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The Baltimore Sun from Baltimore, Maryland • 1

The Baltimore Suni
Baltimore, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Dry Uoods, Mexicans, who made the most savage exultation, unworthy of a civilized people." rn 1 0 MORNING, MAY 15, 1846. MOPE GRKAT INDUCEMENTS al R. H. L. DK wh-re mj le found a few more of those handsome LAWNS, at IS) cents: BAIi-AKLM- beautiful styles, 25 am 31 cent, bindm Linen mid inmhr la n.

18.85 and 31 els: a spieu. fd article of nil wool, 44 and on. cents do in dress pattern. 31 and S7; Orecn Barege S7 mid 4ie; trench und ijulh-h Chintz. 18.

su and 83 cts; Shawls, a large 1m ni new style end plain very thin, fur Summer: ry cheap while Berate Jn. AO and S1.16; whi'enitd eot'd Net do. $1 25 and Burene fc'carfs i Maud 74; alnrte lot of Kiotlish and Dnmetlic FKllNTS, 6. lOand IS cent; together with a full assortment of anil Summer Goods, all of which we nic gi inn to tell without regard to cost, in fact, 1 he only place you can save money is at the Hanover street CHEAP CASH STORK, so catch the bargains while Ihej are rnv R. II L.

HYDE No. 49 Hnnnver street, between I'ratl and Lombard streets, east Fide mis 3t "TvKY GOODS, DKY o. stock of the. XJ must admired uescni-iioiis ot seasonable goons, uch as LAD1KS' l)Ur-3 GOODS, an unusually rich shod of the latest fashion PANT STI FFS, without number, of such a nature that to be appreciated they must ne seen, CLOI HS. CWLPRKN'S WEAR.

DOMKSTICS, Ac. The attention of the public is respectfully invi. led. J. G.

C. ALBAl GH, 1S3N. Gav mlMwt above the Kng ine House. JA I.FRHRPM AXI1 PAI.M I HATS. J.U CA-KS Mens', Hois'.

Chi drcns' LK.IiHORN HA 1 double and single linm, just received direct. AISO 0 ease PAI.M LEAK HATS. Comnnin a full aasonmeut, all of which will be sold at the lowest price. With a general assortment of BOOT? and HOES B. C.

RHODKS, mlS-d4teo4t No2fi South Charles street. fc.Tk.vv amisKaSONABLK DRY GOODS '1'he AN underpinned would respectfully inform his friends and the public that lie nas rcemiy iaui in ana mienu trt keep constantly on hand, a rood and well assorted tock of FKEBU NEW and SEASONABLE DRY nins without attemptiwr. tnenumerate thearticles.he will merely lerd an earnest invitation to purchasers to examine his assortment, assuring themihat hecanand will sell al the verf lowest nriees. and will uso every exeitionto luukeit wonh their while to Rive him a Call. UKOKtiK K.

KBUlli- No. 170 Lexington street, mll-lm five doors east of EutHW st DOMESTICS! As koi an assortment of Domestics as can be louud in Ihe may always be had at the CIV ST (1I1VAP S'PllKK. where goods are wild, not for hesakenf profit only, but to secure the custom of every visiter, consequently the inducements to call theie, arajtanequalled, more ularlv fur nil who slndv their own interest. Please recollect Good Gondi low, very low, (or ash. J.

U. U. ALllAUUM, inlS-lwH IS N. Gay arrive engine house. VEhY RICH NEW STYLE GOODS Received from New York by litest arrivals. ct.if.rl nlaiTi ItrfSS SI I Freiich LAVi, BAKKGEB, BALZARINES and other rich Dress itoiius laris Embroi.ieries Veils. Cravats. Gloves, RIBBONS. STRAW BONNKTa A11F Mil I INIH We keep consiantly on hand, as usuil. the largest and mot splendid assortment of RIBBONS, BON AKT SILKS.

MODES. POL DE siiks t.iaiiKs. Tl'usions, Husches, rounda lions, Lenses. Artificial Flnwers, and every article in the MILLINER LINK, at the lowi st market prices, BONNETS' BONNET'S! Patent Neapolit n. Neapolitan Lace, and embroid- finn Knebsh and French Rutlands, itmid.

China Pearl. JtirdsEve. Soft Straw with every description of STRAW (JOODS. wholesale and tetatl, at price that cannot tan to I ne country anu cuj vruue and retail cusiomers are mvnen 10 can SALMON, SMALL EAKLE, Mitlinrv and Freneli l)rv (iinnls Store. mil lw No.

21, betw. Lisht Charles TRY very la ge and desirable Stock jLf to be sold on at tne lowest nrarKci price: also, a large afSMrtmenl of LAWNS, RAL'AHINES. GiNGHAMS, CRAPE, DE LALNES and Prima. Pan sols, shades. SH A of every variety: wnh full and complete assortment of Goods for vjenuemcn'S wear i.

ii.rflnirui,, Nn InA 'italtimorc fi diMirs helow South N. B. The DWELLING over Store FOR RENT, Inquneot a. v. it.


GAMHROO.NS, pit AH L.S, VKS1IKUS. AlAO-Drtss and Curtain Muslins. Grass fc Corded Skins, Gloves, Hosiery, in short, a complete stock ol new Goods, very cheap tor cash. J. G.

ALBAVGH, No. 1113 North Hay street. ml3-lw above the Engine House ANOTHER RICH LOT OF iK'RlNG GOODS-Just received, and will be opened this morning- Spring SHAWLS andSCAKFS, ot new anu ueau l.iui ctesiens French LAWNSand Organdv MUSLINS Plaid and other nfw style" SUMM KR SILKS OMBRA BAM EGKS and MARQUES1ES OROS O'DIERS, JACONETTs.Oiewstyle) Plaid China SILKS PILK, I'SLINS and TEXIENNE3 Green Gauze VEILS IN JHEN FMBROIDV.RIES, Fmli'd COLL.iHSnna CHEiMISETTS KicheimVd RAPE tHAWl.Smid9'"!ARF9 WjEFVES and CUFFS ROBES, Fl nuced and Plain. ALSO, From the mamifactoiy of Wright Ic Brothers, assoMmetit of UMBH ELLAS PARASOLS ITN SHAHES. Citizens and strangers are invited Irvcail and examine Tliese (roods, whi' csnnot be surpassed in Ih is market, and which wili be sold as low as they can be had in this or ai ouiei mantel.

FRANKLIN GARDNER. Baltimore street. iT'11-1 4th house above Light street. -W-1CH SILKS. HARKGES SHAWLS.

XV Will be opened ala great reduction from former prices, commencing on Tuesday. May 12th, many styles from lu 30 per cent, less lhan Ihe regula micpa. The siib-criber has concluded to enirKace thi present cppiiriunny 'o reduce his slock, which iB large, and ennsis of ihe most fashionable gotKlsor the seas1 n. many siyies just imporieo, ana ureiromint snt'Sl celelimttd French miiiiuftictuies. He feels as- Niirp.1 that this oi iioriiinilv is one of Ihe best that wi ke presented to the la iies of Baltimore this season to pnichase rich ami desiratne gons.

ttlLKS. a large lot. various styles and qualities re dured SO per cent. SHA WIJS-HAKI- GK. BROCH A.

ZEPHYR. HER- NAM and other sljlcs Silk, Black Silk, Net, WHITE CHAPE. KM D. E. BObS'D an- Pl.lAN: together with many oilier styles not enumerated, bin wi be at Eltt'l Parains.

BAREGES and BALZAR1NES, some entirely new patterns. jV'RENI ORGANDIES, and other styles Lawns and Muslins. FRENCH and SCOTCH GINGHAMS, and Gingham ljiwns; together Willi a general u-sortment ot DRESS uotma, reduced IB per cent. PR I SKI. NET.

su nerior article for Scarfs. I This Is hist the. srusoii to buv Linens, and those who txpeet to buy them this season, had ti. tler aval themse ves ot thl oiaioilltllltT. TOWELS Col'd bordered, ail linen, al 160 fer Hnekahnek Towels and lowehllii.

with zo. asaorlirient of Housekeeping Gonds. hie I am desirous of closing out this wili ell them conlingiv LINEN CAMBKIC Sno dozen, which will be sold at great bargains, frnm 1 per doze ii fi SCOTCH HOLLANDS, a superior article for Shirnnr? The mihserihcr wonl-1 resr.pctfullv invite all to call and examine for themselves, asking none to purchase they are peifecily satisfied. His object is to re-hiee his slot last as possible, mid therefore wi oiler the ti((tf DSnt such price as will secure large flairs. 1 a'so r'o assure my friends at c-islnmers that they mav pu.

full ci nlntei-ce in mo a'-ove siHtemtMit, nnd wiU ni ikeun extra cflort to satify all that maj tavor me with can. B. WOOD, No. lit N. Charlo m12-3w nppo: ne the Methodist Pew Church, OUKNING fiOODS.

LAWS GINGHAMS, PRINTS. ALPACS, DOM11AZINES CRAPE, GLOVES. With wlic goods aeccssirT for Mourning apparel nil cheap us possible, tor cash only. U. C.

AL1IAUGH. 183 N. Gay mUMwt ubnve Engme Houso, mHE CASH RARGAIN STORE hi and will re- I ceive more cheap (iootls; a lot of Grnitustc Iiwn Robes on I) $2 somesitij.ed JatMinel. Dress Muslins only els. Pinion nann some ol in se very ctieai Lineti'ni It tolH) cts; Silk lawn only gf) els; Giug- tin ni HariJb tv cs: wt'ite cotton Hose e's: sin and black ito li-i cts; l.nff Calico I.

'J; musk Napkin L. (J. Hani ks Fancy French Dril mgs 6iJ at vacls; suiicr white ioraurictJii cts. vciyenmp GEO. W.

UHLkU. mWf Iff? Emnklin si side. REMOVAL. The subscriber respectfully informs his customers and ilin public in general, Hint he hus removed rrctn io Hi Market, bpacc. to nn, 71 HAL II MORI'.

IK KKI, where he will keen a con- ueint simiitvof KtlKKlli AMI DDI GO IDS, in rill the varieties boe who are in want n( HOODS, win f.n we to on and examine stock as 1 am determined towll nt the lowest cash priees. nniM-n shisr.r,, mg.rjin JVn.71 Uilnmote street HAKGAINS IN DRY VJ watitnt DKY GOODS at extra low price, arc 12 4 Imnerliil Dill "ill' 4. wo'lli 14-4 re arkablv al 9 worth henntiMil hrenc I. A WNS 9.i ens. scl nil III 771 rich Ule li 1.7.

Ul vo worn) rt'i; l.llli'll i-hiii nil- ii.mi- ui Bird Eve I im Towe1 in cent: good ltth LIN ENS u.ii.j- i 31 els; Richardson's housewife LI NhNS, cheap. Rcm- nf ll ir. 0.,. It.t7urinr HIlH l.nWIIS. 1 Pi Ift doll ile the price; I eartisnl extra rich AKEGB, al cu aellingf-irtsi- I Imubove, and mnnj oimr bargains, ROYSTON A- HI' OTHER, No.

fa Baltimore street, mil tft second store from G11T. rpll CH I A HIGH S'I'H EET STf A A I I 1. KIK OUT lK-i hllR THK BAHHAIX I have lu! received (root aueiion. lirire lot of sca- tonnl.le GOODS, t- he Million minieilia'eir Hois' Snmn er V'ear for is. -H anil ccn's Commmi andsura-r ''nhoes.

a', Li cm 3.4 lib a lieii and uiibleached Muslins, "I els (Rood) Micciiim nnd Shining Vi us m. a. in nnd cis Cnl'd Canibnp' Hits as have lit en selling for 10 ine 11 nifi Vu in lor Some e'tic Uingl-nm for 12. cts; sxirn Oing- Hams lot yrj cents. A gieit mntiy ne-rr renins, on, Ladies.

DAVID DUKIIHon, m4 1fj No. 1 iNoith High s'reet DORSEV OARKETTfON, HALTIMOR bl' are consianilT nihli'ig to their present Inn and hnndsniiie "-iir toieni of fresh Siv, nn Drl GOI ill ell of which havs been opened within the day Cli fiiaivik M'AHPrs nnd Ijidies' IH(P, GOODS, of I'v-r? rfiwrrirlioil and at evert nrice; Jane Bsorimeni L. Ibikts; I Gno-ls; Mareil liC)il Is: super (' foieir CAS'IM KHF.l hi tin i Kilk. Wntni un-l Mar. seillcs VES ITNGS; with ei'ncral nssortiiieni of ta pie food Ihet'-ece or ver? rediifsd price.

WILL(iPe, DAY. an aiMitiona1 invoka of PAHASOLK ITS sod sl SHaDIOS, of the very styles, with circular edges fringed, and Ivor mountings. HORSEY No Bi Kji Mi more street, Id door west from ab' fr7Whrteand eolored fancy Laicn DHiLI IM'JS, of new pKilensk a-1-tft 1 be same writer adds, In relation to Colonel ross; "Colonel Cross's remains were found a short distance from a road leading near the river, and not on the Point Isabel road, as I wrote to you in my previous letter. Ile was stripped of hi clothing, and the flesh was picked oil' his body by the vultures. It had been dragged some dis tance into the thicket after the murder.

It was recognised to be the body of Col. Cross by bis teeth, a part ot hi scalp, which had been torn II by the vultures. Ins stack, and one of the straps from the shoulder of his military frock coat. His watch, his pistols, and his horse are now in possession of the Mexican officers in Matamoras. 'Colonel Gross was killed by one Romano Falcon, in the presence of a Lieutenant in the Mexican army, alcon is what is called here commissioner that is, one who is authonzedT to seize all persons attempting to smuggle good cross the line.

Me is commissioned by the Mexican government; but all such persons will rob or murder any one they meet. "The Mexicans should bleed fremiti, mnst freely, for the murder of Cross, for it was a cold- blooded luunler, committed by a publiu olhcer for plunder." Tub Pri.mtkrs Bocnd for Mexico. The New Orleans Bulletin ot the 6th says: we must asK tue indulgence ol our reader and advettising customs lor a few days, as our establishment has furnished so large a number to the volunteer service now tn leave us rather bare handed. More than one-half of our regular force of compositors, besides others who were attached to it as a kind of reserve corps, have given up their situations, and enlisted under the burner of their country. i he entire disinterestedness ai.d patriotism of the motives which actuate those worthy young; gentlemen will be better appreciated when we state that they earn in our establishment from eiRliteen to twenty-bve dollars a week each.and can readily command those wages either in this tn-e or elsewhere, and with places desirable in other respects.

For thk Skat of War. A meetine is to be held at the Court-house, at Westminster, on Satuiday evrning next, the object of which to make an effort to raise a company of 100 vo lunteers in Carroll county to start to the seat of war by the 2.d mat. I he llairisburif Ktfle Corps, Capt, tendered their services to the President. War! War. The Fhiladelphia V.

S. Ga zette says: "We understand Savery U. iron founders of this city, have received an order from Government, to supply at once one minureu ions oi cannon nans." To Arms! To or A placard having this portentous heading is posted at different parts of Mew Yotk, and at tracts a great deal of attention. Several com panies of volunteers are being raised. Curious Coincwknck.

The Philadelphia North American, of Thursday, says: "Yester day Ihe first meeting to respond to the War measures of Congress, was held in the State House Square, in this city, and it was thirty- four years ago yesterday since the first detach-' ment of Pennsylvania volunteers was called into the service of the United Slates during the last war, was mustered in tho same square. ICorresiKindenpe of the Baltimore Sua.) Port Peposit, May 12, 1840. Port neposit is built from near the eastern abutment of the bridge bearing its name, for a mile and a half "all along shore," in and upon only one street, with occasionally a few scat tering houses in and over the gushes ot gurgling wateis, and the few natural outlets through the mountains of stone in its rear or east; it is hemmed in also in its front or west by the Susquehanna river. ticre you will meet at Reynold's one hotel from a hundred to a hundred and filty Pennsyl-vanians and New Yorkers, away down her wii mcir lumocr products. 1 ne lumber (hat stops here is worth Irom one to one and a half million dollars annually, much of it being shipped away and toy ed around to tialtunore, l'luladulpbia and many other places.

The place is otherwise considerably of a business place, having eight stores with flue and large stocks that will, though mixed, compare ill the most of the retail establishments in Baltimore or Philadelphia, and they diive a very liadsome trade with the boatmen and the country around about it. Several stone quarries are here, and are car ried on with a good deal of animation: some times as many as two hundred mm at a lima being engaged in operating in blasting and excavating. The products of these quarries are shipped away to many parts of the Union. I notice a vessel here from Baltimore, that is making loads of stone to the Spring Gardens, near your city, and back again. The General Government has had a number of contracts filled for the United Slates' fortifications in Florida, 8.

Carolina, and at other places, with Old Point ComforL I'll state you one thine which I don't admire about the Port Deposit Bridge. It is this: they charge some persons nearly twice a much toll to pass over It as they do others. They did solo me and I remonstrated, but what was the use when they who were attending the gates and taking the tolls at each end were ladies. What can a man do, no matter how aggravated the case, when a woman's in the "scrape?" If it wouiu i oe ungaiiant, would here state that will hereafter eo htty nulis out of my way rather than meet with a "Tartar" of this sex again, and particularly as keeper of a turnpike-gate or on a bridge. Save me irom such a mark How, and by what rule, do they make "fish of one and flush of the other." Uattle.

New York Colonizstion Societt. The New York C. Ionization Society held its anni. versary on Tucs lay night. The receipts of the year amount to The population of Liberia in 18-13 was MU0; 1484 church communicants, 1 Hi recaptured Africans, 353 converted natives.

Thero are in Liberia 23 churches; 13 Methodist, 8 Baptist, 2 Presbiicnan Cape Palm as is not includtd in these statistics, being under the protection of tho State of Maryland. It is as prosperous as Liberia. Retail of spirit uous is vuiuaiiy proiiiuiica, ana me general, social and moral condition of the colonies is most favorable. An Intkrkstino Trial. The trial of John Johnson, indicted for the murder of Mrs.

Bolt, of riangie, commenced at Uinghatnptoti, Broome county, N. on the 7th inst. The advanced age of the prisoner, (75 years his great wealth, and the grave character of the die nee with which he is charged, added to the rxcitement that lias already existed in regard to this affair, make the trial one of more than ordinary interest. The principal witness in the case is a Mrs. Burdick, who, it will be remembered, was abducted about a year ago from her homo, gigged and thrown into a small stream of water, where she was found with logs and other heavy articles piled upen her.

Execution or McCAPFKRTy. On Friday last, James McCaffcrty, convicted of mnrdcr, was executed at Huntingdon The seer a at the execution was one of tlnxo horrible ones which so frequently occur. The rope broke, and the unfortunate man fill violently to the ground. The rope was adjusted, the prisoner repeated his wafnipg to those around, the sheriff, judges, to abstain from bad company and strong drink, and then was swung off again. McCafletty was a robust and large man, forty years of age.

Incendiary Attkmpt Dining a very exciting speech by Abby Kelly, before the Anti-Slavery Society, at New Yoik, on Tuesday, at two o'clock, it was discovered that there was a fire burning underneath the platform where she stood. was found to proceed from a small closet, in which were tubbish, papers, and lo situated as to leave no doubt that the work was that of an incemliiry. The audience adjourned in great confusion and the lire Was easily extinguished. Western Emiiirants The tide of emigration is still flowing strongly westward. The Buffalo Pilot says, that the steamboat Empire left BufXilo for Chicago, recently, with SOU emigrants (mosy lioin New Englar d) and their furniture on board.

The money received for freight amounted to (0,200. Disastrous Inundation. We the Rt. Landry (Louisiana) Whig, that the whole fuce of the country bordering on the Memiento river and the Gull, near ils mouth, ha been entirely overflown. The la'e south winds on the Gull brought in a trimendous tide, which, ad-di to the swollen state of the river Irom the recent rains, has suhme-grd the whole country.

So suddn was the fl aid that til sen families are said to have perished in it. Massachusetts AlnlA District The Governor and Council have concluded not to order another election for Crngreaa until the regular eleclioa iu Nuitniber, JL VOL. XVIII. UP. 154,1 Dry Gonfls, Ac.

NI.Y ONEVricK AT No. 6 STREET'. VKL Stl'JV cn. have en. tahlishid a store ion the cue price principle, whe purenasers, paniciariy siraugers.

may procure VH. UOllDSot every am feel assured they are gelling ihem at lowest possible prices. They nave tusi icenvru auction several lonoi P.ui- ouiereu urgamiy iwns. at 31 cews worth 50 cents! so. other Iiwns l.

mghuin Lawns: hlk nnH Rni7x. rinis: rich I Ik ancy rels 1 KS: Frenrh Mnuhue ue uones; mourning Mwns; "oinlwzmesj I'olaccas; Mourning Goods French and Amencau l.iNkM (Jlllnw o.i.l AHTWLE(Vi-ry kind; nek Barege. I lnbel, Netland other Linen Cambrio HltklS. Ot all Qualities. v.rmlu li.liuU fur Men'sand linv's Wear, A ic These Goods can be now sold at from SO to 55 ne.r cent, less than they have hen selling, having been mcimsru mi very low price, Itl eo3t SKLLINU OFF! Handsome LAWNS at onv ibJ c(s Barepet, Bal-zarines, beautiful style, at J.ljMnwes' Linen Cambric aiuiKercnicis ai unites at 10 and 12J; a large itot Corded Skirts at onlv 37 Also, a large assortment of Puns: Ginghams; Mou- J. wucno sun anu xtarege SCARFS. Ac The subscriber having determied to close his present bu'iness. will offer great indvemenis to purcha sers, una examine. v.

v. No. 179 BStitnorM street. ml3 tf between Light Riucaiverl THE PRATT ST. CASH BARGAIN STOKE has just received another lot ol hvguins, such as Lawn from 12j els.

up to 31; Uradiaied Robes for worth Lawns for 2. cts. worth SO; another lotf those heauiiiul Le Lains, such as are selling fo, 31 els. lor 2n black Uurege ta Corded Skirts from 25 cts lo SI: 4 4 brown Lmei a lot of fine skirling Muslins foi Id shadd, Ualz rincs IPJ nea tilul DamasK luiiain musniij wide lor 28 ets line 4-4 Chintzes 10 cts a ntltnierot other rent bargains, at INo. l'.

I A 1 I on. door west I Hanover street. v. mll-tl EGHORN HATS AND STRAW i I ns inornuig anaevervdav IhisweeK.we I receive Palm Leaf Hats and Straw Bonnets French and English Straws; Swiss nnd English lal and Rutland Braids, for Indies and Misses; Gvpsos; Cot-taKes, Misses Gjpseys. Biomets tied lUs, the best assort merit the Men's.

Buy wild hiatus' Legaorn flats; uuiiyiiqun, nianitia arii fain Leaf auia. i'J limcHSFi'i hi r.iiMcrii ii-rs, al UO Ml iiU.llj.111 VVAti No. 11 Baltimore mll-tft 6dixirs from Lin llllY GOODS uitnAcr.iio or nn ihiuiits riLi At iio. ins tsAt.Ti:iunp; l.anre Assortnienl of SILKS, BALZAR1NES, LWiNS, BAREGES, SHAWI OF EVERY STYLE. IRISH LINENS, LINEN SHEETINGS, LINEN TABLE CLOTHS, DRILLINGS of all descriptions.

CAMPER BRUFF, No. 199 Hultimore street, I between Light and Chines sis. BR A ETTSON the OLD TOWN CHEAP STOKE. 107 hav street. 2 door above Front.

GREAT BARGAltVS IN DRY GOODS Thepub- ic is invited locall soon: Lai. lea' Dress Goodsof every description and at every price. Cloths, Casirneres, iweeus, tiamoroons, uniting and brown trencn Lineiis; brown Summer Wear for 121 cts I8j and 25 cts i bleached and unbleached Aluslm61cis (very good) Shirting and Sheeting Vlus in 8, 10 and 12J es iflmbnc mints, ii good insn liinen trom 25 cts. to 11-0. which.

Willi a niuitiludinons arrav of very Fashionable Dress Goods for ihe now selling at reuueed prices call at once and secure a bargain at iNo. 107 uay street. 'id own mii-tr h. k. tiAKKM GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS! SELLIMi UK: SELLIVG OW! Ihe subscribers having determined lo re inanish the Retail Business, afler this seascu.

will sel iheir emirt Hock of CUT GOODS, without regard lo cost A persons wishing bargains in choice Goods, wi I find it to their interest to call at 199 BALTIMORE ST. making purchasers, as all Cut Goods must be sold, before the season closes. UA.nri-.K. ar, niturr, No, lf3 Baltimore speet, ml3 tf between Charles and Light sis. NEW SPRUNG AND SUMiLKH GOODS SELLING OFF CHEAP, AT JAMES N.MUIR'S, No 101 Baltimore st Those persons that will honor me with call will not be disaiiDointed ill eetlnig great hargaitiB as lam determined toreduee my stock.

1 will guarantee as good bargains as 1 sold last winter 1 wnunention in part. Lawn ot all stiadesaiidnuali-ties; Baiage and Balzarines; a large assorunent Ginghams and goods of all quality and style, tuiuible for dresses; full assortment of gentlemen's we ir selling cheap A large assortment ol ladies' litiht K1U GLOVES of the best quality, at 50 cents perpnir Remem'ier the No 101 Baltimore belnw S-uih, where may be found a large and cheap siock of foods. mii-u j.m.iviuiK. npIIK GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFER I Yard wide 1-sLIN. only 65 cents; heavy Ifl: 4 4 MAI TING 14 WW 111 25; 4 4 Ingram CARPK 1 1NG 27 worth 37; extra nou uamnroons.

iwj cenis. cheap; brown Linen, for Pains and Outs. 12: white Cotton Hose. cents; Lisle Thread Gloves 8 large size Cotton juneii cambric iidkis li cents, tine; Kag Carpel, 25 cts with many other Bargains, al THE Gexinelnnst juslabove Howard, right hand side. m7-tf N.

HYDE. DRYGOOUS BONNETS ft; ETS Ladies' and ises' Bonnets of everv des. irah'e style large assortment HOYS AND INFANTS HATS of various Braids Ladies' Rifling HATS, a new article. A fresh suo ply of PAR AWLS, ris, ana sum MjKP.f.NS.&e, Lawns. Bareges.

Mousline de jLainea. Gloves. Mu. lins. Ac.

Country Merchants and Molincrs arc mviterl to ex amine. THOMA ARMS THONG. nniB-tr No. 175 Baltimore s'reet. CI'PERFlNR EVIBttOlDF.REn OUILTS Ar Tae subscriber has yet on hard a few 12, 13 and 14 Embroidered Quills of superfine qualiiv, which he will close out cheap, together with supeihne Lmlsiss-ed figured.

nnd olain white DIMI rY.suiiahle tordr- pery. Bed Spreads Ac tripcil, plaid and damask CURTAIN MU.M,liNS, lo which he invite Ihe atten tion ol purchasers. DOS. i NELSON, io bu Ha timore street, three dmirs above Gay. P.

S. Alsonn hand, a large assortment of fine ard superfine DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, from 2 to 4 yards lone; Ku-siannd Damask able Diapers Tow-eilieg, Linen Sheetings, Ac. en2wl TK'H SPRING GOOD-- IV Just received a great variety of rich SPRING GOODS, which will be sn'd so ehe.aD that the. fashion or tne nay win ne tne v. nite House consisting ot A beautiful variety of SPRING CASSTMERES.all SUMMKr" CLOTHS, frnm 31 cents to 1 DRILLINGS.

am slrioesani aids. 18Jctol Gambroons, Drills Coitonades. A lor bo) s' wear PHfc-s BALZARINES. a variety fiom 121 cents to Domeiitie. Scot'-h nnd French LA WNS MancliesiT and Eurlston GINGHAM and Gingham Cambric, Jaaonet.

Sivissand 1 ace MUSLINS MOIJRMNG GOODS. Black ROMBAZiNES; and blue hlk ALPACAS Biark and white GINGHAMS and LA WAS ALPACA PRINTS, Ac SHAWLS. Henvr Mack Net. B-irene and Zephyr DOMESTIC GOODd, of everv variety, nt factory prices, ior casn jun.ti No 33 Baliiniore si (White House ml1-MWF3t lol 4 doors below Frederick. N.

II A large lot of while and red Check Canton rvi rir, nt exceemne low prices WluL, BE OPENED THIS VIOHNING, AT No I0i BALTIMORE STREET. A 'arpcsssorlmentof FRENCH GOODS, purchased at the lute ve.rtinvt.nrv sales in New York, which hiv ing been bniight al a g'int wi1! he sold 211 per cent less man goons oi me satnequnniy can be had in unsmarHei. Among winch mnv he tounu Rieh Ombrn and Brocha BAREGES PLAID SILKS Hi-hGRO HE FRACF Plain ami fitii'ed POULT PK SOIS New styles SILK MUSLINS, only 50 cts the yard TFXIFNNFS Pari de Barege, plain mode colors and black, only 25 cent vnrd Embroidered fwit and French Muslin SHAWLS and SCARES ALSO, Vtil! he nnened this tniirninrf 2 Rieh Embroidered White CANTON SHAWLS, worm! Aisf) Will he opened on tlieBth nt. case beautiful HA Kill- S. received by the Dueh ess de Orlean.

Sttmi-'esin stole. fTyThe iub-'criber would also inform the public, that in order to reduce Ins large slock of Rich rrnch he willt from this ni'irning, commenre selling oft" at flrsrri'l tor cash. Purchasers will tind it lolheir interest to give me a can FRANKLIN GARDNER. 1C5 Baltimore st-eet. m8 Inwrlf Tr 4th house nlnve Light.

rN im' saksa pari i.i.a:" OR Ihe REMOVAL and PER VIAENT Ur Al.l' ArtliTiiXIr Ml Ail IMPURE STATE Or' TME III OOD OR THE HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, viz: ScroMam King's iC'it, Jthemmiism. flbstrmV' Cut. H-riiM rVruiitnm.f. Pitnrtte or Pustule on Ve Vaet. FUdrkr.

Krlts. Chronit iSors Kuex. Hint Wmm Tetter,'1 Head. KnlnnrmnU and t'ai of tin Bone.navd Joints. tvlMrn U'ors vrnit-toms, Snntira or l.vrntiato.

nnd Diseases tram an iniwltdovn use. of Me-'fury, Ascites or yrnnivs fno'tm or iinprudenct tn Lift. Also, Cl.rtmt Con- s-munonat titsnrtlern The fo lowing testimonial lo the viVuc of the Harsa barilla, is from ihe Rev. Luther Wright. aged 7H tears, Pator tothe CoiiKrcgntp.nal hurclmf VVoinnn ont as Mas March 30th.

IStfi Gentlemen From what I have experiencid. and iroin the lntru'Htion I have recent from a nuinher ofpeiwinsof hish respectability wiio have uea your r-Mrsnparina. i nave not the i oowm in mat 'i a most vnUiahls niedieine. and Hint Menu merotl cerlihca you have received of its efhrae? arc fully suilnined by sriwiieacs. and nlihoi'gh rc-putalicn anil nttlt yarn vert extensive, and slnnd in no need of nit humble efforts 10 increase them, I want nil whon'p atH ctrd diseas to become acquainted witn tne rgtr'iry nun y- jr valimble meilirine I am, gentlemen, gralulully and very ropei ifull Jour Lptmkr RIGHT.

Preearcrl nen dd. wlio enlp nnd eiml. A A 0. SA NDS, Wholesale Drurgisls, liJ I-'ultuu ilreet. Curlier of William.

New i'it Silda'snhy N. N. HORI SON, D-nrgit, corner oi i sun r-nr-ooga. Riree's. nanimore.

nnci oy iinig its lenerally Uirough-ul Ihe United Slates. I'tir-i PI per Imdle- 'ix bottles for aJO-eolmt 1 RAG CIVIL, Aral) POLICE OFFH'-K. An. II III AVi fedetvk s-t-eei-OjHcr, tindersis irrl desire. very tiriell, to i-ite to the public nnd their frien'i that liey h-ive en erd into a mwuni for the prompt, effi lent and -aiis.

factory itiinsncttoik ol ail buine nfided lo Iheir care, entier oi aetviiorp t'cecnarictcr. i ne long iKrii'tiee awl ibe apri'Vi-n energy of ihe undersiin cl in the eapiem in vnicii uiei now sut'imi thai eg nerience nnd energy cm itu-d. Is their surest rfvrm menilanon to pu lic cnh-lf co, and on this Uiey are conteni to rely for retire rnvnr PETE I'OTEE, JOHN GRAHAM. FR ANl.TKT KINLBY.i Win. A 13 sxlOrit Urtico, No.

10 M. Piedenek it. PRICE ONE CENT. purpose from the Mexican government without being guilty ol piracy, or puoiio lnioimation, we coot the 11 article of our treaty with Spain of tho "JO.h Octubir, 1VJ5, which article now in force: "Article 14 Nosuhiect of his Catholic ma- jes'y shall apply for, or take, any commission or letters ol marque, lor arming any snip or snips act as privateers against the said United States, or against the citizens, people, or inha bitants of the said United Slates, or against the property of any of the inhabitants of any of them from any prince or state with which the said United States shall be at war. "Nor shall any citizen, subject, or inhabitant the said United States apply lor, or take, any commission or lettets ol nuique tor arming any ship or ships to act as privateers against the sub jects of his Catholic majesty, or the propcity of any ol them, Irom any prince or state with which the said king shall be at war.

1ndiJ any person ry either iiatunsnall take or Utters of muiie, he shall be pu tiiheet ne inY.if.1 1 hat is, he shall be "hung by the neck until he is cieud." THE GLOUHAPHY OF MEXICO, PttOM THE BATTLE UBOL'NU. The New Yurk Sun contains the following description of Mexico, from Matamoras to the Halls of the Montrzunus, which cannot but prove interesting at the present time: "The U. S. army ii posted on the left hank of the Kio tirande, opposite Matamoras. at a dis tance of ninety mile from the coast by the circuitous channel of the river, but only thirty or forty miles by the route to Point Isabel, a harbor on the coast of Texas about ten miles north of the Rio Urande.

The latter river is the boundary between Texas and Mexico, as claimed bv the United States. Mexico contends that the River Nueces is tho boundary, and that river tens the boundary of the former State of Texas belore the revolution. But Texas claimed to the Kio Grande, as people of that district joined her in defending the Mexican Constitution of lszi, and in the warol independence which they waged sa successfully against the despots of Mexico. From Matamoras to the city of Mexico there is a good road, with five or ten military posts along the route. An American army of riftv thousand men, crossing the Kio (irande at Matamoras, eottld readily march through the country to the city of Mexico.

Yucatan, on the south, is already arms against the military despots governing at the Capitol; and the people of Vera Cruz and other States of Central Mexico, are clamorous for the recall of Santa Ana (who is now in C'l-ba) and the restoration of the Republic, The lacilitics lor intercourse with our aimv.and with the Mexican people, are favorable to the rapid execution oi military operations, rom ual veston toroint Isabel, is J'M miles by water. New Orleans to Point Isabel, S02 miles. New Orleans to Vera Cruz, 1500 miles. Yucatan to the city of Mexico, 900 miles. The nnnulatiun of the city of Mexico is about 180,000.

High mountains rise in the distance on all sides of the city, but the under the Tropic of Cancer, is remarkable for its salubrity, and in summer tue extreme neat is less severe than in New York or Philadelphia. 1 lie city is apprsached by excellent roads which branch out in every direction, and on which are transported the silver ores and bullion from an hundred of the richest mines in the world. 1 he magnificence of tho principal edi iices some being furnished with a-old and sil ver ornaments valued at many millions, and containing rich treasures bid away bv the ava- ouuuo una cAuot-u me auiniratioti oi an tra vellers. Yet, with all her riches, Mexico is poor. Her people are kept in Ignorance by the tyranny ui a lew, aim tncir wealtn IS earned off to other lands to swell the gains of trade and commerce which they are not permitted ta en joy.

The poor Mexican crawls listlessly over negiecteu stiver mines, lost in the contempla lion ol his own abject condition. The iron hand of despotism is upon him! CASTLK OF BAN JITAN rK III.ITa The New York Courier aivis the following facts, in order that an opinion may be formed as to tne nronaoie result ol an assault upon Vera eruuniy nomine can be done un 111 a m'lcli larger foice is concentrated there than is at present in the vicinity. ne lortrcss ot Nan Juan de Ulua would re sista very heavy attack one certainly much more serious than that of the French, to which it yielded a lew years since. 1 lie French squad ron then consisted of three large frigates andour bomb vessels: the former anchored but littleover point-blank distance from the eastern face of the castle, and tlie bomb vessels but little Itirther, there were mortars in the castle, but none in use and not more than seventeen guns could be brought to bear on a single ship, and, on the whole squadron, only twenty- six, some of which were carronades. "Of the French vessels, the Cyclops had two mortars, ana in two hours she threw one hun dred and eighty shells.

The others did their share. One oi the bombs lodged in the maga zinc, winch was blown tip, and about two hun dred men destroyed. After six hours' fighting, tue inexicans yielded, Since that tune the for tress has been thoroughly repaired a new water battery has been added; thirty-two and forty-two pounders have been mounted in place of the twelves and eighteeris; from twelve lo twenty heavy mortars have been introduced, withseve ral Paixhan eight inch guns, and every thing is in tue very dcsi condition to resist an attack GENERAL TAYLOR IV HIS TENT. A correspondent of the Philadelphia In qnircr, writing from the Brazos de Santiago, says: -i'ii ine ioin, a irienu oi mine visited licne- licit. ral Tat lor in the camp of Point Isabel, where he had his dipot lor stores in the army.

Un landing, tho scene presented was quite a wild one, and reminded one ol the ac counts we have received of an Arab Encampment. There were three or four hundred dra goons in the citnip, with their horses picketed about; Disiucsan number of war-n mules arid oxen. (In stepping; ashore, an nlli cer conducted my friend to the General's tent -He was introduced to a very plain shabbily dressed old gentleman, of rather email stature, about sixty years of age: and who looked by his hardy appearance, as ii he had been camping out all hi lite. this was theenmmander-in chief of the army II. I 1 oi occupation, ne nas ocen years in scrvi- on the frontiers of our country.

One of hisolli cets remarked that "old as he is. he bears tl fatigues and privations of the campaign better than any one unuer mm." lie was allable, di nifiet), and in excellent spirits. His tent was no larger and no better than those of the otlii- omcfr and his table was bis camp chtst, which he carried his Co kirg ulcnrih, he, li plates were tin pan, and his cups (no saucers of course) tin pannikins. A small supply ol brown sugar was kepi in a tin canister, and not a pic ol crockery was to be seen. A parly of six was thus criteriaintd in homely style, and they all seemed to enjoy it abundantly, LIEUT.

PORTER AND COL. CROSS. A letter received from an officer of General Tailor's army by an ollicer of the army station ed in Washington city, under date of April 2-llh, gives the following circumstantial account of the fall of Lieut. rttr, of the 4th Infantry: "Tie whole of Lieut Porter's party have re turned to camp except uimsclt ma the soldo who was kill id by Ihehrst lire ol the Mextca in the rencontre in the afternoon of the ID-h. Private Anes, of company the last man of this I a-ty, who came in nn the night nf the iM states that lie was wi'hin live or fix feet ol Litut Porter whan he fell.

i received a ball whii neleated his thigh, and no doubt part-id theartcty. He immediately laid tlnn, and txpirtd very soon alterwaidj. The suldie who wus pu vioiiily killed lay within jive yards of l.ini nqtient attempts were made to return the lire ol the Mexican pitty but the arms of Lieut. Pi r'tr's pirty were all wet, and would not go i n'. Pnva'e Anis remained near th dead bodies of Lieut.

and the soldier some time, concealed in the dense thicket, (i rhafipsrel,) hoping iclief would come ami he Ihe bodies off Ho was at last, however, ob iged to mme nm own way to oamp, which he I un with areatd to the deii-ity of Ih tiiicxet, aid ine great dilhculy or moving through it. Ha states that these dead bodies were at one lime liuroundad by a number of BALTIMORE, FRIDAY NAVY AGENT'S OFFICE, Washington, B. C. Ap'il25 ISIS -PROPOSALS wil lie receive at thisolliee ui til 3 o'clock, p. li s'lh da ot Al ly next, lor tne delivery ol the IiiUowiiuj arueles al tne Navy Yard in thiscii viz: riu invs.

tan of the bel American My pit iron, No 1, per ion COPPER. 21 sheets brazier's copper 7J hj 30 inches, 50 ounces to ihe toot, per pound 25 sheets braziei 't copper, by 3i inches, ounces lo the fool, per isiund UN. pounds English or India tin. best quality, per pi'und boxes of double cross tin, nest anility, per pox SU pounds course speller solder, best uuulily, per pound 2 bexesof single cross tin, hesl quality, per box, SO pounds of borax, best quality, per pound. PAINTS, Ac l.JOl pounds dry while lend, best quality, per pound.

600 pounds dry bpanish whiling, best pound Son pouihis dry litharge, best quality, per pound HHI powi.U drj Pans green, hot uiialily, per pound. l.OOn pounds dry Spanish blown, best quality, per pound Ran rnd li.nd. best oua ot. tier nolind sni noii mis drv ve.llow ochre, Quality per pound 20 pounds dry chrome yellow, best quality, per pnunu 400 gallons taw linseed oil, best quality per gallon 100 gulloHs spirits turpentine, lust quuiny, per gal lon 10 varnih, best quality, per gillon 2ii gallons copal vmni-'li. est qu uiiy, per gallon PLATE AND DAK IKON CAMBuOSLS, PER POUND DIMENSIONS.

DIMENSIONS, a 2 Inches. 5 5 I square. I square. II squaie, 1 1 round. 12 6 3 12 ti.3 6 6 2 6 62 6 62 6 fi.H 2 2 3 8 16 3-3 13 6 6 12 6 18 78 18 6 140 9 0 80 10.0 8.0 1011 7.0 76 6.0 7 0 6 0 7.0 6.0 SO 8.0 II .0 6.0 3 41 3 4 34 1 2 21 38 3-8 8 8 3 3-8 3 8 13 1 1 1.4 22 18 6 6 6 62 62 63 2 0 3 8 2 1-4 3 8 7-16 1-2 3 4 7-8 13-4 6 12 6 6 fi 12 12 12 6 6 ft 6 5 10 16 3 8 S3 23 1 4 60 6 2 62 64 fill 58 40 4.0 4.0 64 1 II 1-4 2.0 3 8 1 10 1-4 2 3 3-8 2 3 3-3 2 3 3-8 21 38 I 3-8 15 3-8 .7 1-4 .7 1-4 2 5 6 H.

6 H. 6 6 10 4 1 round. 2 round. Flanch iron. 12 24 6 6 6 12 6 84 12 66 6.4 96 80 8.0 60 60 64 4 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 44 12 3 8 3-8 3-8 1-2 1-4 1-4 3-8 5-8 12 50 6 3 10 2 li 1 HI 6 310 2 9 1-10 6 3 II 1 11 1-10 12 6.0 2.0 1-24 8.0 66 12 4 1-2 90H pounds J-hieli round iron.

Tin nlnte iron iiiu.i be of i he best quality ol Allien. Cull ii free fiom blister or UouDuj edges, cut lu size, ami ami fitnuehi from the hears. The Mr iron must be died exact: the nit nar square oniheolges That marked as Usui iron inusi near to be wrked to atqunre angle, wuh ml cracking or bieiking Those pieces marked must beb-gril-md not roliei. All ihe urtielescoiitaini'd in ihisaihertise- tnen. mas he of I he best una utv.

suieet to lie Usual lo be approved by Ih- coininandani of the yard, aid in be delivered or belore tne in si uay of August nixt, liee from any expense lo the govern ment line musi ne niaue tor eiteti eiass oi articles separately, ncluding all the artieies in the c'ass, and the contraeloi will be required lo furnish uny additional uuat-til'nf the arueles embraced in either class for which Insider mat be accented, excepting toihe ram boose iron i the same nlaees and on ihe same conditions, man. receiving tw uty days' previous no tice Heine Hie win ot June, 1IM7. rnymenis win lematieut Hus oince in intriy aays from the time of ueuverv. uiain hills properly approv ed, reserving theiu'r- in 10 per cent un il Ihe contract iseiitnplelt-d. WAL 11.

SCOTT, Nay Agent. be published inceawerklor lour weeks in ine I'nion and National intelligencer, at Wushii Kepuiiiieiiiiann atbis, and Pun. ai natiimoie; renu sylviiiii-in and Reyaune, at l'lnladelpbia, and two copies ol the advei tisiment senl lo thisolliee. ai9-lw4 UEI. FOR DEPART MKNT BuREAO oi Construction, Equipment and Repair.

April 24. 1346 PROPOSALS, euiloiscd "P.oposals for fuel for Steamers," will be received at tins bureau ui.iil 3 o'clock. P. of the 1st of June next, fie tunnelling and iielivermg al the navy-Mud at chnrlesown, Massachusetts, one Ihou-'aud tons of biiuiuiiioui coal, and two huii'lred ami fitly tons of antiiracilecial; and al the navy yar 1 at Pensacola, Florida, two tlriusa-d Ions of bituminous coal, and seven hunded and filly tnusol anlliiu-ciiecoal. 'Ihe who may bedeliveri as etoly as mav sou the tontraelor.

but onr-ha ot eaeti kind al eacn yard inusi be delivered beftsethe 1st Sepleuilier nexl, and tne wnoie neiore ine isi iieeeniner nexi All said coal must be ot the best uualitv The bitu- rr minis coal must be dry, clean, luaip coal, as free as possible trnm sulphur, slate, ana mier impurities The unlliracite eoal lo be broken, or proper s.ze and screened, ll required Ihe hnecoal sinll be separated tromihe lump alter ileiive. al the expense ol the contra- trirs, and the coal of both kuuis musi be in ail respects lo the perfect satisfaction of the respective command-nits, belore it will be accepted by Ihem. he offers in' st be made sepaialely III eai-h kind of coal, and separate for each yard, mid must speeby the district! countr, and ihe pits from which the coal is to be taken or furnished. The price musi be sluted for Ihe Ion ofiweni-lwo hundred pound-; mid in determining upon the olfers the rel.iliv quality 'or stean-ers' v-Ke will be cnnsideie I. as well "silie price asked Saii'faclory bonds i.

half the amount of tu contracts will he in quired, ard ten per centum of all bills will be until ihe contractssnull he completed aceording to their tern In case of fui'tire on the part of contractors lo deliier the coals within the lime specified, the comnaindiiiaor agents at the respective plncesof delivery aie lo be authorized lo supply any deficiencies by purelnise, and Ihe 'ill-ac tors and iheir sureties are to be liable ans cxeess of cost over the contract price; and the ten per een reserved lo be to teiteil to the ue o' toe U. Mates. Tn be published once a week fur four weeks in the following papers viz: un-on ami inie tigencer. wnsn-ington, 1) Mom tig Post and Daily Times. Bus-ton; J-iU'iial of Commerce, Moiniug News, nnd Evening si.

New York: Penny und Kevstnne. Ph inilel'ihia: Union. Harri-bum: Alor -ing Post Pills. buiir. Petin ylvaiua; Kepualirau and Sun.

Pallnnore, ptKiuirer, jnieniiionu. va. ar inwsw PREPARATIONS FOR WORM VERMIFUGE, OR WORM DE STROYER, IS NO QliACKERY, This reinerf! for worms is one of the most extraordi nary ever used, elfectioilly eradicates worms from elit ilren nnd nrfivvil oersons. Mothers. Afoiheis.

to you this Syrup is of great va lue, you will esteem it us ninny now do for it having snatched, us it were, from the grave their suileruig children. Among ihe symptom which indicate the presence of Worms, are the most common nnd sinking; a paie leaden-colored, and occasional Iv (lushed countenance a bluish slreak under the ees; these are dull and heavy; great itcliuig in the nosirils. whien causes the patient lo oiek Ins noe: foul bi-eath: dimmed du ring which the patient grinds his aptloscream out und start up suddenly us if fneluened; a dry cough; irregular and dep-aved appet ile, winch is entirely suppressed or exceedingly voracious; the stomach swell ed mu hard: ooseuessol the bowels: Coativene: niitnrul. slimy stools; pains in the bowels; wasting of the llesh: onuvu'sintis: Ii1.

lillilllf death Preiinredonly by K. OKRICK, N. E.c rner of Lexington and hufaw street, npisisiie Ihe Market: and tor sa eat ol tne Aianiiecanes in if.uinnore N. B. Ileineinner and ask for Oniric's Ve.nnifnt.;, winch has ni) naincon the phial nnd senl on ihe lop.

Uruginsts any oilier suppiieri on liberal terms, in Persons who urn make chnico ot my Vermi fuge to sell again, ire nt libe-rty to rcuirii il, and then money reltntiled if they rind it unsaleable. N. B. The subscr iner has lined up a very large, and commodious ROOM, with gas liglil, which tic will rem out to Debating Societies and other on moderate terms. clB W.

K. ORR1CK A TK.UE BLESSING TO THK AFE1.1CTEI) DR. Si HVVAKT.lvS VNMVAl.l.ri) COMPOUND EXTRACT OK SAKSAPAMLLA. 1 ehallonrfi the world to produce a effectual and poweilul a combination of the proximate principle of tluil ntvaiiiaiiie rooi. Mirsiipatii aim ilieo her saiia.

live inurements nl which the c-'imniuiid is prepared-a ihe one now nuVred lo Ihe iilllieied itosed upen plnsimoKiciLl and scientific, principles a us constituents ate. unit upheld by nn dicMl men of distinction. I uniiesiiaiinr.iy uecarc tluil it me. useot in ineo'iriition is faithfully persisted will and niu-i. beyond a doubt, cure the disease named In the following ealaloRiic, together with niiiiy others not monu'ined.

Ample proi-f is in my possession ot Ihe sui'CiioriW of tlu medicine, in winch three or four bottles have, produced a most saiuiary cliatiKn where all olhers hud failed to mnke a favorable impression. he discuses for which my compound i a specific arc ihe fodowim. vi.i Ail eruptive di-eusc; i limine or acute Hlu'iiinalisiii; Liver Complaint; lvspepsia; Bronchitis; Chrome liiilauimntion ol the Eyes; N-ro- Iiiih oi Km? r.vil; nncuiarPwelliiirs I on-lituliom el ypliiln; NeuriilMfl and Chronic I'anir: Ei jsipe us; anil nil da-eases arming from impureies of the blood Attei'tioii should be paid to ilit i while the invalid is im.ier Ihe n-tlueii'-e ol ihe alloy medicine. absiuiniiiK Irom such articles are not of euy Hints) ion In case of lens stuii'linK, where Ihe effect of the med cine is not imni'-diutely felt, Ihe palient houd mil he doc'tursized led persist its use, it 1 sure to lirma tibcut a healthy renc'ton and report lo ihe dc ii'ilaiedontnii iheir wontt-d viunr, (or a hea ht --'mhhJ ei'inlilion of winch depends the happiue ol the human tamiiy. The annexed i-eil licate of the distinguished Medi cal Keiiilemiii have been a close I Vestmniion of my preparation, and haviti ail-li II, ein.elves of its remedial powe'.

hive Irankiv ac their neiie.t inn- superior virtue over all fdlieis now iielre the put'tii: H.i.A.i'nfri. Jnn. id. Hull I am Informed of the iiu'nlicnts of which Dr. Her-wcr'zi Compound Paired ot SarmpinHa is tiniii -il and it lo he the best preparation of the kind with which I am ncquiiinled, an-i admirably adupleu lo prwiuce a sanniir- tniernii etteel Prbiobis Warfiklp M.

I B'a mrtii, Jnn 0A. IJltfe It lives me plensnrrf to r-comineim the Compound Extract Mir-ai'iinlla. prepared bf Dr tvnwuriz as I have, a ktiowlenKc of it cons huenl pari I be lieve that it will achieve mine for the nlllieted lhan any othti prei aration of Suisanarilln now lielnre tne PUOIIO. 11 lO'DICT. fti l.

Wtunrnrtmt, Jnn. IGA, I 16 Haidrtf been made acrjimiiitcd with the itivrr dient and pi'Kie of "repn'ii-t; lr sehw rlze' Comistund P'Ktr ici of ra'S-tp-iriit't. I no heli've lo lie a hnpi-y re mental combination ot ihnt vidua b'e rool wita laeotncr reneuiesoi wnieu i-eouuiiwo. Joifn Gta-ofi. N.

Tbl above Miylicine he had Ihe in lr hnllleor llozi nt i-ji nlilihnient. rortlf-r Penn-Tl etna Avail." and 3d sireet: al CnARLKf run I initi! ftore, vv.i-inuiion, al HI ITHIIRI 1'" Druf Gcrjetown, II at IfBAELJ (I A A VI 'st, TV-I L'O'S, whleie D-bx ii. noil IMiV, HIIAVKI) FfKINH. Law I.cj-ill'K.. iwC'ih store and for Kale by Pill'K, aui-u Nil.

81 Bowly'a wharf. A in of of I THE SUN. WAR PREPARATIONS, Proelmimtlou by IH Pi-rslilenl Army nud Sinvy Novemviiln The l'emile It Al'lllS-PllVlltK The Wsliintlon Union of Thursday tvening contains the following ofli'ial documents: A PROCLAMATION Jy the President th Vnittd States ef America. Whereas the Congress of the United States, by virtue of the Constitutional authority vested them, have declared by their act bearing date this d-iy, that "by the act of the ltejiublic Mexico, a state of war exisU between that Government and the United Slates Now, therefore, 1, James Polk, President the United Slates of America, do hereby pro claim the same to all whom it may concern and do especially enjjtn on alt persons holding office, civil or military, under the authority of the Lulled Mates, that they be vigilant and zealous in discharging the duties incident thereto; and 1 do moreover exhort all the good people of the United States, as they love their ciuiiliT, as tiny ltd the wrongs which have toreed on them the last resort ot in jured nations, and as they consult the best means, under the hlessine ot Ihvme Piovidenee, ol abridging ita calamities, that they exert tliim- selvea in preserving order, promoting concord, in maintaining the authority and of the laws, and in supporting and invigorating all the measures which may be adopted by the con stituted authorities for obtaining a speedy, a just, ana an honorable peace. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the soil of the Untied Mates to be allixi to these presents Done at the city ef Washington on the thirteenth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and loitysix, and of the independence of the United States the seventieth Jamks K.

Polk. By the President, Jamks Buchanan, Secretary of State. NAVAL MOVEMENTS. Captain French Forrest arrived in Boston on Monday, direct from Washington, with orders for the imniediatesailii'g of the Princeton. He goes out in her as passenger, to relieve Captain Dittany in the frigate Cumberland, now in the Gulf.

The Princeton was tired up and ready to go to sea in an hour alter Ins arrival, but owing to the state of the weather the pilot declined to take Her out. she However, went lo sea early on 1 uesday morning. Nteamsuip Massachusetts left New Yorlt on Wednesday morning lor Washington; she will probably be chartered by the government. Unitkd States Steamer Mississippi, Pensacola Bay, May 4th, Sir: The mail of this d-iy informs me that hostilities have commenced on the part of the Mexicans. The St.

Mary's, Commander Saunders, being here on the eve of sailing for Vera Cruz, I have ordered her to proceed forthwith to Brazos St Jago, and report to General Taylor for such duty as he may assign him. A copy of li is orders are herewith enclosed. I shall proceed forthwith to Vera Cruz, In obedience to the orders of Commodore Conner, and rcpert the facts to him. The course I have taken with regard to the St. Mary's will, 1 nope, meet the appiobation ef the department.

1 nave the honor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Andrew Hon. George Brancrupt, Secretary ot the JNavy, Washington, O. C. United Status Steamer Mississippi, Penssuola Bay, May 1S1C. Sir: It appears that "war" is declared by Mexico, and hostilities have actually commenced.

You will be pleased to proceed with all possi ble despatch with the St. Maiy's, under your command to Brazos St. Li go, or the nearest point to General laylor's head quarters; you will communicate with him, and report for such orders as he may give you, giving him all the aid in your power. Tou will embrace every opportunity ot com munication with the honorable Secretary of the Navy and nmodoie Conner, should the brig Lawtcnce be in want of provisions, you will supply her as far as you may deem prudent. I am, very rcspecllully, your obedient servant, Andrew Fitziiuciii.

Commander John L. Saunders, Commanding U. S. ship St. Mary's, Pensacola Bay.

U. S. Surveying Schr. Wave, Lieut. Com'r.

J. II Goluahuroiigh, Navy, arrived on Monday night at New York, from Norfolk, via. Delaware Breakwater. Countermanded. Th orders directing the S.

Troopi at Fort Milllinto proceed to New York, in order to join the troops ordered to Point Isabel, have been countermanded. 1 MOVEMENTS OF THE rUOPLE. Immense Town Meeting is Philadel phia- An immense town meeting assembled Wednesday afternoon in Independence pursuance of the call of the Mayor, to express their opinion upon the state of public affairs, at which abiul twenty thousand persons are said to have bten present. John Swift, Mayor of the city, was calltd to the Chair, and a large number of Vice Presidents and Secretaries ap pointed, comprising the first citizens ol the city. The meeting being thus organized, Peter A.

Browne, with a few introductory remark. submitted the following icsolulions, which weie unanimously adopted: Whereas, It has been officially announced, by his Excellency, the President of the United S'ates, in hi message to both Houses of Con-grefs, that all his atlemp's tonigotiate with the Republic of Mexico have (ailed that hostlii ties have taken place on the patt of Ihe Mexicans against the troops of this country on the Kio (iraadc and our nation is actually in a state of war: And whereas, The power of a government to resist aggression or chastise the aggressor and is means of ils maintaining its hwnor and defending its territory, depend upou the nearly concurrence of the people in the mrasures adopt-id by their representative, and a steady cooperation in carrying out these imasutes. i lierelore, Resolved, By the citizens of the city andcoun-'y i'f Philadelphia, in Town meeting assembled, that as there shui'd not be, so there is not among any of opinion in rcgaid to Ihe solemn duties which devolve upon us and wiih Ihe rest of our fellow citizens ol the republic, to make common cau'e with our govern ment against any and every ration with which it may be hn upht itiiocollision. Resolved, That while, this meeting deeply regrets that in gnciatiolis of a Iriendly character Lave tailed to tiled a picili settlement with our sister republic, we deem it a duty to make known to the nalion at large, and particularly lo the government, that our lull ai tnlire .) patbies are with our country and that should the emergencies of Ihe nation require il, our services, nr fortunes, and our lives, are now volun arily pleoged lor the preservation of the integrity of the na iol al duttiam, the security of the live-, ai (he consovaiion of the rights of our fellow citizens, and the honor of our beloved ciuiitry Resolvi-d, That a copy of thesr. resolution be tiansmitted ti the President of the U.

SUleJ, and to both (louses i Conitiens. Resolved, I hat our proceedings be pnlilh-hcd in all the newspapers The meeting was tl en very ably and clt-tpicnt ly addressed wiati IUmIjII, Colonel R. M. Lee, Col a mi a Bitiamin H. Kiewsl-Jt, idge Lot rad and (J 'b'liel it and about six o'clock the nutting adj iitiiid.

I'lilVAIKEMNG. Apprehension imve Deen i-xpressel that Mcx. ic-i may Issue kltera of maiipie lo Spanish sub j-cts in Cuba, to ciuise the c-Mim-iceol the United that prlva'ecra ft ted out in the rts of that island for this ne-lanoiis ptupose Indeed, it has betn suggetLd that ') two Mexican s'cam- which have been recditly tj the Havana, have been sent there wn! this ohjict. The Union says that it Is not known that a Hpabish aubjtsit could not accept ('jmnusaioii lux this is to of.

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