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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 1

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHICAGO TBIBUN2L AILYJ TB1-WEEK1Y AND WEEKLY. IV. CI Clark Street. tuua th tobbm, JhOy, i.ser 1 ettj Coor eek. mn) Otl.y, to sail mrwc-ibera, par fear M) 9kUj, to mat) subscribers, per months- Cri-WeeklT, par ysar 8- Weekly, ainile copy oos yea lix Xubi ol lour copies, oris ft IViW twanty" to tt tottar dun, oo copy extra to the par-9cd orAertziff it Money In Btlaerw Letters aaay be tent at ar risk.

Bar- Tks lolttaea lor club wist, la an cases, )e rnsds at ot Atom 'CHICAGO TRIE USX," Chicago, m. CHICAGO, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1864. NUMBER 112. Butler was seriously wounded in tha kuee on Saturday last, by tbe accidental discharge of a small pistol in his own hands. Toe Sur-geon was unable to Had tbe ball, and it is nently assigned to ie command of the corps lately camtuatidtd by Beauregard.

Tbe Examiner ot Thursday, says: Lt Gen. Taylor waa rn Jackson, 8th, in consultation ith Gea. Gardner, commanding the District of Mississippi aodEsst Louisiana, a e.d Gen. Adams commanding all the cavalry ia the district. Tbe Richmond SenOwt, of the 24th, has a long article on the great question.

The rebel government has taken neaily all tbe transportation, and citizens suffering, hedged up and cut on as Richmond is, money can buy but little. Flonr and corn are harder to be obtained in adequate quantities than in many alpine towns where the only approach is by a mule path. The wlfg, of the 21st says there are bo signs of preparation on the (art of the enemy to go into winter quarters. A REBEL CANARD. Richmond papers of the 17th published an accennt of the blowiDg up and sinking of the United States steamer Niphon.

Admiral Porter today telegraphed tj tie Navv Department that he had received letters from officers oa board the Niphon, dated the so the publication la undoubtedly untrue, THE DEALERS IN CONTRABAND. The trial ot Johnson Sutton, dry goods merchants of this city, charged with selling goods to blockade runners, was resumed today. The prosecution having been closed, tbe counsel for the defense produced witnesses who testified to the loyalty of the firm. The trial ill con tin a aeveral days, and will be followed by other firms arrested In this city and Baltimore, THB DRAFT. The draft was resumed here to-day to fill deficiencies existing in tbe quotas of various wsrds.

Among those drafted was the doorkeeper of tbe President's mansion, who makes the fourth attic bee ot tbe White House who has been drafted within the hist two moitbs. THE WILMINGTON BLOCKAD8. Tt is announced that the blockading fleet eff Wilmir eton has been largely increased, rd gives trouble to blockade runners cow fitting cut in England. The Captain of the blockade runner Bat says he attempted to enter Wilminkton three different times, and was captured on the last attempt. TIMRLT PRECAUTION.

On the departure ot the New Orleans steamers today search was made to prevent disguised rebels getiisg on board. None but passengers vouched lor were allowed to moot tbe gtng plank. All baggage was closely searched. The capture of the Roanoke has c.ueed this vigilance. Baltimore, Monday, Oct.

24 In the Superior Court of this city, to-day, an application was n-ade in behalf of the opponents of tbe new constitution, for a mandamus directed to Gov. Bradford, commanding Mm to exclude from being counted, the votes of soldiers now out ot the State. The Court dismissed the a' plication, it being of tbe opinion tbat no sufficient grounds existed for the interprsition of the Court in the matter. The Council immediately filed au appeal from the above order, and a record was made up snd sent last evening to tbe Court of Appeals, before which su appeal will be had today or to-morrow. In addition to Mr.

Alt x-ander. lt is stated that Reverdy Johnson ani Mr. Letley ate engaged ou the part of the petitioners, while Henry Stockbridge and Archibald Stirling, will appear lor the Governor. MARKET- MATTERS. i.j BOSS GOSSAGE, 0CCKSSOK8 TO W.

Mm ROS8 167 169 Lake Street. Hay; jnit reeeived, aid are I scclying dally, GOODS Eick tlaid Poplins, Toil do Vcniccs, Extra Quality Irish Poplins, EimESS CLOTDS, All fJOLOES, At tlJOpcxyard, i Also-Bleb Black sad Colored "WATERED BILKS Quits sow. Rich Satin and CUeaie Strtpeal Silks. GREAT BARGAINS -Ia Plaid atd Ch-clcd Silts, At Ktae thtllf ng. ar Tan BMUtngi per yard.

x3 iji a. it sxij xs: Ol des-Mlptioo, very oteay. a BrsK3B tor or PAHIS CLOA.KS, In Volv.t, Corced SUka, Prenck Baavaia ana Valvwk Clolha. W1KTER AKQ BELOW MtEKST PRICE. 16T Sc 199 Uks Street.

ROSS GOSSAGE. or 23 au TCA-maet 105. CUctigo, Oct. 7, '64. 105.

ROSS FOSTER'S SEW STORE, 105 UAKE STREET CLG1H PLAIDS Reduced to Fourteen price Twsnty. FANCY mm GG3DS At Etx 8hilllie, former price Tan and Twelve bail gs. ALL STYLES OF DRESS GOODS HeSueed Tweity five tn Vfrty per cent, leu Utan tn pcitlns coat. I2IilCF SILKS. KliM Pollar qoatiy to rive Four DoTlar cm.

lit redncett to Three, and all other qn tiHIe. la rarey Color, and raeo-trd Twentr-flTS le rift! par cent, bUew lmpoitln( eoaU ririe Prencli Merinos, la all eo'ori. Twelve ShJIIlnga. EXlil QUUTY AT TWO DOLL IBS. BIST OCAIITT AMERICAN DELAINES Tbres BhlUliiiia (twow.k.

back) wlita 35 cants. Ia shert, we are dt rrntr.d onr pries. BHaXIi BB Aa LOW AS TUB LOw est, mm onr cood. ar. all oosibt on tb.

moat favorabla terms, and ths Jorlty ot oar prstant stock at tbs lata name raise, wbtrh enables as to offer extra lndaoeunesta to oar large IsctaasiBf batlneaa. Kemembsr, BOSS Sc FOSTEB'B NKW tTOHK. Brrrwprw rafr hd DkARBouiv SrRKkTB. cclHitneic.nK a Xk IL.1L. TR A.XI3.

WISOLESABVE BSY GOOIIS. Large acd IttractiTc Sictlc. awaaaiawMae DAVIS, SlfflER CO, 40 autJ 42laieSlrt, nave now ta store a very extesslrt and well atorti sWk, embracinf the newest axd most deiirable stylet and Fabrics in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, to which they invite the attention cf their fiiends asd the trad generally, all of wnich will bs offer ed at the lowest prices List or West. Packge buyers will here find a fall sstortmert of desirable Staplt Goods at prices to suit DAYIS, SAWYER seis Qt-nct-T TB. 40 and42Xake SKi WASHIHGT0H.

UikmVt PABK! Tb WublBEtoa Skatins Pa'k An-Kiatlon havrsa been rtuto ter.tLev atfo'-AAtlon betn ureaniastl aa will b. forrctd crwirt rnia-lett S'-ock tHkeav towar-att. It ti i ra. a c.olat a.VrTC. to be into 2Sj hm ot each, an4 each etockbolut to be rto.tric'.d eo one To.

Para will located npoa tbe ibe late staciaaPnrlr, and In pnttina no oftho barM-lea it If probBed to provide Id tb sACODd story a ptbllr room f-r tl aeeorn'ordttjon of Obarch Fairs. FeiTiva a. Lerfnrt s. HsbNh'h rcbuol Ceierrtlas. Pr.litieai fcteer.rp,.

Kleritcn, Tae nbr.rtpfoa' beoksarsopentdaaomay bikuadatihe loliowina) nlaees O. CHs 8VTT9t Si Sou'b ria jeet. w. B. MOktivsr ti.

ater street, TV BnodAv A 131 Lais aardeobercH W'tllan a. l.TTOr,4i Latalle sat. j. fftkh. toat Oiwr.

a BTKK-CT 9i Lakat(i; WtrnR.B. 1.8 BALLKNBKCit 6S 'n: Luice Street. AI FKU COWl-iiB, Tribune ofilcs. K. F.

MKlivTLL.t and a.f aBcoiph atrset. T. WSRSTEK.48ri. kvt V. rro.

J. Y. CU1 lEt Wnl Jarkann strr.t. A. 81 RFKT.

room a. li.rte Block. W. A. Rt OT, Boot Cacy Moa bam.

Tne pablie Irene- a'ly. end esoseia ly as sre la in a a oulid.uc upon tba West Bide tor public porposes. iavted to taaav atccS. ibsr. w'l: be a mt etla.

ol th-i snoacrlbor. tbe stox or Tnrsray even'nr. ct. ae tat Ho. on er't e-onrt ltoout.

ti oomplata ti oraaruzattoaw ocZi otTS-St-SAiiiaTC-net ArBOLIf.E, AMBOLIHE, AriieoLir.E. AriBOLirE, FOR THE HAIR. Pries, Si per Boa, cnatalainc two Bottlea. raarixnieiLT bt TfABli'iw no. 38 Dev street.

Haw Tork. AKn so' irttrvaiBa BtiRswav ft vs.v sutns. is Ijiis streak WtoiMHle Aier 'ifi tbe stats of tUmoia. lei th SA'xftTca. net Coarse, Fire Psvry Sttv 8att, is lost tr rati, at t-OWTST WArfBkT ttATSS.

St IJSSoata a. -ASSJ-. Wrought Iron Pipe AT WHOLFBAI By XT- T. CHANR T3TtO IPS WEST LAKI STllJt.iT. cxli nt aoaiet "TNY fcJCNTLEMAN WaO IS an of 1 weJttClotka.

nv- Plitl. Mart. Ir ete a o-bk1 er. at tte for wbitt face aa arttcie caa -a ttiriUbe. wv-tt'w ea wtaM SLST lor, rraaj J-H Hio.

iai. na B-lBisfliiBirl-iiij-tiBjii--' niisM'iii f- vol. xvm. Department place on short rations, say half or third, with mouldy beef and skip ji ry bard tack, without shelter, tents or blankets as many thousands of the rebel prisoners In our hands at Johnson's Island, Camp Douglas, and elsewhere, as shaU equal the number of UlIob prisoners similarly confined at An-dersonville and other rebel starvation pens. We presume that notwithstanding the professed sympathy of the Copperheads for onr prieoners in rebel hands, this policy would be met with a cry of assumed horror.

We Teu-ture, however, the prediction that within ten days after notice of the iact had been communicated by our authorities to the rebels. Mr. Stanton would be furnished with satisfactory evidences that our prisoners la rebel hands were provided with wholesome food, decent clothing, and comfortable shelter. We have In mind a certain official who, If Secretary oi War, would soon, we believe) adopt the measure we have recommended. Nor are we without hope that Secretary Stanton wilL But let it be done immediately, as a measure dictated by huxanity and the rules of war, and indicated by our experience with tbe rebels as the only one calculated to secure tbe result, lsT" Mb.

Aemold at Cincinnati Hon. N. Arnold speaks for the Uaion cause tomorrow evening at FKOJI nCKPHIS. Operatt.aa ot Forrest and Chalmers-lirlekKa OI Ike rile MiHil Called Dot Consolidation of the tfletof lnoee vltti 'ti li trl-( of Vlrkbnc-General Data Commad or ile New lt-li-t Cti Steamier tw ajol. Xloxe ifliaeeilakateeaa Items.

CorreepoEdence of the Cblcatro Trfbine.l MairrHis, Oct. 1 lent. On Saturday night, or early Sunday morning, the military authorities here received positive Imoimatlon that Forrest was at Corinth a week ago, and was also massing considerable bodies of troops at Grenada and Jackson, Miss. The accounts of these forcee were doubtless exaggerated, as ha was reported to have 20,000 On Sunday last demonstrations were made toward our lines. Whether they really In.

tended to attack the city or not I cannot, of course, say. There Is great diversity of opinion on the question, many thinking the demonstration merely a feint to cover the transit southward ot plunder captured at Eastport, or to strike northward into Ken. tucky. Taylor, Chalmers and Wirt Adams were reported to be acting in concert with Forrest. On Sunday night the enemy were known to be In four strong divisions, on four roads leadiog into Memphis, and Og that night signal rockets, red and white, were sent up.

Our forces cuds all possiola preparations to give the rebels a warm reception by digging rifle-pits and throwing up barricades at the various crossings of Gajoeo bajou, taking up the bridges, and urging forward the work upon the four new forts ia process of erection, lying beyond the bj ou. One of these forts is no completed, and the others very nearly so. Tbe ore just completed is aoutn of tbe city, and Is intended to prevent the rebela from forcing their way In through Memphis, and tbus cutting off tbe troops in tne city from Fort Pickering, take both in detail and at an ad vantage. The regiments or enrolled militia were also engaged on the fortifications. All through the cly tbe streets were barricaded witb cotton bales, and all preparations for a vigorous defence were made.

(On seeing their cotton thus unceremoniously made use of, many persons offered to sell it for thirty nvs cents a pound.) On Sunday nlgnt the military stores, cars, and other material at White's Station were brought here, and an immediate attack waa anticipated, but signal ligbts, bine and whi, were eent up as it to warn tee rebels. Tbey were probably thus warn-' ed by persons in tbe city, and the military are making every effort to discover the spies who gave information in this manner. On this ii'gbt, also, a number of black regiments were taken into Fort Pickering, and outlying r.tiiments were drawn nearer to the city. On Monday the preparations were In continued prtgreee. Tbe militia patrolod the streets, arresting and pressing into tue service aw who were capable ot rendering assistance; aad it speaks well for the increas-ug lojaltj of Memphis that many citizens who are txempt fro miliWry duty voluntarily off-red their services to do what they couia tor tne aeiense oi me city, oa Honda; aightthe rebels had made no further advancer their advance was at that time within twenty miles ot the city.

So imminei-t Was the danger considered, on SuLday and Monday night, by Geo. M. L. Smiih, that all the airs at the depot saat of tbe fra; ou were run into rort With all tbe stores in their vicinity. This morning Chalmers is known to have le't Coldwoter.

One account stttes that Mond.y or Tuetday he crossed the Mempals and Charleston Kailroad, near Moscow. He lett about one hundred of Henderson's men at Coldwater CD picket duty. Gen. Dick Taylor is said to be in strong force on the Pigeon Boost Boad, which runs Southeast of the city. At 2 o'clock yesterday afernooo, the militia who had been constantly employed since Sunday moraine, and were very much latiuued, were allowed to return home for a few hours rest Tueir respite was not of very long duration.

At 3 o'clock this morning the cannon was fired a the belia were rung as tbe signal for tbem to assemble. They responded promptly to the call, and all stores are closed, and business suspended, as it has been since Monday morning. The militia seem very willing to do all tbat is required ot tbem. At the New Memphis theater last evenine, some one called out tbat the cannon had fired, and it was quite ludicrous to see tbe haste) with which they left the louse, tumbling one over the other; after ail, it turned out to be a fa! lae alarm, and they bad the satis taction to see the play out. oeterals M.

L. Smith, Grierson, and Buck-land have been in consultation, aa.l have advices that tbe enemy sttil threaten But whether the a' rack was or is Intended t.r us is still urcntain, Simultaneous with this have been demonstrations against Columbus, Paducah aud MasvUle. The probability Is, however, tbat the latter are only feints to cover the-ttack on onr city, and if they do not attack us, it will be because thy are advised tht ample preparations have been made to repulse any torce they could biing aitainet us It wcu'd be impose ible for them to take the city, and of this their offl. cua are doubtless well informed through tbeir spies and taelr many sympatuUing friend here.

Too much pralae cannot be awarded to General Smith, Grierson. Bucklan1, and eateb, who have held frequent coosuititlons snd scted with entire unanimity throughout. General Teatch was at Fort Pickering, in charge of matters there. It is reported that he Is to supersede General Bucklaud, but that is probably a mistake, tbe wish bein? father to the thought, perhaps. The rumor is based on ire supposition mat uenerai nuciuand Is soon to enter on his congressional amies.

But he does not take his position in Cm-grtes until a year from this timet, and he will moat iikeiy remain wrw us tor soms time to come. There are, however, some changes to take pltice here that will Interest you. Lieut. Col. IL Harris, Ase't Adj.

Is relieved from duty as Acting Mayor of the city ot Memohis, and will report to Maj. Gen. Dana, at Vicksbnrg. Capt. Channing Bicbirda, 22d Ohio volunteers, is relieved irom duty at headquarters, Memphis, and appointed Acting Mayor of tbe city, in place'of Lieut CoL Harris.

The districts oi West Tennessee aud Vlcksburg have also be combined, and are to be commanded by Maj. Gen. W. J. T.

Dana. Gen, Washburn thus appear to have been relieved ot his command, which Is added to that ot Gen. Dana. It is suopoaed that Gen. M.

L. Smith will remain here, act ing for Gen. Dana. bin I. a great deal of Indlimatlon felt at the blundtring of Col.

Hoge. He reports the lots of seventyone killed, wounded, and mUslng. Other accounts sar several hundred. About aix' hundred went aahiire, Perlectly unconacloua of danger, taking very little ammunition with them, and lounging and lying abont at their ease, when suddenly tbe rebels opened on tbem with chain saot, from two masked batteries. The alaugn-Ur must have been immense.

It is reported that only two guns were lost. One was ashore, the other one on the staging just being taken out. Much regret is felt for tbs loss of Capt Hoyt, of the 118th Illinois, whom it is feared was killed at Eastport. It is, however, not certain. There are a great many rusors about, some of tbem perfectly ridl ulous.

For ir stance, President Lincoln is said to be at Cairo, on his way to city. I do not know whether he is expected to tike command when he reaches here or not. There is auid to have been a battle in the east. Some say Bicnmond is taken, others say Grant baa beea whipped. I have heard tbat Gen.

Washburn is in the rear of Forrest with 25,000 men, trinz to get that wily fox into a trap; oi these things you know quite as much as I do. Since the lines have been closed, tbe country people are not allowed to come In, and ceovle eoinjr to market return with very long facer, as 11 they feared impending star vation. I forgot to mention that there is a very laree fleet of gunboats here, and the present Aetirg Admiral, is nero in command. He came down on Saturday evening. 1 here is also a report tbt Marmaduke has Vrruuu-ri from Miseourt Into Tennessee, and ia row north of Memphis, intending to join In tbe anticipatei atlauK.

EvercUiinr seems enoaeh Out. ex cept a few milleh," who were fined this morning tor not attending promptly to the call, but I scarcely think their irate looks and muttered curses will rula the country. thcueh If looks could ruin it. it would, no doubt, be gone up." S. The steel clad blockade runner CoL Lamb, sailed on Monday.

'1. MUAXEIX FKOJI Additional Kewa by Steamer Bslztaa. New York, Mon Oct. 24l The following are' additional advices by the steamer Belgian GREAT BRITAIN. Commercial matters continue to be the principal topic of discussion.

The depression in MmniMmi! mntlM vtyv .44 i BUM -TO UV I'Tlfl'IIH- tior, and busiLess, especially Iu coitjn, is al-ntost at a dead lock, and prices continue to fall, Thfl arlrlltlrvn.l I.V 1 4-1 i Hl HIlCQ place, include Lewis Steltz, a large cotton ui CI JJUl'l, WilU 11 UU alien snLUIJalllr-iro- trt 4'5tO rtiV). TTi.i a- uwo, UlUilCI (Jb tuttuil brokers, Liverpool, with considerable liabilities, and Bend in Co uterchantsr London, aivmu -uwuifetrB are buuui. Thf fiPmanA vVtv .4 4- d-U TJ England on the 12th inst showed great sub- lucro was consequently more steadiness in the funds. The fiiirilmrim rata nt ilia v. v.

Tt- a cent, Tbe half monthly statement of the Con- ff rlprat. lrav c.ih.i. Buwjgt anomaly. Lue price in London being 55, In Manchester 50, UI)OTI OI erecubtion, it has rebounded to 64. The Lonoon Timet has an editorial on the address.

Three hundred thousand signatures were recently sent to ttoveruor geyrnoor frttu England, entreating the North to make peace with the South. The Timej save the address, signed by these three hunlred thousand gntleraen, cau effect Just not hing, snd thicks the only possible solution of the question is continued war. America has cou-mtiictd the fiery ordeal of war which settled Europe in its present basis, and terrible as is the process, the Time cannot dtnbt that America will be the better for it attheerd. France. The Bitrie says' Bussia has given its ao lies ion to the French policy ou tue Roman question.

The Paris Bnurse was dull snd lower on the 11th, and Rentes closed at 65 f. 15c. La F-atitx says the insurrection in Algiers Is spreading, and the natives there appear to be Outying a summons to a holy war. the banish question. At the Peace Conference a compromise la grid to have been effected on toe financial question.

Minor questions are also done away, and thers only remains now the drawing up cf the treaty of peace. Latest via. Liverpool. Oct 13 p. m.

Cspt. Setnmes and eight officers ot the Ala-bams, and 700 men, have leit teis city to be transferred, with gnus, to tbe steamer Ranger, which is cow lying at Madeira. comtxBciAii, The Manchester market waa dull anil declining tenoenry. Quotations of goods and yaru. were nomn al.

BrearistoU. dull and quiet, prices barely TBaintaiced. Kicbrd-on, Spence Oo and akcSeio, Nash Co report tt jor quiet and steady. Wheat doll aud downward; red winter wiiHe winter and outnern Con easier mixed, 27s 6d Provio0g generally qniet and steady. Oordon, Prince Co.

report beef beavy. Pork qniet and sternly. Bteon quiet but firm Lard qniet and steady. Batter steady. Sugar dolt.

Coffee loiciire. no Feirolenm fl.c ining; crue lslOiXSla lid. Lokixin Markets Wheat firmer. Sugar dull. Coffee quiet but steady.

Tea Bteady; The St. Albans Bald. St. Aijbaks, Monday, Oct 24. The following are tbe nanres of the rebel raiders e.

-n nrtw In lall at- fit I. J. McGraty, James Do-y, George Williams alias Scott, Samuel Grimm, D. Moore, Wallace J. Selaky, E.

P. Bruce, E. B. Cuulio, Marcua Spruce, Squart Levis, Bennett H. Young, Chas.

M. a wager. llunne Captared. 1 Washinoton, Monday, Oct. S54.

Admiral Porter announces to the Navy Department the capture of the steamer Nunda, a blockade runner, 600 tons burden, with a carga of 550 bales of cotton, captured by the United States steamer Fort Jacksog. From IStrvr Orleans. New York, Monday, Oct. 24. Letters from New Orleans say that immense quantities ot cotton have been sent into Mexico, from Texas, where American and Enropean speculators are buying it up at a comparatively small figure.

The Draft In Maryland. Nrw York, Monday, Oct 24 The P.xcf Washington special says The Provost Marshal of Maryland reports tbat a large proportion oi the drifted taea in Baltimore have escaped. From Ivortta CarsIIna. New York, Mondsy. Oct 24.

Yellow fever is prevailing to au alarming extent in Newborn, but it is said that the heavy frost cf Saturday checked it. POSTSCRIPT. 4:30 O'CLOCK, A. M. from, racw ironist.

Our BUdnlttt Dlat-li Highly Im-jporiatiit News summitry. Special Dispatch to the Western Press. Nxw York, Mob lay, October 34. THE WAR IN VIRGINIA. The Heraid' City Point special Bays No news worth report ng has reached here from either front, for the past twenty -four hours.

The weather has grown cloudy and threatens rain. The He-taUT Washington special says It is cptnly avowed by the highest military authorities, that General Grant can at any time, with a few hours' fighting, occupy Richmcnd. The only reason assigned for delay Is the desire of the Lieutenant General to obtain the same result without the sacrifice of life that would attend Its capture by direct sssau't; According to later accounts Sheridan's grand cavalry charge, made by Custar on the right, aid on the left, was magnificent in the highest degree. The charge was executed at a trot, and doubled up bath flanks of the rebel army, puehing its broken across Cedar Creek, achieving what an ordinary General would have been satisfied with, but tot so Sheridan. An old dragoon himself, end knowing all secrets sale, he called for the two brigades ofDevina', of Merritt's and Wells', of Custar's Division, who were promptlv thrown across the creek, clesrirg the bridges at a gtllop nnder "ie arimery ata tnusseiry nre.

luey charged tbe rebel it fan try brigade which bad bees lelt to cover the trains, and hold position on the crest ol a hlil south of Cedar Creek. This force was caotured and scattered, leavirg the whole rebel train a prize. Ibe pike for four miles from Cedar Craek was blocKac'ed with artillery wagons, aenbu- miicte, ccc. uur cavalry Did nothing to do dot deploy and secure this caotured Drc- ptrty. jotin a.

Washington, one of Mosby's dispatch bearers, was captured near Rector-town, Virginia, on Saturday. A number of dispatches were said to have been found on him. Mosby's snd White's gangs ot puerillai are again roving around Fairfax, Loudun and ad-joinirg countits. Yesterday a number of Mosby's scouts made their appearance in tbe vicinity of tbe Great Falls ot the Potomac, about eigiteen miles from this city. Two were captured atd brought in.

-Gen. Coster has been promoted to Major General, in consideration oi brilliant service iu toe valley. This waa announced to uen. Custer at the War Department to-day. This morning a presentation of Louisiana flags, captured by Sheridan in the late victory, was received with lond applause by a crowd assembled to witness the presentation.

Gen. Kicketts is reported in a very low condition to day. Tbe ball which entered bis right breast and passed through his luners, was extricated thU morning, from near tue sbonlder blade. His rtgbt arm is much inflamed, and Is feared that internal bleed ing has commenced, causea dj ine catting oi an srtery. The Irumne'i Army oi tae dames speciu says: A oght took piace on tne scia between rebel gun beats snd one of onr shore batteries.

Tbe rebel fleet retreated to the protec tion of Fort Darling. One boat was serious ly and one considerably injured. No flriBg took place on Dutch Gap from tbe z.oon of the 21st to the evening of tbe 2d. SOUTHERN NEWS. New York, Monday.

Oct 24. Tbe steamer Arago, from Hilton Head tbe 21st, has ar rived, ua toe lain a large uavu ueet arrived off Charleston, inclcding several schooners lsden with ammunition. Dstl-ratlon rot known. The schooner Chrysa-lite, from Philadelphia and bound for Washington with government coal, foundered on Ciuncatique SuoaIs. Tbe crew were brought to Port Royal.

Tbe rebel Gen. Hardee has Gen Foster a general exchang of prisoners in his hands, man for man and officer for officer, or their equivalents. The matter will probably be referred to Washington. The jplilmetto says tbat tbe latest ad- tha A. ii il in Ctatleston from yellow Fever at 20; also tint rebel papers are tilled with obitnarles of tlis-tirguished Southerners, and of discuesioaa ot peace and reconstruction.

On tue whole tbtir tone ia very favtrabte to us, and shows great t-baxgu within the last few months. Richmond papers of FrUav say Forrest his united with Hood, and the balance of his command is safe. Ihe xamir thinks the campaign lu will result in the dissolution or capture of Sherman'a wboie lorce, and should the expectatlors of the whole Confedera-y be fulfilled, that the entire Yankee army will be destroyed or captured. The Petersburg Erprest says It thought the enemy are getting ready for another move, which may take place at any moment Lieut. Gen.

Anderson has been pertaa- per and tbe authorities are determined to visit upon ttem the severest penalties of the law. Dodd has been heard from by his friends, snd is In Canada, aping the martyred exile a la Yalai.digLam. The finding in his CLse has not jet been promulgated. or lens ltleeuag- Speeeliea O.iv. Tain aid Judse trare Works.

Diapitch to hs Chicago Tribaae. Buoaiwmn. Monday, Oct. ii. The loj.l citizens of this -count turned out In thtir might to day, and early in the morrlng the streets of this city were thrjng-ed with a vast crowd of the substantial yeomen from a district lull 40 miles round.

At a very moderate estimate we may place their numbers at not less than but If we were, to follow the rules of enumeration adopted by the Copperhead reporters no less a crowd than 20,000 were present, It seemed that every store In the ci of 9,003 inhabitants had ceased business for the time and that every woman, and cbild had turned out to honor pay homage to the great America i Statesman who row wields our destinies and to the brave commander by whom he is so ably assisted. Tbe procession which was formed, was not specially characterized by the display of flags, atd banners and showy Cevices, but it was composed of those solid el mente which i- dicate the thoroughly bud-etanual arid reliable nature of the people of this couity. Solid iu their natursJ prosperity, ttey are solid and practical in the niaai-fefrtations of their opinions. A trocession of not.ltss than live miles leatb, con poet of such material, is a glorioaa augury of success lor tLe catue of the Union. Two stands were erected for speakers.

On tie first stand the Hon. J. W. Fell mads a yetj fine address in support ot the principles of the Union party, and then introduced Gov. Yates to tbe aualence.

The Governor was received by the multitude with deafening cheers, and made one of his best speeches. It is not necessary for us to eater into details in respect to it, as your readers are already fully advised as to the sentiments Which onr wortny uovernor entertains ana so nobly and elcqaently advocates. He was lollod by Judge McLaiu In a speech filled with quaint humor aad lamentations ever the fate of his Democratic friends, who abandoned all their principles, and were now adhering to no thing but the nme. Among tbe other speakers of the day were Revs. G.

W. Dodge, C. G. Bradshaw, and Reuben snd Andrew Reeves, as well as Capt Keener, late of tne 26th regiment Illinois Voluntetrs. But the grar and crowning victory of all was in the evening.

A torchlight procession of tome 2,000 geniuine torches was formed, consisting ot about oae-fuurtb horeemen and three-fourths on foot. Alter ttklrg a tour around the town they forrxed in quadruple lines around the Court House Square, and then, amid the ringing of belle, tbe strains of music from many a band' the booming of ctnnon, and the applauding shouts of the multitude, there was such a display cf fireworks as we have rarely witnessed. It casts into the ebaie all pre.l,us pisplays during the campaign, and perhaps was rarely exceeded in any city of the continent. The wboie affair proved a joyous one, tending to render our continence still more confident and serving to show wh.t the Union cause develops in the hearts of the Fitoat iTiliiiso. "Wisconsin Military natters.

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune. MASirorr, Monday, Oct. S4. Gov. Lewis has appointed Thursday, 24th of November, as a day of thanksgiving lor Wlecotsin.

Lieut. Cel. flitzgreaves has been relieved from duty here as mustering and disbursing officer, aud ordered to report t3 the Chief of Engineers at Washington. The new Veterans' First Battery, who arrived here from Baton Rouge some days ago, were mustered out to-day. To delay was caused by having to send to Washington for the original muster rolls.

Information was received at the Executive office to-day that a ramnant ot tbe lOtb Regiment bad reached Indianapolis on its way to Milwaukee to be mastered out. The new recruits and re-enlisted men have been assigned to tbe Slat One hundred and twenty recruits were paid bounty, here to day. THE WAR GEORUIA. flood's Army "all loar Back Into hama-sirentth of btx Army Sner-um N.lil lu Xlie Ijowardil Surreikaer at JUialaoai. New York, Monday, Oct 24.

ThefiroJd's Chattanooga correspondent siys tbe theatre of war has been transferred to Whitfield, Walker and Dade counties, over the northern borders of Georgia, in which large forces of rebel Infantry are operating, and use Rome as their base of supplies, which are brought ou the Coosa river. Rome was abandoned by our forces, Res-eca was held against attack, the road was torn up again near Tilton, Dalton aud Tilt were captured, Ringgold, Tunnell Hill and Cleveland evacuated, and a concentration of Union forces male at Chattanooga If Hood's army was as strong as when he took it in hand, he could not take Chattaooogi. By the fight with the rear guard ot Hood's main army, our troops have get between him flood's great aim, evidently, is to gft to Alabama, but he was abut out by a range cf mountains. His army are obliged to subsist on roasted corn. Nashviile.

October 1SR4. Hood's army is now far down the Broom to Valley, on the way to Jacksonville, tbe terminus of the Talladega and Montgomery Railroad, which, in future, is to be his base of supplies. Sherman's force parsed through Dirttown yesterday, In pursuit; but how tar win ui imnui conjtcturs. lie can oo-tain ail the forage he wants for his horses and nules, and if he has sufficient wagons to carry provisions, he can move to Jacksou-vii'e without ditfi ultv. Hcod ha bis whole force with him, consisting of tb -orpe.

of G. D. Le, (torooerly Folk's Ci. (late Hardee's) and Ste wail's. I acre are embodied in thas or-gat izai ions 111 regimen's oi infantrr, aver- SL-ir-g loo muskets each, or 23,650 men in ail Be has With his infantr 4S nieces of lifcht artillery and about 800 artillery men.

in aoaiiu there are about 5,000 cavalry coveting his retreat, makiog In all an etfec-iv force of little over 30,000, and to collect these be has drain- the Gull States there not being 13,030 men of all arms elsewhere, between the great Pedee and the Mississippi. These figures are correct, or as nearlyrso, as tbey could be made without a consultation oi the regimental morn-icg reports. Before Dalton, wMeh is manned by a car-rieon of some six hundred nero tr.iops, there were two corps; while Lee's force was kept ten miles iu the rear to watch Sherman. Col Jobceon, commandlog a snriesde-r which waa disgraceiul in the extreme. He could not have held the post long, it Is true; but a check of three or four he uis would have been invaluable to Sherman.

Beside, tbe rebel leaders refused to reccguize the negroes as prisoners oi war, but one-red to parole tbe white officers, if the place were surrendered without a fight. Hood, however, told bim that if compelled to take the place, he would show no quarter. Johnson surrendered, without firing a gun, to save himself. Whatever maybe the final result of Ho id's flank movement, one is certain he entirely failed in his purpose of breaking Sherman's communications to adegrte that wonld impel the evacuation ot Atlanta. Ten days from the 17th will see them all right, and trains running again from Nashville to Atlanta.

The garrison at the latter place had filly da s' lull supplies when Hood commenced his movement to the north The rebel leader, owing to the situation of the country, may get his army awav without a figbt; but he tailed to accomplish what he se-t out to do, and the hopes of the rebels In the East, will have vanished. Jeff. Davis' prophesy will be unfulfilled, and the despondency w'hieh tbe assurances given by the rebel press had partially relieved, will return With lourfold force. Harris, the rebel Governor of the 8tte, who kept the executive government of Tennessee under a Sibley tent for a long time, has at length hidden the archives, an i gone to the field as volunteer aid to Gen. Hood.

The rebel sjmpitbizrra here have lost all heart since the elections last week they say the game is up, and Lincoln will be electee). The ir-tellisence of the political victories for the Union party reached Hood's army outhe 16th, and I have it from on who was a prisoner and eecaied tbat the leaders were even more chagrined over the defeat of McClellan than over their own failure to compel the iTacuation of Atlanta. ic sv 9t Sherman is mirantr Hood yet, and there sre some Indications of toe reoeis making a una. uar army is In good spirits, and all they ask is for tAal.nrf anrl "1lt them. Wben the rebels demanded the surrender Cf Resaca, it was retusea oyoionei weaver, nt t.b 17th Tn.t who commands tbe coat: they seat a line of skirmishers to attack our work, and thev advanced under the rallying cry of "Hurrah for McClellan." But they tailed, just aa Lltue mac wm.

From The Boanoks Pirates. Halifax, Monday, Oct. 24. Tbe steim from Bermuda. Oct 17.

hs arrived. She reports that tbe pirate Balne anrl tnnr.iep, aha captured and bnmerl the Roanoke, were on trial, and that tbe tonrt bad rerueea to Yellow fever was abating at Bermuda. NEWS BY TtLEGRAPK. THlWgaiiRI. Our Kansas City Dispatches Price on the full Retreat.

Eis Army Miles South of Kansas City Oar Forees in Close Pursuit. THE WAR IN GEORGIA. HOOD'S AEMY FALLING BACK SOUTHWARD. IDE SITUiTION IMPORTANT AM LMlEESriXG HEalS. Sheridan's Great Victofv-Its Eesnlts Still Being Reported.


Bpteiai Disrates totheCblcatt Trlbmne.j Washington, Monday, Oct. 24. Gee era! RIcketts is lying at his residence here, suffering severely from his wound, which passes through the right lung. Solicitor Whiting has left the War Depart merit, to take the stump for a week or two through New York and Pennsylvania, The exchange of complete lists of prisoners' names, Is going on between ours and the rebel authorities. News from the army down to yesterday noon, is unimportant.

Tbe line of the Orange and Alexandria railroad Is reported clear at last of all harbors lor guerillas. Every tree, bush, fence and house has been removed. It is understood that Geo. Hunter ia to assume command of Birney's late corps, in Butler's army. Richmond papers of Saturday contain accounts of a fight in the Shenandoah Valley of the 19th, and which they claim they succeeded In driving our army back two miles, capturing all of our trains, camps and artillery.

Tbey then drove the Yankees on the side of a In attempting to carry the position they failed. After several inellect-ve attempts their own at my gave way in, confuaion, and they were compelled to retreat. In pasting through Strasburgtue stieets became blockaded with their scattered forces, and they lest not only all the artillery they had captured, but many pieces of their own, together with the caissons and nearly all their wagons They acknowledge that their rout was disastrous in the extreme. Early commanded their troops. No late advices bad been received in Richmond from Hood down to fnday niKhtlast.

The draft began again here to-day doubtless the number called had been drafted alreadj, but numbers of deserters have not been caught, and others have been exempted for disability till quite a deficiency still exists. Several of the New York McClellan soldiers here wanted to vote for McClellan and leave off Fenrileton, substituting Johnston for When they learned that the scratching of a ticket in this way did no good they voted lor Lincoln. Washington, Monday, Oct. 24. Upwards of thirty rebel prisoners at Point Lookout have taken tbe oath of allegiance.

Officers of the veteran reserve corps have been put on the same footing with regular army officers. New York, Monday, Oct 81. The Washington dispatch says Gen. Dix's course In ordering the pursuit of the St. Albans bandits across the Canada border will be sustained.

It Is now alleged that Stanton will be offered the Chief Justiceship, and tbat Messrs. Cameron, Banks and Butler are mentioned for tbe ar Department. Washington. Monday, Oct. 24.

An arrival from the Army of the Potomac reports that heavy firing waa heard nearly all Saturday night towards James River, apparently lrom our gun boats. The enemy shelled a workiosr party at Dutch Canal most of tbe day, but with little effect. New York, Monday, Oct. 24. The Com-tnerciat't Washington special says: General Augur's plan to prevent ituerilla attacks ou raiira trains works excellent.

Since prominent seceefcioaiets have been compelled to ride on the cars no guerillas have appeared on the line. Tne mail boat from City Point to-day brirgs nothing new. ashington, Monday, Oct. 24 Refugees frrm tbe Shenandoah alley report thit notwithstanding the devastation mule by Sheri dan there is still sn lmmenee quantity of gram outside of the track taken cy our army. Gen.

Picketts pbjsicians say tbat if he gets tbioukh the next two weeks without renewed hemorrhage of his wound he will be all rieht. Richmond papers of the Z2d acknowledge i defeat in the Shenandoah Valley and say they lost 23 guns beside those they captured at ant ana sdoui cuiea ana wouaaea with a lew prisoners. mom. SPRLBFIELP. Illinois State Military News.

Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribnne.l SnuxanaxD, Monday, Oct. 24. Colonel Oakes reports that the draft was proceeding quietly and successfully In the neighborhoods where opposition and vio lence were threatened, and where resistance had been made even to the enrolling officers. On the appearance of a company of blue-coats the Copperheads subsided, and the latch-string was found hanging out In every case. There are one or two places, anch as Adams County, in which a supplemen tary draft is expected, where trouble may possibly take place, but it is hardly antici pated.

It Is hoped that a supplementary draft will be found necessary in only very few lr stances. One hundred and fbirty-flve men, of whom twenry-nve were dratted, reported to Major Hefi'et nan to-day. Two hundred and eighteen men reported on Saturday, of whom eighty-seven were drafted. Tbe Provost Marshal General decides thit when the substitute is mustered in after the departure of the drafted man from the ren dezvous camp, the substitute is 1 9 be sent forward to ttre retiment, and the drafted man can be released by applying to the Provost Marshal GcneriL There has been a verv serious meeting of the Copperheads of Illinois here to-day and yesterday, to see it something can't be done to prevent a Waterloo defeat which is inevitable. In the midst of their consultation General Singleton eent la ni demanded back tbat iM which he had paid to get up me reace maea meeting in mis city.

Gen. Singleton sas the meeting was turn ed ii to a McClellan caucus, and this only to secure the election or Lincoln. Mayor Vredenbue. who c-ot the money re rosea 'to pay it over, as well he might, for the Sangamon County candidates have been treating on it ever eiuce it lettths General's pockets. Dick Merrick, who was present, wanted to know when Lincoln Is elected what is to be the next Copperhead move.

He was referred to Gen. Singleton, who was not in the caucus. Dick thought that looked a little line gomg out ot tne party lor information, at least at present. Gen. Cook has received orders from tbe War Department authorizing him to extend the furlouf hs ot all Illinois soldiers now in tbe Btati to tbe 10th of November.

The 7th Regiment of Illinois Cavalrv were paid off on Friday by Maj. S. M. Reynolds, of uub city. Col.

McConnell, Provost Marshal cf Camp QHOICS STOCK. KEW GOODS PASLCE 0EKA- BI.I31 SHAHP.Drac-cu.a. 14 Lake street. In- vita attention to thalr large stock of rich Paa-y aad Toilat Qooda, lias Packet Cutlery, Ladl.r Bclstora, Baxon, Snparior Hair, SaQ Bad Teeth Bruises, Finest Pomades, Coxmertlcs.PBrfnmery.Co legraa of onr own mann- factors, eqaal to the bast imported tofether with a largo vans' tt ehote. Cocking Aruclst Of iap-rtorauality.

KLE94HT TAEES, CaKD KiCElTESS, J2WZL B0ZES, BB0HZ2 FIGTJEE8, PABIAS riGUEIS, GL0VEB-XH, P0STM03 IT 1IE3, IIBE IA, TOILET GOODS, Is, 1 c. BLISS SHARP, HlXaliC St. otfSatsi-lt PUBLISHED TDIJ DAY, E.B. 3B.YEES, So. Ill Lake street, nCPOUTS OF CASES AT LAW AND If! CHANCERY, Arenad ra tse Atpbviiz ConaT or lunto.a, jyNoliA-N U.

Coauseiliir ol. U. S0? PRICK B5 90. OClt 7f5-ta PAPER HANGII6S, Decorations, BORDERS AND WINDOW SHABES. New Styles and Low Prices.

SIcGlUTLI COLLING CO UliXE. Itnndolph Street. Tl n.b-U CI MORGAN, HAVING RE snMEDbntinwm.wotUdrespee.ftiUy call tbt aVttentiOA Oi UkOft WaVUUlVC CABINET FURNITURE HAULS to bis small but aooa iocs at XO-o. BOO Tne COUNTRY TBAPW frrpplled with most tn.iat oflHAMK WORK, snrh a. oors.

I.ri-A-TaTa. Caaias and I'abij, at IB. LOWK8T CASH se3S tSS let-TBaasTtr let XIiICE, ALT 1 SALT I On Coneument. 4,000 Backs Ground Alum Bait. 1,000 lacks Liverpool Dairy Bait, 8,000 Backs Turk's Island salt, 2,0 0 Brla Saginaw and Onondaga Bait, 8,000 Brla Old Baglnaw, For i ale In qnantltlss to suit.

Country orders PARKER, CWtTOW SPRSGtTB, 197 Sontb W.t-r-et, I TS CORSETS, Retailed at Wboleaale Price. Until after the Presidential ecUos, C. H. DeFOREST C4 Lako Street, will Retaf! frcm rtielr Immrns. stack of SKI UTS, COP RTS and HOSI8KY, at Wholesale ccSJ Hunt St tsbi net TT 'WILL STOP TIIS BABY'3 JL GkIIBS.

IR. TmCtlELVS TEETHING SYRUP. It la eertaiato rriralats tbs bwli. sortsn th. nun ano assist dettiuan- Cu.ea Or-semery In ih1r worst forms Cures Cancer Sore Mcnth in three days, la a oertaln preventative of ptberta.

tbets. fry It. Price cunta. cn.l-j CUAJiriOIV SOAP. Tbe rest and tbe eneanest warantd to fo alltt ctain to II nsed aceoriiicg to Beware of laiwtioii, rj Champion.

99 Sold at K2 Lske street, us sta'ra. Fr es. cell vered tt an paitof th. city, abvea Ooiiaraand a ball oar bntdrec ton-Is. C.

COLIUI, Aaeit. ocM-tfttB riirt southern raoss, "We art-rfiwiv'rv diwl froai Kew OretiB ft fls itocm Ait Cci Ciebwlt'ttrerii' Also Upiiolsterers' Al.r.esoek, tupetlor qusl'tv, eorts'enrDopt, for aaie A.iHti ili')J, A or nKA-31nct Cu. ULajuie.ixeit, JOOKING GLASSES clling Off Below Cost, TOE T70 WEEK 3 03LY. A. I ata about remOTtEe; from '53 and 1M Fan4oTpb ftif I wilt 1.

1 Looktrg In Jo aaa otlt.r Freaue, at ltai tlian cost oc.S-a.t'it.iD taafA ii. IiAei 2,000 Brlf, Choire TfUter Apples. 1.000 Bris. Hew Dried ipple. 10,000 Brls.

Salt (ew aad Old). rle by MAURA. WBIQBT Water m. ocas aTSo-SKet JJUOVER3 NOIICE. COTTAGE GROVE YARDS.

BATES OP YARDAGE. For Cattle arntl Ilor-aea, 15c Sc For Eegs aad Sheep. 8t C. F. LOOMI3ACO.

EYE BilB e.MbHsre In Cbtr-ajo n'n. eaja, rerats. for ermm eve, eteract. Sc ovt, witb niarrlD tv all oimmm of tb! eye ml ear wtbtn tba oituu aiu Araacial evsa inserted. Offlcs 11 Baidjlpbtt. WH.LIAM A. BUTTEIC3 CO. AUCTIOHEEKS. galecroom. in Jt'oi-tlaxirl nioclx.

KOS. liS, 103 AHO 101 DABBOKN-ST. STOCK OS" EZLY FTJBKlSnrfG GOOD, ITanltee Notions, Baek Glowea and CaxutUeia, an Boota and Shoes, Oa TUPfDAV. vntTyiI9nAT and THTJHTOAT, OcLk aethacciiiJi, o'cloeieacl jay. oc.l WM.


AX A17CTIO-T. Ob TPTTHSnAT, Oct TT at 9t( el-ek, at futters' Aatoon RtKm la Portland Block, eorur ef WasMngroa and Dearborn WM. A. BUT TUBS ft CO-ocSS-uTir-Stnet Aajtjoceers. HEAT QUARTERS 13 4th RSGI-af EST IU ISOIS VitLUNTBHH IltPiSTBT, fur F.T.Cbleaao.

M.lSat. GmmOiDSKS, io-6 1 Tni.K- rcnrteretlrut o-4sy rTuw-dsj). A 11 en 11 td wtd isportai Camp Fry o'c ok to nay and ciotainr lij cruar Jno. Biattow.Lieat tkn Rett. C.

E. OiiJKlSMjN. OCS5 U8TS lt Ftrit Utut. and Act. Adjt.

INSTATE OF THOMAS W. SJ WKSKES, decessed. Pnbtle nott re Ishe-eby to all persons havtsg calm, snd against tn eeta- a of Tionta W. rv eete. rtr--8 1, to preeett tbe aan.e for stllu''lciioti attd at a leia or tke onnty Coartof Zoox coan-t, to bt iollei a' tbe Court it rase 13 tbs ct ot bicsso, 01 the thrri Moboai of December, A.D 18S4.

Dels, tbe 19th eaj wer OL 6AMV7KL, WKIKES r4.tlicla't-'or CUcago, Oct. 23. leia, otiS aTal-lt irarcu Mb iv oaa pasaoa uuuer mo auee-cap. Tbe Colonel left for bis home at Elgin last evening, FCOM DETBOIT, Tke Canada PlotUtrav Their Becesit bak. Erie B)chemea Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune -i DrrBoTT, Monday, Oct.

at. The details of the late rebel plot in Canada to make a raid on our lake commerce, have Just come to light, and were to-day published In the Advertiser and 2Viotma. A Major St. Lawrence and a CoL Steele aided by Capt. Clay Wilson, and a man named Mcrgan, were the ring-leaders in the affair.

They were regularly commissioned by the Confederate government, who furnished the money. Jaoob Thompson and Geo. N. Sanders were sent out to superintend operations. The programme was to make a raid on Detroit in the night, burn the depots and are-i houses on.

the docks, seize the principal steamers and destroy the remainder; Simultaneous demonstrations were to be made on Buffalo, and Rochester, and amid tbe confoelcn and excitement of theae raids, tbe stesmer Michigan was to be cap tured, atd tbe prisoners on Johnson's Island released. It was expected, with the released prisoners, to capture and man enough vessels to sweep our commerce from the lakes. The plot was concocted at the Eiron's Bouse, Windsor, where, several consultations were held by Thompson, Binders and others. The sctl'I'y and energy of our military authorities here, frustrated the rlans ot the raiders, ai-d tbe capture ot the Puilo Parsons and the Island Queen was theonlv result. It is rumored tbat another Canadian rebel plot, of a similar character.

Is on the tapi, tbe details of which have not yet transpired, i Since the St. Albans raid, apprehensions sre felt that Detroit may yet sutler from the hands oi tbeae treacherous vandals. FROTS KANSAS CITY. Daddy Pries tm Full Retreat Pursued i by Our Force. Special Sirpatch to the- Western Press Kansas Citt; Monday, Oct.

24. A courier juet from tbe front reports Price in full retreat, closely pursued by our forces. When the courier left, the enemy were 23 miles south oi here. St. Louis, Monday, Oetobsr 24V Several prominent citizens of Glasgow, including Ben.

W. Lewis, Major Jos. W. Lewis, Dr. Vaughan, Colonel Clark and others, arrived at Lauriue Bridge, on the PaciSe Railroad, lset night.

Since Price's forces lett Glasgow, Qusntrell and Anderson have been there, eommlttirg all kinds of out'ages. The following is an account of the robbing: of Ben. W. Lei, father of the firm of "Lerls Brother, extensive tobacconist a staunch Union man of great wealth and influence. Ibis is from his own lips About 1 o'clock Friday night Bill Anderson, who occupied Glasgow with a company of bis men, accompanied by a Ctptaia from Callaway county, went to Lewis' house and demanded his presence.

Upon being told ne was net at Dome, Anderson said unless be was immediately forthcoming, he would burn tbe house, but If he made his appearance his life should be spared. Upon this seeursnce, Mrs. Lewis sent for her husband. Mrs. John B.

Clark, mother "of the rebel General Clark, and D. C. Yortb, brother-in-law of Sterling Price, were stopping at Lewis' honse, neither of whom, nor Mrs. Lewis, were allowed to aay a word. When Mr.

Lewis Anderson said, "I have hoard of Jrou, and old Price' has ht-ard of you, down Arkansas and Texas. You have damiged cur cause more than any ten men in the Anderson tnen demanded Lewis' money or life, declaring: he had vast an ma. tbat Lewis gave him aoout a thousand dollars, saying it was all he had. But this did not eat ii-fy him, and he commenced a series of ontrages upon Mr. Lewis, which are si-most unparalelied in the annals of even savage warfare.

He first knocked Lewis down by a blow on the head with his pistol, which was repeated several times, both An. dereon snd hi. aid mingling their blows with blasphemous and obecene curses. Anderson then stood Lewis on bis head, doubled him up, and jumped upon him, and Anderson and this tjsp tain put tbe muzzles or both their pistols In bis mouth, and at once crammed them down his throat, choking him terribly, asaiDg mm sow ne iwea tnar. mis was re peated several times.

Anderson also made Lewis stand against the wall and shot at bis legs across the room. hittimr them. He then placed his pistol to Lewis' knee, and fired down at bis feet, the powder burn! tie bis legs. This was done twice. He alto choked Lewis several times.

Then taking his knife out, seized Lewis bv the neck and felt for bis luirular vein, pricking it with the knife, and gtvtnir an Indian yell, said This old fellow thinks more ot nia money than his lite, and I'll cut his throat." After this Lewis was taken from his house guarded by Anderson, who went to hunt up what money he could in town. He found two ladies, who went to fork to raise money for him. While the money was being raised, Anderson laid Lewis on the counter of a store, and with his knire ripped his shirt collar open and slit his vest aim piufis ia pieces, xnis was wo o'clock in. the morning, and Lewis having suffered for tour hours, was seized with a chill as be lay on the counter. Anderson told his Orderly to pile some chairs on the 1- gs of the old coon to keep them still, which was done, finally, Mrs.

Ihimpaon, cousin of who had raised all the money left In the town, it having been previously stripped by Price's araay, seked the Callaway county officer with Anderson bow much money it would take to release Lewis. He replied four thousand dollars. This sum produced, five thousand being in paper, and one in gold. 1 hlB being done, Anderson turned Lrf wis over to Mrs. Ihompsou, remarking as be did so he would rather have Lewis' life than his money.

Throughout the whole pro ceeding Anderson frequently imitated tbe Indian war whoop, mentiouitg the name of the tribe be Imitated. Lewis' bodv is cover ed si! over fr om head to foot -with bruises frem'the blows and shots he received. Anderson would punch him every few minu tes with his pistol, besides often striking him Diowsneavy eaousn to Knock mm down. His throat is swelled, and toe inside oi his mouth is raw. To add to the horror ot thee outrages, Andeasou and" the Calloway County Captaiu took a negro girl, 12 or 13 years old, into another roooi and both of them ravished her by urns one torturing Lewis while tbe otbtr was committing the outrage on tbe negro girl.

This was done while the rebel General J. B. Clark's mother and Sterling Frii-e'e brother-in-law, besides Mr. Lewis1 wife, were lu the same house, and not per mitted to stir out of it. Great excitement rrevails in Northeast Missouri, caused by the presence of bands of rebels, end tne expectea arrival ot larger forces.

wedseecav evening a baud ot rebels crossed the North Missouri railroad, and encamped near Speucerburg, on the line between Pike aud Rolla counties. Majors command, about 300 strong. Is in the same neighborhood, and another party of about 200. Dcreey, with about 150 men, entered Paynesville, in tbe southern part of Pine county, Friday night, helped himself a lot of cloibing, There are at least 1,000 rebels In Pike and Rolla counties, and tuere being only local militia to oppose them, they appear to have their own way. The riannibal and St.

Joseph Railroad was all right on Saturday, trains having come through to Hannibal ou Hint dav. Nothing has been received from Western Miseonn lattr than what was telegraphed uui mut. from Lamoine bridge say, Gen. Fisk is rarddlv reconstructing: the burned bridge here, and will soon have the road carrying supplies to Rosecrans. Bill Anderson is said to be nreDarlaor to cross tbe river at or rear Boon villa with the evident intention of joining Price.

Bushwhackers intest tbe entire country between the Missouri river and the Pacific Railroad. Gen. Curtis killed Todd the notorious guerilla, with his owa band, ia a skirmish. Todd burned the Lamoine bridge and was second only to Anderson in bru tality. Speaker Marvin, of tbe Legislature, Is at Latooine.

a relusee from his home. Men working oa tbe extension of the Pacific Railroad, bevond WaTensbursr. have ar rived at Lamoine, havit been driven off vj uueuweacaers, wno swear that tne road hiiau sot oe ouut. Tbe Contented eiactlon-The Home tenets. Special DUpatch to itae Chicago Tribune-! JsiOAXATOua, Monday, Oct.

34. Col. Washfcurne is pushing vigorously the work of contesting the election of Dan. Voorhees to Congress iu the Seventh Dis trict. The proof of fraud accumulates dii'y, and a mass of evidence will be presented in support of Washburne'a claim t.

ths seat that will carry certain conviction with It that Voorhees owes hio certificate of el ec tion to the moat unblushing frauds. The friends of CoL Alexander B. Crane, of the 85th Regiment, who was the Union can didate for State Senator In the district com posed of Vigo add Sullivan counties, have served a notice aud made arrangements content the election of the notorious Bayless huil on tue grouna uut iianna nao not reeided in the district one year previous to the election, as required by statute. 11 anna removed in the early part of the summer. Bounty-jumpers and agents who have been swarming in here from Eastern States are coming to great grief.

Tbe Provost Guard picking them up at ths rate of a dosen TUESDAY, OCXOBEB 25, 1864. THE SEWS. Tie situation In 'Western Missouri as re. Prtd In our last Issue, was that Price, laYlE mo vea about with Ms army In a w-S-o'-iAttiip ec aimer, tow here, now there, was brought to a stand-up fight on the border of Missouri on Saturday, and after some eharp filiating was finished np in a battle on untidy, and ao thoroughly that he took to flight with bis whole army. The com bined Union forces under Curtis, Bose-crans, A.

J. Smith, Fleaaaaton, Jenm-Bon and others. were Dressing on bis- rear and drawing the blood at every stroke. Our eoldiera fought nobly, and oar last night's dispatch carries forward though only briefly and without detail the good new previously reported. Our bo ont that way are rough riders and Vigorous Cghtera.

They will (pare neither bono Bean nor the sabre's edge, aad Pries will be rudely bandied every step of the way. There Is in our view, however, very little prospect that he will be bagged. Toe bagging business has never been thrivingly suecenful out that wav. Price has a large asd admirably mounted cavalry force, or there is no virtue in torse-stealing, while have reason to believe that our own mounted force is not what the present juncture requires for effectiveness. It Is, hoev2r, certain that the tide is turapd, and the rebel cause in Missouri is literally at it last ebb.

Before it can again seek to return, the loyal breakwater- Win have been completed In re-election of Abraham Lincoln, and the only thing left the rebels will be their last ditch. We rublish elsewhere Gen. Butler's congratulatory order to the Army of the James, in which he reviews their Operations from the commencement of the spring; campaign to the present time. It is a pretty eoticln aive proof that the old hero isn't dead, as recently rumored. -Thursdsy evening of tMs week is to be memorable In this campaign.

On that Colfix, of Indiana, Hon. Lyman Tremaine, of New York, and Hon. Carl Bcfcurz will address Union laving cltl-sens, and all lovers of sound Union These three several addresses will be delivered at places elsewhere announced, and will call out In the three meetings the largest aggregate of Republican listeners this campaign has jet sailed out Gen. Schara wUl address his German feUow-cItiz ns in their native tongue, at German Hall, on North TV ells street. The otner two distinguished gentlemen win respectively fill the nail In which they are announced to speak.

Let every one who loves the Union and its cause be present. The Committees are making preparation for the accommodation of lojal ladies who may wish to attend. Sheridan's late batUe was a severe one and its results were glorious. A recapitulation elsewhere given In our dispatches says our losses in the battle of the 19th instant will reach 5,000 in killed, wounded and missing. We also lost, aily in the morning, 24 guns.

We have captured, including the wounded, who are in our hands, about 7,000 men and 60 guns. The total loss of the enemy car not, therefore-, be much short of imr thocbakd tow. Geuerel CuBtar alone has receipts for forty-five guns and five battle-flags, besidf a large number of ambulances, 'bone, barneM, mules, -etc This makes fttt-onb pieces of artillery that hi division has captured duiirg the last two weeks. Shetidau'e splendid achievements have sent wsve if enthusiasm through the whole area lice, and our troopers buckle their belts tighter and grasp their eabres more firmly tieoreis and on the -Missouri border, for the example Phil. Sheridan's men have set them, and Dadd- Price suffers worse because Of the disasters of Early and Lonestreet.

Our Xfetroit dispatch grves a glimpse of reoei plots lniminated on Canada soil against our border cities and towns. Forewarned Is forearmed. It will be quite as well if all vigilance is exercised exposed points. The Provinces are full of hmpgry and needy fellows, resdy for any deed of rapine or outrage, especially undtr the claim of acting in the Confederate service they can perform deeds that the world has usually set down as bandittism. It is a happy day for a thief when he en find it legal to steal.

But the fit. Albans anair has not largely advanced tne quotations for stock In such schemes. A few more such lessons will be enough. Only be ready to give them on calL It is delightful to not ice how the party of McPendleton love our boys In blue. Tht ir latest attempt is to throw out the soldiers' Tote In Maryland, aa stated in our dispatches elsewhere.

We don't hear anything said now tout Democrats being the only ones who go the war. A grain of dust on jour palm passes unnoticed. In your eye it may create Intense pain. Toat miniature officer, Dan. Cameron made himself of about aa much figure in the line of bis military duty aa a gopner in a ten sere lot.

Nobody ever beard of him, and if found with a fine tooth comb nothing was ever developed to his advantage. Sick of the necessary obscurity which nature entailed upon him, Dan. has come out a blatant Copperhead, and from fighting rebels In the South has come home, we haU tell how presently, to the much safer business of nghtinK loyalty in the North. He has attacked John A. Logan with all the eagerness and power of a hungry grayback to a soL dier's blanket.

Gen. Logan will survive, and Cameron will live to be ashamed of him self. 9 Ha Mr. Lincoln been less penerou In his offers, aad to. Comedento Ooverament mora liberal, tb Ccs'tderACT tc-day would ostc bad a tul-srably Rood offer in tbe per-oa of Gen.

Linrto. Kr. Llbcr.ln wis generous enough to bid hl-rh, and tbus secured tbe Mrvices of a toiertMy efficient oaicer. It was the misfortune of Darla to be poorer thaa Lincoio, aad bene, he lost tbe aid of IjOeaa. Steith Time.

This ia a poor dodge to save McClellan, for Whose services Mr. Lie cola outbid Jell Davis. The rebel papers at the time when the "grave digger of the Chlckahomlny" was rooting rn tbe marshes in front of Blchmond, related bow he had applied lor a command in the rebel army at the time of the creaking out of the war; but the commission Davis offered him was not equally to the value he. placed on himself. At this critical Juncture Sir.

Lincoln on the recommendation and at the urgent request of Gov. of Ohio, offered him a general's shoulder straps and the army of West Virginia. He preferred the offer to that made to him by Jeff. Davis and accepted it. Mr.

Lincoln, In his Ignorance ot the man, "bid and thus secured the norntna services of a poor stick at best, whose heart was always on the other side of the line. evtthtoa revolted slaveholders. It was the fortune" of Jtff. Davis to be better ac quainted with the actual calibre and bona fl it value of the "grave digger" toan Lincoln, and hence he 'Most the aid" of the "freat un-lesdy." As to Gen. Logan, he was not put into the field by Mr.

Lincoln.or through his influence jutby Ms own patriotic promptings of duty. Gen. Logan raised a regiment of 1,090 men, among bis old Democratic neighbors and associates In Egypt. He went into the service aa a piivato soldier, to fight for the flag of bis country. His regiment elected him its Colonel; Gov.

Yatea issued him a commis sion. President Lincoln had nothing to do with it. He was not consulted, nor his as aistance required. Logan fought brsvely-Iesperately, at the head of his "Egyptians." He was promoted to a Brigadiership for gallant services and fitness for higher command, on the recommendation of his superior officers. Els next promotion to a Major Gane-ral'a double star, was obtained in tbe same legitimate and soldierly way.

Bravery, talents and merit were his passports to promotion. The false and malicloua accusations brought sgainat a heroic and patriotic officer, by the rebel print and its lickspittles wUl fall, harmless, to the ground. ETiHITIOS-lBT ir leal. compelled Lee and Davis to treat our colored troops when captured by the rebels as prisoners of war, and not as slaves. The cost of this substantial gain to the cause of humanity as well as ot our country, was a few days' abor of the T.

T. Vs in the Dutch Gap canaL Now let the principle ot retaliation be extended one step further. Let our War i The Stock market is wituout any increase of Tee mir. thonffh npolrlnrl thtn on Saturday, Governments excepted, Tue iroportion ef cash transactions at the morning Bt.ord wire larger than aeual. toTernment secu-riti.

a were steadier at the closing flurea o' Saturday. Railroad bo fie dull but dim. stock Ligber, particularly N. Y. Central and Western roads.

There last appear to recover from dnl ness since last week. At the second Board tbere was a large rise In Pacific Mall. Bunini-ton and QuiBCj, and Rock the balance of the listbeirg quiet. Tbere Is no change in mining stocks many more seller, than buyers. Uoid and perolenm were most in favor.

The gold market was active ana excited, wKh a former rise of about 4 per cent. Tbe price was run ud by tbe bull combination, who are now supposed to be out The rumor of the capture and burning of Ati.nta was circulates, anu assisted tne upward tesoency. money was easy i per cent. A good snpoly of capital offering. The dem md for for-eiKa exchange- opened dull with great firmness in rates, eepeciany tor uanaers.

ctreriing oeing trreg. utar gol-J, has suspended currency quotations. Uold dosed at the evening Board at 8ia. lrT" For A tern on Telegraph. see Second Page.

Appointments I at Ogla Conaty. Pmor. John Vv hxlumos will address the citi zen, of Ogle county as fullow. Adeline Friday Evening. Oct.

S9 Lunvl If Saturday Oct. 2D. LlfhraTtHe Tuesday Nov. 1. Grand BeTonr Wedaraday Nov.

9. Laae, Union Hall Thursday Nov. 8. Frid Ncv. 4, Mt.

Morris Saturday Nay. Byron Monday Nov. 7. Frier d. of the Union at the shore will please make all necessary arrangements.

Appointments in Whiteside County. the Bon. D. Richards and A. A.

Tinsix, Kaq will address the jeople at the following times and places: Oesesee (TJtlon School Tuesday eve, Nov.l Lynocn Wednesday eve, Nov. 2. Erie Thursday eve, Nov. 3. Boring Hill Friday eve, Nov.

4. Woodward's BlntT eve, Nov. 5. Wall.ce Sterling Monday eve, Nov. 7.

At the last named place several other e-peakers will be present. The people are requested to make all ths necessary arrangements for the above meetings. CHALUNOB. Any one who thinks he can convince the psople that tbey ought to support McClellan and PecdJe. ten and the Chicago Platform instead of Lincoln aid JohnfcOB, can be heard at any oi the above meetings.

A. A. Tenelt. will address the citizens or Wileon, Lee Oct. S3, In the evening.

Patriotism. At tbe outbreak ol tbe rebellion, arscg the many who sprang to the protection or the flag, were four brothers named Merrian, rei-dei tsotthe town of Lyon, in this county. Oue es iisted in Bridges' battery. The other three entered tbe 12io II inais infantry, but two, after remaining in ths regiment tor ninety tys, lett and enlistta in the bl' Infjtuiry the Fremont Rifles. George, oie of those iu the 37th, contracted a serious aistate on the Rio Grtnde, in Texas, and, when his term of service expired, not long returned boae to die, aa event which occurred yesterday, in Lyons.

The others are yet in the service. Bbzsxn on ran Chios. The Union meeting at Bremen Station yesterday was large and emhu-siasiir. On two days' notice the people turned out en mam to bear w. Jackson, candidate for the Legislature, and Hon.

John Wentworth, candidate for Tbe meeting, after listening to the speakers for three hours, broke up with roueieg cijefcre lor Lincoln and Johnson, and the whole ticket. Tbe Union majority in that patriotic town win be largely increased over taat gives two 3 ears ago. Ibe rural are sound on the great isae. ALL BELONGING to cur Draft astoc itlon. ara required to meet at the mots oa tmse-j evei lnr, Oct.

Jfia, at to hear ttia report CfL J. e.ate Tiaaeiuex. lKKlLL, cJ5-n-iS -It NOTICE Caarles lcr-merly of tb B. Wavy, will receive abc-i f)i. reted to lr care of Sarpeon 9.

J. yt. tj. Navy. toe fi.

Psval Ken4ezvoaf, li. nam i V. U. S. Wvr.

lt fifevai R4adzri.aa, PATRICK KANE, a ducttaiged naval recrn't, lr eo-ninc 1 tbs Central rep evectnv b.tng sllchUr intoxicated on-dit on. if ir.t) a i ore, a It wai Jut ott sn" gave Tli- Ir.nwl tin money tafa katolnz. Be ia eober to dav, but doe not reotltrQ -er 1-rt hit rcouey li tne tl having will onl tfee'r ad a ret, to thta onlce, Uiey en uu us owaar. ec5 uitp TR. lis a very coovestent tinivrik ftr entering ths tame, of saptl.

and k'eoloe an accurate scicuaL ot eaib, ttnsn. It lat roast tcactierstwajr-ara. Price 6o e-nta on tberaceiotof it will rent kv mail. PudU hel tor B. t.

kEHrtliL COSl rYashUioii street, Lhlcafo. oc6 ui.3 It ATTENTION. SIH KNIGHTi A sreeil eorelave Asillo Co-w-nante-y Fo. fen-rso Teipp ar. will ae acid at their Atjliaa, Ifw-tr'c Terrpic.

tin. (Tesry) evealcg. net; 2.1, adH o'clock. Worktn T. After work ths Com-xnsLdeiv will r.lve a oil or Iillaaia, te Bm' Ben ccanf3i J.

A MOfTOOMEBT. BegordTT. OSjlUTIOW Of PArtrNE-v 8BIP The partnerM ns. twj.n rhurlrs rordritT and Eela.i th oladar has this nay been ciaao.ved bf Ku content C. KSOHkLSniKTF.

HaUSBlOd BtVOs Oct 24. im. octt-uxri-lt TyOJULIE -Tiao Steamer ABEL will iv Calra for NKW OELEANS Oa Ihmrsday Sfanlas, tke 37th last, ei arrival o' train leal-e fbcago Werla-sday BsordiEg at fclS. ot tickets id ft etiint apiy to 0ciSt21 It ti O.arboia ttreat. AWt 'Vv'arjtet, a Part- Vr iter with a eart casital of and n-Vt', to enee In tit.

wood, stave, csd1" poaie swri rax-ber traaio'ae. To ffSISlao rfft rust- a iro wl r-naneot oaai ott-rr a. Adciea -'XI," P. O. Box 470U ltiatp JLUCAGO WAT2R "WORKS.

Wete? Tax, Dae JTdt. 1, 1SCI. Crncx or th Boaan ey Pttblio Wobks, CTFiraeio, Tlte Wosrd ot Public Worka have sAres3ed the air onres n- pMa kb water rents or the tlx month, Novemter lt, aad etictat- ia lit. ut5. axa che Mcae to due and payable tn tLe 1st cay oi A'oramier next.

By ths reooiremeitti o' ther.vtoed efty etSTte-. We water tax atseiaed ats Isalea oa ail lotao land, which eha latat or foia aan aire-. avnn-or a'ley ronra si' The wist-r pipe are laid, aad whu-a wtali have a traildma thtireoa.whttnertLs Le usee in en- onildmz or on sucri ioi or rtot. If sot rtaio dnrtrg Foverrter, too par cent Witt oe aed to tbe water rents on all lot. wueiia tbs water is On tlie water asjessmeBts on wkere the water tl rts' iim, a disconrt et twenty per e-n! will Bs mats If ths tain t.

paid drain oernMr. it eitrfuj, FBKO. LPTZ, J- R03B, CosnrUflraar. of th.Bsariof Puus works, MtM at to lUMi net 1.

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