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The Inter Ocean from Chicago, Illinois • Page 8

The Inter Oceani
Chicago, Illinois
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

CHICAGO. THURSDAY. AUGUST 7. 1879 TO-DAY'S VcTICKERHTHJCATEO-MaJlaoa It- between Rtsss and Itoarbera. "UretcheB or.

Who Knows Best." ECXUJTH THEATER Randolph at. batwaaa OUrk and Lsaalls. "A Scrap ot Paper." HAYKIU-VB THEATER Corner Monroe bora u. "Uanker'a Daughter." and Dear- CITY BREVITIES. Tn Royal League Club held a private meeting ax the Grand Paoiflo Hotel last evening.

Ah excursion party from Dayton. Ohio, la be I entertained at the- Grand Pacitio HoteL. Thb shooting match at Grand Crossing yesterday was Dosinoneit till i'ridar. on account ot ijbe boa weather. J.

Dobsok. 12 yearn old. of 1148 West Madison street, tell while climbing a tree In lroot ot No. 1113. lit 6:45 o'clock last night, breaking nla lell thigh.

Thb Socialist Publishing Committee net at No. 43 North Clark last nlubt to transact business connected with their paper, lue meeting was a secret one. Smith, the escaped prisoner, had not beenheardif at 11 o'oiock last night. Ibe bora do ntlikato be questioned about the tnaiter. iaeu never do like to talk about their own mis akes.

Tm temDerature yesterday, as reported bv tl Maucber. optician: 7 a. ra. 74; a. m-73: 1-j 74: 8 p.

77: 5d.hl, 7: 7 p. 73. The weather cloudy; wind south; barometer low and falling. Ill la not dead. Barney at one time not wholly unknown as a Congressional Representative Iroin this city, has turned dp in Dead wood.

He is there practicing 1 law. the Arm being Oaullield At Kerry. Th Jewelers' Guild was to have a meeting last evening at the Sherman House Owing, however, to a eomplleation of notices so thsl toree piaoee were ir meeting, nothing was done. The tueeiiug will be held Wednesday evening next at the obermaa House olub-room. Ttjxadat evening Mr.

Jensen, of 7 Will Street, picked up a man's vest on Milwaukee avenue, near Cornell street. In the vest was a pocketbook. and in the book BIO in cash, some valuable papers, and memoranda show-lug tbe property to belong to Adoloh Uoppen-stadt. milkman, ot 28 Ayers court. Property restored.

Everybody nappy. Vest had been jolted off cart when Adolpb was going his rounds. Dak McCabtht, 48 years old. Irish. Single, lately a carriage-washer tor Billy Hasten, the back proprietor on Harmon court, dropped dead on the sidewalk outside John Miller's saloon.

5tt State street, at o'cloek yesterday morning. Deceased entered tbe saloon at 5 o'clock Tuesday Ing. took a drink of whisky, fell asleep, and remained there until ejected at midnight, when the place was closing. Uemalns ro-moved to the Morgue and the Coroner Thb ladles of the Flower Mission met yesterday in tbe Atheneuui. The donations were generous, out muon more will be thankfully received.

Periodicals as well as flowers Will be welcomed. Yesterday flowers were sent to the following charitable Institutions: County Hospital. Hi. Luke's. Marine.

Women and Children's, Foundlings'. Alexian Brothers', lye and Ear Infirmary. Newsboys Home. It some of the hardware men. from their abundauee.

could contribute a pair of scissors, or any housewile who nas an old tair would snd them to the Atheneum. they would be gladly put to service in clipping flowers. A larger force of ladles is needed to co tbe distributing, especially at the County Hospital. n. At Hyde Park the authorities have thus far succeeded in enforcing their ordinance prohibiting the moving of cars through their village loaded with dead animals for tbe fertilising establishments, 'ihe statute gives Chicsjro tbe right to prohibit rendering within five miles ot Its limits.

This municipality passes an ordinauee that refuses to let such business be carried on without the city boundaries. The Health Commissioner de-elaree that nothing oan be done until the trains stou ruuniuu. It the village attempts to entore it ordinance. It is probable that leg'Al steps will be tsken to enjoin tbe village from interfering. City Attorney Orlnnell sees 1 no legal objection in the interested parties using the city's name in bringing suit to test tbe question Involved.

ilH. ako Mas. Jonas' Moobb last even ing celebrated their silver weddiug at their Sesiuenee. Jso. 873 Michigan avenue.

The liases Kose and Emily did the receiving, and they were kept busy, for the number ot guests was very large, Tne presents were numerous as they were fine aud expensive. Alter disposing of a bountiful lunch, the company betook themselves dancing and other amusements. Xbe company enjoyed tueni-selves hugely, and all expressed a wish that silver weddings would oe more frequent, if they were to be occasions like this. Among lite guests the following were noticed: Air. aud Mr.

Justice Eaullmann. Miss Kauff-mann, Mr. and Mrs. Hngei. Mrs.

Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Harnett. 1.

Wieikosky, Mr. and Airs. L. Oppenbelm, Mrs. Kunter.

Mrs. Greene-Dsam, Mrs. Cassel. Mr. Lipman.

Mr. Koe minaky. tbe Misses Josie nnd Berth a Burtre. Hose Plser. Lina Metz.

Etta Goldman. Mr. and Mrs. H. Piser.

Mr. and Mrs. Goldecbroidt. Mr. and Mrs.

Logoaky. Mr. and Mrs. Gold-stone, Mr. and Mrs.

Btearn. Mis Fanny Ford-mau, the Misses Emily and Hose Moore. CRIMINAL GOSSIP. Maggie Smith, alias Berry, hired a rig from S. J.

Rusaeli'a livery, and returned it minus the whip and other Arrested for larceny as bailee. Before Justice Hudson: Michael Clark, assaulting aud battering Ann Curry at liH Chestnut street, fined H5: for threatening to do bodliy injury to the same person, ordered to turuiah3uo bonds for good behavior for one year. From ths West Side Police Court: William Sbepuerd. larceny from Beoecoa Law-son. 67H Canal street, $200 to the 12th.

James Farrell. vagrant. 50. Pat Basseil. drunk and disorderly.

$25. James Doyie. Charles Knopfel, aud Mary Carmen. $20 each. JOBIB WiLMOT is booked on the West Side lor laroeny from Louisa Mercy.

They ssy tbe parties ought to exchange pluses. Louisa stole a dress from Josie. aud banded over ner sewing machine until she paid for it. Without paying up she now seeks to recover the machine. Bepobb Justloe Summerfleld: John and Kate Hopp, larceny, discuarued.

Christian assault, discharged. Honors Murphy, maklug threats, $20O to tbe 8lb. G. Johnson, obtaining money by lalae pre ten sea. diavbareed.

no prosecution. William Hen-demon, vajrrant, discharged. Wllliiim Heider. threatening George FWher. disebarged.

Hugh Scott, the self-constituted do-! tectlve ot unsavory notoriety, was before Justice Wallace yesterday ebarged with representing himself as an officer to City De-teetive heluanian, and ootaluing money by false pretenses from a Mrs. Hoffman. The evidence against tbe prisoner is aaid to have bsn very damaging, out the court discharged Some West Side William Best, larceny from W. H. Eoerley.

George Camubeil. larceny of clothing from George Marks. 7 Blue Island avenue. John Garrity. notorious vagrant and thug.

Clara Kake'ski stole Minnie Lust pet plaeon. Moille Blancn-ard. laroeny of a $4o dreaa and otber elotbing from Mary Hamilton. 243 Dnsplaines street: recovered from pawnshop at 112 Eandolph KOBO" the fellow who raised a disturbance on the train bringing home the Second Ueglment picnickers Tuesday, and fought a policeman all the way to the station, was produced at the Armory yesterday ebarged witn being drunk aad disorderly and resisting an officer. With true lieuioerauo clemency.

Justice Wallas dlsT Bilssed tbe first ebarge. fined him $5 on second, and then suspended the amount. Justice Wallace, the man from Kn. tacky, baa become so irritated by a morninir paper a ooutinued references to the inou manner In which his dockets are kept and the iiiegiuiuty 01 nis nauuwrtung. to at be baa given orders for bis oourt sheets to be locked Uo each day and withheld entirely from tha gaze ot the critical reporters.

It is rumored tbe sacred sheets win be on exhibition again when the court has attended a niuht.ahonl far a few weeks, aad spoilt a gross of copy books. From tha South bide Police Court Mike Flynn bit off Mike Casey's ear. 83 00 to tee Criminal Court. Charles Johuaon. la joo tor tne isreeny 01 u.

M. ttendele boggy-robe. Asron Boblnaky, larceny of $150 from nla uncle. Peter Isaacson. dOO to tbe 8th.

E. and Sarah Edwards, threats to kill Thos. Perkins, discharged. Sam Kelsoh and John jnecartny, the confidence men, to tbe 7th. xuoert uuuord, assault, fined $5.

Lot of In mates at Keepers at $10. Lot ot unii eensed saloonista, usual disposition. FROM the North 8ld Police Court; Rob. rt and J. Y.

Bennatt. unit Jnhn VaMnirh tha ghouls that robbed tbe dead body of James uioi.ioK-iWnn ue rourin Churetu eaab to the 7th. Joan Ewltoh. ot 261 Hnrlbut street, drunkard and wife-beater, SUM). Mrs.

J. W. Robinson, ot Lake View, drunk and disorderly. 25; prisoner a rellued-lookiug woman, told a pitiful taleot domestic abuse and suffering at the hands of hr himhunii. whieb.

had driven her- olf and daughter to the depths ot degradation. Thb attention of Justice Brown Is this week being oeounied with tbe ease of tbe Pioneer Keliet Association ot Ainerioa against 0. II. Underwood. The asoeiation is ot a benevolent order, and Underwood has been acting as Its agent.

The claim i mat ne la li'JOO short in his sccounts. To offset 1 his Mr. Underwood claims that there are Booo aue him at commission on members secured, be acting under an agreement whereby be was receive 40 per cent of receipts. The association ssy the agreement Is null. Underwood's attorneys have entered action for $10,000 damages.

A BUCK-iiOOKiso young man with a Small inuaiaebe, llaby neckiie. and carrying a black valisa. rushed out ot Gage Bros, niil-liuerv establishment, along Madison street, through tbe network ot alleys golug south, sad Into Chaoin fc Gore's place. He was boily pursued by a solid-looking business roan, who caught him in tbe liquor store and turned him over to a policeman. Business man was Mr.

Church, from Gage and tha other was William Woods, three weeks from 1SU Canal street. Mew York, who had sneaked into unge packed 111 me roiis ui silk ribbon, worth $15. into his gripsack and decamped, lie admitted his guilt, wept, and plead nrt offense and the temptations of faro-bauk. he looks like a professional thief. Thomas IL McDonald, a confidence man.

is looked np at Central Station, Osvin been found loallng around tbe W. D. K. li. depot.

Tbe charge is drunk and disorderly, but it is rumored he is wanted for robbing a fvmale traveler of her pocketbook eontaluing Aoo. bimon O'Donnell's reoonstrueted police force, after eonaiilerable presting. emitted the following valuable information: A woman was robbed at the depot just before McDonald was arrested; McDonald bad puaned np auainst robbed woman; she didn'nt know whether she was robbed or dropped the pocketbook: didn't know woman's name, but had ascertained the important fact that she was from Wisconsin: It wasn't much: only 3 or 4 In the book: might neve been $20 or 30; didn't know it was 5oo: didn't know any more: didn't dnow anything anyway; didn't want to know anytning: didu't have to. FIRKS AND ALARMS. The alarm from box 407 at 1 :45 o'clock yesterday morning was caused by Ore In a shed over a brick-kiln near the eorner ot Elston and Arniituge avenues.

Berulted from sparks from kiln. Damage. $25. Engine No. 12 turned out Tuesday nicht in response to a blare in front 5S0 West Washington street.

No damage. No alarm. No cauae for alarm. Blake caused by iudustrlous small boy burning worms oil a tree with a torch. PERSONAL.

Db. J. D. Hercab, ot Philadelphia, is at the Grand Pacidc Hotel. Colonel C.

W. Ooteb. of Memphis, Is a guest at the Grand Pacine Hotel. The Hoit. Chester H.

Krum. of St Louis, is registered at the Palmer House. Captaix J. D. Hubston, of New Orleans, is stationed at the Grand Paeitia Hotel.

The Hon. John Thompson, of Du-buaue. la. among the arrivals at the Palmer House. The Hon.

D. R. Anthony, of Leaven worth. Is among tbe guests at the Sherman House. The Hon.

W. H. Hlnes, of the Wisconsin Legislature, is booked at the Tremont House. General Stephbx A. Hcrlbct.

of Bel-videre. is among tbe prominent guests at tbe Grand Pacific Hotel. Lieutenant Colonel Anderson. Columbus, of the United States army. Is Quartered at the Grand Pacifle HoteL E.

S. Batlet. Treasurer of the Clinton. Davenport and Dubuque Bailrcau, at Clinton. Is staying at the Grand Pacilio HoteL C.

B. Peck, General Manager, and L. E. SuiVelr. General Freight Agent of tbe Chicago and Lake Huron Uoud.

Port Huron, are domiciled at the Tremont House. D. W. Parker. Division Superintendent of the Illinois Central Bond at Dubuque, and E.

W. Meddougb. solicitor of the Grand Trunk Bailroad at Detroit, are guests at tbe Tremont House. Tremont Hotjbe. Georire Alden.

Boston: Jobp H. Hauler. New York 1 J. A. Mc Coy, Peoria; W.

B. Stevens. New York; M. Edinger. Man Francisco; H.

H. Hlnes, Fond du Lac; W. Link. Liverpool, John B. Sbefer; Milwaukee; J.

C. bherwm. Geneva. Sherman HorsK. J.

W. Wilson. New ton. Iowa: R. D.

Millett, Lead City, D. Edward K. Thayer. Cliuton. Iowu: Isaac G.

Baker. St LouIk: George M. Curtis, Clinton. Iown: U. W.

Eaton, Cedar Bapidx; O. H. Mor-ley. Fort Scott; C. M.

Bouone. Boaton; A. F. Erie. E.

Ains worth. Dos Moines. Palmer House. C. D.

Bingham. Water- town. 1.: a. G. Adams.

Grand Uaoidi: Bteven Nortondale. La Crosse: E. J. Hard en tie, London. E.

L. Chittenden. Ft. Wavne: W. F.

Myers. New York: h. B. Davis. Louisville; Balpb Plumb.!.: James Taylor. Torres, Scotland; Thomas ttriene. New urleans. -Grand Pacific Hotel. A.

C. Wlnslow. Cleveland; A. J. Barnard.

Buffalo: Robert Andrews. Toledo: D. J. eurasue. Cincinnati: W.

Bltnn. Manchester. U. B. Bement.

Evacsville. In Ailred Beid. how Jersey: P. E. Hall.

Cedar Kaidd: W. K. Chase. Troy. N.

1.: alrbank. Terra Haute: b. E. Carv. New urlenns; Tbomas H.

Falle. New York; U. J. Bogers. Appleton.

E. B. Howard, indianapoua. HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. The Institution In Meed of Funds.

The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the Home for the Friendless was held yesterday morning at the home, eorner ot Wabash aveuue aad Twentieth street. Mrs. Hobbs presided and Mrs. W. Smith acted as Secretary.

After the customary devotional exercises. ton Matron. Mrs. Grant, reported that tbe cash subscriptions during tbe month amounted to sltt. Her mouthiy report showed tnat during tbe month ot July 163 persons were admitted, 04 adults anU 48 children There were 159 departures.

8U adults and 70 children. There were seven deaths, all ba bies. Tbe number in the borne Aug. 1 was 104, as follows: Adults, 43; children. 3d; nursery, id; family, 12.

Mrs. William Gould, the Treasurer, read the financial statement tor tbe month. July. There was a ueuett oi l3o.72; smoe then BsO.HO had been bills amount tug to $723.12 bad become due and ought to be paid. Tins sbows deficit of S783.04, and is a siatementtbat speaks for itself.

It sbould appeal to tbe charitable and liberal ladles and srentlemen of Chicago who are eoaTiiixant of the good that the Home is doing In sheltering the poor, tbe sick, ana tne needy. It must be borne in mind that tbe nuances oi tbe Burr and Home missions are separate and dis tinct from this fund. There was some little talk about holding a bazar at tne xpoeition. out no action waa taken, and tbe meeting adjourned after lis tening to lew minor reports oi standing eommitiees. POLICE Sample of Items the Department Endeavored to Conceal troaa Use Frees and Pablle Yesterday.

Despite tbe secreoveness of tha reeon strueted police, tbe following: facts were ascertained yesterday: That the name of Ue lady from Wisconsin who was robbea at Ue N. W. B. B. depot yes terday is Annie Chadwlck.

and that she Is from Geneva Lake: further. Uat she waa not despoiled ot S3, or $20. as alleged, but of $65 lu cash, and negotiable paper to Ue value of Thar me nonce are loosinsT ior ssmnei j. Bradley, lata bookkeeper for M. M.

Sanders At boot and shoe merchants, 130 abash avenue, who has aisappeareu simultaneously arifh anma AsSkMlL That Hnnrv A. Keeker, a Dupage uountv sa loon 1st, was robbed ot $103 in Ue Alton That Mrs. Luer Stewart, oi Kingston, iu. had her pooaet picked on Bandolph street, of e.7 and return tioket to her borne. That John Clark, of Beaver County, Penn sylvania, was eonfldenoed out ot 42 on Mlehutan avanna.

That Jennie Edich. of Jackson. Mlclu, had Pcaet picked of 823 on Clark street. Where are Ue police? WILL HAVE A 6000 TIME AT LAKE SUPERIOR The following excursionists left for Lake Superior last evening In the profiler Joseph L. Hard, ot the Lake Miohigaa and Lake Su perior Transportation Company: W.F.

Ather- ton. i. W. Webster. A.

H. Beabln. Chicago: A. Goebal. Milwaukee; Charles W.

Simon. F. B.LlnsebbarU.A.&Hsyward, Chas. Klney. Chicago; Mrs.

Hayes. Miss Elliott, Milwaukee: Urs. 8. J. Walker.

Misses Marguerite. Lena. aAd Annie Walker. Chicago; Atra. KeSally.


Walker, Chicago; Mrs. Elliott and children. Milwaukee: Miss Clara Hathaway. Winnlmack. Ind.i Mrs.

W. O. Barnett, O. W. Hpangler.

Wlnnl-maek. Mrs. Wolf and children. Mar-ouette: Eugene C. Morton, Frank E.

Howard. lr. D. T. Frisa and wife.

Mr. Worthy and. wife, J. P. Farrar and wifo.

Mis Sarah Hanna. Miss Mlnaie Hanna. William Hanna, Cbioago: W. O. Barnett.

W. 8panglor. Winnlmaok. William Greenawalt. Plrraontb.

Mr. HolKioln- Mr. aril no Milwaukee; EL Pri- deaux. wife and four children. Sheffield.

111.: Miss Kate Hale. Miss lielle Churcn- lit. BprtngOeld, 10.: E. Dennis. Frank Bond.

Fred Bond. Ttinn. Iowa: Mr. and Mrs. William Babeoek.

Miss Uabcock. Canton. W. O. Jones and Harry.

A. Hchulta and wife. Mrs. Kenan and son. MUa Clara Gould.

Mrs. N. W. Gould. N.

WUe. Mrs. It. P. Oldershaw.

MUa Matie -li. Dole. Miss Birdie Dole. Mrs. J.

H. Dole. Master Charlie Dole. Charles Gossage. Willism Umelnena, U.

Hamnatsaii and wits. Mrs. Worthy and friend. Geora-e Hilton and wife. Miss Psjt.

John MoClellai.d. Chicago: Miss titeadman. Mar quette; Mrs. A. a Barnett.

Mrs. L. M. Mose, I yinunaivirr Bssa-y-vaajB AMUSEMENTS. THAT LITTLE EOW.

The disturbance at Hamlin's Theater Mon day evening seemslkely to ma on In conse quences. We published yesterday morning the substanee of a statement made or Messrs. Morris and Hamlin, which evoked the follow ing latter from Mr. Arnott's manager, which gives a somewhat different version. To ths Edltorof The Intar Oosaa.1 Cbicaoo.

Auk. a-Mr. Jdward Arnott being away. 1 take tne liberty ot replying tor him to the eharirea oontaiued in your uaueaof this issue. 1 reiterate that no salaries were paid to the stage bands or performsra.

further more. Mr. Arnott signed an agreement that conlaiued a elause that he knew uothlng abouu and wbioh did awar witb any choice for him to make any money. Tbe whole thing (the proceedings ot Monday mguu was a put up job. Tbe carpenters, same to tbe conclusion that if tbev spoiled a piece or two Hamlin would be more earef ul ot their sala ries.

8e thev decided to aooil The Vampire." Mr. Arnott was placed in tbe moat embarraaa-ing situation no scenes, no actors, no sala ries, and at the end ot an act no one to riug down tbe curtain. It was the most oisgrace- I 1 uj tun. uiui wu uii a a. Arnott bore with it- entreated against 1L and with his own hands helped tbe properties, but was liable to bear up against a plot laid by tbe people wno had not been paid.

Mr. Arnott did not strike Mr. Mark ham. That pleasure was reserved for his (Mara; barn's) wife, wno last nigbt stabbed and beat bun in tbe theater another disgraceful scene. If Mr.

Arnott bad been there be would probably have been blamed ior that. From 10 o'clock a. m. until 7 o'clock p. m.

Mr. Arnott tried to sauare matters, and worked hard to put tne piece on in a ereditaole manner, assured by the tuanageineut that everything would be all rigut at night, lie was not to blame. I bave further develop ments to make uey want them. E. Bobixbox.

FOOTLIGHT NOTB3. Frank Foster and Mias Polly Booth. late ot Heuek s. ciuoinnaii. are reported to nave been married in Louisville last Week.

Sarah Bernhardt' a London receipts daring ner six weeks stay are Quoted ut sua. 7j0. which folks eaa believe or not. as they see lit. "A 8erap of Paper" is playiug to a good bus iness at Hooley a.

it is one 01 tne most en son hquaie Theater. New York, and tbe bouse will bo ready lor opeuiug Get. 13. Tae com pany baa been largely augmented. Tom bit ten being among toe additions.

Tbe London Examiner thinks Hermann Vezin's interpretation the moat intellectual and generally beat presentation of Bicbeiieu ever seen ou tue Briusb siege. YeZm was born in Philadelphia, though be nas not been In this country since 1807, when be made aa unsueceseiui tour oi iu After a love episode nothing follows more naturally iu Ue theatrical life ot to-day man a divorce. The profession is absolutely covering Itself with opprobrium oy tne way In which its members, one after another, are making a spectacle ot tbeir contemptible marital relations. Exchange. Charles Beade.

Ue novelist, keens two sec retaries at work reading end ulipolns mur ders, poisonings, aocideuu and, rooberies. to De worked up luto stories and plays. Cbariea devotes his own time to wearing out a bludg-eoa ou eivil correspondents. A good olio introduces the bill at Hamlin's nightly. Tbe principal features are Nellie Parker, la serio-comic songs, and James li.

ttadcliue in uegro impersonations of a better style than usual. Freeman aud Wilson, a couple of amateur song end dance 'mokes." are appreciated tor their ability to kick. Manager Hsverlv announces a Oarman rur- formance of Von Suppe's "Fatlaitza," to take place Sunday evening. Auk. 17.

AdoipbLiese- gang will direct the' orenesira. aud a full enorua will assist the following oast: Vlsde- mir and 1 1 atuutza. Miss Lena Waaamai.n; Princess Lydia. Miss Gilbert; General. Mr.

Stempt: Pasha, Mr. Seelur; War Correspondent. Henry Diekman. of Milwaukee. Tbe Enauirer contains an account of Hhe deatn of Ida Lewis, tbe variety aotress, who died under mysterious cirouniot-neee at tne Bevis House Monday eyeniug.

6 be began an engagement at the Vine Street Opera House lour monus eiuce, and ber beauty ot faoe and form attracted the attentions of George Fisber. tbe Treasurer. Improper reiatioua ensued between them. Sunday night they were out riding together, and returned to tne ho tel at li clock, tne girl in apparently excel. lent health aud spirits, in the morning she was found to be very sick and in need ot a physician.

Dr. Miller was called. At 8 o'clock she was seized with severe couvulsions. and from that time continued growing worse uuni death eusued Uat evening. Tbe Doctor finds tbe girl to bave been in a delicate oondiilou.

and oeileves sne was toe victim of a surgioal crime. A post-mortem examination is to be held. It a singular fact that a Miss Lottie Walters, wbo came to Ue city with Miss Lewis, died Ue same evening at Columbus Hospital. INSECURE SCAFFOLDS. Another Fatal Aeddent at the Mew Musle stall Osie JBaa Killed end Three Uedly laxJurea.

The building of Ua new Music Hall, oa tha SouUeast eorner ot state and Bandolph streets, has beea attended wiU aa extraordinary number of accidents. Two catas- trophies, resulting very disastrously to Ua artisans employed at Ue work, have already been reported wiuin a monU or two past, aad yesterday a third occurred. In which one life was blotted out, aad Urea more are trembling in Ue balance. For Ue seeond time, if memory serves, complaints reaoh tha ear of insecure platforms and criminal disregard of Ue safety ot laborers on Ue part of eon-tractor, foreman, or whoever la in Immediate enarge ot the work. At 7 elock yesterday morning Ue workman went to Ueir daily labor about Uo structure as usual.

The walls are about completed and ready tor the root. Some nnlebing strokes beiug reauired on Ue top ot toe wall at the rear of the auditorium, six brioklayers wout np to eompiete It, Tne auditorium bas been lately filled wiU a new and light scaffolding for the use ot those who were to build ue root ana ue plasterers, ia tragus structure, and some say, not yet completed. On this Ue six men stood. sixty-four feet aoove Ua ground. A larae Iron plate four feet long, two wide, and weighing about 6O0 pouuds, wmen was to be placed on top ot the rear wall tor Ue root supports to rest upon, was being slowly rolled over tbe scaffolding toward Ue six masons, when, without a premonitory crack or a moment'a warning, Ue umbers broke beneath It, and that eutire section of tbe scaffold tell witn a tuandering crash, clean through tbe entire structure to ue grouud floor, wuere Ue iron smashed urousb planks and beams, and buried itself in Ue seller.

Four of the six men fell witb Ue tumbliug timbers, while ue otber two. John and Edward Sinolke, brothers, escaped by clinging to porUons ot Ue scaffolding remaining aloft. Their four comrades, who were lying -eruaea aad bleeding below, ware xesaaed aa soon as possible, and eonvsyed to D. B. Dyobe drug store, and attended by Drs.

D. K. Arndt and L. U. Montgomery.

Cbrutlan Toft, tbe foreman. 4 years 01 ot atce, retlilog at 1400 Arnold street, where he baa a wife and flva children, was badly in jured about tbe bead, his left ere apparently out. and tbe frontal bone erasnetl. Ate is also severely injured about the aodomen and ribs, aud lies at time of wrtuug at deata a door. Frits Miller, ased 41.

residing at 136 Frr street with his wife and two children, was in sensible. He Is iojured Internally, witn nis spine, ribs, stomach, and pnlvie organs ter- rioiy ernaiieu. 'mere was irouj uie ursi do bone held ont for bis recovery, so terrible were bis lujunea. He was removed to nis home, where, at noon, death put an end to his sufferings. Otto li oilman cl.

Dana. 40 years of age, re siding at 121ti Shurtleff aveuue. has a wile and nve children. Uimwaon baa two rios broken, the abdomen oadly Injured, an ter rlblv eruahtMi. Heeoverv very doablf uL John Kohulta.

married, no fsmllr. ltd years of age, and reaidina at 32 lows street, bad his left thigb broken la two piacea and tne tibia fraetu rod. besides number ot bruts. 111 leg was set by Dr. Mouigoutery, ana ue is uselv to rMwnr.

Alter receiving attention la tbe drug store tbe unfortunate sufferers were removed home, and other medinal aid secured. Contractor W. E. Barton and Jaoob uodatr. representing D.

Adler. the architect, are re ported as saying tbe scanoldiiig was slroug enough." bnt the workmen differ with them. so probably tbe Coroner will go into that matter. WASHINGTON PARK. A Crrina- Need for rollee ProtectloaA Dts graee to tbe Korlta.

aid aad Utr Ot ears. Complaints, loud and long continued, have come up ot late from people who live In tbe neighborhood of Washington Park. In regard to the disorderly and disgraceful goings-on among the lower eiement that frequent the park. When the respectable citizens aad property-owners desire shelter from the scorching rays of old Sol In ths nmbrageous shade of tne park during tbe day-time, or to listen to tne soft musle of tbe crystal fountain in the calm eventide, they are forced to endure unseemly sights, hear ribald jests. and bear np under tbe coarse expressions ot a score or so of hoodlums and disreputable eharacters.

who appear to own the park and its surroundings, if the good citlsens object to ibis kiou 01 imag tuey are abused and insulted, unul foroed to leave tbe park entirely, on Sunday evening lat Mr. Drennan. tbe Park Superintendent, who is also sworn In as a special policeman, ordered a man aud woman, who were aeunft In an ob- no'Xious and disgraceful manner, to leave tbe perk. Tne man new into a passion, ana threatened and abkaoa tne omoiat. jar.

uren-nan then treated bim to a forcible ejectment. aud In doing so was compelled to strike hi in. Tbe rougb. undiog more tiian his match in the determined Superintendent. to be revenged swore out a warrant for Mr.

Drennuu's arrest on a charge ot ataault. 1 ne case came uo before JuUee Kaufmann Mon day, ana was postponed until aaturaay next. Mr. Drennan has been in charge of the park tor over six years, is well liked by uie re-speetabie people ot the surrounding neltch-borbood. and they are determined to stand by him and see that be is not bulldosed or made to sutler for trying to preserve order aad deeney In the park.

Last evening a reporter of Thk IxtesOceaii made a tour of Investi gation around and through the park. The ruiuu aruuiiu uu lu iu.ku uw vw 1 1 1 uruu4u' oomeaies uiouum ui in BBlhlir eoo, mna tdB ground dauip. but mmi. 1 n. lha uinm a.l ua Miss Teuennorn thoroughly delights ner I ea from anoearing In large au auditors nigbtir.ber Piquancy ana auatt meet- I hra.

The eat on tbe stone eoning iug approval. Another successful tut is tne I surrounding tbe park, lolled iu tne dry goods clerk. I benches, and sprawled on tne greet-sward. The legendary drama In four acts entitled They addreaaed lnulung remarks to. quiet "Tha Vamnlre- rviTaa Ih.

nuaint ami Wlerd stories of German metaohyaius at Hamlin's, i aud anon a profane or oosceue expression or The scene, however, is Italian. noeid jest came up out 01 e-raiuuou m. u.n.k..i. v. v.w Occasionally a snateh of a vile sona polluted next aeasou are uuusually airoug.

na foul-mouthed fellows. They have tbe a Since Mr. Strong has painted out the gon- faculty ot distinguishing a respectable per- dola. people, vases, and lutes which lormerir I aon from tbelr own disreputable selves, aad disUgured tbe drop-curtain at Haverly's. be I a feeling ot inferiority makes tbatn have a baa improved, tbe eurtaiu 40 per eeut.

Miss Tettenborn's original spe-elaity. will be put ou at MeVmser'a next week. It has been eoniideraoly Improved and strengtnened oy Mr. Flake's work. If Miss Ethel Tucker, now playing at Hamlin's, waa not quite so devoid of expression, she would Show excellent promise as uu aatress.

She requires more animation and less rtsidlty. Tbe second week of Tbe Banker's Daughter" is proving profitable. Tne beautiful setting, tine aoung. and excellence ot the piece make a strong eomuiuaxion lor successful entertainment. Work baa finally been begun on the Madi natural dsslre to insult a lady or agenliemaa.

During hatf an hour spent In tbe park ao policeman was seen. The reporter next went to tne Chicago Avenue Police Station aad made inquiries about the numerous eoin-piaiuts lust bave been made against Ihsa creatures, ue was iniormna mat innumer- ble arrests bail been made trom time to time, but Uat It waa almost iinpoasime keen Ue nark Clear of Uem. Mr. Drennan waa In Ue park during the day, aad tae otlleer on Ue beat passed Urougb uie park at ogbt. A abort time ago warrauta were out lor no leae tnaa twelve rougns who had been disorderly and abusive to citisens.

Tbey kept outot Ue reach of tbe officers, and none ot tnem were arreapsd. Tbe complaints were frequent, and some nlgbi Ue sergeant In charge ot Ue station bad sent tour or five officers tn citizen's dress to Ue nark to nresarye order. Mr. Drennan. wb was found, stated that Ue nuisance was intolerable; that Ue park waa not only continually Infested oy rouabs.

but tbst Uey were in Ue babit 31 brtiurtng la disreputable women, dancing, and making disgusting exbioitions of Uemselves. Re spectable people ware driven out, and these bad characters seemed to ucaro aad control tbe whole park. His dutiee in the daytime prevented him frota weteatng tbe park at nlsrht. The citizens in tne neurnnornood are anxious tnat a regular police ofleer be stationed in the park at nigni to protect Uem la tbeir privileges. Mayor Harrison, as bead of Ue Police Department, could not do a better or more pop.

niar thing man to protect tbe public parks from tbe inroads of lawless and disreputable characters. TOM SMITH'S ESCAPE. A Fellow niaoeer Who Bow the Affair Tells How Was Doss. That Tom Smith, burglar, lata of No. SO Hotel Hoffman, is no longer a boarder at Ue expense of Ue county is certain.

Tbe method of hie sudden exit Is now equally settled. Ue developmenU of yesterday confirming Ue theory of ue ease as advanced in Uie paper. A prisoner. Charles Berger, sent word to the Sheriff yesterday Uat ha had seen Ue whole affair, and his story to Mr. Hoffman ia consistent with Itself, and indeed points to Ue only possible mode of escape irom Ue prison.

Shortly after 7 o'clock Tuesday morning, ssys Uls prisoner, he saw two ot Ue 'ball help. joined by Smith, in Ue angle of Ue elevator and the main wall ot Ue building. For a tew moments Ue three seemed whispering together, and from his eell door, diree Ur overhead, witness could Uen see Uem glance furtively around Ua eorner of the elevator. Satisfied, apparently. Uat Uey were not Smith jumped into tbe wicker ear.

and tbe others hurriedly piled tbe light rubbish onto him. When ua ear waa tilled. Turnkey Thompson waa called, oe usual, to accompany Ue load down tbe elevator Into Ue open basement room. Berger saye he caught Thompson's eye aa Ue latter was about to steo tnio me elevator, and motioned to nim and to Ue basket, but Uat Ue signal, if seen, waa taken no notice ot. la explanation of bis action la motioning toward tbe basket.

Berger Bays be called Thompson's attention to seen a means of oa eape only Ue nigbt before after having seen Smith "tooling around' the basket, sngk he eieaued out carefully, and then Urew lc some loose paper. This circumstance "set bim thinking, and as Thompson, on his rounds, passed bis door, witness ventured Ue remark that Uat elevator would De taking down some living rubbtxn one of these days. Thompson distinctly heard Ue remark, as he laughed at Ue idea. Pareatheticaliy. it Is proper to atate that Turnkey Thompson admits Uat Berger did make this remark to bim.

and tbia is corroborative evidence of tbe truth ot Ue whole statement. At Ue same time ue Urnkey denies uat be saw any motioning by Berger, or saw bim at ail, at Ue time referred to. Tbe man's aaggec-Uon had made so little impression oa bis mind Uat be had not thought ot It since. Commenting on Ue adroit performance. Sheriff Hoffmann said yecp-rday Uat be should certainly favor aa enlarging of Ue non-criminal force employed about tbe iaU.

There Is but one watchman on duty at a tim. whereas one on eaen oi ue tnree iters oi aalia aonld II nd arrxid employment. Formerly Uls force wss larger, aud Mr. Hoffmann has about made ao but mind to aak tnat the next appropriation cover a arraatar onUar In tola direction. Ulngs are now.

It Is Imperative Uat certain details be intrusted to prisoners which might lust aa wall not be in Ueir hands, but. with his actual force tbe Sheriff naturally and very reasonably Insists Uat ue supervision could aot be Improved. As regards tbe seeming delsy la eommonl- esunar nawa of Ue escape to the police and press. Mr. Hoffman added yesterdsy that no.

tilication was at once made wbea tbe bird was found to have really Down, me escape eoaid not possibly have happened earlier than 7 'elocfc'Tuesday morning, as Smith was sees at Uat hour Kigut-watcbmaa Hue aad several ouers. THE UNION CLUB CONCERT. Tha Union Club gives aaother of Its oe-lightful concerts at tha elub house, eorner ot Walton place aad Nona Clark street, this evening. These eonsertB have beea attended by tbe elite tbe Nona DItUIob. and ferai one of th prioctpal social attraetkvas of tbe seaaoo.

Tbe programme la as follows: Maren. King CtvUx" Ovnrtnre, "Kpring'a Awakeoing' Introduettoo and Bridal l'roeeaalua. Lohengrin as'nsr Overture, Turklah Pstroi Mlcbaelis Prayer and Barcarole from the tr vi tne norm Faekeilaas In Oat. THE RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE. KlghtM A as ami 1 apart ef Beperiwteaiasit Walla-A Itrsarytag sUhlbtt.

Captain Jamss E. White. HuperlaUadeat of the Sixth Divtsioa ot the Ballway Mail Service, has oomuleted his sixth aaaaal report and yesterday submitted It to the General Superintendent. Wullam B. Thoapsoa.

at Washington. The report Is for the year end ing June 30, 187a. Sarins the year 443 ex aminations were made aad 433.944 cards handled. There were 432.244 dlstrtbated correctly aad 14.484 laaorreeUy. Tbe el eras distributed 3.047.707 pack ages of letters.

while route agents distribute 4.787.310. a total of 8.475.047. The aamber of tetters distributed was 423.752.35a an I of bl.ttol.35o over the previous rear.Tae number 01 eieoes or paper mail distributed was sod. 732.0OO. Tbe whole aamber of letters sod Pisces of psper mail was 03X444.1150.

aa In crease 01 H7.l6tt.iAO over tbe previous year Tbe number of registered packages was 8.2UL103. aad of regiatered eaa as 1S.214. Toe average anmber of employee waa 47u. aud tbe total number ot miles ran by them 13.tteo.tf3v. in 147J one error was made tor every TOO letters distributed.

During tne past year there was but one error to every 4.427 letters. Tne Captain proceeds asloi lows: This Improvement is very marked la other respects. Tbe whole tons of tbe service is better. Tbe ase of Intoxicating llauors was vary eommon la past dsrs. Now It Is ouderatood that if aa employe of tbe Hallway Mail Bervlee Indulges la tbe ue of intoxicating liquors to excess, he must give piaee to someone wno la pot addietad to tuat pernicious babib As result, we bave lu our service as fine a corps of men as eaa be loua a anywhere or In auy business on earth.

smart, active, industrious. Intelligent. Boa- est. and of good repute, ibey are aa a etaes men of wnoin we mar well feel proud. In my opinion a strong effort sbould be put lortn to secure iroui ugress ma appropriation large enough to restore to oer mea tae raPsof pay existing before any redaeuoae were made.

Ibe work required of ear em ployes Is very exhausting. bulb pbyslssily aad mentally, aad many of our oldest aad moat efficient employes are breaking down, aad la a few years will be compelled to retire from tne business as poor in pocket sad mean poorer In bealtb than tuey were wbea taey entered ibis service. Some provision sbouij be made for euen a eonunKsacy. eitner after tbe plan of (be Lagllab system or la tbe same way officers in tbe regular army are provided tor wiiea taey become uaat for active duty. Congress shoald also be arced very strons-iy to recognise by law tbe grade -A ebiet bead eierk" a grade that has existed de facto for twelve veara.

and wbtca has been of almost vital Importaaee to tbe service. Aud yet tbe men who oeeapy these postuous, and who are selected to UII tuem because they are believed to be nnusaaily eibeieot aad Orient, are compelled to work on bead eiersa' salaries, aad to laear ex-reuses far la excess of tbe pay taey receive, i (US tber aiiul uo, or ele tbey aaust negiset I part of Ibe autr eaaigned to Lb am. 1 anew I from personal xsneuee last no ebief aead eierk of that service wao aa a family, eaa provide fur bis family properly. aa perform his detles jliy. sad live aa as sboeld live, om ttl I .4 rartbvr tbaa lata.

I bw paasers-by. freely accosted women, and ever I llaT, ttisl Coegrees. oa a Iratblui showing of tne sets aa they exist. Would aot b-allaia to create tba crade and to provide a fair salary lor IL because 11 eaa be snows test a railroad compear nalgntas well aodertace to operate a rvaa wltaoa; aeeuos oo sees' as fr as to attempt to run tbe service properly without ebief bead Claris. A large aamber of our trunk Usee are building branebee.

many suauuisi ot Lha aaaund RAILWAY AFFAIRS. Tbe first railroad la Palestine has just beea contracted lor. It will be forty miles ia teagta. and run between Jaffa and Jerusalem. Ibe contractor is said to be G.

F. D. LowelLwf Ciuoinnaii. It Is ssid tbst Ue Adams Expreee Comueay leeis very murh ebaariued at me recent action of the Louisvuia mod Nashville Moad la euulag Uem out of tbeir Soamera Business, and Uat tbey will sow 3 build a Uae connecting wiu lb Cincinnati SoaUero Meal. clUer at Harrodaburg or Daavuie.

Tula aill be aa ample opening lor tbe transaction of boatnern bus is eaa. Tbe M. and M. branch of the Atchison and Santa re Baad Is progressing rsiMdiy. It reaa Iruio Florence west to Great Bend, a distance of tUty miles, where It toaebea Uemaie line.

Tea miles nave already beea eoneiractcd. while lorty miles arc ready toe rails. This will make Ue straight air-line and eat off some forty miles mat are now aow Ua mala lino of Ue Sauls Fe. The trouble between Ue Chisago aad Attoa Boad and Ue Eastern roaua oealenog here baa aappily been of snort duration. Mr.

Me-Muiliu. wno ia uo Maaaaer ot tba former road, yesterday telexrapusMl to me general treignt agents of ue Easpsra lines lost me order confining Ue time for iaspeeuoa of groin in Alton elevators to Ue small sours of tne nurnt bad or-ea laseed by coma Irreeeoa-Bible party, aad shoald be Ignored. This pais aa eaa to the misunderstand inc. and arrala will be ah'pKed trom Altos elevators oa East-era roads. It Is reported that Ue maaagement ot tha Chicago.

Burlington and Quiney Boad is sax-lous to lease Ue Miseoart. ana as and Texaa Hoed, and Uat aegotiatlons are bow pending with suoa aa object ia view. Tbe latter road has beea operated by Ue Colon Trust Com. rny. in behalf ot Ue bondholders sinee July 1870.

The road extends from Dennlson, Texas, to Hannibal. Mo. a distance ot ft'd mues. it also ooeratee several branebee, from Parsons to Junction Cur. keo and from olden.

to Paota.Kan. 1 nes oraaeeee are over 2oo miles la leugia. The road eon nee is witb me branebee of the Chicago. Bartingtoa aud (Juiney at Hannibal, and a union ot Uesc two hues would form a powerful aad important serrier to Ue South and West. TEXEOBAPHIO BOTES.

New Tohk. Aug. ti. Judge Harlan, of tha United btatea Supreme Court, to-day rendered a decision la tha auit in equity brought by tha Columbus, Chicago aud Indiana Central Hallway Company against tba Pituburg. Cincinnati aad bt, Louis Hallway and Pennsylvania Hood.

Tha points of docisloa are: 1. That tba lessors are not obligated to classify and asrtoe) oa tbe ssooLoUag af aelegatea. prior to Ue aoove dale Feaaad enaaiaAe1y. Aegeat Msysr tffra4 the following WucBaUS Aa sdlnartMMt BBMXIBS' 4 rHe proesiBset lpMiesns ot tbls eoentr will pm nrat Monday at 4 cukI p. an.

at tae Grand PaclQe liotal: aad. BBBksa. It is oaalrabie) tbst pr Pbeet In selling a a vaaUoa toe partf ylag tbe ixxma- rn oa j(oeaa. 1 sal a aa lac 10 a of tares sseaa-brs oe sppoin led te eiptaia oor obis. aad vrre them to sxiiariia wlta eaiaaarra.

ing oet what, la oar oplaioa. la tbe ealy rpss-ely for cmi party at tae present ume. vta.t a ua mat eoatmiitM, wre appointed Mesara, Msvsr. Msloaa. aadGibbs.

Alter some awnaral diaraaaaos. the alna aut. ocrned to tae first Wedaeaday la bef.sBiber. asta oujuss vnoir inaeoteaneoe in tne manner insisted upon by tha leasees in tha rsooot argument at Chicago; tnat la to ssy. by reducing the aggregate) tn-aebtedneaa to 15.821,UOO.

aut funding luto bonds secured under cunaolldatad mortgagee to Hoosevelt and Fordj-ke such of the $13,821,000, other IKKJ Columbus aud Indianapolis aeoond mortgage bonds, aa now eon a let oi eeouooal Don da. but tnat it la aafaelent for tba leaaora to reduce tha aggregate Indebtedness to fl5.bUl.000, which may consist of either consolidated or sections! bonds. Second, that tha C. C. aad Hallway Company muat actually oecom-plish a reduction ot Its indebtedness to $15,821,000 before they will be enUUed to a decree against tha Pltuourg.

Cincinnati, and bt, Louis Hallway Company and Pennsylvania Bailroad Company for Pay meut of book rental due undes tbe lease: tnat upon completing auoh reduction of lndebtedneaa tbey may apply to the eourt ior eucn decree, but will not be entitled to Tha fourteenth Ward Repeal! eaa dab met last evening at 390 Milwaakee aveaaa. Mr. A. W. Baffea occupied the ebalr aaa A.

O. Bolt kept tbe records. Tba principal matter of diseusAloa waa the primary system. James Malonc offered the foaowlagt JUnummd. That the eoavcntioa be held as par sail Ueaed, Thursday.

Beet. 11. at 7 JO O'clock a. uu the place to be dealgaated here after; aad that tha oDcers ot the various Ba-pnblieaa elobe be. aad are hereby, reaaeetcd to sail Laair membera together, ae aa te taAa THAT SILVtlt DOLLAR.

Beaator Blaiae eUver dollar will bey eaa aotUa of Dr. riaree's Gotdsa Medical Diseov ery. TnU medicine Is a perelr rcgetabte blood-pariDer. pectoral, aad tonle. aad has beea tested la thoasaads of eases of caroelc dlseWof tbe etoaaaea.

liver, aad lease with aaparalleled success. MUTBCBSf XOTHEU I 1 1 Are yoa disturbed at a Lett and broken of your rest by a tlek child so Bering and erring with tha exeraeiatlngpaiaof eatUacteetar II so. go at oaee and get a bottle of Mrs. ariasiow-s Boo thing Byrap. It will relieve tha poor little sofferer Immellateif deoead apoall; there Is a mistake about It.

Tb Isaota mother oa earth who haaeveraaod It. who will aot tall yoa at oaee that It will relate tbe bowels aad give rest to the molhet. and relief aad bealia to tbe child operating like raaaic It la perfectly sa's te use in ail eases, nod plsaaaot to tbe taste, aa 4 Is tha prescription of one of the oldest aad best female physicians aad nurses In tba United States. Bold every where. a lUrkuuTto Tbibctb.

A tribute of praise where praise la doe is simple jaatlee Among the moat deserving of the proprietary articles which have woa a place) among the medicinal staoiea of America Is Glkss'b HtrLPBOB Boap. a remedy for diseases aad Injuries of the akla, a beeotUer of tbe complexion, aad a atcaas of relieving rbeuma-tisa and gout. Balpb ur baths have long bean reeocaued as tha most edeivBt meaas of carina: eraptive and rhaamatle oiscBsea. Taey are somewhat too eipaaiva. however, tor a modest parse.

Otm'i Hrtrica Boar Is a eases aad perfectly reliable aab.Utate lor tbess. slaee It accomplishes Ue same r-snlu with eqssl certainty aad celerity. Be-eldee removiag aaaealrhy graaaiaUoaa. It Improves the tax tore of Ue akin aad alart. fla tt.

iiavj eiaaa ere extending Uaeir traeka. aaa aw I tmrurr roads ore beiaar buliL. mil of whiah aas ra. I suited la Increaolng tae mileage of mail service la Uls division very largely, aad aid result la a eull large; lacrease dunag tae preeent llaeal rear, but owiac to tae aafor-tanatMCireumslaoee ot Congress making la-sudloient appro on alio as. we are eompeiid to perform tbe entire service wita laee force lb an we bad at ibe beginning of tae last nasal year, it la be bound taat more jest, aoi to ssy generous.

aperopriaU'Hia wiU be made is tne future, sum sues a desirable result la oe talned. We will do ail we cast toward efvtag tbe public a good service, evea wlta tae tua-itcd foree we have oa band. MARRIAGE LJCCXSCS. lieu I r- Aiea la-a. iaty.

ID. lAskaaas a. ruMteia a. I Jaaae Eaaeaa L.i- aaiuay a. "anu Haary Umjbi.

I rarutaaa4 Bas a Te as.4 1 1 a-r. A. Uu rLM.rke c. USmt I PatrMB BaUta mrmry at. 1 alary Asa WIMi VMS 1 1 I BV in- a ii it.

l. i aoata Iisisis I sv I Mary lrKi a. en tan 1 1-r lalaul. 1 Mm bv I A. 1 ruia av m7t ifewv'aas- Ckfccara.

I Umai4.oo a tata leat'Baa Itf aw latere I rrajancas aral- Lass. a4. 1 nralaaa. A r. Virr.aJ tU.

I traatas La 14. MM jOs-tU. Aapaae MaiBartaa l-arr Stan r-e fas-is. I'k? a. FnsrraM ep.

Barraa a Be. w. itbsn as. at levaem, fJL -Til Icatsrs s. in st.

TaXARRIXXX, ULtCK-Tt-asu At Ue resldeac t4 the I nrtdes parent a. oa Monday. A ax. 4. by tea Hv.

w. kaowitoa. retr of au An-trssj ibureb. Mr. Kraarls Black, of Bristol.

Eualoed. aad Mias Oarak IL Teraer. of CeA-casrn. ho cards. burs AisraBorr-Aor- 5.

at tba rl-drnee of Mrs A- li ladiaaaeva- Usf Bsv. Dr. Ltr. Mr. Harry U.

DIED. ObthiTXB In this elty. Aag. S. Joeeoa Ort- marer.

father of AO'trsw aad George Urt tftavr. oa-ad b4 year. Stbvsbsoh ask. 4. at ber mot her a real-dvaee.

eat jfsyiiaoa street. Mias WUnil Biaveasoa. aa-ad 17 years. Kemains tasea Last for rctersseat, Mniroarg papers pieaao epv. Csasr Aaar.

4. of ebol-ra infaatim. Frad-enee Jvha. Infaat eoa T. I.

and B. Carey. Dcsttob Ac. 4, at Arllnsrtoa U-tcbU. Cook County, ill.

Lstner A. wife of Jamec Dan-loo. ovr Of. TJ papers pleasc eocv. BTkVEse la Cbsrea-o.

Au. 4. Iiule IsrL dautceier ot H. ii. aad L.

w. blevans. aged SBoatns sad 3 days. Corns A u. a.

of dlpbtbsrla. Irene Louis, you u-est daughter of 8. aad Uatue k. Cofhn. asred 3 years aad 0 moaus.

Mela aaa svAasT. ft. at eooa. Jnha Ma-Ineraev. an ad Au.

Bat lrc of the Parish of Alllureea. County Clare. Ireland. anerol to-day at lo o'clock to Bt. Parriek'a vnarcn.

ueace ay earn Calvary. Fncads Invited. SacaaT-Tlneeet J. Sherry, only bob of James aaa Avals Sherry, aged 1 year aad 3 BVnthe. AMCSULLTfTS.

HAVERLY'S THEATER. t. H. UAVAAXy ataaaaw sm Praprt. HOTHHt LAMTXIGHTSt LAST BIG UTS I Of Us Oraat Beeoaas of tha uramsns Sa THE BANKER'S DAUGHTER, BY A.

ML PAtatKsra CXIOS SQUARE TIIEATES C0IPA3IT, ThsOHsiasI KawTorfcCaat. Tas frtnnsl si, ISSITWlSil Hsaa Jh BJvaace is pnaaa. Mausaaa sssas vnom as skoC HOOLEY'S THEATER. -A. HTT1 A.

HTT1 Mca BiaiKiuc MkMgx aikcs. rwi-rrr. abo miMukld. ia Ua lark sarrisa, a. sciivp or i.viiiit.

plsved a Wallaks TVsaa-r. Mi M'VICKER'S THEATER. A.M BUI1NEB Olf LH7A TETTENBOEH wao uuws Beat werfe Lias Tstssabora tm mmt TItt, TBIt Mil K-VM lrst tOUCXTOa VTXXTT3X. interest upon arrears of rent except from 1 tne time wbea tbey shall have tne condition ot reducing edneaa aa above. performed indebted- FOURTEENTH WARD REPUBUCAa CLUB.

nrsn. iai. at. aaaTTX AS attXSXCAX. Asaa.

a sa sa asainrienrPTaMg I. A HE XATIOATZOK. goodhich btzahxhs. tsJrr fae Baerse. 'TsafiaaMBB I -in ar "11 111 piiaray i.i a.a mm mt eip-H -aala4 s.

-a uu -tm a s- as. II ii, 1 1 as rM La Va' Kmuas la "ai sa. r-sa. mm4 l-ls- LaOi i SPV a I A. 9mm laia- -a aa iTW aw ast a mil a4 -m is -ss asi SSS4 Tsrsaa a P.

a. I il I I laaasS 1 aas i sw Leans s4 ijmmm Issas Lapel ju a a-rs aa4 js avl a nna sau im sl S.VI A ja. a as- 1 t4BSi -la ss-aiss la lasss aaa--s s' swrlaS sXiaaT" asae eae v-tt I a ssss as mi as I rasa-' a Si aaa i Si eaai tn ss I SJSSMlMWlSl I TS issas i tXWPBXt 1 a a- Ex a is Bap avK trat I hi sia iSaliru. I 1 SB 1 a as Wn.aatas II lllllllla IllWlh aWAtal il ii. I iialVi LB r.r' l.

B-s Mill 1 is, (aJTar Baaur a Pavesr. Arkv. las W. a nan, Te a seffanaaT rraal aiiais aa saaia. Ban.

as vaitsBa. aar. aaa mi ssa fcaoe. ear. Ivui ass a rasia is si unn ra.

mi as ca aaa. TSai sTSas rt aiaaj sss Sisin 1 mmi mf BilsaiST.ary la susis aiai aiis lul ssasi rmvyl ss av.a.l.. lisii.aiaUsaiAA.i4 sr. as. ae Ikim.

MmmW- Tak t.iaa mm rwu Tmmw fnmmw 7 a aa. 1 4 a ai la aa sm- at la a. a. eaau II a. KAIX.WAY TlBtE TAJU-T.

Annra! and CEparture cf Traioi cncAoa m-x ulaio us ricmt Baras as4 Siraa anaa. rteaa 1 jSu sac Dai 1 a Bil'Ntrat Ai IlLAM.I a s- an- ar aai 1 sv- ta m. lRai.a 5 1 ila a Jj ralv I ri I trnm ess BNM I 9m. uaji'ffy 1 ri mm -Ilia sea SBa -exBai aita vaaOavaaa I mm t-WHa-l Uu Ipoiar iXiZi est ii. aM, aiaaas.

aaS Cut e4 1 11 imt mt Kara auwa aaS a. SWwi as4 Tim mm If a a- l-io, fcc rymmmn HZZi-i jmlZ mm r- i tewca aaj mm a ViU aJlTTI-i I 2 lm 21 tZZy soraam)- 9 9 ml lWswABir tpfwsaaa a--, tg ap I i- trmmr, mi fmZltt at I 2 a tXlZ ranacAsvrsaa caicioo aid loiTwartrrrti. TJcSat tsaess-s Clark straaL BliaiaiM tttui 1 I -It. 3t' owmt utK. a ai-rariar fipw lu -j a s- "i Hi, mm laasVaTIx lyei-wtuaM oir aas laM BUsum Ajcw i lar wa aa.

a imti aa a. a Isiuaas (an nm i B- t-tsfr-as. mt aa a. as. a.

mm 1 tae (I la Tat mm a U. srp Swim -suat lm rrror lm. aasec l-mmmm )ra LtBrM a aii4 ii a-r 4 an Lata iai a -slaej iS-a Siaa I Taaa I "a a a. I SSIaa i- Vj a ma i t. rZ BU.aaaa) SHs 11 aaV Las.

Pasaaa mi I'Sf'ttSaMn. isa is 2 2 aBMai saal aaaaa aSaaasa. I iApva Aa. It I JS at i '-is a ax acapnia! ss a a 1 f' SfcS Msriiisii I sa as a ss CTTfTlll. ra- tm a a 1 s-ea alse ts sv-a ss B) ajsia SB sx a st a sa si sa SB -S as sa a ri ttpai il as yas ral m- i mmt a i a a ,4 aa trsrv.

dees as it ir isiansal aaarear mmr rsaa TNSaoa assls. pjs aasas-aay Bjsatroae ss heanaeauv. CEIC4KX ALTON A tt. JoUU A I Cl'uTl EAIttS CITf A DEBTEE (nOkT LU f. tWsna tat i mm aaa.

aaar Salssi asrass snr aas laraanyHaira ssjssa. TTia il si si IT i a Ciark kmsl ma i lj sw-lsaasa Gap BS4 reersw Tmml I llawy va Jarsasari mjr, Xac.l ka. na.arsl I Mn.a,.A aa4Lfaaaavalar7aeem BPJ Mauaani tPawlvanx ssnianss aa I ItlFss SW past Bpnast.s. a. lavaAit tp-l is pat -graweoi A- 1 CMS as-Vlra 'iUJ A-t-l IU UuSpaViaaor.

-rTraal aisiarsaa ii 0 9 B1amm spS WataA liniaTfiT I -e '-Silea .1 11L BJ asJLas IsiuruK. On. haseasaT as essV UCfilQAI Ci-JTAAl. La a. a aa-' Wall.

Ma Mala aal Xia IW9m a XX as Ittaiur B-lS a' I Mb si FITTEsCao. rOKf In eCx A Oars avress. li Um. S-jaf a at -1 WaT asat I turn at Iwlc mm. I axi(aat ljaa ti CHI All las st.

irsi mt mm 1 1 mol sOoa Ararass ft 1 -so sax llta naia a AID ft. LOCH latyai.aai sai av4 mall "il ra. ISI imm huil esa iai saa.rS su.aal I Jft ls am ClUCAwO AMJftgJLlL tLUAoll (LAB- pne ssw 11 uwt ana, it isnnnsrTu. UTI ALTIKG1A AXO OaltA AXXOU aaxuamw. af MaTse awaaa.

A IBsxr aiissasasi a ssaav mt tmm rii 1 MtWlM- a ssassaaai mm rmm wrmmrn tea tefsaj I t.s.a. 1 mt sua mmnm mt tae bm prarar ai -alias paat aaar I Man aa aaaiaaas ml as kesu aaa a Ur. amiss boa ia iiamrloaar Parwsal AtaO. 1. ViaSUaseaa- I Wlasaa Bssse acss taw e-asr.

AyKAX crrr.rrAiMvT ai a-jxiajk. miL. mm aivas) aaai avaa.aa ia risi sa a lull il CasrrS. Adsie annilsny Bavisaa. 1 AuAa-aiAiTAC7i k.aa.

iTrun i-a Mxarr- lae and as east rUar sliaisisa. as csicAoa I srm IS''ta aita I JIB IMJWaasas siim BtttawJ Muat as 1 ii bis aeuea as mm tmrnml as 4 laBMMrsBAMIt H. la. a. Sort WaAJb A I BBV tm SB 11 sal I 1 Bfc Arsvse.

ata aawpa asawpai hwa SttMSOarsi 3 tTaWaas AU tra-ae fas WUaaakaa.TW I aa sa Bisaassaat mrm pa aSa ta a staal ar eobr aid BTTCTnoit Brrrirxi LrrV MafUasa Mam Uae Ism a mmpm mmt A. ass' tbutti U. 1. a. sul.

saaaa. a il a-j a a mmmm aS lltAtallid SCTsai ssasai sasa aasaaB As. val AST Las -a. a as ss.1. vai sus 1 te 1 i a as 1- a 1.1 a a.

Imnri a. tauaars. ilaerlMw, ilair 11 siaia a a Bsrs Sissaraara as4 Paaasaa. ---m Ktotwistl aswar "wm.i, BXaaaBsaa.

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