmokrd. Colonel 1 or nearly so. 1 ney oniy succtjetjexi in uriu- inter clear ribs pnrehssed at 11 pickled. Wtf4ac OCEAN FREIQHTS.

KO MATSaiAt, CSAJIOEb. Hpeeisl Telemra to Tbe Inter Nxw Yoax. July scran freight there were no material changes to ratea though basinet was acaln of very moderst proportions. Liverpool, sail. 3U.OOO ba grain st 6 'ad, standard buahel; loo tons measoremsot goods at itearu, Vi.OtKI bo rrain at Od standard; It, OXW boxes cheese at wOa.

OKAIV. kbw iokx. Bpenal Te'ecram to Ta Inaw tjceaa I New Yoax. July Wheat market opened dull and closed tIo better, with brisk export rra.le-1 apnngat 1 1 0-11 Oi; Na 3 tpring. $1 O-i SI Nu.

2 Milwaukee. 1 trVtl oJ, nearly all (: nngtaded winter red. 1GS; No. 3 red. $1 13; No.

2 red. 1 1 1 --t i -0. closing at tl. JO: No 2 amber. (11741174; new amber, Indiana.

$1 li; nnrraded white, $1,104 1 13- a 3 white SI ILV4I t- 1 white I Ill's; No. 1 white. 1 13i41.U No. I Jsiy. $1 13tl.ltH.

closing at $1 do lumit, 1 041 lo. closing at $1 OtH 1 10; ds Seiiiember, 1 0 cl using st 1U1 ftlo-H; Mo. 1 artitte Juiy. $1.1 1 J1.1 1 c.usiog at 1. 11 Asl.13.

atu-Wtrirx Bpn-laJ T.I'STiss altf lawr imu.1 IClwh'IU. Wu July 6 The wheat market opened very tsetjrally sfter a suspensloa of tiiree dava. and ths aUeadaace sras larra Ad ces wr favorable. For Angus delivery, tbe favorite deal. was bid witnoat snv hesitancy at first.

Jnly was also taken ax 1 -4U Vc. nil tepumm it i V- A few irao.fera were made in eah waeaA for ea.pment at vie 1 Stc Tuea report from Cbsragu that ths market waa les itaovant th' eausd Aogutt to swil from down te HHtsc, and bepassnber frera ST1 to hosc July held steady a tfle. Before 11 clock th market ral lied again under tbe itiaaeoee of slight Improvement in toe Chicago market. Augs.t found buyers at -c ap to Ua 'Cattri thers was a lull la speeuieuoa. alv supl at Ml Us.

aad Aarw.t at Bctter reports, how.ver. laflaeaoed operator, to take hold with mors oonadenoe lauw. Aarost sold qaite liberally at erne ap te ftamaa; Jaiy. iDoasa modt-raAely dealt la, at lwtMes: nep- saner did nut sell nigaer thaa Bi ac tuoaaa it naid not be obtained at l-s than e7ae at the clues, la casa waeas: Mans ate wave ejette Usa-Uaurw-Xet Jt-sajia a eitasSelAss a begtaatag; t-JttJe was asked at adjonnimfl. Xalssid at 7s Mitttil bsasie.

No. 1 twwad Ua-tit sale at Hocae la apeeial baa was taken at $1-13. ho. 1 hard sold at $1.01. FAILURES.

at Mos-raxAX. MowTkEAi, July 6 Young. Chapman wholesale boot and shoe dealers and manufacturers, have suspended payment Liabilities, S100.0OO: assets, nominally greater tban tha amount, AT CUVynaMTTLLt CrxnxNATi, Onio, July Tbe 'lazrttr't Crawfordsvule, special tan: "Alien Brothers, dry goods dealers, made an aurn- ruent to-dar for th beonAl of their creditora Liabilities, ftiO.OOO; aaseta, $1 5,000. TRADE NOTES. PBOOCCE EXPOBTa New Tore, July ft.

The produce sxporU from this port lor tne week amounted to WAKEHOCsK COxnasIOXEBS. SranorTELO. 111. Julv il The Uailmad and Warehouse Commissioner held a srasdon to day. A commnnicutlon was received from the Grain -receivers' Association, of Chicago, recommending a change In tbe grading of barley.

It was referred to Commissioner Bogus and Inspector Reynolds, with Instruction to Investigate and report. CTAH MTNKS. Special Ootieei.iadence of Tb inter OreeaJ alt Liu cttt, tan. an jo. Ltah bullion shipments to-day ars as follows: Brooks.

1 car 00 bUUlde, 2 car. S.31H.OO untario, oass T.otfH.5 inrisiy, oar Barue at Walkar. 1 bar 1.871. 54 SPARKS FRO THE WIRES. Special Telegram to Tbs Inter Oeesa.1 Indian apo lis, Ind, July 8.

The County Commissioners have ordered an investigation of the books of Jackson Landers, ex-County Treasurer, with a view to bringing suit on his bond, which must be done before September. The books have ot before krone through the form of aa exa sol nation, but the Com mlasioneri ars not satisfied with that, and think tha disclosures will more than Justify their action. Landers waa a Democrat, and rich development ar expected. SPBrsorTELD, LTL, July ft The report of the Warden ot the Southern Penitentiary at Chester for June is aa follows: la prison Jnne 1, 327; received ednnng th month, discharged during -tha month, in prison June 325. Special Tvles-ram to Th Inter OeesaJ Dubuque, Iowa, July Tbe Dubonue Daily Jfpalck, after aa unprofitable existence of three months, has suspended publication.

As there are still three dally and eight or ten weeklies published la this city, the loss will not be severely felt, penal Teles-mas The later Ueeaa.1 Ubajtd Raped, July 6. Joseph Udell, owner of Sleepy Tosn. arrived her this morning and gave bonds ia th attachment suit pending affainai him. He shipped Tom to Fort Wayne, where he ta entered for the pacing race to-morrow. The suit grew out of a uiviaaoa of the poo la PnoaiA.

LU. July ft John Cotdlts. a dairyman, committed suicide last night by shooting himself. He was an habitual drundard. CtwcnrNATT.

Ohio, Jnly ft The Cincinnati Bar Association has appointed twenty delegate to the rnoeUnf to be held at Cleveland on the Mth by the State Bar AssodaUoo, for ths purpose of aeourtng better snethod ra expediting tho asanas of tho courts aad securing other reforms ta r-'U-rri to th oourta FIRES. -r- tt si Eloix. El, July ft. A fire ths sJWnooa destroyed ths honae tistil bv Ira. Hhea-maai and oocuptod by Charise Ltghtaat, Jviet, tl.eUM); im tiaswmaoa Llsrbtaer's fnr- sutare was removed with sanch dasnare Ht.

PsiX, Minn. July A srwpotai from tlaonola Milia. Wis. says the Cssv cad flonr mill, owned by VL Mayo was burned this morning. Loss, 1 Ua-sured, flO.OOU Cauas nnknowa CENSUS RETURNS.

WCXXAS oovrTT. BLoosnaoToa, DX. Jnly 6 The ports from McLean County are now all In, excepting one small township, and tin at lag that at tbe figures of ten years ago, gives the couaty a total jf 60,227, ag-aiaat in 170 aoca nxLAWD amd mmwn Bock Islawd, UI, July Tbs census of this city and county Is now complete, ropn-latloa of the city of kork Isiaad. 1 1 614- of tbs atirs county of Hock Island. Increase of tbe county pornAlatAoa sxnot 11 70, MoUne has HOS Soth Mollne U.0r.

Port Bvroa 3 HaBsptosi X44t. Houtn Bock Island k3. and Coal TaL lev LOlI-v The census returns for the dry of Davenport and the county of hootA, Iowa, are also complete. Davenport has a population of and booct county snura. 4L.0C1 IALAMAXOO.

penal Tulss i tin tr Tb. law itas I tUMtWio. July ti The ana for tbe village of Kalamazoo Just completed gives tbs numoer at 1Z07. and of Lh ootinty 34,445, a gain of 7L per cent la tan yearn BLAOOCprw cult 1 1. nppctsl Teitsrrani tu The laiev i tian i C'Aii-iavnxx, III, July i Th censu returns for this county shows a populaUoa of 37,419, an Increase of ainoa the last oensua The oorrectad list wni probaoly reach 3.OoO Kmigration to the Wentera States and Territories from this oomaty for tha last ten years has be-n very larye.

but still the comity shows an In i 1 1 ass of over 10 per cent in population. OBITUARY. TTTI XXV BASMIAS BCABa, D. n. 8 aba Too a.

K. IT. July ft. The Bev Barns Sears, D. LL of Staunton, Ya.

diod this afternoon, aged 77. Dr. Hears was lor and goood speculative demand. Bales, many years Pmidrat of Brown I'm ver bo futures and bo cash. Including ua- I When George Peabody gave the fund for educational purpoaes In tbe South, Dr was made manager of the fund He then wont to live In Tlrginla Be came here about a month ago for las nealth and to dourer aa address before the American Institute of Instruction Wednesday evexdng.

oa "Educa tional Progress in tbe United Stata DuxxnsT i mm i li.j wa THnair-wrN. DsTTaorr, Mich, July ti Thompson, late boeretary of the btate Ar-nc-uJturaJ bo- rwy. and for a long time bcretary of tha Btate Pomologies? Society, died here thla morning He was one of the fciremoat pi is ologista of the United Ma lee, aad did much to advance the fruit Intin sis of the Wss. being a fine writer on such bnaca lieutenant oovexsob sxxrcm. Bpsctsl Tries-ram to Th later uraea lxbLaNAPous, ind.

July tl Th Grand Lodtre of Odd Peiiow had charge of the) funeral of the late lieutenant Governor tSextosi at Koab vllle to-day. A rpoelat train ran down from Indianapolis, bearing Ptiisr Commandery, No. 1. kniifbts Templar, together with member of tbe Grand Lodge eg Odd Fellow and Grand Eacaxapsaent, Governor,. ex-Govemur llamdracks.

General Manaon. Professor ColletX, FraakJla Laadrrs, tha Hon SL CampbaU, and Otbsa prutxunent csktzrae of the bcate. AJOB GBOaoB A. UTWXM WAasrrsaTow. July ft.

M)or Georra A Byaolda. of Parsons. died la thus caty this afternoon after a brief nines MsJrsr Reynolds was a prominent poiiuetsa ta has State, ar eg nenksroi ml ia ilu Stab Cemtral Cotanvitva. amd was at sate Ome eoav ected wTLh the Missnnrl. w-tr aad Tax fUllmad BASKET PtCKtC kvelal CorrwTXWwWir of The later OeesaJ BLOoacmoDAi-K.

El, July 4. The Blue Ribbon dubs of Dupage County held their banket picnic here yesterday. There was a larga attendance. Tbe day was all one could wish. and everyone seemed to enjoy thexnaeivea.

1 he speakers' stand was erected in a neal and anady place, aad decorated with nags, and a large motto suspended on the front, bearing tbe word "Welcome. The exercises of tbe day were oveoed bv the Rev. Mooser. of hloorainrdale with praver and a short speech, followed bv tlxunnr by tbe Bloomingdaie Glee Club- Then followed the) reading of tbe Declaration of Independence, by J. V.

Snider, of Wbeaton, which was read In fine srvle, with a clear and distinct vososx At tbe close of the readme in ere waamuaso by the Downer's Grove brass band. Blxtcwsa pieces, which rendered some very fine mastic. The Hon. Frank Crosbv. tbe orator of the day, from Elgin, then stepped forward and deb vrred a telling speech, which was list en ad to with marked attention Mr.

Crosby spoke one ami a half hours. The afternoon servi-oes was opened by the band, folowwd by a Dcecb from tbe President of the Blue Bibbocx clnbs of Dupage County. Mr. L. A De Woulf, of Wbeaton The next speaker was William Wren, of Wbeaton.

Mr Holder mad a fine speech. N- Brown, of Prospect Park, was then lntrodured. who mads a fitting speech on temperance and his remarks were well received. resins. Special Telerrsm to The Tulit it ssn 1 BLoojcrNOTox, DX, July ft Ex-Marshal Elliott Miller, at present Captain of the night police in this city, disappeared from the city yesterday, and a it is found that he took his clothes and personal property, th suspicion is strong- that he has let.

for good. Be leaves a wife and family ct children behind. apeeta! TelawTwaa ts The later OeesaJ hocTH Bnxn, July ti. A gTaadspa of J. 1L Bulla, named Walter toranrsa, has been missing sinos last night.

abowA 1 1 year old. and wore a black- suit, whxto vest, and gray has. xs dcecribed aa been; slenderly built, with dark hair aad dark ccgnpiexkm. When last Been he was at the Lake Shore depot. 0 RESIGNATION OF A COLLEGE PRESIDENT.

BrmorTEXD, Maaa, July ft ran! A Chad-bourne, on account of private busts interests, has tendered his resigutson of the Presidency of Williams College, to take effect the end of the next college year. SAO ACCIDENT. Br far tb saddest aockleat of th Pearta tb boottng of And QaiataL 23 old. by am mother. Mr.

Quintal. la a watch maa living at $2 Henry street. Be Is the of a large slsed revel var. aad aarly Mostday mora tag th eaUr tamily bs eels brats. A aasrry party in the back gardes, there beta Mr.

aad Mm Quintal, thetr oa Ami. three or foar ef has bretaer and sassera. aad a stasia. A target was tied sc a assail atetal sign. ttseed agniss some katha.

sad saoettsg aadlvel la. Mrs. Quintal bad raised aad eoeksd tne pistol ao are. wbea th large tall rra, Ami ran te reptaee It, when the wiasia was a isobar red. and she strwek tb row ag maa as tbe -ground.

Us Is aadcr th ea. of Dr. Olbawa. taking a dlrectioa. sad svasjrETsg of Bhs) back.

above Tb Injsrwd warn be mac blond, aad fcx iiysaty far. Th grssf eg tasj xassii th rasstly, Wrcoaresi the apex eg ah) I aad barkvtei. a the ten -aide" th dkaohraem. ls harykssansl af Um aktsMg ta Mogai health, etrnshlns) and Jqy ta Sep SO ars taaa la all etbag 1.

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