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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 12

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

II 12 VERY LIKE A FRAUD, TLat Is the Appearance of Alan Who Manufactures "Nervine the His Experience as a Doctor, a Hotel builder, and a Newspaper Advertiser. The City of St. Joseph Filled with News-paper Agents Looking for Their Psy. Prominent Banker Said to Ba Sponsor for the Doctor in Some of His Transactions. Crodd Oomepondono of Ta Inter Ootaa.

Bx. Joseph, Ma, June 20. In the begin nlng thera was a hotel; It twu built la tha wrong portioa of the city, and oost great deal ol money (nearly $125,000.) It wil called the Patee House, and the surrounding toed stores, eta, still attempt to keep up the old name, by being known as the Fatee so and so; bat the scheme wouldn't work, and they oould not move 8C. Joseph down to 2'atee town, and tha hotel itself depreciated In value to eome $20,000. This, la the ele phant that ha been breaking every bod y'l Lack that has ever had anything to do with It, and It has now culminated Into making a first-class sensation (or St.

Joe, bringing forward a prominent banker In this city, another large institution of the same character in New York, and bursting Bichmond (so he claims), of this place, flatter than a pancake(T). Whether the parties Interested with the Doctor are really guilty In the light of the law as accessory to the principal in defrauding all classes of mercantile and newspaper men alike, is a question for the law to decide. TBS FACTS ZS THE MATTES are briefly these: Mr, Richmond, a patent medicine man of this city, who has carried on a prosperous business lor possessions as rare as the beautiful printed structures which adorned his "yal-ler circulars," and bought the above hotel at a coot of some subject to a mortgage of soma $7,5001 This mortgage was liually Batlshed by the Doctor, who induced Jtubt. member of a banking firm of isew York to advance him some $30,000, by giving him a blanket mortgage, which, by tuo way, included not only what property he thou possessed, but what he might thereafter acquire. Now the Supreme Court of the htate of Missouri has decided that such a document Is legal.

It might seem a little strange that Bobert Donald should advance a man $30,000 upon a piece of property coating only $20,000. hampered with a mortgage of some But still strauger things inun this have happened, and wnen It is considered that the mortgage of Donnell'a covered what the Doctor might thereafter pos sess, the. mailer bears a different aspect altogether, and to-day there are a good many people getting run woust or ths "TBtBurrn BCBrxEss. A furniture company doing business in Grand 1 lapids sold the pleasant Doctor a bill of some on which they received, I believe, some casn. and will get the rest hereafter, I suppose, as iUchmond no doubt went thereafter" the goods with the Intention that they would get their pay hereafter, if they ever got it at aiL The pouuerous jaws of the thereafter -mortgage held by Bobert Donnell have closed down with a snap upon this furniture, tuat will take a remedy more potent than nervine to loose; there is a largo carpet house in Aew York that trusted the Doctor to the extent of many thousands dollars' worth of their carpet goods; "thereafter" has got a grip on the carpets, tnat made the prominent figures with which these ulegunt goods are dotted, get np nod proclaim, "Farewell, vain world, 1 leave thee; I'm Donnell'" There are a great many goods, In the aggregate running into a large sum of money, ranging irons $3,500 down, upon which the parties claim mechanics' liens, which have a preference in tneae courts over even a "thereafter mortgage," which in all probability the parties will recover.

TUK WORJLD'g HOTEIs which name tne Pattee House now bears, la ouo of the finest furnished hotels in the htate of Missouri, or perhaps as finely ur-xiisbed as any hotel in the.tttate, not even excepting the Southern, of 8k Louis. Tnere was nothing too rich for the Doctor's blood, nor was there anything that the Doctor ever related to taae that be eould by any misrepresentation or concealment of the facts of his condition obtain possession of. It is not strange that Dr. Biciiinond should take any-tuing he can put his hauds on, but wnat should Induce him to defraud other people, so that their property could be gobbled onto by the insatiable 'thereafter mortgage. It looks as though the Doctor inuBb have had a pretty fair understanding witn iioDer isonneii, me noiuer oi the "thereafter mortgage." Now this is the way matters stood here for quite awhile, una Tub Icteb Occam might never have gotten on to this matter, but that the Doctor began pining for more verdant fields, and began calling on his newspaper friends once more.

The reader will see by clippings from New York, Council Bluffs, and Georgia newspapers (which follow below) that the Doctor was by no means a ctranger to the fraternity, as they all )eak of him in such-, affectionate Veruia, THE DOCTOB SELLS "WEBYINX." and It must have taken considerable of this medicine to have braced him up when an Iowa editor (per hap the two hundredth man i ii at has been to see him the past week) cutlea him pet names, and toid him if he uidn't Bettle he would bring a gang of the loys down and hang him. But I presume ins is Just an ordinary occasion for the i octor, as he has such little matinees every V. ra exchanges that came to the office uiuing bitterly of the Doctor's which he has practiced system-v uuon all classes of papers that would its ndve-kiseineut, we clip the follow-Uar. The circular led us to investi-only Dr. Bichrnond's dishonest a with papers, which led him way I to 170, but also his transactions with tntile men, which of a necessity draws os of a nigh standing in business circles it, and wuich, to say the least, does not met any credit upon them.

Here la the -1 jrcular: TUB DOCTJJfEXT, Et. Joseph, Uii, June Gentlemen My advertming bills ara now coming due, audit! ml ii Impossible to meat them frompUy, as the advertising baa not run long enougn to create bat a limited demand tor tbe modiolus. I own valuable hotel property hers in my own liame, worm Slzfi.oOo. witn mortzag on same Vo lue amount ot $47,000. 1 am now trying to ami the property; if 1 aucoeed it will enable ms to oif my debts soon.

I have recently sotd cut my Interest in tbe manufacture of Dr. Bieh-tuuud's Samaritan Nervine, and termed a stock luii'i'iny, said eompany refusing to pay oon-iract lor advertiHinc made by tha old eompany; lurrrfore 1 request you to cancel my contract and 1 will astro to pay yoa for tbs advertising i i rily dou as aoon as 1 possibly can. Hoping i i ti uiaimtion will meet wuh your favorable aurjuatiuu, 1 am, very respect, K. a. RiCRMnvn.

Tor the information of the public we print luliowing uewxpaper clips denouncing 1 to the world as a swindler, fraud, i-aca, and dead-beat as early as 1576. JiO 1XCV.NATION TO PAX. hi above circular, from the Evansvtlle Ar'j explains iLuelf, no doubt, to tne i i -iactiou of Dr. Itichmond, and has the ot coming from a man who baa i inr.iuar ion to pay; out to those who are i tne same we would advise to utu.3 their minds of any such idea. Pfr TOKENS OF BEOABO.

I ni I' BNr VorK tik.y Suu ol bept. 10, 1879. vi Clay Banks, Aiicu. "ia Dr. tx.

A. hiiiuiid, ot bt. Jowph, what he rr.ere-i to te in evt-ry rspectr I send his i bi aJlnu of Lis letter Indicates his r. It lian a cut of wuat is termed toe -i li ttical In-iLituie. A cat of tne Newr is uudt-nmod us the Paris brancn a CDt wim i I 'i 'rr-jG a .1, i.


Richmond is evidently a quack worthy the attention of the Postmaster General. From tha Pa ry Globe, of Council Bluffs, Iowa, Xo- vemoer, auiuai sua puuusiuMl or Air. x. u. Morvaa.

Dr. ti. A. Elohmond. of EL Joaenh.

Mo. who has owed us these three months for advertising jne aooordins to oontraot, and who will neither pay or try to pay. is a deadbeat of the first water, ana snould be avoided by newspapers especially, and, we suppose, by the amieted. Copy of an article published ia the Columbus lQa) auvumr, a aar usw ui na, 29 ioiv, WINDLESS FOAUPS. Our readers no doubt have seen sa advertise ment iu our columns headed "Samaritan Nervine," witn the following cots: U'igures of three men falling backwards in fila) This treat bamarttan remedy, that cures all sorts ot fits, is prepared by Dr.

8. A. Bicnmond, bk Joseph, Mo. But this Dr. IUchmond, instead of ourins us of fits, has given us "fits." in October last ws received a request from him to furnish our terms, which we did; bat wrote him that he must give ns reference.

We concluded to try thta doctor, and gave nia advertise ments a piaoe in onr columns. The nrat quarter was due on the iata wnen we drew a sight draft for the amount and yesterday ths aratt was returned with tha following indorse ment: "Ao nods, and not llkoly to have any. Therefore, wa are strongly impressed with the belief that the said Dr. H. A.

Richmond la a swindler and fraud, and we give nun a notice to that effeot, hoping we may pat onr bretaren ot the presa on their guard and prevent this fraud, from getting his printing tree. AT THB SAUK OLD OAVE. If the reader will notice the dates ha will see that the little pleasantries indulged by the above papora were as for back as Ths Imteb Ocean would not rehash this old matter only that the Doctor haa in glorious year of 1882 commenced hi samo old game, and succeeded admirably too in getting more advertising and contracting bills ot every character and making no pretensions Vo pay. There is one thing that the Doctor will do he will give you a mortgage. He owns a hotel here, which ha claims is worth jjsio.uou, but tnat tnere is not a business man of Bt Joseph would give $50,000 for.

A ius hotel and the furniture in its 1 mortgaged to the extent of $52,000 in three mortgages alone. The first mortgage, which, oy the by, is a blanket mortgage, covering not only what he then possessed, but all that he might hereof ir acquire, is held by Bobert Donnell; of Donald, Larsen Simpson, bank ers, ot riew xorx, wno are aiso interested in the Btate Savings Bank of bt. Joseph, of which Mr. a B. France, of B6.

Joseph, ia President. Mr. Donnell is, no doubt, safe, but he. perhaps, is the only party that holds claims against Richmond (with the exception ot a few mechanics' liens), aa matters now look, that will be able get even a portion of tnelr claim. The reason Thb Drrra Ooeav Is so particular in showing the relationship between Bobert Donnell, the holder of tne blanket mortgage, and Mr.

France, the President of the btate Savings Bank, arises from the tact that the following circular was used by Bich-mond as a recommendation: A BAKKXa'S rNPOBSBXKSTt Statx Bavtxos Bank, St. Jobbph. March 10. lo Whom It May Coooern: Tnia Is to certify that Dr. b.

A. Bichmond A Co. have been ons ot onr customers for many years, and onr business relations have always been satisfactory. They are transacting a large business in tha city, manufacturing the Justly celebrated Samar-atin Nervine. They have mad lares investments in purohss-Ing and furnishing the largest hotel iu tha btate, outside of Sr.

Louis, tor which they ow a part. teem inera gooa lor tneir liaoiuties ror advertising bills, and believe that tney will realize lara-ely upon tnelr Investments. Tb.elr business prospects are very flatterink. Respectfully, B. Fuancb, President.

XRBXB IS SOXKTBtNa UNU8UAI. in the issuance ot suoh a circular by a bank president, for any business man who even sustained an honorable reputation. Bat, as will be seen by a reference to some ot the extracts which we have printed above, the long list of mortgagee against all he possesses, and, worse than all, his general dishonest character, to which most any reliable citizen of St. Joseph will make affidavit, It seems that Mr. France ha acted unwisely, to say the least, in allowing this man to use his name in assisting him to prey upon an unsuspecting community.

In support of what wa have said the following extract from the EvansvUlo Arau of June 10. 1882. speaks for Itself: THE GREAT AHA BIT AST HXBVTXK, From the Bvanaville (Ind.) Argus, June 18. Several months ago we received an offer from one Dr. B.

A. Bionmond, of bU Joseph, wno wished to advertise a medicine ha bad that woula grow black hair on a red brickbat, or words to that effect. Wa paid bo attention to It, and another proposition eame; then another, and with the last on a circular letter from a I banker In ttt, Joseph, so worded that almost anybody would think the aoctor a real nice pleasant gentleman to do business with. This set us to thinking, and we muttered. "Perhaps vi are robbing our small and struggling famUy by not inserting this ad, and it won't do to rob our own flesh and blood, and we will see what we shall see." So, Instead of offering to take ths beautiful and thrilling novel the good doctor seed a an advertisement, at about one-tenth the ular rate (as papers are-expected to do) we filled out a eontract at lull rate, and hied it into the mall.

With the promptness ot a collector with an old bill, or a half dollar with a plotged hole in it, it cam back aUced. and proceeded to advertise the Great John Q. bamaritaa Nervine. When we aaw tne ad in tha paper it looked toe pretty lor any use, but thought at the time that old Mr. Samaritan himself looked chilly, and wondered it he would stand our cold climate.

The next week saw him iu a lot of country papers, and the next in still more, till it seemed aa if every little cross-roads paper in the country bad a oontraot with the Doctor. Then we oea-an to take a grand tumble, and we quietly shot the picture into the be. I-box (the hell-box is ah Institution in every well-regulated, office. Into which old type ana spoiled eurs are thrown), and we gaily sent the Doctor our little bill, witn tbs modest request that be would kindly settle up. a he days passed on, and no answer.

Another letter and no answer; the Doctor wa probably too busy sending: oat medicine. Still another letter and still more alienee from him, and then we quietly cbarced the matter up to profit and loss, and thought no more about it. THE POTENT UiPOegMgNT. This la indisputable proof that, at least in the case ot tne vans villa Argut, it took the potent powers of the circular to enable Bichmond to get his advertisement inserted in the Argue, and, aa the writer says every cross-roads paper contained the advertisement, there is no telling to what extent the newspaper community has been swindled. Here is another little recommendation for the Doctor: Nebraska City News, May 13, 1881 Ths ins hereby warns all publishers atalnst takinc the advertisement ot Dr.

S. A. Bichmond Ac of St. Joseph, as they are dead beats and will not pay a cent of the debts they oontraot witn advertisers. Their medicine may be very good, but we are inolinedito think that that even Is a fraud, as suoa a Brut, being dead beat a themselves, could not help but put op a fraud ulent medicine, tne same as tney have put up a Job to beat tbe newspaper men who advertise their compound out of tnelr hard-earned money.

Pass him around. Another extract from the Nebraska Jvewt of the same date says: "Dr. A. Bichmond ot St. Joseph, are first-class frauds, and will not pay a cent ot their debt they contract.

Publishers, beware" SUAKEXB FBAKCl iT.mirra The held an account against Bichmond, which was left In the hands of Mr. Jake Bpenoer, of tbe Evening Newt, of St. Joseph, for collection. Accompanying the collection was one oi tne ranee cir cular. This circular was torn up in the presence of The Jjtteb Ocras reporter and He Spencer by Jar.

franco he (France) remarking, upon The Ixteb Ocean representative protesting against the destruction of the article, that he did not wish any ot those circulars to be lying around. Dr. Bichmond, through Mr. Spencer's threatening to publish him at home, settled the olaiin, which was a small one, at a discount. It is estimated here by a prominent lawyer that is in the prosecution of a suit against Bichmond, that he owes no less than udu aeots, outside oi mortgages, xne newspaper men are not the only people bitten.

but merchants of ail classes have had tha same beautiful experience. TBE KEW KAMI, Hereafter Dr. A. 8. Richmond will sail tinder the name ot the Bichmond Medical Company, with a capital stock of there are fifty shares, of which the Doctor owns the munificent amount of one shore; Mrs.

Bichmond, forty-seven, and the two remaining shares by other parties. There is one impression that your correspondent wishes to eradicate from the minds of the general community, and especially the people of St. Joseph, and that is, that although Bichmond possesses tne qualities requisite to be a dead-beat, he does not possess the brains neoessary to have wormed himself into the confidence of the business com munity to ths extent to get the credit that he bos, but that this portion of the business has undoubtedly been managed by mora aagacious neaas. I Who these parties are it is not a difficult matter for the buaiuess community of bt. to decide.

Everything iUchmond possop'ei mort there is not eve-i a jn l'-' taiwvy v. i :3 i ni nif pending, eome of them for amount ot money which we were unable to get, which taken together with the NUMBERLESS AOVaUSTXSIKO COXTBACTS which he has spread out over the country, will swell the aggregate to an enormous amount, upon which the creditors have not even the satisfaction of holding a worthless mortgage to secure them. In another letter I will show tha means resorted to by Bichmond to get credit with some of his largest creditors, especially with a large furniture firm in Grand Baplds, and a large carpet house in new xora: how, by the means of carrying letters from the state saving Bank, of sk josepn, to tne effect that he had $20,000 on deposit there, he contracted large bills, leading parties to suppose that he would be able to pay cash entire for goods, which idea doubtless never enlaced hli mind; how the World's Hotel ia to-day mortgaged, not even a pillow-case being exempt; how all the World's Hotel nrooertv is covered by the mortgage held by Bobert Donnell ot New York, a document known as a blanket mortgage, in which Bichmond conveyed not only what he then, but what he might thereafter possess (which document will hold according to the deoission of the Supreme Court): how the entire building was com pletely furnished, costing in tha neighborhood of $45,000. nearly forty-five days after the blanket mortgage was issued to Donnell, which, as a matter fact, left everything inalie of the walla of the World's Hotel sublect to Don-nell's mortgage; how the money obtained from the the Donnell mortgage, which our readers must remember was given not oniy on what IUchmond then, but what ha might thereafter possess, was USED TO HOODWINK KIURAirfl, by making partial payment until the goods could be gotten into Blohmond'a possession, wnen Donnell virtually owned them until his claim was satisfied: how, knowing these facts in regard to Bichmond, and the fact that he haa never been considered in St. Joseph aa an honeat man, and that parties at that time were suing Bichmond, Mr.

France, the President of the State Savings Bank of SL Joseph, In which Bobert Donnell is largely interested, and by whom the Bobert Donnell interests are represented here, gave this man Bichmond a circular, which we have printed aoove, peering ante March 10, 1882, saying in the last paragraph that he "esteemed him good for advertising bills," etc. this in the face of many thousands ot dollars in suits brought to recover against Bichmond and some eighteen mortages on file, three of which alone constitute the sum of $52,000, is something that cannot be excused In a bank president; also that Mr. France cannot plead ignorance, as he undoubtedly knows more about Bichmond'a business than any other person, excepting the Doctor and Mr. Bobert Donnell; also that tha only real offers of Bichmond to make any settlement, In the last six months or more, excepting a few small bills which he contracted around Sc. Joseph, was in the form of trying to settle soma mechanics' liena on the hotel for leas than their face: these Ileus hold a prefer ence over the Donnell mortgage.

I will give you a letter in a day or so with more particulars. E. H. A CURIOUS WAY OF COURTING. aVovo-maklng and Marriage A nvnc the Choctaw.

8 till living in Mississippi. From the Natchez Democrat. The 2,000 Choctawa still living in their ancestral homes in Mississippi retain in their pristine vigor many ot the usages ot their ancestors. Among these are tha methods employed in conducting courtship and the marriage ceremony. When young Choctaw, ot Kemper or Neshoba County, sees a maiden who pleases his fancy, ba watches his opportunity until ha finds her alone.

Ha then approaches within few yards ot her, and gently casta pebbla toward her, so that it may fall at her feet, Be may have to do this three or four times before he attracts tha maiden's attention. If this pebble throwing is agreeable, aha soon makes it manifest; if otherwise, a scornful look and a decided "ekwab" indicate that his suit ia in vain, When a marriage la agreed upon the lovers appoint a time and place for the ceremony. On tbe marriage day the friends ana relatives of the prospective couple meet at their respective houses or Tillages, and thence march toward each other. When they arrive near the marriage ground generally intermediate spaoe betweea the two villages they halt within about hundred yards of each other. The brothers of the woman then go across to tha opposite party and bring forward the man and aet him down on blanket spread upon the marriage ground.

The man's sisters then do likewise by going over and bringing forward the woman and seating her by the aide ot the man. Sometimes, to furnish a little merriment for the occasion, tbe woman la expected to break loose and run. Of course she Is pursued, captured, and brought back. All parties assemble around tha expectant couplet A bag ot bread la brought forward by the woman's relatives and deposited near her. In like manner tha man's relatives bring forward a bag ot meat and deposit it near htm.

Tha man's friends and relatives sow begin to throw present on the head and shoulders of the woman. These presents are ot any kind that the donors wish to give, aa articles of clothing, money, trinkets, ribbons, etc As soon aa thrown they are quickly snatched off by the woman's relatives and distributed among themselves. During all thia time the couple ait very quietly and demurely, not a word spokes by either. When all the presents have been thrown and distributed the couple, now man and wife, arise, the provisions from the bags are spread and, just as in civilised life, the ceremony is rounded off with a festival. The festival over, the company disperse and the gallant groom conoacta ms onoe vo ms some, where they enter upon the tolls and responsibilities of the future.

THE INFLUENCE OF SUNDAY PAPERS, To the Editor of Ths Inter Ooeaa. Chicaoo, June 27. Listening But Sunday to the powerful and much-needed discourse oftheBev. Dr. Barrows, upon "Chicago Sunday," I was forcibly struck with tha inconsistency of Chicago Christiana.

The Doctor said that great mischief waa the publishing of Sunday papers, aa they constantly kept men thinking, thinking, thinking of the market and their business, thus bestowing no rest, Tet the churches for the most part use those Sunday papers by advertising tha pastors' topics, withholding most of such notices for those issues, and therefore extending to church-goers aa excuse tor purchasing that whicn is such mischief. Vhy is it that the churches make use ot the Sunday papers when they have such an Influential newspaper as Tbs Ixteb Ocias? which has respect enough to not puoiisn aa euiuon upon tne lxrd day. 'Consistency thou art a Jewel. I am neither a theater-goer on Sunday nor a patron of saloon at any time, but I am fi rmly convinced that the Sunday papers do more to keep would-be church-goers away from public worship than other evils sometimes referred to by the pulpit. The influence that readers of Sunday papers have upon the world for good Is, I believe, aero, while the world's influence upon them is fearful.

Ko; it la a aad mistake to peruse the Sunday Issues, for they possess the most potent influence in secularisnlg and in break ing down this day of rest, In the words ot St. Ignatius, let the. olerg-r and their con gregations --stand nrm and immovable as an anvil when It is beaten upon." and not patronize Sunday papers by inserting church notices. Hxkbi McK. Wmwx Not caught that way: "I really hope summer has come at last; don't you, dear?" said a Mew Haven belle to her intimate.

"Yes, indeed; it has been so trying to know what to wear, you know." "But now I suppose we can show our spring suits iiprlng suits I Catch me wearing a spring suit in summer 1 Well, not at all. I shall look as breezy and summery as possible, if it takes all the white mull and Spanish laoe in town to do it" Acs Haven JCegitter. "DEAGGIUa PAINS." Dr. B. V.

Pierce, Buffalo, N. Dear Sir: My wlte had snUered with, "female weaknesses" for nearly three years. At times she could hardly move, she bad such dragging pains. We often aaw your 'Favorite 1'resoription'' advertised, bntaopposed like inot par.ent medioines it uid not amount to anything, but at last conclude! to try a boitle, wiiica aae did. It ma1- hr sick atbr.t,butit beiria to snow it in a a-1 i I FIRE ON SHIPBOARD.

Burning? of the Fine Tag Frank Canfleld, Owned by the Canfleld Line. General Marine Sews A Big Fleet Be-calmed Outside Last Eight Striking Lumber Arrival ef the New Schooner John Lares Loo ni is Free Exearsloas Sy the Tags, KOBB OF THE FLEET. Ke- rnts ON BOASD. THE TUO rBAXX CAXFUXD BUBXX1X Steam craft arriving in Chicago yesterday morning reported that soma craft was burned in Mania tea harbor on Sunday night, Thera was a great illumination, and tha extent of the fire, though unknown, was supposed to ba large. Tha steambarga Starke, which arrived here last evening, brings the name of the unfortunate craft.

It waa the tug Frank Canfleld, ot Canfield's tin at Manistee, It la not known how tha fire originated, Her cabins were burned off, and the deck also ruined, the hull being damaged more or less. Her escape from total destruction waa narrow. It la understood that tha machinery la damaged. Tha Can-field measures SO tons. She was built at Manitowoc, by Band Burger, in 1873, waa valued at $10,000, and rated A2.

Canfleld Co. are the owners. She was good boat, and will probably be repaired. It la likely that tnere is some insuranoa on her. TVSTB NEW SCHCXJJTEa.

The new schooner John McLaren Loomla, named after the son ot 3. Mason Loomla, our well-known lumberman, arrived in Chicago last night on her maiden trip, with a cargo ot lumber from Cheboygan. Tha new craft was built at Manitowoc, la ot excellent model, and ia wall constructed and completely equipped. Her owners are Alver Michelson. 8.

Christensen, and others. Captain Curtate risen being in oommand. She haa capacity tor 300,000 feet of lumber. The present cargo Is consigned to Street, ennueia a Aeep. LKLArTD-POBTCH.

Judge Blodgett, ia the United States Dis trict Court yesterday. In the Leland-Portca I collision matter, confirmed tha report ot Commissioner Proudfoot, finding tha value of the steambarge Leland at $16, SOU Tha I owners of the Ltdar.d were given leave to ue a pond ior tne above amount. When tha steambarga Starke cams along yesterday afternoon, thera was a fleet of Chicago, bound sail vessels numbering fully seventy-fire betweea Milwaukee and Groses Point, The wind was very light, what thera was coming from tha south, and tha fleet would not get in bere until this morning. Tnere wss good many big fellow is the "crowd. FRETQHTS.

The going rata on corn to Buffalo yester day waa lso, and on wheat 2a, On corn to Midland (Georgian Bay) tha rata was 2a Charters ware; TO BVFrXAO. Bushels. Procener Buffalo, I Propeller Nebraska, wheat. ...35.000 Propeller Colorado, wheat 3S.IKX) Schooner-barg Georger. wheat, .55,000 Propeller Dean Bionmond, corn.

......35,000 Bfoamahip Jamea Davidson, OUO TO aUDLAXP. Schooner Ruroa, Schooner Maxwell, corn i25.00 Schooner E. J. McVea, Schooner Ert Belle, 20,000 So change In lumber or iron ore rate. Schooner 8.

ham bail, powder and coal, Cleveland to Marquettex p. t. Schooner Three Broth era, coal, Cleveland to Marquette, 60a FLOTSAM AXD TET3A3S. The Albert Soper haa been raised. Grain In store in Chicago, 3,202,507 bnsnels The Elisabeth Jones looks wall after her rebuild.

The fine schooner Halloran Is among tha arrivals Tha Onoko and David Dows are still un chartered. The James Davidson cams la tight from Milwaukee, Tha yacht Idler Is la dry dock at tha Chicago Company's yard. Bain squall yesterday afternoon, with heavy thunder and lightning. The tug A. J.

Wright fitting out at Buffalo for tne excursion business The schooners Topsy and Band took their lumber cargoes to couth Chicago, Captain Charles M. Whaling haa assumed command of tha schooner XL B. Burger, vioo Lilts Bee. article On tha steamboat inspection service in Chicago to bo found la another column. The schooner Pulaski, Captain Moulthex, is in port with stone for tha Diamond Bton Company.

Tha Canadian-American nroneller Tin. cardine haa been raised, and is in dry-dock at Detroit, Captain A. W. Longreen now sail tha schooner John Bean, vloe Dish ex, sow on the Lincoln DaiL Charles seaman, fell Into tha hold of schooner yesterday and was severely injured. Lightning shivered one ot tha topmasts of the schooner Begalator.

Tha schooner Albrecht is also minus her main topmast, Captain P. Anderson, formerly is the wrecking tug Leviathan, is to hsve oommand of the new steambarge now building at Milwaukee, A new 4.0,000-bushel Teasel of the Montreal Transportation Company la to ba launched on Dominion Day. Her name ia lienors The West Side, MV X. Cummin gs, John T. Mott, and that gang, having resumed their full schooner rigs, are on tneir way to this lake, coal loaded.

The tug Tan Schalck towed the schooners Pulaski and Milwaukee Bell from abreast of Highland Park. Other tugs could be seen aa far down the lake aa Waukegan. 1KB. A. Alger it Co.

are having sew locomotive headlights placed on their rafting tus The lights are made to abine aft, so that the captain can see his raft during tbe night. The George Murray la in port again coal-loaded. She also brought in about half a ton of beautiful trout caught off Port Washington. The "Dakota ia great fisherman. Dredging Is being done where the propel, ler Milwaukee grounded at the market.

There should be dredging all the way east of eus street to btate, it large craltareto take the starboard side going out. Thomas O'Brien bought the whole of the schooner Emma from Martin Carlson and others for $oO, and, having a natural affection tor his brother, Michael O'Brien, sold him a half-interest in the vessel for ig-OO. The City of Cleveland eclipses the City of Rome. She took a cargo ot 2,401 gross tons of iron ore out of Escanaba, 1-3 tons more than the crack cargo of the Boms The Borne haa steam, however, and the Cleveland has not. A Frank tort dispatch says: "The steamer San ford picked up a dead body nearly abreast of 1'ierpont this morning and lett it there.

It is that of a large man about 30 year ot age, dressed in a new dark suit and rubber overcoat. Nothing to ldeutify An agreement was effected on Saturday between the White btar Line and Star Line of steamers, by which the cutting of rafs between port Huron and Detroit will be forthwith discontinued and a uniform rate for pansener and Iriiiht et.labi.aUei Ore from to or to (he artel furnace at that place), tons more than lastyear a shipments to same date. The tug built by Mr. Elliott for Eansler Brothers, of Soutn Chicago, was launched at Saugatuck noonday. She is tUij feet over all, 14 teet beam, and 8 leet hold.

She haa been named the William BoUlna. bus will be propelled by a 16xls engine, and has been suppllod with a Tarrant wheel. Masters ot vessels, owing to the low rates of freight, are refusing to pay the prions demanded by tha lumuer unloaders in Chicago, and some ot them yesterday employed non-union gangs to unload theoa. There were two or three scrimmages in tne Soutn Brancn yesterday between the union men and tbe outside gangs, butnosenons trouble. Most ot the fivet are unloaded and ready to leave again to-oay.

About a dosen cargoes remained at tha market docks last evening unsold. Thera will ba additional arrival to-day. Marinette (Green Bay) Eaglet "Captain Bandy, of the ship Glad I'idlngs, la In town, and has erected a tent on Hail avenue, opposite the btephensoa Block, where he is preaching the gospel to the saints and sinners ot tnis ootnmunity. There is lots to ba done in that field here, which fact tha Captain recognlsee, and in response to tha question aa to how long ho was to remain, answered tbst he should probably stsy aa long as he oould do good. Tha captain will therefore be here a long time.

All the T. O. T. tugs are to take out excur sion licensee, as well aa tha Union Line tug. Tne other lines will also doubtless follow sulk There is no charge for this 11 cense, the tugs having simply to carry a life preserver for each psasenger.

Now if two or three tugs are stationed at Clark street bridge every day wnen the Barker is drumming tor pleasure-aeeker and they carry psaaeo-gers free, or st lower rates than the Barker does, Captof a Kapler can be punished for his meanness in reporting the tug W. Parker wnen captain carter tuok out ma wue ana some lady friends for a short ride. By tha wy, the Barker. Captain Kapler, broke down outside yesierdsy and had to call on one of the tugs to be towed la. WIND A3TD WEATHEa.

Tha wind and weather at tha various lake ports at 2:18 p. m. yesterday, Chicago time, according to tha Weather Bureau, wars aa follows: Chlcar-o, a. miles aa hour, xair; Grand Haven, a. 10 miles, cloudy: Milwaukee, a 13 miles, threatening; Bacanaba.

7 miles, cloudy; Marquette, 8 miles, cloudy; Duluth, n. light, rain; Alpena, a. ll mites, cloudy; ron unron, a. light, clear; Detroit, as, 11 miies, dear: Toledo, n. 0 miles, dear; Cleveland, 10 mUea, fair: Sandusky, 12 miles, fair; Buffalo, miles, clear.

At Chicago last night what Bttla wind thera was cam from the aouth. CAX.QO CONSIQHMZS'TS. Coat Prop ITaadorbilt, Buffalo, T. X. Bond.

1.3oo tons hard; prop J. PrulgeoB, Baffalo, Pennsylvania Cval 1.160 ton hard: crop J. Kershaw, Erie, Gaa L400 ton soft; prop B. Joans, BuSalo, Hathaway, 1.150 tens hard; achr Jama Coach. Buffalo, James Hathaway, 1.5O0 tons bard: soar James Par.

Buffalo. E. L. Uedstrom. 1.200 ton bard aohr B.

Jons. Baffalo, Bobert Law. l.OuO tone bard; achr Alleghany, Erie, Dewev 1.220 ton bard: prop W. Edward. Cleveland.

Gaa Co 1.500 tone soft; prop bootia, Buffalo, AUoaa L5O0 tons bard. Salt Scbr Huron. aTlnoarrtlna, Armour, 520 tons. Aral Prop Deaa Bichmond. Baffalo.

0. P. B. ia bond for Winnipeg. 200 grow ton stool rails; prop snnnota.

r. aoa nana, nana caieooo Roll in kill is 1.350 tons ore: prop Colorado. Buffalo, Atkins A 4tt gross loas spoigl; prop Bicharda, Ksoanahe. JoLet Ires aad bteel Cow, 190 tons ere, I CHICAQO POST LIST. A1BTVA1S.

Prep Favorite, Menominee, aaadrtaa. Prop Vaaderbllt, BaSalo, aaadnos. Prop Ooranloa, Buffalo, eoaL Prop U. J. 1'roeodei, Eseaaab.

light. Prop Jay Gould, Buffalo, aandrlea. Prop Colorado, Buffalo, saadrlos Prop J. Prtdgeoa. Baffalo, saadris.

Prop Mama. Muskegon, lumber. Proo Hichox. Muskeroa, amber. Proo B.

Bnttaro, Whit sundries. Prop Mary Groh. South Haves, fuadrtea. Prop James Davidsons Milwaukee, Uf Prop J. 6.

Seaverna, eaacalaok. asnrlrme. Prop A Laora. Mnakeroa, lumber-Prop Messenger, Benton Harbor, sundries, Prop IX Richmond. Bnffaio, aundrlaa.

Prop Bub Kiobarda, Eeeenab. Iroa ore, Proo J. Kmshaw. Erie. eoaU Prop prop Buffalo, Baffalo, uadrtea.

Prop T. W. Snook, White Lake, lumber. Prop Tempeet, Whit. Lake, auudrlea.

lrup E. Brockway. Ludiartoa. towing. CIS Barge A B.

Eelloca-. Ludmaton, Umber. Prop Georr Burnham. Lad In ton. ilmhTi Prop H- Starke, Manistee, Umber.

Prop Business. Cleveland, ooeX Prop Char lea Bleta, Maalateo, salt Stmr Muskeroa, Mdwaukeo, aundrtea. Stmr Grace Grummond, booth Haves, Sundries. Stmr Saeboygaa. Manitowoc, euudrioa.

Schr TJraaua, MeaombMO, lumber. Schr Planet. Menominee, lam bar. Scbr butcher Boy. Manlateo, lamboc, Schr J.

Miner, Traversa Bay, aundrtas. Bonr Jeany Land, bit Ijaks wood. Schr Eveoms Star, bltettsa May, Schr South Haves, Mas karoo, wood. Sebr S. A Luff.

Manaeue, Umber. Bcbr City or Bneooy ran, cnotooycaa. Sour Bay Stale, blorraoa Bay, Ice. Schr M. Maaou.

Drammond'a lml e. Use. achr American Union, Menominee, lumber. Schr Tooey. Moakerea.

lumber 4oota CaloagoL behr L. A. Perry, Travero May, lumber. Sonr Mary Bicharda, Baoanaba, Iroa ore. Schr Weatenester.

Peauuula Point, eodar vests Bcbr Pilgrim. Greea Bay. Ue pole. Scbr Spray. White Lake, lumber (South Chicago).

Schr T. bimm. Pierpont, lamoes Sohr W. Ii. Hawklna, Maalateo, lumber.

bcbr Jenny Wearer, Whit Leak tampers Schr Helen, Fruit Point, Uee. Scar White Cloud, Ludlactoa, lumbar. Schr 1. B. Prlnoe, Manixtoe.

lambcr. bohr J. Scud, Holland Wood, Sear PuJaeki, Clewiaad. a to da. Schr A.

Bronsoo. High Isle, pvts Schr altiwaokee Beile. Mtddi bu. tats. Boor Brrulaior, Middl Isle.

tioa. Scbr M. Forreat, Horn's pier, lumber. bcbr Alioe, Menominee, lumber, bcbr treorse Hurry, Buffalo, eoal. Sour J.

Mark, Manistee, lumber. Prop Clarion. Erie, sundries. CLkiaaicg. Prop 8t, Paul, Colimgwood.

:3.000 bs eora and sundries. Prep Msry Groh, South Haven, sundries. Prop Meaeenger, Beaton Harbor, auadnes Prop Acadia. Montrsai, 21.tt7o.30 ba wheat, 400 to lard. -Prop Maine, Muskegon, light Scar Major B.

U. Perrv, Montague. light Sear O. W. Adams, Ungate, ba ears.

Prop later Ocean. Eaoaoabo. UkbL Prop Karon la, Menominee, 50 pkr ssndrieSj ScbrB. B. King.

Graad Haven, light. Sear Bell Walbridg. Chebovraa. Urbt Prop K. O.

Brittaia, White Bake, sundxle. Scar H. CAibrecht, Muskegon, light. Bohr Watte, Sherman, Charlevoix, aad. Schr Ford Hirer, lord Kiv r.

tlgbt, Prep J. 8. beaveraa. Saneatuck, auadries Schr 8. A.

Wood, alarinette, Uent Scbr T. G. Bronaon. Menominee, lirht Schr 8. M.

btepbenaon, Menominee, light. -Sohr LUlla Pratt. Sout a Chicago, ligut, Schr bolloee. South Chlcaro, licht. Prop K.

S. Tbempooa, Muskeroa. lights Schr Wm. Jones. Grand Haven, licht, Schr H.

B. Moor. Muakegoa, licha. Sohr Knlsht Templar, Black Creek. sundrtaaV Prop May Marabail, Manistee, llcba, Schr Lottie Cooper Manistee, liguw Schr E.

Day. Lndinrton. light Schr H. Band. Kewaunee, lirht Schr r-ardinia, klewaunee, 50 brl salt.

Bcbr Kaclue, llora a Pier, light. Sohr M. Tnnmoeon, Hamlin, licht Schr W. M. Jones, Cedar Biver, 20 tons mdasa Scbr J.

B. Merrill. Montarus, iignt Schr Coral. Che boy ran, 260 bu oata Schr Magnolia, Mnaaegou, Incbv. bear Meioory, Lndinaton.

Ileal. Sohr K. J. bkidmore, Maskecoa, licht. Schr J.

B. Wiiber, Cedar Biver, light. Schr Besomption. Ford Biver, moos Schr S. J.

Luff. Marinette, ligut, Sohr Waukesha. Menominee, It cht bohr Parana, Duneaa City, l.OOO ba sot. Scbr Uerscbell, Menominee, ltchk Schr Wolverine, oiverine, liKbb Prop Mary Groh, Grand Haven, sundries. Stmr Muskegon, Milwaukee, sundries.

Prop Fountain City, Buffalo, 22,540 ba eora aad sundries. Prop A. Laura, Muskegon, light Prop Colin Campbell, Budingtoo, 2,000 packages merchandise. Btmr Grace Grummond, South Haven, suadries. btmr Do Per, Green Bay.

sundries. THS BIVZSS. PonT Hubox. Jan 27. Paeaed TJp Prep Kew York, Havana and consort, iTnasia, 1 1 :30: William Cowte anil barges, 1 Empire niate, 8: O.

ii. Green and barsea, City ot ML Ciemrcta, Potomac, witn Queen City and 3: aehra Monticello. Mary Copely, Naasan, Joha Wesley, IL bell. C'evelsnd, Keweenaw, 10. Down propa Newburr, Anna Smith aod contort: senrs P.

S. Marsh. Nevada. L. b.

Hammond, Saowaroi lO: A. bovlv, Tt. cumuli, ii N. Junusoa, G. Wind aortu; very liiint.

Weather Cue. rVhr Marrte VcEae, attagatoa to Toledo, brbt; Maaaaaula, aUncstoa ve Ooidea eliey, luibt; luamarck. fciaa-stoa lo Bay Cut. IUdv, Do wains Metanaora aad onaorta, port hi. Igneee te Collins Bay, umber.

Arrived bear t. M. AAapp, troia toaro, wneat. bpewai Taunrraaa to lu Inter Onsae foaT DaAJiocaia. Oil.

Jaaa it7. Passed TJo Scbr U. Miteaeil, Oswece to Chum (a. eoai. Passed Down acir Prussia, Grand Marias to tars ton.

tisabar: tec Metaaaora aad bargee. Cneboyraa to Collins Bay. timber, feperaai luarraas so lasuitwuw a. coujaowoon, OoL, Jo a U7. A uvea wear Mary Coll tne, from Ckioaa, train, fcailsd 1 bnhr Cur OX Chicago, taieacet, Use.

Oswego, Uguv, clear; Bochestez, 6 I pf? TLT.TTT0I3 JL2TD CASAXa Cilil. OmeL CmUM Jama 97 ArriT-ed Admiral, feamanlt, yds ravei: flom, Wulow io utsois UrtswoU, Springs, 12 tens lee; JWrisvratoc. WUiew bprma-s, Buteas lee; Jenasoa. Wuiew Bprtnr. bi vuaatoae; Monistaa, Wuisa Kprlnge, el yds atoae; tieaerai McFaeraoo, baa.

S3 yda a tees; Mornaoa. bag, 83 yda auina; Cuaaaploe. Leeaoet. yds atoae; lieroolaa, Deaaewt, bi yae steae; Mary Waikec. Dement, yds scoee; Mama liocaa, Uamt, be yds stoee: J.

A. alia. je- aiwitUrdtnaat; tk aaa 8L Daeaoet, ad yda atoae; Unaaba, Lanaoaa, 75 yda saoae: proa Advaaoe, Lemuel. 7S yds a tone; Cuy ot Mutna, Lemoat, yda stoae; ii. la Boota, Lesaoet, Oi vd atone: Florence Beyer, Laenoat, SO Tvla a Lone: yd atoae: Cot-onaa Marua, Lemoat, bo yda atone: prwp aad Lamea 74 yda stone; prop J.

Moor. Lemoat, bi yda atone; proo ioeieier. Lemoat, CO yds stoae: J. MeMalUa. Lemont, Btf vda atoae; Maple Lemt, Lemoat, avi yes stone; tuUebeia.

lomoaa, yae prop MeaawK Boue, MarselDee, A.OOU eurs: Moat Certsto. Marseilles. LMO prop peerleea, CUoa, 4-6UU ba eora: Tern peat, Ottawa. ba sals; laahoile. Ottawa.

e.wO ba eora. dearer! admiral bammlt, lisati Cashier, Willow Bortnre, lia-nt; Meeereo. Wuie burln llckl: rive, Uiow SVpriaa-a, Ugbt; prop Aavaatoe, Lanust Heat; a. aad n. I Ubml tlgbt; Orlaabs Lemoat, tlsbi; City of Mania, Uenaoat, IK hi; pro tooiaior.

Latmoai. llgai: Uliraboia. loin oat. iKot: prop B. aad Lemont, licbt: lee ea co Mover.

Lomoat, liebt; prop Victor, Lemoat. Usui; Ceuooat Marua. Lemoat, light; J. A Wells, Loianal, light; Mao tin liocea, Lemoat. light.

VAMIOUS POSTS. sjpeolalTetayiaas seTaelaasr Ui sas. MxLwaukjta, Wia, Jaoe 7. hrppera were inquiring for gTaia-carriers to-day to load for kings ton and Buffalo, but tha rates offered would not be aooeptod by vsaoel mss Vera whose craft are in port ready Vo load. Shipper are offering tl on era from La-can aua to Uhio porta, with fair demand for camera.

The schooner T. Merrick Is Is dry-dock to nave a leak stopped. Arrived Bchrs Spry asd Co! umbi so. eoaL from below, Inarsd rVinr A tk Hsisrd. lighs, for Chicago, A wrecking expodltSos to attempt the release of the achoosera M.

Fortch asd J. Thayer, wracked at baeboygan, will leave this port next week. Tbe sew torn barge Whits, recemtly launched at Grand Haven, ia is port, out her maiden trip, hue has a cargo of 250,000 feet of lumber, apodal Tesssnm so Th laser Oeaoav BurriXA, M. X-, Jooo x7. Arrived from Ckl-earo Props Co nee tors.

Commodore. From Greea Bay Sear A Bicharda, From Maalto-woe Young Am or lee. From Dalai Prop H. D. Cofhaborry; aohr H.

Kisome, Cleared for Chicago Prop Porta re, mdae: Cab, mdao; Coaeetoca, mdae. For Milwaakee hrhr Florida, 20 tons eoal: A. B. Moore, too oeol: Havana, coo too oool: H. FimaaaTO.

OOO too eoal. For bheboyra Scars Yg Amorlea. 4Q7 loos eoal MyoeoUa. COO vaoa ooal. For Daioth Pro pa H.

IX Cofflaborry, bOO tooo railroad Iroa; Colombia. L.400 too ooai; soar H. U. Nrweomb, L.100 too railroad aroa; Moagaagoa. b4 too eoal: Taos L.

Parker, LXdO too eoak Cool rrelgbia to-day wore dollar teas a ear otoer Umo daring too sseioo. si en gas smut are reportod. The barg Home A Mm aad W. A bhermaa will be ptaoed to-morrow fog Mil-waakeo. Coal la begiaalmg to be offered snore freely: boaa scare.

Canal freight dail at Ss as eora aad 41 aa Wbraa. Wind eoethwvst, tight. Special Teawaam aa fh. In 1ST Owe. Bar ClTT, Mlcsv, Jane X7.

The sUemberges Sevada aad Qaooa of ua Woot reached port today. They are chartered to load 1 amber for Chicago. AiBmber treigata are BBcaaaged aaa very quiet, Aaamberof beat are Is ordlaarv- apaciai leiaeram to Ike Inter i.niiia. EaiE, Pa. Jane 27.

Arrived from Dmlota Prooe Wualow, oopper; Mveok. floor. Cieered tor Chicago Prop Philadelphia, mdae. Por Baffalo Prop Wioslow, Myaok, Alaska, for Eacaaabo Scbr H. Foicor.

eoal. opeaal laissiain to lao latar Orpsa. EscaJLABA, Jase VI. Arrival Prep A commercial paradox: Tha Sbviock always gas fat oa lias law. Aral Griasuas iVogtuts Onr Indian affairs: Army ofSoera say thsrs ia no danger of a Crow ar.

Crows sever go to war without Argoa Holding for raise: Iadlas scalps are worth $10 each la Arixoos, but Cher ar aales at that price, as the owner are holding them tor a rates LU Cttura. Tha anchor of the soul: "What ah all we do when all hop la goasr asks a Clvlaad paper. We advise yon to got a sew catcher and a bettor aet of fielders botoa W. Power ot the kitchen: "I really believe my wife thinks Tm oaiy halt aald the aad-f aoed man. "for she alwaya vivo warming whoa I coma horns" iLotes Xrss-eenpt.

Aocuracy: "And what, thes. was th dab ot your poor husbaad a death "Lot rooollect myself, ma' ami WeiL if he'd 'a Hvod Wedaeoday next he'd 'a boes dead thro weeks! 'ioados TuacA. Coaching item: "Don't yon think I have good fac tor tha stage asked a young lady witn matxionio asptraooos aoa asow about the 01820," rep aod her galiaat oona- anion, "but von have lovely fac fog 'bus" Arw For Conuevrrrtai Advertiser. Kit idea of prayer: "I tell yer wot. boys, exclaimed old Bob.

tha roar heat mss of the came: "I tell yer wot. boys, it made a foliar fool kinder watery round the lids to hoar that little chit ot a thing s-socaia np thar like an angel a-aayia' her prayer so cuts. Mary had a little or sulcus' or thet sort M-jIo Tratuenpt, Grocery store Incident: Aa old gwnUemaa (wno does not Bke his last purchase of matches No, Mr. Brows, I tell yon them red-headed matches sever amount to anything." Mr. and Mrs Auburahalr, married last week, want to know what buslneos it Is ot his, tha Impudent old thing.

oet TrmHKrtpL. Psychological: "This la tuany doctrine! exclaimed Brown, wno had toes reading of metempsychosis "Tbe Idea of the human soul entering tha body ot as animal! Ai cording to this aoctrlne, mv ouL after get through witn It, may la habit the body of a lackaasl" "And why not?" naked Foe demurely. Tt would certainly feel more at home there taaa aaywner iss lkLn irooaenpt Perched oa a tree a crow, tor a freak. A btlitoa carried la his peas V'p eome Sir kevnard. aik Bad sly, Leaolved his flattery to try.

Ho tell that. It be did but plea. Ha very tool could bsv theebeeeo, And so he did 1 For obea Bia chaff Had rather cone beyond a laoga. And waea be told ia black on that he a male equivalent for patu. And aaked aim lust to try hia voice.

The crow perceived be Bad a choice Bat to aaaert himself: and so. To finish matter blow. Ho dropped tne eheeaeoa Bernard" head. And cat orally Killed sum ana. London PuwtcK Aa Irresistible pun: Whea Fogg went to look for rooms in the apartment ho uee he was shown about tbe premises by as hand-aome a piece ot ealloo young, bright, and rosy a ever gladdened th ev ot a bachelor.

"What suite do you think you bonld prefer, air 7" aked. lo-g aav bo couldn't it if he was to die for it, and be reiuiel in bia ml ki.ung manner. weet tJJeJ 1 i 'iroru what ah aa. i I soiiicbow i': i j. a gentleman to tutrix! a oe a com- panloa to a young 11 who aeems to be pining for a dasc.

thank my dear fellow, I don't care to waits with a cart. A cart, be it understood, la ana: an tor a partner that doesat do her of the I dancing, but has to be orawa around. A taw arveaing later the young lady, ho bad Overheard the eouvcraauoa, feebuida te young retleman- seeking aa tntrodocuoa aad asking if ha may have the hoaor. etc "No, thank Toe," she replied ewewCy; may ba eart, net I am not a donkey can!" tioestor this CCKPLICATIOXS. Tit In tar Ooana PuxxU IVpartiaaii Cnlgmaay Oonriivlrajna, sal OAllUoa, Pise a ail are SsiKeS as aid ta mr "Oempliow ItoosT by toe eoevtriboOaa at aoaa.

aclglaal te K. Jt, Causaovan, ass eompoaod of tesuty-elx IsMsss: rCll.AlLia.t.Iitaii MrS.ll,,U,ltMfllalerfuierfe7ka. aaao sola a. MyS.4i.,a.l0.M.M. Is kind eg as.

poet, 1, ft. 4. ML la a morebaak 1. S3, as a ru aaimal. My la, 2i.

ai mesoeo SusibalS vnsaL My S. SA. 4, a asasTooaym for oraak, Mr 7. lo, 14 a eaoaeoue aaxaoal. 1 1 -M te toe oaoao of miosry.

17. a. in. ia, tu, a loot, eij waeae at as aid Hrtarrr Timala Sa, SIS Cls.aia. blawl rossls.

Coatalarag two kUooa ettasa, two asoasta. tw i i i ii i i a naslsts sal aas I AvaaasraTa: 1 uor mrur ef aae lat i boo reoa wuo psoas ore, 4 seat oak Oioiias ye oayao. trroay, bot too boa rao agaiosa era wa eear oy. aas nasal aoaai teas rseait. pa reoo so so May as.

Park. I risilei a toraod from too XA WUa aoogs asd wits gli Is 1 eean a aarre roc. loas Maraoa aoa CaiT aa rreapec sewer Cross too boat loot re wWre eao totttag tat as Total dare. Ma ia roe Assad aad Pearl porta are euJ taste, aad pee to rvmaia the nun year, ll aaa towa raas- log aoany aU day, bet bow laoss aa wo woo4 bavo taw weather tor a wane. I The steamberg James Bprigla Is Is 1 1 a i.

i I aa a oovo my moots i to The burned steam barge Marshall T. Bat- I ior-your m-rmx fneZ ters will be docked to-mrraw te Uni. lT1 TaL booo so. tor tareparo. 1 om oo- ra Tet wo aad ooatraetlos will I asrely artag wtts Chaos tbew gladaosa to aaaasss tsotg langhlor leers.

I am eftos tnsprtseosfl. am esalnod to my plae Bat, spoxblbc my feuor. 1 ejoJekly go by They keep, bat eaat bead mo; no aaltoa or raes laaa wld so i fie taoy are waossr tsaa Xnaa He A oosks te kill me, aa if I osVJ die; Tot so plsort lor ms hags tor mo ft 1 Aad the hlghoat at arta shaTi lower than I am strong la my grewta. I am feeble aad old, 1 forever am boorbt, boa awver om awed Tbe si eel aod too Bomb bavo ears i 1 1 told To aa Bsaoodtag worVI I am bHUt toaa soldi Banisgt me, Kas, Mss H. bmra Niagara, A.

J. Dewey, baa Diego. Booth west, pis I Sal say toe Broiaor. Departure Prop U. Akley.

D. W. 1 1 harloT" Bos. Itabaat, W. la Mrowa, Mssosraasstts; rchrs P.

Miaeav Baa nab. Bed, WaiU aad Bine, D. G. Fort, Q. Balloy.

D. K. CUaa, la Batta. Veena. Wind oooibeaat.

lAcat bpeoal Isaima to lao later In i sa ASO.UETTS, Nieav. Jam 27. Arrived Btmr Ms. ail atdiflo. I sa ss eld as this old.

aid aid. telloil lato oaaag a Uesf a Op sas At eyas is tSat favored start. Porta ha oilite me ta eloosoat vera: aUac sat tho boil wboa aao 1 am eora But. aiael taosamo Boil tolia my totraarm torth. Wstls 1 Ssstoa anilianyed.

yet JorMra. tat sn a bote 1 a sorrow, as 1 X. Certala freah water potypo. 2. A km of lag.

use mad ay the Turks, S. As evador. 4. Aa laatraaaoat aosd la rasiJsg baoas 5. Aa Amonra poot toors 1UU Stem Laka, lows U.

SZTVS. 1S.11 A CKABCS TO CATCS rDTT-OgE rungs woapa a rtusa psao. sosra lot's go ay Has Catptsa. graining wa aooe bv Paiteo, bkeaebos of Qaoss Man oa It I OB, alale at Bore, la aaa I Soch aMcattyl Aa I aiiproocBea 1 aaw a toparaot love lo Seoaoo. Bat 1 Pis Peak, or oa tea rooto.

yoa shake wil laasnier by teniae of tae tm-bi BwDorr Bad 1 aat rrsal um waa piloBool Heela. J. 8, Fay: eear Iroa to a. U. P.

Bhorlso I oa a fvoeo. The raddy miliar. Waauac. woe Cleared Heels, Oewegatcble, J. B.

Fay; scars I Bear, Baa, ta raonag bp BJa Una, gave to mil-I ronton, Msaxa, M. aOac D. J. I lor thumb a dab with to aoos. Too aorb Webb, Paaaed Cp Prop Japas I etleuod one Ilk a whiffet' i ovaoal Taireram to Tae later ueasa.

I A toaoaM ooeood. whiea tae poor ma a. bAaJTLA, OaL-Jaaa 27. Tae prop CotUs, from I taat both Sooooored treea tbe Chicago lor Montreal, aad ta Proaoaa. from I way loto too pood.

Tarn was ear to Montreal for Chicago, with general ergo as, I other. Taatold gray dpaor. Falser called her to-dv. I came wmddilac ap, ad La a tremor. Aa a sow apraal 1 errarn taThe ftiter Ooeso.

I Bjm gopam crawUag oat, bo artod a CwwEoo. ft. a-. Jan 27. Amvoa scars oara- I out -i ner, from Chicago, eora; Jamaos.

Chicago, sees, I eomb rta' a aodcor Bk yea. yoa oosd oroamml aa ood aa aav crart toat over dug oa rroooo. FR01 THE FUNIT KEK. l-t iuuiuiiia.ini.. a-- Coaao, so re oagag te go wits aae to Areoer a Wed.

good-by. sow. aVaaTA. Tbere a vfl aalaoolat ta i VV boo sole laal I Ale fkrel; as raaalBg mos bod aad Aod Blmsslf la to rnAoi. I taia via miss nasi to i usil Ea Oaal SIX 1.

2, Laaf oras. A Hscmdao Clam. HeU 0. fa. BeSe Zolias auor Mots.

(jbsJ( dnsiS rrlao OOar, Per the host original "CompltaaHoa- aaat a before Aagoot 1 by aav too gold peo. wits Bolder, wnl areas a tad. All mslia sboold be wnUoo oo ess aaao of Vo aaeer ooia. AuooUoa eaoald bo not to a sal a ass eg awaaa-sonpt, aad ail eoa-riboUoaa tnosid be ooousoe pa a vol by atalslawis la tali. Woea the art roao; Ptd Mm favorite paaaiom." lll-ey-Kwae UUH b7 A.

Dwort. war. 2. aoo. 4- Pride.

Dd. i rav wm math the Bolema broo of aoro Gales. Bis S. ftpoak, owe a a a na no a tut ii a a a a a a a a a a a a Daniel Webster. Artamaa Yard.

iUlpnsaadoj on low as ioiitii Bowsosvsa iivii IIB a 601 Rot-tea-tot. OoJ at arm as, A KEW-f AWCLE3 ilk SEflPCaT. The sea aerpeat must look to hia laurels The crew of a bnotlaad fianmg boot aauto is declaring that thay ware attacked a forv. aigbt ago by a monster, ia oonpartaos wiLh which tha terror of AmerW-aa water at aa insignificant as a shrimp. Tney declare bat tbev were hauling their Baa twoaty-oiflit mile east southeast of tvbar waea they aaw at a abort dlsvaao from tbem something that had toe appearance ot throe hillocks, each about tbe sis of a alx-oorod poat, upoet which plow wboa coming to the sor! aoo.

It disappeared ta tbo dirocUoa ot tbe boat, and ahorUy afterward they aaw lb monster pas underneath tha boat Vi bra it cam up again it starved la their diroo-Uos wiLh Its mouth wide open mouth, they say, that to ail appearaiioo cooJd Save takes la their boot 1 hTO aeomod Vo bo wh taker of a greea color, and about aeves or eight foot King, hanging from its mouth; very largo green oroa, and on Ita head were great lump aoout th re of a herring barrel. They threw stone at IV tut It stul came oa too ard them, and on, trim dtaappoared b-o waver when a few from the boat, oa a ebarro of ivitatU being out ot a pieoo lnvj Ita month. 1 lie line ere tLeu cut and i I all was made for borne, when tLe ta cliarrved laitUliliio lr.r;iM a-u. i (I lie t-r, i is .1 i i.

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