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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


THE' MAP NE WS THE SLEEP OF DEATH. The Flower She Loved, Covfcr Tilm. Harrison Body. TlieJ Arrangement For the Funeral Services inztoir and Indianapolis. Hnndredi of Message of Condolence From All lart of the WorldS-At the White Iloate To-Dar Kindly Tribate From AH Kide.

-f- W'APniSGToy, October 2C A' black rep knot with a bow oyer it on the front doer of the White House, th only Indication, except, the aootaaT quiet ttout the buiidinz. that the wife-of tb President of the United Statee dead within: All day longf yesterday carriages were drivea tip and aray, stopping" only. long enough for the occupants to send in their cards of condolence. Aside Jh-onT these, and the arrival tad dcmriurt of the neeesaary' njessstfei; and the calls of a very few it the I'resideot'a intimate friend. nlyj th lisoal occupants of th Whit- Um have been there.

Th body of Mrs. Htrriion embalmed yesterday and placed in the casket, which Mr. Russell Harrison, Mr. McKee and Mr. 1 11 ford had elected.

This ho a copper metallic' Inner ease, hermetically sealed and lined With cream-tufted 'satin. The exterior of the casket baa no ornamentation whatever, except the ox-Idized bar-baudles, which run it fall length, and a solid silver oxidized plate bearinjf ihla inscription A TlOT.lXK FCOT-T IIAHIIISON. i I wirr or Benjamin Hsaaisov. I- Died Oct. 25, inn.

The traveling cat alto made of Span- 1th red cedar, highly pn itbtd. with brass bandits and corne are Beautiful flowers, In profusion, over the casket and a boot the room. It the peo alwish of the family that tbe funeral service shall he at private as possible. The funeral vjill be a personal and not a public one. As far aa the official petition ot jthe President will possibly permit, the services will be the same as those customary in the case of a member of a private family.

Invitations will, be strictly limited in number, and no person will be allowed to be present without them. The body will not lie in state. The funeral services will be held in the Fast" Room. This is the larresl room In the building, and, in fact, the only one at all adapted to the. holding of services, even as private as thote which the family desire.

They will be conducted according to the Treslivterian forms by-the Iter. Dr. Tennis Hsmllo, pastor of Church of the Covenant, of which the President and Mrs. Harrison bar been regular attendants. At the request of Dr.

Hamlin, the Iter. Dr. Harriett, of the New York-avenue Presbvterlea chnrch, will assist in the serves "at the White House. Dr. Bsrtlett was pastor of the Second Presbyterian chuwh, Indianapolis, previous to coming to Washington, and a neighbor of the President's family.

At the funeral of the wife aod daughter of Secretary Tracy in the White lloute, Mrs. Harrison was much impressed by the singing of Cardinal New a .1 nan's hvtnn "Lead, KiudiyUiigni," oy me choir of St. Luke's church, and olteu spoke of it. Tu choir will be, present at the services and repeat the hymn. Though, i already noted, it is the President's wish that.

there shall be no publio or ofncial dis- rlar in cenneetiou with the death of Mrs. larrjson, and that the funeral services, both here and in Indianapolis, will be a eiuiple as the rites ot the Presbyterian churob will permit, there are certain cere-; tuontal observancee inseparable from the ayent VDKRB WKS. IlARRISOy DIED. The room in which Mrs. JJarritoa died is sear the southwest corner ot the sscoud floor of the building.

It it an-eiict couu-terpart of th room used by President Harrison as bis otSoe, in the southeast comer of the buildiofr, on the same floor, and is separated from the extreme westeua of the building only by a narrow room, need as a boudoir. The death chamber is located on atheeatiide oC the White House, ou the floor as the one which is occupied by Private Secretary Halford as his oftice. It is a. commodious room, sim- ply i and tastefully furnished, k-aud commsnds a I fine view of the historic Potomao river and the Wushinirton monument, the Bureau of MnaraviuK and Print- ins aud the ptcturesaue mithsonTan Institution ia the foreground laud Arlinjrton cemetery, ancient Alexandria and the bills of 'Virginia ia the stance. It was used as a si ec pine apartment by President and Mrs.

Lincoln. President aud Mrs. Grant, Presi dent and Mrs. Hayes, and i President and Mrs. Garfield, and wss-the room where tbe I last named President passed so many hours of asonv after his assassination, and.

where be remained until bis removal. In conte- I quence of this fact the room fell into dis- favor as a sic pine apartment. President Arthur had it room iut across the hall to the north, which, was continued in use by President and Mrs. Clevelaud. Notwithstanding the- tractc associatrons of the room, its many, natural advantages, inoludinea fine, sunny outlook, louud favor in th eyes of Mrs.

Harmon when she took op ber residence in tbe White Houe, and it was cue more transformed into the pf "vate chamber of the Chief and bis wife. The President and Mrs. Harrison occupied the room up to the timo w-hen ber iilnes made it necessary for the President to seek anoiber room near by. It was ber that Mrs. Harrison passed the earlv stages of her illuesa, ani it we to this room she was taken wnea brought home from Loon Lake, in accordance with her pathetio wuh I "die at horn," Mrs, Harritn personallv supervised its and decoration It was finished in blue.

The hall is of blur and silver, the paper and coiling is flecked with the tints, and a line of blue and (pink border the friese, which is looped carland. All the -wood-work in tTie rKni is finished in bine and all tbe little acce-tiories conform, to the nine and blue tones. Over the old-fashioned, white mantel-piece several pieces of Mrs. Harrison's own work are i bun. They are paintiues on canvas and porcelain! some of the Htue flowers havinc thus been perpetu'-'fd by the ren-: mist rrs of the houe.

The furnitureiio the room is not unlike that ia other bers solid mahogany, ralhes. loudervs :1 and ol.l.fn.hirtiied.' M'ra. Harrison. i -Jhe early period of Sher occupancy, had the stately anopy bed removed and sunsti-tut'd for it two low brass bedsteads. She bad also a few wicker rockers and easy, eha'rs substituted for the older pieces of furniture.

A carpet, in which dull'silver and blue colors predominated, covered th floor. at Til wnrra norsE to-pat. Th President joined th Whit Hons, family at breakfast this morning at the usual honr. Habitually considerate of others, appears to be holding back his wn deep grief in order to lighten th bur-den of thoe aroun-t him. He pastes much bis time with his.

little grandson, Benjamin Harrison McKee. Between the two -the experienced soldier, statesman sndV rreiJeot aod the snly little boy there has sK esys been a touching bond of-WSes'tion, and aa intimacy which overlooks the disparity of year. Th lad ia never Lappier than when be can persuade hie rrandfatber to read to him. aod Mr: Harrison, in bis deep bereavement, finds th lad's cheerful presenre a welcome outlet for bis stromr feelings. The remains of Mrs.

Harrison this mornine wer transferred to the Eajst Rooa, where they will remain until after the services to-morrow. A large cumber of. fiaral tributes from friends have been re-eeived and wer placed about the eaket Messages of sympathy and condolence, both by mail a'twl teieerapb, continue to arrive at the White House. Ther come from all parts of the eonstrr and Canada, and represent all elossea and conditions of peopie. The members of the Cabinet now in the leity met at: the State Department this morninsc to nin-e arrangeroenU for their attendance tit foneral of Mrs.

Harrison. It was decided t.iat tlie Ccbioet shooid Uteoible in the ezeeative mansion on Thursday' at 9:30 ej. and act booorary pall bearers. iWritb ti.e exception of Secretary Tracy, who has been requested to remain in Wmhi Dcton to arior tne cabinet in cae anythiotr occurs duriair th -absence of iu membelrs, the Cabinet pScer will accompany the fa.ieral party to Itidianapoiis. bcretairy Charles Pbter and EiViowiti join tfnrir feltow-members at IndsioapolU.

Mrs John. V. luster, Mrs. Miller and Hrs. will aec-jfljuoy the party, aud wi ba met at Indianapolis by Mrs.

Lories 1'orter and probably Mr. Kiains. The dc ons eiut room, the scene of so. many receptions, where the funeral aerr-ices will be held to-morrow, hat been darkened and will remain with the blinds drawn until the obsequies; The remains of Mrs. Harrison will not be taken down into th-eat rorn ootil o'clock to-rpotrow rrioroic.

Mr. Kustell Harrison ri sue his grit appearance outside the private apartments, for tb last' six days tt.fs mnrninjj-. He has recovered from- the lameness consequent upoiubit" reveht spraining: of his ankle, but looked pale and careworn. Secretary of Atrico.ture arrived in the city trj mornior, and called at tb'e Whir" lia saw the President for a few initiate. Among those who called and lett card were Seuator and lrs.

Kont, of Weil Virginia; the secretary of the Turkish Mrs. Just ce Ilrown wLo wrote on Ler card the following: Ood ariveth nis bemved sleep." Oeneral and Mrs. Viuceut; Secretary E. A. Motiey, of the Interstate Commission, and Commissioners Veaev.

McDill and Knapp; Mrs. Edward H. Durell, of Murray Hill Hotel, New York; Mr. and Mrs. M.

C. Hszieton; Mrs. 1L J. Jlaymond Nesr York; Minister Peraza, from Venezuela, liviuir in 'Brooklyn; Mr. H.

Isaacs, New York J. Jowrie lleil, A. D. Hazeu. Assistant Potniaster-(iipneral; Hear Admiral Hughes, and many Others.

Many letters of con-dolenc-Hre received from aU parts of the country, j- HEsiAlitS OF CONDOLENCE. Hundreds of Ibom Received From All Farts or the World. Wasitimgtox, October 2C Since tbe death of Mrs. Harrison was first announced Utters and telegrams of condolence and sympathy have been received at the White House by the hundreds. President Harrison at first deeided to keep 'these private, butafterward acreed to allow some of them to bo made public Among' them were the following: From Queen Victoria: 1 have beard with the deepest rerret of your sad loss, and sincesely sympathize with you id your grief.

Krom (J rover Cleveland: 1 I hasten to aasure you of my sincere sympathy in tbe hour ot your terrible Kx-ecretary Blaine tent over a message to tbe President durine the ruornimz. The letter was an autograph one. It was short, and tendered to the president th sympathy of himself and Mrs. Blaine. Among others who sentymessaees of condolence were: Vice-Trealdent Morton, the Hon.

Whitelaw Beid, the Hon. Thomas II. Carter, Governor ID ate. ol Indiana, and Mate officers; the Hon. and Mrs.

Kobert T. Lincoln, the Hon. J. H. Manley, the Hon.

J. N. linston, ez-Treaanrer ot lfal TjMted btmt i-Con(treimD J. B. Chcadle, of Indiana; Francis Murphy, tbe Hon.

D. M. Bansdell. United States marshal lor District of Columbia: Mr. and Mrs.

P. Studebaker, of Chicago; Oen. H. Footer, ot Indiana: Hrntlor Alllion. Judge E.

B. Indianapolis; Uovernur Patilson. of FeniiSTivania-. tbe Hon. 8.

A. Whltneld. er Pirst Aaitant Post master-Genera); Senator and Mrs. Frre, the Hon. Henry U.

Johnson of Indiana: the Rev. Dr. McLeod. of AKhdt. K.

Oovernor and Mrs. 'Cbenev, of New Hnmrihirej W. Fish back, of Indianapolis; the Hon. E. J.

Phelps, of Vermont: Oovernor Brown, or Khode Island; HUhop and Mn. Newman Oovernor Mc Kin-lev, oi Ohio; Col. W. K. Kolloway.

of Indianapolis-; Hon John C. New, conaul-Keneral ot lndon; Oovernor Flower, of NeW York; Oeiftrai Alger. A. J. Dreiel, of Philadelphia; Hon.

T. V. Palmer, of Detroit; Hon. J. a.

(')arkson; Senator HIoock. Hon. W. B. Mer-tum, OQvernor of Minnesota; W.

Ill of Indiana; Dr. Allen, of Indlanaoolia; Senator Hale; Mr. aod Mrs of Indianapolis: Senator Waahburne, of' Minnesota; Oovernor and Sirs, baglo, of Arkansas; Senator Cullom and family: the Hon. John W. Foster.

Secretary Oi State: Oeneral bo field; the Hon. Horace Porter, of New York: Clem ludsbaker and lamilr. oi South Bend, Governor Peck, of Wisconsin: Mrs. John A. Logan Cyrus V.

Hlnes. former raftner of tbe President; and Mrs. H. t. Taylor, or tX AVayuu, tbe lion.

John Kustell'' Younavi oi 1'hiladtl-phia: Archbishop Ireland, the Hod. R. C. Kerens, pt tst. Louis: A.

O. Weissert, com- inandcr-in-chiei O. A. K. i Contencin.

rr.ija lstsn cbsisber Oqb or cf New York' pu Com me ce, oi Orant. puv De- lome. for the leeatton ot- Spain; tha Hon. tleoree W. Child, of Philadelphia: -rnator oeorge 1 bnouo.oi laano; tne Hon, "rnc.eT i Vtah: tbe Hon.

Morris M. Late, o. San Fran cisco: I. Hakky Bey. lor the Turkish exhibi-'ters at tbe Columb an the Hon.

T. Micener. Indiana; ex-Senator T. W. Ferrv; Michigan; Charles Foster.

Secretary of tbe Treaanrv, aud iamilyr6tverner and Ira. JchA L. Koutt. ot Colorado; N. Mattkews major of Boston: tbe Hon.

Hempstead 'Washburn, mavor. on the pt-otleof Chicaeo Urafkett, ot Maa chusetts: ex-Senator Hilt, Co'ora-fo: th Hon. C. W. Fairbanks, IodiaDarHl.s; Major and -Mrs.

W. II. Kextord. o. Sprinirtied.

Oovernnr Me-lstte. Souto Dakota: Set aior Po'pb. Oregon; Jtme K. Churchill, commander Masxachusetts A. Mis.

Sarah L' Fuller, Eoston. president National Woman's Corpj; Joba V. Ar-Bold, president Iemocf aticf o- New York city; Vm. Potter. of C'nion League of Pvilade'phia; A.

Pledger. onbehali ot Geor-' Ria: Rev. Cbailea P. Galloway, president Ten-ncsse Con ei-eoce M. I-- Lurch.

Nathville, the Baptista or Nebraska, now assembled at Omaha; tbe Baptists or Oregon now acmbttd roUand; Grand Divijroa. Sons ot Temperance, wettern New Y'crk. at Lockport: resolutions bv the World's lir C'cmtcissiooers at Chicago; board of Jwi-h ministers of New York, tt-e Baptist' ministers of lows, serabt at n.V Men' Republican ot I ister cnctv. New i rt: cituenso: Mu waukee committee Illinois, Ceu ral Lj assembled at Paitim Oovernor McKililey. of Ohio; rcl 4 r- l'armkr.

Ohio: i- Ooverror ajtid-MrsI K. S. Bulieck. oi and Mrs. T.

W. Palmer, o- Detroit: Fisbop M. vs alden. of Ohio; Oofernor Moidy. o' OreOD: tbe Hon.

Joba Jav. of New York; Senator J. R. McPherson. of New I Jersey; William Kvartss Gen.

T. J. uder. of Tennessee; David A. Boody.

msver ot Brooklyn: tbe member of the I tah commission: Senator Pettigrew; lOovernor Fuller; tbe Lec-isla-t a re o' Vermont: Senator Sanders, Montana: Herrey Bate, of -Ind acapolis; Henry C. Bowen and tamiiy. of Wocdtock, es-Scnator John C. Soooner. or Wisconsin; Bon.

Oiibert A. Pierce, of Minnesota: Senator Charles K. Mandemon and wife, of Nsbraska; Hon. Ch'ssj Emory Smith, or Philadelphia; Ir. ItJ.

tiaitlmg. of Ilartlcrds Senator W'lliam F.l Vilas and wife- Secretary and Mrs. S. R. Flkms: Hannibsl Price, minister Ilavti: Sf- Womero.

of Mexico: Governor Holt, of North Carvl na: Mrs. Julia New York: A. O. Lvncnof Indiana; Senator John Sherman a'nd the Hon. Franklin Fairbsnks and family, of St.

Johnsbary, Ingram Fletcher-and family, of Florida, formerly.o' Indianapolis: New Jersey Baptist convention, assembled at llast Orance; tbe president and faculty of UeFauw. Vniveraity. at UreencasUe, the American Missionary i I Association, convsaed at Hartford. tbe school children of Lexisf-toa, th Columbia Club or Indianapolis; tbe Republican party of the State of Washinrton, throorh ita omcers; Herbert t. Emmery, of Boston, for-saexljr of IsdUatapolis.

SloravC Usuateava's ribote New Yoek, October 25. Tfc followin article, from the Brooklyn Standard-Union of yesterday, was written by Mr. Mural Hoistead, aod that which be says of 'the early life of President Harrison and bis wif is from persona! knowledge. Mr. Haiitead aod tbe Presidect were school-mates and in the same eloss at Coliere Hill, and Prof.

J. TV. eott was Mr. Halsteal's teacher of rhetoric and history. President Harrison left this school and jjradaated at tbe Oxford Uoiserity, also tbe alma mater of Mr.

Whtelaw Ileid. Mr. Hal stead remained at tbe Collere Hill school, and graduated there. Mr. Ualstead says: "Harrison was a.

bavd student at Collets Hill, aod highly commended as a writer, declaimer i and debater. At Oxford be crew taor am- biiivus tiiao ever. Dr. ffcott bad preceded him t' that town, Laving been called to the i presidency of the female coilcjte, a position he Lai held tome before, and that Harrisoa aod Dr. Scott's youngest daughter were to married aa soon as be had rad- catedand rot a start in readme was for pleasanl secret, Dot concealed Iilinoi rett to Ohio tbenco to rennsyl-tar friends.

It was on of1 T.auia, thence to the First Presbyterian scute me fruci their heaven's uwn matclies. They were called imprudent for tnarryin? wjthont so 'assured income, but tbey loved each other, 'and resolved to face tb world it'2f ther. Tbe Harrisons were a numerous family, and they eot oat of ofSca honor, not money, and they 'had confidence in their that their landed estate when Harrison boy had pretty nrariy pi el ted iviv. Tbe younjr lawyer, with bis young wife, began housekeeping in a small cottage, and sue was bis belp a. id inspiration.

ishe was aisih-sr'irrted lnd bright in eonveriiaiion. -with a sparkle of wit in ber jrxd will. Khe wrs a model housekeeper, jler education had been carefully looked and she wasaccumplished, uot only in oruameotal matters, but in --household duties. cott and. his wife were polite and Refined.

It did not require riches to' make them gentle folks in the true sense of' the their home was beautiful aod all its influences pleasing aod wpojesouie. In her Mrs. Harrison's last Lours there were grout ed about ber bedside as iHey bad surrouuded ber in life, wkb fondest affection, father, huband, sen. aud grandson, daughter and little ones, aud others near aud dear, and the devotion of er huskand, that lias beens.o true and ul through the long heavy days of ber was but the simple, perfect expres-ion iu the ad hours in the end of ber fair life, a lifetime of lore. SOME EDITORIAL KX4ltsSIO.Va, Tbe Sympathetic tummenti of Many of the Leading Papers.

Death under any and all circumstances ia something that all animal 11. shrinks trom. bot surely such a Ills as Mrs. Harrison lived and such a death as she died were tbinss more desirable -than immortality of Ufa on eartn. iLomsviue rimes.

AM of the pebple of the land will grieve at ber taking otf. and to the sorrow-stricken man woo grieves lor toe companion woo nas been So close to him all the years 'of his event ul career, a nation; forgetting Politics, will ex tend sympathy. Nashville American. Words faintly portray tbe virtue of so noble and true a woman, who amid every exacting scene of lite waa an example lor all good wives and mothers one whom flattery could not reach, ind oue whom the honors of earth could not touch with vanity. Chicago Mail.

It Is no exaggeration to say that President Harrison owed much of his greatness aod success in lile to his wife. He used to say of ber, "title Is over half my capital," ana it was ber aoiding laitn ana constancy mat cneerea him on over the rough places ot lno until he became "the pillar ot a nation's hope." Cleveland leader. What remained for ber, whose perfect life bad been crowned with all that inmily affection could bestow or exalted honors brio if to womanhood? To die beloved and in the midst ot scenes betokening the esteem and admiration of millions for the one who stood beside her is not this a bappy translation I Cincinnati ximes-siar. Mrs. Harrison's rank Was no greater than that of tbe humblest woman in the country, and her exalted position merely serrwd to em- pbatizc ber right to tbe only title to nobility wmcn an American woman can noia, ana tno bigbest tribute whlcn any woman can gain the diadem wbicn beionga to lOitntul wlle- booH.

laithful motherhood and true womanhood. This tree tribute trom a free people is laid with tsars on her bier. St. Louis Post Dispatch. In'President Harrison's deep affliction there 19 no bum an irmDttbr or consolation that can avail to assuage tbe poignant anguish of bereavement.

Yet raith air lighten the hravy burden, and Time's kindly band wipe away the tears of sadness. And the stronir soul so sorclv smitten there tails the benediction of the sweetest and -4endereat-of all the beatitudes: "Blessed are they that mourn; for tbey shall be comforted. "I Phila delphia Of her who has passed away it can- truth roily be said that in all relations or li as dauchter, wile, mohefvtriend, she was beyond reproach. Tne position she occupied as wife of the President was one which called for the exercise of powers not given to all, women by nature and which can not readily be acquired; bot she met the demanTJs of her high station with a tact and judgment which won for her the respect and esteem of the whole ptople. Detroit Free Press.

Tha people of the country bad only to learn-l ot ber worth to recoitmze and apprec.ate in Mrs. Harrison tbe virtues and graces of, a noble womanhood. As tbe mistress of the Wbite House she won the affection of all as she endeared herself to her home circle by btr Qualities as wife and mother. Her brave and-serene spirit through long suffering and the Prrsidem's tender devotiou have touched the heart of the country. Her death will be rejourned as tbe loss of a good, lovable woman.

i New York Heeald. Place, power, the fame that writes history, and the influence that swat millions these a aU but the small dust of tbe balance weighed asarnst bis sorrow which leaves desolate the home ia which rs. Harrison so long had proved- with wbat-simple strength and unt.ilns-devotion an American woman can ducharje the duties a Christian mother and vri through a long-lie begun oa narrow and stinted means, lived tbrouch the heroic day oi tbe Republic, and steadily maintained 'ustil the Republic's highest honors graced tbe husband's head to whom she bad been 'or long years a crown and joy. iPhila-de phia Press. Xhe offices and socjaldu4ies which devolved upon ber as tuatron oi theVVhite House have uniformly been ditcharerd with tact and discretion.

Tbe House, under her sole management, bos undergone a renovation bicn ms.ei a titter abode of tb Presi dents and one the most hosp. table and pleasant or places whe the social side ol political II is exemplif ed. And with all these tnam oia cares Mrs. Harrison bos throughout lust cot a jot O' tbe womanliness which char acterized her all the vocations of wi mother and- guardian genius of tbe home. Chicago News.

While domestic in ber tastes, shunning DuVic notice as tar as possible, and avoiding unnecessary ceitmont, ihr.bort her nonVSri" and per ormed ber duties with eentie-neas grace, and dimity. She '-as equal to all tbe emergencies she was forced meet, and public and the private side of her career as ladr or tne wnteTltfase she kept alive tbe best traditions of that aicb place. Her personality was exceedingly sweet 'and wicmtg. her domestic life serene, happy, and and the circumstances of her last ill ness were sxceedingly sad. Without tbe least apparent eS'ort to be widely known she bad made a stron? impression on the public mind.

New YOrk Times. Many ladies ot high attainments and gracious characterisucs have adorned tbe official mansion ot the Chief Executive. None baa borne the difficult honors of that prominent more modestly. with better judg nJent than Mrs. Harrison.

The social duties when partake a public nature see discharged without assumption and with on-errmg tact, while her home Hie remained a pattern to all wires and mothers. The story of the domestic li'e, during which tbe dying lady has beea constant helpmate to her bus-band, whether in narrow or prosperous c-r-cum stances, whether he served bis country ia tbe dangers of a wtror in the loftiest places of civil 1 fe. ie a model for all women who sk to realize the bigbest aud purest am-, bitions of womanhood. Pittsburg Dispatch. A Kind Words roui London.

London, October 2G. The Times says of the death of Mrs. Harrison: The death of Mrs. Harrison is an event of more than ordinary importance, inasmuch as her husband's success may. in a large degree, be ascribed to her.

Wide in her culture, catholic ia her ideas aud tastes, she broad- nod ber circle of friends vita advancing years. Her death will cans genuine, widespread sorrow. Tb Cbroaicl says: i Very great sympathy with President Haxri- son will be felt everywhere. Mrs. Harrison was the counterpart ef husband, whose private character is admired a nd respected even by his political enemies.

Tb Dally News expresses admiration of Mrs. Harrison's courage in going to Wasb-1 iorton when she knew her illness was fatal, i he bad won the regard of the Ameiican 5s-t tion by ber worta of character and devotion to ber bos band. for tbe Tone -Memory of the Dead Honored- Mr. Foster has been requested, by the President, to tak. charge of the funeral arrangements here.

Dr. Allen aud Miss Matti Stewart, assisted by the florists, will decorate th church, and' Eastman, Schleicher Lee will have charge of the mooring drapery. Mr. Foster wild Mr., Mr.

Raosdell, Mr. Merrick Vinton and Mr. Kregelo. had a conference thts morning, and make the following announcement: Tbe funeral train will arrive at 9:0 Friday morning. Tbe funeral march, will at once betaken up for the church bv war of church, at the corner of New Y'ork and Pennsylvania.

After the services tbe funeral procession will go by way of New York to Delaware, thence north past the President's come to Seventh, thence to Meridian, and north to tne cemetery. Superintendent Colbert will furnish 'police detail to act. as aa 'escort to tbe church, and to keep-Pennsylvania street, from Ohio to New Y'ork, on the west side, in front of the churcb, clear for tbe funeral procession. Tbe pall-bearers will be ten Federal soldiers from the arsenal here, under an officer. Tbey will precede tha honorary pall-bearers.

At the cemetery tbe corpse will be placed in a vault below the surface. The First Presbyterian church, where th funeral will occur, will seat about eight hundred people. Com para t.vely few, therefore, of those who wish to attend th services can ber admitted. President has requested tbe committee la arrange for seating space for th relatives and immediate friends. There seems to some uncertainty as to the place of burial.

While it is understood that Mr. McKee's vacant lot Phi been purchased by tbe President, it is tbe desire of those who are acting for tbe President here that a circular lot. mentioned yesterday, suitable as a repository for -the eminent dad shall be preferred. The President has indicated his preferences in tbe matter of the funeral arrangements, and in accordance therewith Dr. M.

L. Haines announces that the ceremonies will be brief and simple. Instead of music from a full choir, there will probably be quartet singing by Mrs. W. C.

Lynn, Mrs. ISara Morrison, Mr. Frank Ketcham and Mr. SamMoreison. Robert Newland will play the organ.

"Lead, Kindly Light" and 'One Sweetly Solemn Thought" will be sung. Tho preacher's talk will be short. MRS. HARRISON'S GIFT OF FLOWERS. A slight incident which occurred at one of Mrs.

Harrison's drawirig-rownis not long after ber arrival in the White House illustrates her sympathetic nature. Among the throng; of callers was a poorly-clad woman, leading a child by tbe band. As the two approached Mrs. Harrison tb child made some exclamation upon th beauty of. her bouquet a bunch' of lilies' of the valley.

Mrs. Harrison smiled, and taking a number of the delicate sprays from tho bunch placed them with a kindly word io the child's band. The little one was delighted, aud all who saw the act wer touched by the tenderness tha. prompted it. EXPRESSIONS CP SYMPATHY.

Before closing its meeting yesterdsy afternoon the Eighth District Woman's He-lief Corp adopted apon the' death of Mrs. Harrison, extending sympathy to the bereaved Tbe board of trustees of tbe Indianapolis Orphans' Home, of which Mrs. Harrison was a member, have tent this telegram to tbe President: i We deeply mourn with yon. over tbe sorrow that has alien upon you. and extend to your-seir and family the tender and heartlelt sympathy of tbe ladies of tbe orphans' board, ol which Mrs.

Harrison was so Ipng an honored and beloved member. Mayor Sullivan sent the following raes- aze to the President yesterday afternoon: The people of your home city unite tit sympathy with yon in your greet-sorrow. Thomas L. Sullivan, Mayor. THE COKGltEGATlOX A LISTS.

The Central 1 of Churclt tn Sea ton Here. That The annual meeting of the Central Association of the Congregational church is in session at the Peopla'a church, and Michigan streets, to-day. The session was opened last night bv an address of wel come by the pastor, the Ilev. F. N.

Dexter, nd a sermon by tbe Rev. S. W. Pollard, of Fairmount. The attendance was large.

This morning reports from the various Churches were heard, followed by reports Trom the American Board of Missions by the Rev. J. Hays; from tbe National Coun cil, by the Rev. j. H.

Crum. und on the as sociations! problem, by the Rev. E. Cur tis. After the noon recess, half an hour was devoted" to business, followed by a de votional meeting, led by the Rev.

X. A. Hyde. Then the new pastors of the district were invjted to make ten-minute addresses on suhiects of general interest. Tbe Rev.

r. kL of Plymouth church, and the Rev. D. M. Trav.s.

of church, were among tbe new pastors. lhe program lor to-night, which "will close the session, is as follows: "The Mis sion oi the Church to the Heathen." Rev. W. Humphrey. D.

"To tbe New Rev. C. R. Bliss, p. In Poli tics," Rer.

J. W. Wilson, D. 'In Soci ety," Rew John Harden; "In the Labor World." Rev. W.

CV Gordon good-by ad dress, by the pastor of tbe churcb. lhe lie v. fc u. Curtis is moderator and tbe Resr-S. W.

Pollard scribe of the Con ference. IWO PP.IXTERS ASPHIXIATED, One From lerre llautf-The Othsr's father Is a'Vandalla Conductor. Chicago, October Bortia Goddard And John Clasimer, printers, were asp by i- by odorless fuel gas, which escaped frpm a jet in their room, at No. 401 Forty-sixth street, night Their death evidently due to accidental causes. Both men came to this city a short time ago, Goddard from Terra Haute and Glasimer from St.

Io s. Tbe latter' father is a conductor oa th YandaJia road. Opium nfier. Arrested. Scspension Beidge, N.

October 26. j-rSpecial-Treasury. Agent Lewis arrested Jbeorge Johnson and J. Adams, on board a Grand Trunk train from Toronto yesterday, on a charge of opium smuggling. Quite a quantity of opium was found in their possession.

Tbe colored porter of the train named Williams was arrested as the accomplice of the men. A Very baa Case. Tbe four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. II.

II. Hanna, a sufferer from cerebro- jjspinal in tho last stages of liie. ids xarre errcie or inenas of tbe psreats are greatly depressed at tbia approaching affliction. Tne steamship ArHvoUa. 1 NEW York, October 25 Arrived: Tan-ric, from Liverpool; Westernland, from Antwerp Maasdam, rom Rotterdam Stuttgart, from Bremen.

Arrived out: Trave, at Southampton. IT WAS TAMMANY NIG ITS RATIFICATION MEETIXG AD-DBZSSEDBY EXNATOHniLL. ChJmncoy Black's Appeal For Funds Mr. MacTesgb's Vlews-Varl- out Otiier Polltloal v. Mattera.

New York, October 2S. The Tammany Democracy -ratified th nomination of Cleveland and Sterensoa by a big meeting last night, The ball was not large enough to hold the crowd, and twelve overflow meetings were held in tb immediate vicinity. There was a large attendance of distinguished Democrats, and speeches by Senator Hill. Governor Flower, Lieutenant-Governor Sheehan, Gen. Daniel E.

Sickles, Congressman Cnmmings and others. Senator Hill discussed tha tariff at length. Of the force bill he said The most important Issue involved ia this election is- that presented by the proposed Republican federal election bill, 'Otherwise known as the -Davenport lorcc bul." It Republican success should ensue as the result of the pendintr election that measure would become a reality with all its dire and unort-nnate consequences. Unwise haancial, industrial or tariff legislation can easily be re pealed it proves but political legislation fastened upon tae country to secure an undisguised partisan advantage will not be readily surrendered, although its injustice may be fully demonstrated. Tbe saiest course by every means in our power to prevent its original enactment rather than trust to the generosity ot our opponents after it once shall have been xastened npoa the country.

Our opponents do not discuss very much this issue, but seek to ignore it. President Harrison, in bis lettero: acceptance, take a' more conservative view than had been expected, and' endeavors to draw public attention away from its consideration by tbe mild suggestion ot a non-partisan commission to revise the Federal election laws. Mr. Blaine, the shrewdest oi all the Republican leaders, in a recently published letter, substantially advised the. abandonment or ignoring of the force bill But the vice-presidential candidate, Mr.Whitelaw.Reid, in his very able and' aggressive letter of acceptance, impetuously rushes in where men bad feared to tread, and vigorously defends, in effect, the aubstance.

spirit and purpose of the uaveu port bill, ibis course does credit to his consistency, although it roar be a reflection upon his good judgment. This issue aione necessarily makes the South solid lor tbe Democratic party. Concluding, he said: Tb cause is worthy tbe support of every pstriot who loves bis country and desires to see its- fre institutions perpetuated and maintained, the reiorms which we deem are necessary torlhe aatety and prosperity or the Republic We re-adopt the expressive language of tbe national Democratic platform of 1876, ander which Samuel J. Tilden was elected to the presidency. Reform can only be had by a peaceful civic revolution.

We demand a chapge or syjstem. a change of administration, a change oi parties, that we may have a change of measures aud of men. Chssnrsy iliac k'aAppeal tor Money. WaSHIN-gtox, October 26. A final ap- il to th Democratic clubs ia the United States has been sent out from national headquarters of the clubs in this city.

It is signed by Chauocey F. Black, president of tbe National Association of Democratic Club and reads as follows: In a few days the verdict of the ballot-box will determine whether the people can elect a President of tbe.r choice or whether the colossal contributions of the corrupt monopolies and trusts can nullity free su if rage and buy another lease of power tor the Republican party. It is known that tbe enemies of the Democracy and tbe people haveloet all hope of.eiect-ing the candidate of tbe Minneapolis convention by appeals to resson and lair election methods; and have determined uoou the plan ot campaign which-contemplates the purcuase of the presidency. Their plan includea not only the' legitimate work of polling their party vote, but also of bribing electors to re- fraln trom registering and to stay away from i tbe polls, aud the expcnditure-or mlinons or dollars direct purchase of votes on election day. It ia to counteract this attempted debauchery of tbe suffrage that the National Democratic Committee appeals sow to patriotic citizens for aid.

Money is needed to get out the Democratic votes, to bave watchers at the polls to prevent frauds, and for taking such legitimate and proper steps as may be necessary to preserve tbe purity ot tbe ballot. Reiving upon the people alone, the National Association of Democratic Clubs, hav ing no -officeholders to assess, and no monopolies to bargain with, it therefore makes this appeal to every Democrat, no matter what his circumstances may be, to give the national committee such pecuniary aid as he can spare. No turn, however small, will be refused, bend what you can. and get your neighbor to remit also. Mr.

iacVeagU'ir Views. Naw Yobk, October 26. A special from Washington to the Times says: Mr. Wayne MaoVeagb came from Philadelphia yesterday to make an argument before tbe Supreme Court in a case in which be is counsel. He was asked if he intended to reply to Patrick Egsn's statement, which appeared this morning.

"1 do not," said Mr. MacVeagb, "it is too pitiable to merit any attention. I bave said all fhat I care to say to Egan." Mr. MacVeagb expressed the opinion that tbe apathy one hears so ruuch about in- connection with the campaign is only in appearance, and that the ueopie are taking a great interest in politics, particularly on the moral side. They are interested in improving the politicsl standards, both in men and methods, and are influenced by reason -and right rather than by au appeal to old partisan prejudices.

"When you. strike the-moral chord," be said, "it finds a very earnest response in public sentiment." lie discovers evidence ox this in tho nam- fjberless letters of thanks which bave com to him since his letter and his speech in Philadelphia. He has received such letters from all parts of the country from some of the most prominent persons io the country, and very many of tbe plain people, and in all is expressed-an appreciation of tb moral purpose discerned in- what he wrote and said. A People's Party Rtory. Wichita, October 2G.

Tbe latest Political, sensation here is a story of an alleged plfit to 'assassinate the lion. Jerry Simpson. Chairman Crieden thai, of the People's Party, claims to have received from Mr. Cole, of Harper, letters which he secured from a drunken man at tbe latter place a few days ago. The letters were addressed to "Robert Swivel" and were postmarked at Troy.

Emporia, and other towns in They were signed A. snd contained apropotition to murder Jerry Simpson, and offered to pay the-sum of to "Swivel" ir he would undertake an accomplish th deed. It is beiiered "Swivel" is an anumed but it is known that mail addressed, to Robert Swivel, bos been received and delivered to a party giving' that nam to the postoSice at Harper. The members of the People's Party express alarm at the discovery, and from now until tbe close of the campaign Simpson will be famished with a body-guard. Mr.

itlatne'a flaa. Washisgton. October 25. Postmaster-General Wanamaker spent an hour with ex-Secretary Elaine, at bis house, and when interviewed in regard to it, said that the purpose of his visit was purely personal, to express bis gratification at Mr. Blaine's return.

"A part of the interview," Mr. Wanamaker continued, "related to politics, and Mr. Blaine will make up by bia pen what be can not do by speech, while he nurses a temporary affection of hit throat. He is evidently greatly interested in tbe election 1 ol Mr. Harrison, and anxious that all bis friends should know it, and he freely expresses his belief that Mr.

Harrison will belected." Labonthcr. On Protection. London, October 26. Mr. Labouchere says in Truth that it is doubtful whether many Europeans will Tut tha Chicago A Fair, and that wealthy people of, lei.ur cJssswLU prefer to visit the country when xto i air is being held.

He adds: It IS certain, however, that at tbe present moment America is tbe most prosperous country in -the world, detoite our assertions that protection is ruinous. If 1 bad been an American tor self 1 should have advocated The proof of the Dodding is ia the eating. Protection pudding baa provided a more plentiful meal for Americans than free trade provide for ua. Don Dick, in son Comlag TTesU NEw York, October 25. Don M.

Dickinson, chairman of th Democratic National Campaign Committee, started for Chicago late last night; and will make a hurried tour of the West befor his return to New York. He will be absent several davs. Fusion Completed tn Oregon. Foktlaxd, October 23. Fusion between th Democrats and the People's Party-was completed yesterday.

Th members of the two parties will give their rotes to two- Dessoexats and tw People' Party csindidatea. tlr. fwyers Alleged Bet. New York, October 2i It was reported on good authority at Delmonico's last night that Michael F. the well-known horseman, had to $7,000 that Cleveland will be elected.

FOCK BUltXhll TO DtATH. The Shannon Family AU Dis Cleveland (O.) Fire- In Cleveland, October 2C Fire at 1:50 o'clock this niornio destroyed the. building, corner of Central avenue and Harriet street, occupied by James Shannon and. John McGinty, saloon-keepers, aud Frank Maun, barber. Shannon and his' family lived in the upper section of th structure.

Tbey were burned to death, being overcome by smoke before assistance could be rendered. The dead are: JAMES SHAKNOX. aged thirty-eight. MRS. SHANNON, aged tnirty-two.

JAMES SHANNON, aired six years. JOHN SIIANNONT aged four years. The bodies were in an unrecognizable condition when Another fatal Fire. riTTSBTRG, October 2G. During the progress of a fire in the boat supply house of D.

Chestaut fe Second avenue and Wood street, eleven firemen were overcome with fumes of burning oil and waste. -Two were taken out dead and tbe others removed to the Homeopathy hospital. Some of them are in a serious condition. UNION 8KMINAKI TROUBLES. Four of the Lending Directors Xto alffn From the Board.

New York, October 26. Th Rr. Dr. John Hall and th Rey. Dr.

Robert Russell Booth have resigned from tbe board of directors of the Union Theological Seminary as a result of the complications foi lowing the "seminary's dispute rrith the Presbyterian, church. It is said that other directors will withdraw. Dr. Booth has been a member of the board for over thirty years. He will continue as director Princeton -College and as pastor of the Riverside churcb.

In addition to Dra. Hall and Booth, two more of the directors th Union Theological Seminary have resigned their posi tions as directors, lhe two men areTtre Rev. Erakine X.White, of this city, and th Rev. Dr. Charles A.

Dickey, Philadelphia. These resignations are the outcome of the differences of opinion between tb faculty of Union Tbeologioal Seminary and the General Assembly of th Presbyterian Is "said" that the Rer. Dr. "John C. Bliss, moderator of the Presbytery, who is said not to be in thorough accord with his fellow; seminary directors in their act of secession; Dr.

William A. Booth, of Engle-wood, N. and Dr. Worcester, profeesor of systematic theology in th seminary also contemplata THE WJtATUER tfLTLLJETIN-. THK GENERAL FORECAST.

Washisgtox, October 26. Forecast till 8 p. m. Thursday: For Indiana Generally fair, on Thursday, with northwesterly winds. THE LOCAL 'FORECAST.

For Indianapolis and vicinity For th thirty-six hours ending at 8 p. m. Thursday; Fair to-day aud Thursday; slightly tOOAL TsariaiTSSS. nMaM-fl 1 i P- The Weather In Otber Cities. Cbservstlons taken by the United States Weather Bureau at 7 a.

m. to day: Boston, cloudy, temp. ii i New York city, cloudy, tempi. I' Washington, cloudy, temp. 44 -Jacksonville, clear, temp.

Pittsburg, cloudy, temp. Cleveland, cloudy, temp. Cincinnati, ra temp. 42" Louisville, clear, temp. 38" Chicago, cloudy, temp.

38. Bt. Louis, cloudv, temp. 34 Kansas City. lair, temp.

Omaha, cloudy, temp. 34. i 8t. Paul, clear, temp. 80.

i Bismarck, clear, temp. 30. Kovetiiber Weather. "What tnay develop in theiway of weather may the bet'er be guessed at with a knowledge of what has been. Tha Signal Service bulletin showa that the mefftj-November temperature for tweuty-one years has been 41; that the average prec pitaCinn has been 3.tf4 inches; that tbe average number of cloudless days is partly cloudy cloudyjdaya 14; prevailing winds west and northwest.

The grestest November snowfall in twenty-four hours since 16S4 was 4.4 inches, November 6,. 1SC, TO-OAYS BItlEF NKW8. The special session of the Wisconsin Legislature has not yet accomplished anything. Tbe farmers at Genlow's Corner. have organized to lynch tbe first chicken thief caught.

President McLeod, of the Reading road, has been elected president of the; Boston Maine road. Clement 31. broker, of No. 30 New street. New York, has failed.

His liabilities are put at 200,003, and assets at 30,000, Prince Alfred, eldest son of tb Duke of Edinburg. has entered tbe First Regiment of Pross-an Foot Guards. He is eighteen years Old- 1 A horrible discovery was mad at Mingo Village. O. tbe skeleton of a human being discovered in tbe bottom of a cistern.

Tb of- fair is shrouded in mystery. i There are' prospects at Pittsburg of a settlement of the river coal miners' strike, as tbe men in all tb pools ar willing to return to work at reasonable figures. Tbe remains of the late Fmil F. Drier, the Danish consul to Chicago, wbo died on hoard the stesmshlp Heel last Friday, were cremated at Fresh Pond. yesterday.

Robert Valkenburg, a. bookkeeper in th International oil works of St. Louts, has beea missing sine October He is charged with embezzlement to tha extent of several thousand. The secret service division at Washington has discovered a counterfeit of the new iasuo of tb new two-dollar jilver certificate, series 1886, check letter 2,235, W. S.

Rosecrans. register; James W. Hyatt, treasurer. Warren P. Watrous, well-known in Washington ID.

commercial circles as real-estate and note broker, was arrested on a warrant, yesterday, charging him with forgery, and was released on bail. Tbe complainant in the case is Charles L. Dubois, of of tbe banking-house of DuboiaJt Co. Th I amount involved is small. 1 TIIE PACE THAT KILLED.

DEATH OF IIATtnY MIL-BAJNK, THE DUELIST. Ho Had Led sv Frlsbtfuly Fatit Lifs Tor an Trs Ho Fought Seventeen Duels amd Killed Four Men Otiier Death. New YoEr. October 26V It is reported her that Harry Vane Miloank, tbe noted duelist, who figured in the Borrowe-Dray. ton scandal, bos died in Switzerland, to which country he had gone for the benefit of his fa ling health- Harry Vano Milbank was an Englishman bv birtbi but baa li-ed on the Continent the greater part of bis U.

He was educated at Eton, and a terward joined The Bluea. With his regiment be passed through the war in the Soudan, and was present wiih Gen. Herbert Stewart when he was to spend money and flcht dutji. He oyned racing stables in!and. bernvany and France, and.

whilo not known, ai apluascer. La was a constant layer at most'ot tho gamin clubs Of the F.crcixan capitals- -He Vrcnt tte pace" as few, even of his own; country men, have don, llcvr many duels Milbank even his best lricnds don't kiiovi but be it Said to hava participated in, 'seventeen eishtcen. -The natural ln.ercnce is that a man who has killed tour men ia ainile combat is a bloodthirsty iuockuK But Mil-bank claimed" that ho voked a quarrel. He considsred himself in having obtained a reputation i as a duelist, which he has bccuYompeMed to i uphold all over Europe, whore, particularly in I France and Italy, s-chemed to briiiir about quarrels for the nko ofisiia their skill wich pistol or rapier against aa Ki.xlisbman. Milbank was a son of Sir Frederick Milbank and a trrandson ot Mark Milbank.

who mar ried the daughter of the fi'st Dpke ot CleTe- land. The yoang man stent, but bad a large fortune left. Had he lived tere was a probability that within a short time he might have been numbered among -the score ot richest Englishmen The late Duke of Clevtland, whose present estate after his death as valued at was one of tbe greatest mineral owners in Great Britain. i Vrn.l.ri.V, 1 A V- 1, unquestioned Lelr tbtbis entire estate, had he not consented-so mo time ago to cut off the entail in consideration of 500.C0Q, Hfilhank'a nnrft i in -th. PiirA.Tlpft rinii scandal was that ot a iricud w' Alor horrowe.

when tbe lsf.ter was challenged by Mr. James Coleman-Drayton, on tcccunf, it is understood, of alleged attentions by Mr. Borrows to Mrs. Draytonrth third daughter of tbe late Willsam Astor.J Zenas King.

Clev eland, October 20. Mr. Zenas King, one of Cleveland's moit widely known citizens and president ot the King Iron. Bridge Company, died last nkht at his rcsidenoe on Euclid avenue. Mr; King was a pioneer in iron bridge building, the most notable structure of that character being the one letwten Covington, and Cincinnati.

Mr King was born in. Kingston, May 1,1818. Oen. f. Jt.

Tattle. Des Moines, October 26. Word has been received of the death of Tuttle at Casa Uranda, A. T. II was ooo of the most prominent of Iowa's living war officers.

Me was stricken with -paralysis last Saturday and died yesterday, 1 i TO MAIHtY 'BiLLY' WEST. Tb MlnstrePsi Third Matrimonial Yenturo Ermnlranley, the Bride. New Ootober 2(1. Theatrical peo ple-ana a gooa many otners as wen, wno have followed. thprofessional and matri- monial fortuues of "Billy" AVest, the mln- strel, of the firm of Primrose fc West, and' one time the husband of Fay Teropleton will be surprised to learn that once again; and for th third time, be is about to enter wedlock.

Mr. West will be married at 4 o'clock "to-morrow, at his house in Benson-hurst, to Miss Emma Hanley, an actress, who made ber debut as on of th four daughters ia-Adonis." -Since then she has sung in comio opera, and appeared jn fare comedy. Her latest engagement' was in "The Hauler." West and bis affianced hrst met in this city a yesT ago, and wer quietly engaged a few months later; West fir-t became matrimonially prominent through hi9 marriage to Fay Templetoo. -His divorce from that star is still remembered. He subsequently married Miss Morris, tbe daughter of the American minister at Constantinople.

This lady died, two years ago in tbia city. IIE POISONED HIS And, "Watched Ilor SnrTerlnp; H. Then Killed lllmtielf. New York, October 261 Daniel Sulll-ran, of RoslynL. committed suicide by taking ttryebuine, last Saturday; aXter an unsuccessful but horrible attempt ta poison bis After administering the poison, Sullivan watched his wife writhing in excruciating agony for hours, denying her even so little as a glass of water, cursing ber when she pleaded for ia doctor, and call- Jug upon her to die, and die.rjuickly Their infant son-, a nur.intr baby, wom in the room at the time, unattended and waiting for Douri-Ltuf rii.

which the inhuniati faMtcrde nied it. After indulging himself with sueh a scene for hour, and thinking bis wife's end but a question of a few minutes, iiulli' van swallowed a quantity of strychnine, and died in fearful agon calling for mercy, forgiveness and aid to tne last Mrs. Sullivan is still alive, but ber condition is erit ical. LOCKED TIIK GROOM UP, i Bat He Escaped and Married In fcplte of Hie Fthr. LonsviLLE, October 20.

Miss Henrietta Schmidt aud Charles Kuclien-brod wr married Saturday morning. The ceremony was 1 to bave taken placeJatt Thursday, bot the father of the ttoom, wbo is twenty-one, objected because Miss Schmidt, who is a Protestant, while th Kuchenbrods are Catholics, would not be married by a priest. Thursday evening a. supper was prepared, tbe guests were at Miss Schmidt's house and all was ready, but the young man did not appear. A messenger who was sent to tha trouble reported that the groom was under lock and key.

His father had. suspected that be was about to be married and placed bioi in a room anfl locked him in. At midnight he escsped, hid all- day Friday, and on Saturday tbe marriage was performed by Rev. Mr. Waldemann.

Missionary "Society Meeting. i 8peclal to The Indianapolis Nsws.f MxniON, October 26-Tbe Woman's For eign Missionary Societi of the Warsaw district is holding iU nineteenth annual session in this city. Th meetings are in the M. cburcb. Delegates are here from Warsaw, Mexico, North South Whitley and other fioints in the district.

After the close of th afternoon seision th delegates paid a to th boldiers' Home. I lhe Tentorile Overnue. S. October a bit Star steamship Teuton io, which left yerpool October 19, was due at this port ber 1 last inei edjfj last about midnight night, but it is thoogr.t that she it detai by tbe severe, weather. which is report inaomiug tttamtrt.

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