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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 34

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i mi i i 9 i '33 lilTEBVOVEN With Early History Is the Annals of Staid Old llardinsburg. Hardin, the Indian Fighter, and Tw9 Companions Located the Place Orera Hub-dred Years Age. It Has Beei ths Horns of Many Mei Wbofl Names Mow Emblazon Book. srsoui. BuraTca to ran Baaoiaxa.

Bowumo OHM, Kt, Novtmbw 27. Slxly-nva miles southwest of Louisville, on the Fordtvllle branch of ths Louisville, Henderson- and St. Louis Railway. Is on ft of oldrtt towns In Kentucky. Beautifully situated, 'mid th rolling; landscape of Breckinridge County, it is rich In the tradl- tlona of a thrilling And noble put.

Fortunately the early history of Hardins burg does not depend entirely on tradition. Preserved In the bandaoroa courthouse Which adorns tba public square are two documents which flx beyond all doubt the ace or the place. They are the depoelttona of William Hardin and Christopher Bush In the case of George Robards. executor, vs. Benjamin Hardin and Martin Hardin.

They bear the date of 1812. and set forth the fact that In April. 1TS0. WUllam Hardin. Chrtfc- lopber Bush and Mike Leonard arrived at the spot whereon Hardinsburg- Is located.

Hardin's deposition cites the fact that he bad lived In tbe olace ever since, save la 1783 and 17WI.7. when ha was oalVEN AWAT ST TUB IMOIAKS. southern base and form an outlet for Hara In'a Creek. To quota the words spoken by Colonel Al fred Allen at ths Centennial In 18H2. "Here, then, In this lively scene, by the side ot yonder stream, whose musto baa never, for a moment, ceased since they first drank of Us waters.

Hardin and hi men built their-fort and blockhouse, and here tbey abided their enemy; here they ata their jerked vntson, and hero let ua hope) worshiped their Ood, and began the business of their lives. And what a future waa before them! No neighbor nearer than Severn's valley no doctor In case of aliment; no friend to cry 'for help; surrounded by tba endlaes woods alive with dangerous wild beasts and venomous snakes, and sheltering a human foe animated by hatred of a' hundred years' growth. "Hera, then, they were 40 miles from ths fort In Severn's valley, 40 from the fort where Hartford now stands, and 65 from Vienna Falls on Green River. These on ths south. But on the north, along tba river front not a settlement from tha falls of ths Ohio to tha French and Spanish settlement on' tha Mississippi.

Where els but to ths bounds of Kentucky as then was. could be found hearts that wouli) not quail at such surroundings? But i THST O.CAILBO WOT. Confiding In ths protection ot Providence and their walnut-stocked rifles, they pur sued their way aa carelessly as though sauntering along Broadway. New Torn. Tet sad and awful are tba tale told of savage cruelty.

Cms of the most horrible sx-'- hlbltiona of It occurred whan tha cOaaiel and Bruner fsmlllea came out from Vlr- glnla. They drifted down tha Ohio In a flat boat, and bad arrived at tha Palls of "tha Sinking, sight miles from Hardin's settle ment. The two men left their wires and children In the protection of a negro slave and pushed on to tha fort for bslp to vey thither their families and outfit. In their absence a party of Indians appeared and so frightened Mrs. McDanlel that aha fell Into tha water and waa drowned.

Bets. lng Mrs. Bruner and tha slave they hurried across tha Ohio toward their Tlllaga In lilt -nota. Mrs. Bruner was unable to travel fast because of ths babe In her arras, and this so Incensed tba savages that, seisms; tha little one.

they split tha limb of a tree and inserted Its tiny wrists. Tha wood closed upon them and left tha child suspended In air. Tha demons then stood off and used it as a target for their arrows, while tha poor mother went Into paroxytsmg of grief. So terrible was her angulsh that they caught her by her long hair, scalped her and than plunged a knife Into bar thigh. was only rescued from death by the declaration of an old chief that he Intended to make bar his wife.

Still thirsting- for Wood, they killed the negro slave and mad off, leaving tba dead babe hanging in midair. Mrs. Bruner was afterward rescued, and lived many years afterward a nappy wife and snot her. In- strong contrast to this dark picture stand out the heroic nguree of tbe first set tlers. Much might be written of Bruner, Brashaar, Claycomb.

Haynea, Rice. Jolly and others; how Bamuol 8pencer silenced forever the Indian "turkey-gobbler; how Weatbarbolt'a rifle "SWeetllBeT ruUg ITS BONO Or tSATB. Tha bravery of the women would nil a book-It la related of an aunt of Colonel Alfred Allan that shs killed a full-grown bear, dropped tba rifle and heeled It to tha house. But-tha most commanding- personality among; them, by virtue of his position tha bead of tba pioneer community and by reason of bis-own sterling qualities, was AVIitUm Hardin. He waa born In Vtrgjtria in 1747.

in liavs Ms tataer. Martin Hardin, migrated from Fauquier County. and set tied in Western Pennsylvania. Oa reaching manhood WUllam married Winifred Holta-claw. In, 17XU.

attracted by tha reports of a ne ncn neios along- rae unto, ne floated down that river In seercn of a site for colony which ha had recruited among- hta I rteotts and neighbors Like most of the men Dromtnent in the eariy bistorv of Ken Aa waa young; hi years strong- of rams and active a a panther. The Indians called him "Big Bill," and learned far and wide to fear his military prowess and deadly line. On one occasion, while pursuing a band of aavaaes. be outrode bis companions and came on hva of them eating- their roorn- lng meal. Two of them Inatantly nred and The Grat son became the famous Jo ha Alien, one of the greatest lawyers ever fn tba fcommonwealtn, oeing ctaied with Henry Clay as on oi Aaron Ruri-s attorneys, and anally as Colonel of the First Riment of Kentucky RinVmen, fell In the memorable campaign against MiMlealnewa or "TurtleetowB," From his MArrtMM 1mm I itaR many of -the states best families are descended or con nected the Crittenden.

Aturrays, Jiuuera and others, captain Joe Allen came to Maroinsoorx when ault a Tounr man. being about 161 years o( age when be was ArpourrxD cwcciT clebx. Tilts was In 1jM aiul he held the office uniu lr. a remarkably long- term of Hta monument cKes that be and Mar- faret Crawford wore man and wife Ut yeara. i two of the campaigns of 112 he had charge of the advance guard or "company of He was of neculeen strength and never knew the meaning of physical fear.

At. one time the counties bordering on the Ohto were troubled by- bands of horse thieves, who came over from Indiana and then fled across the river with their booty. Captain Allen oraanlaed a comtany, pur- eued the thieves, burnea their killed quite a and put an ana to the raids. Being- asked what had become of the leader-of tbe gang-, Allen replied that the last he had seen of him was through the sights of his rifle. The Governor of Indiana sent soldiers to Herdlnaburg to arrest Cap-lain Alien, but the latter collected his men.

captured tbe troops and made friends with them. The house in. which he lived Is still standing; It la very old and Is a story and a half. When first built It attracted visit ors from far and near, bo were anxious to see a home in wMch ''steps" had taken the plaoe of the rude ladder, which In pioneer cabins led up of Utn outside) to the room above, from such an old berq there sprang noble family of children. His oldest daughter, Jane, married John McClerty.

a merchant of Hardinsburg. From this anion the late gallant "Clint" MrClarty was born. Other descendants married into the Larue, Peyton, Henna way, Morton, Tuck and Watben "families. Tbe fifth child of Cap-lain Allen was the distinguished lawyer. Colonel Alfred Allen, who was for many vears In the Jifegtslature.

mate Treasurer under Oovtrnor Bramlette and OMtUb TO MO CROW, China, under President Grant. He. Is Meat remembered a tbe principal prosecutor in the celebrated Ward case. His speech was remarkable among the great ones heard on tbat occasion, and will live in history as a specimen of oratory in criminal prosecution rarely equaled. In the first half of this century many other families found an abiding place In Hardins burg the Peyton.

Daniels, Ueards, Jiosras, nt roots, PuHlaras, VUW UUI MW I called and known by the name of the Ohio he answered. "Tes, It was so." The depositions also affirm that shortly after their coming Mike Leonard waa killed by the In dians. They brought their families with them and built a fort on a hill In the southern outskirts ot tba town. It la a strong and -commanding position, belnc swept on three 'sides br two valleys which unite at ths Coxes, Haswells. Gardiner.

Holmeses and others. whose children, though often far away, still lava "the dear, familiar spot." One of tbe most noted figures In the early history of the place waa "father" Taylor, a local Method ist nreacner. ror nair a century ne oap- tlsed nearly all tba children and married most of the couples for whom these offices are performed. It Is said that on one occasion he rods several miles Into ths country to oat-form a marriage ceremony. The weather waa Intensely cold, the thermome ter registering several pegreea below sero.

After he had united the couple the groom Th denosKkm of Christopher Bush gives I th. The descendants of "Path- bls ace as KL and confirms tba statement tr Taylor are among; Kentucky's Hardin as to the time of their arrival, I most ccltdbbd rAnnjsa. In response to the question, "waa not the 1 One danghter married the lata Hon. Henry dlnsbura hss ever produced waa the late Judge Klncheloe. He was born In tbe town December 1.

IHUa, and for almost a cen- turr was Identified with Its everr Interest. As a lawver he had few oeers. Borne one said or brm: "When Judge Klncheloe gets warmed up In a speech to a Jury his words rail upon tne ear like tne notes oi Home, Sweet Home. During the civil war Mawinsnurg was the scene et three thrtllmR- raids; Belnc intensely union in its feeling, it waa tne ob jective point or raiaers, ootn regular ana guerrilla. The most memorable one occurred Saturday.

October 15. 104. Eariy In the morning Captain McCarroll, who said that he belonged to Forrest command. rode Into town at the head of 20 men. Tbe home guards bad been notified and were on the alert.

Boon the whole Doculauon wai aroused by the sharp and rapid firing. Sev. erai or tne guarua were patnxuiiy, utougjn NOT SEMOl-lLT INJURED. Nineteen or tne raiders were killed or wounded. Ths dashing young Captain, who only 22 yeara of age.

-was borne Into a nelrhborlna- house to die. His last noi were a message to bis mother In Providence. There are many notable old buildings In ths town. The first one te attract attention, aa one drives In from the depot. Is the old stone a tore, built In 1FCS1 and occuDied for killed hia horse, which be at once used as half a century by Vivian Daniel.

Esq. His a breastwork and kept the red men at a I residence, "Joy Hia." was not far away, distance by waving his rifle, which he was And here many a weary Itinerant preacher be Inatantly kUled are be could reload. Though shot through the hip, he kept them at bay until earner hoi t. with "Sweetlipe" came up. -shot one of the Indiana, and together they put the rest to flight.

In, tbe battle of Ballne, which waa fought In the Illinois territory, be procured rest for his community roa a Lotto raaKux. concealed his force of 80 men In a clump et trees which ltxi warriors approached, suspecting no danger. The) Indians were disconcerted by the first fire, but soon rallied and a terrible battle en-eued. Hardin was shot through both thighs, but, with marvelous power ever Daln, seated himself on a log and directed hia men. Tbe conflict ragvd for hours.

At last the Indians fled, leaving 90 warriors dead and more than half of their number wounded. It Is to ba questioned whether Kentucky ever possessed a greater Indian fighter. History hss not done -him full Justice. While the Eastern settlements were meet- lng with defeat and disaster. Hard In' settlement remained secure.

He lived to a good old age and died respected and honored. His grava la unmarked and lies neglected but a few rods from tba town which bears his name and whose beginnings he nourished and defended, i Toward the close of tbe last century several families of strong native endow ments settled in arm around Jrtaralnaburg. Prominent among them wers tbe Aliens, Dents, Jarretts. Pates and RJiodeses. Tbe first named family hss left a deep Impress upon Kentucky hlatory for wsQ nigh, a century.

Captain Joe Allen was one ef the three sons of James ami Marr Kelsev who smljrrated from Virginia about liii. They settled first at Clerks Run. near Danvule, and then finally near the present Site of BioomUtuO. la rtsiaoa County, found rest and a gracloua hospitality. The notmes Hotet, wmcn on tne otner suae of the square from the stone store, has been open-for gueeta since 1S30.

Not far away Is rhs otd Female High School, built in 1(C8 as a residence, and for years the most luxurious home in Breckinridge Coun ty. The bead of the scbool waa Mrs. Bessie tha wife of the late Rev. R. O.

Gardiner, a well-known" Methodist preacher vi years ago. Many girls from all over tbe state and South were educated here. Mrs. Uardiner atiil lives, a noble Christian woman, 80 years of age, but taking a keen interest In everything which pertains to present day affairs. She Is the mother ef ins new Superintendent Asylum at HopklnavUla of the Western ATTEMPTED AS8ASSCTATI0 J.

liioorxsrokT. Ohio, November 2T. An attempt wet made here last night upon the life of John Donald and family. Borne unknown party fired five) shots ta rapid aucces-sfoe through tbe window la their home, tn the west end of town. The first shot struck Just a tew Inches above Mrs.

Donald's bead. and tne second hit a dock a few feet away. omn'nwti ucHSDMi reigns here over tne ftuair, iiDjPT mciAi niararca TO Tata XJrTrrsaa lEidoxviiA. uxoo, aievember 27. The body of the unknown man killed by cars here two weeas ago waa Buried to-day.

AU efforts 10 discover. JUS identity were with, out avaii. LIBERTIES With Avon's Sweet Bard Cause a Bow Between gerial Stars. Loirooir. November 27 CopyrigHted.

Tba question as to who may be accused of king- tha greatest liberties with Shake speare la a mooted one between Aug-uatin Daly and Beerbohm Tree, and baa arisen a result of tba unpleasantness between the two distinguished managers over Mr. Tree's Invitation to Ada Rebaa to appear In hia theater. Mr. Tree expressed considerable surprise When Informed that Mr. DsJy had accused Ua unmanageriaJ conduct because be Invited Miss Re nan to assume tha part of Catherine In tba condensed one-act' versioo of Ih Taming- of given by Mr.

Tree's company, and bad applied tba epithet "emasculated" to that version. He explained that tha invitation for Miss Ro han to participate la the performance had been intended as a compliment rather than an affront. In which latter sense Mr. Daly appears' to (ava received ft. His manager, Henry Isna, had, upon the auggeation of Mrs.

Tree, called upon Mr. Daly and ex. tended -tbe invitation for Miss Rehan to play -with Mr. Tree's company. Mr.

Daly had replied tbat tbe acceptance of the offer would be Impossible because the company waa to sail for the United States Immediately upon tbe close of Its provincial engagements. A similar invitation had been given Mme. Sarah Bernhardt to play In Her Majesty's Theater this summer, and French star bad ACcrrrxD rr. "The version of the Taming of tba Shrew" which I have adapted." Mr. Tree explained.

"waa tha one used by and not an adaptation of my own. So far aa the etnaacuiatton' of Shakespeare la concerned. I believe Mr. Daly is something of an adept at revising Shakespeare himself. He interpolates songs into Twelfth and arranges stage versions which differ consid erably front the Mr.

Tree la preparing an elaborate produc tion of "Julius Caesar," which will be staxed early in January. In tMs work he baa the assistance of Alma Tedetaa. Lewis Wstler win have thm part of Brurus, while Tree plays Mare Antony. la the meantime. Mr.

Tree will revive bis old success, "A Man's Shadow," which had a run of 300 nights on Ks first London appearance seme years sgo. It Is probable that the Chevalier Bcovel, the American tenor, will be heard In the United States next year In the Was-ner roles of "Tristan," the snd "Taonhauaer," which be has studied dlll- gently this year under the celebrated Mela- ter AJota janetscnea. The Chevalier, who Is one of the beet known fisuree among the Americans who have aer tied la Rurope. has not sung tn the United States since 1SW0, when be was tenor with the Boston Ideals. His last appearance la England was with tbe can ttoaa company, when be created the title role in of which be gave a masterly kuenw" tattoo.

In the intervale of his op eratic entragemeots the Chevalier Uvea with bis family in one 1 tne naeat ot toe M-atyta villas of Florence. BExjur aaaTBAAfg aoccssa, Another American artist who Is makfng her London debut this season Is Helen Bertram, late of the Boatoniajn, who replaced Florence St. John in "La Ehe has siso been encaged for the chief ainarxig part In-Oscar Barrett's Christtnas opera, Clndarells," which la billed for tbe Garrick. In this opera Cissy Loftus will figure aa Cinderella and Fred Kays and John Bhar-Idan as the ugly sisters. and Mrs.

Sydney Drew, who have been giving their aketch. "When -Two Hearts Are Won." at tbe TtvoH for several months, have secured so firm a hold on the London public that tbey will apnea Mon day night at the Aibambra, the principal music nail tn to is city, roe conclusion or their engagement there writ have given nam w. vb, ciaujN. Then thejm contetnphue a Parisian debut in a French version of tha same skit, which they are now etudytng. They were among the artists seietrted for the Drury Lane benefit hut.

week, which enlisted the beet attractions from all the Londoa theaters. The American couple are so well satisfied with their reception la England that they expect to remain here perhaps for some vears. and are talking ot vlval of -The Rivals." TUB ENQUERKR, CINCINNAtt NOVEMBER 1S97. llaia- Angnstin Daly and Beerbohm Tree Qiiarreling. Americas Aetsrs Wk Are Aekietiig Saeeess Abrsad Geisis ef the Stage.

aKemptlng a re- BELLA rOI'3 STEAJGE 1CTI0X srscuj. atsvATCK to Tax Mtoirtaxa. iNuiAjtarous. Ixo, Hovember 2T. DeHa Fox failed to appear with the Wedding Day Combination at English's Theater to-night, bank.

claiming that sba was sick, and an understudy was gives the role. Her sickness was unknown at tba boteL and as she refused aU cards tha report Is seals credited that She Is ford sg a break with tba asaiuteBasnt to Join a new compaag mow. forming- in Nw RUNNEBS Of lUrrylng Sqaira Tackled Wrssg Mas LoaisrUUs. has a broken knuckle. tfc LotTtsviiAJE, Kt, November C-WUklas.

a welt-knowm traveUnc man. resid ing at Lerey, TeuL. and Miss Bertha Harris of this city, his niece, bad aa excit ing experience with matrimonial run early this morning-, and as a result matrimonial agents were badly used wo. Miss Harris Is seriously Ul and Mr. 11 kins Accompanied by Miss Hams.

Mr. WUklns started for the ferry boat this morning, in-1 tending to go te JeffersonvUle en a business trip. As they neared the river two matrimonial agents employed by Jeffersoavllle Magistratea accosted them under the impression tbat they were an eloping; couple. WUklns thought the men were footpads, and. aa one of them grabbed Mm-by She arm.

be struck him a terrible blow In the bead. WUklns rhea waded into tbe ajreots and mashed their faces up in great style. Miss Harris thousbt they were beset by rob bers and screamed. She then fahrtoi. She a taken to her borne, at uxi siarkex street, and nhveidans summoned, one is dangerously ill from The agents es- caped.

FIRST STEPS Taken Toward Consolidation of Goth am Gas Companies. New Tons. November XT. Tbe first steps 1 coding- to the consolidation of tbe Equitable Gas Light Company, tha New York East River Gas Company and the New Am sterdam Gas Company were taken to-day by the first-named company. At a meetuve; of tbe Board of Directors at Its omce to-oay the EauiiabLe Ou Lutht Corn Deny resolved to unite with the two other companies).

Both the New York and Kaat River and me rrew Amsterdam Comnanles will bold meetings on Monday next, when a resolution similar to toe one passed to-oay is expected io approved by tbe Directors of tbe respective companies. Accorumf to omcers oi tne riqmiaoie uaa Lirht Com ian no change In the price of gas is contemplated. SKIN Is the Color of Indigo. Cemei Off ia Patckes aad Will 8tala Paper A Weaaa's Peealiar Maladf. sracTsx.

sisrATcw to van XMaOTaaa. Ohio. Ndvsmber 27. Miss Elizabeth Mercer, who resides in Brooks County, West Virginia, opposite this city, is suffering from a. malady tbat Is puxxllcg the physicians.

In tha neighborhood where she lives' Miss Mercer Is known as tha "indigo a name given ber by' tha peculiar discoloration of her akin, which has assumed a bright blue color, about tha 3: rl shade of Indigo, Nor is this all. Tbe woman's flesh Is scaling off In pieces as large as a penny, and these scales, when applied to a white surface, leave a'LCB As though mede by a blue lead paocU. About aooa a month' pleotsj of nesh chip off from her hands, arms and limbs, and the pavtletat takea delight tn marUng with them oa writing paper and eestributing the pieces among her friends. The or whatever tt tea made ks appearance four months ago, when a slight darootcswitioa of the face waa noticeable, It came In spots at nrst. btrt now the ea- FACg IS COTMLS1X Miss Mercer Is In fairly good health and spirits, and hut for her Indigo skin would be taken for ao.

entirely healthy woman, A number of physicians have analyzed the parUclea of flesh or scales that drop from tbe woman's hands and arms, and report that they are of a charcoal nature, hut of tbe color of Indigo. She refuses to leave home for treatment, saying that she would aa aooo. be blue as white. VZ1T. C0SH0CT05 B11X arsxriA.

sisparca to tss TrqcTasn. Ohio, Korember 27. Ths application of the following named persons for authority sa organise a national bank with $30,000 capital at Coshocton, Ohm, has been approved by tha Comptroller of Currency: Benjamin Franklin, M. Baker and Thad- deua la- Montgomery, of H. Strone-.

of Sandusky: WUllam Burns and tvibv. of Coshocton. The Institution ill be known as toe Coshocton XaUonal HELPED To Fill graveyards. Still Above Earth And Now Aiding the Govern- klnoiL ment as a He Is Said Te Hare Oice Six Uea Salt Duiinr a fiattl ii CoartioMe reured By All Wio Iow Him. srwctAX, coaB-xsrosuxjica or VsBxatonm-m.

Wichita, Ku, Ootober 2S, lfl7. Tba fwdiaa coootry borderioa- oa Western Arkanaaa has prodoced many Individuals who nave ot-nardcuoua for tbetr dar- Joc both as he eonaervaxora of the pel and civil sovertsmeot and as cVsflera of On swes- (rts svrl IrnitfkP Proctor. ex-HlgH Bbeolir of Ootngsoake Dis trict. He la a full-Wood Cherokee, vears nf an. and notwUhaxandlneT bis numerous battles and scars made by ctab, knife and bullet, be la still vigorous, eottve and keen-eyed.

He came to the nation from Georgia wnen a boy. When the CherokeVs were removed from then- Southern reservation to xnsir present buds. When be was yet a young man be became conspicuous among- fata people as a burner, trapper and fighter. Hia first victim waa an Indian named Tear-Old, a young; Indian kh whom toe became involved in an attercattooe Ho burled the body of Tear-Old, nd adorned tba grave with flint rocks. A road now runs near the rocky mound, tn what ta known aa "Indian Grave HoOow.

Not Ions after tfada tragedy Proctor extended a dance IM OOINOBlf AB-B BirntxcT, And during- tbe festivities he became Involved in a fight with two Indiana named Jay Bird and Big Drum. He abot Jay Bird dead, and sent a bullet througti Big Drum's body, but the latter i score red. proctor bad when be wltA several others, in a dr-lnkinc Jamboree In A eHlage near tbe Arkansas Una The drinking led to a fight In which Henry Drew, a half-breed, shot Proctor In the shoulder, and some one else stabbed feint In tbe breast, breaking off the blade of a dirk la his breast bone TMs oc curred Just at ths outbseak of tha War of tbe Rebel Hon. and as soon as Proctor recovered from bis wounds, be offered his services to the United States Government as a scout, in which capacity fan was a power Cot- ALFRED AllfcN STowr STose amiLT in mj. 'sbSs' 'V jigg p-: I e-t CFMTURV QUO.

THE: ME-TttOWST (HUTklT wHtRt te- n- VLaxt none. THE 0L0 ALt HIGH SCHOOL I 'uii'S JAIL -1 3 waTMn himself as spr. scout -and sharp shooter. Many of the Cherokees Joined the Con federate forces, and the enmity bet them, and the Federal Indians' was hitter and deadly. The Federal Indians wore but tons! furnished them by the Government, and this insignia gave them the appellation of "Button Indians.

Subsequently Proctor Joined Captain' Scraper's company of the First Indian Regiment, aad he served ht the ranks with credit. While oa duty as guard ever some commissary Ft- Gibson. an Indian named Clister Rattling-Gourd, atempted to appropriate some of tbe hay to hia own use, when Proc tor shot him DBAS TBaCXa. At the close of the War Proctor ran for Sheriff of the Golngsaaka District aad waa elected. During the second year of his rice the Council of Chiefs, for some offense ths part of Proctor, deposed Mot long after his return to civil life he got Into a difficulty with a Jim Ksateraoa, ta which he brought his revolver into action.

firing at Kasterson, missing hin and kill ing a woman spectator named Hilderbraad. Proctor's killings were becoming too nu merous. His private graveyard was grow ing at toe rapid a rate. Feeling amon hia own people against him waa intense, and he took to "scouting. evadjng aad defying arrest and committing, it Is aHegad.

Anaay deeds contrary to tribal statutes. He "was finally arrested, howsver. for tbe killing of Mrs. HUder brand, and acquitted. Then he was rearrest eJ for-shooting at Jim Kesterson, Ths trial was act for May 13, 1872.

He was held a prisoner at Golcg-snsks Courthouse. In the forenoon of the litn Proctor uaa In the courtroom with a nuinber of his i-ier '-i, am' wnorn re Stick, in. Aial tone. Killer. Creek John and others.

Those ot-posing- Proctor were Sans Beck, But Heck, i black But Berk, bill Hkcka. Oeorge Setvea-e and eight Vnlted States Deputy Marshals. by order of tha Court tha ess of both par jtlca bad stood their rifles and -j atuwa tn thui i I bench, but while waiting- for Proctor's case to a cm ilea nm mes. a neiniew et tne iai Ura. Hlidarbrand, appesred in tha courthouse door with a double-barreled ehotrun.

He waa In tha art of levellnst It at Zeka I mtti Ik. Ua. kmthM JnhBMII Ti1ttvi iilTillow" Ipulled i toward him. Beck at that Instant fanOnS ICQlaU lIIier pulled the trwnrsr and Jobnaaw Proctor fell tsecei tnen snot zeka proctor witn ue re meinlna- charge, cilieg his legs full of bock- abot. jkX tins Instant soma one iroea ins outside haaded Zeke a gun through a wtn- house that the firing- waa mostly at rarxiosa.

but after mill and the smoke lifted a Deputy United States Marshal, a pessesaaa re. On tbe following Barurdaye the osre-mony Is Repeated at different rmt latere la tb cu fJ2r niea waa tne iw-v tai in miins; so man? Mr mnan axter nis retnrn to farm, engaged tn cattle raising. He took aa a partner in ans idwptk. named Woodruff, of SHoam Springs. lust across tne eastern uuuikiij.

nerds multiplied and grew fat, but one day shortly before the time for marketina; the heevea Woodruff was found dead a short distance west of Biioam Sormgs. WoodruB wss popular in Bllosym springs, sua in bu indignation the people centered their suspicion upon Proctor sa the slayer of Wood-run. Tbe excitement grew until A VKflLAKCS OOMMITTXS Formed to avenge the death of Wopdroff f-mimnm- una Proctor to a body. A prominent cttlsen led the avengers down Proctor's ranch. As they approached the house they saw Zeke sitting out in tne yaro.

surrouooea oy itwai on the grouno. every one tn voni wiw Winchester across his lap. Veryfewrords were spoken, and hey were Ptof. wno. pointing to a spring brand) tbat flows near bis house, shouted: "Don't you cross tmat stream! They didn't, but returned to 8 1 loam Borings, aad that ended theProotor- Woodruff deal.

AS time paseen rrooOT worda of welcome and the gteo. nana IntA het town. Two years ago Sheriff Wallrtngstlck. of (lotnnneJfa (Metric, waa shot and killed by a desperate inotan namea lmuiu to-tassel. Chief Harris then appointed Zeke Proctor Hlprh Bhetiff to nil the unexpired term, which duty he performed with credit fwt wmwut eerioua conflicts.

Proctor has a tine farm on tbe Illinois River adjoining the domain of ota cmex xettowneunmer, Ave mllee from the Arkansas line. He is still riding aa Deputy United States Marshal, and with Ma record as a kilter and ih OanniirHit at Ms back, bio Ptowass hi feared and his authority ia. reapeoteo. PEOULIAB Conditloa Tbat May Preveat Colonel Eaatham'a Trial For Murder. ireetax, stsraTca eo vas awatrraaa.

Eisowood, W. November 27. The work of examining Jurymen In the Easthsm inrder trial progressed very slowly to-day I and bat two more men wars found competent to serve, making 10 in alL It Is necessary to hxve 20 competent Jurymen In tbe box before the lawyers for tbe state and defense strike off for saeh. Three Deputy Sheriffs will spend Sunday riding over tbe country to get another panel. urtt 154 men nave pancq inruuvu uie nanus tha finrt and Iswvem this week, and aU but 10 were found incompetent.

Tbe "ques tion antes, should it be impossioie to secure a Kury in Tucker County, what will become of be rate ot tbe State against Colunei Bob W. Ksxtharar Tha law in West I- does not SHOW I ahange of venue unless the primmer demsnds lit. i mil esss tjoionei aamnam won tu never OUT AT SEA Deer Foand Swimming and waa Cap- tared Bj Fishermen, raCIAl, BISPATCa TO TBS KJrQCIKSB. Sn Tome November 27. A special to tbe I gun from Newport says: Some Greek fisherman who were oat some two miles to the eastward of Gooseberry Island In the open sea on Wednesday were astonished to see a deer trimming near their boat.

Tbey started toward tha animal, and one of the men seized ft by the head. Although apparently exhausted the deer pat tap a lively fight, and It was only after a hard tussle that it wss finally hauled aboard tbe boat. Tha Greeks didn't do much fishing sfter that, but set ssii-for Newport with their prize, it is supposed insi tne aeer cecsDea Fmm nn ef the rivals herds In this redon. I although It has not yet been called for. A couple of years sgo one strayed from it reservation at Jamestown and.

took to ths water. It swam straignt out to sea ana was picxsa up several miles from land. DIDN'T I Jast Leaped, and Hia Body Wag Foand next Day. A sraoxAi, anvATca to vara xwauxaaa, PrrrsBuao, Pksh November ST. For I soma time past oil-well drillers and others jiving at Glade Ron, a small station en the Pittsburg and Western Railroad, have been annoying tbe sight passenger train crew by pulling the bell ropes.

When the tram slowed up near Glade Bun, which was only a flag station, they would Jump oft. To fool them last night Conductor Heashaw disconnected tbe bell cord, and when Veine Bond pulled It tbe train did not slow up. Bond had to Jump or be carried to Reibald. The engineer was making up lost time, and the train wss going faster than usual. Beyond the station is a trestle litt feet high.

Bond 'tfeought be Could Jump safely before the train reached the trestle: Without looking, ne leepea juec ween uie jrein at the highest point. When his body wss I found to-day It horribly crushed. Tbe um boots worn oy twna were torn nvm us feet, SHOT US AEM Oat Tbe Stage and tha Aadieatce caane Badly Frlgbteaed. Chattaxoooa. TeriV, November 27.

At a amateur tb.ea.triA performance given In tbe opera house at Florence, a la W. J. Boa ley, a prominent hardware dealer. accidentally shot by Dr. Fltmore.

Ths blank cartridge need la the performance exploded with the revolver only aa Inch from Mr. Bosleys right arm. tearing the flesh completely from the bone from elbow to wrist. Mr. Hosier tea to tne stage ana cnea out with pain, creating a panic among other members of the cast, who fled to wQd confusion.

Tbe audience also became panic-stricken, aad for several minutes tbe great est excitement prevailed. They were finally quieted. result. Maw Tomx, Nuveanber J7-A receiver was to-day appointed for George H. Pell, wtw for many yeara was weB-known Wall street broker and railroad operator.

Mr. Pall ad-litted tbat there were S500.000 In JudgmeoU at He practical adwatrted taat be bad uctle or no property, hot fjiat hia wife wsa well off. Mr. Peil said that while a member of the firm of GroTesteea fell, in this dry some yeara ago. be earned aad operated two railroads.

orncia yas wAiirjra. rsraTca to rrnm asairrssat BKAiMroao Jtrgcnow, Ohio, Kovember I TT. A burglar giving his Dame a Edward Wagner, aad home as Bt. Loula, was cap-1 tared tatha act of robbing Rimer's drugstore last night. Marshal Stoltx had been foresramed of the raid aad lay ta watting.

He pleaded guilty at. tbe preliminary hearing to-day. and wa bound over to the J.iami County Court ta the sum of Ue was taken to Troy Jail to-night- WAS IT i JiistiW or. Party Spirit Wklch Kept the Mel the yard. It is said that Jrroetor alone aiiiea i a liVjit in six men In the Sent, box before anytmnc like order could be restored Frooor" re--MAini sMki Mm awav.

and be. Blx- KulerTlke Via a. Creek John and some oth ers remained "on the scour- ior lonw imrn Finally Chief Loots Uowning, MTOnwym, Mtsstoaary John B. Jones and W. P.

Adair Wukhwun sad aeeured from Presideat Grant a pardon for all of both raotloas who had eat-ared In the bloody fight, provtdtws; they would cease their aaa- Alter rwmn lvT. wLTi suits be. began the cultivation of hu broad acres oa the 1111 no River, in the Indian Territory. Hia force of cl-aracter nd bis nA. niMk sreatis-s for him among tha Cherokeea end whtte people sione the Arkanaaa border.

Those who did not tike him fearea nun. eensnr aii IsabiblneT. THB rlUT OtrWTDXKT A. vm is Cherokee for wTnsky-in native whits mnle" "Proctor was con- splcoous at all gatherings, such aa barhe- a-i. r- Mmtrint eoaventiona and rave deoorationa.

It la an old Clterokee Aannniu tne sTavea of-4helr deaa during tne moo in et a.y. bury In ground on tbe first aaturday In Hi, dear ure umiuiwt now Bvn tn tx- Cberoke. Nation is Zeks snd "TZZTSSSi Fren Bel-'GmrBir? 1 Jt mm a A awU I tfce EapIj niiUry Part Straggles aai 4 MeieBvers. Seeding the history of the early years of Ohio It looks aa though It was aa exhibition of undue party spirit which prevented Re turn Jonathan Meigs, Jr from being the second Governor of Ohio, ta Uck position be was undeniably elected by the people. At the' election for Governor tn October, MOT.

there were two candidates for Gov ernor Return Jonathan Meigs. of Washington County, and Hatha met Maaala. of Ross. When tbe two Houses met ta joint session an tbe 8th ot December, 1807, to canvas the returns they "could not agree tn so far as declaring the result was con cerned. Tbe Senate was in favor of doclaring tbe of Meigs; ths House waa not willing to make any declaration at alL A few.

votes bad been cast for pec tire eandidatea with the There were AUMio ixxxoTji-tkiTiza As to a much larger numfeer of votes as returned from several counties. Tbe Senate rather acceding to and allowing toe conten tions of the House, submitted tbe follow lng figures: Counting all the votes aa cast aad intended to be oast. Meigs bad COM and Massle 4.757. Majority for Meigs L23. De ducting one class of tbe alleged Irregularities common to both eandidatea gave Meigs i.631; Maatrie.

4,861. Majority for Meigs. 17a (Deducting all lease of alleged trregu-lerttlea common to both gave Msigs 8.2M0; Maaala, X31T. Majority for Meigs, MO. Tbe count gar the election to Meigs, no matter which way It was made.

Mr. Maaala then gavs notice that he would contest the election of Meigs on constitutional grounds. There being no law gov erning contests, the Legislature enacted one to meet the exigency which bad arisen. barely wormed himself out of this difficulty 1 visits to Slloajn. 1 Governor Tlffln.

continued as acUng Gov. ernor. because of the failure to declare an election. thb com xs was One on purely technical points, there being no evidence Mr. Massle submitted ths following statement; To Return Jonathan Meigs.

ernor of tha State of Ohio on the following grounds. "1. Tbat yon do not possess tha qualifica tions required by the constitution of this state to bold and exercise the office of Gov ernor; that yon have not been an Inhabitant of this state for four years next preceding tbe election for Governor on tba second Tuesday of October last past, as expressly required by tha second artlcls of tbe con stitution of this state. Z. Tbat within four years next preceding tbe late election aforesaid you have resided In and exercised the office of Judge of the United States In the Territory of Upper Louisiana, to whicn you were duly com missioned by tba President of the United States, sworn to discbarge the duties of a time you resided In and waa an Inhabitant of trrrxa pocisiajta.

"1. That you now hold aa office under the United States. That on tha 2d day of April last past yon was appointed by the President of the seek a trial la any county other than Tucker. I United States as a Judge of Michigan Terri tory, and received the salary attached to I that office, Himihtn. vn The following statement ot facta waa filed to reply: Tn December.

1804. I left Ohio and ar rived In Louisiana In January, 1805, bear ing a commission of Colonel In the army of tbe United States and commandant of tbe District of Missouri. The office of com mandant expired by law ta the spring of IWd. la July, uaa. I received a commission as Judge of the Territory of Louisiana.

I returned to Ohio la August, 1806, having been absent seven and a half months, and having resided In Louisiana but six months, "In April, 1800. I went to Louisiana and returned la July, having been absent from Ohio between three and four months, having then resided in Louisiana but little mors VM sat in mm sessioa to try toe easea rlesolved. oy tne tenerai Assembly of loot eligible ta the I This was adopted 23 yeaa to 30 ne I Penaisrs aad eignteaa Kepraaentetirsa vot ing in toe emrmsuve ana mne senators and eleven Keoreeeaiativea tne negative, flaeaker Klrker. ot the Senate, did aot vote. be being the beneficiary since the verdict prolonged the vacancy.

Btnguleaiy- enough the eatne Legislature which refused Meigs tbe Governorship elected him then a teuoreme Joda-e. The Lea-isiature In IMS elected htm United States eenator, ana toe people ot xne state elected ntm uovernor ia laiu, ana again ia laii. "SUED THE SOUTHERN Becaaee Be Got Hart Walla Jo-ar- sveyiac to daciaaatj. It is feared that blood poison wiU I sraeiAX, Bisratca eo kBoeiaaa, Cbattahoooa, Kovscaber 27-Jolra J. Hoors.

of Bfamtnghasn, sued the Ctoeia- natl Boutbera BaOroad ka tbe Tatted States Circuit Court here for ta) Juries received to a sleeping car ia use oa that road, while trav eling from fbU city to Cincinnati, tie having fallen over a pile of csaelons oa tbe floor of the car it aa early hour to tha morning, caused by a sudden Jerking of the cars. The case aroused a great eeai interest among the railroad meo as tne ease wee regarded a test. Tne jury to-oay. twoer tne charge a Jud re Clark, returned a verdict in favor of the railroad and dismissing Moore's suit. FIPP A ELACIEMTTH.

Fostokia. Ohio. November 27 A telcgrgmj at- v. Sr rrom J-axs, aun ripy. the suicide pf yesterday was a blacksmith and gsvs name of relatives at St nab.

Wis. A message wss srnt there, hat no answer hss been received- If instructions are not received by Monday BKfoey found oa Jipp'S person will ba used to bury biin. LC2DE1C-C TTLE3 GUILT1. I I Caxtos, Ohio, Sorsmber J7-It took the Kxw lots, Sovsm ber 27 iJnortf the P-1 iurr hut 1(1 minutes to-day to determins tba senger who arrived to-day on ths French I or guilt of Dorainkk Tyler, lata lioesteamer LaTouraine I rota uavre were i and Treaanrer of toe Die bold Safe M.3oldinL the Italian pelntert A. wrip.

5 or-1 hrk Works, who we charged with fore-werliin Kinier to the trilled etates, and I err. i waa lound gniity sud tns awe. ful WoLert. l-e rencit Dainltr. I ha carried ne to las sua i Court.

MANAGES' Of th Tnoasneoei Dry Gnoda Costpaaj Arrcwted For rmlso Tttmam. lUxwWAi Osao, Noveeabai Jt-Xorin O. Thompson, ataaas-er of the "T1oPw Dry Good Company, whids montlr tMgn. was plaeed ander arrest to-day a a dsarsw of -false srvtMses. lie ts aecuked talntnc the stmatnre of J.

C. Laser ta nota for $3,130 oa repreeeatations- Uat ho waa worth t4LCrjdL Mr. Tbompaea was exnne, i It la olalmed ta refutation of, The charge 1 I 1 fl-M IT. J1.l....... ly.

although growtns; weas irotn teas or I ijOUiS JL3 AUOUkTll U1S I tn tiraa iijompsva Ir.w s-e Hotli fseuaei nahM to tMV nsuni mosmntnvd Jtsi I iiacn to uo witn it Laser by ttmsma SVer tSjDOO to the Taompsoa Company stock, The arrest to. eoaaeotion with tbe recent failnre of tbe Thompson Company has i created win anal excttesseet owta Tboxapeon'a klgk social posrtioa. He baa been a dUsea here for 13 years, an of which time be has been engaged ta the dry goods trade- formerly as partner of George SneO at Cow. proprietors of tne Boston Store before the estsbUshment passed Into tha ownership ef the corpora- MILLION DOLL A US Dasnaceo Claimod By tba laveatoe of ft WaU Flnlab. Gaam Rittm, November STdC.

B. Church to-day began A mllHoa dollar aage suit against the AntVKalsomlne I Company of this Church waa the Inventor of certain wall finish products which are manafaotnred by the Aatt-Kalsomtne Company. Ha waa to have received a cer- taia part of tbe net rroteeds of busi- seas. aad alleges that the company cheated aim by secretly engaging I busl- nnder another name. Tbe com plain-1 ant also clstms damages bacsuse the com pany did aot prosecute other corporations for using tbe paten ta.

Among other tn- frlngss was named tba World's Fair management. Church claims 115,000 because tbe oompany did aot pros scute the manage ment. MORGAN; WILL HANG. Governor Atktneoa Refasee To Cosa- mate tba Mnrdrer's Beatence. otaxi BisrsTCsr TVS ttsatnaxa, CKABLJEeroM, Va, November 27.

Gov ernor Atkinson baa refused either to respite or commote tbe sentence of John Morgan, ths murderer of the Groan family In Jack' aoa County, last month. The plea of Insan ity waa brought to bear upon tba Governor, but. anticipating that threadbare racket, the Governor Invoked tha assistance of Dv, Camden, one ef the Directors of the Hos pital ef tha Insane at Spencer, and Dr. In' the meantime Thomas Klrker. of I Guthrie, the Superintendent there, to ex.

Adams. Speaker of the Senate, who had be-1 amine Morgan. They report bun absolutely (Wnn, unnn the ndnulan I fere with the sentence ef the Court, so Morgan win bang tn Oreen's Hollow on tne join Of jjecemaer. UNJUST LAWS "Sir: Tou will take notice that I Intend I Which ImDOga BordeDI 0B CitT TaX- Ui couvssvf. juur fiKuun aw um vuw oa lvv" i r.

ajeri To Be Disetuaed By Ohio Educators. srsetax. Msravoa to van ssatnaaa. Columbus, Ohio, 27. A eonfer- of.

leading local educators was held wKa State School Commissioner Corson to night to arrange for tbe Joint meeting of municipal School Boards rhrougbout tbe state, it Is to be held bare January 11. 12 and IB. Among others In attendance was Hon. D. Boos brake, of Mt.

Vernon, tbe State Scbool Coeomlaeioner-eleet, wno does not take bis seat until Aext June. It waa decided to koM tbe meeting of School Boards at the Southern Hotel, and to Judge as aforesaid, and received tbe salary I effect a permanent organisation to be known attached by law to said office during the! as tbe State Association of Municipal Boards of StfilCAtJon. Tha object Of the association will bo to secure legislative reforms and afford a means for a syetetnatic Interonange of views upon educational Ques tions. One of tbe legislative matter to be given attention at The approaehing session of the General, Assembly at tbat ot ths general state school tax. Under the present system the tsx Is unjustly apportioned.

It is levied oy tne state titua ine propenv vaiuaiwn. and then the counties draw from the State Treasury upon a basla of the enumeration of the youths of echooi sge. TLnder these circumstances many counties draw out of the Treasury for educational purposes more than they pay in aa a school tax. This ta the case in Cuyahoga County, while In Ham 1 Hon more le paid In than drawn out. Thus Hamilton Countv is com pelled to contribute to the expense of edit-catlna Cuyaboera's children.

Tha associa tion will endeavor to have the Legislature rectify unjust oonaitions suca as Uua. LIZZIE READ the Killis of In. Xaiter For Iaiorasee Koaej. PnnusxiiA, November 27- ElgbDsen months ago Charles O. Kaiser, of Korrtetown, assisted by James Clem- mer.

Insured bU wife for 110,000. TOna year ago. whB riding with her boebaad, Mrs. Kaiser wss murdered, tt waa said, by high- Since then Kaiser has keen con victed of murder In the first degree." Llxxle Dekalb, who lived with Clemmer, tha lneurance agent, was recently arrested. kfter a year search, tout Clemmer was still missing.

The woman' Jailer showed her a paper containing the confession of Mrs. oecaine so roues worked up tbat aba seat for District Attorney trass. bui-gar and said She did not Intend te be put into a note like Mrs. Keck. She then told how she and Ctaanmer rode ia a carriage after Kaiser and his wife.

At a eWrnal Kaiser held his wife's bead an Clemmer nred a bullet into I. kUline t.r They then drove to Norrtstown and told the tale of highwaymen. Ltasle also told where Ohio, that Betorn Jonathan Melga. Jr -'7'ner could be found, sod vu cauarbt omce uovernor. TTI save aer neck aad the men will sorely hang.

IN THIS A Getrnsaa Firm Cbwcladae to Maaa- Lti' facta re racial, wisraveai to Tan notrrase. SrwToax. 3rovemberrr. Koaale Brotbers, large ataanfactarert of velvet, at Sliechtela. Sermany, who havs a branch office la this citynnounce that tbey hare been iodseed to establish a plant la' the Col ted State, on sceo-unt of the high -tariff on their class of goods Under tbe Plngley UiL Ths firm has made all necessary arrangrraeDts to establiah a plant at Mystic, contract to that enect baring been signed with tbe Board of irsueui MlDaerloea to ItW.uOO of svock in tbe new corporation, koasie Brothers, it is said, "em ploy more than a thou -and oenoaa in hir The firm expect to bave its factory te active WftwaMvi X.

DEPOBTED, Tha Aastrlaa Sutra Catters flrtrslid BALTtMoax. Kovember lY-The North Ger-maa Uoyde steamer Muettchea, which sailed for Bremen to-day. carried the .47 Aastrlaa etaveoutet who were recently arrested la Memphle aad the State of Mississippi far violation of the contract labor law. Sines their arrest they have beea confined at the House of Detention awaiting the arrival of w.iuwu7wis, tney came to Po. their former leader, was reieae4 ia conatderatioa of his services to tae Government.

EASIICAPPED ET XTJTDLT3. rsciaj, atawATcs to tks asqct-icA rorroBia. Oaio. Sovember 27. Albert Oard-ner.

of Cansas. wa retnrning boroa from rostoria A5t night, and when leached Kansas alighted before the train jtnrped. r.r-: bis srirn rs ed bim to in.i, sn.l arj'eia rsn over li, gnnd-i, tnto I. i tasen to Fremunt lor rie a-o kd i cuts on 1 1 iitad. jus Eaxn-ra aad utt eg clsii- DOUBLE Suicides the Fashion Loye and PoTertj Caosed All tha Trouble, And Charcoal Was tbe Roti Chosen By These Parisian One Original Gea ins Tried Hijt ata mui.

Bat One Broke aad ths Other WesItUt Shoot. So He Still Lires Life la Gy Parti (Coprrlgalsd, MOT, by JasMs Ocnfc lwni Paris, November ST. It has been a VMfc of doubts suicides, no less than 8 re tw having beea reported la the last Tbe oa the list is that of Fnac, Mens, a drsjaatlo author of minor tnu. taace and formerly manager ef an Aaurl i theatrical agrncy. who, tn ramtt with aa actress, who lived with him.

a. Da Bergue. asphyxiated, himself by fumes of burning charcoal. The aa method of leaving tbe world wartmiiloTd' by a young rouple, Juls Pasquier Marie Raraond, whose desire to aiarrjr opposed by their parents. The p4l- at a terrible light when they entered tb room where their bodies were lying, fur tbe lovers had ooMTsrrrBO srmpft Over a fortnight before their death eer discovered.

Tbe concierge thought rhf were away from Parts on their hunermuoa. The pair left letters for their frifd a4 tbe police, the girl merely writing; "I follow Louis to the tomb. The two other cases were those of a walk. tngroan named Achtlle Rosaart and ulior named Cbarles Debruyne, who botA ran. mined suicide wttb their respective mia.

Lately a married couple named fr-tin. der, living at Nenterre. similarly ahufflet off the mortal colt Poverty was the nvstr. Contrasted with these cases wss that sf furniture dealer to the Rue dea Put Champa named Mathurera, He determined to commit suicide and thought he woaia be certain of success If he both hangei himself and blew out-his brains at the saa time, but tha revolver refused to go off ant tbe rope broke, so he was OHI.V gUOMTLr ISJt-HItt. Are losses on the Bourse to be retard! aa gambling debts? waa the question wht came up for solution before the Civil Court la a sut brought by aa agent de Chans against the Comtease ds la Frrronnr.

The Comtease was the daughter of a wealth; agent de Change named Gilbert, and well-known leader In Farta society, gle last year lost her whole fortune tr ts fortunate speculation In gold mining stora. Her ilabUlttes exceeded 2,300,000 franca. JKX pleads that the 4.V).om ran is. whlrh tk plaintiff claims from her, must be reranlei as a gambling debt, Jiulgmeat was drferres for a week. Apropos of ths coming cookery exhltrma In Vienna, at which will be special eihtlriu of dishes from ths Hof kitchen, and wis' from tbe Hof cellar, exactly as servt-l tt Emperor Francis Joseph's table, ablcb visitors will be allowed to buy, tbe proneeea going to charity, there are some Interesting details of His Majesty's habits.

The Em peror la a very abstemious sattr. At s. m. he takes a cup of coffee and a little cold meat. At 12 o'clock a plats of soup as4 a slice of roast meat.

At t'M he dinea. The dinner eons lata of soup, fish, or entree, tea roasts, pastry and dessert. Br la aertet and a different worn to buck couaax. A glass of liqueur brings the meal to an end. The Emperor drinks heavy Bavarian beer.

He never takes anything after din ner, not even when he goes to ths thes'rr. In summer he takes no midday lunch, but drinks a littl sour milk in ths evening before going to bed, which Is Invariably at o'clock, Tbe tog seems to have gone for good, ant has beea succeeded by cold, rrlap and dry whereat there Is none to grumbtt. The fog d'd not disappear without a strut gia. Indeed, Its last assertion wsa lu On Wednesday Farta aa es eloped In gloom till midday, lights havint to be lit River steamboat bad to he stopped. Over anS above everything a railway rei- v.i I Hit VaeV'i Prt-nfalnri Hiai.

riaevlV.4 I Uaioa occurred near Tsrbes by whlrb mtw mm. Mwwvsn. A tie -vawwiMfaj. aa WIMtlfVM I absence from. Ohio, both times Included, amounts to hut 11 months, aad the resi dence in Louisiana to eight raonrha.

"Diving the last session of the Legislature of Ohio I waa commissioned by the Governor of tbe stats to carry Into effect the law to prevent certain acts hostile to tbe peace and tranquillity of the United States within the Jurisdiction of this state, under wnion i actea arresting Burrg na mia, etc mritnto th aaxs sssstosr I was elected br the Lea-islature Trustee far lands graoted for religious purnoeas la the jouniy ot asoingson. rraurr which I acted. un tn ot jujy, inji, i received a commission aa Judas of tbe Termor of it Ichl- na. WtllcAl I Srisceoted. TaftanBHnlaunn waa dated ettner the 1st or 2d of Aorll Drecedlnar.

ana ssa oeen wiisaent io lxtutsiana. was never qualified to office to Michigan. Almost ad Imoosslotlrte. After the reeeint of tha last commission wsa aummoned to Jtlch- bwm on (joionet uurr trial, fteturned as eoea as schei-ged in October last. "I have (except In the several Inetaexies above mentioned) resided with my family In Louisiana, aad aot elsewhere.

My absence I in Looisiana was oa a colonial eooamiaaioa 1 in feeosU" of the State of Ohio, as well as the United States. If any material fact is omaxtea a wits reunr me est u. KlTCa JOHATHAK VBU, JB- "ChfHlcothe. reusmber 14. 1807.

aastmn was ham For Mataade tv Henry Brush aad for Vein by Joseph Henmood. The followins; resolu tion was toea uDeuvini roe is rtousea lives were lost. The fog, which es gen eral throughout the country, waa aio responsible for a number ef fatal srcidenti on the western line alone. Three rtr.ployea were killed the bum morning throua-n net being able to see approaching train. Aa tmmense sensation was caused years ago by the trial of Mme.

Ie uteres, wife of a naval officer, fur sbor- Uonv to eompitotty with her lover. Major rourout, of Touiosv The young wumae who was a remarkably beautiful. Creole, va foand guilty aad sentenced to two yan totprtsomeBt, M. Da Jooquleres obtain-: s) divorce: as ho wrota to hia wire at ut time be would have UJ TO MtATS TUB KAVT Unless be did so, gad bow tb rigaru as nounces that Mm. Da Jonquleres haa re married, aad.

of ail sen. her former bet- A very amusing case now before the eourta. It fct aU aboat ClrrlpedeA ani -r sldse, sad tha contestants are sdeotl: high degree, no ether then the trine Monaco and the Baroa de Ouerne. I UM the latter waa the Prtaee's ooifw tor. taJklng part in his deep sea dredgit pedKione.

Separatloa has come bet- the pair, tor the Temps states tn Prince now etohag tha restitution of ert cirrtpedea and mysides ajoretneiitloori which were fiahed tip from the bottom ef dea eea erhea the two scientists were ea tk yseht-Hlroadelle. Baroa Gaerne the Prince's etaim: ooassquewtly ttee scientists have gone to law for the ef those remarkable epoeimrna. sst tbe case fat still Mile. Chauvla is making a game fx obtain taecriptioa at the Paris bar. Wednesday -she appeared before the cetrt of Appeals and BUde a forcible spex a arise at her claims.

She wore a bisct dress and waa bareaeadsd. She mad vorable impressioa, aceerding is torn. Judgment was deferred a eeek. E8TXSHA2T8 ACCTTSES, CoUrnval Ftoqaart, SMtesvced To Th Days lupeisoament. rixn, November 27 According te Plcqaart.

aummoned froea Tunis to Paris in fens tioa with Ue Dreyfus aKalr, aad bsw statemats are rerorted to be tb tbe access tlona brought against Cost ataaad Wahna Ester bear, baa been teaeed to days' detention la a frtreav Qeaeral. Psllieox. who was sppsia4 General 8a neater, the mDlUry trjveroet Parts, to conduct the Investi rati charges tsroaght agatast Ceeats EterhaTJ. baa cowl Dieted hia mqolry. the rrrMJ which WiU he announced oa Tuesday by General, Baiot, tbe Minister of A The Joarnai asserts that the Inquiry result la the exculpatioa of Comie The Figaro says that General day seisad two letters wrirten hV V-! Eaterhaay to several peraoea.

In writer lneulu aad violratiy attack heads of the French army. cut mic niwa II a g. snaaaskMa an aw a aweaAITn FkAhgyoBT, 4d, November Moore, a sawyer at Begaa miles south ef this dry. was k'Ved lat t-: The ssw. barstsd ttoUy in Aia,.

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