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Natrona County Tribune from Casper, Wyoming • 8

Casper, Wyoming
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

LITTLE LOCALS. Heavy Storm. Boots and Shoes Kuyul niukea the food pure, wholesome and delicious. ilH.G.Duhling Krvay and John Beggs were in Casper yesterday on business. D.

It, Tisdale left yesterday mor Carries a Complete Line of A nice line of Stationery. Hotter and Eggs. Tobaccos, Confectionery. Everything First-class. H.

Q. DUHLING. B. HERTZMAN Merchant Tailor Glotrjes Cleaned Repaired. Second door north of the War ner house and opposite of the iNairona nouse, Mi(v)ln C.

Robinson it Barbel Shop 4 ii tfatn Hooms Newly furnished and thor ouphly renovated. 4 Hot and cold baths. Two doors south of Grand Central hotel. 'ii J' 4 New Confectionery Store. A Nice Line of Fresh Vegetables and Fruits.

Butter and Efrirs, Imported and Domestic Cigars, Nuts and Candies. First Door Abovs Poetofflce. Your Patronage Solicited. I J. S.

Van Doren, Frop.j Hatuks Hose PKOI'ltlKTOItS OF 3 Tonsorial 3 9 3 3 Parlops AMI Bath Rooms i First class work and courteous treatment. Opposite post office. 7 3 K. Ii. SIIAFFNKK, FKICSII AND SALT MEATS.

VKGETA15LES. 1 FKUITS OF ALL KINDS. tit mr r. JRIBUNE JOB PR1NT1NU OFFICE Caspkii, WyostiNa. Commercial printing executed with neatness ana promptness.

A share of your patronage is solicited. Office in Odd Fellows' lliock. pREDD. HAMMOND. LAWYER, ('super, Wyo.

FruIt if. ft as i mm mm Absolutely Pure SOVAt SAKIW1 SOWDFS Nr VOKK. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lund Olllce at Douilas, Wyoming, July 6th, 181.8. Notice is hereby given that the following named set- Her has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bclore Marion I.

wheeler, county clerk and es-ollinio clerk of court, at Casper, Natrona county, Wyoming, on August 12, 18118, viz: Conkau Houck, For his II. Nr. 219, for the 1-2 of sw 1-4, sw 1-4 of no 1-4, iiw 1-4 of se 1-4, Section 8, T. 82 It. 81 w.

He names I he iollowing witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Alex Mills, Daniel N. 8 peas, George W. Johnson, Charles Kellv; all of Casper, Natrona County, Wyoming. A. I).

t.HAMiiEiu.m, Register, TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. United States Laud Olllce, Doug, las. July 6, Notice is hereby given that Martin J. Goth-berg has filed notice ot intention to make final proof before Marion P. Wheeler, clerk ot court, at hhfoihVc iu Casper, Wyoming, on Friday, the 12th day of August, 1898, on timber culture application No.

2617, for the 1-2 ne 1-4, and se 1-4 lie 1-4 of sec tion No. 6. in township No, 32 range No. 80 w. lie names as witnesses; Edward L.

McGrriugh, Albert O. f'heiiev. of Freidund. vii Mint Ed Kerns, Reuben Hinev ot Capcr, Wyo. A.

D. Chamukhi.ain, Rcgieier. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Douglas, Wyoming. July (i, 18U8.

Not ice is hereby given I lull the following-iinineil selller tiled notice ot his intention id Html proof in support ot his i lnini, and that said proof will be made he- fore Marion 1 heeler, clerk of court, at (Jasper, on August mil, I8U8, viz: S. aim'in. For his II. E. No.

91. for the nw 1-4 se 1-4, sw 14 ne 1 4, 1-2 nw 1-4, sec. 25, townshin 81 h. raiiL'e 80 w. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence iiiion mid fiilliviitioii of mi id land, viz: ward L.

McOrntigh, Charles N. Rich ards. Albert Cheney, Daniel L. Chirk, all of Freelmd. Wvo.

A. CiiAtuiKui.iN, Register. MAILS. LostCnbin. Leaves on Moiidavs.

WeilnmuijivM 111(1 Fridays. 1.00 a.m. Arrives on Thmiiiivm riuirndHjH und H.mmliij-H. 9.0U p.m. I a.m.

Arrives on Thursdays and Suuilays, 10 n.m iiongis. leaves on rnesiiavs nn Fridavs. rejiauu. Arrives on fflomlavs. vvetliiew vm auii oy iz in.

weaves same nays, 1 p.m. uasiorn Mails p.m. Leave V.M a.ra F.LEEPEB Caspicb. Wiomino. PursioiAN and SunoaoN.

All calls promptly attended day nr night. Office at the Grand Central Hotel. jUJ ARION P. WHEELER Cahpib, WyoMiMQ. Clerk district court in and for Natrona county United States Land Office Filings and Final Proofs taken.

u. iin ii iLBun, li. B. Casper, Wsohixo, Resident Dentist. Cheek furnished on short notice.

broken and set free of charge. Teeth hauled with ureat Dain. Ten years practice. Office at lira ad Central Hotel. TheF.

E. andM. V. R. R.

is the best to and from the COAL AND OIIj RE01ON8 Of Central Wyoming. 0, WCooi.Agt. Cabi ee, Wto ning for Omaha where he will visit the Tra us-Mississippi exposition for several days. Dr. and Mrs.

Vanwav and dauirh ter, who visited Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Shaffer last week, returned to their home in Illinois last Friday.

Largest stock of Harness and Saddles Ever in Casper, at A. 0. Barrie'a. Post Olllce Inspector VVaterbury was in Casper Tuesday checking up Postmaster Bishop. He went north yesterday to check up the country post ollioes, Phil Colby will start Monday to work for The liichards Cunningham company, iu the place of Donald Frame, who resigned Wednesday morning.

Fred Hoedde, the well known cook and all-round restaurant man. has again opened up an eating house, having bought the restaurant, furniture, of F. II. Sawyer. Mr.

Sawver will retire from the business. Tim Dailey left for Cheyenne Saturday morning, and it is said that he and Miss Wurlciuont will soon be married and make their home in Casper, Mr, Daily having leased the Korus residence on Capital hill for a year. W. C. Van Dervoort arrived in Casper last eveuing from Omaha and immedately left over the Casper-Thenuopolis mail route to investigate into the cause of the delay in the delivery of the mail at the different post offices along the road.

A. J. Cunningham left yesterday morning tu take his annual vacation-He will first go to New Vrk city where he will remain a short time, and will then visit at different cities in Maine, He expects to return to Casper about August For Rent. Three furnished rooms for Convenient locality. Inquire Frank Jamison's, George Taylor now has the pelt of a big black bear which he met in the Big Horn mountains several weeks ago.

Mr. Taylor says that for a time it was Nip and Tuck whether his party, eonsist'tig of several men, would capture the bear or the bear would capture thera.but after putting about half a dozen bullets in him, one of which went through the animal's body, he gave up the chase and died, II. W. C. Carmichael, a sheepman from the Big Horn basin, arrived iu Casper Sunday and remained a few days until his wool arrived here.

He has about 11,000 pounds which he will ship to market, Mr. Carmichael will attend the Trans-Mississippi exposition about a week or ten days, after which he will go to Salt Lake and visit among friends for about six months. For Bale 3,200 ewes. 2,500 of these ews are from one to four-year-olds, native bred, large size and good shearers. The remaining 700 are Oregon trail ewes, six-year olds.

These sheep are in good condition and free from scab, Cull jftf Sussex, Wyo. Frank O'Neill, who several years ago worked in Casper for P. A. Demerest, and who went to Nebraska from here, Has shot with a dose of glass last week. Regarding the matter a telegram from Gordon, says: "Frank O'Neill, son of J.

B. O'Neill, was shot this uiornimr about sunrise by some person in am bush with a shotgun loaded with pounded glass and crockery. His right shoulder and right hand were badly shattered, and pieces of glims were imbedded in many places on his body. He was evidently shot at close rang, as his face is badly powder burned. He is in a pre- I Last Tuesday (veiling one.

of th most severe rain, lightning and thunder storms that ever visited this section occurred, lasting about three quarters of an hour, and doing con sidcrable damage, The storm came from the west headed by considerable wind. I the short space of time the streets of Casper were flooded, some place the water being six inches deep. The lightning did considerabl damage about town and a ijreat deal more in the country. One of tl large windows in the dining room ot the Grand Central hotel was broken out, a log house back of Sawyer's restaurant was demolished, the chimney on C. C.

P. Webel'a resi deuce was damaged and the family severely shocked. Several horses iu W. Uhoirles' livery stable were knocked down, G. Cowlthorp, ireignier iroin i nermopoiis, was knocked down and his team of horses were struck by the bolt, one of them being killed, and the killing of Joshua Quest on Casper creek, all occurred in the three quarters of an our that tlie storm prevailed.

Townsend's is the best place in Oasper to buy your boots and ahoss, Harry Cook went to Douglas this morning to take charge of the rail road station at that place for a couple ot weeks. Mrs. Donald Michie and children are expected home from Dot Springs this evening. Mr. Michie went to Crawford yesterday to meet them.

Over $500 was raised by tl democrats Tuesday to entertain and prepare for the democratic state delegates which meet here August aril. Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts. brulsos, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fev er sores, totter, chapped hands, chll blains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no 'pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Price i cents per box.

For sale by Wilson S. Kimball. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men m're wide awake and enterprising than W. S.

Kjmnell wlio spare? no pains to secure the be9t of everything in his lino for his many customers. Thoy now have the valuable agency for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. usrhs and olds. This is the wonderful remedy that is nrnducinir such a furor all over the country by its many start ling cures.

It absolutely, cures Asthma, Hronehitis, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat. CliHst and Lungs, Call at the drug store and get a inai Dome iree or a regular size for ou cents ana Vi.W. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. How to Look Good Good looks are really more than skin deep, depending entirely on a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive you have a bilious loek; if your stomach is disordered.

you have a dyspeptic look; if you kidnoys are affected, you have a pinch ed look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. "Electric Bitters" is a good Alterative and Tonic. Acts directly on the stomach, liver and kidnoys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed.

Sold at Wilson Kimball's Drug Store. 50 cents per bottle. CALL FOB THE REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. Headquarters Republican State Committee. Cheyenne, July 5, the Itepubll-can Electore of Wyoming: In accordance with established nsiigee and by express direction of the republican state committee, notice in hereby given thut a republican state convention will be held at Douglas, in the county of Convene, state of Wyoming, on Wednesday the 10th day of August, A.

IMW, at 4:81) p. for the purpose of nominating candidate fur the following otlices, to lie voted for at the state election, to be held on the Whduy of November, A. D. 1KM8, vis a representative in the fifty-eevAith congress of the United States, a governor, a secretary of state, a state auditor, a state treasurer, a superintendent of public instruction and a justice of the supreme court. The delegates to this convention from the counties composing the Third and Fourth udicial districts, respectively, in the state, will also meet in conventions to separately place in nomination a candidate for district judge, in each of their roepectlvedistricts, to fill vacancies respectively eiisting therein.

The convention will also transact such other business as may properly come liefore It, including the selection of a republican state committee, to serve for the ensuing two years. The state convention will be composed of 101 delegates, apportioned among the several counties as follows: Alhnny Rig Laramie fi onveme Sweetwuter 12 Sheridan 'remit Uinta Fremont 5 Johnson ai The delegates from the several counties will be chosen at county conventions called and eon-ducted according to the rules and customs followed in such counties in selecting delegates to state convention. All electors in the state who intend voting with the renublicnn nnrf.v nn may appoint a proxy, Rkpubijcaii State Comittkk, By J. C. Datir.

Chnirmrn. i 7 2 Every description of boot and slioes made to order. Repairing neatly executed and promptly attended to, and at reduced prices. Uohn myens, The Red Boot Sign Gentlemen's Clothes Cleaned And kont in perfect order for the sum of 12 peryear. One door north of Metcalf's Store.

i JWrs. JVT. J. flndre. COUNTY.

NATIiONA COUN TltlllUNK is the Official rP the ountjr. Sheriff. Hunh l'ulton. treasurer, and IsMiesiir, Frank Hull. Co.

I'lerk, and Clerk of I'oiirt, 11 P. Wheeler, Count Attorney, Eunene 1). Norton. Sunt. i.

St-hools. Miss YYillielmine M. Clark, County Surveyor. J. H.

Bradley ComisMioners. J. W. Price. L.

Morrison. I J. P. tiiuitli. hairman.

CHURCHES. M. E. CHUHTH. Kexulnrservloes every Bun day at 11 a.

in. and 8 p. ni. Hiiuduy School eacti Subuutu at losjo a. in.

J. H. Oii.lipii, Pastor. ST. MA UK'S F.PIHCOPAL.-lteinilar service! jvery Bunilay at a.

m. and p. in. Sunday tchooleuch Sunday at 11:15 a. in.


KHOADES, Kunire south side of Plntte river. iilnl limine creek. I ro i'rw. uiKimrn, I'rv Simmy aim spin riithi ear. Also own.

Postiithice address, Casper, Wyo. I one IIKNKY A. JOHNSON. ile. ii4Aj ITZ left.siit AIho onlvrn lininflpd fNK ninct Hitr.n on t'tthpr and trihtititry.

Jtll rW tlKNKY A. JoHNHON, HfJJiflr, Wvo. a iiiiiifiua j. it hrandeil "-V." Crop righ. ear.

Range, t'esper and Muddy Mt" 6 Addnws. Casper. Wyonilng. May lit 333 HAS. N.

llll'IIAHDS Pfi sid" right i Other hrnndu iu i aiiienno Horses briiiuieil on ler, 'rarl S73 Qll up UuiigH, lintuscteek. Address Fretdand, Wvo Sent lilt T1KUA1.K& CO fattle branded on left sliimlder i nine anil nip. tuilertiit left. ear. Sndille lioisee on Jell shoulder.

SlfH-k norse slioulder. on right or left $300 Reward. We tiny to any person turnishing proof which finally convictsany penmnor persons of stoulingimy of our cattle or home. Address tftu neper, Wyoming. I- i J- M.

CAREY 4 BRO. Cattle branded on left side. Horses "rniHieu on lull In p. Uuder-slope both ears. 4 Cattle branded on left side, f'APPV rnuiuuv Undo Hiope uoui ears.

PENN CATTLE CO. Cattle branded on left side. Vn. All r-niB. mi ceiies g2 branded after 1M4.

Uurats oranueann lett snoulder. FREMONT CATTLE CO. Cattle branded On left side. Under slope both ears Horses branded on Iff! hip. The range of nil the above cattle is on tlie north side of tha Platte river in Converse and Natrona counties.

REWARD. One hundred dollars reward will he paid foi information leading to the arrest and conviction of any person riding or using in any way without permission, horses lielonging to any of the above ontlite. Address, 1 jau 08 E. T. David, Wyo.

AA- JIB A II CATTLE CO. Cattle branded on the left, hip, and horses on the left shoulder. The breeching brand hail been put on calves since 1HII2, under slit both ears. Range on the Big Horn rivet and its trilutaries in Johnson and Fremont conn, ties, Wyoming. Rewards will be paid for information concer" ing depredations which have been or are proposed to be commuted upon slock or other prop erty, and for the return of such as haR been stolen.

Address, Ember Cattle Co. Ember, Wyoming. Jan VI JAKE CROUHK. Cattle branded "BIL." Hatch left ear. Range, Bates Hole.

Postoffice address, Freeland, Wyoming, Jan VS You Ship to Us. Ropes and Tags Furnished Free No Comission Charged FIRST AVE. NORTH PS. f.ViL-, 1 IB mm IS 'SUM 11 t. All business locals under head bik) among news iiems will lie run until ordered out slid charged tor nl the ruin of will iur line uoh insertion.

Itnaiiuoia locals in black type will be charged fur ul the raUi of lucwits ier line soon lu irllun Five cents ver 1 1 no will bechsrged for advertis ing fairs. Festivals nr cnieriniiimenia wiier mercenary iimtivmi Hru th incentive. Best lino of clothing in Cusjier. at Towshexd'b. Frank WaMi, dheriff of CuHter county.

South Dakota, was in Cantier this week. Fred Hntiif, of the firm tf Noble Hrufja, Bliei'iiiifii, arrived in TiieHtluy. C. W. Cook left Tuesday inoriiinjr forCliienifo to visit a short time among friends.

Kmil Poirot and Miss VadaByxbe wore mariied last Saturday at Glen-rock. Father Keating officiating. Win. llaslatn. who has been working at the Grand Central hotel the jiast few nionllis, went east Tuesday niorniii''.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. MeKinnie of Otto, arrived in Casjier Monday and Mrs.

MeKinnie left Tuesday morn-iiij for Omaha to receive medieal treatment. The Pennsylvania Oil Gas com pany will this week receive lithograph labels fioin Akron, 0., which are to be used on the Visco axle grease boxes. Mrs. George M. Ulioades left this morning for Cherryvale, to visit with relatives and friends for uliout a mouth.

Mr. Rhoades accompanied her as far as Children, General Manager Bidwell, General Superintendent Hughes, Division Superintendent Harris and Chief Engineer Bury of the Northwestern railroad came up to Casper Monday on a special train on a tour of inspection. Miss Nellie Mahoney, daughter of Engineer Mahoney of Chadron, and Miss Alice Hersand and Master Judd Haskin of Iowa, came up from Chadron, Monday eveuing to take in the sights of Casper. Father Keating entertained the little people during their stay. 0.

B. Conkling, who left Casper several weeks ago to visit at his home in Iowa, returned to Casper last evening in company with his mother, Mrs. J. S. Conkling, O.

Orchard and Mrs. 11. It. Orchard, who will spend several months with Mr. Conkling at his Bheep camp in the Big Horn mountains, the party having left for the mountains this morning.

The Casper Mercantile company has gone out of business, the stock being moved to J. B. Okie's store at Lost Cabin. F. W.

Okie, manager of the late company, will go to New York, whare he will engage in business of some kind, but at present he is not sure what he will do. Mr. Turner, who has been clerkinff in the store for several years will go to Lost Cabin and manHge 'the store. Mr. J.

V. Cantlin and his daughter, Mrs. 0. P. Gray, arrived in Casper Tuesday evening from Ther-mopolis.

Mrs. Gray will remain here a short time among friends, but Mr, Cantlin will go back and continue the search for the unfortunate people who met their death by drowning in the Big Horn river about a month ago, among whom was Air. Cantliu's 14 year-old daughter Myrtle, whose remains are still in, the treacherous stream with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beggs.

Chris Baysel and family of Omaha arrived in Casper Friday evening and Saturday morning left for ranch where he will assist in putting up a hydraulic water system for B. H. Brooks. Mr. Baysel was also accompanied by S.

Robinson, a ihemist of the Grinnell (Iowa) university who will go with Mr Baysel to Lewiston in a few month. where the Overland Dry Ore Concentrator company have shinned machinery which will be used to test the ore now being taken from a number of claims in great quantities. Mr. Baysel says that if successful at Lewiston the company will at once jmt Up a plant in Camper mountain, You Ship to Headquarters When Pelts, and Wool, TALLOW, GINSENG, SENECA. Full Prices.

Correct Selection. Write mmedlate Remittance Unjimisi ii.i. i i mi. ii '1 Hides, for Circular Giving Latest Prices. Carious condition lie Claims to have crdinJJy invited, without regard to past politi- seenand recognized Ms assailant a a onit- unfBr in of delegates to the stoto-convention, one Louie Eddy, a neighbor with Delegates are urged to personally attend the ,1,,, rvv convention, but those who are unable to attend 200-212 VI1IO, OlO 11,11.

friend terms. Eddy lias been ar-1 rested, clmrjri'd with tin ttlmntinir. Jas. fDcfnillan Co. Inc (Tinneapolis, JVlinn.

U.K. Powi.rn, Surivtiny..

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