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Natrona County Tribune from Casper, Wyoming • 8

Casper, Wyoming
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

liodxriok (lordt-n whs in from the I.ITTU: MHAIS consists of about sixteen horses, Royal naku the food part, wholttooM aa4 delicious. Dr. Greenwood mm ism, h2sJ.r Caspar Football Team. Ill) a Sheep Herder Ureal Sol wrb nitliutf in the went, When hIoiim ia cuuip 1 did rol, 1 tumuli! it Mill) tu tit beet To ru-til mime paper o'er And learn tlix of the 'luyi Our gold and ilvr man at pluy, Tub lediou. bourn to pun sway What could iutereet ma more? Tbibunk wtu tlio fimt, 1 took to ruud, on 1 bIwh) must; I ttieu my kIuimm did adjust, lu columns to purHUu, Kor quite while I slowly rtutd Tuet nr 'I'muiiNS, iw not time to go to bed, Aud 1 vm pretty Hourly Uirough.

'Twin thou I hw a puruKrauh, Wuicli 1 oimld not take uiy eyes Irom oil, uwr rollttl down, iused uy a luugh. liilut ritflit bolore rue luy A foot lull ehul In huu'k aud wuitej 1 ruud aloud; alouethat nigln, (iivi'li biddly and uprlgut, Hy UiBittnoerd. A. A. 'Twin lo the ho live on the range; I'm sure tlmy did not think it liut aftur all 'twu quite a duiiie, lu t'min mu al tiirough, To uot nrv) uil ut untie, And gite oureu.

bound awn clmnce I'o get to toikuucroNithe 11. iU, Hut just a du) or two, They mtiHt think ehevpherd raawfuUmull, For when they fiinl to kick the ball, Kiid they'd kick them, one and all, On Wiuthinirtou'e birth day, 8o we talked the qutMUoii up-aide-down. Fully lilty niilea u.wiy from town, Aa how to gut the boya urou id, And Blurt without delay. So they aturt from camp like men of old Tiiene Mountuiuuera an brave and bold KaiiitrdlHwi ol both wind uud void ThuC.simrUuiu to piny. Still iwrwvering more and more Like I'addi'aaona in duyaof yore.

1'hey got to town the night Iwioie The ri'Ut eienl liU day. When the time came off the toama ahould meet TheiHi Moiiutnlneera bUhxI on the atreet, Ho bin of htvirt, an and fleet, Bold sons of Iniafuil, which juill together and three wagons, beside the ones used by the men to live in. Kach man generally lias a wagon by himself ao that the train would probably eon-tain, all in all, about six or seven wagons. The wagons used for liv ing purposes are somewhat like those used by ao-called gypsies who roam about this iiortioii of the eountrv Mr. MeCalmont says that som men, whose business is driving oil teams, spend most of their lives in (heir wagons and they cam their families with them.

The whole eountrv around Casper is a prairie and very little limber is fotK.d ii'ih be libido- tit- of a i All the timber used in the wells now drilled was aeetireti neur Salt Creek. Mr. MeCalmont says that there is a general opinion thut any oil found in the Wtoiiiiiijr field and out of the Salt Creek belt will be inferior to that of the Salt Creek belt, but this is not a cer tainty, lie savs that the Sat Cieek belt is to the Wyoming as the Franklin belt was to the Pennsylvania field. Mr. McCiilmnnt is greatly sur prised that Bradford oil men have paid no more attention to the Wo-mi Kg Held than tlmy have.

He savs it is greatest opening for oil men in the United States. Those who have gone there have made money and he says there is lots more to be made. Most people object beoause it is so far away, but Mr. MeCamont sav.s he does not feel very far from home, when Ire can re- mm iii mree uays. jus advice is for people to go there and get rieh.

Btookholdert Annual itisttn. Notice is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of th Sheep company will be held at their office in Casper, on Tuesday. May 3, 18U8, at 10 o'clock a. for the purpose of officers and transacting such other business as miiy come before the meeting HitJiunif ToniS." Seoretarv. DiocKuoiaera Annual ffleetinir.

Notice is hereby gi ved' that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the Keystone Sheep company will be held at their office in Casper, on Tuesday, May 3, 18U8, at 10 o'clock a. for the purpose of electing officers and the transac tion such other business as mav oume before the meeting. Stockholder Annual Notice is hereby given that the aunuul meetini; of stoekh.tlders of the Figure Eight Sheep company will be held at their ofli te in Casper, on Tuesday, May 3, 18 8, at 10 o'clock a. for thn purpose of electing offiuers ami the transaction of su other husiiit-s- as may e'me before the meeting. P.

SlII.LlVi.v, Vice President. Kamaritabla Keaeus. ill' I'l linlleld. Ml 111., neikes I lie iiieineiil, that Si eiiiii-bl. iold, wliieli aellled on her sbe win tiwued a niiinih by her i.i,, i I sc.

lie told Iter I lei I xh was a boneless vielini of CilwSlliniitiou hiiiI iiiul mi medicine could cure her, ller druj el' (il'lll Jfisl gilirjfestwl f)r. Killg'H New )ts. G. It. KICKER, Ptoprietor I tW.vmmda rune Mniiila)' on btisims.

The aNiiHsor favored tlie Tltlui'NK with un unpleasant fall this wm-k. Ijolierl Taylor arrived in Casper lust vtMiinji will remain here several weikt. Toney Goetz li-ft Tuesday morr inir for a summer's vacation at his 0 1 home in Illinois. C. H.

Kintf left Wednesday i)rtii nr fur Chicaijij and New York wliere he will remain several weeks on biiNiness. Father Keating will make Casper his permanent place of residence ami will live in the house lately vacated by W. II. Kopp. Mrs.

Shaffner, mother of E. 13 who had been visiting here for sex- em! weeks, Itft Tuesday morning for Cheyenne. Miss Edith Evans, who taught pvriate school ut Lee Kerfoot's ranch in Bates Park the past four months, returned to Casper this week to re main this summer. A. Patterson of Ogden, of the (inn of Haily Patterson, shee owners, is in Cast er this week and will probuhly buy sheep if he can secure them at the right price.

Gentlemen wishing to have their clothing cleaned ami kept in ir eut order have the same at ...11. I a. lenueu 10 iorine sum oi a yeur One di.or north of Towns-nd store Mrs M. J. An due.

The third quarterly meeting of the Methodist Episcopal church will be held next Sabbath. Rev. K. E. Tarbill, sunerintendent of Missions, wdl conduct the services.

Quartet ly conference Saturday next on ar rival of the train. J. II. Gillespie Largest stock of Harness and Saddles Ever in Casper, at A. C.

Barries racial operators, phvsioirnoiuieal hair dressers, cranium manipulators, 1 Ml 1 1 ami capiuary uuriugers shaving and hair cutting with ambidextrous and modernized facility, at our ton soriul studio, opposite the postoffice. Hawks He ikk Rubber boots and slickers, and fine stock of good Mackintoshes. intoshes. Mktcalf. Chris Baysel left for Omaha Tue? day morning, where he will remain about six weeks, and then will eoine to Cusper with his faiuilv and remain here all summer.

As soon as he ur rives he will start to vork upon the beuutiful country home for B. B. Brooks. For Harness and Saddles Go to A. 0.

Barrie, Casper, Wvo. Invitations have been received from the Glenrock Odd Fellows lodge by a number of Casper people to attend a dance on the but the dance and entertainment to given by tho Cusper lodge on tld same evening will probably keep the people at home. It will pay you to go to A. C. Barrie's this spring for anything in the harness line.

The Bent Liniment "Chamber- Iain's pain balm is ihe finest on eanli" write Ed wards Parker, of I'ihIip-', G. This is the venHet of nil whp use it. For liliemimii-ui. lame back, sprains, swellings, and the numerous Mioii to every household, this lb int ent ling no fqiml. Willi it in the house, a real deal of pain and slier, hig may be avoided.

For sale by Wilson S. Kimball. The two-year-old son of W. L. Furgason of Itolton, had the whooping cough.

"After several physicians bad prescribed for him without giving relief," writes Mr. Fnrgasoii, "I persuaded my wife to try a i5 cent bottle ol Chamberlain's cough remedv. The first dose find the desired effect, and in forty-eight hours he was riniiely (V. i.iom all cough. I consider your remedy the best in the market, especially fur children end recommend il ut all (linen." Tne -b mid 60 cent ii by Wjl-oii Kimlnill, JS YEARS IN 4 Th leading and most sue- a oessful spsolailsts at thlafam ioua health resoit on Syphilis, a Blood Poison, iuioti, 9riRiwire, vanoceie, Lost Manh od, Night Lossesi? Impotency and all private dls- 7 ease, of Men and Women.

a i syphilis rrtoJ a t'rtu I) iPwiUMi hi ti tii for tlm iuiiib ine 7 hiiihh tmitiniMit im uwi Una fanumi ff nwilt rtMort, if you prwfur to ome hra, 1 Ulu untnirtt h.ila.4 unl A t'rtu I) tPwittMi hi in ttti for til iuiiib )riot i wh will ctmtnict pay nilrou.i mid lit' to! ently cum, tr1 I ii WRTTP1 fcl'vnd giv dm full vv a. ma. ipj (J wvriptittn of your chba, will uivti ym un houeoi opinion A privnte. All ielteru iihwerwi in pUiu uvflope. Our iUutw f) rut o-l ook fri on rwiutwt for 3 conU in 9 -v BOOTS SHOES TO ORDER Every description of fine boots and shoes made to order by John Myers.

The repairing of boots and shoes done in his shop cannot be excelled by any shop in the west. Ladies' and children's fine shoes a specialty, and at low prices. John Myers, The Burn of the lied Boot. STOCK BRANDS. 6tr HENKJf A.

JOHNSON. TjZ left Hide. Alno ralvea branrlrd INK sine 1807. Hung on Caaoer creek ami tributrr. I1KNKV A.

JOB.NHOX, riUIUOr, WfO. B. B. BUOOK8 4 branded "V-V." Crop righ. VV'W' ear' Casper and Muddy Mu Aildrow.

Canper, Wyoming. 4-29. WJyWS CHA8. N. RH'IIAHDH if Hom branded on left 14 51 siilcnmt riifht hip.

Olhnr brnn-Uji SU E.8M, HF. I limine, iiiiUNici-tvik. Adflretw Freeland, Wyo. DK TISIMLE A CO a Rj branded on left nhonlder i PfM ana hip. Hi Unidrbit left Huddle hormia -in left lioiilder.

Stock horeM on niht Ufi stihoulder. $300 Reward. to any person turnlnhinir proof I which tiually pemonor ierone of slealinKany of our cuttle or horse. Ailonwe Casper. Wyoniinv.

J' M' ('AltE 4 "HO. rV branded on left side. Ilornei on left hip. Uiider-nlour Z'JMcl. fllJJ CAREY COMPANY.

ffc.s hraiided on left side. L'ude PENN CATTLE (X). ii! nine Drnnnmi on left e. I'n. Vill AIJ calvee- l.

1SW. Horeei uruiiuwl on lett alioulder. BTW-TS FHE rO- Cattle br lopa both left hip. 1 cuttle in FREMONT CATTLE CO. attle brnnded on left iuV ITndnr iBHra.

Howt bntndfHJ on i i'; xn nuiKf oi uii ineatov vnuttlfl 1M fin tliA mirth awl. .1.. (uiao nvur iu uuvHrw nun nttirOOa OOQUtlHH REWARD. One hundred dollars reward will be pnidfoyi infonnation leading to the arreet and conviction of any peiunn riding or ueing in any wh without perninwion. Iinrwa belonging to any of the abots ouin'K.

Aadleaa, 1 iau 117 E. T. DATm, CnreyhnniU Wyo. CHASBTKOCD Horeee hrnnrleil nn lati thigh. Kimwbetween 70 I'ontotlicc, Ji UKiier.

Wvo mu T. 8. STEED. "ti cattle branded on left eid iVflhorwe on left shoulder. Wjjnnil tnnlerbit in the uiiu in rigni.oa AleoownTAX AIH Range Muddy, Goobo creek.

Dry and Muddy Adtlrent, Cueper, Wyo. AA- EMBAB CATTLE CO. Cattle branded on the left hip, and home on the left ehonlder. The breeching brand tuu been put on culvee since -18112, nnder elitboth enre. llunge on the Big Horn river and He trilutanoa in Johnson and Fremont counties, Wyoming.

Unwanls will be paid for informntion concrr mg depredatjona which have been or are proposed be committed unon stock or nfl.or erty, and for the return of such as has been stolen. Address, Em bar Cattle Co. Em bur. taJ JAKE IROTJKK. Cattle branded "lUL Hatch let' Sk-Jflnr.

linn pa. iXntna Nnl. DnaK- UDIVIUVV Buy Right Out Ropes and Tags Furnished Free NoGomisslon Chargsd 1 2 FIRST AVE. NORTH. mm L32J ra WIP3WJ i All rtiwhuw Iocr'b umW thi hMt-i mid anionic jinwe itmim will run uulil urdtril mil tuul rluutftnl fur ut lh rat o( oeuU wr lilt with Utfterlion.

jtaiiMtti IutrJm in hlnrk tyiwt will ctmritwj (tir ut Uie rut of lOoui.t xr line hutIi inn tr( too, fivm ent ifr lin will Iwuhtirifwl iW advert. n-ing fuiin, ftttttivnii or tu.Uruunmut wtier lutrctmry muUvwiirvOie iucmiv. NEW 11 It I II 0 FUU SALE. I will tell either of three nil hard wood finish inside, and in good 8lmiis, water in the house. I desire to sell one bouse only.

Also one bouse to rent. Inquire of Mis. MuCalinont or F. I). Ham- Blond.

Gho, McCaimont. J. I.amourerx, citttje raker is In Casper this week. A hoy was born to Mr. and Mrs.

W. tfailey on Friday, April ID. Mis. Albert White left Tuesday morniiijr fur a visit with friends ut Ilurtville. II.

Patten ind Slis-sou Ilines left this uiorniiijr for Wultoii to be gone several days. Mr. C'uvelry of JJoston arrived in tVsper Tuesday evening and will remain here several months, Plumbers' jfoods of till kinds ut Charles (JNeall's. We are the puly licensed plumbers in Casper. The Pennsylvania Oil Gas company will this year make a bid to furnish the government with axel grease.

For extra fine repairing of boots and shoes, and at low prices, take them to John Myers, sign of the red boot. Mr. and Mrs. E. M.

Irwin of Berthaton were in Casper several flays this week trading with our merchants. Sweet, Orr 4 Co. wurrant every pair of pants they make not to rip buttons to pull off. We're ageiits. Gko.

Mktcalf, A half dozen buck Indians and the saute number of squaws arrived in Cusper last evening from the Pine Ridge agency and will leave for Fort Washakie in a few days. The annual meeting of the Casper plub will be held on Monday, May 2, for the purpose of electing olficors and transacting such other business that will come before the meeting, A good attendance is desired. Casper logdo, No. 2'2, I. O.

0. will give a ball at their hall in Cas per Tuesday evening, April 26th, in honor of the seventy-ninth anniver sury of the order. Invitations have been sent out and a pleasant time is assured to all those who attend. We'll save you money on tents (hey all have sod cloths. Mktcalf, W.

A. Dessert of Maoon, and J. M. Smith of Mount Sterling, 111 both cousins of J. L.

Dessert, arriv ed in Casper last evening and will make this place their future homo. Both young men come high recommended, and there is no doubt but they will make success in whatever their undertaking may be. Home made quilts, big blankets a.ud best tarpaulins for camp beds at Metcalf's. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs Donald Miehie was christened last Tuesday evening, receiving the name pf Helen McDonald.

Miss St. Clair ftud Miss Minnie Burns were gud mothers and James Miehie was "god father. After the christening an plegant supper was served, ponsist- jng of seven courses. H. B.

Henderson, state examiner for Wyoming, reports that during the year 1S07 there were 328,300 sheep brought in from other states and territories and trailed across Wyoming. Of these sheep taxes Were collected upon 220,800 anouuting to $3,819. The owners of the balance gave bond for the tax and will contest the right of the state to tax sheep trailed in transit across the state. Had the taxes been collected on the entire drive about would have been F0VDEF1 Absolutely Pure oval ajutiM sowocs New voatt. covery for Coiisumpiion; she bought a bui 1 le and to er delight found Iter.

i If beiielilled finin first dose. Hit ei'iilinueil Us tte ami iiller Inking six boitli, iiiiind bert'lf sound iiiul wel now dues ber nw boiisew hi and is as well as she ever was. Free irial i le of ibis iiii I IHseoverv at W. 8 ICinibail'n )riii Store Luige bui lt-4 oil ei-iiu uud 00, Robbed the Qravo. A startling iueideni, ot which Mr John Oliver of l'bilndelphia, was the subject, 'is nun ai ed by him nsfol'ows: "1 was ill a most (Iremlln! condition.

My skiu was alums! yellow, eves Minkeii, loiigue com ud, pain con tiiimtlly in buck and sides, uouppetiie gradually growing weaker day by day. Three pnysiciuus hud me up. Fortunately, a friend advised tring 'Electric and to mv great oy and surprise, the first hoi tie niudea decided I continued their use for three eeks, and am now a well man. I know they saved niv lile, and robbed I be grave ol another victim," one iliouh fail lo lev tlieui.

t)nl SUeenls per bottle Ul W. S. Kimball's drug stole. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO.2, CASPER Jiiwlor, H. A.

Lilly f'rviisiirer, J. r. Clerk, j. rjVaiiuMiu. 5 MINING DISTRICTS -w SN.

v-w CASI'EIt MOUNTAIN-J. E. Dain, Kocorder. Ervay, Hecorder. COUNTY.

NATltONj COCN PY TK1BUNI5 is 1 1 Official Paper of the ounty. Sheriff, Hiifrfi L. I atton. rreanurer, and VHeior, Frouk Ball, oo. flerk, and lerk ol t'oiiri, hi.

H. Wheeler, oonnlyAttoriiey, Koxene 1). Norton. Bupt. of 8uhool.

Miiw A ilhelmina M. Clark. County Hurveyor. J. H.

Hnulley. J. W. I'rice, Chairman. I'oniisnloners, h.

Morrmon. I i. V. Smith. CITY.

Mayor, Patrick Hullivan. I P.C.Jliralamn. Onuncilmen. John Mo V. (irnlinm.

Ui.ltArt ImIa I'rensnrer, Onrur lloiliuiii. oity AlUirne E. Norton. ork. A E.

Cone, city Joe. Pnrnett. I 'ol Ice A Lilly. CASPES? PRECINCT. C.itltulile.

E. A. Johnnnn tim of the Peeoe, H. A. Lilly.

wm LVN BOBEKT8. f'nttlo hpunHI nn lf. iileimd left hip, homes bnoiiieil on left jnw. Split, end under crop mi ltaire. twtwainr' and Arkanuiiw.

Acldt JoniiKtown, Natrona Co. Wvo. 4-27. KN1UEK. BELL CO llnrsiw branitod 'Ycioks' ami buca-hora', cattle iniuded with'Yeroas' and breeching.

Knnne head nf Pninnn Mni.luw an1 i nuuree Ervaj, Wyomin. O.K.OAKVEY, Catlle brum 1 on left rule and left liiij; both mire cropped, lloreee hriltlriHil Hjiniu nn 1 1, a iiininlilei. Mf.iol, Natrona coaiiW W. C. BICKER.

Manager. Transfer Business. Commission, we ESSE kiZ3 i The i aMr tra stood round alxmt Tny thouvht Ihe Irish buya too stout And auid they'd clearly beat them out, In hulf the time to play. Home stood right there, some ran In holes. And more of litem sut round the stuvoa, The few remaining on the ro They only stood to stnre.

But one got brave and led the crowd He's their best man, his leira a-bowed. The boys all know he's pidireon toed, Aud ynt what won't he dare. Ho tried to jump, he tried to run, He tried to make them lota of fun. He tried some weights, and then had done, For tnut'e all could do. And now, friends there are two ways.

We must find fault or either pruiae; Did you over thiuk the town could raise, Such a guod-for-nothiugcruw? Their enptnin ia a sinful boast, He lives in town to a 1 1 Mat, He knowa right well ho said the moat. And now he's sick with shame. Hn'a not worthy of the name of man, Ifet without him they can't get along, And so I'll terminate this song Alex Hutler ia his name. Wyoming- Oil Field. I Bradford (Pa.) Stfir.

Mr. George B. MoCulmont arrived in this oity Saturday from Casper, Wyoming, where ho is interested in the oil business. Mr. MeCalmonti left this city for Wyoming eight years ago in the interest of the Pennsylvania Oil He was the first man in the new field and knows it thoroughly.

Mr is in the oitv for the purpose of securing a complete drilling outfit aud a crew of competent drillers, as the Wyo ming Oil Pipe Line company, in which he is interested, drilling four new wells during tlie summer. Thev will also survey the way for a pipe line to be laid from the wells to the slipping station. The line will probably iet be laid until a later dale. Mr. McCnluiout expects to return in about four weeks.

Mr. Met a 1 un i ii stated to a Sdir reporter today that there are at pres ent eight wells in the entire belt, which extends from New Castle in the northeastern part of the state to Lander in the southwest. This belt is about 300 miles long and five miles wide and is known as the Salt Creek belt. The strip has not been drilled along its entire length, but there are surface indications of oil throughout. The oil obtained along this belt is the highest grade of lubricating oil ever found.

Mr. MeCalmont stated that for three months the Denver and Gulf railroad us-'d nothing but unrefined oil taken directly from the well. The lowest price that is received for Wyoming oil is $10 per barrel and the best refined sells for as hidi as S-d ner barrel. At present there are eight wells in the Salt Creek belt. These wells average each about 10 barrels per day.

There is no pipe line laid into the field as yet, and as it is located about 40 miles from the terminus of the Klkhorn railroad, trouble is experienced in conveying it to the shipping station. This is anci ra-plisdied by "string teams," whiff o. CITY TRANSFER CO. General Dray and We Charg-s Ho FjM Prices. Correct Selection.

Immediate Remittances das. mcmillan THE BEAR I Hides, Write Pelts, and Wool, TALLOW, GINSENG, SENECA. for Circular Giving Latest Prices. 200-2 CotInc minneapolis, JVlinn,.

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