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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • Page 1

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

n. Is. Ml, th! ii r-tl. no-r itk 4- E8 mi; at, ose tof una wea ma. oaa First Ion.

iven nlar lay, Atr tiua Pre-tive the ano to arda. i trie holy, ilcinc re to tenoe ae to orn Of Ted. Irrita-of tht ID. inaton leminf it on-Lnceri, udent, me-ioiana; ti after veyom pmt- J. KDIES tuis ST.

ment ot as DR. i any of lira dia-f Mar-ito er- laleur time its, was islnntt-numlef ion Iron rill tedifl TSICili li, wtU or Female i relieve Gnwral eatment iioation line st paid.j stJaiL KNCH antled to in a fa For MIL, treeta. tmerioan. I ay tho 000 NK- nr a term negro, emain 'n lies never rill plefcao 1 with the 1 to, ana n'nIni more, an is in front nt-tf praotie tern of hfj" asaB5 Stter form, he United sted er Fna' 'with JressiD J' gja-eia 'i f.OTt ar EnerfTi ions.ftl"-a any or to time Kill Mi' eV (MCEFtiUNpAT.) ntMn AT THE SUN IRO.N ww i AT Tf'' Himore and SouUi g. K.

Corner of lu" Aro. To subscribers in the if bl. to he carrier a and a ar, in advanoe. 111. uc.

MAILED Ft i eopipsr IS tweu ol 'f i tDvA i-HiTf' Hotel- Apply MefJ Hi'ffl. t'rf Oi HviOr. WlHt.F of Bv fi IOr 9 1 iinrieeu wpioa, Tor a Will oon er rf iu- premise. enty-aeven oopiea. stcx.

Vale and rent. rrTnK Si'ORK AiNO DWEL- iiit minir ol I rtr-n and I.INO i'U'1'-- I Am.thanArv to OR. GIDEON B. ''i Culver! df.r 4t: .1.. l.riW HOITSK.

lifts- I'UL'H hi.; fee. vr.fVtiri i I liK i r- i mi I Kt.s MO l.rli I kV.rf i A BA KHMV- lis I' Ir.i -'it GOOD-WILL GROCERY AM) control Spruce sc. 1 1 i uXA nV to lea on the tl uun' tiij-mPl-lIin- -r, FoR fWHOO' WItll a troif. 1 Inquir-i I lOlu.

.1. Q. 2 A I-- ha( lariir-i. -v K. o-.

K.utkw street, 'i ai t-aVsat leading LO.N 'he f.i.rni.' anrt Hiiien Farnwrs' stre. t. iiavips i.inef;.ii tfars for id i -ir or r. "r.e f.l.fl oBe v'to A. GROUND Houses rtVtraetVvith it-od 1 ota.

a three ft 111' v- a. -I mw Alao, large Af? to 1 Pnna. Avennft. lor i i uru- ll'7 i.

ln AfTfsot KAMJ.u-.t.: i i Hium, Com fc" KO-'t IV.i. Will be r'l''f- itn if if in I.A l.m;lr tn aip.ic "ii. I A -ii iitmiiTft and K'oR SALE AT HOU I'U COR. Ob rn-lvM oi niA- AND lJOLPii IN HI tiia irr sa'e one vi mo oiocun.! IU CIlJ.

lin on ne fronts lftil son rvpiiuo; in vurco iot u'iiui. Ktnrv ilnuri tiaok bni din. and oin ii.imft i iii'' iniprovpnienfs, an g- and ti uroA, in air Inrnsce. ike. The lot ia ar ieet dorp.

he iimde to suit the curciaer. A ire ileui -description iadeemsd unne-ess iry, as a v.ii nodimlit Ainmirift tlin t.rei!inea for him- to JACOB F. KKlDi.EK.4x Uiddle Five stront built SLATE ROOF BHiLl)l! GS, Hit rear i.l I' -'t notr Hanov.r wi 4 fj-H enirnoe ir 1 rut ana .1 1 e.t ii. th h.kiJ yard room for Drn, to i Ta'j am ar.uf-j'm 5 i.ur piuea. For LTrt'.

P'-mi l.uKuie 0 J. 8. EASTMAN, 49 Hr.over r.t. dt-Un: Mri PALt-lWI) lllltaM uu nnciuuiii twost.iry and ir. Gough two story and a'tio.

Apply at r2 street n. rn na-r eoim DKSIKABLK PROPERTY" OR th siory DWKLi.lG, extnsiv Builduif, KH. 243 WkSV Hitil f. It ST near-Poa om of the ni'JHt Uennhtrully tna'-d itn'l O'liiifOrfahle fosidencta in the titr, liav-nif t'i -nilvH- 'n'e of tiie open iro-inils of the Un-ver-i i oi -Mi and of the Disciplm' Cniin.h infroit, -'i i.f i a lv improved neii(hrMrliiHd. so a I OF GROUND fni-itinr twenii-two fe' on the west iaeol PA'A STREET, and ruu-nMiz ti in rear of th-lxve property.

The lo d7-2ttw S8 atrttrt. PROPERTY ON WEST LOMBARD ST. L'llK The sutscnl)er is aMfioriiril to "-Bell a fiandsoine cibiiiiiu "i stree' a'mve Gren. lie nouso c-oniini er-ri io.mven;entiy aud ai'tpj'aj vi' nil the modern nnprovenrinU Hot and Gold Water Hatha, Giw Fixtures, Cookn Ra: ge, A Bpaoiiiua House, Sukbie and Harness Room cover thi ren the Jot A ground rent -5120 will be created on the or the whole will le so in fee. Terms eary Title ln-disputilo.

CHARLES Z. LUCAS, Attorney. d5-eo'fY No. 45 St. P.uil stroet.

ALXI AtiljK I KM fl.iu Mrnji'iiif VVHAHF VH1FRTV rK Tol ER END ow SPEAR'S WB ARF.siiBattd upon tiie Ba4ia on Uay aii t6i imu, movtrj heart of the oily of Baltimore, now and for mailt years past oooupied by the Baltimore Sttain Packet Com pan v. or Old No folk Line, is offered for rent Possesni'on to be riven on the 9th daj rrl.nmri n.n Th. vvi.urr hiia a vi-rr extensive area of Hie with a 1 ut of niwut 163 feet op the dock ard i-5 font nn tin. iiniiin. ud 1 dPt 10I oi; bo'll I' on snftiniRnt Iot v.

ftsHnln of i-2 loftt the latfv are intVi ir.mile mid ouisido nrrths. The: is fine aooeas to the pr fraii Piatt street by wharf on one biOo. and 1-t rtt-rnnr! t'Bet. whiobthere is a brtuiuhol tho ria.timoreanu ihio rail-rosd, on tie oilier Thre ire new mr story Wie-bouses, newlr liuilt in th.i be--: i.uu.ii; one of may be rented with or wr.hour trie wha-f; aud todesii it has every oomm-roiai Apply to J. S.

NICHOLAS, i 6 c-ofit: -No. fi Moiina Qaiiif Fi-R SALE IN EASTERN VIRGINfA-A iiall FARM i hnndied acres, located in imes City county, Fntern Virgiiiia. milen VI from tlie city of hve miles from the Ynrk Itiver, and only one mile from t'm tta.iini mt lnn'dn on the James River, where the Richmond and i'f" ateamerR stop 'I here is a hn tdy oi tislc Wood on Hie pKo. The Farm is well wnimed, witu an abundance of marl, and in a good state ol ini-pniveqieutuo the five heid ejsLem Owirg to its vi-oim to the steamUint would bo huhlt de-sirili unis yiarket linrdeu. Tne huihliiiiS oohsikI.

alJWr.i.LING HOUSE, Quartern, Bam, Jiu. Direct, pout-paid, to K. JOHNS, Williamabure, 4-3aw4w James Citr county, Va. 7-1 FOB RKS l'A KOIlAt over tho Meohan.i B' t-qj K.xohange, in the Sew Ikoii BoiLDtn, suiiab Llor a Hook Bindery, or almoet any kind of bum- ss. hjis.cire at the rtin otiioe.


i i-'i ae im.u, bit, who ar i. lDDlNESH. tf 'If AND EAH. Dr. rfER.

OC 1. 1ST from I.eipe r.iny be consulted on 'l'adt of the F.te an l)r. is me sou oi a oi-iinguiBnea in Stfiiy, and l.rint hirh festiiiunials of Lis own title to Hdv-'Hi' and trfnt in diseasea of the and Far Uwight's Journal of MKK CV: 34 HAV'VhK STREET. dl4-lmh rOK'S NF.K VOI SCOKDIAU FOR Nl KVOI'S iTII.yililTIONS OF THE "his Nervine is the greatest dwonvery tn the suieiiof of iidicine; tl is the only preparation winch reaolientlio Nervous Fiuid.acd era'licatefroin tli 'Tureiu all t-i.

leucies for i'r Nervous i.f ont kni ym'd to a sin ito.e. heartburn, treiimr of the mues nt Mcurnlg atniil ii.nlinpss, ipid its power. The mind or b-idy worn doVTi by i-iit. study, ia-licUe, or my ihtMMine. is renovated by this wonderful preparation.

Price only tttln, an so by W. H. kwn MHO and CaN liY MIATdf, Acenta, i ii; nil inn iiimk.k' in natiinrire, asiungton, Alfyandria, Kichnjond. Nnrlolk. Winchester I- red-erink.

M.rp.r'ii Fn.rr. Ac. -U Sin PHAK.M'M'S eor'tJH caajtiv Ht ikat kath a tnr ke.ur let him i.ALTlvoa. Nov. in, 1850.

Uev Madam The dut-tud inv buMiirsa have ex-jornu inetopouglm, cold, K'tlmiA, and ruinioi. sf- leotions. I have ln d. tic pownrof nttend-iu to tha du'is ol HionUl have neeu, av in not nave neon tor tho oonign ettacts of v-niiny. i ineu iut a low honrs tie-Tore I began to reap the of its etiocw.

My wa'i eai.U MY LUNGS ARE LED! noil my appetite greatly unpniveu. nu tifs.tauon in adding my testimony to thnt "ol the wu imvn expe'iciiccu '-eLeiitaof your val-Cmnh tJaiidy. M. MERCFR iVV aioo. J.W.

Berr'T, "i'1'-' J. F. Perk.S. "V-m- E. H.stalil, J.

M. Titciue lir Ke-svL T. C. Hopkir.s, anu by Orders tt'e. ii i ri mi If 'i nore street.

3m( EXTRACT OF SAFSAPA-the :i.or.t va'uable medic: ne in i in.y Coftxvt-vnt, tf. Persons of full rra: ii'VMN-S AND Si NQINR 1 nl3n, C.FTH HAN OK. run 1K Baltimore street. GETTING GREY. a orime.

hut to re-, i.n ttV "'f fortune- and not nity oilers to n', T1" hn? lr.ftTr. V. ho original color IE ha n't v. i 7., a ji loited Steles. eiinr'a.

HN lm remedy tor Couh TrV. tl SYRpp ia th i burrt. hnt it VP any Sus.0K thousands ma larn tie at so centa aud 1 leneraiiT, and fcyCAMlv irtO'iv KHft'riltV'i, lixuh-Ache. SDrain.or ti r' "ealorCUilblaina, voU 1., Jlv.v1 tm. HOSE'S Wo iir Vw; r.ytlie retat Dru sfs.

i h. ir i.m'1.V.- 'i1 "KurilhK.ndOAN,K;"i HATCH. ris-V FRKedom from J'- Price 2S and Fremont sts f'' l.lllf IW a v. i jcivoBnv. ir i VOL.

XXXII. NO. 24. LD. great rt-Mi.

lutuie at i ii'" I't und uniing i in bot- J)R. ROSE'S GREAT Pain rf kv 'l, your on ur liavp inei KlieinuC.lloni, Sor O'-CB mi or conriniii(( tn, 4 t.VK PIU nave ia ayspepsie and iii.lirefT.. you require a good purga J' yo? are fettled cold, youVhou 5 ra i. ve htkVe 5 The best B.Hioua and Liver Railroad or Ant7-Bil oui WlU I their good effects til the Iviv aud 25 oort ''7 W. If, BROWN A Rn rui.

and batch. brother and canby mil nl5 3m' I AND DU Ray I'll SW-lliT, MOKSStco, ON WEST SILK sa manofiao- Vsrv DRY GOODS, AlllKS' DKK'f GOU-BIKDfc WILSON, rJ V9 HAU ST KT, have oq baud ideSilk; i Merinoea. all oolpra; Oaninere de Oloth; reiich De Lainea and lerian Ue Lainea; Black Boinbazmea and l.UBtre; F.mtjroi icne very cheap; Kid OioveF; Kinbroitlerf Haudkrrcniefa. All oi Vhtch Ij sold at jrfatiyfIuoedpmeai dl5 tf KMBKOIDERlEi, jv are now nenuir ua or reancea pnoen, our at oct of FANCY I.OULIS We hava firnroit. itloin ar.d uonnet and Jaqne VELVETi? Honnet A ks ai satins; blank Silk, of all vidtha ana qofc-'ities: Embroidered C.

Hdkfn tiilfi; HouaciDgs; Frenoh Monslines: iVrsUn i c. JOHN A. ROOHE k. SOa. 1 4-3t S9 uvinr r.if TV.

LHft.STlPHPP KM Pfl 171TTI ill open Hiia day a lot of Bay State Lone Sha wh, verjrich; Drcho Long and Pauaxe 'eap; Tan colored Cobnrgs and L'UP'D' niake; rich 1 ustie Blaok niKjia and a variety of cheap and deHiraWe lioodn; Mk Tab- dj, Biilc bnish, a e.utitul article, st the UAB 1'iilUK 8TMKE. d'-8t Golden Bee Hive. GAVE YOUK YES I By coining tu HART'S viO'dr, I5ii t-ixintlon S.rrett and luy arme of those fe- wiilc! we are below cost, euch ja thiwls, from 60 to th vrry lst quality; 'liiidrou'a Woolen Stocking at cent a pa larise (ued Riankets, at 5 ucnts; liuea a. 12 cents; ra- tilui style Prints. 61.

fast coiors: nceli: Koncct VelvetH: Bonnet hiika: Patina and RibbunB. of everr color and kind. Come oariv. dll-e LADIES, ATthKTliiM Having boaslitout VFR rAlail i. IAltimr.rA ntrtt 1ir fftili.

for less than 50 centa on the dol'nr, xce caiomenoe Muslins, bl cents: Children's Woolen Socls. 2o6.ihh nuir: Lit en lUntf ,4 cn's; Lsrge Mlanket Shawls, fruin 25 cents to 8: Calico for Comfoits. 4 aonre. S.B. Ho to A V.

Hllul a't a ritor.2ii1 I. -ii' Kioii t-s-eet. two doors east oi Pearl street, (red i posts in ironr, ti3 ci.r EAT RGAINS OKEaT liEl-VOT O.V JiV I will com. jierice this day to clone out my present large ami beautiful ttock Gooris at very red jed Kich pain S7i worth plain heavy Silk op.It 62J, wortli 1 21, 5tc; Pans anov 119 uu-its, all F7 wortn 75. Call aud eztmi-n.

HOLT. li dlS-tlft No. 67 iialtimore street, wear Gay. ll -vLS. MERINOS AND CLOTHS We le to iitfcntion to our stock of the above g-ioda, which ia u'J complete in designs r.nd colors as i penou tias tall.

As t.r.e sea-iou is aovancirn; we hive marked Ihi.ui at such prices as will insure readr sales. An early call solicited K. Moh.LUO FY fc. No. 199 Baltimore street, dtLtfl Went of i if t.

pHE Ctt-NIRE MaKKKTBARGAIN STOl'K Ins roeivt from Auy.i nnothpr I.O'P GREAT f-s Rich M. de :2, worrti i8t; tieatriiui l. wo una ne i aine-. wo'i-i iit jo CiBhmeres.3'1. worth male.

12. Also. Carolling, at ha'f p-ios. tOHSL'CH JONKS, j-dll-f: cortr Centre Market S'-ao PnttPt. OA KG A INS IN DRY this iNt fr'm unction.

LTIGH tl OL( OW. TIFFANY fc iSK Uaitimore will open tlna day. enaes piaia hueh Persian de Iinrh ivil'il ftn.iv,lirir: low t-riuad Polka, de Laines; extra super Print! de and Persian de in oiwea new strie liincamer iiiigruims: arhitn. vc'ln-w and soarittt.

FKnuela. ail Wool, lino ami cheap; with many other goods at low prices. n22-tff 1'HK iiAKoAlN STORK hfcs received from auction rome ereat KARGAINS, among vhieh are Persian de Lsines 13L as tjn as nro fur 31 some M. ds I nii.rB I2i, worth IB; some Ciisiiintre 1.1. worth ai nia De Lames ltd very cheap: all wool Kersey SO Red a small lo of Btankets, very ch-ap.

Jtc ko. dli ttT: Gi-'O. V. Franklin st. LADIES' DR ESS 'I'R I I GS CLOAKING HRAIDs.

CRO t- F.T LACK GIMP, I RN AMr.NTA I. iBITT EMBROIDERY, HS AIDS SILK, Black and Cold Si FRINGES; Blaok and Cold Velvet RIBBONS, for sale 1. d10-lw: apcrI 1J altTiore street, EXTHA HEAVY COLORED CANTON FLANNELS fee-Now openmga' B.VRTHOLOW, TIFFANY 268 OA LTI MOKES TREET, 1 1-4 12 4 Wnituej and premium 'willed Kliwketp: Calilornia and printed Siiirtings; wmte. scarlet r.nd yellow Flannels, all grade: low pricfdand superhigh ool-ireJ Cambrics; 50 casca new styles Prints; Mi-ua- lindn yliawla, Sto, d6-tf( Jttl.Ll.NG OFF! SELLING AT l.OWMAy 3KOTHERS' 15 BALTIMORE TKF.ET. BETWEEN LIGHT AND CHARLES STREETS, ta.

ir encim of CUT tf'OOE, ttie 1st hi order to cliange toir businoss here-for, the Ivutir-H requested, if they rant BARGAINS, to call early, aa the stock must he alnsed oul tlmt time. nlfc-tf- BORDEAUX b-lea. PRES- HV V. 1 Gl.Nfa -SO cases HKIINKS 40 cases in gl'-sa iar. RAIS1-VS MiO half and qr.

boxeR. CITRON 100 Isoxea pri-o leghorn. CL'RK ANTS 0 cakkn prm qmli'v. For wile by SCH ARIZ DIX, d4 ff cor. Ilrtltimore and Liberty b's.

ACKER EL AND HERRING. LU nt) bl.U. No. 1 MACKEREL. 1K1 half bbls 60 'tatter this friii idiis.

No. 2 No. 3 2000 do and for sale by u3-tr do do do do Halifax HEt RING. W. I).

SHI. TZ Sc CO. nil JBnslitT lv nnni. in tkj nirv 66 liowiy's wharf. PRKSH SMYRNA FIGS.

tKUES fco I. iinim fresh S'oyrLR FIGS, in fancy Nxes I store BUTTER, BUCK WTT FIAT, WHISKY, 225 kegs Glade BUTTKK, most of it fresti tali paok-ed; in keFS Westam 5 b'ns. Roll do. Pure Gia'Vs RUCK WHEAT, in taiT! and 25 ind too poun4 bas. 60 bbls.

Wstrn WHISKY; onison, Leaiivcr, white Beui and henut. -1 1' I Jc dC tf 'H. IhX. 'nai fj-i Fir sale MEIXSEL GWAFTON, iS Baltimore street. LADES BUTT1-'R.

FLOUR, CLOVERS EED. VI 150 kega nne Fairy Ginles BUT LR bbls- Family, Extra and Rje FLOUR UtO busiicis CLOVFRSEKD Supitor Ola uye nupai i0 bbls. Appio BRANDY For sue oj dl l-tf JAS. J. LAWN.

13" and 141 Howard tf reet. QEORwE'S FAMGCEKY near Just rooeived. a fresh lot of GROCERIES, snifa- bie for the uo'idv urown il vn.te da, 9 aa 10 wn; 1 f-i, fimn S7 to 1: OOF EE of kicds-K o. 1,. snd 12 and 14; Mvaosilvi, 11 a 12V centa: Fatract of Colfee, 12 cents the boxortheth 12J; 1 '1 1 it a N'TS.

8 a i0 cent; CM RON, a i itin.ts: fiesh- sr mnd Mace, A i 7.11 BALTIMORE, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 16, 1852. THE SUN. FURTHER FOREIGN JiEWS. The mails hut eveuia? brought the fuil arrounts irom Liverpool to December lit, by steamer Arctic, at New York: AmoDe; those who arrived In the Arctic were Georee H. Draper, Esq bearer of despatches from our ministers at London and Paris; Lieut.

Generl Antonio Velter, of the Hungarian crmy, and Mad. Anrella Ferenezy, Hunirarlan musical artist. iir. Henry J. Tucterman, pasfenerr by the Baltic, was bearer of orat-is London.

It is it present intetaed to adjourn Psrliamf nt on the lot ins-an', for a rece.s of rlne weeks, to uie miuuieoi eoruary. Lincertaltiiv still prevails to the 5av on which Mr. D'IsraeU will make his financial statement. The of "the Ladies of mn- Sleeves; Klounoins, Honnet Vetvete: Satii I vened by the Duchess of Sutherland, fr.r thonnr.

Jko a other lot Vm)I Manneia at 14c. pose of addresslner a mpmnrhl tn th 144 Un ted States, calf ins: on them to use tteir Influ ence ior uie aooimon of slavery acknow- me space ie ne United we only name a law am- wwkw i iwauion; countesses oi uerny, i lisle, Shaftesburv: Viscountesses Palmerston.Mel- el worth K-t. fuporr.f ly worth 2 Wool Figured Luatreant a. worth '83. Merinues: Alpacas; Flannels; Blr.nketa; Shsiwls; Htmcry and Gloves, nml numeroua other articles.

It is uselecs to aiv more alKiut prices the Goods must be 8'ild lor whatever they will bnug. Pememiier this chance, aud don't lose this opportunity, bit start early for THE MONUMENTAL STORK, S. K. corner Broadway and Eastern avenue, dll-'eotiiS'iiir (JELLING OFF ro 4JLOSE hR large and eu--1KK Y. GLOVES.

Yarns. Uc HOSIERY. tire stock of 'ter-Slurta and Dra--er8, Zephvr Worsted, Fringe. Hoodg, Kni ting and Spool Cotton, and all other articles kept in Trimming whole will be aoid without regard to cost. EDMUND GATES, da ci 6' 191 Baltimore Btroet, oppos, St.

Paul St. CLOAKS AND CAPES. lithjjt WILSON, No. 61 KalHmore street will open to day a fresh aas'irtment of Cloaka: So EriitVn, Talma and Newport atyle', entire Velvet Capes: Man CI. the, all colors: a large afkortment lon nnd BTuare Shawls, in a ad m-'unicg; Drocha l.

athir.ere t-havrls; F.mbroieiered Crape will bs cold greatly reduoed prices. di4 tf VJUKUERi'l-S V. IIOU is nellins Worsted Mi'a at i oer.ts a cair: Wide iuuj ne; iuesaames cnaries uimens. AltredTen- nvson, wary Howitt, Macauley, Rowland HIU, with others of lesser position. An ofllce is opened at No.

13 Clittord street. Bond street. London, ami the whole machinery of the movement set in uiirrauou. On Saturday, the 27th, expired after a lingering illness of more than a year's duration. Lady Ada Autrusta Lovelace, sol daughter of the house and heart" of the poet Byron.

Her age was 37. the same as her illustrious father at his death. In the list orcompany at the Countess of Derby's late "reception," are the names of the American Minister and Miss Wilcox. An arrival from Tenerifte mentions that the dispute on some points of official etiquette continued between the recently appointed Spanish Governor and the Consuls of America, Britain and other -Two 1 capk do. do do ii: itrums, suoenor qu'ity; 5 oases glass top box PRU ES; 150 box's lister Katsins: Shelled Afnioods; new crop Bordeaux Paper Shell Almonds; and a large assortment French Candies; Chocolate Drops, Ju.

landed and for sale SUM.iIt.RSO- POUDFR, dl3 tit No. 1 Norm Howard s.reet. IKROMFS FAMILY corn'ref Pat I and Irrirtton ttrtets. Prusio N.O. and CutiaSUG at 61.

7 and 8 een's; a snpenor e.uality of Hlaek TEA, at 2, 37L and 75 cents; extra' ine i.rcen do. so, 7S ana yi; superior k. to, Ligonyni 4nd Mar. COFrKK, in, 11 and 12 cents: uia uovern-taent Java, and 14 cts, totether with a. general Mnnmani VrAh I KS.anroAiuiiwi in nriM I tf I A notice posted In the bulletin office of the Bank of Eng'and states that the bank now sells American F.gles, French twenty-franc pieces, and Dutch ten-guilder pieces, at 76s.

7d. per ounce. The sellinsr price for eagles was previously 76s. 8id. per ounc.

France. The receipts from customs In France for the ten months endine the 1st of November, exceed, by over 17,000,000 francs, the receipts tor the cor-rf sponding period or the previous year. The official vote of the Empire hsg not reached us. It is noticed that in the SouUi the partizans of Legitimacy have shown themselves strongest. The policy was to abstain from voting, and it is fouml that in Marseilles, Nismes, Toulon, and some smaller towns, th non and abstenleors to- gether exceed the number of affirmatives, while at 1,1110, Lyons, On 1st Dcrembr-r the whole of the Cam tif were to proceed to St.

Cloud to make known tho result to the Emperor The proirram j. B.mjire is io ne iormauy proclaimed, was that Napoleon will come tothe Tui-leries, where he will be received by the three great bodies if State. It Is expected Ihnt on ht wS the Palace he will proceed tothe Church of Notre iiiime, a te Larum wi ne celebrated. At the Tuilericsthecreat bodies lrth i alH-'ionce to th Kmneror. es oi stare wilt swear wno will then for- wl dj 124; nroclairard by the name and title of Lustre Casn leon III, par (f-ace lie.

Diev. et par la voloiite du ILOAKS, ANTILLAS, AND SHA LS, ft.c. i or. Ii.i a if c.hear. oin A3 50 to S60.

Lor pin, at wor-h Inig liroclia for S'5, g-tfii, 8tc. I am dere-muied my TiiOe iu wan, will gac eat hirsts bv dail-ine at P.OHEHT W. DliVI)fA''t-. .1 1 3 if No. 67 ftreer, i-jir lay.

ha-. received icjh (itirtnins: 4 4 ilk Ve'vaf f-ir a-l t-otoretl and Mi-k Ciorhs, lor CI'iaks: hrench Merntoe; M. Ti' '-e gcods w-ll ha eoid tt lesB former prices. Cal! and see them. J.FDWAKD BIRD, di? tfj 211 i.altiinore COLORED DE LA INKS, ito.

KAK'l'H- 7eupe. t.mpereur trancaxe." Nothine is row of tno title of "Rot d'A'Qerie The civil list of the ror, It is estimated, will bs' about thirty millions of franc, everything Included. Sieliy. Four shecks of earthquakes wer experioced on tho Si.h 9t or November. The eruption of -fCtoa cntlutiis, and a new rr-tfr had onened, from M'hich a st- am of wss f.

itr the direction of Zaifrrai-n. Two fa-- shocks In S.or. Sly on the 16'Ji ard i7 Th.j- wholu headed bv their priests, uui iuu ui rne Open IlvluS. Iorf unl. Mr.

Dmtnrar-ctl U.e lir-zuian Minister, has Into dljfiatt: tor having p'tt forth statement ri-sptu-tinr the urt r4ial.fv cf ti salted meat- The l'ugnese Governmeot resolved to suspend operations with him as a Mirister. Attbe latt st dates, the U. S. brig of war Dol phin was in tne Tagus. Itnlv.

The Pnpe has resolved to send en apostolic de-legnticn tothe Haytlen government. The P. ps lias received a letter from the king of Siam, pioraisine that there shall be no further of the Chilians. CJeminsiy. Prcparalinns are makiDg by several hundred persons in Hamburg for emigration to the United States, their destination being the Mormon City, at Salt Lake.

Hungary, Two very violent shocks of earthquake had been experienced in the north part of Hungary, on the 15th of October, causing considerable Turkey. Intelligence from Damascus, to the'jt'h nf No vember, states that the Tutkish campaign against the insurgents in Central Syria had to-jilly failed SvllT.riand. An order of the State of Ticino, dated 19th ult suppresses the order of Cat uchins in the canton India. The overland man fr0m India had reached Trieste on the 26th No embr. briniin iitntii- gence of the capture of Pmme, with but slhrht resistance, and the aonoimcement that tho formal annexation of Pegu to British India was about to take place Admiral Austin had died of cholera.

The troops were healthy. The British loss in taklnsr Pome amounted to only one man killed and six wounded. Flvethou-sane Burmese troops were still strongly posted auuut, ai tunes iri.m rrome. Financial and Commercial. We have Manchaster Hies to the day of the sailing of the Arctic The upward turn tn the Liverpool Cotton market, had given a better tone to the Goods and Yarns market The speculations of the circulars, papers, and private letters from this side on the Cotton supply were watched and quoted with unusual Interest.

The free demand for Flour and Grain continues, and both are quoted higher at Llvorrool. The "Mark Lane Express," London, the organ of the gr-'in trade, looks to higher prices in the E112- i lish markets, and quotes larzely from private ad-! vices from the nonh of Europe and France, show-ling a speculative activity at Paris, Hamburg, Dantzic, Rostock, Large sales were making for delivery in the Spring. English orders were at Hamburg for wheat. The iron trade is still r.n the advance. Rails have bten sold at XS 10.

i Further gold arrivals to ihe extent of 69.000 I ounces, or are announced fix Aus-! tralia. The report that the "Dido" is on the wsy 1 with 280,000 ounefs, is net credited by the master of the "Eagle," who left Port Philip at the close of August, or early in September. The Turkish loan is down to 101 per cent-, and the subject continues to be discussed in the Stock cir cles ot London ana rans Dutch Markets. The weekly reviews to hand from the Amsterdam and Rotterdam produce markets, mention that business was quiet, without material alteration. The transactions in had been limited, but quotations continued to be supported with firmues.

Sugar, raw and refined, wa steady. A partial demand existed for riee.and indigo broug-1 late quotations. The accounts from Hamburg and Antwerp represent a similar state of trade, prices having been generally maintained. Irish Linen Trade. The linen tnde of the North of Ireland continues ermarkably brisk.

The demand for flax Is steady, and large purchases have been made for exportation fo France it is row said that the crop of year win iau iax short of what was anticipated. The Case or Captain Gray at Havana. The Havana correspondent cf the New York Times, in announcing the release of Captain Gray and crew, of the ship Lady Suffolk, from prisoa, in Havana, on the 2J inst says: "The Captain remains here tinder the personal security given by Mr. Antonio Cabargo, nntil the a 1 I cause is Cioseo, wuuiu cu. imirnuu lv.

itinnnmon all of tfiT own gniia ng i rented had there leen any arpearancc ot enmt- I Onrr- DL'inrCirnrt. Pe.iChC8 and lh nrinrnf hi, nffl. crew. The may he asurea mat Her-tngs ny tni m.i.

or ui.z; i i Seed. tho bag ir the Saerm. Acamsjitine, St. fr? i W1 1 a i t'et: syrups u.i:u-".i UL'iVo' "'-n's; imported and Domsflic LI-oX''T1' WinesGin and Whisky Flou, C10EK JuwrstMiTed. IflbblssWEEr ment.

of (5 J'1 vw, and a eeneral assort My Ir.cna. V. num-roua to mention. mea oad, cuatomem wiU please give ri I Goods le i iver-l i. 1 at No.

i ctrttee. iVSWi XJ? EET. GEORGE. 1. ARCHITECTS ANlTMff RS this case is arranged, and by the Spaniards them-; selves ia their own way, to save fair appearancea for subseauent history, in their relations and im plication in the slave trade.

I should add, tht previous to arrest, all the sailors of the Lady Sujfok bad been shipped on board of different vessels In this harbor, when released they were ordereJ on beard, with instructions not to communicate rh the shre whilst mainlng in port; mus to pren-ct the transpiration ol more acta in reta'iati to the "mi-dus operandi" of bene oience, as elucidated by their confinement, fim on boari of the ship -subsequently la the prison walls of this clement Government, aud generally in the preparation and outfit of the carrier of chain for sri-During the present season there have beta bead of catU alaurUied Ia Cfcicaxo, Inferrentlon in Ifytl--More Official Ola-elotvurtis. Iq communicatlous male to Congress by the President, during the last session, appear a correspondence between certain executive and dip'o-mitic functionaries of this countiy and the gov eramentofayU. Mr. R- M. Walsh, It appeaia, was sent on a mission to Emperor Soulouqut iuiu ui.uuui irvm iux.

euiirr iu co-operate with the agents of Francz and Great Britain In compelUngtheeovernmentof Haytl to submit to an alienation of a portion of its territory, Dominica, and to make a peace with the revoltersln that quarter of the island, upon terms which should te rlehtof the Dominicans to an ind-pendent and sovereign existence. The French a British instruct the reprMsnuijvfs or their govemmenti in Haytt to threaten force, if ncosssrv, to compel Soul uque to assent to their proposal Sir Henry Bulwer, in his letter to the 3ritish Consul, says "The menaces to wh'ch I have alliil. vnn will make In language more or less drtinf t. ae- lrdees the share Britain had in the introduction of I ording to the circumstances, and I deem It expe-alavery into her colonies, deplores the Interdio I dlent that you should be guided in this matter bv tlon of religious instruction to the slaves, and sug gests, as the means of abolishing the Institution, that the ladies of America, "a sisters, as wives, and as mothers, raise lheir voices to their fellow-citizens, and their prayers to God, for the removal of this airlictlon from the christian wnrM It trans ired, however, that a subscription Is to wiuci itu as an auxiliary u) Uiis enu. it may be interesting to know that among the ladies present, or who signified their concurrence with the runumeoir the ent restock on Monday

ec. 12. reeling, were the Duchesses Bedford, Argyll; your o'vn knowledge of an important fact, viz that themtasnres of coercion which her Majesty's and that of France would be willing to adopt, are a present confined to a blockade of the porta of Hayti, such as Port-au-Prince, Jacmel, Aux Cayf Gouaives. "If you deem, then, that a blockade would be sufficient, if declared and put into execution br Great Britain ana France, to compel the government cf Havti to submit to the wishes which vov will have expressed towards may, if'tbe danger of war appears to be proximate or iront-neut, menace compulsion with the conviction that adequate measures of Coercion will be adopted. Bat if, on the contrary, you deem a blockade would not be sufficient to obtain the desired ob ject, you witi take care to make any menace of lorce on sucn vague terms as would not actually compromise her Majesty's government to employ force, until it shall have learned from you what species oi lorce would be necessary, in order to arrive at rne result which you deem that a block ade would not be sufficient to obtain 'Indeed, it would always be better rather to state that you are authorise 1 to menace force in uie presumea contingency, than actually to em ploy that menace, unless the far so do tng appears to you urgent, and the benefit to result it almost certain." Mr.

Webster, in bis letter to Mr. Walsh, refers to these instructions of Mr. Bulwer, and seys: "The motives and object of the intervening parties are so Clearly and luminously set forth Id thes instructions that it ts for me to advert to them, i entirely comvr in the view twiirft they express, and expect that you wtf I be governed by them. On arriving at Port-au-Prince you will accordingly seek a conference with Mr. Usher and the Consul of France, urion the subicct of your mission, and particularly with a view of inducing the Emperor Soulooue to consent to a lengthened truce, or a permanent peace with the Dominicans." Soulouque received this proposition by tel'lng the parties that he "should assent to no peace with Dominica which contemplated the alienation of any portion of his empire," and after many notes passing backward and forwards, the Emperor consented to a truce, and pronosed "that all the points of be regulated and settled uuiiitiiiuK lai 1 1 if.

Krnnn. lican vote was stronger thm was exnected. Else. nemeoior tne purpose, by the two par where, however, The vote was almost unanimous ior me nes, in equal numbers on both sides, and that the aecision ne crrccted under the mediationand guaranty of the representatives of the three po ers." Our government, It will be recollected has never consented to the establishment of diplomatic in. tercourse either with Hayti or Dominica.

Ncitbtr has she ever officially recognized the political existence of either. A Fact orTwoTofchiso Camphor. Camphor is a vegetable gum, semi-transparent md ci'loileas. It is exceedinely volatile. When exposed to the air it flies oH'in a vapor.

On account of its strong and aromatic smell It is much used to preserve cabinets and clothes from moths and other insects. From its strong smell has atiscn the idea that it Is a preservative against intectu-ous disorders, It is poisonous, disease is more liable from the camphor than from infection. campnor is uissoiveu in water ocl In a smail quantity, sufficient however is taken up to give tne water t-otn l's aromatic odor and taste. If s--me shavings of camphor are throvn on trie surface ot prieitiycltan water in a basir, tbe pieces immediately begin to move rapidly, some ron a on tielr eenfes, others from placo to pbice. The caus cf ihese motions Is unknown Camphor cxis's In many plantsibut i' is cbictlv obtained from two pla st one a native of China and Japaur much ie.

ne the lame). It is ob tained by chopping the leaves, branches, roots, into small pieces and placing them in a still wun warer. ine oinercampnor tree a nn'ive 01 uoinen ana bumatra. The camphor is obtain ed by splitting open the tree, when it Is found In pieces in tne interior. FIRST SHIPMENT OF THE HlPPODROME The packet snip xxortnumbeiland.

which arrived at York on Sunday from Liverpool, brougktout ostriches, nine performing horses and six raclr.g chariots, besides the extensive ardrobe and nroi- ura lo uie rencn nippourome auuut 00 rsiauiiBIiea in ri. XOTK. cuv, by Fran conl. This is only a part of the stock intended for the great exhibition, and the remainder, together with the various performers attached to the estaousnmenr, wi 1 arrive about the first of Feb-ruary. Contracts have been made for the crec tlon Of the Hippodrome buildiner at Madiuin square, N.

Yto be completed by the 1st of May U. S. Frigate Sararac A letter from Ma ranham of the 13(h of November says that the United States steam frigate Saranac arrived at that port on the 12th from Para, after grounding on tne sand just beyond SU Marce; she floated off the next flood tide without damage. At Para, the Governor of the Province, Sigimr Snnza Franco. in company of hia family, and a large numtier of distinguished persons, visited the Saranac, to pay their respect to Capt.

Lone and his distinguished passenger, the Brazilian Minister. The visitors appea to have enjoyed their visit amazingly, and expressed their admiration of the neatness, order and discipline which prevailed on board. Industrial Employment in Ireland. A gentleman from the north of Ii eland has ju--t settled down In Galway, where he is giving employment to a considerable number of poor weavers In the manufacture of calico a new branch of trade in that hitherto neglected district He brought the yarn prepared from Belfast, and gives out work to the artificers at their own homes. He expects soon to be in a position greatly to extend tl field of his useful operations.

Stitchiso Shoes by Machinery A Bridge-water correspondent of the Plymouth Memorial states that the introduction of sewing machines for aliening shoes is becoming quite common. One is'ablishment in Abinirtoo, Mass uses no less than six. It is said that an operator, with the machine, will stitch In a day more than ten times the amount usually accomplished by a "stitcher," and the cost is very materially The Way they Treat Rowdies in Boston. In the Municipal Court, of Boston, on TuerUay, James Kit by, said to be a notorious Ann street' ruffian, ws b'oueht up and sentenced on three lodtctments, as follows: For assaul'ing a man with a knife, 9 months in the House of Correction; for robberv by violence, 21 months Instate prison, the two first days to be solitary; for keeping a disorderly house and a house of ill fame, 12 months in tne Mouse oi uorrecuon. New York Canal voiuMtscE -It Is estimated that during tbepiesent vear the increased value of flour, grain, beef, pork, butter and lard, trans- portea over tne isew lorat canals will amount to $7,877,000.

In corn, rye, bacon and cheee, there will be a decrease in the value of all. In corn and rye the receipts at tide water have (alien off materially compared with last year. Cheese has fallen offabout 9,000,000 owing to railway competi tion, and bacon a decline In the receipts of,-000 lbs. Finances or Virginia. The committee of the Virrinii which reported the new tax bill at the last session, estima ed that there was jSoomlllions of taxable prouarty In the State, and teat the tax bill would produce about tl, 400.000 and that $1,200,000 would be sufficient for present purposes.

The returns, It is now said, indicate that there is only 4 -to millions of taxable property and that the tax bill yields a little less than $1,500,000 Of this amount, licenses yield and land ana otner property Baltimore i Ohio Railroad. Frederick DepotThe Examiner says the following produce va forwarder from tne Depot at Frederick, to Biltimore, from the 9th to the 1 Ith of December, Incl'iaive: Flour, 2,410 bbls whisky, 14S bb! leather, 1.615 sides; wheat, 250 bush offVls, 200 tiotatoes, 120 bu blooms, 10,097 iu-mc, 4,933 lbs razs, 1,400 lbs poru, (fresh.) 881 Logs, 63 head; misceildbeous, 14,000 lbs Railroads in Pennsylvania. According to the census report there were in Pennsylvania on the first of January, 1S52, 1146 miles of railroad completed, and 774 miles in course of construction. We find by the last number of De Bow's Review, that the number of iles of railroad in the State at present completed, is 1323, and th number of In prorress is 663. The estimated cost of these roads is 49.662 913.

California Emioratios. The number of passengers arrived at San Francisco, seaward trom the 1st of January to the 14th of November, were 69.239, including 4,613 females. The departure st award, during the same time, were 19339, leav-Inr 40.400 as the increase to the population by sea. The overland Immigration is esUma'ed at 45,0 0, making the total Increase about 86,000 la Mm. Gree.nocgh, the Artist.

A Boston correspondent or the New York Poet, conuim rumor that Horatio the eminent oi ust, is Insane, and adds: He began a urse of lec'uies on Art and So-c jI Life, fortnight ago, but delivered oaly twe ot them. The second one was strange and unin-U diglble to the hearers. As he has "once befor. en alightlv aflVc'ed in the same way, it Utoi ped that will recover. Hs icg "lived acres'1 long, the chance cf soc ial 1'fe, ardMirshar: tl in atmosphere, have, no doubt, hsd an influenr.

on his mir.d body, which hs led to hi sent melancholy condition. Freads hierv-v cnaiure in him all lsst summer, at Newport bf.t laid it his not being able to a commodate hi nself to our way ot life an living Object or the Revolcttow in Sowora. The Fi ench Courier, published In New Yoik, speak of Boulbon, who is reported to hve ''annexed' Si nora to France, as a mere adventurer, for who" acta the French Government is not responsltdi. T. N.

Y. Times, on the contrary, says "We happen to be in possession of some Impor- ra 11 uocuments In reirant to this matter showiot th. interest taken by France in the prores of oui country westward, and the steps already taken io pursuance ot a grana design to check mat progress, and to erect a barrier against our furthei gnwth. We hve reason to believe that the great "hject of nlantine these French settlements It? Northern Mexico Is ro prevent the Vnittd State from cr rwrtng a feasible rcule for railroad to the Pa cific" Melancholy Scicide. A vountr man named John comn.ittf-d suicde ner B'alntrcc, a Tew days agi, by hanging himself.

Ht a total straiger there, and in a note writ'en to his brother, but found in his pocket, he stated Lis intention of going to Boston to seek eraoloj- mint, and in case of finding none, or working his way to New York. Oa the back of the cote. appatently wiitten some time after, he adds: "Alter wanderlne in pursuit or business, until mv means arc exhausted, my mind distracted, my body diseased, I am completely disco-iraged, and Ufa is a burden too intolerable to be borne, and 1 therefore contemplate suicide, and shouli I do so my request is, that the good friends who may fled me, will do me the favor to tumble me into somr bole as quietly as posslhie. Drop my brother and friend" a line, stating that I died suddenly, and that will be sufficient." An Explosion During.the exhibition of Prof Anderson, at Lancsrter, a few evenings aeo Mr. Jas Cra wlord, an Ids- keeper or that city, who w-ntupoa ihe inn 10 assist in mime of the exercises, had the tr-- nt flneerof his left hand torn cH by the bursting of a pistol whilst shootir.g at a tawe-L Mr.

desir ng no foil the Wizard in the tiick, insis'ed upon losdlng the himself, and puttiug the wadding (which was composed of fmir fivrdiildr bills) down too tisrht lor tho piece, caused the explosion. Mr. Anderson expressed his regret at the occurrence, statir.g also that it was the first time he bad ever let any iierscn use his fire-arms on the stage. The charm was of course brokeo by the explosion, afd the b-lls destroved The bills were obtained from the audience, and neir vaiue, aiiertue exnibition, returned. Uncle Tom's Cabin.

The puMleati of 'LTn cle Tom's Cabin" ia Paris has produced i.rcKii gious ment. To illustrate the fwrore for the worif, Ciiaruati relates that a Quaker, iroini home with the volume under his enn, was itopp-d by two repectably-ilicEfed men. and each rlapinn a tuMi ins nea snouteu "ifour 'Uncle Tom's cabin' or yonr life." Chinese in Cuba. There are now said to he rwotnousanu Chinese laborers in the Island cuoa, sn3 six thous-md more arc on theii-wnv there. They are exported at a cost or 12S a benri rtreive $5 a month for the eUht or ten years for ij mir imuuu 10 lavi: employer, oy wncm tha expense of their exportation is paid.

Those tirea.ty on it, if is said, have Riven great satisfac tion oy tne industry ana they display. Proscribed Pigeons. The Aus'ripu Police of P.irma, the famous Duchv which was once transferred to Mana Louu-a, the widow of N'ano- ic.n, cs recently discovered that cart ior uiny ne luaue uie meaus 01 amusing political her esies, and so have made war upon that poor arm less race, wnicn tney nave exterminated. Fatal Disease. It is stated that in the corih- ern ana western parts of Pike county, MiKstssit-p nitim inning wnicu is leai fii in l's re sults, it is calleij flux, attended with typhoid and lever It is fatal iu almost even-case much more so than the dr cholera.

In a i.i?ceot ai.o,ii4 miles square, there have been uuvvards of 40 deaths. Naval Court- Martial. A naval mnrt martial, composed -f Capiat William J. Mrt'luuev, president; Commanders Armstrong, Pendergrast, Saunders-; ami Lieuts. Gabriel, G.

Williamson and Murray Mason, convened at tne Navy Yard, at Norfolk, on Monday, for the trial of a seaman and marine. President Fillmore Several of the Ala- osma journals luuicate an intention to extend a formal invitation to Mr. Fillmore to visit that State in or after March next, that an opportunity may be afforded to the citizens of expressing meir appreciation oi uis nuemy to souuiern Intel ests Yet Another Planet. Mr. Hind, the distin" guisbe astronomer at Rrgent's Park.

London, on the 16'h of last month, discovered another, the seventh first seen by him, and the twenty-flrt now Known to exist Detween Wars and Jupiter, The new planet, when first found, was in the constellation Taurus. North Carolina Railroad. The subscribers to this woik having paid In S5I3.SI5. something more than the amount icquired by the charter, the uoaruoi internal improvements have subscribed, rin th nart nt Ihn nnn oon tn only of which, however, will be asked for by the company at the resent time. Fatal Railroad Accident.

Mr. Garret L. Van Newark, N- on returnine from a visit to New York on Monday evening, attempted to jump rrom the cars, but unfortuiatelv sllrv ped and fell, when ten of them passed over his legs, mangling them in a shocking manner, and causing mt utaua iu a jevr nours. The Court or Queen's Bench, of London, in granting a new trial to the kev Dr. Newmsn, convicted of a libel on the Rev.

Dr. AchlllL did so on the ground that the verdict was acalnst the evidence. The decision, it is said, was received witn mucn lavor oy tne crowded court room. Cheap Omnibus Fare. Some of the Charles town (Muss.) lines of omnihuses are sellinsr nine tickets for a quarter nf a dollar.

These ticket entitle a person to a ridefrom any part of Charles town 1 Dover street, Boston, making the charge aooui a cent a mue. Capital Punishment in Tuscany The le- iral Denaltv of death, which was aboli-hed minv years ago by the great Leopold, grandfather of the present reiening uuke, ns just been revived in Tuscany by the Ducal decree, to the full extent of its application to olden times. Marriage of Count D'Obsav's Widow. It is announced in the English papers that the Hon Spencer Cowper Is to be mant'd on the 1st of January next, tn Lady Harriet widow of the lata accomplished Count D'Orsay, and daughter of the tail of Cessington. OrncE Hours in Washington are from 9 to In England they are as follows: Acrnun'ant General's office hours, 9 to 2 and 4 to Admiralty Court, 9 to Admira'ty Naval department, 10 to Apothecaries Hall 9 to Faculty office, 9 to ine onice.

iu io custom Mouse, to 4. Delaware, Lehigh and Suswuekanna Rail road. The working of this road has commenced The hrMg across the laware at Eastin, aod the deep cut at Snufftown, have been let, and the workmen's implements are already beard In the vicinity. iiobfrt vialsfi, rJKj ns peen appointed a clerk in the State Department, by Mr. Secretary Everett.

Dir. w. Has been an employee, bv rov- ernment, at different time, in Mexico, Brazil, SL juomicgo, anu The Aspden Will Case. The U. S.

Supreme Court, It is saia, equally aividei. on the Aspdi will case from Philadelphia. This affirms the judgment of Mr. Justice Grier In the c-urt below and tives the estate to the American heirs of the half-blood LOCAL MATTERS. Oiwifnaf Court.

TYial for Murder. Before Judge Stump Chas. J. M. Gwinn, Eo Attorney for the tate, prosecutlnf The case of the State vs.

Wm. H. Williams, lmMcted for the murder ol his wife, Eiiza Ann Williams, was resumed yesterday morning. The court decided on the proposition aubmltted by the defence, and argued on Tuesday, relative to tne almlssibt'ity of testimony to show that pie- sents were made bv Abbott to Mrs. illiams, of such a character n1 at such times as might enable the jury to infer arts of adultery between the parties: tbattbe testimony was a.traiible to go to the jury, "from which, if folio wetl upby other facts or circumstances, the jury could infer such intercourse aa was allered at the time Williams rushed into the house and committed U.

deed. Samuel R. Abbott recalled by the defence. Has never received any money from Mra. Williams never told any one so; never said she chiefly sup- rorted him.

(A tin shown Wit-e-s mlzv ave sen that rirr before Aoorh slMwn.) Might have -een tna' onelfjre, too. Itmty hsvr been the rirg he once had. (Ext mines tt overhauled it well-oa tha tnsida the letter UA" scratched -cant swear he did it; cint swear ti ring-cant swear to any rixut with 1 clear con-sclenre there were a number of rings like hs' where be bought It; bought the ring's at a liu shep on Light street wharf; It may be the same rin with the lenr anybody can scratch an like that; had a once like that; witness bad them in his hand fooling with them, ant Mrs. William took them from him in the bar -loom; Williams knew his wife had them. If Dr.

Carr will swear that the are the rings he took troa Aln. WUUaaa' witAea will THE SUN PRICE ONE CEN wear that they were his; Mrs. Williams tad hese Tines Unee or four months, or over that, efore the murder; M. William had a while oioforierof Hnsa' which sb borrowed ro a ball in cdropanv with George Richter; never eceived a plain gold ring from nen never wore a ingofhers; nerer bad the rings In his possession Tier she got them; askrd her for the rings aeve-al times aod she n4 rive them to him; rent to the house on S. Chailes street a before or after dinner, Mrs.

Creamer was 'here hen ie went at supper time; wttneps wsa there twice: trf time eci about 12 o'clock an i stayed a rouble of hours so; Mrs Creamer was not there all be time witness wsjr. she came to the house after witness was there; witness went twav after he Srst v'sit, and smarting down to the "OH Ship," topped In again. Is sure he orened the front to out; has rt-ver slated that he went hnvirh 'he diving alkv; the first noise he heard that evening was in the allrr: did rot sar es-er)ay that rr hrar knocking at the ate; did not bear hia footsteps; heard a no1. auseu, wiiaes supposes, p. Williams coming -eainst a barrel la tne aile-.

It was a minute or so from the time witness neard him. till he rot over the rate; the children, eho were theie before Williams cime.went out the rout door; as witness rose up out of his chair In he door, to let Williams pass him, he was stabbd; lid not see Mrs. Williams rpring tip when her 'lusbaod stabbed him; she ild not spricg up ami jump between witnessand Williams; when he was stabbed he walked did not rush from the back to front loom; Williams did not reach over his ife to stab at witos; Witness' clothe were not lo se at the time Wil lams attached him: the light yas sittlnsr on the table, still burning, hcu ran out the front door. After the little girls had got the candles for Mr. Williams, they got In the notion ar went on" this was me ten or fit-teen minutes before Will lama came Cant say whether on a previous occasion he swore that he did not make the letter on the ricr shon.

Could not say wheriier Williams seized hold of his wife before witness left the front door; saw her head on his breast, with his arm uplitted as if to strike; made no outcry, and said nothir.r about it till he got home; could hardly save himself, and did nothing to save her; ran home because he saw he was bleeding to death himself; witness could wnii iierausoana aone. itness never remo ea a noit or Mutton to open tho door to get out only pulled tha knob. ny wound on is arm was a lonir one. The wonr.ds were eithibit.i tn th i By a juror Mr. Scharf 4t J.i uy 4i an mniner'i noue one hundred vat da H' oi ivssireeu Ate nu dinner about 12 o'clock uu iuji uay.

uv iur. rtant sur chnih im hm time he ent to the hou ws heforj. r.r in. ner. Did not leave the house whi-n Mr.

came because she had come. Cant. Edw. Hrtfoer nynra T. Outtu rn disfiict v.8'ch: on the Juiy 4th) at o'clock, called Lhe roU and placed the watch; weot out, and on returning about 9.

found i'liams arrested, in the bck room; svent iim mat ne w. sorry to hear or the act; Williams lephed "I am sorry for it, but any-other man woul have done It under similar circumstances." Placed Williams In Irons, an to the huse where Mrs Williams lav: a watchman in charre.and then went to AhSntt. Justice Toe came la, and witness got him to go to tho watch house and cummit William; Williams tbere commenced talking and witness told him to say nothing about the affUr. tiiams r.nd uveaone of the Lieutenants a knife and about $90 in money togive to wit ess, witha request to hand the mooey over lo his motU-r; then plsced Williams In a Lack tn t.b Mm jail, and he insist, on tclUng all about it; he ap- irarrj Cistress.and tliJ for so time he tad su picioned th hd. hty of 'a le i'h but a short Lme nt I the murder hit IP'le bov had taken I is dim 1.

him at his vt-sr'; S'line hing I a.l ocrurted II employer, however, which ma if lc Mm to return h- dtne ar-d 1 houve shut ut, an-t fou-jvl Ab-ti arnt i vn sra-u. room, ina si'iintion whir sati fie.1 him fha' hia suiiclo-j wi Le s.1.1 theo that troubles his contnenced, which refilled In a on tre FHdhy previous th muid.r; sh.t La hd rtv-n er tne ihinrs, (turrit-tore ar.d 'hey I .1 orned sepua tha she had moved on stic-et; the' ftidot ko'ii M.e pljc. sod ot nday tve rintr. "tier sut tfi.Btait.-d out to hnnt the Fiu.i i im (iu 're: ir. oHt ihis ts which -me ie(.

I. m'i -'d; he trie 1 th. I ont d-v-r a.C fast supintf'd it te de-sc-erded lro a'vi ai wileln that ley neara Abcot au.i Id lo ronvr i saUon la ttie ri.r. n'mv Uin tni.i iu kunt voices; when he be ard th t-u. Inmf ii'i.

ly up me aney ana ov, ih n. Abbott at ttic door cn.l s'aMx-ri Mr. -if (which was exhibited Willi lurtbrr ins ran inward r.jru wlln i pd i wn he SUbtied her uph the sn-e Ir- u. I was Wi such a passion that he did not tvw. often he struck.

His wiie Ihen rin a tl-r lack door, and down throtifro the diviug alley tt'n-. that In condor down the luck s'cps, he (Williams) had stumbled and brc ken the point oft the miarw ssaeu wmiams ir ther was any liaht iu the room be answered ti at to the hist ol his knowledge there was none, other tiiinrs to witness as evidence of the Infideli ty oi ais wiie on ouier occasions. uy iur. Preston (The riOiTB ihnim 1 Th.v were Uken otl the second finger of the left hand of Mis. Williams; Dr.

Carr took Hum off and nannea mem to Coroner Kennedy, who handel them to witness to keep lor court- John Dunlaps sworn. Oa the evening of the Ith cf July (Sunday) witness on Uie front porch; Williams came alonr and asl ed where a lady had moved who dressed in black and had marks of small-pox on her face; told Williams he did not know; he then asked him to enquire of his wife, and witness said she was deal ana tier business called her back that he bs-d better ask some of the children; witness son Georgi came in, and Williams asked him, who pointed out the house where sume one hid moved in; WiUunn talked im five minutes about his troubles he said he would like to find them out he would like to ca'rh Abbott and her ocether he would likt to be he thought they were too close ly connecteu together, as ne started away he said he believed he would give up the cbsse from that night that he would rail again on Monday night, and see if he could find out through witness where they had moved to; he then remarked that In might not be able to call on Monday night, as he thought of going down the river to lisvte-de. Grace, and would call on Tuesday nirht that would know witness' house by the tree boxes. Williams then went off up as lar as the hotnw where his wife had moved to thicks on th umi pavement; there he stopped and looked up at On house, then started and went across the street nr. the opposite aid, where made a hap; then wit ness saw ntra Bran over to the house here hi wife was subbed; saw him to tothe door, and thn start and go down Into the diving alley; iihju wrui tii'm in nr.

i-eicn I.OUSe, and wa relating to him what Williams hail said about hit wife; whilst there heard a rumpus in the house like chairs knocking about so sounded to him; then heard a noise at the front dor as if some on. wanted to get out, and saw Abbott come out the troni aoor, run -cat-a-corner" across the street ana turn me corner uiess oexl saw Williams' wife come out Uie diving alley and skip along to Mts. Hoover's porch: she 11I1I mmrthmr a-ltnM could not understand, and she fell over, witnea ana iur. reirn ran ovei to hen Mr. Filch i.lrtuwt ner up ami neia ner up; witness saw blood on thi porcn sou ran alter a doctor; lound none, an Kurj nt lanit uar sue was ucau; went aod go' another doctor, who said sha was dead: witnw th.en got a light and went to.

the house where abt was sta'ipea. By Mr. Preston. Saw Willla mi of ih house when he was going alter the doctor the last time. Capt Herther recalled by defence Tha from door 01 tne house on Sou'h Chiriee street it double aasb dn It was Ostenel on one side by a bolt down to tha floor the other aide fasleoesl oy a button blih up on tlie door, acting as a bar ivltneu lac that there was no koobi tht door could not be opened from U.euuuUe unlew- this nutton was turuesL John Dunlaps recal.e.l by defenceWltnea saw Wtims ro to the -front door, he stave.

ioag enough to try U.a door belore be went lav the diving alley; tiiere was a lock on the door, ba no knob to It; it was fastened by a bulbxi. Jamea Matxbeft sworn. Uvesou Charles Btrnet five doors south of the house in oueatioa: on th. evcciLg of the ti of July was sitting in hia bar. room, and heard a nnu In the street; went to tht tront acor, ano neara some lady say Lord, tt I Aon Williams Is murdered Went dow sod saw watchman 1-1, who asked WlllLx: his presence, if Lc would ro to the watt I house with 1dm; l.e lrciediatly rive Itmsetl u.

and went ut; 1 Wu.ism. aay, MI done it i tier die." D.d rot know Wlh'aaiJ Bv Mr. I'rcs'oa The expiesMoa made ne' by A'lll was "1 raucl-t her and enotVr oa oretb' I dli her, le' her mroe Ji hr.son aw. rn Wi treat lives Cl.atles street, Ave VnTS Dortt of tie ho is. w.

porch ht.u Mrs.;ui nas in Irs. Hoover's porrJi, i.ext d.w; ts 4 on the pa- etjuea'; Mrs. V'iitwas w. IM the p.rea wi'h tsi'k to the a a I 'A iJ.i.

standlfis-d -e or 'lx fet cf. si-ae oiean. rofr a WiMsat replie.1 It fc I -til 1" with mat let he is i.ot 1 Will ana Ifcn urxedaroual totsol: lov tuere, ai 1-1(1 lis- a wa chouau; la Lie m. w.trnu Wtrti rtto tha wa'Ch hiMiau and hesaii he wod.l a-Dr. Chrlts A.

Ltis swora Was oiled to nd the pct munx cxarl ill; ttira wai hree wounds one Lc Li.e back par of lit le: boulder, directly d-iw ua-arJs, alnkioc (he a'n er blade; the seennd ooe ou le ut bar anu trt of the ahouller joint, ptaslrr noornmMl' vara the arm pit; the other wouM tjos right side, tasking eetween the Ljur-h sad flu rib, Bear taa a poraoa ux toxa rib and penetraflrr the lnog. This wooad cauad internal hemBnorage. producing death oj sir- Preftcri. The wounds were tnnjetea with the jc of 'Laiereascd owaij th reiaoa a' blnr; Mv Williams vx ust have been In a pa r- iiaiiy stonpme tosttnn when the b.owa were inflict e. tfoa not tMnk the trourd er Inflicted 00 a person fleeter from he srrkn wonadt re all protvbility IrClrted tw striking over he prs- vh binr f-e to face; Uey golxbt Wn iniciad by strikirr trrer the person at a Mid party end Carr sarcrn- atd corrob-ot-tert w.T.

htT Hat know WJJ--iTrooT hu fcalwaTt lr. Carr recall a b7 ti'-nc The r'Dra xhlb-ud v.iipe-s to. oft the flatcror Mw Williams. rkr -Know Wm. H.

llllans aod knew tl -ifr Eitaa. After hia srret witness went tn Uie jal aad beard the conversation between Mr. Oeaawr east WiUiairs; witness went to the jaU with Mxa Creamer to get money to bury bis wife; Mrs Cr.amer said to Williams 4 William Henry, what a fourth of Inly Is this bow came you to murder yosar wife la such a Williams rep! led, "Idnnotknow how I came do IL" Mrs. Creamer lbn. asked him if be kr' -y report that was out around; ba wat is Mrs.

Creamer said, "It .41 vou caught ymr wife and Samuel Abb la I "proper Williams replied wi'h an oatb that tt was a lie, end. whoever sa'd it told a She then asked Wll-ilams If be was ever jeaio'is of Samuel Abbott acl his wife. Williams replied, "I was never jealous of Mm or any other man, or else I would Lave never let her go to so masy places with other people The prisoner at the bar. "That Is a tale made op oy urs and ury Creamer." air. Nevetker resumed.

Mrs. Creamer asked him how he came to stab Abbott; be said he could not tell; he said be went to 'be bouse where she mined, and when be went to the gate it had no fastening on the outside; he then jumped over th fence and when he saw Abbott sitting there ha plucred the knife In him; tha: his wife ran to hia nd put her arms around Mm. and racial med Hh Blih what are VOU dolnrl Mr, rmmn then raktd him what was the cause if their lit. tng so; i.c re. neu -money manors were ih most of it, Le sai he was sorry he ha I doue It that be did not intent t0 do wttnet thca asked him what he was dnlLg with the knife in his pocket; be said that he did not know tha? he was roing to do it, fill kbout ten minutes befote he did Mrs.

Creamer talked to him about muiui rtn her: ha raolleJ don't talk to me in that way, my feellnrt are aa lad as yours; if I had her baric araln I would rlva ail the world if I fMiasessed It" ine prisoner interrupting "Waa that cU the conversation tbet passed between usf resuminrr. Some of the men at 'he jail were present at this conversation; witness is a married woman is a member of no church; when she goes to church it Is the Methodist one, Dr.Dorsry, pastor. By Mr. Preston Has said the belongs to no church. Witness to Mr.

Preston. What church do you belong t.i" Laugh tr.) By Mr. Proton. Ws at the jaU about three quarters of su Lour on ihe djy after the murder; 4 n't know whether any ol the officers of the jil! were near enough to hear lh conversation. Mrs.

Mary ttry-amc-sw rn Went to the jail la company with Mrs. Nevetker Mt. Utams waa uni-ceol t'nes; wentthtretosest If WUllama would furnish the ney for hrr I urial; found slttin on ihe in the hall, with hl two sisters and sis-s. tilwing to him When M-itncsa wer.t In Williinus I ed up and ra-e her Id witness said -Wm Hn rr. this Is a tenets I hof July t0 in all." he sa'd "Yes, it Is to tne as welt as to the re't I am aotrr for 1L" Witness asked him "Why yen kl.l nnr wir or herepiiei "I do nf A dblnlf he knew th retv aliout bis wtfe-be said "No." Told ti tn that the mort was that had augnt Abbj't atid wil aa improper tua- t'ov; henrVel "It Is fi I.e.

and lit who will say It. i a lie Aked h'm wh-t was the 1 Ntween his vi a anf Mnivelf; here-plied Toe 01 of it nit pt-inev matters Aikedl im wi: had agslus' Ablott ami why-he sta' b- Mm! a-d if r.r was ever i-alout of He rptir.l nver waa j-alout of Abu. 1 any rent'eman, rr I would out ai-e it-1 her Inqu- tt 1 Iscea with Hem tor I ha. I l.e privllera' sVe! l.lm he if 1 here waa i- jealousy a he sai "I did krow I t-n licfoie did i I tr. nt lo tSe Innt -or pa cmM not get In, thea the U.viog a 1 try, and.

the rte re'nr fis-nt- i oi- the insi 'e, 1 the freer end saw t.N,t th- tialr t-v t' doo-; as 1 went I aid I ba in hlji 'he mi lime krfoie tuv wifeeama. io ij trr, -er arms ironivl me, and said ti B'U, vkta-eyi Th. I idunred WPnrssOen aV ine m-if- aa'd anytnmr t. Lira r.t.'it be wt I ine It 1 lie replied '-no Asked II te heard er Skb' Im fore she divit He said "no. I waa I itiv s'ept from Wiins vou have -Va Ll ai more que ions, it bis two sitter, ahowrte present, sit.iis very lin.iMp-r to beg.

Lewis r.ot soiry kdled Lit wIM Ha ret.lto.'-f -otiUflve all the world if IcouUbiinr herUck." oy Prrii'on Mrt. N. vetkerweat al-c with -vl fce.u jr; kno smt' alters "mfs cur; d. iiii ibu'. kotw th, ir vstivr 1st nn-: ih ir rjrisnan nasaist are Julia inJ Wiin- Lava coavrrsed pore l-ii "AMiiamt, bat Li.

tlsteis iumTupted witnes lu ralii Tia" slres cow af the time 'the irier lived ir. Pic 'ref, rer Msrket IVitners' rf.tKi'y lived wiib hir Ii Para siree'-lte a prwin" jSineM whether hrr bosband lived lt Ler ur no oon'i koovthat she 00 U'al. Mr Pres'on asael "'are t-eco rpara'ad 'ftm your 'iitif jated fi by the Sate i.l theciurt rutcJ iha: iu flue, Uon was Irrela- ani iaa coui.i n. l.c t. Witness, as she left the stan.l -Mr.

PMim. ll see you agaLi, sr, about iny character." Iugftr) Mr. Gwinn here Stated that Oierrnaecntlnn clrysed, except as to retm'ttug testimony, and wlth- 'ui I'rus cjtiiiob; who inr 'leieoce, the court, at IO miuutcs past4, a.IjouneJ to 10 this morning. omrsxin Picas. Before Judce Marshall Id this court yesteiiUy, No.

aiTUi.rais J. Hand h. Jo scpn iyrick vs iiliam B. Burke, aa action to recover the value of a promissory note, occupied the day. concluded.

Perina for nlintirT- Pi'ts for defenda-it. ll. S. Dtttrtri t'et'sf. Before Judra Clean A caae of F.

L. Brauns i. Co. vs. the brLt Von Garena and Barrcda A a 1111 on atnittomry hood, occupied yes'rnlay-.

"Decree for libellants. Friclc. rantaln an W.llla for Barredafc Bro. tmrt. The raaa of Cork sr Worth lfore reported occunled vmer- lay without concluding Court This tribunal mntinnoa In equity.

A Bold Tktef Oo Tnaadav nirht a BtraDaw tered the public house of Mr. Archibald llsoo. it the corner or President and Pratt streets, ami made himself particularly obnoxious to soma of those Id tha bar. who, we believe, were ahrrat on. ragtar la a raffle.

Mr. Wilson bad a (oil watch haugioc up liehind his far, and the straoger watche-lao othwh tnnlty au4 secured tha dtIt hut before he had been rone a minu'e. the ln Iiscovercd, and a pursuit as mala. Ha waa ilia. covered la the stone yard on Ihe ounosuta alda of he Street, where he had halted In a dark lr.

Wilson seized aod rourl.t Mm back. hM n- was asked Ior the watch, ami he took it nut nr his pocket and rave it uf. with fhe remark. "Yon nu noc miDs 1 was roing t. keep tf' He waa handed over to the watch.

ad yesterday Booming Inn Ice Kempcommttijed him toji.ll to answer tha rharge at court. He gae his name as Edward airby, aod it ts said he is from Philadelphia. letter From frrtuUnt Ptrree. Mavor HqJIIbs Lav. log trans -nlUed to Gen.

Pierre, Prealdent elect, tha resolutions passed stan extra session of tha city coucciL tendering him the hospitalities of Balti more, upon his arrival ea rou'e for Wsshtnrtoca was racrlred yesterday la wh'rh he return nu uuinks to the Mayor aad counci' their klod invltatioo, and st -tes he will jobaUy reach tha eity. on hia way to the seat of about the middle of Febnary next The short cootlou- loceot hi ttay In B.itim'-, whirh he rill not extaod iKpn 1 a le mrt. will nru'a. hi v. however, prevent Lie hoepi-aba tn'aatloosof ine aiayor ana ciiy eounc 1 from lKia loJJy carria 1 An TVujt.

A "ysn." which sp-vfed la soma the Baltimore pirt -rcs-er lay la rrfereoca to a gentleman a weipr.y icUimaa It was ai-'ege being ktnr.rl wn a nUht aaut robbed, md thru f.i-jril sol rainrd to Baraum's hotel, where P. was si he as rs aotlrsly untrue faraa reUrs to tha aforesaid hotel and la us' 'ik Ir so ia every respect. Tnre is eaough real ao I Ii th't as io all other 'area ci let, withrit tha tcl.a'rect rateainr at every i'iie Minor an I rxag reriitoa and parading It a LUe culuaiu. ol a oa araycr. O'o4.

James K'u. It-q a proalnent aad hUhly ruira 01 Aiie A'uedcl county. Lei ia thli r'ty oa T-ie dir, wh he was oa a vuit His iir. us w-re yeatrrlsy sen ta b'a oa R.ver by Mr. Kent erred srrerai iin la ihe Legilnr, aj sraf a sctira srm'itr if the ku-lona TmUoa.

Cui'ua Tha lg Caotr. Matthawa, frota lr tatu, Iau, fo. a 12 Inn 3 disfe.s. t-a viae 1 the pieetua night to a ia Mi art with tchr. rmi ll, uol r-trt1 tic loli.t': daasctxL IheFrut lot otursprtt, bead talis aiwl culwaW, 0 1 I he tep'-d.

KiOr i lr. Jh-t baa frsns- tt ji ttf Mfd'tt a ty i.ti tt. who bvry 00 lr. id Frar.kiia a-. -o li'-nl evrnoif.

T'hi 'uii aiTir le rouilJ ma cry ao highway saeaara 'l-ir- rii 1. wi7 Lorer fori nor. the two par-it. cwred wl'l jaurder, who rsca-stl rr ta jail 1 -ia't: 1iy evtiiljr, a ill am a iha saUaiar, tins hivlnr been oCLauued tt thr 1 etcabfu's Ga ilt. wno I a4 ilue pre-i -is, it a lii mni.g ais IVJ riwa ers nf the fentr market vw u-rsc 1 ut ye.ur'ay at-wiUit; of auca or um i I ita.sol Lutur, I'urri, rirr to ehilfpuaX b.t r-Vrh were Uio ihe aUal-" It as July soil ai rrllng t- Law -omT strtCay brotight sJVy Hi rsbeth Wa-lueL I Atd-asr p.t lcorl for aa-.

leg Tirsr wars lu.oi k.i.i 1.. m. ua jv avasry iiia 1 orotex Kountrae bekl aa Inquest oa of c.iored aisn aamed Brcwn. died suideai at reaUeoca Ii Chctant 'r-eL Ibej.uT readr red a rridagt dtath (re a suiperaoct tal atour,.

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