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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 2

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

C''v'nV I OLoMlLl I I tiii: General As-HuIj Its 1 Icvlew of thr? Necessary And Unnecessary xgiskitloii 1 A nA li1 i Tis Closing Sceiaet To-Day 3ar Bills rasted paring the J-ast Two Days j.ketioa oa the Important Bills Notes Aad Com male. i. i Ts FL'ty-seventi General Assembly, alburns sina'd'e much thts good and desirable, that eta act ao commended. TLi xpenene tf ti last sixty dsjs Lu fact there should loccerof that fre- of ih Legislator vhkb would obvial th "necessity for crowding tli tit iraportaotmeaaures into the last few daye before- adjoerniaent, and their consequent bayty and inadequate een-; Fortvr year ao. when the retfriit eonrtltntioij aa piMJ, erery two yeara CM aCicieot sixty cays to aceTni- needed.

to arjuawnt prye Ual lh. peruxlU not lor.f tuooth ti carcuhy eonaiaer and act foabouttLUauaibrhaTa lLtroduced J. ta eion. Xbat very dLTt(thia wer art only aaeleaa, but ev aod to tba pnbi.c (roi, ronceid; Av ibat all.Ub a Tery It exception, wra preentd with tha 1 1 urpoa of accoBJpliabiag boid re-loria that aa tnjojebt to ba oeaded, it i tru, aadtty wtr clearly oDjieratioa. 6 reiwDir tb work of Mtion, it ni'C-t admitted by fair-liiii Jed aewioo baa dooa ai much alu imnje'JiaM -predeceawra, aad mora tian aoma ol tbatn, ini baa xuada fjwer Mfiool jni.takea tUu are their aeouut.

It baa I roviJed tor all tbe preaaiuir becaaaiCe of the btata, Jt bai njade geatroua approana tioue for tb Mata -baneroleBt Imlitotiooa, aod baa pronde for tba anlarctment and irnproTetneatf tbeir operatione. It bat taken a tg to itcra tba fcuta' ratnoe ao a t't mora tbaa meet br petiaea, and pr-ida a aifcking fund for tbe payment of LS itidebledneas. It ba provided for the cmpktioa ut tba oldier' monument, it ba? uiada aa appropriation for leaiaaa'a tba World lair. It fea eatabliabad tuarh. needed Appellate Coart.

It ha gin tha city of Ind.anapi;i a naw charter aad otber leKilatio jlliat wa demaudtfd. It baa pawed a bill? for lb raductioa of tba emolument of tj Suta and county ofii-'cer. It baa autbbrUed a tax cotumiaalon to deTise a unlforrfi and adequate tyatein of UJtatum, aad its-a accompliabed mtfeb lfifclatioa onleii imporUut autjecta, for inch tbera waaaltnera local or general donjand. I )a: th other tl th tecoant Ii not I'artr nceity. or tbatabieh ia regarded aa party naceaaitr, baa brought bout tba euaetiiltut of lawa that tan not defended on ay other grounda, 11ie ara tba conjrrcttlot al and legUJatiYa appor-tioniikent billa.

ahicb niaka th gerry mander a little nW unfair and tnlquitou than It ia now. ana thoa to tak tha con tri'l of certain lnltitutioai nd officca out ef the banda of th GoTernf r. and oak it mbra psrtiun by ijaeing it ia th banda of tiiome who will ac4int traateea aad otheiala largely on accouat of political conaidera. tiom. Hut there wer tome encooraginij tliiiiL-a ven about theaa tneaaurva.

for tber rra a few Democrat fouml who would v.ft rot for thtm, and if it bad not iim fur tba diatation of King Caucua anrrrat of them would not hat auccerded, 1 ho over powenf- Uetnocratio majority was uol oUuaiy ana; aurcaiouauiy pnau, LowBTer. for it lhad nerra anouli to lr.Mdlnte oat of olio th men who fcad die- cfttcod th IUcbiaond boaniul forth In a ue, and to refua to convert th Knubta-toan bom for boldiera' orrbana into a a hollr rartiiaa Ipit tution. Two Terr im portant ineaurii failed, and that failure i t4 be regretted. On ai heritor Magee'i Mil tirovlditig far ciTil-erTica reform in Stuta initilulioua, and th other waa th nruurt 4o prercnl further biu-cap" in th Stirtt. 11 be interetta of tb city ef Indlanapolia bare been well alter, foe nearly all th billa introdured to further them hav coin lawa.

11ee ara th city charter l-ill. thoao providing for aoburbaa itrt rati way, a coaaty fail, a aw city library, the! oondemnaUoa of Green- oeiuetery, tl appointment of a pro-lot couiroUaioiier. and providing for a petition fund diabld firemen. Tba two rueaaurei introduced, of local intereat purely, that failed to get through, wer the Ci-ruiitereial CJsb'agaa bill aod th Curtu ijul eompelling tie atreet railway company to rave th wrt between tb track. 1 Titer bai not been very mucb politics In Oii Legialatura, )e perhapa tban in any for tha fait (auttr Tear, lu doren no- lilli-al billa have bwn put without any aenoua to oppo thtr progri urther tban to Ttt for taenu and tne i tea littl kcrimocioua debato.

The iJri-iooratio leadership iu th euat baa in been in t4 band of Senator How- at a ana iiaree, rnntora turaa aiid bar ad much to do in th pushing forward of partly partisan tceuures. Tba) Republican minority hi been aj-greaaira and activ in the cieoata. fwitb eoatora Sbockney llubUcU and SoTtt In th lead. In tb ll.ije. Mr.

Dviutcy ba eawly and de been tb lemoeratiof leader, and tl iuflueat-al member on hia aide of chamber, i Mr. lleas ban been tha Wed Kepnbliiaa leader, bat ha made lutUoariul for bia rartr. Mr. II area rd woald tare donbetter, and Xlenra. Clay pool aud lindemutb )iave done aa much a they eoiud.

It th rjiuortty bad btea iktllfuHy bandied it micbt made iUelf more troucW 't than it baa. but it baa drifted along without atiTbody paying in oca atte oo to it. On other band, tb majority 11 bad a good ileal of trouble in controlling their nicniVrt, etpeviaily th farmer, but it managed to pet all it billa througb any ejiecial dinettlty. i i Sqt tha Uouaol raa It Agauav. Jut th ham.

nn Oi iln I earn tor th ajeembang at: tbe House; of RepretentatiT of tb r.fty-TCRtb. peneral Aajembly, for tb but time, to-di Ia-, two-tairde tb member wer preent. lvcfora tba gavel leu, th rriaeipal oocv.ratioa cf tht- retitlemen i.wat ia paekh, up their book paper other thir thst ware eot nailed doara. 1 aer wa a i acarcitr of copies of revised aUlatea, wat. ink autioqery and other couiruoditie, a id about all tit could found on tb these llepwentatiTes don't Ut anything i gM awar.

Mr. EerresentatiTefrom I wax cor.ttT,deliTerd the final prayer at 4 invocat. lO.cLarnctoriied by enrneUies ai4 deep fetl r.r. II aaked Ue blessing ot Ooi upon the oiembera and etr.ployea, a ho wr aaout retarn to their bonie and to rtaewed and that tbeir labor Lere might asi bar been laain. teveuty- Krn xaeafilri answered to th roa-caal.

Th oa claime reported favor 1 upon ilr, bill making aprro-Tutioca for Tarioua clairua ajalnt th and isrst'era fr the in- i an 1 the tUl waa raaed ander au rsioa of tv- ral-ra. The arpropriatia ii art at fellow: Leoard A Traxd fi. I I if ta I A. Bate. tl-rA7i A.M-Dolfh, laundry iul; i l.t- 7 Kelly A Jones lieatln heating apparatus.

L-nori, extra pnntine. Hol-wti Iee, 'ptensware, Uol-braaer Jc I LI, veL.clt, $-'75. Aceiat received from Oorernor Jiovtr, lie iee aa fc.s veto a i eb-eetiocs to it, It tOesiSrre tu foi-ows 7 tjttivi DAiisrt. i .1 U-u. J.

N.i-.c fcvr -I rtlars Ho bill No. aad pro yol', -r tha l.oaf jt jroi.c, wiiacatmy apoval. or tere beeo in tourrj tr lie rrtu ol all by Cia-ii-at tor r.fl ttt ciKicr oar fee jkJ ailaryUwa l.w.tut ecnUittJ tee ad aatortioii beta forced opoa top Bod tie tttt it ti dead. Itiakoowaand Oc.atfed by Dea to vor loo pec, that each txi owct so atated. It i admitud C-at ia eerl couutttia tta ronulj S.cer ar ra-cit.

from ta to tfta taooaaad doUara I--tr anii a a icr nier ciencaj Ulwr mttch tfcey are ra of and tcat x.m ol taa iscoDft of ar fctata o-er ta reacod a blb aa mam atnom. If mn oaly caf ab. of parform-tsg merm cicl ittxr, cieka ol eoarta, ecu my aadiWra, aber.Sa. coatty treaaarar and recorder ar receirinc la aeverai eoao-ti in tai Mat Iroio J0a to ll. a year, wtt.t Jadgia on te circuit coart bacha are calf rwcesvlajr iUi aavd tha judge of tc hoprm Court Hm aoaarn.

ia it aot me to atop such unjost n-qaiJUa witbou-toe deiay of wo or luar yeara fciiaii t- loboy evatroi to Stat? If constructive aad ar eliectd ayaioattb UviBg aod ta dav4. anoaid tba havoc atill go oa lor two atd fooryeaxa mon appeal to oar muun, tiit poopi. aad ak aocb a law can tocratd oa oar atatat WjiaT TiiU tul giva luli libwty for aoca oS.cwr to tppras tee poopt front two to loar yeara raora. I caa aot ccoaeat to wucb aa ecormuy. Vnbj sot ptpoo th action of law ontil taayear laoo.

or to bcgicniazof tbatweauub ceataryf oo caa ovarrai toia tncaeae; aad roaae year record, bat tat iiia tin la eoalOBmatinf what I regard aa each ajn law. Tti ia th Crtt bi.l tbat baa bfen pataed ia th biatory of tba hiate tbat lea over two aenaioaa of tba Oeocral Aaaeautlf 19lali be.or it provisions caa tatsebect. To aay tb least, tai is rlffiaal aad anomalous ii atioo. hat wouid tboufht of aa act ot Parliament that was to lake effect after two ano-mmiii i-arlismectsT What woald botbonght of aa act of Usim w.btcii ooaid oaiy bavw vaiidit after two aaccessrva acssioDsT And what wiil ba thoasbt ol au act of tb Levisla- tur of Indiana tbat could only taaaabect alter lour year aod two; aeveral aeaiion or onr Legislature? Will It not look Uk a abaat to ovr broke prtm lata? i 1 Wfcat -ta to be doo wttn tc orocera wno may bit vacancies occasioaad by raaigaation ord-th i I know that th a aeto wHJ sot mat wttb tb approval tb I cgialatare. I am willing and autioua tbat a jast fee and salary bill may ba eteiiiy ana wxiuia appri ium, with iu crudity efed arrora.

but the postponement of sacb aa a-1 tor fopr years tneola with my brarty II is a wll-kBowa (act ttiat ths cooaty oia- cera. clerka. auditor. eaeriCa and treaWrera control tb nomination i pf fctale Representative. Pcmocratio and at leatt aeventy-bv oountrea in tb ftate.

ioa any aooaibM man cnaa miiiantn, wbirb ia ao dlamolrtcally opposed to tbeir 0- Urets. will var be enforced agalnit taern 7 Mail not every candid maa admit teat taia bl.i Isa ansBi. a tleoeptloa, a deinsion and a snare, to cheat and deleat tb pople oat Of tb rsiorm tn to law ar ie ana aaiarins, which they have so long and ao earnestly demanded, aad tbat it wLd be repealed bcior It bas th least ita.ityT i Tbia is not a political oneexton. not a qaea- tion between th ii rche and cormoranu in and the texple trfy ara bleeding rvery pur. liow long WIU these petty or tbe counties, ana tneir loooy, control tp legislation of the stater I bteik OBtiHrction 30 and 138, and let thia act tak afieot Uk other lawa, and I will aiga it atany time aowa to tb last moment this aesstoa.

Without tbat, this act will a atlll-born course, and every intelligent maa In tbe but will kaow 1U Lift it out of tba loboy, duentancl it Irm the octopua, and you will aav tb- topl now overburdened by taxation more than a naif million dollars lor every year it i in lorce. A.viw xiivT, uoTeraor, The reading ot the meage was listened to Tery attentiwly, and when it wa concluded there waa a rrued of from all part of the hamber, iTh Speaker an nounced that the bill was now before the House for aeticr, tbe question being whether or not it hu)d he-parsed over the Governor's Tito. 'He (Tidentiy wanted a detnnhd to be made or he prepoui onestion, hut nobody tr.nd It, and i Glcncr w)aa recoguired. He nrgp the Hcue to pats tbe bill over the veto, intUting tf at ft was abviluulr iinpoaihle to pa a fee and salary bill thai would take eflect ujn the preccnt incundienta. This bill, he raid, ai dttnaadrd bj! the people of tilie State and tronld be aat'aetory to thnm.

Tbe Oovenr'jelnr ni the honest, indps- trious and deferring mnmbers of the ahould be rebuked by passiug the bill notwiibttaitdins Ida objections, 'fjhe member of the Legi)atnr knew better tban tbe Governor a bet; the peopl wanted, and his Excellency thoved very bad tafete iu redectini upon I Mr. Aderaaid that fMm the Governor's standpoint re was undubtedlT right in Ke- loing tn bti. At mis laie aav tni was tli only queatinn pjeaented. should tjhia bill pase or thduld the Icislature adjorn without passing any Ne and salary billf At a LVroot-rat he thoutht the bill shoald pasa. lAppiauaav Air.

tiutorie, I ii.epufican, aaia mat ii tbia bill waa a good thing to take eftectl at once it was' certainlT jisi a good a thing to take eftef in, the future, so far a -teat waa concerted. Hut it piever was right that the bill ahould not take; fleet in the futijre, and he retarded the Uorernor's poaitiouaa one. i I Mr. Kellr thnocht tkat this bin was the nearest expression Wl'l be pecle of any mnnra that till passed tbia legislature. He for one, waa( in favor of tlx- bill takjnc; ctTect at once, bat as he cenld not get itJ be was willink to rote for tire bill at it aiood, notwithiLsud- ing the objt'ctidot of tie Governor.

Mr. itarrard rata tiat be was going to Tote to utalni the Teto ox the Goveraor, bathe waf not) going fto Tote that wayj because of the. rtan expressed in the ipes- aage. lie Relieved the bill waa unjust ad Iniqnitons ia itjseif, as 4 for that reao wasoprosfd tiU ji Mr. ipeen-kl it net tra that GoT(nor TIoTey has the bill, reducing th ralarr of -the) Iteporter of th Supreme Court, the only ilepablican ofScial left.

ith the troviMon in it that it thalSnot take fleet on the p-retent inrumbest? Do yon rail tbjafcpr.suteny? Great applause on the Dr tidf. i Mr. lippeni mad la violent speech, ehargip? tha tj the Kepublicant on tbe rjoor nati bai, or nearly an, voiea ngaintt th; bill f-isiaff once. Jir. city- pool and othon TehttacBUy.

denied jlhia. Mr. Fippon and Llndrmnth got into per sonal argamcat about it, the farmer a reus ing th lattvfv.of innncenty. lr. LJcde-muth hc-wlcvl out, ia shook hi fist at th gentleman fntnt Tipton Firfrenl: Yo haven't grt aense enough to write a Bt tbia jtima neariT aTerTdT ra Telling, and the Speaker waa beating' a large hole in tbe inarble lkb in' trying; ta get order.

Mr. Moon poared oil on the troubled waters, by making ai pacifying speech, in which ha said tbat he Wtliered that tb J.epeb.acaua had acted freta conviction. Finally Mr. Faulkner got the fioor aad moved th pro- Tious question, a hica waa acceded to. Tba bill was passed OTer Governor'ajTeto.

vea 67, ears 1. All the Iemocrata Irotcd yea and all tae lepqhlican Toted ear, except Mer. Doll. Brawn, of Monma, Morria, of lleerr, ana USotr. Tbe xloasa'tbea took a JIut Kills raseecv.

The Itontqwss iq Session nntil midnight on Sxtatvlsy, and ruined through great tnanv iTherrirat important of 1 tbe was the geaeral apprapriatioa bUl, oa jwhicb ta coaierenoa CMoamittees had beea at rork. The atnendtnenU made and adopted were those riving the Institution for Heeble- Mmded.1 ChJdrea, at Fort 'Byae, 3i.tx) and Purdue Lafayette, for new buUdinga. t.The Mate Lniyeraity appropriatioa was defeated. Tha following bills were paired: it Senater Border ArrroTWiatini for a chapel, sis additional cottages aod o'hr ira- proverrrats-at tb Soldiers aad Or-pras tiorne at Kaipitstow-n. fftiu.r KoelXrsi bsabUf the trustee of 1- pisccr-el chore hes to sell caorr yrorerty held be them without th ceaseet dj-ec-lion tee cbarch caveBtioa.

wt-ich metis ec.yeore jasr. rassea andee in(esua ol i riles saas res I Uala-1 a of ia of at to a of a torsia? Tim s. iiobat, o. leoi. 4r.t tv f--t Truirf roc tte ciber traa tanda ar-sing isc' lao of utirua; lsCerarjtT KJ BTee io vi; icuvm tuau, "TMnnoBt tai GecnJ Asmbi7 cr isttc.ittlr to tita tj-ment of ta la 1 i ttillo, emor.

And. tor mad TrarTof fetate to m.aa ka of fl.kAiStA for ibayajyo carrying oa tie fctaie oTtrfiaent- 4 -eolor i-l iKTiinaf aaatera to Lsv vha wnttr-n town of wr of laa fceaator Araeadiar aa act aataS- circnlt Cowrt rod to bar ciff rscsucia sad eiteaiiB( peoTistowa ol tbe act to ail eoaatMa apoa awutioa of twenty fre-boMer. Mr. Bryant, anthoririBg tb to ae.1 tb revised tatot of Ind iana inrlead cf -a75 a volanse. Jlr.

eaay iatrodscol a reaoiatioa setting forta tbat tbe roads of tha Stat dul not bear tbeir last proportion of th b-ordea at taxation: that ao system of jast aad acjcit-sbie tsxatioa coaAd devtaed except that by which btate and local taxes are separately as-mni'. and oUccted, aad there, oe tsstract-Inr newly appointed tax wmniasioatri derlte a sysisa aad report it to tb axt Oeaerai Asaem biy. which shall prorid toe tbe adequate of and railroad property. Tb reaolaiioa wa adoptad. fioourxti cr it work.

Tbe aavta Hake a IHaewvery aad raass aad XAefstava xww Bill. i All things bexatifal and good matt fad away and become only a fragrant a west ineensa ia tb memory. Thla ge mark ia nnlimbered just here, because of its especial Ctnesa to the vanuhed (lories tie Senate. Tb lie tenant-Governor himself opened the last session of the bod this morning with prayer. Tba petition partook of th characteristic of a benediction as welL i W'ben tbe decks had beea cleared for business, Senator Burke moved tbat a coo-m it tee be appointed to wait apoa th Governor and learn whether be had any further com in unicatioa to make to tbe enale.

Ueetrs. I'urke, Howard, and Clemen were appointed upon tbe fvext Mr. Mage sent op a aerie of Ttry complimentary and appreciative resolution concerning tbe reports' of tbe proceedings of tbe Senate ia tbe daily press of the city, thanking each of the press reporter by name. Tbe resolutions were snanimoukly adopted. i Tha House bill amending the law which allow county CjmmisMoners to build Soldiers' monument so aa to authorize then to build memorial hatis if tber prefer was passed witbont discussion or objection, Mr.

i'ulk ha taken a good deal of 'in terest, in a House bill which ti.akea It a crime to a board bill. Tbia morning, presumably alter baying paid hia board bul, be called tbia measure no and endeavored to get it passed. Mr. Shockner called attention to the fact tbat tbe bil( bad an emergency clause aad tbat if passed, it might operate disastroiialy upon aomsj of tb 'statesmen who were about to leave town "dead broke." He, for one, hadn't paid board bill yet, aud be waa accordingly "agin" the measure. I Tbe Chair said if Mr.

bbockney is boarding wijh a widow the bill ought to becdme lew, emergency clause and ail. but ii with a man it didn't make much tLSerence. Mr. hbockney's objection to the bill seemed to awaken a responsive chord in the general bosom, and the measure was indefinitely postponed. A House bill, which empowers actuaries of iosarance companies to administer oaths in certain cases, went through wiih colors i Mr.

Kopelke modestly introduced a new bill in the midst of great ardanse. It ter- lained to the government of benevolent institutions, and was referred to the proper committee, where it will rot in peace. Just why tbe Teutonic member from Lake aaved bill until too late for it to poxsi-bly become a law, waa not explained. May be it was ia tbe way of keeping a promise to constituents. The committee on education reported what it bad discovered concerning the charge that the Vaudalia road owes-the school fund a large sum of money.

It gave a history of the litigation, which began in 1 $09 and dragged along in various court until everybody got tired of it and allowed it ts drop; but it made no recommendation. Iben Mr. Mcllugb oilered a resolution tn tsti- two end- stractmg the Attorney Ueneral to luvt gate tue matter further during tbe next year and report the result, with recommend atioea, to the next General This was! adopted, and the whole matter thus fades away iu thin blue Mr. Boyd, who is something of an investigator himself, moved to reconsider Hpusa bill 402, which passed the Senate in; tbe rush Satnrdar. and is now in the Governor's banda.

This bill ia a fiu examole tbe maimer in which law made during the closing hours ot the session. It provided for a complete revolution in the management of corporations aud stock com-vaniea, giving eaoh stockholder just one vote, no matter whether he holds one a liar of stock or ten thousand. The bill went through both houses and nobody, unlesa it waS th author, understood what its effect wpuld be. Even the sharp-eyed lobbyists failed to catch the bill's import. Vhtq the ineasur waa explained! thia morning- not I a single voice waa raised against the motion to recall it front the Governor and reconsider the vote by which it waa passed.

If the bill had become 4 law what a bow! there wonld have beea froin all over the Sute, I Ax noon a recess waa taken nntil 3 o'clock, at which hour tha Governor's teto of the tea and aalary bill was considered, and after one or two other matters cad been acted upon the Senate adjourned sine die, rded np iu loins ana oeparteo. Lesnstatlag as at allow. Iik a clock which has lost iu peodmrn, the, Legislature, with a noisy, whirring onnd, rattled and clicked away bfelter-skehed all day and! evening Saturday juntil it Iran down and stopped, much to every- holly's relief, just befor the stroke pf 12. Itnis large and bills small, bills good and bills bad were rushed through to passage oca as that wa th easiest and quickest war to get rid of tUem. rWhen ft was proposed the Senate to hold a night sev sloo Mrl Barke objected.

He declared that ia night sessions just be for final adjournment more vicious legislation was crowded through thaa at any other time during the entire sixty days. He was cmt-rotedj how ever, and the nurht session was held. I th attrnoon th approprtation bill was tha subiect of eomaderaiian for Ltame hoars, and the Senate amended it in vsnont particulars. Tha tnost Important cf: th amendmenU wer tha in creasing of th appropriation for th creasing ot tne lappropnauon ior ia school for feeble-minded frtm llJT0 to giving Purdue University titfiOO Bird redncio. the appropriation for tha raLitia from 17.000 to Later on when the House refused to concur ie these amendments conferences committees were appointed and the appropriation for Pnrdo University waa reduced to fU.O.nA The Sinat concurred in the 'compromise jaat beiore adiourameat at 11 clockrp.

m. i Soon after the 1 night aVssioa eonvened there was a jolly' row abont the investiga tion ol tbe cuaini that tha ierra itsute Vaadaiia lUilroad Companv owe tha State eohool and a htrv sum of poney. Senator McGregor brought it on bv moving that the educational comtoitu-a having the matter ia charge be requested to report this morn- 5 1 J. a lag, mil i.irren uis eoumiuiev ui tv iu how of indumauosu Mr. MeUuga.

who alwav ba nsoatbfnl of words ia stock and readv to go I oft' at a moment's notice, was-especially wroth. On rcibt almost have saspeeted from his tacet that he was anxious net to cava tn auojecs opened. In his speech ho took: oceaatoa to denounce the Indianapolis Sentinel in large, round terms pecan it bad peraisUd ia keeping thia railroad matter II said same eery aar-easue thin as abobt the Sentinel btnngall virtue locked up in its own private bosom, at r. 4 a i nr.m way Vt ra IS saltl 111 Va9- fat al good di sarprised to aee that the Seauael came out next morning th earn aa thoogh barpened. All tl same, lt committee promised to cake a report thia xnorninr.

1 Senator Mace introduced at biU which wect throuch beth boBsea that or that xaaev receired frria aoa cr be traaaisrj hMt ta (jsm tax A be converted ic to the! general fuad used ia r.vii:g tcr ropnuot ana re- dociae tire Mate debt. Uoosc buls of general interest pataed by StardaT alternooa ana xunx of trtrack I PnariAoij thai ia tia aaltctica jane the acBBbor c4 cane abail arawa Iraca tna box by ta jary eoaasai inn I instead of by tbe eierk- i Aatcociiitg corporations to increase tbalr capital iu by a vote of tba atocknoiera aa anr ubdiI ibmhw g- iua Baaatraa7w nym a turn. pr: sicract to aecnr from eottnty clerks a lice a to pnctic medicia; provwi-xa tbat a dipiosia ot aoea rcratani mecUcal isatitauoa or tea years pracuca abaU be accessary to tnaka tb caavdAata lor a lioeosa II Bec'urixg that waer aa execator aalla real wis it to pay debt, hairs of tie etat sba-1 clvc text da rs aotic satch ixrtesded give tea da rs aaic- i Aatborixiag tfiO tQ flaaOeat corxncila to compel railroad com pan to make the grade of tbeir tracks to con: onn to tt trade oi tbe streets. ateqairiaa; voter to resriater sixtj days before aa election, asd exempt! oar voters absent xromtbebtaxeeabawne. ITtisre-enacis tb law of 14Sl WBsca red-aired recistrauon three Booath betor an elecuoo, and bald to be an-coertitotioBal lor tbat resvsoB-i I Creatiac a rand foe tbe peatfoaiBg or crls- Sied trtmea ia eitsea that bare a paid ax epartrceat.

Uetctng the ffatJes. of tb court Reporter relative so tb publication of th eapreme Coart reports, and bxiag the Be-porter salary at tt.00)L I Legalixiat sale by adarnistratora la which notice by poblicatieas baa been given la daily tastead of weekly paper. I For tbe protectioa ot th aorgbnm iadaatry. aeqBiria( ail corpora uons to 1 article of association with tb secretary, i to frst Monday of Spt ember -Labor day," aad making it a legal holiday. Repairing tb aabmiswioa for approval to city connciis of plata of additions.

He-qalricg railroad eomparue to station flagmen at erreslne wber there are two or snora tracks, or where switchiag as done. Amend ng tbe act la relation to velnotarv associations to provide tor tb orgaaixatioa of companies to insure aPttracta. Tb following Senate bills were pasaed RetjairiBg city clerk to: publish a list of receipts aad expenditure ca th 1st of Jane of each year. i Ameodirg the gravel-road act so as not ta reqnir th 'publication of tba re porta or viewer. Prohibitive bantine on Inclosed premises.

except wet lands, without tb written consent of tb owaer. A tToetf for the 8pakr. Mr. Mason Jenka Kiblack ha mad aa excellent Speaker of the House of Kepre sentatlres; He has not itdalged in many-speeches, and he has done nothing to advetv tie himself, bat he has been uniformly fair. Impartial, and altogether courteous ai-d obliging, and, most important of all, he has kept the House at work and poshed basinets from the first day! of th aession, so that all the important measures could be gotten through.

It has been a somewhat troublesome Uonse, for many of the members sought only to advance their private interests, and if they had been allowed tbeir own way, necessary legislation would hav been prevented. all other men who. preside over. such assemblies, Mr. Niback has found it necessary to exercise somewhat arbitrary powers on several oe-casiona, but he did this only in the interest o.

the aeneral good. His strong sense, excellent and readiness of decision have made him- an excellent Speaker, as good as any daring the last hi tee years, and better than most of them. The aenate Hunt Hooae. Let it be recorded that; the men compos, ing the official force of the Senate, whether they be doorkeepers or' secretaries, bav filled their respective positions; with credit to themselves and to the men who selected them. There has been aa enre absence of the bully aod bulldoxiDg -element which in times past, and not so very far past, either, has characterised I the official forces of tua upper house.

The men who have served the Senate during the luM sixty days, from (Jbieiecretary V. II. lenton, AsaisUnt- Secretary PleasanU, and Chief- Doorkeeper O. T. ells clear down to Uie "one-armed soldier" who carried the mail, and the cripple who blacked shoes in the cloak-room, have acted with uniform court- cst and: faithfuioeaa.

and if the Senators have done tbeir'duty aa well as have the oiheers they, need bav no fear ol going home to face their, constituents. 1 P' The Constitutional Amendment. Th special committee appointed to con- der the pending constitutional amend- knents have prepared a report, which will be finally acted i upon to-day. As there exists donbU as to whether these amend ments have been properly enrolled and are legally pending, tbe committee has pre pared new ones, incorporating ui principal provisions of the old, and they will tie adopted. If th amendments were passed at this and tha succeeding session tbey would have, to be put tq a yote oi tne people at a special election, which would cost the State at least Senator Voorheat's Health.

EepreseoUtive Jraulker has receired a very complimentary letter, irom oenator Voorbeea, which concludes as follows: Don't alarmed, nof lei Onr friends be troubled about my health. I have rheumatism sometimes, aa you know, and ha4 bad nearly as far back as I caa remember. That is my diiacolty now, bnt I bop to be horn tn Indiana within tb next four or five week aa well as ever And a fit lor; work. The World' air Apprepnatiea. Both branches of the Legislature agreed of 75,000 for the noon an appropriation Indiana exhibit I at th World fairosi SaUtrday.

and th bill Vent to. the Gover nor in this shape. It took Tery vigorous hustling to get the House to agree to area thi much. I Note aad U4aaaaepta, Mr. Electricity-in-a-bottl Johnson, -of Carroll county, is a thrifty person.

He has distributed among bis eollewue circulars advertising a patent medicine of which he the agent. I Tb wav that member of tbe Hons rot a way with waste-basket. inK-atanas, revised statutes, and stationery1 this morning was a caution to beginners. is a good thing that th desks and carpeU ar tasteaed down, i I ii-: Th Senate, by a najng rote, adopted a cordial and hearty resolution of thanks to Lieutenant-Governor Chase lor tb con scientious and Impartial manner in which he has presided over that body's delibera tions during thia lifty-aeventa General At- mbly- tfc i Assistant ClerkT Crawl ev. of th Hobs.

was given a gold watchiby bis snbordinstes on Saturday, and he deserved it Both he and Chief Clerk: Kewkirk have been yery obliging and courteous throughont tbe wa r- ai bedone. it snouia Seaator Bovd presetted a facetious reso lution on Saturday, providing for the ap pointment of a tommittee ol nve two from the senate, two Irom the xionse ana one from tbe "third house" to wait trpon James H. Rice and Bitice Carr, and ascer tain whether they. have any more meamrei to which they to cured tn attention of the Legislature, I No money, ho music. Thu is what tbe "Snowdrift" or Telegraph Quartet kept saving Saturday night ta tbe lobby of tbe nous.

i ney to tne appropriation lor tbeir auoadaxa associates institution tneiort ttaytie home, xinaxiv liianop SnpecintendeGl Blake assured them that the appropriation wal secur and Burgess Brown led off with: 1 i "Lilt np roar trembling lfebl-aaiBdd.) This waa tba first of a score of sodj snn? to the pieasorc tf a large i Kepresectatrr Mack bill for fire men a pensions baa passed; both oases. It pro- Tides fox the election of five trustees ot such fnnd. to be composed of xuemtrrs of the re department The treasurer if the county shall nay into such toad one-half the amonnt ef taxes paid into the trea-cry by insurance compauie. Every freican ahall be assessed sot mora than eenttrm of hia compensation to be at plied to sack fnad.1 Diaalded or retired meuhera aaU receive beneXU ta be graded oa tha baai oi tha leartb oi tbeir term of service, and in Ui event of their death sacii ecm ahall be psJ.J to those who were ere A eat apoa them. Jt is ef pecially providi 1 that such snms stall net subject to aitaxh- by ef atil 4 NEW HEALTH BOARD.

xoCTORS MOURISOX. COOK MaJSTVVXLL APPOlJiTxUJ TODAT. Trs Coard of fubUo TVorka Crsaalaea wrlth Jlr. Condattt as Pr-a-sldent Bonds IFIled treot-Cax Injuao Ucra IT new CIy Board of Health was ap rxiiBted this aiteraooa bv tha Mar or. Tba appointee are: DR." FR.VK A- JfORRISOX.

Tswoorai. 1 DR. GEORGE J. COOK. -Democrat.

DR. ALLISON KAXWIOX. SepabUcan. Dra. Cook and Maxwell will succeed Dr.

Rrownitr and Cunningham, of tb old board. Dr. Uorrisdn is reappointed. This appointment will warnily approved tb medical profession and by tb wbol coram an Uy. To use the expressive phraea of tha street, the men are away oat of eight.

Tbe name ef each ia a synonym ef th best there is is the medical profession, aa well as tba highest integrity aad citueaahlp. Dr. Frank Morrisoa was born in tbia city thirty-one rears ago. Ha is perhaps the beat known member of the medical profession of his age in tb State by raaton ef th work he has don in special lines notably physiology and microscopy. At present be is, as he has long beea, a member of the faculty of the Medical College of Indiana.

His chair is physiology and histology. is a Democrat, but net of Bourbon type. His absolute fearlessness and tboroncb'neea are strong characteristic. Dr. Cook is a specialist end holds a chair in tbe Medical Coliete of Indiana.

He ia of Kentucky birth, bat baa lived her nine Tear. He came from Louisville, where he had been demonstrator of anatomy in tba Louisville Medical College. He is a member of tb judicial council of th Marion County Medical Society and esteemed by eTery member of tbe society for hi leSrning and probity. Dr. Maxwell, the Republican member of the board, 1 widely known a a general and unusually successful practitioner.

II is a member of the faculty of the Central Co 11 ere of Physicians and Sur geons, and is about forty-two years old. He and Dr. Morrison have had experience on tbe lines along which the board will op erate. All iu members are young and pro gressive. Dr.

Cook, in all piobabiiity, win mad register of vital statistic. Tbe pav for this cilice will be $100 a year. 'The other members will receive ICO. There's more rlorv. therefore, than wealth in the office but there's also much hard work tbat if well done will meet ith strong pub lic endorsement.

5 The Probata Cemrnlssioner. Gns O'Brien, the Probate Commissioner a -v'ntcd for Marion county under the new law, will auahfy this week, GITS O'BRIEX, PROBATB COMMISSIONER. Mr. O'Brien will reaigq his poMtioo in th County Clerk's office; bnt will astiat bis succesaor for a month or so. Broad Klppl On Csmlag.

President Light, of the -Broad Ripple Bapid Transit Company, says work will begin on the suburban lino within a few days. Bepresentatives 6f Qnaley, Sturges fc Co of Chicago, will be here te-morrow, and it is likely tbat they will fulfill their contract to build the read. The suit for dam ages brought by them against the stockholders of the Broad Hippie company will likely ba dismissed. The plan now is for this new line ta come down central avenue. 'V.

ar not anxious to com down town over th tracks dt the Citizens' company." said Dr. Light, to-day, "and shall not unless that company forces us to. We ex pect the constitutionality of this law to be tested and feel confident that it will stand." Tha Controller Gives Heavy Bond. City Controller Woollen has set a wise precedent. While he bandies no city fund direct ba La aathority to check on the treasury.

The chartes does not nominate tha amount of his bond. iut as a caret ul business man Mr. Woollen believes the controller should give a large bond, and he placed the sum at .125,000. While this will not be binding on future Controllers, It Is hardly likely that anv Mavorwould rednce it. At noon Mr.

Woollen filed a copy of bis oath ot office with City Clerk Swift, and bis official bond with Mayor SMllivan. Hi sureties represent nearly a million dollars. They are Henry be null. Franklin Lan ders, John Llder and LmU Bassmann. City 3osnanlslonr Pass Away.

The city commissioners is a body of the past, but before going ont of office they finished np a greater portion oi their work. Still, they left soma important matters unfinished. They ar the opening of Ken-nington street from Yieser to the first alley vacating the allev between Illinois and Meridian from Twelfth to the first alley north; vacating the alley between Indiana avenue and Tennessee; opening Keed street from Cypres to Naomi; opening an alley through tb base ball park; opening Mill street from Sherman north addition to Tenth; vacating part of Sturm a van a. i Threw Important Matters. Tha Board of Public Works has three Tery iniportaat maulers be for it on th start.

The water ca tract, th light contract and tq street railroad company will endeavor to accarei an extension of fran chise. Tba matter ot street irasrovemenu is also a very important one. "Speaking for tnvtelf." said Mr: Condaitt this morn in r. "I believe we should have a new and com plete system of waking street. Improve ments, and sncb a system will not be dita colt to arrange, 2Jo, I haven't aay ideas that 1 ear to disease, pat 1 thins th qui tion will soon be settled." Btreet-Csxr Cosnpaay ill Gs Sato A gentleman conversant with tb facta says that tha Citizens' Street Railroad Com pany will test the constitutionality of the suburban street-railway and will endeavor to keep off its lines any company that attemptt to te theu.

However, tha bill expressly provides tbat ao in inaction proceedings shall lit-, aad if on ia broacbt, it is inoperative ont 4 tb Supreme Court Las passed upon the till. ski Puhtis may BosM. The Board of Feb lie Safety thia afternoon gave bond each ia tbe sum of $5,000 at follow; Sterling BJ Holt, George N. Catter-son; W. F.

Sullivan, John M. Keach; B. F. Calterson, George Catteraotu Sooth Md tt aat ta restdeney. Councilman Marti a Murphy is urged by smm of th Soatk I'll member for President af th Coon Coandlmaa Nolan Aa Ma Alar-rhT't' eand.da ia aaaxga.

to. A. 1 hav nothing against Mr. Hamaan, eaidXulan, "II aouid make a seperb iScer, bat think th position bould go to tbe Son tb Side. However, if Mr.

lUs-snaaa -ia selected wa bar nothing So say against kim." I i i Boar of xwbtM) Worts Orgaaise. The! Board of Pnblie Works tset this afternoon tor argaaiaatioat. A Ilea Coadaitt waa selected preaideat, A secretary, or chief clerk will Bt be chosen for day or Th members ol th board gav bond each for as' folio Mr. Condnitt, Ke fer and A. C.

Coadaitt; Mr. Scherrer, JohaSebmidt; Mr.De frees, tha Ameri5xa Casualty aod Assurance Com pan vV I 1 ii Mayor Xakaa Xxnperxaat Axaatoeusceaaeata, Major Sullivan, aa police judge, was th first fSclaJ to act Under th eirv charter. lie changed tb police court blanks to conform with the charter's provisions and aanoanced that lie had anthoritv to assess a aad imprison tor six months. Tb Mayor's Indicia! aathority formerly wasasne.oi Fd aad a iaa aen- tenc ol thirty days. la arrowS at as sua AST evidence of 1 the rpmt or improve ment, it is observed that tha Councilman ot th First ward has tn-c ceded in ecnrinj a stone crossing to 1 Hoffbaoer' Snloon en Hill! avenue, Maay coostitneats of the above-named Councilman ia the: populous rait' of bis ward now entertain bope, though lightning striking in their neigh borhooo.

Treatmat of creei-Car Track. It seems to ba tha policy of the city here after to treat the Citizen' Street lUilroad Companv aa it deserves in thei ntatter of paving streets. Wnen a street is improved. it wj'd be graded it entir width. Then if the tracks ara left dangling in the air, or burned, the companv will havetorais or lower acoording- toj th grade.

A Salvas-e wa Aaaeastasjx Fer Tears tbe city baa been ehsrgcd about share) of assessing, The char- I a ter savs tnst tne city a star snail oe out and no mori than that sum shall ba raid directlv or it 1 directlv or ir)u itQ must be paid salaries of the it clerk. -4- directly. This saving ot iVH) must be pait by the county and pays tbe Board of Dubii Works and i Vasnnel rerroit EUTftcleaey. Ttie Controller has formally kononnced the appointment of Mr. Sam Fcrrott at bis deputy.

The. appointment waa predicted because it was 1 poked upon as "jnst th thigg. Mr. Perrptt has been pretty activa -in politics and jtbi is the Only; thisg aajust him. His Integrity aad eompetenca form a special fitness for th place he is to 1 Plan to ImprsTsmeata, One who know says that the ison tractors wil not have their own way In making improvements.

Streets that arc left wide so that the contractors can have fat job-well, they will not be leit that way. Beautiful; streets, like will tiefome more common in Indianapolis. That Yeas JThoosaxtd Brirlga. City Engineer Mansfield is stll at work on ith plana foij the ten-thouband-dollar bridge over Pleasant run at Shelby street. lie does not know! yet whether or not tb Council's action In th matter ii legal, but he -will have the plans ready for whoever wants thein.

4 l' i Stay Stay at Horn To-Xlght. The Council wjLl not meet tfiis evening. It as intended io have a meeting, but the majority of the members appeir to. prefer to wait nntil the Board of 1'ublio Works it fully organised and Is down to business. The regular meeting night ia next Monday.

i i -Tore Ctvll Ungtaeer. Tb city bow has three first-class civil engineers in its employ, and it'a pretty near right to aay that the Virginia-avenue viaduct will be built according to the plant xnd specification. 1 i rt A tasine Accused of 'Ittg-axay. Salsberry was arrested last even ing on a grand jury warrant charging hlai with bigsmv. He was found'in a cabin near the pest hoUe where be had gone to avoid the It is charged that while Snjsberry had a Suit tor divora from Mrs.

Salsberry No. in the Superior Curt married Miss Clara Broaken. Snlsterry was married the second time euruary 16, thit year. He wears a Uraud Army badge and, draws pension mouey a verv Ji John an acqnaintaoce of Sals berry. who was si witness to the application fofr a license, say be had heard Salsberry sny.

that he had been divorced from two women, out did jnot know that there was a third, from whom he had not been legally separated. Salfberry, "lie says, is drunk whenever he can; get tb money to pay for drinks. i 1. ii s. i K.

of P. Iasaxanrs Agent Arrested, 'Albert O. Craae rbo csme to this, city several dayt aio an agent of the in- lira nc department of tbe KnigbU of Pythias, was arrested this' morning by Cltler of Detectives Splann. The arrest waa maris oa a warrant sworn out bv William Silking charging Cran withfraud- ubJnuy obUaning 50 irom bint. il Dtsastroa Fire at xxaywrood.

fir at May wood thi an or ing d- so-oyed seven thousand dollsrr rorth oi property. IL Litterer't gtnertJ store, town ball and! dwelling wsf destroyed. Insurance $5,000. 1 THE CITY TO-D Is the anniversary of th battla of th Monitor and Merrimao (lf-OCfi also of tbf birth of David Davis (1815k William Jackfoa la oa trial befer a fury for grand larceny. -I I A fir at Henry Smith's hopseJ 161 Park Ayenne, did $160 damage thia looming.

The meeting of th United Htates grand Jo fT. which was' called for to-day, hat beea postponed nntil March Zi I udge Cox to-day overrule a motion for a aew trial for Frank Thorn, and, sentenced him to six yeara in the penitentiary. James O. Patty, lata major Company IT, Sloth Indiana Cavalry, died! at Lit borne near Boggstowa Saturday, an A was buried to-day. Mr.

fatty was a metiber of Chap- in tn Pott, G. A. this city, He was sixty-five years of age. I think there Is more abont tny house than toy house in th neighbor-jiood," said Sldekici. "Yts, 'and that, all tber is about it.

Why ain't you trade aff a little refinement for carpet," and ergeaat Eartt leaned ves th yellow Iridge and laughed. I Bightst if all la Leatenics Power. DQTJBEES i Out new Prismatic Electric Shade. w. a iA.M TUK ILLXSOl REWATOKsIIIP XaSttllln tha Alrand Apparently Out j.

af stent. Spmonrit. 111. March 9. Twcntv voles were cast in the only ballot taken, which Palmar received 15, Street 9 and Oglesby X.

Th sd ia Art at Philadelphia. Philadexfhia March 9. A committee ladies, "representing over fir hundred of the Christian woman ef Philadelphia." hav presented to the directors of the acad- -amy of fine arts a protest arainst the display ua ao academy a smnaal exhibition. jut cloing, of thirteen pictures which tbe committee describe as flagrantly indelicate, and as cc-astitnting aa Sens to tnoralitv. Th picture referred to are "Arcadle" aad four" other aoda staaiea by Alex Harrison; terLUs" and "Girl at the lth," by w.

1 Dodge; iBin ting and Poetry," va Eclogae ymph." and "Fveniug," bv KenvonCox, and "Neath Apple Boughs' aad -The Brookaide," by W.V. Low. TUK MXEXITt XEWa. rCoa tinned tram Sixth race.) TotXDO, March AVTieat Higher and activ; cash Sl.CJS'TU.M, May tl.KH, July oVo, Aagast W.a. Corn Strong and quiet; cash eTc, Mar tc Oats Firm; cash and MsySlc Clovr-eed Firm and quiet; cash, March and April $4,65.

March f. Flour, firm; family $3.4 UncJ 70u, bntrm Stronger at $1.02. Corn Stronger 59l4'o. Oat Firmer at 50c. Rve-Strong and higher at K.

Pork Firta 'at 10- Lard Firra at Bulk meau steady at Bacon-Steady; short clear f5.S5. Whisky Firm; sales 7-2 barrel. LtTKBPOOL, March 9. Pork i ia poor demand; jxt and March steadv; April and May 29s fid, steadv. Wheat is in better demand; prices unchanged.

Floor la in fair demand; prices unchanged. Cora Demand poor for spot and good for futons; spot and April 5s 7H stead i-March os fd, steady; May 6s stead keceipts wheat past week from Atlanta ports quarters. Pacific poru none, other sources 2J.00O quarters, BeceipU American corn past week 11,000 quarters. New Ypnr. March 9.

Wbeat-t-Keceipta 13,900 sales buhela; active and unsettled, advanced (. on stronger esoi newt and foreigner buving with. December np most, Mav Mvit.7( 1.10', JUn 51.7H'(.$t.(W, July tl.0U fJtl.OoS', i August l.Ul'.l.M, September 1.02?,l.O3i, December;'. Corn Keceipts So.wO bushels, sales 000 bwsaeia; dull, lower; No. 2 steatuer mixed oV.fjuiOcv.

Oats Keeeipts 74,000 bushelt; sales 100,. 000 bushels; quiet, firmer; Weatern Beef Steadyt dull; extra mess family Pork Fairly active, firm; new mess ild mess extra rocs Lard stetdy; ttcata rendered. 6.07Hc Butter Bectiptt packages; firm, fair demand; Western dairy ICtf 26e, do- -creamery Elgins Sue, imitation creamery. lOCJle. Lggs Beceipta packages; fair demand and.

firm western ic. Baw quiet and Steady: fair refining 5 1-I6e, centrirugtla(9o test)5 U-16o; refined ouiet and esiv 1 AVa i-1. granulated Turpentine Quiet ami firm at iltyQilc. Molasses Fair demtnd: New Orleans 2730o. Tallow Steady tni uiet; city $2 for packages) 4 11-lCo bid.

ofl't-e Contracts were Some months advanced, on buying orders 5(al0 points, while others were pressed at a decline of points. Bio on. spot was sUadj and iu fair demand; No. 7 i i To-Iavs tlbioago Market. rReported tf Berry A Co room Is, Board of 1 Trade.

1 rtosiMo. 4 o-day' btar day. WBCAT Msrch. uoo act May Juiy coast. March.

May July OATS. 1014 i Pi eiil f'Hs 1 67S May July rota March- May L4BD March-Mey 61 9 tO 10 02 10 87 72V 9iy 17 4 70 93 I 70 SO io la 70 91 10 30 80 14 02 70 .8 70 ft W'g 14 4 65 4 ft JO 10S7; I 70 6 90 6 a ft 17 7tj'i2 70 Inli 17-K 13 BIB MarchJ 70 95 a i a 4 87 17 May July ft Chicago, Mtreh closing prioet on the board of trade to-day as quoted br tha Daily Trade Bulletin are as followi No. i Wheat Firm; cash May July MUo. No. Corn Firm cash tiOc, Mav Cue, June I'Jlie, July b'Jd.

No. SOata Firm; cash May Zlic5liie, Jnna 50c, July 41Sc, Ilea Pork Firm; cash $5.75, Msy July Lard Firm cash b.Ti 'c, Msy July 6.1 7 Mo. Short Bibs I irm cash 4.70, May 4.95. July 5.22 No.2ry firm; f2f93c No. 2 barley firm; No.

1 flaxseed steady; $1.1:0. Prime timothy seed steadv; Butter Firm; creamery dairy Eggs Whisky Chicago Live ataear. larkt, March 9. Th Evening Jonn nal reports: Cattle BeceipU bead; barely steady on steers but a shade stronger on butflhers' stock; top prW $555.60: others $4190, fat eowt and heifers $3d 4 50, old cows and canners,2.25. Hogs BecelpU 45,000 bead alow and would average 5q lower, etpeciaily on Usht mixed and packers; rough and common 3.25, mixed f3.4'X',S.5y, prim heavy aod butchers' weights ligtt $1.203.53.

Sheep Jleceipu bead; steady; common nstlTta tA-ijCtfS, prime ti.2:j,ZJ&, lain be 0G6, astern 5.15Q, I Kanasvs tlty lira rHooat Xarsst, KavSas Cjtt, ilarch 9. Cattle r. ceipU bead. Market firm. Steers 43.253.25.

Hogs KeeeipU head. IfchipmenU Z.000 head. Market Heady. All grade 'f j.fX3.7a oneep iveceipis head, f-hij-meots 120. Market steady and unchangtO.

4 Tor Cotton flaraat, Nrrjri Tear, Mtreh 9. Cotton Stetdy; middling uplands 8 15-16e. middling Orleans tales B5 bales. Fntorea opened steady at the I advance; March 8Jc, April 6.71c, May SJUc, Jun 8.94c, July 9.02c; Augnt 9.0oe, September 9.1 -tc, October 9.13c, No-Te ber December 9.15c, January 8.20a. I pieu.

KlTCJrrt C'rfa dacghter of Thorns and cora A. lid SsjnCsy a res'. (3tce, l-l oreenwbod atrset, aged tar tax tad XBontba, i 1 1 1 1 1 U. GoVt Report, Ac'5, 17, i3 TSNVA A If il I TTT: J. THE XiIGa-HT; Very cheap.

Try them. iisrESHErsEi-i strong; Zx 2crtl PcExivlvsjuA Si. cu-h czd Dcziscn Hctel..

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