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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 13

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. 4. K3 (D Oil GO IF DCLl LE KOTT OF POLICY ON USED idDODOl GB DS(DTTDQ E08, iIBDB We have a number of good roadsters wnicn we Deueve are exceptional values, priced considerably below the present market, We think so well of these values that we agree to take in any of these cars, if purchased now, on new uodge Bros, cars in spring at a depreciation of $25 per month, barring accident or abuse, We also have a numoer ot otner light cars that are econom-1 MAIONTQWLEtO. seisms ical to operate.

1035 GILBERT AVE pay us a visit and. look over guaranteed same as a new irom. li-la-lT-ia-U Cadillac tourlnf, road-nars Victorias, Sedans, euburbaaa and limousines, from $7(t up KM I'lerca-Arrow; aaroe aa now eo.Gou iifO locomille; 4-paaa. (port; apeclal and upholiterln; coat 12.UW; rarrltlre for M.OvI Marmon 4-paaa. touring; Ilka naw; i lucl oR Hat 14,200 1119 lioumur touring; Al condition; sea tlrva U.78 mkmoe YKb Cadnlkc Co.

1MI GILBERT AV. VBSD REO SPEED WAGON Eight months old; excellent condition, THE 0. ARMLEDER COMPANY, Twelfth and Plum. CHEVROLET One-ton truck, COVERED EXPRESS BODY; cushion tires on1 rear, Goodyear on tront; months old. 0.


a I'm it RBAtTTY roadster: 1131 model u.kla and Ard ti.M eOaULNl. OX orllent condltl no reaaonable offer oulok aala iwcaaaary. Phono Main 36S. 18 ALL MAKEH of ttaad ears. TH OtNOIN- in m.

1021 Ollbart aw. tfaM BUICK SEDAN 1M0: nve-paasenger: cord wllh equipment; wlUguaran.ea condition; I2.3W. For ilemonatratlon call Aon 1749, CHEVROLET USED CARS, r. nadaat urioa. 1101 Raoa, tfo8a E8SKX aedan; almoat naw.

Mad'vUle 117. If in anlendld condition: "tlJl Wt.rl with charging outdt IWJ ll.OOf. NAT1 WINTON conrani, at. Woodburn 147. tf FOR SALE automobile.

lltO model 8toU price 13.100: drtva. a kto miles: perfect conditio. HARRY W. PAPE. 33 W.

Sixth aU telephone Canal 4014. FRANK! IN LIMOUSINE 4.... 4h. fr. fh.a WMthfr: VVaV AVON 1740.

VOHD Vi-ton trailers. AsSKiuxw wu" i. sSortfir rri iihihud Sycamora. et3-8uThtf nmn HHin. in aood condition; fully Therwaln.

Call South 171. 1 fOBD touring care; good Irea. eriler; 1135. 1411 Sycamore at. running it IF YOU OWN A CAR NEED MONEY MmttmA time.

Sea W. J. SWEENEY. HIS Race at. PHONU CANAL 5160.

NASH TRUCK. Two-Ton Capacity. Ik i An. nnnth At araatly reduced erica A. R.

HOFFMAN. Iff Sycamore il Canal 41 If. PFFRI'FSS SEDAN lata model: used only months; car looks like new and car les new a Avon 1'4. yl Klnsuy av. IS PEERLESS and Elgin t1 vTf ii.v.n tu in dllhart av.

Via. ell-troe) PACKARD 1117 model twin 11.250. Canal tllfj alx aedan: If REBUILT AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS GUARANTEED TERMS TERMS aOTOR CarVR CA Dlatrlbutora 1 REO- Aulomobllea and' Trucks 1 Usee Htreet. Canal 17 Tt. MBl'ILT Wlnton totirlna cam: spec! NNA lal Drlrear tarma THE ATI WiVTi-iN mup ANY.



THE WELRON MOTOR CAR COn tth And Walnut at jell-tfoaa rriRES-OUT TR ICE si II WBTSKN Tlf CO AHtmCAl nol-atTuThHu THB SCHIKAR MOTOR CAR OO. Nl' and Sycamore; ueed eara. t'8 THE ROBERT H. WHEAT CO. gem.

food uaeii eara. 1014 Ollbart av. tfoMa USED TRUCKS' fl Overland Light Delivery. I Light DeilTary. 'lIDodae Light Delivery; 'Ill Vim Light Pelivery 1" 'ord 'o-Ton IkmIks Rroa.

Chassis and Ill 131 lit 1,111 guarant.ed as new. THE MASON TQWLE CO. IS4UIIITA" AUTOMOBILES. For Bale. Dodge Bros; touring cars and our many bargain.

car. Over 40 cars to select i 1M0 StuU 4-paaa. aa good a new 1830 Buli-k roadatar; run mtlee; 6 oord tlree, bumper 91.AOO 1020 Chandler touring; lika naw al.OUO 1917 Wlnton touring; Al; a beauty 1014 Hudaon Bodan; overhauled (LOTA 1017 Hudeon touring; Al eondltlon. UM 1BI8 Chandler touring. See tnla I mi Ford be dan; mechanically fine sin 11)16 Hup louring.

Bee thla 025 CAR DEPT. CANAL 7. II USED TRUCKS, Two-ton Pierce-Arrow. Two-ton Auto Car; run only 10O miles; can be had at dealers' cost. Five-ton Schacht; six-yard tttAAl iu my.

with rivrlw niiltr steei dump, in nyaraunc hoist; used little more than one year; a Dargain at its price; can be seen at our plant. Five-ton White; six-yard dump, with hydraulic hoist. Priced low. 2H-ton Schacht; good condition; new tires. THE C0MIWJY CARS HWERCE- TRUCKS 1187 GILBERT AVENUE.

Canal 58 lO. Your Own Comparison Will convince you our USED CARS Are the beat value that can be obtained. Cols Sedan Hudson Sedan I.4o0 Oram coups 1,150 Cadillac touring 1.7i" Islington touring 1,775 Packard touring Naah touring 77.1 Dodge roadatar; winter MB Hulck roadatar 170 Haurh-Lang alec trio I'll Grant touring TW Hudaon touring 778 Libera tarma. Half down, balance In I months. The Robert.

H. Wheat Co. MARMON DEALER 1044 Gilbert Av. Canal MM. Wa trade used ears for used cars.

llll BUICK TOURING New paint ires: fi.4f. tJail Avon 77J A. Jyl-U Auto Liyary. riVB-TON dump track for hire, lllf. u.i.

atain 11 TO HIRE Ford limousine, wlth driver; 10 par day. Tel. Weet 4711. II TWO TRUCKS for hire. PERRY VOOT, 21 canai eis i.

MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Por Sale. CLARINET (Wnrlltter), Wold air brush. W. G.

LANUUALE, It Albion place. Cincinnati, Ohio, tl KNABS CRTSTOIk 1200 style, 171. Buy or macer. btahu ii urean. oositr 8LIOHTLT USED XALKINO Loading makes.

Small peymenta AEOLIAN COM PANT, tl W. Fourth Bstween Vine and Race 'OJ tfoSu VICTOR VICTROLAS A large assortment at prices from 111 up. I GEO. P. GROSS 1311 MAIN T.

V1CTROLA Very cheap, at office of ROB- INULA xi siiin sin noor. zv PIANOS. For Bale. CRICKBRtKd ORANO PIANO-In good condition; wui een very eueap. X44 Gilbert av.

II KVBRETT UPRIGHT, tn very Una condi tion Doauiuu. tone; s'e; email AEOLIAN COMPANY, II W. k'aurta betweea Viae and Race. eclt-tf-eSa UPRIGHT ORAND PIANO In line eondl tlon; at a Dargain. mi.

viiimri avenue. i If WEBER PIANOLA PIANO Mahogany case; in nrar-ciaas wnuiuun. uii-bsrt av. II BT ORDRR 5r JOEL C. LORE, Postmaster IN OUR 1W NO.

i4 ATM STRKKT. PARCEL POST PACKAGES AT AUCTION TV-DN-SDAT, DDC. I. 10 A M. Auction catalogue on persona! request only.

trrRON C2 AUCTIONEBftaT. DoaaVttThMF SEWING' MACHINES, lor Bale. syw Wheeler Wilson drop-head. No. Telephone West Tit, II Telephone WILL taks 4l for Singer Irop-head, same as naw.

MOTORCYCLES. Tor Bala. MOTORCYCLE PARTS I Bosch magneto, 14 10; 1 Shehlor carburetor! aa-T tube 111. CANAL 4422 I I I i I I THE ENQUniEit, CTNCOmATI, TI1UR8DAY, NOVEMHKR la 1920 13 MACHINERY. Tor Sale.

ALL GOOD BARGAINS. Lath, Bhapers. Plpa Machine Millar. Ao. Rock Crushers Knglns Drill Planers.

Concr.t. Ulim Road Hollars. Air Compreesoi Tanka THB Wat T. JOHNSTON Cor. Third and Vis Hia tfoga A PRACTICAL up-to-data engine, pumpl and machina repair shop; moderate BrlflM' nmrnn, UIITHMAN HA CHINSKY Ironl and Pike.

Canal a ah at at ra rpaim in i i Ai3n rf. rTih aph i fry fartfrm map.himfrv tl iw i uiiii iinv iiiiun i wvi 408 E. PEARL CONCRETE MIXERS Hoisting engine, steam ahovela, eteel towera and apront-tag pumpa, and all other contraotora equipment; naw and aecondhand; for aale or rent. THE SX1UITY EQUIPMENT Cln'tl. Ohio.

Eaat 164. tf IRON. and woodworking; machinery, Unka and ECONOMY MAOU-NEKf Ill H. Pearl St. tf-oBn alACHINKRT BAROAIN8 Engmaa, boll era, genaiatora, motors, power plant ma-elilnery and euppliua.

THB HANDU MAOHINKItT .1730 Power. aU Phone Park 0t. mhio-tf MOTORS AND' GENERATORS BOUGHT, old and axchanged; electric repair work af every deacription. THE OLOW KLECTRIO 11 Walnut at. Phone Main 3014.

MACHINERY HATJLINO. Heavy motor equipment. BRIGHTON TRANSFER 144 E. Court at. Phone Canal Sl.

tf MACHINERY New. rebuilt and used FAIR MACHINERY S17 Walnut. 20 URED MACHINERY nniTnn-r hiii.ii kxchanoed. BOIIOHT. JON EH MACHINE TOOL 436 E.

Pearl at. Main S7. 30 WB BUT. SELL. TRADE MACHINERY Over 100 itema of good, ueed machine toola; alao, anglnea, belting, eupplfea.

KORTON-BROAD WAY MACHINERY Phone Main 773. I3 Broadway. iO WE BUT, ael! and exchange iron and woodworking machinery. A. A.

Mo LAUOHLIN 14 W. Second at tfosa SALESMEN WANTED. A FINANCIAL firm requlrea the services of 1 hitch-grade men; connection worth least 1100 per week to workers. ment call Main ISM. EXCEPTIONAL who- will work.

polntment. INCOME asaured men Phone Main 1310 for ap-II OOOD proposition: eteady woik. Apply eei ona floor. 11 if Jackson st. If 8AERMEN to travel selling candy and tr.rf.

nnnor. tunlty for producers; commission baala, with liberal drawing account. MIL- LARD'S PRODUCTS CORPORATION. 121 W. Fourth St.

it For SALESMEN Catholic, experienced In circulation work; new proposition, proving FOUR or five a splendid succeaa; opportunity for appointment illstrict manager. Apply 21 Pickering Bldg. before 10 a. m. or after 4:30 p.

in. 10 8ALEHMEN Wa can use two more live rl(jn cul in(t abl. of eHrmn 1100 nor week or better, for work in near-by towns. Apply 731 Union Central building. SALESMEN wanted.

If you want to heller your condition. THE HOMESITE COMPANY. 6 Johneton Bldg. 13 B.VLESMEN-Clty or road; good adartilng proposition; liberal commiaslon basla. 41, Enquirer.

SALKSMAN-clty trade, street. -Experienced In coffee, with THE BOUU 40 Vine SALESMEN wanted to sell aweet apple cider on commlsnlon basis. OHIO Sl'fc. CIALTT COMPANY. 13 E.

Front St. II TRAVELING SALESMEN calling on da. partment, furniture, hardware, grocery and other stores, wanted to sell our well, known, popular line of wood specialties; Immediate commission payments: write quick for Christmas UNION SPECIALTY, WORKB, Boonvltla. N. Y.

noU-ltThSu WANTED Bhlrt salesman, with good following, to call on department store and large rstall trad, with long established highest raferenca required; good opportunity, on salary ar commiaslon. 111, Enquirer. noU-ltTh8a8u WANTED Three traveling aaleamen, 1 cliy aaleaman. to hanjla low-priced line men's belta; attractive p.oVoaltlon. UL'EEN CITY BELT n.

a. cor. rwrth and Walnut. Room 12. II BUSINESS CHANCES.

FOR SALE Ona of the largsst and most complsta garages In Kentucky; doing a fine caah business; this Is a bona flde sale, and no one need answer unless Interested. Address 8 168, Enquirer. II I WANT a person with 11.000 or mors to 0 or more to participate In flnanclng a large under- taxing, naving uoiimiiee. Enaulrer. noll-ltThSu SALESMAN Calling on the car nut trade of the auiall -towns or unio ana inaianit to carry a aide line or onrpeiai liberal rnmmlaalona Iteoly to VERNON iv company p.

n. Box 4147. Germantown. Phlladelnhla. Penn.

10 EES Times-Star and Post for our ad. IMTI.N. Y. VULCANIZING SCHOOL. 101 Broadway.

Canal 1477. ael-tfoBU WANTED Party or partlee with about IJf.OOO ttnirty inouwiia muuil iw 1 I la Is mnn to be big returns tor somsoouyi wrus fne tiartlculsrs. W. P. MCCARTHY, 1J0I Welch Houston, Texas.

tf WANTED Party with capital to flnance the manufacture ana marxeiing oi pat-i anted article of high commercial value; will bear strictest investigation. 41, Enquirer. tl WANTED Man with 1100 or more to In. veet In a permanent, profitable business. Sob R.

J. WALKKR, 131 Richmond st. II AGENTS WANTED. 8PBCIALTT salesman and Industrial insurance men: I have in my organltatlon means you apply by istter, giving jihone number. Enquirer.



IOI UKKttnwwu ouiLumu, 1 W. Sixth at, phone Canal ISO. tfoSu LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN, BLACK TRAVE1JNG AO-t-Contallilng lady's evening clothes, on Vlue be tween tha zoo and McMillan st. Far 1074.

Rsward. tl IP NTR.SICS' uniforms, taken by mistake at Flndlay Market last Saturday, are re-t 'turned to MISS MURRAY, Chriat Hoa-' pital. a reward will bo paid; no quea- lions asked. II LOftT Coin, purse containing fit. bet.

Seventh and Fifth, Vine. Wedneaday evening. Return to 111 W. Seventh, Covington. Ky.

II LOST Hog. Novaruber II, between Third and John eta and wharf. Notify SLIMER'S STOCK YARDS. John and Livingston. II LOST Ona skid chain, 3 ax 7, on or near Court street.

Return to RAPID ELECTROTYPE Ill W. Court st. Reward. MiA c.50?. SSS'iCT Reward.

WEED CHAIN Hamilton Coleraln av. natrol hausa. Return to lilt Hopple st. lie ward II BOARDING. CAST WALrTUT HILLS Large front room, convenient to tile bath: references.

U2I Bell place. Woodburn lilt X. 13 Howe's Family Hotel. New apartment just opened: all furntah- Inga new; a ery room nas ronaiog w.iwj Aaaaraoaa cr Surepeaa. Wdbn.

lift. It HOUSES FOR SALE. BUILT-IN OARAQK Unusually artlatlc: electrio litunt; convenient to school and cars. This bungalow wa built by owner to live In. Bot to Atob 44S7, CLIFTON Ona of the moat beautiful houses north of Ludlow: rooma and 1 maids' rooma; Just Ilka brand-naw houae: English architecture; hardwood tUa bath; large lot; big.

trees; a Vtaraln l.rm. Avon 4146 X. MOUSE- rooma, 2-nary garage; tux-ao on aaay payments; gaa and bathroom. R. N.

DOUOLASS. Moo Bouthslde evj. EAST WALNUT HILLS 1711 Madison road, naar Woodburn, brick houss or rooms and bath. furna aova. 1117 x.

tf HANDHUMS realdenca, lilt Madlaon road, ar IP VA corner Annwooa st. L- i'. (01 Mercantile Library Plat. MYI'K PA UK and other auburban Poverty, bungalows. Queen Annea and et-Louis nata.

Phone East 1111 for twiltif ment. 1" LAUREL 8T. Ton-room brick. I flats; 'modern; good Investmsnt; terms. 1-DKLlTr REALTY Wood.

poU'ltTUTD ONE of the moat complete homea in Cincinnati; In choice location, near Observatory road; this Jiomo haa every possible convenience. Including not-heat. 1 bathrooma. ehower, built- in refrigerator, sleeping porch, garage: reasonable price. Avon 4457.

II SOUTH NORWOOD beautiful -room, modern; large JS.aJ.ruv''i' a.ra.ire! tA 100. A J. HU.V. ttuum. 16HI or Wdbn.

(IS R. 31 VBRV attractive wlra-cut brick, bungalow; heat, front porch, with hullt-ln bookcaae; long living room, breakfaat uw.AunnA Mnnru! 3 bedfOOma. large' tile bathroom, pedeatal bowl, built-in tub: very laraa cloaeta. No. 33 a lor Clifton.

Avon in WOODBl'RN 4O60. Six-room frame. Phone noU-llTuTli APARTM ENTS AN FLATS. For Rent. AVON DALE A.

1 886 L. Rent t-room modem flat, II wimuui FOR RENT-place. Six-room Hat. leiO Alma II t'Ol'R-ROOU FLAT 241 Mellah Avondale; all conventencea. FURNISHED flat, downtown.

ft, Bn- 1 HYIK PARK 3S6S Dutch f-room furnished apartment; H6 Per month. E. i viia it THREE-ROOM Hat electric furnished. for rent; heat and Call Waraaw 1337 R. Tar tllll a 1 1 I Uvrlln 3 connecting rooma; Bat; oonvenlencea ana yard II Furnished.

ALL SUBURBS Beautifully furnlehad 4--21 room apartmenta. Wdbn. HI. FOUR rooma. St.

Louis; freshly decorated, modern, electric; central. CM a. m. or after I p. Woodburn J4J7 A.

WALNUT HILI.SCharmlng S-room; prl- pscellellt loca- onn: I6S 'monthly. all 41 Atlas Bank Hulldlng. 18 VINE Flat I3; aecond floor, front kitchenette, bath, bedroom beat. i Wanted. room St.

Louia fiat, by Hdulta. in Walnut Hllla or Evanston preferred. Call Woodburn 83H L. THREE or four rooms, uufurnlshed, young couple; good references. 8 care Rnnulrer.

WANTED By two adults, modern fur-nlshed apartment, two bed rooma, llv ng room, dining room, bath and maid wm; muat be well furnished. If desirable will rent Immediately for one or two years; Walnut Hills or Clifton pre ferred: best of references. Aauresa Enquirer. II For Sals. miBviMHED 4-room fiat; steam-heated and modern; centrally located.

Enquire r. i PARTY leaving city; three rooms finished; all modern conveniences, flenale Apia. Call Canal I7 R. 11 A NRATt.Y furnished room for light housekeeping; near Peebloa nrivate: nlca loiatlon. Laii Wdb.

1071 X. II ATTRACTIVE, Btsani-hsoted room. till Gilbert Peebles Corner. 4S27 1 to-tw KtniiTB Coav anartmenta fo CT1? xtlw II youns FRONT room, first floor; modern; use of piano. aU Phone 4J4 I- 31 -W.

Fourth II FRONT room; also, small room; modern; third floor. It! Walnut. II cttUNiailKU rooms. steam heated. sleeping.

Brittany Building, Race sts. Ninth and 11 FURNISHED room for rent, with bath and private family. 1341 John Flat t. 11 FL'RNISHEI) room, front lencrs. 131 Walnut St.

all conven-II FURNISHED room; modern; steam, heat. Unln 210. break- Oxford terrace, Clifton. i mcelv furnished room for gentlemen. with reference.

In private family. 131 W. Court at anai It cicely fumlahed room, tits Franklin II av, Norwood. REMODELED -ALL HOTEL ELWOOD NINTH AND VINB. Rntea II and up.

Rooms with bath. 1 and UP. C. PIOMAN. Mgr SITTING ROOM, bedroom and bath for one person Phons woodrturn am j.

VINE Ill Flat room and batb. I. furnished front II WALNUT HILLS Ransley. Flat tan nlshea room; reference; noll-3tTh8aM i til I I Sli 2 OaU St. rooma, second floor, complete for noueskeeplng; also, room andkltchenette; tOoTBNTRAL A V.

Bank fur- nlshsd rooms for housekeeplug; staam beat, slscttlo light. 'I FARMS AND LANDS- For Sale. fOR SALB or exchange, land In Madison county, Missouri: splendid for colonlsa tlon. For particulars J. H.

KAUFMAN, JI First National Dank Chicago. TWO l-acra farm lots at Port Sewell Station In Palm Beach County, for aale or will trade. II, care Enquirer. I) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. TWO lota.

Norwood! good ach ei; good Investment. Salt. MR. DODDRIDGE. location; near Pnona Avon II lota II ft.

I In. wide by 140 feet ng. Apply 111 Bnrlght av. is REAL ESTATE WANTED. BRICK building on railroad or switch: will tease or purchase; give location and i.

Enquirer. aolt-liTuTb price. 41, LOANS ON REAL ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN en real aetata, to I per cent; can arrange partial Daymen ta ijLEANEY Ik NOUKoE. lit B.

Fourth at myl4-8uTuTbtf HOUSES AVONDALE Modern, house or bungalow: well located; near school will pay up tn 113.100. and will consider other desirable uhurbaO40. Enquirer. II MODERN 1-room brick er atucos home, la choice location; preferably Clifton, Avondale. Bast Walnut Hills or Hyde Park; price secondary consideration.

Avon 4417. If SMALL, modern bungalow. In first-class location, with all modern cenventencee, within walking dlatanoe of school and eara. Avon 1417. II BOARD AND ROOMS WANTED.

BOARD WANTED. Father and son. In -email private family, la good neighborhood; 10 ,1 IttW WM WHW vmm irw attention; answer at once. 43, care Enquirer. 11 STORES FOR RENT.

FAlRMOUrsr Store and garage, with 1 llvlag rooma and bath; tit month. 1637 Bookman at. it VYNB tea Large store and extra room; yard ta tUley; will lease; aplendid ai-aaos. Apply OWNER. Ill OatraA II TEXTILES I fee fi a DllOW mS KeClUCtlOnS.

Present 'OatBllt LeSS Thai! 1 nan ui i rar Few Wage Cuts Reported, But Prac- ally All Mills Are Running on Short Time. Boston, November 17. Curtailment 1. Judson Starr Is candidate for Pres-of production which began some Went on both tickets. Edward D.

months ago In New England textile in that capacity, declined the nomlna-Industries employing SOO.000 opera- tor a tMri tlves now haa reached a where There will be no contest for the the total output Is less than one half fnloes of Secretary, Treasurer and Fl-, nancial Secretary, P. F. Habcrkorn, that of one year ago. according to 0ont and JOBeph Mc. estimates made from a canvass totiti-ick having been named on both day of the great mill centers.

In some tickets for these offices. Other can-Instances the curtailment rung as ates are: Red Ticket Vice i a. (dent. Frank Morsbacher; Directors, high a. 80 per eont.

A few mills have wllllara H. E. u. Woodward. shut down entirely.

The majority I Charles Weldner. James B. Joyce, have adopted a working- schedule of Frank M. White. Oscar E.

Rupp, V. C. three or four days a week. Thus far only Isolated announcements of wag-a reductions have appeared, and those have been for the most part tn small mills where operatives have been presented the choice of a 10 per cent wage cut or a shut down, the manufacturers contending that they had found themselves unable to continue business under the former wage expense. In only one of the big textile mills now operating, that of the Lawrence Manufacturing Company In Lowell, known as the largest hosiery plant In the world, haa there been a wage cut.

The mill recently resumed production after a shut down, with a wage reduction of from 20 to S3 per cent. Protests have been voiced by a section of the employees and a union has been formed there, but the mill's operation on a short-time schedule has not been Interrupted. The agreement reached at Fall River yesterday after several confer-encea between cotton manufacturers and operatives' committees, providing for a continuance of the present scale of wages, the highest in the history of the industry, has been greeted with much Interest In union labor circles as an Indication possibly of the attl- tude that manufacturers tn other dls- trlct. may take regardless of the depressed market condition, and the general curtailment of the working schedule. The Fall Rtver Mills, which nor- mally turn out upward of 350,000 pieces of cloth each week, now are producing hardly more than 1S0.000 pieces, while sales tn the cloth market for several months are said not to have exceeded 13,000 piece, weekly.

Under normal conditions these sale. amount to 150.000 weekly. i In New Bodford. the center of the I fine cotton goods trade, where there ara 9,000 operatives, the present cur- and, while we have taken prompt action tallment Is reported more stringent to curtail our raw material supply. It than at any time since 1S07, the pro- has been Impossible to prevent our induction being; estimated at between ventories from piling up rapidly.

Tire 30 and 40 per cent of normal. dealers have been inducing stocks and The majority of the mills In New usu' replenishment orders are be-Bedford are operating on a weekly Consequently our main problem hag been to provide adequate schedule of three or four with to carry our inventories. Thi. part of the machinery Last admlon haa ben m.t by an arrange-JunUew Bedford operatives were ment wlth a of banking InteresU granted an Increase In wages of IS for a temporary loan of 25.00(),000, per cent, making an approximate advance of 17S per cent over the prewar rate. No official steps have been taken by the Cotton Manufacturers' Association regarding a cut in wages, Of Che 35.000 operatives in Lawrence wt full time.

Lowell cotton mills employ- demel Inadvisable to declare dlvl-Ing 30,000, and woolen mills having dend on the common stock at thU time. k- We are sure that all stockholders who short time for several weeks. IJ.a mills in Berkshire County are reported to have 30 per cont of their machinery idle. A woolen mill and a carpet mill In Worcester are shut down half week, and others In that city and else- where In Worcester County are operating with reduced forces and on short time. One Worcester woolen mill has cut wages 10 per cent.

About 10,000 operatives are affected by curtailment In silk, thread, plush, and other mills In Holyoke and Chlcopee. Rhode Island mills are operating at from 30 to 60 per cent of There have been tew wage cuts. The curtailment In mills In Maine has been limited in most cases to three or four day schedules, ncne of the larger mills closing entirely. Production in Ver mont's textile Industry In Burlington and vicinity Is at about one third nor- mal. Short-time schedules are In force In the large cotton mills In Manchester and Nashua, N.

H.i without wage re- ductlon. IMPROVEMENT OF TRADE In Automobile Business Btported To Equipment Sealers. Chicago. November 17. After, two month, of depression there ha.

bee. an upward turn in the automobile business, both pleasure cart and trucks, according to Alfred Reeves, general manager of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, who addressed the Automobile Equipment Association here to-day, "Along with other industries we 1 have had poor aales for two months. but the automobile business Is now moving Mr. Reeves aald. Present production Is not averaging more than SO per cent except In the case of three or four factories.

The full year, however, will exceed all records, approaching 1,100,004 cars and 140.100 trucks. Car renewals are about 1,000,000 a year. "It was logical and healthful that a business which Increased ISO per cent in Ave years should have a readjustment along with other FACTORIES AND BUILDINGS. rr Sent. STABLE I0t ft.

FIFTH je, staLT.8; 30 A MONTH. AMERICAN BAKING COMPANY. 11 111 E. CANAL Four-story brick. Ilx4f; alley en aide; lit.

WM. B. POLAND A II E. rourth st. Phone M.

list. noU-ltTuTU OFFICES. For Bent. DESIRABLE dent Bank aui'e of rooms In Prevt- Bldg. Apply Real Estate THE PROVIDENT SAVINGS RANK AND TRUST CO.

DESK ROOM apace for rent to party without a fasciae. Iff Mercantile Library Bldg. ROOMS FOR RENT. I ONB or two roowta la modem aswil-bvega. London.

November IT. At the wool sue-low, with una of kitchen and dining flow sales to-day 11.44 bales ware offeree, room; 4ccnpants gone all day; refer. There waa a steady sale for fine merinos, encea. Address till but largo orlthdrewala eoenrred among tha North Norwood. It inferor grades a4 creaebrada despite a TWO unfurnleaed reams far rent, lark at.

yil4 II RESIDENTS TO CAST VOTE On Plan Tor Doubls Looping of Hi. Aabnra, Car Lines. I An election to determine by refer- voU whether a double loop of -A-uburn-aVenue and Highland-avenue 'Street car over McMillan street Is desired by members of the ML Auburn Welfare Association and eltisena of I that vicinity Is to be held at the ML Auburn School Auditorium December 7. Many of the members of the association, and business men of the suburb say that looping; o' the two streetcar lines would Improve the service on those lines: Street Railway Director W. C.

Culklm will outline plans for the proposed loop. The annual election of the association also will be held at the meeting. Rankin. George Hauck, Starbuck Smith. George W.

Piatt and Herman Garland. Blue Ticket Vice President, Stuart A. McGill; Directors, Arthur W. Davis. George W.

Haldy, Joseph A. Helmers, C. Harry Fischer, Edwin Hunsche, George H. Bushing. George W.

Collins, Adolph G. Wulff, M. C. Slutes, Jacob Secrest and Fred Dlnsle. PASSING Of Goodyear Dividend Explained By President Selberling ia Statement Received By Cincinnati Stockholders.

Local stockholders of the Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company yesterday received from President F. A. Selber-ling a detailed statement of the corn- pany's position in the trade, with rea- aona whch Influenced the Directors at metlng In New York to pass gross sale, for the year ende1 October 81 last at Irsjo, as compared! with $168,000 000 the year previous, l-ei said that It was la- evltable, however, that sales should be affected by the present business depres- slon. He pointed to the necessity of keeping on hand generous reserves of raw materials, but. added that "In the last five months automobile production 1 V.

kl.Vul lTr" rjvor aiiaiiim kw a ivtufc wiuw uviiiiai. He adds: This drastic curtailment has been reflected In manufacturers' orders, which enables us to meet our obllga tions." Referring to the passing of the common dividend he says: "In view of the present financial and business conditions, and In order to strengthen the company's cash resources, it wag e.M.i.1. iu V. K. 1 1 1 niui LI I a win aaree mat uie auiton ox me jji- rectors In this respect is sound and In the Interest of the stockholders." The statement shows that the Import business of the company Increased from "with excellent prospects for future expansion." MINUTE MEN TO BE HOSTS.

To Workers at Thanksgiving; party in Bxcnanje Hall. Several of the large manufacturing plants and Institutions of Cincinnati, Including the General Hospital, have accepted an invitation of the Chamber of Commerce to have those of their em- ployeee who are likely to be lonesome on Thanksgiving Day participate in a Thanksgiving party, which will be Riven on the floor of the Exchange n- der the auspices of the afinute Men of the Chamber of Commerce. An elaborate program has been prepared, beginning at o'clock In the evening and continuing for several hours. There are to be games, music, dancing and refreshments. Arrangements are being made for a number of special features.

Chaperonee will be provided by the Ont-J guests. OHIO EIVEE BOAT BUBITS. racial. DisvxTca to tss ssoutsxa. Kvansvllle, November 17.

The steamer Crescent, said to have been the largest excursion steamer along Lower Ohio River, owned by the Crescent Navigation Company, of this city, was destroyed by lire late to-day wnen at anchor at the mouth of Green River, about nine miles above here. It la believed the fire originated from an overheated stove. The steamer left here early to-day for an Ice harbor In Oreen River, where It was the Intention of her owners to keep the. boat for the winter. BETTED, ROADWAY SOUGHT.

John Bhuff and W. O. Waldo, representing the Dixie Highway Commission addressed members of the Board of Directors of the Cincinnati Automobile Club yesterday noon in the dubrooroa relative to. the plana of the commission to conduit an educational campaign for the construction of a proper roadbed along the highway. It was agreed by' thi hoard to donate 1600 a year for two years to assist In the work of the commission.

Edward F. Rorner waa appointed treasurer Of the fund. TO SPEAK AT WISE CENTER, Norman author and lecturer. will sneak at the Wise Center. Read a u-hl.

iVT morning at 11 o'clock on "The Menace of a New Order la Europe and America." The lecture will be open-to the public, WOOL MARKETS. raduouoa ex tna soiling iisnit-, THE RIVER EIYEB STAGES. XT. 8. Department of Agriculture), Bortatt.

9 Hi 2 STATIONS STATIONS 'Oam 17... 'Dealt Dam 13..., Parkefscurt, 11.7 I 7 I tl 7 7 in Daal41 Nasi Chsttaasoai. I 1.1 I 6 i 10.1 i 4 1 i I 1 7.3 I 7 1 11 fit ivaooes Radford Hiaton Pt PleasiaL. 'Da- WUIiaaMoa Pikmlle 'Dam2 II II II II 4 1 If II II I 0 II 7A 0.4 II 0 1 II II Of II 0 1 Jeassearula. Can Keokuk St.

Louil. Helena Ktw Orkaaa 11 111 i I 0 4 'nicketaup. Klver Forfcast. ClnHnastl Vnv.Mh.. ra.i.

In the Cincinnati district will rise Thursday. w. u. iMvereaua. Weather cloudy.

River 11. feet: pool stage. Business fslr. rrtvAla. The steamer Chile, from Huntington and return, and the steamer Andes, from Louisville and return.

Boats XsiaYlnf To-Day The steamer Chris Greene, with Captain M. A. Ruggles In commend, 'leaves the foot or nyramure street t. 6 J' -1y a. Office la charge of Huntington.

W. V. Chrts Oreene. The steamer Kentucky, with Captain Jack ToVday for Loulaviile. and all Intermediate oplnts, office In charge of L.

M. Dupros. Blrer Notes. Heavy rain and snow have fallen through- out the Bis Sandy, Great Kanawha and Ohio Valleys, oeuetng the Ohio River and I la trlb. uianes to rue slowly yesteraay from headwaters to Portsmouth, Ohio.

There was a pool atage of 11.7 feet In the Cincinnati harbor. The artificial rlae from above la dus In thh. district to-day. The Island Creek Coal Comapaya tswhoat Catherine Levis grounded alx loaded baras of coal on a sandbar ons mils below iov-emment Dam 21 near New Richmond, Ohio, which blocked the channel. Tha fleet of barges with Kanawha real was tied tip along shore above New Richmond until some ot the standard barges were lightened by a coal uaeitri.

wwuvmi noiivn r. uiuiMtin aged to pass the strandad barms yestsrday and arrived In this tort at 1 ij p. m. wtn a big tow of Kanawha coal. The remainder of tha Kanawha and Island Creek towboats were due to arrive ha last Bight.

Tna tow- boat John Barrett was due ta pass bare yes- terday with two Ms model barges loaded with Iron pipe for tha South. DAM 33 OPENING DELAYED Until Next Fall By lack of Labor and By Artificial Wavea. srsctAL Diararca to txs sxeeiasa. Msysvllle. November 17.

-Dam 39. on tha Ohio River, near Maysvllla, will not be opened for tramo before neat rail, and It will not be completed until tha fullow- 1 vi. u. day by those la charge of the prelect. Announcement had been made prevwua- lv tha rfam'wnuM he refeiW for traf.

Ac this year. Scarcity of skilled labor ana me nooaing or IJ.llt.wJlS!L.brerh. igaed as causes for the nclal wavea ara assi delay. The lock gates have been completed and the work of placing the wlckata new Is In progresa. concreting or two slopes an each side of the river and building of tha lockmaater's houae re mala to be dona, along with a number of entailer tasks.

TELEGRAPHIC. SPECIALS TO THB INQUIRER. Pittsburg. Penn. November waa received from Brownsville, In tha Up.

per Monongahala River Valley, that Are had practically deetroyed the eteel tipple and more than lot tons ot coal at the Alicia Mine No. 1, on the 1 Monongahala fMHt. Tha loaa ia aatlmatad at IIOO.oOI. and tit men are thrown out af employment. The plant waa formerly owned by Captain W.

Harry Brown, who sold the Pittsburg Coal Company. The tip- pie will be immediately rebuilt and the mine placed In condition tor mining coal as soon as possioie. ins wwnoai. ww. Vulcan started down the Ohio Rlyer to- wlSl.

the vTctW took down tow of e5wJ. faKnce real barges to the plants at Woodlawn. west, 10 "n9 The pTcKt General Pershing la expired north 86V4 degrees west Mf feet to "from wheeling lata to-night or to-mor- Herschel avenue; thence with the line in rum at rnanirv of Herschel avenue, north Itt. decrees produce and poultry crate ro-aay east, oo icvi to nugours line; mines stages were announced as follows: Point with Kilgour's line south 81 Vs de-Bridge I.T feet and stationary: Davis grees east, 117.16 feet to the place of Island Dam. feet and rising, wlokets un; beginning, being; a lot fifty (60 feet Beaver Dam, 7.1 feet and stationary, wick-' front on the easterly side of Herschel eta up.

i tun northeast corner of said Hit twenty (10) of the J. J. Fer- Wheellng. W. November IT.

River rU egtata and Daln- tha prem- feel, pool stage Weather enow covsyd to Mary B. Wiley by cold. Departed: The Senator Cordlll. for Charles Bassett anS Pittsburg at I p. in from -nd record- MVtamora! ii ed Um1 Book N' Ui- Matamoras at p.

m. th- recor(Js of county an(J oon. Marietta. Ohio. November II.

River Y.eyed by the said Mary K. Wiley to faat and rising. Snowing and colder. The William H. Field and Martha A.

Field jK-nv an I Rainbow up at noon, by deed dated September II. 1196, and Liberty up at a. recorded In Deed Book 711, Page 447. v. Vnvembep it of the said records, and being known) Rlvni firTnd Wether' clear, .,1171 Herschel Avenue.

Cincinnati. uiJNVtU'lnd Sa.d d.f.nd.nt. are required to an- gauge, a.i iw. gwer or otherwise plead to said petl- i ntv.e t'on on or before the llth day of De- Oalllpolla Ohio, November 17. River Indvmant hv default weather ciouuy ana cold, with anow and rain.

Charleston. W. hlii- during the day. witn heavy on Kanawha dams being Rain and anow rower to naas rise. Falls, 4 p.

I.t feet i i na nn kiuwiu Tha Smith up at aoon. aeotla and City of Charleaton passing down. i Vortsmeuth. Ohle.

Novsmber IT. River teg fee? pool stags. The Chris Green down for' Knclnnatl. at. a.

nu The fx Ths II 8 steamer Iroquois here all day. windbound. Weather cloudy, windy and cold. its. i v.A WM-mhar IT.

Tha river Hiauimrn. Is rlelng slowly, witn a stags oi Weather cloudy. Louisville, November IT. River ohlo penitentiary, has been roc-rising, stagea: feet 1 inches In canal. ommended to the Ohio Board of Clem-I feet I inchea below locks.

ency, by the Warden and Chaplain as) iJZ Kou.mher it River legally eligible to a hearing for application will 6e for villa Is Bowling Oreen. The steamer Cres- mrmeVly the Joa Fowlsr. went Into winter guarters to-day In Orson River. watarVedgaV betas a total loss. Business noA Cairo 111.

NoTombsr IT. Osage reads Ohio 'Penitentiary, has been 1 ft a rlea or f.l foot. Partly eleady mended to the Ohio Board, of and ootd. The Reaper passed from up- per Ohio to ixrwer barges of ooal. November II.

River A a A .1... at 1L. bar. Iff! Ana aHf "air IUr llltj fttut 14 bour. Arrtvd: Th Hmrrf Ia.

from Kw irm RoflMltvU; Bcllpw. from 4hport. dt- PKrVfr-a, I Vlcksburr. Mlaa. November IT.

Gauge reada I I feet, a fall of II of a foot in 14 hours. The Psrcy Swain arrived thla morning from Natchet and left at II a. m. on the return trip. The Nanoy and a U.all laart PI LSI BA tarn III rar U1S DUBe is i C.

A. RADFORD AT HEAD Of Better Burines. i i I To Be Beran in Two weeks. i to john bpkinuek. i reasurer.

Organisation of the Better Busl-1 tTNirxD states enoineer orncM. wn 1 1 LOVISVILLB. KT. Sealed pre- nese Bureau, a non-profit association fu, 'w'lll be receives here until in. m-.

to improve the standard, of business, vaJva wM completed yesterday by the eperatin. infmia Board ef Directors. application. A. Radford was elected Presl-1 proposals pom htdraulio Tvm-dent of the Bureau.

Other officer. ZJSgJLTrttZ elected were: First Vice President, rT.T.w here aaul ivscember It. llta ana Artnur urown; necona ica rresi- dent Ned 8. Hastings; Se.rctary. T.

rn: Second Vice Presl- E. Burnett: Treasurer, Thomas J. Klphart; Kxeeutwo Board, r.agr Ench, Harry W. Brown, If. Klaer, A.

Radford and F. K. Burnett. Active work Is to be started within the next two weeka. The organisation is to be Incorporated and ia to be conducted on the same plan as the better business bureaus established In many large cities of the country.

CANAL HEARING SCHEDULED For Monday at ZanegviUe Cleve land's Claims To Be Urged. AJ public hearing will be conducted by the Special Board ot Army Engineers, appointed to report on the Hver-to-lake canal project. at the Chamber of Commerce. Zanesvllle. Ohio, on next Monday afternoon at o'clock, it waa announced yesterday.

Delegations will be present from all of the points along the proposed Marletta-to-Cteveland route to urge upon the board Its advantages. Following the meeting! Monday the board will pass the next day In an Inspection by boat of the Muskingum River from Zaneavtlle to Marietta. The members of the board are Colonel William V. Judson. Pittsburg; Colonel William Harts, Cincinnati, and Culonel Edward M.

Merkham. Detroit. Michigan. 1 It la understood the board will submit Us report of Its preliminary examinations of the four proposed routes for the rlver-te-lake canal to General Lansing It Beach. Washington, Chief of Engineers, on or about January 1.

With the report will go the board's recommendation aa to the route to be selected. There also will be supplemental reports covering engineering costs of the various projects and the economic conditions of each route. FAJLE BEACHES JAPAN. Fame of the Hamilton County Court of Domestic Relations has reached Japan. Judge Charles W.

Hoffman waa informed yesterday when Attorney Lawronce Maxwell. Introduced to him by letter To raj I ro Ikeda, Council th of aa Procurator of Tokyo, Mr. Jkeda remained through aQ afternoon session of the Juvenile Court yester- day an(, wl aUed ot D- Vorco court this morning. He Is In America studying American Judicial nrneaduw. Procedure.

KIVEB, STEAMBOATS. crrsH Ohio. FOB HrXTIXGTO.V. Oreene List ateamsr CHRIS CKKKNB leaves the Oreene Line wharfboat, foot of Sycamore atraet. at I n.

m. to.ri.v Huntlnaum. Va. Tel 14a? 1t7- 1 r3 LOWKR OHIO. THE LOriHVII.Lat AND CINCINNATI 1 PACatKT CO Mr AN I Bt.ain.ra leave the wharfboat.

faat ar Main street, for Louisville ovary week day. except Saturdays, at I p. and Sundays at I a. m. Freight received at all hours.

Phone Mala lilt or 4TIL LEGAL J.0TICS. NOT1CB TO NONRROIDBlfT FBNUANTS. OB. Caart Csaaaaaa Pkeaa. Haalle-Oeaaty, Ohio, Ma, 17(VlOIortr L- rield.

PlalatlsT, va. b'red Meble Webb, at al- Defeadaata. Eugene I Webb, whose residence Is unknown; Webb, his wife, whose naB, unknown and whose res idencB unknown! tha imkmiss K.wbb'' JtTZ resmencea residence is unknown; Webb, his wife, whose first name Is unknow ana wnuae r-siaence is vnKnowni me unknown hairs of the said William Webb, If he be deceased, and whose residences are unknown, and William Henry Clement Webb, whose laat-known place of residence waa LMiiaboro, Indiana. Rural Route No. 1.

J1? 1'20' fed his petition against them and Others praying for partition of real estate and all other equitable relief. Bald real estate is described as fol- lows: Situated tn Section Twenty (10). Town Four (4). Fractional Range Two (1) of the Miami Purchase In Hamilton County. Ohio, and described aa follows: Being a part Of Lot No.

20 of tnB Ferris estate. Llnwood. commencing at the northeast corner Qeorail F-rrls: thence will be taken aralnst them. I PORTER 1 FIELD, Plaintiff. 01 Owynne Bldg Cincinnati.

Ohio. oetohar 11 Ja e. OCtODcr zi. lfte. Application Far Parole Notice la hereby' given that Cheater Wallace, fs.Zas, a prisoner now connnea in tne Ohio Penitentiary, haa been reo Oio t-eniientiar ommended to the ency by the War.

i unto uoara or ciem- wH anA Tsihr. naia. to irhKStz, parole. Said application will be for hearing on or after December 10th.

il20 W. I BISHOP, imei tiera. Applleatlea Kar Parole-Notice la hereby given that Sam Rutman. at lac a nrlaoner now confined In tha fearing on or a. 1 1 in, 1920.

W. BISHOP Chlsf Clerk. AppUeatUa Ker Parale. Notice ia hereby given tnai nurry Alexander. MM Ian ram, nnn AnA I.

enoy. by tne waraeu ana napiam aa isgaiiy ui iur parole. Said application will be for liearing on or auer yanuary sin. 1J21. W.

tBISHOP. sfVlaa ll a. aa la. VrHlVt. V.ll aV.

SEALED FBOrOSAXA Usa-Sb AVIa siiUDni ri 1 1 avuieja vm iv. SEALED PROPOSALS wIM be re. celved at the office of the Treasurer. Central Branch. National Military Ohio, until 1 o'clock p.

l. 1110. for alterations and a a awtaDlnP a wt Inla Nflr. iniDrvf QincuvBi zi' to barracks Noa IS. II, 22, and II, m.

nlana and aneclflcations on file with Schenck A Williams, Architects, Dayton. Ohio, and In the offlce of the -a r.nlr.l ranch. National H-J TivSlSSSA then opened, for furnishing ana "e.ivaria.; to.a ri "rUc.p:i?y?Uwl!nr'grvJ.'hi; infermattoa aa appticaiioa. It ess baa a saw risk. Me-ar ewafe allheal siaMMa JJ2 af HUirrS tal-a fails la the JTJr 4 aeWw mm a-g T- al mwy a.

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