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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 13

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Ukea. ii it 4 i' i ii is rT" lfVd i TO-MORROW CL1T Clearing- out all our MONDAY- NS w- 4 LIKSBY to maks room PRICES AsrV for our nsw Sumxnsr REDUCED. V. KfJ BtriUu Wtr.AUff$ 4 iwuwuuuwwuwvuu vuuwuuyuwuuwuw LADIES', 20-3SEST and CHILDREN'S TRIMMTOP HATS, In all shepos and styles, at 81.98, 82.08, 83.08 G4.98Jutl one naif the former prloes. CHILDIIEN'S STRAW BOHOOI EATS, all the nowtit shapee.

at ago CHILDREN 8 and MISSES' ROUGH and RBADY STRAW HATS, latest tyUa, at f-e4uo4 from tLOO. TBIUMZD eAILORS, all oolors, at 30 seon reduced from 76a. LADIES' BTRAW HATS, all the newast shapis and. colors, t-40C acb reduce! from 7 Co and SL CHILDREN'S LEGHORN HATS at 81.00 aoh. ONE LOT FANCY FLOWERS Come, take your choice at 25o; worth 100.

I Si MMEIl OPENING In oar Millinery) I A number of TTeat End roans ladles and enilentea wire plated In a funny position tbe other niaiit. Durina th week therre-eelveo ineitaiiona to attend tba weddina of ei-l tiieir eet. The rnuns man who waa giiistosl inarrleil" informed the aaeau to be at hia lion-a at a criam tiiae and a a a.ked tnm to rem. all toeetii'r. Pronii tlr an time they arrieed, bat were tir- Enaeil to lind Mtt not ai bom.

"Im'ttlits i. eil.tina niaHlf and "lioeMi Walt ltTeJiereT" wereaonieal tbe Qurnioua asked by the lhry were lafernaed that there wa eoina in no weddina, aad ftir-tliertnore that Matt never Lad suy lotentinn of aettins weddi-d. Mne tb oreurrenfe the ruuntf man ben krepinc very quiet ana iboee hum lis net tb. juke awe aw. ar tusev r.eenar.1 on biuu Jamet Klanty.

a fount man livlnaia the Went End. bad aa experience th other right. Jim went te a ball, and fall asleep durina the early hours of tbe meraina. Kotir of his friends tout oft bis above and Jock's dragged the collar from hia nrek. and eft him.

Jint an seen walking bre-fnotd up Kverett etreet lovkins lar tha fetlawa wba bad hia thine. He didn't nnd tbem. and bad to tat home tha bast way ba eealo. Fnperintendent Herriek. of the H.maat 'Cietr.

takes Considerable interest la outdoor tporia. and while a student at An- berat olleue was a leader la tb. foot-bull Kahn. the a well-knowa character in tba boitonis The westber af-ferts biru. Wben tbe weather is bright his mind in cl.

art but oa gloomy days ha be-coiiire iieiee. and anea alxiat Biai' timip nhoa eeery una with whom he CniUfB iii cuiit-ct. Wurn hia mind i. clear o- will r.cilea wnnln act I Miakioer lar a din e. He i ebout 0 years old and haa been an lh.

npt fttin Nal liill III hi went a tvarl-atreel a tore and pleaded pritautly In sbtwe a man'a shoe. elaimi'g that he In money to gat aomtuiat to eat. I he man let him shine bts shoes and tlx-n save Kahn oh dime, wbaraupoa ksnn Uyon amotef 'finiiniM-vliTiiri4 tha man. "I'll uaicb roa tbe dim who pays far two "-rsl Ike Fbrlners had a clis-wslk th. ether Venlns.

Billy Hale waa a but favorite, with W. K. lialiab second and Dav Her a good bird. Tilly Hal wot li a close finish, V.iihi.ini..l fool, aa ha aaid be earned orxr-aeuhu He bad eolle.ted same otn- tlatrtay an I was paid in siiter. wbieb waa 1 i i.

the 0 ya mi4i- lilm uubiilMen t'e over-weight tn-t tr it aia. Th treat amoanted. tu 119. and Nlrlisb caaye out wiiioittg ia a walk. A certain Plka-atreet young roan aot long ag.i aked a youna lady in she West En.

to go arising. Sh accepted bis Invitation. The next afternoon, abuot an boor before ha aa vi oe at the ia 'V a nouae. ym wan i.

i. ik, mmf thl and onieriHl John, tbe coarbmaa. to bttca up tbe family carriag. Jghu knuin( tba yoaog nautb--ughtiwasall riebt. but be IoubS oi.tthm it aaa hoi all riant wbea ba drove uii to the tront door and aaw the reus, ataa kicked out fur bis cast-iroo gnu.

'Squire EJ J. TrrrelL tb. aealal Commo- dre. thiaks of engagiaf tally ho for bia office force for the Parade aezt Satardar. Ibe'Squireaave'ih.

Roaster." will aot ia it with tola dalrgatian. Every day a boot naoo a peculiar character comet to tbe esplanade on Foaataia equer to rest. ii. l.aeaiBV end get along by meananf erntahiM. Heal way wear, a leaf r-ii aimMl IntlliereOBO.

In thi. laeurixualv eavered with rn b- bit til. hair ia tool lad altlBK ina loclinert to snria. He maulliT carries with him aeheean box. wbieb a.

nwiae i hia liana, hr m-li. a airing tied araond 1 1... ha haa a ream stored 'with many eurtous raits, white. aa bsa picked op sruundtawn. Th arrival at a peonlar baatetrV of a Prans- iaent Darioa sua aad hia wife waa meeaxir Th atatemeat was la arret aa yemrdad tha wifaa ireaenea.

for sba baa week." i he.n left ai he-ne. Tba p.n.r r-nt't I eatlee f.ii I. I Department takes place Next Thursday, Friday aod Saturday. (3 2tolOOW.5thSt. STREET TALK.

Jo Pchloss and Henry Hlggine. ths two ntf-ids" tglt watt bmta it tbe bis Sbillilri Pnlliling. bare be, oa duty to that Csteo l'T fur any frtn. tbvir facva.r. fa-n ilUr to tba ratrnna of tb.

koea. Tboosh tsr worn iOKthr arsand th rt lunly tiiii'li i tt.romtti "tt. mUm tctiriuf tiiv Hitht." Iticf liat. iioi tp'tini to arh otUr Inr ihr T'am. honia quarral araaa amf frirudxhip rraMNt forrvvr.

I bry mw anal r-t ia)i othrr ibrlr ronnifa an4 ihry M-nit in iiitr "ealio vwrT ttalf liaar. bai tiir ia nrfrr a m'tn rroanittcn ka llirf mrri. 1 fhiliitoa hava iH'ir biail.tinn arwrlpd. aa thra ar four lnlor train ai nlabt braidra lb Iwa euUid. ntaa.

ibrra ara alao Uar4aleltiaaj. Jak Cohan, tba it-k'aer attbaOrand CVnlral Depot, prldaa blaaaalf on bla aaat and elrao aupraranoa. Ha. irat a lagK-rar lha t-tnar alabt in lb binut- rouni at tba drpot. A pretty Poll am imoni tba baa-una.

and at it Jk him: "Hoar on, PolyT" Pollr oba-rfully re-luriifd Willi "How do. jaka waiaed but ha had ooraaiia to to Inta tba airrioin a acon-l tin a. Poly mv hire ml i.onid to bl tt your (aea'ahd art liTHtr Jaka ma-la an asstaafntt a he euu.d. bia prida bavin, baaa bit tov LanL i C'eorta Kyllua. tba drutflat at Liberty and Penman itreata.

bat a pat eat which he ba taualit to draw a slaaa of aodx I'leate put a in mine" ia an order wblcb i'uaai Lu mil rat been abla ta imthaiaw Two' well-ioowa Mil-tea families bare fallrn oub and all on teenntaJ a pretty aer- Tant-clrL Tbeynum Udy in Qantlnn haJ aun trntlrmtn corretpamiant. and her firm miatrea. beina ef a euriana tura o( Aiiun. nurn.J on ml tna lattara. and fao- Siat tb wriler in theaon bar aar neiab-bur.

Ibiukina alio old ba dain. tier tit ahhora laror. aha Intorroed tba yauns min'eni lhi-r. He wan in tun toll not to eorrrapo with tha aeryani-itrl any niara ie aa. yrry miicli attached 10 tba airl.

wan breaii a fiiriRtni at her mthtreaa nuanins her Iftieri tliat be quit II. an aod ihera. Du-dr" Ui-iu name aha. catered tha tba family of tba ynunc man. Mat-trr went anioot ly for a while, but the lor-mer mtMrea iba Bin rannht ap, and ana badalala with her nelehbor.

(baynona rrvant-airl ia vary deroted in bar wark. ana 'a'thluily dnea abe perform her dutim thai h-r miatrea refuaed ta part with bar. Hien the ttr-t4aty sol mad. and th la ii o1 tlx hill-iopar wuudarin. why tbay aTr aueak as tbry pul by.

Comtabla John Bwina of 'Sqalra Haoaer'e f)oart. wat fraauantly uken for Joaetih Jaf-fersin. th' creat aetor. rturin tha naat weak. Thlr thinka i an.tmbla Frank I.

jih am "viita" with Uiaaunierooa Bala- r-irhtb weet 'iao work will mow ararvini br arernaatWa bar la Cincinnati. ba mora aha thuue-nt about tbe malt -r the drprr Kr-w bar Indliuati'in. Tb counael a Bear Irivndiwn. kt lat aa'ured lua a an a-tma a autlined. A ilrr.n wa I ent to tba lioiet in aurniion 'Inanirtna aa ut I tha Id-nuival ttia bu.naod a emtanlon.

A -rm. 19 tm in iii tnat hm all lone waa rturad. bnt dl laot anffleo to I put in mind ol tl.a laaloaa wit at eaae. The arnduy eti-. arcmraiiled by a ma', I retail, arnva-i In and poancad on tbe katvl men for tnfriaation r-anrliu ker ibtirband.

'I bey airea- udiii denird the infernca that her tiuili.pd bad la mniaanion wbila at I iba rot vl. Mill aii.picluiK. the wninanaaked tba clrrkaanU loauauer of the hotal if I liar would ink aa Mil tba trathfulaaaa ol their einc a wev out of tbair exaanersUna arrn ranoL a Aliautrata waa Htumonen, a WU hint tbeir ataienieBia I Wir reitvraled. i 1 extreme meeare waa rertd to atay threatened divorce pro-reeilino. Tha mmi whna relatione were I ridinuiuatiy atralnet, ar iivta.

napaity now. bnt tbey bill hereafter traI teeetaer when barlna oecaeian lalraaiaa Harry Htrlethont the yoaaapharmadat at Twelfth and Vina airecta. ia tba ar pee-1 easor of a maaiaden'a t- oth. wbieb is Indeed a eurinwity. 1 be Vfitlt weiana two and a half a-d wil! beduoaibd ia tba aiuaaam of jiatural History.

For a few dart past tba bnya around the aaw City Hail bar been arranslos to ore n-la a bine ball clab to bid for tbe amateur cbaniuioaabia. I taorta to aecura 'tiaaire inm for flrt haae liar thna far oroeed fn til. It tnntlf bt ha would a valuable aequiaitlox to iba team, but an the f-qmr i at likely ta move into the new bnlldlna. he would be ineligible ta join the club. A rather aaaaain.

aiabt waa witaeseed by tha ta.saafere of a Freatuaa-aeaa a aar one eveaiac lft wees. A gentleman wall kaowa in thl city bat beanla tht babit ef cultivat ln a binr-piy Tery eyeaias oat ore tmoi baurn. sad the eondueuira or the line, kaaw-ins him welt, were Wont taatop ffaecar at the rner where alls bled and bale hi ott. I.ut week, hawerer. ba niaee-l.

nod hadn't tha foreihoaicht i acaaamt tba conductors at to bis new place of raidetoe. Ha luavvd uH aaven hUaks further dawa tliaatreat VVedaeaday ereaint ha buanleii a car. sarry- hia nanal asaariad packase olliquera.1 Kinra rteaaanuy to in oooaucmr. nxldrd rlei i Inta tba ni. oar.

sai aowa in to earner nd was toon wrapred In pr-iaaa roentiatl m. i pa car spd snerruy o. aon when theeeflntitiaie I Si.rD.r waa reaabed Iba ildlr but Droaiy t-olc tba seu- I llatM.n th. ira nnd ia4 him atr tbe cur. the party with the Jag triad teeines-tnlste.

but the Oondustor aaid: "New. old bor, y-u ma to let rau her every nin. nu'ri full, roa knew, and you lie down hl eirt? Tbeoblrtt of the eon- I ouqior'a aoiictttuia gated after tbe rapid; re-1 cetlini oar. iifMi. Hinitii dj.

um. lb fairly howled: "loll lol. 1 moved war dowa th. street last Tbe genial; geatlemaa wbe presides over tbs deaiiaiee of tba Isnitar'e department of lha Ci tisane' Kational Bank, aad is familiar ly known ai Pat. is a thorough wit Every customer that came in tha bank I well- knowa to tb.

gentleman front thai Ian. of boas. and. if If conrtear. an lea tnat be is about, raeelves a aelii ind U' til Pat baa ripened in i be bank would ben.ll haapitabla ways.

Ueoent bis ways. Heoenty it bout his baapi lis mahe a ir a n.w lilillua-mneniB. rsias bill aooiatjoxs. Tb. Warsaw Paviag pad Lean Com pan at tbe Aaa meeting received aad oigbmee aw shares were taken.

Tbe Prtoa HlU Lean and Pri'l K-l st lat ini-etir re vea intnn i i ra l.n, turn i r.ra i. Inn. Ne. i i GLOAEsonr department new at aea gUlial 2 iu Hi. dj at aea tba ed hit ears thai iba bai ajay er twa ba pandered over tba matter msklaasr wiibout aitrias vent to bia taelinga.

bnt tbe I bird das aa eaiio neeviving i.iier in way Lawaon to on aide, aad in a mvatarians na Mr. lawmn. titiwsi tsit 1 hear tbit tdding it going to da i i ean't ua replied eraar 1 l.aweon. ii.t it. tihitrt la.

ul. ibam away tbe "1 resll' do not know WU. itaa ehnme any-I nm 1 know, bivene. I I know, way. ttie tint thing beru ca aib sat work, ler lauWuciag a maoniae to do Uo la Wllmiagtea tber.

it groat Joy ever tht appointment of Uaala John Antrim tea aoeltioa In! tb United States Senate Cbam- ser. Uad Jeba lackt hot two years of th eeetnry n.ark. aad tsaa sail as most ma at a. Prior UhTsppoistmBt waaadrorer. a couitl nanaie a orova wi nuw avaaa a aay niaa wao aver aas in a BMwiau Htar that iaUtait Conatr fSeueiter BremwaU It thinking ef resigalas bia noai-l tion.

probably having la view a aeatlaauen for Ceaaauoa Pleas wu is. A rll knewa eoaveatJea worker from he fourth Ward will succeed to the peti tion at th Cenntr JaU aiada vacant tae retirement efbculiy" Wright. A rather amoslegeeece wat witaittid la a tVaJnot Hills cable ear tha ether day. Every at ta tb ear was taken, and aeveral siaaan- gers were standing. A the eondoetor want along to collect the I area aa game te a atvliiblv dressed yoaagman wheocevp h- had )uet Km fMn bltaav UQ2T3 01 TU0S HILL.

id a veat near the front end ot tbe car. and Who arose to tnke hia pore ont ol hia pocket He handatT tbe conductor a silver dollar, end re-n. ined ttaading wbtl tba latter made tbe ehanaa, la tna Bean time a handsame yen as lady who bad baaa sten.UBS bapaensd ta catch signt of the seat )uat vacated by tbe it nt.n. no. idihiibi ia wna to ma ir the neat that the follow aet eaieUr a-.

vi ii. Aa toon SS tr aennuciur nnnnev aiia ai cbsnga tb SuJe. wiinoat loaktac arnnd aui-klr dropped cl law tba aaatwbicb To apalt aataHiahanenl a' If atttina in the yaang lady 'a lanu lie could not uaderetand bow it hap- i nea. Jl I'Hjaru nuu.y in a aar, ai l. in.tinL mil than bl.lllv Iron and rati red twin bare platform ef tho ear.

hi cheek very. tt ru ramnn nai F.i. i.l tlKL but aiuie a ra.m. i resliged the misukeaad bar-tent leuablae. and lbs reel ef lb svueeagert leiaed la the tauga.

i the mars mxooa. It is new nretty well settled that a gtatlt- n.aa eaa seeere.tba brightest aad best loess In haberdashery at iba ctarkbardtremaeayt etore. No. H. aaarViaa, Cna-tone-mad shirts are "a apacia ty.

Tbe eera- nwt a wa.r-a.nown aaw tMivfini vo. orkhaydt. rlaty" and Tw iki raallr faikiaainbla bate to Vs bought ia tba Weak Tho people ea Price lilll will have ell th light tber want soon. Mr. tioergo Draaer haa- Inst snceeaded ia Bering tb erdare nv sned for lighting th hill with elcerie lights front the feet ef Price Hill Indies Qlea-I vty ifraia to tbe city limits, inoiadina Warnaw Haa ar, tn lax.

r. va 4 ataa Va i as It eorgra OIAL. SEE THE TEUPT1SQ CFFEHI! LADIES' SUITS! At S3.98. Reefer, Blouse and TIsht-Fittin Jaotet butts, come in Navy blue and black oaly termer prloe SO and SO.OO tor this sale reduced to S3, a. At 84.98.

Flannel Bton Salt, Full Skirt, vtu larce full sleeve. At 86.98. fierce Flannel Eton Suit, Jaoket Satin Lined, Empire Sleeve and Full Skirl. At 89.48. All-Wool Serge Eton Bait, Jacket Hair Satin Lined, wi Full Sleeve and Full Blaxor Butt SPB- 84.98 Special Wm 87.00.

Ladies' Tan Oxfords, S2.00, S2.50. $3.00 Ladies Canvas Oxford. White, Tan or Blue. Ladies' Donaroi Oxiords, tipped or plain 85c to S3.00. Ladles' Russia Oxford, all Shapes of Toea, S2.50 to S3.00.

Iadlae' fine Dong-ola Ox or da, Tippsu or Plain Toes, 1.50 to S3.00. Ladiea' Cloth Top Oxfords, Patent Leather Tipped, S2.75.' Zadles' Donffola Plain Toe or Tipped, SI.50to S3.00. Ladles' Tan Ooat Bluohera, a WaUklnaT toot, at S3.50. Iiadies' Fine Laos or Button, S3.50. KXIQHE0S3 CHEW TO rrmjo.

MISSES' aid LADIES Bine. 1k 1 BPE WANTED TO DIE, Bnt She Was Too Strong For the Gas. Mabel Wllaea. aa laotate Tfrlee te Shots Off eff a assort, Mabel Wilaea tsoa ef tbe la mate ef Lilly Paitaa'a resort oa Leagwortk at rest. Tba niabt Wabel aiumpted to leave thle wicked world by the gas rente, aad if ibe hid not beaa sbeovortd ah.

woold new be "poshing elosJs." Like a treat aianretnar airta of her kind. Mabel haa a sever, fsbt thought ba did not ear aar tee aanch for her. aad that bts afreet too a were bestowed oa mora than ana girl amaad town. Tbe other night Mabel weet eat for a time, and In ber midnight wanderings rasped Into a garden Over-tbe-Rhina. Thar abe taw her lovtr with another girt.

I MabaLaf eeatse. wat very sore, end when sbs went heme she was la Boasesnioa ef a psekaga that woold pat. aa ordinary person andertbesod. Tbsa ah. esssa te taeeow etnsioa that It wat a bant time for hr ta leave tbit elime aad go ta another.

So ah iacked the dear and that tba window, and aloeed no all tba traaaoms. 1 hen abe turned on the aas and wen so bed. It was not Una th. eeeaPine gae waa dtoered end.ut ua n.r wna hn-ken apea. lJabel ara.

th bed near'y dead. A waa and aba was brotubt all right. KU3I0ALE. The third af the eeries of aansieala. ndr the direeiioa of Prot Joseph P.

Dwonelly. givsa by the T. H. Ulae C3wo. wttl take place at ft, Ed waedsP Hall oa Thursday eTB-Ut May 1L Tbs leilewtas proaramaaa wiil a preaeaurd: Pinna- ayiaaa .11 nuts- oae aneki atofsiaa.

ItaatuttaB. aUa ataey Jt at. Jaaa Uaabeaea. Mnw a- itaraaa. wfaht. and uarbeu. Ma. Jaawa n. (weal Mrs. Flagei appaared.

pefore fqaira Wllaea yesterday and awor est a peace warrant for a arrest of Mrs. Mary Lasher, a next-door pelsbbwa. eastabt Eebold ptaeod the da rn niat anwaearree. aaa naa waa rwn ms MHiShaxIkr eaama uaw iwroar ae, aurr.w anaraina a a TK2 ETLLirSASD lTUlTIS OlSi; The eaa at Ceered HildsoraaA Ibe wife mareerar. was JveoOragg tb Pal ice Court entU taa tttav MUabrsad llll Coareer did Bat Ut SP tbS HU- tunrssaara Vllk S6.98 PBim REDUCED.

$3.50, BUTTERFLY CAPE, Ribbon trimmed. Comes In Tan, Brovro, Oray, Blue and Black. LEADIXO STYLES. 4.98, LADIES CAPE, Embroider, ed; Butterfly effect and Columbia Collar. Cornea In all the newest Spring- shades.

PRICES REDUCED. 3.98, LADIES' JACKET, cornea in ah tir ui-i 54.93 SneCiai. Cloths; made with a new Una 07.B. full and perJect-aitinf. 11 OUR SH UDIESVJHOES! and oa csiled.

a Mi aadBleafitaL' STerna. leita. Prattr mw waa aajl.a W. 'rKi tion. A JIUBtsey.

OE LADIES' WAISTS! was HEjDQUxiTEieg For All tho31ost Fashionable Stylw. fi AT AT AT A BIG sum To open the seaaon we win plsvce en lOO dozen Fine Trench Percale Waista, in all iaadinT ahadea, stripes and flarores, at. We Are Showlntr Extreme KoTeltles In SILK WAISTS. "V7HITE ULWN WAISTS, SATTEEN WAISTS. I FIjrnred 1VAWN WAISTS.

e. White Lawn and Fancy Peroale Waists at 50o. 63o, 7BO and upward. i Misses' and Children's Spring Jackets NOBBY STYLES. 82.00: $2.92 $3.50 $4.98 rtMrUa vi a wn i aaea We are offorinj8hoes that are Shoes, not In name only, but embraolos every requirement to make a perfect foot covering-.

Our Spring and Summer Styles of footwear are now complete In every department for Men's, Ladies' and Children's wear. Tho largest line in the city to select i Cataiornes FitK, riTiny fall aescripUes ul prices. Iaveator Odell Wauita $20,000 Freak Reyaeld. A tait te recover IB.C0O from Lauretta Ray a olds, tht gwerdtaa el the estate ef Frank Key a aids, waa broaght ia tha Catted Stetet CiraaUCvart Faatsfday br Jamsa B. Odstl.

of Cbiraxo. UU. tba laveator of tb Odell type-writing mack ina. Reynolds was Preei-dnt of tba 8tMta Lake Ice Ompaay. and be-eama iavolved fn a mo-ey-aasxaug aebeme ef a rv oberaetar.

It ta eUtmed that be ssreed te perebaas a heavy ialereat ia th Odll typo-writer tram Mr. Odell. and tnat tb concern was taea to ba a stock eomp ny. with head-quartera In taUaity. Alter all the arraan.eni bad 0B wada Udell Iarae) that Baynolds was te MB.

extent not reepoBsibl for but aa tians. and reooversd hi property. einiwaed. however, tbst ha was eaUUadto ita Man. eaa.

nnd hrnneht amt for that amount agaiaat Keyaeldt in tba Banerwr Court of Conk County. IUiBota. aad aisles that bs reoavvred ugmnt not inatexeru-ti ua oouta eat be made for want af iurUdie- Hia atiorueys ara uaaaaey. saasweu TILL THE BREAK OF DAT. The thlver Leaf Clab.

gave a very swell1 invi tation bop Friday veatng at tba Peedletea O. A. R. Hall. AnalesaBt supper was served at 12 o'clock, after which tbe Exrter String Band piayed for tho daacJag and Biasing natil th break of Jtr.

Tb young ladiea present were Mlteas iiaUar. Cora Kenne dy, alatta Uavis. Ida elit a alter. Pearl Paraae.

Jenale ifasel, MatU KageL iaa bt-rterd. Juna valla. At es tiorner. resa Feek. A lie Dneber.

Cell a Parralt. Ji-i Oder. Kau. faoaa'orf. Kena hayd.r.

yrtle Uaoblar. Laura Lebonsb.Kelle Par-i Yaeaaanew: W. Riaeetd. fc ParaelL A. LaagsaorL ulover.

I. Kennedy, I- boogu, i ri-low. J. ysrreiL Heatley. Y.

F.rreJl. A. iinrphy. R. Mallty.

J. Vurria. H. A.d.a aon. J.

h. rag an. U. i naa n. A.

Vd.r. I.HCtniaia.,1. I araooa. rr. ui UMa- TAJJaT AT BHAEOX The literary and mcaical eatartaJcmest aivea br tha W.O.T.V, far the benefit ef a library at Ebaroa en Friday avealag prayed a bHllraittsoeoeea.

is vlag with Ameri can p. am eoant ar isaaa who tad tea plea. nr. of liateaisg te tbe yanag U-dieawnoao araaioaaiy JeoeVrd their ear-Vices for tb beerit a th eaoaa. Tbe gramma ewosisaed of a saaalcal br tna ofteir.

aaaaatiana from A mere. ran poets by Jasie hik-rTnelafyilrtaa. Mabel White, Nli Vtessta Ktntb. N-'l'a Vliar. Alii knrtbWuaand Master CuarieT Tn.

teverai Heeste Ktoia. miw. 4 urthbUe and SI aster barley Em. te Vrn. kmih e4.s br Man) Heri tarreU.

aad a rio4iward.eby Mm tternte tarreU. at eal tale or via r.mnsa rwra an Tna esareiaas. aader tb apee at Pr. Lin Braver, were detivered ra a snaaner hien- ly srsufyiog t- tao paroctaaau aaa saaur tnosaa. iei HIS ITSST DTSrCTIOg TOPB.

The new Ligbt-fc-tts Ineptwer et tha district. Lteorteaant-ComBsaadar F. W. deeiaaet te start ea hia brst offieteJ tour laapsenast wa the Kab lat In tti r1te4 Ptate tenderSnldea Sod. be will aoend tare wtt oa tbeOble aad Fig lCaaawba fc ivra and than retare te 10-taart for 1 weesa.

after wbteb be will la.aaetine! ei nmbarlane tiring trtai ineoei baadr-d 1 faraoua a 1 1 Child's ftprt Aft? Reefer, ta Tan. Navy nd Brown colors, or enudren from to 12 years oi atro. Child's Nobby Reefer, comes In beautiful Cnecks and Mixed Cloths, lor onildrea trom 4 to Li years. Child's Reefer, made with a Trip' Cape, In Tan and Navy, for Children from 4 to 12 years. Child's Handsome Reefer, comes nicely fl.nieaed.wnh Butterfly Cape, trimmed with bra to maten.

DEPA aad RTMT GENTLEMEN'S SHOES. i nas GentV Bluchern, 52.50, S3.50.J4.C0, 55.00, 56. Gents' Calf Bluchers, Extra Value, $3.50 to S3.00. Qenta' Floe Viol Kid. Oeata' Calf Congress, Qood Wearor.

at $2.00. Oents' Hand-Welt Oongress, $3.50. Oents Extra Value In Calf Saoes, Plain or Tipped, 84.00. Oents Patent Leather Shoes Laca or Oonsrress, S3.00. Oents' Extra Fins Patent Leather, S4, S5 and $6.

Oents 811k Top Shoes. ONDER WATER. Show Grounds Transformed Lakes. ft late Cempola rerepsapb. Shew Te Vest- peae Date.

Ulddlotowa aad. Baaailioa SabstttateS. Tbe fact that the sates ef the Adam rorepangh s' shows have saaa pette soasd wiU prove a diaapeolBtassat to thaaaaadt. Yet Kaaaeer J. X.

Me-Caddoa assares th patr-aa ef the shows that he will shortly aanenace when they will area bora. That tha poatponamtet makssit a costly aad si pensive deal far th owners there eaa be ae F-T- wharo the agewta bsre searched, ewaeavoria to aeenr suitabia grounds, aad la all place they wr eoof roa tad with water. Evan if the water had receded thera woald have been left a snrface ef mud. wbieb might have been covered with cinders aad sawdust, yet which woold he dai gsreaa te the eeeuert et aadienea. Late ea Friday eight tae dsehriea mad te shaaae th roate.

Batbar tbsa lie idle It wag tegtwsted that two ether adjacent eltie. shonld be aeleetrd. By reaterday neee railway contracts had beet altered. printiaa erdarod. and by o'clock tbe bill war aated that tba snow woeM exhibit fn Xiddletowo en Monday.

May a aad ia Bas il lea ea Tuesday, May f. Tbea tae show tats at their regslar canft at advertised. showing at Dartoa oa Wednesday. Tba rail- wars save eeieklr grapd tbe cttnetioa and tbe ITeeinaatl. Hamilton aad Dsyten Koad ill aeU roaad-trip cheap tickets te the shows a ta data tbey ezbiMt at Middle-town.

Hani I ton and Derma. Tbe Paa-Haa-)e aaagaa a rsand-trip ticket for one far ta R'tbmoad aad Htmilisn tram all ineabow will give exactly ina aameoa- terta I amenta aa It wauld have eivew ta "tn- e4a at', eranteea rl uaiuvd asd snvstr- Six. tae miii'ary 4 1-0 lay that roeites an.11.a1 and halttMof th. ar. fnr If adc tbe trained wild animal, tbe weira.

warn acfee. tb UUie otepasat. ttabr Kuta. ail thauMl buiM will aa full ara- doa. who.

with Mr. J. A. Bailey, own tha et. twos tbe great I pen meat of this reaamatie is doe.

From ail Mian where tbe eaowa nave aibiblied the wticaa a- by th prea bare been soca as te warraat Hi bra-, aaroa that eaa ea.ibly aaid fn ndvnnnaaf Hm aaSioa nriit pa rivaa aa te tna d'a af tb ahews harm ia Una snaaa Baa, patewtip wata. AMaITuTL PabTOOlAPHl The T.1LC A. eearsa ia aaaatear phatse- raaby nrLl saaemsi taaaarev iaa at e'edeek. ta the Pbatoeraebm Deearv meat of tha aainala.liiw The nuaraa wi't 1 tetel teree lecmraa. Mar li and EL Ibe auaiewt if tb drat lectar will be.

Uwt-door Fhataa-ika aaa IT nee fiwiaar B-d Partrwitarw Aar- ti.f!nltijr.i "1 aad rn -i HI. tvatb Udi-a aad geatiemea attead. Tnie ts tbstiRiseftaa rur satt levart et tae art aae taast tataraaiaaW 8 and 9-tncli Good Horn Bones, per Black Hooks an Eyes, per Seamless Stockinet Dress Shields Jonap's Lucille Best Made WWVV.eVVV.e SOLID COMFORT IXAJfOAHOO, -1 I THE IeNQUIKI: CTNCINNATI, SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1893 TWEyTYFOint PAGES. 13 A. I H.

CKXP CO. itxmma bumm ax ftfOWt SOWS. mm mi A AN SMEj CLE We hava oontractad for the satire) production or a maaafaot urlnsr eetabllshment, and ara thavreby la position to sell 0UK KX CXXSITE STTLEh STILES OaXS IlM.U HA AFFKOTCiV OUR SILK WAISTS II Vmw.JsT P-- 1 s'-a(taf I l. oJJ Jata 025.50a TT p-irTrrr-y a mtm Ax the In the city. The prloes ara 75c, 81.23, 01.75, Attractions in Small Wares Dress 7n I IU Bfeayw Superior Bone Casing, a quality of- Aftfl- ten sold at 25c; per xy 1 i Good Cotton per 15o Silk Belting, per piece 75b Seam Binding, all colors, per Featherbone, all polors, per yard.

X0o Kid-Covered Side Steels, per dozen Dress Shields, 25o shape or THIS FOOT CAUFSiitar, aV.W-,,ere,aV af ann wg eaa gi va roe a perfect ana com enable fl In th ii Pbo. "rey a re VC'J llll rra.1. .4 Lh aery beat ralrekma. and fattened by tbs Aama Well aav Paa VeT eners. saaKing tbera laaooosible te Hp, Taas et tae ttesx naipe aaa atjies, aejaaro zee siaessr, jmJJ rleeaaiuy au aaa Biaeaer.

6, s-a Patent Leathers Is aa assieas Variety. Oar SS sad 1 ealLesUerlUneasaMaSM RETAIL STORE, No. 195 Vine Street. H. KASSOX Mastfer, raetorr Beaten.

Msss. S25.50. niastrated rataleeae sat te ear address. V.J THS KIKZa at MOORE CO. This hat rack 6 ft.

io inches high. ft, 6 tnchei wtde, and has a 24x30 French beveled mirror: xs richly made and carvea in quartered oak and hand polished; has heavy metal ttimmtngs and a large box settle. It is a GOOD VALUE at $41 yet our price ts but 023.5O. Sxa3iail Orders Promptly Executed. LISTEN: You hear much aboutluy- trig jrom tne manufacturer.

dner; ate hollow words. The manufacturer who makes a little of everything makes no one thing cheaply. can not cope with the special manufacturer who confines his work to a few articles. This Rack would cost you tjS to S40 from the so-called tnanufactuter Ive make a lair profit on it at $25.50. be- use we buy from the factory making ti a specialty And so all through our stx -floors the prices are io your aae a V-S'we moat ehoioe ofTar-' ura.

Xrerr rarment emoraoes variety of m.rlts specially oonflnod to oar cooda. Kew and neat styles. Per set work and finish, as the hst dreabp-maker would do It. ExeeUent oolonngs la Plain Bilxa aad Boantl'nl Patterns In nirnrwyl rSlksberst waarlaar on all lies. Value considered, our prloes are loweet la the market.

SATEEN WAISTS styles ara such aa yon rarely Made of high-class Sateens, ta a variety made of material. Inferior to ths BEST 8ILXS, Ws positively show tho most extensive i llns 0S.OO, and 0S.75. Thoae at CLSS and up ara perfectly made, with eoverea me and tlniahed aa tUeelr as If mavde to tout order, aad oar prloes are hardly more than yon would pay lor the bare material. THOMSON'S GLOVE- nnis3 Corsets' Ptrftst Sfciji AKD But YilBtt. eVi Style ts, Frenoh Bateen.

High lgh and Bxtra Long Walat .1 4' Thomson's ft. H. High Bust and Ex- (ft 4 C( traLong Walat Bast 6A 7C tD la At our Corset pepartment you will always find the best makes of Import and Oomestlo Corsets extensively represented. I Our Perfect Flttlni, excellent duality Blank Bateen corset, venue Back, cpeolal rrtoe. 2 to O-year sixes.

We ara showing a lartre eolleortion of beautiful etyies. Pull Sleeves and Butterfly Cap, new materials ana colorings, nobly trimmed, best workman- materials ana colorings, rlohly trimmed, best workn wiifialellwiii b. aal fu 1 1 ship, at 81.95, $2.25, 82.60, 82.70, 82.98, 83. 50 and upward. tfTSPfCIAX.

SALE OF REEFERS-" 01-23 and OLCO Styles, good ijuaUtyJ 0 FOR MONDAY ONLY. TeTephaae Ke. S9SO. SITE EMITH PRIMIEH TTPE-WRITER. a tf-avaaw-'.

well made, sixes 3 to for this sale. "Improvement tbe Order ef the Age.1 THE QMITH PREMIER iTAVDS I BE-EM13KST, THE LEADER IMPROVEMENTS. Wa respectfully sk permission so sxhibit ear nchin to prospective purchaser. Full lia. of Type-writer Paper.

MAOfucrlpt Cev-ra, srbon and Kiboena VT rlt for Oataiogoa. The SMITH I-KK3IIE11 Css-WPatfl Type-Writer ISO Walsst SU. Ciadanatl. 0. SMITH at STOTJGHTOW.

MANUFACTURERS OF MEN'S SHOCS. TANS JlS MlrtUrttf $3,50 i $6.00 and: QLTX $5.00 $6.50 I ITTeT PfjDlVfi TVI C' I RfMEMBr. all -font Bho. are ld dire frest Ut I ltlUI OriUItU 41 MaNUVAOTUftKR to ta C.iNU&iL 85 D. B.

BAYLESS Jk CO. for the Adrsrtlsamoat ef TUbI D.B.BaylessStoveCo NEXT WEEK -os Bayless Steel Ranges, Hefrigerators, Gasoline Stores. Lawn flowers. Ice Cream Freezers. Do not buy until you have looked at our display and prices.

TUB D.B.BayIcssStOTcCo Boys' Spar) 1 USud 1ST lest PlfliStreX CISCITSAT, OHIO Use deer west ef Kirn. seuU aid. KsTOST HHPS, at CO. THIS CUT OUB XXV Carts! CMiwSrriages As SMmaL tbe heat Una la tae ettr. A fall tine ef Girls Trleyelea.

VeleeW. Pedes. 1 press eVegaas. Oeett Saikiesi Leant Ten eia Crasnst fetai Haa- tnoeka. Pass hall.

Sappliaa. llaaiss Taekla. EIIOST BBOS. CO. pi.

reana Btreet 1ST I I for Bpriag Cataloa-ae. OOXliTIe JaA. ST- SPesaw rJ-, ew w- neaaaat, Harealeet, all who faavs used If yoar drutrit keep it, send pries C1'-00) aad vre will mall youa box. THE DX-NOLTML-! QO. I BM.6MU DOT U0I1DAM1AY8.

i nmw 111) li.Ii.U III), anhW OOLI OXJTFTT, Crls'nary Sills For 5119. 1 LThis embodies the dlninc i room complete the Curt alas, Carpet, feideboard, 8-foot Ex tension Table, 6 handsome high- back diningr Chairs, makina ta room comp ete in its entirety. Tnis ouar is maae to you wit a that same deree ot talrnesa that has actuated our efforts heretotore without restriction without reserve. The complato outfit can be purchased collactlvely In its en tlrety, or the separate articles I singly, as enumerated below. THE SIDEBOARD Comes in the newest style.

PLATE GLASH, LINEN DUAWlSIw, AUTISTIC DESIGN, OXIDIZED HANDLES, VELVET-LINED DRAWER. Of the highest grade water--oolished Quartered oak. piano finish, prec.uding the necessity' ot using ou to restore Dmiiancy. They are a departure from th designs a striking individuality about these that impresses you at once i artistic in the truest meaning of the word. The designers hava spread themselves on these and brougnt iortn tna.

wmcn wa honestly believe will be a revo- lutlon in sideboards. Experts versed in knowledge i of quartered sawed oak pro-nounce the quality used in these boards par excellence. And the finish will suit you, ladies, to a nicety. Polished to I a degree that rivals a mirror la ita rfflective quality. Price lor the day, 928.

CARPET (25 yards have been allowed in this estimate.) They come in those rich Per sian designs, neutral oolors, pleasing and quieting in their effect, ana just tne tning zor dining-rooms. Varied in colors, odd in design, grand in texture you can hold us accountable (or tha wear. They are the far-famed Tnrrrains known the wide world over tor the crand. wear and satisfaction afforded through their agency. Sells every where lor 90c a yard.

Our pi ice for the day 65c a yard. THE DINING TABLE. Artistic in design and finish. but not at the expense ot ita durability. 8 feet long and 6 handsomely turned legs to support it.

It is a fitting companion piece to the Sideboard, and shares equally tne men praise bestowed on tbe board. It is a specimen of high art furniture thoroughly substan tial in every detail. Price tor the day. SI 4a iDINING CHAIRS. HIGH BACK OAK.

brace-- arms, highly polished, wooa or cane seat. Not clumsy. Ar- tistic and surely durable. Completing a dining-room that will vie with any for neat- ness tastiness without osten- tatious display. Price ior tne unairs.

u. To every purchaser of the en. lire outfit we give gratis a Pair of handsome glass-beaded Jap anese sxtce Curtains. Aiming at all times to please, yon can afford to visit us, KnorTins, ineso coods are placed on bona fide sale, and are exactly; as represented. These offers aDove can do purchased on weekly op monthly pajments as oesti suits the purchaser- And.

rcmein ber, vre areo Lto carry your account as long as may be required throush sickness, accident or loss of i neyMelBlooiuCo. 220 FIFTH BeUFIaaiaad Qav. 1PVMIB RESORTS. THEMOUflTAiri HOUSE CRE8SON. PA, On Van.

af a.legheey W.aalalaa. fata I1a raa. k. n. iHlraimiaa.

aJM a deikt at s-aat i- basalt aaa ai ai a..

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