Rapid City Journal from Rapid City, South Dakota • 8
- Publication:
- Rapid City Journali
- Location:
- Rapid City, South Dakota
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- Page:
- 8
Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE RAPID CITY DAILY JOURNAL Skaters in 144-Hour Grind What is said to be the first six-day ice skating race in the United States recenty got under way in Syracuse, N. Y. Above is a scene as Bobby McLean, former speed champion, led the pack around one of the turns. The race is conducted on somewhat the same lines as a six-day bicycle race, skaters competing in two-man teams and relieving each other at intervals. Because of shortage of this year, there will be no 4-H club camp in the county, and it is doubtful if there will be any in the Black Hills or west river country this season, Mr.
Hermstad said. Pennington county, however, will have a field or achievement day, and the date has been set for Saturday, June 24. The morning will be taken up with demonstrations and other club work, a picnic will be held at noon and the afternoon will be devoted to recreational features. It is tentatively planned to hold the field day at the municipal park. NO INQUEST Selby, March 1-(P)-No inquest will be held in the death of Julius was killed Tuesday when a MilWagner, retired mail do carrier, who waukee train struck his car at a crossing.
Funeral services will be tomorrow. Eight Members Are Taken In By Moose A class of eight candidates was taken in at a regular meeting of the Loyal Order of Moose last night, it was reported this morning by officers. An entertainment feature of the evening was the telling of mythical experiences of some of the members, a feature that resulted in display of some vivid imaginations and provoked considerable mirth. GERMAN LEFTISTS FACE FINAL FIGHT Berlin, Mar. 1-(P)-Leftist and centrist parties of entered the last stages struggle for existence today with their newspapers silenced and their assemblies and communications shut off by the strictest measures of represion since war.
While the Hitler government insists next Sunday's election of new national and Prussian state parliaments are to be held as scheduled, the chief of the government's information bureau indicated the balloting will be meaningless. "Parliamentary and democratic times are over for Germany," declared Walter Funk, head of the government press department. Meanwhile, there were no signs to give credence to wild rumors that the week-end would bring a terrible fate to the foes of Chancellor Hitler. (The London Herald reported today what decalled a plot of Hitlerites in to "carry out during the coming week-end the most staggering massacre the world has known." It said "all proleaders and Jews" in large gressive, towns were already listed as intended victims.) Foreign correspondents are warded by a high government official to refrain henceforth from using news from "malignant sources." Pressed for further explanation, he said no censorship was planned. The number of arrests resulting from the investigation instituted after the burning of the reichstag Monday night totaled several hundred- all alleged communists--today.
Government officials blamed the fire, of incendiary origin, on a communist plot. Seventeen persons were invloved in setting fire to the building, the government investigators claimed. Two members of the last reichstag were Involved. It was believed the building could not be used for at least a year. The damage was estimated at $1,500,000.
There was no insurance to cover it. Thirteen Fires Call Department In Month February was a month of activ- FORMULA Chitinens Quick Relief LUDEN'S for Medicated coughs, PLEASANTLY relief colds or sore throats. Pleasant -tasting and free of nar. cotics. LUDEN'S Menthol Cough Drops IT'S AN ALL FUN PROGRAM! ELKS TODAY and THURSDAY Matinee the only facts of life he knew came out of a book! LEARNED WOMEN.
ALISON STUART SKIPWORTH SUSAN Paramount Picture 1. Andy Clyde Comedy- Clark McCullough Comedy Grey's "MYSTERIOUS RIDER" -Eddie Cantor in "THE KID FROM SPAIN" WEDNESDAY, MARCH 1, 1933 Mr. Myer, who was 76 years, 6 months and 15 days of age, had been a resident of this city for about 25 years. He is survived by his wife and one daughter, Mrs, Jessie Myer. HOLD EIGHT FOR KIDNAP CHARGES Chicago, Mar.
1 (AP) State highway police who recently locked up eight men in three cities on kidnaping charges today sought the man they credited with being a leader of the alleged extortion gang--Joe Marando of Chicago. Sergt. Oliver W. Kempster of Sterling, and officer Hal Roberts of Dixon, assigned to kidnap cases exclusively, for the past 2 1-2 they wanted Marando for a dozen abductions and several bank robberies in northern Illinois and eastern Iowa, and a liquor syndicate in the Davenport-Rock Island district. Serving federal warrants, the officers jailed half a dozen men on specific charges kidnaping and conspiracy to send extortion letters through the mails in the recent abductions of Fred Di Fillippi of Spring Valley, and Adhamar Hugghe, merchant of East Moline.
Mike Talarico, Jules Vey, Dan Zook and Angelo Vota, Kempster said were the directorate of vice, gambling and liquor rings in Davenport. Rock Island and Moline, were arrested in East Moline 10 days ago on kidnaping charges in which details were suppressed. Vince Burman of Spring Valley and John Castagna, alleged by Kempster to be the engineer of several kidnap plots, were seized several days later. Yesterday Kempster and Roberts raided the west side home of Joe Manando here and arrested Ted Patterson and Edward Moore, both with criminal records. No federal charges were placed against them pending further questioning.
Moore faces a state kidnap charge in the Huughe case. TO LIMIT FUTURE DEBT OF STATE, Pierre, March 1-(P)-If the house of representatives agrees, South Dakotans will vote at the 1934 general election on a constitutional amendment limiting future indebtedness of the state government to $1.000,000. A resolution proposing such an amendment on went through the genate yesterday afternoon with only one dissenting vote. The senator opposing it was L. M.
Simons, Belle Fourche, who said even the million dollar limit was too much. The resolutions author, E. M. Mumford, Howard, called attention to the state's present bonded debt of more than $47,000,000 most of it resulting from the rural credit enterprise, and described the proposed limitation as an issue of good government. "If we approve this he said, "we will have started back to the old way of paying as we go." drafted would not interThe Mumford, resolution was fere with refinancing of present indebtedness.
SPEECH CONTEST TAKES PLACE SOON Plans are nearing completion for the annual local declamatory speaking contest, which will be held about the middle of March, but the exact date of which has not been set. Principal C. E. Haskins announced today. Ten contestants are entered in he three divisions, with Clarence Jacobson in charge of oratory and Miss Maxine Miller in charge of humorous and dramatic.
A district contest will be held in Custer, March 31, with M. E. Lindsey, Custer, in charge. A division contest, will be held in Rapid City, 15, with F. E.
Conner, Belle Fourche, chairman. Contestants in the local contest are as follows: Oratorical -Tracy McCormick, Fred Wells and Howard Austin. Dramatic -Blanche Margaret Lemley, Rosemary Willard and Katherine Zabel. Humorous -Loys Lee, Vivian Jensen and Lucille Zabel. 4-H Club Work In County Receives New Attention With the coming of spring, 4-H club work is receiving more and more attention at the office of County Agent Oscar Hermstad.
Prospects are good for several clubs in the county this season, he stated, and organization work will go forward in the near future. LAST Sale closes Saturday, March 4th. Prices dive still lower. Take advantage of this opportunity to save! Our loss your gain! CAPS SHIRTS HATS 39c Wilson Brothers and New Spring styles other fine makes and 57c 98c $1.95 Whipcord RIDING SHOES BREECHES One Lot High Grade Oxfords $1.49 $2.95 Simpson Clothing Co. the loss was less than $1,000, it was seen this morning in the monthly report of Chief George Scheidt.
The department answered 13 and one false alarm. calls, of the fires were dwellings, one was a major building, five were automobiles and one was a rubbish fire. Hot ashes be the greatest cause, being Blamed, for three alarms. A total of $66,840 value of property was endangered during the month, and the total loss was $966- .34, of which $110 was not covered by insurance. The department spent four hours and 16 minutes in service, including two hours and twenty minutes pumping, and traveled 40 miles during thna month, it was revealed.
Of two one-half inch hose, 200 feet were strung, in addition to 2.700 feet of one-inch hose and 66 feet of ladders. Police Take 34 Persons In Tow During February Police made 34 arrests during the month of February, it was reported this morning by Chief Tom Slattery, with exactly half of them on intoxication charges. Other causes of arrest were four disturbing the peace, four for possession of liquor, four for investigation, two for speeding, two for state officers and one juvenile. The department received and answered 52 complaints during the RUPTURE Cured withset surgery. Painless, no loss of time from work, no costly hospital expense.
Dr. B. R. Kinter, D.O. Room 1, 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Phone 649 Kidney Acidity Ruins Sleep Thousands suffering and losing energy from Getting Up Nights, Backache, Stiffness, Leg Pains, Nervousness, Acidity or Burning, caused by poorly functioning Kidneys or Bladder, should use Cystex (pronounced Siss-tex) specially prepared for these troubles. Works fast. Starts circulating through system in 15 minutes. Only 75c at druggists. Guaranteed to fix you up or money back on return of empty package.
Adv. month and provided sleeping ters for 240 transients. PILOT KILLED quar- 1-(AP) Stuart Chadwick, chief test pilot for the Bellanca aircraft corporation at New Castle, plunged 1,500 feet to his death today when his parachute failed to open during a leap from a new "mystery plane." Around the West-River Late News From A Great Growing Empire BIRTHDAY PARTIES ARE HELD, HERMOSA Hermosa, March 1-After a meet-' ing of Urban Grange Saturday night, a double birthday event was held in honor of Mr. F. O.
Pollard and Jim Clason. A short program consisting of songs and music by the young folks, the Grange paper and a roll call, each one responding by iting a relic or telling some ory. Many interesting ones were given. E. B.
Clason exhibited a spur which is in his possession, that his grandfather used when he rode into the Hills in 1887. Mrs. Josie Clason told of an acid cup from a mine in Idaho, which went through a fire when their home burned some years ago came out in perfect condition. Many school day memories were told. Twenty games of bunco were played after which birthday cakes were carved by the honored members and refreshments were servd.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gommer, Hot Springs, were present for the party. Dancing music after supwas furnished by Mr. Gommer, Mr.
Pollard and Mr. Clason. FARMERS' UNION MEETS AT OWANKA Owanka, March 1 1-A goodly representation of locals attended a meeting of the Pennington county Farmers' Union here. The morning session was opened County President H. C.
Ruenholl. F. C. Morgan, junior leader, Wall, gave a talk on junior work and announced that a contest will be held by a Fifth district convention Belvidere March 4, the subject being "Monies and Credits." Features of the program were songs written by Elaine Hildebrandt and Wilma Shaffer, each 12 years old, and which won prizes in contest sponsored by a Quinn local. Harmony local No.
377 served dinner at noon. A business meeting took place in the afternoon, with Mrs. F. 0. Hastings, secretary, taking care of the minutes.
Talks were given by Ed. Killian, Mr. Morgan, Mr. Ruenholl, E. Peterson and others.
A discussion was held on pending agricultural legislation, followed by adoption of a set of five resolutions. With the Vice-president G. A. Foske in the chair, President Ruenholl made a strong appeal for cooperation. Ed.
Christiansen was elected a delegate to the convention at Belvidere Saturday, with Mr. Foske as alternate. The regular meeting will be held May 27 at Wall. MUSICAL GROUPS MAKING PROGRESS New Underwoud, March 1-New Underwood people point with pride to progress made by niusical organizations in the local schools during the past year. The high schol orchestra, directed by John L.
Wold of the high school faculty, now has 18 members. The personnel is as follows: First violins -Katherina Hofer and Genevieve Kenyon; second violins Judith Brustol and Veryl Hackens; first clarinet- Everett Joyce; second clarinets -Perry Oldfield, Fern Hofer and Frances Floyd; first cornets -Leighton Boand Robert Camery; second cornets- -Herman Gstohl and William Turner; saxophones -Arthur Compton and Robert Meyers; trombone- Duane Forest; tuba- Glen Barber; drums -George Flint, and piano-Viola Bruns. The girls' glee club consists of 22 members and their director is Miss Katheryn Peterson, also of the high school faculty. Neva Gray, Velma Doyle, Marjorie George, Genevieve Kenyon and Judith Brustol are first sopranos; second sopranos are Gladys Anderson, Bernice Finnifrock, Maxine Phillips, Pauline Hudson, Mildren Burnham and Edna Kaubisch; Ruby Miller, Evelyn Miller, Alvina Bruns, Katherina Hofer and Mildred Mihills sing firet alto, while second altos are Kathleen Kochenderfer, Kathryn Gilles, Clara Anderson, Mabel Wollen, Ferne Hofer and Mary Doyle. Viola Bruns is accompanist.
Recently Mr. Wold also organized a school band of 14 pieces. Among the members are Leighton and Leo Borin, Robert Camery, William Turner, Herman Gstohl, Everett Joyce, Perry Oldfield, Frances Lloyd, Ferne Hofer, Arthur Compton, Robert Meyers, Duane Forest, Glen and George Flint. The orchestra and glee club have made several successful appearances at schol functions this year. The band has supplied music at several of the basketball games.
New Underwood George Flint, and Jack Turner, accompanied by their coach, Charles Wyman, returned late Saturday evening from Philip where they had participated in the district debate tournament. They won the opportunity of being in the final debate with Kadoka, but the New Underwood bous were defeated by a close margin. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Johnson report the birth of a son, February 20.
The condition of J. H. Owens does not show the improvement hoped for and he is becoming much weaker. Warren Owens, Sturgis, was here Sunday to see his father. The Rapid River Milling company shipped four cars of wheat and one of corn from here last week.
W. D. Camery also shipped two cars of wheat and W. J. Libertin consigned a car of cane and millet seed to Falls Saturday.
Miss Edna Reichert has assumed the management of the school dormitory during the absence of Mrs. C. E. Oldfield. Mrs.
Oldfield was forced to give up her work at the dormitory for a time because of ill health. Miss Esther Camery, teaching at' Hereford high school, spent the week-end here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D.
Camery. Mrs. R. C. Duncan, Spearfish, visited here with relatives Saturday and Sunday.
Henry McKnelly, Viewfield, is a medical patient at the local hospi- Sheriff Al Scovel, Rapid City, was a business caller at New Underwood, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. M.
Lloyd entertained a group of Mr. Lloyd's friends at dinner Saturday evening. A large number of New Underwood persons attended a basketball game at Wall Sunday night between the Harlem Globe Trotters and the Wall Hot Shots. WOOL MARKETING TALKED AT SPRINGS Hot Springs, March 1-Representatives of the South Dakota Wool Growers' Association met with sheepmen of this section at the court house here Monday and discussed matters pertaining to the industry. Plans for disposing of this year's wool clip were discussed.
Among those who spoke at the meeting were J. W. Christie of the department of agriculture; Archie Gilfillan, author of the book "Sheep;" Matt Staff of the National Wool Growers' Association, Boston, and Harold Donner, agricultural agent of Custer county. Ed. Lemon, Lemmon, who formerly conducted a large cattle ranch on W.
G. Flat, near Oral, was here to attend the meeting, after an absence from Hot Springs of 31 years. MADE GOOD MONEY HAULING TIMBER Deadwood, March 1-Wyatt Earp figured the boys might have overlooked something when Bat Masterson, returning from the gold fields in Deadwooa, told him that every claim was staked. Wyatt had left Dodge City in 1876 when news of the gold rush in the Hills reached him, according Stuart Blacks N. Lake, whose book "Wyatt Earp, Frontier has just been published.
Earp reached Deadwood late in the fall of '76 and found that the boys had overlooked something. The absence of winter pasturage and the high cost of feed had caused the miners to send their horses over the muontains for wintering. Waytt's horses were the only ones in camp. He fololwed a hunch and contracted for a supply of wood at two dollars a cord. Deadwood had no teams to bring in the wood with and it was a cold winter.
Earp rigged up a sled and hired a man to help him. He hauled sometimes five loads a day, or ten cords, and re ceived $12 per cord 80 that his horses more than earned their board. One night a gambler wanted wood when it was 40 below. Earp brought it in for him so that he could keep his game going, but charged him $100 per cord and $10 for his helper. He came through the winter with a profit of $5,000.
Earp's reputation as a gunman had followed him from Dodge and when the Wells Fargo Express company was faced with the problem of taking $200,000 worth of bullion out of the Black Hills, without being stopped by road agents, which were then common, they persuaded Earp, who was planning to leave, to wait until the bullion was ready. The company posted a notice that Earp would ride shotgun and although two lines of riders followed the stage at some distance, the trip to Cheyenne, was made with Earp firing only a horse ridden by the agents, one shot, and that evidently the two lines converged, went into consultation and were seen no more. Earp's belief was that in dealing with such men, it paid to take the initiative. He carried that principle out in his later days in Dodge and Tombstone, where he spent the remainder of his life. FUNERAL Charles Myer Funeral services for Charles Myer, who died in his room in the Harney hotel early Monday, will be held Thursday afternoon at two o'clock at Behren's mortuary.
Dr. Rew Walz of the Presbyterian church will have charge of the services and burial will be in Mountain View cemetery. You Are Invited to the Alex Johnson Hotel Dinner Dance THURSDAY EVENING 6 to 11 p. m. Main Ball Room No Cover Charge Order from Regular Menu Music by EARLE BRIERLEY and his orchestra (Formerly Nick Pallzzl) Phone 1025 for Party Reservations BARGAIN DAYS AT THE REX WED.
You'll get more than your money's worth when you see these 4 great Stars In "3 On a Match." THURS. Our Big Mid-Week Special! No Advance in Prices. Late News Comedy Acts 10-25-35c JOAN WARREN in 3 ON A BLONDELL WILLIAM ANN BETTE DAVIS Coming JAMES CAGNEY-FRI. in "HARD TO HANDLE" COME EARLY-GRAB THIS OFFER ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER BIG TEN-DAY USED CAR Clearing SALE TEN DAYS ONLY We have accumulated an overstock of used cars and for the first 10 days of March we are going to make extra inducements in the way of better cars at less money. The list is only partial.
Your car accepted as part payment. 1930 Master Buick Sedan, 1930 Plymouth Sedan, Brown reduced from $445 $415 Book quick sale price $245. For $225 to The above car has six cylinders, valve-In-head condition in every way, Good tires, finish, good upholstery, good tires mechanically good--paint and upholstering and is mechanically good. good. 1932 Plymouth Coach, $369 1930 Whippet 4 Business Coupe.
This reduced from to float- Formerly immediate $225-for $195 car is one of the late models with disposal ing power- new tires. Hot water heater. Paint Has spare tire mounted in fender. Has nearly and upholstery good. new 6-ply tires.
A real bargain. 1929 Whippet 4-cylinder Sedan, 1930 Chrysler "66" Sedan. reduced from $150 $130 Our Special Price to $350 This car has new pistons and rings. Good paint All overhauled--new pistons, rings. New paint and Rubber is and at the job.
New tires. This is reilly a snap. upholstery. good price this is an exceptionally good buy. 1930 Graham-Paige Sedan, 1929 Graham-Paige Sedan, priced low at $325 reduced from $225 $195 New tires, new paint job, has hot water heater.
to Mechanically perfect. In very good mechanical condition. Motor over- 1929 Hupmobile 8 Victoria hauled, new rubber, good paint job. reduced 4-passenger from Coupe, $345 to $315 1929 Ford Truck. Will sell for the low price the Has front two spare fenders.
wheels Trunk and rack. tires mounted water in $150 Hot In very good condition, equipped with grain heater, new tires. At the price-a remarkable box. value. Raymond Motor Co.
Phone 526 Chrysler--Plymouth Main at Ninth.
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