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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 46

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1 4C THE CHICAGO TBIBTJNE: JULY 14, 1901. 5 7 4. 4- I 1 1 I iMAiL. UKUtKa ana requests lor sarnpics irom uui-u-nu wuiumwia u. mhiuuj "uitu i ij m- rt cash should accompany orders to insure promptness i FRENCH WOMAN IMPRISONED FOR 25 YEARS, STARVED, NEGLECTED, AND DRIVEN ALMOST INSANE BY MOTHER.

A. Extra Special. for and ln aU tbis season's handsomest colorings and designs sreatest values ever offered. Handker'f Clearance. each for Men's Women's Colored Bordered Hdkfu.

a great many styles to select from. each for Men's TfT and Women's Sh er Irish Lawn Hemstitched lidkf M.H.l-in.hems. 4r it? i -i i fc. v. i is-.

vi fn-ca 1 4 Ses Oar Display i la Window. 111 v. W-MW fl fe.J it III before stock-taking continues all next week, and the wonderful inducements offered appealrnost vividly to seekers of low priced summer wear. THE UP-TO-DATE STORE is certainly THE COOLEST AND MOST CONVENIENT in town to do ycur shopping we deliver goods to all parts of Chicago and vicinity free of charge. 4 0 New Veilings.

We have the popular Chiffon Veiling-, with Greater, Reductions in Suits, Coats, Skirts, Waists, Notions and Findings. It" for 2 nieces lug Wax. it ft v. LVik 1 ym days before be greatfy reiuced in the next few Stocks must stock takin r. the large spot black, white, brown and royal blue grounds in all the colored chenille spots, cheaper than any -J house on "1 fr 1 Nickel Safety Pins CA) for $5.00 Unllned llomespun Skirts Of tr S0.S0 Tai- i Suits.

I fctate-st. yd. silk lined jackets, odds and QRr tor Ladies' end $4.00 Taf- a i Vjf 'OUnton style), all 4 sizes. A vd. for Weber's Two in -One Waterproof Skirt Binding colorsonly.

awB ill kr-WmM (4 i and mussed). (sligbtly soiled 5 flS for Ladies' $5.00 5c card $6.00 Taffeta C-- and SC CT for $12.50 Eton PUtSW fjufts. swell effects, well tailored. for $15.00 Col- Eton and Blouse Suits of venecians and homespuns grand ioks Eyes. Silk Waists.

Drugs and Toilets. cake for Wool Soap 5c size. V. for lb. box Moth V'7 Of.

tnr Atx. Shell air Pins. Balls. for La2ies $5.00 silk lined. for 1 1 a nna 5c Socket Tape.

spool for 2t- coats' and 5 Clark's Est SOO-yd. 6-ccrd Cott on. IQr fr Ladies' 53c Percale 1 gnirt vaists. fr Ladies' 85c Percale and Gingham Waists. y7 ior Ladies' $1 Lawn and IVrcale Waists, plaited backs, bishop sleeves.

7r for $1.50 Percale. Lawn and Chatnbray Waists, plain and sailor collar effects. 7 for Ladies' 510 for box Seldlitz Tjr 10 Jack Powders. TWO MAITrf VRO BBOUCffT THE ets. A bolt for bet5IIk Seam Binding.

inr Ladies' S3.53 tpM.M tJ Cheviot Dress Skirts, trimmed. Pa'r "nr Double Covered Dress A Iftf for Creme Mar- 'OC quise. ZZ for Mexican i 6-- Amole Hair Shairpx. 07r or Pozionl'! Jk fc Face Powder. or 3 Jut' 2-qt.

Fountain ll PyrinKe, 4 2i for $1 box French Es for Ladies $1.75 white ant col- ord Lawn. Ginghams. Cham- bray, and Percale Waists, lace and insertion trimmed fronts, bishop sieeres ail handsome waists. for Girls $1.00 Lawn and Per- cale one-oiece Dresses manufacturer's surplus stock. Q7f for Ladies' $1.75 Percale and Lawn Yrapiers exceptional values wide flounced skirts, light and dark colors.

Hose Support-Li crs- a1' sizes, with rubber buttons. A yd- fr War- XJ' rn' Twill Cov-i' ered Feather Bone, biacic and a 11 colors for Ladies' 75c Percale Wrap 3 DC pers, braid trimmed. AOf for $1.00 bot -the 10c Idnd. Bar2cin3 Danderiue. Millinery Clearing Sale Monday's in the mnarsts of a Silk Fi-tie.

Artist Will surpass all previou. records-thousands of dollars worth of desirable Summer Milliaery going for almost nothing. 7Jrfor 5-v1. bolt black "Velve- Skirt landing. Materials.

gradually ceased to speak of Blanche, and finally almost forgot the very existence of the unfortunate girl. Mme. Monnier lived in strict seclusion and received in her house no one but her son Marcel and his wife and daughter. Marcel and his wife, however, liked sociability, and frequently gave parties and entertainments at their house, which were attended by many of the best families of the city. Mme.

Renard, who, for forty years had been the housekeeper of Mme. Monnier and for over twenty-five years the trusted keeper of the family secrets, died a short time ago and was replaced by two young servants, Kusenie Tabot and Juliette Dupuy. It was that event which finally led to the discovery of the crime of the Rue de la Visitation. The two girls became acquainted with the family skeleton and confidentially talked about it to their friends. One of the latter informed the authorities by an anonymous letter that Blanche Monnier.

although perfectly sane, had been kept for twenty-five years and was still kept a prisoner in a dark room of the Monnier residence, without clothing, and with barely enough food to keep her alive. The Chief of Police of Poitiers, M. Eucheton, personally made a thorough investigation. He entered the house of Mme. Monnier and compelled her to open the door of the room in which her daughter was imprisoned.

In a perfectly dark and Indescribably filthy room, nine feet wide and twelve feet long, in an atmosphere foul and stifling to suffocation, Bucheton found, on a pile of filthy straw the emaciated figure of a woman. It was Blanche Monnier, reduced to a mere skeleton, naked, and covered with vermin. When M. Bucheton spoke to her she answered in monosyllables and without evincing Interest in his coming. The victim of a mother's crime was found to be perfectly sane.

She was taken to a hospital, and by careful nursing and feeding restored to a nearly normal condition. She is now 52 years old, and has spent fully one-half of her life in her prison. Her mother and brother were arrested and will be tried bafore the assizes fcr their inhuman treatment of Blanche Monnier. THE discovery of a revolting crime, committed, probably, with the object of covering tip a. large sized family skeleton, has recently caused great excitement in the usually quiet and peaceful provincial Town of Poitiers, France.

For over twenty-five years Blanche Monnier, the daughter of M. Monnier, at one time dean of th College of Poitiers, had been kept imprisoned in a dark room of the family residence on the Rue de la Visitation by her own mother, and she was almost starved and Insane from suffering when she was finally liberated by the police authorities the other day. The motive of the crime Is still a mystery. The Monnier family, which has lived in Poitiers for over half a century, belonged to the most respected families of the city and always enjoyed the reputation of being among the roost refined and genteel. The head of the family died about thirty years ago and left surviving him his widow, whose maiden name had been De Marconnay, and two children, Ma-rcel and Blanche.

Mme. Monnier, who is now 73 years old, is descended from an old aristocratic family, which owns valuable lands and a castle In the Poitou. Her son Marcel, upon reaching his majority, entered upon a career In the administrative service of the government, and, owing to favorable constellations and the assistance of influential friends and relations, he rapidly advanced until he became Under Prefect of Puget-Theniers. A few years ago he retired from the administrative service, and. with his wife, who cornea from a Spanish family, occupied a pleasant house on the Rue de la Visitation, opposite lint.

Monnier's house. Thirty-five years ago Blanche Monnier was a charming young girl of 17. The neighbors still remember her a -a pretty brunette, always in good humor and of gentle manners. Soon after the death of her father she disappeared all of a sudden, and no one ever found out what had become of her. There was a rumor that the girl had become insane and had been sent away to an asylum, and later on it was said that Mme.

Monnier had brought her daughter back home with her, but that the girl was not cured and had to be kept under strict surveillance. The neighbors sympathized with Mme. Monnier and tactfully respected the sad mystery which surrounded the fate of Blanche. They 9-vd. bolt quaiitv English for vour choice on Monday of Best Half Reltin- Fan Water irtwaist Hats, just HUe 12c Colors, -the hat of white Hsrht Academy Hoaras, isx weight, straw, trimmed as you see it with silk mull one of the late season's novelties, worth 2.50 while they last Monday 24.

worth 2Sc C)r (r oniy at 51.25. Fancy Work A Clearance. Rattenberjr Patterns. tie curtain bor India Ink all colors tor i rimmeu 49c II ats, worth paints tor 51.98. Dresden China 25c ders, and larsre size centerpieces.

Of for Trimmed -sO-' Hats (Ladies'), worth for Trim- PZ, J' (J med Hats worth S6.00. med Hats worth from flO.OO to S15.00. Cooley's or Marsching's A Roman Gold for jir- china painting 011' jf QR for Ladies' pM.SU Trimmed Hats, worth $4.00. QR for Trim. tJtJ.CJ m-dUats worth JH.CO.

tes, worth $1.50. Ji" 1Qr for Ladies If yard for Straw Braids, wortn 5c yard. med Sailor If each for Silk Wire Frames, worth 25c. s. each for Odds and worth 39c.

9 Jf Pure Linen Battenberjr VT Braids, ail widths, Cf. 4 doz. yards 30x30 inch Hemstitched center pieces, piliow shams, dresser and sideboard scarfs, one row of drawn work all around; special O. A for Monday yf Flano and Mantel, Drapes, made of jx anese Crepe, pretty patterns, with fringe jt to match 71- value 40c, Gil 9c for for Washable Children, 1 Ends of flowers, w'th Tarns for Ladies Trimmed Sailors, worth 25c worth 25c. to 75c 9 59a 50a KIMONO TEA THE LATEST FAD.

for Lejfhorn Hats, 5c Lezhorn each for Straw Hats, black and Men's Shirts. Bij job Men's Shirts Nc-slia-ee and AV'orlc-ins Shirts, hundreds of patterns, all sizes, the cheapest a 50c shirt, Monday. -O while they last Jt $1.00 xv ats, worth colors, worth to 75c. 52.00. for Ladies' Ready- 89 r(jl 6 be (3 ICir- each for children's -UlM 11 mm o-w ear Hats.

tttXJING-UUM POUBLEc We Trim Hats Free. to worth up to S2.00. Hats, ready wear, worth up to 75c. July Shoe Clearance. Fashionable Women Find Comfortable Form of After- noon Reception.

Wash Goods Clearance. Greatest of all Wash Goods sales, quick clearance the ACniNL LOT 500 pairs of Little Misses' and Children's Clippers, made of the best vici kid stock, in black or tan. with -J patent tips and neat bows. size 7H toll, fl val, Monday Over 609 pairs of Ladies' Low Shoes in tan and black, extra quality kid stock, beautiful silk vestinsr and plain kid tops, coin toes, every pair a turn, sliirhtty broken in order before taking stock, ana prices made accordingly. Tissue Crinkle, in all the "4V new coloriugs and pretty designs worth 15c.

I 'fir" for Extra Quality Dimities i Clw- and Batistes, in lisht and dark grounds, in polka dots, Ktripes. figures, and scroll effoets, in all the latest designs the kind yon pay 19c for elsewhere. lOr" for French Organdies lt 2t beautiful floral designs, imported to sell at 3.5c. while 100 sizes, worth up to 52.00 your choice Piii Another chance wIH be given Monday to those wishing of hliocs at a very low price. We will continue the a fine pair ale of the 2iL stock tourhtof the Grimsrud shoe consist id? of Ladies' Patent Leather.

Vici and Dongola Kid, 1 SI 7S cloth and kid top, light and heavy solo Monday. pieces last. c-y -i- Dress Goods and Silks Basement Ribbon, Clearance. 2c a yard for Fancy Hair Ribbon. Zs vard AH-Silk Satin Liberty Kibbons.

five QOf for 40-inch Rich Black Vntrlish Hrilliuntino positively worth COc yd. Jewelry and Leather Goods. Hillman's Jewelry counter packed with eager buyers. WHY? Best value for the least money the reason. ance.

21 for Black Calicoes, mill jC' remnants. '-r far Apron Ginghams, Shirting ana Uress inches wiae, in lavender, and summer shades- pink, blue, all the best -39c value. for 50-inch Black Cheviot, strictly all-wool, fully worth 75c yd. for 40 to 45 inch Serges and Cashmeres, a full range of colorings, worth up to 60c yd. 3,000 Remnants, 2 to 5 yard lengths, all this season's dress Very finest quality black Linn Back Velvet Ribbons, silk face, perfect blacks, best woven edges.

Jewelry values up to 69c Sale nricc, 23c Hat Belt Pins Cufi Buttons. pries. 19c bolt, NO. 1 Sale worth 29c. goods the accumulation of Tucked Satin Hillnian's Black and Colored Beits Uress Goods style calico.

JV- and 7Hc ior your ciioiceof 1.000 pieces of fine dimities, organdies and lawns, in all the season handsomest colorings and designs, and worth from 10c to 15c. 3c for Unbleached SheStings. 7r for 42x36 Bleached Pil- low Caes, hemmed and ready for use. QAr1 2x2 yds. Bleached tTl heets.

hemmed and ready for use the 59c grade. Zf for 36-inch wide Bleached Cambric Muslins. Si'k Elastic sisting of Blak Silk Creixins. Belts Leather Eeits These goods divided into two lots Sale price, NO. 1H Sale price 23c bolt.

worth 39c. NO. Sale price 25c bolt, worth 45c. NO. pries 29c fcol.

worth 49c. NO. Sale price 35c bolt. worth 55o. NO.

tH Sale price 39c bolt, worth 53c Scoop Belts. I Black and Colored Poplins, Black and Colored Serges, Black and Colored Henriettas, Homespuns. Venetians. Broadcloths, Armnres, Siik and Wool Novelties, worth up to S1.25 per all go at one price WHILE the man who drops a penny in ilie slot may teal incensed at not getting his stick of chewing gum, his anger should not extend further than the machine. Not only would the company rather he had got two sticks than none, but it has some distinct troubles of its own.

For the chewing gum slot machine is an advertisement, mainly, and a disgusted customer turning from it is a calamity to the company manufacturing the gum. Then the customer never knows how many ounces of lead and brass slugs may be in the cash box of the machine, or at what moment somebody ma? cut into the back of the machine with a colci chisel and take gum and pennies at one raid. And then it is a great mistake to suppose that even with getting an occasional penny for nothing, the slot man is growing rich. If we could get a profit of a year out of each machine we'd be tickled to death," said Manager A. G.

Cox, representing the biggest company in the gum vending business in the United States. Somehow the impression has got abroad that a man having a bunch of penny-in-the-slot machines vending something the public wants ought to be on Easy street. Somebody comes to me nearly every week to ask if it isn't true. As a matter of fact, competition is sharper in the slot machine business than in almost any kindred line. "When you have a machine and it is loaded with goods you've got to put it up somewhere.

And right there you're fast. You've got to pay for that privilege, and when you've paid for it. too. there's no fortune left." The modern slot machine has come to be a good deal of a social barometer. The coin collectors for the company in Chicago will stake their judgments on a neighborhood by the returns of the cash boxes.

There are machines in Chicago in which a lead slug or iron washer never has been dropped, while in other sections half the pieces in the cash box are In imitation of the lowly cent. In the headquarters of this company in West Van Buren street are hundreds of pounds of metal pieces of all shapes and kinds which have been taken from the machines. Lead pieces are most common. Iron washers are favorites. Bu the one subtle counter-felt which just now is making real trouble for the company is a smooth brass disk, just the diameter of a copper cent and weighing with it to a hair's breadth.

This piece of metal, of all the others, works the machine. A lead slug is heavy out of all proportion, and is thrown out. A magnet deflects the iron washer. But this special piece of turned brass drops home with all the certainty of the government coin. Only a few months ago this piece of metal began to find its way Into the slot machines.

Both sides of the piece have been turned carefully by some tool, evidently operated in some automatic machine. In the regulation of this machine, however, just a shade too much metal Is left In the piece, and to remedy the defect each piece on one side has been touched with a file or emery wheel. It is the opinion of Manager Cox that some employe of a brass works perhaps is turning his attention to this work on the side; that in some way he finds a. market for them among small boys. This Idea comes from the fact that no great number of the pieces are found in any one box, while in many boxes only two or three may be found.

The company is om the hunt for this manufacturer, as it hardly is a case of counterfeiting to appeal to. the Treasury department. Decisions of the courts, however, are that to beat a slot machine by such methods is larceny. The principal machlies controlled directly by this company In Chicago are In the stations of the elevated railroads. And yet in these stations the greatest source of loss to the company has been irom having them cut open and robbed.

The first machines were of wood and wire, easily shattered. Steel boxes were substituted, but these have been cut into In dozens of places. The work has indicated that one gang has done the bulk of it. The gum is rather more easily reached than is the where the gum space is full no attempt is made to tap the till. A machine holds $1 worth of gum.

but it may be filled and emptied two or three times before the coin collector comes around. In any for the risk incurred, these robberies seem to be small business. A reward of $25 is outstanding for the arrest and conviction of persons robbing or cheating the boxes, and nearly a dozen convictions have been secured in the past. The worst feature of breaking into a box is the destruction of the box itself, which ranges in cost from to each. Men are assigned to watch the boxes of the company and Inspect them, but they are broken into almost daily.

Most of these robberies have occurred on the North Side, while most of the counterfeit slugs and weights have been found in boxes in the manufacturing districts of the West Side. The most profitable gum vending boxes belonging to the company, are on the platforms of the Union Loop stations. Some of these boxes have to be filled twice a day, and every piece of metal in the cash box may be a good penny. The coin collector for the company is a man of pretty husky constitution. It isn't every man who can pick, up a handbag with $0 or $70 in pennies In it and walk with it four blocks to catch a car.

It isn't just the kind of a job that would appeal to the ordinary bank teller who might get out of a situation. As a matter of fact, the physical labor of taking in money In pennies is considerable, even under the most favorable circumstances. Ten dollars' worth of sound copper cents weighs a full seven pounds. Quite frequently to worth of pennies is brought into, the company's counting-room in a day. Two hundred dollars' worth of these coins weigh 140 pounds avoirdupois, suggesting a cashier who might have graduated from a coal wagon rather than from a bank.

Long ago these coins were done up in papers in the office and sent to the company's bank, which kept receiving them until finally it didn't have any more vault room left. Then it was discovered that the United States Subtreasury would receive the pennies in bags of $10 and $20 each, receipting for them, subject to a verifying count. Under this plan one woman Instead of four counts $200 a day in pennies, and she does it remarkably accurately, too. Coins with holes in them and otherwise willfully mutilated have to be thrown out, as the government will not receive them. It is only the cost of the privilege for hanging up a slot machine that makes them yield so little profit," said Manager Cox.

Except for that the machine would sell gum cheaper than a boy could do it, even allowing for trickery of brass pieces. We use the machines in certain public places all over the United States. We have more than 2.000 of them in the State of Maine, for instance. We regard the machines which we conduct ourselves simply as paying advertisements we don't get any direct profit from them as a whole. Where the ealer has our machine, of course, he takes its receipts, simply buying the stock for it from us and guaranteeing not to vend anything else from the machine." Observations, go to show that in places where people have to wait the gum and chocolate machines do the best business.

More people buy gum in winter than in summer, and in proportion to travel, more pennies are dropped into the machines at night than in daylight. Chatelaine Basrs Purses Pock't Books' Lining Clearance. 4 yd. for Woods Slater's cambric. vd.

for Crossbarred Crin- ei oline, worth 10c yd. for Mill Remnants of 8crt Lace Clearance. 19c bolt of 12 yards for French Val Laces and Insert- f-, 25c bolt of 12 yards for extra fine quality French Yal. I.a-ces and Lnsertings Cr dainty patterns t7t 25c yard for the scarce Lace Gallocns. such as black silk cliantillv white, butter and Arab; English Cotton Galloons wide and medium widths and beautiful Cf patterns acic ana coiorea July Clearanc: of Hosiery and Un derwear.

Big variety Men's Heavy Mixed Sox, double soles, 15c kind 4C Women's Full Seamless Fast Black Lace Stockings also Boys' Heavy 2-1 Ribwd School Stockings, worth 7 15c, for 1,800 dozen Women's Fine Summer Vests, sleeveless and short sleeves, silk taped. Linen Clearance. A 200 doz. good heavy unbteach- ed Turkish Bath Towels fe size 20x50 worth regu- Qn lar 124c each 5 8 -in. wide Bleached Table Damask, choice new designs regular 45c OOf i quality X' 70-in.

wide ail linen Bleached Satin Pamask, heavy quality 0 49c 4 15 cases of Crocheted Bed spreads, laro sizo unci pood ta nno lit xr WrtTt Vl tin t1 ceriz'd Sateens goods worth up to ISc yd. off the piece. THE latest tblrtgr 'or a warm day social function is the kimono tea," The Invitation Is in the usual form of a calling card of the hostess, with the date written in the lower lefthand corner, but across the top is written the word kimono." This is inclosed in a tiny envelope, which is addressed in Japanese etyle, beginning at the wrong end, Illinois, Chicago, Sheridan road, number, Smith Jotin Mrs. For the convenience of Uncle Sam this is reinclosed in an ordinary envelope and addressed in the usual manner. The house is decorated with lanterns, fans, screens, and parasols, but not too heavily.

A single screen near the dindng-table, an umbrella suspended in one corner of the parlor or reception hall, and one. three, or five Ja'panese lanterns In a string In some unexpected position, always an irregular number, and never across a doorway or porclu A single gooi banner, with a thoroughly Japanese design. Is effective, The arrangement of the flowers Is unique. No massing or crowding is allowed. For the of the rooms, branching varieties are used; azaleas, fire-red, snow-white, salmon-pink, or any solitary spray of blossoms placed In large vases here and there on the floor, and single blossoms, a peony, a poppy, a camellia in smaller vases.

Rose-pink, scarlet, and lilac are the colors preferred. For the table a lily, lotus blossom if available, floats in a cut glass bowl. The hostess receives her guests, who are all ladies, dressed In any light, clinging ckirts but, instead of a fancy modern waist, ehe wears a kimono. Her hair is dressed in Japanese style, she wears pointed embroidered slippers, and her face is heavily powdered. In greeting eah guest she bows low three times.

The guests are conducted to the waiting-room, where a maid assists them to don slippers and kimonos, and to use freely the rice powdier, and after the hostess has greeted them they find scattered about the rooms a variety of cushions on which they are expected to recline or sit, the chairs being conspicuous by their absence. The table is a marvel of simplicity, and cne feels cool and rested to look at it. At each plate is a card in pale pink or lilac (no other colors being permissible) bearing the guests name, painted with a tiny brush in square-looking characters, pink on lilac, lilac on pink. These names look foreign at first glance, but some bright girl soon finds out that the name Is easily read if you begin at the top of the long slip and read down, and then, with a pretty fluttering of bright kimonos', each finds her assigned place. The napkins are ail of Japanese paper, and may be selected in fancifully folded chapes or in plainer form, but the coloring and design must be carefully chosen.

The guest card is exquisite. A Japanese Ecene is painted on cream-tinted rice paper. It is surprising how well these can be done with a little artistic ability and1 an equal amount of observance. The rising sun, a flight of wild geese, storks, chrysanthemums, the Fujiyama Mountain, a moonrise, these are good subjects. At the bottom of the page Is the affection name given by the hostess to each guest, and here she may exercise her subtlest tact and Ingenuity to please each one.

The names are taken from some flower or other graceful object, with the prefix which means honorable, O-Kiker, chrysanthemum; O-Ume, flower of the plum; O-Ine, ear-of-young-rice or Flower-of-BIiss, On the Inside of the sheet, which is folded like an ordinary sheet of paper, is a quotation from some Japanese writer. For instance, on the card or paper having a picture of flying- geese one reads: The moon on an autumn night making visible the number of the wild geese that fly past with wings interlaced in the white clouds." The name O-Ine may be selected for this one. and a bunch of rice grass grace the lower corner of the lines. As at all Japanese functions, the preliminary course at this tea is sweetmeats. From a Japanese bowl placed before the frostess she serves each guest in turn with preserved fruits, taking up the pieces with i candy tongs.

The first course is a puree of sample vests, larso assort 9c ment, worth up to 33c, Monday 1.25 each QQr I at 79c 59c and. 2 Embr'd'y Clearance. Clearance sale of all lots leit over from our recent purchase from a Iarze St. Gall manufacturer, cousi.sting of fine Hamburgs. Swisses and Nainsooks, in edges, flounc-ings and insertings.

up to 15 v7 yMVWWVAA Lace Curtaintlearance Muslin Underw'r 41 Soiled Under Muslins, di greatly reduced, to ef- feet quick clearance be- fore stock taking. 41 Skirt $2.99 $3.50 S1.9S $2.00 Skirt J. 4.5 i $1.50 95c $3.00 Gowns SI.95 r. $2.00 (, $1.25 75c 75c Gowns 45c $1.50 Drawers 95c $1.00 Drawer 45c 45c Drawers 25c $1.00 Corset Covers 75c 75c Corset Covers 45c 50c Corset Covers 3 5c Trimmed Corset 15c A Chemise, made with corded jii bands, best lEtf muslin IOC Y- Inches wide ciearani-e uriic, vw VVVTVVWWV Tapestry Clearance. 1ff a 5rard for Ruffled Cur-ItW' taia Muslin, suitable for long and short curtains.

tor your choice of Rem- nants of Tapestry and Velour, suitable for chair seats and pillow tops. fl for odd Tapestry Por- 1,000 single Lace Curtains-some in pairs eonsistine of tine Irish Point Brussel Nets, Scotch Weaves and Batten- trunk Clearance bergs ana worm r.p to ihi a 69c pair at. each. $1.69, $1.48, $1.19. 98c and.

36-in. Canvas Covered Trunk (like cut), two sole leather 9 pair for 60-inch $1.48 Curtains. 3H yards tieres in good colors. 7 for Tapestry Table 1 0 Covers, 2 yards square. long the latest effects in heavy double thread and fast edges.

Infants Slips, em broidered yoke. Infants' Soiled Slips, HTf, values up to Jct' Clearance 5aie of Boys' Clothing. Boys 2-piece Double Breasted and Vestee Suits, odd lot from our and lines, all this season's choicest patterns, light and dark colors peas or beans. An omelette, or a salad of chestnuts boiled soft, forms the second course. Next comes fish, either whole with a sharp sauce, like soy, or rolled in little balls and baked, and with it either potatoes or mufhrooras, as well as pickled vegetables and jellies.

Ice cream, served in tinv melon rinds, comes last, with tea in tinv cups, which each guest proceeds to cover with her saucer as soon as it is handed her, the tea having been placed by the hostess directiv in the cup. Little sponge cakes and fruit, especially Japanese persimmons, or plums may be added, but at the last a finger bowl and a little Japanese box are placed before each guest. The box contains paper trifles, which dropped into the water, open out into pretty or fantastic shapes. The favors are given after the ladies have left the table, and are again curled up on the cushions, and are wee dolls, fans, parasols, lanterns, and flying birds. With each one is a divining paper, a little fortune written on thin paper, which is folded, wrapped about the favor, and the ends twisted tightly.

If it is desirable to make this function so elaborate, a story-teller now entertains the kimono-clad guests with Japanese fairy stories, of which there are many, or a group of young girls in long kimonos charm with their slow beautiful dancing and pretty poses. When, at length, the hour of parting arrives and sayonara (farewell), is said, there is a delightful sense of having been in the Flowery Kingdom or in a Japanese picture that makes each guest blink her eyes to be sure they, are not set obliquely in her pretty face. A MEAN REVENGE. WELL dressed young man was sitting in a carette trying to win a glance of approval from a patrician maiden who sat opposite. In climbed an elderly Frenchman bearing a "jag" not enough to bother him, but just enough to bother others.

He carried in his hand a copy of a magazine containing an installment of Captain Dreyfus' heartrending story, Five Years of My Life," and he was just bursting to talk about it. He had hardly settled In his seat when he leaned forward impressively and, placing a hand upon the knee of the young man, exclaimed: "Ah, zat Devil's Island! Terrible, was it not?" The patrician maiden, observing the familiar action, thought the men must be -acquainted, and. with tip-tiited nose, looked scornfully at the young man and his boozy mend. This made the young man angry. He was weary of the whole Dreyfus episode anyway, and he determined on revenge Orazing stolidly into the eyes of the Frenchman, he replied: What's the mattr with the place? Cold climate?" "No! No!" exclaimed the Frenchman In surprise.

It has the heat the awful heat all the year! It almost burst his brain!" Why didn't he come away then?" "How could he come away?" Doing time, was he? How many years did he get?" How many years?" almost shrieked the Frenchman now thoroughly excited. It was all his life!" So bad as that, eh? What did he do?" What did he do?" and the Frenchman's eyes rolled In his head. Have you not learn that he did nothing nothing nothing at all' He iss martyr of France!" and his voice rose even above the clatter of the pavement. Who is this you are talking about?" asked the young man, coldly. Dreyfus! Dreyfus, of course!" yelled the Frenchman.

Who is Dreyfus?" "What! You know not Dreyfus?" "Never heard, of him in all my life. Tell me about him," said the young man without the quiver of an eyelid. But this was too much for the Frenchman. Mod Dieu!" he muttered. It iss Incredible.

This man is sacre nincompoop. He know nothings at all, and I have parsed my corner talking to a Zero. Let me out. driver, let me out!" 4 Carpets, Wall Paper. fa Small lots of fine Wall Paper, enough for 2 and 3 rooms, to t7 be closed out in three jfv lots 5c, 3c, and JC Iff Matting-China and Japanese, in pretty checks and stripes.

-I all the very latest styles ST clearance sale price, 29c, 2.000 yards of fine grade Oil Cloth, all widths, in remnant Tr' as long as 5 yards, worth 40c clearance price, Corset Clearance. 0- Manufacturer's ends fJJ of Jinen of high-grade Corsets, such as W. W. O. A C.

Kaljo. Warner's and G. I). tlie new straight front and 1 French shapes in satin, ba- jf. tiste and net.

worth to 2.00. 4 Summer Corsets, made 'J' of extra fine net. in he new shirt waist styles, straps. 4 hardwood slats on top, two around the IxKly, steel corners and clamps, monitor lock, set up tray with bat box. linen faced and extra dress tray worth sfi.OO guaranteed strictly $3.59 all wool Clearance sale price $1.50 choice.

irimmea witn lace. neatly worth 5c Clearance sale of a'l our high priced -Bovs' l'auts. aces 4 to 18. strictly 11 all wool Cheviots, Clearance Sale of Frames Pictures. IQf An assorted lot ror L.

Passepartouts-worth to 33c. Oilt or Black Frames hor luc for Tribune or Inter Ocean Pictures. No Cassimert-s ana persquare yaru 3,000 remnants of Fine Car- liets, in Wilton, Axminster. and Brussels, all this season's styles, cut in rug lengths, in all the latest coloring and designs 49c, 39c, 19c iC weeds, tapea Bathing Suits. Women's Bathing Suits A splendid assortment of Bathing Suits shoes and caps at IP 9 seams, made in elegsmt style worth up to 75c a pair your choice white 300 pairs yljf the lowst prices.

charge fcr fitting. a a a rr i nr.

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