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The Anaconda Standard from Anaconda, Montana • 12

Anaconda, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ANACONDA STANDAHDr SUNDAY 1IOBN1NG, JDliY 17, 1004. 12 MARKETS OF THE VQRLO Standard fl Cent "Want" 11 a Wert Standard fl Cent "Wants" a Wert Standard Cent "Wants" 11 a Wert FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. "BIQ HOLE" The best cattle country In Montana for feed beef. I have some splendid ranches on my list for sale. To Fill a Want Use the Classified.

Ads. "i -i i i The cost is small compared to the results. Word do coupon new 4s registered do coupon .....1324 U. old 4s registered 1064 do coupon .......1064 New York Minis Stocks. Adams Con .4..

I Alice Breece Brunswick Con 12 Comstock Tunnel .0 Con. Cat. ft 1.00 Horn Silver 1-46 Iron, Uver 1.7; Leadville 02 Little Chief OntarlQ luimmmmi'm. Ophir i Potosi .14 Savage Sierra Nevada .26 Small Hopes Standard 2-00 Boston Mlmlnc Stocks. Adventure 14 Alloues 84 Amalgamated 634 American Zinc 1 Atlantic 8H Bingham --M Jpalumet Hecla 46o4I, Centennial 214 Copper Range 634 Daly-West .....174 Dominion Coal 42 Franklin 74 Grancy 21 Isle Royale 104 Michigan 44 Mohawk 434 Montana Coal ft Coke 44 Old Dominion 14 Parrot 254 Qulncy 86 Shannon s4 Tamarack 91 Trinity IT.

S. Mining 21 Victoria 3 Winona 4 Wolverine 75 Money Market. New Tork. July 16. Close: Money on call nominal: no loans; time loans steady; 80 days.Il per cent.

90days. 24 per 6 months, 84 per prime mercantile paper. 344 per sterling exchange heavy, with actual business in bankers' bills at 487.06 for demand and at 484.76 for 60-day bills: posted rates. 4854Q 486 and 488; commercial bills. 48444S44; bar sll-ve, 58c; Mexican dollars, 464c: government bonds steady; railroad bonds irregular.

DAILY RICORD OF COMMERCIAL AMD FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS. NEW YORK STOCK REPORT OlaTMt Exekaage Kcwa-Mtalas; Stocks, Metal qaotattoa 1 Prices MTiilt-rl aa reie Livestock Markets. New York. July 16. Speculative excitement over the Northern Securities deci- don had abated to-day.

and Union Fa- clflc and Southern Pacific were subjected i te selling to Uke profits. But new points f- of strength developed in the market and resulted In active and various speculation. The Irregularity continued up to the close, Union Pacific closing with a net decline of which was within point the lowest. Some of the other features of yesterday's strength showed the effects of realising. Revised opinions over the Northern Se- curlties decision were that the existing conditions had been little altered.

The most important feature of strength the was United States Steel preferred. its 2-poInt rise having an effect on the whole market, but without explanation of any new developments. i The advance in St. Paul was an index the reaction from excessive alarm over the damage to the wheat crop. The advance in that stock and Eries may also be attributed to recognition by the profes-f clonal element that they had not enjoyed an advance commensurate with that which J- beeurred in other parts of the list, and so offer an Inviting field for fresh operations.

The sustaining effect was taken advantage of toursue profit-taking in btnayTartsaf-tlre list The" bank state- ment stimulated the market anew. All of the expected gain in cash was reported to bring the reserves to a new figure. Loans crossed the previous record and rose to the largest total ever touched In the history of the clearing houses. The placing of the Philadelphia municipal loan of Jl 6,000.000 this week figures In thfc Item. The cash increase left a margin of gain for the surplus of $8,845,625 over the a ddT reserve gold requirements.

Total sales of bonds, J2.170.O0O. jfew Torte Closing; Stock. i Atehison v. do preferred 94 Baltimore Sc. Ohio JO pre fCT TOVi Canadian Pacific 125 Central of New Jersey 163V4 Chesapeake A Ohio J4H Chicago A Alton do preferred 75 Chicago Oreat Western 14 Chicago Northwestern 175 rhiMil.

A St. 1484 do preferred rrr.V7TT.Tr: r.T.TrrrnTTv.lTfl -f Chicago Term, St 6 do preferred 1414. c. ft st. Southern 14'4 do 1st preferred i 4Mi do Id preferred Delaware A Hudson J5M4 L.

ft Denver ft Rio Jrande KK do preferred 72 Erie 2ftv; An-1nt-preferred m-. wtttt 6ft do 2d preferred Valley 7W nreferred 81 Tllinois Central 1354. "Towa Central do- Preferred i tvswr 8fi4 Kansas City flbuthern -do preferred 4S4 Toutsvllle ft Nashville .11 Manhattan X. 1W4 trooolltan Hecritles DTK Metropolitan St Ry Inn. Pt 7, IV- ft Sault St.

s4 do oreferre" 12S MTsso'ir! Pacific 9'W K. ft T. 1 An nreferred R. R. of Mexico preferred.

WU, ork r-nrml Nirfolk -'Wesiern do tweferd rntrio ft Western "enylvsn't C. C. A St 1U Reading WW lt nreferred nreferefl Tl Rlt Is'nd do preferred A T. 2d orefered S. Tui flotithwentern 1 do nref "strHeTw -irn lenthem Railway Wi do St.

T. dA or'er 8 PH(1o nferred )-'hn'' 17 fin r-efeTe A T.oVo Erie (Tiww.i, Cntrs4 Mrf Mexican CenfTflT EXPRFS rOMPANTKS. Adams ............225 American 201 United States 10 Wells-Fargo MISCELLANEOUS. Amalgamated Copper 5,1 American Car ft Foundry IS do preferred 78 American Cotton Oil 27 do preferred 88H American Ice Ri do preferred 27 American Linseed Oil 8 do preferred 26 American Locomotive 22W do preferred is Am. Sm.

Ref 567 do preferred American Sugar Refining 129 Anaconda Mining Co 734 Brooklvn Rapid Transit SA Colorado Fuel ft Iron 324 Consolidated Gas 194 Corn Products 114 do preferred $94 Distillers' Securities 1 General Electric .164 International per 13 do preferred 694 International Pump S14 do preferred Vatlnnnl Tead 23 North American "SVi Paeifle Mall People's Gas W4 Pressed Steel Car 32K do preferred TS4 Tollman Palace Car ......221 Republic Steel i. IK do preferred 4.W Rubber (Hoods .17 do preferred 77 TVnn. Coal ft Iron 39U V- S. Leather 74 do preferred 84 V. 8.

Realty Vi do preferred "AH TJ. S. Rubber 17 do preferred tz IT. 8. Steel 124 do oref erred 62 wesangnouse eiecine im Western Union 4774 BONDS.

U. S. refunding Zs registered ...104: do coudoh 10' V. 8. 2s COE COMMISSION CO (Incorporated) Capital and Surplus, ftiOO.OOO.

GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS. pONDS Bought or sold for cash or on margin. REFERENCES: 178 state and national banks and commercial agencies. 168 Branch Offices. General Offices.

N. Y. Life Min-" neapolis. H. E.

correspondent. Anaconda. Mont WAHT ADVERTISEMENTS. Advertisements under any bead in Classified columns. 1 CENT A WORD EACH TIME.

MINIMUM CHARGE IS CALL FOR YOTTR MAIL. The following is a list of letters in reply to wants ads claimants at the Butte office of the Anaconda Standard: A. 'Xu a H. J. (8).

HELP -WANTED. WANTED LADY OR GENTLEMAN OF fair education to travel for a frra of $250,000 capital: salary, $1,072 per year and expenses; paid weekly. Address, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Anaconda, Mont.

WANTED MALE HELP. WANTEproJERGEriCAJOMAf-age- office for large manufacturing company; salary $1,800 per annum and extra profits; must furnish $2,000 cash and good references. Superintendent, Twelfth and Johnson Chicago. WE HELPED THOUSANDS; WE CN help you also earn good salary and position; study electricity, mechanical or steam engineering by mail; book of advice sent free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New York.

WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; good pay; to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack signs, no canvassing. AdvJ Bureau, Chicago. WANTED CAN VA88ER MECHANIC -preferred; references required; good thing for right man. Box 1,185, P.

Butte. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DI8TRIB-ters wanted everywhere; no canvassing; good pay. Co-Operative Adv. N. Y.

WANTED GOOD MOLDERS AT ONCE. Story Iron Works, Bozeman, Mont. wanted female help. watedgTrl housework; $30 month. MrsVahce, ft house, s.

WANTED LADY TO CARE FOR small rooming house. Call Avon, 215 Alaska st Butte. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. Address Box 887, Butte. WANTED GOOD KITCHEN GIRLj at 220 E.

4th, Anaconda. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER. 212 E. Fourth Anaconda. WANTED SITUATIONS.

jQOolTTwANTfJ PpSTioNTFTRS class 'cook; nothing wasted; "camp Of country hotel preferred. Address Cook, Standard office, Anaconda. Wf ANTED POSITION BY EXPERI-enced clerk in wholesale liquor and hotel business. Address E. A.

Standard, Butte. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER AND ladles' tailor wishes work in families or at home. 310 W. Broadway, Butte. WANTED-POSITION AS WAITER OR Bartender out of town.

Address B. Standard, Butte. WANTED AGENTS. SALESMEN WANTED AGENTS, dealers and storekeepers, start Iri business for yourself on our capital. We make men's fine clothing to measure and you can sell our perfect fitting, highest class tailoring at a good profit for at; little money as others retail ready-made goods.

You can control entire local trade with our line. Fall line 350 up to date styles of woolens, fashion displays, now ready and furnished free. A treat opportunity. Write to-day for full particulars and exclusive territory. Experience not necessary.

American Woolen Mills Dept. Washington Boulevard and Union Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR Superior grade nursery stock; new and complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly. Write to-day for choice of territory. Capital City Nursery Salem, Ore.

AGENTS WANTED "FROM BALL-room to Hell" and "The Family Skeleton From Utah samples postpaid, 30c; inclose stamp for blanks. Wilson ft Wilson, Salt Lake, Utah. WANTED-LADY AGENTS; $10 PER week and commission to start; apply between 3 and 8 p. m. N.

Montana, Butte. Room 12. Near Park. MAKE $50 WEEKLY- SELLING THE Allen Fountain Brush and Bath System: "write for outfit and terms. Allen Mfg.

Toledo, Ohio. WANTED SALESMEN. ATTENTION. SALESMEN THE Opportunity of a lifetime is offered men who are now employed and who desire to Increase their Incomes, or who wish to 'devote their whole time as general agents, employing sub-agents, male and female, introducing the fastest selling articles ever placed before the public'; sample, with full instructions, for 25 cents; satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Howe Specialty Burnslde Worcester, Mass.

SALESMAN WANTED TO TRAVEL, IN Montana and Northwest territory; must have good record, and be acquainted with groceryand-general store trade; permanent position and liberal salary to right man. Address Manufacturer, care Standard. Anaconda. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER Montana with staple line; high commissions with advance of $100 monthly; permanent position to right man. Jess H.

Smith Detroit, Mich. INFORMATION "WANTED. VANTEDINF present whereabouts of Kathertne Karr, or Katherlne McGrath, aged 16 years, for merly of Park City. Utah, and Custer City, Idaho. Miss Karr was adopted by Mr.

and Mrs. Peter McGrath, Park City, Utah, in 1890. Any person knowing the address of the young will confer a favor by addressing her brother. Maurice J. Carr, thirty-fourth company, coast artil lery.

Fort Stevens, ore. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TO RENT; IN ANACONDA, 3 to 6 room furnished house, with bath and yard, by small family: rent reasonable. Address care Standard, Anaconda. WANTED A LOCATION FOR BARBER In new town or hotel.

Address Charles Lundborn, Livingston, Mont MUSIC TEACHER. MISS EB1NGER.TEACHER OF GUI tar, banjo, mandolin, sit her; private lee-eons; class recitals. 323 Broadway, Butte, BUSINESS CHANCES. Patents Patents secured or fee returned; send model or sketch tor free opinion as to patentability; send for Illustrated guide book and list of inventions wanted; finest publications issued for free distribution; eon- tain-valuable Information regarding pat- ents, trade marks and copyrights; how to obtain and sell them; 100 mechanical movements, patents secured by us advertised free in Patent Record; sample copy free Address 501 Washington, D. C.

Mel for Sale or.l'eit The Grand hotel in Big Timber is now ir rent Throwner of th-Jifital. who has other interests, desires to obtain a buyer or tenant It is the leading hotel in the town ana nas an or tne nrst-class business. Address Ole Birkland, Big Timber, Mont DON'T WORK FOR OTHERS. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. LEARN THE REAL ESTATE business and start In for yourself.

We make you our special representative and teach you the business by mail. We furnish largellst-Of salable, property anl assist you to earn from $2,000 to $5,000 Writs for free booklet and par tlculars. H. W. Cross Sc.

243 Tacoma Chicago. CORPORATION WHOSE PRODUCTS are handled by leading wholesale and retail dealers wants competent man to. take management of branch office; salary. $2,500 per annum and commission; ener getic man should earn $6,000 per annum must Invest from $1,000 to $5,000 in stock -et eempanyt-nnquestionablg referehces-ay- to ability and integrity required. Address Box 536, Madison, Wis.

CASH FOR YOUR REAL ESTATE OR business, no matter where located; it you desire a quick sale send us description and- price. Northwestern Business -Agency, 312 Bank of Commerce Minneapolis, Minn. DO YOU WANT LANDS 7 WE DESIRE to get in communication with every one in Montana who has in view the purchase or a rarm or rancn; we can supply Just what you want. The Collins Land Helena, Mont. WANTED ON SHARES, CATTLE OR horses, from 1 to 3 years; fine, large stock ranch, lots of hay and first-class range; gilt-edge references furnished.

Address Cattle, New Barnard Butte. RARE CHANCE; WELL-PAYING GEN" eral merchandise store in Eastern $10,000 to $15,000 required; investigate. Union Investment 104 Van Valkenburg SpokanerWash. FOR SALE CHEAP; SALOON AND fixtures, together with property; located 10 feet outside city limits. Poor health reason for selling.

Address D. Standard, Butte. FOR SALE-23-ROOM LODGING house: good location: a real snap, flee the Bailey Loan and Realty company, 26 E. Broadway, Butte, Mont. FOR RENT-THE DORA BLOCK.

ON W. Park, containing 32 rooms: all modern. Inquire Mayer Electric N. Montana, Butte. FOR 8ALE BAKERY.

CONFECTION-ery and ice cream parlor; only bakery in town. Inquire Jacob Helwlg, Hamilton, Moot FOR SALE WELL ESTABLISHED livery business in good, live town. Address Box 125, Basin, Mont. FOR BALE AN OLD ESTABLISHED grocery doing good business. F.

Standard. Butte. FOR SALE CHEAP, LODGING HOUSE; centrally Address Stand-ard, Anaconda. FOR SALE LODGING HOUSEr CHEAPz if sold at once. Write or call, 225 Cheat-nut, Anaconda.

FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING ROOMING house; bargain Inquire 215 Alaska Butte. PATENTS. PATENTS PROTECT YOUR IDEAS: don't think too long about taking out a patent: some other fellow may get in ahead with the same thing; don't think that you can write to the patent office yourself and find out if you can get a patent; the patent offlce will simply tell you to file a formal application (with the Incidental expense) if you wish your invention considered; consultation free; no patent, no fee; all communications confidential. Mllo B. Stevens 916 Fourteenth Washington, D.

C. Established 1864. SECOND-HAND GOODS. OECHSLI. 43 W.

BROADWAY, PAYS-highest possible cash price for household goods; must have them at any reasonable price. Call up 923 and see. Pack, ship or store furniture, WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI-ture bought and sold. 338 E. Park st, Butte.

Tel. E. McNamara. HAIR NUTRO THE NEW TONIC HAIR WASH POWDER An unrivaled preparation for encouraging the growth of the hair and eradicating scurf and danruff. Stops the hair falling out and makes soft and glossy.

A positive guarantee with each package. Send 15 cents for sample package. California Hair Nutro box 385, Anaconda, Mont. Notice to Taxpayers. The assessment roll of Deer Lodge county, Montana, has been completed and turned over to this office by the assessor, and notice is hereby given that the board of commissioners will meet as a board of equalization on Mondays and Tuesdays of each week from July 18, 1904.

until the 8th day of August. 1904, both dates inclusive, unless the business require it, then they will meet in continuous session. rHIL GREENAN, County-Clerk. Dated' Anaconda, 'Montana, 'July 18, 1904. improved ranch property, good hay meadows, 40 head cattle, 23 calves, 10 head horses, wagon and farm implements.

This is a bargain. Have access to the best range in the country. ANACONDA REAL ESTATE. SI, 050 buys 6-room house on East inira street, between Cedar and Chestnut, lot 25x140, a good bargain. B.

DE B. SMITH. Opposite Montana Hotel. Anaconda. 160-ACRE FARMS In Western Cannda Free to, Settler Parties wishing reliable information re garding the Canadian West and how to ootam a free home of 160 acres of good farming land, near railroads, elevators.

good markets, schools, creameries and churches, can obtain It by writing to or visiting rooms and 23, Dunn block. Great Falls. Mont Through trains leave Great Falls for Lethbridffe Tuesdav Thursday anil Sat urday mornings at 9 o'clock B. DA VIES Canadian Government Agent REAL ESTATE BARGAINS $2,000, half cash, balance 18 months, 8 per for 14-room brick S. Washington this has 4 fiats, and is a good renter; it is a snap.

$5,700 buys S. Main st. residence proper ty; modern and very desirable; built four years; cost at least S77500r-wlll dlvlde-an sell part: see this. $900 buys a west side (well out) 6-room brick residence; full fiat; good title. $1,200 for 8-room frame, 8.

Wyoming with lot 36x100. $850 buys two good 4-room houses, one brick, one frame, on two full lots, North Walkervllle, $2,600 for, 6-room modern residence; best part of west side. $975 for 8-room house; five blocks from city hall feet- rents -125: terms, $200 cash. 300 ot her hoi sea. 200 lots, all locations.

We write reliable life and fire insurance, loan money and rent houses. C. S. JACKMAN, Hlrbour N. E.

corner Main and Broadway, Butte. A FEW SNAPS- Fine ranch: 320 acres under fence," 20 acres improved; good log barn and log -house 16-head-ef-horsesr-f arming Implements, 0 chickens, 3 head of cattle; price, $1,000. 160 acres: 40 acres hay land, 80 acres fine standing timber; has good 4-room house and fine outbuildings; plenty of water; an Ideal place for a small stockrancjiprlce, 100 acres near Butte has nice improvements; an Ideal chicken and dairy ranch; plenty of water; water alone worth more than the price we ask for the land; $2,750. For lots In the Valley and Chelsea additions our price is $100 each; $10 cash, $5 per month until paid for. W7F.

COBBAN, 106 W. Granite st, Butte. DO YOU WANT LANDS? WHY NOT put your accumulations and savings In a small farm or ranch? The increase in value will beat a savings account, and it is ''something to fall baek State what amount you can pay and we will supply your wants. The Collins Land Helena, Mont, GOOD BOARDING HOUSE AND PROP-erty; well and old established business, together with the real estate, for sale at a great bargain; which will pay the purchaser or proprietor a large income. J.

H. Farlss 119 Hamilton corner W. Granite, Butte. FOR SALE FIVE BLOCKS OF 16 LOTS each; mineral: title; two blocks from street car line; $250 per block, or only $15.66 per lot Inquire of J. W.

Murphy, 47 E. Broadway, Butte. FOR SALE-RANCH ON MEADOW creek; also lease and Improvements on half section school land, east fork Rock creek. Inquire of Thomas Carey, Philips-burg, Mont. MISSOULA REAL ESTATE IMPROVED and unimproved: desirable residences; cash or on any terms.

H. T. Wilkinson, Dixon Missoula, Mont TRACTNEAR-BUTTErGOOD soil, no smoke. $400; $25 down, $10 per month. Butte Land and Investment 19 W.

Granite Butte. BITTER ROOT AND MISSOULA VAL-ley ranches. Send for list to George Brooks, Real Estate, Missoula, Mont. FOR HAY. GRAIN, FRUIT OR STOCK ranches go to G.

W. Dickinson, Real Estate, Stevensvllle, Mont FOR SALE 8-ROOM FRAME HOUSE. 14 O'Neill st, Centervllle. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. FOR' SALE AT A BARGAIN.

OR trade for smaller house, 10-room modern residence; close in. Apply 221 N. Main, Butte. MONEY TO LOAN. WE CAN NEGOTIATE A LOAN FOR you on good real estate security at best going rates of Interest Slemons Booth, Silver Bow blk.

W. Granite st, Butte. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE, furniture and any security; no publicity; no delay. McRae It Solveson, room 6, W. Park, Butte.

MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE, salaries, time checks and on other securities. Butte Loan and Investment room 1, 48 W. Park. 8. S.

JACKMAN 4k CO. MAKE LARGE or small loans promptly. Hlrbour Main and Broadway, WE HAVE $10,000 TO LOAN ON REAL estate at 10 per-cent Reynolds St Mc Dowell, Butte. REAL ESTATE. LOANS.

BUTTE LAND and Investment 19 W. Granite, Butte. TRANSFER COMPANIES. MONTANA TRANSFER CO. FREIGHT transfer and storage, handling pool cars a specialty; furniture van tor moving household goods; dealers in coal and wood.

Tel. 23. Office, W. Broadway, Butte. W.

J. Christie. Mgr. OSTEOPATHS. DR.

A. A. ALLISON, OSTEOPATHIC physician. Furet rooms 3-4, lisyb E. Park ave.

Phone 103, Anaconda, Mont STORAGE. DAVIDSON GROCERY COMPANY- Telephone 503. General storage. Every facility for handling goods in best possl ble manner. Special attention given to furniture and perishable goods; lc a Standard rl Cent "Wants" II a Worf for sale miscellaneous.

Jersey cows, one fresh, with heifer calf; cheap. 246 8. Gaylord, Butte. FOR SALE-rFIVE HEAD HORSES; ALL young and gentle; also one spring wagon. 1,019 W.

Silver, Butte. FOR SALE 1 GO-CART, COUCH, BEDr stead and sewing machine; cheap. SIS N. Jackson st, Butte. FOR SALE ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITAN-- nlca; bound In calft In good condition 8 S.

Crystal, Butte FOR SALE HORSES OF ALL KINDS. Inquire at Sherman ft Reed's, 113 E. Broadway, Butte. FOR SALE-DRIVING OR SADDLE horse, buggy and harness, $110. 6I Locust, Anaconda.

FOR SALE-YOUNG HORSE: BROKE double or 405 E. Mercury, Butte. FOR SALE-TWO GOOD HORSES; cheap, -317-Broad Butte. FOR SALE DRIVING MARE; CHEAP. 608 E.

Broadway, Butte. FOR SALE GOOD DRIVING HORSE. 107 W. Galena, Butte. CLAIRVOYANTS, CLAIRVOYANT MARVELOUS WON--derfulf awe-inspiring! Truth is stranger than fiction! Mme.

Bell, whose reputation extends throughout chrlgtondomr Is la cated here for a short time only: Multitudes visit her parlors daily and are made happy. Excites the wonder and admiration of even the most skeptical. Gifted with marvelous medlumistlc powers. This remarkable woman may be consulted on all matters relating to the welfareof the human race. She gives advice on business, speculation, investment, insurance, love, courtship, marriage and divorce, settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated and causes a speedy and happy marriage with the one of your choice.

The earth reveals to her the hidden treasures buried "in her bosom. She locates mines and buried treasures, interprets dreams," tells of your friends and ehemles, removes evil Influences, gives advice pertaining to everything. The troubled and unfortunate should seek her counsel. Thousands of families long separated have been united hy her efforts, Thousands of hearts made glad by her truthful prediction. Mme.

Bell Is the only one who prepares the real Egyptian charms. Mme. Bell can be seen at 1114 EPark at. room 1, Furst Anaconda. Price, $1 and upward.

Office hours, 9 a. to 9 p. Including Sunday. BY REQUEST, ADALI.NE LLOYD, THE noted palmist and clairvoyant, will remain until Tuesday evening. Baltimore 71 W.

Park Butte. A WONDERFUL FRENCH CLAIRVOY-ant; what he tells comes true; send 10c and birthday. Prof. E. Garnot, Box 2,179, Boston.

Mass. MRS. DR. ALDER RUTLEDGE, MB-dium; readings daily; circles Thursday. 739 Colorado, Butte.

S. Main st. cars pass door. MAZIE, PALMIST AND CARD READ-er; readings, 50c. 214 S.

Idaho, Butte. miscellaneous. wGJtedevIsr thatwe-have-the-Hnest-llne-Of-carrlaget In the West; best service for weddings, funerals or private parties. Sherman ft Reed, corner Broadway and Arizona, Butte. 'Phone 33.

cab office. WANTED TO LET A CONTRACT -TO put up 1.000 tons of hay; terms liberal. JW. Blair, HelmviUe, Mont. FURNITURE FOR SALE.

FURNITURE FOR SALE AT 200 EX--celsior: furniture complete of a 6-room house, including parlor, dining room, 3 bedrooms and kitchen. ONE LEATHER SINGER $100 SEWING machine In good order, $50. Butte Exchange Furniture Butte. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS. S26 W.

Broadway, Butte. ASSAYBRS. M. E. MATER.

ASSAYER; SAMPLES by mail or express receive prompt and careful attention: gold and silver bullion a specialty. 7 N. Montana, Butte. Box 616. ROMBAUER ASSAYER8 AND 27 E.

Granite wuue. Mom, FITZPATRICK ft LEWIS, 108 N. Wyoming st, Butte. Box lit THOS. BUGGY, ASSAYER AND CHEM-1st 430 N.

Main st, Butte. WAREHOUSE. FRREJtNEW UBolfTwAREHOTslB nn TSTnrthprn PaMfta tracks: 60 by 80 feet. two floors. Platinum street, one-half block east from Arisona.

'Apply Pavjason Grocery company, Butte. OCULIST AND AURIST. DRTTGMGTlEYErEARrNOE throat and lungs; prices moderate; terms cash. 41 Hlrbour bldg. 'Phone S34A.


Butte. Tel. 7F. SCAVENGERS. BPtVUNORR 1TOR NIGHT WORK, Leave order 225 E.

Park, Butte. Tel. 297. DYEING AND CLEANING. PARISIAN DYE HOUSE FRENCH dyeing and cleaning; satisfaction guaranteed.

60 W. Galena, Butte. M. Paumle. FURS STORED.

STORE AND INSURE. YOUR FURS AT Raub Rlchter, furriers, 206 N. Main. Standard fl Cent "Wants" II a Word for rent houses, stores, etc. forr1snta13o7j premises at present occupied by the Nos.

73 and 76 W. Park st, by George Bretherton, 49 W. Park, Butte. HOUSES FOR RENT 416 AND $16 FOR 3-room modern brick flats, W. Silver st.

C. S. Jackman Hlrbour north-east corner Main and Broadway, Butte. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FLAT, $20; STEEL range, hot and cold water, fine bath. 603 premises.

Post. FOR RENT THE DORA BLOCK, ON W. Park, containing 82 rooms; all mod em. Inquire Mayer Electric 7 N. Montana, Butte.

FOR RENT THE DWELLING AT 41 Anaconda road; good as new. Inquire of Smith ft Jeffries, No. 19 W. Granite st, FOR RENT 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; modern. 318.

N. Ida-hov-Butte, THREE-ROOM HOUSE, $9 PER MONTH. Inquire 707 W. Commercial Anaconda. FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSE; WATER and sewer.

614 Chestnut Anaconda. for rent furnished houses. forvr1nm house with use of piano, $25; no 1144 WTPafksf.T'BUtter-Mont FOR RENT ONE LARGE FURNISHED room for light housekeeping; ground floor. Inquire 316 S. Idaho, Butte.

FOR RENT 3 NEWLY RENOVATED for light Inquire 316 S. Idaho, Butte. FOR RENT 2 FURNISHED HOUSE-keeping rooms; also 3-room house. 131 W. Copper, Butte, FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED OR unfurnished 4-room house.

507 Cherry st. Anaconda. FOR RENT-TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. 418 Cherry st, Anaconda. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping.

914 E. Park, Anaconda. FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT, 2 OR 4 rooms, with bath. 602 Maple st, Anaconda. FOR RENT 7-ROOMED MODERN house; furnished.

825 W. Copper. Butte. TWO ROOMS NICELY FURNISHED for housekeeping. 317 S.

Idaho, Butte. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE-keeping rooms. 513 N. Main, Butte. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED house.

21 Birch Anaconda. WANTED ROOMS. WANTED 3 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, with or without light and fuel; give complete information regarding location, furniture and terms. H. C.

P. O. Box 887, Butte. WANTED TWO ROOMS FURNI8HED or one large room and closet or alcove for light housekeeping; modern. P.


$10. 301 Colorado, Butte. FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, modern. ,126 N. Idaho, FOR RENT DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms.

1074 S. Idaho, Butte. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. 414 Hickory, Anaconda. FOR RENT TRANSIENT ROOMa Colorado, Butte.

105 PERSONAL. PERSONAL-MY HUSBAND WAS A hard drinker for over 20 years; I cured him by a simple horn treatment and I will gladly tell you bow I did It; I have nothing to so I want no money. Mrs. Margaret Anderson, Box 163, Hillburn, N. Y.

WE SEEK HUSBAND FOR MAIDEN lady, age 23, worth bachelor girl, age 31. worth widow, age 42, no children, worth $90,000, and for many others. Mutual Book Exchange, Toledo, Ohio. I HAVE FOR SALE THE BEST ELEC- tflc belt made for curing all diseases; will trade one for camera or repeating ri fle, or anything I can use. 420 W.

Third st. Anaconda. MORPHINE. LAUDANUM, OPIUM, CO- caine habit; myself cured; will inform you of harmless, permanent home cure, Mary-Baldwin, Box 1,212, Chicago, YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE most reliable clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and stamp. Profs.

Carl ft Rol-lin, 490 N. Clark st. Chicago. WOULD YOU MARRY IF SUITED? send for best marriage paper published; mailed securely sealed free. J.

P. Gun nels, Toledo, Ohio. LADIES WHEN IN NEED SEND FOR free trial of our never-falling remedy; relief quick and safe. Paris Chemical Milwaukee, Wis. LOST.

LOST-A FOX TERRIER PUP; months old. Return to 212 Cherry st, Anaconda, and receive reward. LOST A BROWN HORSE; 800 POUNDS brand on flank. James P. Kelly, 418 Chestnut Anaconda.

Reward. MRS. A. BIRTHRIGHT, MANICURE, hairdresslng, chiropodist 114 W. Bdwy.

St. Loafs Wool Market. St. Louis, July 18. Wool steady.

Territory and western medium, 1921c; fine mediumr45igl7c4--flneu1415c. Xoafon Wool Anetlo'o London, July 1. The fourth series of the 1904 wool auction sa)es closed to-day. During the series the attendance was large. Competition was keen throughout.

Under the influence of large Japanese government orders and light supplies coarse descriptions advanced considerably. Compared with the May sales, the gains were: Merinos. 6 per medium greasy per coarse cross bred -per-eentflnecourefla. 6 per coarse scoureds; 10 per cent. Greasy merinos of really good quality were ln demand for home, continental and American spinners.

Greasy crossbreds were in good demand and sold well throughout. The total withdrawals were 6,300 bales. About 48,000 were taken for export, including 7,06 for of--ferlngs to-day amounted to 5.919 bales. Prices were firm. Metal Market.

New Tork, July 16. Steadiness was the rule in the metal market. Spot tin was In light supply and there was a firm tone to spelter. Business in copper was chiefly for immediate shipment, Tin quiet and steady at 26.2Sffl26.Wc. Lake copper, 12.624rl2.874c: electrolytic, 12.624S12.76e; casting, 12.3712.60c.

Spelter, 4.864.95c. Lead, Iron quiet and nominally unchanged. CniCAQQ Prodaee. Chleagr JulyM.8corchtng weather -in the wheat section gave enthusiasm to the bull in wheal. As a result September oiosed lfl4c higher than yesterday.

For the first few moments of trading sentiment had an easy tone. Initial quotations on September were off a shade at 864ig864c. Before selling orders had been disposed of September eased off to The Northwest, however, sent in buying orders on the small opening decline. The orders caused an active demand from pit holders. Shorts covered freely, as there was very little disposition to carry over Sunday.

Throughout the greater part of the session sentiment in the pit was decidedly bullish and at the close all deliveries showed a gain of about lc over last night's final figures. September closed at the top at 87c. In spite of fine weather all over the corn belt, the market for that cereal was firm. The market closed at the high point of the day, with September at 48 i Oats were strong. September closed 4o hlsrher at 32e.

I Trading in provisions was practically at a standstill and the market held steady the entlre-d a y. A t-the-olose- pork was up 74c and lard and ribs were unchanged. Cash Qaotatioas. Cash quotations were as follows: Flour, quiet: No. 2 spring wheat.

No. 3, 8MTl4c: No. red. No. 3 corn.

49c: No. 2 yellow. 61c; No. 2 oats. 404c; No.

2 white, 44c No. 3 white, 40? 44c; No. 2 70c: good feeding 3Sf3tc; fair to choice malting, 4250c; No. 1 flaxseed. $1.15: No.

1 northwestern. $1,204: prime timothy seed, mess pork, per barrel, 12.80: lard, per 100 pounds, $6.80: short ribs sides, loose. 40; short clear sides, boxed, Articles. Receipts. Shipments.

Flour, barrels 14,300 17.300 Wheat bushels 12,000 41,300 Corn, bushels 253,200 302,000 Oats, bushels 114,600 171,500 Chicasjro Livestock. Chicago, July 16. Cattle-Receipts. 1,000. Including 750 Texans.

Market steady. Good to prime steers, $5.606.40: poor to medium, $4. 60(56. 25: stockera and feeders, rows. heifers, canners.

hulls, $204. 25; calves, $2.6065.50: Texas fed steers, Hogs Receipts to-day, 6,000: to-morrow. 15.000. Market 10c higher. Mixed and butchers.

$5.2515.60: good to choice heavy, rough heavy, $6.2545.60: hulk of sales. .56. Sheep Receipts. 3,000. Market steady.

Good to choice wethers. fair to choice mixed, western sheep, $47. OTHER MARKETS. Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City.

July 16. Cattle Receipts, 2.000. Market unchanged. Native steers, $1 W6.25; native cows and heifers, $2u5; stockers, calves, $275; western steers. $466; western" cows, Hogs Receipts, 6,000.

Market steady to 10c lower. Bulk of sales, heavy, K. 5065.55; ptgs and lights, 4.66. Sheep Receipts, 1.000.. Market nominally steady.

Muttons. $3.2504.25: lambs, Hit 6.25: range wethers, ewes, $3.25 4. Backlo for Miss Roosevelt. New" York. July 16.

The Amateur Athletic union buckle and girdle that the officers decided to give Miss Alice Roosevelt after she had awarded the prixea at the championship meet at St Louis, was sent by express to Oyster Bay. The girdle Is composed of heavy silk joined with a buckle consisting of three gold medals, which represent the handicap prises, the Junior championship prizes and the senior champlon-shlp of the St. Louis contest. MIXING LOCATIONS. QUARTZ AND PLACER MINING Notice blanks.

60c a dosen at Standard office. 23 E. Broadway, Butte..

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