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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 6

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 i jsr Ti if mn Tt! Pvhubar-I2ai5cpr 1 il -J iiKVAiX i 1144. jounce isirt prpoundV Ud- BJJi cus-riLicx OF MAT X. t'4 tbo Vnar Demand -Jjry jllardwarw an l' tlw no. la1i.Mr? hotal arkw Tiswh April is net a particolarly heary tnrth Id ercvries the buwness of the past ri "th tllr- riot onlj xceeded tha't-of tret-icus Arri3j but, also that of the 'rt-atest: fceretu'ore, Wruer.iifUi JUi4I)d for H'ghr. 11 to.

the for Trade 10 iter 3 i tf sroc ris batisOraade a good ihs.ip. Uuiues Juries April, ttn the rutilh dallnesa, owing, to VuttcjctUtt raits aodlad roa3s. i Thesah-ahi-ne of tbe later days, howerer, Jinprored ruttt-h and about. mtoreJ the bul-sc9. df for inmnce, and itcUcd spurts ha b'ribt weithtr bfi-aa in earnest.

Drj-Kood trade -Lsitiiomnik direJ iacreaneoTttprtTioaa i iry i pt''n CoMri American LL, 35 inthea, ic- At'att-ic 30 inches 7Jc: Atiantio II, j' itcirs.Ve; Atlantic 26 A tlanric LL, iuche, Atactic emit, Stj joctK, Arcir. Sj inches, 4'c; Armi.Kr.-33 inches 7c; S3 tl e- Arro) t'-i Inches, 6ie; Boot 43 oche, 2-v, mcties oe; I Jljcl be' 5J Irenes, faoirer i-i, iuCITfs 5c; Clilion- mcun.oo; inches, 'ic llone.t H.uth,3i inches. Cc; Lawreuoe inches, LiwcaMer 36 inches, 7c: Uncastcr 15, inehes. 6is; ea Inland LL." Se' iueh, 6Ic; fcUtoe Liberty, 56 laches t'io'. "''1e 36 inches 5Kc; ei-Pf ren, -c: peppereU.

10-4, 22o; Uiras 23'ic; Utica, 10-4, 2o. ivm Alnrn. fncv. ole; American 4c; licrhni'urkey Cocneco lancy, 'ic; Cch( co, madders, 4ic; Lddroton, aucT, 5 Je 11 annonr. 4e; IlarailtQn, red4 6c Wenrimac shirting, 4e; Jierriwao prints, Sh'c; Mernniae pnrple, Cc; Orion rohes, P-ifio l.

F.inpson S.mpien Kimr Grer 3Me; Vashmtou, Turkey red, Cc; AVifKjor, fancifs lie. Colored Carabnce Edwards, 40 Con-'oord, Ssc; Arndkeap, Amoskeae; 7c; Incnter Nor, Iicofrew -dresi styka, 6c; lnfrew'novelties Cambric Earner Company, f' j'eMasonTiUe, IV; bich colors. GHe. Loruidale, Lnglibh ioc. Ko-'ral, lOcv, ArrushH'e.

jiriJls Creiceut Crescent 7jc; John V. Kine, 7c; bot sail, Bleached Cottons HalJard vale, 37 inches, I Liaclotoue AA3o inches, Cabot, So inchcs. 7)0, Dwight Anchor, 3inchfs, t'cj Diifht Anchor, 42 inches lie; Dwijrht Aechor, 45 inches, 12c; Diamond Field, 36 inches 6' ic; Filerton 8, 36 Inches 3o inches Farwell 42 Inches Farwell, 45 inches, HHc; Frnit, 3 inches, Fairraonnt 3 inches, 6c; First call, 35 incites. Cc; Glendale XX. 36 fX'jei E.

36 'inches 6kc. lliil 'Semper Idem," 3 Inches, Sc; -8-3'inches, tfie: MaonTiIle, 36 inches, 'te; h'ew-Yok Mills, 30 inches, lf'Kc, Fep-- pcrell, rerpcreJLi.4Mt 22c; Fepper- elL 10-4, 24c; t'ntie or trie nns mtmri, lljio; i'eabodT S3 inches Rosalind, S6 7'c;" Utica, 25c; Utica, 14, 27ke; Wamsutta. 35 -inches 10. Checks Ainoclcear.Uc; Lonoms7Jc; Rcunda, 64'cj lUBcne, lit lleasant, City, 4 c. Tirklt-ir AC-A.

Cordis ACE, ISWcffCejiestopa, BF, U'As; FF, Falls SO Inches 14c; liaiui.tcolwcinp, iyr: ivenox exira, uc; Lfhox faccy.hook fold, Diamond book fold, 16c Oakland, A.F, Lewiston, 36 Inches. VOie; Lewfston. 32 UHc; Lewiein. SO inches 10ic: York, 32 inches, 12ic York, 30 inches 10 fee; Cxbridge, 6c. Orbcariee.

1 tWnra Haras confectioner S70c; oSA, 44e: eoiiee 4fcxit itta 4.44c; extra He; good yel low, 4.S4-CJ T15ow44c, fair yallow. 4-31 common Boasted CofTeea Banner, Lion, Ar-. kockJe'a, XXX 25Vc, Jersey 25ic, in fifty-pound bags--Capital 1 240, DakoU 231-, Braxil23c. Greeti Coflees Ordwary Ke.lltood t2Ktt2SMe. choice 25 feH'sc, i'i.

tnned Good Blackberries "95c; lvTrH'5-redr4WfMiU; cove' ojrsters, lib 'rull weight, 1 liitht -weight U56.S0C, fulT weight 2n light LobstiW2.25( 1.50. Lima Peaches Sft, (kj: Pinrspnles Standard. Sl.iOCji L75: seconds, 2Tb Mrmg lieans 7o(55c Strawberries fcialmon lib 'inerrJe JBW' Flums l'a Bison "iin, i.t"U)i.-u- res outea earir Jane marrow 1.1041.172 soaked Tomatoes ltl.05QL24.. Corn Sugar 1.001J50l Sfiicwi Unronnd Alspice 10C4-15P, cat- 7ofa90c, "22j30o, xingeA5(i20c, pepper 15ii Twin! ITemp J4(318c vWtjfl 1022o flax 17c, jutr cotton i V. v.

ried FruitT-Krptes evaporated, .14 154; apples sunriadj, llX(12c; peaches, tvaporaed, 15fit23c; peaches sun-drd7 common to choice, 7Ql5cj currants. 6Ji 6c; citron, prunes Turkish, new, (J10c; loose, per box, 1.75-rraisius Yalfucis'per lb, -Woodf-nwarf-lNo. 1 'tubs 1 Ko. ttT.s' No, 3 tiOs walls hoops, 2 hoops i Ncta Almonds Jaravjonis 1820c; al-taoads Jvics 16(ylfc; Tiraxil nuts new Iwi; -walnut Naples" 17c; walnuts trench, 14c; pecans lOfil 1: peanuts, -Virginia, 8c; leanuts irtinis good, 5(je. I Ofls-lSO prime- wbit 7(c7! 130 water 8sSie; prfeoUon 3 Miee'laneoos Grooerie NW- Orlean Mola Fair to prim ebole Sirups Medium' 34(ji40c, choice orghum' S4c.

Vinecar Mall 40 grain test, ll(; 12c per gallon. Beans Hand- i picked peas nisrrow Kieel Carolina Jpaa 6'7ic dAke SeJt In car lots VJc, io a small wsy fcUrch 4s champion gloos, 1 and 3-Ib packages' corn, 1-B Candy Ctick 7o pr lb, tomcoB mixed 7cv 1 iBdiaaapbu rrovMiow. Xlaraat. Smoked. Mea-ts Sngar-curtd ham, best 1.

01 1 r. -j ca iwj ai7)ujo 10lsll52 lOHc, 12H7b US 10 llJioj block hams lSlS tl- average, 11c; bonev less hams SH'o. California hams 10(314 ft tvorags Break Fast bacon Clear." English cared lDViC Shoulders 11 lb ayer-ag IS 8s 76. Sugar-. MVd, lbs averace, Bacon dar ts 40 It arrre 1 Se; clear' -bellies 11 lbs -averav, ejj awrage? jic; clear backs, a Rs average, be flitcnes 1 tiort backs: 6 lb average.

691c; Pried' besf nams lie, special selections' knuckle- pioes or insifl piee lz4c; eet tonrue Bologna Cloth 6c, kin, larg 6ic niia'l 6Hc. Hin.erwtirt Wo. Lard Par keit's-rendcrcd, ia tierces -lry-salt: and PjcYJed MeaU Clsar sides and JMoks, Ho 4es than smoked; stc4t fst backs, 7 S. average, bcaa pork, clear, 15 bbL 200 -tb ham aodWop pock, bbL 2(0 Bs Qj: FrutiS TfoublS The following are dealer' selling prices: I ruil sill eeUiLies Cixeca enious siilrt, 4c; American irrdio, lc; Arnold lrieo. 5'ic; Arncld Cloth 10c; Cloth C.

8 U'c; Berwick; fancy, is Uliet dccrn. per barrel.,tl,00. Coeumbers i 1 1.2.x 1.4 per dozen. -Ureen beans 13.75 (jt-W per box, Ureen r-r box.

503.25 per quart. Omoirtt Yellow $8.00, white is.50&.0Q bobeL' Fruits Apples Common" $3-5034-00, ehoic fancy per EanaiiM deleft per bunch, medium tl.25(1.50, email 75o, Orange California riversides 13.25, Navels Leraoni -Choice (3(0 ana 5 CO) per box, t0Wai5a FigsEag 7K8o, boxes- 13i(il5 pr pound. -Date 60- romvd boxes Persians (10-ponod oi, new) 60-pbund- boxes 7-'iS' YereUbleePoUto Wisconsin tl.10 1.20. per bushel, Michigan Sl.l0fJil.2fJ, Early Koie. JLWaLTS.

llebrons fl.l'O. ear Ohio;I1.7i Sweet FoUWe Jerseve' 3.75(i A. 00, Kentdcky Illinb'ie Onoca ft.00 per barrel. Cabba Home grown 25 ler barrel. Mich- ian $2.75, Florida fl.75fa2.2o' per orate.

limiting JJrtijm, XCto. Morphine, 27(42o ciam. rj.4Wi3.75: chinconidia, lOfal'Co borax, camphor, aloohol. 52.301,2.45; eniorotorm 60a65c: corr-erss. ter ewt.

IWcfafLOO; cream of tartarirpure. 83(338e castor jOiL l.W,1.12oil iof bergaroot, per pounds odaicerb, tt bpsotn, S4c; sarphnr, taltpeter, 10TJ lie; turpeotine, glycerine, 19(3 23e; bromide of laid oil, 6.V o65e; linseed 5G59ej alum, 5Ka4o; white lead, 74'c; iodide tf pptash, $3.00 S.K; carbolic acid, 2N3e. Ea Poultry, isytter, Etc' Tie fol lowing are shippers' paying prices l-cKs-r-rer dozen, 11c. Live Poaltrt Hens So "ter pound spring chickens, Sc: cocks, 3c; hen tnr- keyn, 10c; choice young turkeys, tic; old tonis, Cc: daces getti (full feathered 11 liutttr Choice country 10(S12e, common Feathers Etc. Prime goose feathers, 35o per round duck.

20o: raea. COc shell-bark hiekorr nuts tL25. ewtj large, 60c beeswax, per pound. i mot. CloTep-rExtri chotce rcclcined, 4.75 per bushel; choice, prims alsyke (as to quality), 10.00: alfaira.

s.wc-va.oo: wnite JJateo 1 tn nnalitrV id (nV7i.9.0a. TltBothr Falner. tl.WKfjl.60; choice, strictly prime, $1.501.55. Elue Grass Fncy KentuckT. f3.00(a3.25; x-nclua choice, Orchard Grass Cholce.1.65 Bed top Choice.

6060c MUM pur German 1.401.50, common fUWg 1.25, Hungarian; choice 1.15($1.25. Buck lrheat UTerbull $U3im Floor cvaa fd. Tloi.r Winter t00f6.25. anrinp wheat tateiit 16.00(0.65. winter wheat(straight) $5.233.35, Winter (clear) $5:00, winter (exfra) low grade Bv flour f5.Wf5.5fl.

oat meal S7.5Wa7.7o, roiled oaU cracked Jwheat J7.25. middWnea J25.0D per ton. acreeninirs 415.0()20,60' per "ton, per pound, cent meal pean meal rv meal $2.50, feed meal per ton, bran per ton. ji. Iron sod Uarsvsn.

'Bar iron. wrought charcoal Horsfhoes Burden $4.25: Perkins's. Walker's 4J5; male shoes cut-nail rate for 50a and 6s tel nails, horaa, $4.50 per box; wiretiailt, rate $2.40. Barb-wire-rUalvan-irtd, plain annealed fence wire, tralwvized. 60c adrancs: 10.

11 12 sizes the recular advances. Powder fooo for 25-tb. kecr hot $1.45 a tack. Loaded shelli-12 gauge, 10 gauge, $1.63 per rn i i Tinners? supplies. Bcstrand charcoal -tin, IC 12x13 and 14x20, IX 10x14, 12x12 and 14x20, roofingtln IC 14x20, 6.lj'f,5: tin ia pig-i 26c, ii 27.B, 3j4'ci iron, 5fo5Je: best blffom iralTanixed iron.

CO per cent discount; sheet cine, 7 Ho; copper; bottoms. plnUhed Copper 33c; solder. iyl6c.j y- Hides. Tallew ana Otmw. Pei lers' paving prices No.

1 green hides N'o. 2, 3Mc; No. 1 r. 6cTN6. 2 g.

a 5c; $ry flint, 7c; salt dry hides, 6c; sheepskins iambs, 30c; shearlings 26c; horse Tallow Prime, -4c; o. 2, Urease Brown, yello r3o; white 4a. i -S i Leatner. Oalr sols hemlock sole, 23(3, 2Se; harn-e, 2o(io2cj- skirting, 3.5(j.hjc; black bridle per doien, lair bridle per dosen, city aip. outs'joo; French kip, city.

calf 75c(J French calf skins. Tub-wasbed 3C3S; unwashed of medi um and common grade, 23a-ogi coarse, bttrrjAnd cotted, DBA IS MABKET. Wb'eas U' Firmer Te-Oay at SI. OS Crn DmU mnA Utu jTlrmer. TVhiat red $1.06 bid, No.

red rejected 85(i95c, unmerchantable 75(38Vs. Coks lJull; No." 1 white 70e, No. 2 whiu 60c, white mixed 6Sc, No. 3 white 68 (g.70c,-lNo. 68-No.

3 yellow bid, No. 2 mixed No. 3 mixed 65c, sotind ear 66o OAT--Firmer; No. white WHc'No. bite 56c, No.

2 mixed 53c; reiected 48c BftAS (oiet; receipt light; local dealera are bidding $ia50. Hat Timothy. No. 1 $14.25 bid, No. 2 $12.50 bid.

No. 1 prairie; bid, No, prairie $7.00 bid, mixed hay aa.w. 'ifispectioDS In: JVheat Noi. 2 red, 4 cars, "No. 3 red 1 car.

Corn o. white 15 ear. No, 3 yeilowl -arNo3 mixed 3 cars, ear "-1 car. Oats 'No. 2 white I car.

No. 2 mixed" 1 ear. Hay Timothy choice) No. 1 1 car. No.

2 2 can. prairie No. 1 1 car. Total, for to-day ci rs; Io yesterday 85 rNDIAAAPOJLla 1AVB HTOCR MAKKET. -Aa Aeuvo Catsio Marset--flogs Bllier ojmi Firm.

HlPPriff'iCATrtB. Receipt 800 head. ShipmenU SQO head. More good cattle ara offered to-day than at any 4be in-the last' mouui, qu vur rccipi coniaia poui ibdct sbippingand export grades. Tbey ar sell-' 'ing from steady to firm prioes.

The demand active and offerings will all be disposed' of at satisfactory prices, Common are th same as yesterday. quote: Fin export. Steers 1,450 to 1,650 5055 Export heifers 1.200 to 1.3501b 4 50(4 73 Good to choice shipping, 100 to 1,400 5 005 50 Fair to medium 'shipping, 1,050 100 '4 40Q4 Common shipping, 00 to lbs. 754 25 Choice i iecdera, 1,100 to 1,200 Good lk-M feeders 50 to 1,000 lbsj; i 5034 00 Common to good stockan, 600 to S00 lbs 753 10 BrrCHERu'CATTLK, BeceipU 40b head. Th -heaviest run of butchers' cattlk of the week; quality a shade better, and for this kind the demand is a shade stronger1.

are wanted. Common csttl are unchanged and prospects are no brighter for th near fotorw. We quote: Good to ehpioe 4 00 4 50 Fair to medium heifers. 50C 4 .00 2 50(i 00 Common light heifer (thmi Good to choice export cow.i Good to choice butcher cows! Medium Fair Common old sl calves 1st, 1-M to 2' XI lb 4 WUh Heavy 250 to 3001b 3 Prime-to fancy export bulls Good butcher Bulls good feeders -ht Lhia 4 75- 4 ooa 4 50 3 50 2 25aJ 75 1 OOA 2 00 5l 5 00 00(0 4 00 3 50(4 4 00 2 75roi 3 25 2 25 -2 75 tin is 9 ft 3 i THE IOTtlANArOLIS NEWS, FRIDAY. MAY 1.

189L-! Goodtochoicecowtandeatvei 80 OOfglO 00. Temmon to mediAm 'cows and calrea 15 00(430 00 Hexss KecJipU 3,500 head. Shipment 2.500 head. Markst opeiutd-(active, stroeg and higher ohIKe tood jrrades; other about th same. No improvement In quality over yesterday fa noted.

Shipper are the principal buyers All sold. Closing steady. quote: FancV Butcher. 225 to 250 ttl.t5 00(35 15 Choice shipping and 4 WX5 00i Mixea paeaing 4 oo Choice smooch, 160 to 170 lbs 4 80(24 85 Common liphtwelghU. 4 60 rtgi (healthy) 00Q 25 Roughs.

3 504 25 Sheep Receipts light. Situation unchanged, quote: Spring Iambs, 3ft to 50 00 9 00 Good to choice sheep and yer- ling. irS 50Q 6 25 Fair to medium heep 4 60H 5 25 Common 0fj 4 25 Bucks, per 5 00 Oipped stock les than wooL Kaosaa Clty Uv woek Slaravi. Kaxsjs Citt, Ma 'L- Cattl Be-ceipta 3,770 head. ShipmenU 1,060 head.

Market steady to weak. .85 Hogs Receipts 6,650 head. ShipmenU 1.990 head. Market opened 50 higher, oiosad steady. All 4rade 454 85 Sheep Receipt 60 hpad.

Market atrong, active, W. Loals a4v) exocK Hsvrkot. St. Lotns, May 1. Catle-Eeceipt 900 head.

Murktt sy-ontr. Hog Keceipt 2,000 head. Market firm. 1 Fair to choice 80S5 00 Mixed 4.. 4 40fjj4 90 4 75(4 Ul TKJuEjilLaPIl, CisciirxATi, May 1.

Tf jou) StcaAy. Wheat Firm jCorn-Steady; 73o. OaU Steady; 55c. 'Bye Quiet Firmer. Whisky Steady; cales 477 barrels.

I Toledo, Mav 1. Wheat-filHgher, quiet; cash and May l.l2Ji, Julyill.OflK. Aucust December $1.05. Com and Max70c, July 660. Oats Lowei cash and May 54c.

CLorerseedl Quiet caih I i I- Literpool. Ma-v l.Cldst Pork and. lard are in poor demand; jiridefa nnchaoged. heat JJemana lsir: Jvansus winter bard 6s 6l4d steady. Corn DcBiand-fair for pot and sood -for fukiire and Jne 6 firm, May 6 firm, Jul firm.

New Yoas, May 1. Wteat Receipt 00,000 bushel. The market advanced on, stronger cables and shorts coverinej fairly active; May June July $L12L13, Auost SlMK3.kdXf BeceipU bushels; r- Sales bushels; nrm, lVHo op, fairly active; No. 2 8133o, steamer mixed 79(30o, vats-iveceipts OFsneis, Beef Firm, dull; extra mess family Pork Active. vj uvi tjuif du v(ia uaivtu 1 -y wv steady; new mess old mess extra prim Lard Quiet, (team rendered 7c, Butter Receipts 2,484 packages; active': Western dairy 1324C, do creamery! i-lgin's Imitation creamery Egg BeceipU 4,765 packages: active; Western Sugar Raw quiet and nominal: fair refin-icg-SKc; centrifugal (96 test) 3 7-16c; re-: fined quiet and steady; crushed pow: dered 4 KVc.

BpiriU Torpentin Ooiet Bd weakat 39(390. llolasies Dull nd steady; Nw Orleans common tO: lancr 2ioxSoe. 1 allow Steady city for packages) 5 6-1 6c Conee ine trading in crantrsctswa small nd the poiiion'waswahsUntiallv without interest No change in prices and dull ao-cbuuU from abroad. KeoeipU nt Kio 3,000 bags Rio on spot was quiet and firm, lSXo New Yjek, May 1. Closed-Wheat- Mayii.loJi, July SlW4 bid, askod-, September l.08 asked, December asked.

"Corn Mar 76o nominal, July 70Me, August 70ke. OaU May 6Xo, June. 68X bid; July 57ic. 3 To-jaT's Chicago Slarxot. fBeported bjy fisrry A room .14, Board of Trac.

i i CLOSWO. ii SI May 1 OTJfl 06WI1 1 06ik I in 1 02 07 C3 e2, 64 49 38 18 00 12 72ij 13 25 13 07 13 43 75 18 424 18 60 6 80 7 07j 7 as- 7 00,3 27; 25 67 S85 Cuicago.iMsvI. The markeU wsre all quiet hut atrong this morntinc. In th wheat pit strong cable and jjh fact that the' deliveries' of cash grain Jon Msrr con tracts went mostly into" strong hands caused tba market to open at $1.051 an adaanco of over yesterday' closa. Tbrprice quickly advanced to' $L06d reacted to 4J.06, rallied to $1.06, weakfened, and at 10:55 o'clock, stood at 1.06i.

Tb deliveries of eorn on May contracts wer light, and ther wk an advance in th price of th tcash article. Thi caused a atrong tone. July opened at or Ho undr ytsterdaj'sj last prices but quickly advanced to 63' fiuotuated some, and at 10:55 o'clock stood at 64o. OaU strong in sympathy with wheat and corn; Opening at 4So, aol advance of Uc over lartTiighS th price) had appref ciaUd to 487-gO at 10:55 mJ Provision were strong, through th biddihg of sbor May. July pork opehed at 113.05, which was the closing pne laJ nig and sold up to op tna, caiu ''1 How Tbra mock Marl ladiansoolli et.

New York. May 1, ao n. Money easy at S4 per cent. TJ. 8.

rog J20J4 do preosnwd. Tii do coUd do N. Y. Centtral 103 Pacific es of 'as ais Adam Express. 146 Alton Trrc Haste S3 do prctorred.

..136 -American Expr116 C. R. JT. 20 Cpnada BonthSra. (2 Central Pact no 81'.

Chtcaso Alton i.12fi; a. I. VOlOl SI Jj. 14 do pr(brrdnw 684 Ohio MUaippi 19 do prefbrred. 86 OnUno 1T Oraroa 77 Oregon Tan VA CB.A 1 SOJi! faciao 81 Peoria Pat.

Evan 21 Pituburgt lftej C. D. ij. A doorlrrd CleTe-and, Cleve. l4 rv.l ior.

DV tl4 A lai? runraio aiaoli W. 1.UU.VM. fa Wtl3S St. A ein Fran. In.

et do En, 22V4t do 1st preferred 67 Fort yae. lot do pre rti 1151 Hocking Valley 2s Botuton A Texas- 8 Illinois Contra) 101 7 t. P. St Omaha 28W Ind. Bloom.

A Pacific. Kanaa A Txaa- 16r Unioa Pack ho E. A ExprWs, 07 Lak W. BU L. Loo, A Nashville.

do prefl rred 23i lAa. it l. AiDany, z-j rveuararao tx 140 Mem. A Charl 81 faion 83 Michigan Central. 91 1 KJnickilf MiLL.

8. A W. Ts 'j do An T.r.r.m.1 J09 teh(ni. I tnr Min. A 8.

41, Sop hern Sl-'i ao pniurrta i u. ds. to 72 do prl4rrd 94 Mobile A OhioM. A O. 4 lj au vwatM.u.iw 1 tinrtrtA or J.

Central 1 4o Id prtrferrea. Si IC.V. sV "k.o 1AA I Jk a A a ys Northra Pacific. Richmond Trm lt Sewlufc saalkot. New May Cotton dull: xnid- dling nplands rSfec, 'tniddling Orleans 5-16o; sales note, 'Future's opened, on let and steady.

ilay 8.61c, JunelS.CSo, July 6.79c, August 8.87s September. 8.89ej Oc- tobr November S.bSc, December 0n Jinnirr Cus I I sw irtlrfanfl AtarAta aancL'st L- WBAT Way, 1 084 July 08 i AurUsU 1 02'J coax. 1 May .68. July 63 Aniusk. 62' OAT.

May t34 July 477 4 roaa I May 11 77'J Mi low i 66 82i T53T 6 1 B2y. 12 75 8 07 13 08 3 40 13 40 75 0 77' 7 00-21 7 7Z7W IJ7 i6 25 J7 'i 67 6 60 85 6 90 13 10 LAKD -May 75 July 7 02J 7 80 aiss May. 6 27 Jalj 8 60 8eDt 90 1 I a INPIANA STATE JEWS. FABMEB MURDERED BY PltATE TUAMP. BnrUl of Commodor Constant Flhtlnjr Over st Child Farmer Killed hy CArs They Uon't Uko standard Tlmf.

rBpecSral to The Indianapolis new I Wixchesteh, Mar 1. Last evening word was received that Oliver Morean, a farmer residing two miles east of Lynn, had been murdered by unknown pfxrtis, during the absence of his wife and family from home. He was found, lying dead in an upper room, with a bullet wound in the breast. tramp had been seen ii the neighborhood, and the fellow was traced for Several miles and was finally arrested. He registered as Charges Kennsy.

The prisoner showed marks of an the flesh being torn from the left cheek bone and there was a eosh across his forehead. He clainiedHtbaf his injuries were received by being tiff-own from a train the night before, but several section men, who bad seen him along the trabk but a short time 'before, testified that there were no marks en bU face when he passed examined his injuries and found tbajt they bad been made but a few; hours before "the furthest. The supposition is that Morgan found the tramp in his house, while his family was absent, and aasaultedZiim with a stone, one beingfound in the room, and that he was then shot. He lived lng enough to write a description of the mimlerer, but this has not yet heenr The community is deeply stirred over this afl'aar and the authorities are taking precautions to Iprevent lynching of the prisoner. jTbe killing of Morgan is the third murder within the limits ef this, county during the past Tear.

In th previous cases the murderers escaped. Formal Transfer or a Railway. (Special to Tn IndisasDOlIs I CoiXMBCjS, May 1. The Vernon, Greens-bare- Bushville division of the Big Four (from' Bush rille to North Vernon, forty-five miles) wa formally turned over to tae Cin cinnati, abash A Michigan road mid night last night, and henceforth becomes part of that system. The traveling auditors of th OW.

M. and Big Four were th ine yesterday and to-day cheokicg in and out the "old add the new." New tickets and stationery were put in at all tb stations, ana all th old employes wer being reulned. A time schedule for two through passenger traini North Vernon and Benton, Harbor will be put on Sunday, and in about two week this service will be extended through to Louisville over the O. thus forming a new through line from to Bcnton H.rb Michf A throllgh ottoh Vlil ftlfli will also br hauled for Cincinnati ori each of the trains. The new piece of track from Anderson to being tho- ougniy naiiastea.

Com to Blow Over a Child. (Spelal to Th Indianapolis Iftva. TEBtT, May 1. 8everal year ago Mr. and Frtnk Lande were divorced and the niother' was given custody of the child.

now aged eight years. A few Sundays ago Frank Lande (the father) attended church iq Perry township, and at the conclusion of the (entices walked away with his child. He waa tpet by Mr. and Mrs. Uias Laudes and Air Barbara liankle, whtf attempted to wrest tbe child away.

A general melee ensued, in which all participated, and wbile too one was bprt considerable hair pulling was indulged nn. lhe tatherwas afterward for assault, and butteSy, and to even np things ha filed coilnUr-chargei against the others tor aaobath. breaking. Cousid rable acrimony was displayed in the trial and evidence of the hair-pulling episode was produced in court. A verdict of guilty was returned against Uriaa Laudes, and the other wre acqnitted.

Valuabio Florso "in: a ColIUloa. to Th IndloooRolls Swm.1 Moose's Uiil, May The annual stal lion show at Warsaw, resulted in dis aster to J.J. Pay no. He had entered his splendid black horse War set, 9787. A number of horses were being exhibited at a high rate of sptfed.

As tbey cam up th tretcb, th oroiM pressed too closet- Hay unices ana the banning cpit were being driven one way; ttarset was coming the other; thre was no room to Warset and May ilkes-deshed against each other. A-shaftstruck th nnfortunit Wlrset, anf 1 1 1 L.J L'- ourieu useu hs inooesyn 111s lie died as ha was being led. to the stables. Warset was a valuable horse. He was well known on both sides of the river, and was one of th best horses that Kentucky over orea.

Burial of Comtnaoaer Constant. IBosolal Tb fndlanaolts Nw. PERU, May Th remkinsof Acting-Commander Walter M. Constant, of the United States Navy, a resident of this city, who died at Yokohams Jspan, while In the service of his 'country, on the 10th day of October, 1890, werbroughto this city for inUrment to-day. An escort of United SUte troops accompanied the remains, and Dickey.

Ad escort of leading citizens and the Grand Army of the Kepilbllc was also furnished. Deceased, was thirty-nine years if age, and entered the navy) at the age of nineteen. At the tiro of hi death he was acting-commander of vtheSwaUrs sUtioned la Japanese water. Fruo-Fig-bUirs. Capard raosolal to Tm Iaiaix ITswslI Michioas Crrr, May The prizo-fight between Loot Allen, ox aicago, and Harvey Hanmer, of thi cit took pllace pear Tyner City, in Marshal oounty, knd was -witnessed by oyer a hundred persons from this place, ICnicago and elsewhere.

At the end of th first round the Sheriff of Marshal countyj with several deputies appeared upon the scene, and arresUd- Hanmen. ana Coryi Kayanaugh. and Ford, the seconds, but" Allen escaped. Alien had ths best oEth foarud, and would bav probably won tb fighjt within fire rounds. Cloihes-Fln moating Cas.

I8pclal lo Tb Uidlaoaool! pwa. jBriKRsojrviiLE, of Blu Uck, has a cat wh jch fia developed queer mania. The felin has turned iUelf into a clothes-pin phrveror. lit roams about the neighborhood ia search 6 r. this article, brings vry pia it una to the Hawea fjLbve thus.

household, where severaldo been accumulated. It does elothes plus at home. i ottouon tne School of JQetboa JProceodlng. IBpeclal to Tb Xndiaaapoll Nws.t GEEESCAST1.E.. May I.

The! second day sessions of the School of Mettjod of tb W. Ti U. wer 4 the consideration of "Juvenile Work," by Mrs. A-ddi Fields 1 SUte organizer. Miss Hay spoke-on finance and essentials in organizations.

The claims of the Industrial School for Gitl were presented by Mrs. lUgsart. .1 TJatrlondly to StanSlard Tim. IBcocisioo -t LBdlapo May i Although th City Council adopted (Undajrd tim, the manufactnrer hersiMWt the Government -depes prionl outh, fchooL board. Bhip-yards and barracks refuse to cnang from solijji time, Lt, ld ot Hears rEbTiai to Tb IndianasollS Sewa-l CotrMBrs, Mar lr-John Jiel, a prominent citizeu, and' forinerlf aKrocery merchant.

morLingbf heart i 1 Tood-nandle Faetonr eo to Tb Xndlaasoolit rs.J COJ-rsiBCS, May Citizen of this city. this moraine, completed th. collection of a I :1 donation of wood ha nil 1 to. secure the location a isctorv. to work about om liniiOrM meo, The plant is to be moved from PiqtfS, anl is to in full operation inside of ail ty oJ.

oehool-lioooM Barnt. iVveolal toTb tnHao4plls Naws.l Gkeexcastle, Mav ll Thre scholoV- hpuie La thi oounty have been destroyed by fir during th past three months io at Filfmor. another at (Jroveland, and th tSird In Jackson township. Thwtowaship are cogticaou to each other, and it i be- liered that two of the fires wcie of Jncfcn- djary origin. 1 j- FroM 111 no nsmsis.

HiLLfDALp, Msy 1. Although there Was "slight skim of ice formed on water in ihsJlow yesss last Tuesday night, dch tender planU as young beans wsre unafrpueket. pu O. Houfh, city acsat, 70 ar- leoted, and it is thought no dsmage was done either to fruit or vegeUbles by the irost. t.

O. O. V. OtJbration. Iflpcial to Tb Ibdlaiaooil w-l Pla ix FIELD, May lodges rsra and pauville assisted the local lodge in observing the O.

O.iF. adniversarv. Elder Man ker end EnocbjG. Hbirate delivered the addresses. Th cele bration closed lsit night with a supper.

1 1 armor tint to Fteeoai Tapedal to Indlananoll Kw4 Lagbasgk, May 1. Perry Bushong, fsrmer, was run over by a patserfger train Hhis'morning and literally cut to pieces, lis remains being scattered along tne track lor half a mile. Genormi otaio Princeton hat twelve churches. tonsviUe has contracted for a water- rka plant. lkhdrt recognize the need of an actijv mane, society, The Crawfordsville? schools observed Aibor Day, bat planted-no jreesj lhe Clark county medical society baa elected (Dr.

Robert Henning president. David M. Nelson, wh "si-rved two term asBuperinUndent of Jasper dead Adolph Biockmedel, of Hichtuond dertook to couple cars and lost -his rigiit arm at the elbow. Bev. frank Harper flays nss been In stalled pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Muncle.

homas Cameron has been placed under bonds at Lafayette, charged with robbii? th postoffice at LodL I The Washington Gazette' complains thkt the; saloois of that oity have too much, protection for the money thev pay. Qne thousand glass-worker of New- Albany -participated in the parade kt Lobisvills Ky-, to-day. each 1 parrying glass cane. John Fan, postmaster at Chalmers under and afterward Treasurer of White county, One of his sons, Frank Faris, is mail carrier at Indianapolis. JoUak.Grubb, aged of Mitohe who continually gave' his mother troubl was seized by a band ft youthful white caps, uea to a tree ana soundly trounce raoK lisne, a tarmer 01 lippecanoe county, stopped nnder a tree, near Stock- well, to avoid a drenching rain.

Lightning struck the tree, killing both Lane and his horses. i Mrs. Margaret Tilford, of New Alban who brought suit against the Monoo, clai damagesv-for injuries recejved in an accident. compromised her claim fe be sole issue in- the coming municipal election at Petersburgh i "hog in" or "hog out' One faction wauU live irh pouinded, while the other demands thit UiV left alone, j. Gen.

Lew Wallace has applied for patent on a fishing-rod which he has designed. It is made of aluminum, some thing like a sectional bumboo-rud, and it is tubular, with two reels inside. W. Organ, of Marion, ias been founj guilty of forgery in the Ottawa (Kas.) court, and sentenced to nve year lmpnsonmen He I was known at Marion as a genteel loafer, and was a man of family. Jason and Nathan Thompson.

whil plow ing Lin a field near Danville, unearthed eighty-one stone implemenU, relics of a pr4- bisUrie race. The farm has long been noted for the number of arrowheads con suntly being turned up. LifeuU W. IL P. Creighton, United SUtitrNavy, for the past four years sU tioned at Purdue University as professor of mecnanieal engineering, has received oi- dcrs to report at Washington June 1, to be nigded to naval duty, Jacob Welling, near Spiceland, ondertook to whip his doc.

which, had been acting straagtly for several days n(l the animal bit him on the hand. A mad stone Was apt- piled, which adhered three different timed. The dog i supposed tPb mad. 1 Hainan 01 new Aioauy.a narar working, honest man, made application fot a pension, and after forwarding bis papers he began brooding over the fear that -perl haptjh had included therein matter sot strictly in accordance with the truth, and finally went insane. Warren Niblack, of Kdckport, disapt peard nearly three months agov while on a collecting tour, and yesterday his remain were! found in th river pear Grand viow, The bupposition is that he was murder dj and '(robbed.

Niblack carried life inur- ancejbut the company ha hitherto refusedj to pay, claiming was alie in Missouri. A. man named. near JonesboroJ epmplained to the County froseeutor that his wife bad attempted tei-pofsoo him, and that she had made a confession involving her parenU, Mr. and Mrs.

F. IL Haines in the affair. WerracU were issued lor all the parties but Rector afterward admitted thai nia complaint was unUas and the eases were dismissed. Judge. Joseph of Fort Waype, who died yesterday, was born in Brookvllle ia August, 1823, and be received his early education at fort Wayne.

4 served several- terms as prosecutor, and afterward sat upon the bench for many years as Judge of the Common Plea and Criminal CourU. The best part of hi Ufa, was spent' as solicitor for' the Pitubwrg, Fort Wayne 4 Chicago Railway Com'; ny. AUG ED TTITH MTJBDXn. Boa t- of Diaaarrootirent Orwr A Cor-mptlon Fund. lal to Th ludiaaaoon Hw.l COITMBCS, May S.

T. Wicka, eitvi marshal of- Irvins Estelle county, Ken- tuckyi came here yesterday roorniug'with aJ requisition from Governor llovey for Will-I iam Pucke'tt and hi two sons, Ambrose; and tobe. are wanted at Ir-i vine jfor the murder of Henry. Hall oa election day ia November last. The killing wstqe result of ulsagreement over tbei division of a corruption fund, used at the! polls.

I After the murder the Pockejtu and sood alter their lamiues Tbey were finally located ia Brown tweatf riues west of this eity, ano-were ar-! rested there last tight, in, a eabin ia. they weite- all living togetherj a dp rsriua tne wooas. ins oii man i aboqt sixty years old and bent almost double, and the two boys are bare-! footed; Th clothing of all is Uttered and turn sod almost ready to drop off. The de-fcodarHs admit the killing, but claim tVty were all drank when it Occurred." They were placed in 1a il hers and will be, Uken; tO-lrvna tn-awnSff CSL i 0wCl TUK AHEBICAJI MM. CAt AafeOCIATlOJf At tVathlogton, u.

iX. (Tinning Stay A. Ths Ihdisfia Medical tocltty has siecid tb Biff For and Chesjkpeak A Obi A vttlbuled FulUnaa lopr will lav IndU napolA at 120 m. Monday. Stay mitnln diroctiy through on tb clbrto F.

tbeC AO. Bnttway wit bout Of 1T, rvaebiog WabUcta at 2:4 p. May A Kat of on aadL oas-lhtrd far oa tbertln-cat plan baspoelt aatborlsed. Pure has your tlekU via tb Big roar and C. A O.

Boutos, 3i lug-car roios from Indianaaoll ar par berth, dr peroaetloa, Fer tlk and r.eping-car accommodation call at Big Four offloo; Xo. I Cast WashUrton strsst," Ko.ll$8onthllUoolstrt, Cnlonl Station, or of v- Dr. 21 a Kldsr. 44 em Oblo atnoS Xadlaa-, apolla. BoforoT Ton wart On that trip Utepboa tb oflc of tb Travelers Insurant Company and atoar an accident Market strt.

Tklapbeo lXy. OaaAsjsaUof gold watcbaaat Marcy. PeanaylvaniaXin Kxcurslbn to Richmond, Ttiartday. Jitay to tb Witnl Orphan Horn ealebratloa. Spoetal train wlilar Indtaaapolte S-A0 central tlm.

Bound-trip rato, tLXA- Kanrntog, spoctal train wljl lav llicb moad at p. Atznonav Urapo. -l 1:1 finry BebwdogaT Tax a Hood's sarsapartlla for tb blood. FTT.rasm,9t. VitSsoaaoo, norvoosnossaad bysteriaiar toon cured by Dr.

Mile' Narvln- Fro aatapto afKaAX. sal this wk at Marcy Froato IT Borrloa. Htory Sobwiasr. And yor carpet to Howard. Fourteen yar xprlnc Inonre ftnt-ctaas work.

Tela tl. enough ot heir healtfi-tQ. out for themselves whether .1 bating powder is pure or MCiciuio ori Some Folks pot enu. ailbaioTiich, PUtchee A uuciar; aaU. O.

Tb moat 11 oat ayor. croabod rial at. 1 KloAot Platrac- Ws Maryland wot." B. B. CrubA floiu tb SBt popular 4rjjfc.

Iisees rewdsr, Pwr aad AtjeaoaadrBassnro. ji Qar suiut la aoda Try-It. Bsnry.iSawtag. Orap jo soda can ta. IT Pay a far.e 14 that bStto Bay s.

bicyd and sav moay. tont grt a "last yoo can (t a VVto lor: of Hay WI1I1U.1U West Wsaulagtoa suttrt, oppoalio StatIlooo. Btor open nlB(a tCL' I- Orap Jnle per and has tb jbvo For Jaoiaa Cos Cryttai Sap tbadno; at "iSloan. FarroU A Itoeepttott Flak the wacksy blacolt vr mad tor too, 46d, sbseolais boal tea or bouillon. Aftor A urtppe for Ttttito re Sloaa JMwt.

VIdi aad iron." kU Henry pjbwing. For-Kldnoy runwUy-l -Waaktsba mlnrai rock spring wataa. -tor lb Psnhsylvaata trt, room A i- Fixa watch repairing at MaixyX aasqrAaTca Bogr Brr.r kc7s, fork and spoons. Lowest prica at TT Froab, sKrawoorrtoa, i tf Rcnry Ecwmgo. Dmux ernud vtoUt 1a oda.

i. i Hi if; find thei by making the (oUovlng I boil thoronghly i New Yohk. I his larre line of Closed BookcAiea. i iroxL- i mm. 11 Think Housekeeper's Test Mix- one heapki? teaspoonful Cf bakin? powder with Sritf spoonful of water ia a tin cup you can smell It in the Isteam.

As baking powtier, whep first thrown intd the will ef ervesce, do cot nix take1 bubbling for boiling. We publish on the, label everything usedi in Cleveland'? Baking Powder and welcome every test tna: can be. made, 'for eveland's Baking Powder Stands all TesicJ Cleveland Baking Powder Ccvlpf JVant Shok? C.N. Hoagland, President, BOOKCASES- i I have a up to $ioo. See the variety.

mi i) i 1 attend our i Sale bf Shoes and Slippers. al- 2,000 pairs Infants' Extra Do Yon -a Inducement Worth 50c, or you doti't want them. i 60 pairs Misses Button, 69c. If they are worth '1 1 'i- 1 just double we will- knock gettRem for pc. We have 25 cases.

Men's Shoes, 1 I. tan soles, uppers made of finer iiid wear smoother thamthe- cheap' $2.50 and $3 Galf Shoes. Our price to-morrow, jrx.65.ltj 1 true, bargain. See it -) iladies Oxfords, full fine, 75c. Buffalo Shoe 1 Ml '1.

Shoes, 33a; Every off the sixty cents andyoij 1 i i p. i the best. buff caW, "much ousey i G. W. 3IACK.

latest novelties lowest prices. PAPEIIS E. St. i '1 in, the beautilul eSects in rich-: consult with you on uuauic. lor any ttr most cor'diahrirfj Illinois tixummaii 66 J2.

Washington St West bf Court-House. CATHCATRT. AH the QTT 4T CO. I at Paperi hangers wanted. 20 If you are cdmeand see We have not only the newest'; novelties, but.

the most would be glad SUpject ana suurait ueiigiis -it ir i ail oi wmca win uc vuviuau to invite you to inspect our stock. 30 South' tarns ib lAiDEsi mmn Larqe stock arid great Isncty. J. 15 Coats' foe 1 I To advortio Kibalotteb HDB4.Vra Bloew borry Jaicm wta mall oa rroaipMil cent is stamp eno dock of our playing-csrst wortbst SLATE tA-TEILS. Tile flooring and i WAX.

Irl. BEISrSTETT. South Merita i.

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