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Casper Star-Tribune from Casper, Wyoming • 1

Casper, Wyoming
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"A DAY'S PAY IS LITTLE ENOUGH" FOR THE COMMUNITY CHEST gHlAfl life fc 4mtt Pric. Fit Cent. 43rd Year No. 212. Tha Casper Dally Tribune Casper Herald Tuesday Evening, October 23, 1934.

FLOY Scott and Black Land Plane at Melbourne to P1CCARD STRATOSPHERE BALLOON LANDS Dun! TREE STREAIMIE TRAKJ OUER SIX HOURS AHEAD OF STEAL! WE Diesel-Powered Motor of Union Pacific Hauls Cars Into Salt Lake City Late Today BANDIT AND NEMESIS i iv -fr I5TMGE SPEED RECORDS ARE SHATTERE Parmentier and Moll Land at Albury After Being Lost LONDON, Oct. 23. Colonel Roscoe Turner and Clyde Pang-born arrived in CharleviUe at 8:05 p. m. G.

M. T. (3:05 p. m. eastern standard time) today, heading for Melbourne on the last leg of the race from England.

MELBOURNE, Oct 24. (Wednesday) (JP) Parmentier and Moll, lost for hours in rainstorms 200 miles northeast of Melbourne, landed safely at Albury at 1:20 a. m. today (10:20 a. m.

E.S.T-Tuesday. MELBOURNE, Australia, Oct. 23. (P) Shattering all existing long distance speed records, the British fliers, C.W.A. Scott, 31, and Tom Campbell Black, 35, landed their monoplane here tod-to win the $50,000 air race classic from England to Melbourne.

In a drizzling rain their comet plane crossed the finish line at 3.34 p. (12:344 a. m. Eastern standard time), 70 hours and 59 minutes cut of Mildenhall airdrcme, England. Back of them was scattered a field of outstanding pilots, most of them badly beaten In the ambitious race half-way around the world.

The trip cut by more thn two- thirds the record for a flight to (Con tinned on Pare KJnr) SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 23. (JPy-The Union Pacific's new Diesel-powered six-car streamlined Pullman train arrived here frcm Los Angeles at 1:40 p. mountain standard time, today, cutting six hours and 20 minutes from the regular running time. It Is enroute to New York City on a schedule of CO hours from Los Angeles Bearing a notable party of railroad officials and others, the flashing canary and brown aluminum train rolled into the station here after an almost uninterrupted run from the southern California city.

It maintained Its speed of up wards or 50 miles an hour almost steadily the entire distance, and mace up the time it lost on heavy grades and canyon curves, amount ing at times to 13 minutes or more. SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 23. JP (By The Associated Press). MUSKOGEE, Okla.

Ferris Barks, 21. 1 alive although in critical condition today because his heart Is on the right side of his body Instead of the left. He was shot at a dance Saturday night, the bullet entenng his left shoulder and ranging downward toward the usual location of the heart. WHEELING. VV.

Va. Although several years late, that "chicken In every pot" nearly became a reality for Wheeling. A truck collided with a telephone pole and crates containing-150 chickens fell to the street and burst open. The truck driver recovered only a few of the birds. FLASHES $.

OF LIFE TACKS Pointed Comment, Serious and Otherwise on Late News Events and Topics 0TAL LAWS Uov; who stand "corrected' for reason may find some solace in th rase of Colonel Lindbergh, whose rffrrrncr before the Federal Aviation commission to the "blacklist" of air transport company officials challenged by the postal department. In refutation of Lindbergh's state, pent that the department had pre-nrrd suh a list, section of-the jrw air mail law pawed by the last cnnjrKs is cited. Under this proton the law makes ineligible for air mail contract any company an executive who has hereto fotr been involved In agreements ith others on a division of such (tntra'ts, as offered to bidders. The department merely carries oot the law. on thi basis it would appear that Lindbergh's quarrel is with congress ind the law, as sponsored by the administration.

The statute in question can and teen attacked on its merits, but that another matter, noi HI IT r. now Switzerland makes a bid fur from the late allies imaees for war losses. Let's br rous and double it if she can coll'tt the money from both former friends and foes. FAf OUCF.MENT Resolutions adapted In Washington urging citizens of Wyoming and other "dry" states to demand enforcement of their prohibition laws mav still be timely, but they come i hit late. Not having enjoyed enforcement during the national prohibition trial it vems too much to expect action at this hour, after the country and manv other states have gone "wet.1 When safe and sane regulations are ad nted for control of the traffic, however, good citizenship will be asserted In the Interests of law observance.

There will also be no reason for violations. I ntil then, as indicated by current practice, Wyoming must ask to be excused. UAL mm News Behind the Scenes WASHINGTON Br GEORGE DURNO CCC Practical politicians arc beginning to scent gravy In the civilian iKservaticns corps as juicy patronage outlet. As a result, Tresi-dint Roosevelt may get some unwanted help and advice next January when he moves to have It made a permanent Institution. In aUuiilon to the 300,000 young men errrllcd in the CCC the corps maintains about 33,000 civilian employe.

This includes 18,000 to foresters and 1,200 school teach-rr Skilled labor is constantly at wrrk in the many camps. There's strict rule that cnrolces may not perform such labor themselves. About 950,000 enrollees and employe have obtained unemployment relief from the CCC to date. Not less than a million dependents have benefitted frcm the in checks sent home by the boys. About has also been spent In the purchase of supplies.

FDK is very proud of the CCC. It me into being as his own special brain child. It succeeded in taking many thousands of toys off the Arrets and highways who came out of hich school to find no jots open to them. The president has announced his determination to per-prtuate the ccrps and it seemingly is thP one new deal project which has failed to draw the fire of political opponents. But romp of the avaricious gen- i Ontlnurd on Page Tnol lOMING Generally fair to ar.d Wednesday, except prob' sr.owcrs or light snow extreme ficrthwest portion; colder south por- -vi.

warmer weanesaay. temperatures reported -(y by F. C. Bush, local U. observer, were as follows: v.ix; Mondav.

75. Monday night, 34. Tt "a tare 10 a. m. Tuesday, 45 A-.

wind velocity, 24 hours r-' midnight Monday. 9.08 hour, and highest hourly 17 miles per hour, between 1 and 12 noon, as recorded York Oil company. BRASS lira Ml Tribuaa Building Casper, Wyoming. tA' ss-s i Pledges and Cash Is to Noon Today hurst, H. J.

Duncan, Jullon Clau son, W. T. Niles, Dr. G. O.

Beaca, R. W. Jacobsen, Kline's store, Fred B. Moore, A. J.

Woods, Modern grocery, J. T. McGarry, Gladstone bil Hard parlor, Natrona Motor company, saddle Rock cafe, J. B. Randolph, Trevett confectionery.

R. E. Evans contributed $8, Dr, H. E. Stuckenhoff, $7.50: E.

F. Lut- ton, Emmanuel Bashor, C. M. King, George Scott, $6. Five dollar contributors were Carl Stark.

Edmonds Knittle. J. A. Hoff Edward Wilson, J. V.

Brown, E. L. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. R.

C. Pierce; Public Service station, J. N. Ben C-tl-aetf race Mae) STATE VISITED BY COOLER WEATHER CHEYENNE, Wyo. Oct.

23. W) A high pressure area In the west and a storm brewing over British Columbia brought cooler weather and high winds to Wyoming today, a distinct change from the weather phenomenon registered here ester day. The temperature at Cheyenne rose to 75.6 late in' the day, the highest ever recorded this late in the season and while at Yellowstone park a light snow fell, at Cheyenne the humility dropped to four per cent, about the lowest ever recorded. F. L.

Dlsterdick, the government forecaster, held out no hope for any rain or snow In the immediate future. Even should the western storm develop sufficient Intensity to penetrate this far, he said, it should not reach here until after Thursday. The forecast was for cooler weather tonight with higher temperatures and fair" weather jmm -r a a Is of Win Scientist Takes to Parachute, Neither He Nor Wife Injured as Experiment Ends CADIZ, Oct. 23. (P) The stratosphere light of the Jean Piccards ended this afternoon in a tree top on the farm of John Fulton, four miles west of here, near i the Pike Peak school house.

er Dr. Piccard nor his wife Jean- nette, who made the flight from uetroit with him, was injured and the sensitive instruments they carried with them were landed without damage. LANDING MADE NEAR SCHOOL. CADIZ, Oct. 23.

(JP) The Piccard stratosphere balloon lauded late today a few minutes before 3 p. m. (E. S. near the Pike Peak school house, several miles west of here- Dr.

Jean Piccard, scientist making the flight with his wife, Jeannette, was reported by farmers to have landed in a parachute. Why he Jumped was not determined. It could not be learned immediately whether Mrs. Piccard had remained in the gondola until it landed or had followed her husband down in a parachute. First reports said Dr.

Piccard landed safely. First reports from residents in near where the balloon landed said Mrs. Piccard remained in the gondola and was not injured The balloon landed in a thick clump of trees in a sparsely settled and hilly section. One witness said the bag of the balloon was ripped Into two pieces in landing but that the gondola was damaged little or none. Prof.

Piccard, the. same witness said, landed in a field. Within a short time thereafter, it tloatlaaed on Page Itlae) fANKER SENDS UT SOS GULL SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 23. P) Helpless and beaten before the fury of a south Pacific typhoon, the oil tanker Larry Doheny with 40 men aboard flashed an SOS 900 miles east cf the Philippines today.

Her bridge and rudder were gone, her radio was silenced soon after the first flash for aid, and the nearest help was about 700 miles away three days. The steamer Olympia, bound out from Tacoma, Wash, 200 miles east of the Philippines and the nearest steamer, picked up the SOS and put about under full steam, but it can make only 10 knots, which would take 'nearly three days for It to reach the scene. SEVERAL FIRMS COUNTY ABO PLAY! BBffCTBSI HUM THE Li Four Bullets Lodged in Body of Trapped Oklahoma Outlaw EAST LIVERPOOL, Oct. 23. (TP) Charles Ar thur "Pretty Boy" Floyd, in famous outlaw whose bullets blazed a crimson path over dozen midwestern states.

dead. Armed to the hilt, the braggart sought as the "trigger man in the Kansas City Union station killings June, 1933, turned taU and ran -4 FLOYD WANTED TO SURRENDER WASHINGTON, Oct. 23. VP) The Washington Star said today that Charles "Pretty Boy-Floyd a few weeks ago made to the justice department the fourth of a series cf proposals to surrender if he were promised Immunity from execution. The Star said that all of the overtures, made discreetly through friends of Floyd, were rejected by J.

Edgar Hoover, director of the division of investigation. It said that, in substance, Hoover's reply was: He killed one of our men and he must take the consequences. Moreover, we don't deal with gangsters." Rex Collier, In las Star story, added: The insistence with which Floyd repeated his 'propositions, and the way in which he elaborated on concession involved in them, convlced Hoover that the long-hunted killer was in a state of desperaUon. when the law caught up with him, Four bullets tore Into his body two into his back. The desperado, listed as publio enemy No.

1 since the death of John Dillinger exactly three months ago, was mortally wounded late yesterday on an isolated farm, seven miles north of here. His -nemesis was Melvin Purvis of the department of justice the man who got Dillinger aided by three of his agents and four East Liverpool policemen. So lacking in drama, so quick, was the death of the desperado that it shocked the peaceful countryside only after the full import of the slaying became known Floyd crumpled up in a corn stub- ea rase Two PUIS AFTER ILS NEXT 'Babv Face Is Public Enemy No. 1 WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.

OP) A thin little fellow who likes books end gets "Buck Fever" when the guns begin to go off, set out today to put his third "Public Enemy Number One" out of circulation. He is Melvin H. Purvis. 30-year-old former law student, who sprang the trap on John Dillinger. It was Purvis who led federal agents and police in killing Charles "Pretty Boy" Floyd yesterday.

The odds are heavy that Purvis, chief of the Chicago agents of the department of justice, will have a hand In bringing Lester M. Gillis. better known es George "Baby Face" Nelson, to book. The "Baby Face" companion in Catlaa4 oa Pare Tn rat committee gave unanimous approval last night to St. Louis as the 1925 convention city.

Spezklng at the annual nation il commander's dinner, Senator Patrick A. McCarran (D-Nevada) told more than 400 guests of Commander Hayes that it was their "sacred duty" to guard the faith of the nation's children in American ideals and institutions of government. The legion's fun organization, "The 40 snd 8." paraded last night. (Caatlaae4 mm raa Klac) Derby BANDIT DROPS AS HE FLEES ROLE IN RELIEF PROGRAM Federal Plans Call Attention to Valuable Assistance Extended in Emergency SNJVILL Rogers Eleven minute behind its schedule but more than three hours ahead of that of limited steam trains over the same line, the Union Pacific railway's streamline Pullman train left Callente, Nev at 8:10 a. mountain time, today At Islen, Nev, which was passed at 8:35, the racing train speeding eastward in an effort to cut the time from Los Angeles to New York to 60 hours, was still eight minutes late, and a long neavy grade lay ahead, as far as Crestline.

Once past that point, however, the lost time was expected to be made up on the long loop down to Lund, Utah. The train, carrying high officials of the railroad, made the run from Los Ageles to Callente in sine hou and 10 minutes. The Los Angeles limited of the Union Pacific requires (Coatlaaed ea Pace Mm) CLEVELAND, Tenn. Bud trusty safety pin and hound dog saved him from being robbed. A prowler attacked the 80-year-old farmer and attempted to grab his pocketbook.

But the pin, fixed securely in McAlester's clothing, held fast and balked the assailant until McAlester's dog arrived. The dog fought the prowler until help came. COLORADO SPRINGS. Colo. Uncle Sam's profile Is visible on the stones of Pikes Peak these moonlight nights.

Annually, about this season, the image may be seen between and 1 a. from a certain area In Colorado Springs. for the expenditure of $13,294, "while completion of the new airport necessitated an outlay of $36,022 for both labor and materials. Without county aid the project would have lagged and work on other projects would have suffered. These figures, all of which have played an important part in relief activities in Natrona county, do not take into account approximately $13,000 a year paid out in old age pensions as provided by state law.

There was an expenditure this year also for drought relief to ranch men and farmers amounting to $661, and finances for organizing and carrying on the work of the Casper-Alcova Irrigation district, Important to the welfare of the project, called for $2,667 more. The county met the emergency raised by prospective dam construction at Alcova by building a modern new highway around the reservoir, the most Important piece of road work done In the last two years. All thk has been accomplished, it is noted by those familiar with the situation, without serious impair ment of county finances, due to business methods of administration and the sound position in which fi nances were placed a few years ago when all certificates of Indebtedness were liquidated and a "cash basis es tablished. Under other conditons heavy obligations would have been Incurred, resulting: in a bond issue to meet relief and other needs. All members of the board have functioned efficiently to make such results possible, and as chairman, Commissioner William Mclntyre has devoted long hours to the achievement, both day and night.

Relief activities alone have engaged practically all of what might be regarded as spare time, including Sundays and holidays. As a result, Natrona county will be prepared to continue relief activities on a substantial scale in con nection with any governmental aid that may be forthcoming. The county will ax be In a favored position in this respect. -Interesting -News -Always -On -The -Classified -Pago Charles (Pretty Boy) Floyd, left, notorious Oklahoma bandit who was shot to death yesterday by a squadron cf federal agents led by Melvin Purvis, right, in a corn field near East Liverpool, Ohio. Missing Child Is Found Safe CHARLESTON.

W. Oct. 23 VP) Dorothy Marie Hanshaw, 14. of Huntington, believed by her parents to have been kidnaped, was found today by Charleston police who said she told them she left home to "hitch hike" to Florida. CM Total of $10,801 in Received Up The Community Chest cash register rung up $10,801.92 today the tctal of contributions received to date as workers turned In another batch of pledges and cash.

Recent donors were hew York Oil company, $225; Paxton and Gallagher, $60; Casper police department, $50; Judge C. D. Murane, $30. Contributions of $25 each were from Lawlor and Woodward construction company, Utah Construction company, R. H.

Nichols, xripeny drug store, Noland Feed company, Campbell-Johnson and essen and Goldtrap. These contributing $20 were Consolidated Building and Loan, Quai. Shop, Gantt store. Contributing $15 were Ralph Con-roy, F. A.

Villnave, Sandison's market, P. Beall. Ten dollar donations were made by G. O. Housley, Leader store, Thomas Kirkmeyer, Harry Mc-Craken, Tracy Shaw, Willam Tol- TIE FOR Li AD PROJECTS mum of 55 cents an hour for un- lAUL 12, V.

h- A skilled and 80 cents and $1 an hour for various types of skilled labor. The projects: Grading, draining and base course surfacing, construction of one treated timber bridge and miscellaneous work cn 10.632 miles cf the Casper-Rawiins road in Carbon county, Blanchard brothers, Denver, 455.13. Base course surfacing and miscel laneous work on 12.736 miles cf the Star Valley read in Lincoln county. Green River Lumber company, 311.70. Grading, draining, base courrs surfacing, construction of two treated timber bridges and one overhead crossing over the Union Pacific railroad and miscellaneous work on 8.126 miles of the Cheyenne-Fort Collins road In Laramie county, Edward Selander, Greeley, Colo, on bridge work and J.

H. and N. M. Monahan, Denver, $24,047.10 cn road work. Base course surfacing on 13.675 miles cf the Baggs-Creston read in Carbon county, Lyall Landreth, Scottsbluff, Nebr Richard Spats, Cheyenne and D.

M. Guilford. Wheatland, Wyo tied with low bid Of $25,832. Grading, draining, base course surfacing, construction cf cne treated timber bridge and one RC box extension and miscellaneous work (Coatlased Pas Fmi) BEVERLY HILLS, Cal. This race to Australia, I can just picture it.

If I wasn't making a movie I would be stored away in there. Rome, Athens, Bagdad, Jask, Karachi, Alahabad, Calcutta, Allostar, Singapore. I stayed all night in every one of those in 1932 including Cairo flying with these same Holland Dutch that are in this race. Took us 11 days from Singapore to London. Some im provement, eh? Am pulling for Roscoe Turner, but these Dutch in an American Douglas, knowing the route it's their regular line; Ihey know it like Sinclair knows his voters.

I wish we had old "One-Eye, No-Sleep" Wiley Post in there flying solo; or Frank Hawkes, or Jimmy Doolittle, cr "Ex-Navy Williams. Yes, and an old-time flier by the name of, I think it's Lindbergh, or something like that. I would like to see that old-tuner pin his whiskers back out of the propeller and be in this heatv Yours, P. Speaking of aviators, there is one coming breezing in here from Australia any day now that's a little more than a green hand at the controls. 1I4 UcKaucht Sradic-U.

la 1 TI State Highway Commission Announces Figures Received on Seven Pieces of Work Repeated' statements from Washington that community, county and state governments must prepare to relieve the federal government on a large share of the unemployment relief burden call attention to the vital assistance already extended in the emergency by Natrona county through its board of commissioners. The public in general is also unacquainted with the fact that the local situation has profited by the expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars within a comparatively brief period of time. During the last two years and nine months, the records show, expenditures for "poor and pauper" purposes, as they are designated by state law. have amounted to Ths total embraces $85540 for the year 1932, $81,475 for 1933, and $68,674 for the first nine months of this year. Expenditures for roads and bridges during the same period which made passible much relief employment, amounted to $226,666.

This expense embraced both maintenance" and new construction work. Health expenses for the same time aggregated $22553, much cf which can be charged to the relief emerg- encv. County activities in this branch of public service have extended to both individual and hospital attention, although the latter is charged to the poor and pauper fund. In addition, the county has provided a total of $49,316 last year and this for the construction of CWA projects, Including the Casper airport. CWA projects proper called DUE WEDNESDAY tract year and sugar content of each fanner's beets.

The payments range from 3 cents to 29 cents per ton, depending on sugar content. The average payment is 20 cents per ten. In the Billings, Mcnt, and Lowell. district payment is based on a final net return of $3,654 for sugar sold and a factory laboratory sugar analysis of 17.83 per cent. The final additional payment amounts to 43 cents per ten, total payment being The averags price per ton paid by the company for the 1S33 crop was $4.75.

FIRA SUGAR BEET PAYMENT LEGION PUTS ASIDE BUSINESS OF SESSION FOR BEG PARASfE BY COMPANY COLDER AHD WETTER WEATHER NEXT 25 YEARS IS FORECAST Official of Washington Bureau Believes U. S. on Threshold of Change in Climate CHEYENNE, Oct. 23 The state highway commission at Its regular meeting today announced the low bidders on seven state highway projects entailing a total expenditure of $255,231.92. In two of the projects several firms tied for the low bid.

Today's bids were the first to be made under new wage provisions stipulated by the federal recovery administration calling for a mini- found, the world has had increasing warmth and decreasing rainfall. Records of periods before that show cycles of rising and falling, temperature and rain lasting about the same number of years, he said. He believes another turn of the weather tide may be imminent. Kincer emphasized, though, that there is no concrete indication yet of a change in trend. Indications so far in 1934 are that the warmer and dryer tendency is still domin ant.

Great Western to Issue Total for the Season Will Reach $17,217,719 Lander Woman Nominated for Presidency of Northwestern Auxiliary Department DES-VER, Oct, 23. final $337,451 on the 1933 beet crop will be made tomorrow fte Great Western Suear com- rvalrl CTCrt tT7 oit rrevivua P-J- made on November 15 IS24 1933, and July 7, payment in Colorado, and Wheatland, This Is based on a Sot return of sassf rvr inn iu lemiory. tiVSpr'y 0fficials said today this cf MIAMI, Oct. 23. UP) The American Legion went on parade today.

Thousands of uniformed legionnaires put aside convention business for the annual pageant of bands, drill teams and drum and bugle corps. All Miami, except public utilities workers, took the day off to cheer the marchers. It was a holiday by proclamation cf Governor Dave Sholts and local authorities. The convention time and place WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.

If you asked J. B. Kincer, weather bureau official, to guess what the weather will be fcr the next 25 years, he'd say: "Colder and wetter." Kincer, chief of the climatology division, the Cosmos club today there is good reason to suspect the United States (perhaps the world) is on the threshhold of a change of climate. For. the past quarter century, he sugar sold during the con.

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