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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 3

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1 (r I Test Tour BaHm Povier raj! .1 OONTAIN AMMOIfl DOES SOT CONTAIN AMMONIA. 9m ialitai.iii Bm NEVER aw. Qnnflii Ia amljllm heme far a quarter of orator it kee stood Uw cooauuwr's reliable lad THE TEST OF THE OVEN. Price Baking Powder Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts.

4 The atrongst. rwwt dellrlone and natural know and Dr. Prlca's Lupulin Yeast Gams gi Light, Healthy bread. Tbe Boat Dry Hop til tu world. FOR 8ALE BY GROCERS, CMICACO.

ST. LOUIS. SPRING FEVER At Ulia Miuo Derly mrj una panda to tt aooie rvt of tnow; 1 11 OS nlMi uitoalmort ttt pbr-mn'l ptwaaTipttuti fia- thuia who. Dead baiidirur up. UiLidLZ E5T7QN I C.

Far Weattae kaeaa, T.siaairaats l.aea: It UAH NO KQI'AI, and laergr. tba ihIt lr no medicine that Ml inlerlena. It Farirhee the Hle-ed, laTiaarmte ib tiyeteaa, Keatsm A in.elite.AKle vigniiaa It doee not blacken or Irjora the tenth, oanee headache produce eooatipaUoB oAr Jroe ssrd.cuM. da Pr, O. Bimm, a leading physician of gprtarfield.

"Brnwn'e Iron Bitter, lea thoronhly ood owsll-thn. I nB it hi ai prmrtice. aod find tt action esnel. all ether forme of iron In weakoesa. or a low nodittna of the system.

Bmwn'i Iron Bitter, tm uallg a pnattire nurnrlty. It ia all that clamed OenaJn baa trade mark and rmaard rd lioaa on wrapper. Tnke no aitbrr. Made by BKOWN BALTIMOKCVn. I.Amsa Hajtd Boos nfal and attnutre.

eon-tatnina liat of rizea rina. information about enina. airen away by all doalor ia medicua), cr mailed to any addnwa on reoeintuf c. at amp Metal Poison. I rnppon.inlth by traIo.

mul dl'ns a vtic Of yrarn my arms (beini; ill yt'oiki hnv; lisontwd a womlcrliil uiudumi BiuT jxilri. Ilnviiii; a wixifiiloim teiuU'iiry fnnn my yonlli. Hm tnilli piirticlt's of and tymilil Rrl iu( Sxv, and by tlux (iriWffiS tl- piisou wiucoiif Tfved into my blood till i)y holt-sy-lfin IktauiO lutVctt'il. il ww irratrd With the old n-nmdifs nu'rciiry aijd tinU- Miuusiuiii. Salivutloii lulj lowed, my Ufttl are ull ln-''lu my hi'ad.

my dij nive orxaua dt-rniivvd. and 1 huveliii-u ht'ilt'4 reH over a veur with mercurial rheuuiHUMii. jf joint were nwolk n. ami 1 lont the use ol my arniH and legit, and beeume helpless tut au iiiUni. yiullcrmpi liecanif wi inteiiv) thnt il uhsjui-jHjfcaible lor uio to The doi'tors udvix-d uie l(roto the city hospital for treatment.

This 1 eotiki not lieftr. A friend, who him proved a tnetid Indeed, utved me to try Swill's Sierilic, believniB it would cure me. ilier me. but 1 aecurel a lew bottles, and have now taken two tlozen The. first ottcct of the medicine wan to bring the poison to thestirliice.

and 1 broke out all over ui runiiini; sore. They kioii disjip-pearvd, and my aiii t-leared off. My knee, whtch Lud iMt-otne twice their natural size, have re-arnued their tiMml size, ami are upple a of yore. ly anus and hands are all nlit iitain, iiiul can Use them wit hmil aiu. The entire disease has Jerl all parts of the body save two Hleers on mv WTists.

hich are healim; rapidly. I am weak from rona; cotitinement. but 1 have the Use of all Hy limbs. This metliciue is me out of the greatest trial of iny life, and 1 can not rind itords Mifhelent to express my appreciation of it wirtues, and the gratitude 1 feci that 1 ever Heard (at it. I'tllK K.

LiiVK. Jan. 9, 15S5. Ga, Poi The drouth in southwest (orrfa lat spring Iricd up he well a ad we ere compelled to u-e truter the cieek on the plauutiim. The remit was that all were troulded with chills ad lever.

1 carried ith me several bottles of Swift's Dpecitic, ai.d as lotur as I t'k it. I hal pirfirt health. As soon as 1 taking it 1. like, the rest, was atllictiMl with chilU. Vt hen I resumod It Use.

I was all rivht Benin We have used it in Stir family a.s au antidote liir iniiloria poison rrir two or three vears. and have never know it to fail in a sincfe instance. W. UFi klow. bunipter county, Sept.

11. 1S-S4. Treatise on Blood and skin lipases mailed free. TBI SwilT Sr-kcrnc lirawer 3, Atlanta, tia. GRAK1QTHEB TTsed berb in doctoring the familr, and her aimple remedies Ull CCRE ia moat oases.

Without the use of medical science would be powerless; nd yet the tendency of the times is to neglect the best of all remedies tor those xjwerful medlcinos that seriously in- jure the system. nilSHLER-S. l)ITTE Is combination of valuable herbs, carefully compounded from the formula of regular Physician, who used this pre-' eon pt ion largely in his private practice with great success. It ia no a drink.but medicine uaedl by man 3r It is invaluable for 1 Uioine uaea by many physicians. ItYSPICrsiA.

Ji I OXE and LitKK COM PL A IX TS, 1XD1GESTIOX. and while suring will not hurt the system. Kr. C. j.

Rhodes, a well-known Iron van of Safe writes "My eo was ccmpletelr proetratedby ferer and Saroa Quiuire sua berks did him bo itood. I. ttD it lor iLnJilrr il rrb Hitters and la a abort Bius tba boy was quite well' 1 A. 8cheUentrser. Drnfplit.

TIT Clair Street. Cleveland. writes Your Bittera. I can amy. aod do aay.

are pre. amtsHt by emue of tbe oldeat and moat prominent in our dry. MISHLEB HEHB iBITTEES CO 9525 Commerce Philadelphia. Parker's Pleasant Worm Syrup Wevsr Fails THE MERCANTILE AGENCY. G.

Dl'X oi VO. Proprietors. B. I SCAtrrr. Manager, rooms 2 and 3 Sentine Build tag.

The oldest, the best, the most progressive and the most reliable establishment of the kind kt the world. Having 105 Branch Offices fully Jbuipped and in good running or three to one more than auy other ssency has of srs ually live othcea. Kor over ki years we have enjoyed au ttnuulhed reputatioa for honesty, reliability and 'fcir dealing, and we have unlimited resources for euuduc-ttrtg our business successfully. We iuvit test of our qualities by tbe meix nanu of In- the. test i a eea tt wn a wntfl ealwl.taew i pmw thwwnn A brM4 VrHi7 i iaP- M.

HFN'HI I FKKMlVltoF FKAN I Ilcrirl nrtn. Pn-Mdent of tli! fo'inril Mmi-iiff of jlii-tice in the fniuti U.fn in li-jiiri-i-s. Kr.i:ie-; the year Hi; fatlK-ri was'fl Inwi ot superior aitMiiii iit and Msndiiig. an in his i views, ro.xlvei his sradcnue trinuim: i'ljhi native Afrcr irradnatiou he enr Puns, where he studt.d hfw Tliert, Hti two sjirit. kindnsl In their pnhtu al cinvjctiotis, he assisted in the conduct ol ai journal uiMit-intf vii ws.

In jouruali-m. and the pra.tice of c1(KU-ik It'." ssjnt the l-HTlier years of imulio-sl. He wnrf cjlled but was I'oniisHed, fiyali: to the bar 111 but was He. ease of the throat, lo ntvi'vl. ti tho i't- lor seven voars.

an eii'-Mcenu nl ott of the Temps, he it, but 'tiitdim: that journal loo ino-tei-Hie tone for hi- prelereiife. lie wsiii National IVyrat In isd. with M. tiamtii'tta pfirinient tf the I and became a to I tin i loitrual foiiTided lss he iK-eauie lint iHliers in Hie ciitorial dc ijhti.pie-t't a jour- lull of which he ws loiiuder aud part owner, and which was 111 the lmj rild 1 11 1 1 14 thP of Purl- us named sub-mayor Of that city. 1 1 t'briiaiy.

171. he was retiirned toithe National Asvhilil by tbe. Icpartn il or theiSeme. He as ti nn-uitM-r the Kxlretne l-clli wlnle the 1 met at Itordeaux and 'ciailles. Since the reluniol tin-French Clinnilrs to'aris he lias laieti a "meinlicr of the 1'nion Kepul.lieaiiie.

lie s'ak Willi dis-liity and ability, ijnd is always heard withijivat attention. M. t-liinbrttn tiiivmi! resigned the chairmanship ot t(ie liudqet e. M. l.ris-S011 Hie ihfkMtlon: and.

altur tbe dvattiot that powerful sucr.ssli-d bliu ai pre-1 d. ulut the huiuler of 1 Sl'I'KKMK CfU'HT. Abstract of Opini.ius Kciidercd Uy. May 2. Satur- r-STAttl r-tllND HTCItr.S 1 UACTICF.

Shields leiinis McM.tliati et al. Fulton Athimed. Hv.k..l. yviioru. the petition lor the const ran ion of a ditch and the verification of such pction sute statiliallv follow the tonn of petition and vcrilica'' tion Kivtu in section 4l.

it is sulliticnt if complaint' tnade of the actioii ol the couit' in pcnnittiiiK one of the -appellees, on utlidatit. to sien his name at the proper place- in the petition, but ailidavit on which the motion was is not in the bill of exceptions, nor ryt-r red to as being copied elK-w hero. Therefore the error complained of not in the record (0 BASK STtM'K TAXATli.N PKlrr. lPKiy. William G.

Wasson, treasun-r. vs. 1'irst National italik. Marion S. ('. Zoliar, J. In the assessment nnd taxation of pliares of National ltnuk stock, havimr' no other credits or moneyed capital frotji which to dtsfluct their bona tide debts, are em it led to deduct them-from, lie assessed Value of such shares of stock. SMrUIlt-H KKF-SKFEPIVO Till lAXw. lloard of t'omiinssioners vs.

Th.siphilus K. Harmon, lieiiton lt.evers.-d. KUiottJ. A sheriff is not entitled to pay lor services 111 keeping the Jit II. The coiiita-nsutioii lor Isairding.

rei eiving and discharLnng prisoni-rs covers and embraces the services ol the sheriff in maintaining and caring the jail and the -prisoners. An otiutTciin not successfully (claim compensation for services unlessthcre is astatine providing that he shall' receives remuneiatioii. 'sBynuiu vs. The Board, decided Janiuiry S'i; Alexander vs. The iloartl.

and Sexton vs. The ISoard. L. Mag. itJ KsTABLlslllN'O PIT.

IIKS FKAtTK E. liX. Frederick W. Roberts et al. vs.

George Gierss. Alliruied. J. It is only required by tbe statute (Acts or 2) th-ut Ibe comiuisMouir.t'.lrHiiuu:i' tiall rviH.rt 1 T' ii i i Ti tnat the eslimate.1 exi-ense sliull be less than tile iK-netits, here the total expt-nx- was riel at and the aggregate benetits at 4J.lli This 'is abundantly to show the benefits greater than the expense.

Where a question in refeience to a drainage petitiuii Is attempted to be rais(l in the Supreme Court, and 110 such qiles-tiouiwax presi-nted in the 'ircjuit'ourt. it will not be considered. 1 Acts 1 MAUKF.T NKWS. York Stock Market. New York.

May noon. Money Ls finn at 1 percent. Bar silver. The. st.x:k market has been less during the past The inorfilng decline was checked shortly iiifter 11 o'cloi-k and some advance was sultse.jueiitly made.

At noon the market is dufl and Three. I'ucitic- C's of -s. Adams Express J. f'entral 8'-: Allegheny Sort hern Facitic Alton. T.

4 preU-rred SO Northwestern. .4 American Kxpress preleiTed 1- 11., t'. K. A X. V.

t'entral sa, Canada 2n X. fhi. Jt St. Central Facilic prelerred 4 CbicaL-o Alton Ohio C'entrfl -prelerred uliio, MisMSMppi 11'4 RA Vt 1-1 02 St. JcN.

Wysieru. San a k. 74 -J Ore. Trans lHrL Hu'dsou "0 I'acilic 1k-L laick Panama. lien.

Kiii Grande- 'A I-. 1. E. Fxie 1'4 ilttsbtirg I)iii4 referreit 1 Heading 1G Fort Wavne.ex div. Kock Hannibal St Joseph 'M.

Iajuisa Salt F'u 17' prelerred Harlem 1st prelerred Houston Jt Texas. Fmil lllinol- Ceulrul Ji.1'; pn-lerred lot Ind. illoom St. Mill, i Kansas A Is rf St. Paul A Omaha- P'V Lake West.

preferred Lake Shore 57 Texas Facitic Louisville i Nash. 1'nion Lotus A N. Albanv. i F. S.

Express M. 1st ptef jV. St. L. Memphis Ai Charl Jf, 'Well, Kartrii Fx Mich.

'Cenfrat --Vi Western Minn. su lo4 preferred: IM preterre4 Moi SN'P. F. Mobile A Ohio C. St.

A H.i 4J i.l ili 8 17 Moms A prelerred I11C .11.1. IndianaiMitls Wholesale Market Dally i The new jek intfoilutvs very few tinim-portiiut leatutys the market. -'The bright weather is hiij Wncouraireuient, amlauitttrs well fpr all lines if business, and paiti. ulaily. jnfr-Blips, for dry guods.

Ii this proves stimulus: it will not cxinie amt-s, foi trade been vml of tbtf hoierl-fori spruit! boom. oia-ns steady, and as yet there is no evidence of a departure situation described on Saturday, and set forth' iu quotations to-day. ot groceries, the says: The markets appear in convalescence. The sprniu fever is neat its end. and the pui-e is oniekeiied bV aNieiiewnl of eiiervy.

1 he haudleilj to lis death by bad nursint; in its lirst staaes has had a new- idrlli and low prices are edKvd out of -the way by a new sei ol nures more in keepini! with the bisher price ol" corn, sujuitner smjar pru-esare bet-ping up the flit suVroutniinirs ollextn-me like spiling and a timid eighth ot a cent is seeii tu-re and there added to yellow and white goods. Afc.ue. waiting lor a fresh breeze, we see ctittees in a deail.caiui. Even rice is undisturbed. inu'ls io not compare lavoratiiy witb tlieir rei-ord of a fortnictil Minx-.

Dry Goods Fruits. Aiuencan, f.C; AH Arnolds, be: Berlin, isncy colors. ilje. o. Kdd stiHte.

fancy, oc; Hartel lancy, Hauulum, SVjC: Facific. lancy, Oc: Washinirt.Mi Turkey red Ssc; Harmony. 4( -ji. Manchester Fruits, iirow a sheelinx Atlantic Atlantic, l.6c; Appletou 7c: boote, A 7: Continental Clark's A. tyte lwurbl Anchor.

33 inches, tiraiute-ville. oc; tiraniteville, L. jc: Indiaa orchard, 36 mches, Fepwrell 7c: FeptreU K. 6c-: Saranac 6c; K-pwrell SM. 1scJ Fep-ireli 10-i.

Jjc; Bleeche.1 sheetings. Androsctiex'in 70: Barker's mills, inches, Kortlett l4c: Blackstone A A. 7c-. Chestnut Hill, i oScr Chapman X. Stars, Fruit fr tne 1 ivwiliu.

kl i Virehvillrt liS Hill's -tttm- Loom. 36 inches. Fitchville. llill'SScm- in.dies. Hone, tr Rhivht'a tambne.

Lonsdale. Cambric los: Lonwlale, S3 itiches. Warn- suits, Jb niches. tora.MUis. lu-jC; I ties, 10-4, Sic.

Corset jeans. India Orchard. Kearsanre sateen. 7c: Naumkeag sateen, rUKkpon, Cljc: Tickuig, Auioskeag, A A. 1-fc; mi 1 DT A APOLT5 XEWS, MOXDAY, jiiid.

Alqoc3C-. 1 It Ji e'iif vt s' jj; i liji U--. i3 st i I'l- tiCS. 1 lC u' K. lni iririeli ili-i.

1 nitues, ICS. lH 1- Mi.ttur-'S a pia: Is. fista. i stn. l's li 1" P- irM.i.

aJia.frt-. lo'irths Ts.tuiii r-aia tela. cutstiulere. -V i-r 7'-. 4 i i ai.rcd'Hxy3!i stx.Tics.

si Deans. illiia. 4iIll.d. 1 1 si.Mte.1, i 1 ma. if lt i l.Iw, lbs.

1 li- if). lb. p7'. 'i io. Jl i isctie.

stalidard. -j ipv S1J l.j.J. ins. 1 i.ji'. I pie.

11 14 pine Hiidard lus. i.s.ii; 'seiscni. tl 1 dahssou. lus. i-ld- I.

marrowfat; eariy uiji1. SS'il ys-xs, 7 SI -nl- Jilll. 1 to. Jt.Uiaioes. il.s, I'ulk ooni, -1 l.

l. 1 l.eveie. J.ix oiint) e.r:i s. Moun tain msar. rl I Mirui.kiu.

n-erK-s bfan.iar-i A oil A. ejilTii 1', Common to low, 4 fd iH ortee orummi to itidmary sl lie: l-ruiie. -itni tiv i.ruii-. i 1 e. 1 le.

l.iSicy. Is'-tls-: Kio. 1 I' kle-. Jaa. Jt.

c.IIih.- -Leverines lite; MelaiUL'iilui I le: Mr line's and nicdntiii syrup- .17 A lv 1 Nin fit leans nn.l;i.sses. p. laitiij. lis. "I st ll Ijik silt.

ar i. nifiu Kne.i rn.iina 1 t.ll.s;-. i c. t'oal oil. 7c ac-.

coiduie .1 1 1 itii.ei -e-upiuies Ifest lir.mi unit, llx-'i. StJTi: IX. J-'tl-i and 11 (sk loobiiif 1 in. I 1', i i7 1: t-- I 511. i.

l.i.s-k tnijiii ta.r..- 's-: iron' IV II. -7 in.iij.K-: caivanize.l, 1 ilitci zinc. u.i-.' iiiaiiiht-tl i uvif-T. solder. 1 Hides.

Tallow and i.vtise recti coir lime. t-rs. No. 1 eiirvI.lvi4e;) gr.t-i calf. salted e.ilf.llcuirytjint.l.'c: suit lude-t Inc.

Felts :s.s-l hoix-hides, jsl. si. I allow ITilno oj reuse 1c; vcllow, 1 1 Learner Tia- sole at rri hemlock Sole held al hiiriiOss. skirt 1'ittsbiirir harrnts. Xm is-j t-ndle leaihir.

ST dot sAi.t 'city kip. rreucn sip. city calf, Frfjich calf. il.HVa. l.f I 4wiL anc-.

imwashed. me- diuci. In: unyi asiieiii. Hud common. 1.

i lse: ('oiisAoid. Isc: to value. in.ii iron. ctiareodl (Hopmlshoes lurdeii's. 4,: Ferkint, 1 1 15: imile shoes.

ij; cut flails. lrS rates for tens; steel hails, sj horse nulls. -i-'Jo a pound: lor s'-s 'c discount. Iu.liiuiapoli Live sttorlc Jlfarket. St.mK Vav 4..

tattle -i ae- r.Mtni fl (fit-iiirU niiil supply, uurl mu iv -jiKiSsi'iiy iniivr tij nil cih.v'S lniTctrs. i -rattle urtertl: iiivr--t I liii- i(rHlr Tiiriy Nttiniy- il 1 Clmu vtstrns i Mflnim li poHi hhipiisi; trH -4 i 4iiiuHii iu i.tir iippi(i is'v-rs t. 4 ti Mik ki-rs mi)1 re-sjrs. -cjiituion lo 7V -I io ami hfif-rf 4 JricNinifii lu ioisii tu. Jiul fVfi 4 in tu iuir fyWi 4liti iirl Itr 1 Veal's.

mou ti tsi O'tiiiiioti t.i o-t 7.V.: T. -ottiinuii izim a llfiifa Quality Owihi; t' i)A Hiiuply. KiarkHf oMMttM af-t-iVf fiTnl a -stuul st I'lig'-r. utth pickrs aii-1 sdipjM Uuyiu. 1 tb tai tiiat iilhr murk tt a tij-av rtL ipts uiul lower our market IrtM wjtli nf -r prun-s.

Sales UMiay weir uiatlc ut ftlluw- lik'lit 4vt 4 Viuiiioti to jiiir lixit i IIcmvv rwitfhs T-V? i Stiwjt- Hut wry frw ihT Murktt tJ iui uo ltani: in pirt--H. i U.MMl fe'iCaJOH Si Kair to tmijnirii rni- r. 4 4 if t.i;iinou crMdfs. I A spring lttiiitri. 9iUt pj.i!U i 5 WJ Chirrtto I.he Stm Market.

'ririCAOi. Vay 4. Ihn-K-vipls. "ji.iiurt brrwl; pri lowrr; huiil. 4 4o: uiixl, $-flu 4.Ji: ljvy.

HJ 1 attlt-- ltripts. bt-ad: murk tt Ht-aly: 4.t;i"'i, ritli-t-rV, 4-JV; sto-kfr--, 4.i".. hep-iU-itMpis "jMt 'htntd: nmrk-H sti-ady; Inferior, shorn, indlAiiapoltiB i.raiii Tlit withdrawal ot infllH-ose itv irom Kurope threttUU! to kti'MrC ttii Uuirket. JJ! inrf grain 9is lower ana a weaker: ln-al IVeltiitf prt-vuils. f-lerinr of wheat are Lfaht.

iiK'hidiiiK ehietly '2 rel, at (M.oP,. i'oru is well rtttsUiineil, and M-iler are freer in their" o.U'riiiit?;.iNo. 2 while held at mixeti. sotintl ear, 4e. ih qtiiet.

The folluwhip were hutn ori 'Chunye to-duy: 2 l.tM: No. .1 Med-Iterruueaii. no hid: No. Iti reil, No. 3 red.

i orti No. white. 53r: 4 white, OJe; yellow ''ie; liish 0O'tC mixed. f. re-Jeelrj No.

"2 white, sound ear, oiX; umiier t-haii'ahle. no to. tats No. 'i hue, -O'sC: mixed, rejecitil, no bid. Jtve-K tf lli.y -I'rtinr Timothy.

1Tjo: iioniinaL Kloiir I'atetit. extra fahev. M.jTCd 1.75; fancy, M.oitin 4.i": choti-e. 5J.T-V Vm; famll M. 3.7:.: XX X.

r2.tW2.7S; X. fi-JiXtiiOO: imcji-a; suertiiie; tfil-Jwu -l't rinK MiMct-llaiieotit I'rocluco. Dealers" rrirvTirruUw. St.UOa 1 W.i barrel riuv berries. Jerseys.

ctfa.t.."Kper crate'arH m). ll'n V2 pel bM. Onions. choUvi 14- a barrel; lier-mudji. tt-HAM3--p'r bushel.

Jloiiev, VV Im- lo-taliHs. per bunlie). Swet-t-C PitlJu-fielphia. (ubtiitxe, fJ.5ti'4XtJiabarm-l, mf. f-'-nxii jer erate.

Oiler. jut IharrlL Uaie. liandi'U ke i mvv. 1.4--t per bli-hela Hreciliihii, 1' AUP1'4 russt-tts nd iluldwiu. i.iKj- per luirrol iniMhitt Hka tbT Ites-k Imt IMA I VI.

lUIIIAtUrt.WIII "TI SX i l.utter and Shiptprs' prtreS Kitss luc: aniline 1KA l'2 lintter. crainery fancy ell'i W'tta-i': duirv (iioie-. lNtt 2U lancy ctMUilry wlls LVn Itic: e-tiuti cliowe, im2c. seilintr' fruan store at "common, fresh, va ltn-. i'oultry, yuunt? chickens; a uund: liens all ve.v, a pound: nosters.

4t-; turk.4 hnri loins. n'-fO. t-reese. full a f4.ou; duckii, old. Coal Hiid Coke.

Amhrartte. ftth per ton: Pittwhurc. ft --0: Tlllana. "iT'. tHuck; Ulo-vshuric.

Jafkvn. coal: Hayiuond City, 'H oy: block I -A. in 1 bushel, vr load; lump coalL, luc per or t- ju ier lo.idj 1 -a 1 Market a bv Teleirraph. Pin i.ADti in May 4, 1- n. Wbat, -c4h and May, fn wc; i June, 1.01 l.w"4; July, fl.trr''a orrk ea-sh and May, flo-V-a Jnne, -i7c: Juiy.

1a ''1 lUiiti. casti, -tV(i4J'jc; May, fciti 4-J-L-: June.4J 4.1'4c. Kye. -cash, 7le. Iolkik, Mkv 4.

Wheat firm; No. '2 rel. cub, VX-. May: HP4c Md: June, j-Jnly. asked: No.

s.ill. -t'oru ieady; No. '2 ca-li. i-c; May, aJc bid: Jtmej j'tc; July. lc.

Uat tirtti: No. casb, -Kl-; Maiy, isstX" asked. Cloyer seed, nolbiiik; dum. -i KLTiiiti. May 4U Flour eas er 1 nnd milet.

heat. wet-rn. lower; cWiinr quti-t; No. 2 winter rel. ifhl.

isc bid: rfh May, Jme, a l.i!: July. 9l.jia l.Si." -turn, w'-esteru, lower and active, ciotiu tmiet; mixetl, spot, ii'9w "7c: May, jic: June. VTc a-skei; July, i-S-ii steamer, M'jC ifkwl. i fcuts lower and dull, undt-r Inr-tft rceints: wi-slrn while. mixetl, 4U'r 44 I'rovisloiit and uuit.

Mt-HH jHirk. I-ard. 1'iirtt-f iiuil ati'i weak: Kto ear ordinary to -c. K-krtrs, 4piit at V2ut rj'je. K-''-i'ipts- lour.

s.4C barrt-ls; wheat. hu-lit-l i-orii. oats, bushels; rye, 2, buMn-ls. MiipmeiitH Uirn, Ntw Yokk, May tVVheat fief.rsp4i: IS1' to an al ance in eon ho fair iculati ve trad! No. 1 while, nominal: mediels: -N.

12 nil. MaV. fl.uuu l.oi: i.r.tuu busliei- June, i.iri; busheN do July. bushels, August, fl.mrfi I.t4; 4i.oiiiuahv'is iUl ie-eints. buhi-W.

orn Vi 1c lower aud motlerately active; mixed western. rt. future, iitiCa-'iTcj sales, bushels: Pi-ceipts, bushels. ial'i iii 1owt: iWestrn -t2ta sahA. ii.oi huMii'ls; receipts, 4n, wr, busht-H I ll-ef steady; new extra, ll.ra-(rlUU.

1'orK quit and weak: new nt-ivi. il27S. I-ard. dull anili lower: fiteani f7.1JS,.r llutter. lull and easy; western.

ht 2tk u-kiar, tinu. MoUu.se7, sCettly. Western tas dull iat li.4a(-l-k i Chicauro fFaniihe-t by Mnore brtVkorl May 4. 1 1 1, lu-s liu t-li "hwiiiB Wheat- -Miiy June Ks' 4'J Coru- -May July -M Juile Jufy Atik'ttj -May 4 t.V iiv Oats 11 11 11 57 "iTsi" yt rj 97 11 1-J 11 11 su "e'stT 6 Si li VS 7 02 a 12 -Jill ti SO 6 VI June It 4a July I 11 Auausl LanJ May Julie ii S.EjbS-May,....; I July A llifttst 6 sj 7 irjj- "K's 5 7 00: DIED. CA IN at So cluck, a.

at 1U7 ilijjh Stleel, Mas. K4.I-S C'AsSISi. Funeral to-morrow at o'clock, a. m. Friends i sol ITH Str at IT.

this nmrninc Funeral, 1 p. Tuesday. KesiUeuee 171 South Noble. 'ill SOCIETY I MEETINGS. -r- iDdianapnlls Cwincll, No.

2. Staled lueetllijf tlil uMuujav. eveuttuc Ml o'clia-ls. ay. evemtwc mi jocl ItoOhia Pausv.

I. L. It. CHsrstCKV Fl-DRlCHj K. K.

C. A I AssjN'R- Capital City F. Klt.l A V'unitHi city jJA M. stateit a.eetliiir Ueinorrovv tTuesday eveuiiu; at o'clock, Masonic Temple. I Wm.

Kitzmillkr, W. Tow Oi.DV,Jec. 1 MA -ON 1C Aii.tent liiidtiiarKS Iae, N.i. 31-1, F. and A.

M. slaltsl meeting this evening. 7-luo'cloclt, in Maaoniv H'emple. Hmu O. Xt-VKY, W.

IL Wilms Miser, r.A,.l.he r11 iSSSj At the reillar nieetioir of Fhiloxeniau No. 44. I. O. O.

to be Bei. on Wwltti day eveiiinti. May 6, an Important matter, utvoiv- I ri theipiesllun ol benefits will he before the l.xle for adoption: all qualified metu'H-rs are earnestly requested lo be A. MkL aka, N. u.

Jia. WitsiX.S. WANTED FEMALE HELP. I it 1 1 17 (i. a il HU tr h.ti- I -1.

I 1 A re- 1 I. Isr-iswl eiH.fc; I 1 'I A U-is 1 I 1 N. il- .1 tnte. lor II. II-.

W. rk. t'a. I N. v.

-t. 1 r.u. i.n-r A 1 i il.s .1 ltt. 11 I I I Iri -i i I Ii.Trt! 1... t'--i Ui Hill Ip.

en V. rut i -t. .11 1 1: It n. -il-ra' .1 Hi Ap( ly at -1 1 ni-'r ji- r.M.oiANvit- a a i-i 1:: 1 k-ii-.

other n.s-.i 4.:.. -r, I I li' I. i ...1.1 1.1 iaKe wi.ik. mi- 0 lil. Ii.

-l'l ult alt Ii-ill. .1111 li.a.t.'. Addles. l. lo, I l.M l- l.s.t'.-.

aii-1 cul 1 1 ll til I 1 .1 1 1 .1 1 1. 'e I -t I Wl I lli. tr li.tiii.'S Ih.t lui-Vri-s- v.ii 1 1.1'.. i. ari'l e.i-.!!y iitn mil: tzi sal.irV we In i 1 take t-ati hi.

11.. l' t.i asit 01 1... 11 1- i ii.v. Iradiii P. M.

I I issJ ANTED MALE E'LP. Citlljit -i'yW. W'a-liliurtori St. W.i iVhl.iAP.i.K.

YOFXii K- diio AliINI 'it. i. A KltM I "5 C'a'iiue' VM.VN in its Mill: iiariuer. trare eliaiice. If-U-TFllKli.

I'AIN I Kit. V. 4.4 K. 11 IV KI l.K I Kl MAX it partnt-r wl patent MAX W'A'ITKI all A 'tlt it" ant, 7 J- W.imi. bf.

i A I 'I en y-nijiL; in. to study plioiiok: ruphy. I a. Ik Tin k. "i Kim -t.

i. "TIKit? on MrtH- Ai-ph I to JosnfA r. rLK, iiinii or woman lnt-verv xx f-niiit' 1 itiiifH. Muiiiil-i tn-r fviiiiim-vsinii: sfini tami. 11 i.

1 I'tiica-. no. m. lT.N'l I -itWior aii.i tm i raiiLrraph or typ. vx r.t-r.

Apply lo the nnder-( siLMH-vl. inic -oiicruinc integrity until ailitv a is. tu4itii; uf and Mini tKM i wiullihliS. llMt.

1 AN 1 Kl i-ttnieti nt and rehubie party ti to --Ii tiJer iuiuiotind th f-t ikiVi iti inarket; --staoltstiM vitr-ulMil ha tn lar- uJ. hi the Kat; li.r lOdt ana vii; rw-rH -piiiii; soliriU-d. Vddrvt A l.i it k. ers. HI Waveriv JIuee.

New ork Oty. 'ID Hul SKWUKK by iiirl.i'all afr i Iiim. I TP iN Iti whoii-saltf stoic: msai; Address 1. Newsofli. 1 I til III.

ill itrivab- fiiniaiv. general A9 jr. f. Ohio st. i i I Yi rt LAIiV.

Ittrli as: eopyist. as-isiHitt or wriuiii? of any ktnu. VlH MAN' of 19 Mi.e trom last-employer, has had thus evperti-iii-e on the road, M. News otriee, WANTED AGENTS. 12 4 WFT WASHI.NU Ii tsT.

VJi lI.ll Tlx ilt-S ll.r city trade. 4-J Mass. svfe' 8,1 111 IHM.N. .1 'IMIKKE EXKlttiETK- MKX lo hamlle' tliebest and tustest seltiuir aria le oit: (fiaxl raterehces: onl riittirs. 7S W.

Wash. si. WANTED--! ISCELLA NEOUS. FEW UOAltFiFltS haisl I I OH 5 iia lH BA It at SS9 X. 1 i 'I'll UL'V saddle isjiiy or small horse, Miss I ACKC'FHTAlXSlotJeaii.

'ST. llrtht st. ilrs. JJ COX. ,1 VAV liAKll at 38.

W. Market, ttfUu 1 wek. 1'1-tTKON'ri. IlK.NItY SMITH, lj Nlilnioisl 7 5S" 1 HKA 14-oZs, Alienor soap, ouiy ic: a wonderful asiier. 1 1 3 A I CH I Mt KX TO Vii S.i minus pi.

i 4l 37 Wtsst Market streeLj Open al all hours. ipoli Hi lit. In excbaiute Ilir house paiiitinij. eyis iitliee Folt a full set ol1 teeth at Karhart's, 10 East; Washiiiktoa st. A' 11 SI fe'f AO: no bean "bTTruruJaTt-rs fVi V-'.

deem liurts. le.each. I (A KI'KTS, all prices, on payments, miss A Co. VI Ym. Wm-sIii-iicIoii SL I- rpFETH trit'hi to fil ler set at J.

circle and Mi-mliau sts. I 1Fl-ltOOM SETS, Isw on paymeuiaj Born a K. Washington at- I I 1 (MN OOl.D FIl.l.lNO a speclahy a. bf.SASrj SKL. s.

lvr ,1 Illinois ni. Alf suits to make lor Ik Mas. In lis Iiiiliitna (tAsll iiaiu lor et S- Wll.KJS I claims ou laoiuna Uaiikinir Co. I Odd Fellows "ItltK-k. -L 'ANTEI Cast-orTclulhllU; hiKhtat price paid.

If 'SSI K. Wasii, st. Mr. 1- skook. 1AK1ajH SUITES, 7 pieces, SJJ or pavmentai Hon.v A 7 East Washington st.

11 II I'g'k HATS niade us cood as new by UOl' Wm. Vlraima ave. ri-OHC'V s-ecoud Uaiid'nirutiure. stoves and aouse-X bold goods, al l.7 Ka-H Washinijloii si. I I'UBEK OOoilS to repair at lo asliingtoo sireeL l.

r- jsobrisom ruooer auu anotK AI'AaNTKIMA tbrerooin cottage with uuiiuen II kitchen, ln-iutfi Ward. John Lau, deput" sneriu. i frVo Fl'KMSHKD IKHIMS Un in t-ifcibt blocks olA irele; cheap. Address 3. News otilce.

1AIM Kx. dun' buy a -aewint machme'until trvtm i the Jioyul John: if you do voir will be sorryj i ulice No. 11 Virginia avel F-. rl Bkuwn, agent. 1 to save 2fJ ier ct-nt, tv ff ct Uinjf tbeLV hiiU-4 aiul biuks cleaned by New rk.

Oclorlti Is7 luOlaiitt ave. 'l elepboU-4 -4--'-i 4 ll'ANTEllt-Tohiiy and lot. not 10 eneets't II or 'Ijtl iiol lo e.ceeil ennessss and Faist, Ohio and Seventh sts. e-lale agents li.sed uol apply. iAil.irea.

4.1 7. -WS l.tlllS'. I ANNOUNCEMENTS. INC'INNATI MIOK ll.s West X. Indiana DFNT1-T, 15 HATES BLOCK, over! as me neniiure.

I lltl.NK HAAO's KoFMlsj-s. Cold, relreahln; 1 and Slr.ii:ilieniiiic. SILVER TAO, iruit navored. reueehl lai-i at le each. i Mlts.

M. liil N'TKK. clairvuyaiil and healer, lso eruiont st. i I Votl want anvtllie cak.f..caiall.i and lee 1 Bit to Krko. Ill No.

ob North l'eiiu. i A 'AN FEI.T supplies families with any 1 ntmr iiisinn wunimit. ruiisi os a Ala. su UA 1-. in It I it 1 1 11 h.

l.h'A fc.ll ami lived! at smith's I'i Works. 3 unilnle Uloek. 1 Miss. ANNIE L.AHItOMElris ready urrwelvl- a lew more piano scholars. 4tss N.

Illinois sL; HoWAltU's is I he only place in the city to oijii camels cleaned and relai.L Telephone Hliki JMI TAri loX KEIMt.JOM sl'TS, 011 iW. H. iJssKNultlt, 101 K. Wash-, Inst.ui i. I tl.l.Al!E I llT IeaO LK-FIELIi.

it SS ISaldwiu's I lUiK-k. Collx.noiis attended lo-lantiiitlly. i- Iori'A. Uiei liild slale-w ritiiitf medium, Vaii-get! nldeia-iiuefil slate riting ou top ol table, in Ellsworih sL i PLNWT blYYrPlAAfK CABINET FH0T0 ukaI'Us, fl per dozen, at llosluu tiallery. H4 i-i 'ashiuKtoii si.

1 1 illAiil.s U-iil-i. W'lKiii No It A kit, re-f iiioVe.1 lo s.w. roruer aahiiiKluu ana iendiaii: sireets.i K'ihiiu -JlJ Hill. Idt EN'S cAUIAK.s. 4j1eyclebVel.HiiH-.iei.

is. iik-ht. sold, and it-paireiL -AijAM Baulu, lus" lHSsachusell.s av. siMaiidlci.ii aniTsee 'oils 01 clillilreli all iloalou haisl W'ushlutloii st. -j -J MAHAME lornme-tefler, caTi "Toil-! sulleil 011 love and ousuiesg iiiatlers.

'ik" iteiitleuieii. New Jersey: basement I'i OFF.M Cream cures cnapiHsi face. 1 ll. chafed and- scale.1 skin aua pnekjy beat removes lAtii land suuhiii 11: isulii Dy'snui A 11oki--ia and.oiher driiiiieisla. VSTKoLoi.KiI.--.Mrs.

Ha. correctly! life's history i here lo ko. what to do rr biisi-I ness most successful 111: hat beriod of hie heu-you ill he lucky Air unlucky. Otbce. loi E.

Ohio sc, (i.tltl) OF THANKS-We desire to" lender pule'. In ly our siiM-ere iitanks to the many friends and llelAflllHira ho li.t-.rAI so llllhlslrionslv at the bnrn.l lea ol my bouse. 1. anU saved 'so much er-i Miiini" ri i iHi A. 1ENMANslliF An opHirtiih.iv never before' otlereit 111 this cliy.

Froi. c. N. c'raudle. ho has charge of the ntuiK clasnesat the ColleKe.

Block, has a iiatioital leuu-t talitsn a-s a pen artist and leuchei. ilyow rates ot lili- I ton lire now ottered. Visit his C. Koku- 7 a. Itioi.rietor.

1 A LL' a tILK Jlsa XIV EH Kuriress's Catarrh 1 a specinc aitef DeiuK uiuroiuhiy lesteo. and 1111 every caae excellent r-atulln followlia the Use of the i uie.lH-llie. It Is imM ofli-red for sale to lhose'arrllclel ith tbe disease, as- itevsr-tailiuc' 1 No titoible to apply.i Cure lirn fruui brst applica-i lioV lor sale by i all driiKSisla. TJ. lll ai.tss.

sole mauulacturer. laoiuuaijoils. loo. r. o.

Uux l'J. REMOVAL. I) k. SCLLI VAN'S liEXTAI OFFICE remoeedi lo aeutiuel building, corner Circle aud FOR SALE OR TRADE. SFKtNO WAOOX; a bargaLu.

Apply H8 Coluui-j ji i 1 I I ji LI r. I 1885. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 1 l.A 1. IN- K.

AlisrlCet A IK' .1 V. -A- I vNl.i 1 isd I. sp. y. Ill, Ka'i-as, IA1.

IN HOI -K- a at: I 1.1 h.I ts -t- MS it I-'." ii''f. TOO KKI.r. If. ul. 1 i i 'i i i.r.iiy J-lt J'-l UJjlll Vi.av4.

I'l nt. -L l''NKV lali 'd f. I atTi-s a an 11 ar ii. s. VVl I k.

Ii(- lil I. h. -I. i'i A. RH I Mti- I :i.t..

li r.rh t.ii dii: -tf. i1v i tiat 11. t'ti 1 11 A 1. 1 A I A ii- i -t. I-U" i I tt ti-' Hi 'h'1 t.rtt -r.

1 1 1 it i.r: ti 1 A li. MM K.K-. KOR SALE-i- MI SCELLA EO US s.lU.-i.fv;: I llhl-l FVi'-. Kit MAN A A It K.isl st. 1 1 1 1 I 1.7 At 1 I 1.1 :t.iijii:N H-t iy A.

Mi- I al. I 1 A Ms-II I I- I Ia ti.ea, I- H. At'r-llt lllll-. 4 ii.MIti 1.1 1AT HA I d.ill.g a ijood l.tlsllnriS. ..11: I all I I St.

fl (N-r 1 kui'i-'uiiiiiliiui 1 al .1. M. iV I. ail luali-rtal. I'lil-: At H).

MAXF 1 A.I V. 1 i 'I'll la-i Ni -t slo. keinuui-f 1.11 i-a. la. -t i lrv.

1 N-rt FIX I I' It also, so: ll N. J. I i k.s4 I 1.1 li "Hiilf 1 k- Mill la ill 1 ili.nj I i.1m. I- Al I't A Hi'A I slfUFTi 'Ala-ki. re plilt Onus, ul f.d I.1N Itiol- st.

i Kri-Fi it l- low. eixhlln Jersey calf, two itii'idtisold. North Illinois SI. 'N I. Ti A.

Nil, A. 11KA1.1.KV iH. Notlll 1 I' puy n.t-itix ItHV. Mr I. an M.

XV A I.M 'K )M: I'I--. mat I.I. top. oil Htl I JlSt na iin-iilv l.s-1 SiK a. I.Vltfl.

eham I' 'ii a iT' titahie one, in. Imiiii-; ti rare ill health, 1 1. Lit Ml'. Ui i.s, lauieJ ii VT ItKl.tlL, ll.ii i i.rr....tinf oy-li-r -ln llltti'ii siL Ni.v.i. -j-'iisiiun: aiid.

II- I and' --rain, hay aii.l feed, ils. IliijH-riai eix silver, plilteil ware, nlt-k. II. 1 I'. soM ii.

rv. I. A lill. I.ra-l-. eonoer.

Metal 1'olisli; 1 OK 1 A 1 .1.. I In. 1 1 ihhiI tattle ami -vi-r tiling tH-iotiini: to a kol lahle, verv al i'- 11K.SS..J. I'tt'S 'T A Kit's) liir, Virginia an I st iiinre woott and coat tor the money thauatiy other i4rd south ol st. Try il mi.

'IMlk-SFN TVl-K-NVIU i hlt. Just out. a slts-t 'ty-H-wrilini5 for cl-ar, ea- rHil, siiu.l. ilurahli-. s.iit.l.-te.

Oia-Bii, I' i on late I'ircle St. 'I'lll: I.AK.iK-l' LINK OF Iihaeions) sun leS, sprung er delivery Wairelts lii Hie or s-iaie, at i. Twashimltoii M.euie lu Hall tjilll.lllig. solil till UO.e resM.usiUle all No irdtiple'to show nslk i4.yiiieuis'. loidhikt uh IhmIiihuii sets, parlor els.eookiu i1 I.

I .11 -I- lt.w-.K 41- -H- K. Wu-auiigton st. IL M. I. Hohtiiliiuuse lKii-uObnek, In small a 1, uiFTWle lols, ut 1.

FOIt SALE Horses and Vehicles. I WTLLbuv koihI ptiiicioti.ut -HT; Lroaiiway. I M.tllF. 1 AN' 111 i Hi V. 'o.

We-t H.tjT SPItl.NC! SVAliO.N, eall jal ol.ce. ii oiiiuru si, V-5 llo.x-lHsi bucitv; prue -Jli. st: i No. Jl West it. iii.usi-j' Wabash It.

K. i'si it VVabavh H. 11. VFINK draft od" Wur'hlnuton. N.

V. corii'r llorne ave. and del very uor'. CVll 72 et I-'INE a bartfalM. AttNULo's Vluhle, I Fast North it.

IIXK, FAST Vol Nil MA KF.Beutle and sound. Jllin-il-s, INK Makot- tsi haist asliik'tilll M. VCiOOU F.Mll.fy line 'stoiik "audgoud Piairster. 4-Silllth T'ennessis. sC Cl.iltKl.sOK-.

pnaetolts, at low llirures. A. J. JoIlK A 17'. Circle si.

1 AoiiF.ll WaAoN, jump seals, staildim; top. a tX ftsistity cirriatte. South llipuis si. (uoi. I I yaidi corlier Market and.

Missouri sts. '4 OOOH CAKKIAtiK for oui a s. iiutiiirisl dollars: irviu Jtobhin-i a A Co. make. 4J oillh 1 enliessiH 11 A FA Ml l.

IK. Rs aoun.i anu ooii mover: riclj lsalor. W. O. Pattkhson, Court A lT-KaKTiruiiufao Hirers line harness: track haruessja sp.s.ialty.

-s-j. irive us a can. OAckCsA KKOA.N Carry'at all times a full line yf oM-n, canopy and extension leather top Surrtes anwhoiesMle or retail. I2and 14Cirele st. I EYoIllK I'L'ltcJlAsINO your busiliess buwes Jl or a iitaeton, Surrey, delivery your bu Surrey, si all and see what we rKKt variety ur tin to sun tbe limes.

ka-iT'fIas lariu auu see hat we nave: we are show ing the larv-iKt variety ur the eity or state: aw .11,1, j. ril aSAi- It.KlOll ISt. 1 KV1N KOUIUN'S A XI FIASTlliKOltl.I A X. build the very best earrianes. iihaetons.

bm- RieHsnd dellveryvivfljiLs. at the very lowest prices poMtihle: ltea.irln and repaintiiiic promptly and careAllly done. We invite inspection Ol' our Very complete, sioek new vehicles, also liave a few ohl oiies very TeiephoinKil. FOUND. lTKll TArerota iH-aleis retleeni taeii.

1c eaclu IAjLI ASD I iKtFOKK VfJUBFY. I jnoa. fi rJisi asfitnirion si. 'PHA1 BENSON! A tHJ. have the J.

bouse hi the city, I.Vialirt lis l-awt Wastiliiirtoii st. bouse hi the city, lat; OKS I) li rurnlturv. stoves and car- JI pels, ol i weekly ula luenls. at WiL-sps A WaLs- l- :,0 A usl.ll.t' -I MAN il rut.NiHi tis. rnr.1 lbs California ur can peaches.

rice. lor 1 llL-Arbiirkel'saotTiss. due eke for lllh. bakitu; powder. lor lllb.

Turkish prune. lor ii Iba apples. Ior 3 caus loiuaioei. or i blacklierrlea, or IjKallou syrup. or 1 14U na'y bean or I lb.

new- raisins, or I can piuupkiii. or I inlitt French Villa snap. 6 1 larire box uiustar.l saidiues, lor Kuiiiau's shoulders, 'tor luu. sour pickles: li.rli.-al. H.

uililKUl. 01L lor 1 lb. breakfast 1 lb apple butler. l.K... J.

I 110 and II- Massucjliuseu ave. i-- i J4 as a is LOST. Slo1 "7ll HI Sunday 111. tietwceii 1 1111..11 in-l)oi anu ernionl si. Jteturn to -ells offh be rewiinleii.

si 1 I i ItE VV A It li for the return of hlack rat ter rier doii. enrs clililMsl. Mrsi Si'lIKAii. Hi National surui. 1 Ipstitute, SMALL, yellow, doit liuder'please leturn to fj Pejtn.

st. and r.ssi-ive reward. Will answer to nallie LA Y's shawl! between I6ti Ahittaina st. and it Oermau Cathdllc Chureln H. liirn lo above luimlier and r.H-eiv reward.

XV HI'I'F. AXIi setter ril.llteavetiiieand Wabash ltlAilroad. K. tii.n to jk: i.iucoin an.l KH rew am. 1 1 A ijar the csirnerU)r itriAiaild i hristiaii avenurts.

a heavy-lsslitsl. li.uia hla. k-awl-uiii i-idiitisl with while mark ou breast. ui U4 Butler st. and get rewant NEW ASSOCIATIONS.

1 -V VLEirrloN X'oTICK At tbe annua) nieetihi; of I a slis-kboldi-rs op the eiiter iluildinx and I.oaii AsMM-laiioa. lo be heiil Monday Mav 4. Mt stt I-jasI sir. t. there will he an nine dirH-urs, to serK-e for one year.

ii. W. AV-alks, r-ecreiary.) 1. iaFITaM. SAVlN'tis ANU l.iiAN'AssiH iX The Capital Savliursaud I Mian Axsm-la-011 has npw Imhii oruaninsl.

and will meei every W.sJnesdivv evetnni; at the place of. Charles -s hast Widihiuirtoii iu a shares at fji.i a share. Aduitssiou f.s-. jit a ediii, e. stiarirs may Im- ws-ureU.

bv applying al Kitziitxer's P.ank: to steejf A 1 ln'ir; FlfrCk: (C. B. Feihieiiian, No. so East Court nnd Charles "Si East Waahlngtoii street, ic. H.

FKiiii i S.HV 1 1 1. I -i MISCEjLLA NEOUS. rpol I.KT shTs on paymenus. Ho a si A S7 h-A Washington st. LMKK liamaired upods almost given riiy at KaLstoX A CO.

lAli(Y 111 tiulFS mi pavineuls. lioVS A 7 Fast Wahiiirloii i Ci LAYCOCK a'c iiid huilTleri 74 south Felilisylvanla sl 1 (iliuklNu sToVl-jf: mil lineon payment, ikiax A Ct. S7 hae.1 Viwhllietoibst. i n. isuti.

wIihki, and kindling al Bar- utini s. 475 East ichiiran. IK East Market. BOARDING. I lAV IA KfJI No; Massachusetts avtt.

Foru- isbesl rooms If deareu. 'pHEloLU PKl'A I I It Hlil'sK has chaiiKed-X owners, and is now-newly furntshHo: aiai tiri-Cla-s iioarders watilWl: -TV haist' Washliiklou st. PERSONAL. HONUVAN 4esires to llilorni his trteiid thai be has taken a position with tl. W.

ule-w-iler, nianiucer of the City lalertakliir Kooins. tA Norlh Fennsylvauoi oppomle OTanU Opera liou-e. I R. TICKETS. CiKO.

W. FREY IS still at tbe old stand. LB lHibuis street, selling tit kelsal irom ui IVua less than regular lare. ui alt Uiietliolis; Maps aud uiloriuatiuu tites. .1 MAY 1- 3.1 111 llo i i I I FOR RENT-ROOMS.

"f- l'-N. Meridian su I H'MS. at IMN. IVuusv awn Ii' at 1 i KaM I'm k.s-irs liin.f.:v A iy at S.

hast at. A III K.I.M. i N. 1 st. M.

71' Ids'KwisMt st. AppiT alibi Fast. li.tN I lil K' ill- 1-: t.l NT Faat wC7 I tKUk.M-HKii si." 1 i 1 I. lieu-, k.s 1 h. New York sU rfsVl It I-: loiir nstins.

North West 1 1 1H i AN' le-oMK I -HN I-11 Hi. Ivi lit. V. Ohio a I FN 1 t' on urst "TS "F- Marv- i I I l.A K.i H.h iM. Kihiiii 7t-i Fai-st Wash ui if- 1-.

Ol -Il'K III I'A cheap. Is h. -I. Fl liM-UKLi i-. I v.

N. 1-. lute's. 'I'KNl-UK i' Fi; i.N him.

-7 North o- 'F I'NKl and noo.1 Lam. 1' A- 1' I'll' iXT l. i.M. I iTi Vs. an- i 1 I iVF I I Kli.

l.oar.t; il itesire.l. i .1 N. Alahaiila -1. i) KI.V.iAN I I. tin imiiiI nnuis.

j7 and li.iiii.i-. KNt-IIFI With Tsiard: ts.arders K.anted.. Is. K. i IliUNI-llhli h.r Kiiu, 1 jt.nui:..

1 i N. K'tOM-. l.i muet I w. k.s-i'trii:. 7.N I III l.ois.

pllVAii- lii.ilsi- I I. ih 1.AU..K Hi il'-l-- partly fur- N. are. I-NrfllNISH Kl FlioNT P.iM.M and fliruisliisl. it.

I N. I I i'NK Kl KNI-HK1" FK' i.Ni lyxlM. with or wllhoiit hoard. :.7. Miss.

11. KN l-ll I- nii iiH-atimi: toi -i pi i- ate In. J7 I N. A la.stu.a. i i K.M-in j.

a i.m. smKif nt in Mute." N. 1 FN IT It NT- II Fli ami lieitr-Htiii. V. ithi'iit

1-at-l'sl. lit A.M. 4ss mul iimia iii l's ol-l ltNI-Mhl aJid lor lujlil le 11. ill.

nsiio 11. nANIesii.l-;. I-l K.KIM. New st: tK.aiilini: eiiii-nt. I.

JINK I. Yohn's Block, -I U-Iitlltoli. .1 A VoilS. I Fl KNI-llhl lor liiiiis. ke.noi! fut-iiishsl riw.ins.

i to j-. Nurid Wist, 1H.KA.-AN It.i.N UihiM, suuable for a eiillcniiiti: J7 Ni.rih. Ft' L.NI-ll I-! d.Hihle narliirs: alsij. oilier riK.lnv 17.: l-elilt. st.

ooi-ite the iwrk: hl ICAldl ii Value 1 Hlts-k. Hksisaiei. i-t' if lt.Nl-4iMK si l'ts of 4 r.H.lits. ul --ll Mum, live.

lor liousekeefe I' FKU.XT ItOUM. wilii ulh- itleasaiii ri-otiis: exeliatn-risl. iMoo su ll--I ItA Hl.K ltlHl. lot lioiiNs-iktpiti-. ou irroiiitd tlMr, to kuakI latmiv Mitbtmi ttildr-iii l.iTy N.

IllimiiH m. I News office one fl1Tit ol stairs, tr cnttn uahuigtoil st. iiiqulitr at New. ciumtimc imun, I 7 N. KKIIil A ST ST7 froii 9 ro4iiti.

11 uioive. inrtnsiiesi or mux urnishr cd. tor Inc'le cori enlent FOR RENT HOUSES, ICK L'll tiuisbed collate of 5 rooms. No. 11 rrr.

A po small Lh.v. KIIV NICE J.ouse Vl ply K. Market. I Plt.Vrr.7 rooms. 1).

citlcvei I 1 West Pratt. new. 3 nxims. 4l jh- Pearl. iI Viince ill.M-k.

BKAisiAliu not sk. rooms aim pa Fust Market. W. antry, nea iv iiaH-red. Mick A Co.

1F ST. JOSEPH ST. nanus. i.Kt.t.M a Martin.lafe Bio. k.

Hol'sh-7 riHiins, jn.r s.v,ith ainl ifliu.iis Is. J. If. NICK llllii'iv Hi il'SK, 7 riNiuis, Ft: Waviie ave. j.

W. llAi.t.v. F-Wash. 1 III NosBltf IK. and barn: also, lie; 1 Ov ifoshrook, it Oir, 104 Woixllawu ave.

KOi litf Hi it'SKr 'liT-Wit Se-o7ii st. kood repair. J. Sc-oi Xorlh si. i sv O.

1 at. 0 rooms if' NTN'ohfe st. 7 riKLiins, JUy jLoKKNr. S. ll i ot, su S.

Iielawaiest. i i lUit.i st. r.Miiiis. I.i. Nil liN st.

7 i.m. JI 5. JJy LoincS Sen mi iit. 'Su IN-Iawaie st. i DWKI.I.INT; lfotTsE.

5 rwiuvweTi aiid k.Hsd repair: SS7 olive) at. Anply Tremonl W. l.Hiisiaiia st. i i 1 YAXIiKSsT, 5 riMiuVs, i i) 4 riMims. as: 444 New Jts-sey, I4.

l-Jl S. Noble, riH.ins. iis OnitsrcH. Virihnia ave. L'OK KENT iioust-s in all parts of tbe city, froiu a.

ui fiuu per -moitiu. 4 W'AtTva Kivh-ks. A-nnt- i KuirllHh'a 0era House. FOR REN -MISCELLANEOUS. Oul) SIaBLF.

7a West Market st. I- 1IO A it STAND. J. It. Ma in A i EL Wash, 1() ACKlr-S, house and burn, sale or relit.

SI W. Ohio. 1 AKDEN of 5 acres, with bouse and stable. lu- A uiure 1.1 ashlUKloll St. I.vjlt KENT liest i-uri onckstore "biiilTiiigUi Virt-uiia ave: also, su South Delaware sL THK OFFICE heretofore oocuuied by City Attor-X jiey Denny, aq Boor Vamje -block, iniiuire-i ance bl.M-k.

I AN'T) KUANS, al IrunTI I bio "toi. per month, and tbe rent applied Jn the purchase. Pearson csn- Hm sK, Is N. pennsvlvanla st. NOTICE.

SLNBl K.N A.MTAN use Haajfs Cream. DON HAVE YoliKCAKPETS wet and aerul. ed on the floor lo have them uiould uk rut elephonetiisto liou-AKa 'PU CoXTKACTOItS FoK STONE Aj-ONUY Sealed proposals 111 be reivlved at the Mavor'a ollice until saiurday. May IsaI, at 4 clock p. tor the stone masonry of tbe new Market Hall Bulldinc Proposals must tie accompanied by the names or the proposed sureties.

Plans and mav lie examined at tbe otTi.s- of Ihe architects. A. Bnhien Is. Fast Wasliiii)ctoii on and after Muy 4, laii. lujlil reserved to reject auy and all bids.

Bkai.nakh Kiirison. Se. Builfliiiif Committee. X' OTICK TO CON 1 KAITOKs est liahaiiuH7 lis. April 'ST.

Notice Is hereby given that s-aled iiroHASals ill be rcelved by ihe trustees West ntliauapolia on MoiiOuy evehlllir, Muy la, ls. as li.llow liew il: For grading anu kravellnc tbe roadway and sid. walks of Howard si reel, frum Keituier street to Judice Hardin si reel. hat Howard street and the sldew-alus thereof, from Keisuer street to Judue liardin street, Ik-icraded and a.cordiiia: to the stake, to lie set by H. civil entrlneer.

That saiil roaip ay shall be to a idth of twenty-elithl rM I.S.-1. 011 the followiuic grade. t.ewlt: at theeenler line of Itelsner street wilh aculol l.ei, and ruiuiinv to station 4 plus 011 a dem-eiating tirade uf .4 of a fiai ht lull Itn-t, thence toslalioliti plus a descending grade of aud .4 feet per luU Icot. to' station fi plus 74 ou a. d.sccndiil- grade of fH5t per l.aj fiH-i.

At the east end of this grade, where lilie have to la made. Ihe shall be 1. lo I. T'he cent-r of the roailway araite shall Ijegrav.jled tothewiilth ol twenty ijjt and lo a depth of tinecui Ui Incbi-s til the center, to four.4 Inches at the sides, with a uood ijualily ol 'gravel. Each sidewalk Is lo Ih- irradel to a width of six .6: feel, and the milter eiik'e to lie a f.Ht hlitlier thda the roadwi.y grade, and lo rise 1 of a fool acrts the sidewalk, and the grade of said to lie covered Willi line gravel lo the depth ot eight ii Inches.

All work to lie done- accnrdinir. Ui plans on' file llli.ll. Ji. Faloul, civil engineer, id faction. ins eulire sat- he Board of Tow Tmstisos of West Indianapolis reserve the rigtil lo rejec-t any anil all prMsats ior i.ue work, i-riee 01 ni.l 11 iist he written out 111 lull and 110 erasures made.

J0K.1 A. IIakkr Town Clerk-. rH CONTKACTOIl-i Notice is bereliy given that sealed proiH.suis win ne rssived hy the lUmrd of Trustees of the lown of Brigtilw.Mid, at their regular meeting 011 the evening of the 14th day of Muy. lss-'i, for the ork and material require. I graale and gravel Poplar street, iu the town of Hriuhlwood.

between. the south Hue of Hie Pendleton pike and the north line ol Warren according Ui the provision, of aiiurdinaiice in relation thereto, aud In coiupllahiss 11b aiid cunlnriiiilv 10 Itlans.i and profile adopted bv said of trustees, aud 611 tile lu the clerk ollice of saiil tsiard. If Hegiiiiilug at the south line of the Pendleton pike, In theeenler or Poplar street, in Hie town of Bright-wihhI, Marion county, Indiana, thence running south along tbe center of said street, on adescen.1-Ing grade of seveuiy-five of a fo. to the one hundred a dlstau.e of titty leet; an ascending grade of of a fiKil 10 the oil huudred leet.

a ilistantss hundre.1 and firty feet, lo station No. 7 011 said hue: thence, on an aaceuding grade or forty-one-hundredths of a tool to tl.e one hundred f.s-t, adiv tam of two hundred and ftrly feet, to station 011 said line: on an ascietMliug grateof thirty hiuiilredlliN ol a f.Mil to lheon hundred f.set. a of mx buudre.1 fisyi. to si.tion on aa.i.1 line: llience. uu a level grmle filly feel.

10 station hi: hence, uu a desicemiihg graile twenty-one-hundredlhs ora fool lo the one huudred feel, adls. sauce of thirty-four feet. 'to the terminus of said line of street al Ihe north line of Warren street. All bids must be subimttHl before Ihe hour of 7 p. m.

on said evening, and must stale kind ol material propiwied to la used, the price per foot, 11 pipe Is used at the erossinirs. or by the hundred feet. If wood is used, the prue per ruble yard for excavation and tilling at tbe peudlei.n p'ike, and the pnoa' fn-r lineal fool lor grading and graveling. Wora to done under tbe supervision of the engineer- aial board of trustees. The trustees reserve the right to reject anv and all bids.

s. Paviuwix, president of Hoard. M. W. Prtsts, Clerk.

FOR TRADE. 10 ACRES LAND near Sioux City, la. 117 Arss-nal aveune.i t'lK-s'-LAss. L7r of dry g.HHls and nolionarora g.ssl horse and hugy. Occideutal millinery 4 W.

Washington. SEVERAL good farms for exenange for western laltd: stock of merchandise f.r farm proHrly; good fkrui near Kokoiuo, or IJu acriss. for buslnesH boose 111 Indianapolis. Send lor largest iuu. of issal estate lo W.

A.isri'ART. Kokomo. lial. .1 STRAYED OR STOLEN. CTHAYKb OK STOLEN-Koan cow; deer bead.

iT. star lu face, 7 years old, cigln Itis. Ketarn same to Vvt or i s. Meridian and re-ociv- liberal reward 1 3 AMUSEMENTS. 1) ICKSOVS AND OP ER.V HOUSE.

fr uur ami WiMltrMrnw Vtirrt, ciituiiaeccxiif MomUv. M4 4. lb I Vl.D WORLD uEM COMPANY. i if fr (. id hii-i trmt romMntit rnr of th it', a rtiiivsi ml vrttf! eiittrtjkiniiitiit.

euitrw Hi Kl'lvrti Mi unUMn i lioir: Jturiarin. iu. irt-s of itt Msk iant IaHuv Mt. r-tfx. H.Tln BnttfirK.

Kitr iMft U'rtWler, 1 A la I.Jtii rem. anU a taifv efTect tl ih ftnri work. hy m.i ariifts mti will r- r-tilH bv tivinic rtxiir. cosIuiuh1 HtiU art t'opuial I M. NMlS Otl Salt 111- ixr.LKsirs oieha hoi se.

I t-atgest. IJest aijd Most Tin Indiana. WiLtiK, Ksulish, Fron anil ater la, Man a. SIX XI'7HTS tYitnnivncini! Monday. Ajsy 4.

Matlnreevonr day except Mouday. Itletuilv: re- wvts.aM'- liv eFa. I he Spurkli in-'Three Acrs. I.lTTl.F I rreetifssl by a Cumpdnr of Fniforra Fxo-llcraCey Ti'liC-chsmbers, i -si-sou--, 1 1 l.eoji Tolil Fi-rtslev, I ll iljie llVU.L'. Jn Cs.wthjsrlie,

i Ila-ssett, Frankie Junes. 1 Tile May Ii THEoImRK THOMAS. ZT 1 NEW ir.OX THE I'alack Variety theater of the WVst. ill open 1 MONDAY EVENT MAY 4.

10, WITH I PlIMXntKHY CU. e- i Conic and hat cati be done in-. Jour weeks. GOODS! Caeang out sale r.f RY GCIOHS and the CHICAGO DKV GOODS 418 South West Street STORE, 4 rts a ynrd 6r dress Cahco. 5 cts a yard for Merrimac ShirfiTujl I.

cts a yard lor Heavy Toweling. I' ct.s a yard lis- Cotton FhuiueL f. els a dozen for Ladies' Dress Buttons. cts each lor straw Hats. Ui cts a pair for Men's Suspenders.

li' cts a pair lor Ladi.s- Hose. cts a pair lor l-adies' Fleece-lined Gloves. et- jH-r yard lor Kentucky Jeans. ts a pair for Men's Heavy Woolen Sock, ls a pair tor Men's Heavy Drawers. i ls each lor Men's Heavy Undershirts, cts a yard lor Red Mitlieated Flauuek, SI.

is. a nur lor Men's Jeans Pants. cts a pair tiir Children's Shiwts. tl a pair fur Men's Calf Shoes, tl.ij a pair lor Ijidiest' Button Chicago dky goods co; ADAMS WESTLAKE 1 EARLY BREAKFAST Stoves and Kangcs, best in the world, i OSGOOD REFRIGERATORS IMantlcs, Grates and 'Tilo Heart hi A. iw.

rcOTJA.T, 61 and 63 WEST WASHINGTON ST. SUMMER GO OD S. "LYMAN" GASOLIiNW STOVE, i or 4 Burners, nin by one Uencrator "NEW LYMAN" Host Baker made. "ALASKA" RKr'KIUKK A TORS arvl ICfiaiESTd OIL SToVE-f. Lamp Ktove.

Filters aud Water Coolers. Ile Cream Freezers. Ranges for CoaL Ranges for 'Wood. Cooking Stoves for wood or CoaL Mantels and Grates. joiixston 51i AVjaf-hiriEton.

ftstrs-nt. dealt- -S supplied with above goods. Write for circulars. ItE TI n.VTJHl CIGr-AJR, My jteaUer, FOE 5ICENTS. k.

MoOAW, North Illinois Si St. A WT-sl WANTED for Da SCOTTS beau-ixtji I fj tifnl to becoming agents. No risg. Quick, Sales. Terntbrv.giveM.

Salisfai'tlon guarauleed. Address lili. lt BruAulway sc. N. 1 FINANCIAL.

ffi per cent sa ith, IK. asli- room a 1 Si "il I aii.j. upward at lowest rate. i- Cor-VJl'U ris A su Kaut Market st Ol ll to loan from one to bveyears. Kas.w jrj nis A fit- o.

In-le si. CisCKY on first mortgage lu auy su ui denirahle. J.ius kliiu. A) and TlMirpe bl.a-k. O.VE i 1 1, amount al lowest rale ol Interest r- A iwt tatsi Market st.

ONKY at the lowest rate bf inlA-fesc J. w. I L.U1AUS A and Iplon bioi k. ON FY on mortgage aeeurity, farm and city proH-rty. 11.

ji. wtiw, 1 0.111 l-euows naiL fioNEY ou rarms or -city p(operty; terms rear Honable. I Ho-. Pay A TS K. Market st.

rivj 1.1 lANtlu.Oii allow est raiesuo brst mortgage oil City property. liloelr 4SS Yaiust ii ru 11 011 city or farruaT tbe very lowest rales. Oou.Li.a, Ia Vlraima avenue. 1ltlVATK FUNDS In small sums, oir real estate 7 ht (s.nt. as.

Cia.LN A Marr lilidale Bl.H-k. 'i 81 i 1 llnO TO I'JAN upon city pnijierty at a low- rale of uiu-real. uuo. C- lur A 7J E-Market st 5 HA VK some money to loan onUrst inoru gage secjirttv. ai 7 per CAtik luleresi JoU-i.

Ik-AN A lUleablock. IaiaN Xtonev ou favorable I4riiis oil proved city or larin property. LT. M. bTOUDASll 'Si Wright's Block.

'I'O LOAN Money al per cent Interest, In suuii of Sl.t.n and upward, on citv or country prop- erty. M. IC Williamm. ui Ejwt Market at. AUCTION SALES.

HUNT A M't'L'RDY, real estate arid reneral sue lloiiis-rs. No. as K. Washingtou street stocks of merctiaialtae lu city ur county: bougiit ouUi(iit tor cash. I 1 RAILWAY TIME! CARD.

JetTirsonviile, Madison A Indianapolis K. It la-part: I ui. 3. ru, s.4opUA, Arriy 7 StiAtuu, lu.iialu, 7utpm, ll) topiu. Vandalia Tier-art: i aim.

12m. 1 4-oftpm. ptn. Airlve; loslauu, 4Xiplu. 5'jpiu.

A ludianaolis fttt lieparu- ssiuaui, lieiuarn, lld5am, Spiu. 7-lspiu. Alrive: lOMjam, ttiopux. tisjiipru, 11.1 I Krlglitwood Divisiou UCiLKK. Pepart- 4Jin.

iM pro. 6Apui. Arrive: fo-SiaiUA, pui. 6smpm. ll.Fi&pln.

1 Cincinnati, ludianapolia. Mt Louis A Cblcago K. Cincinnati tavuKML Depart: 4-Onam. JiCApru, SSpai. Arrlvsc iin-pn.

Chicago Divisiou. Depart: lilupm, SdOpua, 1130pm. Arrlret Tgaiiii. 2Usipm, Cpui. -Cbtcagp, St Louts A rlttaburg R.

R. Detavrt: 4: loam, lliloam. 4ssipra, Oipm. ssjoaiu, lliVauu, Chicago Division, via Kokomo. Depart: 11-oipm.

Arrive: 4-ouaiu, Wabash, St LouuA Faci lie W. Depart: Arrlirei a ll jcjSfcon Jndiauanolis A VlnaentwsR. R. Depart: 4s)uptti. A rrl vr.

Mrtoaai, cdra.a. Cluclnnall. Hamllloa A 1 ndiauapolis K. Depart: 4-uatm, losliain. 425pat, IMid.

-rxire lUJimiu, UJUaui, issipni. luduuia, iBloomiugtou A Western R. W. Depart sa7pua, UUlins. Arrive.

rrk -'p' Eastern Division. Depart: 4 -31am. 11:4 Mini. Jdopta Arrive: tdSant sWpui, M-Jpni. Judlauapolis, Decatur A Springfield B.

W. Depart: "ssktm, 4 ipm. Amre: asum. Maiid, Indianapolis A St Louis K. Iiepart: 7 loam.

3Jupm, Uj4m. Arrlvat Vi'ssuii, i Louisville. Xew Albany A Chicago B. W. Chicago aud Michigan City Dtviatoa: Depart: istQ ji

Arrive: 14 OIL liiD GiSOLIiiE STOTES I.

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