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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


im AMrjHBMSNTB. Tnuven -ntadlsoa between MoVroai iUMn on Hum Baiet.d bet eon Mani la and IbUM MnM Bart iiin'l Tnim-Hr of Wbh at. sad OoB- tt. IriaIoB of i Horat towmitiMiliiiw Wasmragton and Barmatph aTamtb. Bar tooioeie PaatomtaMTroap.

rm' Orsa Hoc -M ouro 4UU tuagum. oottm -M lUmbU's atlx Hatn Ortal Hoc Randolph tlark sad LaSall. ff City Boo ascend VP GtYw Baokley hu ioT" onneottort i. lb Is run Oman thB Flret ConfTpittml Chsrchlhls evenings 7:13, led by D. L.

Moody. T7ie Theodora Tbomu ornbeetrn am an to sat waning 1 th' con siw iMim i "1 CplB McOA will Prh 4a NoHh Se Ontario and Weil etreete, The BoartT of Pabl I. WorV Aram rewideo fn, tn ergo, A leddden)y et LonU yetrdy. The rrwT-lar nNmiont of Emi iPon 1LDwrt Of OA will to etd VinSSlM tb bll 8 Randolph UMMMkirnwrt. A rumor ourrent tbt tb ptaaa la nrnrmtloa foe 1 erJSti city, to PoVEed tb? Stock Yard kt ad tob00tW ft lUo.

UUtob JU. WT W. BoriAaf to to t. U. IrcaHact.

Th Commit on Wood Preaerratlon will mwt la aaaimlttaa room adoiiilBC taa Ctty oataaToa Waday. Octohar I. at 30 bVT, for a farhr coaJderatloa of the Imt aaWact prcoaratory to Baking a dnai rc-port. AUtatrraatdpwartBrit4 to ba.preaaat aad patliclpata ta tkaazaaataatkaa. Tbo nam of th Ldlea' ChrlttUa Union haa beca caaafred to that of Taa Woiaaa'a AM AsKOeialioa of Cklcairo." Now oflioeia will ap potatad at an adjoaraed Biatia held at tka Tooaw.oatne corner of Itoeptaiaaa aad KaaAolpl ctraeta, oa aext Tjrxiay aftenwoa, at 4 o'clock.

ax comma nieat on wu rolrd, yertor-dar. at taa polic kradqaarto. from Arkanaa Paat. ark arklnr for lafomatlaa of tb wbrreahoata of Jo. "rt.

6nrr WDaoo. a Froe-WUl Bapttet mln'arrr. wao la airppoiwd to Hlag la tkla city. Ant ioforaiaiioB atay Bk aant to JUa, Kmlly Wilaoe, at taa abor placa, It waa laid down ai a rale of praotle. 7 Jadia Bogera, yoatorday.

taat parttoo of foraia birth aboaa Ant paper bara ba barat br Ut fir caa obtaia Uwir taa) paper by making a(Bdattf tka facta, rapportad (m eaaa of tba abaaaoa of th onainal witnew) by tha affldaTltof aoiaa party who baa taea tba Arat papaf a. Th Board of Pabtie Workf awarded the wt tlui fuYBntrartinn of tba anelna bona oa 8ontbDOTt avene to Mr. P. Micrady at ti For tha oceina boa and polica atatfam on Larrah i Wt nimin waa awarded to Toralllr db Naick. carpeatry to jr.

H. Djoltr, paintiiut and alasincr to aad plnmbiag aad gaa Bituig to owoa unuu, w. The eommitte appointed by 4he Woman' Leago to do teaaperaao work will matt wadne-dav of tack weak, at o'clock la ta afternoon, at Lbe rcfideoeeof Mm. Oaorfe Soarille. WO Warren anoa.

Ail women iateraated are cordially laritad to attend. Oa Wednesday Bvxt, th Md, tha eora-wiluea will mart at 1 o'clock. At Mra. I. Cbandlar wU addraaa ladiaa apoa "Tha Power aad DaueacJ atotaeraooa." The followlnK the total amount of eltr and rnbnrrjaa property traarferrad during taa weak ending Saturday, October IB: City property, anaber of ealea, 1: coaaideratlon.

Nona of city limlta, anmber of ealea. 11; eoa aidant ton, $i8 Booth of city limit aamber of eoasldera-tioa, Wrtl of city Uatita, naa.ber of aalea, eonildrration. MO. Total aaiea. 5a.t Totai COMiderauoa, ff, 4M.Ua.

A tabbing affray of a aerloa nature ed- carred at anatoa oa Satarday aJgat, tba partlee beta eatptoyva of tk Banetaa VHekr aad Tile Work. Joba Tally aad Pred Piock, both vary aineh intaxiratad, bad noma diagaeaaat ata aaaeeahly of their frienda, aad atepped oatatde to aettle ta The lattr foaad be waa ratting the worst of It, and drew bi poekrt kaif.wtth which be tnfllcted a boat a date eta be. one aearly a foot leaf. Dr. Poole ttalak that-with arfat aarelnr be may recover.

Plock waa arrearod a Saaday by Officer Kearney and rumutacup. THJE tOCAL CAMPAIGN. Anaaanaimanta. THIRD WAEO-Company will meet at bead aaaftara, Ho. T5 Stat tret, thi erenlag, for inairacuoa an anli.

Com pan tea A and will aaert ta ta aaaa place oa Thanday erenlag for parade. FOURTH WARD Tha Xxecatlv Committee will rnret tbie erealng at the office of A. 8. Tirade, 89 Wabaab aveuoa, near Eighteenth atreet- WARD Meeting thl erenlag at Maacheck. corner or Twantvtlxih and Baddan fJ peak ara: Oharlea U.

Bead, Jean B. Bioe, and otnera, SKVKKTH WARD Meeting thli erening at PfeKrer Ball, TTt Boath Ualtted atrret. Spaakera: Qoa. 1. Rire, II.

Bind, G. W. Planuaar, Waah-lngten Hratng. EIGHTH WABD Meeting thl evening aoathweat corner of Tbroop acd Sunoeon etreeta A. C.

Heeing. J. D. Ward. EL B.

Miliar, O. W. Plommer. THIBTgKWTH WARD Meeting of tb Club and Kxeca'ive Committee thl erenlag at headqoar ter, ISA Weat Madlaoa (trcct. A fall aUoad anoadeeired.

Ftri'KJINTH WARD Meeting to aigfat at STT North Rrnben tret, corner of Aagoat. Bpeajteat: J. D. Ward, J. U.

Campbell, and ptbeta. tlXTMSTH WARD Meeting thi veoln( at corner of Orchard and North arena tipeakara: J. L. aad Paol VaBdervoort. fKVKNTEIKTH WARD-Mwtlof this evening at Zelb'e, oa Honh avenue, near Fraaklla (Ueet.

Good apeakcra. THORHTOW Meeting to-morrow (Wednesday) eveain at Tew Hall. General Beet aad Boa. B. B.

Miller wU. apeak. DCHTON Meeting Tbarsday evaniag. Bpeakera: gf; bT Millar, Paul VaaderrooriVB. 8.

in ujiama, tnrxoif eTAKnanD otrBT. BBaxtqeaBTana Uatow Rtudud Orimtx or C'accaoo aao Oooa Cotrarr, Chicaoo, Oct. 1 AQ offleera of th fniea Btaadard Guard of Chicago and Oaoh- Coanty will report at aeadqaartera. No. 186 and lift Baet Laka atraet, aext Wedaeeday at o'clock.

Th division eommaadar will be req aired to report tb name of their re-pectiv tad' offleera and name of the regimental aad company officer la their aeepectiv eomroaods. with taa number of aaea tbaA bava aaiiorms acd aamber of nlf orma needed. By order J. 6. Bevoolda, Cmmander-ta-Cbief.

Major B. B. Daoocaa, Aitaat Adjataat Geaaral. A NB ATfiWIJfDLE, How a CTsmatryaaaus was Cheataat, Haw tb hfarer BaTrleaded Hlaa. A earieaa baaiaess tranaactloa.

which ba all th aopearaace of fraud, was developed la this city yea-terday, aad promptly frastrated by the Mayor's polic. It appear that a German named John VoU-mata bad recently leaded In this dty, and bafng poeseaaad of th saug sum oi ton, had toand no difficulty la forming acqaalntancer. Bis newly formed acquaintance, however, wee not of that tamp who would retort to tb mors accepted form ewladilag, bat weald rather adopt a method by which tbe verdant emtgraat aright part with hi moacy la a graeaf al aad apparent! aatbifactory maa-aar. John had beaa repaatedlg told the daerer of carry ins; money, apoa his parson, aad had accordlsgty been advised to make aom aaf deposition of bis Man pa. II had incidentally beard that a pood plar of deposit would a a bank, bat kl coileasuee dispelled tha laea by atatamentt Of ta attar worthleaaaeeeaad oaraliabtliry of each a LaatitaAioa.

Iaatead of a bank, oa Kobcrt Lana-lag eaKoeted th Prorrrs of tntnuilfij the meaey to his head, fa wonld borrow it for end year and pay am tz per cent, interest. Th money would tu af aad gv th roaaer soma return' This, aad additional argaments wer need. untU the p.iabie aatar of Jloha yielded, and the mooey paaaed over to th redoubtable Lansing. And here cpmee the ssoet carioaa part of tbe ln-aiead of giving htt. Vollmath a Bote with collateral ecartty.

Mr. Laaalng exacted the following: fcr.v -al. -a October! tL 187J. I. tb aaderslgard.

hereby loaa to Robert Lanalng tbe earn of $vtK) dollar la th drat of atay, lfTJ, at par cent, laverast. Josnr Votutrta. Yesterday ft Boddenly oecnrred to the signer of the above aot that he bad beea swindled, and wltb a view of seeking red re ha applied at tb Mayor a pffic. Mayor Med ill at once detailed one of hi po-lie officer to work ap tb rasa, aad that officer, with acommeadahla promptaeee, soon a scared the ewta-dier. Tb Mayor expounded to 4 ha prisoner the law fa thceend ta peaalty attached to It, bat prom-laed, iaaamucb a tbsr appeared to be soma mltigat-tcg cirrasutaace, to let hlmoS if th mooey was ret urned Mr.

Lansing thereupon produced Us 0O, cd Mr, YoUanth departed happy man. The) PUeo Beard. A anaedac of the Board Of Polio Commisaioner waa held yeaterdsy afternoon. President Talcott io tba chair. Pieeent, Commjaajajnen Bhertdan.

aad hUobJce. Thrmgnattom of Omeaa'Chadoi H. Soahl wa prta lad sad iriraaad. OfflCeObpawaeeR-dgh oa th charge of wft- Uc d-al5 tUbM, Officer Uoyt and (rottv were arraigaad for lnaa- wvw ww ot muBMurwi netSBUsHni. dob Moyi Bratoa havu factortlr D.

Broyl aad Alton apacial police of thw li lore. Ue feoaU adoeraed. asveral canoldAlc for the polic FaetaWTaeth Karwlae. waver wa there aacwiag compaay talk world tha caa aeh a actors a ta Uhaa. Georga li.

Dittoa 7am I par placed oa tbe regular nolle force. 1 and Joan Burke, aa request of tCMer. Bailmail cnaaBanv. warn l.wl la a. saaa baaodauraa tha arawlira i 0 This owing thart of th aaachlae.

and that po longer a oration of Its ro period ty over all other. Trie prevent Do meet le" Coapiay hsva taea eetablivbed a lutla over a year, and ar atre.dv turalag oulof their maeblnee pee day, ar raptd! 1 lag, and yet with diraraltr aneeb th grawlag damaaA They auka e-rno aiaiaae, bnt we hetleve aa eiaailhatloa the nvab. a astVrr tsaia, wi I aatiaf Oar friav that th iMMUStUb' is m. and tawa, una they claim for U. commcm covkcii, l.i tonal "a WhifjfcjecU Th Tb wvy ir th.

Municipal YwBr -1872. Tn VJnU of city Rii K.UU k4 v. all ra. -TfacU-Thfirelkt' warer Let Parcaaae, bm. 'A aWlcr of tk Coan'efl wai)4 11 wveaiar' Kalckerbocaar, O04 Dtaoa.

Thorn peea." t)nry, Bteae, Sehailta, Traoa CaBartoa. Bailey. Clowry. Half heat. PowU Uuidtm, Soad.

Iweet, Tltbaek. Jlaata, Baehtar, Me-unth. aaoat, Bebaflaar, Lorfracbtt. McCaffrey, CaV 1 oa aaotbT. Ahterataa Baggy waa appotnfd ObaH.

aii.waH 'i f'onowfug'ftoia Jtajor XediU waa read: To tha tlaaofabla Board AlderBMa Of Chicago' la aaatxaaia; tcapecU nnyaacoataMad tba paaaag of aa atdiaaace berrwlth eabmAttod, beiag lfftande a aa amendmrnt to aactloa 5, of cbaptar 42 of th eriaed Oidiaaaeaa. atUl4 Vaaiehav" i 'r Tba Ponce Peuarnaeat n'teace gratit dlCttcalty ra rtprraHag laciLg tad laat dririaf of street otnalbaae balooglac -t to rlfal Hn, as 4 fa prereattaic leonnJoad Vwlth other VU reeaiUag froaa aaca raaiaa. thereby Bdaacwrlag life ec4 daaaging fore i io amall offieer eaoogh caaaot pated to aUUoa along ta brarra and araaae to au th rlOlatlona vl th cwdlaaaeaa thai ara dail perpetrated by 'bo driver. Aad when the driver are coenpjaoM or. an eat a aaa pmeeeotea, the pro- pi lai ag tka llaea- are ia th habit at coai- ia ta shew reacae, paylag the tMI iaworea.

clelag hail fo their aooeamea. appearing th aoiv, caattag the blaaa that rival, an ha other way endeavoring ta eereea aad preveat thepaalahataator th guilty dntvera, who, tha eo-eenieged and protected by their employer, perafet ta tbeir noiatioa or rawa. 'l 11 aa au aeaae or spoaaibllity oa th part of th driver Is deatroyed, aa ha baa Utti to fear long aa the proprietor of tb line keep ap their rptssrai rivalry with each ether a uuu naa ia ractag ana toeaeying per- formaac. Tha aaiatiog ordinance oa th ftibject or noc reauir that driver of stag omnib line aball taaeoat licenae-permit to ply their ooea-natloB: and banc thera no record of them la th offlc ml tb City Clerk; and ao revocation of Heens caa reach any one, a matter bow often my" Tkft the ordlaaac or bow aggravated hi odea. By the adoption of the amendment all the driver of omniboae will be regiatered and licenced; aad the aamaof each can be aeeertainea rrom tne namoer 01 bib oa; ana When toand guilty by the PoUe Conrt of violation of th ordinance forbidding racing on the atreet, hi lleeaaa may be revoked, which is a pnnishment that his employer cannot prewant.

Be will he placed a hi good behavior; and If he values hi to drive aa omaiba la Chicago, will constrained to obay the or. ornante ainiost raclDir. fast driving and reckles col- tisioBSWkl) private venlcles having weaker wheel. (Sometimes a driver ia aow dichigd for overdo Lag bis penuireion to race and coUia. wherevpoa he i taken Into tb aervic of the rival tine, and grattdee his revenge apoa hi last employer SI Hi tim time that he ahraailww hisaaal for theaew, and practice vexation aanoyaa and also lafxao.

Hons of the ordinance. I am confident that If the amendment herewith mb-mitted parted, there will be few complaints thereafter of violations of the ordinance regulating omnr-bns driving. Th license fee proposed to be Sxed is barely eaffietent to dtfrar the cost of registration, traaafve and issuing liweBBea. Berpectfnily4 Josm-a MaoiLI. Th following Is tb proposed amendment: Be It ordained by tb Common Council of tU City of Sacrtoa 1.

That aeetioa lv ald cnaptr forty-revea of the Revised Ordinance entitled vehicle," be amended by striking oat the word except oraaibaae or esfahliahed liaea, where they oecar la the Brat clause at that aeetioa, and by adding to said ectioa th The City Clerk akall eoUeet a Jae of one dollar aad no more tor every driver's licea so issued; and such driver' Urease may be r-voaedby the hi ST or hi hiadiaoreUon." Sac Thi ordtaaace ahail be ha fore (rasa and after It passage and da pablicaUoa. uu motion, ua oramaac waa saierxan to to vgag-i miUea oa folice. k.i CKOnri HOTfBB IOT. Alderman Boiden nbmttted an order directing tha Board folic aad Fire Comraiasloaera to secure a saitabw lot for aa eagle boose somewhere between the territory bwanded by Balsted, Raadoiph, Adam streeia ana tenure arena a. 1 ne oraer was paapeo.

Several petiUoa for water pipee on Baddaa aad on straeaa, and for ga pipe oa Bighteenth and bixtaenth etreeta. wer appropriately referred. THB WATCT IOT. A report of lie tad.lrater, recommending the pare base of the lot fur water won proposed by s. J.

Walker, waa ordered laid over aad puDueoea. VACATION or AIX1TL Alderman Bailer aabmLlLed am flrdar dlraatiaa tha Board of Pablic Work to prepare an ordinance for iae vacation 01 me aiieys Between wen ta and Max well streets, aad Browa and Johneua etreeta. Oa motloa the resolatioo waa adopted. CITT BAT WSISHIRfl. An enrroaaed orlinaooe regarding th appointment 01 -buy nay netgaera," taair aauea, aod tb meaner of weighing bay, waa then taken op, aad on motion waa paased Aa engrowed ordiaaate re tabllahrag a bay mar ket In the West Division, In Sebor atreet, waa also Ultra ap aad passed.

Oa muUOB, aa ordinance eetabHshing a bay eta ad la tba booth I1 vision la Ublich'a aa Moh ke's Addl-tioa to Chicago waa referred to ta City Clerk for engrossment. CHICAGO A.VD PACIFIC HAIXROAD TRACES. Aldermaa MeGrath deelred to call the attention of the Council to tb forcible attempt of the Chicago and Pacific Railroad Companiee to lay down tracks laetavearegoa grounds 10 which they had ne Tb ompaaOiad proceeded to lay track In front of a eertela block on ill 00m I ti dale atraet. arainet tha protestations of th property owner. Tbe people bad arisea agatBet it, aad but for tbe prompt later-ferenc of the police of the North Side, a bloody riot wonld have occurred between the railroad employee sad the citizen a The railroad men claimed lo on th right of way while tbe property owner denied defend tbeir claims.

onrchaaaaf Ana rieht of way as apeciOed in th charter. A Merman MeGrath therefore mow that tha Aaaai of Police be directed to prevent the Chlearo aad 1 aetne Kaitroaa Cbmnan fra dai road, between Coventry atreet aad Elatoa avenue. Until such a Urn a th company had obtained tha right-of-way from the Common Council. Bach aa order was accessary or bloodshed mieht me oat af an farther attempt oa th part th compear to lay dowa tracks againet th wishes of tb people. Aldermaa Knickerbocker moved to safer it to tbe Committee on Railroads.

Aldermaa Clark thoucht that the raaolatioa was of little eon erqnerre. aad waa ccmvlncedlaai tha reeao. Why Aldermaa MeGrath offerad ilwa. TluSa SSSet ence that x1sted between him and tba 1 art oom pajiy im quesUon. Hi talk about bloooaaod was alt huncomb.

A bitter personal contest than ensued between Aldermaa MeGrath and Alderman Clarke, the former accusing and tb latter sx casing cortaia acta la refer. ence to an agency for th above railroad eomnaa v. Tb motion of Aldermaa Knickerbocker was li 1 lost, ana tee xeeaiuuou waa pasaea. MBHaona' aeTCBirs. The Tsx Comarisioaer enbmitted the following commanicatloa, which was ordered published and placed on 111.

To His Honor the Mayor and th Aldermen of tbe Ctty of Chicago. GaMTiaMBM: The Aasorsor of tbe several division of th dty of Chicago having completed their tent acd retained the same to the Commissioner of Taxee. aad the Board of equalisation having beea la session for twenty consecutive bneineaa day to beer objection thereto and to equalise the same aa required by law, I hereby return to your honorable body earn esaeeernent for th purpose of levy-ing tb tax for the year A. D. 1973 Valuation of Real Ketat Sooth Division, SlU.tM.-WO; Weet Division.

U6.7M,670; North Division. lllTO: total, Val nation of Pereoaal Property South Divteioo, Weat Divtalon. North lMvision, total. ti-WahO Total of riMtradperosU I Propertj. Commlaai oner Taxes.

THB TAX LXTT. Accompanying the communication was th following ordinance prepared by Comptroller Barley for th municipal year ld7z: Sbctiok f. That the following taxes for tb monlcl-nal year 1674 be, and tb ram an hereby, levied fog tkd several purposes hereinafter epeoned, to-wit: Two ndUs and seventy-seven oaa-haadredtha of oa mill oa tbd dollar to defray tba contingent aad other cxptaae of city aot herela otbarwia specially provided -far; aiill and twenty-four one-baa. dredth of one i7Ul on the dollar to defray th expease of lighting the etraata of aaid city; on mill aad forty-aeva paa-bandratb of a mill oa the dollar for tba nolle appease of mid etty; on mill and slxty-aevaa oa-banJretbs oa mill oa th dollar to meet th expense of peurchaatng grounds ror scaooi aoase ana nauatngs ass repainn boaaee aaut eapporting aad main taras echoo lvaoa-haniretaaof oataUl oa th aollar chooi vide a sinking and for ta uqoidataoB of taa eeweaag ana rrvar lmprevemeai oeot. the aawarag work and keep them in repairt eighty-nine oee-aandreeihs of aa mill oa the dollar to defray tha exnmaea af cleaning aad repesrieg taa streete and alley of aaid city; on mill and nvty-ain mhunedhaa ens mill oa th dollar for pnrma -teat improvements; oa mill aad fifty-nine- aaa und rectus of one mill oa ths dollar to pay moneys "Trowed pnmnaat to sectloa 44.

chapter 4, of the act reduce tbe charter of th dry af Chicago, and the veral acta asaanilaUny thereof, bato oa act, and vis tha eaaa, approved February Ml UMS, to prole fo th nuianas naeaanary ta aa tnenrrad ta -king ImpieaeBiwita. the aaceeattyfor which was 'leed by esanalttea beppeaing after tha aanaal bill ef the municipal year A. D. 1471 waa cod. aad to pay indgmeate wovarad again city asm paid a a rug the aaid year; mill oa the dolaar aa a 'water fend" tax.

for taa naaoa ef water mains pipaat ta aaid ctty aad eaJnteaeao of the watar work of aaid eUy: owe oa theaoiiar a a 'sewerage fund- tax. for the atoa aad ktylag of esaer ut aaad eaty aad th craaeceof eacasewers: owe mill am toedoilar -014 a (inking sad for tbe liquidatio general beaded deot of said city; oaabaadredthaof one mill on th aoilarfor a fnrdtapayat inatarrly achooi bond aotaor- ty cHarter. approved March ft, lrwT, andforth saca oonae aa may mmwm una aiail. aw .1 haul imrniisas' tweatv eae- UefoamiUea the aoilar aa a library tax. for the wrnoee -a tg and malafalaiag a 1 ad arndia room fee tba an aad pubil eut of 1 of the aaid ctty be, aad th same ar seioeetlvala uJI bbm ail taxa.

and personal aut lath dty of Chicago, a.aeed value thereof for Ua ma- a rer afwreaaid. 5 That tka Tax Comwlariooer h. ad i noled and dlreeted le issue warrant ha ear tba aeilrtK of ail th tare 4 tcvUd la eaafaaanay with ta law ta each w. ad provided. the angrosemeat wa waived aad th TwaaHatal 1 osrHaanos ibaaaJHasT the eaaeaaaaen forth -iiaa 4d haey euve waa tab aa ap ana pnaaeaV cvtkninn th notru bkakoh.

'f- un sf PeWllc Work, to whom w. rSfnresd 41 ro'vurw) of Aldermaa Schaffnar for tne eiaaaarKal i lataptlh Knack 0 froo niH aaeaaa 9' arie- tea wella. w)ltted a report thereoa. The Baard 'tat that "tb matter of earirriag that portion of 'be rlvrr bar hern ie frvqaiat diafiatnn by Aboat yvara are a JnTwttgio era aad by tae ooi earn ta beet way or etroovicg 01 we ami arcaakulatiiin iw the river, aad ta tbeir annual rwparr it April, leaf, th phra mi a covered redet twelve fae i 1 for tka rtvec, wtth Maant powor to prodace enrrBV rim laiil-- VarUai. ntine have tera preeaatad to tb Jioard ftwat Mea Mma, Bon which eoeaaed prertlreWe.

All' (be tBforauUoa which ib Board have ran bw ante to rain apoa Wit ab ii-rt rweerana thera ta th oiai 00 that tb method 1 niuimted hi th moat eenllait. aad aha wetnitla ot any yet praaawted. Th raoari aUada the tnveellealloaa. amarta ai tha miilillii. 11 it mwrriaiiMiBoi uwiru coasaaiUa ImlUBL ateh eceiaa a canal from tha laka 1a 11,..

-iwrw wr aaav ritrmn aveaae Wee oggeatad a La lKt plaa far claaaaingth rtvar. iMiMnrr reowf tha Board Mimd (hag nriBn.i aaearniaa oe vaaaai arv kabikv an vent the dlecaaraa of all aitaj aaat aaihulauia ner nato the riwr." ana Mam an 1 miw taae-a covrroa anaeaaet a eoaatraelad frnaa tha rtvar Ink ta the rictattr of Pniiaatnn waa then err ai eteara pwwvr to ereata a enrreac aa avow aa the provide fwnd for that porno Pt waa laid over aad pabilrhed. -t A aamber Of ordjnaac far atdewalk. hma-poata aad water pipe were ahailttd by tha Baard of Pahlic Worla aad paaaed. Oa mmioa.

th ardlnanea erantlae aaalatw Hafcta aad Prlvileaee to the Canada Hoatharw Railmail Uompaay. the Pi uatai earn State Lie Bailrwad Co pang, aad th Cbieaco and Iltinol Kill road waa rererre a aa were for Th. COOK COUNTY AFFAI8S. t- aieeUBa; of the pommlatoarIAararr for tb. iBaajD Aayla a Coty UoeuftaU.

BadariM ipprTwd-aaag la TeUag 'PreeiacU and Jadgee Kurd sf'- aW. a Tbe' Caok Conaty Board af aatarday. There war praait Cam4slrmiayrhfta. Aahtoa, Jowe. Harrrs, Herting, Stearns BkeUey.

and Pahimaa. Praaldaat WhU la the chair. A wee teed from the Da- Jrttaeaf Pabll Chariit. eaaoararag tba ami ai ty of ptorldtag reading asaxtar fo taeaatea of the Taaaa Asylum aad Ooaaty Boepttal. It wad hlao reqaested In th communication that the Board ap-prop rials gD0to meet necessity.

Atwxolatioa wai pataed aa fpUowe: k) j- Setoivtd, That tka Superintendent of Pablic Charities aad the Superintendent of Beaoai ba aad toey are hereby Instructed to select aad procure to tha extent erf MOO for th County Hospital aad Sog for th Insane Ary'um aad Poor Hunt book aad periodical of a proper character for a library to be attached fa raid institution nader sack, rale and reguiatioaa a be eetabbshed by tb said Superintendent of Pub ic Charitiea; the bija. with tba llama thereof, be submitted to this Board for It approval, duly certified. Aad that all persona who feel aa latarest in rock of our nuforttniaU feilew-citlnons a are ia. mate of said institution are respectfully invited to contribute toward the establishment of a Horary for ram A communication from tba naprlateadat of the Conaty Poor Bone waa icdetred to the Committee on Poor Boat and Penpera, with power to act. .4 A ccmmnolcatlon from Jadjcc of elactioa waa read which stated the necessity of the "Board's providing extra ballot boxes to receive tha tickets at the ensuing election.

A recent law neasida taaltb ticket be panted with eoaMdarabf space between the name of candidates, which will can a bulk la the groat quantity of ticket received eneerltaMag tb proposed conveniens. It waa Voted to order the re-attested additional boxes wherever needed. A commanicatloa oa road tax from sundry towns 1 ef erred to th Committee on Roads and Bridge. Tb County Clerk petitioned for aa appropriation for sundries, which- WM graoved, according ta the rrqhlaltion. A commanicatloa was read from th Judges of flection of the second precinct af tb Twelfth Ward, asking that "So.

Weet. Hanrtolph Uet ba designated as tbe polling place. The request waa complied with- A eommanlcation from Bamuel Stranaa, begging to be excused from serving aa judge of election ea good grounds. Tb reqaaet waa granted and Mr. A.

Newton was appolnti-d to 411 th vacancy. A eommanlcation from Judge Porter, of tba Superior Court, requesting action with regard to th trmiti arrangement for beating th CO tut. Mean, was referred to uommittaa ea PubUe iSuudrnga Two common Icaiioc addressed, to Judge WaDae, from tbe Superintendent of the I aeaae Aayiam, were presented to th Board, and were referred to the Com-mitte 0 Poor Boo and Pauper. The Commltte cm Poor Bens and Paaper reported biila, which were ordered paid, to tha of 1 ConunlUee on Jail aad Jail Aeeoaata reported the bill of Sheriff Bradley for 40, for elating prisorjera prior to 1st rleptember, laTx, and recommended the payment of the tana, It WM voted be refer the renort to the Jndietarv woromiuee, for th pa'rpoa oi ArnlnTng (aloTbe The Commis. loner from the Second District stated hla opinion concern trr the jurisdiction of th Board in tbe Blatter of bonndartea of election district, and offered a resolution which approved of the designated dbtriet already made by the Common Ooaneil, and which have been Published In the Iktbr Ocean.

Adopted. It waa alM voted to rabetttata the name of C. T. Toblman for that of John Seilheimer as Jades of election In first precinct of the Sixteenth Ward. Aad tbe place of election In the second precinct of tbe Sixteenth Ward wa changed to 961 Larrabe street.

A reeomtloa providing that the County Clerk he aalhoriaed to pay So tbe supervisor of the town of Lemon I certain money a which belong to that town and which ara needed to pay its Indebtedness, wa referred to th County Attorney for examination. Oa motion, Messrs. Cleveland and Blanchard were appointed jaogeaof election la the second precinct of hi Thirteenth Ward, in place of Messrs. Foliar aad Dane. The Board thea adjourned to Prldap, the t9th lnat, at I ra.

INQUISITIVE CKED1T0KS. The Wheat Cener Caaxrlrary Wh Were the Keal Principal latereatlttg DT4lBi4iU la freapect. Tbe great speculative combination la the wheat market of the Nortkweet, which dropped to piece on ta toth of Angaet last, la wen remembered throe rh- ont the country. In twtUy-foar hoara, from Tu arday night to Wednaeday night, the price fell forty six cent a bushel. It waa Impossible.

In th wide-spread consternation and dismay which nod at the time, lo ths full extent of the disaster. It waa the collapse of a clique that for year had manipulated tha nmrket price of eereal grain ta Chicago, almost a they Ta shock was ao general that, though it was elaar the affect af th break mam extend far bwyosd taw circJa or taoaewbower eoavplcnona In it. the amount of tha loaaaeor tha loaera could not at once be aseertalued. The retae taace of many of tbe opera ton to disclose tbeir transaction baa hitherto rendered the teak af giving a ruH history of the eomblnetloa that ealminated in defeat almost Impossible. Messrs.

John B. Lyon A a Washington street arm, which had for years been regarded as tbe besd and frost of tbe boll interest In tbe Chicago grain market, openly acknowledged tbeir insolvency. Mr. P. J.

Diamond. broker wbo bad beea regarded aa the main im. aentaure or the clique la their sweeping operations for a rise, conf eased bankruptcy by hurriedly tuapoeing or his personal property and abandoning the city. There wer a acore of other sufferers oa both eld of the market, bear as well a bulla, and among them many innocent partlee "-'y 'Tirfdrntally trr ttvilatrr ally interested. Mr.

Hugh Maker, the warehouseman of the mysteriously elastic Iowa elevator, succumbed early to Sec'i-mber, and other development aince have heen tnuiclent to convince th commercial community that bi. ger aad broader semester thaa Lyon or Maher were behind tba aceaea aad striving re so Intrly, but with dubious chance of keeping Bp ap. pearaccea. Most of the confiding shorts and th decrtvtd broker of th clique struggled ont from under tb wreck back to their old places oa 'Caanga, aom of tham obtaining xtenion and other compromising. Two 4rm which at the tim atoatry denied having any bhar ia tha corner conspiracy wer Munn A 'Scott, aad Muna, Mrtoa A Scott, th first aa elevator dim, aad tb aecoad a etiKBursioa house, but Including ant on its members the partner In the elevators.

Justly or nnjneUy Diaa ond's flight wa Interpreted aa a device to aaield these two Aim. Diamond certainly alleged early on th day of the break that hi -deal' war for thee peniea, and that be expected from them, before neon, to cover hi aaargina. Wa Die mono deeeivirgf Did ha rua away because his backer deserted him, or did be go by arrangemeat for tba perpceo of shielding them froaa the debt that were rightfully their Those have beea the col and rum a that the "hort" who war so am. mercifully fleeced in tb corner af last August hav era mausinvuaiy aauenionng, tor a. on las past, to solve.

It will be seen by what follow that soma sight as naaiy to vexed qneaUba, who ware the L.oa A Co-'arxwaer. anon real principal al ia The petitioner in th new eaee it Mr. Geo. coin, of the arm af hv. G.

Hooker A Oo. The proceed-Inge to throw Dinmoad lata bankruptcy, instils ted soma day dan, hav Hearty beea noted, and to teeumoay euomiue uercw ay ai. aim laswa, Dta mood a ooaadeaUal alerk, and othera, aaa. It 1 believed, famiabtd tb gronaoVwark for Llncoiu movement against Mann A Cat Two week ago Muna A ncoet enounced that their latere la the CJtv. Caina.

Norteweetern- an Maaa A eou atwvaaara. which ara eatiavated ta bw worth to bebsrqaeauy li of Maaa. Kortoa tbe bajlag wee weat. Merton a. Iaxmed lately after tbo latter aaaoaaeemant.

Lta-eola alad hla petitioa fan tb United Stntea Dbstriot Cxrart, Judge Brodgott, aa whack a Prmiaalaasy la-lUBetioa was Iseacd on batarday "aajolntna straming Mann. Morton A Beast, aad their agent or. attorn), iron. aanauwui, or nnot. lag any part of the Pcwparty of said rm, orat ta in-dlvldual member tberwaf.

The allearatioa la Ua. corn's petiti that tb arm be thrown lab bank, rnptry ara, in brief, that hheyaw him lASta. nnarly ail loaned money: that, awing insolvent, aaid Ira did on tha 16th of October, 187. par th Frfta. MaOonal Bank of Chicago 41a, Sua.

with totems, be give ua back prcferertce aver ki co-uiiocai 1 same day tne Arm topp pyi a nromirtoer note fog BtSkiaw at torn Xt.tVaue Kadonal Bank; tkai oa the aMh af Augurt they made preferred peymeau; that tbav ara a'snaging and controiLns for th-ir aa btsi ft Bfwu-rt-rywlrKli brlonir to their crwHltora. and thaa Ira T. Ma oa and Ueerg Sco't pwrtieulariy propose tade-vote fte.ieiOof th aaavte of the Ira to the atua- gniabnv-rt o. their own prrvaf Uamntira Thera. hers of the am a psmed In the petttin ere Ira area rttm.

florae Beott, James KiHtosuarbanraiit 1 be tW, it will aKdeswhtwal. rha attaeattoa Mt. Llnrplv wk eialaw to nea etvdiior, an the sur partieKta Uvaeaiab. who bnw yet ha na aonr-isi a tniirti4. Cannot farrly be )adg4aaaa COURT SCC0I9.

4 Complete-Bpporr the Pmeedlng-d Ib All ua Cawrfd of Rwortl. taeaei.i. Taa Irraaame lareovgwarrr Coaraar. The tn-iarctloa ta th case of Gregory vs. Septeha, oa Bat arday, wa grnated Vy Jadge Blodgett on tbe autbor- 1'Pof th opinio hf d-eflge Treat, ef 8L Louis, Me.

proceedings la lunkiapliy were ptnaing again tha partlee subject matter la dkapaarw the ilnte aiace, Lorj aspsnha htmsstf 414 a petlridLa la baekaeptcy egainsl the nynralde Improvement Cafe-peay aa th fame claim aeder which he la aw taaefj theft real estate. Although ao adjadln mm haawevu mad, stfll It was ta last such, a aaaa JAat Jsdf Treat decMsd lhat, for the iataraaf dt tfrrdltora teaeraily, Mia Cotrrt ihooid laterfsr 'and dkvaaiaaaHroaeaM, hiwnaTrtduM thabaiaac Wt BML Taa Bn sauna Pyaxxo aott waa eosa-ed ysrrerdsy. In the Xlrenll Court, aad aa -rajaaclion granted, at th aoU of tb Tow 0 Birer- and a a am bee of parcbiiiri from tha Triiiaalli Improvemant Oompsjta apalaat Xaarta. aptta aad therv, to restraia tha sate by hfaa Wader dead 17 origiaalli latdaat ae a pabtie Perk fa tha Teem of Rrverside, and which la Mr, Sapieha's Iruet deads. It I slairaed thai Ms, tmpiaha had fafl a otic of th pablia dadioaUoa of im pork.

apoa tne laita or wasca saaay people aarrhaesdl and that th dedicat'om toah alae long prior ta tbd grrhtaj the tsnat deed aaaer which ha elslsa tha slaatnewlf. BAnanpr tot. another solsma wfUhe foaad ha prtlcaJar 'of 4 petlUoa la haakraptey 4iad hy Georg D. Lincoln sgalaat tsal Arm MjLa, Hartoo A Beott. oa aatarday.

T- -w Jtn Taa Ltavoai Prvoaoa Cairn, Thi eaaa cam on raaa-ba day etore Jndr wary' oar Wa adjourned till Wednaeday aex t. The eewipUrnaxit I aaaklaa to bev the second report of the Master eon armed, wail the defendant Is applying set aaid th daiaoitea which the reference to tbe Mater wa mad. Ciaoarrr Oevn. Ocmaaa- Tran Tssterday waa tb aret dav of Octsb term In thie eonrt- Tevdaa ia dafaurt day ia hamuli and ta morrow will ba ta aame In law. Cnrmn.i.

Law. Tb eoart waa enrnred ba-dav. and will be to-morrow, la the trial of the Colin mur- aer t7ntted frntea Ctrewsa 3oa' TJeaeaer BBPOBB JUDQaV BlaODGBTP. Cnaacaax Tt NaA. of Cammate ve.Twt.pen 707bameva.

Von- Mai lea; 74 Ptfth Nat. Bk. vs. Tapoen 751 Same Chicago, at at, Oa nuMioa of onmplts, Injunction, notice having been given lnjnacttona to Irene aa prayed. en rtnrt Nat.

Bk. of Anamosa yd. Piatt. De-Buurer ta bill overruled, and day to answer. Valtad Beauee Dlaartet Ceail Omaha 41.

NBW SUITS Imiimn a lfi s. George L. Seott, Jamea H. Norton sad Char lee kins. involuntary oavpetttlon oi rgi If Martian 1 Ton-Bey, McClellan A Tenaey, any.

BETORK JTTDGS BLOTjOBTPT.8" Law. L'pton. eignee. va Major: 745. Bam va art ham: 714.

Same va Stewart: TM. oameve. Saagert 7X3, Sam ea Sturgee; 719, Sam v. Peck. Appeaxsaeaa attorney and nasauara witadrawa DTiiitcDcocair ana tv.

BAnnnrrrcT-Frsnklln B. KeDogn. Leave to withdraw objections and order made diJBiUaiiig.nro otedinga. Leander itocxweu. Denial withdrawn to adjnei cation entered by confeesioa, warrant reta bis before Graat, ov 1.

osdae appoinUno "w'JtZ lngton M. Willa prov, aaaign. i Lumberman Ins. Co, Leav ba ter to withdraw proof of debt and 41 pr off. and same tied and Ml on aaly'Jrir V1 Mondaf aext.

v'ninltlTifV Oria anowln. Moore ft Coalfield 4.404. antnoHle Rr.h.rl Jenkins, aaaignee, IO taia reaitaia a pay same. 1)-Order of VattOe. IiaTfMnna Hhle to Inlunctlon.

unvf-KKUlbTKR HTBBARD. Be Petrt idler. Ganri namnHoll aslanee to-day. Baa til lei Csarl Oefhsa 81. tnew flTrpiHi aq40 a U(, Wia Amm4A a Vlmball vs.

Wm. U. WoodDury and M. M- Mitchell aits ruca ana rrooie, Bttoraeys. eO9t0-RAbert Clark and t.iet a .11 li.

Kaeler. retltloa for rn th Balsted Opera ston-Aeraevv- H. Eerier. Petition for renaate'a Hen of Am.M Honaa, Waa. M.

Jukn- netunvao. nv ana jaarwemaa. admx. of Math fas Haggerman and la her own right n4 BHavanA Heavy Petitioa to fore rkwe mortgage of triouon n. w.

of n-w, br vae. 4. 38, 13.. A- Tripp, SOiT. 40,6 M.

Lewie, conservator of Henrietta Leavey, a lusatlc, vs. L. G. Leavey. Kebecca Bamblm Norahand Jo.

Moor. Petition to sell lot 4 la w. ieof a. e. of a w.

brof see. ay as, 15, for tbe rapport of Oary Dretbera, olra, 7 -dbjtbw Marine Company of Chicago v. 'Alberb-O. Borev, Prance M. Moray.

U. C. Warttoekv JL Bash' oar, II. Baahong. W.

Grant, Mary T. Moere, Jeaa La Moalmier. Bosall P. Me Moulmiar. N.

B. Ivaa, a B1U to forecioaa treat daaal iT.fjionTot 0. th sortb 30 feet of lot 10, and all woodondge', jraMlvtoion. Williams A Thorn neon, solk-itora. Brldret Keen an va Tboma Keenan.

Bin for eivorce. scatee, eoneitor. A Parrieh tb. Wm James Wm and John T. Harper.

Asst. $1,000. Cooper G. ft 0ee J. Clark BTlton" Great Western Tels-grsph Co.

Asst. 48.0H0- B. A. Small, atty. 0,907 Withheld for service.

40,1 Ed. Kreib vs. Margeretba and Catharine Knreley. Mechanic's lien of 1,000 on sab-lot 7 of lota to 8, block 19, Jobaaton, B- A 8. Add.

Barber A Lackner, attya. 40.089 Chaa Rtets A Bro TB. Chas. Strong. Me-chaaie'a lien of 1.6e7T B6 oa lota 1 and 4, block.

14, KoevTS' auhw Barb A Lackner, attya, team'l Bhoyar v. Kd. bhanaban kndJa. Weet. Aast, $1,000.

Sanaam A L4dy, attya. O.SCl Lucy C. Makepeace va Mary Brown. Tree. pr.

Rnssell A Dy. etrys. 40.P7S Benj. Bart v. Thoe.

McAnwmey. Eject, $500. C. Lcland. atty.

40,17411. and K- Qreenebairm, admla'e of Jacob Greet) be nm, vs, Benben Mink. Coaleeslon, $93 gi. W. G.

Addisoa. attorney. 0,974 John T. McCarthy vs. Richard T.

Rao and Prank P. and Susan 8r Bream- Bill foe relief. TO complainant state that he employed Race to aeU lot S3, block original subdivision or Irving Park at a certain eoaamlaston, and that Race procurred a purchaser la deft r. r. Browa for $4,500, part to be ta Lakeside Printing Co.

and part In cash; that he. McCarthy, mad oat a deed of premiaea to be delivered to Browa oa payment of th half cash aad tb do transfers on the back of the shares: that Rao Immediately Inserted the name of So an Brown as grantee in th deed which sb put ea record; that has the cash been nald nor have th sharee I asked to-4 decree a iwcouveyene Of tne Leary Bealtie. attya, O'Neill va Martin O'NeUL iteetl. 40.970 Jamea H. Lane and Michael W.

Morohv ra. JullnaB. Rowell. AaaL. $500.

Qoggla A bchaitiser, attya 40,477 B. LMbensteta et 41ta R. L. Greenlee at ai. appeal.

LAW CHUT JTJ8TTCB POHTXH. Foa TrrDAt-C. Vo. 18 Mark va. Mark, oa uiau.

u. 91, HI Jrnaauirrs, onorns iidTiuu. WeMi v. Sr" MAhaaai Bank va. Boberteoo.

Die by plus. vs. Kale; va. Voia-louakyt 311 Same va Maurar. Time to plead extended to 35th Inst, at 10 a m.

1.9W8 Church va. Commercial Tne. Co. Leave to amend by atrlkingoot Cbarlea W. Church.

,174 MeDonm 11 vs. bl array. By agreement time to plead extended to 34th Inst, at 14 a tAxlo Leave to lite aarr and bond ia Ilea, etc, and rule to plead In 10 day. 1,717 Stow vs. Blrscfa.

Mo. of pUT for B. t. aost l.Stft liarss vs. MoUenkamp.

Mo. for denied and jndg'L Appeal by deft. 1 A 7l -I XI Tl Wlisoa T. Keenan, William A. Denny and William T.

Redman. Verdict and judgment for plaintiffs. $1,038 03. 1,815 Same re. Wilson T.

Keenan. Verdict and judgment fc plaintiff, $1,918.75. W. Perce and T. Sear va.

A. M. Talley, garnishee of E. Lebreaa and M. Beirg.

Verdict for defendant and motion for new trial by plaintiff. 1,8 Joaepb n. Brariley and WtnWm H. Bank va. Cbarlea J.

Metaaer. Verdict for plaiatlff aad Judgment, $788. KB. 1.894 Geerge C. and H.

W. Cook va Jamea Tynoa. Verdict for plaintiff and judgment, $394.31, and gen- mi aaa special execuuon. I.808 Henry 1 earv M. Marks vs.

Abraham Marks and H. Btintrs, cm trial Dy jury. CHAKCKBY JTJDOX Fob TrasBAT. 119 Peterson r. Peterson.

Divot ce; for trial by Jury. Dacaaan, OanaBS amd Hs.nn.ov. 470 Pleyd va. 8bartleaT; 9TsDeeaxaore v. DeAsntor.

Difaalt and re'etm to Magruder. 447 McMahon va LIU. Ordered that xentia iaeue against llz. and Julius Knchoa foranaoont swarded complainant in decree 75 Rehwo dt va. Hamlin.

Master's report of sale died aad eon firmed, and by consent sale-set aslda 38b a Stone va Newton. Leave to file bill in Ilea. and summons ordered. Kattaray vs. rJutler.

Rote on comnlainant to re tor in ten daya or diamtaeai. 787 0 McOas va Sould. Dismissed at eomolaln- ast's cost without pre). 807 Sailsbary v. PloyA Demur to bill everrnled, end leave to anlwer by I at day of December term.

474 McCarthy va. Brown. Daauwv aaeeased ea iajuBctioa at $100, and judgment. Motion of con-plain ant for continuance denied, aad ease dismissed at complaisanta Appeal by complain aaa, Clfeait Const Ossbe 111. IfSW STJ1T9 Rrrxasina AeAM.

4.60S Tb Town of Rrrersid and Wm. L. Jenney, L. B. aVarray, W.

De Oollyerr aad ether, resident, of th town of Riverside, va Lonte eap4ana, Wirt Dexter, Th Riverside Improv-naeat Campany, and other. BUI lor relief and for aa id jnaetMVB be restrain tb aafta. Saplaha aad Dexter. rrom aaiiing ta xuvataio raonc rara, oeinc aw nor of section xtv, laid out by tbe Kivereio imarev.mant Camnanv na i by the ha ef aeetioa 30, oa tba-eaet by tb eaat Une of smd tna. on Ike south by th falcago, Burliag- I ao Oaiaey Kail road Tign ar way, aaa to at th ekroeing of the titl.te she aame ta any mea ner.

Berber A Quick, solicitor. 4.804 John Miller vw. OhL A W. Ry Ca. CwS.

$5,000. for personal m)ria. Malkew Marx, eotr. 4.010 P. A Williasna aad Joseph Levi vs.

Hanry C. CI bourn. axixi. umbj renesrayuitf 9 Aafr' a rawar way. wwiuwn- aaaa a avayaBuwaaa gaoa Old cane restored.

Xidrldr. A attya. 4AJ John, Mary, Barnara aad Barbara Dillia- ver. by i. C.

Batatas, guardian, va Pwlar IMlltage. Pa- a.i at nth aTjL fOT k. a m-J- MrnmUdJOW aM J4B -rw tJeWM nvnUB. BJ vt ID 1VIB IB. P- a as i aaaaw, i m.Kfcn 4 14 A Plemva PSmctaie AnaaeL 4 ttfio.

C. Vernon al va. P. Qneea. Appeal.

4ai Charle Armr-iong va Wm. G. K. Pope, Wat. BkBsboraaga.

and C. Been. Traepasa, tJS.SOa Old rase restored by 4Uug ropy uf narx, KnowHo A 8 Joba ra Chi W. Co. $wj, far mee of ad.

Old ease reatorcd by new xv-rr. Clnwry, B. A 41 m. Htnford vs. J.

Roe. -41 T. JOobbbtah vs. H. Iselaactl etai.

I LAW-JtrMX ROGIUS. A 5 I Fob Trxariav. O. Ho. I Bamiltoa Tv.

Scott, aa trial Call e. ie tn litt, as lwrluaivv- I JfOoassva, Uauaa ai Tar. 4T4 aUcboieoa T. Kv'n rl si. Ll vjrtp.e 4r.

Iiaeecli va 8te, 4jO. Moody Bams. i vt. tka d. c.

by aert blb-Aia-etroag (. Pope. L4AT4 ta tU BAR awva aad deft hs told any ef next term ta die ciiit wvi arirraal pieas ar pteaH aaew. il-Mnl ta Harrieaa. Motioa rtrraetate allowed at ft term.

l.Wts-ISolsa vs.Drum.: ktal aa daft di addV Scfl bord aa 4ve antic. -Ken, vs. Baiv Bait 41. n. tv fl for esriw rva eta baieaea.

Geaderf.r yrdiet had 4gmeat rar pia, so -bBith ea. Jaekaoa: atasrharVafa we. Jarkann va. Wain. nbnrnl4 re trial to 1 member of ua ear.

aM-tlubbeU va. iltrsch. Dt4. by plft i V-iailtoa vabcottetaL Oauialbyry- 1 avmwwroav t.e4 C-ni 84. Jg at.

On, rs, Kbarbard el. -CowUnaatloa of trial. Oaoaaa ana Taaa-J MA 4t P. R. R.

to. va. -Jsilgmsat for posses si ea entered on verdict of jury. 1 8 Oroviev ra. 4t Louli Va.

L. Iaa On. Dadl-ma fareaed hareia to Mew Orieaa return lor snore complete eaecntiuw. -1 Tompkin v. Lyoa ffowr eaaesi.

Leevote withdraw ariginal mortgage frosB nlot a leaYlag oarU44 copy; foiecloetir by a. va HnejgVitrra. TMi. by pNntlZ. ClaANCXKX-ewUDGB PAAirku 7 Mobr vs.

cXate aaviaa las. Oraat A Swift arnear far 8a, Snbsnidar, aad tim ta aaa. eto, xtia dar. --i-- i 1 1 1 tcorlat ya. Cm.Xvg.MaIl.CoT Caaes heajd and -v, pnehua 'MeT; X.

appear for all deft and 0 day Brora Ill l.aamlo v. -Tadolo. af. W. Iiobineoa ap pears fo deft, aad 8 dwy raKbar eaaa B.

R. It Lyman A Jackeoa aonear fa naftu AV H. Borlbnt, aad BOdayaasore to plead. rrri'Sia. a.b i a- w-B.

O. Aaay apweara for 4f 10 day suor ta w- hi Cennsy Cenil Oeten j' St. BXPORB JUDGX WALLAGhV -r- 'krrara Jommiah Will proven, and tetter of a mra com bassamaaba aaaa ba Bride Leary, widow. Bond, 4A.MQ, apod, r) aVreecb SUIrereteta, It appearing td-fhe Ooart tba BOknaoa Marcnee, ndnwnr. of thi eetnta, baa left fJU-noi sad th L'altsd State without aetutng hi ao-.

eanas, aeeien for foar weeks la to he paoliahed. calUnaj him ta settle bl arraal na ahena nanaa whs ha. aot brematd.t CbarUe A. Kateex 'Kxeentrla' eaecharged froaa, augment, and aaa ba answer aimfbaa exieaded bo. red to saswencuauoa rtraae thirty days.

1 rvnrjla Kord. Orant admin, to.WlDiam Pnrd. hen af ts.ou approasd. Buiah Lansoa. WHl prwvea Sao taat toB, B.

Baghsoa, boodof 1000 aparowad. (laMta Kaarh. Grant ruardianahln af natal a ba Caarie Hnarn, head of 300 approved. A. G.

wilder, cmiafof. v. a.d taaawesmiqi tar 115S pprevd. Bdward Ahntrbl Praal aosonat of exaeatrix an- provea. she discharged aad estaba daclered settled.

IstaoLvaxerr-P. O. Reynold. Arrest eat by Jaatle A aetiB on eawntatat t(k A aJexander. Aoptied for diecharg ander lnaolveaey At, aad bl raadnh wa approved and he discharged.

Lnaar aaa venire tot ucioaer 4, ro try insanity of Mishaei Pload aad. Margaret Cam- WareT.lra Looms Rev. Mr. Rooeeon. Beoteaa- er IS.

taT. htm Lbsara Loosaia, of Caiobgo, aad W. W. Wheeler.of Be Joam'aCaaada. Ott Krmiis-A Smm fork, on Wad need ay, Oe-toher St.

Thomt Chnrch. by Rrr Thome M. Patera. D.D Prpbralea Alran OtiaTEaq of Clrieego, W.i and Sarah WiUabetb, daughUe of Wa aVa.Uh-e- Fo '(. eirv.

nT-rA4 ats Laiiahee ttreeC ea -Bnaday Ing. October 30, of typhoid fever. Prank; Kugene Bovey. aged 16 years and 1 month a. Pwweval at w'Heieb: thta tTbaadar Wleafelleg.

AjVTDSSXZSTS. TLtTtCKER'S llTJTEl, ii--; itci VOBTHIB WX KK OfTLT. CHARMING! tDELIGHTFUL I Tha Bkest BBiXAalAKT UTBllTAXMMXlrP ra th atnAt idSATTJniT hTATDTIX. Next week, MAQGLB lIYEli8, OPERA-HOUSE, Monro tret, htwaa Stat aad jJwarbora iit ARLINGTOri, jniBstrela hxtd Caaapaxiyv Aa entire charge of GXOJiai and CBABXXS RKyLDS a ewVaA XTottCJTltc "rtiePellow that Look. Like MeT Vi in ear fitters! Monday Xwnlng, Oct.

41, tret appearaaea la Chi ear go Of the beautiful and gifted young artiste, RIMS. F- B. CHiNFRAlI, Whoa far ym pathetic powers, caitarwd brflHsncy of style, aad artistl flue man! hav eetaWlsbed her tan crllici saieera of Boston. NtvTor New Orleans, scd other otiee wbTctTsne Tsi appeareo-'a a perfect reprasentatlvw of thoee character which derivatlbehTchtifftCbnrtne from -womeuly eraee aad swsetae. and a a aaarlaaa intoxpreta of Ooa xira.

penoraaaai. u. play, th Preach veraion of BAST and eaaenrtally different ta plot, story, sentiment and language from tb original, and generally Indorsed a tka Waa.nnB.1 Kiev. AIKEN'S THEATEBa; Corner of Wbbaah av. and Congre it.

IMPORTANT AXTXRATIONS HAVB BIEf mad in the nesting of the theater. Hernerou broad aisle havw been In trod need and ample apaoe left between sectiona, saaaiag Urn the rer tlw aiont eom-tnodions and comf ortable la Amerlcaa. The faraaaaB are also ia place, and the theater la now Uorongaly heated. SECOND WZSK OP MBS. JAMES A.

0ATES AND HJtB COM10 OPIBA COMPAHT. very evening and Wedneady hUUnee, Offenbtch'e last Comic Opera, THE PRIMA DONNA OF A NICHT AJECO i Jk.n. Alarming Saoiiiloe, FRIDAY BEyBPfT OP MRS. AS. A.

ATK3. "TAELECTtEE COURSE. TJnloh Park CongrsgaUoakl Church. JAMES T. FIELDS, Th Pstt Pobllthtft Win deliver his at led aever before heard th general pablic, having osea gtvaa OSi Del or a eltct andlcac of authors and Ulerati, ti TEIMWYSOW." The personal Kmlniaoaneea of a thirty yean' inU-mste tntercomse.

Admls-lon, B0 eentr; Resolved Seats, 75 eeata Po tale at West Bide Library, tN Weet Madison Barton's Library, 837 Weet Lake st. NIXON'S AMPHITHEATER. Clinton street, between Randolph aad Waahlngtrm. To-night and daring tb week. HAFfITT BiRTHOMEff Paatomimo Trompe of 50 Artiuts.

The l.nrsrest nnd Beat la thi Warld 1 Box Ofltoe opea dally at a. aw, ror taa aad served seat. Family mattneee Wednesday an Batnraay. HdOLEY'S OPERA HOUSE. Randolph between Clark aad LaSaTle.

R. M. BOOLXT Sot. froprietor and Manages. GRAND PEKING MONDAY.

CCTOBKB 31, And during the week; also, Wednesday and Saturday Matiaeee. Tee eeasoa will be taanwaratad with the Grand Spectacular Ballet Pantomime of th TBRSB ijt icrvlSl.CKH bw tha rraet ABBOTT PAfTTO M1MB OOMPA1W, froat the Grand Opera House, York, and the wonderful nUHALPT TROUPJP of Bangarian rteaaationsi Dancer rrom tne uiympws TbeaterTMew York, where Uey perfoamed 70 Urae In Humpty Dnrnpty;" together with- GRATZ FAMILY of Tyrolean aad eccentric ainger in their original 44 CAT DUBT:" also anspprouciuble BROIHIR1, the wonders of theagOn their entirely original Musical wtartalnmenta. TBRBJI BUNCH- HACivD. Prlcs-of Admisalcm Parqaat and Parans Circle, $1 Balcony, 7 cente; Reeerved Benta la Balcony, $1 i Gallery. 50 cants.

Doors opea at to coaaraeaceat o'clock. MARTINE'S DANCING ACAD! FIMTRS WEST IIDEi mt ata. 84 la now BpaaW 84VTH I1DB, IOI laelaaa pern aaast. B. PIABlTIIfB.

AST GAixraY. C00 GESIIALL'S ART QAIaLERT a tne mntxtioa ef tha I CRAVINGS, and the largest 1 KIRRQRS AND PIER GLASSES TB oa foaad tha dty, in haadsom gold or dark wood frmmea, A cpeciaity aaaa of large aa -CHA. 1 4 W4WbT1IAI.bV,' TBPRB WILL BB boider of th Chicago and Pitaabnrg Mtntng and ransportatlLai Company, an be held a their nffioa la Pit tsb nrs, at 3 o'oback p. m. en the 31st day of Oo -tot 10 rate mto ramaiderauoa buataee of lmporv ance to the Otaipsay.

acce 7, 'cH4. CLZAYKR, Preefdeat. BY ACT OF COW. vvee. Jvae 0, 187, all soValar hoassably barcvd may ereef land.

I am bwpaed year rlaima aa as due lands aa there as ta tc Weet. bear ra treed and towaa I a 4 matte free to totaUr In the United St.t-s waa will cai au bv d4raA. P. OOx, 374 Wabaah 4T.I I L. AUCTIONS.

atatahltaM! JamaBxr co4 AI74rrirIatakntJi POO TTtia 44AJJhT OP 1 GE5ERAL IERCIIAIVDISD AXD REAL ESTATE, t- mfM. AMD AT BOtrrH CArTALnrr MEN'S, X0IS AND YOUTHS' BOOTO, PIm nmarnln. Hwiber AT ArCTfw.t, I Oa TtThWDAY MORWTWO. Oct. 44, at 14 o'clock, at an Aemina lean BT ftrtbOanal ea.

a. ju BCTTkaa a txAi CCrJTCCL FURniTUIbC rt'' ct ivs. AT DWXXJ-IiJ wHf i fH lawtl Oaf M. BVBsl a TTXaOiT Rwnurilw, Os. 44 e'eleekv We ekatl sell the aatrr bnaabal4 Taeta.

the eeav-teateof tea room, unitln or Malna-Kewra and Henna FutiiIim. Cnrnatn. Badav A "TV rrrvrirrtav Biding, Orwrkary, 4a Kre. m. a.

xtc 1 i ana tua Anctinwasra CBA1ES WHITE tw4 yackagas Aaaarte1 6 lass and TeUew War. JTe fJ Carptlng, TaM Catlerj lB-Xierve Brtadl am4V tr 30 Chtsta Anart.4 -Tana, And elbar rltinlBl i Oa WEUfiftSPAY MORNTWO. OeA bt 14 at ear Aactioa Boom, 55 and ti Hon th Canal at: WM. A BUTTaR A A acta. SbOOOJLBS'WlXlTB raaraa Tlald Tent, adnata.

AteCTIOX On October (LatM o'clock, ah Bat- bars' Austin. Rooms. srd 67 Sonth Canal at. WM- A. BUTT KB ah XX, Aa T0PSTJGGIES.0PEN BUQOIES, PhaB, Sid Bprtaga auadt Kxprett vrmft Borne aad ilarakea AT ATJCnOK.

of Chicago, Ohio and Wnstara ManVfao- tarara, oa WKDMAVSDAY MORNING, Oct. 10 anaMer txehaanw, -i 9T. aad St Want Tf sahl-t giraad." 1 et ids if -i Vgi BTTTTKR9 A CO, Aaet'ra, GUEAT BANKUUPT SALE 1 r. iett it in OF CAS -FIXTURES! Bntir stock of GEO. P.

OOSTiaAX, Bsalcrupt, a AT AUCTION. On'WefliiesdAW, Oet. 23, at 10 o'clock. AT BTJTTK tf AtTCTIl BOQjlS, $: uf e-ij AND BT BOOTH CAHAL'BT. -I Bj ordey of o.

AMPMLt, si WM. A BUTTBR8 A Aueta STAPLE AND PAJICY Dry CroodB," Ready-Madi 1 L' fjlotlia, CBSsimeresC Shirts, Drawers, 'y -V THTTRSdIyT Oct. 34. at Battara' Aactloa Bocama, Aactloaesra. SECOND' GRAND AUCTION SALE prtl.

cs taS ersisd RESIDENCE LOTS! T--i'ATJ 'J r.T't ta AT" HIOIIIiANDr PARK, oa it SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1872. The rale eommenca at It a. the ground. A SPBCIAL TRAIN OP CARS will leave Mil weaken Depot, corner Canal aad Kin si. at 10:1 a.

m. rr to ail wbo wish to attend th sal. WM. A. BUTTERS A Auctioneers.

140 CHOICE Residence Lots jATjcnrioTr, On Monday, Oct. 28, at 2 o'clock p. At aew office. 149 Sast Madison. pL, near corne- of LaSaH Thaaa.

lot are looated at tb eoraer of Cottage Grove as. aad Sixty-seventh aC, Hyde Park, aaldway belaaaa the Great South Parks And aeeeaslble by TWENTY DUMMY TRAIXS To and from tha city, aad onlv two blocks from depot each way. Lota 35x134. Piae house alrwady built and occupied; streets dnely padd; ground high and dry, la orery respect First-Class Property- Pale absolutely without nasi vs. Term Oalyjlmeaaa, 45 ta eix atoaths, balaaee i JI0O per year; lawreet at a par Titte perfect: abstract furnished.

WaL A BOTTgRS A dBCtloneer. VUABIaE north mnm, Fire Handsome lioases EIGHT A-T Jh-TJCTIOIV, On Tceaday, Oct. 29, Bt 2 o'clock p. Oa the remises These houses froat south oa Webster sv. (being No 434.

43s. 440, 44 sad 444k betwwen Llacola av. Burlbut st. aearly new and well built. Term, one-third cash, hnianc on and twO years, with in teres! at 6 par cent.


$100,000 FOE ONLY Z10, At the necond eraad BHft Oone lV- peetnl act of the Leaafora, In of tb. fuulie LI brary of Aentneay. aiiavaaiianiy uaaiiiaina rrom Pee tember to Dsoambm 7, nsat wnlob poaltlvery and un eaulvocally occurs ia Leunwlila, Ky haturday, Do-cember 7, UTx, without larther demy on any account wbataver, the following Cash wifta are for distribution tiy kM among tne ucim noiaerst ONE GRAN. GRAND GIFT. CAnoU.

ONE fltikl) GIFT, ao.otk Cash 4 Cash Gin.4al.onch Caah i.ornaea 1 1. sen ttiri. 1 Caah MVOtO 1 Caah RVOBO 3 Caah 1 Cna lCaabGifU T.i oo 1 Caah a. SOU ansae 31 Caah BManch tub Caa an 4 Caah oi ma aa Caab Gifu 1 Caah Sift. a Caah aotaach 1 ajnaa Asos rue Caa Uina- aaeaah 1 casn bin.

A U0Oii3 Cash Gifts, learh I rui.L. 1.HW tur iss aiii tun ao.v. i ne money to pay au una guts now upon and est apart for that porn. la th sou Ilrrrverv' Hank, aa nUl be seen by taa fetlowlng oerun- mt af the 1 nshh rt fiinti' ajtb naontf Baira, Tmtavil-Lk-, Ky Bopnumnarnt. iSTx, ThHtstneeniry that tanrelanow en deposit la tale hank ever half a million of doliara to tbe ef tbe Gift Concert fund.

which Is held by this bank aa Tiaa.ina. nf tbe Pa bit Library ef Ecnfnchy tnnav oB all gift to be awarded at the drawing. i K.M. Vk.KCH, Caahlnr. ram trr Wboba tJeketa, halven, as: 11 -whole tieketa fur aiOO-, at for 4A: for n.

lit far for 2, arm; sri foravou Mo disconntoa nsss than 4MO amrthaf nckes at ttnn Tbe draning will aealtivrly aad Bnentjvoeariy take pine Deeember T. Agents sri rii-rmrivrlly reu'iirM to doe aalea sod avak rrtunat bwvrmuar la. tn orjer to give smpbMlme for the nn arrangpm.nts. Orders foi tackata as appl ban. bar circular tnaaU bddrsasi 3aw.

Ttvtv. -S. WH AMLKTrtt, tnaiwniniyn nnarnaay, lxil.Tille, Kv. ZXCHAK0S. nOti EXCHANGE FOR bar.

ware, be btv.l. gnvr srtt. a I. lows farm, or $5,000 luinwi farm, Vj lUialhnt UAK-MUTA DM yaraahar. 4lewSskant HlaaaXBaV T0S tAUt ILEAL YTOS BALX AV A new irvtclae marb4flnt 4 aaea rTo, 44 hT.akl.

I an av. awtwnm Klrbtevatb aad Taantwih au. Twaaleamartaafrewt bone, ISoe. 504 bad $14 Mirhareaav, haatemitaar rnarSMBta at. The Bret elas knek boe Mrr MleWraa within af gronaa, kstwaaa Augl a wrntieta Sta.

The front houa 2to. TwaarsAfih at. towt east of South Park sr. A rwtbatavy ream house, 410 IcJuejaa 4. PnwariPwaWwnl ww A fraske b.aia.

wtth -lb ft rarearaA cm corner aiaiuat a aad at bargain. Twe-atory trass aooa Jo. i hh v. A- J. A EKKIaTaS i-' rTaal Katat Offica, Kd.

S.U Wabaak V. IJHR SAL FKBT OJf BfJCH IOAX ATT JC4T A north at Thtrttata at. with east frwau 43 fart oa LaA sc. just went ml a a ash a. $L0M frwt oa Dearbart It.

JaK 40rU of WAAliiaxVia, aaa dtwit. AO tm4 oa Waabrafboa TVwrSnrn ad Btntn.UaPrsoM. A.J.VKRfLL, Manl Ofean, SM Wabaaa av. TLXR ALB-CSTIL JfoY. AT ABOUT WHAT J1 th ho ate alone wruld eoet at th peaeeat time.

Brbch bonne, end kri, N. 14 Jobnao place. 4Vaw; saarbss riant boaaa, aad lot, 4 Laedey T.TuO; brick, and bob, 14 Viae ansa, ar, eoa-tage and lot. Thmy-aiirbta a. Mao.

Asac bona bssll room bad ail Bwadart) laijas issBsam i T. A rHXiVEU 7 Madlaoa X.XR ALB ADAMS Hlia P4T. SOCTS A front, oa Adam btwwa fm'. aPA fail Mn. BMYDKR LBB, Ka.

14 Bison's Bausdiag, an rib aast corner of Monroe and LaMail aa. BALM MX r8 PB-TV rJOUTTf OH Warrea av. betwwaa Wood and U'nentu. 4l4 foe. SANYDKR at LKB.

14 riixon' Boildal Nixon'a of Mamana sad LaaWf. aaa. LaaWfcsta. TTOR 'BALI RTf Bit 1XT. CORXI8 or ASH A mad, I frontier 10 fi Ashland sv.

SNYDER LEE, Ha 14 Niton's Belkt. tea. norths! corner of Monro aad Lasaile itr IPOIT SALB THRKbVBTORX BASBMK1CT 1 brick awns. of slaaa rnnms all modern Improvn. meats Seated by eieaaa brick last aaalW fwet, No, 4 Park row.

fall viw of the II arbor. Lake, aad Lake Park. The Common Council have ordered the rear-oval of all balldiair at en, and aa ennraprioUna for beautifying If, Immediate pc union. SNTDEH A UAHKua1! BaSdiaa. aost beast coram- Moaaaa aad LeAaUe at.

-TTVrt SALB WORTH -LASAUX BT BY eaat froat, oa aorta at- betwwen tVrrdllwr and (ernnt else. SNV DKH A LFJJ, Noj J4lxon'e halkllng. a on be St corner ml Mimroa 17OR BALK TWO STORY AND BABBMBITT 1 frame boe of room, water and gaavatc and ia 35xln on Waiwat at. near Lincoln. -io; easy fcrm immediate poaisesioa.

BNYDICK A.LLK, MfVlxoa BnijoAndyn art aast aoraar of Monroe sad L.lalle era. tialftkXiM atHLA.tB AV, JLaT, 1SUKXU JU Of Klnata at, gnod pine for block of storeei ao raymnat tweulm antll after ar years. K.lM.W Ai.iS tnkral alon Hloek. tik naLav-buxisv FKttT UN ABASH A' near Thirty- (th st par foot. MAXBY YOTJMbk, is, swyaa taaca.

IOR SALB A LARGR tTONE FROKT BOUnl saa Biabash aw, sottrt of Twenty-lith at; worth tentloai $13 WLLXiAM 4 anasa av. JTOB SALB ACRB PROPERTY AX OrTBRINQ A am tn eeetioaa 37. 34, as, township 39, range is. pay a htrsw pro to -bayer. is jmax ta aemngiou nw OR 6 A LA OR REST AT i4 farms hau tra monthly pay- mental lote- oa ail tin, aad men ay furnished ea build with: tha hiehnab tend smd ili.ssm and th best tali road amtmmolliona of any suburb of Cbn- cage.

Cosae and i 80 State st- 6. J. TOUGH. XiXR BALB VERY DBoLRABLB AMD LARGB A I siaed lots, and lands ton acre, verv erurlblT eita- ted, la Bid Park, by GEO. hLr BOGUK, 10 geiav moa conrt, ta real of the office of Lb Jiaria Con- pany of Cniraro.

bALA WaT BiDB LOT 14, CatatAP. PhUUA Jl $900 to 41.600, on long ttnaa, iaanire of A A LHk. I lIHt'X, sv wast wsamtnirtoa St. ana art sueaa ae. L'OH bALB taOOD LOT BOM ALL TBB STREATS X1 between Twenty third aad, 1 hlrty ainlh and between 8 and Wallace.

All of Are limit. Perfect Warranty deed. A. very pay-anent- dowa: Sv. years, 4 par' OnaL ALBiiiT CRaaVeTtWabnahaw.

T7HR SALS TWO LOTS. PEEP PRONT Olf X1 bran av between Ppnrtaenta ad blitneath ta. Apply to GEO. M. BOGUS.

10 a.XR bALA ALOTd OK POUUTH A aiobnr and xioyaa Tana tot ara aaaarna i lew nriceav with tonr time, at low rale at inteseet. Ami. OdOsK. SHELDON A CO Boom IS, aorthoaat eoraer Aiimro ana FOR bALS-CORAER. LOT OV WaBASH AV.

Tbe lot at th N. H. corner of Wabash av. gad Appiv jiso ta, i JXB EaLB TBA LOT OP LAND ON NORTH 1 Stats st. upon wblsh.

at the tin. of the great am, was situated the Hospital for Women and Children. APPJJ tonlLnarlA tltiljAJtJl or J. Ayt.jucuAAt- a 4CRCRBAK.14 v- FOB ALS ERNWOOD 300x10 PITT WTKf Iswa near Ran wood Station. SNYDER A LKB, No.

14 Klxon' Ballding, anrlhaaat tinraar tt Monro and LaSaile atreet. IfOH ALB AT AAAA- ARIL SEVERAL FINB Jj raeldetftO; vacant lota- and ncre arocaarty I make a apedalty of property ia Oak A. T. HEMINGWAY, 45 Central Caioa Block. YJHR SALB NEAR ATLAHTIO AMD PACIPIB Railrcad, north of Oak.

Park, 40 acre of dhole grave property. Long easy permeate. A. FFWTNGWaY, 45 Central Union Blaoa. Vi'fH 1 BLLLDlNbl LOTS; 4160.

$3 down aad 410 a snoata. at- Pores BUI; Veiurhb' fuHy kicated. only Bva mile front dty eouth; trnia gTsded sad Wastern and Bherldaa ara rravwlad: awar depot, school aad beautiful grove; UU perfect, and for a short time only at abov price. Before yon bay slot see theee. LIN LB DARLOW, OtU BloeA-Laajwa.

corner Mndtsoa "IVat OALbi-AChvA FBOrikTI IN AUSTIN; A' Ooa alao two nent eotlages. Th benteharglna la Oook Oountv. Cars see bo rua everv- hour at cent fare. M. B.

WOODSyRT; seathlSal.Uei $250. $10 CASB AND 45 A MONTR nauancu, oeauoxai iota as ton. There are only sercxt left at the abov when tnew will ha Lota at TWilainan. en $io cash ISA BROWS, 444 Went amiamab -n etTrTratYr.w TTOR SALS 1,840 ACRES LAXD re LIYI JT Oocnty, 35 WmO froat Madlaoa at; cut by three raBroadat three mile rtvar front: tw ata-tioaa; 4rme easy. WILLIAM WARN ATT A awl Wabash av.

-P0B B-52TT- TrOR PENT OR SALS TBB PRIMISBS 444 AMD 401 Weet Van Bum St. 50x174 ft. with brick dwelling. 45x49. two Stories, basement aad cellar A large hmkUng ia tbe rear, wall lighted.

50x50 ft, two etorie and cellar (oa a 40-foot alley), wall calculated lor maanfaetnrtnglat evaet. Inquire aa the pramiana, XTOR RENT PLEASAHT TWO-BTORY HOUSE, with large yard; boaaa aow. with large hay win. dow, ptaaza, ate fat aa excellent neigh norbood, aaa Central Park; $34 per mouth. CLAFLIX BQ, Ul LaHall wt.

YTOR RENT TBB TBTEROCBArno BTJILDIrfO, 1 anat aid of Wahnah av, baton Van Bursa and Congress at. It will b. mady fur oecupaney tn a very abort tim aad caa fitted ap to eaib Imant Apply to GEO. M. BOQCS.

10 ocameaoa TTtoR REST 8EYKRAI BUB LSTESS OFFICES FOR -av rent oa the aecond floor of Caaveroa Bona Block. 44 Snath Clinton at. TTOB REST THREB PTMB BOOMS. LOOKTina A oat apoo'tne ink, in th third atorv nf 1 Oon. greee over It WUUama A Thompson', Law hav a brick vault ar anfa Offic.

Thee id all Bborlira avmvwnirmeasL and ar heated bw steam, waaa hnwt I Atmlw ba m. ramiiA is uranaia tmart. YiXB RENT OF SOOTH WATER 8TRKBT. JBST weit or Frankila, a gva-rtorv brick No- 118. Wi be ready soon.

Apply to GEORGR BOOCR, IV racasaawvu taaart. SSNT TBB CORNER STORE, Cf TBB Brvt noor.wtta lary.wwil llrnted oasasart- nt tn north weat eoraer of Laka aad Praaalia ata. will be completed and ready ft rn tenant verv shortlr. Dune.Weetlak A Oovert wMI occupy tbe reeidaeof th omitting, Appiy to oaujuij au mjtoij io Y7XR BENT CONGRESS ST. VERY DBSIRA A1 ble room for ogecoo small store, tn tan bniieV leg at tb comer of Coagtws st, and Michigan sv.

oa ue grtmnn now, oppamttn tnw ti.mum i Appiy to GEO. M. BOGCR, 1 Scanxsnon court. FOR KANT fxM ALL OPPICBa AMD VERY DB-rireble room ia Scammoa oouxt. Appiy to GEO.

BOOCE. 10 Scammoa cont. TO LOA3S7 TO LOAN $13,000 FOR A TERM OPYRVRS est estats security. J. S.

A A. BCOVEL, 7 1 Rest East Madiron. Bear 8at St. Ir08Tv LOBT $35 SK WARD -DARK BROWN MORGAN cult, black mane and taiL Be a wart oa right-hand tide of Berk. The abov reward will be gives to any on returning the colt to 165 North bt.


turn of alt htnda Choie. good for the fall winter. Areata will dnd it for their lateswat to writ tons immediately AArtAn AaUOXtf dt 134 Fifth av. eirarn. 'WASTanTe-v-ESLFsi- TT.TANTrD-A GOOD GIRL, ABOUT 14 YEAR old, to take ear of a baby.

Call at 413 rut bt TT ANTED LADY SOLICITOR A WSLL BRED. irfUiligent lady wanted to. solicit adaa menta for wv paper. Ariden. L.

Inrnrerrnn OrPea WAHTIDw Jill ARMttTNONGA f-ci iwJIla iobiwrs la paints aad oala, tetntn at. I'AMXD- IVIkT PODV TO SIS TBB CKLA a moderi. Vulcan tit.ivc ui thn Attteriraa Harer.Mrv-r. a PLETCBZU OOa. Cor.

TaeWT fKAA DISPBNSAKY FOR 74 OM MO Alill (IBXLr ra Opea daily from 11 to Ut'nAistricA. arll4r Grov M. i. mf ZZTZZT LZCZ-ZZZTZ A UWHT BOOTS C1AW7 Ot JT I da taed by eowiitacl and i ann paetwg aaa enrvuj a ib day. Adams A.

-e, -d mt I K.d, goasa li, sa i aa a aaaa aa. i P-" v. TO rpO UAJTBOll TOR. A Mere, ni-b rod (va era ITT BTA tncbed, i nil eourt. nnar nuue aad They are nwwis tuaiaaaM.

tauten in ta '1 be ram: tf e. annry hi few days. Apply tn VEOt M. i-jv. a.

IIACI enow OFF It 'JS rw- Tg. WTLFTTU, frr-n DaMputinea, 7 i waa a. av. l.t rum eu.i BayaMe-ia. bnd woe yivea If 4r 4.

macuivx opficb or ki -i-OLB A FaVKauXn.aA nnnth Belated at. a. china aaad mt ramted oa easy monlhly pavgsaen ta, aaai. i'm gtran van EOR SALB TWO TEAMS OP HORSP.WAOOn and bav eaat biso, bagry bora: w.J Ua4ru i ibee. ess Weet Vaa Barra bWore 4 A by aot 13 Sooth Clark at, keova i.

IfUR SALB -lilAJ0DliPCKTt. Uti li 4 ves com) eta IK) Vt rv. Ji AJiT. )EFOT, Xah and W7 staat Lak. s.

STORA6X WA ana a. La. noi X. ft AND 4 4 Pi- ana ea, in. at 1 tv tUu-b av wj i train, IM-a, -JfJjlJlOAlj AniY2ltr.i cf im-ts t' -TO g.raa Wmtaawtma.

Lvwa Btrwet wntsw. Cntrs. an r. ormiaiaa atiinansan m.nwa. and A WknnWsbta DtvwawB, a ar tnaai ai mav.

thknn harMMieaaad Otsey, toatef Lay Chiruii. Ia.i and Vinoaiiiia sisast Csanl Aln.Va. l.irnsanteklshwaadlCaA. si iiiimuia rantral. fWX ef Ln ana lait.iiwaaaiairMn.. aaipa i-a I a I wmaa 1 aia- lat CklrLr AfariJaartam amat qsiitiay. pepota Foot of Lak 1 art lawn and m.anaxdB 7. had Canal and biiBaaoihaia. TU 14 tyoe I II in isi itiraan sat I-ea-vn.

ret vn, a bSaei ad awweaes- Nil. is. lul.uuaau ruaix ClU ll a.eC?A'fTOir 4aT nAILTtO AD BalT4, Tntoagn. 4 tt Bat T-r au an Caanl and bBaab- fovraao' aadi hretva, e-itpta i 1 1 I tne. r-ra 1 I Itir' im T-- i i ia.

a a. w.Vmii and utuana fam i -m Paaamsar. ValB ie a- fu. In tag 1 aa Aarwa tl.uan a. it mt.

aiui City Ax- V'- I Ntsnt r.i bft'ta a a Mtvaww.iivii, ai a Pewaer'a al ml Tz 4: par's rov. 7 Ml Bt tAx. Saturday, aax, Sundays, tlx. MoodAja. CMJcac aad RartJbwatrma TVaaa oraca.

at Weet htaillaaa IieyeB anrnec at vr eus ann BfB) nV. Ae a.i -ll man Ace i- hlBlBt maifa. ti -oa :isama.aa.ltocklord a-ia au 1 witaird Aor mm VnMnort and lrubuoue 1 sa A ButMlay riiisr train vnti rear JaoeOna at arriving at Chicago at ii a m. he. mi.

nig. B'A baare Chkmna at a m- i wise-on rmioit. i-" VTJepeteeenae Canal bnd A "Ifner tt b' rumtiua ft. PauJAUreea h.fli lu A Bebiit PiUmU. a a St.

Paul wreea Bay lti i Ant nooatock ant ar. I' mm dit J.SIB rail.wauan atTion. Depot eori.rr at anal and AUixi streera. bu.ll kxpreaa 4 PB m.u...FTarua I k. -Senear litepm liirinand Park Aoe.

3 sa nt.Kckn Ac as Axpress 7: m' J7s fa a ma Waokenaa Paaaeuirer a aa'. Waukayao Pa.a.nii'-....'aJ f-M a a igkiaiid Park Pafaemgerw aa a as UU ight 1'aa a at a ruilmna'a Drawing-rooui bod F.oeiiu.sCar attached. Stop stall etaoon except Ci-yLlrniia. B. Pmla.8.

and. Evsastoa, Hlghwood, lv, bx-a. vira, and l-cgtn Statl'aaa. But only at inaian El PvT-aaajSftB. Keriosbn, Sarine Jinartton, a-a limcimmi, Ship at nil stnUuns tamiin, r.

Plain. BaVaararood, A and N. tnuuua, Uaietia, and Hlarhword. atop only at rorear. Kaelnn, County Ltan, biope at au aian i Wk.

and nt. a- except City Lin. It aad B. Plain. biopaatall except City Limits.

B. Plain, Calvary, ib and M. Avnnston. Hlgbvrood. Iv, Backhota, at, Francaa, and SWarxlajni tx.

Sunday a. i Fx. Vondaya. M. HugblM, B.

F. wood. aajearmbratdent. 5 ea. XXm Adt.1 Li.n.Tv7.

Oman. Mt Mtwtk Cnsan CAleaaja amd Attam. Critobga, ARaa aad St. Leal Throasn Lin ne4 Lew leiannThiow Maw Snort Bona nroanj liloaaa be kanaaar tmngot and Tlakat Offlea TJnio Depot. -Want aid.

aw' a aa.i.M i Mmmmtmm, 404 a St, Loul aad fMngneid 444, at iewpaa na Mali aansns City rast vis neKBoa I snlwaBB, Wnuonn, Lneoo and Wah- tapm-. tngtoo at. I vr awim a wlaaonl iM and Dwlght aa4tBa at. Lamls and BorinATneid 4-43 a Lart Al mmT Clcv win Jaea-t 343 sonvilln. AA.

aad. Luui-1 A ttaon. 4ABpBt4.eWeflernaaClty tyrfaAal' itaani aw.naa- a m. 1 UngV3 A ttx. thMardays.

tx. Bundara. iEx. atenanr. Daily vin stale Linn, and dally, ex.

nnSnruny, vat nckaoavllla Alv. I Daily, vt Main Ua. aad dnRy. -nx, Atol dar, via JaoaauaviUa Ln. UK.

JaaJea riarrtori. General f1Bena 1 and 4 Want Van kVnmn t-niemlA-aua 3A4ral aad rwi3 'Wi Dapot niotsf Lakast. Tiefcwt OfnotTl Caaat its nar Madlaoa. AB train stop at Twanty satsnd at, nntloa. 1 I CbBT1 i.

nt.lTTw,wj atari (vtamata and err Ra) a laa a. wist. aU (ruLl'. C. B.

tVA pat a Nw York and Boston 1n liasnV Day -rp nimpaa i Jackson, KaL, Three Riv aaxmajaa snubu Joaetrn daily. -nwanm AUantle Ex daily, via Air I L1I rrorrVl.lM to Jackaun Tjavasa JBpee. G. Rapldt and rent- i water Ctdoago nod IJ44B ktWiiaan LaAe biaar At. at.

3 Grand Trunk Night Ax. Daily Tiatamv ttx. ontnrday. Ex. Sunday tEx.

htoodara. H. G. Sargent. offlcTa Wataakav, BaaryC.

Wentworta. as. Agt, eeae Canal st, -W. A. Muir, Gnu' I oupt.

Groat Weatara ktaaiwag. CMIeaga, Back lalamd aviAdl aMaVB. Depot, aoraar Barrloa arid Sbermna ata, Tlckat VBawA SUtttknlumn. Ai rn, jAti a and Leavenworth a tf ar. A reonimod tm Kxpree Piein mnapnrt LewaaorUl r.Tprw...

17 an) am ELlB IBLA5P A5D AsiilJIOTOa AAiaBT. tat do OO i do ik itatwrdaya. BnndaTS. tEv. Mandar.

Heghstidd'e, Aup. A. M. amtth. A'aac.

Ad, i Unoea, cor. Folk and bkarman ata. Chirac), latdlaaiapnlla aad ClaclmauUl Xtaraagk ALne.Tla Kaakakee Beat. Trains arrtv aad depart from th Great Central B-art-rend depe. toot afUkatt.

tbrearb tteknt sent Bloepiu car berths apply at ticket etnee, 7 Vmami au, emaawwf hfadlaan. No. Mnrkwt Uirara twrner -At irhigan ay. and Congitm mdTlme- xwenry-neeoun at t-i Leave Arrtr am-. ItTBtpm liAta Itilfsa 4 -uo Arrive a aarnia aa ill mm axeew pnnoa v.

Ligbtnina Axprwss except -f i i llHuniA. Ilmarai 11 fennn. 1 rain arrtv at Chicago at I a and 3r3f pav Tb. entire train run timpani bsCinrtlniis II, Jt ntwvpaua muaa win. Chleag, BAarlU aad TTlaeammaw.

Dwpet, tot ear Canal and A mil st. tHrt-sWen trtbca, eoraer aaa an aaui. sta. rew st.ww at A St. L.

Depot, ucaer Balsted and Cnrroil at. -I. cava. Wvnvflts A Terr ffnt Ctv, a an ClaelenaU, Indiana poll A JJ etaaa-" xattayaua rm ot au Mlls.u. Accommodation J.

Clinriesworta, budi. ipt. B. Manefleid, Pnar. AgW FMtf ebwrw, sTwrt Wsya nnd bos.

as Wan Lanvw Arvtva, 7raaa a m. 3:14 ait ttiataaa. 4 put Fast Mail a IWIB' emindnva Kxeented IDnily. tXxnar btonnar. Yn- W.

C. CValaiX iVilrTAgv-. omoVf nr. 3fa alasa. Plttsbarr.

Cteiw wi nwiiwaa awxtx mnara -aaa aa.avaw. 9 VTilia. and Lonnwum axa an rT, ZZm lii.elnnml its Anm'-I-nnsUis; trx. Maun. tKx.

Mondava. WC Cleiand. Oslo, 4 W. tdatmna. tka Bfaarc aad ntchtaram BawtMeyrm.

DnpnN am win b6kajuwk- awsn Leave. Arrtv. m'. man new era axpi nm rn. Kxprea tdmiy).

7 aa n1 Nltfhl Exprua am. 4.leB. Elkhart Aeormmedatlea. -no. Chbrnga Aunmias lanim an VUlweAa Csalral." Ticket CaAsapa tin $-9 Bi.

4: (... ttrt 9 .1 3 OI as e-aa 5P mm i. ta m-mt mpm. awiwiaii axenntd a.ii.a.a.. rn, ranr, njreua.

A. TnraU. At. ax, fast raa li mm- mum -n VLB. tit a m-r-V Freeoort A IrutMMrn is a i irr 4.

WM ma' XnTWOod lwwu.iw "1 44 PaauaiiKar i i mias Beas Tbt-aanl r. eervaw aia i HtA Lnku anu inmot St. LouVa JfJSJ- 1:1 til M.l ei Fast Lme 7-JT a Mail. mt aieo lCtsre ea2 i2 i- r-m mB. 2 its i iS'w tin At "1 b'li r- re I 'kat: g-r tri KiiraM.tHI Irwi, mfl WlAtnsiir.

i niauai-M i.

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