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Chicago Tribune from Chicago, Illinois • 1

Chicago Tribunei
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

s'yntiCBW ll'l OtNERAL NOTICES. A CARD FROM PROCLAMATIONS By the CoTernr ft" STorth- 'It-. Fitcli, Williams Co. -t' i 1 "-7- yy' i 1 1 NUMBER 68. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1871.

REMOVALS. 1 BLU i wreiierm Stolen STj BT THE GOVERNOR OF ILLINOIS. Statb or Iuoie. EiBCL'TtVC DrABT-KT. Tn Pnlnur.

Connor of Jlliaoi: To oil B'cAom th'tt prtMHtt hall tomtgrtttitig Whereas, in my Judgment the great ralamily that his overtken Cbicairo. ibe larcest city tit the Sate- that has deprived many thousands or oar citiaeus of bouses and rendered them destitute; ha aoiror1 mm miUMo fa ensue of prop- rtv and Cierebr disturb? Ue bas-iees of the pBla a.t d-raii-ia tba Bef the Hale. wad iu6rTpt4 lb -ralinn of the law, is and "an extraordinary occasion within the true intent ami meanins of the eighth section the rifih ariiclc the Constitution. Now therefore, I. John M.

Palmer, Governor of the State of Illinois. do by this, my proclamation, convene and iuvite the two Houses of tbe-Geueral Assembly in aetvioa in tba city of Sprinzficld, on Frtilav, the 13tb tiny of the month of October, in the year of our Lord 1S.L at 1 o'clock boob of raid day. to take Into consideration the following subject's: 1. To a in oblate 'Mb or prima of money. or adopt oiner tejnsiauve measures as may oe tnollt JUUICHras.

nesr4w inopvr, i tire iir lief or the neoulc of tlie cily of Chicago. i. To make proriHicn, by-aniencUns the revenue laws or otherwise, for lite proper ana just a-ess- memuui cvuwiura ui vuci riuiui A I nu-h Mlwrhnilul to adopt SUC other measures a may be necessary for the relief of the citT of Chicaeo and the people oi ram vi.jr. wrMesecatlonaiKt caiorceuieui ia iu 4- ioie appropriation for the expcneoB.of the General Assembly, and TOCh otner a may be necessary to carry on the State 4erJjif test! moor whereof I have' hereunto set h.nri 'awl caused tbe crreirt seal of 1-eal 1 Slate lobe affixed. Done at the cttyof Soriiield.ii-luthday or oetoner.

a. Br rTvi JiDWAKD UL MMELU Secretary of Stale. BY THE 60VKRNOK OF WEC0NSIS. Throahont the northern part of this Stole flics nare acea raTiu in tne wwws niii desolation on crery side. It is reported that hundred of families have been rendered homeless by this devonrins element, and reduced tot-tlL-rdc titution, tfceiren-ir- crops ha tag bee a consnmed.

Their stock haa lieen destrovel. aud their farms are bat a Wackracd descjt. l.nles ai4 lrna portioaf thi. jfirBiJinitv. th.9v auiaA aanalk TTic telegraph also brings the terrible new that a large portion ot ine city oi i ueairpjm I.t a conflagration, which is still (aping.

Many tbon sands tt people are tbna reduced to penury. Mrioned ot their all. and arc now dettliale ut sitel. ter and food. Their sufferings will be intense, and many mar perish aalcsa proru-iow are at once 4-nt them from oeTOrToandmr conotrr.

They mast be assisted now. -i Id the awful presence of ach calamities the peo ple of isconsin win ni mniu; aaniatance to their alllicted renew tuea. -r therefiin-. recommend that iinmediatc orino ized affurt Le made mi eory locality to forward pro visions and money to the fufferers by this visitation, and sugsrest to Mayors of cities. President of villages.

Town supeivisors, ivmsn cnupraw, and to tbe rations benevolent societies, that they dcroto themselves Immediately to- inc wore 01 or-fnizin'; eilort, collecting contributioDf, and scud-iir fiirtrarrl F'itnlie for distribution. And I entreat all to give their ahandanrc to help those in sncn sore aistress. Oiven nnderiny hand, at the Capitol, at Madison, thir ata nay 01 uciooer, ion. 1 LTjrircs PAiitcniLD. BY TUB GOYBBNOJl OF MICHIGAN.

Stale of Michigan, Executive Office Lansing. Oct. 9. The City of Chicago, in the neishlioring Slate of 11 inois. nas neen visitea in nc pruviueiice oi mighty God, with acaiamMy ahaoat anequalled in the annals of history.

A-largo portMiai of that beautiful and most prosperous city has been reduced to asbes and Is now in ruins. Many mil lions of dollars in property, the accumulation of veara of industrv and toil, have been swept away in aManant. The rich hava been red seed to penary, tbe poor have lost the little they possessed, and man thousands -of peopla readesjd bamelese and houseless, ana are now wituout tno absolate necescanes of llle. thererore. earn.

estlveall noon tbe citizens of every portion of Michii'an to take immediate measures tor alleviat ing ha nretMiae waata 'of that 'fcarfally afBicted city by collecting ana lor-warrim? to the 'Mavor or proper au thorities of Chicago supplies of food as well as lilieral collections of money. Let this sore calamity of our neighbors remind as of the pneertainty of earthly possessions, and that when etna member snffera all the members should suffer with it- 1 canaot doubt that tba whole people of tba r-tate trill most sriauiT. ana most promptly, anu most libenll reapoud to this ardent demand upon their sympathy, but no words of mine pan plead so euunaly asiae caiamitv Kseir BtSBri, BALDWIN. Governor of Whihlgan. GOVEHNOB Of iOWA.

To the neoDla of Iowa Aa appalling calamity baa befallen our sistor State. Her metropolis tne great city oi inicaco lain rums, over wu.uuu ueopw ars wnuout ah.lternr fiMtL eicent as nulled bv others. A helping hand tot us now promptly give. Let the liaaraUty of onr people, so lavishly displayed during tbe long period of national paril. come again to tne ironr.

to louu succor in this hour of liis'rrse. I would urge tba appoiatmnnt at once of relief committees io ererv city, town and township, and I respectfully ask the local authorities to call meetings of Ihc citizens to devise ways and means to render efficient aid. I would also ask the pastors of the various churches throughout the btate to take up collections on Sunday moraitur next, or mt fcucb other time as thev mar deem proper, for tbe relief of the ShBerero. Let us nut le satisfied with any spasmodic effort. There will be need of relie fof a aibstantial character to aid the many thousands to tircpare fur the rtrors ol roc coming winter.

1 tic UisjBHioeaUpulsic charities Of that city, uotv ua littto to this and. Those who live in hoaia of comfort and nieoty must uruisu this kslp. or wisery and suKennz will be the (ate of mapy thousands pf onr neighbors. Kim Governor. Dca Moiucs, Oct.

Id, ItKl. 'tuH na jjyrujR qf oiiiu. 'r-. C'aiCAiio; Cel. 1A 7o the Vtoptecf It la believed by the best Informed tluaens nero that many thousands of tbe suffered niitste-pr; vided with tbe necessaries of life dartuir ah' cold cavnta to raise coniributlciisbe energetically pushed.

Money, fuel, floor, pork. clothinsr, and oilier articles not ferishahle should be collected as rapidly as yoesi. le -especially meuer. fnei.i and flour. liv Jo-Mpb of Ttre tbibi-ne.

estimates the nnui- ic( UioM VfiP "ill ncet assistance at about WJM. it. 0. JvS, UoV'cnlor dt Ohio. THE MISSING.

PeraoBt Bfbsinff; and llarcf Wbc They Ma jr be Found. The following is a list of persons missing and places where tbay can. And their A permanent list of the lost aad lb fsund are kept at the First Conzreeationai Church corner of Ana an Washington alreets, by Cosarsl Heynolds, to whom all knowing of persons separated from their families should report their names. MISSING. Anderson, Svea, friends al 1 Wst Division elreet.

i Arnandor, Mary two eoiklrcn; 76 Wast Adaav ttet. i -r- Anderson. Hannah. 40 Fpurth street. hmrg.

Mirfa 53 est Lake afreet. Blackaiorc fiisson. atrowa bcbooL Charles three children, Nellie Kin-Dv. Brown School. "Blampied.

John wife, mother, and three children. Call at A. C. Eat boo, 3W West Adntas street. Barns, Pat, Janlts Morris; Division, near Morgan street.

Boy with six toes go to corner Gurlcy street and penua avsnna, rown, Samuel 118 W- Adams streot, 2 -act Adelhert, 37ti W. Madison street Zoler. Mrs. and children, EigbtU I'rcsbyte- riah Church ajenxz, Annie and Bcqnie, mqthcr at 45 3. Green Btreet.

Bainfladm, TKarv H. 7 If. Peoria street. Barrels, Tienn i Hubbard street. Bolton.

Mr. and Mrs. Third Presbyterian Church. Bordien. Mary S7 PoU at rasC- '2 i.

Briggs, Mr. and Mrs. 400 W. Washington street. Brown, Matilda 1: Walnut Browa.

-Jos tM jHoridlan atroat. Bergenhersa, Herman ana) Aaiiie3 W. Lake, i.nanee, rrana: -sj unie. J-baio, Mjv Slata, SWh stxeat near Tanty-Jji atiiair A Cooky Wliiio, Ma. Thain.

Seelyafenna. Colain. wife and two children. K. Lockhart.

Kuan, at Loodervtlle, Ohio. -Peniey Mary. Mrst Coneretational Church. fcbvrcL, IjjrV, Ei(-th Presbytarian Gharch. vox.

aite niguia rresai ttitiia uiaj-cn. Conjey, Jehn, Vatnar, at a (Aurch, Callahan, Bridget, mother, at first Presbyterian Chorch. Mrs .17 m-eAUandolnl) Kontb struot; -Celbv mother, at tth Canal Colgate. Mrs. t.

Michigan avenne. Code, Miss Mary, Odd Fellows' Hall, Madison, maar Halsted. Hovla. Mary and Maggie 498 pesplaines street.4 (ou mu ftol- liewey. died Corner Madison and State Stm-day night.

Douaktsh. Trancrs. 1X1 Moajrber street, i Day. Almira, 118 West Adams street. Debm, and two boys.

Eighth Presbyterian Churcbr Daisty. Catharmi. Josalt Chnrca. Davenport, Mr. Pirst Congregational Church.

v. sr. .1 tieV-fr, twochlldren.busbandat I euzy-ewva tet cm lUtei na'ia, I '3t tjir.jiu. fiwooi, Zn. Jeaale, Jsnx i 1ort OfSce.

Edaon, hnsband at Ellisna S-ra, K. 1. IsrSmili (ilinlenstmct; tttzgerakt, Sary, and four vluaoroiH 11 Iictcr atrset. PiiZgcrald, Dora Rose. 1-13 Backer street.

Flla t. t'rancia, aad (aarily, Dauton, Cook Coanry, 71 Flint, A. father at Laelods Edcso. ishlenlnrg, MrwUl nnd bis fuiuiiy at Nllcs Pntr. Giddinger.

MagrTe, Brown Schaol. Genther. W. VVet Madison stroet. i fjcad, Mrs: Gor, hall atrtet.

i M.ow. idanu coruef Ngrlb jnd Mitwaukeeaveaaiia. (jaongny, Franetv, father at St. John' a Chareh. GaUivan.

Joseph, Jesmlt Cbnrch, Gontrhe. Francis, Ellen, and Junoa, Father Bar-rett'a Charch. 1 7 Goffie. Ann, Mary, and Sarah, Brown School. Green, James.

IS Learlit street. Crait, Biown bcbool. on on of of 4t a is I A VOLUME 25. OetUneer. Ha.

'Annie-' earner Waafcineton and Rober streets. Howe. CalebJ Brown School' HiddcrmaB. Cornelius, BrowaScbool. II off, Chailes.Mr.

Hertel, comer invision and tiaisteu streets. Ilenulson. Mrs. anit hir i-liihlren. Mi West Wash- street.

Hyde, Mr. aad Mr. Townsend, Hr, tiglitk Prcsbylcrian Chnreb. Il.iuson, Geo. A-, WTweiity-ei)5Ui strecl.

HarkCT, Waiter, 1 Cannl street. Holmes. Dr. K. Henry omilh at St.

Caro lines court. i Inale, at home, suurtiin avenue. Kowell. Gust on aud Charlee; supposed be at Wrighfs Orove; Ibcir wives at Church of finlL'tll. varrie.

i wrwi. i Kallstroo. Charle. wife at ItS Madison street. Kohles, BCtWaat Lake.

Konrou, Willie, Musouic Temple. Kenekbcr, est Lake. I.elni, Mrs. art ha. -ZM West Madison.

'Lyon, K. VS'i Xorth May street. Lswscon. Mrs. Auua a child rou Kignth Presbyterian Cburvb.

Larson, IlukU Mntilda and Emnaa t'hristina. urown nooi. Lingercrouty Gnsta, Aberdeen Lit lie, Mary. 10M West Madison street. Miller, Miss, 80 Secky avenue.

Moruett. John's boy, Ada Sitieet Church. Mcfntyrc, Chas-, Konn avenue bridtce. MichclaoD, Augusta and son, Aarora Turner Hall. Mines, Grafton mother at Waapaca.

Merers. las. aud Ileiirv. mother mt TrfhorniM-h Cbnrch. -Murahr.

Mr.aad four children. Eighth Prcsliv- tcrian Church. Marble. Cmirlca.13 Gold street. Mitchell.

Mrs. aud foar children. Brown ttchool. Murphr, Michael, wife at Su Patrick a Cbnrch. Nitzscncc.

Hammond, wife al Chun li or tbe Cni phany. MC, Matilda, 3TT Kaudolpb. O'Malcy. Mai aud boy, Jutiersou l'ark Cbiircli. Toildin.

Tom, Jefferson Park Church. Peterson, Helen. 1U1 I nionatreet. Phill. Mrs.

and sixehiidien. cotoMra. Miller's. on Greco, betweca Lake and Fulton. renrson, Mrs.

Melissa, aud five children, scb'1 address to I). A. Holt. Muline-HL, PeirTyrMrar: Maria, and two 139 North Morgan. Kost, ijcorgc.

is or til ualstcd. Itiley, Mm. Emma. S55 Twenty-sixth street. Itedmoiid, Anuastesb, gone to Joilet.

Itilay, Wm. wife at 10 Sheffield aicuue. Jtoony, wife at i Emma street, Kouan, Mnrv. Second Baptist Church. T.nywi4tfwiMsiimrviiiHfii.a luunry.

it 1 i Sharp. Robert And Murry; llilborly Caanfy. -Schonbun. Hinuie, Brawn r-cnoofc -etOL-l, M. 76 Fullou, l.

r-f emtt h. Hary, ralloa. 1 i I I i r-ommeraiyes, iiooerur irst j-reahy tcrtsli chtiren. Vcxioa, Julia. Eighth Presbyterian Cbnrch.

Sullivan. Kllzahcth, First Baptist Church. Sullivan Patrick, wife opposite Carpenter schoal. Sandusky. I'aulina.

sou at American Ifcform Church. Sorter. Jaw. 31., First CoDJrosatiDlial Chiircu, Server, Jtrlia. Brown School.

Sills, Charles, Bloouiington, Til. Smith, Ella and daughter, 413 South State. Schwartzcnthall. Mrs. and thiee chililreii.

tx. est uiae. Taylor, Margrcf. Browri School. Tusand, Mr.

aud Brown School, Tvrell, Catharine, Wti West Lake. White. K. Barnes House. White, C.

South Saugamon. West, A. wire at Brown School. Willard. Dr.

and wile. Riverside. Wasscrgard. Jor-uph. 41U Milwaukee avenue, Wagner.

Anna Mary, and Iwoohildren. TMnal. Wliach, ilary, Joseph, and Sarah, North Mor- gan. Willman, Louise SouthCmx-n. H.P 839 West Madituow.

i Walsh, Coolcdge. Worley, family at fill nnbbard. Warner, MaggitrandMarv, til West Frit. i Johnson, Harry. 4ax CbsjO.

McMurray, Jeremy. SO North Peoria. i Mrs Bnlsrand two children ard at Eirhth Pros by terian Churchi Anna and Benny Bents will find mother at 45 South Green street. -y Carter, John, will be Ibarta at a03HarrisonstreaL Catlin. Mrs.

E. from it73 North Wells street. will find children aSbaron. Wis. Church Mary, is to CO to Eufhth Preghvternui Church.

Cox, Katie, is to go to Eighth jPrcsbytcrian Church. Clifford, will find Mends at Eighth Presbyterian Cbnich. fella, Justa, will find mother at 523 Canal street. Donovan. Mrs.

John E. and babv. can he mnntl on Western avenue, near Fulton street, at Captain i-msiroug s. Dclini. Mrs.

Geo. aud two bovs. arc at Eighth Presbyterian Church. Froudsham. at German Lutheran Church.

Tremont street. 1 lorlbcck, Augusts, at 343 Sangamon. Fuklcnbcrg, will find family at Niles Centre, Mich, tiranoii. K. MUes.

will Cad mother at Wannaen. Wni ii. M. Vraneie. will nnd father at St.

Join's Cbnrch. Gutengca. any. Wells School. IJcubcu street Ihiaiiik'toti, Ki- Wb-a, 26Ti Dcsplaines streot.

1 Hyde: Mrs. and Mio will find Mrs. Townsend. Eiirbtb Presbyterian Church. jvawcii.ousian, will and wire at Ch.

of Eptphanv. naiutuon, win nuu wue at utj nest son. Kihlrs. will find Irtcncsi at 61 t.clia. -Lonely.

John, will find father at SU John's t.jibon.- miinp. years, at urowu bcbooi. Luard. Mrs. Martha, at 145 Green.

-eoiiard. Dr. at 139 North Moriran. i by hi, a.Eu MeCiulin, at Mi Buttertield street. alters, Heury sud James, at Tabernacle Chnreb.

Murphy, aud 4 children, at Eighth osby. Icriau Church, MuCoy, Ijrs. Japs and ansaane at John Oaghes, MadiauB, corner Sangamsn. MiUikan, Mr. J.

IV, can find alt family at. South wwm in, Cbwrob. "i NiUsoho, llaiuinond. arUhaach Epiphaay. Pea body, at IV-i-bvteriau Church.

Kelawalts, at Brown's School. Riley, W. will And wife at 10 Sheffield av. Koouey, Thonua. wiU find wileat Emma Stool bar Lena, at Hinsdale.

Sexton. Julius, at Eighth Presbyterian Church. Sithy, Mrs. and cbildren, at Rose Hill. Willson, Cap.

E. can find wife and school-bouse, near Kolliae MiHs. West, A. ff. nt LTQa awbool.

A Wales, Vrs. J. W. and 5 children, at Ml West Lake. INSURANCE Arrival in CiHrso'qf Haiitcm lidcrwrUcr Yesterday there was a number of arHvals ofEas- terninsBnince men among themMessrs.

Bassett, the Ktna of Hartford Bennett, of the Con necticut Sire: Jewell, of the Ebuenixi Judd, of tue Merchant's; Websttnvnf Cny 'irs- of Hartford Smith, of the Springfield: Rankin, of the Fulton or New York, and israral ottierei A meet-in? of adinrters and asreula and othcers of city Companies was called for half past at the ofllce S. M- Moore Jb Mo. 67 Canal street. At no. oi vamu sueei.

ai was crowded by about sity i varhus Sltn. thoall a Wpe ea were aatt rebreasatcu, inoiari- that nour the room underwrite frB number oi airanctee ware not rebi tioottwin A Ltwla 4b Hataawavk Darts Renaa, sad niaera. ast mcetiaa; wa nailed to order by appointius K. J. bmith, of the Putnam of Mjartfbrd, Chairman, and Alfred Wrighlway rice rotary.

On motion of Mr. Monro- that committee he appoiaUtd to prepare a plan of action to cbe vab minted. to a future meeting. The Chair appointed Messrs. Moore, Case, Ducat, lewis and tba cam-mitiee.

It was ordered, that a ruombedb-tained for a hcadqunrtcrnJor Jutura meetings JThe anaetins than ESTIMATED LOSSES, Enquiry amOt-f tvuenyrlters revealod tbe fact that while few ara uaen an plain-spoken aa to the effect of their losses), other ars non-coiaiiiniiU cative or sijeut, ParHtai intnsstea, huwuver, have mada dlligatit tnauhlbs, aad fount he best availa-. bio sources the-foilowinf list has been compiled, waieh we beliava will Very boarlv aDoraniaiata a correct statemaut of tne bests sbslaiaed by fhe 1 San rai I uiiiiin mm mvTi ouru is a siub uis- rancv. however, between this- aliu gares received by talerraph nronstlat Kant. Those this to be remembered, however, that the informal in tha Kdst is comparatively scanty, whlie tbe knowtedge-'obtained hero la more direct anu fmm the ckcumsUaees.rtlacaae, taora rcliablo. We present tbe rottowiaa; Hst theres Jolt of dllif eni "effort to ascertain the probable oases; Uartford.

of Hartford lOO.tai Ins. Co. of North America, of Philadelphia American Central, of St. Louis. jrrs.O Franklin, or Philadelphia t'nslerwriter's Agency, of New HMrnix, of Hartford fiiilJMU TtO.WK) i5.eoti Howard, of New Traduamonk.of Mew New Pturaix, of Brooklyn SOll.UIIO TtiO.fXW S.TUO.UUO Nartagansclt.

ot rroriacnce. North British sfercaatlla Paclhcof San Imperial, of London 4VU.UUU Ir.tW l.SM.Itti 1,300.000 4U0.0H) Koyai, or taverpooi Washington, of New fork-. Albany Continental. New York Loriliard. of New Howe, of Columbus Mercantile nt ku.

100,000 aio.oou MMUWU 400.1100 w.oto Uanimcirlal nion, of Man Francim, rip-rrr-'s 'na-1. of sBn KntBcisni titwgf Nw The otupaniea all had assets on th lrlc' all hil ,,1, nn Ihn firi nt Jaimary. according to oHlcinl reports, more tru.ii sotneient to pajr ihc almro mvutioncd looses. II thejr atterc4 no worm. IUo mm named, Ihcir policies aru good Tor ana Kuudrod nau on the dollar.

Coneenilag tbe it nuij be said that the airenU differ as-foreral The Uouif. of rieir York, ro set aotcat at at.Olti.oui. as a medium Between the higb-art aud lo-am named and the Loudon, Liverpool aud Ulobe we Barn Diacea ine ssarea peio i hc average estimate cf Stfyertl iiisnrance H)C3. Tl fbllQitlu-; ate adrliiipnlil esttrnatos I bunBuhela. of afasaahansbtia.

am.tiOa 4. ui ntawaanawi' tTtie President of Ibis eoinoauv teleeraoha to the St. Louis airent that tbe company will pay all its clahason demand. r. Liverpool.

London 4 Globe f5.rO3.10O hecnriiy, of Sew York Mercbaats'. of Uanloid TUO.Ott) lounccUiBt, of HarUtiJ in II. do at his at Ho ca his at is Our OfiScc is at 75 Second house north of where have all onr books atrd valnablc papers that saved from the fl-tmcs. Wc e.irnes solicit all persons indebted to as aid ns all they cau by remittance. TViiikful for fart, anl hoping to rclmhark lu bii-iuei-! soon, We remain, yours tiuly, KiTH II.


Onr new siori on Wabab av nearly opposita tbe old Clifton House, will be completed on or i about March l.v. nc shall be lenscd to show our i iii-icniern as laie ami desirable a stock as ever before exhibited by us. lu the mc. ntinic wc -iall i p'c to have our cnstaincrs rcuiii ttt one, ciihci by draft on y.evr Vuik, oremteucv hj-cxprc-e. CHAS.


Eastirn business, for New York, Boston, oflice IU Tucat) -second t. Western buslaees, for Chicago, BurliDgton Si Qaincy Railroad and eon-uectious, at office Canal and Burlington Crossing. For Nan hwestern Railroad and roads leaving front that depot, at offlce corner of Klnzie and Canal-sta. (old Milwaukee Depot). Also at office J14, 116, and JlS West Randolph, corner Canal.

Principal office, NO. 113 TWENTY-8ECOND-8T. LOCAL NOTICE DR. A. D.

FRITZ, The well-known Indian Pt; siciaa, of No. 19fi Sth ftf, t. nAS RESUMED BC! ISLSS at NO. IX SOUTH HALSTED STjJEET, Near Adams. OFF.CE HOURS From 8 a.

m. to IS m- and from 1 to 4, aud to 8. Ca ution. All persons arc cautioned against entertaining any proposals for tha purchase or rent of the Giobs Theatre except from the lawful owners at possessors. 'THE CHICAGO RBEITER VEKE1N," or its anticviaed attorneys.

The ground lease upon the has been terminated by due proceis of law. THE CHICAOO ARBEITER VEREIN, JUSSEN. JOHNSTON A KIKiEKS, Attorneys. 144 West Madison a'. Office Cf the Board cf Public Works.

No, West llauilolph Chicago, Oct. 12, 1S71.) Public notice is hereby siven that, upon application to this office, permits will be granted to own. crs of within the burnt district to erect temporary wooden bnildines thereon not to exceed one story in height. By ordr of the bjatd 1'. BAILKY.

Secretary. To Our Friends and Clients. We have, opened an flkefor the vrcscnt at Xo. 11 South Clinton v-hoie iray be found dur. lu utaal Luiluces tu nr.

HEitVEY, ANTnOSY A fcALT L. I-Rol Di'OOT, WM M. JOHNSTON. The Offices of the Chicago Theolo- lot leal Seminary, the Conrrcr onal rublirhlpa; Society, the American Home ScXy, and the Aintiicau Board or Foreign Missions, huvn been removed from Wasbington-st. to Seintuary Building, Uuloa Park.

The coriespon-dcucc of Rev. H. L. Hammond, O. 9.

P. Savage, E. liny and S. J. Humphrey, may be addressed Oih-apo Seminary, Union Park.

To Our Clients. We arc aiding our ellcnts in adjustlnff their losses as speedily as possible. We can furnish latest information in regard to the solvency of insurance companies. Are prepared to make proof of rlaims at onoa. OiTlee at t)65 Wabash-av.

DUNNING EA9T0N, Attorneys at law, Notary Pabllc Persons Wanted. Mr. Wells' family of 345 North LaSalle-sL, please fend address to A L. WELLS, care Messrs. Piatt, Thorn A Maynard, Chicago.

Office and Store Of B1TTIXGER BHO-, at 3(B Weft Harrison where we have some stock, and within days will be full and complete. American Insurance Ccmpany. The American Insurance Company have saved all their securities and books, and will not ne affected fluaoclallv by ibe Are. Business will be retained aa soon as an ffice can be secured. are now located at 47 West Madison-st.

I Have in My Posssstion small quantity of drv goods, which will be delivered to the owner by bts provlor orrmeriy by trad mark before seeing property. COLLINS EATON. TO Sonth Canal-st. Chicago. Oct.

1. Safes. Tar tie wIshiBj; their SAFES Taken oat of tbemlni can have it done by competent parties bv eddressttur OEO. K. BIRDS ALL.

10 Fourth-st. 612 Michigan-av. All onr account booVe and plates are sared'. The machinery as in motion to meet the wants of all our customers s.t tae earliest possible sr.ment. RtXlT A CAT.

Nctice. Onr office is a I NOS.2iBBdMMARKET-ST-With Messrs. Faller A Fuller. Our enrrespondenta will please address as seeordinifly. HENRY W.

K1SO A CO. Money By many insurance companies at once. Call and have notice and proof of loss properly made euf, at the LAW OFFICE OF MORAS A ENGLISH. IPS West Randol np stairs, Tha Steamsr Van Raafte WILL MAKE DAILTTIUPS between Benton liarac'l and this city. VeellbHl West WaUiSteiiret.


L. UTI.KY A SONS. ProV tor. To The We hive ecpcl without Ins by tie recent flrSv and are to i found, as liereti rj, at oar old stand: in the Cau acd Commln-in ia alness, 1S mnlt 194 Ns-h oi i Nonhwester Frcig i. Dc.ot, ItUUToX STtYEltS CO.

INSTJRAJCE. TO PARTIES WANTING Insurance. Policies issued in the Insurance Company, of Columbus; this date. Ohio, from Apply, to GEO. C.

CLARKE A.G BNTS, 10 Eldridge-conrt. U. Tbo IIOII II l.SUK. ACJS COM PAX Is ready lo paj all claims In full Without unnecessary delay! Present your cLisIiub to GEO. CXlItKC fc tO Agents, 10 Eldridgc-court.


NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 1 Boston, All losses Will he adjusted ami iuill aa unr, illlv a- circurasuncea will admit. OFFICE, lTo. 62 South Canal-st. Insurance Of Fhila.d.elphia, Will iay Ma losses promptly, and all i-etifies holding policies iu this Company arc ic ju io pre-Scnt them for Immediate adjustment at Room No. 5 Laclede Honse.

DAVIS RnQl l. A-frHs. Northwestern Department ECLECTIC LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, of New York. rrcjent office, Room 1 Masonic Building, corner Qalsted aad West Randolph st. We- saved our books and aicrs, and are ready bnsiiMWB, 1( AUGrsTUS JOHNSON; Vanaccr.

RANDOLPH BURT. Buperinteiidi nt. The General Insurance Agency or KILLER Jb 1VHEW Haa removed to No. 6M Indhina where they be pleased to confer Bpon matters of lnsar-anca. as may be required.

379 OFFICE COKNECTICCT MUTUAL LIFE INS. CO. OF HARTFORD; Interests of policy boilers and applicants for insurance will be promptly atteaded to. STEARNS, TJrTKTNSON ACOl, i General Agents, -(Successors to Moore A Steams) an Wabashr. Mutual Life Insurance Company of Chicago.

OFFICE at 531 West MadUeo-st. STEWART MARKS. E. IC PAUL. 1 teontmr.

Prrswient. Yonkers and New York Inturanca WESTERN DEPARTMENT, Indlana-av. J7 W7stewart, INSURANCE fROKfcH, 16'; AbetnVca-tit. TiisnraaKe' placed ia' A CompaBies. lasallest.

FoiBtcrly i- Proofs of Loss. We have established ourselves at 165 WEST WASHINGTON'S T-. Where we are prrpned to make out PROOFS OF LOSS WITH TUB UTMOST DEsrATClI. COOPER PACSARfl. Atlrrneys-at-Law.

Yonkers and New York Insurance Co. Policy holders will phase present their rlaims to W. 1A (KIT A otrices. aJ3 Vi.baeh-av.. or West L'ai dolpU and Ilalsted-st.

Or caa present them at IVoalorn ikp.ii Lnent IW Indiana ar. Reliable i. a New ttimi f-Ktna, of Xew York, 40o-OiX Snu. of Cleveland of Providence Kor Williams, or Eiiipirc City. orTJew.York New Amsterdam, of New York niton, of Xeir York North American, of Xew York.

Independent, of Bo-loa. Excelsior, or Sew North Milwaukee 3.J0.UOU 3OP.00O i 1.IKJ.IJ0 WbVJQU l.frW.OU) 5,1) 10,0 III iuii.ijor of Atlantfc, of Brookl, or Nev Yolk Home, of New York. -Etna, of nartford. Pahinm, of Hartford Charter of Hartford arniCT, oi IThls company its ageuu elsewncre lat it will pay up and go on usojiI. Vu have tl.u.

it trill considerably reduced the aniottuts reported by fcveial purtiej astlie loss of tne Andes. The com- panv had rcp-jrtcd a-sets Jul is', ol about i. 1 I a-uar, of Neir l.KIO.O HI Bcekmiiii, of New Yuri 3 Peopltw'. of San Francfsco; Hide audlA-nthec of Yonkers, of New York North Hartford Enterprise, of I'liiladclphiu. Mii Norwich, of Connecticut SOO.tO'J Teutonla.

of Cleveland Cleveland, of r. City Firs, nf Hartford SO.WH Alps.of Eiie. 43VU of Pennsylvania 1.... I.OiX'.oCo Bntialo Cily i fKhtr-fl Aleniauia. of Cleveland 3.V1,IX.() Hibernia.

of Cleveland 2OJ.00II German, of ('levelaud aOO.OilO Naiional. of Bostor Firemeu's Fund, of California 4uh.huo Westvnr.ol'Bnrlalo i BuflUlo Fire and Marino. LOSSES TO BE PAID. Gvertor.fewr;II. of Kartiord, arrived Vi erday, to loo.

after the Phoenix losuiancc ci-iupanvof that city. -The IMioeliiv. of veh-uljv tuM th i tin-t loss ill this lire, being M'. to cC iJo. ft; "Fho Himic hiMtraiies.

oflCi-wYoik. will par evciydullarol the iA. it has here, anil yet surplus The Neptuneo Boston havj 'telegraphed Al-J -n icluiy Ih il tbey aru ready to pav their lass, ou roof. The Franklin r.f Philadelphia, and the American Central ofSuLauia their 1 bat of I be lormur-ie uador and of Ihc latter, abont Davis Ketua, tba agents, have their rtfllc at No. Michigan avenue.

Edmuiur Driev to Tub TniBtritB that at a nioctiiiL'or th.onrmittee of Clnimi aud ixwesoi inc inmmsrsir? i ny ire Insurance Company or Brooklyn, New York, convened yesterday by the a resolution was tniani. ttrousry passd unthorlaiug bint to telegraph to iicago an lueses susuiiivea. oy inax company, as t-oon as adjusted, would be settled by drafts nithont deducting iUo sbity a interest, PUBLIC MEETINGS "J- board' or A meeting of the Board or Supervisors was held at 10 o'clock yesterday morning, at Rice Jackson's Building, corner of Randolph and Jefferson streets. .) On motion, a committee was appointed" to confer with the Legislaturo to assist in getting means to carry on the city government, and- also one to request the Prenideui to call a special session of CongTess for the purpose of kxiuing money to the city, so that business may be roauwod. A resolution was also adopted that when the Court House, was rebuilt, it should lie on the old trroaud.

Dr. McChesrncy. a Methodist cloryman stated that ir it was decided that the Court House was to be rebuilt there, he would go to New- York, and set money enough In thirty dvs to rebuild Ine MethodlsfcCbirrch Block, ou the old spot. xue ouaru aojuunicu, to meet at to clock thiq morning at the same place. WHOLESALE GEOCERS.

At a full 1 meet iug vjf the whalusale srtocere of Chicago, held Thursday, OjtpW it unanimously UtttArtd, That we ask no compromise with our creditors. We only want time, and are determined to pay ltM cent on the dollar. JitMifirtA, Also-, ihit wo have Bnimpaired eon-ndence in our country them for the eviileneeslreadv given of their reatf iness to cotpe to our prompt assistance, ive trust no fctfoi-t on their part will be omitted to continue placing us in possession of avaUnluo funds at the earliest moment. WM- STEWART, President. JOHS WESfER.

Secretarv. COMMirrEg MEET1XGS. At a meeting or the ditl'jreut committees from cities tendering aid to the sufferers by the late tire Chicago, bold at St. John's Congregational Church yesterday at UtJ Mayor Baxter, of iuievllle, wiut called to the eliair.anrl Austin Brown, of tho Indiauapolb Common Connell, aiiinliiljri KAernf.pv Deietrales from the 6fjfming cities cm: Milwaukee. St.

Louis. Unnnibal. Aurora. Vaiucy. Louisville, Indianapolis, Leavenworth.

and tipringdcld. Hon. Mr. Blow, of St. louls, who presided at a previous meeting held oa Wednesday evening, stated what had been doue so far, aad thattbe committees had rqct with the of tbe Chicago Aid aml'flcuVf Society, and learned that to tlris aommittec hart bceu added a committee of the Cottncii and city That while all funds donated were to be paid over to.

the City Treasurer, the systoniarle distribution of supplies would bo made by this Joint committee. All that we bad was to await the of this cominhtoe, which wubM he by tbis tFriilayj evening, when supplies and menus could be placed iu their bands." with the assurance that an honoxt disbursement and Jadieiotts uietrtbntion of funds and supplies would lie made. Adjourned. THE SEAT OF CITY GOt'ERNMENT. At sn adjourned mcctiac tint Comiron Council, held yesterday afternoon, it was rcsulved that tha Foard of Public Works at onee to erect, a cost of 2.00l,.a temporary wooden stnieture the Court House square for the accommodation Ht msn ine city goverumeni.

hn Comcil will narcaficr meet at the thiiou btreet Police Station. BOARD EDUCATION. -'-A meeting of the Board of Education and school teachers was held in tbe Haven School yesterdav afternoon. It was determined that all the teachers would tender to tbe board their sen Ices for one year, to receive any rcmmicmtiop the city might tbink proper to, obcr. luspctor U.leal ievoted z.utiO to a dustitnte teachers' fund, in the event of lumber not oeing destroyed.

SuperiutCBdent Pickard refttses any salary fur one year. SyjJCIAaj xi''KS. THE rRAlRlE r.VICMM. The PrUrlf fanttp Comjiany have located at sio. West Randolph et rcet.eorner of Ji tfjisjn.ard will not miss an Issue of their This woek number will be out to-day, and jnaUedV to all subscribers.

It will contains concise and comprehensive report of the Great Fire, and ail the latest news ap to: the hour of going to press, together with a correct Map, showing the Burned 'District. Copies will be for sale on thustreeta. hood In yoar ordofs for advertisements. The books and valuable papers of the company were saved, together with a complete tilo of The furriur since Irrtl. CHICAGO RAI LV AT.

This Invalaable journal or railway news, -frith 'a spirit characteristic of the gnat interest which represents, and of CbtetMo, wfll corntmne to ap1 pear regularly each week: We honrthy eemramd this standard, journal, and' the ei.temrii'e and phtekWhich itoxhibita. Its' editor, P. CvBrbaks tan nay beaddntssad at fcJ Prarrk FIKHT7 FROM THE Onr friend Wm. D-. Kerfoot, Bal Estate Acr.i No.

Washington street, ts the iha has erected AuildimV tie bid piali. and is ready far business, aa usual. Nr. ine runs parties rmtn nan XT led npou bin with rererence tu intreetmeuto and rebulldiiitr, aad he Is prepared to have surveys loads, titles examined, aud all-fegal bnMncss attended to. We commend him to all persons for reliability, ntarptio.j 4 tiS'TJUnC a notice with pleasnra the tclegrma and uotiae from tbaContiBV'Btal IiWamnca Crrtupany of New York, in another loaBtswf tkUoLm-paay are about t.OU9,000.

Assets, them a handsome aaailhia. O. AM. Barrett A are the agents for Chicago, if oinc wcuom HftT Himady JL Meiws lo-wr. Mcetinjof the, North.

Side citizens will heboid 11 eornar of North Clark, and -North Water streets. V- B. Qg4o and oiheas ato tne oordnutr tac. Unkm mcetins of the Good Templar lodges at Warren Lorhre IlaH. Masonic Tviuple, comer of Ilalsted and Randolph streets, this evening.

--Irish Literary Association, at Kooms 6 and 6 Yates' Building, corner of Randolph Canal streets, at 8 p. n. lie. Kobert CoWyer requested by O. C.

Gibba, Cbarrraan Belief Commitice, at 1 m. to-day. at Hirst ConirrcfnUuual CUurcti, corner of Ana and West streets. i THE ELECTIONS. rBSSSTLVAJlLV.

Duiing tha election in Philadelphia, on Tuesday, a fearful riot occurred In lbs sontbera part of the city. Tbe aght was participated in by white and colored men, and waa not ended until half a dozen were killed and anuiy wounded. Three brigades of tlte militia were ordered out to qneli the disturbance. Pittsburgh, Oct. 10.

Tba Repnblicans carrv the couuty by and 4,000 majorttv. here waa but little interest taken In the eVriion, and the ojc wasuuuuidy iiirrii. tularin, from the adjolulu? countios Hiow a lifjht vote, bntattnt-fnrm gum over Geary's vote when the State went Kcpublican by majoritr. Kuturnn iuuicals kavo tar ried the State, election Andimr General. and boatl) burveor tanurai.

nueksConnty gives SlU to 4UO Lieiiiecratie'majorirr." in Fmuklla a Republican ot Inf ClieMer Kepublluau uiaJ.Vrlty. Lvemnitig, S0 L-uicaittur, stURunatolican Kortrmmpton. i.iSorK-niocraiH-. a Kcpubiican niia of SiS., Keppbicjau.

Alle-honr. Rrpubll-cau, JOWA From tno IWMoines IfoUtcr, Oct. 11. Wo had sipo.toil to be able, having ma-Ic full arrangeasaais rpecinl despatches, to print full returns Irojn th i Iowa election this lromfiig. But early lat eve.un.

the wire Ihe Western Cuiou ontbeltock island Road, and that the Nortb-westora. pav- out. ihns virlually rutting ns ofi Irom tvBint mication of tbo I Sim. The.nemawebare recerred" from IheEasI ana irom our own ptaie ny ioe uu nui rouud by St. Louis.

But we nave snow that the result lu Iowa has been sweeping. To-morrow, ue doubt. we shall be cblc togive full and complete returns from lowa, and from tmio aud I'eunsylvania. conhttenlly place tbe ma jority id lowa atrismsoi An unexpected crowd of advertitemcuts has left neither time to put in type, nor room to print. I lie great mass of iiiUiligvoce relating to the con.

dttionoftlie city prepared for Oiis mornuy's pa per. We hope to-monoar to enlarge our columns, if materials arrive in season, and be able to meet botli the wants of advertisers aud the tie mauds of the reading public. DIED. T11AYER -Wm B. Thayer, ased jcira.

Fnneral from his late residenrc. 'u. II Sixteenth sL. at o'clock p. m.

Friday, l'ith iL. BOSS On Wedncfday, October It. Alice Ma yesmgett daughter or Henry aud Maria A. TiosV aged 4 years udo mouths. Funeral from the residence her parents, 154 Nerfh Cnrtls sireet.

no Frid.iv at Ha. m. COAL. VALDROIV, DEALERS, Can be found at their eld stand, having escaped tha late fire unscorched. Their uninjured by either fire or water, and are prepared to till orders with out delay.

Yards Foot of Kingsbury-sL, North Side, and at north end of Elevator Illinois Central Railroad, South Our Coal Yard all Right. are Bealj to Deliver In One Ton Lots To any Ose We Owe Or to the Public at the Old Prices. Office and Yard No. I North Market-st. W.M.&J.F.OLCQTT.

F. A. Menge and AH kinds of HARD AND SOFT COAL, at the old prices. Also, On hand a full supply of BEECH AND MAPLF. It Foot of Wt WaaVnetw-aV SAFES.

SAFELOCK iauv COMPANY'S CHICAGO HOUSE IS LOCATED AT 66 West Madison-st. A stock of Safes, and Hall's Superior Locks 1)8 reatdy fox sale TO-DAT, At Old Prices. FRANK B. TUOKEE, MANAGES. XNSTJRAITCE.

Kew York, OcU UI, 1871. GENTLEMEN': At a nieetius ef the -t)er-maoia." "Niagara," and Republic Iusnrancc Cornpnaies. of New York Comprising tho Underwriter's held this day, dua preparations were mada la pay uninedt-stcly, upon ailjustinent. all losses ingrrcd at Chicago; sifter doing wukji I tin capitals of all the couipanios will rcnain miikapaiirad, and have a caiplus ot over half a lutllton dollars, leavimr tbe eah assets ot the i n(Hill' Acency over tnoanaouc-liair millinn doilais iMAV0.) A.bTUOUABT.tteneral Axvut. To Oden, Sheldon A Scadder, Agents, 6i South Canal stroet, t3yAll persons bqlding noiipies "in the "Cartel writer' genry," will niuseat thca attfci South for Mljustment.

UODJSN, tUELDOX JsSCUDDKR. Airmts, Weare and Co. and S. B. Chats and Co.

Iluve recovered some of their hook and nanera from the great fire, and have resumed business at xj ami ortn Clinton-st. Will receive con-sinmenta and transact a scneral commission business as before. CX)AL i. is to in THE Wheeler Wilson GENERAL OFFICE I IS KEMOYED TO No. 338 West Madison-st Onr S.rl- ruiiiirr-.

r-tu atlit itu nii-hia- i ud supidks at 1J A Kib. vi tuauiueit aru airenu. and measures will at once be taken to pnt tip a per mtment bnildinj. FAKKAK iTTHEELEH.

Union Screw and Bolt Co. Office remoTctl to COLLINS ct BUT; GIK'S Stove Fonndry, fouthwesterri cor ncr Van Btircn ami Jefferson-sts. Wc arc prcriarcd to fill all orders' for Bridge, Car, Track, Macliiuo ami Skein. Lag Screws, Jack (Screws, ami Carriage 'Bolts. "VTc have mvlc arrangements Tor cluing BLACKSMITH WOKK for buildings.

Hull.vr 1'aicea. Field, King Co. and Jaccb Weil 1 HAVE REMOVED to IIS MICUlCiAN AV. fotW.OJO worth of real c-latc trautcd iu the ljurLcd district cant of laSallc aud north of Jackson-Jt. Removsl.

i WM. H. MAMPSOX. Beal Estate and Uoosa Kuuting Aeney, Room 4 urrau diotk. im is now ai SIS WEST WASHINGTON-tiT.

To rent, stores and dwelliugs all parts of the CUT. PAPER. ROCK RIVER AT 56 North. Jefferson-st HAVE IN A STOCK OK ALL KTND3 OP BUILDING PAPER, Satnratei SheatMntt Boarfl, Prepared Plastering Board, Felt Hoofing. AAD QUARTZ CEMENT.

56 Norlh JelTcrson-sL HEW PUBLICATIONS. The Chicago Magazine FOR NOVEMBER Will apHr as nstial. new work bttllt np on the ashes ol tbe okl. Ail ia gone, plates, mannscripta, snbscriptiou books, and ottlce but a world of hope and eaenrv rami ins. As manT dhTercnt individu als vers uependiag upoa fur their bread and bai ter, rs more unponuni man ever mat, IT SHALL SUCCEED; If the many women of "ton West wbo sentinc congratulatory letters and- God-speed when 1 cons meiH-ed under auspicious circumstances, will help me now.

by their subscriptions, I shall give them a better HOME MAGAZINE than before. The nrt nnmber will csntaiu a full account of tho D1REFCL BAPTISM OP FIUE through which wc hare passed, with MANT INCIDENTS gathered by an eve-witness. office at Madlson-st. West Side Library. Courage! Let us lift thankful eyes.

Cooutequal loss and train: Because as long aa tba world lasta tirccn leaves will eoine again." SL L. RAYNK. C'hicaga Magazine -Editor Fashion. aud Proprietor DRY GOODS ASS CLOTHING. BEHOLD Dry Goods AND We have on hand a Targe Woe of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING.

NOTIONS. MILLINERY, which we offer at prices nneualtad in the eeL 5,000 (flvo UtOHSABd) yards CALICOS. Tour choice of any brand in ataak at 8c per yard. Evervtbing else in proportion. Sten and Boys' CLOTHING, and a larie stork ofCNDIKWEAR, very cheap, at tho 90C WEST LlIaE-KT ror.

0ikly. TO RENT. TO RENT. i STORES AND OFFICES, Korner of Green and Washington-els, in the itoac buitdiDg lormcrly occirncd by tha Ptrst Consrega-ional Charch. The building Is hciBrrcDudeloa, ana) will cos tain some of the Hurst stores and offices in tbe city.

The National Watch Comjiany; Uartford Fire ami other prominent banners com eras ire ahead located 'be re. Apply on the premises DCKAND BRO. POWERS. Parlors for Offices In marble front, ftW WABASn-AVENt Near Apply at the premises. Tq A STORE ROOI TWENTT-SECOND-ST between Michigan end Walash-avs.

44rt)t feet, snitahlt foralare tetail itiy Roods stme, wholesale Hinervor similar; nsinisB. N. MON- Paper Co. fur win at AXD RAIIiWAYS' OFFICE t. a.

769 AT 1 CROSSING. Freight forwarded and contracts issued to all Eastern cities, as heretofore. A. WALLINGF0RD. Agent Blue Line.

Chicago, cct. ucnavy NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. The riltsburgh, Fort H'ayuc Chicago Bail way Freight lie-pot, being caved from destruelion by the great Arcs of Saturday and Sunday nights, is now In shape to take freights, enabling this artery of trade to OPEX IIP and relieve those who may have property to go forward' from Chicago, and have opened our office at o. 9, under the Brlggs Ilouic, for-tnerly -the taclede, Had1sou-st. Freight The Star Union Line Agency haii It Chicago headquarters nt this offlce.

Xo very- large amount of freight could be immediately, but enough to enable parties to raise money from their Eastern correspondence, R.C.MELDRl'M, IV. F. Agt. Thursday, Oct 12, 187L Xt7 Post, Journal and Republican rxapy. Goodrich Steamers.

Steamers on all tne Routes. Freights received and ship ped. Passenger accommo dations all right." 'Office and Docks foot of Michigan-av. T. G.BUTLIN, Snpt CARRIAGES.

TheOfflot oftke. Carriage Mantiactxiring at their factory, enrher ofRanMoTph and Ann-fts-V whrre, tbey mil resume their ttaHness in a few days, and be prepared to rreetve -ders as asiial. All Bersons ratl'jbted to os are requested to remit at onus, in by epr to enable us relieve our cranloyea, aosac of v.iom are hoioc loss and in want of All persons having hnggtea, or wagons their possession belonging to ns, writ please re-U them to oar factory or send their address, and save trouble. rnTJCAnoNAi. The Chjoago Business College Will open in a few daji on EixteeDlh-st be-.

tween Wabash ana Biehigan-avs. Two of the largest and finest halls in (he city have been leased, and a 't at3T-CLSS BCoIi'SS SCHOOL will be Midactcd as htrctoforo. All tho depart-manta will in apsration, wtth fun corps of teacher. at aresent, I Micbrgan av. vetal to and store rooms to rent.

Apply at 792 MicVgin-aT. BRYAN tllASE, formerly Bryant irrWoB.) BLANK BOOKS. A Largs Assortment of BLANK BOOKS STATIONERY Jnt tacclvcd from the East, which wia HE SOLO AT LOW rRICRf. The trade supplied fc.r KMERSON DAVIS, AT WEST SIDE LIBHART ANJt MrIC STORJf, WEoT MADISON-ST Block, bet. Peoria stxl Sanyimonatii.

AUCTION SAIXS. Auction. c. M. GILBERT i CO ACCTiONEEHS, are ready to make salea of.

MERCHANDISE, HOUSEHOLD GOOPH, REAL AND PERStTNAL PROrERTT, al their new talcsroome. lia 1-1 Canal-stJ. nest door to Tribune Sales at residences receive pioaipt attention. STOKE AND LEASE AT PRIVATil SALE. One of the bust locations in the ritv for grocer store er Rouse contains IS rooms.

REA1V ESTATE. If For Safe cr Rent, At EVANSTON, Two large brick residence within i.TB ni'ntcey walk if Drpot. Wm completed rooi'y to sec try by Noveatber 1. I ca: alsobca trsix ie soce, all at fair prices. JOSErn 51.

LYONS, EYA3N. ROE, No. 1 iitv. fl-.

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