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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)


Till Makes tfce Rebellion Very orloua One 1 he btN( Der Bsentb of It Why More Captured ier FotuMt IdUBDO, January deyelop in regard to the Garza revolution, coming to light The papen found io the saddle bags of Phlo Mance, ooe of ftha captured revolutienisU. throws a great deal ef light on the situation, prove, eon msawvdy tbetwbattwe. foreshadowed four days ago te tnie, and that ia that the clerical party is furnishing the money with which the cam neiiro is bcina eond ueUd. In all the foray made by arz ne mi ot stole or plundered the smallest article. On the other band, he baa paid eath at top price, for what be baa needed.

Were all this moe waa coming from baa been puz cjfng the American and Mexican aotbori Hea Jtfweeertdined that Hon tea da HonUiey. ia tbe financial gent tjf tbe clerical party In Garza with fnndV eeret officers bare traced pecks: expreae, and papers found io Gere. camp Confirm tbe feet. ea Oeea ed Itnrbida are frailly one, end they hate Wax and so doe Garza. They ia this.

Mo far as Garza atumpting any troeole, fl Wiien be atttwtea ne UniUd Utayu under Capuiii Bourke, prised at night and he epened fire and fled. beriw. Juflammstory pronuntiameptoa, evor diherent mxnstureii, calling Majleaaa eoarmsaant tyranny, ar consUntly oe Log c.reuUUd on botb side, of the Bio Graode, ths latent being toy juao lores. If (hi I'oitad HtaUa auttioritic kect Gr ia forces well rounded up, instead of cap tarim; tbero. be forced to cross into Mexico, and then the real tocsin of war will be sounded.

The Clerical party ia strong and rloli, and impneonaneai Of the priest makes them bur. nppreas erery mention of the resolution, no trouble brewiae, but their action And the insriUble, and i actireiy at work. Mexican stlrer fallen in t4d Forebrosrs who here dereioped Mexican iduitrisa are alarmed. The forei mj portrrit BC Hie Pise fOVentt rua i that he rulea more lTke an wioneiveforirnerecuritv. Tbe but at present there is none a erernors and general are well paid and they hare all to losOaod uotbiug to gam.

The telwraph wires betsjeen Ft Rlng eold and this city are in I good working I. jSrder.and dailr rsporU are receised tbe seat of war at tbe military department ftanVrai Stanlar raaaived letted from CapUin Beurke, in which the atales that the people of tbe Kio Grande valley will help Garaa to tbe last woman and child, and it I almost imoomible for tbe trooDS te aeeeakta anrthing in tbe way of suppressing tbem, as Uiy alwars wamud. The atebaU amd leoPie Ban A.fTOKip, January 5. The trouble, on the border are not aeitled, and It can not oe said that any great aticceaa haa resntud from the brare and persistei forts ef the United SUUs troops injthe has been so far accomplished baa been the routing of Garxa'a men when discovered email bauds. The nolior of the rasolutn ary fores whan attacked, so far, has been to scatter through tbe cliapparal, god it it ooafidently bellered that in eery uch in Unce they.

beNa' Jacret rendea roua, her they come together aeaie after the It ia not beliered that the actual asronahold 4of, the revolutionism has been reached 'althoukh Second Lieut. Geonre 11. ianchorne and Cant. Fmacis W. Jlardie wan tbeir dtUcbhienU, met many roaming band, of tbem during the recent eeoel huting aereral days.

Tbe pebple of the lower iRio Grande country are necul tar people. Captain Bonrke whohes some tana among tbem, describe them, a written report just made General He aers; Of the population of this part ot th Kio Grande Taller not nyiofc can fee aaid. 'There are some few peofie ed Moated, and with refinement, but the team of the ignorance andsupemition which no parallel thia nsTde" bf Uhe Congo. with either eorernment To people I wuh to sax that durior the lat prtngend early aamojer 1 noted dou all their aupersthiotfs and weird Uuc. end found that they war.

firm believer in the enl ej w.tcnorat, enres by roaic. eorcerr, iooanUtion and all other ideas of kini which prevailed in Kurope from the tune of the orusadm until tiW Freaeh revolution." Where tha ttrcrott. lasaa aTraaa. Fi Fao, January Wit haa just feeen learned that the leaders the present tNTolution on the lower frontier have been working in th neighborhood for Wcrnits steed 'that many laborers wprkine on she small reaches between here in Rineon. Si stex, were induced to leate and proceed to the neighborhood ef Laredo, These people made a very scant bring working ia the field, and herding, and lived in mud jackals alone tbe Kid Grande.

There is no doubt they eoeld be eeeilr induced to enter leerned that the headquarters of. the rero operauoos. The aeheme ta backed by is ebtained in Mexico the revolution will in to of ail begin ia earaeat. The idea of those baek sasrtha movement to cut off that portion erftexice north of a line exUnding from UxpeaontbeGulf Mexico to Mamtlau eaahe Pacific ocean, and. declare a republic under the constitution as promulgated FOtTXD MARRIAGE A FAILURE.

MtLWAtTtEE, Wku, January Prettr 11a Silveraeil. ef Waakeaha, bee decided that marriage a failnre, and tbe iababit enu of Jhat watering place are eagerly gee tbe affair. December IT Sri vaster Silveroail, wealthy reeident of the Tilitsre, eefoniibed everybody by going off aad marrying Miss Flora Stolier, tbe pretty daughur of a wcU to do farmer Wai 5SSE2r. kDO lately ia Waukesha, hot roontha before, coupled tbe fact tbat he was eereotv two and a wife nineteen eet all the toneneato wagging. The old gentleman remained away.nntil tbe sensation bad died.ont, and then brought hi bride heme.

Mr. Biivernail bad been a acbool teacher, and at tbe time Mr. Stlrernail propoaad raa working for a Waokeaha famUr. ilk Sil veraaif left borne reaterdar. Uk ing all ber personal effeeta with ber.

Before she left bef rheabaod called in a neigh KsTW Have, Jannerr 5. In his memorial sermon at tbe fnneral of Maj. Gen. Alfred H. Terry, Rer.

Theo. T. Hunger, pastor of the Toiled efanreb, this city, referred to tbe massacre of General Custer's command in June, tbtfi. He said rashness and diobedience ended ia the total destruction of his command. General Terry withheld the fact of the disobeyed altered an imputation own milJurv repuU than subject a brare.

cuarge rumberj Wncn called to account for tire i wiiicrr he made, againat the Chri.ti.n burial of es Army, a brotker in one dead so! die another. Dr. Mi Cidonel iiuffhes denied havmf authorized Dr. Monger to make the atate roent, tbooeh be admits that he waa the source of the Doctor'esnfonnationi" Kev. Dr.

Mongerrto dey, rpcaking of Gen. Frje'a eritieiam, said "Prior to the funeral General Terrr and of 1 i connection with dara. lie bad to th verbal ordtr. end knew what Ihey were. Colonel II ughes, tha ardae.

lie atated thatC had diaobeyed ordera. Colonel Hugbes rUted that be bad aereral times urged General Terry to tell tbe whole story of tha affair, aa it waa due up. Terry replied that he did not care to disclose the facts, vrnich he, living, could dead. Colonel Hughes suggesUd that in remarks I should refer ABASH CHICAGO, January 5. Judge Blodcrett, tbe Federal Court yesterday rendered bis opinion In a controversy between tbe Wmeraamcd Jacob M.

Harmon over tbe pwnerahipof over three thouaand acre, of land io I rouoJa county, IlMeoU, and War i couhtv, Indiana. About fifteen vears Harmon made a contract with two of i Jacob and Jeremiah Harmon, lich, in effect, (rave the old gentleman's isessions to them at hi death, provided tbey made certain improvemeoU on the land and i.aid an annual rental for it. In is ta new agrcemept. wnicn provided tnai owner deired, was made, la 1813 llHrmoii died and left a will which disposed of 1,4 acres of tbe land WaWh College, of Indiana: a. large portion to different'1 relative, and but aix hundred acreaeach to tbe two nephews.

'ne will aUo provided that these luM be quests be subject to an annuity of '2o cent rebelled at this and filed a bill in the United State Circuit Court to enrorce the orieinal agreement that they were to receive the" land. The written agreement made by the two nephew, in waa fatal lr claim, however, in the court's opm There was some question in the mind as to the annuity in petpetoitr paid to the Bible society, and there will probably be a inal agreement waa dismissed for want of SLIGHT FLUKRIS8 OF. SNOW Washisgtun, January 5. Snow flurries ay beeaPeud in the lake region, and light, rait, in the Middle and South Atlantic ahd Gulf State. Tha temperature wilt fall slichtlv west of the Mississippi and in the upperleka region.

It will rise in New Kn gland tjnd will Forecast itil 8 p. Wednes Virginia, Ohio aod Indiana Snow tlurnes; probable variable winds. Local Forecast For Indianapolis four hours ending mow daring tbe neany auuonary uaaperaiure; vanaoie winda. i ha dnp ee ISoec lal to 1 Fnulis.U. January a.

La grippe is at JTtSSS. Westlork of the death of Br.dget(os grore. agea eigntveiBni years, inis is tne Xourth case knoani to have died during the eighty ytrs of age: sirs, Mary Carver, ged eighiy.ibree: Mr. Kobert Sharp. livmg in or near LeaTeoWorth.

Hary Judcmenrs aaaeB. Xkw Kg. Januarv 5. VaTtricta gating given ia the Supe i jupjd, riydrai tetnH ssicfe The; suits were brought on promassorT notes given ia a consolidation scheme of iao water worka compatiee of Aa cldent to ihr Lotistillk, Kv Jauuary 5. Jhe train of the Kentucky A Indiana Bridge Com rounding a curve last night.

'derailed at Twenty ninth street offtbebridge. The last car f.U from a trestie tbirtv five feet high. Coaductor Frank Mahan craehed to death under i AgatL Chlaaea Bighbiaetor Sax Fraxcisco. Jan nary 6. After fortnight', trfcee, the Chinese higbbindere nave rene weej; thr lends by tbe marder ot Chinaman in Gum Cook alley.

The bor to witness bis attempts to bare tier remain. To bi entreaties and promise to treat her well the pretty bride torned a deaf earand declared tbat if ber husband had treated her well sba wonld not have thought of leering bisk. 1 THECUSTER OXTROVERT. The Brave n.ral Said To Hare Been Both Raan and Disobedient. i a a TO DAY'S APPOINTMENTS.

THE PRESIDENT SENDS IMPQBT AJTT Other Officers Boars Waahlnc mm In General. Internum. Commerce Commissioners James W.JfeDill, of Iowa, rice Thomas M. Cooley, resigned; William M. jLindsey.

of Kentucky, nee W. L. Bragg deceased William B. Morrison, of UUnoisl( reappoint William He! Consul William D. ketor.

ofindiana. Minister resident end Coasui Generai Liberia. Andrew Mdormak, of Texas, United States circuit judge for the Fifth judicial cireuir. Matthew T. Allen, United States attorney for the Abram lUy, of principal clerk of of ih'e General Land Office.

Daniel T. Hindman, arent for the Indians pf tUt. si K.eUc.v, Soutb Dakota, Chjcf Kngineer Geor W. Melrille, United Sutea engineer iu and cBief of the the Bureau ot Steam l.iiir,' relatire rank of commodore. United Suue Consuls Campbell T.

Max well of Ohio at Santo Domingo, Charles Waare of Iowa at Aix La David S. K. Buyck of Orejron at Sonneberc. Elias B. Gheeny of New Hampshire at MaUuzas, James Leucb df Iuiana at Beliz, bom.

of the Appolmeea. William R. Morriaon. who waa to dar appointed a member of the lnteraute that body. Mr.

Morriwn was born in Mon war W4S member or the elected to eamm elected and served continuously until immis.ion. During hfw last years in i House. Judge McDUl. of Iowa, native of onto, ralty of the class How William M. Lindaey I.

one of the leq ling awyer. of Kentucky, and is a roan who etands promoted from CS3 KeDublicar a Republican, at present York, general secretary of the Na tional League for the; Protection of Ameri een Institutions, has been at work in this city in behalf ot an amendment to the United SUMs Constitution, which, within tha next two weeks, will be submitted to both branches of Congresa. The amendment, Allen Butler, of New York, provides that, hereafter no State shall pass any law regarding the establishment of any religion, or prohibiting the free exercise of religion, or shall use its property, or credit, or any money raised by taxation, or authorize either to be used for the purpose of founding or aidimr, or maintaining by payment for aervices, expenses, ot otherwise, anv church, religious society. denomination, or any institution, society or or ecclesiastical, control. If it is passed by Congress, it Uken to the various States for ratification by tbe legislatures.

There tweoty on bUtes that prohibit appropriations, and thirty six tbat sectarian diversion of the school fund. The National League has been espe cially organized to. secure the passage of the amendment. Proposed nbavasAdor to 1 Washinoton, January 5. The Chilian triable is still the chief subject for dis cussioa among Government officiala here.

nf th nrnhlom ma br fonnd in ndiru Senator Edmunds an of reputation and unqnestionea integ rityas an embassador to treat with tne i Chilian government, not alone for tha set tlement of the present troubles, DUt for a general treaty of the highi order, eritv with ('hilL and no general. not onl show to Chili and tbe whole world a dispoiit.on to deal with the utmost fair ness, but might result favorably in many particulars. It is Of the highest importance tion in the i Bough, espacia nally until there is a ship channel across tbe Is'thmus. and itisf not impossible that in event of gener4l treaty and adjceLof; the pros ThiTTiittrnipht be obtained quite a popule characteristics. P111 i large atUndam of cond Cougrem attracUd a naniber of outsiders, who went from mem bef (l mtmhet offerjng snagestions as to measurea which ihould be intr0liaced, ffi 'f themserve.

or fri Tbe galleries, although not crowded. vcvad irStinie wereeged. end "the utaToat good feeting and fraternity prevailed and ior once poliUcal and personal animosity tbe illness of the Si eaker. declared that tag oajy buainess in order was eiecuon or a sneaaer pro tern, motion of Mr. Springer, of Illinois, the a.uking fer i at front tolay.

He introduced eueb gnat of hjl. rnake the oldest tremble Among them establish an irrigation bureau: crease the. circulation bv a new flood of silver and gold certificates; to pee. a new preVen I dealing in options. Court yeeterday decided, in favor of the I i i STilbl.

is to allow close whenever and wherever tber Judges Brewer, Harlan ana Field B7 Hooaiera, Washington. January 5.: hers of the House are evidently greatly impressed with Senator Turpie'a proposition for th election of Senators by the people, as about one half of tbe delegation intro doced bills of that character this afternoon. Congress Wis ii Bvnum has just, introduced a bill lor puhlicbuilding at Indianapolis. of. S.wO.000 for Not a I p.

f. Wamiiscctok. JaBnery 5 adxians inquiries are msde Washixgtok. Janmiry 5. A good many or York, and so Be is i THE DEATfl CffiCAGO, January 5.

Bar. Thomas H. Skinner, D. professor of divinity at the McCormick Theological Seminary, died at his residence here yesterday. Skinner has been in failing health for several years, and last week was stricken with pneumonia, which censed hi death, was seven ty years old, and left one daughter.

'Rev. ThSiSW Hn XkiannCn t) II. D.waa tbe of Re. Thomas H. Skinner, wko wasdne OTthe most celebrated ministers of the PetbTterUn church, in this comtrv.

jL'iRKffcirfS rhetoric. jatoraJ theoloev and Yor1''' Thcog" "SiadeTphia, October te2jT i and graduatod irom the University oV Nex Alln rYi fTKr.0 to the church at Honeadale. Pa. church, in took of he itccepted toral charge of Ft. Wayne, which ha retained.

1 at Cincinnati, Jeaving Theolocical 8eihinary of tho Northwest 1 caao. when he re.ig ned it, on.account of ill he but was appointed processor of divinity. t. During his carfy ministry Dr. Skinner intimately associated through his father prominent clergymen crcKatioUal churcne aiuHv.

referred theological views changed about eight or 1 higher. ft old school type of Galvanism Always an enthusiastic mau he accepted i heartily, and threw himself with ardor int the work of itax position and defense Jainea Goodwlae. Special to The Indianapolis Newa.1 January 5. James Good prominent and the wealth) JAMES QOODWIXE. parti, il.iny inent inTtair associations, and at the president f5nTCAOO.

Jannarr John B. Carson. ex.president of the Chicago Western In ex president oi the bad held many espousible lh.a ftK died yesterday. A year rho was never an excep lPin in ita most severe torm Cmnon WM in and when eighteen years of age railroad service as one of a corps on the Cleveland A Celomboa ilie Mater he entered the employ of th InjaThitL afjcjtem! i Railway Company a general freight agent of the Wabash Wet taa4Baaalaaa'lartOi headqaarters at Rochester. N.

V. In 1ST8 be as ejected to the man agement of the Hannibal A St. Joseph road. When the Chitago, Burlington A TSSSSS bany Chicago road he Monon and alao elecUd president of the Chicago A West business, j. Other leai lis.

Philadelphia, January 5. George for many yfear. well k96wn throughou! th. meed States as a photographer of fine tie and horses, died Subday here from an Ogle, a descendant Samuel Ogle, who was Maryland's Go Joseph Ugle. an ary war, is dee dead.

He was eigtity tbree 1 one of tbe wealthiest men in Bellevtile. This are' Didn't Curew January 5. John M. Derby, a prominent land attorney, was id dead his bed yestordav. pUined of baring been aick for aeveral days bottle of a patent con 8aiaption core.

He was forty twoTyear, of ofectojo LISCOLS. January 5. Near Clar Center, yesterday, Mrs. Fraxier Troxell and ber little child were burned to death by an elothieg. r.

Si i proUbItt uitir tbe LeSSature in to of an is The ing big the SHERMAN URE WINNER, HE YvTLL. HAVE OR TWELVE RAKER. VOTES OVER FO RAKER. rhla Pmctleally Acknowled84d by the Letter's Support ers Senator Jdea Seated 1 Dy's De Telopmenta In the Ftabt. Coi rjcars, January 5 Tba peatert tenato rial contest Republic of Ohio bare erer known is practically at an end.

Erery political indication points the nomination ef John Sherman to mor row night by a majority of tea. or twajre cuucwru uj folIow. tm dealer, that eh? bnt SkT TlctoT of tbe assured, and insist that the eiGovernor now maintaining an appearance of conn dence in the sole eopc of keeping his supporters together, in order that ha may go down with votes enough behind him to show how nearly he has come to defeating Ohio's greatest Senator. Tfia pram ot Ohio thia, morning generally con aider th Cincinnati Commercial Gazette, which has been the soul of tbe Foraker candidacy, an pareotl loses iU, confidence, for toe first time, to day, and in sumarixing the situat tion ays: Foraker haa not by anr means given up the, fight, but on the contrary feeis that he has as good a chance admiration of even a is opponents, who never expected such apiasel. Secretary of State van, who haa Uken an active part in the fight againat lioVernor Foraker, and tuts been the shrewdest and beet: adviser Serfator Sherman has had, remarked that the ex Governor deserved to win the 1 wonderful battle he had is remembered tbat the cause has had I contend against uside iniluence: been under the ist powerful ele of hgbtmg the tbe State; has bad no position to Governorhas on record in American noli The bitterness of the Foraker people to vard the national is intent, an(f Hon.

W. S. Cappeller. of. Mansfield, one of the ex Governor's leading and a niaa wHose prominence in past State conveutioas gives might to bis words, to dav says: "Whether Mr.

Sherman be nominated or not, bevond that time he is a political blank: in Ohio pout for the. reason that he will have future upon the political Carpet, Sute admitted, it mu.i also be admitted that if the Harrison administration hopes to succeed itself, and tt carry Ohio, it Will climb a barbed wirt fence, if necessary, to be friendly with Foraker and his 'following in thia State. Tbe senatorial contest will leave son places in eviry county, township and school district, and if Mr. McKinley, prebend and realise the situation and be able to heal uo the wound and bridge the chasm, he will have performed' who believe that if Sherman is for tho Senate, it necessitates the tion of Mr. Blaine as.

President Ohid into their column." This sutement of Mr. Cappeller is being received as an aamiBsion teat tneoraaer people propose to array themselves against President Harrison and carry the SUU delegation to the Nationhl convention for Blaine, or, in the absence of his candidacy, for Senator Cullom, of Illinois, or some other declared candidate for tha preaidency, beyond all Question. Fifteen of these will be Senators and forty one Representatives. Tf tbe vOU was Uk'en now that wouldbc! my estimate of the 'resulLJUow erer, id may be increased." Wb are the naked of ''And the Uepreaentativea?" wis asked. 'I do not reel at libertv tqgiveihem now.

My estimate will hold gobdjhowfver, and I have no hesitation in saying that Jlepresenp itive Clapp! of Geauget and McCoy of Columbiana will voU lor Mr. Sherman." itepresentative Dunn of Mrgab, who has been claimed by the Foraker people, this morning unqualifiedly deelaresfor Sherman. "When I was nominated I promised, mv speech accepting the nomination, that I would honestly and faitifully try represent tne win and mv constituents. In tt United State. Senator alter.

the immediate neighborhood in After my election I inviUd my constituenta adviae me as to their wishes in the mat had Taking the evidence all largely in iavor of John Sherman, and I have no doubt as to, the wishes of my peo pie. 1 will voU for John Sherman for Sen speciat coniniiiw, aiaer an nourra seion prestnted a refort finding that j. trict na it vnt th rt ntesWd adopted, every Republican voting in the affirmative, and every Democrat in the negative. This insures Mr. Sherman one more vote in Wednesday's caucus.

Five minutes after the oath of office had been adminisUred to Senator Iden the gentie Iden the gentle "A1 Sh.faa fo' Mtor thia time I have' refrained from a public declaration, because mv waa still in jeopardy, but now that" tbe matter ia set tied, 1 want my position to be known be i yohd HUNTTNG SMUGGLED PICTURES. New Yoek. Januarv 5. Art circles a excitod juat now because of tha novel method of inquiry for am customs authorities, from Secret' iry for smuggled paintmgs. ithoritiea, acting under in Secretary Foster, are mak a thorough canvass of the collection, of art dealers and and asking date of importation aod.

the amount of duty paid on imported masterpiece. The been led i prised inspectore. The investigation i confined to New York, but aH tbe art oouuiry aiixveu Armes," the investigation. agents hare fotobU'nea sufficient eridance yeVtbay my, to make a pubh. TRAGEDY AT SEYMOUR.

Coixmbts, January 5. A mite, berty wea at Franklin? He uio the He belongs North Ye The accused denies ell knowledge 0 tK ime; ef which be claim, MTer hwd hfd bU home, near Franklin. He also denies erer TlSItlOg VniOUr St SOT timV UUhoUJth Serai Vernon to Indianapolis, worked at ocd jobs, carryioTaha only lired fourteen miles away. Shirlur hod for rebuilding the house, eHc Arab Indiana: lis. derson 'Decern be; aianapolis ndianapolis, he hoarded with Isaac Chandler, colored.

No. Indiana avenue. Shirlev ia well dressed, and does not look as if he had gone rough usage. To dav Marlev Wains.Joaeph Hodapp foot mark made: by the fleeing murderer. Shirley's foot was found of similar size.

However, the prisoner tells a straUthtfor farther her Party Under Arrest. Lawrencebcrg, January 5. Marshal the trail of tbe snppoecd murderer of L. Marsh, of that city, lost him ifi the hills near here. Lest evening word was rec that a rouehlr dressed.

light skinned bearing a general resemblance to the sup posed jmunierer, had been arrested i Grand Central depot at Cincinnati, wh the act of purchasing a ticket toXockland. His actions aroused the suspi of tbe depot officers, and ing to satisfactorily answer tions. be was sent te police headquarters, ne gsire his name as Albert Frits, ef Middlcsboro, ad afurmard cinoati, looking to his indentification. Denvek, January 5. Dr.

Graves emphatically repudiates the alleged confessions published here yesterday. He saya he did not tell anything to Deputies Wilson and Means. He declares tbat Ballo'u is a gentleman and truthful in every respect Few people here Uke any stock in tbe coa fesajon atory. Deputy James Wilson is even now under indictment for i a brutal assault on Lawyer Mays, of tihis city. Nothing baa been beard from Colonel Ballon since his haaty departure Saturday night.

Mrs. Bullou mind ie said to have been affected by the trial. Dr. Graves caused a surprise last night to him ou Saturday night laatand told him be was gaing to leave town, because he was afraid of being, arrested, if he sUyed in Denver any longer. WAS A "GENERAL" FIGHT, It Will ilfht Xo More.

MaCox. Jan 5. Eight killed in a general fight at rights Will turpentiue fctill in Clinch cotrptv Saturday. The fight started with a quarrel and John Parker over alleged cheating in a game of cards. Parker did the Both he and.

Williaine were killed. January S. Murderere Mc ssza were resentenced yester during tbe week beginning February The sentence is I suspended as to Trezza, at request of Sec ZrzLZ i il 1" a7u anbiect of IUlv a i 1 COX ber, has confessed. James Taylor, of Greenville. went suddenly insane and tried to kill his family.

His wife will die. The broom trust is holding a secret'eon ference at Chicago for the purpose of increasing the price of brooms a Vincexio Lorenzo, who has been 100 per day of bad money io tbe Pennsylvania coal regions, is caged at Philadelphia. A a forger and school trustee Of Pike county, Illinois, killed himself at Louia while the police were trying to entor bis room. George S. McCoenett, well known citizen of PitUburg, is in jail on a eharga of having embezzled $000 from a building urchMed the leading type foundriea in having inveated from twehty five to thirty million dollara in them.

deoosed postmaster of Exire, waa arrested yesterday at Griswold, on the charge of embezzlement and misappropriation of Doetoffiee fnds. It ia thought Senators George end Walthall" Tbe Mimissippi Legialature met to day. re eleetod without opposition, ahd that Major BarksdalA the Alliance eham pion, will not allow bis name to go before tbe I At p. jttd.e Mom9d George Herstiee, who got a verdict of i 119.800 against the Lehigh Valley railroad. I 1 foe damages, that he must accept the com Philadelphia, January 5.

Tha 8a nany's offer of $13,000, or a new trial wiU preme Court bee deeidad that a aaloon imntwl on the comoanv'. annli tinn keener is liable for damaa ea ia thai raaa of The Toledo, St. Loai. City road given the reouieito thirty day. notice.

baa giren tbe requisite thirty daya notice oi wiworiwu ir lu" agrewawm made between the trunk line and the Can tral Traffic Association one year ago for the government of business within the joint territory. i Senator Carpenter introduced a bill in tbe Obio Senate yeatorday to rediatricttjbo Slsta tricu wiU be eleee, however, and may be I uncertain with a lau VOU. 1 DOWN BY FRIEND BIBUJJOVS COMPANIO NS TRY TO Fkill IACH OTHUL Martlif Moran, Saloon Keeper, More Snccefal Them Bto Friend, abhn Cain, And In T.InbU 7 to a Cheea of Murder. Woodford de Cfv wholesale neaiers, last evening aDout 6 eiecK. Some days ago the men had a diaaenlenV It waa nothing serious, however.

Caia haa not touched liquor for nearly two years until a few day ago when he went upon ree. Ha told' a rietfd til tea Spa car House tbat he had broken friendship Mart Moran, that he felt serry terrd the saloon and. extending his hand, asked Moran, aidon him for what ha bad said afe uaya before. Moran was under the influence of liqaor also, buf not so drunk as tbe other man, and inclined to be ugly, aad said he did not cere foe any friends any tbat leg, pesaing entirely through, but not aagUf. The other aide of tbe atory is that Cain, after knocking Moran down, aUrted out, end Moran ten behind the bar.

caught up a ntstol aad firsd. the be a gentleman! 1 and thee Moron building, in great pain, lie was helped oyer to Short's drug and afterward Powers 4 Btackwell's took him to St. Vincent a hospital. Where Police Surgeon Earp attended him. It was found that tbe man waa severely wounded, jind there were.grav doubU of his recovery.

Patrolman Martin HyUnd arreeted Moran, and slated for him assault aid bet terv with intent to kill. He had a wound on the back of his head, which was dressed bv thcMdliee He refused' to ipaka any atatement of tbe affair, except that he anil Caiu had alwavs been friends, and that in this matter ha had onlv d.fandWd hfeaV self. He wa inclined to be surly and iH "Abo'ut 11 o'eloek Cain tent for Moran, and in charge of the officers he was taken ould get ou of and guarded, but was not locked room. Cain has the reputation of nd Mullaney A Hayei al on business for a short time, but quit i Woodford A Co. Those knowhim i thev will never believe mulicd Moran except in self defense.

He is known in Irish circles, and is'tomewhat of a Dem ocrutie politicutn. Ha has maay friends Lbat DmuX 4cndei.t Colbert declinefMo accept bail until Cain'a condition ia aacerUined. Th.ia morning At o'clock tba wounded man against him and ba mar die before'night. Thia afternoon be made a brief sutement to the reporters, and hi side' of itory to fighti We fournc for pebpleert tbey did ii and I do I started out 'of the Marv land street door, and be shot me nke Mart, be a gentleman and don't ahoot me anv He replied 'C i vau, 1 am going to kill aod a ha shot we second hlt. waUf and tl out." Cain can not remember who kr him on Uie head, or If be wis struck at all, ion on the hebd, out he kept repeating.

"Ob, I Moran is still locked np and bed AM INSANE MAS'! Ha Attempt. Swallow a Roaary, Hoping (on Eternal Pmi.ADELPniA, Jan nary 5. Inspired with the idea that his act would give him everlasting life; Jam ea Mullen, mtn ted. forced down hia throat the rosary which he wore around his neck. To accom plish thia be used a ton inch, long stickvbJch went down also.

Tb4 bras cross on tbe rosary caughtin his throat, and be police arrived Mullen was blac in the Vigoroo. thumping rieetmest of the rasarw. wbi FLIGHT OF AN AGED COUPLE. An Ohio Sunday afternoon Widow CatherineVisher met for tbe firet time John Wablrat, a wealthy bachelor. It waa a case of love at firet eight with both parties, end they wraagea to eiope tne nexi beetyetirU, blrtbdey.

day, which waa i Uabsiiey eg Dale HjuoTrotoxUpenrk. ISSTt tion of the plaintiff sold her husband liqi intoxicated, and that in consequence be fell into a gutter foil of weUcatod lay there. JrVnua pewemioam, trom tttehem Spahttog tm iaswWbttas. Nkw York. January 5.

There ia a raraer Peoria. 111.. Bishop Loughiin. There are several local clergymen looking for tbe pomtioA.

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