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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 6

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE OITYl MONDAY ACdUarS. 17. CHICAGO. CM P.OTICBV The MAM otTie of Fstroas of th I to Be, 1 will raeatveu as a aaAsfv thi AMU8XMX5TS. ao- AsiraATV-nttoa tre.

hotwean aeofP.dwlda.toB AMMtwTothCtompea Aetlrteaaa cm nsws ttoawTew-' veau. Uhiich' Hall. The iddiiI boat fid Tabernacle 01 vislVaV thabo of Tempersacs will occar la tew day. Christopher PWIe wa flnd f2 on Sstar-Scully 'or aaaaulUng a (rait daaior oa tea street. A nad doe: was killed yesterday morning at rorsrr of North nd by Thieves entered th residence of B.

Schnner, Wot isi hwh tmmjr. ml stol quantity of clothing. Tb Chic Oaring House clear.Mi tort week about (1 UOU.tAW mora than tn km wtk ui tus Ot.e hdudred and sixty recruits p-d trtrorvta tbe city 1t l-stardsy, going from ewpo.t Barjsckate n'onaCUy. Lewis Griffin on 8aturday badly Injured In i ricks on hi bead. whll engaged at WOf corner of Randolph aad Micaigea vnuu.

The Board of Counsellor ot tb Hospital for Wtawa will hold tbeir regular meeting at th la- Miration. aftaraooa at o'clock. A thief atolo $35 In money, aoma clothing, a watth valaed at $90, from Mr. H. D.

Nlcbola, at hia boaraiss houar. So. M7 Stata atraat, yaatarday, ad Tha elothln bob t)f Bwarthout, Acker- tT.m A Co. waa yaatarday hy thiaraa. hat it waa tmaoaaibla to laara what proparty.

If any, waa utta. The Inatailatlrm of th4 offleen of the Aqaa Fora Lixiifc of Uood Templara occur to-tnirro rmtag. va tba hail comet ot Mediae aad Kobey The elKbtpenth annltereary of the arden City aoaa of Trmperaoca wtU ba calebratad to-m r-row evening, ia tha hall corner ot Baadolph aad CUn-hoa atreela. To-morrow toe acoond annual plonlo of the 9t Fatnf a rvrnrroirrii wirmj mv Baaa' fark. Tniaa iU leaTa the Klazie aireet depo at 8UJ0A M.

Batnrday erenine; a man mmd Pieraon fell hailoiaa Madiaon atreei to the of Uall'a baildiiag, a utanc of fourteen Ualocatr BIB Dip. The Dranawick Billiard IT all, at the corner of haodulph and Urccu iltnU waa entered yesterday by krraa, wbo atole a larpe raroiTer, a assail amount of Eoaej, and a coat and teat. Jamee- Fftau'a liquor atnra, at No. 19 Eat Vaoiroa atnvt, ae brokea in yaara'y monung and couple or -ooiiara in carroicy, uu a wm. wt Clean1, ana a uonia or watsay xaaea.

The annual plenio of the Union CathnUo Library AMuciatioe, next Wedneaday, promlaea to ba dwrdiy anictaaa ojoroiia. Arraaea(aror a delightful Una bare already eaea perfected- The membareof the Dominion Beueroleat RocirlT are reqnnated to be preaent at a meetina; to hebwil Wrdnefdty ereninr. la tna offloe of U. Q. Oood willle, ho.

is Waat Madiroa atraet. The plenio of tha Caledonian Club, at Haas Park. at TBurrday, will proe oue of tha moat ea-loTBbla anta of lha Athltlc aporta and otbrraaiuaioc fatnree aill eonatituie a part of th piojraume of the oay. One of Pinkerton'a PreventlTe Polioe, whore aame enula not ba learned, fell Into the basement of a baildingoa Lmke atraat, rear State, aad mts baaiy hart, jreautrday morniag. Ha waa put la a watoa and aent to hi home.

Buildin permit were granted fer the Board of Public Works, Saturday, to Michael Scn-Mtn, for a twu-atory brick, 'Mo. ltt Korth Oearbora street, aad to 1. C. Bluelowfor a fuur-atory Btoua, SAiiW leet. Nos.

11 and Clark street The Third Unitarian Oburoa propoaes a trai.d rocai and Instrumental concert to-morrow ereulnp, ia eoramemoratloa of the.eompletioaof the nrwortran. Tbr exbiotnoo will lake place la tha andltotiamof the church, coraar of Ladla aad Monroe at recta. Tha United Son of Erin Benevolent S'v- Ciety wilt celebrate their tenth annual picnic on tha 17th at bharphooteta' Park Priaea for naaa bah plaj ing and foot racing are aunounced. No pains will be soared to make the occasion highly eajoyaole anarsJWactory. Tba Chleaeo, Burlington Qnlnoy Railroad CmtAB hi.

fttrulaheA saotfasr instaaca of Ua ea- terpriseaoddi'Bosliktatoaeoominobsce tha traTellng paMlc, hy recently piscina mes Ita popular line tour additional passeniter trali a. to ro r. thla city to Dabociae aad City. Ttita company ta ow luaaiag twnty-f oar uaiaa In all. nee adTarnaemeak at re.

Ptaller, Teeidtns: at No. IS Fourteenth rtreet. was at rack In the aide with a hall club by Chae. atiltvr, oa Satatoay, and injured so baaly that bar iadoBhtful. Miller waaaraavtad and takaa to the Tweaty-eecond Street lis olaims that the woar aa struck him with the club drat, and th -a be took it tan from her aad etrack her.

Both partiee are low specimens of humanity, aad their BMigabjr- hood anoet disreputable. Wbenerer the nemben of tba Board of Trada are made the victims ef unaalaWle articlea. tha, eoetnea haa arisen of hraadlag the iuferior marchaa-: diaa aa "tireeMy' aad then olTonn it to tba aiarket at aarb dKarea aa it may bring. Oa Haturday aftRraooa, no hundred barrels of door, with tha Ureeiey' hraad. were disposed of at per barrel.

Tha part uhaeiir will mo doabt oOer them aa a present to tha age of Cbappaqua with a ditquiaiUon npon What I know abeat poor flour," A party of railroad gntlmen of thla olty participated ia a eery pi asset aad social eacaraloa to pswau'a tiraee eat vatorday iee. The very aalect oterie left the city tn the morning upon the laaarkma cars of the Cblrago. twrungum su testacy nanroao, and ruatlraud, feasted, champegned aad smoked la the delightful rruveS and shady nooks of the place antil a srarocable hoar in the vteaiar, when they re. turned, at peace with thenaeervee and Lha rest of ma-itad. Tbe affair waa prnenaaeed by all as a sodal aurcees of the drat magnitude.

i The Life Boat Lodge, No. 1,000, O. Q. baa elected the following named persons aa orflnera for the aaaaing year: W. Te-aplar, 8.

A. McWillisma. At. P. C.

Templar, Wm Bopoer; W. V. Tarn-plar. LIQia Moatgoomry: W. it.

Secretary, Wm. Scot; W. P. Secretary. A.

J. Martin; W. Treasurer, aarah Hopper; VT. Marshal. Fred; W.

Guard, LlaaJe Seymour; W. Senile VTia. MrJo; V7. Hainea; W. Marshal, KHxa K- Supporter, Mrs, Hopper; L.

H. Supporter, Belt Kerr. Pereowal. 8. n.

Plnmrnrr, of the Bock Island fntoa, le Mopping at the Briggs Boose. William Johnston, member of Parliament, from Belfast, Ireland, ia at the sasraun Hoaaa. B. f. Hutehlnaxm and Geo.

Hlctrtns. welt-kDoern par Here of thle city, have juMretoraed from a bloeoi'h axcaiaioB at Cape Cod. H. Wilson, tha- popular and efficient cashier of the Mrrchaata' National Bank, haa neaa obliged to rceiga his position oa account of ill health. Raw.

J. De Bluolc 8. haa been transferred from the Holy Family Chorea la this eity to that of St. Fran cat Xavtsr la St. Loaia He leaves to Bass ate the Sathm of his new charge to-day.

4 The Ninth Presbyterian Chnroh of this city haa extended a call to he paatorata to Be. J. C. i Bovey, reeenUy of Peoria, Hi. He has accepted the i call, and wfll take charge at va-ce.

Rev. J. L. O. MoKowa, D.

of the Third i aUsaet Methodist Episcopal Church, Rockford. I1L. cap! ad the puipit of the Trinity Methodist Kptsoopal Cisuch of thia city, yesterday morning, lie la at preaaavt raaUcatiag at Lake Geneva, Wleconeta. I)r. Wm D.

Wlrser, a wall known surgeon of thte city, haa Just reaceed Uaaada fram Karone, 'where be haa ba, a ta cjeeet af hoaitb. Letters to his mends la tbla city rvpuri ata alalia la a very critical 1 anaalllna. Ala tetu ahnjaa Kaviss isnaaat a hMa ft In eta) tag that tasMa disease, coaanmptaan. Tha following were the arrirais at the prlnv- dpalhottlsof thia city yeMarday: Briags Jao, ii. Gsosa, Xifflu, James Boberta, Kansas: J.

N- Orleans: Dr. F. H. v. Vaa Lisa.

Lafav-U. lad G. L. Uses. New Turk; i.U Conger, Alee bio: Jame Johnstoa Bad wife, Ksoaviile.

Tee a W. B. Sexton, Hartford. i Sh. rman J.

N. Baesell. at Paris, fey. 5 sttoveTl, London. Ki Kara il ard.

Omana: McDow -lL iloily siprinirs: W. Jovdaa. Cleveland; MsdameDo- ami ia. new xoratssaiee soneeeua, auagstoa, Caia- da; A. M.

Bralnard. Jackaonvt le: Mrs. A. Ztegoafei-- Var, lYsy, oi H. B.

Award, Loa Angslea Cal pi ii The Meyer On Saturday morning K. F. Ruayia tpetitkm and obtained a writ of aebrao corpa on lb reiallou Georg Arnold aad Charles HartaMtn, th man In 4 the aastody of th Sbarln for th atarder of Martin Jk era, th part icirsf which has armaarad taU Iarxa-ocaaa. The ground of th petiiloa, which 1 aaka for the discharge of th ptiaoners, or for thaw admleaiqa to ball, are that en Aagaat aa atts uoa ocenrrrd at a aaiooa eat tae corner of Jtacker and Ktnai SUssts f-etwees Georre Arnold, of th prUUonera, aad Morton Meyers, during which Mayer wa fatal iy injured by a bio from Ar-. noid, from lb edeet of which he died ehortly after; tka tae peiliioaiars war at ose arrested; teat th Coroaeroa tbe day after hold aa toque oa th body of tbe deceased, the Jary gadlug that th podnooor had an iaw tally ajaia or aiatsd la to uaiasful slay.

la tks deceased teat ths Urnimonr heor the Corwaar's Jury howed mat Meyers was killed by a "low. upon his lor. head lallicted hy th Bat of sores "I stnaing aoma asm tabstaaca in Bis rtu; that killing occurred wltheat any aalic. althar withoel say atixtas of JT1? ataver on tb part of Arnold, who wTrlLi'J50" la aad la tn by pveoemtlosT growing oa. ll L.

Md "thoat The recasts inttaUot of trkkd Phasic a tsfAnanm: 19 of th writ, this aa snown u. 1 wa. I cide, sod th Court hold lis tha aams' hoesU os. th' $Aa prisoner were admitted to ball la tae earn of eaea. the bands heine- o.iiriAt of the prieoBere for aay lieant imooeed aawenar Imposed by ta.

oon upon them. Jt V. Raayaa, Charl H. Dalto r--7--s aumraar piacad tkelr baoda. oath bail .1 JT Pajud ntate eovemamtu ha parchaaed 'land laa B- Hltt, at Kvaaatoa.

oa th Lake hoe tWfoarthof a mtl north of th Cnivn1tn aa.1 wiQ pvocotdt one to erect thereon a light-htm. kov, wlll eo l5 bo net. for thi -rk oT sent aaot.Ui, ae4 ue vi'k wvll tlr L'1- Bsobanly. this of tha present trrl at one, to be I Jl be a llirbt-house of tae aacoad grAde, th light of An effort ta brinr made to tadne th at tad gtatw verbmenl to tuiid a pier at tb foot of Milnara vtet, etKbt Hocks norm of the latverwity, which wul protect the GoverBaaent light-booaa proaerty, at at point, and thereby confer a rreat Isonh Svrnstoa, aa itw il be directly oppo-itt that liiage.

1 proposed pier wUl coat about A PCLICCMAN SHOT. Jt innMiN idtv io i A JTotoruras DeipTdo Aiausiiutte Pjliov maa While In the IiacSurg ofHUDutj. lat night, about' 13:90 o'clock, OffleeTS Mara and Stmnlaa attempted to umt a. aotorlous character asheed Chris. Kafferty, upoa a disorderly warraat.

tifj found fain at a Jtra. O'Brien's saloon, oa Hal-ttd atraat, aouth ot DoogltM plaea. Aftar arreting hlU, ha demaaoad that tha warraat ba nadtobia. Vttaa tbla waa daaa. ha Jumped away froat taaaa aad dodad thaua to and hiaL, aad laimadlataly draw a I larga raroWer, aad drd two ahota at hth of which took affact.

O'hlara fWl to tha Boor, and Scaulaa aaiacd and tried to taka tha rerulTcr away from bhk. tjoite limn atrorirla eaaaed. whl aadad ay Kafferty wrenrhtne away from tha offleef aad makiac ba avcapa thrvash tha door. Tba aatara or Tba aatara ot O'Mvt'i wound coald not ba aaear-taiard Kk ecrtalaty at tha ttma of rolog to araaa-bat it ia thought that thay will prOT fatal. HTDB FABK.

rnlar AT eeclae a ah Taw a Trwateee lav. irraaao ef Pay tor the retlce sjonarracaloa at alveete Orderod-Aeaeeieieats oa Wahmah aad rtslrl Atcssm Ceslrs. Te regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of tha Iowa of Byde Park was held ia the Town Hall, oa Saturday afternoon. Present, President Csdy, Tras tees Ball, Doyle, Fisher, Vaaderbilt, Barney, Clark aad Waldtoaw In the absesea of tha Clerk. P.

H. Hora waa p- polnUd Clerk pre (em. Sereral bill were audited aad paid. The Committee oa Police aad Sanitary reported la favor of iaereaatag the pay of the police force Captain $IS5 aad patrolmen io pet month, the policemen to furnish their own uniforms, ta taka effect from July Adopted. ReeolntleaA were prasentea ana aaoptaa aa ica- towe: By the oemmittee en Flats, ror the asoptloa of Wenrworth'siubdlviaioa of Balateaalall tin as nil's rabdiistoa.

the Committee on Public Or-mads, for authority ta ruaatruet a sewer from tba tail to the Oak street sewer; for aataonty to issue a warrant to catty aw Barker lor tna sum or ai.iva. payama uee. I. By tba Commlnee oa Orainaca, lor aothority to have thedileh on blste atraat. between Forty-eeventk aad Blxty -fourth streets, cleaned for the auaenacuon of culveru on Michigan, Inslaaa, aad Calumet avenur and state street, at the Intersection of Forty lrst, Jforty-eecond, Fiftieth, and Fifty-first streets Bv tba Committee on Streets aad HieharaTS, for authority to advertise for bide for laying a dewalka on lnoiana avenue, from Forty seventh to Ftf lyAres streets, and en Forty-alnth street from Calumet ava-mna ta State atraat.

i Kaso'utio or the remission of the i asasmed aaalnat Wtl.iatn Lyon, and the ap; ointment of aa additional patrol maa for-the northwest section of the town were referred to the proper onanmlttsse. k.1mmi li wjera iwanril to three anollcanta fievwral netittrma aahine for oermlaaioB to retail piritxua liquors were referred to coramttteea. Al-o a petition from the Police Justice for u-e of upper rooms Ib Town Hall. Also a peti'ion trim rentde ita In southern portion ef town. Asking far tha regulaUon nf tbe rmand ordtnanoa.

A enmmnnlration from D. W. Oammoa, eoaralnlng proposals for the construction of a pier at the foot of Fiftffirs street, waa referred to the special Corn ml t- mi Fiftv drat Htraet Sewer. Rrnnrta from the Police Maaistrate and Capta'tt of PtWice were presvnted and approved. Whole number of arree'e made dnrina the month, total amount of ne s.ei sin-d.

Jr4: Kmonnt actitallv collected. 1 1. The special asreMnenls on Prairie ateaue. from Thlrtv-ninth ta Fifry-Ant streets, arooaat and that oa Wabash avenue, from Thirty-alnth bixty-tblrd streets, amount paaaed July ft. were eonormed.

An amplication fmm Dobaon sod Khodaa askiue aa- tn tha vacant office of To wn Kaciner, was refemed to the Committee on Streets and Uiichwaya. 1 he-met ting then ad)ouraed to Tuesday, A.ugaas la, aitamooa. SPORTING. Base Bail. t.V AtTrrms va.

UkastBBa. These two local clubs played the drat game of a series for the city championship at Green's Garden-Saturday afteraeon. The cob test waa one-sided, th Actives showing unexpectedly good play, and their opponents only a race ioa of Inefficient striking and bad. fielding. The whole Lakeaide nine, ia nine tnnlt as, did not earn a run, aad were Indebted for the sim le score they obtained to the mlspiay of their ovponeata.

The follow lag Is tbe score: 1 4 8 ee 5.4 1 8 8 ...1 00080 00 1 ShULh OAaTS. Saturday's aaaM gamee were ae follows: Socials deteated by tbe Carpentera, IS to Garnets defeated hy the aame, to 18; Bmmete defeated by the. 9 to Picked nine defeated by tka earn, 15 to Coaa Tei.bioekee nine defeated by th heeler et Ueone an to uie itraostreeaa- aereaaea oj m-ler Fnllere' nine, 6 to at. aUftCEXLAREOOS LOCAL. afBHTIOIf.

Th Cbteaeo Baee Bal AaenciaUoa wUl me at the rhiich Bouse, enraer aad Burls 8 o'clock this evening. Tha Prsuia Base Ball Club will reeo. gaaiae to-night, aXeaTWHKBB. The MutnaVs play the Manaaelds oa the TJaloa Ground. at.d the A thirties play the BUtlowree ta Baltimore.

On the Cth in at, the A treaties play the Maarfleldson th Capitolioe Ground. toe 7th Inat tba AUaatics play the Balttmoraa oa tha Caplto-iiae. TbaMuluala ula the Bal'iaiorea oath Ciuiun Orourd ouih (Mb aad tha ikekforda play the Baltimore on tne Union tJroond. Nemly all of the late Troy Ctah nmo have joiaed tbe cktord Club, and they wiH play their drat amnion bin same with the Baltimore oa tba Mi inet. The -contract between the player of the Forest City Club aad the.

manager have been canceled, and the boys will play oa their owa hook oozing th balance of thie OrarO. Aur. A In a tnalch game of ba ball yeatorda, th Athletics acered 17, and the Maos-nelda. I-'' TH Tarfi J- Tna i)o BBAJtca mirno. Tbe drst race, for gauu, two miles and elht hurdles, at Long Branch, r-aterday, waa woa by Jf tleslaa, beat- big Locbiet Time, 8 Ax The second racs waa a trial race for a purs of $450, distance a mil.

Th enulae w-re Henrietta, Fadls-deaw, PtotUia, Preakneaa, Venetia. and Baaaia. Pteakaese woa; Fadladeea. secoad. Time 1:45.

The third race a as for tha Ocean Hotel stakes, value $1,000, for colt and Allies, foal of 1869, mile and three-Tin art ere. The catties were Extract, Julia Die, Boas Tweed. Mate, aad AatharisBw Mat won; Extract second. Time :15. 810.1100 TROT AT CLKV D.

The greet trotting race that la to ewose on? on the lath of A afraat, ot toe race cum me of the Cleveland Club, between the Pittsburg mar Annie Watson and the mare Belle Pattorsoe, owned by a weil-kaowa merchant of Oil City, will undoabteily draw a large atteaeanre. Both nor sea are la daiiy training at tae Cleveland course, under the immediate euo-rvl-la nf th. Ir rsrnective owners, and both are reported to be usurelKnt conoUion. 1 he herac era coudered to be pretty evenly matched. Acajaatto.

New Tosuc-Aar'. A thoannd dollar match bs- tweea tbe yacbta Meteor an Bella, yeeterday, waa won br the former, the Bella having violated tha raies. AMU8KMKXTS. AoannatT or mubto, Batnrday evening ended the sataoasf al engagumant of Ms. Kdwia Adaass.

During Ita progress tb Academy baa besa nightly crowded by faahionabi aadi cea aad it 1 ualvaraally regreUed that Mr. Aoama did not make a longer stay fat Chicago. Mr. Adam left hast nigh for a trip to the Mountains, where he will rest darn his vacatiso eefose tha open in a- of next sea'oa. To-fiyht, "t-'hicairo.

Before, After aad Irurtag the nre" will tor tae nrat urns pre. sate Before aa audience cam posed aeariy entirely of vye-erit issns to tbe great calamity pictured ia th panora na- Th piece bs met wiia uama success ia -w 1 oru. aao tae cuaaoexiee wiia sua mr. um, ta proprio-tor, presents his piece be ore a Caicsgo in edvaaee very favorably la ltasif. It to needles to si sat that tn greatest exertion have beea Band by th asaaagement the Academy to preaeat this piece ia tne very beet manner, atsaia, are and water -have alike beea draw lauo requisition to reader tae eject rmpieov aTIXOW'B AMPRrTHBATBU.

Th Irrepressible "Tony ha lert Chicago at ost, aad th amphitheater la art! a earned lot-; a T-night bigatir CnUrUu't iiaiiaa gUtTos open for a brief sagageiaeet. 'fttobblns? Array, 'i; Last night, whD tare young ladles, acrtod by a yoong eiwk In the employ of Craig A Broav, named Joba A Mantguniui, were peaaiag aloag Cuioa traet, they were tn suited by a party of roegoa atand- i tag oa th corner of Lak sir. Tonne Koatraamry remonstraUd. whoa one af tba rough struck bun. Moan im caDad for th peiUe aevesai times, bet, BoieDfjetriag.hcirerdaboy two dollars to bring an atncsr whllhrtmslad aad waAched hi smill ant, Tha ruflAa, drrialag; stoatgoatati'a mtaotioa, tton, attached biat again.

aad drove htm acroe the street, aatfl. aeeiag hi retreat cut oar, Montgomery turned upon hie prsssacs- ae drawing a cca-xxM pocket-kaUe stabbed hlmrn th riarht "1- about an lash aad a Aaif la learth. Ha eiae wounded aim ta the haad sllghUy. A poMniiian coming up at this tlm took th wounded man, who gave hie asm a Thorn a SbIHvbb, to the, Vrest Ssuos, wterTtU bun war dressed by Ur. McCerthy, who preejouao.

ttaeea not at All daagerou. Montromary cam to tha etouou and gav ajmaetf ap. .1 Tba P4le amnevMeadaad. A ntretmg af th Judiciary end Potic CommitieAl of the Commoa CoencU wa held Batarday aiWaooa, the City Clerk's office, to eonsidar the eoelrmaUo of th Mayor1 aomioaa to the ofllce of Police Saper- intoedent. Th donhtt existing tn tb mlad of th mem bee of tb eoaeaattleee coacernlag the appotat.

mart to tbe positloa af oa aot a rssaasot of AJhieaco aero satisfactorily settled by a ref areae to th city charter, whlrh smrms that person sHall ao- soibted an oiDcer oa th polios rnre arho is not a -luaea or uie Leu ea o-atee. wra www eneii wm aavo melded In the State of Illinois two year next tw. reding his appoiauneal." Mr. Whura' aUsfaetory ana tarooa aaminietrauon a ta an aire im tna oisxe Ivsltentlary wall Ward-a of the tuetUBlioa, aad th routes paid to hi executive ability aad IncorrapU-rtllty. a eaallfliartoa eminently aeneesst la a police ipailnteodent, so fartndneaoud the asambsra of the taat it waa unanimously served to rseom-said the connrsnatioa of that gsatieansa ae Separta- endeal of Folic.

Ai latartated Baabnnd. i V' "i Saturday arenlng Bobert Bull, residing at tb COT -or of Hickory aad Mam street, rtraed to. hi bast State of intoxication. Domestic affaire not being rraaged to bis satiafactioa, began betting his sif and dl vara! ted tb perform am a by dlatribnting uie blow prcmiacaonsly among th rest of dr. Beat door neighbor, taring tbe ereama, rts and andeavoted to pacify bar.

Tae sretch tnmea Bpoa her, and iz1ng ax that aappBed to be convenient to him, slrn the pour a fear ful blow ailA the heck of It, Inflicting ia BL'ly wooud over the ris-lil temple, and felling hef us tue flour. At Uu auvmaat Mcx. nnooh' haahaad, a tha altuation at a llance, keAap tbia? whir ill bad dropped aad kuocke3 olmcSwlVrt. Taeafe-nna tha. UiU waa ki''d aim 0t n.j,.

hoh Snooks auo pnme news of thaaflalr. and going to the aouaa arreted Hall and brought him to tae Statlou wher his wonnd waa areseen darrsroas. atrs.enooaa- wars e. by physicians, no the result Later la tha arening gaooks aad Ilarna ware arrested. i 1 Fatal Use It mt at relic Testerday morning, about II Cctock, two young Germ ass named Joseph Altmaa aad Aadrew njlagar.

went to tba stable ot Mr. O. Waes tar's mineral tao tory, aad took a eotfpl of horsea oat, aad mounting the animals red thent down to tba but at the foot ot worth aveaae waah thamThsy Intended to rid in antll the water waa well ap on the aides of th steeds, bat they unfortunately struck a poo a sudden declivity that took th bora beyond their depth, aad they pltmged onvulalveiy la attempting to swim. Tne young mea became frightened, aad losing their -lf-coatrol left the horsea and plunged Into the water. either of them could awim.

and alter a brief struexle thay both sank to tha bottom. The workmen era-ploTed oa the pier near by, saw the danger and hat eaed to their relief, but before asei stance could be reader eo. it was too lata. i poay or Aitmaa wa recovered, aad stismtita war mad to resueitate him, but aithont avail, and it waa thea removed to hi re-i-droc at Mo. Siegei street, wher later la th After- rnqest waa held a Don it by the Coroner, and a verdict of accidental drowntne rendered.

AJtmaa was 8 years of aes, and wa employed Wueeter'e mineral water lactorr. nnecer waa to Tears or aire. a aa a cabinet maker by trade, sad boarded at No. 85 Siegel atraet. Both tbe horses were roscaed by the workmen, aitnoagn on or teem was in tae last uagea or exnanauon.

Trial at Fire Basiaea. A public trial of steam lre-englnea waa marie, Bat- Brday, on th Korth pier, at th foot of Michigan street. Tbe object was to test th comparative merits of new arr-enelae manufactured by the Ahrea Companv, at Cincinnati, aad the eairlnea la use la thia rity. There were present Mr. U.

J. Sextoa, chief to et, XjOUI ire uperinieni, air. psyis ani mr. Husbea, AssisUnt Fir Marshal of 8k Lout and Cincinnati respectively. Mr.

A area a. Mayor Medill, Comptroller Barley, Folte Comtnlsrloners Talcett, Pe.ndaa and Klokka. Kir Marahai William and Arsiatant BasjBer, and several Aldermen- 'The engine nsad were, oa tha Dart of thia ell v. tha Waabeasia. the James" and the Williams, and oa tbe part of the Cincinnati company, the Letts.

After several trials, la which all the re-engines did splendidly, th eoneiasioB reached by those ta attendance wa. that in tha horizontal trial, the Latta" Droved snoerior while tbe Waubaaeia" diataased bar ompetttoC on tae perpannicuiar npanmoi. Maenaerebor teal. Trsterdy th German! Xaennarchor held prlvats picnic at Plum Green Garden, near WAshlngto Haighr. Tbe Society aad their friends started from th P.

C. and Ft. L. depot at a. rets rnlar at boat In tbe eveuirr.

Tae dsv was spent ia siruruis. dancicg, playing, eating, aad ita floertair acoompani-merl. 1 be most en joy able feature of the day war th fir German glee anng by the Maannerchor. A fin airing band la stteadaar and th eooines of th breese aad abate of the tree combined with amass ment, made tbe day a very pleasant on to the partlci tieuta. The Arranaement Committee of tbe Maenner- rher deorrve great credit for the perfect aaraotreraenta made, and th masterly order kept by them during th entire cay.

straw. yr-V'' Iartxa Pakk, Aug. To the Editor of thIntjreen: gn: A rot was taken ut oar train (Burlington pas senger) this morning with the following result. Craat. tire.

80 Tha few ladle on th train vote as follows Grant ..18 Chlcaa Ditrn Wlibea Chaaao of Cm MveeleJ Notleo. On and after Sunday, August 4, tha Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Ballroad, in connection with the Illinois Central Railroad, win run trains from Chicago to Galena, Dubuque, Sioux City and Intermediate point without change of care, and after that data thia win be th only rout hy which cars will be ran throuih. Pass tigers shoald make a note of thia, and avoid the disagreeable necessity of changing care at Free-poit, ep daily those leaving by the niiht train a 1 rains leavs irom tn wrest ventral uepoa, iuoi or ttreet. Sajrtm, T. A B.

A K. K. W. P. Joh Jf sow, G.

P. A. 11L Cent. R. K.

LAWLESSNESS OX THE TEXAN BOO Astewadlnar Oeveleaeaesta made br the Cal ted stain esnaelssieer holenala Marder aad IluadertBS-ueB violence. Special telegram to th New York Herald. Bkowkbtillk, Tex. 2. The United State Commission)! in session to- lay.

There ia much excitement on the Mexican side of tbe river, and there nre rumors of a desire to present ret ntting eestimooy. Hatamoraa paper aak all persona of Mexiean extraction to refrain from triving testimony to tne There hav been some Interesting de ve.1 rrpmenta before the. Comhtisalon aa to Mexican In Text, buppoawd atri toulturUt are antoally aaaist-ii the rattle thieve. Tbe effort of tbo Texan I'ffiorr to reoorer "before the Mexican aatboritiea nre traelea. Cattln stealing baa been growing since tbe rebellion.

The cattle this ra aeixei at.d detain maaera-by till their raid succeed. FireiKn merchandise tn bond. In his plane for atexiro, prior to July 1, is allowed to go to tbe interior, of Mexico under tbe old tariff rate. -i--: pecial Telearam to tb Hew Task Herald. Browsvillx.

Tex. July A Lieutenant Burke, ot tb State Mounted Polios, and others, were before tbe United State Com-tnirBion to-day. erldenes ahowa an appallirifr record of murders. Number of arny -ofltoer, soldier and carrier have been killed for plunder. fetate offlolal and encMjn officers bars been killed and their b'xlie Men bare been killed within the limit of officer besot red at.

month of the Rio Grande, and mur tared by 1 partle erosirg in full daylicht. Nothing i safe from the thieve, who are armed -with 8petieer and Winchester rifle. Offloialahave been bot at daily, and a drove of three or fr hundred cattle driven over the river, within eight or ten mileaNif Brownsville. Tan 'ita bave ben thrown back aeroe the river that, tbe thieve will take aa many cattle a tb want. Htate ufBctai claiming cattle In t'amaryo -were refuand tb cattle, which were rebianaed, and inspector were forced to register their newest brand, 1 Cortina' iifluenoe is all powerful to-day with tbe hfrxiran population in Texas.

A. war of race 1 looked for aa the inevitable result of the open insnlt and disgraoe beai ed upon private partiea. The general frellrig among the people is that they must protect themselves. Ocidents on lonely ranches are afraid to testify in any open nonrt. state rpuncSy i Cswsrr and Caoaraaslsanl Dlatriet Csaveatteaa ha llllnsla and gadlaaa Was Tleaiatsv sato nxnroiB.

i BiejAi TeJrgrani tomeuter-Oesaa, SrBiKonxiJD, DL, Ang. i. I On Saturday th Democracy of Sattgamoti, In their primary election, gave Hon. Jame C. Robinaon their vote for Conjrremari from tbTwaUth DUtrict, i IOWA, Iowa Citt, Iowa, Aug.

The Liberal Demoo ratio Congreloaal Convention for thi (the Fifth) District will held at Cedar Rapid. Auguat 21. Tbe nominee will probably be Georg J. Boal, of Iowa City, a Liberal. nnjiAifA, 'u yt i Ibtdiaxapolih, Ang.

A Th Democratic and Literal Republican County Con vent ion, neia yesieruay, tick rt. about equally divided between Liberal Republican and Demoerata, Special Telegram to the uier-Ocesa. 1 rr Mich io ah Citt, IncL, Ang, 4, Th Greelavite had a meeting last night to ratify tbe nominations mad at Laport. Tha meeting was a small affair. WEST LxwiKBtrxo, W.

Va, Aug. 4 An election take plaew in thla State ou tbe on tbe adoption of the new oonstitmioa aud for Sutootucers. Both partle are making a bard fight, M. CASUALTIES. Baraed Dealb Milled by th Cars Ft sod aad Less LAfa aad Property.

Special Telegram to ta Iater-Oceaa. -t, DrBtTQCB, Iowa, Aug. 4, An adopted daughter of T. McLaughlin, of Cox's Creek, wa ao badly burned tn attempting to light a fir by th aa of kerosene oil, that aba died a abort tins after. -Loctavillb, Ang.

4. Jhu Williaraa, conductor on tha Eliaaoethtowa and Pada-CAU Kallroad. was knocked front tba, train yeaterday. while pstng under a bridge, and fatally injured, T. Anr.

4, Dnrtn a Jieavy rain-storm yeaterday Undo Creek ovar ii owed ita banks, ana tn water swept erery- tbi.g before it. A houa ooenpied by a family named Own wa carried away and two ebildrew drowned. The parent escaped. BixsoaiiaaToa, 111- Ang. 4.

The body of an nkaowa man, his skull badly niabed, and a frightful wound in tb shoulder, wa found by section men on tbe JaekaonviUe and St. Louis railroad, early thla two anile south of here, Tb wouaded man was bronsht to tbla eity, and died ia a few ma. nta. Letter Were found in pocket, datod Philadelphia. July 7, loT'A aiguedMT.

A. Schenckae. A part of another letter loand waa signed. your affectlonat aiater A. and K.

Kaiok, No. N. i ourth atreet." THE Ears real, ttepmrtm rreea La Sal I Ceaatr, '-tiesasas Fsarsd la lew. ti.n Am- Tb crop of oat In LaraUe County is nearly harvested, and is of and "eiingly heavy. Indeed ail lb crop proiuia aa abundant bar- bpcialfTlegrm to the Ialer-Oceaa.

De wood Iowa, Aug. 4, There wa heavy ram at intervals sluoe early tbla morning over Northern lows, it ta feared that damage a been dona to bay and grata ia stock, beside serious doiay to tb baxvtsV. THE AUGUST Jl A'otlilBo' Fnrther Concerr.lng- Actios ef the GeneTA TrlbanaL TiaiJugiTiDg Cerrices in Franod for the 8ao- ce of the Eew Loan, Ai IbsUab Iavlsa KrmsTrs gn Diarer af Tr Betwcct th ArgritU Krpibac aad Sntzu, WlTTritLAITD. GxHatTA. Aug.

4. Notfalne new I In elren. lation in regard to tbe Board of Arbitration, and tbe mot absolute qnietne reigns. Beverai of tbe gentlemen Connected with the tribunal are in the count ry to remain over the Sabbath. Otbera ar busily preparing fur work on Monday.

vVamixotor, Aug. 4. Intel Hire nca from Geneva, though not of a definite character, bow that btitiuesl ia profrre-slng aatiafao-torily to this Govemmeut. Nothing further can be obtained at tbe Department of Slate. OKEAT BRITAIW, Nnr Tokk, Aug.

8. The HeraUVi London dispatch ba letter reoelved by Stanley from tsoount rjineia, Jtri uranrlile, and a son of Lr. Livingstone. Lord Knfleld, In the name of Karl Granville, acknowledges the reoelpt of letter and doftument from Livingstone, delivered by Btaaley to her majesty's ambataa-oor at 1 ris for transmission to the foreign department. Earl Granville says in his letter that be baa no doubt of the genuinenea of the letter pnrportiug to noma from Livingstone.

Livingstone's son tayg ha has no doubt that paper and brought to him by Stanley are from nia father. The London dispatch aay that Stanley waa invited to dine with Lord Stanley, Lady Franklin, and other dls-tiDgulabed persons. a. London letter state mat on ox ins most nfiuentiai. member of tha International Worklngmrn' Assoc latian assert that it ta not improbable that a dleeolatlon of tb association will be aooompliabed at the coming genera! eongre, to be held at th Hague (Holland) on the 2d of September.

-Lordo. AtuT.4 Monday wilt be observed as a holiday in thia oity and LiverpooL Tb ASatiK 01 A.ugiaua wm do eioeea, ana no ouar-net will be tranwoted either in the stock or eotton exchangea. Lieutenaiit iwsnn, chief of tne English aeaieh expedition, which tailed from thia country- in the eteamer Abyo before Stanley's dispatch announcing hi meeting with Living stone wa received, lert lor fiugiana on tne Zlit ot May. lie la rxpecta to arrtva Lb London about th middle of next month. It Is renorted that when Lieutenant Uawson, of the Kiigliah expedition, left Zanzibar last May.

bia destination waa New York, and not London. he having resolved to visit tba fi.murw citv before returning to England. Sot THiMPTOit. Aue. 4.

Iisar Admiral AlUt-n and many officers of tha American fleet were entertained yesterday at a garden party, by the Mayor of Southampton, at tbe ruin of SUS AUUC; i i '''niicE Pahiis Aug. Thanksgiving iervioei for the great success ol tne new loan were nets in tin cmiCD tuuroun urunT. M. Grew. President ot tbe National A stem bly.

yesterday antiounoed reoe of that Im rtv nntil ibe 11th of r'reabeta iy the Uarrone and other river in the aouth of Pranoe, bava eaoaed great de- stxuouoh of property. ITALY. Romx. Autr. 4.

Tner ia every Indication that i be Librala will carry the election Hera to mt .1. SPAIN. Kxw Tobx, 4. A Washington di-ratob say that Dr. I loo ard has forwarded a claim for carnages fur hi imprisonment bv the Spanish Uovernaxsut to the Cotiaul at Cad ia.

Hi claim wld com before the Spanish-Americau Commission whtoh 1 now aittina at vV aatilns-ten. Tbe C'orrr sj-ioncienota declares that there I no truth in the report that tbe Spaulsh Gov ernment haa sent agent abroad to raise fund. --v. Alt.xaktbia, Aug. 4.

The "Viceroy of Egypt arrived in tbi city yesterday. BOtTTH AMKBICA, Niw-Tobe, Aug. 4. A Kio correspondent fthe limtt rept-rt the -Indiana luvaatny; and lavaging the Argentine province on the west aide of the Platte in turmldabia Jtum era. Koeario, an outlying ettienieut, has been bnins-d and plunder-fd.

In aoma ea-ie women and children periabed in the flnme. TLe inbabi ant were Heeiiig in. paoio. At' one place a party- at JSng- lish reaidints defended "uthemrlve boar gaiut a horde of aavagea. nntil tbe bf-us they held wa burued under them.

Th re waa a great outcry agaiuat the) Govera- entat Boeuo Ay res fur neglect to provide foe doietias tba settlers. During a discussion In Ooagreaa tb exolte- ment ran ao cin mat memoer reruaed to hear toe explanation of the Mlnlater. who left th houa in disgust and threatened to resist. Tt Indian Invasion had removed all danger of a war beta een the Argentin Conf cd- rration and BraziL Geiieral Matire waa to be seut to Rio to set tle tbb dispute about the retention of Para- LUaven territory by Braxil. 1 Adolnbfi Block, an American citiaen, anr posed tu be fromtieurgia.

waa murdered ivy German in the province of ban Paolo. He left considerable property, and died Intestate. mmm T10LATI0N OF THE HEUTUALITT. The Casta Btheeaer Pteoeee- yeseeaJly- Teh aa Povee avion br Caited State Omieas, New York, Aug. A Newport (R.

L) die- patch atatt- that th United Beat Marshal. accompanied by Captain Ritchie, of the revenue cutter Mucoaaiu, went aboard tbe Cuban schooner Pioneer yeaterday afternoon, aud took ebarge of b-r. by order ot Grant, for- violation of the neutrality lara. Lieutenai.t Cbaureon, of the Cuban Mirvloe, demanded tbe Marabal's paper in tbe au-e of tbe Cuban which were read to bim, Csptain BaUsbie. Indorsing them and intormiiiK the Lieutenant that ha reoox- niced tbe Marahai' authority.

Liautenaut "banreon prtrts-atard in tbe name of the Cuban Kepublie against the aeisure of tb IMooeer. fit ed a gun, threw his sword overboard, nailed tbo Cuban colore to the ruaac and with hi tmoer aad crew loft toe vessel in tbe banda of tbe Marahai. The United rtate officers then unloaded tha gnn. The Pioneer will be ctanskeei and dUmant.ed. Taw rase will be brought before Abe oourta, at providence, on ue uecn in.

The Savaaaah It lot Vf barf Thieves fMeal Weleaes to taw Vala ef SAO, Ths Death Pwaalty, Batakmab, Oa, Ang. A Comniiaaloner Wayne yeaterday -morning rendered a de cision In tb' ttreet ear oaae, discharging Godfrev, Berier and Segar. aw Yott. Aug. 4j There wa a ocmoerted attempt to break jatli at Newark, N.

last nvgbu It wa frustrated by the vigilaac of the police, and one outside coniedeirat and two horse and a wasron were captured. Nxw Tobx. Aug. Last aifcht a gang of river pfrate forced an enrranoe ta the wharf of the Hamburg dock, at Hoboken. and stole watch valued at to ou.uoo.

it oe-lieved tb workmen on th dock aided th nirstss la ths rubherV. Pxvriuianaa. PaAn? A Alexander IlAm- Tner was anvsted at Clarion viaterrlav. on an attach meat ia- bv Jcdis MeCandleea. of the United State DUtno; Uammeri.

cnrgd a -ourt. In diaobeying an Injur ction re-trainlag him rAo Sal I Tjas all tArkwSfnefas-la-B tksfall.t a-af- I a. Roberts, of TitusvlUe, Pa. He will ar biaring on Thi the nratof a utiB ber of similar attachment to be issned. BtrrrALcN.

Aug. A Jiba Gaffuey, found guilty of tbe murder of Patrick Fabry, Las beea aeuteuoed to banged oa September I f. LocisvTlXX, Ang. 4. Cbarie Leldsr, eatenord to be hung for the ureter of Cbarie Oeovenwlrse, waa granted -a new trial by the Court or Appeal yeeterdayjaod releaa, ed on $10,000 balL THE DUMOXD DlSCOTEBrES.

A ra Deal si IMBewJtr A si leaned ia Flaela Kaartly Where tb arteldaAre. Dzxvxb, Ang. A Reliable partiea hr tat that diamond and other preoion stone exhitHtra tu Bstu rancisoo war brought from some pint ouLh of thi place, aaet taksu tbroaiih her to 8arr Pranoisco. It fa said that they wer found me where near th northern line of New Mexico) and Arizona. In cainfirmation of thia tory, partiea in Saa Fraiiciaco ar telegraphing to their friend ia Denver asking b-w far it Is from Denver to tbe diamond field, but It teema impossible to gtv th deal red information.

i TRIFLES BT TELEGRaril. Colonel TbomAA A. Soott la not 1U, aa reported, Tb Sorlncfleld (TrL) Iron CoraDAnv- wiH hortly bepreparad to dell ver rail, A 8alt Lak (Utah) dispatch aava tb that far troop to protect th sltfliaT. i Of forty-nine bnrialg In Oak Rldg Ceme-tery. KprtUkAiid, 11L, ta July, twenty evea Were childrasi.

i The old settler of Sangamon euuntyl 111., meet Auaust IS, at Spriagfleid, to arraag or the aa-atal tesuioa. Tbe German Catholic of Cincinnati held a sceiing last DU lit and passed solutions of ladigna-tioa at lha cxpuialua of tha Jesuits from Geratea soti. A dispstcb from Fort-Holly, Dakota, aays: "1 here seems to be a reneral dwoaltuin among the-Indians of thaCb'-yui a agency tu make trouble, aad aa outbreak is Iaiiuiueul. Yasnl's band of Oyotes and Apache, nutn-berlK rii'y. ostly somen ard rimdrrn, are at Cantp artfwall, Arisoue.

Tby eurrendored tnsaa-seisea, and promised to remaia oa Uie rueer vauoa. The strike of the coal ml net of St. (31 county, 11.. t- li pinmlsed to be nnite ai-rintis, I piacuta4.jf tuutj, aerctaief tii cyaianlrs 5. 1872.

harlot screeilcd to the dcmsni's of tha n4 A coanuleraiji natnber have reeriined wora. A Geneva fSwiUerlari Jl disnatch la bow erpected thai the rWwsei of A'Duranoa wul enm- tlete Iis wore wttnm smwiin. im si niriimi.l et week was dn to tbe peceeiitry ef st itr com-mBnlcaiiunS with the Cabinet at VV atbii.ioo. On Psturdav af'ernonn, soma vrorkinsn lar- trrwarkoo the Mi'wankee and Nre-'bera kallroad irir Us ere. i csme urxm gve ecHna rn a stale of ptnstrvaifain, and coetainlnr thsbrl-s of three adults ard two chid res.

tna of tbe alu is was a female srlih very long Dnir, wdicu was not at a.1 darrwopnasd. latorcnaiioa waa iramediau ly reo to to tae city autaotiuee, sua ass samee nrs sow is wu Ths lafdonarw festival of tba German Laiberaas of Central Tllnols eooneeted with. the il Synod, was held at rjrirprl.jd. Ill vevtanisv. Lama drier I ion a were IB aitemlanc 1 from at oust Pnisskl, Jschsouvi is sad Certiavtiie.

Uml-Hvm heid ia tbe afternoon al Oa KMira lark. Aboet persons ware present. The prracklng waa by Prof. K. A.

Bran sr. of be Louis. Oml preparation ars making at Uunoone, leas, for tbe meeting of the Amencaa Asenctaioa for th Advancemeat or r-cirBce, oa ttt x-xu ot in preant dod th. All th chnrc hi a and other public VtuiUlirjra are to be tendered them In wbirh to hold tae-ses-ioBa of ine d'tr-rent breaches of science. A vary Mats Gealaeieal Laioa haa sianiflsd Its iotea- lna Of eeing peevenr.

is ie expects, rroiwaur Agassi will reach Saa FraeclscA froat hi Caolral AtuancAa eipQiiioniniiii.evo oeiaare. Th follow I no- named oomnanlpa C.ed eer- tlflcate of ory-anixation IB ths onus of tua Secret try of htate, at bprincflcld, en baiurdeyt Ktaa told Blfilns LonriBT. ot ii'irg: crHH. Sterling sad Boca Falls Horse and liurnmy Kulway toDitary, or -teriiii. anwiqiv eonniv, minni; csi.lial.

100,000. Tba Naparville Atmcu ml Works, of hsperviile, Dupae oosney, liiinoia, i led a certlaV ct of change of name to Chicago Plow Company. POLITICAL. t. Feeling Througliout JSTorthwest.

The the isaser aa Cba stand. To Kdltor of th Uter-Oceaa: And ttow again cornea th Senator from Massachusetts, "a rpeotmea of that finish. bxeadth, and axtant of culture which are pro- duerd by th best blood and the beat aduoar tlonal Ixutltutlona of America," and parade a flattering letter from twenty-four Colored mui of Waahlngton, who seek bis counsel at this critical political juncture, because a la free from personal feeling and partisan prejudice. II says to the twenty-four admirer of hi greatness, that 1 touched by the appeal they make that baa been coostant to them In the 'Senate and elsewhere, aa their peeial advocate that they do him simple ion ice when they regard him a free from personal feeling, and party prejudice; that tbe occasion ia solemn and that 'all men must bo brought to th standard of truth tbat tbey may be teen In life and act." He write a long letter to tell thae seeker after political wisdom that they are right la their high estimate of bim, Charles Sumner, and that they must do anything to beat In bis bcaatfal ttneertty and Iva of truth a set forth In bis letter, Mr. Sumner remind tna of the Rev, Mr.

Chad band, in "Bleak and I discover more than on point of simi larity between tbem. Mr. Chad bared, dlaoourses thus: "We have here among us, my friend, a Gentile and a Heathen, a dweller. In the tent of Tom-all-alone'a, and A mover on npon tbe surface of the earth. We hare have among na, my friend, a brother aud a boy devoid of the light that shine in upon some ot na.

What 1 that light What is it I aak you. What 1 tbat ligbtf It is the ray of rayifatho sun of runs, the moon of moons, the star of atara. It 1 tbe light of Terewth! otTerewthl Say not to me that it I not the lamp of lamp. I say to yon it is. I say to you a millkiu ot time over.

Ills, il in A say to you tun win nroclaim It to von whether you like it or not t.a that the lts yon like It, tbe more I will iitoclalm it to you. im a speaxtng trumpet i to yon if you rr yourself vtiut it. you shall fall, jou shall be bruised, you ball be battered, yon hau De flayed, yon sLnli be smashed." And then tbe Rev. Chad-band-pnoeed to Inquire into the nature of terewth," but interrupted before he Is able to civ a satisfactory answer to hi owii Question, to that the great world ta in tin? calk and will ever be. aa to what hi ulti mate conclusion wonid bave been.

Hut tne similarity between this eloquent divine and be American Senator ba uuw ended, for the Utter conclude that Mr. Greeley la thi ipirit of terewth and to prove It, snirsrdi to vilifv President Grant. He brine along array of charge against tb latter, chief among wttlco are tne iourw-log He became a cadet at West Point, wa. etmcated at tb pnblia expense, started wltn n.ilitarv commission, and wa trained a a soldier, a nils ted aa a pro-slavery Democrat. ai.d at the election of James Buchanan -forti fied by big vote all th prate uaicrn ot alaverv.

ma net mr. Bumner know au ins wnen bo rarmlr' supported General Grant for th Presidency in lCo? He mnst have done ao. Bat it waa also fresh in hla recollection tbat tba country had paaard through a four year war. prolonged because ot tb lack of a com-oetent leader of tbe armies in it beginning. and at last ermduered and closed by the first man wbo bad shown himself equal to th tak of directing the vast combinations aud manipu lating tb lnmene loroes tn tn neio.

Ia it not aad to eee a -man like Cbarie Sumner BO inconsistent to an area! a atateaman desoeod to the common herd ot omoe-a. ekere. and minsie hi neraonal- mallcmities with their oetty spite But, aa he haa "takaa an the ends el." we will do him tha justice to believe tbat be can aay all against the Pret-dt-nt tbat any one can; and as eloquently. Verily, if this it tbe work of a great statesman, if this la nil that Jut can sav to beat Grant, we do not fear tbat it will effect tb princl- lyle ot tbe thinking men ol tn country. white or black.

tJ, i. W. KcaaJslIeaa Ceasraasisaal CVsnveoelew a Lad-. I----, tnatsn, Blleh. Carrerpondeacoof ta IaterceaB-- v.

Lctixotom. Ulcb July 80. The Republican of the Ninth Congressional District met in convention itere on yeaterday, Tbe contest for th nomination of A candi date to present tbi district In Congress Con tinued from 2 o'clock until 9 in th evening. Everything waa harmonious, however, except ing the balloting, whloh waa unanimoo In the end, when Mr. 8.

Hnbbell pecsm the ntianimona AU parties ar well satis fied tbat it ia a good selection. Mr. Hubbell being a resident of the Upper Penlnenlar, waa not much known on this aid of tb lake. Yet, all who earn la contact with him dining bia stay here are Impretsed with hia OCneM tor tbe position of tandard-bearer for tha Republican of tbi disuiet in thi contest. Hubbell appear to be of a middl age, graeuated at tbe University of Michigan, in tbe claaa of .1853, baa practiced law In Hough ton 17 year, ha large interests la copper mlm and ia wealth v.

The past year he ha ben traveling abroad. 1 1 a gentleman of generou Inipuisr. and, when elected, wtU represent thi district In Washington in tb character- I a- aign-conea geoiinin. tae ortmoae to thoroueblT canvas th dtstriot. in doina wbicb hi popular mauner and abiV-'tty a a speaker will in bim personal and political friend.

The Peninsular haa bea -Democratic, but Mr. Huboell calculate that he can carry it atrougly forth Republican Tha.nnf ueoe8fnl csndldstetfor BOrolnattoft pledged themselves be fur th Convention to Ka-oieace in tb loot ion of tbe nouiinee, and i i wiKiaCr1 is vifcuim. a no worcq. tion closed iis. aitt." with throe rousing cheers for Grant end Wilson.

On Saturday next a nut ratification meet ing ia to be held at tbla place, on wruoo. occasion noma sneakers of tux are to be present. and a rousing time 1 Th Republican ar wide a waa to th contest, while tbe opposition hardly show it head. -There haa been no rain of any account in tbla section tor two moutna, oat, as tais writing, a regular A-storm ia in progreaa. P.

M. R. r. lXmmm la Baephewaea Csontr. r- TLxstA, JoJ 8L rotbaldltofof r.

ek. faatlt aorssiainrlanf; tna Trtotssv being, absent, lnA under date of July 2. takes np the lane in defeu.e of Greeley Ism In StephensOa: County, by pronouncing my lat communication falsa, aad claims out of some five hundred Republicans In th three adjoin ing towns, thirty Greeleylu. Bs aay that there ar In this plac thirty prominent Ba-riubllcana who Toted for Great, or Lincoln, or both, who will support Greeley aartong the, physicians, merchant, mechanics, Ac Of th six physician la tha town, two are oai-and-out Democrats, three Grant men and one Greeley. Of th taraaty odd merchant, owa ia for- Greeley.

I repeat guy assertion "tbat tber I scarcely a pro ml -went Republican in tbe county wbo suitaina tbe Cincinnati nominee. The Greeley, it- are either disoppolntod oiuoe seeker. pnro.heada or empty headed writer. Lena Liberal or Lenaite to th oatrary ootwith-atandlpg. xiicnonr.

The Tribe ae a Baatoal, 111. TotbaVJrtorfthlBts)eaa Sim All lb advlo In thi quiet little place can give you ia, Give tbem the i 1" I shall woik for the Ix- n.a-OcAX because I love It, and tbluk I cb gsfe everal abcrib-er to It tbi fall, and KiBlng olub thi winter. Tbree year iro next winter I rot up a club of forty-ix ubcribera to the Tribune, and I promine you -U of We bate the inlune, 'W ia. S. rcr.

Partial list of State and CoriffTesstonaJ Candid Atea In tba Varlon Plate. Wp present below a draft of the sereral Plate and Congressional tickets for 172. It contains nearly or quite all the nomination yet made, and will be useful for reference. AIAP.AW. rra Tl.

ksT. Frw fJoveraoe Th a. liru oa. of Mebl'a Fee I leeteasat Oom-A ll to area, ef Fre-1 rrasorer J. F.

Or ant. of A Horary General J. yy. A.

tsanioed. ef Mont gomery. io raparnteerent ef Public Lis tract! osi Joser-h fiocrson, of stoDiiromery. asevetsay ef biaie J. f.

Pa-ker, of Moaroa, A aeifor T. J. Burnett, ot buur. or Commtsstoner of laaastrlai aieeoareaa XL Coajrgya, of Lawraacs. rvHtrn At Largs alt hen Baker.

Joha J. Johy. ILLINOIS. rMMKitaa. A'sesktoas.

Frmrth Wstrlct Stei hea A. ilarlbuU lifih Distnrt IL C. Bnrrhard. rsvsnib listrtct Krat lorvrla. F.lgb'h Iiistncl fireeinu'y L.

Fort, Tenth Dis-rirt Wm. IL Eleventh D'sinct A. a. M.itt.esra. Tseif'h Dirtrict t'oovenuon.

Aee. 81. Thirteen' I "strict Job hlcNana. Ffiurtsenih iMairict Mxteenth Ti-trict James far no. Kitbteenth 1'isirict l.a ttuicUsanlh LisUict t.reeu B.

haunt, Pemocriitie Fourth IMsrrict Seymour i. Bronrm. Ssaenth lnsinct fuoveotion, aag. IS. Fichth Disttlet ieorga O.

br ea. J.ieventh District Hooeel M. A nap p. Tw.lflb IMatrtet Wm, IL hame. Fnnrteenth iptrlct Wm, K.

Nnlaoa. Fifteenth District John R. F.leo. Sixteenth Liitrict biles N. li'ysn.

Fixbtsesth 1 strict eore W. WaM. inm leanth Iieunrt l-ain ui a. MarehalL tat rir-aa-r. AV-ivfVicewe.

for Governor-F1 chard J. Oirieshy. For Lieutenant teovet aor Jotia Reveriajs. Haw. 11 II For Aaditor af Pablie Accouat hsria B.

Llp- f.r7-f.r7:nafV:r.rtlFlrst liirlslcnv-O. P. Keeond Division a. UsAbiixgnr; Thixa lHttloa-J. W.

Campbell. Fcr Oovoreor Oeetavas Km rear, of St. CHlr. For IJealanaul Ooveraor Jobs Caarls Lisck. 1 rot hetretsry oi roue nuwa Fot Auditos usniei liars, w.

For htate Trraattrar Cuaiiss IL LAnphieT, of 8aa- gs moa. w-u'nf Ta. KorClmkacf tt fnpreme Court- eostbsra trrand TUwt.loai M. A. D.

Mlllbsnk: Central tHvasMSa vuaria A. Brewai Jionneta Aiision ausauu. IMDlAItA. conaaa. JttptiNicam.

Lsir. Oodlove Ortn Wm. WullAma Fust District Ullliam ilillmaa. Srrond Di.trict Daniel W. Voyle.

Third District W. W. Hejsod. 'Fenrth 1 ismct Jeremiah WllsoB. Flfib District John Coburn.

Sixth District Mortoa t. HuBtar. th Diatrlet Tbo. J. Cesoa.

klghlh DM-trlct Jstnrs N. Tyaer. District Jno P. C. BUankA Truth Di-trl IL V.

Sajrhw. klevtnt District Jasper Packard, Zmxomuu. At Lartre If. C.Kerr. J.

William. First District a. Wiblack. Second District lawn K. Wul a Frorth Dtsirict David Gooding.

Fifth strict Cyras F. MeMtt. Sixth District D. W. Voorheea. tiahtoa MlBIOfl. Fighth District Horace P. Biddl. Befa to ran. riinta insxiic xknoe new.

AUeyenth Dutrlct John A ITesdricka. rriti noiif. For Governor Thorns- M. oeme. For Lien el.

act Gorarnor Leonid Sexton, For Secretary of fe ale Wm. W. Carry, tor Auditor of State Jame A Wild maa. For Treasurer of tUate Jona B. Glover.

For Revorter of 8 per me t'onrt James B. Black. For Clerk of Pnpreme Court harie ttchali. W. ittrniw, r.neral J.

DennV. For harMrlntesdeat Public Dastructloa BeaJ. WH- soa Smith. n.iasvwag. CMsaHwil m.

Tina A. Hendricks, of Marion. For Ueatenant Governor Joha ii. Crarrma, of Hsdiann. For Secretary or ptate tr.

m. tony. For Auditor Bon. John B. Moll.

For Tressurtr Una. Jamea B. Kyan, For Bepurier of ruprtme Court J. C. Foblnaoa.

For Clerk ef Supreme art Edward Prioa. W. UanBB. For Sunt rialendent Pubas laatrucuon Milton B. Bokina i oonnRas.

Jtrpubiiea. First District Geo. V. Carry. Fourth Dial rlct U.

O. Pratt. Fifth District Jamea Wils. -Sixth District Wm. Loughridge.

District J. W. McDill rrava Ticarv. Vmntx raftf. -Seeaetary of State k.

A. trai oert, af -Trauir-M. J. Bholfa, of ScoU. Audit, J.

P. Ca- rly. of wottam'A. -ttorery General A G. Cair of Floyd.

of Land OfBoa Jacob Butler, of Fag. -KINTCCKT. A. Stsndlford CDemocrai) a ami aatad for Coa- ia lb ilia uisinci. LOCIIANA.

con a a as. At Large Jame Lswke. First DistrictJ. Bale Sypber. Second Di-trirt L.

A Sheldon. Third Ditrict-C. B. DarraJl. i Harry Lot I Short terra, Fourth District 're(rr, Lob, term.

Xsfpxro At Large Jimea B. Kastia. STaTI TtCKBT. i Hrrmbium. For Oovernor P.

KeUorg. -v For Lirau-nant Oovrrnor- C. C. AaTHne, For eer tary of Bute O. C.

Blaadlaw For Aedlu.r Charl- Clinton. For Attorney tssosrst A. P. Fot tutteitoteadesit ef Public isdacatton Caarls DrmerraHc -v For GoveTnor John McEdery. Por Lk-utenant B.

F. Jotie. For 8.creary of Siaie A. D. Laf argue.

For Auditor Daniel Dennett. For Atusraey Geaeral IL N. Ogdeu. For SueA-intoBdent of Public HduCAtlon B. at.

Vv. costoar a. B-jnttliem. First Dtarrlct John tl. Bnr.ei(rh.J Secoad Dirict Wm.

Pv rye. Tbird 0-wrtc Jamra Rial a. Fifth DistxuA EuA'ei H1. JMmocraliA. Fourth Wstrtet Msso.

ilu iwoery. XUih District F. a Pike. STAT Trcaxr. Apvi-a.

For GoverBOf--fiIdi ey I i. iMmtM'Mttr. For GovniOl-Charrea P. kLlmhaS. MUtHASOTA.

1" yj t.r- resaane. i v3 PecCC i rMsTrict H. htrait, Fourth tUtrict Mai H. DaoDaX Ziewiavarso. Third Diatrlet J.

BTATB nCXCB For Auditor O. P. hitoumh, of Olmatsd. For Clark Saprem coait. aherweod Roagh, Saroasy.

MJCK OOBO aias. TMatrletT. Vleffola Etrbih District Nathan B. Bradley. Mlnth District J.

A. tianoeu. SVATB VIC. For Governor Joha J. Barley.

Vur 1 beuMst (IwrooT lleorv rL Holt. Forfecretaryof SUte Daniel r-trikev, reeoi FwTtsisirar t., For Anaiuar -General Wm. Uamphray, 'or'cemWiooer of Caltad State Land. Oflflv- LeverettU CUD? A i torn fy -General Bjrroe D.

Ball. Sntiernilandent af fubiie LaatrusUoa-Palel ausiHirri. 'i emaouass. 1 Third District Henry W.Barry. plxta District same Lyaaa.

v. OHIO. bonaaxaa. i Third restrict B. toJTet, Fourth District J.

Bmlta. Sixth Dl.irict Isaac it Boer swvewih rx.trlct L. Meal Eighth District Wm. Lawrsnca. Tenth DisrVt -Chsrle Foeter.

Eleventh Dlatrret 8 Buady. I 1 btrtea Dlswlct Lueio P. Mar, Sixteenth Dlatriet CUpiala Loreuao Daafard. Sevm terath District li. WoodwortA, FlcliU-eath Dlstrtni Jma Moeroe.

uiteenih Dtstriot A. arte Id. Taratieth Durtnct Richard C. Paraons. iMmemHc I Fifth TMavrictCharlea M.

Lamlsoa. ThhUetthDistilct Milton J. southard, i- Fouitrenth District Joha Bsrry. Twaatlsth DisUict A. Pains, tTAt TfCXtT.

i JjrjmMean For secretary ef SUi J. WykoS. of Adama For Jurtg ef bapraas Coan Jan. Weiao of yorM ember Board of FabUc Work B. Porter, Of fetaik, DaitotTotie.

For Secretary of Bute Aoml Wiley. For Judge of Suorema Court no. L. Greene. For Member Board Publi Work Isaac it, PlOtKSTXVASIA.

oaatsuce. 1 Aw.aia. Altai)' raiBITun lln 1 Albniibt. Distrlcl lang -A inairlcl 1 harles O'Neui. I Third Di.t ict Leoasrd Mrars.

Koorta District nam D. Ksflev, Ftnh Di.tnc alrred iiarmer, Mxteesih ln.rrict John cieasna. 1 WTBIf-nret lueirlct M. Tsrlor. Tweaty-eecond Diatrtct Jamea L.

Ifegiey. Jitmocrattc AlLarye PlrhardVaox, Jame R. Eopbtas, Hen-drick Wilt-hi First Dlssnct Sarnnel J. PandsiL Seooad District w. uiiam Moraaw i.

For Governor John faartrsift. For Supretne idi-e lT'se k.rmr; For Auditor Oeoeral l.arriin Ailea. Imorru 'C For Goveraor Charisa H. Luckalew, of Columbia Connty. tor Soprera Jut Jatae Thompson, of Erie County.

Auditor Get ertl WUMstn nart-'cy, cf btji, a at. For Governor Joia i t. -a. I D. ti i a.

n. Ail irl i 1 uni it- rl 1 Ii. Tt i.m ltd. I-J. VJ v- VT.

Sr.T ST. Covernoe JT-u i fur I wainint i. 9. Tart. terlreaaurvr JvlsA IN--. Covernoe A H. B. i or 1 rcasurrr tc Frst it r. r--oed 1 i iwt li. 1 fna rt a II li.

i.i.tii. NuiiA Dsu.i.t La. W.l, Fourth District for- r. yT 1 BTATB VHI.Br. For Ooveenor-J'in-a N.

I amdsa. ef ir And. lor A. sweneit, of siarloa. i or 1 caanrer J.tia r.

ef h'awna. For Aitocstr ueasrai lienry M. avatUsser, ef Crvnbrev. -r Mi vr rl tr-n' en Fre School Benjamin Tf. Fjcne.

of -trir a. r. hibt.oi Vanoo: -tis i i of J. h. livSuisa, ol C.

1'. 1. i. ef -n. Tbird DUtr i i r- i.l.L"MBIA.

A'- V-- Delcrat to s. J. Ch' pmaa, jprtrn Belegat to Conirssa so borne. I IL JTt', Ml. CAati Mormon) Geo.

K. -Vai0. Aun-natsd. (Mormon) G. Canaoa.

13 TUC IXXLTIX A LTTH? SI Hlwseri Csseiles a Vv Lawleee I Ulvss Peace Srwarcod aad ersenSrcM Hew 4roa to Atlssoarl Repabit Driven troee Iherr 11 eases. IFtotb the Mssoerl Dmocrt, td lart.1 Ite touuM'i of 1tuo, Moddsrd, Dank-lin. Carter, i'emisoot and, are Infested with bands of mis loud called n-klux" forwent of a better name. Ia each and all of tba counties named men have taken from tbeir beds st niizht and mercilessly ll(rd by these Kuklux acoundrvis, and acarceiy a week without om new victim to th wrath of these mobocrate. The Governor, are informed, aid, some time ago, send an agent to the Southeast to tnvritigate tbe Koklux outrage, and it I reported tbat thia ollicer, lnatead of protciiDg th peaceable citizens, organized a Kuklux band him self, and led tbem on to' deed of lawlessness.

Such a statement come to us from a reliable source. Tbi state of affairs been endured Ion? enough. If tb people of tbe counties named do not put down tbee "regulator," or whatever they may be called, and if the Gov ernor turns a deaf ear te ne appeals oi men witb lacerated backs and inured limb, then it become tbe duty of tbe beneral Uovern meut to interfere and save the nation from lanonilnv and diFZTace. In tt case of Rev. Mr.

Calnban. who wa eourged and driven from hi home in Hi-vniJda Countv. sever! of the aoeuexl ranie were arrested by tbe United State Manhal. and Dut under bond to answer the charges; but this has not deterred other bairn in adjacent counties from committing similar sets, and something more prompt aud than tha slow proce of the civil law seems to be dr manned. Tbe latest ease of Kukluxlsm that ha com to our notice occurred in Carter countv, in the southern part of tba State.

The victim are Colonel Wm. Law son. well known throughout tbe btate as a former Representative of Carter county in tbe Ueneral Assembly, and hi on, Tboma Lawson, We ar not informed of tbe date the occurrence, nor of tbe offense a Urged against tb old man and bis son but those wbo know Mr. Lawson will be loth to believ tbat he could have been guilty of any offense deserving of inch treatment. Th facta are riven in tbe following letter.

reived yeaterday by a United btata oiBoial in thi city TBoirrow, Aug. 1. Dk-ab Sib: Tie Ku-Kln havmn Colooe! nd Lawron oat of Carter Coenty. T-m La sou cams to Irootsn last eveniug, and went before Zsait auJ ssore tbat elbt or ten Kb-KIbx came to his hnqee, al ansskio, sh pped bim. si.d ordered him and his father to leav the county, wblcn they diA I saw the mark of the hickory on Tom.

They did 1 not give him aa mnch aa Calahaa got, bat he got Llenty. itwait naa lasaea warrania tor inrrm. i ncre i ao one here to go fuc taum. iiarmaa Deris ia ll is snoot time tbat tnere i an axamuie bus ot acme of those Infernal hounds. Tom Lawsna s.ys there are a doxea cases of a similar character down there but tbc partiee are afraid to do anything for fear that tary will aot be protrctea.

There can be no doubt about the truth of tbe statement, a warrant were worn out yesterday before Mr. Zwart at I ronton for the arrest of eight or tea men charged with the often se. We auppre their name lor pru dential reason. i I ronton is a sort of city of rernge forth victims ot the KnyOux. There are now at tbat plac Mr.

Calahaa, wbo was whipped and driven from Reynold county; Colonel' Wm, Lawson, driven from bis bom In Carter county; Thomas Lawson, whipped and driven from Carter county; Doctor M. McKenzie, whipped and driven from Reynold county. Many other men bar been similarly treated, and ar fugitive from their home, afraid to inform upon tbeir persecutors, aad waiting for tbe authorities to restore them to their right, tiovernor Brown that "be gave peace to Missouri." These fugitives 'csn't are ir," and would like to know how long this reign ot "peace" to continue, From ths St. Lools Globe, Bi lnrt. Last fall there settled In Patoa, Bollinger county, Missouri, a farmer who came from Illinois to improve bis fortune, lie bought aiaim for aooie hundred of dollar, one-half ot which be paid in cash.

About three week ago bia house waa entered by a band of armed men wbo were dtsituteed. Tney told the farmer that be bad been in tbat country about lona? enourb. and tbat be must leave at once or take be oou sequence a. Tbe farmer took the hint, and left. lore going he went to tne -nan of whom he purchased tbe farm and aeked bim to take it bach, and return the purchase money on a part of it.

The aelier of tbe farm ret orned a part of tb money and the farmer left. The only Jault with this peaceable citizen was ttkt he was a It-pu fr ee voter. other charge was brought Oiaicit him, lornou could oe aa ha wa law-abiding and peacearlo citizen. The. colored voter of Kalamazoo met and evsanlwd a Grant and Wilson Clui last Tuesday evruii g.

by eleetice tae fooowing nUloera: frstenl Jobs A. risy; Mes PrssMienis tr. bta-'T "rd, Alexavcer iiB Secretary Wm. Wii-oa; TreeV Joha banders; Axecnave csmmlttes tero. hirkle.

Jol Joiies liarrii-oa Surdeu. Nearly forty igned th roll. And thrr need be no fear but tbat every role red voter 1 Kaiamizoo will cast, aa his Bxat vol for President. Iks. aaaaa of U.S.

atraat. Iron-clad aeem to be aa tender a babie. and are errtaii ty more cuetv. Scarcely a wsefc pesaoa oat tb Ei glish pper save aotico of aa accident So one ef the fleet, itoa boxes. Only a saort time age the Mir ouuir; sad Belleropbo raa into oca another while harbor for a cruise, and the tatter waa Mat to th snout of two or reo tn a-asd dollars 5ow ths crank of one ef the ntasatte hellers of be Het cule has cracked, InvolT-kog a eoasaderabl etpexa.

Ths Britiih RaDot Bill received tba aent tf tb Queen on July IA The statement was received la tha boose of Commons with a burst of cheering from the Liberals, which Increased to a perfect storm na tbe Opposition giving vent to a few groans People 1n Ec fl sid are new anxiously discussing the rffect of th bid the conavteancjee; tne next lectia will watf hed with IVrr-i'Q't Inter sat. ATJCTIOaJ, aliened. Jtaaary, 18S. X7II. A.

ETJTTI3I13 0. 1 AVCTIOrtEEBa, FOR TL1 8AL.L1 AND ni3 A Tt HOS. SS 1HD SOUTH waVM-VI. iT. Between Waibrnrtoa and Vadjeoa aolding reaular aalea of iiooTS AND SHOES Every Taeeday.

CARKIAGIS A5D ECGGLt 8 Every EKT GOODS, CLOTH IX Ac Every Thars, FCEKITCKE. CAE PETS, etc. Every Sarorday. Prompt attention glvta to th aalo of REAL EJ- AT ACADLZIY OF CUSIC. i EnftjeaiMt with 1 tie pf uisr, wcei' (c comedians, wso wiii very avenme and ednessay and natarday Bin use la ta.

great acnsallocai drama, ciiicaoo. picr.ic and Ths fcsveulh Annual T' of tb a-tv sfx-Jfy rill seuv.aai e- e-. a i mil 1 On TIIL'Il! I tho lUr us I 1 ai, i cuiu. a D. J.

ITA GENERAL 1 a re, Aitt I i i x. 1-2 ri: AI K-TVVi I.OT ar a. si bo, 'o oa i.r i ty a a a. ai 4 1 vo 1. -ta -Her f.v4- -r i.

s.tsrit ry 1 i I I i. 1 1V OB il-Vt St. i r. Nl A3C pi ice,'.i to. by i-, i.atr.ioa.1 t.

1 Tso bonse nd lot oa Tiler St. ta cay ftd to a vrr al tome. nu. I eav term a. Aiao several aew oases Oaeasytarma.

1 1. vrt Loll Ull- i I i oa (t I Al i si-, -rt ss st r.a'f a cs trtn 1 14 a. 1 IMHtl 1.1 Cw.r of a. or.r. l. Lett 1 la i aver kin. ai All tro't i a two A-ic, -Ma Ai. i um t- TTCt si 1 betw. AL3 it jt -t Ta-- 1 "i between V.

Ail erfect tit V. arrs sert down yaara, 1-or i Its aimed av. sti-i hAI IX I 1 I -r s-a. i lfs a i r--- i r. of i -t.

a io, cos. tween Li-bey ard I ered at low i i ance ca hrr st lHi N. tiiiti. -I per Otiroe ard 1-" S' J7CH SALE 1 fi lot at tb N. Adassa 7x feet.

10 bHarnason coort. ItT I'M WApiiq AV. K- sf V- ai-- av. A', v-J Ij i. 1.

hi. Lj i. VOii rAi. Ai'l in" At. v.

pn. DEKiiY pn-prrtv tn the r-uti'n ana ia est Uivial as, by IiY J. G.M.Dl.l II. Wahail a. oh salk-halk an At Divi-KX Intrton TTtO't SALE THE LOT t'F LAXD ON KOHT3 A State st.

npon wnl at ke aa of ifce -i n-e, wa trs Woe ea Ah 7 to enLiiattf itt.i.iiiF.3 04 J. IlSu ICUIUD1K, TTOR SALE-TWO AVP A TTAI.F Central Park 7o; ra-i, A-'ii, lt.78. fx.Sf Aagaat, loii. it- AiiVLNs, 1-i Vi a. A aebipiiton su JOR SALE TEX A1XUAL PAYMENTS, 1 rent.

Interest. lot at sofilh tnwiewood. SON A Ni ViN, Kooia 5, Ti) i-art a.iiaoo st. FOR SALE 8200 WILL BCT A SB DUTIFUL UT at North t-venston; .5 cash, and 5 a mo.ih until Paid for. This is Uie best ssvinra bank yoa a nd, for In six months from to-cy lueae kl wij ho aorta f.4.

IkA fci.OW 1 West aiaoiwin st TX) SALE VEUT I IRA! LE AMI A aiaed kits, sad lun srtaated, la Ejae lira, ty tjc. 1 Scaauntoa ronrt, la rear Of Uia fceof hitu. Company Of CnjrafO. fOlSTKf. TTOTt Wa PALE ST.

LOV1S, V.O., ACT.H PiJOrrTT. have Bijnja rne sere 1 in parx- if from three to twenty ur s. r-, ou ti.o I avenues to aid aronrd l-o-ct ni a park, aun-'ed. nniiie weal of 1 renterof bt. ixiDis, wi wa are on nn a pr- a that mart very rpeed pay a fcui1oiii pront, 1 ties cesirmf to arciisae oa ars ana a 1 explanation of toe kcsuoii.

we are per-oti fan-iiilsr alia tu 11. w.ii siuii aiv 'est Vseiao st 0 x. Toni: oFFitrx, etc. rfx KFVT ECONT) AJD TE1SD FLOORS, XO. llruiell.

ha.ii totiin 10 wiiitiiwa iaiure premise. kiM-Iiira hw.a l. I ai AfraiJ of ataiiway. oa aecond iluor ot building. riti KnJT i 1 1 i 1 east also of cha 3 ituiia, bet erven aa a and ConfcT ll la pt Im occo nancy in a v-y acort uGi- 1 ar i 9 he 4 no to au.t .4.

-M. 1 1 uii ia men rjX) 'TiT-CS pom -A of i rank a -l i ba ready sooa. Ai.y J. AL kji 1 rJ. moe conrt.

ri XI hiT-1 -i i i.S. A 1 1. lod bssxtrr A first floor, wiia larva, the ri. W. corner of Ia an Frasaiia bis.

vsJ eepleed resor a let aut very eoorwy. aasrs. rsxe, esuake st ovnrt w-U necr -V fe re-i of tsebuildiBg. Apply to AU bouxi, besss, moa eonrt. I in tiKacli bi.

VAili I'tsin." l.A A rooms for oees or email stoo-a. la ttss tK. at tha corner of Frs st and oe 1 ground floor, oe the Treaioat boas. Apv WA baX'. at 10 Kctnsma eoaru ryx P.r?T SMALL OFFICES AJTD VrTRT eT.e rooane la txaansa enarv apply so W.

BfH.l 1 enaTt. noons. Ta? RFTMT AT CAIXMIT Ar-flv a to ti to p. roirs. T7OR SALE A PoTXTI OFFICB M''l A -P lsrre business, aLd ruasing a Bia.Dw of im Ciiculaijon.

for sa at a 1 he best ci.uca everefered. Kni OR BALE STEAM CAVAL-EOAT WITFI Bprlirbt rnrme and strew, ma la boter, la perfect running co- r. wittt good bni-s lor ill tfs-a-n. trcnis st So -c-e. ar 7AIaTHD TTT.T.P.

"XTJAirrTD FOLDERS WANTE3 AT Ocean Bindery. Apply at one At ij flreve sv. YTAHTUD SITUATION. SlTCATIOTf AfTEO TO DOrjSBKTBPKHS Aa American Udy wl-be ai usuoa as ho ao- creper bk aaAaiertcaa famiiy. inqairs at til cair- keeper fi.ld st.

v-rtp IsfaiPg California, I riflec for aaje my au rebouee, stock of grocrnes, aoti.m, extrasr-clnaryhwllf su liei for in SO daye; euaaVA poeniba C. a ti- R. R. la one of l-a best he. 1 sees towns in the friBie.

lions new; d. t-ItiS; tbove; good rMoma, ard everyibtcr handy and ine. coat af u.liv". Aay pcr-BOB i-h iff I'arvaia for ema.i Uiuiitrj, ii. LArhE.LLS, foimnr.

1 1. TtiK SALE PLAMN'S VU Flf L.a--i A7 brick, sl-te roof, st.sia DC ni wue aa we aasrbinery. lumber and sun, ruua -o si prextilses in complete rm-mi oroer. a business. Will prohabis invoice anoat O.

ei.i will sold on terms to r'. s. aur-. THOMAS CMt0'i, Lieriiiiw. Ls SALE OR EICHAJ.GB AT A LOW 1 tae bom cocnpieie p'-uiil 1 p-O, 1 For par' ten are aaoreee WA11 S.

8. K. i U-. Hnobtrd court, rX -t 1 stores, rssiO. buj" ds-as-s la toe rear.

1 A wed ao. aild 1 ntafr for o.x- ii.o urn Jay A. W. lCX, lu eoet. HA.CH lHT3.

CYTVT OF J. N. WILF-P io7 A ia-ankee av, n. -lis. Slid wore r.veti, tf c-' i 1,4 ei a i.

1 si. i 1- aaui. iuci-A, a4 vv.i sF tijafn. 4 os reave-i 9 i DrvoRcrs itallt obtain." Baltics, iOlll scauu chargea rsssonsw.o. O.

i-. 1.1. -rv A GI.CEd L' IX C'T-' 1 ao-' -t. I-ii't la the to ai.y 1.

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