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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 10

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

10, armory, and a larger battalion than has been sen for many years la confidently expected to parade. Tbe dlcharg of Serjeant Jamee 1C. 8hu-f oldt, of Company F. First Infantry, was re-colved in the same mail that brought the comuusMlq-i of Becond Lieutenant James M. fciiuloldt.

It is understood that Colonel Brazee, of the Third, Is canvassing the desirability of holding an encampment of bis replment among bis officers, and that, like Barkis, (Uey are willing. lattery A at Danville waa mustered and Inspected Monday, June 19, byMalorJ. W. anoe, A. I.

ot the Second Brigade. Throe ilicers and forty-two enlisted men were present and six enlisted men absent, or 91.8 jer cent present Alex Alborg, O. Doolittle, E. Fowler, V7. W.

Howe, J. Little, Thomas J. McBride, J. T. O'DonnelL Morris W.

TeufeL H. Thorn pson. and W. C. Wyinan have been worn in as soldiers this month in Captain Robert Ylerling's Company of the Becond try.

Tbe drill reports of tbe eight companies ot the First Infantry that drilled last week were as follows: Company present St per rent; 84; B. 78: 0. 74.4; F. 73; D. 68.3; 4, and 47.6.

and I bad no orilla. 1 he total per cent for the reinment was 71.3. The companies paraded an average liuomea All the members of tbe disbanded First Infantry Band who desire it can have an honorable discharge by applying for same to Captain the Adjutant Colonel 1- its himons desires to organize a bugle or cornet corps, and any members ot tbe band who would Dref er to remain in the retriment. and are willing to Join Uua corps, wiu be re- tainca in the command. Colonel Fits Simons, of the First Infantry, bos issued an order to bis command in reference to execution of the motions of load-in? and Bring without cartridges, in order to bring about uniformity of motion throughout his command.

It amplifies Upton and subdivides the motions -prescribed by hifa, as to secure greater precision in details. The order would be well worthy of imitation by commanders ot other regiments. Companies and Cof the Second Infantry. with the Kvanston Military Band, will take a trip to sues Tills, July 3 and return on the Clh. The Governor haa given Jiis consent to the invasion of Wisconsin, and it is expected that the Badger soldiers will not contest it The Hockford Hides, Company It, ot the Third Infantry, and a company from Belolt, are also to rendezvous at Janesvlle on the same day.

The' Fourth will be a grand day there. Tbe First Infantry is ordered to assemble at 10 o'clock Baturday morning, July 15, preparatory to going into camp at Geneva Lake, Wia, where they will remain till the ii-d. The command will parade In gray pants, fatigue blouses and white belts, and will surprise its fnends with its' Improved appearance. Summer helmets, and knapsacks with red blankets strapped on top, will be a novel military sight here. A pioneer corps, consisting of the Quartermaster and the company sergeants acting in the capacity ot Quartermaster sergeants.

will leave Monday, July 10, to prepare the camp for occupancy by the regiment A general order from tbe headquarters of the First Infantry announces the following promotions among the non-commissioned ottioers: Private 11 albert (i Brooks to bo Corporal in Company vice Prior, promoted; Corporal Fred S. T'ownsend to be Sergeant vice Goes, reduced; Private Geo. K. T'ownsend to be Corporal, vice Sampson, discharged, and Private Clarence A. Wheeler to be Corporal, vice Townnend, promoted, all in Company Private Edward Engle to be Sergeant ica Barrow, discharged; Private Hubert W.

Kohlharamer to be Corporal, vioe Cram, discharged, and Private Oscar A. Blattner to be Corporal, vice Eddy, promoted, all in Company F. Colonel Thompson, of the Becond, has ordered his command to parade for inspection by General Hamilton, of Vuincy, at 7 o'clock next Saturday evening. companies 15, ana hi at Armory ot tbe old Sixth, on Lake street and Companies if, and at the old hecond Armory, on Randolph street The chances now look as though no portion of the old Secona will heed the orders of the Governor or the Regimental Commander about this Inspection, unless, in-doed, the remembrance ot the former name ana reputation of the old Second will make the men and officers pause in their wild career and make them act like soldiers and men while they are In the service. Officers shonld remember that merely tendering their resignation does not relieve them from responsibility.

A resignation must be iorwaraeu tnrougn regular channels, and be accompanied by a certificate from the proper accounting officer that the ofUcer resigning has turned over all property and money for which he is accountable, before their resignation can be accepted. While the papers are pending the officer is in the service and subject to all duties and orders, and answerable to the law tor any Infraction of 16. To disobey orders and incite tbe men to do so and abandon the property in charge is worse than mutiny. If it caa bo substantiated that the officers of the old becond who entered the new Second are guilty of such conduct they should be court-martialed and the law be vindicated, although unfortunately it may be powerless to in met more than a moral punishment Captains ot companies are under a $,000 bond for the faithful care of property and money intrusted to them. This bond amounts to very little, aa, of course.

It only covers the property and money of the State, and there is absolutely no security for the muoh greater amount of property donated by a confining public Here is a went point in the law that needs amending either the fctate snould furnish the entire outfit or else make Its ofnoials responsible tor tbe care and keeping of property furnished privately. It is deplorable that men who made the tine reputation of the regiment in 1 877 should allow personal pique so to craze them as to violate all the essential qualities ot officers and soldiers. GALES BURG. portal CnrerpOBdeacs ef The Inter Ocean. Galesb-jbo, Jane 20.

Last night Calosbarg- wag visited by a severe windstorm, tearing; limbs from trees, upturning fences, eta This Is bat one of many similar storms this season. Bains have been superabundant, producing; oiatrnst and dlsooor-nemcnt amonir the farmera The corn crop, the one crop of this portion ot Illinois, 1. later than bna been known for years at this time of tbe year, yet it ie thought by xperlcnced farmers that with the remainder ot tbe season and with rains not so abundant as to prevent working the soil, that a good crop may yet be produced, even on the lower landa Tbe oblnob bug has made its appearance In some localities which seriously threatens tbe oat crop. '1 he u.iuri mil in business circles which commencement is npon us. The tbrongof students, attendants of Lom-burd and Knox, have departed, and the quiet thut prevails reminds one ot the calm that -SJcceeds tbe storm st sea.

In our telegram announcing; the speakers at Knox Cohere commencement we Inadvertently omitted two, both deserving mention, that of Mcssri Evans and 8. a JUculure. 'lhe narrow-gauge railroad is expeoted to be completed to this point by July 4, so that a excursion toGalesburjr is'the project cf the company lor the celebration ot that (lay. GARIBALDI'S WOUNDS. Garibaldi, In the course ot bis adventurous lifa, received ten wounds.

Two wounds in the neck and throat, at 'first believed to bo mortal, were received In 1833, In Uruguay, in a sea tiu'tit against the Dictator; two wounds in the riarht arm at the sea tight of Mo J'lata, In lbJO every officer and man Ticnr Garibaldi being killed or wounded; one wound in the abdomen, on April 30, 1840, hue fighting against the Frenohon the Jan-lcuiuiu. The wound was not dangerous, tvot K'l'ssivt'ly painful, and Oaribaldi concealed Hiiilorinirs until the battle was over. On -V ay lS4i, at Yalletri, be was knocked off bcrse by the Neapolitans, and trampled mi. lie received one bayonet and one aword wound, and was rescued by a band of mere 1' who were engaged In the fight On A 18G'J, be was wouudod in the thigh 1 onu of the Koyal llersairlierL A aecond i rebounding, broke the ankle bone i 'nnnnd in tie wound. When ex-; i ii exactly resembled in shape a cap i On July 4, iMJti, on his birthday, i wus tit in the lyrol by nu Austrian it wound ia the thigh.

DAILY ETTEB OCEA2T, "WEBNESDAT JIOHinKQ, JUKEvS lUTJSICAIi 1 THE COURT RECORD. The Appointment of Paul Cornell ul South Park Commissioner Claimed to Be Illegal. The EeceiTcr of the German Savings Bank to Declare 1 70 Per Cent Dividend itill-wcll Eildrnp. The Phillips-Kerr Case Betoanded-Fedend Criminals Sentenced The1 Custody of a Child. PAUL CORNELL ATTACKED.

In the Superior Court yesterday a petition was filed by State's Attorney Kills on the relation ot Charles Walsh, a resident and tax payer of the town of South Chicago, for leave, to file an information in the nature of a quo warranto in the name ot the People of Illinois against Paul Cornell for illegally usurping tho office ot South Park Commissioner. The petition first refers to the act of Feb. 24, 18C9, creating the South Park, and providing for board ot South Park Commissioners, defining their powers and duties, and providing for their appointment and that of their successors by the Judges of the Circuit Court of Cook County. On May 30, 1881, an act was passed enti tled "An act to prohibit the appointment of Pork Commissioners by Judges of the Circuit Court and to provide for their appointment by the Governor of the State." On March 1, 1882, a vacancy occurred lit the Board of South Park Commissioners, and Paul Cornell was appointed by the Governor to fill the vacancy, under the above act It la now contended that Cornell la a usurper, because the aot in queation la unconstitutional and void, for the tallowing reasons: 1. That ths said sot though general In terms, can be made applicable to tie said South Park Commissioners only, and is la foot an amendment of the act first abovs mentioned; and, be Ins snch, was not passed In eomformity with section 13 of article 4 ot the coasutattea of Illinois.

2. That a South Park Commissioner is act an ofhoer whose othes was established by ths present constitution, nor is he an officer whose otnoe was created by tbe Ueneral AsMmbly since the adoption of said constitution andthnt, therefore, the Governor has no power to make each appointment, nor has the General Assembly the power to vest him with snch appolntmsut a That said act, though general in terras, ean be mode applicable only to tbe said municipal corporation, ths bouta Pork lain foot an amendment of the cnarter of aaid corporation, and is a special law applicable only to suoa corporation. 4, That the South Park Commissioners are the corporate authorities o( the municipal corporation, created by the act first above mentioned, and that tbe uuu ot the people ot ths said municipality was given to the method of appointment provided therein by the adoption of said act as hereinbefore set forth, but that they have never Riven their assent to the act last mentioned, changing the method ot aueh appointment. Judge Smith on reading the petition entered an order calling on Mr. Cornell to show cause on eaturaay next as lu a.

m. wny leave should aot be granted to file the In formation as prayed, THE GERMAN SAVINGS BANS. Oliver H. Horton. receiver ot the German Savings Bank, filed a report before Judge Jameson yesterday, showing chat he had oa hand $93,689.54 in cash and purchase money notes which are worth $23,000.

By transfers of real estate the liabilities have been reduced to leaving money on hand to pay a good part of the claims." An order was, therefore, entered authorizing the receiver to pay a dividend ot 70 per cent on all claims proved an. and also to brin? suits asrainst ths stoekholdara to enforce their stock liability to pay the bat- anoe due. STILL WELL VS. HILDBTJP. The case of John Stlliwell against ex-' United States Marshal Jess Hildrup to recover an alleged balance of $3,150 due him for services as Deputy Marshal, was on trial before Judge Smith, of tho Buperlor Court, yesterday.

BUllwell claims that his wife being a cousin of Mrs. Hayes, President Hsyee appointed Hildrup Marshal oa the condition that he should allow a larger salary than that fixed by law. The only testimony of interest was that of Mr. Hildrup, who said that he had agreed to give Btillwell halt of tho fees earned by him. He also found that he could, audition, appoint him a bailiff, thus giving him $tiOO a year additional, builweli, bow-ever, was not satisfied with this remunera tion, but claimed an even salary of a year.

Hildrup refused this demand on the around that tnere was not that muoh In the office. The demand of Stlliwell is for a deficiency ot some $800 a year tor the four years they were in oltloe. The testimony ot ex-President Hayes was not forthcoming, as that gentleman could not be found. The trial will be concluded to-day. OENZSAL.

TH8 PHOiXFa-XEBB UTIOATIOX. Judge Drummond, in tho United States Circuit Court yesterday heard a motion to remand to the State court the case ot Mrs. Elisabeth A. Phillips against William P. Kerr, the South Park Commissioners, and B.

Phillips. This was a bill filed in the State court in the tall of by leave ot tho Federal court, by Mrs. Phillips to recover dower in the Kerr tract, and to set aside the divorce decree obtained by her husband. C. Phiiiipa The case 'was brought to the Federal court by tho complainant in April lust.

A motion to remand was then made by the defense. Judge Drummond sustained the motion to remand on the ground, among others, that tho application for removal was made too late, because it did not appear but what tbe oause might have beea tried by the btata court before the application for re I Judge Blodgett, moval was maue ii reasonable diligence bad been used. custody or a cms. A short time ago the Judge granted a decree of divorce to John Sciiiect from Julia, h's wife, for adultery. The wile made no defense, and the proof of her adultery was very strong.

The custody of their little girl, Mary. 0 years old, waa given to the lather. But the child was allowed to visit the mother, and last week she refused to let her return to her father. The result was that a habeas corpus waa Issued The father and an officer, alter much searching, found the mother and child out at the village of Cicero, and served the writ, lira Uchlect was furious, and not only threatened to brain her husband, but assured him that ho was not the father ot the child anyway. As she did not obey tbe writ, an attachment for ber was Issued, and after another long search she was found on Union street, and yesterday morning she waa brought into conrt with the.

child. After a patient exam ination the i udge excused her from contempt, but cautioned ber for tbe future, and presumed that ranged. ordered the cnua to do turnea over to the father. After aa affecting scene the lather, surrendered the child to the mother voluntarily. CRIJfXXiLa Judge Blodgett.

ot the United States District Court, yesterday. In the caae of George Ellis, Henry Putnam, and Johu E. Clark, who pleaded guilty of counterfeiting silver dollars at the Mountain House, North Wells street, a short time ago, beard evidence in mitigation of sentence, and the defendants were sentenced to three years each in the Penitentiary at Chester, to pay a fine of I and costs, and to bo removed in six days. Judge Blodgett yesterday extended tho time tor removal of 8mlth Whittier. alias Doctor James, to the Penitentiary until July lesi.

THE LELAKMOBTCH C01XE5IOX. In the Leland-Portch collision case an order was entered yesterday by Judge UloOirett of tbe United btates District Court conhrmmg the report of Commissioner Proudfoot, rinding the value of the steambarge Leland at $10, bOO. The owners of the Leland were tpven leave to file a bond tor tho above amount TH3 SUFRVAH HOUSE was not oalled up. It la compromise la being ar- TEX CALLS T0K T0-D AT. ST1TXS DOUBT.

Mr. Jnstlos Harlaa No canoe aa hearing. Call It 20, Ford vs Kurt i 3, Hose vs Gloverj 7, White vs Wheeler: 17, Mass. Muk, Lv Ins. Co.

VS Chi. and Alton B. Oo. No. 12, Posdtok at Fish vs Cbt.Dauvllla and Vlnesnnss Co-was adjourned till 9:30 a.

m. to-day. Jndae Drummond la chambers. Judge Blodgett General business. APFELLATa OOUkT.

Judges Wilson. Ballsy, and McAllister Adjourned till to-morrow at 10 m. for motions. SUPIItlOB OOCBT. Judge Smith 0,018, StlUwsil vs HUdrnp, oa trial.

No first call. Trial call Is term Kos. 6.350, 5,384, 6.383. 5.3SU, and 4,775. Jadse Aothonv No case oa trial.

CalllsITos. S19, 650, 551, t32, 554, 558, 600, 503, 563, 567, 56, 569, 671. 572, 07 576, 577. 57. 68U.

681, and 683. Judas Williamson 0,410, Barber vs Mallory. on trial. No first oolL Trial sail is term Nos. 6.4.70, 0,400.

4.B6U, 0.512, sod 6,562. Judge Jsmetoa Ueneral basinets. Judge Gardner 9, Tbe Galvanized Wire Teaee Company vs Washburn and Moen Manufacturing tympany, on hearing. Call is Aoe. and XJU ciBotrrr coubt.

Jadse Morso No cae on trial. Call to set ease term No. 38.323. Whlfflta vs Witberell. Judge Tuley 23, Downey vs Powllna.oa hear lag.

Call is Nos. 28. 29, SO, 31, 32, and 4. Judge Barnum 38, Towa ot Lake View Vs Masrtv, oa trial. io sou until toe Bepsemoer term.

covstt cooar. Judge Loomla 3,377, Henkie vs Leltoh, ea Call is set eases, Hiver Forest special asst eity special assessment No. also general No. 8,478, SBd term Nos. 725, 720, 727, 728.

72tf, 730. 731. 734. 742, snd 745. CBiMnai4 coubt.

Judge Gary Nos. 1.160, 1,323, 1,444, 1,507. 1.5SU 1.608, 1,600, 1.611. 1.012, aad 1,614. Judge Rogers Will sssist la Judge Gary's eall after final argument in ths 8 tec her manslaughter case this morning.

PKOB1TK COUBT. Judge Knickerbockers-General bus la ess. THE DOUBTS U. 8. CIRCUIT.

irrw surra. 17,933 Wta. J. Corlew vs Frits Frsassn, a bankrupt Petittoa for review. UUier, Lewis ek Bergen, attys.

BxroBi judos SBtnnfOKO, Chaaesry Woilensak vs iiisber; appl alld eomplt la bond, eta Bxroac Jurxjc SLOparrr. Law 60, liicnord. aulgaea, vs Wolfs; dlsd 38i, Msaoel vs smith: dlsd 6J2, Gosmge vs bsme; same 487. Field vs Baas; same 533. Sams vs bams; same.

Chancery 2O0. Oonn. slot. L. InaOo, vs Beam-moat ord as prepared 17,018, Union Mut.

la Ins. Co. vs Warren; ord ret set aalue and re-refoe to Bishop 17,017, Same VS Bams: same 17.019. borne vs Bams; same 714, Boot vs L. ChL K.

dlsd per stip 717. Same vs G. W. Co. some 72 boms vs Grand Trunk B'y Co.


Crlmlaal 86, Bmlta Whittisr: ume tor removal ot deft to Penitentiary extended to July 24, 1882 788, David Arado: evidence beard in mitigation, and sentence postponed to a a tore dar George bills, lienry Putnam, aad Jeha S. Clark: evidence heard la mitigation, delta eaa teaosd to 3 years each In Penitentiary at Chester, aad to pay a Has ot (1 aad coats, aad to be removed in 0 days. Admiralty 343. In re Elk Rapids Iron Com Cotnr filed June 22, 1882, finding vaine or eteamoarge Iceland and her Ireignt at 610,800 confirmed, aod iv to owaexs ot barge to give stipulation tor that amount. Bankruptcy 4.404, John W.

Fllklns; discharge leaned 4.0O5, bo has, Scaarlsnbexg ek VV heeler; sale appro. APPELLATE. BtTOBI rtTDOBS WIL80K, BoILBT, 4X9 BfalXtBTBa. Orders 412, leeter vs atroact mo by apolt for ord oa Soerlll ot Kankasee Co to retara exe cution alld aad ord to retura within 3 days' service 1,235, Otis Vs Gardner; motion to smead ord of afftrmaaoe aad apportloa eosts allowed 1,202, Martin vs Wirts; psta tor re- beaxlng filed aad takes. BTJPEBJOB.

surra. 83,052 Lovis llursaad vs Sataasl Pogfott Appeal. 3.053 F. P. Tan Talkes burgh Vs Tbe Chicago Uity Railway Company.

Caae, BlOtOOU Lund at afaaa, attys. U3.054 John kluflat vs James a. T. Bird, B1U to recover $JOO oa a loaa aad to re train de-feasant from dioBoalac of his oertiflooto of membership la tne Board of Trade, watoB was given as security. Moaroe ek Bail, solrs.

Uotos National bank of Oahkosa vs William U. bpear aad William 'Volts, Asst. SIO.OOO. riower, Itemy ek Uregory, aUys. 83.056 Charles Towae vs David Dows, Appeal.

02.057 Oeorge Moore vs Aaaa B. Horns, Daniel H. Horn. Oeorge W. Beid, Kathaaiet H.

rllgglns, John 'luliy. Caroline W. Aadrewa, Aaroa W. Mead, Albert L. Coo, trustee under toe last will ot Martin Andrews, deoeased JosepB O.

Oibbons, Aaaa M. Olbboas, Carrie Oibbons, Calvert W. Cowaa, assignee la bankraptoy ot Joseph O. Oibbons, bankrnot, aad "all whom It may oonoera." Petuioa to catablisB title. SL s.

Uontony, solr. B3.05 borah A. Btevensoa vs Patrick Lamey, George U. bruoka, and Loaia T. Uaohalea, Xree-pasa, 50U George H.

Grant, atty. Hymaa Wlea vs M. Toaslav Appeal, 4,060 Aagaet Bamp vs Louis Bamp, and Louis lump, Jr. Aoat, ai.oOUk Joaspa Pnrab-Ina, atty. Sllkworta vs Myra L.

Sklaaer snd F. W. C. Hayes. Trespass, $5,000.

J. C. Tornes, atty. People, ex rel Charles Walsh, vs Paul Cornell. Petition lor leave to hie information.

Lather Lanm Mils, tale's iiiiam l. Alien et al va Wallace r. Baohe and John 0. Forbes. Confessloa of judgment.

1.37tf. 18. Kimball Young, atty. Cynthia Tamer vs Thomas Turner. Bill lor divoroe for cruelty and adultery.

Smith 4c Burgett, loirs, 83,005 Edward P. DeWolf vs Ben Vf. Bayers. Asst, K.lla Ubesbroago, atty. ILW JUDOS SMITH.

Orders 5.3C0, Barton vs Caae and Sugar Befg Co; garn dlochgd 5,016, Still wed vs HUdrup; mo to sap depa of Lvmael O. Gil man snstd and to coat canoe dea 5,554, Plamondea va Fisher; lv to reply double Karl vs Pataaot; order as prepared. tAW JVPOB AXTBOKX Orders 1.9 J9. Bittlnger ve Herman: death ot delt Gastav sug Zemansky vs Hoffman; Iv to nie addtl reo to pis of deft BoOmsn 6,427. Glbbs vs Qutsgell: salt dls sad jndgt want proa Harper vs Bowea: order is a 6,450, Anderson vs Marks; suit dls and jadgt want pros Nathan vs Palmar: same.

Judgments and Trials 6,461, Rlsthmsn vs Frederick: jury to seal verdict 6,111, Hamilton K. Wheeler vs Arthur Bell; Jndgt oa finding tor plS.kl.8tiO. LAW JUDOB vn ilimme. Orders 7,203, Dodss vs ioine; time for Wilcox and Stock to pidarxtd 30 days 6,614, MeKay vs Kaiser; Iv to hie addtl et and rule to pld la 5 days O.B24, Jacques vs T. T.

B. Wk: cause trans to li tt Cir CJt 6.31U Walker va Heuer; order dial set aside and cause reinstd; CHASCEST CHIKT JCBTICK JAMXBOlt Orders 2.34tf, Ammeaa vs Krauxpe; iv to amd bill by making aew defts 2.051, Koha vs Itteln- bocki order oxo Issue 714, Vuutoe vs Vittltos order dial est asido 87, Clark vs MeDsalel; dis and Jndgt want ur vs MoliBgh-lin; Wm Coifeen apptd gal for minor defts in bill 2.366. Maltmoa vs Kornats: dettt of Geo.F. Moroom, John b. Maltman.

and Cbas. field wont ans 2,480. People vs bchleoht; attch dlsobgd snd custody of ofalld awd to netur 244, Boris vs German Savings Bank; order reer par 70 par cent div. and order reer enloroe stock liability 1,853, Jones vs Boyingtun) order dial set aside, Oemra to oul sasui, aod lv to amd. Decrees 1,907, Crane vs Bsoob; decree of sola 2,262, Owsley vs Owsley; decree spptg eomrs 734, Boyer vs Keoagn; deotee ef sale Curtis vs Curtis: decree spptg oomrs.

CHANCEKT JUDOS OAaVDNBB, Orders 2,331, Doaa vs Wsikar; ploncalr 1.92'A Piper va Mack; Master's rept filed and eonid. Piatt vs Plstt Jr: Uastar's rept filed and decree 2, Healy vs "All Whom It May Concern decree eoufg title. CUtCTJTT. wtw Burrs. 41,653 Antoa Foery vs Matthias Sosa.

Ap Deal. 41.650- Eva Seng Vs Albert Seng. Bill for divoroe for arunaenaess aad oraelty. la, Uum- phreviile. solr.

41,000 ijeonaru xnnexiey vs sisttnsw Warner, Michael Lynch, M. Maker, and Frank Ives, Caae, Allan a btory, out. In the matter ot ths rotate ot Cartls 0. Meaerve, deocased. Appeal trom tne Probate Court.

41.UC2 Amelia Eisner vs Fried rich Eisner. Bill lor dlvuroe for cruelty and for Injnucuoa to restrain defendant from selling his property. 41.0o3 PetlUoa ot D. Harry Hammer and Emmo Lv Hammer to adopt Maude Bussella Lorai ne Carpenter, 15 years 01 age, and the daughter ot Emma Lv Hammer by a former marriage with Russell B. Carpenter, now deosassd, D.

Harry Hammer, solr. Bichard Hago Hatifeld vs Emma Halzfeid. Hill for dlvuroe tor desertion, William d. Slssoa. solr.

4i.tttia John Lobsteln vs Jnllo Costsgatna Bill to quiet title. Habeas fc Maiiaffrv, aulrs. bnppresned on EaturUov Lant 41. bJO James N. Wuhrrell vs Joha Kearncr l.ogrra and the Village of Hyde Parit, Creditor's bi.l 1'rauk a WriBn-v, Bolr- Porvi I '1 P.

1. I im Ur a 1 -r 1 I contract ea ths ground ot fraud and tor aa so couuung. Jesse Cox, soir. 14W 4UDOB MOBllt. Orders Chios go aod Western lad Co vs Liebermsa; eoatd till July 14,820.

Gardner vs Jarvls; rule oadelt to Jus ret Jane 28 8.821, Qalntsa vs Jones; Iv to deft to pav lato et In lieu of bond 6100 by Jans 8I and 50on Aac 1 aod 650 on tbe first ot each aosta following 10,830, 10.831. 10.83b, 10,837. 10.8JV. 10,840. and 10,841.

Soammoa vs Ths Adriatic Ins Oe and others; rals oa plS te file Seoority ot costs er show eauae ret Jaae 88at 10am 5,261, Lausr vs Cleaver; defll ot i'erdlnand Jonee iroster vs Haaks; order dial vaeateo 26,888, Neuberger vs CaBBcrberg; order that eoets la hands of Biers be paid to daft ea affl fid. Trial 3,478, sUABiry vs Cnlcago end Eastern Lis By Oo sub to eeart, heard aad advssab CaaMCCBT JUDOB TULCT. r' Orders 3,347, Glass vs Hsrsogt me to take plea from flies granted, Iv to amd bill aad rule to ans la 10 days 1,873, Byrne vs Byrne; in dissld as to Kate Hurley 3,087, Hamlla vs Davis; time to file rep to ans ef Usydeaextd 10 days Bid way vs Tnrneri rule to sas bill in 10 days 8,135, Kile vs Chicago and Western Iad-B Co; rule dlsohgO 1.S43. Bstxfeld vs Hatifeld; dls e. Deoree 3,063, Hail vs Borland! decree oonfg sale 2,871, Baldwin Walker; decree ot sale; 41,663, la re peta of D.

Harry Hammer to adopt ehud; decree of adoption. 4 Divorce 2,893, Katie Bennewetss' from Fred Bonnewelss; for cruelty 3.469, Eiia M- Olds fmm Tlbbexs 9. Olds I for Luxie Erdmana from Carl a.rdmaat tut desertion 3,181, Aaltse Aiders treat Antoa Alders; for desertioo, i CHAHOkBT nrrxji bixxvk. i Orders 3,414, Loldl va Loldi: Iv to smd bOl by making new delta 3,116. Colter vs Coffey; deflt 3.4O0, WUsoa Vs mlisoot defit 752, Kehoe VS Kehos; set for Belt cair 2,740, Boot-ttsu Am Urlg Co vs Long; deflt of nomas and Msroella Byrne set aside and Iv to amd ans of Lawrenoe figaa st al 3,260, Lmaa vs Prout; order walvlag dehcteney decree and aoprvg masurs rspt of sale 3,322.

Merrick vs keroh-stoI; oommlssloa issued to take tew Divorces 3.486. Louisa V. Johasea from Rica ord L. Joansoa: for adultery 3, loo, ator-tlaUMeafisld tront Mary lioaflsld; ferdeeer turn. COTJMTY.

Krw strrr. 3,909 la the matter of Carrie B. Taylor, a de- Beadcat glrL BBFOBB 7VDOB lOOaOB, Ordero S.1M3- letler ilia Juareraaea Aff the Evangelical Asn of Am; lv to supply loet 1 record 3,390, MeDoaaell vs Howell i ouald by agtfsopie vs Jaeob Wiru; dsft aisohgd oa payt of eosta People va George H. heeler i some 8,426, roller vs alathews: eontd forserv- Ice 3.491, Peopls, use ot Henrietta Baeiing, vs nuioa srta et al; peta dt 3,373, aegley vs Kelly: dis waat proa la re art oasts erf Cltr of Chicago, Nos, 2.603 to 2.537. isoluelve; oomrs aoptd people vs William wheeler; aatt discbsTd.

Trial la special salt of Tillage of Byde rara ae. wi iv to seal verdict. OKIJtlNAL. BtrOBB XVDOg ABT. Ordero 1,53, W.

MeVaddeo, larosay, eeat years to Bacorm Behooi 1,67. Kirby aad Mar-rin, loreeay; eoDtlnoed by aeieodaais to bep teuiboe term la BI.UUO bail 1.5V4, Frank ii son, robbery; plea of aot gouty witbdrawa aad plea of gailty entered 1 Joha Cureoraa, bargiary; )ury waived, aad ease sabmittod to Ceart; Oadiag, aot gailty 1,00 Jeha Bafferty, oargiary jury waived aad ease sabmittod to the Court, part of evldesoe hoard 1,604, lUrnvaa Boese, lareoay; Jury trial: verdict, gouty; term Uxed at years la Peaitoatlory. One be sored aad aiaetvtwe eaao wars struck treat the tgkvl ealsndsr, with leave to rclaavste. Biroaa jupoa aoaxaa. Orders L3S7.

1 He Becher soaasiaughUr ease. svldenoe eoooladed. argaasato delivered, aad ease aivsa to the Jary. PBOBATR. BXroal JUDOB kMICUBBOCRB.

Oaardioooaip KstoM ef Um A. Porter, auaor; tettora ot raardiaasalp tseaod to Willi a Porter, bond ia B5ou apprd, ga rdaa lay apprd, aad guarda exeaaed lroa artaer duly aatu the ward arrives st fall aa. Wuia Kstate of Jaoob F. Krayl will pro via aad letters too to Charles ttehatidt, lad bond la BU.200 apprd Ka ate of loose Mtrelits: will proves aad letters Beat In sort to Barak Btrallls, ooavi ia BAuwu appro. Orders aUt Jba Albla; order admt Settle bar final tod within 30 days Eat Alice Cnriy; proof ot hctrso Eat CBartes ii.

Cooler: saDoe Kot William X. Miehoia; oame Eat Amaaaei btranaa: sasts tvot Beuaael Holbroek; sua ot sV IX Morgan for 50 alld keS Andrew leaner adsax to rstala snoasy ia her aaads to apply ia her Bwd aad she dlocbgd Eat Patltp P. Biiso; soot apprd aad sxtr exoasod trom larther oaty fc.t U. G. TBOoapsoa, mlaar; gaarda'S lav apprd Est ArohlboAd B.

Thoiapswat lav ond aoprat apprd a 4 A. Mattel Jona.uta rt ol, auaurs; gooraa's lav appr kat aDaae4 0. Pago; wds oal fid sad acct of aooet aad debts apprd aot rrouencx leocD Baal aeot apprd. est aeuled. and extr dxaoogd Kot Boaert A.

Wiiltord et al, minors; lv to guarda to make a loon Kit Joha PslUtaat of aslrsp eatd Mav ls82, set sside aad pf of Beirsp Est oases rAora: order adma. pay to Belie Hoc a her snare of tne awd aad adma to be dloehgd Est Josef be Is; tar, aporst aad wda awd apprd aad wds sal fld, wd aild to re tola ssoaer aad admx dlsoagd Eat 1 nomas Pauorooa; dellt of ecrioln delta Est Nicholas Becker et al, minors: hearing oa applicanoa for ths appolalmeat ot a goarda eoatd to Aag. IS, at 10 a m. Est Joha bimpsoa; els of Rolen Plamb tor B317.41 alia Em A aahlagtoa bsaliB; Baal rept aad Baoi aeot appro, est Bottled aad sxtrs discbsd Eat Patrick Purer; xtx exeuaed from settling her final Boot autll six mootus Eat Max Thormaa lea; pf of heirsp eatd Kt Haas Haaaea; decree lot tbe sale of real eat a a a. Mable aad itay Johnoloa, miaora; guarda ot est to pay gaoxoa ot minors BUM per monta aatu farmer order ot ot Eat Ell Botes: olm of George W.

Mathews for 3o.25 alld Kot Kiohard Ward; lav. approt aad wds awd apprd Eat Jona bimpooa; iv to sell United Btates govt be COB at private sale Eat William Deratody; rspt ot sale ot real est apprd and sale could. THEY MET III LlNCON PARK. Tbe Lincoln Park Board net yesterday afternoon at tho Buperlntendent'a headquarters la tho park la as mi-monthly session. President Winston in.the hair, and present Commlsalonerg Arnold aad Kadiah aad Hecretarx Taylor.

Oa motion, tho ordinance forbidding; the use of bloycles ta tho park waa sua ponded for thirty days, ia oraer to 'see it their use ia ths park would bo any injury to tho driveway a Estimates for tho repair ot tho Lincoln Park breakwater were read. Showing- that tne repairing-ot the oataide, including: 5,000 bp ties, labor oa and transportation for the same, 117 cords of prop-brush material, and labor would oost $oOU, and tho repairing- ot the inside, lnoludin iiO.OoO spiles, labor on and transportation for tho same, 400 cords of stone, oOO loads of bark, and labor. Grand total, and for tbe extension of tho breakwater, about ooO feet of new work, and 100 toot for right angle, $400. Total, $0,. 450.

Consideration was postponed. Tho Board then adjourned for two at the same place. THE STECHcR CASE. J. T.

LESTER I I Brit eoest eo ep tamed BrltUB Commission, 25 aad 27 Chamber of Commerce. GBAD1 Al PROYISIOHS, waexj Tbe Steoher manslsnghter case, before Jndfre Eogers la the Criminal Court, proceeded yesterday. Tno morning was tilled up with, testimony of aa uninteresting character. Addresses to ths Jury war taada by Mr. W.

a Forrest, oa behalf ot the people, and by Mr. Mason and Judgo Lelliagwbll oa behalf of the accused. Mr. Forrest will make the concluding address to the jury oa behalf of the people this morning. The counsel for tho defense, aa usual la such oases, argued that the shooting waa Justified, tor the reason that it was done in sell-defense and tor tho defense ot the property ot him who did the shooting.

Mr. Forrest, in his opening address, drew sped si attention to the char acter of the respective witnesses produced on behalf ot tbe peoplo and the accused, the former being mostly made up of people liv-ln the neighborhood, tho latter people who accidentally were ia the neighborhood cf tec ex's saloon when the shooting occurred, CROwNER'S QUESTS. Coroner If atson held Inquests ester day aa follows: At No. 22 Chapia street, oa tho body of Joseph, lllnktckl, died from injuries received by being accidentally run over by 4 wagon, oa the corner of Noble and Blackhawk streets, oa tho 2uut last. Verdict aooord- lnyiy.

At the Itorgue, on tbe body of an unknown tnan found in the Chicago Liver, near Randolph street bridge, oa the 2Cth Inat, 'Whether the drowning was the result of ao-oldent or of suicidal intent the lury found itself nn able to decid a Description: About 45, sandy mustache, dark hair, about 5 feet 10 Inches bth, weight 170; wore black sack coat, dark p-nts, and brown woolen shirk Dr. Fiebce's 'Telleta," or sufrar-coated gronnles the orlsrlnal -little llrrr ptlla." (beware of lm h'. core bick ml bliiuii.bei.d- l- ii; and and i STOCKS MDBONDS. PRIVATE WIRES TO NEW YORK, BOSTON, ROCHESTER, SYRACUSE. TJTIOA, CLEVELAND, SARATOGA SPRINGS.

45 te aS.OOO jiMllvtonoly wood snenaliiloas yMlas large pevhu. Write la w. "VV. T. SOTJLE feaUbtUbed tn 1741.

BroSevs. ISO LsHallesUSst.CBV ogo, tow pqaipniet ooq wtcino pea reporiq. DAY, FIELD HOLBRON, 130 LaSalle Bt CHICAGO 17 New StoNEW TOtt It. in neurit let dealt la at tbe SETT TORE, BOST05, and riULlDELPHIl Stack ExchanpM bong-bt Bud told rommlasloa aad carried on marrifls. Intemt allowed a wppwtltae Cesuseetoel by spaelal eUrwet wire wttfc ear New Tork Ofltoa, directly eppeolto tbe Btoatt Kulissigw, BUrTACUSBED 1MB.

A.M.WRIGOT&CO. Commission Merchants, 28 A 23 Chamber of Commerce, Oika, nscKirxBS Ain BaiPrxatB. Ormla aad Prwvlolooi hwagbt aa4 sold Bar lotsuw aWUvary, or eorri cos anorgHao. TO Tit TOKriH.n EKS or TBS hobtu Ckloo a Hoiliug Mill Co. Yna ore auusad that the AssasI Moetlag af tbe BtooaBklara oi Uiu CjtnBAur.

tor Ute e.eraas of tMractora, ta tramactloa ol aarh other baauwe aa Bt.r pruttonr ea 4 ua at Aaoaol wlae. wul bo aM at ibo UnVw mi Urn Cunpoar. IB Caieoa-o Ik. W. Oiirnar hoikla ih or.

4 nolle arroat.l. oa Toaad.T. July Bjia, isoA. st 11 aoos la too imoauua et oa Bay. llie transfer books ot this Com Bony will be dosed trnra the lih to lbs Uiadur of July, laax, beta ta clBaiTc By order.

liiciro a Hum tH, swy. Chleare, Jaae tld. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. MONEY AND STOCKS. TtrasoAV B'tstse.

Jaae FT. The el earls gs ware The draaad tor dloeoaats was fair, bat tbora ware bo ehaagse la the loaa saorkaV. The basks reported a large vol urns ot loaaabla taada, aad borrowers who praeoated holes aomas or eoUat- erals were readily aosoaasodatod at M7 par eeat, Kew Tork sxchaafe was qaotad at COO 70s premlamfJ BUOOO between baaka, Bhippors' CO-dors dooaaMatary sterllsg oa was qaotad weak as the lattorfor large bills atada by gUt-adgod grata, Tho movement ot moaey to tas eouatry was smslL The tollowlag is theotnchU report ot the trans actions at the Chicago Stock Exsboaf a to-day: BaTOBk i tr T. at Fa, 10, lv BG W. it.

Pe. SL. Cat. di. o'a, S.OO0U, 7 riBT CAM.

A. M. Am T. at a Fa, 10, 10.. 8431 T.

at H. re. lO. lO iv. T.

at b. Fs. 10. HA T. at ax Fa.

1U BO H. Poeifto B. K-. ooatntoa, luO, ft 41 VlB. at W.

la. div. 4's. B.OOO.. KSS C.

B. 4k B. bV. H. at M.

4 l.owOi bl C. et SL W. a a -ft. i d. 6 a.

14.0U0. JS, W. bt. L. Jk Pa.

B. H-. ChL div. Co. B.OOO...

7H Ko. Chieago CUy fir Va, 10,000... Ill U.U. I Ca, 6 a. l.OOO.

7b "a BXTwgmi rtua. U. 34 ex. B'a, M. D.

Tel. Co. tf's, 1.0U0 r5 Do. A.OOO 70 SXOOND CALL. kL AV, T.

dr B. Fa, 10, lu. BC la, OO, a lO ba N. Poclbe B. oommoa, 2U, 1U 41 PeutmoB ralaoe Car txx.

11X1 B. Jc Q. K. Dea. alv.

4 4 D0.2.OUO 64 Chieago City By 4Vs. 1.CKIO loo Do. 1.O0O loo's M. U. T.

Oa. a. 1.1XW Do. 1 1 0 Do, 75 Do, l.OOO 74 Do, l.OOO 74 a Arrxa CALLS.

Chicago City Ev 4Va, Cook County 4Vo, 107 W. Bt, ia at re. SL SL ek f. 0 0, B.000.. Haasra.

Presto a. ateaa ek Co, report Qaolatlaat or government boado, ato oa tuiioat: aunuv. aeiiiDv. C. B.4 par cento, eoapona.

l.ii Ims Co. 4 paruauiq. 114. llS L.a. i1 IOIt, lul V.

a. fexieOiMdS'ol. Kio'a liHa toraajra 4a( AkS Chicago Car Iruat loo Cliuioeniuniciiil bonds at rotas to balm restore a4) Is 4 per cent. Choice railroad bo-da at rates to as iavssBMB 4o4 9U per oant. Cboisa commercial paper booth! and oold.

BTOCatS, StCCaiTIES, AXD GOSSIP. Ths day's speeolatloa at the Stock Exchange ratal ted In closing nearly all of tbe shares at about the opening prioea. Ths trading was only fairly sctivs, aad if there was say Badsrtoae at all It was ons of weakness. Ia tbe general list tbe peculation was entirely without oat are. Ths Directors ot the Lake Shore Boad met aad declared the usual Quarterly dlvidead of 9 per esot, Tbe reports of trafflo ana earnings toT the quarter aad halt year Just eloaed ware anything but eaoouraglnc.

The net earnings for tbe first six months this year were $1,122,409, or 2.27 per cent, oa the stock, against $2,307,700, or 4.25 par cant tor 188L a doorcase of The Micblgaa Central showing waa fully as bad as that ot ths Lake Ehora, The eamlags of the road for tbe first six months ot this yeor were sgalast $1,295,000 a year ago, aad ths balaaoo over interest aad rentals foots bp agaiast $442,000 lor tbe first six months of 188L Of soarsa, the publico tion ot those reports did aot aid the bulla la the stock market very aaaa. Tbe Governing Committee at the Stock Exchange yesterday reconsidered their form or ac tion and decided to adjourn ths Er change front Batarday next until WedBaoday, July at 11 e'eiook. Tna loaa market was active under maalpala-tloa. At one time the money rata raa op to 10 per eeat, ths advaooe oelng Canard by the pro-mlsonous bidding ot small trodara. At aa time daring tbe day did tas book rate go above ae per cant.

At the eloae money was treaty oUerod at per cent. It Is tboognt that tbe preparations by bonks and other financial mentations to meet the semi-annual latareot sad dividend disbursements one Jaiy 1 mav poe.ibly malt la a alight hardening of rates to-morrow or ths day following, bat darlug July sad Aaguat the loaa market ought to be rxoeedmgiy aosv and tne rotes ot Interest ocoordiogi luw. Oa Jaly 1 tne government alone wul pay ont $10,100,948 tor Intrreat, aa follows: B7.383.54b et oa the currency o'a, and 40.oo0 oa the ''extended" bonda This money wul be a clear gala to the loaa marset, aad will aod materially to the bank reeerrea. Oa Jo fl tne Tre.earywUl tin payoff tll.OoO.OOO called and about that time the teocretary will probably lasae another eill lor Tne monrv to be paid out for the acconnt cf Rtatea, coautiea, c.tiro, and eorporettoae will reaca aa enormous amount in me agifrgite, and iirnoo tne muarf m.ra.t ounM to ruie runrl a-y, e-iH-ciai'y as fi" di.ii.'-.t-.c H''air- at Eaiiy 1 ef the grewles inportanee ef tbe ErrpUoa coi tone. 1 ae i i ori 11 rrm -a exm a eab.egrsm yeatcrdty wh ick eaaaod Seais prebeeeion la tne street, to tbe eSee that tbe Vkar OOlee had loaned seders tar io.OoO areas and MwimattU, to be ready la tew days, with a view.

It was believed, at eaUlaf eat the army reserve with I a three davs. Bobtaooa eloaed at 9, btote Lisa at T7, ttttt Pootae at 9. Harm bileer at 10H. lrea btlvvr at 195, Little Pittsburg at IV, amis al 23. Coa-solidoied Virginia at 47, CaxysoUte at MO, aad Oold btrlpe st There wos a good deaaaed far 'Erie sens lis, Ths point to bay fcflaeoart.

Kansas sad Texas a Ogata retailed by traders la tas street. Bam plea ot aew eora crew Beeaevriag awe fset, aad ef Sate so eaa art a eta feet, rut taJ Alexander coeaty, la tais atoia, ea taw lta lav stoat, were exhlaited ea 'Caaags la chioage yesterday. Toe Central lows rhirroed Company has ta-ereaaed lis eopitei to ai9.oua.Owa Toe following eettaote et earslage aad fixed charge of tbe Marqaetto, Hoaghtoa aad Oa-toaacoa SaUread Ceeupaay bae aa pabllabod: AaaaoJ Cnarg. par eeat boads 46.000 ar seat beads reqaire- 34.772 ft per oest bosda eOOO t2.171.M0 total debt and enorg'S B2.2Ss.3O0 preferred etoek eent dividends eoaaaooa Baparlataadeat'g toatrtoalarJ Bills for BBPBMBI deal Apprwi Imsto Bat I P. P.

C. C. ok aaaaal tor per 1B0.M4 for wer seal diTideaaa 1BOX9 B4.oC4.900 total stoek aa4 aatoBat re- aired for dlvidrads. J65.1BI Add Bxed 160,412 Total bar re for latereet aad per eeat euvideade ea prof or red aad ewsaatoa stock. BS7H.A04 Set taralags la 1 B8 1 4X1.

75 Add laereooe aeseoraiags B.1U I Add laerooae Bet eoxaiaga KeUrooxy Add laerwoee aot earaiass hlorea A.3W4 Add laereooe Bet eora lags S.SS1 Add iBoreaee act earalaas Het saralacs past twelve Add atlas axotta 1b.T7B.B7 taaa llilaots ChL at A lias N. Oou-ol Ichla-oa LoauvUla A N. WeetarB Noaarille ev Choto Daaverak Sua Ora Pool he at OIL Reading Cbee. A Onto let prrL tr C. at il'L'pr'i'.

1---- at Texas 1 ortaw. 1 am De i d. Erie De pld ..1 Erie oeooads. WXe Snore Be Loaat 4k P. Da pre TjBioa Texas Pod na.

Korthera Pool Da pld. Be Pool Do pre! 8. Teas. aad. Oca.

Norfolk at W. pld Orogea New Jeraev Lv ar Del at CSC Paol A Do pld Mtoeoart Pacvhe. Buck Isiaad Caaado Lake Erie Jk Man hat ta a. Ontario A Mobile A Ohio Ohio Peorls, D. A Koaaaoa A kL Eiv.

a A Ciev. A Central Artsoaa GL.C.C A 1.... Central Poeifto wca rjmrti. UBaroa, LoT" Jaaa IX. Total Bet two! tv moo.

in to Jans 1 This eotimatas the act ooralags tor May ea the boola ol tas graas earalacs, aad altowa operaUag ta May. waito ta ao brovloas Booath of any year were the eperauag expewoea above B50.0UO. Artoc awr east ape bovS elseses of stocks, the net earalnra are divided ta eoaal dlrtdads tnei both soooa aad oooa ad- dlttaaal Bet at alter Bat oorainrs et equaM 1 per eeat spoor be stocks. IB CYirwiwn aim aaa tne oro pl.avoo in ews- to thu aeoooa 153 per eeat. or aoros loos tbaa last yeor.

Tno weoiber the Baas wwosi Bos sob unwed verv tororaaoe. Control A rtsoae atiatag smoB swoks frees rts loss a mod eater via sad waa aaite aeuvsly traded Is. advaaetag Irwea 03 to lOu, aad oioe tag Baaliy at Blk Favorable adrtoea from the mine eoaoad tbe beige. Bwaoo troSors taiak a deal Is sesslag la la, Eareka Bfioiag stock eioasa at BIB. The Bee a- snal etatoeoaat c4 tas Earsaa MiaaaT Coca posy tug Mar shows: Frosa WBttara of 64 toas boae bmD- toa B17a.og.iT Baparlak deal's e-afto toaiaUad- larl IB.T7B07 Caoh ea Baad May 12 1404 41 boles of B7S.M Total ao.S4LI7 PUBLBoXlAXXTa.

Ilttae hooaltias oceoaat. New ahotV I am bar. eto Freigatr Bolas, eta I- BaporlataadaBt's draXto taornod ear Irvat A BCU. Ocaoral ex Divtdaad Xo. 71 Cask ea Baad Jaae 12 B14.K014S S4.4os.XJ lo.ioo.x7 UJHU A.tAL'i4 n.uuo.vo B1JU01L1 Total TbaearwlBga tor Mav ware ax- I pe-naac, a dvaattaf riantA roiiowiagas taa sisissisai I tons booe ballloa or 44.740 00 I Aaaa IX, xix.oii.ib B277.7JEH 1S2 t2.S5At I The rallewtac abawa tfce Bsrfasiiaeis of taa Rew Tork atacB saarket yeoterday i i i aa 2 0 1125 mei5i lll.131a 131 Vt Ull.

133V lijt. 1S3 iti isx in 1 i vi vs ioi voSj po-bj bs, 7VJ 3y t)i mil 11 7 Mo 4s 4-' 42Sm 41 6s ttH Boi. so to! aoa B4aj S.a B4 32a 3i latllatlBl I 1 Uiie.l45aLl45 U3 3d I S5S 71 VI 71i 713 71H BXiai BJV 0JS 111 U1 lloa, IIOS trsl S9V 27, 7 boi ao nmins liovum 43 44UI 43Si 43 41 40tgj do's 7-bI 74V 7f, 1UV112 lllKlllH incurs 1-7 llal lO 1 I 1U OI BOIal aovJ 80 7d 701 ''( '70' 7SJ T6 751a1 7 lt7V127 lit lt7 ut ait iinBin 40ea 104jl04l log IOAH rTa Va'a 3H BJ 130 130W l30te IWH iv 24 63t k4 17 18V 71a 1W lA 8S I t4U 84 17 17 13V 13j 29 I IS 71 VI 71V Baarse Cllaats Ceatrol. IMwf waasylvoaU Cratl. Testral, 134; trie.

J1; nSde. 96; keodiag. 2VH. aais. Jaae 27.

iwaeee. Bit 17 BOtTOX rVWTOX Jaae n-OOmal el leg ae tattoo were as toll was w.eorrewwr 4 Ttat IM ri Loo4. 7 a 1 1. 4-" T.laaSrrt 4 Cor f-H-mt 7. hi -t i f-CvtTadaVls c.

a. a Cis. Lwtera a.H 314 23 6Jt S4 17 3'g 24 71 1031a' 103 ltTS 47 47 47 47 1374 139V; 137t l3eV. 1 1 11 TSa Ti T3 1 tl woi Ooi Toe tallowing were tae apaaina. BurBact, law-rat, and eioatng quotations lor sottaa ea tae Iew fork Cottoa fcicBoage yeoterday Daoertptioav 0 pea's.

Highest Lowas- Oealag. 1147 It 82 12 4i Aacaot 12.63 12.60 12.31 li Si 1-27 Octobor 11.73 1L7 11.72 11.72 To the aaura Aoaoaaiad -rare. Nt Voax. Jane 27. OoyrramenU aaoaaaged, Railroad bonds rrrerular.

Stato seauntiea ssoderataly active aad stroac Tbe traBaoctioas ob the Buck trssnge as srecatad soaroa, ae follow: K.uuo DoBver aad Bio Graede, 6.000 Erie. aoOO Kan-sas and Texan. Xu.uou Lake bbora, 20.000 Louisville aad Noes villa, 9. OoO Micblama Ceatrol. 14.O0O Korthweetara, B.U0O hew Jrrary Central.

4.OO0 Kew York Central. 6. (XX) NorLkara Pacific, ll.OOO Krodlng. lO.oviO ft- Pool aad Omana, 16.0OO Taaaa Facnfle, 11.000 Tiabaaa Pacifia Woaey. Sett par seat, electee at 4 per oeat Prime mercantile paper 4i.i.

per oeav. Starling exebaaga steady at t-Blj dreaood. BASa Prodaos exporta torus sroek, d.21a,- Ooa art 4ts.4l4 I C. Erie Imo o. tt Lradrn a w.loo cew.

70 fpt4.M.llB oia. at. Aoa lie Ados lllvC la-d u. .114 t.r aios rd.iae I M-sjLlaV vrfTtmoro- to C. t)m lr.

lliil nal. 14 I os Itself. OA 'tsw 1 ill i. aora.liu, Oo li i 00 1 AM HmW I. A 1-lruu l-l L.

A a 6.. b. a 1 a c. lot a oouio .4 1 SJ Cctlc. vi.m a tt De fd.

47 6J ic pia. 10 IHt P.M a L.4V, kf i u-a fc-o, lri r-a, ji I bM ml lKi. tlo l-iv. wlK luol aolll Lta lt ml 3 17 il IllDHML 71 l-o -l ta. vt WLlr.

vm a Ai.iia ob a i oat Lm Bid HA I L. milVJ c. a a IIji vorr a tk. C.MLBKvr 'i iorPac. tJ uo Liaye C'oL 7i Nonuvt O.JS Dn.

Hud ir.iwi U.L.1 -r v. li a at tt. e4T. vKua C'a-t. 1 i

imo a ouaa. st t-, moors. Lk Tl to ptA 1 I WiTD. Xf a UTor. jria.n aUa.

43 La pld 1 IS Tl) a I 111 tlr.rlt IWi 'voi-- 1 wjewria lt Iu, a AA 3 p. m. n.evot-4 Jo. r. tr.

ward Jams lt I a1' Aa 1 t4 it iM 1 1 tiiitMve 1 REAL ESTATE. rwrun. i t.j. t'l-i. aod Jk If.

tadlsaa ev. 9 ft a ef Thlrty-awi at. Voi noa o. is oolt in iMkUluulfi 1 TV. ualMe e.

1 UrrVM. Ju, h-mu. i mmu fi ne sxas ocoaoei H.WOIM tn.enBS (UlM fl. 'wh Juaa Bou7 Blto to g. .14.

Uwiii ei." i'iTn a'ei trfuoii SuiV'JO Iv. o.toa Joae XI fcosert UtoTtas as loner oath Uoviod et a ear at fc.rri.ea at. wl lbai M. Ii i. SM i Us tr en aae t-C I.

Lias mat Proina i4 a s( Tbin-aet It. cole I Jim ri -lis i -iieie ta Joaje Cuaola. Tea Bona et. mot or Hiem at. AS t7ee ue i.

tieiger aeet a wLl a u. Vest lodiooa.c a ease UenH ec p. eatea 4aae is ail nsi utom he Norvont West lark et. our o4 aiL a LsVtaci oar mi Ia i.iqT'sn'ii Btarmaa em.a td to avaat mm or rm mu i ,1. a3? wart ut tar i aaa at.

Vat aeiaioa a avaAAll. tsVBM 111-14 S-lw ft, ayr. AoMdowe i otor- IMi, rt 1kius ec eeoe tmmxt sret Seiii. fi a rn.rn.rn a taw-oa ot. 7 ft eod ec a' wif-nn, aoeos in liuu.

oaf T-4IM nn.c qlq to Aoam auaoaao-l nW pomitg woa t7 L4US ao.Br m. ik wot at Or. wwu ei. a till 1 rt. OMod Jaaa oi taein la ij Jiw IMmmttm n.

a Aew. at. wo rv.piniM4.uiM u. i. I i ib nogs I Ml Cl-L-I l- BvBgT CUo.eret.

A a tuocSOawt et. Ut tiv isirmt. am lis 1 it tiii Mii.imimii I Id. aloro rt. so a ml 1 at.

rvt i -1 It as tTo. g2e) o.oae av jOj. tmm atita tl. 4Joaan i.itvuitliim.iliwi.

Bto BWa.aoin.iiM fl of latirr rv. a-d M.e tuuraMtol o.m, 19m aMltlAoi, Cuf ereoa Kit 1MA.S a. Shi I Awnl -Tmm I otcrauy i nil, mm nvraat ev boa tl ot away at, t. II. Itirow.A.

A ASClilS 'BM l.rrot. Fomoo m. aas a a of lai n.nA A A Ji roos g.inaov utia cm Lixin. tlx! It, fvrot.s s. tr.

It al r-aooa e. a II as orr. I immm 4 lal-C o.f oiionia to Jfha lm i a. od VailraaB et. Ie mmi binmry BeaTia lal bisiiiniy oe.1 VaiTel ea aod Ba rt Lot Iwiiaiwait av om.1o 1 1.

area sa4 roaonc taoiaaed ta Maroarat Ola. I. BtAtiiJ ft Oil Ara.V fl mmntx. saios aur a OMatv aaa SarBeo.o at. Boar Ifce aSr. Yt. Md 4oo. 1 A a. A. a A IX At.

te a. A. a. 1 1 iaa kaawK. to Real wotaoM r.

at, I lit! tl. ooiaa Ja aa IA I ir L. 14 at a rm B.MHQI lx a a mi uwim ui.TT It. aaiad Aaaa IS TM BotlilS.II MI.IS.M -r-. at.

Sal i i Atntm- Uoqtli tola. a aaar 1loay I tt mrm at a-ar oiawart oey. c.wa.qoaw Joawo lm raoa to auto B.''at. Miw.

It. 4 Jtoy kens eiTsa'it'e'es aBniaaac t.r-o toU saiad Jaaa lt-aa sang to Jaaa fca.a iTHT 3" 1 1 a TV I ft. Iml Aaaa tl Bum pang to Jeaal biaia aoa Brn.o fT TBoBoeaitaipaS im 10a Bo aiae; tVaparajojaeS fee taewae laaaaS taa Ii aawioa Oii na. mm k. lrpc.

latary avUaro. va4 u. ka.l Hwrrat ILSM -aaarv ooBBaa. BtaLMrckol X- A.rr. latary mage.

BVa (a, a.SlaS A-laoS J. la waa. iraaury Bala. tVtU tL Bo. awCaBoBaBBj oTaa -a --a Joua laa-aa, aaaaa bbo, aWAto a.

ka. Aa Earth BroaxBal mwm a.aaaa. I emry Iniiai. XAsas la, Ba. O.S W.Onar 0.

V. toaa act. at re Baa 4cwig. eaakf ft. xl a I T.

h.atioa, aiary Baw SMaea la. BcAo BoolB rark or Jaia a A Joanne, aa r.iai ombsb xy oaa m. 7. Miaoial nr. s--rr can "AAl rt.

traaa Baa nMW 1 kiin.i it Bus. AinMu. salary Bom. sAsts n. aoia Beva et.

TRADE. iwriiiw- t-w P. a- las-ry oouage. gwoM n. Aa.

Lrva at gof u. Hia.aa. laaj l.ia. lsAsal A. Baa.

XJ4 A. catr. Bl ruaai. mt erera oaa Seal a or. lun rt.

aa. iiai Maaot a o. A il-T aaaa. oaa ft. Ea.

o7 Hor.aalat I4aa La 4-eoe Lao ft BOO Jaaa r7. Tbe board et TraojO will srwcat-Ur aajawra ever Mo-day aad Taeedoy aazt, aad swaaarr oklp-pars wwald do wall to go vote taalr sMneasats mt prwdBca oa ae to prvrost aay ssvloas arwarasls. Uaa at ssock. A BTBd-sato ef last Bar soea has baea tatmst at Oissa Bay for the aarpeee af sotobllokiag a lambs yard at Dal nth. which as recorded as a rood dlotribaUag potat far tbe Sortkwea, Tas roollng la tae grata aaorkate was saate.

what bb set tied aad prioea wars trrotraiar. Early la the day a stroagwr oat of auu-krte wars aa-klbitad aad prtcas ware elightly advoaad, bat as tho see.loa ware away tha cfforlaga ware larrely taeroeeod aad prtais rm Sod mm all the leadlag ecToahq The receipts at grata were removal light aad tho ektpeoeona fair, aad the stocks la store are grqdq deerasslsg Ear. aUa ad tors wars a lttll koldars. aad the reporto keU tallies awl a qatotog toaliag la that quarter. The weather was re parted favor a alt fog the grow-tag crops la Boast asm loaa.

though ansae beware IBtertared with haxreatUut crparatieas at aoas paints, (klppsrs BJa hoard to a fair extoat, ba-tag eBCoorogad by a tarthar radBcUoa ta take freight a Provaiiaas wvrv oults artl ve aa sprcB Lou vs aacoant, bat prices) tact voted eon i Mara ably with la a wide range, aad avenged lewsc Laxe trvlrhu were toiriy acUva, bat rotas eaa lev, oa tha basis ot 1J IH oorBaadwhaoa to a Solo. a ragraacBia npartad tor SSLOUO bnabcio ot svalB. liallrood fr air ate ware leyioTtod steady oa tha baste ot boa Bear, iim gr-ia. aad Boa prevattoaa to riaffola. Floor was dan had alatost tlfrleae, faring wbaaa racaivad a IK -a sacra attoatAaa, aad tha saarket woa Bras, lUgaiat ha waaoa wos aslta oruro loata ware qaito free aaartasa.

ood prleae dacnaed la lor v. aad V4ja ler wuter ctaraa. Cora was eaite arm ear.r. oaa raa it sold a little htghar. Bat taare ware aolia large eOmoao, aad tne atarBrt waaxanad aad atoaaa Icwec Oala otaa aotoat iraf era a liwie higher, bat aold ort aad cloa.i Kye was Bna: lrt'AC bitoar.

ivartay la-baadodalli Haogonoa waak. Bad otbr- kiodo graarollg ecracy. Hay aaaat; av.nvo-l lutnt. Muiatrsscaoa rat Uot prodocis were la o-re ormoaa itt fmd verv rrrrly. rrkna ruled oH vaaciaa a lgBtiv ot too apaaiag.

aaa taea Too-Hiv reeadiBg aooOoe aa saaoa pork, fratoe par 1O0 Dm aa lord, oad 1M par ltM tto aa abort nb aldee. Daring the iotarr port tae aa.l toe I art tag woe siaodlar. oad obai aoa-1, a. I ua radaauaa woa MitHMag Oeaaaad averf Brad Bate atuat aad praBaa aaaa lBOily BBcbaared.

Cauda were ta fair reqaaet oad frToaa ward ooay lor aiUTt a'aara. bat Taoo Oi 3 eomaaaai gTodea ware ewes para raj etacy. nofi war good surplyas aoiia aeoira aaoaoo Bo- prieee iaalaad to torar at Boyaro. PMao it lui rrqoaat oad price ox nibit Ba BAotariai I boilrr aoa onir la Boovieraia ini ana pi xrs were wilboal qa itabls change.

Cbeeae ta Into gtmand aad pr-s aoar, eaeaoiouy tot low gro aa. hamaa wera qaiat aad prkcaa ooci. broeaseora la (olrSeaaood aad prior iro. traiva ia ligi' raioai ood prvoao aoay. Lrrawaia qoiat aad prloao taaiiBad ta favor 4 osyrra.

quiet ol oteady prlnes. rosiuy oicw Base sod dan ot turtorr Lgur.a. Teal la oai and prioea eoairr. ool rotbec dnlL Craaa trnita la loir on A prteaa lorar V.

Lames la I.Uim ft i aod prlora lower. 1 u. akoinaala beaar reoortal tbocl tba a ot bu.inaaa In dry roue nee ot ni.rcati a-i ii y. At oo 1 ft r. 1 1 -r ie.

I -a.

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