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Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming • 37

Casper, Wyoming
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ANNUAL WYOMING EDITION 1935 THE CASPER TRIBUNE -HERALD PAGE 10 SOUTHWESTERN WYOMING REPORTS BRIGHT SPOTS IN EMBRACING an expansive region E' I that surround the valley of the Green on three sicks in the upper basin. PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT of varied resources which have 'WWW The finest of recreational advan- provide water for 3,000 acres of land tation, recreation, utility and gen- tapes are offered cn these forests, as a result of drought relief under eral economic purposes will be which are now easily reached. It is the ERA. Another drought project served. worth the effort of any tourist to of importance was the drilling of a The camp at Fremont lake on visit this valley, a region of magni-well and the installation of a wind- the Green river watershed" put in ficent vistas which embraces some mill in a dry range region to pro- 14.931 man-days in fighting fires, of the most historic sites in the vide water for 50.000 sheep.

Water rodent control, stream improve- pioneering of the west. troughs and a dam in an old crees ment ana timber clean-up, ana in bed were construe ed to complete constructing telephone line, roads, the project. range and yard fences, barns, gar- CWA and ERA projects during ages, corrals, bridges, cattle guards the year embraced street, sewer, and camp ground facilities, park, playground and flood control The NIRA crews constructed 36 work in Kemmerer. Alton, Cokeviile, miles of roads, 50 miles of trails and On Green River Toll Gate rock and the Palisades are outstanding beauty spots in the Green river valley, Sweetwater county. Historic shrines include the location of the William H.

Ashley .5 Diamondville, Blazon and Opal. 20 miles of telephone lines in addi-Roads received special attention and tion to work on drift fences, build-airport construction went forward ings, camp grounds and water de-at Kemmerer and Cokeviile. velopment. Forest Activities Fifty fires destroyed 7,000 acres of expedition of and of the old Lombard ferry. IIOMESTEADIXG Millions of acres of Wyoming land I 1 Accomplishments of two CCC timber and CCC workers were util- have been brought into private own-camps on the Wyoming national ized in controlling them.

Rangers ership by hemesteading since the forest, with headquarters at Kem- handled the grazing or 28,000 cattle first homestead entry in the stats merer, were outstanding. Transpor- and 346,500 sheep on forest ranges was completed on December 5, 1870. 4 been scratched by cctivitics. Lincoln and Uinta 1 rcur.tirs. in the extreme western r.r.d southwestern section of were busy places in 1034 and intent upon continued improvement this year.

Business in Kemmerer, Opal. Alton. Cokevi.Ie and Tulsa, all In Lincoln county, reflected the added benefits of recovery efforts to these tf established industries, and in county, both Evanston and Lvman responded to similar activities. As an important point on the Union Pacif.c railroad, Evanston Wis favored by the improved traffic movement. The Union Pacific operates there a bier salvaging plant to which til kinds of broken down is ordered.

The passing of prohibition also taught about the revival of an old 1.. Jus try in Evanston the brewing of beer. Becker's brewery products are widely known over Wyoming and adjacent states, as a result, and the town has another thriving business. One of the state's largest institutions the state hospital for the insane is also located here, and enjoys an almost continuous improvement program. Livestock and agriculture are buic industries cf the county.

Included in relief activities of last year was the erection of a school building at Lyman an 1 important trade ccr.ter. Courthouse ard school repairs were made at Evans-en, some improvements were carried out at old Fort Bridger. a s-ate historical landmark, and both rcad and street work was included. Lincoln Mines Active Lincoln county coal mires were active as usual in 1934. aduirg several hundred thousand tons to the stare's output and maintaining: a substantial payroll for the maintenance of Kemmerer business.

Tourist travel over U. 5. Highway Get Ready for Frontier Days Thrills 3- HE "daddy of 'em all." Cheyenne CWA and ERA. Of major import- creek to permit a larger flow in J- Frontier D-vs will provide the ance was the grading, graveling and flood time. Aid was given in driil- i-Tontier ij.js, wni proviae me Qf seyeral stret5 similar ing for water at Silver Crown and most colorful and exciting show of u.ork WM ne at Burns and Pine Ware.

its kind in the country again this Bluffs and was extended to county Besides these projects there were year, and the throngs who attend roads. operated a meat canning plant that will a busier more attractive Already a city of beautiful parks, turned out thoustnds of cans for Cheyenne erected a red ttone build- relief distribution, a mattress fac-and more prosperous state capital. wim niet labor at Lions park tory, laundry, county commissary, The show itself will lack nothing 0 house equipment and a wall was sewing room, nursery school and in thrills that rangeland can supply, raicd as well to shut off any un- ether minor activities, which embraces all sections of the sightly display of implements. Many projects in addition to pro-country. They all come to Chey- Work was done cn the city's water viding much needed unemployment enne, whose trophies are the most supply system at Round Toy, the relief may be listed as permanent highly prized.

The best riders and electric pumping plant at Wajre, city improvements cf great value to an other performers will mount the aricj county warehouses and shops, already improved and attrEctive wildest bronchos and seek to tame an(i a major job of clearing Crow city. i Trails only lead to beauty spots like this on the Wyoming National forest of southwestern Wyoming. U. S. Forest service photo.

Od produced in the Lincoln and Sublette ccuntv fields is trans tne rougnest steers tnat can be mobilized. There will be other attractions to view, however, including the soldiers. rjhsii5ir3wrsr both on parade and at Frontier ported to Opal bv pipeline also for park, where the cavalry holds forth shipment to the Salt Lake City re- annually in drills, charges and rid ing performances. A visit to Fort 20-N was heavier, and an improved finery. route to the upper Green river val- in the Star valley region, the Frrncis E.

Warren holds a treat ley through Big piney and Daniel dairy and cheese Industry carried Elso for the average sightseer. to Jackson Hole and the national on with somewhat curtailed produc- parks attracted more traffic in that tion but found opportunity for ad-direction, vancement through relief work. The Opal community on the east More Lands Irrigated maintained its prestiee as a wool Construction cf a canal five miles shipping and shearing point and as Icng, which cuts through a ride 37 trading center for ranch interests, feet deep and 700 feet long, will Business Improves Business has improved in Cheyenne in the last year and with good rearon. Railroad traffic is up, and the city has the largest shops of the Union Pacific railroad. Air transportation is growing rapidly.

End the Cheyenne airport has the main shops of the United Air lines, serving a transcontinental service. Tourist business and transcontinental travel over U. S. highway 30, the JOHN JOURGENSEN, PAINTS INCORPORATED PAINT MATERIALS AND PAINTING CASPER, WYOMING Lincoln 'way, showed a substantial increase last year. Federal agencies serving the national recovery tnd relief program have expanded materially, and those identified with state service provide a stabilized payroll.

Probably the outstanding development affecting Cheyenne from a public standpoint to start the new year was the recent $200,000 appropriation voted by the legislature for a new state building to house the sjpreme court, the state library and pes-sio'v th historical department. The appropriation is in the form of an authorized loan to be obtained by the canitol building commission. Woik Improvements Cheyenne and Laramie county profited materially from improvements possible under the LET'S GET ACQUAINTED Uneeda lire and Llotor Service FIRESTONE TIRES TEXACO PRODUCTS All Kinds of Auto Repairing BATTERY RECHARGING TIRES REPAIRED IIOKANSOX Props. 518 E. YELLOWSTONE PHONE 1473R CASPER, WYOMING GEORGE PATTILLO Natrona County Assessor Since 1926 iittg Wants Wyoming CASPER MOTOR 0.

i 1 WW mm mm Mm Ak. m. I E.k uuy lit Una Wysisiliig CASPER, WYOMING 132 North Wolcott Street Phone 2260 BUICK PONTIAC GENERAL MOTORS on order with a minimum of elapsed time. This is highly important when time is so valuable. Purchase of Wyominjr stocks of merchandise has much to do with keeping Wyoming dollars in circulation longer in our state.

They make it possible to employ more people and their earnings are distributed in channels of home trade. The greater portion of the dollar that is kept home, the greater our wealth and prosperity. "Buy in Wyoming" is not a new slogan but its meaning cannot be improved upon. If every person in Wyominjr were ever conscious of this simple expression, there would be no such thing as a depression in this wonderful state. TRAILERS BUSSES TRUCKS TAXI CABS Per capita ownership of automobiles in Wyominjr is far above the average.

The buying power of Wyoming people is greater than the average, likewise their earnings. By reason of the large ownership of automobiles in this state the demands for car accessories, parts, equipment, is proportionately large and in this connection the owners of cars have a distinct advantage in being able to obtain the highest calibre of service in securing the above mentioned automotive supplies. With two wholesale automotive equipment firms headquartered in the central city of the state and maintaining branches in other conveniently located cities within the state and in bordering supplies can be shipped AUTHORIZED SALES AND SERVICE UP-TO-DATE MODERN EQUIPPED REPAIR DEPARTMENT SERVICING ALL MAKES OF CARS Wyoming Automotive Oo. Casper Supply Oo. CASPER, WYOMING CASPER, WYOMING Member Casper-Wyoming WholesTer Association.

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