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The Chattanooga News du lieu suivant : Chattanooga, Tennessee • 2

Chattanooga, Tennessee
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iHE CHATTANOOGA NEWS WEDNESDAY, APRIL 191S. OF IROI'I HOW Ailments Duo Insufficient Iran Common In 8prino trod la an essential constituent of pur and healthy blood. Psptlron, thi new iron tonlo. combines Iron with nuz, celery, pepsin and other blood and stomach tonlca that successful physicians prescribe. It is wonderful corrective of anemia, paleness, languor, nervousness, whether caused br hard work, worries, too close confinement indoors.

er any other cause. Peptiron wil multiply ine rea corpuscles in your blood, tone your nerves, improve your oolor, aid your digestion, and restore the health and strength that you must have (or the cheerful performance of datly duties. Peptiron Is la the form of pills, chocolate-coated, pleasant to take, prompt In effect and economical. Tout druggist knows the great merit of this nux and iron preparation, and will be pleased to supply you. am lite) Logical Treatment Direct Quick Effective For the MOST OBSTINATE CASES Sold by all Druggist rhat Tennessee Folks Saj f.

ABOUT A NEW DtCOVEHY Ifauy local people are glad to testify to the good results obtained from Anuria, the discovery of Doctor Pierce of th Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Yn for kidnsj and bladder disorders, backache, rhii-esatlsm and all nrlc acid troubles. Thli to what Mr. H. W.

Bagshaw says: ViTcratxviixc Tehn. This is to ear- yiy that I have used au, or nearly an, 01 ilDu'WV Dr. Pierce's Medi ci net. Commenced Ming tbem myself and In my family over. SO years sro.

'jrevorits i rn-i' scrlption saved tho ine 01 my wne ana daughter 25 yean ago, and I nave scarcely ever boen without I)r. Plorce'i Remedies In my Jtse An-t-flc, thai God-son remedy for 'kidney and bladder troubles, and I can Itruthfnlly say that It has done mn more jmod than any remedy 1 ever rood, and they are legion. No one will make a mistake In using any preparation sent out by Dr. Pleros. I have had many ynara' Mperienoe with his Institution and know Whereof I spefck.

When the kidney are weak or dlxeasnd, these natural Alters do not clnense the Mood snfiiclently, and the poison are carried to all parts of the body. Thers follow depression, aches and pains, heavl nexa, drowsiness, Irritability, headaches, chilliness and rheumatism. In some people there are sharp pains In the back and loins, distressing bladder disorders and sometimes obstinate dropsy. The uric acid sometimes forms Into gravel or kidney stones. When the uric acid affects the tissues, muscles and joints, It causes lumbago; rheumatism, gout or sciatica.

This Is the tlrao to try Anurlc, double strength, the discovery of Doctor Pierce, for kidney trouble and pains In back and all over body I Write Doctor Pierce, Invalids' Hotel. Buffalo, N.Y.,and send 10c for a large trial package this will prove to you that Anuria Is many times more potent than llthla and eliminates the uric acid from the system as hot water melts sugar or ask your druggist now for a bottle of An-u-rlo. Proposals for CO A The Board of Trustees of the Georgia State Sanitarium, Milledgeville, invites proposals up to 10 a.m., April 17th, 1918, to furnish said institution with 10,000 tons of Straight Run of Mine Steam Coal and 1,000 tons of "Bound" Domestic Coal, size 4 to 2 inches, de- tr'uncs to he made during the term of the contract, as may be directed by tho institution. Bidders will be required to state the oration of the mine from which "the proposed coal be shipped, the proximate analysis of the coal and the guaranteed B. T.

U. The bidder is requested to state in his proposal the prevailing freight rate from his shipping point to Milledgeville, Ga. The successful bidder will be required to make an approved bond in the sum of $5,000 as surety for the faithful perform-ince of the contract The right is reserved to eject any or all bids. Address proposals to Board of Trustees, Georgia Stale Sanitarium, Ga. SIXTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL REPORT Stockholders and Directors of C.

St. Railway Hold Meeting. (Special to The News.) Nashville, April 10. The sixty-seventh annual report of the operations of the Nashville. Chattanooga St Louts railway, which covers an eventful period In the history of the property, was submitted to a meeting' of the etockholders of the road held on Monday.

The operating revenues for the year ended Dec: SI. 1917, were as against ill.H,688.4T for the year 1916, while the operating expenses for 1917 were as compared with 19,749,810.40 for the previous year. The total operating income lor the year was, as com pared with a total operating Income for 1918 of $3,448,995.42. The net in-come for 1917 was $2,889,818.78, as compared with a net Income of 058,938.82 for 1910. During the year the carrVrs had the sordlal co-operation of the public and the national administration in tneir efforts to meet the conditions produced by the war.

Increased eiflclency was thereby effected In heavier loading of freight cars and In much prompter unloading of cars. Though this assistance ana co-operation nave resulted In ameliorating conditions, yet at times it has been Impossible to move promptly the great volume of tiafllo offered by tho government and the publics. The unprecedented' conditions produced by the great world war have made necessary the movement from the Interior to the seaboard of great numbers of men and vast stores of munitions and food supplies. The transportation lines were unprepared fdf this enormous Increase In traffic. During the past ten years, says the report, it has grown more difficult to secure capital for investment on ao.

count of additions and betterments, and during the year 1917 there was recorded an actual decrease In the ag gregate rillrond mileage In the United Mates. Though the volunle of trafTto lncrensed largely In 1916 and reached unprecedented volume In 1917, yet there was no corresponding Increase In motive power or other equipment. These conditions, common to all ttie carriers, liovo had a pronounced ef fect on the operation of the properties. The operating revenues for the year exceeded by the revenues for the previous year, though the earnings for 1918 were greater than for any other twelvs months' period lit the history of the property. Tho net revenue from operations has been greater than tor any previous year, except 1918, but fell short of that year by about $125,000.

The ratio of operating expenses to revenue this year was 7.i)2 per an increann of 8.90 per rent, over laat ypar. This high percentage la due to the higher coats of all materials usod in maintaining sod operating the property, increases in wages paid the train me under the Adamnon law aud necessary Increases to clerical forces and other labor on account of increased cost of living. It Is hecornliyr mom and more difficult to maintain I king forces up to the required standards. About 00 of the employes have entered the army, and there Is a constant shifting of men among the clerical and shop forces and amongst manual laborers, due chiefly to enormous Increases made In sculps of wages by manufacturing plants now operating In this and adjacent territory, producing war materials and supplies. The report also notes the taking A CHILDDOESN'T UUGIi AND PLAY IF CONSTIPATED Look, Motherl It tongue coated breath feveriih and stomach tour? 'California Syrup of Tig" can't harm tender torn-f ach, liver, bowels.

A laxative today saves a alok child tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogired up with waate, liver sets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at tlie tongue, mother! If coated, or your child la listless, cross, feverish, breath bait, restless, doesn't est heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a icaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs." then don't worry, because It is perfectly harmless, and In a few hours all this constipation, poison, sour bllo and fermenting waste will gently roo.e out of the bowels and you have a fcrll, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleanainK" is oftimrs all that is necessary. It should be the tlrst treatment fc-Ucn In sny sickness.

lloware of counterfeit fig syrups. Aalt your druKfciMt for a ttottlo of "California Syrup uf which has full directions fur babks. Children of all aires and for mown-ups plainly printed on the bottln. Uouk carefully and that It Ik made by the "California Pig Syrup Company." lAdvJ possession of the properties by the I government and the appointment of Hon. William O.

McAdoo aa director general, and adds; "The directors of this company and the president have assured Mr. McAdoo that it Is our purpose to loyally serve the govern ment and endeavor to meet the exl genclea produced by the war with the utmost enersry and naeiuy. In the first campaign for liberty loan bonds the company subscribed to $250,000, and in the second campaign to $1,000,000 liberty loan bonds. During the year there was charged for for addttlona and betterments the following: Equipment 172,901.18 Road i 1,208,706.78 During the year there were 489,002 crossties and 431 sets swltchtles used In renewals and 98,941 crossties and 189 sets swltchtles used In additions and betterments and for miscellaneous purposes, Tho crossties used In r. newals represent a little more than 10 per cent, of the total crossties In all tracks.

There were 66,069 cubic yards of ballast used In maintenance of track. There were 204 feet of steel bridge spans added and feet of timber trestle filled; 128 feet of bridge spans replaced timber trestle; 256 fest of light steel bridges were replaced by spans of heavier design, and 628 feet of timber trestle replaced by creosoted timber structure with concrete supports and ballast decks. The valuation work reaulred by the government has been completed, with the exception that the real estate branch has appraisals yet to make or real estate lying at large terminals and on that part of the Atlanta division lying In Tennessee. No report of the valuation of this railway has as yet been made by the government's division of valuation. The expense to this company during the year for this work was $12,187.12, and the total qost to date is $104,692.17.

The report also refers to the telephone lines which the company has constructed and which are used In dispatching trains. There is now telephone service on the Memphis division between Faducah and Hollow Rock Junction, end on the Perryvllle branch; on the Nashville division be tween Hickman and Nashville, including Centrevllle branch; Chattanooga division between" Nashville and Chattanooga, Including Hholbyvllle, Lebanon, Tracy City and Sequatchie valley branches, and telephone service Is also being extended from the Tracy branch to the end of the Tatesvllle spur, which is the thirteen-mile extension being built by the company to reach new coal fields on the Cumber land plateau. The report also notes the placing In service of the double-track bridge at Metropolis, on Deo. 14, but there Is yet considerable work to be done before Its final completion. This bridge Is the connecting link between the great northwest and the south-eaat, and Is, perhaps, one of the most important pieces of railroad construction work that has been done In this territory In years.

The" bridge is over mile In length. GREASE AND GLYCERINE SCRUPULOUSLY HOARDED St. Louis Institutes Offioisl Gsrbsge Pail Table end Kitohen Watte Savsd for Fertilisers. St, Mo March 80. (Corre apondenoo of the Associated Press.) urease and glycerine are to be taken from ell garbage collected In this city.

and en appeal will be made to all HU Lotilssns to see that every bit of table and kitchen waste goes Into the off! cial garbage pall. The garbage will bo collected by the city and valuahlo parts will be taken out and the rest used as fertiliser. This action is the result of a move ment for the conservation of garhsge by the garbage utilization division of the United Htatas food admlniatrntlon. A canvass of the city showed that many persons here burn or bury their garbage, thus "wnatlng tho waste, DANES URGE SUSPENSION RELATION8 WITH GERMANY Copenhagen, Feb. 28.

(Correspond enco of the Associated Press.) Tho annual tneetlugof the Danish Union of Officers of tho Mercantile Marine has punned a resolution condemning the Uerinan submarine warfare and urging the siiHpenalon of all relations between neutral and (lennun sailors "for a long time to come, AMERICAN KODAK FIENDS BANNED IN LONDON TOWN London. March 6. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) American soldiers and snttors visiting London will no longer be permitted to bring their cunieniH with them, A now reg ulation Just issued by the authorities preacrfhes that hereafter "no photo graph or sketch may be made of outdoor subjects in or near London with out speelnl permission. Also the.pos HeNHion of iliotoMiniihlc. apparatus for this purpuan Is prohibited.

AUSTRIAN GOVERNMENT TO USE CAVE ANIMALS' BONES Heine, Mnrch J. (Correspondence of the Associated ITess.) The Aus Irian government hopes to obtain 2,000,000 tons of phosphoric manure from the bones of ancient rave snlmnls which have been found scattered In wide deposits in caves in the moun talnous districts of Moravia, -Htyrla, the Tyrol and IalmatlA. In some crown lands there are Horn 100 to 1,000 of these caves contHlning guano and the bones of cave animals in great iiunntltles, and a special commission bus been appointed to determine tho value of these deposlta and the best method of explaining them. Preliminary searches have already been car- rfrd out, according to the None Krele 1'resse, which have uncovered io.noo tons of rxcellunt fertilising material. TIME FOR DISCUSSION OF MAN-POWER BILL EXTENDED Ixtndon.

April 10. It was announced In the house of commons last night that the government bud decided to extend the time for discussion of the man-power Mil until Tuesday of next week. This was a concession to a re-nuest of Mr. Asuulth, after a vote had been taken and the bill had passed Its first reading amid cheers. GERMAN LOSSES IN CAPTIVE BALLOONU AND AIRPLANES Perlln (Via London).

April 10. The tosses in March of enemy aerial fight ing forces In tho western theater amount to twenty-three captive bal loon and 848 airplanes. Of the lat ter were brought behind our lines. The others were observed to fall within tho enemy's positions. "We lost eighty-one airplanes and ideveu raptiva balloons." AMERICAN AVIATOR KILLED IN MAKING NOSE DIVE Fort Worth.

Tex- April 10. Mor ris (1. Smith. American aviator, was kllleil near Hicks field In a crash cs- tenlay, while making a spinning nose dive. He tailed to bring- bis aero bian under conlroJ after he had stalled In the ipln.

The chine Is mild to have fallen Several Inimical fr-t. Smith naa almost instantiy kllled. He was 37 years old and lived in Massachusetts, GERMAN CHAIN ROCKETS FORM FANTASTIC SIGHT British Airmen Declare New Barrage Gives Them Pleas-( ant Sensation. Behind British Lines In France, mnMnimA fin. rit thai riprmnnM' favorite devices for opposing British airmen on night raids or reconnals- (, no, a rr-o trm or rna fmca.nea VViiiln rnckvts These consist of Ion Chains or ormianuy luminous pans, bright green In color, which are sent upwards like skyrockets In strings of thirty or forty, and which hang suspended In the sky for a considerable time, annarentlv for the of catching the airplane and setting fl tr.

It Th wmWi m.i.t drivatl Htl With tremendous lorce, prooaoiy irom a gun, for they rise to a height of 10,000 feet, nan rmnaA with rrmMt a.CUraCV. The fireballs appear to be about a foot in aiameier. as iney nn mejr often caught by the wind, and assume Kaantlfiil oaimraa Hnmetlmea tha wholfl line topples and turns before It van ishes, floating for a lew moments nae a row Of strange green Japanese lan terns. It Is sapposed that the balls are supported in the air By email para-Chutes. Thousands of these chain rockets are fired by the Germans on every oo- mslmi wn.n ha njinta airman attack a town or camp.

They are part of the regular shrapnel Darrage wmcn is usou to hamper the attackers, but they give munh mAM anArtfLe.ula affect than the bursting shrapnel, which only gives a momentary nasn in we say ana wu is gone. if msehins is esurht hv a search light, hundreds of the chain rockete sre straightway sent up towards it They make a remarnaDie speciaci- as mm nl4 mhlnr ii lhA akv and hv nni nomas the beams of light and Anally appearing in their appointed station in mm upper news. VlH.h llnun Aailri that the Sen satlon of having these chain rockets fired at them is ratner pteasani man otherwise. It is difficult to believe tUat anvthlnv mn nntn stlft. hesutiful ilka flan ha rnllv dancerous, on a ciouay nigni, is saia, 8 is pleasanter than to float over me rolling clouds and to watch the green nwiiiii nioroa thai mist here and there, casting a weird radiance over the mountains and valleys of cloud land.

tl.A nMii nt a. reattv vlaroroil barrage, the chain rockets thread the skies in scores or nery cnams, noanna; past the invading machine on every aide, tpavlnr behind them thin trains of scented smoke. DEFENSIVE OVERWORKED British Naval Authority Crit iciaeg Tactics Used Against XJ-Boats. Tendon. March 8.

(Correspondence of the Associated rresa.) uouiimtiium Carlyon Bellalrs, M. who Is regarded as something of an authority on naval matters in tno nouse oi mm mons, Is of the opinion that the ad mlralty has relied far too muh on de fenslve tactics In coping with the sub arlna jVa Oaa "The happy position foreseen for us next August by Ixrd Jelllcoe." he writaa attained except by offensive tactics, which Involve the principle that barrages shall be laid In the sea to bar the exit of the German submarines, and all operations of Cietman surince cran to cn-nr shall be prevented by the concentration of our own surface craft. "The important thing to remember Is that, in going and coming, German submarines do not move until surface n.nfi iuva cleared a channel. To smmsh the operations of the German surface craft against a really scientific, ss opposed to a hsphssard, bar- era I a rt smn Hh th submarine men ace. A defended barrier In the sea to a depth of 180 feet Is perfectly feasible.

No mining flotilla ought to be able, to act In face of a concentrarea ana over-l. forco. Consenuently, if the British and American mines Sre as efficient us the simple Herman mine which we captured in the first week nf tho war ir wo nvnll ourselves to the full of nil 'the other details that go to form a barrage, anen as nets, microphones and other devices, we may then say, with absolute conviction, that the submarine menace from the North sen, Atlantic and Parrtanclles will be smashed from the date when we have performed the delicate and balanced operation of completing some hundreds of miles of barrage and great concentrations of naval forces." EMPLOYED AIRPLANE AS AMBULANCE IN EAST Flight of Forty-four Milss Over Desert Accomplished in Time to Save Wounded Man's Lifs. Cairo, Feb. 20.

(Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The British official correspondent on the Palestine front give an account of an instance in which an airplane was employed in actual service as an ambulance. When a little mobile force rounded up tho Turkish post at Hassana, on the eastern aide of the Slnal peninsula, one of the British soldiers received a wound which necessitated an immediate operation. An airman at once volunteered to carry the wounded man to the nearest hospital, forty-four miles sway across tho desert. By this trip the man's life was saved. GERMANS USE TOMATO CAN SUBSTITUTE FOR SHOES Amsterdam, Msrch 5.

(Correspondence of the Associated Press.) The scarcity of leather in Germany leads people to adopt strange kinds of footwear. A man was seen In Hanover the BREAK THAT COLD AND SLEEP WELL Dr. King's New Discovery relieves coughs and colds and promotes rest. When you feel those hot flushes and chills, that eye watering and sneczlnR coming on, set a bottlo of this standard cold and cough corrective and git back to normal condition. You'll like It you'll usa it whenever necessary.

You'll aive it to the chil dren, and they'll like It, too. Sold today at the original price of fifty years "ago fifty cents a bottle, t'aed by millions regularly -every where. Druggist anywhere. You're Bilious and Costive! Dr. King New Life Pills keep you a healthy condition.

Kid the body masons nn.l witfttav imor-ov vmir complexion by keeping tho Bowels regular. Kiel a 2ic, bottle riwni yout ufTKlst toduv. Kfloctlve but mild. (Adv.) jther day, according to the German papers, who wore Jackboots with wooden soles, the upper fashioned of tomato cans, fastened round the ankles with the remains of an old pair of leather shoes, and a -length of stovepipe for shafts. He had, It seems, vainly tried to buy boots In eight different localities, and so he had made his own.

MONTH'S OPERATION OF BRUSHY MOUNTAIN MINES Profits for March Aggregated Over Fifty Thousand New Electrical Machinery, (Special to The News.) Nashville, April 10. The board of control has received from the Brushy Mountain penitentiary a covering Its operations for the month of March. The approximate profits of the mines for the month were $50,347.89. The profits for the first three months In the year have measured fully up to the standard fixed by the board and Warden Nelson for the ejection early in the year and are as follows: January profits, 141, February profits, 139.801.04; March profiM, Total, Average per month, $43,982.41. Average number of men maintained in January, 646; February, 649; March, 648.

Average number of men working per day, January, 93; February, 592; March, 589. Total days working in January. February, March, 15,304. Tons of coal mined In January, 728.25; Februnry, March, A visit of Inspection to the mines was made by J. S.

Denton, president of the board of control, March to, in a conference with Warden Nelson, hi engineer and superintendent, plans were discussed for preparing in advance to receive and Install new electrical machinery. At a recent meeting of the board orders were placed for now machinery, undercutting coal machines. Plans for enlarging the operation and increasing the output of tho mines are matters of dally consideration. Before any considerable increase in the supply of convicts will become avails ''fe for work in the mines, arrangements will have been made to receive them and dispose of their labor so that it will result in substantial Increases in the coal output of the state mines. The year promises now at the end of the first quarter to be one of great profit to the state, or, in other words, the state will get good prices for the labor of the convicts and a good royalty on its coal after paying all maintenance and other charges.

GERMANS AND UKRAINIANS I OCCUPY TOWN OF KHARKOV Tendon. April 10. The bolshevik srovernment announces that It has re ceived news that the Germans and Ukrainians have occupied Kharkov, according to a Renter dispatch from Potrograd. Kharkov is 400 miles south or Moscow and is the furthfs'. point yet reached by the Germans.

Rhaumstio Pains Relisved. "I have used Chamberlain's Liniment for pains in tho chest and lame- licna Ul 1 1 1 DIIUUIUCI. IAUV IV II',- I tism, and am pleased to' say that ill has never failed to give me prompt re- lief," writes Mrs. s. N.

men, yatavia, N. (Adv.) jr (T ir I ken 57 mm A Constitutional Remedi That Remove the Cause You Take Cold when 70a are run down, ever-tired when your blood gets thin and circulation is impaired, At such tims coughs and colds gt In thsir destructive work, and Just so long as yon Ttmaln In this debilitated condition, just so long will the cold bang on. You Cure a Cold by building up your general health. If your blood is good and you slstp well snd eat well you will be strong and vigorous. No cold can II vs in your system if you are well and Strong.

The Cod Liver Extractives, Iron, Beef Peptones and Glycerophosphates contained in Vinol snake It the beet body builder and strength crestor money csn bay. Thst is why it roBiortm tho cause of coughs and colds, YOUR MONEY WILL BE RETURNED if Vinol fails to benefit you. Jo Anderson, Druggist, Chattanooga, Tenn JACK O'DONOHUE CO. UNDERTAKERS 301 E. Sixth St Opp.

Fountain Sqpare -t Phone Main 1516 Do Not Sy.r TPI A TTTT r1 A WW, aaSiraV aWaNV Bal WITT OnnFBoys MdDW Your hand my hand Every hand in the land stretched out to help them to Victory! That is the way that America is going to win this war. It is the only, way she can win it We are fighting a United German people. 'Until every American is backing the boys in the trenches, until every hand in the land is stretched out to help, we cannot expect our army to defeat the German armies strengthened by the toil and sacrifice of the 150,000,000 people of Germany and her allies. This is a war of national resources, and everyone must add his share to America's fighting stren gth if we are to make our superior resources count Every hand in the land must be stretched. out to help our boys if we would send them over the top to early and certain victory.

Invest in the Third Liberty Loan. That is the way to lend a hand. That is the way to make a nation invincible for Freedom and Every bond bought now is a direct fighting aid to this boy in the trenches in France. Chattanooga Choro-Cola Bottling Go. 511 Main Street Telephone 719.

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