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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


TO-DAY'S AMUSEMENTS. UOOLET'S THEATEtl Kaodolph st, between Clark and 13.11. 11m. Enxllaa Opera Come any IUYEULY'8 TH KATE Corner Monro, and Dear- vwuuiaa mgnnoa McTICKJDl'S TUJUTEB Madieoa su betwaan Mate fL M. S.

Pinalore. HAMLIN THEATER Clr at, hetween ttAndulpa Snd Waahlartoa. George Bonllaoe. McOOBMIUK BALL Oornar Kinxi. and Olark its.

Judge Blck'o lectures. CITY BREVITIES. Tn jockey Club did not meet yesterday, do quorum being present. "in aoara or Trade Directors held a abort session yesterday afternoon, at which nothing but routine business came on. i fiiTKBAL of the Postofflce officials were looking at their new quarters yesterday.

The work Is being hurried forward as rapidly as possible. Tne main entrsnoe is to be on Clark street. Thb regular monthly meeting of the Audubon Club was held last night at the bbennan House. Charlaa Kern occupied the chair. The only business attended to waa to revise and amend the by-laws of tne club.

Thb temperature yesterday, as re ported by Ed Mauehar. nptloinn. opposite the Bherraan House: 7 a. 42: 8 a. 48; 12 nil; 3 p.

S4: 6 p. 50; 7 p. 47. The weather elear; wind eatit; barometer tailing. Thb Sixteenth Ward Republicans met last evening at ho.

410 north Avenue. Col Louis 8c naff ner lu tho ehair. It was decided to adopt the Executive Committee's report as to a ball, and it was reaolved to hold monthly meetings. MtCBAXit Scuixt. 43 years old, living; on Uaieted street, near Milwaukee avenue, bad bis 1st) leg badly bruised at 3:10 o'nlnolr yesterday allernoon.

by a heavy ebain allies on him wnlle working la the Tremont House a works. Jo5BPH OyBBrLLicH, 10 years old, of iia auriuumrMi, wan accidentally run over avenue, near Church street, at 11 elock yesterday mnmlnif Ah. rinitinf A Co trucks, and bad his left ankle broken. wHaioiug severe oruiaes. Thb Tlvoll Garden will be sold out at Public Vendue on Anril l.V Karr H.m.H..

night the famous resort for so many branches of society will oe closel with a grand ball. ur wpiiii oi tue Hungarian sunerers. a uc veot wui oe an auspicious one. Haws Balatka. who' Is well known in musical elroles here, baa decided to return to Chicago, after a residence of several years in ow ixjuib.

ai win oonduct the (jermania Maennerehor weekly, ana on May 1, will up bis rcsioeooe in tne uaraen City, Thb American Home Association bold a yesteraay afternoon ad the Sherman House club-room. There went hut a fi ladies present, and the business transacted was unimportant to tbe public, except the vor oi pians lor an entertainment to are nem awn. IV la A 1Kb. 1 1 wiuiuiuu ui.b OT lints ill r. 11..11.

I nan was awaiting bis turn to cross Madison street iruui market street, at 8:13 clock yesterday morning, one Nioholas Johanan wnwtir or W111IU11V tlmvm til. wagon Into the hind wheels of Tllden's buggy. m.mwmub wwuMinriuif uamage. Goods received at the port of Chloago -April 8, 1879: Wilson a one hosiery; Callachan At McNeills. 3 cases nrr goods: Fuller Ac Fuller.

1 ease balsams: Wirt Aexter. s4 eaites wine: Chleago Htampiug Company. 3U8 boxes tin plates: Hest. Kussell wawve uikbtb. iuueouons, Thb Coroner's work: Mrs.

Mary Law- Son. 8S Taara olrt. tit Aula Wur .1 died from injuries received by being run over Bociuouiaur on tne jiienigan Houthern Bail road, at tbe crossing of fortieth and Butter- oeia streets, on March 11. William Henry Clark. 13 years old.

of 454 State street, aoci-Geulailv run nvap n. th. Ui.hia.. Kail road last Friday, while try log to board a 8BBGBANT Daw Eooas. of West Lake rtreea Htatlon.

twn Hoganwaa a good otllcer. and his realena- uoa anq the causes that led to it are to be rea-retted. He was stationed at the polling place of the fourth precinot. Thirteenth Ward, on election day, and tbe saloons being pen ana the contest exoitiog. Dan fell, and on recovering himself, expiated bis fall with Hi uugiai immi.

THB fllosino' rnont.lnn nf lha. Club was held last night at the Grand Paoillo uotei, under the auspices of Rockwell Bayer auu.Buio. u.rinr. ioa programmes, must na literary, embraced eieht no moors. ''V jniBsjenniem.

liar rick. Miss Jennie Hunter. Ed Deceile, and A. O. aaira.

took Dan in th a aimn. eloaed the programme, after whion the party A- of the officers and directors pi tbe Hberwood Furniture Company was bold yesterday at tbe office oi the corporation. Ko. 203 Wabash avenue. A selection of u.v.,.iuriiw eaouing year was the main Jue was Harnea.

of Chicago: Mr. vyiu. vi jaorria. ail; jar. June, and Mr.

J. O. Coleman, of Chicago, directors. iudu aojournea. A committee of lh Wo.

t. "n001 referred tbe bills and acoouuta Of the bast Tear, (nut i l. offloe for the purpose of audiung them. It was round, however, that of tbe entire mass of documents, only three or four accounts lew requires Bouompaniea ur an affidavit. It was.

tbnretr a omUlon houid be FX IEB of tb0 tu -B- Green, Wh uf m. in the ln.rnoh, near Oram's yard, at wnietkKiK4a'ar The remains. Jitb" Morgue, are those of a oM- mlum height, stout in PanU and vest. olen stirt. common low mtju lujuersea about two Coroner noufled.

lw' weeks. CBIMIXAL OOBSIP. ALL those Vagabonds arrnatarl ci uu kilo yesterday, "the having no jurisdiction Then i. ie oi arresting them? Firrt dollars' worth of plumbing tools eently stolen from loo Norlb Clark street reeen were yeatardav nsonrui from Hogan's pawnshop, on Kandolpb street. 8ot7TH Side prisoners: John Elliott SUSf' e5ah' ArTln lo Ml1 ome plumbers-tools.

John Orcott. 20 years old. of 1580 ivssssjr, Mrs. 8usan Allen, rU complained at Central Station that her pocket had been picked of a puise containing $. some keya.

on Clark street, near Adams. Later James nd Galiagner were arrested and Identified as the thieves. Mes. Wouihoeb, or 684 Fulton street, beard burglars prowling around the house at So clock yesterday morning, and screaming woka husband, who soared the fellows off. thsy dropping a bundle ot clothing they Enlr'0 was effected by prying open the rear door.

elde door and got Into Ldward Leskie tailor shop, 1018 ln-dlana avenue, about 1 o'clock yesterday morning. In making off he was discovered It SWna his plunder, aome 500 worth of clothing, he escaped through an alley. Goods recovered. Albebt SoHiLMKRioH and Charles and ftyS. urh1mn tbe last two Proprietors of Lm-1 M1'0 "treet; are West fclde prisoners for sn assault to kill John bpurlng.

Prisoners say John was blm The man who would mu.VbeauUonfU,lin,fla BUr Sloon r-f B01f th Nortn SWo Police Court: 0KtBr to the 11th. Henry Weber, laroeny. Koo to the 9t.h. JSieholas Molter, an eloetion-day repeate'. fined 3.

hi Duras and Koeha Beeoora. Italiae musicians, for torturing the delicate ears of the mualeiana ornnnil JO: the other discharged. of drunks and UI.UIU.IMIII.OIIVOIV. Jambs Faltet. a thief, ahd Henry A.

nomas, claiming to be a reporter for the ftiot. weri yesterday held In $500 each to the 12th. at the Went Side Police Court, on the charge oi having entered tha house of jur. aui ivruu. joonn uakley avenue.

held a pistol to the head ot that lady'a fiu.u.r. iuu tu.c ruuumi uio piece ot some silverware and other stuff. i Lor is Howard, 1 8 years old. colored, is at the Armory, cimrired with burvrlarv. Awhile back he stole j0 worth ot elothing iroui Bessie wone.

i.svu tsuiterneld sueeb lie was sentenced to sixty days in a a jail, came out last Saturday, went back to lBo jjutterneid street, burst la tbe door wltb an ax, and atole the same goods over again, i xuey nave not oeen recovered this time. IVlinlrnAMN n.i(.U.n 1 A. bennubie to give his name, stood In tne mid- I U.I Uil.UUn 11 1ULUIllIinfl. Mil I I 1 1 1 1 1 MM LI. I ate oi tne roaa at Union street and Milwaukee avenue yeaterday.

and so frightened a horse oriven Of fat Furcell. of 307 Hubbard street. iuat me oeast ran over mm. despite tne ei- foru of the driver. Tbe unsown, who wasn't much hurt, was locked up to sober off.

JlMMT JoictBoK. the thief and desnerado. who. in eompanv with John MoGowan. fired I ouOflloeraCostelloandDanlelsonattheeor.

I ner of Kinsle and Elizabeth atreeta. two weeks ago, and was released unto the publie by the last nice, honest, economical Grand ury. wa rearrested yesterday on the same charge of assault, to give another Grand Jury cnance oi dealing witn mm. So Bbfqbb Justice Foote: J. Kaufmann vs.

Custodian William Carman and Detective ueorge Uolnzman: action In replevin for $116. money found on Charles Fisk. arrested on complaint oi J. r. Aauimann for swindling.

The eourt decided in favor of the plaintiff. a.auimann, out tne money is still held oy the police authorities, as Flak has also sworn out writ ot replevin before Justice Haines. wuiuu win uo uncueu on tne 14.1a. Irs CODJing to a Drettv naaa mhnn th highway robber plies his vocation at eventide under the shadow of the Sherman House. About 8 Cloak lantnlirht ci-n nim West Washington street, was walking past the Metropolitan Tfamiiap Bandolph.

a heavy-set man seised her, put rina h.rnl awub .1 1 1 I UDr uuum vl'o ouier into uer 1 pocket, ana got on with a brown-silk handkerchief and a purse containing some change. a buwtb ago unaries Christianson. a young auiior. while Dgnting witn Dan Walsh. was staooea iroui oehind Dy Michael Murphy.

I His injuries were so severe that life was des paired of; but he happened to recover, and uiereiore nis would-De murderer will probably escape punishment. Walsh was die- Charged at the West Hiria Pnliee iVinrt v. wuiie aiurpny was remanana in mow to tne itn. woue the case was taken under auviaement, FROM the West Side PoIIca Onnrtr Aria. Una Thomas.

Inrnnnw nf cash Oiuitvi thai oh Matthew Fisher and Michael Oavanaugh. employes in a foundry corner ot Washington aua lungsDury streets, stealing nat Irons. $600 each to the 9th. Walter Gorman. burglary of a Blue Island avenna barber shop, discharged, no prosecution: and why not? Edward Hynes, an nndutiful son.

arretted on oomulalnt of hia futhnr: tn the Orh Patrick Tracy, receiving property stolen from aua. vsirKir nouse, wi.vw to tne low. Fbom the South Side Police Ponrt- Henry McCabe, burglary of Hugh MeMahon's barn. aUOO tj the Criminal Onnrt. Hum ureoii, in lor stealing overcoats from ino t-aiuirr nouse: oia onender.

Thomits Dunton and John Dalen. nlirnt nrowlnr. mU.iui each to the loth. Elwood Bishoe, assaulting Cornelia Bell. John Pryor.

stealing shovels from 1541 South Hals ted street, f-20 uiio. vobcpq nerron. larceny of bis wife furniture. 300 tn the ith rk.i.t larceny of worth of property in Texas, wo aoiu. Moan aanson, saioonman.

sariow, aeustomer. 01 So-OO, rivu wo via. iSErOKB JuRttae Ha nai- Tha Uattle May Adams vs. James V. Fenn, for uaaiaray, comes up on tne 10th.

Two days ago Fenn swore out warrants for Hattie May Adame. Charles O. Hull. Dr. C.

H. Von Tagen, jiaucuara. cnareing tnem witn having procured abortion. Dr. H.

Von Tacea was tAken into anurt v.erMpH immA diately swore out a warrant charging James wuu perjury, at mis stage of tne proceedings Mr. 8tackpole. attorney for Fenn. dismissed the proceedings auraJnat tha rwu. tor.

and he permitted the perjury suit to drop. Dr. Von Tagen says the condition ot the girl uuw, rentiers 11 imposaioie any soon praetloe as oiaimea oy jrenn should have been re- sorieu io. JlitGHTEEN months a vounir man nf 24. claiming to be Henrr Erananm.

Ir.vnlln agent lor a hardware ttrm. made the aequaiut- vi uui-uau auiauu, a young ana band-aome chambermaid at th Ht -ana. it is claimed, enec.ed her ruin under promise or marriaira. When it ma dent the effeeta of their indiseretion could no lunaer oe conoeaiea. tne wnnn.

m.n peered, "went on a lourney. a.4 ha aai.i. in reality deserted the girl, who last January became a. mother. Yesterday the deserter was found and arrested, and Aiseovered to be.

in reality, John Black, a salesman at W. a. Clapp. Xoung jewelry house. While admitting the good character of the young girl, and bis guilt, he decided not to commence housekeeping on $22 a week, and out uie Armory insteaa.

FIRES AHT ATjinva Thb alarm from box 431 at 3:20 o'clock yesterday morning was caused bv Uro. reault- ing from the throwing ot a lighted eigar into a dox oi saw-dust, in Fisher saloon. 60 AiwaMa vi.ww A'aniiaae. 0so; tusurea. M.

C. Wbtmobb, Su Louis, is a truest at Ul. llDUlUUk WvBahbeb of Yankton, Is retristerea tun ourJiuiau. Geokob BUELASOK. Of Milwaukee, la a I Grand Pacillo guest.

Jcdqb S. G. Smith, of Newton, Iowa, A UVUOO KUOH. G.N. Katmond, of Dubuque, registered ui.

iiouiuuh nijim yesteruay. w- Mtebs' name Is on the Sherman Hoase register. He is from Fort Wayne. A. W.

EUSBT AHD SI. T. of g.n i ranoisco. are registered at i tbe Grand aV tsrVAUVe Thb Hon. F.

T. Campbell, Lieutenant iJ I UI wa, is registered at the a uiugi. Shebman Hotjsb. T.M. Blglow.MIlwau- uuiauan, uiaire: I.

VV. rry. tittsburg; B. Kellogg. Rochester: B.

L. Burchell. Erie; T. B. Wild.

Sycamore: E. F. ekfTb iiO'ton: the Hon. A. Haines.

Bock- uiu, o. a. nam new xors. 1HEMOXT HnTTR-Mt Tt ti Tork: Bamuel Know and family. lnHrn.

Larson. Ottawa: the Hon. John D. Kidder. Dakota: W.

H. Os. corn. Milwaukee: J. 8.

Younir. ottaat- waiters and wife. Philadelphia. r. t.uu muu, oau u.g.

Gbakd Paoifio. (1 wwa.aav -a AAlSlAIUWUa treasurer a v. aud Hl P. R. J.

nin ut. i "1BrPon- cowen. Ohio; Wa. a inukiuiuii, auw.uinfl: j. ir Kapn.p eral Superintendent K-.

0 Bt J. and ri. r. iiif' 1 1 Wi08l0w.0?aar t'd: Judgi Tj iEt DWVf li JaasoM. tioaton; a.

o. aoou, now iorx: a. B. Stickney, St. av tavai.

Palmer Housb. The Hon. J. w.

mono. Dismarck: the Hon. H. A. W.

Tabor. kins, of Leadviile; Lieutenant Charlea H. ingals and Colonel J. X. Chandler.

Dnltea Statea army; L. Christian. MinneanoiiB: N. W. Kim bail.

Green Kit Un-A iririnia; 4. uanaom. uunaio: 1L. w. Bryan, AMUSEMENTS.

THE HESS ENOLISH OPERA. The Chimes of Normandy, an operatic work which bas attained a universal popular ity, was sung last night by the Hess English upera troupe at faooley's Theater. The principal roles were filled as follows: Mig Miss Bandall; Germain. Mrs. Be.

guin; the Marquis. Mr. Castle: Gaspard. Mr. a-eases; and the Bheriff.

Mr. Seguln. The feature of tbe nerformanoe was Mr. Peakes' uaspard. which is a well-defined and An- isuea creauon.

in which tbe versatility mwunouw ol jo.r. Peakes are displayed to admirable advantage. Peakes rarely does anything by halves. Miss Montague Mignonette a vivacious persona- won 01 tne cnaraeter was missed, and tha substitution of Miss Kandall in Miss Montague place was on account of the disposition of the latter.

Mies Kendall de- iw me manner in whioh she sustained her part, althoush at times it was evident that it waa new to her. Mrs. Begnin's Germain is all that iwg c.u uo ui.un, ana Mr. oeguin as the BnerilT. makes people lauarh in spite of themselves.

Mr. Casue's Marquis was good. The orchestra needs prodding. It lacks in many things spa it, perfect execution, 'and correct iiitunat(rno Last night some of the tempos were taken with a iifelesftness that would have -dragged down any singer. Prod them a little, Mr.

Oporii. if you please. Tbe chorus merits a word of nraixe. To-night Miss Abbott will appear as Vir- kiuib masse opera, rnui and Virginia, whioh has uejrer been performed here, it is to oe a oeauuiui worx.rici.ji melodies auu uuo instrumentation. PH.

ATT" 8 SYStPHONT CONCERT. The sale of seats to the last in tbe series of symphony concerts under the direction ot Ur. bllaa G. Pratt will begin this morning at Boot Sons', on State street. Considerable interest, nas oeen awakened In local musical circles, ana parties have been formed la the suburbs to attend the concert.

The audience will doubtless be a large one. The publie rehearsal will occur next Saturday morning, at aa uiwwa. ui AuvvruiAva nau, Tbe fore ing and not fair ity the Ot By a of As be a SHE DAILY iy TEEO CEAN, -WEDNESDAY MOIimZZGr ATKIL 9, 1879. STEVENS' TRIAL. Criminal Court Boom Crowded with.

People at the Second Day or the Trial. Forenonn anrl lftnun Taken Up by Counsel in Ex amining Jurors. Far, Hot One Juryman Has Been Agreed Upon by tne Proseou- Hon and Defense. Special Venire for a Hundred Ordered by Judge Bogers. Scenes la the Court Boom Appearance and Conduct of the Homicide Preeeedinrs In Detail.

As predicted, the Criminal Court was again jammed yesterday morning. Some time be the hour set for opening tbe murder trial, even the outside corridors were crowded, and it was with difficulty those hav business eonld make way In, as elated by the uniformed bailiffs. Within, the new regulations were fortunately enforced, none were admitted except such as could obtain seats. Tbe last In many instances carried double, although tbe chairs within tbe railing and the benches set apart for the jury. yet impaneled, were appropriated.

THB DATS AVDXKNCB. There were Terr few comparatively of the sex; less than a hundred. Their curios was not gauged by numbers, however, especially over at the group of bright spring bonnets in the west gallery, where three owners between them kept an opera-glass going constantly. course it was directed at the saffron- haired defendant, and from the conspicuous display of cambric they either waved encouragement to him or dried their own grief. Fete Stevens' side, whose well-dressed and composed appearance was a fae simile of that ot yesterday, sat His old father.

He was eocsplcuous for the pitiful sadness in his face. The mother ot tne murdered woman. attended by three young ladies, was of eourse central figure. 6he was in deep black, with long crape vail, ana frequently sat with her handkerchief pressed to her face. She is a middle-aged woman, not unprepossessing.

The ladies were not present during the after noon. Indeed, the whole crowd had perceptibly diminished by that time; the tedious process ot evolving one juryman as the result the day's work, only to see him relegated back to private Ufa. was dispiriting. But a special venire for 100 men will be served by this morning, and mora dash and achieve ment will no doubt enliven to-daj's doings. indicating the line of defense, the preliminary fight ot yesterday, however, proved very Instructive.

BDSXHISS BEOrHS. At a tew minutes past 10 o'clock Mr. Mills said: are ready now tor the Stevens trial. Mr. Trade." The eourt directed the list ot witnesses to called over.

Nellie 8L Clair being absent. Mr. Trade re ceived permission to Question her father. James Bmith. as to her whereabouts.

The old man. coming up in front of the court, said he was not aware that bis daugb ter was known as Nellie St. Clair. Her name was Adelia. A year and a half ago she was uTiuK at ran aim.

iu. Mr. Trude Where did you last see her? A. In Chicago, at our borne. 217 West Ma.ll-son street.

1 do not Know waere she is now: have not heard from her aineo iha want. Mr. Trude When did vou first learn aba WMta gone, at. Dmitnr a. aasi Thursday.

U. as She living With Mlaa Bella Dlmmtl A. Sot that I know of: never heard aha 1TO the eourt) When she left home iud kuiuk iyj crattiin. iio Mr. Storrs) She bad no relatives there.

I am my- self slightly acquainted there: don't think aha knows any of my frienda. (To the court.) rankllo la on the Si arihwestern Bond, about tftw Mr. Trude Do you know a man bv tha nam of ElfeltT A. Yes. The last time he visited at our nouse I turned bim out-doors.

This was year ago. rioyaia 1 no ur Because be had no business there. Laughter. air. iTuae naa ueorae ttmiui i nana nra.

Claimed. No respouse. Tbe court suggested that the merita nf tho cane be not none Into. Ur. Trade True, your honor: but my pur pose Is rather different here.

It will not be improper lor toe to say that 1 thins this troinaui i conoeaieu aotuwneroj in Chicago. bwai prominent men in tnis county are in terested in keeping una woman out ot the way. 4 neonates Attorney jaay it please your nonor. at mis auure 01 me oroeeeainira 1 on. jeet to sueb wholesale reflection on our citi sens.

Tne eonrt said he was satiaflad M. Trail. had done all he could to tret the witn.a h.n lie nau better leave ua luruer sucn refer ences. Mr. Trade did not desire to enter Into tha merits of the matter, but he must object it tbe State's Attorney, by bis remark, meant to aenyms ruae s) last statement.

Tue call ot witnesses proceeding, the first namea. u. uiioert, was ound absent, upon wnion me eourt saia mat 11 any who wars duly subpoenaed were not in court be should nave tnem punisnea lor contempt of court. Mr. Storrs Ho tbe eourt) I have iimutnl to Mr.

Trude that when tne witnesses appear. your ttonor, aamonisn tnem on tne vital im portance 01 tneir being at all times within reaeu. Tne Court I will do that. Ur. Btorrs I think that will be for the eon.

enienoe of the court aa much as for ours. I think there is no objection to my sayiug that me witnesses in tms ease appear unwilling to come uere. m. ntni oltolot idst As a result of the roll-call, very law af thnau. subpoenaed were found in court.

StThe attorneys then announoed themselves reaay to impanel a jury. cierx Btepnens read over about sixty names. Mr. Trude said he would like an attachment for those mrors who were absent. Ha wantn.l a poiygiot jury, sucn as tne California stau utea eoniempiaiea.

The court eaid polyglot" aoolied not tn jurors, but to language (smiles from opposing Mr. Trade elucidated his idea. If there were more jurors to enoose from, tne se lected panel would doubtless represent a wider, more varied constituency all grades ot society, and not any one class, whether oummers or tnose wno wore wuiie kids. The impaneling was proceeded with, the canuiaates oeing nrst privately interrogated oyjuuge ana counsel, xnus winnowed of me nrst pavca 01 cuan, tnose wno were too Old, who couldn't understand English, or who had too lately tried their fellow-men, lot were drawn to reduce tbe remainder down to twenty-lour, len men were thus excluded. me court now.

gentlemen, you ready, we win nave tne jury called. Filing from tbe seats oa tbe right to the double row of ehairsdireotly in front of the court, the possibly prospective jurors were solemnly sworn. The State's Attorney then, in about three sentences, baldly outlined the ease iu hand. Mamie Stevens died from a bullet wound, inflicted June 30. 1878.

For the crime of murdering her. her husband. Peter Stevens, was now oa trial. SKLKCTTWa insoss. Mr.

Mills then opened the rigid eeteehisin destined to last all day. and throuen to-dav also. The "end Mr. U. M.

Singer, of Lemont, was tne first. He bad heard ot tbe ease, he said, only incidentally. Never saw tne qeienaant. Stevens, before, until pointed out in the court room: was not acquainted wuu any ui nis inends; Knew his counsel iruue ana btorrs: had no opinion as to the guilt or innocence of Peter Stevens: his mind any 01 as ior or against mm. ine Btate Attorney I believe Mr.

Storrs nas oeen your counsel? A. lea. once: but mo. wo wui not cut any ugure in this case. Mr.

Mills Have you any objection to infliot line mo ueam penalty. A. I have nob in eer tain cases, it the law requires. the second examined was Mr. J.

F.King. Shoemaker, 223 Van Buren street. He usnenH an up to me question: uave you any seruoles of conscience Hcuiiint iuuiuuuk me ueatn penalty tn proper ICKiMVTC.r A. 1UOTO, Kir. Mr.

Hills challenged him for eause. nr. a. nau. izt4 Indiana avenue, waa subjected to the usual queatious; Then came Joseph H.

Gray, a resident of Hyde Park, and. after him. Henrv Shumaker. aaloaa. keeper at lOOd Soutn Belated street.

Mused, presumably oa account of tender years. Mr. Fred Conser. 491 West Chicago svenuS. eeePUb' by hie answers.

Mr. Mills We accept these four iHinser. Ban. Uraj. Conser).

bmln; tnTJB Presented to tbe Trude cross-examiasd them str. blnger. a believer la Ire" A. I am not.

nirihL then, a member of a ehnreh on the West Side presided over by one Uav- mi. 1 ara not- nor on any other slue. This jurors examination was suspended rJa bour' wa challenged peremp. ir.A mivY JKM oecause tne prosecauoa bad aeeepted him. M'-bbumacker.

it was drawn out by Attorney Trade, Knew Assistant Statee Attorney vnaiu aequaintea witn mm two years ago, when I waa on a jury: had not ur waea with any member of tbe State Attorney office since. Knew of no reason why be would not give an impartial verdict. Bad read ot the alleged murder In three now. papers, xhs jjrria Uckan. the oVsoM Zetlung, and the Fm FYttu.

Mr. Trade Was any Impression left oa oar nima against the deiendant A. fio, sir. am not opposed to a death penally, on oc casion. Mr.

Trade Ton would not inflict tbe death penalty where life was taken in a suDDks beat or passioxT A. It would all depend oa the evidence In me ease ana tne law about It, I would not nang a man unless the law said so. A glance at the defendant showed a per cepuble waning of color in the face. Mr. Trade You believe in grading eases ot homicide? A.

Yea. I do. Mr. Trade You believe there Is something sacred in the relation between a husband and wife? A. I do: I a man mv.Alf Witness did not know any in the long list of proBpecuoe witnesses wntun Mr.

Trade proceeded to read. Mr. Trude Did vou ever atLnnrl an nf tha official or political meetings of our friend on me outer siuo 01 tne table, tbe State a At torney Assistant state Attorney Weber Inquired 11 me politics 01 me wimeaa waa ma. cussion. Mr.

Storrs Tbe question would not neeea- sariiy indicate it. He might have gone over ior me mere literary graulleatloa of bearing tbe orator. That waa mil won a now brought peoole to hear me the last eampaign. Smiles and further br-plar. but the eourt 'a frown soon suggested business.) ar.

iruae io you oeueve it is possible for a man to become insane from suffering a neayy wowufc ot eonunuea amiouoor A. do. Mr. Trade Are von a hellnyar In what mail, leal men sometimes call 'insane impulses. or insane, paroxysms? A.

I do not know: I never beard of anything of that kind. A few audible smile. But I would deelde tbe Case accord Ink? to tha law and nMuiav Mr. Trade On this point, as to whether or not Pete Stevens tired the fatal shot in a state of insanity, if you had a reasonable doubt. would you give him tbe benelit ot tne doubt and so acquit bim.

if that was the law and so declared by bis Honor the Judge? A. I wouia. air. Witness' brother Victor, he said, is a nolle. man at tbe Randolph and Clara street crossing: bad never said anything to him oa this case: saw him last three months ago.

His orotner nosiuon on tne nonce would not in. fiuenee him. Mr. Trude We will challenge peremptorily Mr. Singer.

Mr. Trade (to Mr. Gray) How old are you? a. oniy-seyen. xne court He is excused as neaaed ant anaer tne statute regarding age.

Mr. Mills was then called on for a substitute for the last, who by mistake had alinoed throuarh the preliminary eanyaaa. Mr. Geo. M.

isendrath. book-keeper. No. .1 aoru 1 nuuiu oum, ou am AKOTBX. CHALLuaan von rr.

SS he bad an oolnlOQ oe the mart r. nf thai case which would require evidence to shake. air. nine men turned to ar. a.

tt. rerkins. Ill aia a vrmu omii. ovniraouir ior pavementa. Mr.

Mills How long have you nved la Chi- eagor A. x.lgbteen years. I am married. witn lour cnuaren. did no read tbe ao-eount of tne murder; I was then out ot town.

I never saw Stevens till to-day, and do not snoweimeroi aetenaaut counsel or any person eonneeted with their offleea. sr. Mills we will take this itentlamam. Mr. Perkins (to Mr.

Trade) I do nut tnn. anybody in the State's Attorney's office. I believe in-the sac redness ot. tbe marriage re- laiiun; am nvi tree loyer. Mr.

Trude Do yoa know of anvbodv eon. nected with the church of one Ravelin? a i 00 not. ar be the Mr. Trude Do you believe a man may Insane about certain subjects, such as ndeutyor want 01 nielity of bis wife? A. I uo.

U. you had any doubt that this was that 1 moot a case, would ynn give ate. Stevens tbe benedict mat doubt? A. 1 do not know wny 1 Buouiu now U. It that is tbe law proclaimed from tiia.

judgment seal, would yoa notr A. Most sureaiT. This areatleman. Mr. Perklna after accepted by tbe defense, toe only one during tbe morning.

But, as will be seen, be waa directly after dinner excused by mutual consent, on bis own explanation, nor was any successor in the difficult plaee ebosen ded- niieiy uurwg tne uay. Mr. Conser. a North avenue German. not define "verdict" or 'defendant." to the satisfaction 01 tbedefeuaa.

Tne ataai Kmh referred to the Judge, the verdict was that if he eould not read the lnatruetinn. nf lh. court fae was dlsqoalitiea. Jir. Btorrs men we challenge him for CBUBO.

Air. Trade (to William Loveland. 1.47a T.rii ana avenue, the next examined) Do you believe that a man may become insane trom the happening of misfortunes or laboring under great excitement a. lea. sir: decidedly.

U. DO yon believe mat mat aneeina nf In. sanity may be what medical men eent ana temporary in its cnaraeter? I no: yes. air. O.

Insane noon certain anbieeta? Vnr In. stance, the fidelity or want of fidelity of his wife? A. I thins that might lead to insanity. J. If.

after bearing the testimony in this ease, and the arguments, if counsel make any, and tbe instructions from the Judge it you then had a reasonable doubt as to wnetner or not tne prisoner waa Insane at me time oe urea tne snot, wonid you give hint the benefit of that doubt, and acquit nun? A. I think 1 would. U. That la to say. such would be your dntv.

and you would perform it with pleasure. would you not, you had a reasonable doubt? xes. air. Q. You would follow the inatrnatiana nf hla Honor, and the declared law ot tno land, would you not? A.

Yes. sir. 1 nis juror satu. is answer to a question, that ne knew ar. uaveun only bv renutatiun.

BUT HO OSS IS ACCEPTKTJl Mr. Btorrs. in the blandest manner and Toioe. addressed himself to Mr. Singer, so long kept in suspense, and in the common opinion one ot the finest ot the jurors presenting themselves.

'Have you any imnreaslon aa strong sir. said Mr. Btorrs. that it might be called a prejuoioe on me aubjecA of Insanity aa a de leaser a. Any impression ot repeat maw pioowo.

Mr. btorrs Bo strong an imoresalon that It mignt amount in your mind to prejudice, on me ruujeut ui iuaaui.y aa a ueieasef A. WSU. no; lauuiiumiioiTQ. Mr.

Storrs Do you think. Mr. Singer. It is possible for a man to become th in. aanitv to be temporary in its freat trial and under sudden calamity? A.

think a man might, under certain circumstances, lose hie self-control, and lose bis mind temporarily. Mr. Storrs Would you feel inclined to hold a man leatailr responsible un.l.r cu mstanceaT A. Well. It would depend some- tning upon me eurrounuings and the circumstances.

It I believed he waa really Inssne, snd had lost nis mina. 1 should bave my doubts about his responsibility. Mr. Storrs you thougnt bs had lost his would yoa bave any doubt about bis responsibility? A. It be bad lost bis mind? No.

I should not. Mr. Storrs Would you give that defense as mucn attention aa any otuorr A. lee. sir.

Mr. Storrs You would approach that defense aa entirely free from any preconceived impression inni wouiu inuueuee your judg tuenir a. a uiiu. a wuuiu. Trude We challenge Mr.

Singer. Mr. william iaopentheim. 13 Chicago avenue, barber, 22 years ot age, was found by Mr. Trude to reverence the msrriags re lation.

He did not attend church hadn't time: 00. never went to Mr. Ravelin's. His answers as tue ouuaiueration Oue to emo tional insanity seemeo nigniy satisfactory ar. inoma raiuior.vii Carroll avenue.

grocer, appeared equally acceptable to the ueiense. ne wan owto preiuutoe. "Suppose a ease." said Mr. tn him. "supposs a man learns tbat hia wife has de clared ner intention to go into a lile of prostitution, and he has eudeavomd mnA night on bended knee to reform her, and set ner to quit ner way waru practices, and When every means of that kind h.

hausted to haveber abandon this eourse of IIIU, BUfwrn Mr. Mills objected to such suppositions. ar. iruue maintained ne eould ask any question not lnauiiiug to the juror, for toe purpose 01 Bxnausuug nis peremptory ch alien The Court (oeing appealed to) There can be a good deal oi latitude allowed, but that seems to oe trenching on me larthest eondnee. Mr.

Trude. "I will change the said Mr. Trade. XOU wouia not punisu a man wno was in THAT CONDITION OT KIND for what he did while he waa 111 that ennrli. tlon? A.

Not if I absolutely considered mat the man was really insnoe at the time. I wonid give him the beneiliof the doubt. Mr. Trude We will take the two ot them. jr.

mms. ti appenineim ano armer.l aus ntate Attorney wr, jjarraer. on I I I found he had no scrapie against the death sentence. Turning to Mr. Papeenibeitn -Be ascertained the young man bad never served a jury before: was as Utile acquainted with that as wlih the church.

"Wa will exeuse Mr. Psnoenthelm said Mr. Mills: "Yes. peremptorily. Then turning to a brier examination of Mr.

Bam Baade, ot 017 Milwaukee avenue, me State's Attorney challenged him also, peremptorily. Mr. Jvlward McDonald, tbe last juror for the morning, was then questioned by tbe Slate's Attorney la a msnner tbatexolted much amusement. Mr. Mills, at length, asked: Where were von natural I ran 7 "Why.

in England." (Laughter. Mr. Mills Have von voted in this eonntrv? A. Yes. sir; to be sure I have: I voted for Aid.

Waldo in tbe Seventeenth Ward at tbe last election. U. And VOar natural Is at Inn auart. oni nr. are English? A.

To tell you the truth. I baven bad the money yet to pay for tbe papers. TLaughter.) As he stepped aaije, challenged "for cause." be said something about having applied for the Papers, even if be didn't get them. aor. iruue mot particularly sotto voce) What becomes ot that vote Waldo a-ot? ICaugbter.

1 ne eourt adjourned till S. tt being I clock. On tbe reasaambllna. nf ennrt w. urn.

pruTtru uj reierenee to tne DOOke tbaU a ml leading anawer waa ariva. h. af v. just before adjournment, his name was iouuu auacnoq to tne jury-pook six months niter me time ne Aeeordlmri Mr. Mills challenged him tor eanse.

Mr. B. P. Barnes, in Houth ruwluini examined briefly, and then Charles Go heck. uw nr.

uitoiaaii, incy replica to uie usumi vuaouoDi. AH HOMra-r innnm At this point Mr. Perklna. tha nnl Ihm. accepted to far.

confessed Ui urimiu oorriDK. as ne naa listened further to the examinations of his fellows, he h-u) eoaeelved prejudice regaraing tne prlsnner. The questions, ne claimed, naa not been pet to him as they bad to tha others. H. had also talked over a with one of the iurora.

the oiuutln. nf ene' guilt or He did not now feel un Prejudiced. The eourt. annealed In. aal.4 k.

wiere waa around ior enallenge. Mr. Storrs commended Mr. Perkins' perfectly fair statement, and excused him. jue wn-1 uiinklrom in is result It will ha owa.mai it is necessary that tbe iurora should not talc about tbe aa at all.

Let wi.ui ooou. Mr. btorrs said the nanal rtwelva inrnr.1 was now exbaated: but It waa pa witb theexaminaaonot tbe eleven remain. Mr. Ambna.

of navtnw ir- a dersou. of 1.237 Shnrtlen AVVaantlaa san.t A 'hex. Mtimueu. The last seemed nrattv auwantlhiai to Knta, sides, but waa not (nrm .1 1 ui.fyl Mr. L.

D. Boone, l.l&e Michigan avenue, was challenged peremptorily by Mr. Mills. be preceding three and Mr. W.

H. Peake. v. nmusao, near i mn y-iouru street, were uien aceeiHea oy ar. aula, it was the same aaaetiona that v.r.

bm. pounded, and they were further put, during uuw HicrowD ee.aion. to aessrs. nam. Uwens.

178 South Dearborn: Mr. Peet.ot tbe West Side; Mr. Watson, of 49 West Erie street: John Stauleton, 2d Ashley avenue; v. mi an, a.ei rvruanii avenue. au were challenged, exeepung three who ill be further h.MJ-1 tlila

Bolbeck. 433 Milwaukee Ti.m uii. son. 2tf7 West Huron; J.P.Anderson. North Tbe eourt then ordered a tnaalal wanna, (n.

loo men to be served by morula and the tuuseu. "GUILTY. tta Jary la the Cava mt Jefaa W. savgwd with raBoissilsisat. UevataW The trial of John W.

Gregg continued yes terday morning with tbe address of Cbaa. H. Bead for the defense, who occupied tbe time ot the eourt Oil it -30 o'clock. Judge Bangs then made bis closing address, which eon unuea uu coon. Judge Blodgeti then charged the jury.

His Honor first read the statutes, showing tbat tbe law mads it a felony for any one to tamper wltb. eheage. anmiimiw any lunas Of thePostofflce money order dtrartment. These 1 saer-d. beeaeee they wv.

ww. wvu.i.. vi anjvvrnment money, out a trust nlaeed in tha h.ada nr in. a United blalee for transmission, and for which service tne government barged a fee. 1 be fee of Ove cents or tea een te roignt beeonsid- wrwu KOTwrnment money, out It was readily to uo mi mat me moaev pi ma- Pie was beld in another lisbt.

and to tamper wuu 11 iu any way waaaieiooy. After be bad recited all the various farms of of- lens coming within the meaning of the statute, he said tbat tie meaning Was too Plain La bai mien imo oo it waa to convert an other man property to hla owa Bee. What ner tms oetenaaat naa converted theee funds to nis own use was ior tne jury to aelenrloe. It was not aeeessarv that ma tiirt i wo voiaioaiiua buouiu oe aamea in tne I n- aietment. out it was proper for the jury to specify la what amount ther found ta a.

fendanl guilty, at all. ao that the degree ot nue ana paaieumeut soma be Oeteruunsd Ari sVnii dntl ftslll a ml 1st ar Sh. 4 A ft aa nraa. aa. a.i...-l oy mm were genuine.

In regard to the wit ness Miller, the prosecution often found It necessary to utilise sueb evidence, but it must oe regarded witu eaatloa. and all points of corroboration mast be taken into view before givinar It ine jury couia euber accept It la part or entire, or- reject It altogether. The previous good character of tbe defendant ant no figure In theeaee, far hie situation at the rostuiuce was a sumcieni guarantee of that tact. mere were three nna.t. an i.l...

but the court advlaed Jndare hannu in. wu eo srvaa mat it eouia not atAno. and tbe BrovecutlnaT attornav withdeaao Ir i ne jury reured. and did not return a verdict until after 4 o'clock, wbeo they sent word to the court that they hal agreed. The defendant and Poetoffloe onieiaJe wno had been moat prominent in tne proa een tlon were welt ing la the hails, and all paaawd into the court-room to hear tbe fate ot Gregg.

Tbe general Imnreaaioa was that it would be unfavorable to tbe ue iense. ares cnariey need was sot so confi dent as be bsd pretended to be iu tbe tore. noon, tne result was tnat the foreman presented the ominous verdict ot 'guilty oa both counts, and nlaeed the amount at tha omDessiement at a little over si. vou. uregg waa very mucn agitated at ths ver dict, and looked the ploturo ot desoair.

He waa aiiowea nis iioeny on the same Bond nnaer wnion ne nas been out slnoe his in a ne two eounta nnaer wnien ne enn- Tieted are the same, except that one charges uiu witn emoeakiemeai aa a foatomoe pioye simmy, ana me outer as tbe saperin tcuusui vi me money-order no part meat. BAPTIST WOatEITS ISSiOR. im eignva annnai meeung 01 tbe Baptist Women's Missionary Society of tbe West will be beld with ths Becond Baptist Church to morrow and Friday. To-morrow, la addition to the routine business, the exercises will in clude the address ot welcome and response: the Treasurer report, reception of delegates pf sister societies, reeding of letters from friends abroad, luncheon, report of tne board no me Department), discussion of State work, paver by Mrs.

C. C. Hewiu. tea, public meeting in me evening, addressed by Dr. Peddle and returned missionaries.

Tbe exercises tor Friday will include the re port oi tne Aominatiug committee, eiectioi oi omcers. report oi tbe board trorelgn De partment) paper by Mrs. Dr. Cutler, of Kankakee; addresses, children's meeting, report oi committees, tree eonierenoe, and closing ea.eiciBva. THE LAST SAO BITES.

Ths funeral ot the lata Mr. B. a FelJkamp took place yesterday from the residence. 330 Ohio street. There were present numerous friends ot ths deceased, who assembled to par tbs last tribute of respect to bim whom many bad known intimately and had highly teemed for years.

There was an unuaaaUy large number of leading Germans In attend ance, ana Aeeomin ixidtre waa well repre sented, li. marts of a eulogistic eharaeosr were made hy Mr. Eenry Koeher and Ju.lae Wallaoe. Tbe remains were escorted to Graoeland Cemetery by a large aonoourae. ana on reaching me city of Uie dead Mr.

Wui-lam loto made an address. SOCIAL SCIENCE ASSOCIATION. The members ut the Second Congressional District ot the Illinois Social Bcleaee Associ ation met yesterday afternoon at the resi dence of Mrs. Thomas Burrows, No. 160 Ash land svsnue.

to discuss a propose 1 entertainment. After a gopd deal of chat, both of a business snd social nature. It was decidsj to give coffee on Thursday, April 17. from nam nuci in me anernoon. at trie real, dence ot Mrs.

W. O. Carpenter. No. Ud ars avenue, la entertainment i.l ta of a literary and character, at wr.Ird ta.aat ot a order wi assiai.

and Lt Te I I 1 aTalr will beeles-aet ic ait Its apwotDtmeeu. I ne BSaitera of tD aUMlalllia al luia ara ln.ltK.1 k. vw BTOMDk wimmTEcan puease stop it. Us feu tor ot The Ions. Ueaaa vaucioo.

Apt 11 yna taa slad enough, throssh tbe eolomas or your pae-er to suggest tc Pesteeost that if In pointing tavtsaiBia rellgiona opiaiona. as Jleoil Mra. would relieve hla bearers from ue aeaae of a painful mostBV that omemea themr The hi. aoTmTr. -n-rw ui A rOtL-MOCTHCD WOVAW even worse thaa a foal-moutbed maa.

But mn ana haed hi lnnl. .7 I awwr w.v a oaoowwa waiSBaa Skat, at oaarf II only use BOZODOXT and rub it la weU. Doat spare tbe brush and spoil the month, as some parents do wbsn they wtuihold the rod. DBtnrKZVBBsa. Dr.

DXnger. discoverer of the cinchona cure for druckenneea. cures al leases. Boom 21 rainier Hons, Wi know that there nothing- oa earth equal to Hop Bitters as a family medicine. WMWMMMMMWMMMMWMMMWMMMMWMMW.

BUSIME3S KOTICE. Tbb Teabs or Hobbiblb Toivns ara. Daraa anion, oi aat Thirty-toird street. New York, for tea years bore, aa patiently as she eould. the aamnr of a Uar swollen to tour times lu natural also, which waa red and raw.

and from wbleb constantly '-a a Blistering tvecreuoa. cue week am plication of lilies' allotment Iodide of Am monia restored tbe hideous member to eoi plete aoundneaa. Bout by ail oraggista. Bend for pamphlet. JJB.

blLsa. 451 Sixth avenue. New York. Trial lr. r.nt.

LICENSED. The Cosnty Clerk reaterda laaaad mar. rtace licenses to the following-named per- 40.000 -John Psppard and Minnie M. Parish. Busc 1 ax'1 -rothe K.

40 Oil August Tonna and Una Saak. mane. v4o.ois-SsAusIH.CampbeU and Kettle J. lDWIUirif(. 40.013 Hsrmana Ejois.

Steike and Augusts 40,014 Waiter Strodar and Taenia n. Vn. WVU. 40.01&---tV AtkAtrft Bfaasvw4rw aa a W. fymt' t7 dtaW ataW 40.01 Oeonrs Fauxnsr and Mrs.

Jose Tsvior. Lhn Beturev and Barbara Hlrta. IU.U1H I.mpm i -Uowpo-r. ---s ao.our James Jaaaa and flArm. ri.v.

avwsas, 4Q UtrnMe "a-ah O.Mnn DIED. Rosivsos At his residence. 17 West Raa- i-IE! oa 7- -oiaad A. Botvlaaoa. I yvj VI UII an, Aeesviue Oi.

Ij vad Denver fOoU toapera plena copy. "TAS-Apru irra. Mrs. Mary beloved wu Of r. J.

Kyaau at in. au vniario oitmlii ner ttn year. tlr "'Ttagee tofit. Patricaa Cbureh, ear, to tauvary Cea 1 lw n. Timi't are inoirr.

RESTORATIVE NOVELTY IM ART I TV. anet araa Uaa aalrlaSoe oaianoas aeas oaoMoetlie whole orerld. has hasa Ci.imo.oa CRISTADORO'S HAIS DYF a. mm oav cnwwueai snMoaailea la aianaai whjkfc she hair withwaC lnjorja the uwiae rmaru wtuca foiii lama Um StMow. CKlSTADJItVl BAIB PftFSFBVlTrvT A tnat i.

trZ t. iwL Uoud. Postponement of To-day's Jlallnee UnUl Friday Anernoon, to iSLisf Mlaa Moaawme's lUawas. TO-NIGHT, ETalMA ABBOTT AXO TUB Hess Grand Opera Co. Win ii mat, too? th.

BENEFIT OF EMMA ABBOTT. Toots Maass (arwat Wen. PAUL AND VIRGINIA. "Ill tne wrlaiaal Aaaawtma mm wwry bm Hraruiu Mcucalar ofoou.

Tee Bros py.ian nani et Moeaat -Ciul. laaa. las Mn.atavi. fell, ausnaix. Minn.

CaarLa A auaaraiSeamt pru4ac.en larraaanal. Tharaaay Mlcha-Il TibibIiib aUQsaa. KeraE or CABTILK. Bneolal prtcwa. 0c and Tie.

rrlday Slahl ra.l ba4 TtrwtaAa. Seteraar. Operas wlU se Pricae-SIAC. SU The. mm tOa.

Sprtl l-1toTrOV tnlCIlM oa the TWO Dltu-ioSta UnWkUil oy UkhuaA M'VICKER'3 THEATER. II II TIIIT I rtfiTnT 11 ii 1 1 1 il il 1 1 Two mora VaUaeaa ealy. W-dnoweay sad KararSav tt. M. H.

1 Mikk with I la uraaw uZaZnZZi OranS Kaitor and i aatautt i i nam lor eauy i eae weak aaora. sfoaday. Aerll 14 EDWTM BCXTTH, wiU the bast et eramaiiPi utni to ms aaureuy, iota. M'CORMICK HALL. PetiBvely List Week.

INDIA Tear lareveh arwWTnw 2 f1 rTmx' Itmiatrooa MrafoatAkwrta. Tewwr. winder CwTuZ BAIL I) aaauo-. lh7tY2T STeelal u-aa. ciuidrwe, 'rykna.

wj. a. -ru i in, ktaaacar. HAVERLY'S THEATPh i. H.

HAVFBlT J'1. Maiin-e aad in. JOSMIIA VuulTrnun -mpany tnM auptrv4 a.n thl wr. up, wni onii la kmub ea i f.Mir wwmi la Hooa. New aweary by mr HAMLIN'S THEATER.

Oppuatt. Coart Uonaw. TiiuLunm Onmbtaatinn owtrpArtlnr Wr. Cm Pot.lfarw I. lh.

r.iulkli.i,JlH'lHI. ANXOLTCCEilEXTS. MB. 1. V.

El WELl. WTtX COIDiVT TUB BOOS iwrtiaa at loow nau. fxTatl hilaiKE T. w. BalLLf-BILL t.IfJVl a aa-a TUI 1-iaKU of MaA A I'hrmiai Aaartatiae oi anontiur aatiu toavarow.

tl eaoaatt naa ujo or i hole OOHIII at 1 iTlMi KT1 WU.Li.rTE r-enia triia aad a-IBorro ailaraa.aa ai u. utiKoin irl caiarca. aorawrel I a i cxk. 'rill ItltuFUi AX. l'M KIJIVK 1 uut A nalMvt mIm aailaMlud m.m,m h.

eonuriuad thivarl lh. aa Lr. ainn4 libwniri. iiw which UM aaay b. attiwl as mm ci ar--ri i-i rr TOR SAX.

-BOILERS. JJVVT -D rVU I l.a yon -ALE. repair oorl ir.iilr lew halaf v-lioa -an i 1, ty Ail A 1 I i EOT "WA-NTEXi. OT VOF-U1 MT TO ClXAt Aa ana aadj-ad e-iat-a. Maaatateraal byTiOata- tee.

tai.uaai Ko. l-r IM Mai nUOLET'S THEATER. 1 1 Cawhinra. I EA1LWAT TIME TXELX. Hmval Vi llZl Cf TrLT.l cincioa loer iiLAin xtrn 1 "araif Van Sure, aai M.a -rwaa au4 twu at ertM.

to i mw. at lM IB' Kmcj l.w.rtA'awai I ua. SMeea-'tw. -t a. 1i a aa mi wrT.

I jjt a a i a "i.lla saa I ton a aa a NilB JL" SW-ear. at CHlCtfXX BCRLI-'iTOI ITS CrTlCT roa row .4 Laa. kml lau. 1- 1 aeti yoaie. jre iaw aa.

aa ai. 1 Lain. i 2 a a'lrwa i a ax tiaaa a iu i. "..5 bs soesiaty iiwew- Ju a aB-Aaaaaa ef BO-Iiowbmw-. 1 B-'Aarwrat-i am a tin, mm iiii Unaf.un -a oa cy mUlZiU'ccrfl ulZ wS.

LrL7 uwa an La. -B-soawtaiT W.iia aae llawwrwe. raUoaaa Boan Oat MVaaT -T-aJaam "7:1 aaa oa ma lia aw aa. Um -at OB tuirat.ww Apta-iLawa. ft at II w.

roaaonll aa 1. TTT 2lT. caceatlasa.a. irraias- btiiIiTTT ausBwaa. Ihi Bailor I a ssl aliiwaeaae awaaai mmmU IC saa- HUwaaaaw I II rttlf-H CETTlll.

11 irlia mi i.o laumaantMia I taaaiet i a aa" so mt ml Uu aee awrN aa.nira.a Ui CHIC 00 iako Cwtao a.i.i iMiraaua XV aw, a Upm-Jfja-e. Oty was rm yJ nbnartN4, aa. f-oe a w- nirrfi 1 I iii 'a. oMrosw-aa r-" IMbi lw-j a. aa.

"ri A-a 'aa'AWrUaV etoe TAW ata Ton ata SJotpat I At ta I "arfcjawtcMa AM ens Wat at a UH iMruir to iiaut'oiuTi. iii nlatlCtSflil wnVwa. 7 1. roi 1 raoli a se Wail ta Mam sad AAr ly kawwaa ZZ. mil --littnai 2 7-wSoa 1wta IB as-aAs a mm ve lut oTiTlE AID CaU i 1-a Lana I Ijk a "'waft sail IS Ml l-HM I I 1 S-ie Bai last 1 la.

ra a ro. aaa a ai Awpas, enniM. er i aaa rarpi .7 TMAaa etTaoaa. lil AaaahaatA etrawfcasat 1 -rzzr I CIUCAG0N JinPTuli JjrTmZ ill A i-iara mxrm i .4 "mmi. ravMafl I "jTIT JMa.l B-S Kw4.

ExtZH. 3i I n.LTiiniri aid oRio 1 TwwaiiMMl Imii mi. imo (owl ktwar we aira.o. lacSMi ueUH Mpoaltkia atUiiM. Laeow.

I "mis' Vrliw I alllMllipr CaIcaikj, Kiiwirrr? iu it. faci. AA1A.W AI. rei-ei Tot. exiar Ha.

Me aad Cwaaf xsei i ra Mnaa ei n.Moa. awe aa smiai. "Lww. I "Ala ao-'W'wwarw. Iniiw a aa 1 1ti.ith.iiii tm ue Mrwfeata aa.

atiaa ii I au fes ta AU t-a-ta raa via alM Sa4 kioMODoQl a I'ri. aa taiaa. ee via wieoea. Laxa JHOE 4IT if fmtr-jl liruiinm l.piaaro 'i "war. aaaeraaya.

Itaviy luim a.i. ilir-i aawaraai. a4 awaaao aaa nri ww.urt oa.y. I ro a oa sajle. at Kmt i.

OB iM.Mtmii, I II I 'lmiiai laraaaia-iuiM 1 oavtawiMaaaM.i.ue lie rfw. i j'. ii i I waa flessrflfBrw4 rmmmlam' -J raWV hart iVd "weenB.1 mum ''waaiSae tn. Mt iZ I 11 a ia. rwrw-t r', hoa-wK-r-.

Saa. i.aa wf T. j. rilZ Camel aeal a-uaav. oW i i a a rwM mmw a.t wm.

SaWBoal I -mfnlj (TwwIS aoa U-w I. 1 2 Zfypm a4 V-w eaay. laaaoa-t u-TtkZ neket weW. Iambi rwfas.hh. Bjm I um lopw. aipiaea I aa A a M. a oa- I woria. bar. aaa 1 T. 2 Zziz: T.

ti m. faol. Beeai. and i i I aVrn wvj Tr-lsa I "7 mm mmt ml I UnCl nira I A tM a. mm I7--'- Iawww.

r-T MHoawea rwiuil I a wutoi. WaraLra. a. i.t 11 I1.KUJU. aa.IT.

r. a' im.a.. m'! t. ppar l-t I 9 eiOu.pip.j i. iii a "I a I Zl'l TTl i "-J VxaavS.

MM. Ow-i -jwwt. Hi la 5 Li if? Toii Kr-rr cvT-aT. rE sLa-y-irB a'-r ---l .4 1 ay a.iJLro ttESICAX. lh, u'r.

I thfOtotC taC4 taWTTS-Sa Q.MI Nl w.ot a I I I of thsw te Jh. i saw A ay r- I I r. aw r- sm. a L. a 4- a t' tja reaw-.

a. 1 a a 1.1 t. fc. a- ow.oj "Ma e- 1 kasn.tje" 1 I r- I I ai a a-a..

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