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Cincinnati, Ohio
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Brooklyns Thump Phillips and Win in a Walk. Ned Haaloii Capture Twt Marf Twirlfrs af the Fall Crap. "Creea" Dbnt Ocean Thfa Aftaraoon Cincinnati Waited To Play at Memphis YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. .16 2 .14 9 4 3 4 0 BROOKLYN. a CINCINNATI.

BOSTON IDU1I puiladelpa. chicaoo FITTSBURO. NEW TORK. THE NATIONAL LEAGUE. now Hit rrawo.

Oufca Wtthura PtilLA4lfh taronairn Kt UmI fusion Tor hi' aci I ni Iia rr i ti2 US rvl rt 51 TT J9 1 TO.DAY'8 (JAMEH. iwrw-iri TV at ri.vnf jtatt NK- Y'lHK at RO at i'HI' K'tO. BtirtTiiN at ST l.M I When It waa all er th Red dragd themaelvea oat of the dbrla aa happy aa a quad of hoboea who hal ben rhaeil out of town by a Vigilance. Committee There are a few rrlmwon tinted pagea In the early gtory of the Red year, but tha rloatng chap tera are a yellow amear. On thing rannoi be a team la giving ron-alatent proof that It la where It helonga No nine waa ever organised In RaiMom that could win without pinheia or bata-men.

and tha Rd are ahy on both. The return of t'apfatn Corcoran to the game haa not been followed bv any atartllng exposition of the team work that ha been larking all year, writ! the hitting for a month gave during that on apam which railtl In tha iltanta' undoing haa been lamentably weak. Yesterday afternoon Frank Kltann pitched Brooklyn to overwhelming victory Tha game- waa atrlklng for the In-aff ectlveneaa of tha aggreaalve efforta of tha Bada. and tha eaaa with which the champ-aorta thumped tha aianta of R1II the cunning of whoae arm Hans Wagner axtracted with that stinging liner weka ago. Tha Man from Allenport haa not rHt'-hecl na winner since ihut mlahap.

but with no lab ra-anforcementa at command, he haa lieen compelled to go to th tiring line to almost certain defVar In game after game Laad Se fruit la about the onlly thing left en she Red bill of fare. the flrat eight Inning Just threa PorkopoMtan p'l-grima found the combination to flrat. Hay and liobba had hit snfely and Corcoran aalken'. Th beat that the other did was to retire and In order While Cincinnati maa having auch a a irt of time what tha other frHwa were doing waa too terrible) to record In lexl-cona for general circulation. Bam Crawford wasn't In the game, but Johnny Dobbs g-ot and made his presenea felt with a couple of blngles.

while Bay, tha Ne-riraskan a understudy, swiped two more, leav'ng the odd' ona to Backley his fourth aafe bunt in two gamaa thua illuatratlng th value of vermatlltty on the Inalde One hit that contrlbtitad four baga to the total of to Brooklyn a credit waa a corker that sailed over tha graan renew In rlgnt tha firs: tlma that feat has been accom-pllmhed since tba Reda returned to the old diamond Frank Kltann made It, and aent McOuIre In ahead of him. For the third tlma In two daya another home run cracked out that retted four runs. Sheckard repeated hla great drive off Stlramel and cleaned tnlnara up In tha fourth, when, with the fcaasa fall, he punched the ball paat Oobbs uid iwimf around the circuit chasing McOuIre. Kit son and Keeler home. Ctnclnnat! never had a look-In.

Four good artvaa gare Brooklyn a pair for a foundation, and they put up a regular skyscraper fcefora tba whistle the hired hands trutt work Kttson had five cracks at tha ball and made four bits. Me reached base Tery time, for Recklev turned one of his tiiyea Into a Oelder'a choice by shooting th all to th plate with the expectation that Xableo would try to score, but that Inflelder tuck to hla mutton at third, and then after CVircoraJt bad failed to gather In Keeler'a tap Bharkrard did hla beat. a muff helued Dotan around In oda with a wild and woolly throw, and even eubeeouant safetlea mad before th wax nana 'm Th ev were reaular norWrn mnA AtAn't now when they had enough. Ith two out In the Reda laat turn Beck-lay bunted and Debba doubled to left Daly kindly threw wild, saving Corcoran, and aveuary atnjourreo. anotner bad bolst ward, tettln Iobba follow Becklay Tba ecore; bolst niate- hama.

Taraj arosig Cner-TjruaTt. fay. rf Haar. tf eokiay. lb Cercoraa.

aa etwnreiat. SO Beleo, tb rwia. ftlSrpe. as. a.

1 a ix po. a. av 4 1 it a a a (v 10 I a I 3 0 0 i a i 1 0 0 aeeotea a i i I i il 1 a- iv la- an rrv a. a i i 4 0 a 1 1A 1 1 i a i 4 I 1 a 3 1 4 0 0 4 a it tr "i oae 2 ooii gie BwooaxtTW- aTaaaer. rf nehatrd.

rota, ef kaiiay, lb Ikl7. tm laalaara nctnnarl ira 5Bnr 4ieiTW it McGalre a. Brooklyn. X. r-hsetaaatu 1 Lart tl.4; Beooajyv.

aad BeewJar; Kalar Doabl Play Bweliey. aVolaat Baaea Irwia. Tlaaa ef Oimi I tJamptr -Vaata aad ptKKBIT.T. "Crw Httatn. tha aouthpaw ra nilt.

will bv iwakkadl loo oa tha Brook ana la their farewell gaae thia aftarnooav la Wild BUI Doao-raa'a rtrra to go tai ha alah Her tha ChaiiiH'Mia, baat tt la posaaV that Dx Mawtaaa via MM to Uem kU aret while caoradaa. Tt of tha BrooJAs Iraxar aaxtet of roaxuratara abowed up yaav rtf. 4ltr WWwesr. 'tlw tairM ha haXora th not, A nor bar paAlem Eta. Sb euara, a sen.

9 Tetala If i ENTRIES TO AUTOMOBILE RACE CLOSE TO-NIGHT. Th entrl tor Tlf utooMMlt rscea WIJ close at klnlhr Alt entri left Tm office or mailed to Thdinti R. Cronrwell. sporting of Tm lass, Ww midnight, will be published Ir. Thi FXoi-me Friday rn- In Kntry blank can be ha1 upon application In th room a f.f apnriln Aiot nf Tm FWiiw, nr1 nn aia-la thr I thia nMr in junaa tor in.

wti aar rieu- hn A Jr. Max KVrtah- ma'in am! Mr ffowari! a Rodfri A Tat l-at Intrt la b1nt ahown In Thy -will l. tha flrat in I him part rr.mlry. an.l all wh ara In trl 1 In aijt imotili'a I it iitxiut t'ln'-lnnatl h-i an iU ai fakly Park Maturilav af er'vmn to a- thm Tha rara will mark an po-h tha Ual hatory of a utmrbl an.l will bring to- pftrhar. Mullina.

late of tha Fr Wayne, alvj drlfti In drwlrn tha morning. Adrian Joaa. ih Tolelo ami II Turner, who haa b-n playing flrat for tha Hwamp Aiila. haa alo bn for Nd Uanlon'a tam Iarnc Ku-gr. Wright.

tha Iaton who algned a Brooklyn contract ami advaii'-a money, haa written harlea II Kb-beta that ha Intenda to go to flavelaml with Armour Kxhnauer, th ahortatop. la exp-tf to tri "ha-mi at Mttaburg Uvmorrow. Bob Ewlng. who pitched for Oeorga Te-beau In Kaneaa ctty thia yar. wanta to become- on of tba Brookljrna.

and yeeterday w-lred hla wlllingneaa to talk bualneaa from VNapakrHieta Just where IMtTher Wfillarn Wolf Is In hldlrhT John Alexander M. -I'h doea not know He la certainly needed, for Cincinnati la In a wore flx for twlrlera Just now than at any time this season. llre Is Brooklyn with four atrung pitchers, all In good -rklng order, and still Ned Hanl la gobbling- promising youngaten. Hlsman la the flrat of th autumn crop that Manager Mci'he haa had a chance to try out could stand a large eoneignment of talent. Trie di-ath of Tr Mcjamee waa a distinct shock to old commde In the Brooklyn teim It waa her that the farewella wre aald last Jtrly.

after eh Reda had poundd the fouth Carolina boy to the bench ami Wllfrd Cgraey cam ti tha rescue writh hla d'nka and aed the day which big (lues lot the dav that Praaldent waa shot the nws reacrveil IlrookU thir Mcjame had been badly hurt In a runaway ac-ilnt at Charleston. Hla ahouMer was hrokn and th Injuries miier hue cauae-1 Ma death. Mrjamea en Joyed a filr ai are eae aa a Hrnitr and Oriole and heip-1 Brooklyn win Hs flrat nrnunt ThHa yar he waa a failure, Urglv through hla own csreleasneea Harry Bay had a queer rc-ord- two hlls and two The crowd waa disoocl to chide Billy Brgen for pulling away from the plat Bill haa a habit of harking water when thc baJl neara the pan Juar as if bed spied a ratrler That a a bad habit that no good h1ttr can cultivate. It la the wis player who will get under cOTr where the greens are sprouting bef re tha bkw-ofT cornea. Manager Manning counts hla loaaea on the rain account at lo.0i this year.

The Cincinnati Cl'ib faiHd to bag least half aum In one day at New York fariv in Ma on th Saturday after Matt h-w-on had beaten Prrll 11 In a 1-to-n game an.J had Joerlcd tha Reda off the t.p perch. Moar of the Rrooklyna wear McKlnley memorial badfe-ea. Friend Bill Shettalln. the Qnakver Chief, doean't believe he Is going to loae all hi players. He declarca: "Many of my men have received big offera from club in th American League You know that ball players are like everybody they are out for the beat terms that can be secured Some may have signed agreements, or.

rather, given options that In case they leave th old leagne team they will play on certain American League tearna. I don't think thavt many of them have algned contracts per ha pa one haa. but I am not sure Last year, you know, the American League announced that It had all of our players, and when the time for a ahowdown arrived you remember the reault." Tom Tucker la atlll picking up the nimble dollars writh a team of Wonder Nutmetrgera at New Ixndon. Prof. Haeckel.

the German aclentlat at Jena Vnrreralty. who haa reversed the Darwinian theory and thinks that monkeys are descended from man. might Invite George Kdwmrd Wavddel! to hetp him In his search for the misatng link. Neither Erv Back nor Earl Moor have signed CTevwlAnd contract. They have refused to do ao, and are evidently flirting with the men with the league goods.

Ned Hanlon. who played under A. Buckenberger when the latter waa manager of the Pittaburgs, do not have a very exalted opinion of Frank Selee's gucceseor at Boston, either as a man or a manager. John B. Foster observe- "It la said that "TTmriey' Somera, the angel, haa got a little tired of tt.

and would willingly put his wlnga In a cedar cheat with camphor ball trimmings and become a plain citizen Quaker rritaca are chiding Lajole the great, and eeeert that he 1 putting a "don't-cwre-a-rap" finish to hla work. It waa "Nap the Slugrarer" who put the Philadelphia leagne team out of two pennant fight a by hla worship at the ahrln of Bac-chua. Gauabainus and Old Boos. Cnarley FTanlts wants th Reds to to Memphis neat week, and if Frank Bart-croft 'a proposition Is accepted the tribe of McPha may be taken to the Bruit City to play Thursday. Friday and Sa.tua-day of next wawk.

Th Southerners ax baaeballlcally enthusiastic this rear. FTaak Kitaon crawled a double bajreled record at League Park yesterday. Hta borne ran was th first be haa nuda aanre left tha Hawkeye State to don a leaarua uadfor-na, and It eras th only punch over that fence sine tha Reda were driven from th hoaxas by that lire of a yeaur and a half agt- Tha Americas League shuts np ahoa for tha year next Saxnrtray. Both play tamed out were aharw aa a newly honed raaor. Keel or tried to aac-rUtoa with Klaaoa at atrat.

but poppad a Ut-th fly Phtntpw. wa Bred tca batU to Bter-kJay In time to sartt tha twirter. Bay waa the aeoond vie tin in the other whew Uarkey Uned to Keelar. I. pnlted atp brnxnat wis ki sag anatck stop afler bas trlpta off Jar Hug-baa.

Vap Lajota had uajt day yaatarfaay. Imm foanr hits. InctaasfJBaT doubis aard hams run. Hta anortstopptaur was brnriauit. atalaaai chanoea war aotaptad without aa Charley Irwin, fcaai mi PWta- avt abort aae.

I waa at bat four rung nnd four hits. four pwtoatts. axTOT. Xaat year. rsaaairfcsil "wImb Tatn Corcoraxi waus hurc I playad oaaa taae JPsraxaax thsut saaa av p(kr nwn rr.

ee-er w. bw nn.if.. Twa y. tQ teeing praised greatly frr the step tt haa taken l.nnri!ac ana- feur automobile ra-e at Cincinnati ant for th lintui It hea thua to the local 'n ma ii ai.ver lovint mp. which I I.I I A rm a 1 r.

ar on atr-. la travel wxh an i plr. tura arvd It haa bn prn- i i ni.un'Kl by all arf.o have an tt to ba a 1 nf ano1 a fr.tM traa- ri rr in w-r aa ifi. r. r.i ajt 'vr ln 1 1 i in to to autffm'ri rayra thr wlil in a Thc Ekqtmiik whw-ti aim of bt rmna iriv a-latr Thia In Italf will ba a rran-1 faatura anj will do much toward tha lntar- awt In matin Thera will ba a fra fata at on Fatur-lay for The KxQvtRiR a avanta, and vn-j-toly la trvvlt1 t.j an tha a port.

lght aaalsti. but aplllad four arrora. Thai ties I-aloie'a record on chancea, but. of coira. ha laid me out by accepting thera Helny Pelts started In to handle Phtltlpafa dallvery.

but an outahoot lifted a finger nail for him and ha retired. Two of tha league" a you gat ere pMohed yetrdjr. Boaron beau Joyce, tba aion treal southpaw at St Loula, but VUrrltl, of I'tlca. waa ab a to land on hla feet, though the (ania rolled him for run tna are usually g-jfflclcnt to win. PISATES' BIO LEAD.

York Wag NeTfr Able To Overcome It. Pittsburg. September 24 Pittsburg mad five run off MoOee In th flrat Inning and eight In the sex-nnd off Phyla. For the ba I anr of the gam Smith held them down to three hit and on run Merrlti a debut wa unfortunate. Inasmuch a hla team crlaaly behind him allow, hits tha should hare been outa.

Attendance Jia. The sror: Pittsbi ao AS PO A ftavla. 2 I lark. If 4 1 1 ont 8 1 3 0 iVaaneT aa 7 Iran i.iu i 112 Kit. hv.

2b 3 1 2 2 3b ft 2 1 1 3 1 2 Herntt. (4102 itaJa 84 11 27 II New Yoas 1 41 FO. A i Murphy. If 5 1 0 Iwji, rf 4 1 8 'i I'anHil -t 4 2 1 on 1 ilrajia SI. ft 1 1 1 lani.l, lb 3 1 1 2 lia aa 4 14 4 1 Jl 2, 1 i.

A'aj-nr. 3 0 2 1 0 i. 1 0 0 mli h. p. 8 1 0 1 0 I I Total .87 24 15 Innlria 1 2 8 4 7 1 i a 14 Naw Tork U0 0 15110O Ern.

Rum ri-tar'urc. 3. New Y.rk. 1 Thr-Baee HO Ti Baa Hit Wagner Ht Hn liaa IWaumr.r.t. Waaler.

Krng. Var-oec Lit. i Too agnrr mj- ( 1-ir. Iavia ami 'ranirl Haaa on Ilalla rfr Mr tut 3. 4 of? Phyla, off Hmlth.

2 Hit t-y l'rtrlie-1 Ila" Wirn.r. Marrttt. Z.mrner Stru out Hy Mrr tt. 2. t.y M'.

1 r.y SmVh. 1 Wild Pitch MoOee. I-hyka. Balk -Phyi Tim-- 2 00 I'mplra Lmy TOOK EXTSA IHNI5G3 To Iecide the St. Louls-Boaton Battle.

St Loula. September 24 It waa nip and tuck to-day between the St. Louis and Boston Clube until th laat man was retired In the eleventh Inning. Nichols allowed only hre hlia. but the hx-ala scored three rune In the aixth inning on.

two ba-aes on and a single Lowe's single In th. eleventh Inning scored the winning run for Boston Alleluia uce, 1.200. Score. I tea to i 9r I ib. IB II PO-A ABU PO A K.

Rlrkert. If 2 1 0 0 Burkett, If .1 1 2 0 Tennay. 5 (1 1 1 H'lirtck. cf 8 1 10 0 f'm Hit 1 8 8 OPadian. Xb 8 0 8 1 2 17 1 'Wallace, aa 4 1 4 firn'Y rf 8 1 I Or.inorm.

rf 4 1 10 3h 8 1 8 0 Rich ia ib 4 0 13 1 1 Uona aa 3 117 lKrm. Kb. 40141 I'lneeo. cf 4 I OHwydon. 3 II 4 8 0 M.

h.a. 4 1 1 8 Joyce, 2 0 1 1 Totala 41 10SS 17 1 Totala 34 8 88 IB 8 Innlnxa 1 3 4 8 7 a 8 10 11 Boat on I 1 0 1 0 0 0 1-4 6l Loula UuOOOS00OOO- a Eame-1 Run Beaton Two-Ra Hit- Hli-lick, i-am. Three-Rase Hlt-Rickrt. Hll raMn Hit By Pltcher-By Joyce. 1 Doubl Play Wallace.

Rlcharda'i ani Heyi n. Flrat Uaae in Palla-OfT Joyce. 1. off Mchola. 8 riMM Ball Heyioo "truck O111 By -yc.

4 ty N'tcSolA atclen Ba Burketl. I vnvml. i-j-nv Ltd nn Baaaa St Louia. 2. Boston.

8 Tim-2 13. L'mplra Eroalle. OBTH WA8 RIGHT, And the Remnants Could Kot Connect Safely. Chicago. September 24 Orth pitched fln ball to-aavy.

and wi good support shut Clucago out in a sharply played game. Attendance, 75i. Score: CHU-AO" PHILAlitLPHI A AB PO A AB PO A Hanael. If 4 1 a 0 Thomaa. cf ft 2 4 Jreen.

rf 4 110 0 berry. 2b 3 1 2 8 Dexter. Sb 4 1 0 1 ril. k. rf 4 2 3 0 0 LWyta.

lb 4 1 11 0 ONU ty. If 4 2 1 0 4 13 3 0j4cParl d. 4 0 8 0 Ib 4 2 1 1 2 12 0 Croft, 3 8 Hallman.Sb 3 0 0 1 1 Kimg. 2 1 4 1 ae 4 1 4 0 Eaeon. l' 3 0 0 3 i' 'rtn.

4 1 0 Totala 1J 27 18 1 Totala 13 8 27 13 1 Innings Chicago Philadelphia Ift on Ba 1 2843788 0000O1 2 104 Philadelphia. Twt Baa Hlta- Oextar Carth. Thra-Baa Hit Filck. Home Ran Flick. Bacliflc Hlta Hall-man.

Barry stolen Base Qreen. Double Plays Chllia and tvyl. Bam. Croaa and Jennlnga Slrut Ry EAaon. 3 by ivth 1 First Baa on Bella Ciflf Kaaon.

1 oft cvth, 1 Hit with Fitetied Ball Jennings. Time 1 4S Dwyer COVINGTON. a J. Strobla ApaJn Talka of Dtjaertiag Toledo For Ciirciiuuiti'a Fair Kea-tneir Sisttr. T1a said that Toledo and Columbua were the only Western Association teams to tear any velvet off tba bolt thia year.

J. Strobe! Is quoted aa saying: "I am ready to eeil my franc his for Toledo at much leas than It coat roe. It's a chance for soma of these people who know mora about aoavn-aging a ball team than I do. to get tsto the gam. Anyway, It's time I waa getting out.

After a man baa had a ball team In a town for flvw or six years the people want a change, the same as they do when a paayer haa stayed several season. I kaow a town where I can make a barrel of money with a team like I have had this year, and that Covingrton. acroaa tha river from Cincinnati. The Cincinnati teavna will a-waya be a tall-ender. and the fans down there ara ready at any time to go acroaa tha river to ae good ball.

Then. too. there la a population of 100.000 peopla la the suburbs to draw from. It's a cinch, and If I can sell out I am going- down there." AS8OCLA.TI0J. Mernphia.

ajaptaeahar 14. TV jaaaassaaas taaaa baited Wolf Mealy ta every InaiBar aava ao te-day. and Kara kept Ta.tBBiiiga a hlta a. art ad auttll the atata. Ut knra.

asaili a hunt raily. bat malil mot win tat 8cor: laatiurs .1 a 4 a a MaanDbls 1011 CaaataoMMga a 4 a a 4 Base Hl J4awara. OaatftauaaMara. a war Maawiiias, riaiaiiiajB. a Kan and Aaooraanl; Wear aad Rosav iwarags a a a a a Nashville a 1 a New Orieana i a a 1 a a a a a awasa HKa jtwahvllaa New Orsaana.

Kr- rai New earsaawa. I 2 I 5 2 2 gilai Battaila Iw kaagaa aa tha ataik with aha lian raal taaat tea at sat, aad la taaa Mawth Bskaw asaar hst aaad aad ta li aja acarad taut rasa, mum a. Ixattttga AROUSED. Tom Daly Takes Action, Official Utter ia I tlVCrttD -Tha fiction nf tha fcin tract Which the Quakr Inflidr Is Charged To Hat Vio ated. 'e- a a jfV" THOMAS DAI.T.

From th Latest I'hotograph of the President of the I. 1" A Harry Wolvert n. now occup-vlng th -enter of th stage of i'amonl action. au fended on tha charge of traitorous condj. to the Phllajlelnhia Club, haa aaked tn Playera Aaeoclatlon take up hla '-aa Tom r' me Aaaorltrl a who la In tincinruitl wjtn tba Hoioklyna yesterday to.ik official notice, and wrote to the repreaenrat Ivea of each oiuo In tha organisation to hi eft ei Harry Wolverton.

of tha Philadelphia Club, haa teleg ra phei Jamea McOtacre, a meanber of the Grievance Committee, a notice of hi lh Philadelphia Cub. demandli.g protec-Lron from the pia er' Aaaax-latlon. 'ha: la your club'a opinion of caa- Inclosed pleas And Be rlon 6 of the rimlrart on which the Philadelphia Wolverton Klnily nie hear from roti as soon as possible Have the other club" Pre, den I Daly aai.l "I certainly will mt ta the of calling a special meeting to the case, and my subsequent action upon the responses from the riub 1 have addraeed I do -j. enough about the- mrita of i-a- cuea It It appear, to me tthat a sin1; mal of th charg ruJ bv Club would hiv let out The aertlnn of th contract to which I'al mad ralarrnca in ciMnrn.umcat.on the i-nract drafie-1 by Harry Tivl.i: the attornev of the IV A ami accepted in good faith by the National Leagus. Her.

It Is In par; "it la mutually agreed Mwmi tre partie- hereixi that if the eai pur of uie u.J part irhall at any th. a-d term of as aforenal.i. wi-nout the written cinsrit or th rV-wt or lta a.Hslarr. be sr-v iv a oerform errvlc ajr irforrn in the future ar ic for any otha- coo 'ir organisation wh-itever may tx. ex -filled by the lt V-n or lts Hewigr.a from in c.ub Coder the playe-v ow-r.

If rlbantv Onh or of her 'iru plavers have treated with Arrvetican agent they hav? their -ny and are aubject to expulsion Tha Wolverton i-fcst m.y beo-m hiaiorio In annals. eral of tba- hiir received ofTers from American a--nt. Ir Is known that Frank Hann comHeteJ Ignored hia earlier correspondents, and Ge'Ttte Magoon answered that not unii. he h-ai '-arriT out h1 contract rh Cincinnati cltrb wniuM he treat with anv other pec-pie.

The are Instances erf known kr -ally In th Red CHALLENGE A0CEPTED. Wapakonrta Reda Ready To Meet the irr-uL nuriT'i to mi Kenin Wapokancta, Ohio. September sooner had th crsa: enge of the Iancaater Baseball Club to play a of g-ame for th stat championship a.ppeare,l EJQt-inEB yesteday than Mr Jacob Werrt. representing Mana-ater ilall and th WapeJtoneta Reda. telegrajihcl Ma niurr Holder-man at Ijirrwcr and asking for an but has thue far to r.

an ivar Again, throurh The c.vumrrs F.woi-tsirai -h Warkor'a rha The the Iincaater tani th terms ami uo -ed bv ll.lrm-AC ami reanlv and willing to post the 1-b bet at n.e Thb EsijURFR if same. Washing-ton C. still refuses to arrange a date with th Wa; ak r.eta Rrd hut in atead are p'aying a alleged (uma witn 1 1 vd-tey t-a-n to atrgrearatlon t-hat the atpak-w-eta Re have eajlly beaien 1 ur tlniea ih.s SW0Elf8TEDT, Weetern League Plteher. Will Play With Mountain Tonriate. Jonian Bwormstedt.

the Cincinnati pitcher who has been twirling for the Minneapolis team In the Western League this year ia home again, looking aa though the Western climate thoroughly agreed with him Swormstedt yesterday signed to pitch for the Mountain Tourists, which being reorganised to make a tour of th three srates. The manager of the Tourieta stated yeater-dav that the-v Intended to make it exed-tnajly warm for teams claiming the semi-professional championship of i ihJo. and would set sail after Washington Lancaster. fldne. Wapekoneta.

Plqna Portsmouth and others who think they are entitled to ba called champions 81D5EY WOH OUT. Beat Washington C. H. In the Xlnth Innlnij. Sidney.

Ohio, aeotembc- r4 The Waah-lngreoa C. H. aad Sidnary baaetiall game today resulted In a victory lor tn latter. Sidney won In tha ninth. Score: StDetcT.

I A-SHijcorrita! AS PO.A tt Kings' 4. rf 1 Prowt. Ife 4 2 1 6 Uauu tt. 1 Bateaaa 4 1 5 Btckkar. 4 1 Lauley.

lb 4 2 FwaauaaT. 4 18 8 aUraamza. lb 4 I 1 Elaeu. Ik 4 I I a ward. 4 1 2 1 Oaurver.

8 1 8 1 Legge. c. 4 0 10 1 1 Oar. ef 4 I 3 0 McLaJn. If 4 1 1 Kaiaaay.

8b. 8 1 Ptinaaasr.rf 4 114 1 Ewtng. p. 1 Doyle, 4 0 0 0 0 ti a 37 13 tl meals 9 8 27 1 tBBlngs 1 a 2 4 i 7 Shtney 1 0 a 8 aVaalaagwaa 1 a 1 2 Till, lau 1 Hit ra- KancaT. C.11.1 Faastaag 9ac heay.

rjayta Raw oa Hit by Ball lianw, Kwtna. Btrwck Out Br DoyK. by awing. A Doable pisy McLin ajari OraiiaBi Left oa Haaaa TTa all I lie ia. 7 fi.daaj Ttaaai lS.

17 as pare 18I4Tg sr. Cbrpeatar aad 34, But at tha Knox GaauUT Fear toedsvy. taa aaJX aaUa aad p- lnal 1 Wnd Twrtaur artm. rterise rcev UUid. Seat Tims a n.

f.r yl. ae- a 1 Miter. VABJOUB GAMES. sraciax aaavavr-aua to na arsoixoxn. Bwalad XAmmwmUm mm7txmrmoam aa tat Parb ta a awn wael saturea wa Soor bwtlnar Laaarauaee fjaurtiiia taass llls.

aoadasOanv gaijsaT Ossk. KESlTLTa AT TLMOEMTIZ. 1 aaaaraxew we sant ssstenasav 1 I I I AMERICAN LEAGUE. tow rff run N. taa aa "Mftf' ar at "4 WHITE SOI LOST.

But They Hate th- Pcooact Their Ptx-keta. In! Row Sf.rr.r i won ajatt' r. 5 a i i a jc1 to ti. rn f-r tvnf i jam if a 1 Am 4 1 A en i a tt a 3, 14 rl)'e IM iminir aHroa 4 i 1 HaAi 'f 2 1 if 2 4 2 1 r' rronu 4 i i- 2 1 rf Taj'f. 1 1 -tt.

4 I I Par-' a. 4 1 i rt 4 2 "erria 21 4 a 1 I Jt 4 2 nie 4 2 ar- aa 4 1 2 Wlalr 4 1 1 4 a iU'i 2 1 Toaaa IB 1 1 ta.a iBBtnsa Batua 1 Earr.1 Rjaa B-ali--. Hlta U'lu'ir. mar. a.

-r-a--. -i an i i 4-r i nit '-tera, 2. plre of.r.tilr. 1 Tw Ii II Hr-. a a rat I t-J 4ft I a.

LAJOIE 8 GKEAT WORE Wm the Fralure the Ciame at PhllaleU.Ma. 24 PM i1ph la lefa-. lr.g a a r. Th r- 1.,) 1-. a hii 1.

-1 1 a he had ar. re i ar rt i Atteu-la 1" I 'jr. aa. I'HIL I T.i 1 A I i 2 2 2 4 I 1 15 4 -la' re. a 4 1 4 2 1 i.

4 I lie 12 Ta a a Ml. ra I 'hi. -a Vjm rr 1 ma 1 1 a I lta a 1 a ta It ii 6 a 7 2 ii 1 110 1 1 l-r a. 4 L.i. Thr t- I ityi 1 1 i Uae 1 IM, ii out Ba Ui Ha-ea lljtl'a Ma r.

Mji. 4 CARRICK GIVEN FL0WER8, And lie Hen ponded Hv PltrhlriK a (ireat jraiiie. Wajihi-irtnn. SpT TnVr 24 'avshlniftor. lrs mitn I-triiit.

Car-'Uk tri a vni hSe-i vtsltori 1: his rcT' Xr the f.rit r.rilnif he retired m. ii.e. m. man -n -r' -k wa Lr e-ii a har r-'ria-i horaeaho hi jn re I 'ET IT AT. APHPOAt VaMrrvv 2 1 2 0 0 i TrrwaM A 'H 1 rf 3 2 1 'ril-.

I 'si I 0 Irtt-iv lb 1 K'tmr- 1 If 3 1 i' 'Naiv if 3 i 2 ncrrir" IN i 1 3 3 1 airrKk. 0 ir-nti 2 2 2-a. .5 2 at. 3n 8 3 I rjm trri 12 3 4 1 a A 1 ii 6 14 T.ra c-idi4. it "Vtawlj e.

H. St.Amw aj.rlvar' Hv- -t. rfcu.tav -rr -ri'. -h-w, rw. Pw It I r-rrj- Cu-B 'am.

-it 2 'r 1 ri- Wuk. 'T' 'A A 'VJ "tarn trid if tt fifth hortrm -n ut iHrlUM-tM. CBY9TALL 8 WILD5ES8 Helped the Orlolea To Win From Cleveland. BaJtlmore. fVrtrerr re 21 Both tama ba.1 hard t-d i.

C.eveland a and rrvata. a tr.r m-bUs A'ten-lnnc. Sci Baltiu. re AB li A rin'ln lb 2 m.rur rf 2 2 1 IVl.i ma 2b 1 1 8 7 KiT-r 1 1 1 Br all -f 4 2 6 una 3t 4 1 1 Jcaa-n If 4040 .1 nin.c 5 .1 1 .1 2 0 1 OL.rvri.ANi A PO A I I Pw-k rnf cl 5 2 2 Hioo 1 1 2 B- 2 4 13 2 Iji-n nr.

lb 4 1 7 Bra.1.' "ir 2 0 -f 4 1 2 1 aa 4 2 1 7 II li.fl.r 4 7 fa 4 1 I Tita a 27 12 ra Ioalnra 1 rvl 2 0 .1 1 Tarrw Ba Hnje n. Ham. i. el I -n Ha I-, kerlrg re" Willvn axel rre -ti ft 1 '-1 i Pv r. vV-l 1 l'lth I Bal UroorA 1 2 Oev I'mpire Harti.

BUSINESS. Ashlfy Lloyd Ta ka Contract To SL Jacob Buckley and raoik Haba. While the fans are In their present humor they ar la r.o mood to enthuse ovr the engagement of many of 'he old guard and yet the nucleus of a rattling good team is here St. Jacob Deckley and Frank Hahn were In with Ashley Lloyd yesterday. "Mum is still the word, but the chancea are coppers to a celluloid shirt-button that not a Red who is wanted will get away.

Beckley. Crawford and Hahn have ail expressed their preference for the National League not once but a doaen times. THEJX-I LEAGUE. Meetine; of Marnatea Showa a Good Reason. IVecatur.

111.. September 54. An of the Three I Baseball Leaarue club were represented at a meeting here tc day. Preal dnt Sexton presented hta report, stating that th season had been successful financially, the percentage plan haa been a good feature and I owd ism among- players had been kept at a mrntmnm Tha total reeorpts of tha leadrue were SA.CBM. diabursetxnenta 8.1 WW.

oret baianoc. aaasa (2.000 guarantse fund. UT. It waa derided that a all var trap should be the trophy for tba winning tea m. The salary limit was fixed at I7JO.

A resolution barring -Bill" Krteg. Bianaurar of tha Terr Haste team, wanvpaased because of a state ment bv him that Northern club threw gamea beat Tarr Haul. FYotaata by Blooming-ton and Rock Island oa games were tabied. It waa eVcKied to defer chansre in the ronaaututioa or nianaberaablp tn th liat-iii until th KovaBBSber aiaalug In Chi- PTJGLLIZT ABESTEIJi Aeenaetl gwaaUlaar Etl Xasr.nt's JTyiavaTioncl. S- Qoita a la pusrQlstic aad aportzntr drciea hy tba arratu of WUHasa, or weAi-ttnown anlddlav Depaaty aba UT Walls arrtved Uast sdarht trana Lapo-, with a warrant furtive tvrreat of Umauasiy.

eharglag hiaa with havragr tale a a tUtsi ataaaaead aad aaalaa money tsf Ed Sitsst. a aponk4ABaa CTaacajrn. Tsw TvaiMiry Qiaarirr said tasot wet. Noareaat aD tha tmxtmr 87 11 4 12 5 7 8 a 2 2 1 1 8 0 1 Be-k Hr-ar "ry -m 7 PVrat Baa. a.1 r-aaa-d fia et or.

Bje. porta cata aiaralaa, 1 GREAT Contest Is Looked For 41 the Can. a Firat at Saa Fran cia Fridaj Night WTten Geora Gardner Tackles joe waicoxL i rtT 1 a. Babe Fer Ha Usaed a Strwar Del Ta TauBij Rraa-The Fircy-Hciickf Matfk. arw-r tiar.Tr To nt aarertftaa Ban rranrlaro.

Ca! aV-l tmbr 24 Inter est in th Wal-ott 'Jardner i-omm, which take place Friday right is as gfat aa if It er a be-avy-welghr ctlatlonhlp bat ie and the al of a prmtse a tig audlerce When rg Gardner atepp on th scale he tlrped them at 1A 1 poiinda. which Is hla weight 11' 'v. narked that l.e waa wl-h hl -n'Htitjai In regard to hla hand ha hat It araa hi thumb arwl not hia bard was Ir. hla fight wi-h Carter II iiarkn! hi tn.inib right after Carter and rr rt la eon-nd weara a' of laa'er or. It.

hvit can r. bag ar. 1 at aa of old ilari- i.rr wi do tblr but light boxing from 'i Vtaicrt. who Is already In fine shape a-141 poumla. all! lrv lme Thurstlay In hi work, res'lrg r.r'y or.

Friday Tn (' haa and will I r-uc. Oaj-drw-r wll prH- favorite ar -id of 1" to on the irrrrn hia of 1 i Car-i-r who haa a tlrtrK-y to hi credit irver a.c. Ja will officiate aa rf- ree A'jralla Herrera and Jack Mowatt wi: narht at the M.olelra I'arnlval tr-roorrow n-tir. and a grear d.tal of Intereaal event -wa't me here from Ch' ajf and has d'ie a m. dertslv ark H- tlrke tr.r p.ght.

pa I la Marrara made auch a poor anew na a a ter bm 1 eroure tier EOLAB PLEXUS Blow Dealt the Hoilnf Game In Chicago. i raTf-iaL rrifiT-! to tbi tt.tiiti. J4 Kol.ow-r of the manly art Tio th-t Ma nr Har-rlaon 9 faiiura to to th Trwmf rrM-ant than eihlMt.ona eou.d tve held In rv.i-ar vt dJsavpsXUitd t-lay. TTia Mayr thaU lhdv wouI4 no puMlf In ajp lie dJfl rvM veto trio Thorapawori najur bv4t.ij at the aat nvofTient an amnmerit waa aent In by AltlermtJ. Jarktun that nrthlna; In the r-llihavrit crearir.c an athlc.c conimlmaloo and pafirTTilt ting tHixlnjc br-ita should non-trary to Th-a itata law.

Tba ta(a law for-ti da boainc. Thre n' t-a any mora bovine In hi-HdjTo in th future than hr haa been th (ta e-w mrr. rw, a rnjuncvi tt May "The i-llre atnp oontcati Of course, we wt.I not into prlvata c'ubi 4M what la goring on thera any more than we go Into a man's houava to a hla hlldren were ualnc boxtnc floves Birt thwM" will no 1 boxlnaj. A.Jder- man Jaii.on a amendment renJerei the Xampaoti Cerdinaa-nca innoououa." JEHIIHS'S REPLY To the Challenge laaaed By Char, ley Wlttmer. Th following reply has been made tr Charley Wittmer challenge by Tm.

hey. mar.ager of Tom Jer.ktna Cleveland. Ohio. September 23. lJafll.

to ras ieisTiao arrroa or taa raQcraaa Charley Wittmer a challenge to wreatle Tom Jenkins strikes me aa being tn very bad taste Jual at this time, when Tom Is under a Burgeon a care. Wittmer certainly anows Jenkins Injuries, and It look like taking adtantage of that fact to challenge iiim joat r.klrut hna promised to rr. fian Mc- I l. i and The Oripman. aa rb inpman.

he la alii3 reaume wrestling, and when lhat time any proposition Wittmer may make will be given due consideration J'-nklna h(pes to be able to meet Roone and Mrlyeni two weeks later I is oniy the kind of work row. ut hxpes to dowr. to earnest I -earning by nxt eek These match r. tn mad rn Jenkins lability to wratl r. date named, snd If I he 1 fully recrred he will agree to me.

I early In S'ovtnhr Very trul 1 yojrs. Usoacl V. Tuohit. GOOD BPOBT Esperted When Fnrey-Henneke Come Together Monday Xigbt. Th Indications point to a larg attend ance at the ten-round contest between Bau- ney urey ana rrtnx nenneae oe: or ine Admiral Athletic Club next Monday night Ticket are selling at a llvaly rat, as the lovers of boxing In this section of the state are anxious to once more have the pleaaure of witnessing thear favorite sport.

Both lads are tn good shape for the set-to. and will undoubtedly put up a battle well worth going a to a The preliminary boxers are also working bard at their respective training quarters Oeorge Grant and Jack Burns, heavy furnish a six -round bout, while Joe arris and Young MKjovern will go four rounda The 1 last named are rival bantams tn th Mill- rrek alley and the struggle fr the decision will a fierce one. indeed, Ana ger Booao stated laat evening that the work on the nw arena would be completed within a few daya. ESCAPE Of Pnartllst (ieorare Graat From Being- Burned To Death. Pugilist Georg Grant, who la to box Jack Bums Monday nlgrht at the Admiral Club, came near being cremated In an early morning fire In a Long worth-street rooming house Tuesday morning.

Grant waa asleep in the aeoond-story front room, which opens onto a veranda. About 2 clock he was awakened by a sheet cf Bust aboorlng through th floor akiruralde of his bed. He had Inhaled much of the smoke, which was fast filling- the room, but he had the presence of mind to make his way to the window He yelled "Fire' Frre at the top of hla vole, aad than fall batch la a faint. For-tunatiy Enrtna Company No. 8.

returning from Box 637, a aqoare below, waa at th Urn and tha fireman hastily responded Tha occupants of the building were rtaaruad by the rear windows. Orant waa takn downstairs by th firemen and aooa revived. He will be able to go on la hla training work la a day or so. CHI CI BlsOOXXS Will Leave For FintlLay To-Mor-row To Box Biz Maekey. "Che Brook er yeataarday lecciaod a telegram from Con Riley, manager of th Flndlay Athletic Club, atailng that transport at Ion for Brooke- and kla g-r would arrive to-day.

Brooke ta ta box Bis stacker at Findiay nrtday nla-hi. aad win leav for that ctty to saaa law. The Vseal boxer Is cocftdest of a-alntwaj tba iskai o-rer tba Fiadlay wetatadarr, aad aJJ that Chick aaka for to fatr pkay. Ha ta an gaad a auk tyf rairairwl training; oaanara. Tba eonleat ks ta ba ia rousKia tor a aaatrasai-w- uaaataaa-r will ts kookad afta-r ta taa tawing aaaataat by 3mm mm ttmmu tt atatavy q-tgin BOXLTS BEJXT8.

Ckk-ag-, at tba ta trairtlrtaT for Joatsuay Marpay. taa irign ef Jmmm KraairT. tba laacai aaiddla wtaarkt. aaa aaard acbotta. of i tt a faTar IX tna w-a.

mm- 1 Ar7 5 -iilrt 1 Jt V- rtw y'r- I A BllKKXrEROER. Prink Selee gucraatnr. to Hand. tn lawfu Tr.Lravir a Cub, agamert 111 wi I him partaci-lar and dale of tha cui.1 Odkor Ormnt mavkM ffllf w-lra prrr-r aitlon to the manager of Jim Watts and Mark arr 1 I will agree lo st Vtrk Carroll, of and iea Watts of. the aame ring In rounda each If I fall kr.

-rk lltrr raau I will forfeit tbe Jex-isl lo Ml. Bam Janaotj and Jim Field a are rac iratel to at Tm F.igi a'. i loc Chick Breaker anil take on Oeorg. hurch. win or 1 with Blx Macker Tommy Wilson In his coming contest ill! pleas call at Tltw EwQtracg offlc th's aftrnoon at 2 clock bus t.ea Th Teflo-w K1d wm to rtt sporting edi ror of Tm E.9nm "ria: he ts ar.x.

-us to meet any 3rt ponrrd man in tha stale, and a willing to rive fte pnda to gwt a match Tour.g itt la the KiJ a men rer. V.A Tount of Una. haa Issued a ch 1 to meet Kid William, wh pre er.t In St b-f -r. Aim Athi. i ir-.

SunJ Bud Freex. of Flndlay. Ohio. better tncrmrn aa th Human 'lost. Ike to arrarure a head hurting rrrat' with any hard-headed Ir.dindu aragh.r.g the trh bor ie 1 of HO i o-.

Jackson ai.d Joe notlc. lake Trier will be no boxing at Lafate'te Ind o-nlgnt Iave Barry and Martin IufT had agreed to nafa In a ftf hour mi the church eiemeni f'n affair 'oming oft. and doned agaJnat th-i waa a fan Toving Cortertr. of Lnver. and New house, of Pueblo, will meet In round ennteat at th Pun-er hea Pubio.

Colo to-morrow n.ghu Frar a Peter Tt vrvor. fui prepared Hart for all rua Important I at Tel. 'Ity. I -id training for a oonteet rh ffrnrfatey. of Poaton Th wli -fT In i.rltare -he irt of mo- He open to ail comer at 114 or pounds Jack Cuon.

of Indlar.apo l. ia with Travnor ttimti ar-t on matrh wfth Barnev Firey at T-ft tovirida Mullen ta reavdy tep in the r.i.aj or notloa. rUr4 Becenah haa aeCeD'e-d 'na rha. nre of Kddla irrti of Tror. and (Wi Gardner, of Tnurgvi-wn H- prepared to alam aartir;" for a rontast any tlm a rnuabla cluh offara a aultab.

pura BesD.ri ata'a la r-en to mr ar.y twx-r at hla weight. 13ft to 14' bara nobody. Pataer Hnn haa laauad a c. (a mat: at 118 junda. lia rama Cincinnati to make a matrh Gjb H--raAh ha emprea-exl hia wli mpneaa take H' gan.

and It I Ilk' iy th la 1 n.l be natched in the near future. UMPIRES Demanding Their Salary Preldfat Kerf af th Weftni As-Botiatiaa. Wha Had Charre af Fnids. Ia Missing aranaL ptwiTrt to vara sworn ra. Ft Wayr.e.

Ind September 24 WUllam Meyer. County Auditor l-ft laat night for Chicago Three umpires of the West- em Association, of which Meyer Is Presl- dent ajid Treasurer, arrived In town terday. the season belr.g to demand their back pay. amounting to about They were Tory Mullen, I-atham and Homung They were unable to find Myers Myers yesterday, and lingered until thia morning, when they concluded to put thir claim In the handa of a lawyer, and Elmer Leonard was retained Meyer waa under bond as President of the bashall association, hia bondsmen being Clem Edgerton and Ous Rabus. but tt Is said they are not liable for Mtirr cccd jrt aa the rWretaj-y-Treaaurer of th association.

Expert accountant Crane finds that Meyer aa charged with'i of baseball fnnda. besides a part of the Hi per cent of gate receipts held for association ex The avecountants repcn that Meyer haa paid hia own salary. 8J0. and that of hia Secretary. Claud F.

Baker, aaoa EIVIVAL Of the National Sport In Indian, apolla Ia Being IictiaaeL. aracXAi. Dlar arcs to ssoriaxa. September 24.

The picked taa ma of tha Nacaonai and AjBeriraa In their trips to th Pacirie Criaat win play tn this city Ckstober 12. and "Watty" Watkina. who has srraaed tha data, ta making aa effort Co show the visitors tha: thia ctty la not a dead bail town. Tha visit may have a tendency to rev, vw ba stilts 11 la India iw pot, a ait bough staca tha threw, daws try Johnson, which knocked Indiana-Boats itaxa a minor leagu. and compacted It ta retire from tha gaurne.

haa dona moeh to dlaxovirage tha fana. Just now many ara pea-aits ring oa a lasag-o for next season, a matter caaTJCjet nlng srhleh Watkina Is un-latauslly non-ooTjarrurAcariv, a -though aa thaut 1 nail a na pcH is wij ba weii anad There fjf aosse talk of oinls tha Wtareara lawfrfe. ptrovided Dattr Is dropped. How. aarar.

tvrytltlnj la ao tadammta that trewn psuuavtaoa as saot trying to flrura aaat tba priaslbtKjaa for arxt a snw. Bum retiring frosa ta laaaw-TBtai 1 aaru Msitassper Wsvt-klns baa alt an Back attention to hta bail park. 4sB4 ai tba liilssin and baat a pointed In tba nauntry. aad were a be rsiied tat-ssoaiuw a'l mat wouad isLgsa tba aataat Id ataaaa avirnaCy txnad ta tdtwaa atatgs-ihir ML aad Caraabr a aa taa 4mr af t-kiadtta. AO Seat aT-tt'Syr'Tir liter aiarts, ta -arklra TaTOA H.

WlUtaUBBa. tb Rlrarsei Clun, ef Car eaasaury waMafta a to lares open taa gatrs aadbasru aha sasjaa ml tick. a. as ts Ism RAXES ASH aUaOPElETX asmtcg mm trata sagciaaa- aa FTinrUua, CaL. Saatembar IH.

Tna Iear CatnAarmla Jocmsy 3u4 haa illii tm s- 0f i I I I i 1 I I I I i I J4ca-y tid. OLD PURDUE Will Ba Well lterreaeaitexl tfca Urtdlrot. Ttla Haaaaoa. al aava ra Lavfayaxta, lad ra amber TV IMP dvta I'alverelty Is artlv IX win lr.g. and araanti ill opa la 1 hta cry neat u-iar w--a as th oppotatar j.eeit of Prtaye- tea CoHega.

a.vl A arris th fajnoti balf ba- a ar h. a The anew a artrt are aa t- lews Mlll-r I an Maptv 13. Rlebei i flfnn 1 a 3Td. Ivtwll. 14 I 1 5 Ham Win.

1 Krirra. 13-! Hida. ISO. ktasner. I7S.

kit 143. Mdau. IT. Todd. 1 V4 KerVsMra ITT.

OalKatri 147. cPart 1a-1 1J' kr'tfan. 144 1S. Mcvann. 1 hlitia 14 144 l.utas ia.

Hanna lal Wans 14. McManua lf, M.t 1 7 Hunter. 144 Got-lamith 14 AihokI. 11. 1 rman 14J aiowry 1 A Johaaua.

170. teat It la airaailr nrt-1d to rlay HarvT aft Her at cer.laar ruah i4aun MUer and KJtt a g-arda i atm'th and tara son aa tackle, laali an atvda llrt ann qttawter bat a Mr arc ta a rel Jdhrem half -taru Twt haca Tba rbt1-al th 1 aamew wl tha leadtn le aana trihwaatem Mnf In. tng Per gam opponeata Th a IM. mi and student body hav tna 1 nanaaagiT Bvarrharta ef r.u -j. KM ihj mgrf.

aaw 4 rrvVAf fYT I TIT TT. A (rs-tll suttri t. rti iiernav Gaanntr. tHtlo. lVrpenitr 54 Tn foot oatjook for Keayon Col af.

la not bright All the ream was expected back. but thr ar now acatririea end. half and la. kla and th ian nda trngiibn ng With th tr.r aceptl.oa anatnad tfc team is tia--f aVa nw material haa en-ered but It too aarlr to -pa Jg I t. li.rla.alh Monday will be work Th chedu.

aa It w'. i tt i la 1 ed. ia a foi ows leeattaar ga -Mt araaa a at OwmtKar. iiioM t-Liaaiai at Urae.lli -t 1 WniB ai J. t- 8 It i ir.

tear IaaL-i at Omrtit-iea SottaM I kuit'U at ktotllA. 'fr. t-T 2- li '4a imM 24 giaie I ai.acal al Col a HA EVA ED AT WOSX. ramhrldr-. a-la.

MpmtvaT 14 THe Harvaard tal2 nuM haa j-rar ha-Tbsck. 1-ut ts only a f- a promising caroli- 'air: mi for him tt thua tr flrat a. 1- 4 o. i.iaviin. t- ani (Sraew of yewr a have tetiuiiel The tu4 WAR TALK.

Armour Scores Ebbstt He ntimn Tht He Offered To Sell Wrifibt F.r 1.000 To the Browklj Tf am. iriuL Mrr-a tb- worriii. n. rV. .4 Mmai-ar Arnrwr, of tri- Pavurm, 'aaf' of I Afri-rr.

Iur rt ar, i 1'rr Kl Ux ttjr-taWy K- Thra tJ.iuiy rvo uuii. ijr aiaviTr.t.' rtmarae-l Arm hot, y. "thn he aa)a I aca-i for rlarr.t. I aanti-l an.i h.r.'T mina tr. i-v a coufia or"ir-3 Ar.y to th eontiavry la azi una3u.ii h-eod "Wtjen I at Mm af'er he rrmda rMi-u-i cfT-r Kr, nr.r' ard aald.

New. I .1 gel 1 ArtTK i prevent Wntrht from a irg with tt Iir.irk lyr.s next h-hi e- ha lo rewrrt to law Arrr.iur Wnghl r.a ln t.y i ari.i be fjund with mat team Oeaiie Mr lubbett The act of tdd Wheeler in a gurg wuh the Broc.klr. afi.r "iviaLnd ha-1 a at to him con.drd by Manag: Armour to be the h.ghr of lr.grati'ui Kr uently hd mad the remark tna- he would piay with Armour anywhere, a was Armour who had miie a balpiae cut him His friendship was mlaj WheIr sly wnrk Is rg--riei as most repreher.slb.e br I-ayo-. wa positively by -h Cv CT'jb lo day ago. ar to Ar mour ar.d ur.ier 1-.

p. ay the Amr'l tn Ietgu. alhorta: Oo. hr.auer la r.o- hav V. a tontrae; ln wl-h re k- yr.

vi Fboett ala- rao hla r.n Johnny eturoa in ti. b' hla to Ia)to-i r.urr.d becaua ttir.g were pre- 5 ey A-rr. nam. within an tr of 'turruag up" th- t- waa I prUtl. fir era' to Knb' Ber-kel Houa plf-her Ker.r-a.

of the Whe Irra. son cf Congressman Kenra r.f ea Y.rgir.. ha. been gr.d as s-a'd in a i.p.'rr, yster. day though at the time thr saa ni of-1 flcial rotflrmall'io rf rrirl by the team, ia re.aaio Arm -eveiann take tl iKo i ur ie.

iti.iu'jrn oi u.r a. to Can-eland with h.m and that the Di. ton team next year will rerrgn'xed. though re atn a FOOTEALL 608S1P. The W-iowifng team ev' an corker Manae.rk.irht a th Pe-trt in days round-ng up a team yj 'r fr thowe who fare thm Tli team will at er- tout lrii pc un-ls Dean F-rnerwo-i ts coaching the Oeorg- low Ky Col.ege team gain taia seasor: Tra Queen Ciry focrbaJl team has organ- used for the seavson 1by are ready to tack, any lii-poimd team ir.

in csty Address' aaa-naara-r care of Tag Eja tat. Tb Madlsonvr.le High School team are a fast lot of youngsters. Manager H. S.

Gentry states that no 130-pound team their measure. Manager RaxaJ' of tha CI if tons, wm keep on rounding up players until ha sorurrs a team that can wallop th Aaorxlajea. Coacn Jonnson. of tna St. graduai of the Notre Dint II ear.

laea that hia team wiii make tiwubi tbta Tha Ohio A. C. footbaJJ taaun has orrran-taed for tha sea ana with tha avarasts wigbt of Ua poairvds Tttaa deaalring g-nnsa will ddress Manager Charles P-etrihar-, car of Tba Ohio A wanna foaatbaJl woaxld Ilka a gaaxvs for Batarday. 28th; 1JS pe.iada. 'Wouid Ilka tba a Xor-F.

Bur- aaood Grounds tf i asllils. aatt. eaura Esotn a sau Th lln ap af Bt- football a aa follows: rsr; iaxtora. ig: laosey. rt; raTtrhalT Mi.i i.

tt HaatkaT Ibb: Capti, ar Prte Hra prwXrrw4L aaa. Wllftamana ITaMIU) BSTltEX Joaarptx. Mav, aorv. Taag Bat ta tba SOS sBQa ta XOI4v Ta xast, a. i i a a Tna hmSm Jaator.

wd Bb ta ratavge game with any taama awarstarhvar 1 1 aaa 1U to X2 stsaanda. Amuu gma 1 i I a-laab avv' MEASURED and Sham-i; I ABrriraa Tarbt fie ti, fftlfd 43 "fcaada. Sir Taomaa Lp'oi It Ha Wi. taa ir iM rt 4a aa asasj aawsap a ar fJI Ulaf IWllrT 1 cav vAt-ar. I 4a na.t pt-aa a-ae aaa hem a Ucs cf ih erar t-jt 1 the reaauat ef i ha grtatirli A I.

of ttt rorfc tMw tW'let I--. at ilamt I omtiw. 1 ttr.f batl wa aaa taut t-j t. ittt' maesot ispaalia of a itMtiniir tn iuiAi4A and af th do- a htr baUrr I 'unrtn. av la a lb New Yoea aent Club or.

a wa naiaaria "i ill ra aa ov r. -r. Ha au i bad a aL.1a.rtg n.ioiua.-.a ,4 ucaeff-Tlw eeni itaairrial At auorfc tto rr--1 in tb dr 4 Ha. leg the laat tr i. a i -Her brn t.m ixt tao.

Uie fca.l lwi t.wr:-.; ilvd ui: ah a Tb romosr r. i Aral rr a a a-- 'much'. I maa a maar of ll.a S'lr a waa er tin' Vt Ivd-r rlal 1 fc an 1 t. i-n. Jf fr Mif b-f a a at r.l a i' i a.j fe r- t-4 ff Ii a t.

At a n. -a, -t a a tow a i a a 1 1 iT.i'Knr.f Nf iar TVtrtf -t Wm JarTrat. i I-J 4j tt-tr- irait r-' lrr. a a rr-- a a -r 1 I. a rr T' a I i ar! a ft fr-.

i I r- a '( frt m'rff r. i 1 T.m Hf aa (t r. a Ka I 'me -r, g. t- SAf I M'rajatf. -e i.n.tia out ftr a r4r.

c-n fv fvp rw -r. hfl anv air--l f.fur a a a 'g Jdri. r4 i cf ii -ja lararrr-vt-k rrw.r A 1 1 r. (,. Ma a h--- -1 jyier.t i Lkwi n.

w- a r.g i waar-r4 "t- f'm fce-r a a- umt 1 1 a i r- r.a. -ft- I t. 1 fc A Pa' av 1 ol U.h a r. OUTLAWS Will DoBbtlaai Ba Relcitatad ar i Callad M.etitg of th Wealtra Jockey Club. irr- i.

riir ras traeersra. -h: ago. tptmwr 24 'har th rtew ara of th wi.l hol a ate'-al t-f th clr.a of seek the meeting is to lift th I. e-1 r. ra We.

em Cub me rf tr. rr er. 1 a mak -el r. at a l-TTa r.t, fit. rig 'herr, that auih lvi rr." vorabi ooca Oarau.

ani Se i Kuhl nrew haa a a' horsaarr.en who hat rr. a1 tt war winter of t.e 1 ub 1e. It Is rail ti part th cc.urs that haa b-r. -ub, rr. Latdtia laart are tt-so ev r- 1 ri th r- rart -l rr.

r-; a ion cf tb Atr. a-. tr.e Iter. T'r tvxtje of Wi ei 'r r. ar in attenrlare wpa fa- a rtgr.t Iter.

a--. 1 rff kftir bar. f'- -r. -h-rrscnra. but It waa 4t.

Leijr. Vt Mie. fe a ab-vu' 'ao h'-r. a b-i. a-.

rr Nw ir.aua.r. rr. 1 a -be iy.r wou r.ot r. nt i iri'i av er. have a.wa f.gured pr Or.eans.

r.o at. al Frar.k P.g:.. ae.tea ua.r.f tr.eir a as to ra ar.d tn' were are. bee ir.f jrmd that their ot be a- a-y Cub trark 7 bey ar a rrA t. rr.

Tr rg w'rj -kv Cub lee, i lcl, Moraday. jr 7 EIKMOSc 8 GET A 1 moat, Had a Itaee of Th. Own at Troy. ninra to tai nttital. Trtiy.

on. a. fj'rxr 24 Ev-ry a t-atiie dew-npive -track cor. test -r. frrt day cf th Mii Coon-ty Fair at Trr While th Brst ra.

was a s'raigii'-heai aff iir It was aan o-n-i a race all tne 'i tr- wi in eact ha'. and all a bur-h 1- tLe vent, th 4" par for borsera oawi tr.1 rot.r.:y lie fr wa- by the great air ritr-rr-or-e In this ctrur.t) r. ---i- are tb samir.a ties Tb 17 Pat.aar-PTar anoraa. ea h4 atortw I Sir A ttj-ler. Ill Ia4r Hiawier, a tau Hj taor It I OraarnaaSi 8 I a E.

H-m 8 an iOai 4 a tmmm v- Idy Btatck ataat tr t.r: c. Wl a 14'-, MU. lV Tw 4 Pave -it 8 1 1 1 Daowlrl .1 2 1 bvaas. 4 8 4 11 JgUs Z. b.

By fr. 84841 3-wnv. --at 2Sim. VOX BY JOE SEA. rtUac.

Mladav. September 2d. Only at of tb threw SttU rair racata were run day. SimTraaris: Th a. 14 Pa fwi 8400 Jo It, etk.

K- 4tarwr4 1 4 I aa lis Walla, em. Praaaue 1 1 Joaa Eaasry VtUatar. ca. g- tUam 2 aUttstmdy. cav isVttAtay 4 4 I 4 Great Gary.

Bar. g. etrctar) dr. Tisss V5, 1 I. 1.

Th a Ttua Pawee tvauo. Bri is aaa. h. a- 1 1 t4allta. a- as.

O.alMwi.. 1 i taw as. b. a- iCaaai a a 4 Co. Wseat.

b. h. taVkao, 4 8 PUaat 4344V g- m- 4 Bad Baryal, b. h. Ckaawhara) 4 2 1 2 rrtuakaa.

as. fPaaa Ml ua. Tkas 13. aTA. i-s i-3- Aa4tm4taavl aptart Paca KAftKEEPCITS FmtND, TI1E BARKEEPER'S FHIEI3 Naaw Vark lta ofr -au II ao4 i at.

It ws the -K. 4 I Wtta Lha i-; i raa-ai II w-a a i oanal-d ex atroati r. "tVe tbovigm. ba il I ra 1 14 re hi.

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