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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE CITY IN BRIEF. A ctcloki track the pork markepraater-day. Trx bank clearing! yesterday wera Turn Tacht Club did not meet at the Bher- vnai, laat Easels at a great redaction until July 1 at Colly's, 217 and 219 Slate street. Ha. Jobs F.

Bcaslah will dell tot tho Fourth ol July oratloa at Fulton, Ho. Ha. E. Bed ihotox will lead the noon meeting la lower arweU HU to-day. Thx Ediaon electrlo light waa Introduced Tor a New York company at the Tremens House yesterday.

Tug cigar-makers held a meeting at No. C4 Wast luake street last nlirht. and made final arrangements fur toe JKourta ol July labor dew ouatration. Tub "Senate" of the X. M.

C. A will meet in toe room ot the Association, No. 14S Madison street, at a o'clock tola evening, young sua are la Tiled to attend. Thus will be an examination ot teachers lor eerunoaies on July 6, at o'clock. In the ol-fioe ol tue County superintendent ol Bonoola, 57, In the County Building.

Tug Board ot Directors ot the Board ot Trade met yesterday in lone and eearet session, bo far aa tne outside world knows, there was a mental tornado iuaide the debating chamber. TarptJt-piTBD ware at 'manofactorera TBrloea, also plating and re plating in gold, silver. ana uicaei. iteDruuAing ol all description Uol. VI an nf suturing 211 and 213 itandolph.

KUTixo of the stockholders In the Anglo-American Mining Company waa held at clooa yesterday aiiemooa at the Urand Pa-eitto Hotel. Tne meeting was strictly a private one. Thi receipts ot strawberries from HloM-gsa thla muu were the largest of the season, aggregating 1AJ.OOO eases, which lowered price, sies ranging at 11.7 per ItHiuart casee la lots. joist meeting- of the Seventh and Eighth Vfard Laud Leaguers waa held last evening at Ao. 2UU iilue Island avenue, to make arrangements lor a vlciuo to be held Aug.

3 la Jtohn't lark. Thomas a tailor, died suddenly about 7 o'clock yesterday morning la his room at tne season House, corner of Jackson and Clark Heart disease la the supposed ii mam oeatn. Ma. TV. B.

Btboso, ot Brookline. formerly realdent of Chicago, and for many years oouneatad with the Atchison, Topeka and fcauta Hailroad. ia alowiv reooverln Ixom iua recent CUauesaiag and dangerous Illness. Tua 'Boston Drill" by the "Broom Brlg-ade" will be the leading feature of an entertainment to be tven at Uie Centenary M. Church, Mou-roe street, near Morgan, tnls evening.

Ill are wul a iso be mueio anu literary exerciaee, Joint Ktjastt. an Insane man. escaned from the Jefferson Asyinm yesterday. He is 41 years of age, feet 11 Inches tall; has gray hair and whinners cut short. If founa he should be returned to Uie asylum or the polios notified.

Thi records of the Coroner's offioe show that in casee of Infanticide tne unfortunate victims are, in the vast majority of cases, male children. Tne bitter feelings of the mothers against their Imtrayors seems to be suggested by Wis distinction. IxsTKkDaT afternoon, unrig the thunder. Storm-, electricity ran down a wire from the top viDyiHua Warner wholesale grooery bouse Into Uege llro there' mlllluery establishment, tuere manlfe sung itself in a bright spark and With a loud tixploalon. Thx Bev.

H. M. Soott, Professor In the Chicago Theolo gical Seminary, will give tne last ot his series of Bible lectures In the Bible- work Home, Ma J.OO Warren avenue, thle afternoon at 4 o'clock, subject: to the Ooepd ol J. inn." ail are Invited. LixtrrsxaXT ScHUaucHXB, of the Webster Avenue Station, la having a flue, large easts stuUed.

aiid will sooa have It decoratina- bis station. '1 be bird had strayed into tbe city, and. growing b-twlldered, had alighted oa a house-top to near the station, where It was snot by tne Ueutenni, Tbb acuity of the Chicago College ot Physicians and Burgeons met at the bherman House la it evealnc. Dr. A.

Beeves Jackson in the chair. King, of JaneevUie, aa applicant tor tne enair of nervous and mental diseases, read an address as an answer to theusual examination. Another meeting will be held luursuwy. "Amuoejii Co. have Introduced an loe-machlne I nto their Stock Yards premises, and it works aa well Utat ttas artificial manufacture of Ice will vrobably be entered on by all the leading eclt era.

each for his own eeteollahmenL 1 ne ehetaioai Moceas, with vsrlstiiTue iii-juodneu by ltaonl I'wtet, la tne one long in use. i At a meeting ot the West Town Board -yetrlay alternoon tbe pay of deputy assessors was bled at 5 per day and $3 per night wbere engaved nUhtand day. Chief Clerks Crowley anil Eagle were allowed $10 a day each, as they are in tne office day and night, and have more wurk to do tnan tne deputies and have the re-stonaibility of the office. "Hzicxy Gxoboi and His Theories. wOJ be the tbeme of a discourse to be delivered at No.

-45 Mortb Clark street on Thursday (to-morrow) racing by William Halley, on Invitation of the Henry George Land League. The speaker has tue advantage of being a personal acquaintance of tbe gentleman so be spoken of. 1'he meeting Will be at 8:13 o'clock. Johk McDonald, a laborer employed In Beerdaley's livery stable at Ma 107 kaat Ban-dutph street, waa found dead in his room at the sotbie about clock yesterdsy morning. 1 vro fellow workmen, wondering at bis absence, wsnt lo bis room and found the body on the floor near tbe bed.

Tbe deceased was a stranger in Uie city, having bnt recently arrived from Vs. Xhe body was taken to the Morgue. JBcvuui. complaints from different district schools throughout the county have been received by County Superintendent Lane to the effect that tramp have taken to carrying OH tbe dictionaries and otber books. This is necnllarly tbe ace of the dissemination of learning.

It is a hopeful sign when the desire for knowledge has become so strong among tbe criminal classes that tney must have books, even If they must ateal them. Chayudt HcCaBi will address a meeting- at to Halated Htreet M. E. Cburou. Mos.

778 and vsi bontb Halated street, to-morrow evening at 7 A3 o'clock. There will also be Interesting reports made of the cburob work. Tboee who wish usee tne rMUiaissana neignooabood can do so br iolng earl y. The neighborhood Is an Impor tant part of tbe city, and great improvements n-teen made aurtng tne past fsw years. s.

mti Hal ted street eara paas the door. Persons lmjg on tbe Booth Bide can take the Archer STenuecsrsto Halated, and then the Halsted ears aorta. Hem 1 consistency: The Committee on Printing of the Council recommended thst the rrtntlng la German be given to tbe Utaatt Zritung at 410 cents an inch, rather than to the i reit VeM that bids 24 cents. Yet the Council gave th. printing to Mike McDonald's stripling nondescript, with no circulation, at 18 cents sn lncb.

Lweauss it waa cheap, rather than to lug Imtxb aa old and established paper, wun a good circulation, at a slight advanoeon these tiau res. Why such a piece of tooling is oousldered for a moment is like most ot the Inns ot tbe Council, something no human in-tauaot ee a airine. Itaily Jtewt. "Th Union Csthollo library Association J'tll rtvs its seventh regular entertainment at 2u4 Dearborn street. Honors Block, on Fri-o ay evening, Jane 3a Part ttrst wilt consist ot Disnu solo by Miss A Anott and a basa solo by -y'Mr-Joba Bolano.

The marked feature ot the I second part wUI be the rendition ot Matthews' clever comedy in two acts. "Mr Awinl Dad." 1 bs actors are all members of the association. The cast is aa follows: Adonis Evergreen, John J- StSDleton: Dick Evergreen, eon of Adonis, a hsrrister, Jacob F. Fraasen; Fibs, first olerk, JsmeeJ. Olacksn: lbs second clerk, Btepben Creedon: Dibe.

third olerk. Matthew Taaffe: Ilnmohrev Lovekin. James Conlan, Prinoe KotchokoO. Frederick Dresler; Cruets, head-waiter at Be Tlew Hotel, Geo. p.

Vosbrlnk: iUUMa Weddaraln, Lovekin's sister, a widow, i.ins Nelly V. Mooney; Emnsa Warifold, Love-kin's nleoe. Miss Mollis Doolin; Miss BIkks, laundress of the chambers. Miss Mary A. Furey.

Admiseloa fee of 23 oenta will be charged. The avoeiatlon will also hold a Dlonie at RiTer Urove, DeeDlalnes, on the Chicago and Korth-western Railroad, Saturday, July 2a. DEATH IN A RUNAWAY. About noon yesterday a horse attached to a busgy containing Mr. Frank OL Johnson beoame trUrhtened at the corner of 'Wabash ai'enue and Twenty-first street, by being touched by tbe boggy, and, after demolishing the dashboard, ranj away.

Mr. Johnson, bo was dragged along the street, clung to the reins and stopped the horse without tn-Lry to himself. As soon as possible the home waa again attached to the buggy, and avecond start made. Again the horse ran uwar, throwing Mr. Johnnon violently to the rrouud and rendering him lnaensiDle.

He immediately removed to the Chicago 1 jrsrical lnHtituie, where Dra. Hail and Bears but, IntnUecf tissutuof TTTC DAILY OC3LtN. "VTEDNESDAT HOBKHTG. JIHB 28, JTUSICATi the two physicians, he died about thirty minutes after the accident. No bones were broken, nor was the skin even scratched, and it is thought that death resulted from compression of the brain caused by the bursting of a blood vessel Mr.

Johnson was 1 a sinrrle man. in the emnlov of Messrs. Powell A rooters, and was about 35 years oi age. crrr criminauties. un a.

aiAKTCf orutauy pummelled a XT 5or 0Ter the head, and was yesterday uj e-usuoe rtauaoararcrnaltvtaanl. Motbs' resldenoe at Ho. 198 Sebor street waa entered lui Thm, isu. ana aoout worth of ninth inir and valuables were carried away. Maa, j.

Aadquibt, ot Ka 1149 Milwaukee avenue, found a basket on her door-step when she returned home Monday nteht. It oontalnod a female babe, which Mrs. Ardqulst adopted, B. F. PlCKKsn or PinVnrr.fc nt f.ha Tea Company, of New York, who was arrested JfKtordsy morning by Detectlvee Gal la her and IcDonald.

waa arrested again In the afternoon. TBI thief James Hill, who la charged with stealing a large steam gauge from No. 22 Canal street, had a hearing before Justice Demars yesterday morning, and waa held to the Criminal Court In bonds of $600. August Bkcxfbxdt, who stabbed Henry Btlege, Monday night, in a quarrel about tbe Utter sister, wss yssterday held in $3,000 bonds byJueUoe Kaufmann till July 7, the charge being assault with intent to kill. Patsick Kxrss, a Hard character, went to aplcnio at Oswald's Garden Monday, and endeavored, to run the place.

He suooeeaed In aoingsolorn time, but was subsequently arrested and mulcted $10 by ostloe Thomas. William Kxepsb, while under the influence ot liquor broke Into a saloon on Forty-third street Monday night "Just for fun." His arrest followed, and when he was asked to pay $10 yesterday It was not so funny. He paid It, however. Thoxas Hatks was taken before Justice Hawkuison yesterday on the charge of perjury, it being charged by Elizabeth Mitten tbat he had sworn "wilrully. corruptly, and falsely" ia 5 lton Justice Goodwlllle.

of the Town ot Lake, Tbe hearing was set lor July WnxiAM Huca, brutal Pole, was before Justice Walsh yesterday morning oa a charge of attempting an indecent assault upon a little 8year-old girl named Mary Monk. Aa the aa-sanlt waa not committed, theobarse waa changed to disorderly conduct, and the man tinea $5a till of a greenhouse, corner of Ashland avenue ana Maaison street, and ran away with the till, was before Justice Welsh yesterdsy morning. The ebsrge atss changed to disorderly, as the darkey had secured nothing, and he was fined Jora Hobax, Pat Bcuily, and Timothy urlain became involved in a. quarrel on Forty-tbird street yesterday morning at 1 o'clock over some trivial matter, utttoer ttogers appeared when the trio were in the height of their tun, and attempted to arrest them. They resisted him, and were aubeequently arrested and fined oi.v eaon oy 'ustioe Cook.

James Ctrans is locked up at the Armory, charged with larceny. The prisoner entered A. Qibbs' clothing store, at No. SOS Clark street, yesterday, and naked to bo shown some clothing. After examining several suits, he went away, sarins tbat ne would call again, and, true to his worn, ne ma.

-men tne proprietor found that be was wearing a coat which from the store on the morning visit. An ofnoer waa called, gad Curtis was hustled away. Thb Lake street natrol waa called nhont 3:30 o'clock yesterday afternoon to the corner of Lincoln and Lake atreete, to arrest a woman who gave the name of Annie Moore, and said she waa a widow, aad tbreo children, and resided with her mother-in-law, at the corner of Blue uisna avsnue ana folk street. The alarm waa turned ia by Mrs. Mason B.

Loom la, of No. 629 West Washington street, who saw the woman on the street wltn a knitted lap-robe worth $100, which had been stolen from her house. Jakes HcBbxdb. a driver of one of Towle A Ho par's trucks, waa arrested Monday night for running over a peaestrtaa named Kobert Arers. The latter was eroeamg State street, near Hubbard court, and fell under the team, which.

Mo-Bride claims, he had suddenly turned out to avoid being ran down by a grip car. Avers was badly bruised, but did not suffer any broken bones. To give him time to recover. Justice Wallace haa oontinned the examination until riuay unaer ssvu ball. A WAkBAKT was issued veeterdav afternoon by Justice Hammer for Constable Biohard Oan- ioro, wno la charged with refusing to deliver goods on a writ of replevin.

Borne time ago Frederick 8chmldt secured aa execution against avwmu ocmuaie, anu vqnniaoie uasToru levied on a quantity of cloth worth a boot oloo. Sohlo- kie tuereeArsrileTieiihe gooUvbut. on-be, service of the writ by Constable Koehler, Csnf ord claimed that ne bad turned tbe goods over to Win. A Schonfeldt, counsel for bohmidt. O'Cojtnob had a hard-working man from tbe Stock Yards, named Patrick Croean.

arrested yesterday oa a charge of stealing several dollara. When tbe case was called before ustioe Wallace yesterday, Crogan explained ua uiKsa oi rooomg innor, the eomMaln-ant in the case, he had befriended him, and even nlvea him the clothes he wore. Crogan waa discharged, as O'Connor did no annear ta nrau. cute. Uhortly after, when tbe name of Thomas O'Connor waa called, from out the pen came the veritable complainant, bla face swollen, nose and his clothing bloody.

The officer eapiaweu uu ae aaa loana mm dead drunk in a wagon, and Justice Wallace fined him $5o and Haby J. Lithkb, who'keepe a boarding house at No. 301 Wells street, one day last week lost on tbe street a lot of deeds, leasee, and otber papers valuable only to herself, fcbe advertised wem, earing tney were toe property of a poor widow, and requesting their return. The papers were found by one William J. Ward, wbo boards at the Windsor Hotel, on West Madison street.

ard went to the woman and offered to give up the papers If she would pay him e3. This she aaid ene could not do. and be went away, bnt returned aad said it she did not give him 3 for tbe nepers be would burn them. Mrs. Lltber then had him arrested for larceny as bailee.

ustioe Kaufmann yesterday fined him $10 and Buate, anu requirea nun to give no ths papers PERSONAL. 3. H. Jakes, of St Louta, is at the Tremont House. t.

General Kzucuc, ft a is at the Palmer House. L. H. Bat, of New York, la at the Tremont House. I P.

Noetos, ot Salem, TX at the Sherman House. Gra Barskt, of Sandusky, la at the Sherman House, J. N. Teasr, ot Cincinnati, ia at the Tremont House. J.

Osooota, of Burlington, Palmer Hoose. Waixac. Johssok, of Buffalo, la Palmer House. Is at the lived In the city yesterday, and Is the guest of 1 Mr. W.

B. MoComaa, No. 2712 Prairie aveaue. Dgvicox Bichabj) Smith, of the Cincinnati Gazette, and Mr. W.

N. Haldemsa, of the Louisville CouriffrVournai, are at the Grand Paome Hotel. Mas. Eorrjs Lacxlaitd and Hiss Daisy Lackland, of Bt Louis, are at the Grand Pacino Hotel. Miaa Lackland is tbe yonng lady whose performanoe ef Meg Merrlles In "Guy Manner-ln," before the Piokerwlok Club some time ago, aroused such well-merited enthusiasm.

at the! Joskph Dicxsosi, ot Bt, Louis, is at the LelAndHoteL JUDOS H. B. Fotm. of Dnhnn no fa tt, Palmer House. E.

Seaas, of JiAriliAlItown, Ja at the Tremont House, B. Bostwici, of Kew-Tork, la at the Bherman Houaa. Db. E. I Osincf, of Fond da Lao, ia at tbe Bherman House.

Gra B. Shaw, of Eaa Claire, is as the Tremont House. Db. Paitl J. En, of Nashville, is at tbe Grand Paoifle Hotel.

JtjDOk a a Eldbkdgk, of Ottawa, Is at the Grand Pacino Hotel. W. H. Remiwoton, of the Omaha Herald, is at the Leland Hotel. B.

Vak Vooehees, of Spencerport. at ths Palmer House. Gbobob W. Va Dubsbw 0f Bocaeater H. is at the Tremont Hons J.

3. Vickzbs and family, of London. Ene. are at the brand Paoifle Hotel. a N.

Labkzd, of West Point lDlitary Academy, is At the Palmer House. Thb Bev. and Mrs. R. Pears all, of Philadelphia, ars at the Grand Pacifle HoteL Majob Lewis TaERAnx, Seventh TJnited States Cavalry, is at the Leland HoteL Fbabx Ctamxvxx and 3.

B. Campbell have returned to the city and to ths Board ot Trails. Mb. Thomas HiaoiNa. an old member of the Board ot Trade, la here oa a visit from Kansas.

Bishop BuBaE8S, of Qnlncy, Bishop Welles, ot MUwaukes, and Bishop Boberteon, of Bt Louis, ars at ths Grand tacifls Hotel. A. S. Xbatxs, ol Ban Franclaoo, ar- AMUSEMENTS. WANTS THEM KKTFBD.

A lover ot honest criticism writes us a letter of complaint as follows: 'I looked in vain In Tax Ibtkb Oceak's Saturday issue to find a just criticism on the performances ot the Chicago Church Choir Company a company recruited from the churches, their omy talent being vocal ability. Without experience, they assume roles that only one of histrionic ability could hope to cope with. Do yon think It is Justice to professional actor -opera gingers to lightly touch the dramatio past The 'remark has been made that because the company have friends among church members the critics do sot put tbe knife One only need to visit their perform ances once to aee how ridiculous their gestures, facial expressions, eta An actor or Actress can be self -composed only by experience, and that can only be gained by commencing at the foot ot the ladder. He or she must know the stage from footlights to the wall, from cellar to flies; must know how effects are produced, have a trained eye, quick perception, and be a mlmio of human nature. You will say the Chicago Church Choir Company do not claim to be actors and actresses.

Then why try to personate dra matio characters? I understand they will soon produce "Chimes of Normandy." What is a more intensely dramatio character than the miser Who have we to personate itf Mr. Kayser, I understand. An elocutionist, not an actor. They will produce soon the opera of In which the character of Bun-thorn, it personated by any one except a comedian, la, to aay the least, Insipid. Sow, Mr.

Editor, why not criticise these amateur performances, putting the knife in deep. If need be; not considering the company aa Individuals, but aa. what they rrof ess to be. iiioafAS who tapped an empty I penormera, is is too oaa that sucn per- formanoea, excepting, of oonrao, the vocal ability, can draw crowded bouses, yet that admirable dramatio play, "House ot Man-prat," from the pen of men of whom Chicago ought to feel proud, presented by' leading actors, could only draw small audiences. There are several reasons why the "knifing" process is not resorted ta In the first place, It could hardly be considered the fair thing to especially single out a home company, organized or local enterprise, aa a mitted by a acore of decidedly inferior visit ing companies, nmie many ol sue eritlclsma made by the writer of tne letter are indisputable, the company in question ta by no means exceptional for is it true that criticism hss not been directed against the pretensions of amateurs who have succeeded in crowding legitimate and experienced actors rrom tne stage, nut.

it la not incumbent upon a paper to be continually admonishing the publlo that it is not receiving cfiaiuioia value tur its patronage, wnen that publlo ia either ignorant of or indifferent to the fact that it is not being entertained in the most complete or artistic manner poasibla -For several seasons the stage haa been over-burdened with novices incapable of becoming actors, who have only pretty aoea or good voices to recommend them to consideration; and these new comers the publlo has picked up ana ronaiea vo ut neglect or men and women who have made the affairs of the stage the study of their Uvea, and who are entirely dependent on their profession for subsistence. By this means artisUa endeavor finds poor reward, and actors are driven to accept parts that lower their standard of dramatio work, and Inferior people are made to appear their superiors. Nothing has contributed more largely to the development ot this unfortunate oondluon than light operas, wherein acting ia sub-el diary to singing: The publlo -delights in musla Managers can give light operas cheaper with amateurs than with professionals, and as the public does not seem to aptrreciate the tlltf srenee, they do sa While wo share the opinion ot our correspondent we cannot hope to control pnblio taste; ana therefore embrace the inevitables pretty, incompetent, and aa In the way of acrobatic and pantomime comedy the Haulon brother and company. In Le Toyage en 8ulsse," afford the most pleasing aad varied entertainment. There ia little one can aay about the piece, it is so entirely a thing of Incident that the alight story la not ot the least consequence.

Two knavish servants, a brace of devilish young men, an odd artist, a maudlin old adventurer, a charming; young bride, aa Irishman, and other travelers chance to be thrown together, principally because one party la hunting down the other, and out of the mishaps of this one and the oranka of that one tollltv snonrh la extracted to keep an aualenoe in tbe best good humor and laughter. The chief characters are capitally sustained, and it but ho said ot Mr. Francis G. Waytt, the artist, that he la quite as essential to the excellence of the performanoe aa the anions themselves. It is notable that everything proooeds with the accuracy ot mechanism, the aoting and the effects being in perfect harmony; and this precision is so necessary to the success ot many Incidents that any careleesnees would be unpleasantly manifest.

For a hearty laugh go to MoVickera There a succession of divertinir episodes and incidents from the tipping over of the coach to the wreck of the hotel. The characters are assumed as follows: Patrick Maguire, a retired othoer, Bichard M. Carroll; Frank Maguire, his son, Charles Arnold; Dwmdiedown, an adventurer, E. V. Sinclair; John and Bob, model servants, William and Frederick Han-Ion; Ned, Harry, ana Jack, nephews to Maguire, K.

F. Carroll, George and Edward Hamon; Henry d'tscargot, an artist. This evening will be a gala occasion at Haverly'a Theater, it being the farewell to "Pinafore." In the first act afessra Kayser, Barnes, and Chapman will appear together with Miss Herrick, Miss St, John, and Mrs. Mo Wads in the principal role in the aeo-ond act the cast will be variegated, and embrace MessTA C. H.

Clark, W. H. Mr McWade, Mia. Lavia, Mr. For'l, and Mla button, Incidental ta the act Airs Davis will sing Crettwold's "Mnsio of the Waves.

"Patience" wUI be presented Iharaday evea- Ulg. The Academy of Haste presents for an at- traeuou tnia wees boott-MarDla I oar-act farce-eomedy, "Furnished The play is cast as follows: Miss Boxana Bhouter. a romantic artias In water colors. Miss PatU Bosa; Miaa Klolse Chandler, oopylut and accountant, Miss Grade Jones; Miss naraa Grumpy, an -ideal housekeeper (T), Hiss Virginia lUchmond; Mr. Loul Bweet, a collegian, Mr.

J. O. Davenport; Mr. Anson Slimmer, an inspired composer, Mr. Ed Gardner; Colonel J.

W. Pika, author ot "Beautiful Know," Mr. W. H. Htuart; Mr.

Peterson-Mod the landlord, Mr. Kobert Ia Soott; Dr. Vaseline, a physician eclectic, Mr. D. N.

Boothby; Mr. Ike Bwlft, a borne mission ary. Mr. Soott Marble; the cook, a la Franoaiae, Mr. Jerome Flynn.

The play pleases the patrons of the house, there being a constant round of laughter and applause. PatU Bosa is a very good rough soubrclte, and is deservedly popular. 1 DIRECT IMPORTS. The following: datiable roods were celved at the Custom House yesterday: Fowler 125 sacks salt; Lyon A Healy, oases musical instruments; Grammes A Ullrich, 5 eases of cigars; Abbe A Bufrua-stke, 1 case church robes; Cohen A Hon, 25 bales leaf tobacco: Hetzler. BotBschild A 2 oases gmokera srUcles; Otto Young A Ca.

'i eases optical roods; Kearney A Bwarta-chlld, 1 case watch material; B. Heenbur, 1 la pipe gin: Peter Qerbardy, 4 pkgs wine; G. J. Schmidt A Bra, 12 cases basket ware: Burke, Walker A Ca, 1 ease linens; Louis Boertin, 1 case optical roods; Strauss. Kahn A Ca, 1 case woolens; W.

H. Hchlmpferman. 25 cases wine: Joseph Vanacker, 1 ease manufactured rubber; B. Queberi, 1 case manufactured Iron; Transatlantic Drug Supply Ca, 2 pkgs manufactured paper. CoU leouuaa, JL LOST OR LYING.

A destitute dot. 13 vesrs of in rivlne- hts name as Peter Johnson, came to Weet Chloaro Avenue Btatton at a late honr Hon. day night and asked permission to sleep there, lie says bis lather has been dead some years, aad his mother died two weeks ajra tells pitiful story of starvation and wans, ii it is true, from the boy's appear. ice It IS very doubtful If he la to be be lieved, aad If anybody has lost such a boy he can be heard of at DespUlnoa Street Sta tion. On of the most imDortant achievements that haa been made ta the eoienoe of dec Us try for years past is tne If moral Plate Teeth as made oy m.

amnn. rut tbe peat ten years the dental profession baa been awsre of the inluriona affeota of rubber aad otber poisonous vegetable compounds when placed ta the month, aad have written and talked maea oa the subject. The best members of the profession nave discarded the use of rubber and celluloid altogether, especially ia tbe Bast and la all the larger cities, until to-day It le osly ad roosted by these who can make no other etyle of work, aad who. If pee vicarlons sacnttoa for the finite Mniatentl I Pie knew the injurious affects of rubber anon the fostered by the nublla and for offences oonL. I system, would have to seek some other means of emDloyaent, A simple experiment will vines any one of the presence of mercury ta rubber.

Burn a pieee. and collect tbe tomee or smoke oa a piroa ef gh-as, then take a place of eottoa with a few drape of Bltrlo acid oa it, aad wipe the oxide er smoke from tbe glass, aad rub ever same brass or copper, aad roa will aee the mercury. Moot people would think a shoemaker oraay If he were to advocate rubber instead of leather to be worn on the feet; yet tney will allow dentleta to place the same com pound, only worse (for the rubber made la to shoes haa aot the saor-ury). In tbe mouth the moat delicate organ of the person which their better judgment will not allow them to place oa their fee. It is high time that some one should sound the note of alarm, sad the community owes a debt of gratitude to those aaaa la aay profess ise who will aot allow toe it greed for gain to stand la the way of research.

Dr. Daaa has gives years to too study of this subject, and has at last beea rewarded la his efforts by being able to place before the unfortunate ones who have lost their atnral tarth. a enbstitnte that is in every respect aa Bear to nature as it is possible to be. Tbe mineral plate and teeta are made of one material, plate aad teeth forming one solid place, free from ore vices for the lodgment of foreign matter, and the am-terlal ef which they are composed the strongest chemical solution ot add baa no effect upon, and that eaa bo worn la the tih day and alghl without injury. A SECBXTIoa THAT contaminates thz VTnen tbe bfle Is diverted from Its proper channels late the blood, which la always tbe oaee in liver complaints, it eians to be a healthy eecre-Uoa.

ana becomes a poison. Its abnormal oree-enoe la tbe mrealatloa and ataHi is indicated oy tne annua ton of tae akin with a hideoea saffron tinea, by vertigo, ssnsea. pain in tao right aide and under the rtabAabonlder blade, by ia-d la est ion. obetrnoUon ot the Dowel and other mlaor symptoms. Order may be aabetttnted for thla state of further bodily evil averted oy using vne Denenoent alterauvo aad tenia, rlostetters ntomach Bitters, whlob, by relaxing the bowels, promotes the escape from the circu lation or ouiona Impurities, poatdoa re adert Betas action of the liver regular, and removing every trace of dyspepsia.

This plsaaaat and purely vegetable anti-blrtoes medicine le aot only lntnltely more effective than aay form of mercury, bnt la. oa aeeooat ot lie freedom from hurtful proueruaa, h-nnltely to be preferred to thai poisonous drug. B0PK FOB DEUXEAKDS, My busband aad drunken nablte he could not oveiuume until IHrker's Qlngev Tonic took sway hut thirst for stimulants, restored ale old Berry ot mind aad bsi iss. and gave aim strength to attead to beitnesaCisriaeis ft ladg If health aad beauty you'd maintain, And keep yonr breath a perfect charm. TJss Soiodoat with might and mala; For it alone prevents tbe harm Tbat mars a woman's teeth snd breath And loaves her month as dark as death, Lttma E.

pDrgwAJr a Yetretable Compound reviveo tbe drooping spirits. Invigorates sad harmonises the organic ranctlona, gives elsstlo-Ity and nrmneas to the stop, lostoree the aatnral luster to the eve. and Plants oa tna nala of beauty the fresh roses ot life A spring aad early summer tlma V. "BCCHLPAIBA. Qnick.

complete euro, all aaaoylar kidaey. uieuuer aau urinary uisssssa ol. AvragglalA. DeDOtj 62 aad oA Lake street. TBI very best Iron preparation, and tbe one having the largest sale, Brown's Iron jiitiera.

MARRIAGE lalCEtf SES. 111 llfifl lO "llirTlllg BMllTrl IIWIHItl 4 NaVITlsA. A mrm. Ii il 1 in a Francis a WsjU; Juliette, the bride, Miss Sijtu wlaB Kate Folev. I UAAAAAll AUUtXlUA.

The theater at Pnllmaa Is nearlw completed. It will be a very Aandsome bonse, eenttna: 500 persona Laa Shelby, manager of the Academy of AtuBic, goes with bis wife to Waokeaha today for a week of recreation. John air's benefit will be riven at the Academy of Music on Bandar, July There will be a matinee and evening; performance. The attaches of the Lyceum Theater will bare a benefit Saturday July An Bbaraouve programme is promised xor that occasion. "Odette" waa witnessed by another large audience last evening.

While this ta a play vchich we cannot recommend morally, it ia a brilliant piece of dramatio work, and la excellently performed. Win P. Webster, adverOslnff atrent of tbe Grand Opera Hoose, has been engsged as the advance atfent with the IhAtcher, Primrose and West Hinstrela He will start on the roaa aooat tne middle of July. Jean Cannon, one of the ushers at the Academy of Music, yesterday at the races was presented by an old patron of the theater with a pool ticket. The ticket waa on the field, and, it is said, captured a pool of $595.

Politeness hss its reward, Ushers In general may take notice. Mr. James 8, Edwards, manager ot the Lyceum Theater, will not serve la that capacity during the coming eeason, fir. T. L.

Urenier. the Droprtetor. uanmimr th.r tion. Mr. Edwards has shown energy and tact in managing the Lyceum.

He raised It from the condition of being a 'Jonah' and place of unsavory reputation to a first-class vaudeville theater, that has attracted a large uivuii, vi jNuduiuv am proveu a remark- amy remunerative piace oi amusement. hi ai 1 'ulras Mum. MJ1lieck. Tft fhlnaa (.11 1 Edwsrd a. I Alary Jf.

lallac.a. itoaluu. 63.143 I 63.1 Carl J. AugustaU. AAe tJobn slMBAme.

1 Ciara is k. S3.14S I TfUllsm Knba.Se....Chlesgo. as las i Charles W. a-1" I alary k. galA7 1 Adolph Alary li I a.

Elmer E. Best 21.. Jane A- Chlcsgo. i Msy eAmeT AO. 1 wllllsa Btone liJeluuUH.

kinij7iMna: 63,150 vaB1rhtoB Park. 43.151 i flro A Hower. Wsyue. Ind, Bil3i I klixa'm AKouinson DodgIVisr jjm, Jochlm Jrffaraoa. m.

(a nawnH umraa.lMwl ALiSS 'obn Matt Anenst Webr. 31 1 Alary lrohaaaA, 1 Henry nchmitt e1 Alary U. (John Vllnds 1.. kuims James J.Bov'e... M.18....ama.

aama. SO.UcOomb, Mias. M.vlMMCmeseTO, i Mollis 9. iu I Chsrles 63.159 Are I Cambria Johnson an I Junes Stephens- I ikmtt UMUi 83.181 HUte. 1 aiiuukA.

ae im i Aornst vbnlg.M...J3M..Chlosga. 6X180 1 tiuiiiB Zilke A1.1GT y00 I- Broen Ky. 3.161 Mstus Belie Louisvuie, 2j. I OertrudeU. si 1 ro cbKr BSUev I CUnauas 83.170 Mitrjr ij.jAiu 63.171 '1 'ra Khnrn 4...

chioAgo, a. itaM i ss.iav. DIVORCES. Tbe folio wing bills for divorce were sled TUBHgx Cvatha A. against Thomas, tor erneity ana eauitery.

bsiio tv against Albert, for rtnnitf snneas ana eroetty. r-Lsxka Amelia against Frlodrlea tor erneltv. Hatzfxxj Blohard Hago agalast T-ts for The following a screes were granted: pgNKkWgise Katie from Fred, for erneity. johxhos Lonisa w. from Biohard tor aauitery.

from Mary, tor de-aertioa. Ous Eliza M. from Ttbbeta for deeertlom, kkDMANM Lisxie from Carl, for deeerUoa. At tirm-Asitra from Anton, for de-ortlon. DEATHS.

Vvrmxr-kl her late sesldence. 823 Lincoln Mr" wile of William DufteU, I W- We JTaXeV eaeral to-day from the heme. DMA In Lh la all Bhsw, a red yean, only child of Daaml aad Bertha K. Shaw. LeadTllle ICoL) papers sleaae eonv.

JOHHaon Jane 87. suddenly. Prank Olla Johnson, aged 87 years. Deceased was sea ot air. ana Jtrs.

u. Johnson, of Kvaasten, 111. hotioe ef fnaeral hereafter. Hn.TO-At 1221 Weet Jacksoa street, Jaae "I lore nor Marlon, only dao-b- a a Agaee u. xHltea, aged years uta UVH-llsa Poneral from residence to-day at 1 o'clock, to Oak woods.

Baacs June 24, st 10 a. ax, at the heme ef his parente, S3 Elstoa aveaae, Charles Braca, aged 2J years 7 months aad days. nnerai semoe st 1 o'clock to-day Wonder Cemetery. New Ul eopy. im aad Grand Bap Ida papers please UL'lxr June 27, Mrs.

Abbs Cnllea. ar4 SA years 6 months aad 8 days, beloved wife of James Cullea. Funeral from her late reeldeaee, corner ef lumr-aiBin street ana Aeeiorn seeane, oa Thursday, aae 29. aA 8 :30 s. to Mi.

Agaee' Chnreh. theaos bv earrtagee to Calvary. Oisaacka Jaae 20. BophU Gleeeeka, wife of William Oieeecke, aged 44 years 7 asoaths aad 16 days. Funeral servtee at the resldeaee, 976 Milwaukee eve one, at 1 o'clock p.

nv to-day, taeaoe by earrlsgee to Park Rid re Cemotrrr. jrcnrauLL wotices. COBXgXX The raaaalaa at lira. RmtUa fin, a. II will bo removed from vault aad T'ncncd la Brave on i naraasy, use 29.

at Boos Hill. AIKZM-Faneral of Miss A Jane Alkee, from l4oo Michigan avenue, at p. as. to-day, by oarnagea to Oakwvoda. Halo The faaerai of Amos T.

Hall wCl take piace i nursaay. June a at o'clock p. from I late reeldenoa, 136 Prairie arenas. Friends are invited to attend, Pntns will ee taken lo Datrott for bnrtal. GRAND OPERA HOUSE.

liar street, oDDuaita Coart Houaa. '-lnltlilajg CBQWTirD Hoctga attebt a bmixiaitt bt ocyaa. a waiawniy amnw ana evamna. ana eetg eseaune this week, sad eaturOar eWtliies.THlKD tilaor ArOCariN HALn tllMMM, rrom baljrs Thenar. Kew 1 org.

aad aiauormts prodw tioa lor the first note la cajoa-e of asnlnn's Latest hu i i i -rminm. IP 1 1 rredueed bare wita Msgmnoeot aw tjetuaas sod the orte-lnaA Aew Tort Cast, laolediag laaiausirangioot AagaaUa 1'alr'e Compear. Awry Performance andar the persons! dlrscuoa ot Mr. AUiLallN OALk. la ecu ve prasenuoe.

Alt. fair BrUhsntHohaayOosaedr, NEEDLES AMD PINS. HAVERLY'S THEATER. Fodurely Taat Tflgtit of tae most brUiiaat in nil H. M.

8. PINAFORE ahJ TalKWdBsadsy Mght-Oaly ame of Oreat bouble nirmiiKuc au ot tne priDcrpal sruate. A snore eoaage in each acs. TH KALiAi. Arat Uas I FITO-siA.

MKarORU, MJU.DATI1 IHaCt DCTTO -B A tTt, JuhN. snd M1SKH. CLARK. UcmmE. Choroa.

Xew Costamae snd aeaaery. HOOLEY'9 THEATER. TODAT, AtAlXNAAt AT S. AN By0.r. be Jnha A.

fM, uara itaxar. aad Ureal CoeaKeay. AMERICAN KING. A DramsOe Trlempb. Every eveniag I aw jawiruav aii inaa.

M'VICKER'S THEATER. TUB WORLD- AACRO JXAJSJON 11HOTIIEH8 la tnatr Psnatao Ahenrdity, LETOYAGE E.V StTISSE. Every Evsetng and astarday Msttaee. Oomedy. rsaVMaima.

aad ysaatie an mi leae. yM are sure to be amasad. Base-Ball. TIckrti for the twenaic Jalyltft-V. twren Trert and ChkairoA, will be placed ea saie neanesaaj Bsornihf at IPS MADIS05 STREET.

THOMAS tUMlEH-WIGHT CONCERTSa OPTION Triryveag TtlEO. THOMAS Can i SUXXER 5IGHT CX)5( ERTS be eaearad at tbe Ceatral Maate Bsfl Beg UVa. Taa toe tarkata,, T.B tie rjeBete. uu. Opaea TicA.ta will be ecld artar hatnrlsv.

Jnlr A. I SH9.UOJ. ts.tAJtrAJiXAJA, MTLWAkD ADA Mx Manaavr. DAUM'8 PAVILION. Twsoty eennog St.

Oortaee Prove sad laehaaa sves. lae Btoat Tssainrishls sb4 Eleraat tummsr liml tesa-o. To-alght, Opersoe oummar-nig Baoeeof IeoorsA bt rerttval Bbdet AoAge. BOCCACCIO. lot tbe rharmlng yousg Prima Ceaas Tlrtets for opera snd osll.

1. IT.TPERTSHrVBLE PERFUT.TR ssaasMs IJuiTay Lanman's FLORIDA WATER. Best for TOILET, BATH and HANDKERCHIEF. a-f-yvtrarts BAaAa llALuloJ Aln. For tlie Lawn, For thm rioWwT ad4 VvS-e'-'e Ot-1-n.

Sold fn a. A.n1 At La tit. 4IT Sk.t, AT.T' rllOTOGIlAPHS. A CIFiDI rru Ai.aiwl, l.i. 1 jiU.

in. i ii in a iv A wi Wa I 1 Ck TS "ML" SIC 13 THJt Cg-kTa ess sew seUIng sTJ the lalist sod saeet aopelar EbMt Musis st via aailurm pcvie of curs aa cor I. ec onmrn fob is enrrn. Ket by mall ts ear ulilr tor cbkts rrs ewrv. One eupy eivss le everr HiiiSmi sf suies so uiesiaoanlof Umswbm.

This biiuic is toil sheet Baua aias. prlatxg ee bast peear, sn4 la every impw extaal ie keretobwe st tresi ia 7t cetiie pec eopy. Tius mi is. ereuible, bet It Is a led, sad yes eaa aaatiy eeufr yourMif by eaUlng at say stare. er ay ma esaia lor lor iu a saoipia f'VT.

ao-rs ra Borate tA eta of all biium pubiibe4 st this aw knot, The pnre of lh atauc soeh east fedw-Oee frm ftDrmer btiom ISM sells by the atuuoa. atarrkaata la sar has of buna will find It a aclr prueiae to a-d Ii. knit lut at the bet sAvertuaag liieii To hi Is staipty Sas faetest Bsewey-easklag A mrtn Is Uaer araiar, la W.auAJjXX. Wsstrraytoe M. Uses i V(J(J AJbVV A 1A US SUat I'lt-tQ MewOi seas leg aaes.

Hal Bll J- a low pnreaisoKl for esea er oa tie HCHAa A CO. rT Wast ats4soa M. MAREJkt lIKATTf a UKOANi ST tTurs, two, AKOS ,1,1 -W ta- AdlraM IIMft, V. hf TIT. n.rrrtoa.

it m. at ILLIKKX. TO KE2TT. UttiiI r' ii mill imii isisl sf ssussiLI itH iMarbora atreet, bait lo AAT rear saw ss oe Msrkei suaei. See.e.

94. aajg two stone oa streat. Nee. ase aad IS ALaQ. he.

SSn Oraas BoalevarS rarrt. Se per two ciury s4 eaaaeaeet etnoe trx saasrifsl arxw. laat ei The Bret Boer Jta. 901 atelhVaaltna 7 rooaaa, tm gooa ordar, ad traak BAek flag ef RUT-HIOHLAHD rjsMfC-JtT-ve rottsaas inrmafead nona. utMt.t I Hniniitii rates.

S.t. MA AXke, 7' RFiT a grxrr1tle.HKD minsa iw te41oeataaeBsauaade. A egress Si. laser Pi! B.ftJTT VKHIJtA RLS MraM. jaa Coart alo PEKSOMAIa.

A FVKI ntrrt this a. tredeeOoo le the eonuilaEioa. it mssea lae saia seaoeta. Bare. taw.

fair, aao sepremaiy ettrar-dra. snspeai. 1 aaias, rail a 1S7 aooth aa4 eaat -utA, oe asrTVira or aad raostve names stair a beetle Ira aaa stair a beetle siomiir socpiy. ne aaaa KtfaAX a Oj. urnrt, ias lVln Amt.

iu natii Mrrnoi of- t. ef Ua laaaii aaA la. I 4 tee Iwal Ji Im taa KM eg eat hi par- et aoaaa 1CL, list reeisihias Avar Avar 11 AIK OirT eOht 1HK AIH mil tM a A A faiuag. prsmatare gravaaas. aeamaa a laaat- amvavr arwia.

wiii aoc acraaratea crtmea, a vpwv ia I aoeia ustik lu.a "I K. CILA 1 AO DfcA KH4 STKAST. BOOsl T.gaaraataas lo core redieailr tucaeet piles, amis la aao, ee Aasure which msv be iimicii I le 1 1 1 rt -its snli iieTlftn lmajasia 4,1 inia.ii mma asaar wnar gatmaeaiei SaaA ssUMej Sg Aarnaat standing la the city. Oface boera. a ta A.

1MJ KoT gAil, tO 1MJ KuT A Ail, PLKMJ.VAL LAUIcji. nail JaMEA BAXL' tifut mihnarr aad aora. maw rarwr Hma rtK-, nXAJCCTJLI. owrr to LOAtAji icai or aieo to a 'a. esjMwt ea ru mi Kara.

Wat LOAII su.ut Bsoflnlpass. nfH LUAK-At A rstea. ib auu rrr Atk.A Kaat hAt, lew UNKT AT THS LOWEST I a salt, oa real aetata la toe our e-AJi-sn wmiASrr. lue fLAB1Ul4. WAUHKA.

JtUILkt bll A-r ttt lirnrlil in 11 is in lnai ail i lain i mien a. PH. IIS Br xrua Out ac. A. J.

MuUxA a (XI. aeeea Maim at. A XT at'At rCtfMTlks. isans. BsachiaerF antaoot nniia, se4 eaaer goo4sonaaarsav W.

H. US a. ax Madiaee ss, Aocaa a. fM I Tt uiA.i i eiAio to arir ee nil seel eassaa, at. A.

I aiai ii at. liat auaria rxas a. SaH ryvtrl 1 HOTFTJI. CLARr.SDOV HOC SC. "So ITT CTLABtK ore itos lane et.

Quia it ssoirirr aauraaas faraitare soiias fur tamfhaa i saw, a taw Saatraana wade rwai Iahaaret rl Boa leeaoeo. Treiaaaaw i A HOt IK OPIX, ear baiiSr A ajai'i atcM. ti-TIua MALZ1. rrvpriewr. T)aVtas Mutae.

rxsorTAS FT-iX'rOTa- ar aaaaoiva aaa uaaai. ftonma but as 1 pa oar. bowel ears pasa Seer. A It hue. M'e-vs.

CT. CHAKU1 MCTTrU-IS AJ1I IT bOiTrt I NcroLKa rost a ix. srwio Mtniim tae aaa, at tba rnneai mt Qa IMe IssasmaA LtxaA i mm a I Slraat, i sn JarAaoe. KKKAT CUSTOM 1H IrtTe. for sluuML taa 1 pry ail aim.

Aeuuag aarOemm botrat. aa For t-' IA V. t-aJtat TlArHrFT rtint.r.a. A. luifiint r.

hi li-ii hi nf lull AM .1.1 III.U Mt). IAMU.I A.11T fcuciX. iT bihl I -a progGi vj et. as Aavei MarAlae. AAA mu Si I eat I UAiA lao Aaat aialartaa at.

A klX.LK TKIAL aa Cos Airact. SI yot. ir- iiurrL KoofA r3of aaaaufaA aA IVaJl at Ul. BlIKHK.t, kOA AMI bul X-tarmiaaasi bv eoatrar. srraasaa 1 1 aaejiae tore tor aaav Call ee or A.

taAhlAI A AAA. ry STORAGE. fARKT.IM at tar lurajlara. Kurajt niarOiairaaj Suit 1 .8 SkafaaaA CKB. MT IHJIXA IMilMlHItU AUVKSU kuaiag awrv rxauurair omr tLrw aoiA to as.

siaus SI ttna frx-a. ,1 I PUBLICATIOIfS. yA vtt rrwg HIXP WAKTZDe WAITED IX riR-T-CLAAS tb bmt ct "smrt iej et, OAKJ-'IU-D MANl AC I 7. ftnj ft 1 -rt waM-tif- rrH VEHEIGri XlTLOn. H0RSE3' carriages, rrc.

DiajTTSTS ILAKK ATAHIGTOS AAatAieauat Cbeuvlt Ailock. iiZ-ifG BEST GUM SET cXuiKMcAndrmnTl.n.fnucago. S9le9 loretta aa i aa I Edward at. HtAlloan. Chicago, 1B4 I AUry 1 iiy.a0..bauA 63.145 1 E'nrT Tiran Chicago.

MIUU I till ruling nail rataa, without pt'n. pleasant br use of IT SI a laj rim mvww -aa a TTASTEU TO GOOD II )mDr7Td larni ia lowi mu4 ft-i'l tor ttiTiii pajpTU im C-jrAro. w. u. J.

ay ftT--t. SAT Sa Canred lire sii lurviar bafaa. both Irvtoi wvrnl i.i 1. 1T ta Ti-r BooK-aizr-j urn wemii a wamc tmv a mt hoc is. aa i to-t t- I I lcso IE SI tribes Baf bMV mmj swre, IM4 -vtrim, auaaa, roa SAix-iirxx.

estate, rv it. TT-i rx wi. AtssfarM I bT aa C1TT. Agent lor tbe rare se4 Aoota la. loruaM lo? Lwa.rt.or Uk tuk SiU wv ihtm beeaii'rDL w.l m.

ia gvee areas, pmee a. Company. f'DM Also, H.Af yrt i lAlXKrt.g. Mr prwaa ruar beaes La SA. atr -nan naat eaA I fat btate wall Catcarw.

lists IIALA. 1J STATA aot maw tba aaa, aar. lei a tef st Lewsdals, 1M 1 tea, feaer hoata fee) a. a.r uri ts ATae. Uc iaUadea I Som Oseal ewe ef WrarM sareet.

I ess ee ti LraaM. nis buam. bMi iA. Oee ee lkf der et. ee aMs ee." JJJJ eo UmMaf VtaAAJUaKS IJUL llIAHLC KKal a.

easMMa. Mftunwj i 3 r4. stnritrtAia. F'JL 'Q- turns al-Taa Um SAi.y. Pre tar LlaeAwAA HOMl.

1 it Ujli na. eaa 9m. tot at nr. present sarvAiase et tee saMauuM WfaekaaA. LaaA kaatare-Skam.

aag rZZl rMatsuMMkorulalMt. ill I 1I ssmrTJEJtTTTJEX. STOVES, ETC. a Cat a im trom atocs AA aaAAwg ea MeAaMOet. TfBlsn eimr Vha, awn an raaaoC ato.Vl DJ.J Ssi.e itouaat mat Itwea.a, iw, ia anj, was.

aae wm n-a i esreav aarsss. SHiy (.) md eta! aaa rt kxiiv LA u). mat sea aus BW f'SM haleraay raajan. sal Sas alaiaK t.c.rvTsTn 7i arra ta aaoor ac ei. AaJOJt Ja CAael CA AT rAtaAilaT EutTTKUCTIOX.

llx- nrza rkQCA sir crs roi roLixie rAsC tarX.a, 1 aa LaM tea Isttvaa ea. A-r tsartae- sas SloaarcA a'. aa taala; eir a S.A Is. AtA. sau.

aao sa. Musiei rsia iat.artaat aaa. sotxm. Leer waas er aaaa aaut laahtnaTSKkaSCa.a,i a a a. 1 1 as st W.

B. ntTMAv. rttorgaaoa or aitra. ksyeiAtasaaainiiMiA, Thirrr ii uma, sttt HICtoHtl OUL Of stt CAlI Has a. ervae.

aearuar. gaiur. aaraas. i aa avaar. auariae at suiat, eaa.

Xsrma aasAassea, raaast raeial eai Aar. CIAIICAOU ATKLMla. AO SUTaac Opaa Aar aeA eaaiw btAskokf ev ia awar eaaaeaao ueuaa nitn eaa a an iar taasaa I eearast aa aj i sar. mrm a las. Cjajnalajse-maaae.

CaiCAfJO strarcAC. aKarfwasiT trwroK-pereaaij 111 ev. runitM tass ta vr eaatr mtm maana. yeaiaj Sar eA ru so sad will baa-n uaciaaeaa, as 7 evltarese "ti. a eaa eetear er.

vaavui raeeaaaveaae mw cae eaa Saataaaw tl at. I ta AtAKT lllt), A A. SLA1 CAT sTo7 -'l. she enseal araeuteg Uraasrv le I i in 1i iai he. baaa epauulal laaroerei aarwtteo la -ii.

i Aar earn BaarerewMl Iokuf HAIR GOODS. nnii BAig sto nr t-A gorrr rrxK as Id a an pniao. My inn ataoae wua a- eaaaa-SMe maaaa ei lajailal lAa eaaatg mt aiaeaaa xor. aacadjag urar aag rare afta-has. SB asaa, Ta.l miaii een 4 IA' SD1 aeaarteaaa eejahtv aaa) Mai a Mg SI I ea baawtv.

ajv rt Oeur aBi i iaf 1 1 af HAlXeuia, aar raaM (hka Me Bti aAil seal aa see raa.L b-sd ft nrlra-hat ttt Airr ca dt etMU BTStAKT AM OEXTS WASTEZa, Moat pMttMW baiO ta I Call mm ailili laa a. liT. i we a VaMTO-A I aaaa tor "ISal aaaa at tbe stdaara aaA Iaii ata" mows: rTyvT-ruAee fAeeoiyraja aar bnrariAe JB. llaaraura sn aat. Nua ae.

sarTatBe-a -aysj TMrnwr nTTITT A F1! i pr ilUliSli 'ii illili! is--1 ItW ItHlMi MilklMI At UlUlO sad epware roo4 seaaaAAaaA eaae est Am ciaOTUEs cit.a nua. etc Oars etrax. S1X aaA Ai par Aaa. Iliimn li I LJ meAarn liu aiaa. f-iI-TTtAagvaj ej SB IU Tt Jit Ct LA WKK.SCM AlMOfaAX HUIIt -L 1 I 'j Yab4TSaaaas et.

bear ssase. boert pay auA LTT PTVaa b-e br SI aar-BI-a. S-rtaa KVTttW STriSlllsIB fr I I wim PKOrXUIOXAX. ee 1 laajll atnaA. aaaiVti ml i ee a is Aaa-t MjAuot.A AJjTyTs.x.

'TaaaaaZs ll I I laaaeaaaaA- as. ti. A. k. rtATT.

BL B. raawal Slaaai 1 u. it- aaei KoVrV-a LKMf MliH ti aaformaiaaa. I (USSiMuTHSlnmiAUJlUl HI I ss uai.r aaA len mai txaa sijaiaias viaeaa tbe eaas esn'Oeal ef fbe InmeeAeSa. I was.

aa st arerrtesa. "rT--sm-sraaa AaAAMtAuw. Asa I IH T-t "MtT JTS I 1eeM CHXRTCe I uiti wa-T va.e A. laaans aaA aiaaa imm m.mmwmm 1 Si i IM. 'a' a Irf -J II 3 I ATTtJRXETS AT LAW.

IOO W. BOTSflS I marahaadlaa. Iwr. I 1 re mora s. La taa li7 I A Chicaoo rrtoirrritB rrtiKAGi ct i Aua.

ml. S9. lui. aad luA Vsa baraa at. have la.

Baas aoeoBjisauAsuoas la roe ctiy tue bumne riisa smI ail seeds ot al lew A4 i aiaaa ir .3 i --o. i im aaa RCRFirR man iRLr-iKERt, situ, Cbaok rroeacaars. atams hnwuai oi mu tum. Chas. r.mommm, mantr.

0 eiraas, Chlrwa. IM8I.I1 ftr.Al-preaaaa. changalM rabbar trpei warraaiaA tae baat aaal aad llja rraataat van-tv ef ia i VJ O. bohixsos A. Dr.

WL Wwmrt alt tm EnnnA tMMiCaVl Mate-. bs Viet 47 rm rmmm T. rtaaa mt atrM. hararea. acd na4 cmna.

I 55l(Mi bista eu Ciucase. Urmaam, hapaa. Ul A aaULus I sr. Ikorth -n. VlAlr-LK A cae brans.

1 av uwtih.ii rirrst aJrvalraa: ra: I aa i. Ii. buouKli Aliusmf At tA vr. 1 s4 r.i-f aaA ar a. ranual se rer.

kl a.rm i se u. M.i4rt,.M,( kkK, Air. av L-v. ii Kun fclaw t- ft- XT B-iJ 1 iL awTHDICAX BOOAa. urirs.

iLi a TV ATI .11 mm bas naat AaS eaa-asi avar taa. loc laaaa. arv. I K. l.

iA. imrt at- Abkasa. ava. ta a-. rtra.a 11 rrz Hbli.lAa VH Hi tK AIA luiu larao AataiBS A are IS Uatf I mr 'v I (A 11 TT-nT a i.

im MXSICAIaa. T4AA.TT4 AVAA-TSt. Brer I il Mil MbTlaialaMT. rraaa. ii.

aaca baa aae ftaajA Ui fcailltim. KP 14V ft CH. ft to- 1 oaaspI MBt trf Kaaa vreaMkA4 Imm i ara 1 fn ifcraaft atift sQA-g to c-ui mmj e-M. 'i- i ni r-aMvws tvr tta lc mm mm.4 v-h Aa-rV, Vr si VurtJi aaa mmf re Mi rvw-m wy if c-s rm -c 4 OaJBl fOr NeVBU Will rf ft 9M ftts ana A t. a A av 4 a AS) Ortw-r mr m.

prcn fti-- m.i i A I I ft A ft 13 aaei Are weeae. a orau i i A C. --i a i rnr "Wt. MRvt It, ik.a. rfriai -PlbO, Al ear awl ta tra 1 Kb.

A Kiwft UU fAi Ul. rar tur of tig l. -t- imt rmmm mj tmm trfttAT4 I b4ui cr -a Av i.ict'i mm hr iil rhiwi ot li) ft. jnArA, ui ji lo in W.ber. bATA I mttmA ftM baaa a fc.

SaWi IM t. 1 Cs-ebrr ft. r- t.i-mm rl.1ilU'nllU. sUMfB Si iv- aTAIJI 1. sa eu-rae trvia r-rw a .1 uu I craoirtia.

air, umM I ai a i a. 1 im gjeaA rvoaaiu waa avl ajea. -iw-r IA Auiana. b-l AJ. V.

w-H xTLnAxa. A Lt.t.N a Tl it Auaat two, pnr-hmr I II II I 1,1 t-A la a. a .1 -1 al ue ti rmm lurorai-a Ivar. a.a mi- ru im mt biooi. si4 Ua.i.

av sua to- Bralr-na. 11 ue tU IT THK li, -T i. what if sar .1 ta -a i Bovar. lnua. s.

AvaA tr wrw tr auila. CM Willi 1 ItiJa A 1 v-i -a 14 v-a I a-1 Lt al W-e-.

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