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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 3

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

COMMUNICATIONS. Bostos, Dec. 22d. Friesd Garrisos You have copied into Tour at paper, mod doubtless with approbation such it deserves, article from tbe New-England Spectator, entitled 'I am an anti-slavery man That article should, and I trust will, convey an important lesson to the large number of our Sllow-riliieus. who are withheld bv the dread of Garrisoeis from uniting their hearts aud hands with the Anti-Slavery Society.

It needs very lillle argument to show them their error, aud I confidently expect that increased numbers will continue to break over this obstacle, if it is still to remain in tbeir way, and throw the force of their action and influence upon the side of truth, justice, humanity and liberty. Dut wh'ilo I cordially approve the general spirit hc article above alluded to, and sincerely desire that it mv operate effectually upon those for whom it is intended, I would dissent from it in ma" particular. While with its writer I would plead, and of those who reason, and strive against --make the errois of Garrison plea and a sufficient pica for neglecting the injuries and suffcr.ngs of two -millions of our enslaved brethren, and for persevering iu a fearful national and individual sin against God, 1 cannot wilh him forget that this Gainson, tbe v'ery man whose voice was first, and has continued to be longest and loudest raised against our great national, the very man who has consecrated and devoted himself to tbe task of redeeming ibe slave, the very man to whose efforts, far more Uian to those of any other, the existence, rapid increase, and efficient action of the Anti-Slavery Society is owing, that this very Garrison is yet really, effectually, undoubtedly, standing as a wall of between the cause he loves best and the assistance and eo-oper ation of very many individuals, who would, but for him, unite their hearts, hands and voices in its support. True, the objection is an one true, those who suffer it thus to operate upon them are unwise, are unreasonable, are guilty, in suffering the faults, however real, however unjustifiable, of another person, to interfere between them and the calls of duty yet still the fuel remains the obstacle, however really insufficient, is eflbctual the mischief is done. "But, instead of merely it, and looking away from it, like the writer I have mentioned, 1 would look steadily at it, at least sufficiently long to get an answer to the iuquiry Can it be undone An evil exists, which has au injurious influence upon -the great cause of Universal Emancipation Reasonable or unreasonable, an obstacle impedes the progress of the Anti-Slavery Society.

Now I ask Can this obstacle be removed If it cannot, we may, after ascertaining this, move onward as at present. If it can, arc we uot bound in duty to remove it, as well as to labor in any other part of this great and glorious undertaking What is this evil, this obstacle Friend Garrison, I will tell you plaiuly. If you are not prepared to hear it patiently, first consider these passages from a book which you profess to make your guide in every action of life, as well as in your auli-slavery operations. Faithful arc the wounds of a friend. 'Thou shall in any wise rebuke thy brother, and not suffer sin upon him.

If thy brother sin, go and tell him bis fault between thee and him alone. The evil is this. Many of the roost ardent, faithful, and devoted advocates of the atiti-sla very cause, but primarily, principally, and peitinaciously, Lloyd Garrison, have indulged themselves and do still mauige iu proach, denunciation of the measures, motives and persons of their opponents and this ofteu in cases so entirely destitute of either proof or reasonable -presumption, as to manifest an apparent destitution, not only of a liheral, but even of a christian spirit. (For evidence of this, as far as you yourself are con-ccrned, v. the Liberator, passim.) Thi, Friend Gariisou, is your offence your sin.

And the christian rule requires you not only to forsake, but to confess it. As far as the evil has extended, should the expiation and the antidote extend. But tin: least that you can do, is to cease to do evil. Hut supposing for it is possible) that you are disposed to defend all your expressions to maintain the undeviating propriety of your language; I have st'iil another Christian principle to place before you. Do von desire to imitate the example of Him who would deny himself a lawful gratification, lest his weak brother should be offended Of Him, far greater, who, when reviled," reviled not again Desire, do I say 1 Are you not required, nay, do you profess, lo imitate it Is it not then your bound-en duty, from this consideration alone, to deny yourself this strange indulgence, if indulgence jt be to curb this almost unlimited license of speech to render no more railing for railing; but, supported by the goodness of your cause, and looking forward lo the glorious end both of your cause and your course, even to bless them that curse you 1 1 propose the question for your serious consideration I ask you to to your conscience, to your God.

(A minor consideration may be added in Allowing it, for the sake of argument, to be lawful, is it wise to make such retaliation, even when undoubted offence has been given 1 Though you have been injured, is it expedient to reproach, rail, and curse to throw stones and cast dusl in return If an ass kick you, must you needs kick ihim again These are Ibe wounds of a friend. But it is wise to gather instruction from the reproaches of an enemy, and wiser to reform ourselves iu consequence of the truths they contain." You are accustomed, perhaps, lo consider the editor of the Recorder as your enemy, and thai paper as opposed, not only to your cause, but to yourself. Take an extract from the last No. commencing with a quotation from the Liberator. It is lameutabte it is shameful, thai no other place can be obtained for anti-slavery lectures in this city.

Not a hall, not a pulpit is open to those who are pleading for liberty, truth, justice, humanity, mid God, as connected with the cause of emancipation. All other subjects cau be freely discussed all other men he beard without ninloslation. There is one topic upon which we may not exercise the liberty ef speech and thai is Liberator. The natural interpretation of this passage is. thai Mr.

Garrison and hi associates arc excluded from very ball and pulpit in Boston, because they are opposed to slavery. Understood in this sense, it is Now, friend Garrison, ibis is harsh uncouteous unfrieudlv but I beseech you to ask yourself calmly aud deliberately, and to answer to yourself without self-deception or self-flattery 3iay it not be true May it nol be thai something besides aversion to die subject on which they treal, has the auli-slavery lecturers from the balls and churches of Boston and other olaecs I firmly be lieve that such is the case. I am fully persuaded were it not fbr the uncourteous, illiberal, unchristian habit of denunciation and reproach which has almost uniformly attended the public lectures and discussions oo this subject many balls, ves-, tries, churches and public buildings cf every kind, have been freely opened for the presentation of ibis as of other benevolent objects. I myself have mad the remark, after bearing a public anti-slavery discussion between two of the most Dromiunii indi- vidua) on each side, aad at which you, friend Garrison, were present 'Neither of these men should be suffered to address public again, until they can govern their passions so as to speak and act with The most outrageous. abuse the most shameful personal invective tbe most bitter retort and retaliation-- lb most direct impugnment of motive aad principle, were freely indulged.

I confess that I cannot wilh complacency embrace Truth, ta such filthy dress. she comes to me thus bedaubed by tbe attacks of our common enemy, she is welcome; but if she voluntarily assume the odious covering, her character is changed, aad half her beauty I am most happy to say thai I have seen and heard" some honorable exceptions lo the charge I have made and I have rejoiced to witness, ia the effect of their addresses, the resistless iufluenee of plain, simple, unalloyed truth. Oh, bo much more extensive would have been the vielorWt'f our cause, bad all its advocates been mindful moderation, temperance, justice Ptrt alas, ihciclnstances are only exceptions I believe, however, nay I am sure that this evil has been diminishing; though it is to be feared that necessity, rather than voluntary reformation, has produced the change. But why should it not more rapidly diminish i by should we not at once cease lo do evil True, it is difficult lo restrain excited and justly excited feeling always within the bounds of reason and religion but it is possible, for it is our duty aud God does not require of us impossibilities. This reformation, then, should immediately commence.

And who, friend Garrison, is so loudly called opon to commence it as yourself? A man who openly professes that the broad and high ground of the gaspel is bis adopted rule of duly yet one who has been guilty of this sin for a longer time and to a greater extent than most others; certainly one who has been more than any other a stumbling block and cause of offence in consequence of it. Out let us look at another extract from the New-England Spectator, which you probably read with great satisfaction, because every man, who has been reproached, is glad to see a plausible defence of bis conduct. It is found in tbe fourth No. of that paper, under the head Editorial Correspondence. The writer had been your opponent.

He says I began to go to anti-slavery meetings, and became interested in them and at last I had an interview with Garrison. Is it possible, thought thai this can be that Garrison, the editor of the Liberator this meek, inoffensive, kind-hearted man 1 This is all very natural aud very just. Such would be tbe reflection of any man. And this may seem at first view a very, sufficient answer lo all I have been urging. But lay not the flattering unction to your soul.

This calmness of deportment, this moderation of speech, so excellent and praiseworthy as far as they go, yet, do not erase the bitter, the illiberal, the unchristian editorials of the Liberator. Native vigor of mind, combined with the power of your cause( gives you a giant's strength and alas, you make no scruple of using it like a giant the pen and the press are your club. What though you use no other offensive weapons does this excuse the tyrannous use of that which you do employ But, friend Garrison, there is one dcpaitmentof this course of denunciation of which I complain, which it appears to me most highly desirable lo avoid, because it seems (me judice still) lo be productive of peculiar aud unmixed evil. I refer to your uudeniable aud coastaul practice of using unkind and bitter language, throwing out opprobrious epithets, and attributing bad motives, to a very large class of men, highly respected and esteemed by thcii fellow-citizens, because they do not believe all that you desiie, and at fast as you desire. Consider tbe nature of the human miud so much, so very much more easily led than driven.

And then consider what is your object. Is it merely to prove that cer laiu men and certain actions are wrong If so, your labor is finished for that was done long since. But is it not your principal object, aAer showing the wrong, to induce those who have committed it to do right I Aud how is this to be effected but by moral suasion by the forco of truth But do you say They will not bear Irutb they love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil their beans are bardeucd find their minds blinded by sin It may be true, and the case is a bard one but still, nothing more cau be done, (I mean wisely, judiciously, and wilh a reasonable hope of success,) nothing more can be done, than patiently and perse-veringly to reiterate truth truth truth, in the spirit of love love love, until the time, be it one or one hundred years hence, hen their hearts shall he softened by the united influence of this Irutb and love infinitely superior in power to vinegar and fire. If truth and reason fail, your most powerful engines are (for the time) foiled; the use of the weaker weapons, reproach and co.iiumely, after soch failure, ouly serves lo increase tbe opposition to truth to harden the heart to strengthen the perverse determination tt resist to the death. The use of these tends to undo all that you have hitherto done and worse still, it gives to your conscientious opposition the appearance of spile aud malignity.

Auswer it, friend Garrison, lo your conscience are not these the words of truth, as well as of soberness But I return lo my first idea, and hasten to eon-elude this communication, already too long for your patience. 'The writer in the Spectator asks Why are not men willing lo Hit Garrison's out of sight Many doubtless desire to keep them in view from bad motives. But petbaps some others keep them in view from the same motive that actuates myself. It is this When I see, or think 1 see my paity to be in the wrong in any minor particu lar, I do not wish lo wait for our opponents lo notice and exaggerate it. I would point it out first, my self, and bold it up plainly to view, and use all my effort to have it amended.

Au example or two may illustrate my meaning. If I find my brethren of the church or any of the ministers of my own sect travelling on the Sabbath, or violating iheir temperance pledge, or by any net of immorality bringing scandal and reproach upon the cause of truth, and causing triumph to its enemies, I would not hush the matter up and conceal it because they are on my side. No, for that very reason I would lift up my voice like a trumpet, and point out the sin, and procure a reformation before the matter bad become the theme of the scoffers. Tbe errors of my party are in a manner my own errors they are alleged as a reproach lo me, and therefore it is my interest as well as my duty to search them out, and have litem amended. For this reason alone, Friend Garrison, and I am persuaded, many others desire the language of Ami-Slavery papers, and the speech of AntirSlave-ry agents to be reformed.

Will you do what you can do towards the reformation Lover of Truth and Peace. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 27, 1834. AFRICAN REPOSITORY versus JAMES G. BIRNEY.

No. IV. One of the prevalent delusions hich abouml al the present day a is the notion, thai men who are guilty of heinous crimes are less opposed to the prmcifiles which condemn them, than to ibe language in which those principles are sat forth. It is said that if you approach them softly cautiously mildly, you will conquer them without much difficulty: hereas, by using bold and denunciatory language, you only excite tbeir passions, aud obstruct what you intend lo advance. Il is a suflicieul reply to ibis reasoning to say, ibal tbe history of moral reform testifies lo that sin is lo be viewed, and to be spoken of, with strung moral displeasure lhat sinners aie not won over by the blandishments of speech lhat exterminating principles, though expressed in mild language, are quite as odious to bad men, as wbea presented in a rough dialect.

A violation of the law of God presents no occasion for the exercise of moral complacency. God regards it wilh holy indignation, and so should those who desire lo be holy even as is holy. Ye tbat love the Lord, hate It is the truth which wicked mea fear and bat," rather than tht JOURNAL OF THE TIMES. manner in which truth is presented. Il is not tbe flash or tbe report of tbe cannon that creates uneasiness ia battle, bnl the iron messengers of death which it tends forth.

What care hether an assassin comes lo me with bis dagger concealed beneath a wreath of roses, or held naked in bis band Or whether I am arraigned aud coodemned by innuendo or direct accusation It is enough that my life or my character is at stake. Besides who spake the truth in more unexceptionable language than Christ? Vt l- crucified! Were Ibe apostles rash, censorious, or fanatical Yet lliev were bunted and put lo death like wild boasts! Luther was like a mountain cataract resembled a quiet stream yet was ibe latier less obnoxious lo the Romish church than the former No. Why? Because the principles of both were similar aud uncompromising, respecting the abominations of thai church. It is true, tbe Pope dreaded Lutber in ore than be did Melanctbon, because of the constitutional energy and colossal stature of the former but be execrated tbe sentiments of both. Think you thai ihe legions of Xerxes commended themselves lo tbe Spartans by tbe gorgeousness and delicacy of their attire 1 Now lo say, that passionate reproofs and abusive accusations are wrong, is lo utter a truism or to say, tbat we, should speak Ihe truth in love, is to affirm what nobody disputes.

But what is speaking tbe truth in love Not by calling things by their wrong names, certainly not by resorting to a deceitful phraseology; not by slyling sin a misfortune, or crime a calamity. It is in branding robbery as robbery, tyranny as tyranny, sin as sin, without respect to persons. It is iu vindicating tbe truth, though every man should thereby be made a liar. To tbe charges always, be it observed, in general terms) Which are so freely urged against me, of slandering good men, of cherishing angry feelings, of using bard language, and of retarding the cause of freedom, I plead not guilty. In tbe very first number of the Liberator, aware of these charges even at that period, I said Il is pretended thai I am retarding the cause of emancipation by lha coarseness of mv invective, and the precipitancy of my measures.

Tfie charge is not true. On ibis question, my influence (humble as it is) is felt at "ibis moment lo a considerable extent, aud shall be fell in coming years, not perniciously, but beneficially, not as a curse, but as a blessmv and posterity will bear testimony tbat I was Tbe above was written four years ago. At that time, there was scarcely a man in all the land who dared to peep or mutter on Ihe subject of slavery; the pulpit and the press were dumb no anti-slavery organizations were made; no public addresses weie delivered no reproofs, no warnings, no entreaties were uttered in the ears of the people; silence, almost unbroken silence, prevailed universally. Even the doctrine of gradual emancipation was rarely enforced: and an indignant essay, in view of the horrid condition of two millions of slaves, was an anomaly. Well, without a single friend to stand by me, without encouragement, and without a subscriber, and admonished on all hands bow much inju ry I was doing, I commenced tbe Liberator.

My readers will bear witness, that from the first number to the present, its lone, and temper, and principles, have been unchangingly the same. Now then, I ask, has the cause of emancipation been injured or benefitted by my advocacy What has transpiied since tbe Liberator was established In referring to this subject by way of self-defence, (and I am rarely induced to say one word defensively,) they who accuse me of dealing in scandalous accusations, will also accuse me of egotism. With no pride of heart, however, but with much confidence of right action, with much virtuous satisfaction, and witb real gratitude lo God, I survey the past, and chal leuge mankind to produce an instance in which the cause of moral reform, surrounded by equal difficulties and dangers, bas advanced more rapidly, than the present. In seizing Ihe trump of 1 bad indeed to blow 'a jarring blast' but it was necessary lo wake up a nation then slumbering in the lap of moral death. Thanks be to God, that blast was effectual it pierced the ears of the deaf, il startled the lethargic from tbeir criminal sleep, and it shook tbe land as a leaf is shaken by the wind.

Within fonr years, I have seen my principles em braced, cordially and unalterably, by thousands of the best men in tlio nation, I have seen hundreds of anti-slavery societies organized on the principle of immediate emancipation. I have seen prejudices, which were deemed incurable, utterly eradicated from the breasts of a great multitude. I have seen national and state anti-slavery conventions assembled in solemn deliberation, and a national anti-slavery society established, with a host of auxilia ries. I have seen ihe press teeming with books, pamphlets, tracts, and periodicals, all iu favor of the bondman and against his oppressor. 1 have seen crowds rushing to bear the tale of wo and of blood, and lo learn bow tbey might assist in saving their country from impending ruin.

I have seen ibe christian sympathies aud generous assistance of a foreign nation secured in behalf of universal emancipation. I have seen discussions of slavery going on in public and private, in popular gatherings and in domestic circles, among all classes, and in all parts of the land and more spoken, and written, and printed, and circulated, in one month, than there formerly was in many years. I bare seen many beneficent schemes devised for the protection and improvement of the colored population of the free Stales. I have seen that population rising rapidly in the scale of civilization, and manifesting in the midst of terrible persecutions a spirit of forgiveness and patience, and a steadfastness of trust in God, worthy of angels. I have seen a mighty combination, formed for the expatriation of a peo ple, shorn of its strength, and brought down to the earth.

1 have seen christian believers every where assembling in monthly convocations, to pray for the deliverance nf the poor and needy, the helpless and oppressed, from the rod and the chains of slavery. In short, I have seen persons of all political parties. of all religious sects, of all ages and conditions, uniting iu one vast phalanx, with the cry of liberty upon their lips, and the Kanner of immediate emancipation waving over their heads, and moving onward lo the conflict in unbroken array deterred by no peril, weakened by no attack, diverted by no stratagem courageous, invincible, victorious If God bas made me a signal instrument in tbe accomplishment of this astouisbing change, it is not for roe to glory, but to be thankful. What else but the Liberator primarily, (and of course instrumen-tally,) has effected this change? Greater success than 1 have had, no man could reasonably desire, or humbly expect. Greater success no man eould obtain, peradventure, without endangering bis reliance upon an almighty arm.

Yet, ia view of these instructive events, ibe same cuckoo cry is raised against me now, as I beard wben I stood forth alone and tbe same, sagacious predictions and grave admonitions are uttered now, as were then spoken witb the infallibility of ignorance, tbe: disinterestedness of cowardice, and the prudence of imbecility. There are many calling themselves anti-slavery men, who, because tbey are only 4 half-fledged themselves, and have neither the strength nor tbe courage to soar, must needs flutter and scream because my spirit will not stoop in its flight heavenward, and come down to their filthy nest, Il has gone, it is going upward with a strong and steady wing, and it shall neither sink nor rest until it reach an eternal dwelling-place. To those who, with more labor than profit, and more captious-ness than courage, in secret prepare, aud anonymously send, grave indictments of my language, I will one for all remark, tbat tbey cannot possibly write their pieces wilh more complaeeacy thaa 1 read ibem thatl am ever ready to publish any of their strictures tbat I do sot aim at the graces ef composition and thai, so long as tbey only impeach my words, and acknowledge ibe so aud acts of any principles, I liaIlnot be specially troubled ia spirit, nor be induced lo engage in a contest which must be confessedly a wordy one. To quarrel with my style, is only lo dispute my lasle and where is Ibe standard of taste but in accuse me of boldiug corrupt end dangerous principles, is a question of morality. My language may not be, and I am sure is not, always happily chosen but let it be remembered That I usually and necessarily, as an editor, wnte in great baste, aad canncl rcmodeLand criticise ad libitum.

Such errors, however, are trivial, to which every writer is liable. To carp al my com position, aud yet coufess tbe justness of my principles, as many do, is very -roach like sneering at tbe black man on account of bis complexion, and yet conceding tbat he bas all the marks and attributes of manhood. Fine and delicate phraseology may picase me ear; but masculine tiuths are utterly divorced from effeminate words, and cannot be united without begetting a dwarfish progeny. This long episode, ia Ihe present review, is not without a pertinent application. It can easily be determined, whether there is any sincerity or justness in tbe charge, so confidently aud so incessantly made, tbat 1 am retarding the cause (i.

e. tbe principle t) of emancipation by my hard Of those who say that- ihey like my principles, but object to my language, I would inquire How do you know my principlt-s but by my language 1 Now, every writer's style is bis own it may be smooth or rough, plain or obscure, simple or grand, feeble or strong but principles are immutable. There are many able writers and advocates in the ranks of abolitionists, and they all agree in principle, but differ essentially iu their manner of writing. Whit-TIE, for instance, Is highly poetical, exuberant and beautiful. Stuart is solemn, pungent and severe.

Wright is a thorough logician, dextrous, transparent, straight-forward. Bxriah Greek is manly, vigorous, devotional. Mat is persuasive, zealous, overflowing with the milk of human kiudness. Cox is diffusive, sanguine, magnificent, grand. Budrre thunders and lightens.

Phelps is one great, clear, infallible argument demonstration itself. Jocelth is full of hcavenly-miuded-ness, and feels and speaks and acts with a zeal according 4v Folles is chaste, profound, and elaborately polished. Goodell is perceptive, analytical, expert and solid. Child (David is gciierously indignant, courageous, and demonstrative. His lady combioes strength wilh beauty, argumentation with persuasiveness, great ness with humility.

BiRirxy is collected, courteous, dispassionate bis fearlessness excites admiration, his conscientiousness commands respect. Ut the foregoing list, who is viewed wilh compla cency, or preferred over another, by slaveholders or their apologists Are not all iheir names cast out as evil Are they not all branded as fanatics, disorganizes and madmen 1 Has not one of ibem (Dr. Cox) had his dwelling and meeting-bouse rudely and riotously assaulted, and even been bunted in the streets of New-York Has not another (Beriah Ureen) been burnt in effigy in the city of Utica (To say nothing of tbe sufferings and persecutions of Arthur and Lewis Tappait, and other individuals.) Why are they thus maltreated and calumniated Certainly, not for tbe phraseology which they use, but for the principles which they adopt. Are they not all tauntingly stigmatized as Garrison-men As soon as any man becomes hostile to colonization, and friendly lo abolition, is he uot at onee recognized and stamped by the enemy as a Garrisonite Then how can it be averred, that it is my language that gives offence, seeing that il is only my principles lhat offend And now I come lo the African Repository. Surely, the temper and language of Mr.

Birneys letter are remarkably bland and courteous. Whatever may be said of me, or of others, he cannot be justly accused of rashness or fanaticism yel his reviewer in the Repository sneer al bis conversion, as proceeding rather from some mystical ojjlatus, than from full reflection'! aud exclaims Such is the charge of combined duplicity, cruelty and malisni ly, brought against a respectable association, by an accuser whose lips were almost warm with vows of affection for it 7' lie also quotes a passage from the New-York Observer, in which it is charitably insinuated tbat Mr. Birney is a false accaser of bis brethren The reviewer also speaks of Mr. B's fierce of his gossip of bis 'mischievous and grandiloquous declamation of his inflammatory, intense, and strife stirrin" an of his 'Parthian of his limid of his extravagapt of Ins abuse of language of his stiletto style of accusation; or his being willing to wound, but yel afraid to strike of his uncharitableaess and as respects bis mode of reasoning ana declares, moreover, thai so far as his Air. Bimey's pnjct can be conjectured by the analogy of his reasoning to lhat of other denouncers of Colonization, il proceeds either on the supposition I now mark that unmeasured abuse of the slaveholder will persuade him to relinquish what he considers rights, secured lo him by tbe Constitution of his country how kind and disinterested lo remind Ihe man-thief of bis rights, secured to bim by the Constitution, etc.

or, iu the contingency of Ins refusal, mark again that those rights are to be wrested from him by an infraction of that It seems, therefore, that Mr. Biraey is quitf as unfortunate in his mode of discussing the question of slavery, as tbe editor of the Liberator and that be succeeds no better in pleasing colonizationists, than the same editor. Of ibe courtesy with hich he is treated in the African Repository, my readers can judge from tbe foregoing quotations. He is sneered at, caricatured, aud insulted I nclmil that bis reviewer is dextrous, subtle and flippant but be is also a slauderer and falsifier, and altogether unworthy of a reply from Mr. Birney." In concluding this number, I will venture lo xe-miud those liberal advisers who are so anxious to keep a censorship over lha Liberator, lhat reproaches, falsehoods, misrepresentations and injuries are heaped upon my bead in every quarter I am at the mercy of despiteful, wicked and cruel men but which of these advisers cares for tbe treatment I receive, or stands forth to vindicate me on Ihe score of principle Will they soberly and honestly in quire of themselves, whether they think, or speak, or write, half as much against a bloody, polluted and soul-destroying system, as against my bard lan guage 7 whether tbey feel indignant wben they see false accusations brought against me, and take up the pea in my defence As for myself, I deem it, with ibe apostle, a small thing to be judged of man's judgment.

I solicit no man's praise I fear no man's censure. HARD TO PLEASE. Our brother of tbe New-England Spectator finds it a very difficult task to please bis religious brethren, respecting bis views of slavery and colonization. We fear that in bis efforts lo satisfy and conciliate all, he will get the hearty approbation of none. He cannot effect moral impossibilities then why make the attempt Why expect to reconcile that which is irreconcilable He is not called opon lo vindicate our course, but to state bis principles unequivocally, and then stand forth manfully in their defence, with the lofty interrogation of the apostle upon his lips' Whether il be light in the sight of God, to hearken onto men more ibnn unto God, judge A squabble about men is commonly contemptible, but a contest for principles ts always sublime.

We can appreciate the tenderness of his feelings and the amiableness of bis heart, and with him we know how painful it is lo be arrayed against those whom we esteem as brethren but shall we sor render our judgments, or stifle the ceaviclioes of ear consciences, or abandon immutable principles, to accommodate oorselves to the blindness, or coemption, or cowardice, or insensibility of these mea No. Tbe fear of man brings a snare the wisdom of man is foolishness tbe policy of mania madness. God, then, most be oor son and shield and if be be, we shall ever find him a present help ia lime of trouble. Two or three remarks in Ibe last number of tbe Spectator grieve and surprise as. We will specify Ibem: I.

If we thought opposition te Colonization was one of the necessary ingredients lo being a member of the anti-slavery socicli we wcoald abandon il We maintain thai this opposition is a necessary ingredient that no genome can under standingly be a eolonizaiionist that the was against colonization is a war of extermination; thatnoquar tcrs can or will be given and that we are sustained in what we affirm by all the publications of the vari ous anti-slavery societies, auxiliary either lo tbe American or New-En Hand Anti-Slavery Society. How can the editor of tbe Spectator withdraw from a Society lo which be does oot belong 2. It is not Ihe design of tbe Spectator lo op pose tbe Colonization Society there is im need of it, order lo promote anti-slareru rtews tn Aew England; and it will only tend to alienate from os those whom we are anxious to draw iulo our rauks. Now, this is erroneous in principle, and coolrary lo fact. Anti-slavery views are essentially and un alterably adverse to the Colonization Society men have not been aliensted from these views, but united in Ibem, by opposition lo tbat Society; and just in proportion to ihe vigor, boldness and success of this opposition, have been tbe promotion of anti-slavery views, and tbe increase of ami-slavery men.

This is notorious. We can enter, therefore, into no com promise there must be no truce uo cessation of hostilities. 3. 'If the ami-slavery society must fall, in or- aer to unite tins turns, we say, let il tail (tie sooner the We complain of ibis language, thai it is obscure indefiuite. How much, or bow little, is implied in the words, in order lo unite Christians In another article the editor says, it seems lo us, We are persuaded lhat associations on no other principles than those of our anti-slavery societies can stand whatever other movements may be made, they will all result in anti-slavery societies PRECISELY sinilar to the present, OR THE! WILL cose to koccht.

Mark We do mark it; and now we ask, can any but a criminal peace and a deceitful union be made between conflicting breth ren, if, in order to effect it, Ihe only societies confessedly adapted to abolish slavery and all its impieties, must be sacrificed And what would bo gained by the sacrifice, if 'other movements would result in anti-slavery societies precisely similar' The moment these movements were made, there ould be fresh collisions, and the united would be disunited. Do wc err 4. 'He Gerrit Sreilhl wishes the present fanti- slnverj organizations to remain, but to have good men come lorwarn, ana lake th. business into their hands. 'litis is just what we wish, and what we trust will soon be The natural inference is, lhat the anti-slavery cause is now in the hands of bad men! We did oot expect to see such an admission, even by way of in ference, in the Spectator for the opposite lo good men are bad men.

We were about lo give a list of these bad men, such as Rev. Dr. Cox, Rev. Dr. Lansing, Mr.

Birney, Pres. Green, but find we need a large space lo enumerate tbcra. How does it happen tbat such bad men are characterised by such good principles? This is a contradiction. Again How doe it happen that these men (according toahe testimony of ihe editor of the Spectator in his first number) conduct their meetings wilh more christian spirit than those of any other associa tion ever attended We are quite certain that our brother does not mean lo be understood as impeaching the characters of anti-slavery men but be is unfortunate iu the use of language, and we deem it right kindly to caution bim in future against precipitancy. From the first, on many accounts, we have fell interested in the success of tbe Spectator nor will we yet discard it.

AT HIS POST. We congratulate our brother Gootiell upon bis safe return to bis editorial post, after an absence of about tluee months, on an agency for the American Anti-Slavery Society. It seems lhat during that time, he has obtained for the Society pecuniary aid to the amount of delivered 20 public lectures held some leu or twelve special conferences conversed with some scores of clergymen e. He speaks encouragingly, aud tells his read-eis why and wherefore. We hope that be succeeded in procuring a long list of paying subscribers lo Ihe Emancipator.

The abilities of Mr. Goodell are large, sound and capacious and his labors are alike indefatigable and invaluable. Nevertheless, disinterested and pure-miuded as be is eminently judicious and conscientious thoroughly tried in all moral enterprises abundantly blessed in bis efforts to redeem mankind from the thraldom and degradation of sin yel be is stigmatized as a fanatic, and covered with reproach, by those wbu are conscious of his integrity and moral worth, but whose passions are inflamed by their prejudices, and whose uukiud-ness is the effspring of stubborn pride and perverse skepticism. The last number of the Cmanripator contains two excellently written letters one from our beloved brother Charles Stuart, giving an account nf bis western lour and ihe other from Dr. E.

Mace, addressed lo editors of religious periodicals opposed to, or not advocating, immediate TO CORRESPONDENTS. A who hopes that no political suggestions," or other politics, may find Iheir way into the Liberator will be surely disappointed. Hitherto, wc have said little or nothing ia reply to tbe hypocritical cant and lugubrious outcry which have been uttered by the pro-slavery party, respecting the political action alluded to in tbe Declaration of the National Auli-Slarery Conveation but, in our next volume, we shall take up Ibis subject, and tell slave-traders, slaveholders, cnlonizatiouists, and all others, what we tneau to do with cur elective franchise, towards breaking up the impious system of slavery. As thai Declaration was peoued by as, we presume that we are competent to give an exposition of its doctrines. One thing we will say, in advance of our essays, that the immediate emaxci-patiox of ihe slaves in the District of Columbia and tbe Territories, is to he made a test at the ballot boxes, in tbe choice of representatives in Congress; and that no man who is a slaveholder will receive tbe votes of conscientious and consis tent abolitionists, for any station in the gift of the people especially for tbe Presidency of the Unit ed Stales.

As lo the caution of A FRrzxDabool letting the Liberator 'become, in Ibe sfigbiest degree, ihe tool of party power we read" it vekh a smile. Among all the dreadful sins of whica we are hiu to dc guuiy, tne rear or taror ofaMu is certain- ly not to be found nor do we think there is ay dan ger in future of our becoming servile. leering ear high responsibility to God, we have never yet asked, and we probably never shall ask any roan or body of men, whether it -would be prudent or politic lo agitate this or that qoestioo, or nttes this or that iguage. Ia ei pressing oar senti treats upon any point ia the Liberator, it is equally immaterial to us, whether we thereby diminish or enlarge our sub scription list. A Citizen of the World ca file for insertion.

207 Tbe proceedings of our brethren ia Scitaate, formation ofaa awi-slavery society, shall be re corded ia owr aext number. Our frieml A. il. at Bata, bas wrilira a spirited $nS eogeat letter, for wl4ch vide the Liberator No. 1, r.

skoetpsAu scarcely oe au le make another visit la Main during the present wia-ter. Thousands will juia wilh wur correspoRdrat ia prayer lo God4for Mr. T's pveservatioB and success. Mr. Thompson caaMot now definitively comply with Ibe" respectful iaMUo ef oot brethren ia Lynn 1ml they may tberisk the hope of seeing aad-bearing bim ibe coarse of ibe ewsefeg moat.

We ibank 4 A. T. of Nona Tarawa, for air kind epistle, and shall give it a prace ia another number. He is right ia affirming, tbat the Meads of" bemawity hen in Ibe north asusi aad wiO-taw anf-act right on ihe sebjeel of slavery, when they cams Jo-be informed. Tha reason why 'tbe people ef generally do not feci and act with seal and unanimity, is not so much owing I prejudice or cowardice, as la igeorawe of tbe character of and of tbeir eenaecikn with it.

Give ibem ami thro wicf their prejudices aud tbeir fears lo tbe winds, tbey ill plead, toil, combine, aad execute for iho ia bonds, as ihuoxb they were indeed bound with them. The favor of nnt Portland friend 4 is doubly' clcmo we sba be happy le pettish il next week. We are surprised thai he does uot pereeive Ibe object of our Refuge ef Oppression' but word or two ia relation lo ii when we publish bio let let, Abti-Slavert' is as Leeis a a razor, and shaves ihe Loweif edkon very smoothly. Look lot it next weeft. it isr type.

The poetry ef Morris is-rejected. The letter of our friend at Kingtlen, Mass. cam too late fcr ear present number. GERRIT SMITH'S SECOND LETTER. A large portion of xmr last paper was occupies! by a letter from Ibis gentleman, maintaining by sound aud elabornte arguments ibe doctrine of im mediate emancipation.

A larger portion of our present number is taken np by another letter, relating lathe Anti-Slavery Society; and it Anniohes a Most deplorable instance of human hscessijlency and bo-man folly. He blows hut' and c-efd be says that two and two make four, and tbst t.ley db not make four hut nine he maintains lhat light' ir light, and' that it is not light but darkness, and Ibal light and darkness are essentially alike he affirms that, slavery is always and utterly sinful, and that il is ae good that il is abusive to call il criminal For a time, bis vision is clear, and bis gaze reaches the utmost height of eternal truth, and be walks fearlessly and majestically then be gropes in thick gloomy, and stumbles al every step. For a lime, be is anxious for the honor of God's law then, alarmed at -ils severity and impartiality, he begins lo look round' lo see what good or what great man's conduct is condemed by il, and denies its applicability. Ii is ensnared by ihe fear, be is influenced by the opinion of man. We shall review his letters with all fidelity.

It is our turn lodeliver the lecture at the Anli- Slavery Hall, on Wednesday evening next; but, as we are severely affected in our speech by the influenza, aud therefore physically disabled, Mr-THOMPSON has Warily consented to lake our place, aud will on that occasion thoroughly review tbe first and second Letters of GERRIT SMITH. exposing iheir inconsir leacy, and their mutually destructive doctrines. Those who were nresenl at Mr. Thompson's dissection of President Yonng.oir ediicsday. evening last, will be curious lo see a similar operation performed by bin epon Gerrit Smith.

trust all who possess tickets- will be prompt iu ibeir alteaJance, (and those wbo-do not may procure Ihem for this lecture at the door of tbe ball, for 12 1-2 cts. each,) Ibal tbe lecturer snay bar as much (tote as practicable lo do justice to his sub-' ject. MR. THOMPSON'S LECTURE. 03" Mr.

Thompson's lecture before the Young Men's Anti-Slavery Soeiely, at Julien Hall, on Wednesday evening, was received with every demonstration of delight and approbation. Its deliv--ery occupied about three hours! The audience was large, respectable, and highly select. Among those present were the following clergymen Mr. Wins-low, Mr. Pierponl.

Mr. Fairertld, Mr. Park man, Mr. Gannett. Mr.

Barrett, Dr. Ixiwell, Mr. Porter, Mr. Hall, Mr. Himes, and' Mr.

T. F. orris. If we bad room, we should give in our present number a skeleh of the lecture, which' was principally a masterly and overwhelming refutation of a letter which lias recently appeared in tbe Cincinnati Journal, from Ihe pen of Rev. Dr.

Young, President of Centre College at Danville, favor of gradual, and against immediate emancipation. The triumph was indeed complete. This letter we shall publish hereafter: it is-full of moral' haseucss, although very artfully written. PETITIONS TO CONGRESS. Those persons who intend to petition Congress at' tbo present session, for tbo abolition of slavery in-the District of Columrtia, are reminded there pets-lion will be sent from Boston, in Ihe course of three weeks.

Will not the friends of ibis measure throughout this State, attend immediately to- the crreulation of separate papers for the signa hires ef Ladies and? Gentlemen, and forward the same lo B. C. No. 46, Washington street, so that they may be' formed into one roll before Ibe first or February Mr. Bacon will furnish those who may wilh blank petitions.

CLOSE OF OUR FOURTH Our fourth volume is completed. We meant lo have occupied two or three columus of ibis number with an appeal lo our patrons, and a retro--, speel of ibe transactions of the present year but We cannot find room nay, we btve even chosen lo cxcludo it, that we might insert the long ad--monilory letter of au anonymous ceusor. we may allude lo that letter very briefly in our next paper. We thank such of our patroos as have paid' us, and will thank the remainder as fast as tbey. Our list of subscribers must be exteuded will each of our present suhscri bars try to get tu new commcuce wilh our hfih volume Tlie combat deepens Gov.

M'Duffie, of South Carolina, in bit inaugural address, conies out boldly iu defeaee of slavery, as a bealthy and eeonom'eal system, and declaims against the present auti-slavery So we are all apposed to slavery as much as we-can We shall let ibis loves of slavery be heard in our columus. By a paragraph on oor last page, respecting the 'military orgauizatiooand preparations of South Carolina, our readers may leasn. bow secure tbe slaveholders feel, oad Uow IUtl ibey dread lb insurrection of their slaves. Read that paragraph carefully, and say, wheiUer it i nol an awful commentary apoo-tbe danger of Ihe slave system ANTI-SLAVERY LECTURES. Tbe third or the roorse will he delivered by Mr.

THOMPSON on Wednesday eveaiag next, ai tbe-Soeiety's Hall, No. Washington street, at -7 o'clock. A few Tickets may be had at the Society-'. Office, No. 46, or of Mr Johe S.

Washington street. Pries AO cents. SUNDAY EVENING LECT0RES. Untoward circumstances excepted, Mr. Tuontf-son will deliver bis second Lecinre, to-morrow eveoing, al the Hall, over 46, Wasbiogto street, at.

half-past sue o'clock. Subject as before Tbe Bible vs. Slavery. Dee. t7.

The Monthly Concert of prayer for slaves, will be IteJd al tbe 'Hall, over No. Washingi street, on Monday evcoinj next, at o'clock..

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