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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

NEWS NOTES Catliered Up in "pirea Great States, Giving a Daily Chronicle of All Im portant' Events, rO.i And Wired to hr a Weteh. ful and Energwtlo Corps of Corr pendente. A It. Clalrsvflle, Ohio. T11RKR TEARS.

irr. Ci AimtriLlLK, December 8. The motion for a new trial Id the case of Ohio vs. Jess Oood for perjuryiwas overruled, and hewA euie-eed to ihrm years lo th penitentiary. Bedford, Indiana.

SUICIDE. BtofOKDi December 9. John Hawkins, a young farmer 11 vlug aboat ten rh I lee east of ere, committed suicide to-day by hanging. leaves 'a taFge family. Ill bealtb aud verse of fortune supposed to be tUe cause.

HaasHald, Ohio. COTKT. 9. Common Plena Court will convene Monday, wlttf-SO oases ou viio docket, anouc which arc six criminal (sms. Including that of the bbelby burglar, tomeof which will furnish candidates for iue penitentiary, Bedford, Indiana.

RAILROAD ACCIDEWT. Bedford, December 8. The mixed 'train that left bere yesterday, afternoon at two o'clock went through tbe bridge across Rich land Creek about thirty-five miles from, bere. Mo one was hurt. It Is thought that tbe bridg was lujared by tb late Uood.

Rushville, Indiana. SCHOOL-TIACi) B.K FIXED. HrsnviLic, December 8. To-day Hallet Henderson, Principal of the Richland Acad-way, was tried here for whipping a pupil in Intermedial Department of his school. It was alleged that the whipping was severer man the circumstance? warrameu.

tie llued and ousted to tbe tune.of about flo. .1 Peebles, Ohio. ALLEGED MCRnKBEKS AHBESTED, Peebi. em, 'December "Hqulre Cobbler and Thomas Cobbler were arrested at A. Ruggles' by John Askins and William Gates.

Tbe Cobbler boys are wanted at Brook vl He, k'llllng Ueorge Patterson. They have been ii.dlag i this neighborhood siuce the killing. 1 hey hiive confesM-d tbat they are the parties Uo killed jfatTerson. Greenfield, Indiana. BOOM FOR GRAVE DOUBT.

Ubeesttielp, December 9. Peculiar pro-i-eedlngs in bastardy developed bere yesterday. Last week Jesse Little was arrested at W'aldron on a charge of bastardy preferred Hose Michaels. Yesterday she made an affidavit exonerating Little and charging Joseph 'mdil with the otiense. Tbe ease WlU be arranged to-morrow.

f-Tellsvllle, Ohio. ACCIDENTS. Weovtllic, December 9. Bob Moore, living -at Shlppenport. above bere, attempting to put a loaded revolver In his jjocket.

It was discharged, the 'ball eptering his arm at tbe elbow, and tearing Its way to the elionlder, producing an utsiy wound. tieorge Brown, employed In an oil refinery near here, was terribly burned about tbe face, lud and upper part of the body with burn-in iiaphthayenterdHV. ltis feared he Inhaled the flutues and will die. Sis Philadelphia, Ohio. MASONIC.

Nrw Phh.adki.phia, December 8. At a stated communication of Tuscarawas Chapter. No. at this "place last evening, tbe following officers were elected for tbe ensuing year: 'o-P. Taylor, Ii.

J. A. SUnglulT. King; D. Kona, Beribe; 1L P.

Frlbley, C. O. J. I Mcilvaine, P. H.

J. Ntrickinaker, K. A. F. Schweitzer.

JI. 1st Wm. L.enhart, M. 2d Wm. Kelsdenbatigh, M.8d J.

D. Elliott, Treasurer; JTlbley. JU J. P. Knlsely, Uuard.

New Albany, Indiana. 'CRIXtNAL MATTEKS, New Albany, December 8. Judge Ferguson this morning passed sentence upon MoDougali, convicted for life for wife-murder; and he was taken to tbe btate Prison Hoiilii. aide Martina, colored, who entered Frank iiortvr's liquor store last Monday night, was teheed for three years for burglary ou a ttf guilty, 1 itii orahd Jury returned an Indictment attaint Jusuice W. P.

Hwlft for assessing and collecting illegal fees. Zaaesvllle, Ohio. ninirn at bomb r. by editor dead. villi, December Sidney Mabony aad Pearl Urlgby, two local toughs, attacked man on tbe outskirts of the Kighth Ward about midnight last n'Kht, knocked him' down and demanded his money.

He bad none, and they let him go. Tbe two were arretted tuis afternoon, aud jailed for highway r.jlibery. i Mr. Hubert Irvine, nntit within a month manager of tbe Daily etigunl. and well known i 'ver tnis part or tue oiaia, aiea tais morning, aged thirty -Ave.

Defiance, Ohio. rOCID lJf THI CAXAU Petiauce, December 9. Search was continued this morning for the body of William mysteriously disappeared Sat- urday night. December 1st. The water was drawn from the canal at the lower lock, where the body waa fouud In nearly a nude condi- tion.

liavttiE on oulr a shirt and shoes, which ist-i may onus; out new urvriuumruw. van- 1 ous theories ar rife, and the result of the 1 fact may bring out new developments. Vari- uroner'i inquest on Monday is anxiously awaited. Jits relative at UowinanvUie, uave been tetegrapnea. i Blnnclev Indiana- RAID OF BURGLARS.

1 Mc-CIE, December Burglars last ptght broke into the houses of OeorgeF. McCulloeb, -ounty Clerk WnJ. Brotherton, a prominent attorney, and Major W. Emerson. At Me- Cuiloch's they obtained nothing but twenty-six cents from tbe uantaloous txicketaof Hev.

J. W. Birch more, who had banked his money. At Brotherton 's they obtained only eatables. probably being frightened away before Oniab-log the job.

fo clew to the burglars. TJrbaaa, Ohio. XEWS CVKREKTS. CrbAVA. December 9.

Last night a brake- man named Hedrlck, employed on the Pan- i i 1 I I i on the flag man at Shelby Station, on the Ash-tabnla and PltUburg Railroad, watchman started to eateb tbe trio, ana young Me-Crluiila, being excited, ran In front of a fast moving freight train. He was thrown down, and tbe engine and fifteen ears passed over him, canning Instant death. The body was terribly mangled. 1 bead, both arms and one leg being eut off and scattered along tbe track. Uarry Cart ton has Sled a petition In Court for divorce fmm Isabella Carlton.

Owing to tbe prominence of the parties and the -allegations In the petition. It has eaused a senna-Won. Th couple were married last July, Put soon separaied. -The defendant represented at the time of lb consolidation that she was a virtuous woman, out Carlton alleges that he learned she had been -cohabiting with other Men, aud that he at ono separated from her. Airs.

Carl toil ha always borne aa excellent reputation, and the developments In tbe petition for divorce have caused no little talk. Kautnoky. brutal ard uarKovoaco AasAtri.T. Falaiocth, December 9. Late yesterday evening John Casey, a young man who works for Josbna Rltter, a stock-buyer at this place, was driving; some bogs Into town which Mr.

Rltter had purchased in the country. When nruvr the residence of John A. Cookendorfer he was passed by two -men, Torn, Tofle and Nick King, la a wagon. Casey spoke to them and thought no more of It, but soon heard Hie wnn J-op, and look 1 tig around saw Toil rlKiit on him with a large stone In each hand and just in the act of striking. caught his right band, when he let Casey have one with bis left under the eye.

King by that time reached the spot, and pulling a revolver handt-d it to To lie, telling hlin to shoot tbe of a h. Casey, seeing he was at the mercy of the bruits, betcan begging, when King, having handed the pivwJ to Tolls, struck Casey over the head with something. Inflicting a bad wound. I'asey then lumped oni his nor andamnde his escane, badly beaten and braised. Warrants have been Is- sned for the arrest of both King and Tolle.

When parties went after them last night they had made their escape, driving the bogs back several mile and leaving them In'the woods. Casey says be knows no cause for the Greensburg, Indiana. SUIT SETTLED. OntiinmiKa, December LsrOne of tbe most Interesting trials ever had fin the Courts here closed last night. In 1880 the Aoltman A Taylor Company, Of Mansfield, Ohio, began two attachment suits In this Court, attaching an engtiie and separator belonging to John and Kfloch p.

hooven, of Hamilton, Ohio. The Hoovens had been tbeagenUof tbe Aull-man A Taylor Company- for several years In the sale of their endues and seDarators. At the close or ist they egan Out id lug machines, and ceased to be the agents of the Aultman Tavlor Comoanv. For an allesed balance due the Aultman 4 Taylor Comoany'a suits were broejcht srai nst the Hoovens In tbe Oreene Common Fleas Court of Onto. The Aultman A Taylor Company, learning that the Hoovens had one of their machines here on sale, came here and attached it for the same cause of action as that sued on In Oreene County, and then dismissed their suit at Xenla.

The Aultman dt Taylor Company had been selling their machines here for several years. After the disposal of the attachment suits bere, tbe Hoovens brought this anlt on the attachment bonds, and alleged general dam- iagee by reason of the attachment 'suits, and special damages because those suits were maliciously brought aicalnst them. After an -exciting trial, in which the main question was to show that the Aoltman Taylor company acted maliciously In the prosecution of the attachment salts, the Jury rendered a verilct In favor the iioovens for two damages. 7 Meant Starling, Keataeky. laroBTAaTCAPTvaa esaTKifCEn.

Movkt STESLtiro, IsKSmber Morrison, of the Harnett gang ot murderers, who has eluded the ofneer. I for the past six months, was captured leJ algbt at the house of John Harnett, la Menifee Coanly, by Deputy Hherttf George W. Mcfwrmtek and Ellis Dean. Harnett and ell of his aeeomplieee were sentenced to tbe pemUeettary for life at the laxt toria of oar Circuit t'onrt for themar-derof Vaughn Helton. Merk Miller, the man who turned Htatea evidence and gave the Jang away, also Implicated Morrison and oho Prophets, who had never been arrested.

A party of ten soldiers were sent to Menifee dunty to arrest them, but after a fruitless search they abandoned the ehaae. The reward of tS) ottered for their cat) lure still kept the Ulcers on the lookout for them, and, learning that Morrison' waa In tbe habit pf visiting bis wife at Barnetfs, they Watched me uouse ana nnatiy eapcurea mm. Prophett Is now the only one of tbe gang whe has not been captured, and he has probably left the country. This virtually exterminates one of tbe worst rniigs of midnight murderers that ever Infested any com munity. Your correspondent visited Morrison at the jail tbis morning.

He is a young mno, twenty-four years old, with blue-eyes and a pleasant face, the picture of a man who does not know the meaning of the word fear, tie sam that ne had been in entree County all the time, scnutlna around wltb that be bad been In Menifee his trusty rifle, constantly on the lookout for the officers, buC bad grown weary of such a life, and wben th officers- cam he offered no resistance. He married the dangbter of John Barnett. the chief the gang. He will not be tried nntil tbe June term of Court, and will no doubt join his oororades In the penitentiary. -1 Allen Wright, a negro, was sentenced yesterday to two years In tbe penitentiary for grand larceny.


F. Fbllger and wife are visiting friends at Toledo. Fort Warns and Defiance. Mrs. D.

Lws, of Marion. Ohio, Is visiting Mrs. D. R. Gorman and Mr.

C. Farrott. Mrs.C. E. rbarp baa returned from a prolonged visit te frienas at Hartford City', Ind.

Pag Wlngrove, for tb pant two years Secretary of the Railway Y. M. C. A. Reading-rooms, has accepted a similar position In tee new Bouta Side Bradlna--rooroa st Cleavelaad.

W. S. Matthias, traveling tassennr sgent ef tbe Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad, was in tbe city last Wednesday on business and te visit his brother of the Gallon Inquirer. Mrs. Rev.

W. Nlcbol. ne Till! Wernl. of Mercer CiHincy. has been rial ting ber sister, Mrs.

Fred Bcbub, Ihe past weeB. aoc-rar. oario. -Misses Mamie Krebs and Mary Akerman, of Msiu-fleld, were in tbe city last week visiting Mrs. t.

u. MrTr rs. Frank Longyear. formerly Miss BcrofTrs, will re next week for Lafavett. lasV.

where ber hus band has gone Into business. Charlie Klrklsnd. who spent bis boyhood In Ruivrus. ,1 now eOBduets a successful business at Cheyenne. Wyoming, was marrla at tbat plaos on xhatiksglvlng Day to Miss Hat tie Todbuoter.

Dr. H. W. Coaly bss disposed ef bis business In this city, snd basgone to Rirbwood. Union County.

Mrs. Wrarlia Caldwell and dangbter Rebecca left nd'the'winter''' hT Wwi1fj "arris rormeriy of this du, was married at Ellsworth, Monday to Miss Jsaaie Forbia VtV BlCHMOSfO, OtttO. J. A. Vet calf, of Moscow, Ohio, wss a visitor lo our city a few days siac.

Mr. John Dlrumltt, of Rata via. Ohio, spent part of tbe Trek wltb relatives bar. Mr. B.

L. Williams was at bom last Sundav from Cinelnnstl. and eHfoyed tb day wlib bla family. Mr. Joseph Faraell.

ef Callforala. Ohio, was a guest at tb residence of bis brother, Mr. Marloa Pursell, tuts wees. Mr. John DuckwsIL of Bat aria, Ohio, was a wel- com visitor among fri and Tuesday mornrng.

A-varv aieaaaat event in the wavef a tafTV-enlllne i 1 hursday svaaing. woewrBa. oaioT nr. Tnka tnnakaener and brlda ratnrnad hama 7 wooster I rum tneir wenaing tour en last rnmtr. las Ida Faast.a euleiat of ovnafderable note In al Im Maria- BTImmerer.

of Mlllersbere. Onto, baa been the guest of Ml as Nettie Yexgia ea Bewtb Market street the past week. K. Patierson. Class at It In Wooster Calverslfy, edlter ef tbe Mercer i Penn.) Repabllean.

was visiting bis Wooster friends tb early part of tb week. Mrs. Worts PlnkerVm, of Chicago, ratornad borne Tuesday moroiag. erier a two weeks' visit with Wooeier relatives aad trient. SfliVlIL OWtO- Hon.

Joha McSwny, of WeoMer. was to town during laat week. i Dr. C. A.

I- Reed, ef flaattltoa, speat a eon pie ef dars bare last week. fioa. Robert Ble was In tow last week. R-alph Marriott is vUittag bis bretber I. tht.

tapUla J. 8. OIU has gone te Leulsiana. where be Mr. Ed.

J. Uilnysu. ei sms sraatsswe, stamaa i bis parr nts In this city, MrsT W. J.Btsnlevis vhltmgfrlBdt 8L Paria Miss Kittle tampheli, ef IM city, bss gem te da- einnatl tot isll ber sister. Mrs.

C.H. Breueman. i Miur-aiharina Mctlroy is borne frdm Htastoo. called hereby the death ef ber mother. Mrs.

1 it.rfn.. J. W. Wblte asd Wtf. of Harvard Unls aits ar In towa.ealiee hra by the daa 1 1 bit It slather.

BCiRVTtL. aaio. MIs Carrie Work, ef Laaeaster, was her stster, Mrs. Will Uby.isuBday wek. Mrtieorg Fink, of ClaciaiteU.

was I tb gusat Of i -i UarM FialC, OI wiscuuuu, ai Handle, fell from a car In this yard and broke i Ml Klls Oregory ol Burna Vista, Ohio, after ea-, i Joying a pleasant visit with ber sister, Mrs. Nettle his leg In two places below tbe knee and was fi2vc5. bss eons te Hlolev. Oblo. en visit.

local oirciea, is visiting in nttsoarg. tne guest ut tue -i J-n i. i eelebrated tlorer. MiSsJeaa Wallace ef that city. a visit rsiaUve.

letarned te abeibyvuie. Ib Miss Nettle KewtonsuKhtsr of ihdlurt-of the Saturday. rwoaat rtaa. of ynio. is visiting Wooster ofC ubM- and Wok tbe guaat of Miss Jo Baraea.

oa Real I W. Friedley.of Bedford, attended tb Circuit Court ataseea ins natf enraaaalc. inhiM 1 WHliam M. alker from Mary M. waiaer, and K.

Bcldore from Emery K. Beldore have been granted dlvorosa by Judge War- hock-- I abiiuu, penitentiary from this place about a year ago, i k. 1. mnn a miams man aavi Xarada, Ohie. HE LOVED TWO WELL.

If btada, December 9. Charley Stahn, for-merlv a resident of this nlace. now residing In Ausiais County, was arrested by Marshall Kelineron the charge ot bigamy. Horn tiro la August or September Stahn was arrested on tbe charge ef bastardy preferred by Miss Hannah Mitcbelsou, of this plaee, resulting in bis marrying th glrL After tbe ceremony be departed on a wedding trip by himself. A few days ago word readied tbia place tbat he waa living In Auglaise County with another woman, whom he', had married eighteen daye after bis marriage with Miss MlteheUon.

Tbe girl's father ewore out a warrant charging' bina with bigamy. He WlU have heerlag to-morrow. 4 Vornoa, Indiana. SITfT FOB DAMAGES. December H.

Haxelbrlgg (an account of whose arrest and imprlson- meat speared la tbe Enqviber at the time) to-day brought salt against Cba. H. Crutcb-baek. Alonxo O. Smith and H- Verba rg for false Imprisonment aud for damages.

Vlr.Cro tcli back is the merchant from whom be obtained several bund red dollars' worth of godSs upon a SljUOO note which turned out. to be worthless. Mr. e-mlth'ts the attorney who prepared the affidavit and Information upon which be was arrested, and Mr. Verbarg is the Sheriff who served tbe warrant and Placed htm In jail.

The defendant are not disturbed by tbe suit. and. regard as inU-tated by third parties. Vrfcaaa' OOVRTFAaULY TBOXTBLsV Urji ax December. Yeswrday at a special session, of Court JTlne J.

Borubain was granted a divorce from Pearl JBurnbainon grounds of extreme cruelty, and allowed CflOO alimony. The Parties are weir con-heeted. beiusr uulU prominent In the vicinity of Meeiiamcsburg. The plaliuifrwas reatoreu to her maiden name, lna ai org" Another case of a of separation between man tsken place In this elty, owing alleged intimacy with an and wife has othar Th. urtiea are Mr.

ana Mra. Bimon Fuimer.well-knnwn reidents of etouth Main street- Mrs. Kulmer has gone her son-in-law, and refnaes to Uve with her nue-hand y--'. -7---: Youagstewn. Obi.

FATAX. RESULT OF A PRACTICAL JOEB XaA-TIOXAL DIYORCg OASR. YotjitBSTowx, Decembers. John llcOlnnls, aged sixteen, with two other wss en- gaged lata last njght In laying praoUoal Joke and who was just reieaseu, oas again come to erlef in Union County for steairng turkeys, The ert me for which he served the State was ir'unJi wnicn.neeerveavneotat waa stealing bogs. waaa 1 THE ENQUIRER, dKCTNATT.

DECEMBER: 71V 183G; Hswlrs Jame Hall aad Harry Becker, ot Laaoas- captala t. Whlehar wfU aoon remove te Tex, ter were In tau eity laat week. Mr. U. L.

Oaernsey. of Henryvili. this eouaty, ii Rsj TtoBl xeiuxud Chleag last wss married te Mis Bailie RaddalLof Cbarlesiewa, Trmradar isftsn. 111.. oa Wednesday.

r. Ooeraey la traie dipatcber Tfuy.Obla, eialted irtoad. id of IWlread. -this eity euiiday week. .1 Ij- Lyla, of coiaiabos.

was la tbe city ea MlSfcKTnkeLef the guestef Thaay. Mi-atlJaai rules. A Mr. Harry Fawcett, of Missouri. WlU epeaa ta 4 BliomiDee Dancing Oobrtfl rtvatat i wlnterln ibis city.

tb Americsa adiisdy vealag. fMcwsv Miss Lola Kemp ttMrtwtaraed freaa a visit to Cev ra. i niaa. Mrs. ir.

l. a- jense laiiw H.l,1? Voneiir. an old CirdUmian. of BalUnier. vtsltiag bU menyfHeods In this eity.

Mas nil Aibaagb returaed rross Wasalagtoa C. Aua Harsha returned he College ef Musio last Meaday. f. aorra cnABLBs-fow jbttto. Mr.

Lawrence HlskU was la Xaaia this we ea totidTiiPty. ef Ornllld. Ohio, retaraed liiiSe-a is vlaltlng Meads BartweM, O. Atklnen'n ha waded bl fin ivsiidence CbaVlaaWB to Mr. Kkaia, ef Moeat Tbe M.

B. rundsvsebs give a esaeert fabbata has bee, the Ijs, rear to Denver. CelU with ber o. riurud home Mltcball. of' apringfleld.

aa. been vtsi been visttlriMlss Ansa Cos the wseB. FO nsrt otiirst. 1 1 sifWlor prvwn, wi a -r Kere was is Iowa last wees. aa tee Ua aod Pestasaatar Muaiii- Us last week.

The child had bee trochlea- with its head drawing te on T. C. Hirst was la tewa last week ia tbe tatsrssl ef the rsiiraad eaaipsny M. Atkinsua is sUU couaaed te his bed wlU the fever.

of Bprtafield, was town V. H. Wbltmaa ares In Wllmingtaw this week. Justin McKUbea end family hsve rvturaed treeaa TMt to Mrs- MeKloban's parents at Unas, Air. Cbarles IUaa aud famUy have rrturaed te t.blcsso.

Tbe oreene Oennty Teachers Assoctatloa meets here ea ssaturday of this week. Mrs. IX A. Meriey aoa aepbew Bar 4-00 to Detroit. Mk-blaan.

Miss Emily Oesr. of Baa Francises, 1 visltlag friends ia this city. Mr. F. Ji- Morris and Tents' Abbs Jonas, both of Xenia, were marries at th borne of the bride las wrek.

Itev. J. F. Wri-bt ottlcisted, Jsntes Tosrasley has retaraed trosa a business trip te Chfonso. Miss Msrr Zlsbler.

at Bprlaafleld, Is tbe guest ef kf is Mary Bloom. Mrs. P. Martin and daaghtat dna are vtsitlBg reiativ ia Clncionsli. Charles JJarlins-ton.

VM to Daytea Bad SprinKtleld this week a tesal business. Mr. Ralph Peterssnd otber eriictals of tbe Pittsburg, Ciadnaail and St. Loula Kailread were in x.euia oa saiusaay en aa. taspseuea teur at tiv US4, Mrs.

CL Brlc and children baveretaraed telTow York. Mr. Bart Hacadors and Miss Blanche Cunnlns bam were niarrlwd on Thursday evening last at the reshlenee of th bride's father, T. K. Cuuninsham, enlra street.

Mr. Uen Turner has retorned to RsntiBston. Miss Tbso. Vlllsrs Is vlsltiug friends ia Washing ton II. Captain Roee.

ef Kenton, was berg aa Tuesday. Koai Harrington is In Mr. Jobs Hardgxave. ef, MshsiIIuq-. Is the go est of James K.

tshafer. Msrah TborausoB Is visiting friends In pique. Mrs. 2. L.

Michael hamanwd from tlevoland. Mr. F. ureeaweod, we here the gn ef thVweck. w.

h. Broaaw, ef BpeacervtUe. was hare ea Wednesday. Ir. A.

Baxter Is In New York. Paarl Kl'ter basgone West on tiniilassa B. V. Wade, of Tiiiedo, was In li. H.

Heman has been elected Post Oemaaaader Of Mart ArniHtrvn PuM, U. A. Et. tieurs i. bippus, ef aaaUngtoa.

ImtU, was her en Wednesday. Mrs. Holla A. Metheany and sea, ef Oraad Rapids, are visiting friends and relatives bere. James Irvln aud Dr.

Maanlag have gene to Cal-osiru on business. K. A. Wuder.of Huntington, wsa ber Wedneadar. Wm.

M. C'orrMftt. v4 Van Wert, waa bara. Mu Clara Maiiea sad Mrs. Jseuie Mam have returned home.

Mrs. Juton JJisssaa is visitiBg fnanss In Fsrstt County. 1 Mr. J. A.

Hazard, of Clevsiaad. was bere. Mis Abbie Myers, of Flndlay, Is visiUng' Meads here. Mr. Harry Yeirlngtua, of Springfield.

Uthegasst of Mr. W. W. J. JL TewDsead baa retnrned rem Chleag.

1I1ANON, OHIO. Dt. W. of Lytle. called a his rriands la tbis place last week.

Mi.ts A lie MsrtUtt. of Springfield. Is visiting friends in this place. w. B.ogieauy, of Mlddietowa.

wss ia Lebaaoa ea Monday. -Mrs. Lawrence Arnold, of Oreeaneld, is tbs guest of Mrs. WUIinm Bfllers. J.

U. Steddom. of Wilmington, visited here Isst week. i.d Doty, formerly ef tbis place, but sow of Cleveland, Is visiting his rautber bare. Mrs.

Jonn tv Ksevar, of Mason, visited hare last week. Mr. l'erry isnlder, of Hopklnsvllle, was la Lebanon on Tuesday. Frank Coryell sad family visited ralatlvas at Xenla last weex. Mr.

J. C. Van Harllngen, of Springfield, was cailHi bere last week by tbe serious illness ot bis fattier. Dr. itooert Van iiarllngen.

Mr. A ohm U. Mhu maker and Busle Dawson, of Fort Ancient, were married in tbe Probate Court-roum on Saturday lant. Mr. Then.

Lawrence and wife, of Harvexsbarg, visited relatives bere early Id the week Mrs. K. A. blokes, of silver street. Is seriously UI wiib a fever.

Th social given by tbe Yoong Ladles' Mission Clrvl at lb bom of Miss Kvs Holllnnhaad oa Friday veulng was a very enjoyable adair. Mr. Juan CUuutn, of Levaiand, waa bars oa Thursday. Hev. J.

P. Scott, of tb Presbyterian Church, visited relatives and friends at Jlttshnrg last week. Mr. William Cerwla, of this place, and Mrs. tila Sbian, of WayaesviO, were married oa Tuesday last.

Mr. David Smith, of KalnevlUe, was In Lebanon ou 1 burMlay. Judge Mas left tbl place on Monday for Columbus, wuere hr occupied the ueucb In tbe United suatea Oxjrt dnrius tbe wek. air. Joaepb Cairleaoue has retorned aftar a pleaa- Jus BuVle.

of i auant bundav wltb bis Sisters ia aosikhi. Mr. Milton Clark retorned home from Pltubura- on Tuesday. Mr. W.

L. Dechant had business In Daytoa a couple of days last week. Mr. Marcus Cuglesbee, of Dodds; was In Lebanon on ednvetlsy. Mr.

Charles O. HaadaU.of Dsyton, snd Miss Km ma Davis, or Red Lion, were married by hev. Vance at tbe Lebanon House parlors on Mrs. Joseph Kvaoi and daughter, of Mlddietowa. visited friends in Lebanon last week.

Mrs. Dr. James AntoD left for Los An re lea. on Wednesday, where she wm engage in the prao. Miss Wlnluck, who baa been a student here for some time, was taken very ill and started for ber butue In Kentucky, in company with a brother, and died before reaching thereat Ioiavlile.

Miss Josie Miser, of Cherry visited Cincinnati for eouple of dsrs last week. Judgesage and family. v. wuijiia a as, imuu, w. waa in tjcv apuu last week.

Frank Small, who bss been spending some months la this place, has returned to bis home at Trov. Mrs. Mibble and Utile daughter, of Cinda-naU, visited the family of W. A. Hardy last week.

James Turner, familiarly knowu as "Uig," waa admitted the Soldiers' Home at Dayton from tuts connty last weea. Capiaia James it. Bon, of Huntsvlil. Ala. has bn visiting friends in tbis vicinity.

Miss Flo Elliett. ef Daytoa, visited Mend here 1st week. Miss Alice Callaway Is visiting her sister, Mrs. muii at Dayton. Mrs.

T. M. Frootor visited Cincinnati arly Id the Week. -Tlif Warren County Horticultural Society will meet at tbe reeldeuoe of aamael BeaB on Thursday Best. tienersi Ward weat te Cleveland on business last week.

Dave Mack, of Cincinnati, was here last week. MIks Pst Ferris, who barfueen visiiliig her sister at Wichita. arrived borne on Friday evening, alter an absence of several month. Hev. a.

K. Holtnlnger. of Weatcbester, is holding a protracted meaUag at tbe Q. P. Cburea la this piao.

BtrrCXBLL. IMDIAVA. Tas Baptist ladles held a fair and refreshments, which closed Tuesday night, and, besides makinc the church SIS, waa a pleasant auclal allkir. Lieu riras Dalten 'selection to tbe Fuel mastership of the National House of Is pleasing to bis many friauds I this oounty, his former burnt Joe Crlm bss gons to tb Air-Lin Railroad te tabs charge of a telegraph oific. Mrs.

Lee Horton. of Ohio. Is bore visitiBg bar par-nls, Jo. Moor aud lady. W.

B. Crtsler, formerly County Superintendent of School In ibis county, bss become Insane, aad Is ordered loth asylum at Indianapolis. unrisLB, MBIASA. Hon. B.

Swiisrof apsnosr. waa la th city ea FMrsf-M. B. Patterson, whe bss been visiting Meads ia tbis eity, returned to RusbvUle oa Tburs-dsv. Tb Oreenfleld Democratic Clnb gav Aarora Floyd" at Masonic Mail oa Thursday and Friday "VhaUdl of lb M.

B. Church gsveacofTee lunch at the residence of Dr. d. Martin, ou Friday evening, and the ladles of Christian Uburcb save a lancb at tbe residence ef Jwba W. By an.

ea Wednesday eveaing. Judg D. B. ueodlnglef th city. Is spoken ef la connection with the.

Democratic nomination for Lleuteaant-aoveraor. paster ei'th FresbyUrian cnurcb talseity RevT -a. F. l-ove, of Beororn, nas oeeo secures aa kobtb vuxun, lantaaA. Miss Flla Hndeoa.

of Hardeabnrg, la eWtlBg relatives at Culumuua. Dale J. Critteaherger, Deputy Secretary ef Btata, Buaday te tbis city. Miss Htmu Lablsb is visiting la lillaela. Mr.

Hiram Wblloomb, of CtactaaeU. waa la tb city on Monday. Mr. Cornelius WIlaoB, ef CratbersvUle, eras la th dty Friday. Mrs.

Campbell aad daughter. Miss Emma, ef Maryavlll. ar visiting relative la Verooa. Mies Eva Bmltb, of IadUaapolia. at vlalUog ber brother la this city.

twiando Baeort era at dncinaatl Wedasaflsr. Walter Mitcbeil, ef the Cloelanatl Madlaal School, I- on a visit. wmiaoi niyiy. 17. Miss osrri Vawter has retaraed tress her visit a jells JdeOaaioa la vWUBg relatives to Teraea.

BTBW Statirr, IWDIAItA. Henrv F. alartio, ef Loaisvtll. ana Sirs. Msry Brisl-ie' were married Tuesday at tb residence ef Colonel W.

W. Tales ea Ciltvoa Uetawi. aad weat to Cincinnati on a bridal tour. Miss Lida Marshal, ef BC Leak. Is tb gaeM ef Mrs.

Mrs. Wm. Farrier and Mia Kinase SaUlvaa have returaed front a stall Lafayette. llsrcti Met sty re and Mlse Klla K. Fryer were anlted la marriage Wednssrisy aigbt.

at ta reat-duo of Bsmual Barth. Captain wui watkitts sno wit saresrs, sss Will A. Culberteoa, Esq-of St. Psol, la tB dt OB riMt lahls fataac. W.

B. Csuberf aaa Eai. i an- FraTUarriai.a. iaiAA- H. M.

Rltter. of Cincinnati, aad MV K. Flesh, of vaptai a a. wcaer aae uvwa, Thomas Bennett and Ml Belle Beanett married Wednesday night by Rev. W.

Kevauid Might Kev. David Knl'-kereorkea, Blsboeo Episcopal Dioceseef lodlaaa. arrived ia the Beanan and Mrs neti Bennett were WedMaday aigbt by Rv. W. Krvaulds.

stev. te vie aninprBwie, m.yw Dioceseef lodlaaa. arnveo ib tne caiy etaniay. and waa given a reception at tne reaiaeuce i-h Tbis la th fir I EDlaeouai RLlmsMlu. Paal Palish, aad th wetoom aooor.ted him was hearty and generous.

Tb tiubop orhciatau at oonSnnatioa at at. PaaJ-s yesterday. Uary Smith and wire, Ba Marl MoCamtJbell. mrm tf lh, ell, Ha sMi la J. 11.

HOtAmDlMll wife, parent ei air, euuth. coionet Jame aeuwln Wat rnaianapoiis, serving nis coaatry as a petit jurisr ia see wsuivsi tnsloo, Mrs. Will Caasetoa. ef Syasarv Is YkdttBg atia. F.

A. Cameron, MraBarharm Hnsee.of DaavUle, UL.Tiatted rala- tlva hm la-, WMtk. Mis Laara Wbjsialoa, of Scott' County, isj visiting ber sister, an j. Butler. isaoor Dardaaa has racei red gLSa) arrears ef pension.

Miss Jennie Braat has marBed frota Bagloaw. Mica. Mr. J. H.

Bp has gone north for Bis health. Coaductor J. M. Pleua-hlae ha bee reinstated te bis run on lb Ohio aad Mississippi betwea tbia and ftneianati. Laat Tuesday aUrbt a doable wedding was per- formed Bere, parties evidently bsping ninawaya J.csrpb A.

ltidiso.f Wlohlia. waa avsmed te Miss Alary H. Braman. of Frank K. Hranian.

of Balodio. was married lo Mis Roaella L. Teaeelieo. Thtr ttuBs waa set obtained ber. Mr.

James F. Lewis WQI ge to WaahtactAa. D. C. te-morruw.

Mrs. Hnry W. Fr nd I vtaltiag ber saetssria TbiTurand' Hotel ieae ha beea asid te Mr. W. B.

tokely.ef Clnoinatt Cams are out tor tbe wad din' ef Mr, Job T. flssiaisa. ef the laworss Cehb. Ceeb A d- wis. sad Miss Mere Fuller, of -BicknetL Tbe eere-iuns mill take place I humday evenins; Miu Tbe cantata by tne Kpiacopal Vbarca Caoir Taes-day ahebt was a srdandtd sucws.

Mr. Hubert T. Bbrren and Miss Fannt Cnllep. ef Oaktwwa.were aiarrisd in this city last Thursday ahrbw 0 r. Albert Mail Bad wife ara TbdUag relatives la Terr Haul.

I'- aaEExsgcEOijaBtAaAi 'Mrs. Frank Buckley left. Monday for Cincinnati, whrre she will ramaia fur two seeks fur medical treatment. Mr, tmma BakaleM aa Tuesday for Cinciaasrl for a few ra. Mr.

Frank Waadoa earn hsrs fxesa Indianapolis an Tuesday last. Jvba DeAjrmond. 'ef Wastporti Was Ia tbe city oa Tuesday last attendlng-Court. atr. aoa strs.

nartas save goae wsuasss Texss. to spend ia Mrs. Setts has nestu lad laaapsil. "1 f-iulberland Mctav anil T. W.

Maar. CSaefem. barg. were is llilseity on Teeedey. Isaac W.

Wait, of Siawbnry. waa ta the etty aa Tuesday. J. KUIott, of West port, visited Oreeaabarg oa Tuesday. John J.

Putaant. of Kem-point, was la Oreeaabarg en buatneaaea Tsday last. Josh Heedrick sad eott-Hnmpbrey ar bis Hag a sevsral dsv' stsy ia Cincinnati this week. Mr. Boater, OT Minneapolis, at bar vkdllag bla dangbter st th Orphan Horn.

WT T. Head aad lady, ef LealavUl. are ber at-tandtng te bustnees la Court. Joha O. Miliar syeaA te India aapetls a Taeaday last.

Miss Mlnnl Bonner want te Richmond, IniL, ea Saturday hut to visit ber sister. Mr. Farnons, ne Miss Aon WoUey, spent last Sundsy with hr parents at horn, sad baa returned lo RusbvUle. B. B.

Harris, ef Harris City, was la this etty aa Tuesday. Uoodrick H. Barbour, of ClnetoaalL speat Taa-day ia this city. fid. Ferran.

of Bardlnfa was her Tuesday Isst, WlUard Alley, pot last Tuesday is Orseasv atr! aad Mrs. Fields, ef Loulsvtll. Kjr. axespaad- iuk a sru ore uiili uc retaaivesu Hoiwrt ispaugh. Jof Hope, was to Ore so berg.

Tuesday evening. Isalsh Proctor, Trustee of Landcreek Townstilp, was in this city on omcfal business last Taeaday. Prosecutor 1 ackett went te Ruebvlli Wednasday to attend the preliminary exsmi nallon of Black. Charged wltb murder of Fraaa. J.

C. Hooven. of Hsralltea. aad E. F.

Heovea. of Dsyton, came to Greenaliurg on Tuesday to attend a ult la Court by then againat th Aaluuaa A Taylor Company ot Mansbeld. isamuel B. twarj, the Mayo ol this dty. spent last Tnesday at Bbelby vtll Cbaries E.

UilTen. Postmaster at Hsmfltou. Ohio, wss in OreeBatjtinr Court ea Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph English, of Indismepulls.

has been sick relative in Oreensburg. Mrs. Lath DwaaeU bad a visit one day tats wsea from four df her brothers of Cincinnati. Mrs. Alice Tiadail.

wee Mies Euaur). bss been visiting bere. aad raturaed- te bar present borne la BbelbyvUie. Mrs. J.

C. Kemper and dsaghler hsv returaed te Florida, accompanied by Miss Urae Hamiliua. BICRMOMB. IVnlAVA. Mr.

Arthur Reeve went te Chicago Thnraday. Mia 1.1 a a Anderson, of ureeevllte. Okie, la visiting friend. In this uity. Mrs.

Jennie Yaryan bss ron to Breokvill to ss-sist in celebrating the eighty -drat birthday of her aiotber. Mrs. Bt lie bss purchased tb Daniel Wbaelan property ou siorth kJaventh btnet aud haaooa- ciudea to max it ber future bum. Mrs. O.

M. Hoover, of Croatia, after-a pleasant Visit to friruds here, returned bom TbUasday. Al Cain baa retaravd I Richmond. Mrs. N.

Oruas. who has beea visiting ber daagb-ter, Mrs. W. N. EendaU.

retaraed butue to Coving. ton.oiil. Mr. Harry Dot ton, of Kansas OHy, la visiting bis pareala bere, la company with his erlfe and child. Frank Dunn, ef Beaton, formerly a resident here, bas returned ta till the poaitloa of train dispatcher, formerly bald by Flnirock.

Mr. Charles Nurdyke, who has been out In Wisconsin for tb past four years, bas returned looking uat-urai and prosperous. Holl skating Is tbe leading diversion now. Both the Para and the oraad opeca-bouses are having Better success ss skatiag-tiaka thau as temples devoted to drama. Th Analects held thair sixth consecotlv meeting at tb residency of Mr.

Usury Roger, on Monh Tenth street on Tuesday evening. 1 be session wss one long be remembered, as lb literary-end wsMai parts of th programme sen unusaally-eajosabl. Rev. Alexander oilchrist paid visit toCincin-Ball friends the past week. Miss Lula Hsrrimaa at with frisnds at Washington.

to-dsy. A season of mirth snd merriment wns sffbrded those wbo bsd th pleaaur of participating in th surprise masajuerade party at Mia dross' boose, on South Third street. Wednesday night. Mr. Ellwood Mills, of Bridgeport, wss tbe guest of Editor Maeey.ef the Palladium, tb past waek.

O. P. Paaey, from Colorado, la circulating among acqua'ntaoce bere. Kaiuurl Flohr will be Bsarried tea Ctnctnnatl lady tnls week. Mlas B.

Raflbrty ratnrsed frota a vtalt to Syracuse, Tuesday. Benjamin R. Llppioeott, aa old-ttm resident of this city, bet long cl Iteaof tukion. and with whom the Vaugbsa brother were associated in business waa in the city the day with bis brother, the undertaker. He was glad to meet many old fi lends, with whom be found great pleasure in talking of old times.

Mr. and Mrs. Blddall hev returned from Indianapolis. John M. irggssssyr aad wife are visiting in do- oinnetL Frank Law I off on a trip te Northern Indlaaa and Houtbera Michigan, tl.

Perry, lata Buperintendat of tb Western Union Telegraph Company's otuce In this city, has resigned aad ipofc leave of friends here, to Iw-aK at Fort Wayne a Buperintendeat of the Telephone Kxrbanxe for tbat district. Dtek Miller write to Jo Nicholson from Las Vsgas Sprlugs hat la delighted with the place. Mrs. Ed Jouos, ot Economy, and Mlsajennl Fleming, of New Paris, Ohio, ar being entertained by the Mi-ises swift, of South Matb air-eel. Joseph Hsyea, O.

H. Bacon, D. W. Johnson. Thad Oordon.

T. w. Bennett, Bamuei Marlatt, Charle Marlatt. J. Wilson.

A. K. Draly, William Oep-hardt. Joseph L- mftb, Ueurg av. Dunham.

Peter Rltter. William H. TrtndalL H. A. Meyer, jobs JsL Mlcbouwa, H.

N. Land. W.J. Robie, Ueward Caa bell, Leruy Laud aui Thomas Logan, all of Wayw County, attended lb Bcoltiab Kite Convocatioa at Indians polls lb past wek. Thursday was tb woods wedding anniversary of Mr.

and Mr. Leuls Baarr, and tne sains ws prnp-ny celebrated. Mrs. baarr-s mother aad Siatars presented br with a Una chair. Mlas Mami Allea.

of Westvill, Ohio, aftr a filessant sojourn aim her sent, Mr. Fiuglbboes. ef bis city, returned borne Wi-daeaday. Mrs. H.

M. Roberts Is at Michigan visltlag aumr-ons frtende. B. F. Harris la absent from the eity ea a e-ialsss trip to Ksmat that will prutssaty eaa tww ev week topass oy are bis retara.

Harm Rust and party of Irteads went banting Tuesday, snd captured an opossum. Thy propose to have a posHum roast" to ceieorate laeir Ml and wm eau ia ta eoiuraa popuiauo -eaaia. av. The. Waller and family, of Nlebolas Coaoty.

have gone tb Flvrlds to wtntsr. alvln Dorneli bss retaraed te bla heme at Carlisle wltb bis new wit from captala Kd. Taylor aad Lab rtharp, -Oommardal EvaiigeHata" of ciaeiaaaU. have beea dniag tbia el ly lor a say or two. it 111 Ii.h.1.

S.hAnl nMHlln.M yail, Rv. Ernst McMillan ar spending a week la Flem ing county oaanuntrni XDdltiua. Mrs. W. B.

Victor, mother of Marl Presoott, tb actrsas, Is tos guess of relative In Carimle. Mr. Herod IMsiras, of Virginia, la bere gettlag Bp a class la dancing. Elder Wm. Bweeuey, ef Hesae Cave, is visiting bis brother bar.

He ha accepted a call to tb Bowling Ureeo Christian Church fur next year. I beodor Nix and wife, ot this city, will soak their future home at Clay City, ea tae Kentucky Union Hallruad. Tb Aid rtodety of th Christian Church will give an entertainment on Thursday evening for tb bea-tti of th poor of their church la tbia city. have gun lo Washiaetoa. Bv speod several weeks vlstting relatives.

Messrs. Oar ret Dsvls. "Scrabb" Webb and Prof. A. Ouireit acted as beat men oo ooraaloa of tbs Mix-Horiae auptlals.

at Cyntblana. Bh Burdette. the Hawkey bsmorlst. will lecture here en tbe tstb. tssw tbe auspices ef tae Baptist Church.

Colonel Ciaddock. th veteraa editor, bas gone tu Washington, D. C. to atteudN the reuaioa ef ta MsxJcaa War ytraa. LaotfweToit.axjrrccKT.- Colonel B.

Kail, uf th Farmer' Hem Journal, Lou Is ill, was In tb dty tbis week. Mlsafralli Downing, of Jacksonville, Is the gumi of Mrs. E. K. Stephens.

Is6 Mouth Mill street. Mr. I W. Hstchcratt, of Booorro. Mew Mas loo.

Is visiting friends in cente-1 Keutucky. Lotus ana A an uoueoay, oi tors city. las Alius atrent, ot aguraus vouniy. is tne gaeet ef her brother, Ms. O.

Brent, Miss Lily wlllU has returaai iber. Ms. Brent, se weat 1 sir street. ret read from a two atoaibs' van toe rs The feast of tb mmaculst Coecvpttoa waa celebrated at tbe Catholic Church Saturday. Mr.

Each Crew and family, let of Jaasaasta Cousty, bar moved te Leslngto te live. Ml. C. Y. Peck bas returned from a ashing- trip te Triplet! Creek.

Hs tea dad a pike taawigbd II nou nd. Colonel S. W. Boott, of Louisiana, waa in tb dty this week. Colonel aeott is remembered hre as th h-a ler of eae of the most dart ag Confederate raids made through this eertian during ta war, and as tb oomrasaner ef tbe osvalry that came through ber with Uenerai Kiroy Bmiib.

r. O. W. Tew a ad aa guae ea a trip te Bw York. Mr.

Jake Keller baa retarned frees a trip to Kaat eru Earttacky, where wentoa basiaeat fof tb Kentucky Colon Railroad Company. Hoa. Joha P. Leedoia. 8rgant-at-Arme ef Coo-gress, lias named his uew hoy for hi eld cullag-uiste.

Prof. Wilbur R. Bmith, ef this city. Mr. J.BoaleeMalth left Monday fur Wasbingtea.

wber go as a oewspapr curr pendeat. Mr. Jam Wlateramliaa host a of friends ta this eity ar highly elated ever bss 1 actio as Deur keener of Congress. Cuioael John B. Bowman ha gone ea a trip 'Fa at.

Hob. WlUard Osiora--. la vlaiUos ia this dty. bis farmsr bum. Mlisi Mlaeie Part.

Is vieitiBg telatlvaa to this city. Miss Luxle Baed has returned front a visit ta friend in Parts. Mrs. win Marshall, baa retaraed been a but to ber parent la Bhelbyvlll. Mi Carrie Hanson, who bas beea visiting to this city far asveral weks.

has returned hr soma to Psria Mr. Wllltam CbeppW. whe has beea aalt III with malarial fever for several erees. Is not imprevtag. anu It is believed be will sot recover.

Mr.J. H. Body, of Busts, was, ta the city ea a bulnesstrip last wek. Tbe Leslngten Broom Brigade will shortly give, a public drill In ueorgetuwn. Dr.

O. B. Buckner kas retorned from a very pleasant trip to Cbnttanotiga end Lookout Mountain. Mr. Jacob Baaduaky, shl city, ha son re Springfield.

Ohio, to tak a poaitloa in a leading agricultural bous. tr. J. p. H.

Bullivaa tat of this etty, has go to Parsons. Kansas, to go Into bo sinew- Colonel M. Louis Clark, Presldeat tb Lee levin Jockey Club, was la tb eHy several eaya tbia "krW. C. nerutaad.

ef 'pbilasMphla, was ia tb dty this welr atlas Usai Bush has returned rrera visit to Rich- nMis Marv Borbridga, of Boorboa Cea oty Is vist Ibg Mrs, heat day. Mr. j. im eve, ef was to bha dty tauiws, Keataeky Court of Apaals. BPRciAt aurASfcm td TB Baaviaaa.

a 5 rasa a fob. Decern bar t. Isss. Cummins CommtMierealtb, BracRen affirmed: xMusville end Kaahvilie B-tiroadCwmfieny vs. Me-Voy, petltloo overruled! aver va.

l-hlilipsw so b-misalon set aside and original aasigasaeai ef errors hleei Tucker vs. Rlwaley at i tranaierred) Dcmpsey va Rocellon admlulsirsler, petition overruledr Bmita vs. Common wealth, eubmittee; City uf oweasoorv v. sisxaretb Let and Building Association, motion to dismiss appeal Weld-n vs. Cean moo wealth, motion So eimnlvs: Pblripe exeew-lar va pbllilps' administrator, moties set foe January tlat; Louisvliie and Nashville Railroad Csm-pany vs.

Tsrner. res bona and amdavit Bled, and motion te hie suppl' nsntal record; Bhersnaa vs. CVimnvonwesltb, argued hy L. C. Nortnaa tor ap-peiiee aad laid rwlsc further argusseat.

Bat the Xaqalrer is the Only Newspaper, Dayton journal. -'V -'There la talk of a btg cotton mill In Cincinnati to manufacture muslins and prints. A rat there a doeen prints there now i i i v' Yotnte men or middle-aged ones, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weak-as, should send three stamps for Part IL of World's Dispensary Dime serieaaf books. Address World's DisrxssABT Mrzhcal Aa- SOOIATIOR, Bo.alo, K.T. lUaXllOADSe That; Tripartite, juW llezrifl jAmpiatictJlj Hfsaim ti The B.

and. O. ContomplatlRB' taaoo of the PittabursT, Cleveland end Toledo Other Items of -totwreea. j- a bar arrtjatroK. rt hi renersity bettered the (ho Ohjs Blve pool is its Last legs.

Tb actio ef laeJtew Yrk ow-! la a xtvsse rHmpl-b, atakes this aappoalUoa stin atreages'. Ta JKa-cUV Committee, la saletan nctav. aaawed yesterday a aria of nawtoUona, la purport, it hi silsajed, aWfeilowa: Basxdvad. That'sre, lashvidaaHy aad oetteetively. are diasathined wiia tbs percentage awarded oer respective line by lb recent Arbitral! oa Committee st ClnciDDatl.

Each line entitled te a oooera-erabiy larger pereeatasre thaa tbat allotted, whose agjrregute woatd be about sue per eeat. That we, the general maaaaersef the several usee, and known aa tb hiseroitve Committee ef th Ohio Kivey pool. are uetier- laioriasd a to ear various want aud deaerts.thaa the reoeul ArWtratioa Uera-raltte, wboas ws sMactsd frora among tb beat rail-rued men la the cyuatry. Tearefor. we, the gvw-eral manager, will meet to executive nasi os OS or berora January last, tor tb garpnas ef awaraiag eurvwa perceBtagea.

That, apoa failure to agree. wbtoB) rs la 'liable, we will resubmit tbe matter to the aeifeeme Arut-tratioa Committee, whose iudgmeat we have, aad hereby eondema, and that I take Baal actios upon lb percentage proMeru oa or before January IS, laC We have a esrioue InteaUoa ef abidlnc by the dedslea of the eseamltte. and. after is at rea-dered, propose te resume eulliBg rates aad te run lb old thing ea the aaase uid-faahioaed, ay-guing basis, with wblca ws ar all so familiar. Resolved, Tbat we ariioera for refreshment.

"I bailer the peui will shortly go the war of all its predrcaurs," remarked a prouuaent 0ii-ti of en uf the Ubh, River Unas yesterday. "Tbe whole bast-Bern from tue bstriantag ha beea conducted la a manner tbat woaiu expected trem a lot ef acboas-hoys, aad tb aasudattoa baa bseome a laughing stock among all seuainie railroad naea. That ia the stBsial exprssslM lav rallrss ctretes. A disss Is lied saember Is said te have arrtttea a tester te tbe Hoa. c'harlcai Fraacia Adasna, a saesn- bt ef the Arbitration Contmitte.

axpresilng 4 Isfaction with tb oeraeuuia- awarded aie- road. and closing with th remark that all the wer ilissaiiMfled with tbe arbitration. Mr. Adam replied simply that tbe statement thai all roads la the pool arer diasatisttcd was gaud evldenoe to him Hist tu award ware Juat aad in aacBrvaa aonovaa' brpobt rea srev-Kataxa. stecaiver Donglaa, ef the Oblo aad Mlsatssf ppl Rallruad.

has filed bat report wltb the Clerk of tb United Stat Court for tbe mouth ef mbr. It is as follows Rserfaat. Cash oa band Nevembsr ist. Received from statlun agents SHS.1H Xt T.T7 a 10. 1 Ot M.swa rtecetveu from conn ctora.

Received from Indivhluala. Baoelved front Amerioaa Express a JfaSss-srsiesifs. For vnacbers previous to Nov. 17, lC.toaw For payment ot Hl.onO For payment ef sMipnm TU.uOU Ol For pay-ruiU l7is 7 Fur ri 73 1 IS Cash oa Baad Deoember 121 JH Til Lenlsr-nie and I ashvOle Railroad euUtlag arrangements te at-ke Penaacel aa Important exporting coal mart. Tb 1 aw eottoa eom press, about completed there, will greatly fssaiitat the ihlpnral of cottuu by sea and rail.

B. T. JarPBBv. general saperlateedeat ef the Illinois Central, has withdraws bis reslgaeiioa. aad wui remaia la th ssrvlo of the oosape-y.

Tax new Psnsacols and Atlantic Railroad Is taking eottoa from Savannah tributaries to Peaaaeola. This read raaa direot ta Lak aoraa. Tut Cheaapeake and Ohio Road carried over a hundred nnxHisbiner to their homes from Covington last rut i QsMBBaL Mastkb Mecbswic SBTCRXL. of the I Ohio nd Miaisippl a ho was called to Cub. Nw I York, oy tbe nines of bis mot liar, foaad bar eut ef immediate danger ts arrival.

Ma. H. C. rosin, for many year a conductor on lb Ohio and Mississippi, but now wlta tb Kentucky Central, sod wbo met wltb a ssriou accident eisbt week aao near Paris, had auetoiently ro- I covered to be removed to ble bosse to OovtasTtea ea but Thursday. I Tit artlcl In yesterday Kaariaaa ahowlng tbe I sdvsntagesto bedeilved from the eatabllsameui ef a locomotive works ber iatsi that th Brook works at Dunkirk.

New York, waa established la i uim or ladl. which was aa error, aa they were aot a i tabllabd aatll lass, -i i Aa Unqualified DealaX. BPECIAb BfaPATC TdTBB RWtltTIBBB, Caicaou, December Nothing ha Bore f- en ally proved to be without foundation than tbe recent eurrant rumor regarding a tripartite sgrts meat snvtss wt vsivs ramne, ages isisan a a at. Paul Roads to make war ag lust ta Barungtaa. North-wast ern aad Wsbash.

Messrs. Clark, ef tae Cntoa Partflc: Cabte. of the Rock Island, aad Msr-rill. a tb SL Paul, hav all positlvMy denied tbat lby bad any laiesttioa forming sueb a aombiaa-tlea. These statements wr totrv1bwa with reporters, aad talgai srell have been takes with a grain ef aUowaac.

bat aa incontrovertible denial ef the rath ef the report ha beaa developed la personal suiisi lindanes thai never was aaaaut fee publloa-ttoa. atr. MerreU, ef tbe U. Paal. wrote te a pae-siMial mend, a pro mi Best railroad man of tbia eity.

den ring absolutely that be bad evr seriously ea-torteJnad such a proposition, sod closing wits tb remark that wold anoar ae etrcu matanees be a prty lean agreement which exojaded any Una In the fvwa Trunk Line Association. The matter at far aa all past lateetieoa are cnBeeroet.ef-fectuailv settled, but what step may be taoegbt necessary in tbe Dual adjust meat ef tb Iowa pool dlibculU is etill a oonundrsm. Ae laspwrtsuat Consveettag Uak. eaCi At. sunn Taa Kaciaa Ci.BVBAan.ORio.

Daeamber a The Pittsburg, Cleveland and Toledo Road, which ran frota Vew Oast 1 Jaact lea Akroa via Yoaagstown. hi Just a rarmal epealns wm eecar tlmeeext atoath. Twelve aew bav Just beea received. Arrsagemaata are to be made to rss trnlne through Pittsburg te TJIevetsad. OBtng la addiiloB to tbis line the Pittsburg and Westers from Pittsburg te Mew Castle, aad from Akron into Cleveland ever tb Valley Road.

A company bas been formed In Akroa te rua Mb from mere to Chicago Jueclioo. se tbat th Pitta-be rg, Cleveland snd Toledo will beoom aa Important connecting link, and a rumor Is eat that It is te be teased by the Baltlmer aad Onto. Impr-ovmnta. MSHIAt BUrATCS tag SSSUUN. Aaaoa, Onto.

December a. The Pittsburg, Cleva-lead aad Toledo Railroad, aww bo lit to this dty. Is cwastructlag a daubs track frees bee to Cayahoga Falls, fiv miles distant. A thirteeB-eagise rus-bouse Is alas being built hare by tb company, aad asvaral Important awitches ara being put daw a. So as Malta Coanectlana.

sp-ciAt, prsrATca tutii EjruiriaxB. CbatVakoooa. December A A ebasge sf scbedul will soo atada aa tb a ss Teausssss. Virginia aad Georgia aad th kanskb sad Chartssy- ton Railroads, wlta a view to snaking close conneo- tten wltb tbe Wistrro, North carollaa aad kissa- pais aas uiut awes tuuiroaoa, Regarding tit a Tripartita aVgreaaseufc Caucaao, luu, Dom bar a Oeaeral kfaaager Marrtli, ef the Chlcaga. Mllwask aaya.

Paal Road, ha addressed a ieur to tb railway a facials ef tb dty respecting th tripartite agreemsat concerning Cnloa Pacifle buslnaaa, which it has beea al Isged bad been entered late by tae Rack island, Chicago, Milwaukee sod a. Paul aad Uaiee Pacifle Reada. Mr. Mrrtll aasert sever eewtempieted, aud would aot uadar any dreomstaaca eater tai any arraagemeat eu oermng omana Bustnaas wbicb did aot laciade road to tae laara TraakX-ae la earporated. CsTbtbwwb, Wt.

DiBimlsr EArtlclai ef fa-eorporatieo were filed to-day th Wy easing, Ys-Isrsrsteae Park aad PadSe aUtiiroad. Aassstg ta la-oseaetsters ar I Ira peat, ta (aasoua nto ssss ufactureri A. CDuverae, President of tbe First Nailonal Bank efCbey ease; A. Hale. Geverweref yoaai ng.

-1 he read to raa IbroegB the seal. rea. Bade and petroleum region Was tar a Wyees-ug, te the KeQeoal Park aad Montana CeBstra tloa wlU bagla la th spring. The) Haaawr Denied. Fan LABBLra la.

Dacember Piddat.Owa. of the Pblladslpbla and. Baadlag Railroad CasBpaay. deoles that a Hew YxHueyavdtcaie Jrrd te parch as th esal leads ef the sesapaay far fCSJM.eaa The Und cost and she empsjr weald aet ssU tr I thaa gtsujwijta. Intu Bocx.

Aaa PiBsmbse T-dy the Dlrartonof the Little Rek, Feet Worth aad little Rock. Mlssiesl Rvv aad T-vas s-uiread Caea-paales farmed a eoapaay to aUd aaetker brvsg aoroa tb Arkansas Rl vet bar to eoaaert th read now andev eae soaaageraees. it will galibsd A CREAT SCHEME, Every Body aa tea atada Happy fay at area Distribution Priass. siCMt srsrsTcg tag sswiksa, Chicago, Ilu, December 1 Harry Offbn-hsioier, allae Williana Lane Alton, publisher' of the Chicago World, alias the World Magav xl ne, tbs lcaga TBlegram, aad other "fake," has, la the lauguage ef the Fleming-Lorlag ladletment, "Dsviaed scheme to ladaee the sending of money to htm, wbieb he advertise by circulars seat through ihe Calved States malla. The acheaao, consists of temptlag offer of cash and ether vaJuable prises to enb acrlbcre to an alleged magaxlaa.

Each pereori sending tl Is promised the mag ax Iue for a year and a "receipted vouober with a ausnber thereon, which entitles tbe holder to a number tn the valuabl gift distribution." The sun of 73W0r it Is elalased, eras distributed free, withoataay eonsldsmtloa, acaordlng to numbers, to new aubecrtbere to the World Msgaxlne, December lBSA The elreularau-aounclng this gratuitous distribution give ttaeo number aad vshw of th prisaev which vary la amount fro as S6 up to 97.500, tb whole agxregs ti ng la th excaaaof his gea-sroslty he gave snore thaa was promised, and It Is fair to presume that every subscriber got a prise. With a new of ascertaining the names of the pcj whe were luiy te saoare prises, the CRauiRBR eoc iuorrdemt paid Tl'-t to Mr. Allen's eetabllsbment. -What peupla la Chicago drew the largest prtsae ta your drawing of Deoambar ltf was asked. 'oboe bere gt any nftbeee.

ItbJnk the Unrest went to Fremont, Ohio; bat I de not roeollect the names of any of them." Wheaf prsastd he admitted that be did aot glee away more than ee paroeat.ef the moaey received, whether It was K9m otaUXX no would not say why be sold his snagasiBa, the subscription prlosof erhlch t- a year, for tl, and lave prig tssadee. IXls 'c for the distribution Jan nary I. ISM, comprise Government bonds, gwenkweks, jewelry, pianos, furs, stew, hat hefore'be bad snspeeted the Identity of his visitor he had said that the prises would mainly be confined to Water-bury watohea, with ea occasloaai cash prise where It weald ao the most good. This ataa Ansa was some moatbe ego gagad la sec art ng advertlsemnnts for alleged a.usUonab!e ecUamea, agreolng In enaslder-atloa thereof to ad ppraes mention of them la the dally papere af the city. Several parties who have known blut aad his methods for oms lime characterise them as qussUoaahto to the lest degree.

1 r-nu i IfffW Tork, Decern br Moaes Haatola, Ellas Han lei and Loata Wolf, men 'sfurnlsn- Inggnoda here axslgued. UaMlltlea, kJsVUbe. Actual assets. John Rowland A Rons, hats, have asaigned. PreferenoisB.

aB.Xl. Providrxck, It. I December S. MeManns, Hal re A lwxlin. dry gad, have It Is reported that tliclr liabilities will exceed IIOO.isjO.

H. K. ciaflin dt Co-, of Nw York, ere the prtaalpat ereditora, -i p. I. SsUa.tlea) far Mew Hans.

Kkw Haver, December The aa-tboritlea hare f.rbld the SalvaUoa1 Jtrtuy parading the streets. The article la yesterday's paper headed -Bunko la Diasrulae" waa Inserted aa an aV vertlaement and paid for at much a line by e-oloUiiBg bouae not Car from the FoaatalB' Jafiteaay was the lysBtT upon thorooghly tea ting the Wllleox A 0 tubs Automatic wln Machine before buying or exchanging for any other. No tssv-aloa. bobbin or shntUe. Stf West Fourth street, XeOCAX.

KOTZC3-3. ar WKl D15 METER. It la now audisputed thai Wxi Da Meter's Catarrh Curb Is the only treatment that will absolutely care Catarrh fresh or chronic "It la a marvel. Rev. A.

P. Fries, Cairo, N. -It restored me to the polptt. Rev. Geo.

K. Rela. oblerllle, N. "On boa radically eared me. Rev.

H. Taylor. 140 Noble street. "A perfect eure after to years' Buffering, McDonald, 710 Broadway, N. It cared a member of my family, SmL Benedict, jeweler, 97 Broadway.

N. Ac, Ac Thousands of testimonials ara received from all parts of the world. Delivered. 91. Dr.

Wel Da Meyera -Illustrated Treatls," with statements by the cared, mailed free. D. B. Dewey A Orx, US Fulton N. Y.

sarAovTcai to Mothiim. Mrs. Wluslow" fteotbing Hyrup should always be used wben children are cutting teeth. Itrelleves the little offerer at once; It produce natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child' from pain, and the little cherub awakeaaa -bright aa a button. It la very pleasant to taste.

It soothes the child, softens tbe gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates tbe bowels, and to the best known remedy for diarrhea, whether arlslrrg from Vert lug oi other causae. Twenty-Bee cent a bottle, eSTAM ERICA JRWElRYCO8 ARCADE, lead la low prices for reliable Ledles'Oold and Sliver Chatelaine WATCHES. Oeata' Gold and Silver 8TKMW1.ND WATCHES, warranted for aoenrate time and quality, of beat American make, ao7-tf ear Ladies whom atr tinted the merits of Smith's Extract of Mayflower consider it Indispensable to their health and comfort. No female ban ass It without deriving a benefit. deS-n ear Tut magnificent display of leweri of the latest sty lea in Bangle Bracelets.

Chains, Laos Pins and Rings now on hi billon In the establishment of the American Jewelry Cov, Arcade, hid fair for a grand Holiday trade, asm bone la Lb leader for low prioea and standard quality, and tbalr representation are reliable. de3-tf BsFThi American Jewelry Comrany, 5 Arcade, will make a spental holiday feature of euhtd pnM rfnTs and arioalefsor sAsa-rew at one dollar each. aroLD ittbsty. parmf.rton. smw.

sixth. DEATHS. DAUM Josephine, wife of Harry Daam, only deogh ter of Ferdlaand and Julia Karr-mana. In I he Jbttt year of her age. Koaerad from parents' residence.

No. 9ft Dayton street, Tuesday, Deormber 11th, at 1 oci'k P.M. Friend if the family are invited, 9 HARRIhON On Saturday, Decent ber A 1KS, Albert O. Uarrtaon, aged 69 years 9 months and 19 days. Fnneral Monday, 'December 10th, at F.

from the residence of his son-in-law, Andrew Thorns. No. 48- Ninth street. 93 BOWEN At the residence, Shamnvilla, Ohio. Rachel eldest daughter of Henry and Mary B.

Bowen. of typhoid malarial fever. Born July laS7 died Deeember 9, l4, at Due notice of the fnneral will be given. FERRIrVfundsy morning, at I o'clock, Ida, wife of Frederiek Ferris. Fnneral from ber lata residence, l3 Richmond Tuesday.

Iiecember 11th, at 1A.M. Friends of the family Invited. NEFF December 9. ISM, Ellen Jane NefT, of Inflammatory rheumatlim, aged i years and months. Dae notice of the funeral will be given, HCHLOTMAN l)cc-mbr Kth.

18KI, at 10 o'clock P. Mary t.wrtrude Scitlfttmon, wife of Herman U. biehlotmaB. bora Februarys, ISiO. High Mass at Madlsonvllle Catholic Church at A.

M- Tneslay, rieeember Uto, Friends and relatives are fnvl tod. Mennmenta. she plane to boy. WhlteX tb sf. SPZCULL NOTICES.

ee Dyeing stad steosurtag gj East Third streek by Walker, jal-U socj-crr koticcs. a k. T. Htated eoDcla MONDAY, December luih, at 7 i P.

M. B4r Knights'of other Coras asandertos are eonrteousiy Invited to be pres-ent, tdeaVitl- J. H. BRUM WELL, Recorder. MASONIC MCMILLAN LoDtJE, NO.

I4L F. end A. M- meet TO-NIOHT at F. Dugrsa, Visitors Invited. F.

H. KJs, tseey. BTJSiXESS CHAKOES. A. BETTER eon nee I ion HAM SEVERED HIM 1th the arm of John Bamea A Co.

The Heed-leef business will eon need at the eld stand as heretofore "by ao-V-ateM JOHN BARN EH A CO. TELEGRAPH OCR SS TKLKOHAPH OCTFIT, With self. Instructor, 'makes handaome and asefai present fore Gent or Lady. It enable them to qualify Uiemseivea lor aaefal and profitable employment. M.

JO MESA BltO-, W. AthB Clsrtt.O. tsel-lyeodl tl-UISHiTS. STEERAGE FASSAGE from. Iiverpoot, Lundow- HtKutKM MAJtca.

orti m. Age a a eaaaJ ts Vlssilna Jalo-WoSa CLnelnnaU. Oh COIZU.ISSIOSZ&S' SA2-ES. HzstzT Oorraissioncr' Sale. fTHTt j- ATE OK OHIO.

HAMILTON COUNTY, KA. -Pur nan to th coram and of an order lor sale from the common Pleas Court of Ilsmlium County. Ohio, and to me directed, Iwill otferat PabUe Hale, upon the premises, in Mount Pleasant, on THURSDAY, December xT liKi, at 11 o'clock A. jb fol-lowtng-deaori bed real estate, to wit: All tnat certain lotor parcel of land situated, lying and being in tbe ibirty-tnird section, third township aad flrsCentire range of township in tb Miami Purchase, being In John P. La boy teaux's second addition of hits to the Town of Jiount I'leeeanL and numbered on tbe plat thereof number one (1 measuring furtv-erB feet four incite In width and on hundred and fortv-twa feet In length; bounded on the east by Main street, and oa tneaouth by i oorin street, on th west by an alley, and on the nortii by lot number two lhiioe conformable aad parallel wlta tu tin i of atd Valued at IV).

To la ol4 bv orier cf Court la Case No.g. t'i, wherein M. V. K. iioftuer is pialntifl" and be tnuel La I "yieaux at aL ar dsienuauts.

i al nis as a ii ii i i.vtlY M. OARRIaON, i 'sAterC-oua uil-'opsr. KOTICE. liiPieiil Race. Seventh and Georgo Streets.

STATUARY. BISQUE STATUARY. The Finest Selectlon of these Clootls eveF ttaown In Priced Lrovrer than ever known. Koch Braunstein, 112 VT. rink, bet.

Tine and Race. SHTRTTrS SALES. OHERIFFH SALE THE STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton County, City of Cincinnati, as. Pursaant to tbe oominarul of an order for sale In partition frota the Bnperior Court of Cincinnati, and to me directed. I will otter at Kubllc sale at the Hnerlrrs otflce.

In the tbeClty of Cincinnati, on SATURDAY, December IS. A. IX isxa. at II o'clock A. tit fol lowing described real eeiata, to wit: HI taa ted In tbe C1ty of Cincinnati.

County of Hamilton and Stat of Ohlrt, and described as follows, vis: A lot oa the west side of Dublin street, at the north-eaat corner of lot No. twenly-thre t2S' on tl ie recorded plat, running tlienoe sonlhwarrHy along th Una of Dublin street tweuty-flve test, und back at right anglo to Dublin street ninety uui feet, being part of lot twenty-three (M) In Lonrworth subdivision of linrlnuati. north of Deercrei-k, atnl being the earn premises conveyed by N. Lng worth to ianil Ooughlln in his lifetime by deed recorded In Book. 228, page 17, Hamilton County Records.

Valued at 00. To be sold by order of Court, in the eaas wherein Mary MeMweeney et a I. are plainUOs, and Margaret Butier et aL are defendants. aae No. 38.4V7.

Terms of t-ale One-third cash on day of sale, one-thrrd In one year, and one-third in two year, with Interval the deferred payments to be secured by notes and mortgage upon tbe premises. MORTON L. HAWKINS, Sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio. BvLEWts) G. Berrard, Deputy.

Carb A DK.fOLKR, Attorneya. Cl ncin nail. No vera ber 12, UM, nol2-5tMNO SHERI F8 SALE. THE STATE OFOliiO, Hamilton County, ss Pursuant to the command of an order for sale la partition from the Court of Common Pleas, aud to tue directed. I will, orier at uubllo sale on the premise- in tb city of Cincinnati, on HAT-URDAY, January Li A.

D. ll, at II o'clock A. M-, the following described real eahxta. to wit: All that certain lot of land la Ihe eity of Cincinnati, Ohio, numbered ten (101, In the plat of subdivision made by George W. Jonea of outlot number forty-elnht (Mi -in lnetn-natl, Ohio, which plat I recorded In book 72, aiige 474, of the Rcoordi of Hamilton County, hio, said lot being situated on the east side of Kim street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth streets, and is twntv-flve 135) feet In front and on hundred (luu) feet deep to an alley, being the same premises heretofore grunted by George F.

Ottc and wife to aaid tephen W. Slebern by deed recorded In book Sue, page 68, of tbe Records of Hsmllton County, Ohio. Valued at Oft. To be sold by order of Court, In the ense wherein Amanda tMebern rt al. are plaintiffs und Ciara Siebern et aL are defendants. No.S,60. Terms uf bale One-third cash on day of sale. On-third In one year, and ono-third in tm years, with intereat tbe deferred payment to be secured by note and mortgage upon Uic premlaea. MORTuN 1 HA KINK Sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio. By Lewis U.

Berrard, Deputy. 1'iiAitLU K. Da vis. Attorney. Cincinnati, December Id, (delU-otMo-NUl SHERIFF'S STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton County, as.

Pursuant to the command of an order for sale In partition from tb Court of Common Pleas and to me directed, I will offer at puolie sal at the-i-lier-HTsotflre la the Court-house in tlieCHyof Cinelnnstl, on SATURDAY, Dcet-mber A. IX ISvi, at 11 o'clock A. Mth following described real estate, to wit: A or that certain tract of land, situated In Columbia Township, Hn nil! ton County. Ohio, la section No. -tf, township four (), fractioual range two (2), Miami Purchase, and more wr-tlcuiarly desert oed as lot No.

two vi) In the partition of tbe estate of John Agnew, deceased, made March tiioO. and recorded In Plat Book One tl). page seventy-eight, of the Recorder-a OtDce of said Hamilton County, said lot No. 8 eontalnlng three and one-baif (gKl arre. Valued at tlX 00.

To he old by order of Court, In the caa wherein James B. Agnew, I plaintiff and beoca Holt el al. ar defendant. Case Nrb4irs.i Terms of Sale Cash on day of sale. MORTON X.

HAWKINS, Sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio. nw i MJJ 1 vrpuiT, Koiaiii A Black and H. B. TCaaiLL. At- tarneva.

Cincinnati, November 1883, nol2-5tMNO SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OFOHIO, Hamilton sa. Pursuant to tbs command of an order for sale from the Court of Common Plena and to me directed, 1 will offer public sale at the Sheriff's offloe In the Court-house In the City of Cincinnati, on SATURDAY. TWember ti, A. D.

itscl, at 11 o'clock A. the following described reel estate, to wit: Beluga part of lot No, 41, lo Teniae's subdivision lo ibe town of Harrison, In the county of Hamilton and State of Ohio, bounded a follows: Beginning at the canter of a double one-story frame dwelling, one hundred and three and one-half MOTV) feet south from tbe north-west corner of said IAt thence south twenty-seven and one-half feet, more or lew, the corner tit a hit, conveyed by August Fiel to Dennis Head, and to a point due west of tbe center of a cistern said lot! thence east eighty-two and oue-half (2K) feet to the at line of said lot, I bene north twenty-aeren and one-half CE) feet, more or less, to Brlca Hayea' lot, thence west efrhty-two and oue-half feet to tbe place of beginning. valuedatIlS0 0O. 'To be sold by order of Court, In tb ease wherein John 1. Howies to plaiaUff aad Joha Amrr Is defendant, Case No.

es.iwu 5 Term of Sale fash on day of sale. Morton l. ha whins, Sheriff of Hamilton County, Ohio. By Law ia U. Berk tu, Deputy P.

W. P'baxcis, Attorney. Cincinnati, November ttlgaa, aolMDfe SHERIFF SALF -THE STATE OF OHIO. Hamilton County, City of Cincinnati, saw Punsutat to the eom mane of an ortler for sale from Ut nn peri or tsoort of Cincinnati, and to me directed, I will offer at public ai at th hiierima office la the Court-house In the cite Of Cincinnati, oa HATl'KDAY, Decembor th, A. D.

IteA, at 11 o'clock A. Wtb follow-lug described real laLe te wit: All tiiat certain lot of gmnnd in the eliy of Cincinnati. Hamilton County. Ohio, known as lot Not. sixty-two (itf) on the plat of i lark Wllllama' second subdivision ef iota, aa recorded ta Bonk No.

79, page ML of the Hamilton isOflaty HecTirda, fronting on tbe southeast sld of Aeeommodatioa street twenty. Bv 2T feet, and extending beck ia a aouta-eaaterlr direction ninety-five i9ti) feet to the rear lineef lota Naa. thirteen (lM sad fourteen (Uh being tb same property oou veyed to John Uulnn, deeeaaed, by Lawrence Waldo, rtuccial Master Commissioner, hr deed recorded In Hook 'JSA, page 447, of the Uauxil-ton County Records. Valaed at ML To be sold by order of Court lo tne ease whereia Joha O. Jackaoa Is plalaUaT aad aUton tjolon tsdefaadaa.

No. jrr, Tersas of aale Cash on day of rale. sORTONLHAWTOX9, Sheriff of Hamlltoa County, Ohie. -PyLaw-fsO. Bernard, Depnty.

McOcxTkt Mokrill AKtura, Attorneys, aoti-6tM SHERIFF'S SALE. THE STATE OF OHIO, Hamilton County, sa. Pursuant ta tb eommand of an order fur eale front the Court ef Common Pteu. and to me directed, I will offer at public sale at the SherilPs office, la the Court-bouse lo the elty of Cincinnati, on MATUHDAY, Decern ber lulb, A. D.

lse-i, at tl o'clock A. the following described real estate, to wilt fsituated ia Cincinnati, Ohio, aad known and dealgnated as lot No. In Block No. la. Latter -I," of a subdivision mad by Lh executors of Nslhaniei O.

Pendleton, dec seed, re. corded la Mat Book of the rev-irris of said county. Haid lot No. 6 has a fronP ot SI -l feet on Ktraderavenaa, running back sd feet, more or rasa, a shown on aaid plat, being tbe same premlaea con rcred to tbia grantor. John ilredewater.

from I ne executor of X. Cl. Pendleton, deeeeeed, sapor deed recorded In Povk No. sun, pag ox th reoarda of Lam-Uton ounty. Valued at f3 00, To be ord by order Coort, tn the eae wherein Th Eleventh Ward Bulidiug Association.

No. 9, of Cincinnati. Ohio, la plainU ift, and Joha bred. water et ai. ara cfad-anta.

-v Case No. 97.148. Tarsus of riaJe Cash on day ef sale. mohton iiawkinv Fheriff of HsmiMon County, Ohio. Fy Lewi u.

bxR! as d. Lwputy. Cas rn ILL, BaTSS A 1 STTMaH, A ttornevs; 'AMTJEillXTS. Ad-gt'i HEUCK'S NEW fJ" Opera housIj. Crowded Hoaa Last Night I Large aale tea Ta-Nlght Matinee Wednesday, Saturday aad Saastaps SAUBUaYJROUBADOURS OrreenIloom Next Hunday Night Ranch W.


Balance of week: Twelfth Roease and JulicC I'vemalloB and Galatea, fsecure. Seats al Hawlis.Va. Next wek Hose Eytlagea GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. ONn WEBK ONLY, Wedoesday and Saturday UaUaeea, Barlow, Wilson Co'o IVIIIMSTRELS. II PEliPLE'S CII0 ICE I To accommodate our patrons we have era ranged to sell raacsved seals in the halssaj for ido.

from this time forth. i Next Snnday W. Frlendty J. FERGUSON, lot -A HAVUN'S THEATER. A GOOD RK8ERV1U SKAT tor Sae.e Mts Greatest Dramatic Sucre ef the Season.

TO-ICNIuIlT, MR. AND MRS. GEO. rLNIrjlf In Brnnson Howard's Master play, BARON RUDOLPH. Next Attraction J.

W. Ransons's MArosg th Atlantic heaU at aLDEXUHAT PARLOR. 9 Areads. deie-tf Every NighL Matinees i uetlayr Ibui-sdayA Haturday and Mundav. BAYLIES KEAXEDY'S XaM3vXIX IO3CTS Next Hunday Night Fay Templatoa.

Opera) pn SMITH a NIXON'S HALL. WETHER ELL TESTIMONIAL I Timii.t-tc. IUk, hurt red Ht ati wit It oat extra c-herge at New-hall Music Store. (d-4itl BLACK BIRDS. OPERATiC C05CCKT 8MITH NIXON'S HALL.

JUr. Ed L. Wilson's illustrated Lectures on thaQrlcnt Dec. 14th Egypt and the Egvptlan. Dec Nw PiPtnre of Old Places.

Dec. nth An Arabian Klght's EaUrtalas snent. 1m. IKth Pleturesow Palestine. Dee.

iotb-Th. Tstlug ef Pstrs, Iac.xlslNUeToiaba,TesBlesasMtTTavoL Course Tick. tinctud iig'Keeerved HeatSA, $2 00: single Admission, 6uc. a on sAle nt Church's Mosle atone commencing Tbnrerlay, the door ou tb Avveolnir of tb Lecture. VINE-STREET OPCRA-HOU8E.

On Week, Monday, D. loth. Usual Matinees. Th Cosnedy earn re of 'SS-agf t' l.UvO Laughs la lOO Rflaataat J(ll- T. HOLLIVAN'M MALONEY'S RAFFLE In a (treat Olio snd the Funniest of all Irish Comedies, "DAS MALONEY'S aVAFFLR.

HARRIS' MAMMOTH MUSEUM. Week commencing MONDAY Deo. 'TJt, the 18 Nubians, the two Asteca, Hindoo Ser pent Charmer. Entire change of Stage Par. Dun Nnsh and CatlVa In Irish e-ketchesj Charin and (arrf Moora, Double Act on Hollcr-Hkate; MusscaJ Dale, etc.

Admlsalon 10 cent. Opts from 1 1 lP. M. Cblldran's day Saturday. deUedt LOST-DOO.

COACH DOO, about (5) five month old. with white talL Missed hita oa Barreath street, between Vine and Walnut, aboat tM P.M. Sunday. Call and get reward for any laforraatioa re-' gar ding saras, at "Tr.7- A. A.

BTJBKHARDT at CO.L US if. Fawrth Sc. siixiumr. SAI-ES. SnERIFKx SALE.

THE ST AT EOF Haniilton County, ss Pnrauaut to the coinmaiidof an order for sal ta pertftles' from the Court of orriirMjn Pieaa, and to as directed, Iwill of' publlo sale oa th preiniaes, on SATURDAY, January 12, A. tv liv-4. at 1 o'clock P. tbe following described reel estate, to wit: Hituated in Harrison Township. Tlamllton, County, Ohio, being a tract of land.

suppaed to contain 7S acres, and being 4 he east half og the Miuih-weat quarter of seciloti twenty 3. township ten tifi, range east of meridian line, north from the month of the Oreat Miami Bivcr. aa tleaeribed ta a deed toad to said Alexander Ford by Alexander Miller anA wlfa recorded In Deed Record a of said County of Hamilton In Hook No. 60, page 3-3. i Valued at tsi.

Also, a tract of land, being the sooth east corner of the north-west quarter sec a' right (l. township two rang estst a meridian, north from the mouth of the tercet Miami River. and containing twenty-sv (2) acres, a described 1n a deed made to said Alejtaailer t-'ord by John Black and wife, re. corned la Hamilton Conaty.Okio, Deed Ko Valued at FSfi on. To he sold oy order of Coart, In the eaae wherein' Thome R.

Ford et eL are plalnttda. aad -Mary F. Hutchinson at at, are aafesM-s ants. Case No.99.flpf. 1 arm.

of Kri One-third cash est day a aia, one-tblrd la one year, and one-third la two years, with I teres the deferred per nienl to be secured by Bete aad snort a MORTON LHAtrUVS. Sherlffof HamitTon Cohaly, Oale. By larwia f. Bursa ai. Deputy.

P. W. FBARctn, Attorney. t. 4 Ctadaaatl.

Decern lsr Kc lWi fdeoHKHMo-NUI OR ERIFFS SA 1. THE HTATEOF OHIO, Hamilton Counly.CHy of Cincinnati, as. Pursaant to toe cum maud of an order foreeia from the tsnperior tourt wf Unciaaati, and to me directed. I will otter atpuhiicaal- at tsherld" ofbee. In the la tt eiy Of Cincinnati, on HAT1 HiiAV.

1 eeera oer ti, A. IX al 11 o'clock A. ituMtwlag described real estate to wit: riliuated In Hamilton ounty, Ohio, beriri. ning at tbe soul h-wawt corner of block tweivu (IJt, steohca Wilder' suinil vlan i r-torr Towushipioow In I lncin italic i -t cf the Ciueinnall and Warsay turn r. thence uortherly with at id five (35) feet.

paraliHt son 111 1 1 ne of said block one lior i feet, more or least, to th tetorrs "1 nt turnpike, thence southerly to th fiM i of said block 12, theoce wcatorly i -Ding. Valued To be sold by 'Conrt, la tl e--4 Wherein tbe As- -of is andC Luee et al. are Case No. WWH Tumi of fftaie Olimifrref Sheriff'- i Fy Ltrwis i a uratiL, i.s 1 1 an l-i-innaO, 1, i a..

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