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The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana • 3

The Missouliani
Missoula, Montana
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE DAILY MISSOULIAN, MISSOULA, SUNDAY, JUNE 1, 1902 was. Friends rallied at a time when FOR NEW FIRE ENGINE. THE FAIR UNIVERSITY Of MONTANA An Institution of Learning that is Growing Fast. W. B.

BROOKS CASH VICTOR AND VICINITY. Mrs. Woodmancy's Death Deplored by Her Many Friends. Special to the Missoulian. Victor.

May 31. A. W. Niomis has accepted a deskship in A. W.

store. R. Rickman was callted from Helena, where he was in attendance at the State S. S. convention Thursday by the severe illness of his little niece, Azelia Rickman.

Dennis Ness left on Wednesday for western Washington where he will make hia home with his sister in the future. Mr. Burch Swaggart.while waiting to 6hoot a rabbit in his yard on Wednesday, in some way let fall his rifle IBOT WEATHER GOODS! REHINDERS Ladies' Washable Skirts, made of crash, duck, chambray, and mercerized sateen. They are made with the panel flounce, wide hem, serviceable and dressy. We still have a good assortment of Ready-to-wear Girls' Dresses, You wouldn't expect to get much of a dress for 35 cents, but come and let us surprise 1 you Then we have them as high as $3.75, which are good enough for party dresses Boys' two-piece Suits, will wash, wear, and look well, price, 25c up.

And talk about Boys' Shirt Waists, 1 we beat them all. both in price and styles. Ladies', Misses and Children's Para-' sols must not be forgotten. Straw Hats in the Sailor and Walking shapes, Sun Bonnets, all colors, 20c eac CENTRAL I 9 1 III they were most needd and the build ing as it will appear when complete again will be a vast improvement up on what it was. The contract, al ready let, for the rebuilding of the damaged part, calls for an outlay of 14,200.

In the matter of land the University, already well supplied, will be in pos sesion of an abundance by a year from this time. In the United States senate Mr. Gibson introduced a bill granting a very large section of the slope of Old Sentinel to the Universi ty, in tnis parcel there are some thing like 480 acres. This In addition to the forty acres given by the Northern Pacific railway company place the college in possession of al most the entire western slope of Old Sentinel. Among the buildings to be construct ed during the coming school year will be a Women's Hall and a Gymnasium The Women's Hall is already in pro cess of construction and will be, a model of its kind.

The Gymnasium will cost between $8,000 and 10,000. These are some of the larger improvements to be made during the next twelve-month. Other improve ments in the way of walks, steel gates at the two main entrances and granite pillars in the front of the grounds will be among the other fea tures to add to the general attractive ness of the place. Dr. Craig, whose tact, energy and great ability have done so much for the institution, said yesterday to a representative of the Missoulian: "You may say that the trustees, fac ulty and friends of the University never felt so happy over the prospects of the institution as they do at this commencement time.

The skies are bright, and every true" friend of education in Montana should re joice." Aletter from a prominent educa tor who is connected with the Smithsonian Institution, at the national capital, received a few days ago says among other things: "Your university is being watched by leading scholars and educators of the east and on every hand the prediction is made that some day, not so very distant, Montana will have within its borders one of the leading schools of learning in the entire west. We havei watched the growth of other state universities in the west and far west and it should be a source of satisfaction to you to know that we feel the University of Montana has more earnest friends behind it." President Craig, referring to the friends of the University at Washing ton, said: "We have always had very earnest friends at the national capital. Sena tor Clark and Senator liibsom are heart and soul for the advancement of the institution and there is nothing they will not do to aid us. "In the matter of government docu ments, records, there is probably not a college in the entire west so well equipped. Much of this government literature and printing is of the very highest excellence and in itself makes a most valuable reading and reference library.

"The future of the University is not at all in doubt. That it is bound to grow, grow rapidly and healthfully, is mv firm belief. Almost every person in the entire state is interested in its welfare and such a unanimity of feeling can have but one result The University is reany the pet pride of the people not of one: section but of almost every comer of the state. The natural jealousies which were aroused at one time have died away and we find Bozeman and Billings in accord with Helena, Butte and Kalispel in the firm conviction that Missoula is the ideal place for the state's great est educational institution." WORK OF SPRAYINC Fruit Tree Inspectors 'Begin Campaign on Pests Tomorrow. Monday the state board of horticulture will start spraying fruit trees in Missoula.

The work will be under the supervison of E. N. Brandagee, in-spector-at-large, and E. M. Tucker, local inspector.

Prof. R. A. Cooley of the Experiment Station is in the city and. has materially asslted in properly carrying out the work.

The war aginst the codling moth will be watched with interest not only here but over the United States. For Missoula and the Bitter Root valley thql suppression of this pest means hundreds of thousands of dollars. The Inspectors ask that all assistance that can be extended be given in order to expedite and make the work as effective as possible. A Missouri editor is responsible for the assertion that at. a recent church entertainment in his town the master of ceremonies made the announcement that "Miss Bates will sing Oh! That I Had an Angel's Wings That I Might Rise and and accompanied by the minister.

Chicago Chronicle. Proprietors. ONE PRICE i SALOON ET (A 6 mm iiriif SHOE FOR MEN. A good thing is bound to make Its way. Thus the popularity and fame of our new Shoe for men is spreading.

When folks are tempted by the price to buy that first pair and find that they are as good as any $5.00 shoe, It is easy to understand its great success. Nobody ever before heard of a high-grade shoe at We carry it in all the different styles, every width, and every size, in all the new lasts and leathers for $3.50. THE ECONOMY STORE I E.W.;SchiIling 309 Higgins Avenue Happy Mechanic Is he who enjoys the possession of a full line of tools from our superior stock. Whether for the Carpenter or Machinist, our Fine Tools, made by the best manufacturer and bought right are of surpassingly fine quality, and always give the utmost satisfaction. Missoula Hardware Co.

218 Higgins Avenue. Opposite: Golden Rule Store. A Company Submits a Proposition Taken Under Advisement. Members of the) city council nSet Friday evening at the city hall to re ceive a communication from the W. Nott Minneapolis fire apparatus manufacturers relative to the replac ing of the department enginet The communication was presented by L.

S. Mallory, traveling representative of the company. The company inform the council that after making a care ful examination of the engine shipped them that its condition is found to be bad; so bad in fact that repairs need ed to put it in proper shape will cost the city $2,200. The company present a proposition for the replacement of the engine with a new $5,000 steamer, taking the old as part payment for $1,500. No action was taken, the plans being submitted the members for consideration until the Monday night monthly meeting.

OFFICIALLY NOTIFIED. E. A. Winstanley Asked to Furnish Necessary Bond. E.

A. Winstanley yesterday receiv ed from Commissioner Binger Her mann or tne general land ornce In Washington, official notification of his appointment by the president as receiver of public moneys for the Mis soula land office, and the confirmation of such appointment by the senate. Enclosed with th notification Is contained bonds to be filed prior to the issuance of a commission. Fr the psition of receiver a bond of $30,000 is asked, and fr the position of special disbursing affair, a position attached to the appointment as receiver, is required a bond of $5,000. Mr.

Winstanley will at once have the bond details care for, and it is expected will be installed in his office on June 15. MEMBERS ENTERTAINED. Literary Department of the Woman's Club by Mrs. Miles. The literature department of thd Woman's club was entertained by Mrs.

Miles on Wednesday. The objept of the meeting was the organization of that section of the club. Mrs. Corbin was elected chairman, and Miss Ida L. Fisher secretary.

Plans of work were discussed, but nothing dejfinite accomplished. Mrs. Payne read a very entertaining letter Mrs. J. W.

Christy a prominent club woman of Butte, who attended the bi-ennial convention in Los Angelefe. Saturday afternoon at Elks' hall was held a largely attended meeting, of the club. Plans for a vigorous campaign in club work were fully dis cussed and committees) sellected' to prepare! details to make the club a substantial institution. MUSICAL PROGRAM To Be Rendered at Baccalaureate Ex ercises This Afternoon. The following is the musical program for the baccalaureate services at the University this afternoon.

The sermon will be by the Rev. Dr. E. J. Groenveld of Butte, to commence at 2:30 p.

m. An invitation to attend is extended the public: "Larghetto," Beethoven, Miss H. Wlhitaker, Mrs. Whitaker and Wm. Greenwood; Jubilate in C.

Keene, the soloe, Mrs. Price; hymn, "There is a Land of Purej Delight;" solo by Miss Delia Harding; the chorus by Mrs. Collins, Miss Hathaway, Miss Beck-with, Mr. Inch, Mr. Marceyes, Wm.

L. Wood and Mr. McAllister. GRADUATING EXERCISES. Miss Rockman's Class In French Wonderfully 'Proficient Miss Ray Rockman is conducting graduating exercises for her advanced class in French language study.

The class is a large one, their course of study having been of five months and so thorough as to make the reading of a French comedy, which comprises the graduation, a matter of pleasurable interest to many who speal French who are attending. Miss Rockman will continue her classes, having arranged to open new onejs for University students as well as a child's course. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J.

CHENEY Toledo.O We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made bv their firm. WEST TRUAX, Wholesale Drug gists, Toledo, O. WALDING, KINNAN MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.

Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hall' Family Pills are the best The Only Exclusive Wine House in Missoula.

THIBODEAU LEE, Prop's. THE STATE TAKES A PRIDE IN IT Additions That Are Being Made Will Add to thq Accommodation) of Students. "With an Interest more intense than ever before re the people of the state following the commencement exercises at the University of Montana which mark the close; of its seventh year. The friends of the University everywhere are happy. When such an institution is launched there are, of course, many misgivings and uncertainties.

The first years. esDeciallv of an educational institution, are years of struggle and slow growth. Supporters are usually few, for a fear haunts most men that their connection with a failure may render their own personality less successful. But the University of Montana had staunch friends from its very inception and, although they may have been! few in the beginning, they did not falter but remained steadfast and earnest in a cause wherein their hears centered. Today the University of Montana is not an experiment.

The trial stage has long since been passed and in the roster of American schools of learning our state's institution is named among those which have come to stay for all tim, to grow with each succeeding year, to draw students and and. frieinds from a constantly expand ing circle and destined finally to take a conspicuous place among seats of science and letters in all our land. A few years ago men of affairs would have almost scoffed (if, indeed, they did not) at the Idea of a Montana State University. Wise ones carried doubt in their heads, and some looked a long quarter of a century ahead and whispered: "It will be then even before such an institution shall com-mand the respect of our own state to say nothing of what the greater out side world will think." But over a fifth of that quarter of a century has (now passed and it is with pride that the people; of Montana point to the handsome buildings adorning the college grounds and say that there lies the nucleus of one of the most important states' colleges of America. Almost every village, town and city of the state is represented in the classes at tne University.

From an almost purely local school it has grown and broadened and lifted itself into a college recognized, supported and loved by the people of Montana. With each succeeding semester its influence has widened until today the youth of our state, of both sexs, cherish as among their fondest hopes the time when they may be privileged to call it their alma mater. With each succeeding year, too, the faculty has been improved and added to and the curriculum broadened and made more comprehensive. There has been no rest in these two great particulars and students everywhere realizing and appreciating this have extended earnest recognition. TFot a time there was considerable agitation for the removal of the University from Missoula.

It was not urged that its' location was not fit in many respects, but there were other ambitious towns in the state, and earnest efforts to wrest the college from Missoula were made. But they were destined to failure and for many months the agitation has not been heard of. Indeed, there can be no doubt but that it is dead for all time. At thet recent convention here of the Montana State Teachers' association, when almost every prominent educator in the state was present there was not a voice raised in behalf of the one live plan to remove the University. Instead, by a unanimous vote and united expression Missoula was named as the erne fitting place for the enlargement and prosperous expanding bl the state institution.

Indeed.even the careless observer, saying naught as to the man or woman who devotes deep and careful thought to such matters, Missoula stands paramount in all claims for recognition. Its location, its climatic ad-vantages, its pure water, many ihomes, beautiful surroundings and, all, its rarifled moral atmosphere are such as to commend themselves to all who are seeking a uni-Tersity site that approaches the ideal, During the past winter the partial burning of Science Hall was regarded by many as a serious blow to the pro gress of the University, but the dam- age done will be repaired and more- more because Science Hall will be de- more compete than it ever which immediately discharged and the ball entering his right arm above the elbow passed up and lodged on the shoulder. Medical aid was at once summoned and the) ball extracted. As no bones were broken Mr. Swaggert expects soon to be as well as ever.

Miss Nettie Van Dorm went to Mis soula Wednesday to remain with her sister Mrs. Merril Hinchman who is ill. The hearts of our citizens are sad because of another newly made grave in our little cemetery. Mrs. Susan Woodmancy was stricken with spot ted fever on Friday last and friends and physicians had but littlej hopes of her recovery, but did their utmost notwithstanding, to save the precious life.

She lingered till Wednesday evening, when the overburdened heart gave up the struggle and the spirit took its flight. Mrs. Woodmancy was nearly sixty-six years of age and had been a resident of Montana since 1864. She was loved by all for her helpfulness and cheerful Christian character, hav ing been a devout member of Ee Presbyterian cnurch since her early youth and a faithful teacher in the Sunday school for years. The funeral services were conducted at the Pres byterian church at 10 a.

m. today by Rev. Blatz. At the 'Hotels. Florence: F.

E. Hewitt, Minneapo lis; J. E. McKay, L. E.

Throne, G. D. Zounshary, W. C. Guthrie, Chicago; G.

O. McFarland, Butte; Wl P. Baker, R. H. Smithey, Hamilton; G.

H. Ohlsson, St Paul; M. M. Ross Huson; P. W.

Gallagher, San Francisco; Wymond Miller, Helena; L. E. Doighr, Butte; H. S. Hopka, M.

H. Grafton, Bonner; K. H. McLeod, Granite. Missoula: D.

L. Smith, Anna Rivet, Florence; A. K. Stevenson, W. T.

Hales, Pittsburg, Mrs. Belle Moore, Clinton; Mrs. A. H. McManus, Nine Mile; G.

T. McEacheran, Philips-burg; Morley P. McEacheran, St. John, N. John Arthur Higgins, New Brunswick; B.

M. Starkpode Mrs. E. M. Clark, SL Paul; J.

T. Mor-rell, St. Louis. Keenedy: John Setemple, David Fox, Nine Mile; George Lettlemore Joseph Campbell, Hope, Idaho; Frank Rogers, John Barrett, Nine Mile; W. D.

Hughes and wife, Jametetown, N. Douglas Boyne, City; C. B. Miller, C. C.

Miller, Dayton, Ohio. European: Scott Kendall, City; Herman Westphal, Canistoto, S. D. M. C.

Jones, Moscow, Idaho; W. G. Smith, City; Frank Connors, Lothrop; T. H. Bradley, City; John J.

Lane, Tacoma; C. P. Porter, Denver; Allan Brown, Bonner; E. Mannel. Helena; Morton, Seattle; G.

C. Mun-son, Seattle. Surveyors' Camp Near Lo Lo. H. B.

Davis, chairman of the board of county commissioners of Powell county, and who is deputy United States surveyor, has located a camp near Lo Lo from which a large force of men will make a survey of a consid erable area in that section. Mr. Davis returned yesterday to Deer Lodge after seeing to th arrangement of the camp. i "TOO RICH TO MARRY" Whoever heard of such a thing, the idea of anyone being Too Rich To Marry. Still there are people in the world whose riches place them in tne most complicated embarrassments.

Those troubled or suffering from the above cause can be placed on road to success by seeing Edwin Owens Towne great New York production of "Too Rich To Marry," coming at the opera house soon. HARTLEY'S SODA FOUNTAIN Is running full blast. Nothing but pure fruit juices used. HARTLEY'S IS THB PLACE FOR Base Ball Goods, Fishing Tackle and Home-Made Candy Groceries WHOLESALE AND RETAII We handle the best of everything, foreign and domestic, in the grocery line. Your trade is solicited.

MURPHY, CREENOUGH CO. UOOBMOB TO Murphy, Henley Tevls. Higgins Missoula. ICE AND FUEL Terms Strictly Cash, Mullen Bros. Leave orders at Emsley's, 133 Higgins Avenue.

Missonla Brick Cement Co. A. C. HOLLENBECK, Mgr. Building brick of all kinds in any quantity.

Orders taken at Missoula Office. Office Cobban Howell's; yards RlddU's Spur..

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