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The Courier-Journal from Louisville, Kentucky • Page 4

Louisville, Kentucky
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Courier 3'onruaI IfBSPAY MORNING, DEC S.UTKERRItW. trot-D is than greenback to ABepaata, lis, can now run through C. to hTUHk, tie. Tax convict labor question smumiBf eeaeltlerable importenee nn MasirAir are again raktlnr npon tb ranches Bear Baa Aacoaw, TUM. A mTTMiOiiea Jurt tried Owtn Washtajtoa tb otter da for ateaUsg "Cr-ntt fine lump cos) la artliaf hi Ksox-, at tea casta par haake.

e- rim locoeactlrae and over At ban-Vvf aara art Id eee. oa tk Waiter aa4 At- am railroad. Torn acridmta from tte ewrvtem" hand saw of ansa war reported to Cheat se sawaty, a. mm wee. Two mrroec kohl Mr.

etvwntUm at xrwsyta, Mreraay eeaseBar in it kat of aatlaicllagto I Tnm a Bibs tat pawn ta a turner snap ta taMfk. w. pas mm by eslarta P. i. Moat, beta Ubrariaa of the small CstboHe ubrery.

acathitluB with 7l worth at lw Oil county. onday TTrank rd we killed a mniBg mm TH KsahvUI Assae-K-aa says tka fka toiaskuiu end h'askTilie tatocad wCi ka Tn grand Jury which kaa Jam ad- I el Helens. Hnl atari tie ta Tan moo) of Booth Cavoban arede- kaaatt whMbacecaot tbe Chief JmllinhlB tka SapiaaM uoan tarn ease vacant. CauroaaiA aaimoa ar' bates; atiaii dtotnbwted fat tka ill nait of Weal Vw. a cy thsrOwcilitlsir of tkm stole.

(mimu, 8. kad a rtkmatiiitis are -n 1 1 j. destroying tka Aeadeaay of Meats, meant at rkv.eui, aaa ether usuyorly la tka tmeeiea woru sieue. Tn hquorcaleof Oahraatoa. Tasaa.

aaa a ajAssrvni AmarWa: Aa average xnty ear-toads a frsnrht arrtra here dafly war tka Kveawrille railroad. Tbk) dose aot aaasade thlrtT ecrlnoce ef Mai. able mill every da? tram Boetbee Aeertacky. Tan Herald eatiiatea tkat wttbln tka iWt wul to some! 1 tboeesad deiies' worth ot tmpreve- hsedwa la tka war of beam all la 1 relies, 1hm A' raoMIKKJrr egret at Memphis, who a kept ap wttk tka reaction followlM Miw parmaa aae rataiava from taaaa mimm am rartli a Baada laax. A baaa par eaot.

of tkla daaa. latum ta Earn Duui (Texas) Herald: Tka farm at tki utaaty kara aiiaady antwilni twtoa i at aoooa uay axpaeiaa a aauw I of tka ptcciaa; taatna. patad. aad aa a raat they ara aaarar oat of aaa aad ka till aoaainta) taaa tar mi NBABLTooa nullioo pooaOa. of leaf ta.

kaaee waa Urn at LMeaaa a Iw ot aawa ky tarcaaa offldala for aa alleged aMatioaof tka law. la aa er kydraaile praaaara lata a fona wkte i ey toe Maaanixa Ai tramp, who tkaar's paaa- urna. oa tea CkaHaaeora railroad. aaaa. aloppad tka tram aad baMid aa art ana co.

eta aa eaaaeaa oar. Coarca Cinm (Texaa) free Preaa aka. Oockal. tka fctkaaaaa aaotkar wka kJUad rafldraa oa Saadar aarkt, tka X3d ai aaade karaiiiinamin at tka resueaee of mm. Wade Haaaptoa oa atarday aoanf aaa kad km kKUaa ka Ike akapanaL inlil aad bare fceailad.

fnr tka aartan Oara. aad eabakrttac oa the eaetmprlaielaaUT Baa kad wtad la kill aaraait ay aaMaif aei aaak a ateaa bo4ile. akeaaewkalaU ail ake U1 asoa take a Jearaey ta tka Taa rrnaral of BaaO X. TaUa. at Chat- aaa.

M. C. tka atkar day. waa a ary ptcakar aaa, fcfctewa dlraetkoaa bekac ekaarrad ieata k. Tka eodla aaa aaraa tmH mmg.

tkraa bast wide aad caxateee deep. la It were I a feataer-be aad ptuow. aa waiea taaaa eaitaf kian ami i Jraa TTl1b bat boote plaeedat fast oa) ba leak, aad bta bat reettaaoable baada. wbieb were creased oa kkt breast, aad aaa of aakt aaia a pair os aiovaa. at aa lereadatleaded bis banal, aad efiaad was prepared.

Meals of aU kiada. la 1EMT0CKT tWI. OoriMToa kaa- orsaalssd a ak. BrasiAJa ara oa tka raoLpaf fat Bowl- Oraaa. JtATBTiixa hat tblrtaea acboala, publw alprtrata.

Woanta'a rlgk(a" baa fifty advoaataa Taa prlee el laad at adraaciaa; Atootk) lady ia Rkchavoad raaemk Doania tka past year 1M flaalba oe- aarraa aa nowiaag ram. At Kichmood a rat fnawed Into a cafe aad aa a canary bird It coalatasd. Tim beaded tadefatedaem of Lewis laaalb aaa redaeed laat year 1,7381 Wi D. FaAsaa, of Maaoa connty, kai a ysckevkalle tkat mm aaade la la, Hirr. Okbsh Cut Surra, of Frank' taa.

koidlaa a protracted niillnj at Lax- Ejt pundrcd eoal miaert art oa a etrtks at tka Btar aad Coaltoa atlam near ah lead. wiiM-Biaiiut rwa: Laat TborsdaT Bfcrbt Bea 8ooU had a S1U0 coUeold back. aiusa Df flogs. Oaa bnadred rxraraioB tickets ta Lome-rflle, to atteud tbe Oraat racapUoa, ware soid as laoaiwB aeaoay. Taa Intelliiteccer boasts that all tka eaVcera of BoUo Ureea ara bara, tka Mayor aaaes; esuy isuny-ara Taaaa waa ahlDord from Txiaatoa aa Mender, for Fastara eaarkata, bead of eat-Ma waratiaa; a toa aaak.

Roaaar McFaatvaaiv'aad rljhty-foar ysera, aad a ret area af the war af 181 1, died OwaasarUle Tasaday. Taa CoostituUoaaJist says that alae- wjaaaa aa lae psspis as Taaaa win baa maHlacof tba officers aartoae taraplka roads ta Central ILexlnctoa aext katarday. A acrr fat tka Madana Cbenlt Ctert kaa Ikkrty-alee dteataa4a. asou last week Taa ladies of tba Christian eh area at i af tksar pallor wak Oaasica It, Ci-aT wasoa the laimainma put say for a speech setose tka HiiHaat ATeaaaral aaeiaty tm Jlew I orb City. Rtoatnn Davta, of Boyle eoonty, has aacsa-ad bis aszk year's crop of wkset at atcbty esaU par baser! from tba tkraabar.

Aa nanaeasa amoaat of dream poultry at hens shipped aa tbe Eeefaetty Caatral leii-reed from sVoarkaa aad mtftatrng isaallis SeiaLBT eooaty kaa a social eeaaattoa Is apt la cad as ale dtrarea sett, kat uase at ike patties are aot yet aa- W. Laac Taoaas aaitouncra tha nnh. tkallea of a new Masesaa atoataly oaraal The Cerel to coauaaaca at Lhtarllle alik tka new year. Cams Democrat: Jadsa L. 8.

Trirf.hle. ake so saysterfoaelT dlwppeared frera Fade), aah about the 7lk dey af September last. Is kB feebie, tteaieo. WncsMTtk 8oi: Jamea T. Ixick-aeae killed esreeteca bofs last week, aad oa frMar aiaat some thief leUerad hue of all af except one piece.

'-'A colorid ruuth In Taylor coanty, esieii Arch. Dabe; was aeellentallr sbot sad kaieeV'TaoHlsy by a aboleiaa ellh waiok ka tetcaded tu km rabbi u. at Wsllun. Boone connty. Monday aarbt, a man supposed to be II.

J. Wemaa, at ladeprodoce, aaa rua erer kad killed by a rra'n while atieaiptlos; to eroas tbe railroad ka a bomiy. Tne Uowlier Owa Iale'listTireT aara that Jatlce -lcaaat Hlese coat In net eery tow, aad the death of ha wife has had a rery de-pteaanic rffcel apoa aim, and bl death expected ak any mooteet, CiPB IV ro act it: The race for 'Circnlt Jadee ta tha dlswlet will be narrowed down to coofst between tbe pteeael taeambeot, Hee. J. M.

Orare. of Trlva eoeaty, aad Cob L. A. pert, of Ck list lea eoeaty. Taa iDtelliaraccr says that a prominent ettum of Warrea aooaty, who kat tbe ase of aaa of hie eara a year eo.

bad aa oparatloa parfaraaed the other day which result rd la a bee aetaa.iahmfroei It. Ba keertns a aaaa A Padccab party at tatharlnd lira rau wilb ablch to teat tha abUliy of tba rat-kUI-M of the rtllece at a psapeesd crand rletaaae The Cats aaeeey wttt be ased ta pen base Instntacau for a utatb naaaToa Baaar will bare a teeee of aruilery le reedtoees for ditoa a salute ea tbe smrsl of Gee. Oraat ta kna. The soldiers aed eadora of that site arik do at a body ka ClerraaaM ks help ka wai-aeeae tarsal ihaea. BiwuoOttti bonded debt $1S1- en si.

lami tae past year tha debt bea beea redaeed te.XlQ 47, and dariaa that time SS.aUU bare beea axpeaded for repairs sad BBpTOToniset of streets sad parchaiu of hose tsr tbe are soeapear. Trr IlrraJcl says that Merliaoa-ermnty hted est Is far saora tnaa that of say ethsr eesaly ka the kteta kinase, Bias, aeae bat eakileaUal baptersnieate are atsde: israaa. they ere alaare paid for: third, aadwoa pea-pia will work, aa matter what they aader-aaks. iriwit ate Joarnel ft wee dlwn. trait Friday that the era re of Mrs.

Ntite aadera iiarrey, ahe was eo-o lit aad latraleeo Uakta ta las a mm- nteneaa: A I yunnay aaa aa aow a aaa ake tma eaaae aear tke PaMarlaad ana-ak tkat ka raaefcad dova. aaackt tka keU- Latuaar saam araaaniad tka wtfi Taa maysrwy of the kaiiam biasii WitMnajl ere mi big aaal ail, aa aaaeaat 'BM the serr aart af ISTd. had beea robbedj eoeereetlr a tew ders after banal. ae tbe silver-plattac sad setra Uetns at kae eoflla were taKee alea. Tks dfcteorery wee aaade taroasb the ara re betes opened to re-eaoee tbe rereaies la aaolner part of tha J.

H. TrEAW. a nromtnent sroeer of NicholasTUle. had a desperate eneoeeter wtth a klekesjaiaa noaday olfftit. Ba waa retnra.

tag from tbe aoantry after dark aad alighted from few bverr to open a fete, when he was etteeked end hw money demeaded by a mea who dred three platot shoes si htm. Itr. Ueea In tne cam of Samuel C. Wn llama, ba trial te Case conntr for tba murder af Thoa. Bams hi Mar.

1B7S. tba Jory waa dtsehanred rarerday, not mi( aow to agree eerdlet. It Baderetood tkat eree I the tar were hi faror of eoarlctloa of aleeshkar ead banHenameat lor rartooa tsrwia. and three were for aeaotUaL The Jadsa tied the prteeeer'e ball at $.5,000, which waa promptly rarakanaa. ana rtniitma maaw sua lenuiy.

'Faapansm aad tka Ceasns. Tha act for takinc tha ratted Btatnt eiaaus pttrrtdea for tha collection of all lanrrof stataatosl Uformararni tadtcattre of the psujism of the eoaatry dnrtac the past lea years, bat tt BSKUoterl to proeida for mesa alary aacortaf aa of nokaat ladicarora of taa Twal coadrtioa of of people. TVt rfar as tha eiaetio. of I should ehow to what axtrat has tended ka taoreese tba paaperemm; bather tha nccratloa of raat wealth ba tha haada of a com few la aot brmgtaa; aboot gradaany tba ooadttloa ot affaire wa flad tm Europe aad Oraat Bfttala, whom tka poor laws a atom- weirhty tax aa tax pay era. Book atatlatiea.

last, would show whether our prosperity ream apoa a eolld twain or A thotoaghly Tlrtaana aad mdnatikim and aoaoiabla people wfll Barer ba hurdsaid wtthaa laoiaslai pna par tha laf. la tks United Kingdom there ara kM.tOd paapsra, apoa wl axpeaded. la relief aad aisaaasmsai 70.000.00a Of theer. M.fTl are ta Bcot- hwd, SI. 807 ara ta Ixamad, aad M0.4M la Engiaad aad WaJea.

About ooe-thrrtT- flflh of tad populatxm ara, Ihereiora, tn poaina abeeTT tax upon tha ramkinrUir to eapport Utera. Last year ktM.000.000 waa ths amtmatof ant orjUocked ta Fnslaad aad TfaiM to atmport- tha This Is an Inert ase of pi3.000.00w 1a forty Tcora, which niarortti a rapid gTOWta of 'Imuperxmt and tks decrraae of tha op-portnnitiot tad tha facilities for making a Uring amona; tha mtddw and Iowa England baa had to lecialale for prorlstoa for pauper abac tha Fourteenth century. aim aha would bara suffered much mora tnaa aha has from what Lord Bacon; calls '-rebeiliona of tha belly which he sails the worst of aTL Whether tha prepoadernnca ba dianblod or able-bodied pan pars, it at aa effect from the earns canas. dacrtaaa of of aaaa to eapport their families, frequently with tha inhumanity by want, aad Inhnmaaity beaets nefrlect. Wealth locked aw ht TaaHs by tha atilUoa sa foodand-riiithlng-psoduciag power be numbed; tt la tha drytng ap of tbe at which toras Us atiii-whasl which grinds the whaat which makes th Wealth mtmpprhm or applied aot at all it equally a curse.

Used to engender rash apooulataoa. tt iatarieosly affscta tba poor aaffanng moat, brCaam thaw are ma Ha pcrar. Tf haiarer of liaiiamag raaperaim, tha fact of plaakhathawasseL aad that pulas is aot beating with tha proper regu larity. Tba canaan ehonM show tha true aasmrnl of pauperism aad the amount of vagrsacy la tbe eoaatry. It might thus ptieonl some melancholy facts for contemplation.

It It certain that ws do aot know to what axtrat pauperism has Increased daring the Inm flfnjin years. The Imperfect eeasoa of 1870 pat tha aamber of paupers at lls.000. but Mew Jork aad FraasylTaaU alone hara mere tba that spend $7,000,000 or $8,000,000 to reliere araeh ae at spent in Boot la ad for ptarpoee. New Fngtand has six hand red poor ho aaarty $4,000,000 to support Accurate ststietica ara aaadad. lbs Oemaat of 1900 should dra ihiat.

There at lam paupannm la Baulk arm Btatas than nay where asm ta lbs eouatry. aad Ms griklnl win aa douU ba found la Mow England. PeaasyiTaaia sad other snaaafacittiriag where tks stuamis of waalik aad ttormty ara always foaad. It is a amabm fact that ta the aaorai flebrew Orannaoa wealth, aada of htwa made by Moaaa, there was aot four bnadred years say i siiiisi iaai Tba ppareat. Tbs Iiebrcwi wets shsphsrds kad agriculUuista.

Each family had Ita allotment of laad. which could not bo alienated than fifty yanrn. This made the Hebrews iaderendent aad iaduatrioaa. Erary waa aura of bis hoans, Paleattns waa A eouatry of happy bomaa. Tbs men who tended lbs flotha sod Tiaeyarda became tks legislators and captains and statesmen of tba people.

Tbs debtor had ao lacli- natloa to commit suicide bacanm of bis debts, for he was reJia-red at tbs year of Jubilee of bis cmbarrammstit There wm ao biltar aaUgonhtm of debtor aad ered- Itor emrsee, for such clniil did aot exeat aatO tbs decadence of tbs Cornmoa wealth. That waa tbs model repubbe. Tbs ossmv cods destroyed lbs procuring usee of peuperiara aad clam atrunlea. Wa caa aot cetabUah a "yaar of jubilee ot maltonaWs astataa, bat paupaRam caa te errantly atodifled by tbs adoptioa of ktwbat of tbs spirit of ractprostty which runa hxa a xoldaa thread through Tbs lrieb Troahtao, ahnr-xtraa aad luun ea tha Cbaaeh- ara arartrms? wave ssrnaatly aad oaetsmfuPy la behalf of Us sot at to aettle Irish familial oa tbs farnv lag lands of tha Wast aad Northwest. It elated by Bishop BrALPtao recently aaa Bleat aw swat ml tW 1li populattoa of tba Vaitsd Stama ht located ta uaa niae aaa suwns, nna osuy all or aight per eeut.

are engaged ta agricultural pursuits. Ha has beea bowing great adrantaga ot branktag ap nrbea leadnncy of Us Irish and plactag them, where their eb aacea sad health win be greet! Improeed. Tbs Catholis Colon txatioa 8o datT ancooraaea hnmlantina ta this man. try from Ireland, aad tba Bishops deprecate tbs tendency to Ttolencs la Ireland during tha Draaaat agrarian aa-(tau anrl suggest thai tbs way la open for tbs op-. pressco.

tenantry to secure penes and bnp- aews ta agricultural pursuits in tne laljsa Btates. That Dlan. Indeed, furniahea a anlnttnn of tbs Irish troubles, but it Inrolrea a re ilnqu'ibmeat of a coo teat which has bora going oa for centuries, and which seems at present as far from ending merer. Nothing caa reHere the Irish tenantry mrs literal legislation on tha nart of th Rett. Ish Parliament, and Us friends of such lettislattoo-do not seem strong enough to bring It about Tat, tt caa not ba said that there has beea ao liberality la legt lating for Ireland, Public opinion has compelled lbs remoYsl of Us religious disabilities of Ue Irish; the suffrage has beea extended; national schools hare beea established; tha tltha system has hewn abolished, sari tha Irish Church has beea disestablished.

GLAoeroxx's Irish land to some extent, rellsTed Us peasantry from tbe rigor of arbitrary erio-tions, bat et-ll enction foliuwa after six months' notice, and that Dn iaioa Is aot always obaarrarf? and la paying Us teoajil for lmprare-ments made during oocnnatlon. the fniut- owner always has the adrantaje of aa as-seasroent of valuation of a partial character. Tbe tenant baa ao mora assurance aow that be will man tha fruit nf Via In dustry Uaa formerly, and consequently i his uiuiMTiueQii io mass parmaaeot inv provetncnbi ara Terr alight. Tha Irish la mora of a camper-out thaa an occupant tne sou. Ireland has aa area of t1 tm an.

miles, or acrea, aad a popula- wra ot sonu O.WJ.OUUL Of- this land 10.144 Dersoas bold leas 18.110 pereona hold betweea one and oas hundred acrea. aad aot over half million acres ara bald an DroDrissora. while tha remaiiiflae by two or three thousand laB-llrtnIa, tbs most of whom do aot Ura oa their canaan. emmt rjauparmm shows tkat there or met afaaads aad tatas, do aot know thefr tsnantx, aad pat the acrrwa oa ths leUer whenrrar they need aa extra ataonnt of nsoaey. For mstaace, tbe Earl of Aaaatr owns $7,000 acres la Mayo and Doaegal; Lord As-Towar owaa tO.eOO acrea ta Galway, IJra-crick aad Tippsrary; th Earl of Bawdosi owas 47.000 acres la Cork; Us Earl of BamBottotToa owns acrea tm Car- low, Kilkenny and Tlpparsry; Sir Taos.

Btmaa owns M.000 aeree ta Oalwayi Mr. Kiaa-IlAniiox' owaa TO.000 acres In Long-bortt, Kneooramon aad Bllco; tks Marquis of LAHtawwaa owns 112.000 acres la Kerry aad Motto. Whererar there are tedicatloos of prea-pertty among Us tenants, the landlords order tha rants prat ap from fifty to $00 par cant. Under these eh-esiawannss 1 tenant has little laoeatles lo tadnetry and thrift; he becomes djsnrmteamd at th gloomy prospect whaa th crop falls, aad eaa be, ssmly drawa to mam masanga, where ba ready to arrphvad taeeadlary anmawaoas. aad.

drlrea ta daaparattoa srrtetioa. as semeilmm take a shot at a kaillrT aa kllhi kla kaailkerf la aa adrreaa, racaatiy deiltrered beer th fM. Pbtrtck BoeAsty of Brooktya, Mr. Wtc la th sooTM of a rery trrarraaat af Iriah difflcal- a. a i Ba Bwaaayef i i sot aa esses af east etatard sajatsm tkat pma a ttwaowaraf a xea I sa of 01 Thshra- a bam at i aa oas hfmlfiu'i darisrstioa.

auoled fry stc fyoiArvAtt. ta Terr erbokaticalir traa ia the case of Araland. where the land. ky eacceaaire roafla alitaaa, aad notably la Us tims of CaWkTwastv has baaa wnattid from Us Irma-and gl va away tft favorites of Us British aoraraigna, Ths augreauona of Mr. Hcxutas are temperate and practiceL Th pata of opening Us anrlaimad laad to thoae who will drain aad reclaim them, was proposed ia 1M7, It at certainly wuhia ths power of Us British Fmilsaaeat to afford relief asked.

Th Bullions scout ia the derelopment of Lord BaAOOBaS-TKI'a fnswJaw. nnllra would. appUsd to tba purchase of hand In xromna oy tae uoreraaieax, to os rsaoiii at low rales to Us pwople, bring about wonderful change for the better. If ao relief la afforded, tha Irish populatioa. which baa fallen off $.000,000 ia tbs laat fort Tears- will gradaail ka baasTanrf by immigTaiioa to other laada.

ma ao aot aae way ireiaaa akid aot kaaa tha ana kind of mtminMt th Caaada has. Th aot ereatiag tbs Do- auaioa ot caaaaa prandm for oa Par lor Caaada, rnaasuias of tbs Queea. Blasts aad Ccmtaaoas. and Us CoastltuUoa af tha Federal Umoa of tha Prortanee is atsallar 1b nrlivHnU ia that of -Us United gtngdom. The act proridaa a Oorarnor Cliasral to carry ea Us Oawaraamat on behalf aad la the asaaa of lbs Qainn, laariag to tha Proe-laem taair legielatiTa asmaitlim for local ealf-gtrrernmenl, tka smlof axacativa offl- aag i swiimiam uiiitst Tka Tfllllllllaa af fimmmAm.

kaa en power to regnlate Ueh local affairs, dia- pose ot tneor reraaaea sag snare aaca Bel aa they amy aoaaldur bast for their welfare- rjrorfctad ttaeer as aak hiarfm wrth Us actios aad policy of tha central admlaiatratioa aadar Us Vtoaroy, aad tbs ngnt ot sun rage at extended to so ettlaaas wiU a alight ptupwly quaiifloalioa la SMM Af htM I 1-kt Ik. diaa system, had It would ba a food Irish system. As it la. tha Russian peamulij bar far taor local self nTsrninant ia their common and pronnclal eoaacil system thaa the Irish hare under tbs British flag. Drill af Arctts Oieearery.

The latest news hranrkl rnr arhaiara fmn th Arctic sea, beyooa Beb ring's Strait, as to the Jeenaetta polar expedition, la lo effect that tbe indications were that th easel has barn ranght la the ae as wl dent which Inrotres a rery ng Impris onment or Ins abandonment ot th expedi tion. It is to ba booed tha axrjaditioa win suffer from neither of these causes. Ws bars always beliered that tbs better course for Lieut. DttLoao was to land oa Wraa-frrll-land, and there catabhaha aUtkm from which laad axpedlhoaa to Us pole could ba mad. Tbs highest point reached by th Behr- tng'a Btrait route la very much farther from Us Dole thaa Us farthest ooints reached by either th Spltxbarrea or Smith Bound routes.

Tbs latter, by which th Polaris approached within about seven degrees nf tha rjole. aanma ka nfTW iKa beat promim to arctic asrigmtora. and bad taa uowbatb sxpeatuoa Dean started oa Ita war laat Tear, there at aa dnuht. Us nature of Us plan adopted by Oapt, WW -st. uowsatb.

lust wa would oa rery near a aalutloa of lbs polar problem to-day. It to us hoped that Congress, tat Us interest -of aolence. wlQ make tha an. ProprUtloa of $30,000 a canary send Ul exrjmlitioa aa its sn enable our country to accomplkh a distinction, after which sQ th nations of Europe are etrlnng today. Waters teretofors rerarred to tbe actio of th InlernaUooal Oeographical Conrraal held at Hamhara last rvnt.

rtlatlrs to the aaUbUAbmenl of permanesl at at tons ox otaei i auoa la tne arette ra ateaa. Ta tha Calked Rtma Tt- r.t 11a bay aad point Barrow war assigned. Lady Frankila tea Is tit moat aorthera of hU stotloria. Th ahor wher tt la proposed to establish a point of ebearre- "a we saaawy uaaifuueoi DJ tn Mil i x-Qtar coiosy tbo A 1 taoay fhrrolra tte Vartad- Stakes to eomply with tbe tmtjormat aetloa of the later. national Oeographical Coo grass, tba Colo-nr idea may aa well te serried out, aa tt wfll molr rary tittle mora oar, Cast.

flowsATa hee for eonae years adeoci th otBclal aambraumeat of a scaentlfiri station wlthia the polar area for Us eol- lectloa of reliable sctsatifle data. Uemysj From Us north saorssf LadyFrnnkfla bay Us mad stretcbaa north as far as Ua aya ar gaaaaa eaa imtih, Cap. HtuN ia km toaraal at Cape Dmeiirl fatmti eighty -tare dagiaaa. three xoinutaa.) October, 1871, says: "From Caps Bra-Toort wa caa am laad ailaaillin oa tba wad aid of th strait to th aorta, twt ty-twa degreea wast aad distant about corer ae far as rsfttorla eighty-three gram 8 re soiaute north, Thar is ap- paarance of bukd farther north, aaal x- tmwttng mors saalorly than, what .1 hare Ita noted. and tula a waituer eouatry than ws expected.

The country aboaada wUh lila. ad aashv gaamv gesaa. da tlev- rabbita, woItbs, foxes, bears, part- ndcea, lammiaga, etc. Thoa wtth coal easily obtained. and mt always oblatwehsa.

th colony would fare well and te abla to push their exploration by bud to tbs utmost limit, Tbs laad auotchiag aorUward. aaaa by phpt, TTkl.t, amy reach umilr or quits to to poie, Th olBtion of ths prob lem would seem to lis la that dUrsxttioV-i Bclaacs especially lnlmratit.ia aHmtia- raaaot pesar pecsH which wtU ceermm the eUsfemtioa of sol th njMtary af oca ttsnostikmc electnmty, ddtimina flgura of tbs sarU aad bar mi in Uorigia of posar werea, etc, etc There Is little doubt that a tt to cap did not rest oa arctic regions There was a period whoa Us aorthera hemisphere waa submerged mphsra la aow slowly nadergolag gsacw. whU. acoordiag to gixJugisaa, tke northern continent are uattergoiag alow eleralion eTerywhera. It ht beliered that this Is prodaciag a drainage of tbs eraars from aorU to south, so that ta a few thotamnd years 'our present arctic rcaioae may te fit for th of caTUixed aa.

Ia th aieinllma, tt Is oar duty to tinu th march of erotic dbxoiaiy to solatlon of tbs me a If obi mymmlaa of the pola. It would manifestly be makrag a far better am of one of the yimeai of oar nary to employ her hi ths coatlanattoa af th valuebsa Aakaricaa dlseaesiim ia arctic reasons, than to aaml her sa aiiaia sad aaprontabaa cruhm. AH nedttieas of disss rery kaeebeea fraaght wuh misreet, -Tbat of raphy. nantieal srianc aad lo commarua; th expedition of Parnny uavallad Japaa; tte aid furnished CapC Bau aad Dr. lUras and lo Ksjta added mamas of gnlmable lafismallim eoeajmalag tte ths regions, which bar barn eophkudadby tte whom acsantifl wmid.

Cant, BownaTn ha aaOad atlanlion to tte fact that tte leads land tte pole bear American names, -Great Laad" le tte nam of th great continent along which tte rouu-ia and tte Alert sailed. and that coaliacal. back from the oeaet. aerer barn explored. Tte coaat (ins atrotcbea boldly aorthward a fi eye caa reach.

It preeraU a solid atudace sear which a hand expeditkm. wall equip ped, caa proceed poleward. Beyond huitod eighty-two degrees tte program of a ship kt faruudauly obstructed by tte Eres if, during eom portion of the year. tte. lo breaks and drifts ward, a reesel persistently to the north sure to be caught ta, tte tee-floes aad chained.

Tte root to tte pol is oa "Oraat Land." TVare ht ersry probability that tt stretchm nssrly to Us pola, tr aot quite thither. Any on will atudy tte sonfigtuatson of cootinante will obeorre that Us aarrowmt portion ht toward Us snath. Thai law suenreeU that "Oraat Laad" wideaa la Ua pole. It la worth while to teat it. Cnngrma.

ta coca plying wtth the reiuset of tte IalarnaAtoaal Geoaraphical Con- as, ram not taa to prerrtoa. not air for Us satabUahaaanl of a actealifli rat Lady Fraaklla bay, hat IwoTleson tor a sartm of expeditioaa ky mad xromUalpoint toward tks pol. Tte additional axpeaaa will te light, si result to swosapsucal assl nhjaicala will be masrarfloant, Cmhratias. i AJthougb tte city wm Nooming wiU oaauag asm kansara aHkttgb than aay otter th at- of tbs continent ailed Loulerille wttk bis Xaenca and Aocsed tte strst and the windowa WUh tte cartons atlffl th aold boy, nor tte tuw-flghtara, nor area tte dWIogatlon froca I7ew Albany aad Jeltag- soarllis, aor yet princely masstros of ths Is aad tbs cornet, nor. Bioreorer.

tte spike-tailed exqulsrua of tte craning, were prominent parUapaats ia Us lean Titles ot yeaisruay. a core au I lie a. more important and mora aelf-im portent, was ths ubiquitous and unctioua nmbreUs. It was Its huavor sod ita delight lo add tha touch of comedy to th play to intro duce Into it stately officials dodging behind Its undignified skirts, and 'rl and reliant spirits who would bar tbair breast to a rata of lead ignominloosly retreating to shield I heir buttons behind its shelter and to flu tte streets with wil derness of eom ber-oan rased, i dodginj, punching, colliding, grinning, growling humanity sad profanity. For tbs nmbren is Us Brat of clowns.

ths chief of ooBiediaaa. It is he pleasure lo get yon into the rata and daily aad co quet with you before allowing you to open it, and at la Ita bum, when once jrou am la its clutches, to conspire with wayward wind and make of you, howerer staid and stately yon may be, rich sport for th men and maidens who look upon yoa from th door sad windows by th wayside, Should yoa happen totes woman, so much the better. It win whirl yon to this aid aad to that, Wuh tUpraA akirts you will plant youraalf oa tte psra- aa a- ars of sas slrte nauiwr. st as anetaa sa-asailaie. A aae in raw at oast- easts mahwaaaa, wak wBtrstalskae amili ami ryeffawiw esse.

eseraaaaTaSjil tsjea, AI aa ssasswsvssjssare aaal was tin im nl. scar artsi ay aa lakknem sf me flan ia). te be aaaa as east frern mebsat msaesssssaa ef kaa kisikil lul Miieas sae are. Basest incline. Hiflksn I mat, tbs sasasasm aaawajwmmaA, skim at wet -remmsay eatsar sasmsreasosea Sassaa, aae saa aaksf sasal be meul and cling to It wtth both handa like a wrath of despair antn an opportunity comes to wrack it aground of tbs Brat oaa thmeomea by.

Should it be a large umbrella, a regular family trmhrslls, st ia it fancy to meaodar tte thoroughfares error the most insignificant of small bora, who bear tt as proudly aa If ba ware aa army with banner. And there I nothing which th arerag umbrella Ukaa bet-tar to meet tn th road thaa th Tersg nnsophlsticated horse. Tte tag people know well tte rain of tte umbrella la an hractsr of humorist. The funny maa of the play generally carries tt with him, bmeparabla, from th nrat act to Us fifth. It dost arm doty from arat to last, earing away a would-b somailiaii from failure, and ia many oases prorlag decidedly tha better artist of the two.

In tte sham row, males aad battle It tte bearer's txreemwotk, Shield anj 1 :1 faOa to briag Bosoon Cororrs also know anemias sa an tmpleasant of warfare, But tte distinguish Ing shsmemrlatls trait of tha aaUralla ts wanetm sal to get lost to ebanga haada. It wm this whack canard Mn-Ton to teartnts hefor aaming kkt aoted epta. "Should I call at Pared lee 5 he aald to friend. "I am afraid the an th inking win simnWIm It aa ode to any ambrella sod lay kt aside nn-tead." Poor Muront Parhapa ks was right. At all errata tt was a weary tims before th world wm a war thai al was not an oda to aa umbrella.

One upon a Urn when tte gods walked the earth and tte snepterda piped their lore amona; tte reads. AtABOsrom, goodly yotuh of nobis mln, want to won tba sorely IIxuatb. Ha rom had eosae from afar to aaak bar krre. bat tte Fate bad decreed thai could low te aad allow an toach of earthly aaa an to ttaga hia lows ar yield tor on in aaf to sa emsasa Kan of aUt sad Hm tin; songht box, IX woord bar WtU ardor sod par deceas, Bte apoa hat suit mghad apoa it shy recrpri days aid they spend togetkar among tbs Ureclaa bum tn a teattturta whioh ealy of cartata ftiinilraaat to tt' happy co fatal day, aa Aianoan rorky kdgs, for ia hie, aahar ttsaU a want tt, faeiiag bar thraagh ker finger, aad tootrjag apcei gMwaag akssae. kar heaetaj huralng yes, far os te wn wbsaxaed by of feeling which swept ar fsrrid bps.

It One rash set had ended aO. Tte rates gar np tte job in despair. HaVera Irat to Alsnowca. and to aQ othm suitom toreewr. la tte tmhtklhiff of sa eye, tka bsamtifttlms Birwuhueed btto fir dollar silk nmbrolis.

Thers mnch dc4iht as to tte origin of amtaraiJaa. The Dr. Josarw O. of. tea demoted atudloua tims lo ths subieot.

ssstelad In km lent Monday lecture, that umbrella war instituted by tte deril as a of increasing Ua popaJatmn of his His theory hi that umbreUas are hut tha mslsriallsid samioas of 6ark sent out by bataa to peas through aa anaar mortals' bands aa po.aibl, cnosisg; bod wards and nsughty Uaeughla which they always leer behind. Ba thank that it Jm not prohahis thai Ihers i chora or Sunday fohool bosk-offered to nmhralla wbach shall cbaags owaeg ofksasmt, thinks tt hard for Baaa to go to Ueareet who affacm amiawlaaa, His adrisa Is to bars nothing to do wah nnibrallaa, ar to sat eatd on trtte of oae's a a staking fund to siak la At aC aeinia ka shca-ssll going knees at aight, find that they ar arson of their embralam, to regard at a a apaeeal faror. sad to te daiy ttenUnl therefor. IT Us sbottkltemmaing, ttaboaldsnrte of eoueaa aad ao andaa fern amtrn shonl hi. Jon nsvsr ted aa amhralla.

Eomon bad Mt completed km ssectris light, aad. therefore, Iwosjim aerer at tempted to look for a lost ubrella. The truth xs. about tte only umbrella which wont got lost tsU old whale boo cotton nmbrell wklch stood tte storm for years, and hroagbl ap ita protecting aegis Urea at the old It, tn tkaea day of trad nmbrcllas. it ia th only on which oughtn't to lost, Bat nmbrnUa are aood tbrngs aTkar all Oct a pretty girl uader sas if yoa cjoabt Inrtasd, tksy are perfcape bta.

asm ws aertaialy seat afford to glya map. Atthough bar to do it sbont tn srery three Ths Jaeaaaaeal ta Adam. wanks ago kt was aaaoaarod that osrtala gaallsmes at xTlmirs, H. had totes fitting tmflmnslal to th km portent iiidiradual racognlad by aad by Hsatheoiioca, aadar other tte first man and fatter of aU iii' iii, Ws find Free Prem of Saturday last tte follow mg W.U reference; to tte monomont -The kea-kmhkm at aa ittxacnt to Anajt is oertamly ana ear tte lamsikkhmthoahmof tteeantury, Anaar acatccc meals. rri tag to tba Blbm, wars notsach na to asaats a thrill of gratltnd tottehaartsof Ba can aot be strength of rksrartsr.

for te leaded to tte aolVHtatloa of a lovely mrolred hh) peatarity kt Ts AnaJf, a man wans lif kaxtfal Uroaghonl, I is not do; bnt weQ ssa how meg smeaal of object of srecting an impoaing meal to tha aaaa AttaJt tha days sf his Brat aabjsslliliig of aarU's stmospters. Ws ara not willing to accept tte theory adopt, aad which stotrsd from ths rtiaimnlssli of tte ana squirt, am. aba. Babe and apes, was stupid, nr-ags bundle of fiesh and bones, not symmetrical or good-looking aa tte boss ape, and. ta fact, rather a disgrace to hia alleged calartilne anoastora.

would rather coooeira of tte first maa. ttecapha-lixatlon of aU tte Creator handiwork, as being absolutely perfect In ahape aad mind not an oreigtonn baby, but ig, reflecting, eontriying, liring moTing iDVeiiigeuce. Such, wa opto, wa Abax. Prof. Gnorn, of Buffalo, ha teen an tagonising tbs Ao am monument, on -Us ground that no such maa as Adam erer lirad oa earth.

Tte Prolessor would doubtless praler a stalely monument to tte aes squirt, sines bs and bis class ar desirous of claiming descent from tte low eat and moat degraded farm of Ills. People generally will prefer a monument to Ua man Adam. It at far aor lie-factory la every way. Mrs. jAMBaon one raid: "I bars acea no statue of Adam, but surety be a a fine subject, either alone or a tte companion of Era; aad Us ALU tonic type la bar aU-aufflcient, combining th teroto Ideal of Greek art, with something heathen whence true autuonty la avsn, ta fact.

ttai maniiaees. Uoarru bad tte Idea that Adam ought to te represented with a spade, ea Us prcganilor of all who till ths ground, aad partially draped with a dear akin that ht bsf or th tali, wklch would te well; but he -adds that Adam should bars a child st kat fast in tte act of strangling serpent Tha appear to to objectionable and ambiguous; If ad-tBMslMe at aO. Ua rcraeory flgur would te a filter sxompsaimsnt of Ern. Ws would not make sock a preeanta- tstm, Adam wm tte Ideal mas, sm body-tag whale rer of phrswal streagtb and symmetry And beauty can te coneeirsdby ttnt statue shookl te nndo tbs qulntasseacs of tte Innnrmii of nudity, The deer skins may dixpeased wiU, They only otma aftsr tte faiL In ADAMa first days awmreis saaimr mmmm mmmu Tto'-futitiimwtMTmmaom award, and, as Bach, down the bouse. mchedeamxraacs oaapeaks, AO iiintid warxdnsr akep from toateakos, holding bar hand saaynt brtmted bis cheek and bar warm koaoss, bar tte waes ee aunt, aimad a wee anna, i lii 1 1 aiairisl ask kaaa aerks.

Taase hsaamasmmsf Mr.r. Bau. Ttossasaasaas msisilsrmealiatimsf scaaaraaa aaa ksars Wry, sad sas inm wm sweesll sad nastr em. tbe ars am ef taa wort see eaassd ead seaekia. i ii ill sa ts wbal should as aadssa, wshmnestr hmmimshaatty BMarckeeeae.

A aam- BasaaJaaMrdmt ta a eaa wktoTm taesiaskmr kad ham smsrilrr piataisf. Tba aaaar at me iiiailsnti sarsfTklskwmldmajiiaaklk. awe at Oas shah-. raB asraeaam arm ha aWaa kaa smin oas anas. The wark eaalarlaaaa wm be tbear Ji nlim men kasa ineuaslakitassv." wm nobis wary real sa- aaOe bun, sad VmbUam AavAar should ba tn oicae sentaot with tums Wbaarrar may te tte pmrpcas of tte Emnra giaiili ma.

they eaa not of cotomal testae of a phreicany perfect aaaxc. That bs aoa tf a takss km years tod M. Il kt na neeaasery ta be Bterany -exact ae to Axwa 'a oior, for am aoaor ia aot known srttb sufflmaal aoauracy. Tte word Adaaaah' means "red earth" or Adam" asanas simply "earthy "my aaantodg" "bloody." Tha root "Adem" am sotor. Dr.

Baoww, nf Oatsgow, tn book defending rfsTery, pubheked twen ty years ago, argued at langth that Adam was Ted, and, sea raig Mher thlrfa, te nidi -Adam, tot his prtmitlr condltioa. befor ba bad falisn andr cosared limbs wxth dothJag, waa a glortoo par snaegk to look apoai ketag af bright. raddy red. Has aa keage of formed af aatl re oeppeg, taatavot with Ufa and motion. Taos, whan te morad ta tte grwsaa of Paradiaa, te glowed tte son's tsysliteeoaas fill mil baiag.

getheriag front tha down bendlag Umbs of tha breee tbs trlns, but nswly maa sad. trait, It not known whether Dr. Bnoww ted a njimal reweiatkm front tte nxajij leea a subject, bot te natdmrlBllin af the philological prlnmali worthy of Botiea. beUera that tte Elnur philadamitea wonld mate auccsm of their project tf they would ssaot a coloaaal copper atatas of tte first mam peraat, Ws weald ha. tbsn, both Beeeuecy and asrlghkaaty.

It ht aranawkit ntagtimr that nntfl this mie day ao for AnaaT. to Europ or Asia, Tte world should te toTtaad to eubaertbe to tte fund, a tte whoie popolatioei ten somewhat of itV fact mtemat Adam. Ilghliin kundrod raarAaftar ths Parmaa bbscator Axutot. tna disd ths Oarmaas swiksned to a aaaea of Uatr otalgaltoas A him. east tm yearn sa.

a -V stsssly mosirmsat to tte watreeem was set. up wtU song aad shows, thrrsral Uoaaanda of years (milboas and bfUions according to oar scicntiAc lalksrs) tews elapsed siac Adam departed, this not so mnch ss pile of rough stooes beea araoled to hia memory. Lei the meaaresat at Elmira te oopstraclad. and let It be hucribed la aaak mrmnmant tt wonld te well to exclude aQ sas leetlimi of trait or sar- pennv fnaaa fmgeastlesat wonid te ths sprsation and pis latssun nf tbs aaalp- tor'a Adam was tte tte acme of possible maaly kaaaty from Us head to kla feet. Let tte Ehnh-a pao-pm see thatte is so wprmantad.

It may ks a dram tat Us purees Ue phllod- nanilsa to msfcs their monament eoryper. tar snnnm ht atnenmTi sod it will take an lam uaa amoeiat ef at to tasks rnliaaal Adam. lot there te no hollow frandofnststas, it must be solid, eoloa-sal, heary. Prahebly tbs eeolutloaiata wul tote an lulsnst ht Utle tnonokasntto ths progon rlor of tte raca, bat as tteky klaaaof tte chaiacter of tteraregeaitor differ yary ma terial 1) from that of tte lOaaira people. they anight erect at snlnsml ms i quirt or "ankaown tn marble, wtth an nppronimls mecrlp boa at tte baa of tte agar.

Clsdetess and taa Tortos. enmi days ago waa a mam bttter tbs Raaonaairmi-n policy- tbswoaoot. lap anally ths foreign pegttaa of policy. Be charged tte Tories wttn tog tk $30,000,000 eTorplo bsaxSan ornr to thorn-by tte lateral ndistnlstiansn at 1674. and tnU neeecttog beaajeain te th attempt ta tegulelo sa toarth of tte asaaa ass ta forrdgn mnds, In 1 tioaaign policy kasl on of sc- grsV jk, ths I af ttesMoa.tte Taaiarrraal Bepablia sad ifghasaaan tt ant uslomnadly bean fraaght wtth lajmv ttea, sad tt asdatm Taat isnuunslrjillly apoa Ue British QoTernmanl, which has rarely beea kaowa to nests tomtory oo- suptsd te tte India past af ths nmpcr by sari el of of tojaatma, bnt nt tte am Urns If Faglsast had not aaiaad att tba by Tnglaml Tte Dalcb Boctth Africa, hmt Tag! and Tte rsstilt of al Eagiaad's rest ermqnaats a tte twdaxoptawA of tte fssTsst -on tte globs In behalf of tte highest type ef etrllisalann.

That Fnglaad nrieston trndonbtodly, great mrilianr ate will eoatiaa to te. becaum ate ana not telptt, Th annejt- ntion nf ens tomtory iarolTm tte annex-axioa of contiguous territory, aad so tte sxpsnslon tea goo on year after year. To-day tte scqiilsition of Cyprus is proruig the opening wedge to ths rwdemption and raecieratioa ef Asia Minor and Syria from ar nil bai her less, and Us opening of now markets for Britain's dtipramid conimeroa. Looking at BA- OuKaTiAXD'a foreign policy from tbe stand point of a higher drlllmtion. it la a bieee- Mr.

GtADeTOJta occaeionaily tn kla speech anUntste that Ua Toriss are re-tpoosible tor tte btigiaia depression in Kagisnd during tha pest yaar. Tbav tt mum The depremloa may ralher be attributed lo tbe fall of pnee flu to orcrproducuon thtoughout tte world, the dec! lae of wages, fail urea among, merchants, manufacturers aad bankers, tte disturbance of tte peso of Europe by war and threatened wan, lb numerous default by foreign Govern, meats sod corporations in Us payment of British loans made to them, and the dim inution of British cornxoercial snlarptiees In foreign lands. These are eom ot Us procuring causes of Britmb financial preasion. which ars altogether outside sf tte Influence of aay Government policy. Of course, should Bat ttmnxij'i sourea with reference to Turkey drift to sock an alliens! as tte oecu patio of Coaatantioople, war with Russia would and Us foreign policy could Justly te blamed as detrimental to the penes of England.

Txra Ifew Yorker ars afraid of aottoa balee from Memphis, believing that ther It a good deal of yellow favor wrapped np In them. A learned doctor tells tte Ksw York Pact that "eottoa ginned In Mam phls donag warm weather is Hkely to coo tela the poison of provaillng dawasm com i rami ta It, and if this cotton hi rwad In warm weather it will likely spread fllmma. wb areas if It le opened la cold weather the frost will probably kill as. This was the danger ia tte Memphis ccUoa tsCnt, Tte twenf mni FATnmt ttohfcrasatlrseef sasaar tsaetn The laassr sf the bessaa mas, tm am kasaaaeaf weaaa esa ho her tm mm. aaUiaal auOTsTLmaeak KS, Wssrssssnsamssasm Te ms smmarf ef ka tfasMrstiiioaa, bemad; 1 mmtm ssmiressad bwnam kaa tTasmt naaamn, nsseraMSBB mm Tertta see aBBasssnanm seam esssasaeele naih.ereisrWenaisa.etms as.

tmasw 'mmm kaCaaaxaa bat lard Pussmiiis. lam Inmt aad ssa km lard baaar, aad arse aaaaat aatbry Lar aad kanaaa namrm ase bM aaasd MMeasaasse TTM i id' IT I exf eases ssmasa wbsa. tk asamsn IsatamoAUs, ef waan we ham erataxca at a ntsa. Siiinnai.a net aadmanmrilliasmnaaaa. saa ssaarsesassmmmsl ks imirainl krakal sansaf sas wart.

tar af fraam aasaavssa Isaaoaaam ead IssBfea. kiekli eaeaanaaaam coaanskM aH aara at sas wak km awaa. aaaa usskaif. Oipmsssssaad hsmif waa ri mn at ikiaal i pen it at nxrH. esses ta).

had aaaaasaaas mr ma seed ssarssasm ef Tarasr tm Aata. asakweakse mesess bar ArwiaBa sal lie soon irks snsns athnt ps wm wonld, Fmnc and ISrtagnl botb bad Uair haada on India, bnt they ware snron edasdae of tte kales, am an a which th xoalaclal dm of Msmphm bad atoamn sued, were aanthm as area ef danger; bnt tf these bale war packed when mat away from Memphis wrth blocks of wood between mm that fresh sar could circulate aronnd them, tt ts probable that dttriag treASTjrartaUoa theer miarioT at least would bticnme hannleea. now famoas '-Oenaent attarh-aataf Is to be still aTarthar utlllxed la the South by patting tt In das eonaertioa with th cotton seed oil mille and thaa elmultsneonsly taiakiag tte oil and yarn oa tte aotton gestlsmss of New Iberia. la about to make this eombtne- which wttl giv lnrg number of ample mm and greatly intttae tte profUa. In coareraatioa with reporter of tte Atlaata ConetauUon te said: "If all the eotto was.

spaa take yarns end all tte eeed grotanl Jnto ell and Into task, tt would give emptoymsnl to twios Mtanny people more now employed tn tbrnagb my mUl bring yielded by Ida not tap. Thers asa 1,000 nowad of mod cotton to every bnm af tint, nr en toa to very two balee. Tte aropt 1,000, sale, wkjch weald grve as (00, 000 loae of oottaa eeed. Tha eal anilat gat lea doUam ent sf svery son of this that hi groand np, wham ton dollars ht wasted ta very othm ton. If tha whole 1.500.000 re ehoald have added lo yahm nf Byraaasag Uroagh the CI em sat mill we doahlsttevajMnf tte Hot cotton, Onr crop of $.000,000 hale Is worth, at fifty dollars a awe.

roO, 000,000. By spanning) through the Climsat mills we wonld add vslas sf many aotton seed oil mill ht saw they ara tonruilsg thrssasowt ths Booth. Tnm Hrw Iberia geallsmis Is going mate mecsryesxtef lus proposed einanhramken aad hm eauspism will no wonbtte tan ita led, wtth good scull to srmjbouy. Tte sotton Btatnt eaa be-oam, Uroogk nil nulls and yarn mllla, attong fat tansnf actnrlng as ta agricul- Tn bill for tte turn of the etJO.OOO serve Cube, it re-nortsd from Hxilrtd ts iiksiw in ttrougb tba-ofipoaitlon of tte ConaarrB- vac, iuaist that the stave-ewnera hall not he deprived of the Ubor of their rvB mar eigoa yeam aner tn arasmetr las negrom ars sectored fre and tte sdocntion of them ehiVlrM After tha sight yean, ia srdcr to rvevent eamrnl lapea iala vagTaacy, Ue Govern, tnmat nt to nav tte svwrexght of them and oosnpal them to eara a hviag. Il they refuse to do so they eoeae aaoer the vagraat mw.

TbedeaHw atto prsveatfte sodden end bjurioos break np at tte ttrhHag labor syatem which woulo follow unaMdiaU mnaaoiparisa of Cabnn amvas mxf wn. Tbat sot wm in traded to te Partial to te operation, ss at prwrided for tb eaftnaiiklaamiat nf tte ahilaraa ot mw msthrnn. wka wonld Uersafker bs born, without oomr, insert on. and for the rrifisnrbisemaaq of tte Ur children korn nrsajiensxy to and since Btpkum bar. 1868.

Us ewna to recarv from tte Oevarameat in saoh Tte net earn rawviaed that aQ aiavas reerhJag ike ags ef sixty yearn fbonld te free, Tte plan of gradual ranmptioa aadar tte clrcmmsacm Is a ana mum, sad there om not seem to te any hardship fat it, whim ImmirllaH smsanpailun wonld mt once throw upon Cubs aa titt. Jg. norant and elsturblng Bow ann CabboUs the nrofi alaaderer of the Bouthera people, has beea ht I nnlsmaa for soots six weeks wrtUag np ontragm oa tte dsfanrnlam siaiiwa" for Ua Nsw York Tbnan, and tolling bow they ant butchered, hunted down aad ftorlagto tte He also depicts tte lenririem tn which white Beyuhlicaa are hold and tte a amber af those individuals who fall iTTlhiaimasisi kalfa. How ann, evidently, nossn't beiieve nay of am own yarns, for te tnrest around sanong Urns sJlaged Moody acasimwitJiont sanref pawgnal la Jury. Bs ndmlta that Wasmeonn esespsdrsvamrsmtea, but only by SBiraale.

niaaegiilj aaoegk. be re-- Uat tte nagrom hava pieaiy of money, and have bean working hard and mriagta. Bs says nt tte stag town of eort Bseaea tte nagraat have aold werU eotkoa, kat ha doss aotat-nnnpt to reconcile that stslimsel with hie mis of 'gmstnt maamcii." Ua ahould crpUinto kat berildersd sssslsrs now no-KTOtm. who ar driven te tte swamp and auverssily haUerad, caa loulttrate cot-ton mt their awaaccoaat aad aaak psnaty money. Ke Barmmkmn ka ever aolred that problaca, and no Berwblloan win ai-manpt It, mrrnm aaaveissane wm not only gaaraU the a Krai territory fat BoHrta.

but with their present overwhelming tide of suocsee they ea torn as well annex Pant a not, ana be masters of both the guano and Bitxate tnaaona. Fern' credit 1 gone, Bolivia te none, and tte British holders of a bugs aaiouat of Paravtaa paper hare onorao to loan Use Chiliaa Goverameat $3,000.00 if tte letter win Parnvmn riaNlltisa. Tte only back act to Chin hi tb miss faam of tte ArgeaUae CVmfedcratkm, which. In spit of 1U paeogea, km to colonlx tte asatv era patrlun of Pmagnnm. which Chili claim.

Tte Argesllsm ars taking nd-vaalag af Cain's aiciwlty of craacen-trakng set torom sgnlnat Pern. iw, Tk Vkbia outrage mannfairimm vidently weepe himin Weonwona was Beafabiy rratbb What fins aaartvr WeansaaB vatmld have Bkadal By tte way. Mr. CtArr. have yoa any proof that all them seam) ware snot and babisrlid nt Weotv renp's skeerlT A CAan bam Jasoji B.

Barn ta nnh. Hehad that airaralns kfr. Rein an I IV, most ether eaxowritera, dose not begin bis scammnnmation wtU My attenUoa hm beta Mr. Bnowa frankly admit that te can and tt-it te did fend. Coronas would do aa eminently prop- to thing if at wonld decide that hereafter tte etealona shall commenc tn January.

Tb plan of breaking np' for tte holidays tt Impossible to do aay nminaae nnul tte aeonnd week in January. Xat Tiaxo tea written new lecture on 'English It seem Uat ate ted to stay tn Fngland several year to find enough, atennrrs wttk which to pad out a two-hours' lecture. CnxcAOO did not aurpem Louisvins ia ths nmttar of weather; ao, nor In hospi tality. Tte crowd np there may bars trifle larger, but ft was aot so sestet. Coawcttoan Ammbji a talking up Ua JNkaraguaa canal scheme with aneommon rigor, but no American capitalists her bean heard to my "Axrxjrr Taa Cofnuga-JoDsUfAt.

of this morn Ing eoalalns more reading "anattor Uaa was aver before published la Louisville la mday. Taa bnnttnc did aot "lanih fat th brecasT yeaterday. It looked lite tte tail ot a wet rooster. Tar deaaoiattration by tb Cocxaxn- eorrespondeaU thla morning ia bo small Biatter. Tn clouds and sxtra umknem were Intsndea aasrely for a bettor display of efcjTPchcta.

Tarn Louisvilie dx-rnoostrmiioo surpeseed that of Indianapolla, as it ahould hara TtTXOxn wee good deal of water yea- toruay, bat there wss also eom Ou 27 oaa i ark wm heeded vertsriir. takaiakam eel agaas.tke wrstk mm beea. A ILC8SASS WCSSIX3. as rtara Pnw ef fart trailed an Marrtaae la Caseise Isane Blaawa as Wiaonaeter. si rnocaaxAS tin rsa raeAiiT.

the 'Jeers Anas. Use. IO For fcaebla Bserew eostety of Csatral Kearaeay ka beea ex in Ink aser the of tVrutre Isasa Bloom ot Wtoohester to kliss rtorerrleeof that atly. mantra Bloom, his aame Indicates, la a Magistrate ef Clark eoBBty. aad ansmim tbe astasia and eeeaV dseai af the people ef that eoeaty to a a.

marbablc Segiae. Mr. Biota. has beea moat serrmfal msmhent. eed.

In addtUoa I eos-eeesaag a enWIthieci ef this world's goods, has added ks ba fortaae eseref the head an bellm thai ever gissit Kaetaocy's eon. Tea wsstosr that ketaebrlgtit of the hrhtVe father. There tte rrlsaea of the happy pear were ky aakkt B. E. a.

Blrsea. LeeJerule. Tte rtkseef the Bsarew Isnh ere nartr. waa a i aflirann arsis vkat wttl be taken to Ho make by Misses Sheets aad Bslleek, of Uat ntty and earmtaly eettttm them le greet ersdtl ii II i lis. It mailiiitof tte krtdal drees af ef eld goMseua.

asm eajssasrli trass. wtth ef rekto striped ealveV aad frtage. Thta Tmvaltageaamnf Wee eeeasi's kehreloth. Black smkmirn rnaiwil ts trmgsendmtts. wtkh skxrt mt rakks atrtpsd seua, vrapoer ef ree kins A wma colersd Pekin etitpad I kt krssfca In old gold and win Dra wers costly and hi aaa to gtv eom pi ate aisstloa.

The tollewtox le only tarthri hats An aaws losket set est wnh aa m4eJstts ake hmkets, r.eUrar alarm eloeh, caa pearl Chma, trait Jeael eesket, Cam taa est, axonlalts aostam of black Many af tha saust piualaiat seoole ef ram. prisma, to idseaaa ta a ear from Oearsaall, UsaasrtUe aad eta Bloom, ef tb Claslaastt srsksetra; Beery Leah, Wmkistir; kiax. Aaksrtsad, Oaera-Bstl; aforrle Byaaaa- and Boi. Baosmger, Umlsvuie. EWTOtKCITT.

Kepablieaa Parts Leaders Centret. lie tae. Jtacklae MeeUes el Staakhaidere of th Ws V. T. Be.

Maw Tons, Das. 16, la tha new Bepah. naan CesMval Coaasatttse, tke etelegaiae to wkmh were eleeted at the Kspublicea Srt-arlm laat eight, ths riprmislstlrs party liadkis win he even slioagm than hi theer gealiallen ef thla year. There ware few pel nls. At thee where ther wee aay poasihtuty of trouble, huge bam ben of po- ssaiovs DcriAnoas.

Bat of tbe Kew York Central railroad piers ea tke Bejdeoa rrmr tram the reailes astehiahid ky law sad ht ether ways. Two piers were soail ranted, eaid, wuhoat ehteleta Ike loanat ef the Cnm win! nairs of the ate stag read, sad tte nlens he ve aow been snknutlid to the Omvmamkmare tf tor piers to tekuflt, ts earn steked that the eompeey nbtamsi aa-daa adraanasa ta tke teswth, width ead aagie ef these piers, sad the eom ef ahe leees ef af the sliiss linlilsia of tte Westers Uatee Tmegiaah Uompsay today, th aaertsriy revart ef Ptsstaiel Korrln Osssa waa aaaa. The net prtmts tor tke east fiaiSs TsaaBreah Compsey aadar salsa. tag aamaislil wul be eboet 41.473,Mli sarplas October letal, ri.tls,71t; tree wbjcb arroprteaiaei mtersss ea ta doM, liH.uuo; eoeatraeuoa. par-of etoak of teesed hnm aad i7S.OTxa aad alakiac road soproprtaueas.

0, Uarsa a hsUaea of eXSl7.71a A dlvitfaad of aad toree. qaartar per lie I. reeeims tnTeO, dsdartlug waieh leeres enrplee, after paying the dlrt esad. af 1,000.17. Is view of the preeediag Slslsmsnl the Exeeative Com rallies reoom.

meadsd the aoootioa by the huard of the following: -iuAmd, Tae Orrtaead and thrae- 1 a -1 1" asosths aadlac Dseember St be declared parable Jsaaary La Bsxt to the etosk holders of at the close ot kaiiami oa tOU af Dinmbsr. that aa extra dirt dead of oaa per seat, ke declared payable oat ef the sarplas saucers the treasury ea the lath of Jseeary aext to tbe etockholdare of record al the dose of the books oa the SOtk ef Oseseabsr; that, for the purpose ef each di rid aada, lbs stock books of the eompsay be closed ettr. n. tm tke htak of December, sad te reopened ea tbe moretog of tks loth of Jaeatry aext, The extra dirldsad dislsrsl by tte Atlan-Ha ead Vmmmm Tesagrapk Compaay am eoe-foartkaf en per not one per ss BsejvsBenly reported. AIlaartGObart, A I Catted Mem Appraiser ef thi atty.

waa errestsd te-aay I hen id wnh eompiicfly to vert oas Caetom- tsed at evMO. TIltlllA. ear Blacked Mamevnt nf Ka i soldier Oateere. Pea, lav In tte ly to-day tares addtrtom were klistss. vat: Corma M.

Bryan! as, Treae-nrer; B. W. Welker, Bnpsrlsliailsat af Pkav He frtattag, anr aameal O. tbllltmi, Jt awaarlalmdrnt ef ton IWtmttaii. Tares cam maa she i ii lii ill rs srai karefaAl aontiuf Sf lbs Sksss gnreremmt.

rwranaaoaa. Dee. to, The aetloa ef the Ttrgtaia Laglililma hi iwmuilng from ofase aim hied, mtpplad Coafsderske eolaem ke eaa whae aad tare and eaooie. Bo great Is tte 01 fvmtag. aktato todlgastioa.

that cards wars to-day placarded coeap locoes plasm Ihrouchoat the ally, sas ef a hie reels: heary bean, route hoots te aslnissi family, after betot tareed out at a aula stTtaa, ha eaiy ataaai af auyoort. Ok, eaaats, yea ana abssM ea rosrawa Sarrsrsl ether cards ef ehaOar hnpon ara posted oa Uiagrapk poles aad other eoaspie ITOIMT WEATHI1. A Hameaae Das tiers Life ead Preaa eriv nt Meaieh, Jta, Saew Alarm ta Mmneeotn. Sr. Loci.

Dee, ML A very severs wtad storm peeeed erer th tows of Keaick, Be. olphaoanty, yesterday evsatng. Tha rsillmss of Mr. Byrd KrW wm tore to please, vary member of the family beta atoreorleaa tajarea, aad Mr. Byte falsely.

The hoam of Jam Patrick wm blown down, sad Mm, Wright, vMtor, a aevarely hurt that ah died met aight. The walling of Nosh Bulkhead wm kern to pi ma. sad Mrs. Btarkbsed aarloaely wounded. Bsrarel otaer honem arses considerably htlared, ead fsacea, gram, atucAs, trees, destroyed.

SBow-eToajt. 8r. Pafu Dee, U-A TtsfO special to tte Plus isr his ear eaa of tbe hardsst storms ta lb history of the Aorthera Psctfle rau-rosd nrsvaus sil siog tbe Ilea from blast arch to Ouhnb. Orer ea arse four haadrsd ssiise equsrs, the saow at a to. 4 deen oa Isrsl.

ead te drifts four feet. Trains ar all delated, aad basmces ta towns slopped. It at feared easKAluas to sstltars at exyoeed premises wul reealk, CK1CC3. Meetieg et the Amerienn Rtactneal aaeietv Eatssesal Cathedral lied, leaked. Etc.

Csicteo, Doe. rft The inrlras TTlatlil sal frostoty Is hi esssaoa her ta-day, promt- neat elsrtrtsteiii sad tslsgraphers from all pert ef the world hafng present. The pro-eedmgs war naasaslly tatcreetlng. The laD owtn officers wore elected for tte asuing fear Prashlsat, Use. Aaaoa hta Tlee fesal-ieote, C.

H. Ussaius. Uwsakse; P. WntbL CUvaiand: O. II.

booth. Maasdeld; T. A. Pooe. aw Tork: KtsbaCrray, Chicago; O.

T. Wt Cia-etnasti; T. W. Judas, Bsnrs ta; C. A Jones, rlaeoroliig (vsersiary, ai4 B.

Coand er, Treasurer. Prof. Jamse C. Valson. of Asa Arbor, wee elestsd horw metntiee.

W. K. brass, a prominsnt Coenloa eisctneisa, wse sleeted tn mroorifitt. frof. tt.

o. leruari rasa BigMr-msiracure hdc ea "etmoroiirrte a of tuftga tetatmUsf to tag )eatM aay tarns, kat ea this escessna were rendered Soahfy ee by tb pathos sad goad wtakm aiaiiaaafl lor is eair tkm iiartbig apoa the voyage ef nf. After Ike eeraeeoey aad snsaislalslliies hsadsoaae SB wm ksrlikia ef, after whisk tke aamber ef frtsade. took tha Cts lies ill, trsee whsae tm a i a da eu, sasae beadle nat psekars, walaat medicate eheet, peer ef tl rer lae nooar pots, alscsal walaat sttitiais, siaairaad kiiakntil eetef Frseih hesrdseeae euver water pitcher, China inTiaiT astarae tor Oetekm, aaaitf complete sefflksetta" maMsTthe I'l'a'las at" the AUsaUe Tn. If oral, af em re hlel Collage, gave ea ee rstaoatre 'coatrasv UTMinos, lam wean sa order wee catered ta Ike CKy Cosn here d.rcc the a era (Jaioa rls- trech Com pen to tain eve ih Uae of the net Wasters TeiegraDh Compaay to ra-err.

Aa apoeal wae asked by the former, ead, pesHlmg ctmatderattoa ot tbe appeal, the Aiusrv-ea Luioa Tsleraiia ompear aw. ceedtd to tsxe torctb1 protsaalim-ef tans-tana ef tn line MraanaH. ttaataa aad M. brmha. Tba moraieg the AntieUale loan of thai Jistrtet hnaiil supersedeas rettrammc taervoatvvrof the Araoesa Iratae with the Hue.

Ihie restone them to las Western caoaca PsofCATtoe. The ptscopal cathedral of Hatnts Pseer end real was eoassersiad tela moraieg Ik tbe tmposteg aanaeanaiei ef kne hptseaeet 1 he eaarea wse I'Muaa atssoak musctty other en 'y with eei aiaiaaiii al aotsbiiltls from etues sad bv htckersa. of Bsrf.amd tbe set of A BtAMiTIC XZltl tm tbe Trial ef tte. HV ft.

Ravdan tar tke at arder af SJarr ntaaaara 1 ke tafaaela Mr tie ea tne Slaad, Maw Htvae, Dse. le. Ther wm a are ta the Bay rial today dnrmg ef Mm, HsytmWwhan Mr. Wsllsr asked the foUowtag Thar wa no am wse. Ths wli mto Is ars, as did asariy ersry hanadent MItb)aa taeeitlethe wfcv Mr.

Waller dsfsarlil bl CtlMtc Orlando Greeeael. th Wit Kara derer, Ranrwrad Tilt Jannnrr So Other Cnmieal Xtattere, FicisBuaca, Dec hX Tae myeeaetoaa lk appmmsaa ef Thosms tstaVsu, aged mveaer yecm, aoa efe prom la set botlar-makm. eeea- lea -Mommhsr BLto Te'eioca, teas tkat svarytkmg etkhe works. Invmllgmisn show the! he eUttle doggery kept by- Uraagatoa, torsasrly wsshs foe tbe MnNaos, at of Twenty eighth street; that between ead 10 o'clock, er wm thrown down etas. The aappssllto tl that te wa dragged to rramklis.

He wss act addicted to Uoaor, kat family assart, bat Bdghhnaa tka vtatalty of the eorgsry aay ba drank Ihers oa th night la nasal lo. A son af Mm, Urines toe, a mlddie-eged maa, la In custody sa stitptrtoc, kw aaotkar aad kimulf barmg mads soatra-dletery stekeaasate. The prleoetr aart he did a ok weal ta aae tbe eld mea, ead kept eat of the bouse while be wa 'bars. uaeli e. Ik la claimed that he follows.

Mr. eMail sloeg Twdetv-stchik street. Tee poUee eatkerttlm have I dilated ee taveettaaUen, sad ae eae Is silsrwed to sm the prune sr. cntraur a sna, BosToa. Dee.

Hh Tke mieatlee ef tke Catted Steles Cnmail aaia' Court wm oe- eapled yaaterdey with tk oaa of Cent. Oliver, ef the ship Catheters, against whom ara three chsrges, aaad by msmbsrs ef the crew. Tke arat eherge, tkat ef I eeelag ead woe ed leg Albert mlakew, wm wttodrewa by the woverameat. Oa lee iseoad eomplelat, that Heary fclgsa. litotl siaia, for ktat ta and woaadlag, the Cap ale wee bald for Ob an ihiid aoeapumt, for aeaadiag Oscar Kneed ema, he am discharged.

At tke eaeslatiae ef lae exemteelloa mimbsra of la area wka kad Isitittd ware kakea lo New Tork to eppser ta tbe cese ef Met Van Pi let, who ht caarged wttk maraar. scsraoTxo BDaoaaaas Aaaxs-ran, Conmaa N. Dee. 10. Tke wtTe and oldest son of Levi H.

fUoae kar been arraclid ht eoaneyttoe wtth hie murder. A xustM fmrresia. ALOAarr. Dae. ML The Goeeraer km re artevsd Ureea Said till Jaaaary Xu, Be was lo be keaged Frldey aext.

rse ntntDna or nsasann bilbt. PalUDaxraiA. Dee. 10. The Coco era Jury la th cam of rleraant hMler, shot and Allied deratg politics! row lathe Fifth werd ea Ike id of tltramhm.

I star aid a yer. dint Ihcf Iks dtsssssil rsmt tit kit trstk et the heeds ef John MeManen, aad Tha. Byes 1 MADII8 MILL The Lnesiene, tkerkaered. Ska pair Iteaatr, and Whatnne Ameeate re. IMsdrM Laaar a am Siaiani fmvj Te-day I wm eeked kf eee of tk eark-eyed, fatal sal Ing.

gra asel ead ateiely deer eeas sf Madrid III would nee act ke see bs ft lie. I rsedilr aeree tad- Bow tar do yoa warns, wm tbe ride mt drtvet. Merely roand the coram. Thatieanrl Iki a ui a at roe-, assess a diet cese eoeal la the ararcsl pert ef halllreor street la Hire em's Hotel, hat to walk with teak Saewf loos, grsasf ul msaiillk ead May test ef the deep ead derk-ered eeeaty would a a paintnl piece of pe-isetiaieUm. What ake lacks la aaiXlag ah makm np is talfcmg.

Wkewt maam aad electclc esareemiioa is nothing to a Madrid heiiea loagea, oa topms of post a ma et It est. The brliliaat way ia wamk aba erttbrUsd Aaesneeao sad asaor jaaa IngJss. ss she styled her nrevtoaa John Bull ga, was, ta Ik r-ps amort is Wagaags of Wait hilmse, a eaatfasi to enekm "Dues tree is tm. grlsM' Bos whee et kosDsr' I reolr. la all aunnoeii.

that I So Bot. aad ask why she pats sack a purtiaaieal onsmos. Ot, seeot la ao cold aad rutld ia aajlng bat eae ys ead one ao, when to laeat wa aaa a And, by my broth, she doe east her sit eed her inrii eoom most leraa'y. Taere aot semteolna in tka belle's itstiam. to my sothmg of period.

Bat whs a forest ef polate of exciaaaatioal Wa alight at "roeed the corner," ead ther I am prssmud lo mamma arat, who tase res rule me te sen, who tare prssselc sae te his aoa ead ale ve daaghleea, cask ef whom he specially dsstgaatea by Chrlsttea name, tf 1 war a ceasea taker. Bowes, be dhea aot, aor da tbey. all ads to ages, tor a pretty girl to Bpata hee aa egel lie tee eh aiumora. lent Tke taeerleble ecjeeae art kaa tal aad akocolete gom reset and eowa asly emek. Tksee people ea beat a tiles or Bin la rapfdl kag ke ekoenleka, cap after ee.

Was aa aaaoamej Bowma hmpl-taUty every saeaabsr ef tka fsmUy teJa see smpbatiaallr thasj the beeae Is st my is. aostl. aad. la kisirnes wards, slmesl sxeel, the ami tared Callforaiea, whose bospitelity la ral'" I fast, evcrvthlaa kt at year from the clotkea ea. Ctafldrsaa thacaleU, aad very monk mssaemasks.

The keet people setter is hers thdsar lutasdeaAy earn ami absmt Bcsmcasarjeee wan aba list ten of dlralnettve raraiea ledtos ead geeUe-kaea. I taii us salsn't fism a In i tliiism." Tern Moore mrs saaat Mara Oaiat tame; kat than tbsee le cask a Ikmg ae cam1 aaaaia, A hule ef that so stews gom loeg way perttealerty sf Ike sweet hake a) taened tosttsa rose kaee aad play wtth yen, watch i sad weala to sm "wheels ro woead," toe reaowasd "Hs's Bthlm." Aa ectharlmi ef asaea. Bee eay eae ever eee Bpeafah belle sewt I nsvsr hare; srse ae ao. Of tbe half deeea basaiiss to this gross aot eae af them eoeid pal a thread through tbe eye of a aeedle keif ae easy as Ik btbUeal ears at eeald prosssd shroach tt. Ho eae ef them eve eUwbsd ta all km hfe.

Tee oaly knew kow eroc hat-work wm done, bet am did tt, 1 keow maa ta tbe legal profession not baadrsd Bali from Moanmsat Sqaere that eoeid beet them ell st aeedl sad tareed end htiinia boamg ead keek etltohing, eta. Theer enure bvee here base apeat la rsedie; rrach novels, ttorsTs tng yrench mori rtdJlae of drses ead tbe bills. Teey tod aot, aeltber do tner epta, aad yst Solomon ta ell hie glory la aot, I treat Barer will be, canal to one or a doaeavf them. WIS ILUe of the veUeyl Whet dsffydowndtlltes! let aot aae would refuse to ee a boeeswu'e! Toang maa. doa'l come ker for helpmste.

Toa eaa do better at kome. Tksy eaa at tig after a tsshioai they esa play the piano fairly well, sad strum tha gaiter like begets, km te patch your paste. looee, they woald sad "die le the breech." ebeoiBtety dsfcalsd fsUarssI They caa pewt la wale colors all tte stUl Ills" your Inieaioaiioa may dssira, but to boil dish of sweet potatoes would ka a mac ot "hot welec ead aa ee wm the creel wtth brietman'a belle. A Madrid beauty le bot a oy forever, aad kt she keeps oa as ah kt ake Barer will be. The Ohio Creason, Crscttratn.

Dae. IO. The Ohio Btats Oraaga la-day eleeted a officer for th ee-eamg year: Pieatdeot, 4. H. bcham; Ovsr-eser, T.

V. Joy; Lectarsr, rf.kv'. Ogdea; ktewerd. Devte Vrhlpor: Tressarwr. R.

rupbsasoa: F.xeenUre CommitteeV A if. F-Uie. PaxtMt and bmleem Agcat, T. H. BUL retione were adopted ondamnrng practice of newspapers ia advertising nostresaf eed taiage of ea Immoral a slurs, nrging aaembsrs to withdraw petroesgs from each aewapepere.

It was rssiiminealcd that saemonale be seat ta Caegtiss, mkieg for IsarisleAloa to remove the evtts of eoprssstoa ta the matter ef freltthl treasportetioe ea railroads. One hasrtrsd msnibers took tbe degree. The milun will close, te-ssor- Presideal Caraetl Beeleeted. BAiiaroaa. Dee 10.

At regular asoethly masting of the Board of birsotot of trie Baltimore end Ohio railroad to-day, Joha W. Car sett wm saaaltnoot'y elected rreeldeol for tbe eneuiBf year. IbU ejatet ths twenty, second eooseculir year ef beraeU meeuoa sal-rssnv. Cxplaeiaa at tee. Bab lasiM-reon, Dec la.

Ae sinlostoa ef oewiiTed la area ea ielTenos etreet, t-akland, last nlftit, siuajlnr aersrsi blueks. Owe hoaae wae eiiuost emc-taiy a-eacked ed sassy others oatnarnd. A ho, Wuhaaf Lmch, am bailie borfel. Tn ConstantinoT rnventavTit hat ds u4 te sstabueu aa 1 tMraal. Now, kla eaa.

yea aaad sal aes as ak saasskm aamsee era ase as wsm. Mr. BarOm. rua eras eaa mam same mesne ki liiiocaaaai wo lur baa isa saat eed else la Tee astn TTlL'lL. smm rstsrkaa aaiinae lune 4 roe ar ifnil sf ha sa-aaamssssMssteatm tt hsnkaaae saeeast wnaue rse au.

eaesr aa ra iramaits mmeaileaawlialaa amm barst wimiatatae mast, ead msec giistsasdm bereef the etaram ess. An xanraaded the ream, aad tl a the ys sf set sneasemaf aeatk tee nasi liter the the foot be mtt ther aadeflasr tell coBveyoe aae breaa. hat fasnlii to Ike hoaae sjkoaolam tnuiiexTT Pertissnt Baggeatiees as to nna Method of tletuac a Hew sinks Ceeeialetioa Aa Imseea taat BstMr, tbb tioar err. tTermaMBaraf tesctisilsi fisaeslt there eaa bs ao eeot kbet ea tag aeajortty of the people ef Kealaeky are In faror aBcrlng, amending er aboliahiaat tb present aaattbnUua, and of sUopUngsae ntorcia aoaformlty wttk tbe actual stale ef society aad -the progrsaslTs epirit ef Ih Whether this can aow be doe. Is view of tte tact that aaejerttyaf all th votsm ef ths Lists failed- to vote for tke a esllmg Is a aaa coarse Hoe et the lata election.

la Cocmy's rConstrimtimal Umki we aad them sacral prtaslpsm ef yiiak fhe ptapla af the several TillBmlaa ii firmikiaiilninumueiiiimliii by Congress, bat ealy lbs aaeaaar kllswsd by eaek mtt Beg acta sad tbrenrh tbe eottsn et emek pinna aa she eaaowtal arts abaci iotbe wttk Ik eieetlve frsaehae te it ii i-1 uae la tkeortgteai ntsam aad ell ea era sekttaetetie admitted mt th Cetoa, the 1 ttnial mi Ihale aiiailllslliaa rsem ta tbe great body ef lae people sa sm wr sis wets eaiiist, waa, natayf wttk alllai an soesraleaty sad tee am at mam eataseay. aeee Bows te sj a these saa, by ess. eee clothed wah rights, ead who, while that kiriramsal re rm to tbe esse i erceas three ah arhl ins wm or tas aoai-pouiie eee be ex 1 hie nut lb wul ef the ptniilt ta the tea Iss by wb sack a kody-pearile sea sae aaa which mast aether be prmiilljsd sv me tteesHThk.eresaa act ef I meat sy am ar sat, wets ilnaiwoeK aeaataa. -y -i f-r-mimnili ante thkt iak)ts aad to poms smt a aaede tor tea oaprmlioof IhsW wul Iks shitets af sa preelstsa sae atltattwa Itself. 'loarvh la animnisui wtth null si ml i nee, aaa from the rery asuisfly ef the i a re scare sets to aa erlaiwg enastllaihm or entire rssaton nf maa be prepared asm fori The bod tarn aatt ef deiikataihim ta kha aeeam mm rsiltmlisa eejectiua.

The powa ef toe people to isel er re ewe tkekr suattkmaiBs at aae or the ether ef the wars seagrtits. at cabjeatealy te tke rest rh tiose si aialatd to tke Cuasllleuoa of the atted Steles, test meat be tape plicae ta term, mast aot prune for liilee ot aobtlttr. Bar pees lews to rtoatto kb ooitssAioea of eoatraole, ate. Tbe peeraaoa at ear sooautattcn 1 lllMg sa Ibis sabhmt aaay be beiedr mated, thaet aaetlea 1. arttses vesta tb Irgt IsBm peas.

T-lathi lliannftpimmisli i lite Tka power pleeery tor all earposm ef erael gnrsmsiael, skset eaiy ta seek lulus ss beea beta impaesd aad to lb liisiidloca the Conwiieaisa ef la Uenwt ea. maspeaasatiy ef Ik in nunlsls, iieet wiiaie the scope ef etm go. It liable to be dealt with ha Lagaiislare. Anisis twelv points nt th mods ef as, vhtiag eoadlietioe, whlek prwndM the when amiorttyaf taemsmkmeef the two. koaase.

wtthta the test tarsals ears at as oaear, teey aaa pass a law te is as of the ptnpls as to Ike Mi ef coarealioai tk a set taa ahasi ke led to Ike people Ike aext esaesei and. If a saajorlt af all the af th stele rote thsrsluc. mt tke Beat Wea-erei Asssmbly tbey shall a asaoad Mam earn. mtt tba aeseUoa to the people, eed, kt bee majority eball agaia rote for tt, Ike glihl httare shall call a eoaveeuoa, etc. Article lain na, Mil ef right, atetlea foe, ht these weeds: That eal powae hi sa-beesat ha tha paapla, eed all frss lailk are fueadad oa tkelr cciherny, sad ta Mitel i sue lata aaaea.

eeisty. hst i In ita assmrsay eettoa- ef property. gee She ef II in cade they kaee, at ast attar, rrerm sr erm ldr ml to There caa be a eoab asaaa isl propocHioa trial tae asarer to mil or ehousb the eeeetitaUoe le tabsi eul ta th -people; tke eaiy aaa! lac abeal akatk dISse- secea eaal enm eoald ae the km ead ef exercising tact power or aad girtag sxsrsmlon to the i toe people. It mmm ee he Bands, aAnttl tl a harness of oar prat til eoe.ilnKlua had lea exeieatr pnw ef tilag the time ead aaaea ef mrialeg that tastrament; to grsel tbn) woara na to mvem inem eii a test "tiiiiiitta rbilary Bower arm Ike Ures, Ukarty aad property of freemta" which tbey my ta Ike bill ef right "esisae Bee here ta reaaabas. Wes4Tprhsadlhstthssoeeeat that tail rlghl ec powse lo bled caheecjeamt eoareelluns than tea eae I exit am the power le btad ky J.ipnlikle aaa ee-evading msdoee of the seme body.

We ee. leek hut Uul kapprtsaea lo the plea ef cen. ntg a eoereatloa cnelsiaed is ear peeeeat aoastttatloa; II eeamsy, tedious end bin aieteet wtth the cptrtt sf ike ere ead tnsalry ta wkark ws bra. tl Is has the orgeam mw sural awar from the aeon It toa ef ell Boares. If ktereuy felttiwsd wa jrssea.

ikoagfc dsalitt by every ettteea hltla. If laay kad Ike powae to pee poae II fa seven years eky aot lor ncfmtl These ahe simabsr tea dl iciilna that la, aad she ul aail I at tattoa aa aa antidote to what wm kaowa as of the sis rare eiim lioa. It will bemaa. howerer. UaeA area kha Bkode srmwihtd loohs to th I ssldstme sa toe egaaer bv which toe ead wa I be at, tamed.

That being th eaa. tt will aot be to. stated tkm the limits ttoee aoacht te be pa apoa tke lagiaiettre dimratlua ere Madmg aa tbat body. Tbe saaUeraf celling a una em tt-m barlag ksea cmWaed to the Itsrltlattee depertmsct, tbe tlow, mods sad sasaner ef offertlae this obJm araet ef sumtliy he left wholly to the wisdom ead dlseretioa of that Body It power kt 'aaary sad aomplate. There seems toe a good wkr tae proprlsty of calltag a eoareauoa ahoald he twice" aebmttted tbe paapla, ead that, toe, at sstervels of tae reals This ht km a aid ml wttk th bill of nghta, wklch Is ae mack a part of the ermslHuUoe the otto prorieioe, ablch aay that tae peopla at mm hmm kar tkat right, aad thai tt la "kulltaa bw," highs ead above att mwe se anas taa II wtu be ssmt frem what hi abevs stated that there ara twe modaa, ef am and tray a revising eoaeUtatioas.

The Irm Is by come peovlalo the motiamsal ttsett, I it aenslly by amsadteg It to aart. aad isliaa ttag sack part le Ike poop's fu rt" ir. The otker br Ike Lagtalaleim talime ae sdoetltm ee all tkto Is seedfei. tkaaafora. mm ease tae legiiisnrs eaaenoa.

i tea eeeauiauoa at tram ead sobmnie to the Beople, la aot adopted, ef eeaas the prmtel eae would bs stul In tore, nee certainly esa be Be dear re grvwmg eat af ewbmltuae le the soesrwles psopls them dec ef suatllleeloee whlek they ar to are, It kt esprtrslloa of that right whaa saw pas. pa am csaapauea se area mea lagtalslsrs a ask Ik a eoal irate eksegs at bevaaht aboak forms ef lew. be eeU the power thai they kav delagalsd to tbear eg eels scpeelclly at tba) the kaee wkte Iks Vary object Is to eae Me them to ekansa be Beooceadhvtaim. Cat as. Ihsrelsee, to the tsrtlid psrtas.

hee a eveereigeiiy coat we atar start eT tlirttil ef ear tkeklghMBsgaef peusperuy T.T, LITTKtll IlLICaT. Bdieea and Kteetnell a Peileve. Aeeardtas to aa Alleged Weetorn KxperU Mr. F. A.

Herrag, aakf ehemlet, hm written the toUowrng carloa letter to the Ye? tale Cltr Me. I Kalerprlae ta opsonins lo the soaderlal Adlsue's nlan ot sisatrta bgbuag: "I saa by leto laeae ef rem paper that Mr. Edisoa'a electne light it so pearly pe. ftd thst be vul el aa early day make a pablle cxtilbtuoa of It. I hare ae hmlistlea kt predletlag thai electrical lllamiasilee ky Mr.

KOlsua's sssthod will eiumstaly peeve a faHure. A yr ago, whse 1 iesrssd from oas ef Mr. Edisoe'e astlsteete thst kit light depended ea the tacendsaceee of plsilnem, I at oace coademaed the plae hi the foliowieg words: 'bach ht my teaoretieal hnowladg al chemistry that I aae ssoet eoahdeauy predfem ibet bet nghk will a a rail ara, ir ultiisae, see sxpossdto ueb coediUoes lo my eouaiaersb: period ef time, will dterte env coaeld Si so ss lo be enlil for And se tt hm tareed cut. Mr. tdlaoe kt aow tryiag le pat ad the period of dstsrlorcUoB by ao meloe-big bis tiisiisam ec otbm esailiss se to pr.

vut th edmtastoe of sir. bet th grssl eed tasurmoanteble etiscUoe to Mr. hdixm'a BtsUiod ef elseUwsl uiaauosUoa by uaea-4 1 er. a tbat he dose pot produce tree light, Aa aay laeorettralebee-iist must know. It a aot that kind of llg lit last uod pruaoaas4 good bea ks asid, "bst thers llUt sad there wae Heat." All here, ao eouut, saea tb amlta withdrew ea tree from fie forge at white east la a dark eight, Tha hasted boa gires out a at.

It la true, bat the srliitlllsUooi prodeced when to woe le ctraefc with the hsnmrr are essily more brlt- mmmt aad poasem aa Ulumiuailiig eeuerlty to oeestrat oeepiy pale the surroaadisg loon. lb Ut-tit lag from Ave has led h-ee has kat bttl pi uslreuog power bseaus II But perieel ici Hbt: eliti whlrk Is bosrc by a seiatlilaUue la peodoaed by the combleeUoe of certaie lmses4a high temper-store, eed Is true II. ft-b ee that which Uod pfmweeeed ih.i ese he so koie ot soasss as t-oialoltis lectrta light of tb etiu by otaer pis. no-. ttisa those mrolred la Me acoivonir of eat ura.

Prof. Tiadall sars: 'lb prtiiu wn a reriilate the dlrbjioa of the '-iri- nrrmt aad the dereropmeol of lis llst.t perfsstly aaa Vaowa, 1 hara It 'ar dacoesry ta th ecientifio i i i a term, bat ample room foe the i ot ae i 1a-lsu. I feel surs, and will eon o-t I nat lb prlimlnis Inrolrsd iie are sot an per 1 kuoe ee ar-y means, end tl at i it ea. i-ia room t- dasorsry ta Lu a. asase of the kaiia.i Mavtskw HiTime, a eefion hand.

Wes rea orer ss4 klued tbe Il" ra'lvar yard et ietroU yestetilai. litaant esa as hi lie tsaded the sssetlea ef eMMgei iikslts ta, lhsii seseailiBi, Umt tela rarovktioa was Is uriii th "oam daese, to pre? eet Lae attending the dasaastoes I easwer toe eees for vhlak kt Ail aha eh said enema ma sew that the greet kedref eeaace. ead that torn aaeeedlssj to to eee baiafl ns to eeaee af the asetisa reatloa, tha i ante sTstaa A-.

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