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The Missoulian from Missoula, Montana • 8

The Missouliani
Missoula, Montana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I CI nitwit HuAf iiem'mtmiki hKtfifcEIMMIhii THO MISSOULIAN, SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 14, 1913. 1 II i-i SUFFRAGIS I FIRES (ISI LEADER i FOR This is a copy of our Rexall Store advertisement in this week's (September 13) Saturday Lvening Post. Head it and profit by it. TELLS CAMPAIGN LAST. WEEK WAS "Solid Silver it Wears" 1 PLANS WORST On Xtk run A fcut Twn on the field our husky sons try drop MISS JEANNETTE RANKIN EN-- THUSIASTIC OVER COMING FIGHT FOR BALLOT.

MORE DAMAGE DONE TO FORESTS DURING PAST SEVEN DAYS -THAN BEFORE. kicks nil bucks und runs; on he Hide Hue many a daughter GETTING cheers anon the. awful STARTED slaughter; from the The goodness is nol all on tlie surlace. Silver is inlaid into the blanks before plating, at those parts where the spoon rests on the table. The goods are therclore guar iS scrimmage comes a groan some lad's broke.

Ills collar hone; off the field see that one limp Klevcn fires Were reported to head-quurters of District No. 1 of the for in his hack he lias a crimp; see the fix Miss Jeannette Hankln brings a breeze of conta'glous enthusiasm whenever she comes Into the city, that other's in from a kick upon the. If YOll KlieW Vantage No. 1 OF the months, and ofttimes years, devoted to painstaking, conscientious testing and proving by actual use of every formula for any Rexall Toilet Preparation before that formula was finally adopted as worthy; Of the exact, earnest care used in selecting each ingredient, and the rigid testing for purity and strength before it could become a part of the preparation; Of the guarantee on each Rexall Toilet preparation that, if it does not give satisfaction in everyway, "we want you to go back to the store where you bought it and get your money; it belongs to you and we want you to have it;" and, If You Saw The sanitary, airy, sun-lighted, shiningly-c lean laboratories in which Rexall Toilet preparations are made; the white-capped, hite-aproned, wholesomely-clean young women who put them up; and, If You Realized That the co-operation in buying, manufacturing and selling of more than 7 000 Rexall Stores one leading drug store in each important city and town in the United States Canada and Great Britain makes it possible to reduce to a minimum the cost to you of the finished product; shin; football ardor blazes IiIkIi see est service during the week past. Of these, fires only one- really was serious.

This' fire occurred in the Helena forest and burned over 420 acres of land, destroying 20 acres of marketable She Is here for few days, coming directly from Helena and Butte, where that fellow's purple eye; confidence much stronger grows one chap bus a flattened nose; never had so strong a she has been looking after matters anteed 25 years. Look for this trade-mark before you buy. connected with the coming campaign for eipial suffrage in Montana. Miss Hankln Is national field secretary und team and, my boy, this Is no dream; these are only football days but we see some dandy plays; though we have, not had game half the. men are bruised and lame; just one broken bone, to date but more will come, as sure as fate; Nero's cruelty was tain he knew not the.

football gams, timber and costing the department $570. The fire was set by campers. Says the official fire report; The past week was the most serious week of the fire season. The weather was hot and dry and high winds1 prevailed during the afternoons. Later In the week showers occurred on some of the forests which relieved the sit chairman of the Montana state central committee.

"I went over to Butte," said Miss Rankin yesterday Ci IL ive us a ca to a reporter, to see how the leaders in that city were getting along in tneir preparations tor ine meeting of the state central commit Along with 'I'e football days comes the "harvest home" of the farmer ami the western Montana tee, which will be held there September 22 and I found the women thoroughly alive to the situation, agriculturist has this season abundant satisfaction in the. surroundings. The even to U)e extent or suggesting mat GREAT CROPS plation week's a King. they wear summer hats all winter in Then You WouldiBelieve That it is an advantage O-, 0(1 for you to buy 'JVS of order to save money to devote to the suffrage campaign. We shall have a reports From were all the valleys of Toilet Preparations good meeting In Butte.

At that time We must decide upon headquarters for at least the next four months during the time I must be away, helping They are listed here at very low prices for goods of high quality. They are: uation slightly and owing to the lateness of the Sieason, shortening of the days and heavy frosts occurring at night, it Is beileved that conditions will not become worse. Most of the forests report that it Is still impossible to reduce their protective force to any great extent until the fall rains occur. Of the 34 fires reported last week, 20 were caused by railroads; three ly lightning; three were of incendiary origin; four were set by campers and foup were caused by burning brush. The next month or two will many hunters in the field.

The dry season may continue for several weeks, mid it is well to observe carefully the "Six Rules." Cases have been known where gun-wads have started forest fires. When shooting in brushy cover, this dry season, hunters should remember this danger, and use fireproof wads, or, at least, line caution in allowing smoldering wads to remain neglected the campaign In North Dakota and other state. We must also elect nn assistant chairman to head the state the Missoula country the news Is that the yield in nearly every line exceeds the early estimates. Carl Drews of the circulation department of The Missoulian returned yesterday from a. tour of the.

Hitter Hoot valley and his review of the situation is entirely in confirmation of previous reports. "The Hitter Hoot valley was never better," saiil Mr. Drews as he camp from the train. "The, apple crop Is going to be much larger than was expected. In EOc 25c prepared and 1 lb.

Rexall Cold Cream, 2 sizes Kexall Camphorated Cold Cream (Also Rexall Theatrical Cold Cream especially for the profession In Va lb. (luantlties.) etitral committee during my absence and we must apportion the expenses or the state campaign and secure Rexall Shaving 2 sizes 25c, GOe Rexall Toilet Cream 2Gc Rexall Rose Water and Glycerine 2Ge Rexall Cream of Almonds 36c Kexall Violet Talcum Powder 25c Rexall Toilet Soup, 10c a cake 3 for 25c Fragrant and sanitary preparations for the teeth, in whichever form you prefer: Rexall Antiseptic Tooth Powder 25c Rexall Tooth Wash 25o Rexall Tooth Paste 25c pledges from each county central miniltee. At the close of the meet Real lather-making, soothing soap, in three forms to give the discriminating shaver his choice: Rexall Shaving Powder 25c Rexall Shaving Stick Rexall Shaving Cream .05,. the upper valley, especially, the yield is large and fine. The hay and grain crops ati" immense.

Every barn and granary in the valley is full. Threshing crews are working overtime and the farmers are all anticipating a good market, liusiness Is improving in What Will You Do at Fifty? If you lion't save while your earning capacity Is greatest? Open a savings account and create a reserve fund. 3 Per Cent Interest on Savings The First National Bank Missoula, Montana. TOTAL RESOURCES $2,000,000. "Rexall Toilet Goxls Week" begins today at all The Stores on tne ground.

every Hitter Hoot town. Preparations ing in Butte, I expect all who are there to go in a body to the state fair at Helena. There will be things doing at the fair. We mean to put. Montana on the map with "Votes for Women" at that time.

The board of directors of the state fair granted us space for a tent, but refused to give us permission to have public addresses on the subject of "Equal Suffrage." Our contract precludes addresses, but it says nothing about silent speeches. Kvery afternoon of the five days of fair week, there will be silent speeches Cumulative Report of Fires. Fires: He being made, everywhere, for a live ly winter and 1 am eufe they are going to have It." 227 In the Saturday Evening Post on Oct. 11 will be printed "Rex-all Ad-Vantage No. 2." on Violet Dulce Perfumes and Toilet These goods are sold only at the MISSOULA DRUG CO.

Wholesale ftWt, to. and Itctail Class A Class Class 18 Peter Scbeffer spent, a couple of days In town last week from his ranch near Total 297 Acres burned: Huson. It was his first DOWN visit since he started Government 1,436 RIVER harvesting" his great grain fields. "The grain in the spacious tent which is ours. These will be far more thrilling and effective than the ordinary address and we shall not fail of an audience each afternoon.

There will also be some good literature distributed. Miss is all cut and I have finished threshing," said Mr. Sche.ffer to the Man 1 BEATEN BY HARD A About Town. "Down in our part of the valley, the crop was good this year. We have a fine lot of grain.

We Mary Agnes antwell, who lias a ranch near Hunter's Hot Springs, is INSPECTION All COUNTY'S escaped the hail which did damage In snnie parts and we are so close to the chairman of literature and she is pre paring a new pamphlet especially for hills that we. always have water the state fair. enough. The hill seepage is fine. But Then, best of all, will he the exhib we have a lot to do just the same.

ATHLETES MADE State 25 Private 500 Total 1,901 Merchantable timber burned: Acres so Value $40 Men employed SS Cost of fire fund $1,022 Causes: Railroads 144 Lightning 61 Campers 35 Brush burning 31 Incendiary 3 Sawmills 1 Traction engine 2 Unknown 20 Total 297 Set by railroads, 48 per cent; due to human negligence, 73 per cent. its marked "Votes for Women." Prom There are some folks who think a lnent among flowers and vegetables farmer just has nothing to do but sit needlework and fine cookery, there will be some of the finest samples of down and smoke his pipe when he Is through with threshing. That's a big Rheumatism A Home Core 61ven tiy One Who Hid It la the spring of ifi93 I wnn attacked by Muscular and IntlHiimiBiory Rheumatism. I uttered as ouly thotie wtio havo It know, for over three yearn. I trtnt remedy Bfur remedy, and doctor aftr doctor, but such relief an 1 received whs only temporary.

Finally, I found a remedy that curd me completely, and It baa never returned. I bave Klveo to a no in Iter who weru terribly afllicud aud eveu bedridden with Ilheuma-Horn, and tt effected a cure la every case, I want every unerer from any form of rheumatic trouble to try tula man clou heal-Dg power. Dun't Rend acini; simply mall your name and addreaa and 1 will lend It free to try After you have used It and It hai proven ItaeJf to that icnR-lookud-for means of curing four Ilheutnatlwm, you may aead the price of It, one dollar, but, under aland, I do not want your money unlem yoa are perfectly MllsAed to ww It. Isn't that lairr Why auiTr any longer when puilttve relief la lima ottered you free? Don't delay. Write today.

Mar li. Jackuuu, Ku. 812 Gurot-y Syracuse, V. Mr. Jackson li responsible.

Above at ate-meat true. Pub. mistake. There are the cattle to look the housewife's skill, bearing in prominent letters the sign of her mental power, the speaking legend, "Votes SECOND-YEAR MEN MAKE CLEAN SWEEP OF COMPETITIONS ON CAMPUS. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT VISITS SCHOOLS IN COEUR D'ALENE DISTRICTS.

HEYFRON AND KELLEY DECIDE ON CAMPAIGN AGAINST SALOON GAMBLERS. after and all the preparations for winter to make. There Is something to do all the. time and if anybody thinks It for Women." Such exhibits will be is easy, let him come down and stay sent from all parts of the state, nut Missoula county must lead them all, with us for awhile. We are now starting the fall plowing and there's a fine In order to keep her rank previously County Superintendent Edna Rein-hard returned yesterday from a trip cnanee for somebody who wants some won.

There Is little balm in the freshman's Gilead this day. The youngsters received a royal drubbing at the hands of the sophomores yesterday, losing Missoula ladies who will send in exhibits are asked to send their BUT HALF A DOZEN names to their precinct leader before September 18. Mrs. Miles and Miss every one of the competitions arranged Alice Wright are In charge of col for their benefit by the upper class men. In only one of the two events lecting and shipping the articles to be exhibited.

The precinct leaders good e.xercise." "No," said Phil Kenny in reply to a question from the Man About Town, "I wasn't much scared PHIL GOT when the American THE TABS theater got fire. I didn't think it would burn down and I didn't think it would get into the Vienna. I was at the postoffiee when the fire started and a man told me my place was burning up. They're always saying some The persistence of the gentlemen whose bread and butter Is provided by certain more or less fortuitous combinations of playing cards has moved County Attorney Dan Heyfron and Sheriff William Kelley to adopt more stringent methods of attack. Yesterday the two men held a private conference and decided upon a plan of action which will, they hope, rob the full house of Its bread-winning power.

"The gamblers have been growing bolder lately," said the county attorney yesterday, "and we are going to go right after them. The town Is full of tinhorns despite the fact that SOUVENIR did the freshmen have a chance to cheer. Two of the five wrestling are Mrs. Vealy for precinct 1. Mrs J.

Wilson Moore, precinct Mrs Angevlne, Mrs. Mossnian, Mrs. Hutzerin, Mrs. Heaeom, Mrs matches were won by freshmen. The contests were held on the uni Another Issue of Stock Oversubscribed verslty campus yesterday afternoon SPOONS of Inspection through the Coeur d'Alenes.

During the week she visited the schools In Superior, Carter, Al-berton and Lothrop, going to Carlton on Friday. This week she will make a trip over the reservation, making use of an opportunity to inspect the schools and get figures on the industrial contests that are now being held there. Most of the schools of the reservation are taking advantage of the offer made by the state fair for public school exhibits. The boys In each district are raising potatoes and the girls are sewing. The best exhibits in each district will be sent to Missoula for judging.

The county's best spuds and corset covers will then be sent to Helena for exhibition at the state fair. Under the provisions of a new state law It is necessary for county superintendents of schools to set aside five days In each month as definite office before a small crowd of students and Kctor, Mrs. Hansen, 8. Miss Alice Wright for the Rattlesnake precinct and Mrs. Clements for Orchard townspeople.

The juniors and seniors Homes. FOR SALE Miscellaneous. THAT'S ALL THE SILVERWARE MISSING FROM THE MINNEHAN LOT THAT WAS STOLEN. HR Sixth sows phone Knit KALE cheap. red.

NCHANTRESS PLEASES thing like that and I just laughed nt him. The next man I met told me the theater was all on fire. I didn't worry much then, fur I have some insurance, and I was walking along to see the 1 Then I happened to thin)' i that bunch of tabs I have In the desk drawer anil the register. Then you bet I did run. Sure, Insurance Is no good for tabs.

I ran clear to the Vienna and you bet I got those tabs." Herb Weiss and Skinny Powers of Hamilton are collaborators in the production of spiced SPICED mountain trout. Pow- TROUT ers catches the trout and does the publicity WELL-FILLED HOUSE we have kept after them all along. Mr. Kelley and I decided yesterday that we would have a county officer visit every saloon in town every night. The inspection won't be according to schedule, nor will It be obtrusive enough to be called a raid, but It will be thorough.

Every saloon will be visited and any people caught gambling will be arrested and prosecuted. We have endured this state of affairs as long as we are going to. After this the hand of tliu law is going to be mighty heavy." managed the whole affair, the competing classes confining their efforts to the struggle. The relay race was the opening event and the freshmen seemed the With Kress, the Sweet-grass county star; Higgins, a Georgetown crack; Hrown, point-winner for Granite county In the university's ln-terscholastlc, and Klapper of Killings, the freshmen had a strong four. Opposed to them were Jimmy Hrown, the crack varsity sprinter, Molehlor, Dowd and Collins.

The sophomores made a procession of the race. Molehlor took a 10-yard lead over Wingert Hrown and Dowd gained 40 yards on Klapper. Collins and Higgins, both star runners, held the sume position, and Hrown loafed home with a strong lead over Kress. The wrestling matches, next on the program, were the features of the day. days.

Mrs. Kelrihard has chosen to be In her office every Saturday and on the first Monday in every month. A score of catchy music, somewhat above thei grade generally accepted as musical comedy standard, elaborate SACAJAWEA LODE scenery and costumes, held up a frayed thread of plot and innde a show of "The Kucha ntress" that was work, while to Weiss, ers calls a the real labor falls That Is what Pow-I'alr division of toil. taken with enthusiasm by a Well- SELECTED IS NAM fill. mI house at the Missoula theater last night.

Klttv (lordon, as the be Hut li trout jar of tlie.m cum ire really fine. A down the valley yes- witching one, was a disappointment MORMON HEAD DIT3. New York, Sept. 13. Renja mln E.

Rich, president of the eastern mission of the Mormon church, today of apoplexy at his home here, aged 5S. He was the son of the late Charles C. Rich, one of the early npostleR of the Mormon church. The bo taken to Salt Lake City for burial. Assistant Chief of 1'ollcp McDonald, who has beeji the gumshoe man In the Miniiehan stolen-sllver case, last night checked up the recovered silver against the.

list of articles which were taken from the, MInnehan residence, and found that nil the lost silver Is ac counted for except four or six souvenir spoons. The confessed thief has told the police that he cached a lot of the stolen ware in the, river; that It Is lying In a sack or bundle on the copper-coated bottom of the Htrenm. He thinks It Is where be put it, but he has no way of proving It, as he is not much of a diver and the police wouldn't trust him to dive If he. were. McDonald, who traced the thief to Anaconda, where he was located, says the recovery Is practically complete anil doesn't believe there will be any profit in getting 11 diving outfit for the recovery of the few souvenir spoons which nre in the river.

The recovery of this stolen ware and the confession of the thief huve furnished the principal Item for police discussion for several days. The Job was will done by the. local officers James Shea of Stevensvllle threw For tcr.tay, inn. ugh tlie courtesy of John Trewhela. to the Man About Town.

win is willing cheerfully to testify to Mluction of the. the excell combined lire of the pr talent of two rest Owens, a freshman from Helena, In less than two minutes. Gates, a first-year man from Poison, evened up the score by throwing Barclay Craighead In a little more than a minute. Wright of Great Falls, sophomore, had Hitler It. inters.

to most of the spectators, who had expected inure than a display of gowns. There were flashes of tin-uniial comedy and dancing, but It Was tlie music that carried the show; It was bright and fresh and more than a catalogue of popular songs. The Bohemian soldiery looked unusually formidable, When a corporation or stock company has an issue of stock to sell the public and the demand for subscriptions is ten times as great as the supply the incident is termed an "over subscription." This term applies to and illustrates the sale of the seven sows. Public demand was far greater than the supply. Had the user of the Missoulian Sentinel class ad possessed seventy instead of seven sows, the result would have been the same he would have none left of them now.

There were ten calls for the seven sows in four days. That's the way the Mis-soulian-Sentinel class ad works for its clients. At your service for 2 cents a word a day. Rates for seven days or longer. Are you seeking employment? Let the Mis-souiian-Sentincl class ad aid you free of cost.

NEW CLOTHES SHOP an easy time with Wells, a freshman fr.n the same city. Then came the bitterest struggle of the afternoon, Strelt, a Missoula sophomore, star on lust year's football team, and Uruc Hopper, the giant of the fresh mn class, wrestled for four and a half minutes before Strelt tumbled his antagonist. Harry Hchug, sophomore, was tossed In hulf a mln- NE OPENING Sacajawea lodge Is the nnme chosen by K. S. Paxson nnd accepted by Mr.

and Mrs. John H. Kennedy for the new apartment house which Is to be built tit the corner of Orange street and. South Sixth street, fuclng east. Mr.

and Mrs. Kennedy are the architects, owners nnd builders of the lodge, which will consist of eight three-room apartments and will cover a space flfi feet by 50 feet on the ground and bo two utorles high. Each npartnient will have Its Bleeping porch, bath and concealed bed. The building will be. modern In every detail and finish and convenience, having hardwood floors, tho best of plumbing, with laundry trays and sinks and pipes for gas.

It will be steam heated from one central Plant. The exterior will be brick veneered, with a tile terrace for tho front entrance. Contractor Klshop has already begun upon the work of ex and M. Doimld is entitled to the credit which be gets for the work. Suecessf III leilaliuii of beyond the hiiihrst ex-Messrs.

1 rs and Itite bv Stutzman. freshman. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. The class fight ended with a "keg" rush. Fifteen men from each class lined tip In the big ring and nt a starting signal rushed for a keg, of cider stakeil In the center, For five minutes they struggled for possession Klrst Presbyterian church, corner of luo and Stevens street, Rev.

.1. N. was the opening of the t'nlled Clothes Shop yesterday. "Our modest little store was with gentlemen who came to see what we had and then decided to buy," was Mr. Peers' report last evening, "We sold so many or our suits that I sent an order for more suits to be shipped as Soon as possible, 1 nni afraid we shall be sold Maclean, 1), minister; residence, 20 Stevens street-Public worship nt The Fragrant Cup of Coffee These fall mornings hot coffee is a desired adjunct of the morning meal.

To insure its being good, buy Anchor brand coffee, 40c; Hill's "Blue" can coffee, 40c; Hill's "Red" can coffee, 45c. Economy is secured by getting Hill's coffee in 3-lb. cans, for $1.10. 11 11. n.

and Sunday school at 10 in. There I ill be tio evening serv of the keg, then the referee slopped the rush and counted hands and feet. Kleven sophomores and nine freshmen were found to be In contact with the keg and the. prize was given to the second-year tnen. ice on iiecmint of union meet Inn nt out helore they get her.

cavation and the building Is to be ready occupancy by next May. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ure responsible for some of the most beautiful homes In Missoula and It Is a matter for general congratulation that there will be another home of their design added to the architectural values of the city. although we tire proud to welcome and l.v Missoula wo the US still have stock that show.

We appreciate the approval shown people." If other signs were lacking, one has but to look over1 the tnff-rall on Higgins avenue bridge today to assure himself that the city is again thn home of the care-free "rah-rnh." There on the island one of the billboards, until early this morning as blank as Modred's shield, now projects the Information that the class of '10 won a relay race, a keg rush and also a series of wrestling matches in competition with theld despised Inferiors yesterday. The board is also the medium through which passershy learn that there will be a footbail game between the university and the I'lah eleven on November fi. A Missoulian reporter, hurrying across the bridge shortly before press lime this morning, heard the gentle; slap of brush on boards and low voices below him. The painted letters were plain after IHensn gazing and then said a voice, "pretty poor, what? Maybe the frosh Won't know which end they are wit now." Second voice, "Righto, and look nt the adrer-Using tho football game's BRIEFS IN DYNAMITE CASE. the M.

K. church tit 8 o'clock under the auspices of the Missoula. Humbly School association. The Y. P.

S. C. will meet III the chapel nt p. Prayer tneetlntr and lllble study on Wednesday evening nt o'clock. Strangers und visitors will find a cordial weleoem at all these services.

DINNER AT THE 1 MISSIONS CLOSED. Galveston, Texas, Sept. 1.1. A dozen missionaries' were among, the American refugees who landed today from the steamer Mexlcatm. Kev.

Joseph Thacker of the Methodist Episcopal church South said: "All our Institutions nre closed and missionaries and teachers have started home as 11 result of nol all, .11 from our church." ur Increasing enrollment proves tlic popularity of our SCHOOL Koch Dixon Proprietors, Phones licit liij. ZZit. Indiunnjiolls, Sept. 13. United District Attorney Miller today Sent to the t'nlled Stntes court of appeals In Chicago briefs covering the government' reason why a new trial should not he granted 31 of 33 men convicted In the dynamite conspiracy trials here last winter.

The document Is believed to be the longest of ltH kind ever filed In this country and contains 723 printed pages. in Blan to stop at tho Bitter Hoot Inn for dinner today. A pleasant place NO LICENSE REQUIRED. Ib-leim, Kept. 1.1.

It Is held, under an opinion given by Attorney General Kelly to Hnid Smith, attorney of Park, that nit-' Hot tn tuny do business In Mmi- hmio parties In stop for rest and t'etrcHhincnt. wry convenience, Win. Uebhardl. Adv. jlxlat Without luklntf out a Decline..

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