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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 3

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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THE DOMINANT NEWSPAPEll OP NORTHEAST ARKANSAS AND SOUTHEAST MISSOURI VOL. niythcvllle Courier Blylhevlllc Dally News Ulj'llievillc Herald Mississippi Valley Ltml.v. ARKANSAS, MONDAY, Al'lUL 20, SINGLE. COPIES FIVE CENTS Uniitftrucled Delegates 'Courier ItlVltCS i lo represent Local Bar to h-ec him Which Gombhies Will Security Law's Old 1 The Blythevillc Bar in session this afternoon, voted. to send uninktructed delegates lo Ihe convention of delegates of bar- pssociatlnns in eastern Arkansas, held at Wynne April 29, to endorse a candidate; Im tijc federal jiiniirsliiii in ilr-i easlH-i i as district to SIIL- TCd the Judge John E.

I ns tru cti i tJi nter la i ci 11 i WASHINGTON. April 20. (UP) supreme court today o'clock clicsen. delegates had Two delegates 2:30 been and two altirnates will represent the lofal bar. A number of local attorneys plan to There Is always new the sun.

I Entertaining proof of that slate- I mcnt will be presented May 4, 5 and 0 by the Courier News, which is bringing to the Rosy theater a motion picture that pioneers in fresh, stimulating treatment of the boro, president of the state bar association, to suggest a sor to Judge Martincaii. to on the validity of old age i convention culled pension of the NSW or Oailt ney Deal's social security act under which 2B.OM,OM workers ard employers arc paying taxes. The I2st case was rushed to the Ellin-ems court with record spaed by (he government afler a decla-1 ration ten days ago by United States circuit court of appeals at Bostcn that the old ase pension provisions of the law are uncon- ftituliontil. 'Plione Company Test The court condemned orders of the Ohio public utilities commission, which directed the Ohio Bell Telephone company to refund more than $13,000.000 to telephone subscribers and to establish new rates In accordance with a valuation fixed by the commission. The court acted on an ai-nai brought, by the company from a ueclsion of the Ohio state supreme court which had found that thr commission's orders were just and reasonable and allowed the company a fair return on its property.

The case Is one of Ihe most elaborate rale cases to come before the court and represented the culmination of an investigation which has been goin? on for several years. Frees Negro Communist Angelo Herndon. Atlanta, Oa, negro and Communist organizer, was freed by (lie supreme court by a five to four vote from the 18 to by of eldest and most important subject in the Long ago the cooking school Chan-1 graduated from a curiosltv to Jones- Loyalists Make Overtures, Seeking Mediation Neutral Parties 20 year jail sentence him after conviction imposed on on charges of violating Georgia reconstruction days statute forbidding the advocacy of iforcefr-1 resislancsVo the state. court upheld the application of the Alabama franchise tax of S2 per Sl.OOO of capital employed in the state to properties of the Southern Natural Gas company, a Delaware corporation, which operates a natural gas pipe line to deliver gas from Louisiana fields to points in Mississippi, Alabama and popular necessity In many parts of the country. Now has graduated again, leaping this time into Hollywood stardom.

For this Is no roulinc lecture, no methodical demonstration which the Courier News will give (o th? women of the community for threa i days without charge, starting a week from tomorrow. Tile Courier News takes genuine pride In being among the first In sponsor "Tne Bride Wakes Up." a full-length feature picture, directed and filmed in Hollywood, with a competent cast, lo Interpret the appealing story. Instruction' Plus Romance Women young and old. and men too, will appreciate the humanness of this romantic screen story, in PARIS, Apr. 26 (UP) The' whicl1 Ilo problems have approached from an entirely new- angle.

Entertainment, profitable Instruction, humor and romance ar? woven deftly into a production which abounds in ingenious camera studies and remarkable close- ups. The camera lias the cooking school, magnifying its benefits, losing none of ils hospitable, friendly charm. fact, fnerc are close-ups of a new chocolate layer cake and a lemon chiflon pie that are destined to send the hungry audience hustling home to duplicate the culinary triumphs. Free recips sheet; each day will provide added in- 'Youngest'Co-eel Having a Circus oven sample of speed or trick a thorough, real-Ill? camera study of scientific methods. to be helpful, the story entertains.

-To realistic Is the atmosphere of tha modern kitchens, will! their! gleaming, convenient nntl cheery informality, lhat the I audience really feels part of the I scene. Soon the deft worker seems I Pro Roosevelt Invoked his ex- lo bc talking directly to each ectith'e authority today to avert son In the rather ihan threatened strike of 55.0CO eastern lltVlllUUh, I even whits I Issues Order forbidding Walkout Pending Fed- Inquiry eril WASHINGTON, April 26. (Ul't to ths puzzled brine. Every listener will find a harvest of practical ideas among the suggestions for more cincient covering such dully problems as laundry, refrigeration, np- to-dftte entertaining, beauty secrets, news of modernized home equipment and tips on making these mechanical savants yield the highest, Degree of usefulness. Not only will the picture be free, but there will be a host of dally gifts and surprises arranged by the participating Piisove autonomous Republican government in northern Spain to- dav Kent emissaries to the foreign refugee diplomatic colony at St.

GCDII de Luz, southern France, to inquire as to the possibility of neutral mediation for the surrender of Bilbao, advices reaching here from the frontier reported today. The advices said the Basque mission intimated that the loyalists at Bilbao were ready to surrender the port to the Spanish rebel forces if a neutral media-, lion commission obtained assur-l Couiler News and firms, who are Joining forces to make the unusual entertainment available to the community. Reserve ths dates, May 4, 5 and S. on your cnbiutnr now and plan to Join your neighbors at the Hoxy. ancts from the tern-gents that! bardment and destruction.

Another condition for the surrender was rebel promises to accord ''humane treatment to civilians and war prisoners" if Bilbao and the surrounding Basque mining and industrial towns laid down their arms. The loyalists were reported in full retreat. centivc. I Experienced housekeepers will thrill to the adventures of the scma- bride, whose husband begins to toil when finds that she can't even boil water. -But this bride is blessed with resourceful determination, even though the faithful servant in her girlhood home made every ellort to spoil Losr Cane Farmer Badly Hurt by Tractor MANILA.

Adams, son of Mrs. O. E. Snider of Manila, a farmer of the Lost Cane community, was ceriously hurt Friday when a tractor he was driving made too short a turn, causing the I harrow it was pulling to hit him and knock him from the tractor. He was brought to his mother's home here for treatment and later was taken to the Jonesboro hospital.

Three ribs were broken and her suffered internal injuries. Doctors say that his injuries -will not prove fatal but that they are very serious. in her. Camera Tells Story What happens after the honeymoon is over? what happens when the bride becomes aware of the critical gaze of some of her husband's old sweethearts, who are not apt to forget heavy biscuits in a To unravel the mystery in advance would be to rob this clever tale of its novel approach. How- ever, the audience is due to share KX! con- home -Ji which govern the perfection of flaky pie crust.

fluffy cakes, molded icebox marvels, appetizing salads and cor- roasted meats. Never has the wizardry of- th' specialists reveal thc secrets Measure Is New Attempt to Stabilize' Prices Bituminous Industry WASHINGTON. April 26. President Roosevelt today approved GulTey-Vinson coal bill through camc brought a subject more winch fixing coal to rescue the "bituminous industry from a competitive situation which has adversely affected operators and miners alike. closely anrt naturally to the watchers.

It will be a model cooking class just as though the model kitchei were right on the stage, with the Seeks Permit for Demonstration Here Next Saturday railroad employes. Mr. Hco-evelt appointed a man board lo Investigate the labor controversy between (he elgbl ma- or eastern rail lines and mil labor organizations. The threatened walkout, according lo federal law, must bc dc- lay.M while (he presidential committee Investigates carrier-worker dincrences and reports to thc White House within 30 days. Notified by Hoard Names of the three- persons to sit on the board ware to be made publle by the While House late today.

Mr. Roosevelt's action was taken by a special proclamation 1s- niicd under the railway labor act after the National MediiUion Beard informed him that: The controversy "now threatens I substantially to Interrupt intcr- Ithln Ihe state other states in the eastern part of the country to degree as lo deprive that section nf the country of essential transportation service." Negotiations Tail Negotiations between railroad of- llcials and representatives the inc controversy I riibslantially to Inti I tUatc commerce with of New York and 11. Police Oust Strikers from Big Drug- April 2G. lice barricades of lye In barrels and today to remove a score of sil-down strikers who held possession of COO worth ol drills and In (lie closed plant of Purkc-Davi'i niul Company, to be th- 1 woi-H's largest nmnifacturi'r cf plmun- crinlcah. olficcrs cnrllor liad ovli-led without disorder more than 30') who held the cafeteria cf the plant.

Eighteen or more men.were barricaded In (he drus' store room. 'Ihe lye barricade blocked (he door (o the "Cchic on out of a poltcciiuin yelled. In reply the strikers turned lire hose on the police, l-'unies arose from the lye ns thc water struck Ihe barricade but thc po- I to the Incessant rainfall, 'xscd forward, The ported. Three raihnd sectic Senous Situnlion Thieat- ens as Prolonged Downpour Continues t'nlk'd Pies? Tlic worst April floo 1 in i I history today periled -the trl-statf area ol Pennsyh inh Militant antl West Virginia mo mtiln streams, fed by rtau tains anJ snows, inured torrents of water into the Irilmlarles of the great Ohio. Four Ucnths, indirectly lice pressed surrendered.

id section tranr lirollierhood of a 11 a and Steamship Clerks, Freight Hand-j lot Virginia May also Mixing books with ballet, Virginia May Clark, youngest co-ed in Chicago University, the dance chorus ol a circus during its two-week stay in Chicago. She is seen in her bal ters and Station Employes collapsed last night on the eve of expiration jof a -IS-hour postponement of a Mavor Marion Williams said to- strike call. lay he woL'ld issue a permit lo The brotherhood demanded an puruorliiv; to represent the ncrease of 20 cents an hour for te members because, it daiaied. one railroad had granted more advantageous lerins lo pier freight Tenant Farmers union The measure reenacts price-fix- ce tion thai the view actually ing provisions of the original Gnf- wl bc mcrc complete for each per- fey-Snyder bill of 1935, which cre-i in thc alldicn ce. The guests of ated a "little HRA" in the coal in- Courier News in tha back rows share the same close-ups of BY BC-B BURNS dustry and which was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court.

It does not include the invalidated wage and working hours p-o- I visions of the original law is expected lo aid 400,000 miners indirectly by stabilizing the industry and increasing mine revenues i which in turn will be made able to be paid out in wages. The measure establishes a federal cr a iiarade to be held here urday. Plans for thc parade apncare-l to very Indefinite and (he man ask- ng for the pjrmit said he did so it the request of friends anrt int his own bnhalf. ire named W. Tucker, Zenh O'Brien and others is thcs; who had asked him to eck the permit.

Mayor Williams said he could see no reason for refusing to sranl parade permit lo the orsrnniz-i- ilon as long as thc paraders lot become unruly, but warned that no disturbance be toleraled. It as reported among a certain who have been identified with various organizations or attempted organizations of workers ind of Ihe aijed here in th; past 'hat a representative ol John L. Lewis' Commute'! for Industrial Orzanization would arrive in this vicinity shortlv lo undertake thp -irganization of farm laborers on a 'arse scale, other expressed considerable doubt as to thc au- "hcntidty of these reports. Reports or agitation for organiza- of farm laborers have been general in lliis section for a nurn- of davs. In fad.

a group of nen. opcralors of large farms, rnel evcral nights ago at the Chamber of Commerce office in the city handlers belonging to the International Longshoremen's Association. The brotherhood claims the freight landlers under American ifon of Labor rules belong In the railway union and were unconstitutionally organized by the I. L. A.

The railroads originally refused the because, proposals for a similar national increase arc bituminous coal commission and It was announced that the president will send to the senate later the names of his nominees for this group. Sometimes when you git lo thinkln' of.the world as a whole, 'she looks like a.pretty cold, proposition, but when Thc original rfcl provided for collective bargaining and establishing proposition, but wnen you thrust asid provisions i the people individually you'll find however, claiming that that they're "pretty sympathetic had no power lo regulate labor hi lot and if you'll take the irouble intrastate industries to explain your troubles, they're willin' to help you Uncle Slug's mother-in-law came to spend the week-end with 'cm one spi'ins and late the following fall, she raid one day that she'll jest have ta tear herself away. Uncle Slug called a cab antl helped her pack her luggage and they started for Hie depot. Uncle Slug noticed that the cab driver was a tough. hard-Iookin' unsympathetic appeavin' man and he was jest pokin' along, but when Uncle Slug lapped him on Iho shoulder and said "Would ya mind drivin 1 a little faster.

I want my mother-in-law lo catch thai I rain The cab driver stepped on the sas and said "Brother, I'll drive jest as though she was my own molher-in-law!" York Cotton NEW YORK. Apr. 26 (UP) closed barely sleady. open high low close 1310 1311 1293 1298 1312 1315 IMS 1306 1282 1288 127(5 1278 1282 1284 1272 1274 1282 1285 1275 1275 1288 1283 1280 1281 "'y Oct- Dfc Jan March the busy mixing bowl which being seen in the front of Roxy. When the graduated measuring spsons drop their level portions into the bowl, when the wooden spoon is creaming thc shortening, and the dry ingredienls are being sifted, each step of that measuring, blending and mixing process will be pictured faithfully through a series of fascinating close-ups.

Gifts Arc Added Inducement This will, be no dirccl-froni-tlie- Closinct Stock Prices NEW YORK. Apr. 26 (UP) World security and commodits markets dropped today on rumors ubsequcntly denied, lhat the United States is contemplating change in gold policy. A and Anaconda Copper Bethlehem Slcel Clhrysler Cilies Service Coca Cola General Electric General Motors International 'Harveste; McKcsson-Robbins Montgomery Ward New York'central Packard Spots closed sleady at 1358. on twenty-seven.

Chicago Corn open high Iow May 124 1-4 123 123 Scp 107 1-2 10S 1-8 IOC 1-2 10(i appeared on Arabian sola dance and served nttcndanl to an aerial artist In the circus. Federal Program Will Bc Effective, Woo ring Fells Congress WASHINGTON, Apr. 20 UPI Tlie federal i-ovcrmncnt has instituted a flood control which eventually will eliminate Iho major now causa by rampaging streams. Sccrctar of Wur Hurry 11. Woodring de- Inreci luday.

Addressing the National River Changes Made Purely for Sake ley Declares ncy, Dud- Attempts to find a political motive for recent changes in personnel at Dyess Colony are entirely without foundation in fact. E. S. Dudley, Colony administrator, told the Courier News over distance telephone today. on Saturday handbills apoeared the streets here and at Oswnla irging farm laborers to organize ind obtain higher pay for their and stating that organization could bc carried forward because of thc sinrenic court's, validation of the Waaner labor relations act.

The handbills were unsigned. They contained no threats. close Phillips Petroleum Radio Corp St Louis-San Francisco Simmons Bed Standard of Texas Corp Smelting Steel 1-2 Zonlte i. ...52 1-2 ...84 1-2 ...11,1 1-4 3 5-8 ...149 1-2 ...51 1-4 ...55 1-8 ...104 13 1-2 ...53 45 1-4 97-8 53 0 3-8 May- July Oct Doc Jan Itfarch VJ1IH.I; Lilt: LJIJ to discuss rumors of labor un-1 changes as have been made -est but apparently could find little! wcre of ro tinc nature and while 'oi-ndation for such r'parts ln ere were very definite reasons for hem those reasons had to do sole- with thc efficiency and welfare of the projects involved." Mr. Durt- ey said, adding that while further changes would no doubt be made rom time to time, none arc contemplated at this time.

Jesse L. Clinton, manager of thc store at Dycss. and Calvin Wit- ianis, manager of tlic drygoods department in the store, were among the Colony employes reccnlly released. Both formerly were employed by R. E.

Wilson company. Tom Lyle. Pine Bluff, succeeded Clinton. Other changes Involved thc retirement some weeks ago of Moblcy Estes as manager of tr.e Dyess cafe and of Gene inson, Blythevilb. as deputy sheriff for thc colony, a portion lie had held for three years.

Dickinson, who was succeeded by Richards, is now attending ihe stale police training school" at Little Rock. Ce- jcil Rice, former night officer at the Colony, was also recently displaced. Tom Haley, form IT assistant secretary to Gov. J. M.

Futrell, has added to the Colony's personnel. The Colony. Mr said, is being administered without regard for political considerations and with no objective but lo make it ,1 successful umtori.ikiu?. Ho Finds Jury. Failed to Determine Degree of Confessed Murder LITTLE ROCK.

Apr. 20 (UPI The state supreme court today reversed and reminded for new trlnl the death sentence imposed on W. S. Wells by a Montgomery county circuit court for the poison death of Henry Shaw on September 7, 1530. Weils appealed to thc higher court, after he had been sentenced on a plea of because (he record of his nts- clo.

the fact that r.o evidence was into it showing lhat Shaw r'icd of poisoning. 11,0 tribunal, MI it.vtM^ing tiK dentil penalty ordering sad the jury crT'l Ir fixing tin. determining llie degree of the crime. Thp court for a second tim reversed the Cl.r.:; roriily circuit court In Hie Mt't A L. Sanden- ryilnst the etmi company for a motor civ: Driver Is Probable Congress President liep, W.

J. Driver of Os- crola has been nientionert, as of National Rivers antl 'rtiirhol-B Con- for Its next president. Rcprcscnthijr this section at (he meeting in 12 members tlic hoard of the St. Francis Levee District, including O. c.

Langslon, and J. II. Crain, member of the board of District workcrs were struck toy a train near on Ihtli way to help clear iniu i of L-nrlh nntl rock from the. Baltimore antl oMo tracks. A Johnstown.

woman died of it heart attack induced by fright over tile rhin-. flood wulyvs. PltlsliurBh Principal cities by the rise ware; Ihe'nood city n'Mch reported Us highest water sliue the disastrous St. paliicK-, flooi of 1035. Evacuatio i of bi houses was startc I I'lUsburBh, its lich Ifl ill-lie' 1 threatened bj Al'- 0 heiH mil Monoinahola livers How together In the city lo lorm the Ohio.

United Stitts ML teorolosisl W. S. icslttciits of tlic possibility of a major flood and predicted a jo-faot river stage, ten I et ibovt noyl level, before neon tomorrow. prcdlc'lcd rise would tiny the Ohio river at Pittsburgh to a stnge ceedlug by several Inches the height reached in January Whrellnj, on thc io w-hcre Capt. ,1.

Hill of Unlbd i States Dam Numbci 12 -x crest or 43 feet second greit April flood on iccoul A feel was leich-d at wh'el and Congress the tWnlng scMiion of jccond annual convention. Wood-. the Hood control act of "e.stabU,i,.-(l as a nation- il policy Ihe participation of thc federal government in me con- of Hood ccnlio! measures on stream-, tributary navigable Atk-ntion of ilw repie, watrrways bodies, industry, stale antl local governments and business and civic or- concentrated nn w.itcr conservation and as nlal to navigation and yncrHi welfare. The delegates will seek a con- gicKiiqnnl to bcgi.i 01' flood control projects authorized year In 1 con- Yesirients 'of I hn 1 rf irdcretl to" he ready to thcli homes on diilck notice. IlisD Rapid Cumberland, Md vnere 1 tionai giinrd th" Amcrf can Legion and called oiit.

on emerscncj dutj ness on Main street was'suspended left its bi.ik to flow throujh the of thc cltj Rivers and ill oiei tin- west crn PcnnstMnln "the storehouse" of floods rose nt unusually rapid rite In Pittsbiirgn the Ohio rose inch 11 hour. The rise followed rains over 3(i hours and the depth of five in tr- 1 western Pennsylvania mounhins With the grnuml already drenched the water rolled from hill: into tlu mountain streams. There was no cessation of the rain and the dieted no let-u;) before Thursday. 1. P.

Holiman Burned During Storm Manila Child's Arm Crushed in Wringsi MANILA. Wayne, young son of Mr. and Mrs. w. W.

Fowler, crushed his arm in the wringer of a washing machine The baby had learned to start the machine and turned it on while no one was watching Dr. s. K. Adkinson toak him lo the Blythevilte hospital. ha follow-I in Little i Little meningitis i The appeal on Ihe S31.COJJ nt grantee! against company.

At 111 ivial Sanders a UUO jucijinent en 1 I have niylui t'jitrt been use thc STEEI.E. Tucker, two-year-old daughter of Mi. antl Mrs. Woodrow Tucker, who has rcvc: I'-ie decision spinal menhiBllis, Is recovering very Clar; county circu her physician lias an the LEPANTO. Ar -T Hotiimn planter of west counts near Lenanto.

was burned about his hands and when lightning InM Victim Recovering I wires about his 01 s- mg tl nlcrior to igint" Mr Hofimin was burned wrrn he t' wjres 'to disconnect them. Th? lightnins; struck during a heai rainstorm Friday afcout 3 o'clock. court at tin of (he (rial in 'r-pal The stale supreme court reversed and ordered dismissed tlic damage suit of A. D. Eason against the Union Compress and house company of Hope.

appeal lo the higher court was made by the compress com- pany after a Hompstcad circuit court had awarded Eason $2,990 in damages after he had been struck and robbed by Ernest rt negro employe of the company, which employed Eason us a night watchman. nounccd. Thc child took the disease over week ago and for some lime her condition was considered serious. After an examination at the Blytheville hospital she was returned to her home near Holland. There have been no other cases cf the disease here.

Orleans Cotton NEW ORLEANS, Apr. 26 Recurrence of "monetary change fears combined with other influences today to carry thc cotton market 05 cents to" $1.25 a- bale lower. 31-4 47 6-17-8 57 3-4 87 1-4 open 1293 1302 1285 1291 12D4 1298 high 12S5 1305 128G 1295 1294 1298 low 1283 1295 1274 1282 1200 128 close 1283 1295 1274 1283 1283b 1288 1051-4J Spots closed quiet at 133(5, ofl 8 S-R nineteen. Hawaiian Fish Outdo Rainbow In Color Plan Fcrfi Directs Raids on Whisky Violators that former Governor Futrcll. now attorney for the colony, had no voice in personnel mntln-s.

Wheat open high tow close May 127 1-2 123 1-2 If5 1-2 123 5-S -Jut 11C 1-4 116 3-4 114 7-8 115 HONOLULU colcr-blind Ichthyologist would have little suc- Tlie state supreme court held thai cess in classifying Hawaiian fish. lax stills filed prior lo passage The colors of Ihe rainbow are Act 2G4 of 1937.. which repealed Act jnst a starter. From there they go H2 of 1935. were not affected by to infinite gradations and repealing of the act.

blends, one visitor to the anuar- It sustained the 1935 measure. I iitm, apparently still a bit dizzy The decision was in the case of! from the swirl of color, described Robert M. Gehl against Edmmui the little Whikthi as "floatini mas- P. Carle in connection with the Icrpieces like modernistic rainbow- delinquent lax sale of six lots in hucci bubbles with waving tanners of delicately lintcd chiffon." Thc lalo David Starr Jordan of thc city of Slullgcirt. Gehl contended that the sale was Invalid because the lots In a group and not singly as provided by statute.

Thc lower court sustained contention. that The machine eun first was patented in 1863 by R. J. Galling, Indianapolis, Ind. HELENA.

April A surprise scries of raids by revenue today in len perrons 1 whisky on Sumbv and with possession and sale of whisky. Tile rnids 1 ally by I lo The le 1 11 court. Ford remained 'Ahi rc the Phillips coi.n nt 1 ji session. WEATHER ir tonight and Tuesday, slijblly cooler in north and central portions tonight, probably lislrt froU in. exposed places in northwest portion.

Memphis and cloudy tonight and Tuesday. Con- cool, lowest temperature nisht 44 lo 43. Stanford University found it necessary (o use more than fifteen color nesignalions in disci-thing a single fish. They were: old gold light goM; light copper, light blue, 1 indigo, blue, green, white, violet, tarnished tllvcr, light steel with a trace of rain rose, pearl, ypllow. purple, black, morning, according to Samuel P.

orange pink and bluish-fuscous. Noiris, official weather observer. The maximum temperature hero yesterday was 65. minimum -IB..

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