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The Liberator from Boston, Massachusetts • Page 1

The Liberatori
Boston, Massachusetts
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Voii. in. jBOSTOJY, 3IASSACHUSETTS. our country is the 11 13 a 13 23 a QJ X3 13 PUBLISHED WEEKLY, i AT NO. 11, 31ERCI1ANTS' HALL.

VM. LLOYD GARRISON, EDITOR. TERMS. (P Two Dollars per annum, payalflc In advance at the eud of six months 2,50 at the expiration of the year. loiter and communications must be post paid.

Tlie rule is imperative, in order to shield us fro.u the frequent impositions of our enemies. Those, therefore, who wish their letters to be taken out of the Post O.lice by us, will be careful to pay their postage. AgeuU who act for tlie Lilerator are authorised to receive subscriptions for the Abolitionist. For every ve subscribers obtained by them for either publica tion, (payment being secured,) a sixth copy will be allowed. Agents arc desired not to remit less than 5 atone time, unless they pay the postage.

None but yearly subscribers will be received for the Abolitionist (terms 1,00 iu advance.) From the Loudon Patriot of July 10. AMERICAN OL OXIZA TIOJY SOCIETY. In our paper of this day will be found a report of the Second Lecture given by Mr. Garkiso.v, the agent to the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, and a communication, designed aa a counter-statement, from Mr. Elliott Cresso.v, a representative of the American Colonization Society a Society which stands pledged to the pursuit of one object exclusively the -colonization of free persons of color in Africa or some other place.

Why should these two objects be deemed incompatible the abolition of slavery and the colonization of Africa by free or emancipated blacks? We have in this country an African Institution and an Anti-Slavery Society. They are not deemed with us to be in opposition to each other, but tlie reverse and the chief promoters of the colony of Sierra Leone have been foremost among the advocates for the total emancipation of tlie West India slave population. How comes it to pass, then, that Mr. Garrison and Mr. Cresson are thus at open variance The plain ans wer to these questions is, that tlie American Colonization Society does not purely confine itself to-its avowed object, African colonization, which it would be justified in doing, but that, unlike the originators and members of the African Institution in this country, it opposes the emancipation of slaves, except on tlie condition of their expulsion from their nitive land and it founds this opposition upon delusive pretexts and principles of an unjust and anti-Christian character.

This is what Mr. Garrison affirms, and challenge Mr. Cresson to disprove. The latter gentleman has refused to accept the challenge, or to meet his countryman before a British audience. His only answer is, a plea in favor of Liberia, as adapted to civilize Africa, and to put down the slave trade.

Is this, an answer, pr a mere evasion As friends to Sierra Leone, wo must be friends, also, to Liberia. We applaud the enterprise, whatever motives have actuated its promoters. We take the liveliest interest in African colonization, and cordially wish success to the American Colonization Society, so fitr as Liberia is concerned. But, excellent as is their avowed object, we regard the avowed 'principles upon which they pursue that object a detestable. Upon this point we should be glad to find ourselves in error; but we will not suffer ourselves or th? public to be deceived.

The avowed principles of the American Colonization Society, then, as interpreted in their own documents, are That the free people of color in the United States arc, solely on account of their color or race, justly and necessarily deprived of citizenship and of the privileges of white freemen: that, although oorn in America of native parents, of mixed breed, they are to be considered as foreigners, and Africa as their native country: however intelligent, well-educated, and virtuous, their expulsion from their native country is a most desirable object, because their color unjustly deprives them of their social rights, and it is determined to persist in that injustice: that no more blacks ought to be made free, except on the condition ot their expatriation to the pestilential shores of Gin-a: that all attempts to raise the character of 'the blacks at home onght to be discountenanced: that slavery is a necessary evil that the slave-owners have an undoubted right to hold their negroes in predial bondage: and, that "their emancipation not desirable, except in where slave labor is unprofitable, or in such numbers as may keep down the ruinous 'itcrease cf the slave population, so as to lessen the danger arising from it to tlie State. In proof that these are the sentiment of the principal supporters of the American Colonization Society, we refer to the Tforth Review, No. IxxvL, to Mr. Garrison's pamphlet, and to an article on the Claims of Ibe Blacks in the Eclectic Review for Febru- ry last. Air.

Creson is reported to have styled the" last of these an atrocious article. Mild as i pur Qjiaker friend, he can use strong lan-. gue. Letljkn, jf he can, disprove a tingle WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON AND ISAAC KNAPP, PUBLISHERS T'aTTiir statement in that article, or his anger will not be construed to the advantage of his cause. We are extremely reluctant to give up our good opinion of Mr.

Cresson's motives but his proceedings are fast alienating from him those who have given him the most substan-. tial proofs of being friends to Liberia, but who are enemies to injustice and deception. The fact is, that, in those slave States of America, where sugar cannot be cultivated, tlie slaves have increased too fast the supply is in excess and the price of slaves has fallen so low as not to pay for breeding them for the slave-market. Slavery can be profitable only where labor is scarce in proportion to the demand. This has to be the case in America.

Free labor has driven slave labor out of the market in all the Middle States. The slave-owners in these States absolutely do not know what to do with their superfluous live, stock. The increase of numbers is thus tending to destroy slavery in America. Ilencethe anxiety to counteract that dangerous increase by colonization." Hence, the most zealous friends of colonization in America are slave-owners. Hence, too, the prin cipal promoters of the scheme are the greatest enemies to general emancipation, and the most illiberal opponents of the claims of the blacks.

Docs Mr. Cresson admit these facts or deny them Yes or No If he will not meet Mr. Garrison, he must answer us in some shape, or he 6hall be met everywhere with this 'atrocious' picture. It 6hall haunt him like an evil conscience. We are no partizans of Mr.

Garrison's. We have never spoken to that gentleman or seen him we know nothing of him but from his publication. But from what we know of facts, we say again, that Mr. Elliott Cresson, notwithstanding the countenance he has been so fortunate as to obtain in high quarters, will do well fairly to grapple with the charges brought ag-ainst tlie Society he represents, or take his passage for Philadelphia. the LoudoniFatriot of July 2L AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY.

To the Editor of the Patriot Sir, By publishing in the Patriot the following letters, which have been addressed to me by two eminent advocates of negro emancipation, I do not doubt that you will not only hasten the liberation of more than two milions of slaves in the United States, and the downfall of that brazen hand-maid of slavery, tlie American Colonization Society, but also prevent many a benevolent and confiding person from giving his money to the agent of that Society. For notwithstanding he stands publicly charged, by the leading abolitionists in this country, with having misrepresented the character and objects of the Colonization Society, and notwithstanding he has pusillan-imously shrunk from tlie offer of a public discussion in this metropolis, to my astonishment I learn that Mr. Cresson, in company with an Irish female partisan, has either departed, or is about to depart, for Ireland, in order to obtain new charities for a scheme which is 'full of all deceivablenesa of Happily, the imposture i3 now generally understood and the speech of the eloquent O'Connell, at Exeter Hall, on the J3th instant, in opposition to tlie Society, will anticipate the arrival of Mr. Cresson in Dublin. Your much obliged servant, WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON.

IS, Aldermanbury, July 22, 1833. Conway, North Wales, July 14, 1833. My Dear Sir, Our friend, Mr. Cropper, will have informed you of the impossibility of mv complying; with your request, of sending you an explanation of the causes of my ab sence irom your meeting yesterday, certainly would not willingly have been absent; for it was my desire to take every fair opportunity of testifying my utter and increasing disapprobation of the principles professed, on the subject of negro slavery, by the American Colonization Society. I can have no objection, indeed, to the plan of colonizing in Africa, with a view to its civilization, and to the extension of Christianity in that deeply injured quarter of the globe.

On the contrary, I desire above all things to see such plans, conceived in the true spirit of philanthrophy, multiplying on that coast. But the Colonization Society appears to me to adopt, as the basis of its "schemes, not the love, but the hatred and contempt of the negro race, and to regard every one tinged with their blood as an object, not of kindness and brotherhood, but of abhorrence, and of exclusion from the common sympathies and affinities of our nature, and from that union and fellowship in that Saviour, in whom there is neither Jew nor Gentile, Barbarian nor Scythian, American nor African, black nor white, bond nor free, but we are all one in Christ Jesus. The unchristian prejudice of color, wh'ch alone has given birth to the Colonization Society, though varnished over with other more plausible pretence, and veiled under a profession of a Christian regard for the temporal and spiritual interests of the negro, which is belied by the whole course of its reasonings, and the spirit of its measures; is so detesta world our countrymen, all mankind. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1833. ble in itself, that I think it ought not to be tolerated, but, on the contrary, ought to be denounced and opposed by all humane, and especially by all pious persons in this country.

And it especially becomes those who have taken any active part on behalf of the negro race, whether in this country or in the United States, to keep aloof from all co-operation with a body whose evident purpose is adverse, not only to the liberty of the enslaved negro, but to the moral and political elevation of the free negro. I beg to express my sense of the eminent services you have rendered to the cause of humanity, by your able and persevering exposure of the evil tendency of the principles on which the Colonization Society acts, and trust that your exertions will be crowned with success. I remain, my dear sir, Yours very faithfully, Zacilart Macacxay. William Lloyd Garrison, Esq. Paradise Row, Stoke 15th of 7th month, Friend, William Uoyd Garrison When I first heard of the formation of the colony at Liberia, I rejoiced at the intelligence, not doubting but that it was projected and planned by the friends of Africa, with feelings congenial with my own that iU object was to promote the civilization of the inhabitants of that vast continent, and make some reparation for the enormous wrongs they had for so many ages endured.

This must be the excuse of many in this country, and perhaps in North America also, who have countenanced or patronized the American Colonization Society. I have repeatedly told Elliott Cresson that, so far from being an enemy to this American colony, I should be glad to see twenty more of them established, that so a more extended line of coast might be protected against the slave traders. $ut having heard thy exposition of the origin and main object of the American Colonization Society, at the meeting on the 13th at" Exeter Hall, and having read their own printed documents, I scarcely know how edequately to express my surprise and indignation surprise that my correspondents in North America should not have informed me of the real principles of the said Society and also that Elliott Cresson, knowing, as he must have known, the abominable sentiments it had printed and published, 6bould have condescended to become its agent. My indignation is roused when I find it asserted in one of their publications, that the free people of color consti tute" a class, 'out pf which no individual can be elevated, and below which none can be Again, 'We have endeavored, but endeavored in vain, to restore them either to self-respect, or to the respect of others. It is not, our fault that we have failed it is not theirs.

It has resulted from a cause over which neither we nor they can ever have any control. Here, therefore, they must be forever debased more than this, they must be for ever useless more even than this, they must be for ever a nuisance, from which it were a blessing for society to be Again, Is it not wise, then, for the free people of color and their friends to admit, what cannot reasonably be doubted, that tlie people of color must, in this country, remain for ages, probably for ever, a separate and inferior caste, weighed down by causes, powerful, universal, inevitable, which neither legislation nor Christianity can remove If it be said that these are quotations from the African Repository, I understand that it is the ground maintained by the American Colonization Society. This being the case, I cannot but feel indignant that the benevolence of Great Britain and Ireland should have been so imposed upon, to the amount of the subscription obtained under the circumstances stated and I do hope that an account will be called for of the sums subscribed, and of their application. I rejoice that you have formed an Anti-Slavery Society in New-England, and shall be glad to hear that it goes on with increasing success. Can you not find some noble spirited landholders, in your parts, (who have capital also,) to set an example of what may be done for the colored free people, by placing them down upon land, and showing them how to cultivate it on the spade or garden plan I have to request thy acceptance of two pamphlets, in which these plans are detailed.

The capital employed in this way might be made to return with ample interest. I remain, with great regard, Thy sincere friend. WM. ALLEN. The 'African Repository is a monthly periodical, printed in Washington City, and (at declared on its title page) published by order of the Managers of the American Colonization Society the profits arising from this work will be devoted the cause of the Colonization From the London Christian Advocate of July 29.

ELLIOTT CRESSON. The two meetings which have been held on the subject of the American Colonization Society, have at least served to show that it is a Society which has nothing in common with the Anti-Slavery Societies of this country, from the members of which, however, Mr. Elliott authorized agent, has managed to obtain considerable sums of money. Those who, by his representations, were induced to furnish him with funds, believed that, by so doing, they were hastening forward the abolition of slavery in tlie Uiyted States. Some of them still believe it, but whal are the grounds of their faith we know not.

Others, however, have been undeceived. And we may conceive what was their surprise, and what their indignation, on learning from the best authority, namely, the official documents of the Colonization Society itself, that they had been duped by its plausible and smoothspoken representative that, in fact, so far from the object and tendency of the Society being to exterminate slavery, it is framed upon principles, the inevitable operation of which is to prolong slavery to the lpngest period Among those benevolent persons who were tbii imnnwil iinnn nnd xv ho ha ve thus discov ered the imposture, is Mr. William 1 hey who know this gentleman are well aware that he is not apt to express himself in warm and strong language; and yet, so decided are his convictions of the inic the system pursued by the Society oifclialf of which Mr. Eliiott Cresson has been a-beg-ginsr through these kingdoms, that, in a letter to Mr. Gar ms ox, the gentleman who has come over to make us understand the real object of Mr.

Cresson's labors, he thus expresses himself: I scarcely know how adequately to express my surprise and indignation surprise, that my correspondents in North America should not have informed me of the real principles of the said Society and also that Elliott Cresson, knowing, as he must have known, the abominable sentiments it had printed and published, should have condescended to become its agent. I cannot but feel indignant that tlie benevolence of Great Britain and Ireland should have been so imposed upon, to the amount of the subscriptions obtained under the circumstances stated; and I do hope that an account will be called for of the sums subscribed, and of their Our readers are aware that Mr. Cresson has refused Mr. Garrison's challenge to a public discussion of the merits of the Colonization Society. He may have done this for two reasons either because be thought himself unequal to such a formidable opponent, or because he was inwardly conscious of the indefcnsible-ness of the Society which he represents.

But to the very reasonable demand of Mr. Allen, that he should publicly state the amount of the sums ha has obtained and how they have been applied, Mr. Cresson can have no well-founded objection. If he refuse to comply, the inference will not be favorable to him. From the London Christian Advocate of August 26.

It ty not necessary that we should do more then point attention to tlie letter of Mr. Garrison, in which tlie real, character of the American Colonization Society is painted, in colors drawn exclusively from its own public avowals. As tlie advocates of Methodism and of universal liberty, we blush to think that the Methodist Episcopal Church of the United States have solemnly resolved to become the aiders and abettors of this most atrocious scheme. Alas that the moral descendants of Weslet should have become tlie shameless promoters of an institution which combines, in one foul and flagrant mass, every attribute of injustice and oppression Alas that the most prosperous sect of Christians in the United States, should have sworn allegiance to a society, to protest against which was the last public act of the lamented Wilberforce! From the (N. York) Emancipator.

THE PROTEST. Just as we expected tlie colonization papers are much excited by the protest from the distinguished philanthropist which we published last week. That document will work wonders. The last New-York. Observer, which paper probably speaks the colonization sentiments of a great portion of the religious world, has devoted nearly two columns to the subject of the protest, and labors hard to prevent the mask from falling from the Janus face of the Colonization Society.

But it is too late. The Observer attempts to answer the several specification-) of the protest, and says, as an introductory remark: If our English friends would form a sound opinion on the merits of the colonization plan, they must understand the circumstances of the country ind especially the relations of different classes of our population to the subject of The editors of the Observer must know, we should suppose, that our 'English friends' who signed the protest against the American Colonization Society, understand' what, slavery in the United States is, quite as well as themselves. It is a system so glaring as to be seen and read by all men who have, eyes like the departed Wilberforce not confined in their vision to one country or clime. It will be remembered, too, that when Mr. Gurley tortured the language of Mr.

Clvkjon into an enco mium of the colonization project, the correctness of his understanding 'of this country' was not doubted at all Soon he will be found, we are assure tide by side with Charles Stuart, and oilier philanthropists, in condemnation of the colonization chimera will the editors say then It is evident that the name of WILBERFORCE, in connection with a protest against the Colonization Society, has stricken confusion to the hearts of many colonizationlcts. Sainted spirit thou hast indeed put the capstone of glory on tlie monument of thy devoted life. Never may it be forgotten. Wilberforce the best of christians the noblest of philanthropists rere he left the scene of his toils for that of his rewards, repudiated the wicked project of banishing one-sixth part of ourpopulation to a heathen shore! The attempt to nullify tlie protest cf Wilberforce comes at too late a day for the encomiums passed on 'his venerated name' by the colonizatioJitors, are hardly dry from their pens lua name is signed his seal is set and there they will both stand, while bis deathless fame endures, as living testimonies against tlie delusive project of African colonization Glory to God in the highest that it shall be so We have not space in our columns to follow the editors of the Observer through all their answers to the remaining specification of our friends in We have xuA the least fear, however, of the strictures of the Observer. The insinuations that the mind of Wilberforce was not 'properly imbued' with evangelical is ss ungenerous and unjust as it is inconsistent with what tlie editors bad said in their paper, but a week or two before, respecting the distinguished philanthropist.

'They will doubtless blush to think of it, ere they die. If this cruel prejudice does exist among the whites, it forms a powerful reason why they who lament its existence should form 'a colony like Liberia, to serve as an asylum for the poor victims who are tvffcring under That is to say we will admit 'this creel prejudice' cannot be overcome ho not even through the influence of the gospel of Jesus Christ itself by gratifying Will such a course at all weaken 'this cruel prejudice? Will it not immensely strengthen and increase it Suppose we could accomplish out object if there were half money enough in the nation to do it and could hold our colored brother, who has committed no crime whatever ajrainst us, at arm's length across the waters of the Atlantic would this lessen our prejudice any? No the very fact that we bad power enough to gratify it, would augment it a thousand fold From the Lowell Observer: BRITISH PROTEST AGAINST THK AMERICAN COLONIZATION SOCIETY. This document is certainly an one in many respects. It is calculated to make a deep impression on the America people. It contains the opinions of some of the greatest and best men in the old world, respecting a Society whose principles they have been conversant with for years, through the medium of its own publications.

It shows how men of talent and wisdom regard slavery from which they are separated by a lmighty ocean, which affords them a better foundation for an impartial judgment. Why is it, we ask again, that the Society should be so careful in respect to the subject of slavery as to confirm many in the opinion that a ma jorty of its members desire its continuance? -Of cne thing we have no doubt and we presume it will not be denied by the Colonization Society that more than two thirds of its managers are slaveholders, and have no design to emancipate their slaves. We cannot reconcile these seeming contradictions in principle and in action, and we certainly do not wonder that British christians should feel as they do in regard to the Society in question. William Wilberforce, whose name stands first on the list of signers of the Protest, rarely acted hastily. He was a thinking man.

He had done more than any one man in England for the abolition of slavery. He knew all the palliations of the sin of holding slaves, and all the arguments of the apologists for slavery, and he signs this paper. He does it as he is about to pass into the presence of his Judge he does it while tlie certainty of speedy death has been made known to bin. William Wilberforce, the great and good, signs the Protest. There are other great men, this side of the Atlantic, who have signed their name to opposite representsxions.

The oppose ra of immediate abolition have quoted the opinion of Rev. Da. Porter in confirmation of. their sentiments. We respect and love the maa who was one of our instructors in the Theological Seminary at Andovor, and we would revere his opinion on subjects connected with his profession.

11. Wiumm WiiBEaroaci nas thought and prayed and labored in reference to this subject all his life-time, and we refer to him as to the safety and duty. of immedkls abolition..

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