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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 5

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-1 ar 31 A DARK RIPPLD Seen Upon tie Onus of Next Week, YThicIi the Weather-Wis3llariiier of ths Political Sea Views, Icciaris That Ctragre is About to Hctnme Its Discussions. Which. Way the Will Blow and Its Chaages Presaged. TUB Earmeter Will Bs Lowest Whes the Tariff Cloud Passes Ey. Spirits Hat "Will Come Oat of Their Bend at the Collet-tors' Bidding'.

MarfWlio-Makeg-XIstakes Mar Be Sent Away From tlie Cotfncll lire. lire. Belt Belt Hr Traducer A Dem ocrat Appointed st Fairmont, West Virginia. Tba King-. i Joaea Squabble.

BestlaL XRrTCH TO Til (tiriFI. Wasjiixarox. I. Nunmlr 51, 1W 1h Kales Will lie ChlDcxt. Tlie feeling for A rhun( In the existing rules of tli lloune such, that change luuat riiue.

Tlie House hai been governed for soma year by a code of rule which were I at Long llranch If tin CommlU t-e oa Rules, of which Ham Randall was 1 1. airmail by reason of hi being the speaker. 1 1.0 House adopted them on the faith of the co.uial ttee, little dreaming they were Intended -I obstruct legislation. At the time of their a the leuiocrat had control of the li-iiie. '1 lu Republican voted for them the better the Democrat and make legislation Imp aslbla If a minority ao willed It.

Jul what shape the change will take no ono can lormw. One plan la to weaken the ot the Appropriation Committee by tiutrlbullog the money bills. Thia seem fair, I ut It la too heartily Indorsed by tho who wnt to steal the public money under the ute of legislation. Thia element la ao unan-Imoiu In favor of thia" procedure that It may overreach Itself. On the other band, despit la urged that a Demccratto House baa cnongh Innate honesty and vigilance to thwart tula clsss.

and for this reason Its unsolicited support ought cot to signify. The system nndor which the Hons of Representatives does buslncs Is wrong. It d'x a business. Indeed, by not doing It, for the rules will not prenilt it. The majority of toe body la at the raerey of minority, which fytn Interpose Itself an obstacle, no utter what considerations may suggest It.

II n-lor tti fuoll.u rules In force a member of Vornrcv has no chance to develops unless. Under I. he happens to be placed upon one of ft be commute which dominate the body, aV ln be l-ejrn- a cipher. Home of the ability tn pt sessions has thus been 1---L It la urged that the great body of t'ie I unc iu-an members will advocate the cw because of a sinister luotire. It 1m that If the money bill are sent prorois-uoiiiy to several committees Instead of one taut thre will be extravagance In the appro priations, and a bad showing wilt he made In tnt re.pect for the I cmoeratle aide.

Thl i.i bo irur. To luomr. however. Its truth i in go a atep further, and presume that there It not MifTicIciit honeaty and economy anion tfi IMotovratic Representative to taa care I the public I a teres! a. which to convene In a week will be fraught ltb great Interest to buaipeas lacs.

'I desire of a majority of the Democratic members to reform the tariff, which eulml rated In trie election of Carlisle as Ppeaker, li now Intensified. This means tariff aglta- tlon. It even dominates the sliver question, and the outlook I that it may be that a new tariff will be adopted. It la true the Hecate la rot disposed to matte a change, but It ta p-re bended that tf the protectionists under and the revenue reformers under I arlLiIe'aad Morrison can frame a btil that tH get the support of both wings the Senate bwl stand In the way of Jts becoming a -w. At t) the fear that President Cleveland's ai are to be antannlzrd by lie- iMIeun is more of a aoereer jw tlianafnrt.

The great bulk of the recess ap- olntm) oU will be confirmed without oppo I ikime of his appointees will be re t. as they oubt be. This, however, txt-ji the cae when tlie Executive and --nate were lit political accord. Mr. if antagonized at all.

will be by a rather thau by the Republican parly. atep will be taken to repeal i lril twrvlce la sr. It will be subjected to utitrin- attni'lt here and there, but not In a uDialattve war. aud for such reason It will t'. Lk ertectlve.

If a secret ballot could be t-k. the law would be repealed by a two-iUi Vote. The leaders of both parties de- i It an look upon It aa the crowning folly i nl into modern politics, but for all I It li allowed to stand as a inon L.r:.r to aa ailcced reformer, wbo has held ills li( without a competitive test I-. at trhiaky In Itoad. I t-l-t the tckilrattn- of I'ommluloDtr 'n rr -oiiitotuJatlon, that distilled spirits to remain In bonded warehouse 1 f.

the payment of tax until put upon for consumption, the dlatlllers of i.t-.vky win doubtless make a demoustra- -i ungrcsa for relief. On the side Of re (ui ba no dispute at to the mer-. ir but the chances are not one 1 1 success. The troable Is that In 'th the Interests of tola class the tiie Ilepublican tide do not loos; -bt tuy be Involved, but only upon and the cry goee op that the itraiie pirty Is allied to whisky. f.jitunite that the people of this i ir ea-ilj hoodwinked, acd when the cut In thia way two out of Sve are This makes the situation Larraaameut for the honest advo- Ixdisse that the capital Invested i I lu.try ought to have a fair bearing.

II I J- i I that spirits onght not to be uuf for oppression while Iron, lead, 3 :,1 other products are glvra achaaca. cu is the The very appearance if stir committee seeking legislation the depressed trade will be the cry of wnlsty ring, and this acts uiva nic a whose natural Instincts aeate are ready to grant the ii. a ex In. the argamenU are rather ih Tne three years exten- i the irnde, after all. more barm than to an cnorxuous overproduction.

the umior now of 1 la arodut S) ai I .1. a priviuces depression. An Indetlnlte r-'i tlis tax were now goods as have alreaJy bad the tao cxtcn.lona. If the balanes-' 4-r clean and tae trade could some and ak this relief for fature 'n. It mlcht be graitted.

but to iu brneflti the stock of overprodsesd 'i-y r.uw on band ta toe at raw watch l--s lbs camel's back. Klag aat Joaea. 1 1 esrd of J. Floyd King, la which ne de- lutbhsri ik Jones as an assassin. rather than tuolllflea the troable to products of tbs Pellcaa L1' pots Jnuea ouUioe the pala of o.

asd all that left for the latter to Jt 1 assault tbe Coagresesma by otthsr tskltsbia alapp.u bis face, or cUp-riCLjueara. la a sanguinary engageaaeat lUUkind Klorouht to have tbs best of be la about twtse the stxe of hardly aa alert. Taere t6 of tear that a street flibt y. hsever the two inset, altbouga alut-d that June Is aboat to prepare "UITarixlag UaxeV Friend Jfe Baaa. paiated.

Clsvalaod has sppolptsd ewton be at Falnasoat, W. ss Thsaas UeiJ, shoe omalBlora ar at plred nearly two months ago. Tb la Is tire case that embarrassed Mr. Cleveland so much because x-Preldeat Hayes asked sf blot as a personal favor to reappoint Mr. Rcid.

It ta Bderatood that Mr. Cleveland was disposed to comply wither: Hayes' request, bat oe reoent publlcaMoo In regard to the controversy and tie atoms of indignation arouaed among WeVt Virginia DsmocraU constrained the Presldeat to act otherwise and appoint the Deoaocra reoommeaded by Congressman VVilaon. KeniKor Camden got bar Huadny, and It la belief ed that he advised President Cleveland of Ifaenteose feeling a soon West Vlrflnla Ixmocraxs. aod Mr. Cleveland settled the matter by Appointing Mr.

Barnes. Tbe Ores Discoverer sf IMplsBBatse. The situation afn tbs Presidential Cabinet baa now reached that poiat which constrains IU Premier to deny that be to retire. It Was published that the President waa anxious to have tbs Ks-Delaware Senator go, and would gladly accept hie resignation. It woald seem that there are two Important tratbs beretu.

Mr. Bayard Is not going to resign, lis Is not tha klad of a man. He was never kaown to lojse hi bold on a good thing. It Is equally true, bswsver, that the President oes not Ibiat Mr. Eayard as' great a tusaashedld months ago.

Thia Mr. EayaxJ mutt' blmsell know, or els why does be complain to bis confidential friends that tbe President does not now give hliJ the consideration Le oace dlJT The ftollar sf Delsr. bear that the assault on tbe silver la Herniary Manning' report Is to be un vUivncal and searehliig. Much stress Is to be put ipsa tbe allegation that It is a cheat and that Its value is only mailer If It be called a dollar. This Is the v'all-treet view.

Mr. Manning will have niucn difficulty In eoavertlog tbe Western and rtoutbera members to bis belief. Tb fact Is that la tbe West and bouth the buz- tard dollar Is not unpopular. With It tb farmer can go Idto any store and buy as ruuc as he "can with the greenback. When tbe farmer presents himself as a purchaser tb storekeeper does not ask.

blm in what raoue be proposes to pay. His silver' dollar goes as far as his greenback. Tha tradesman does not discriminate. All shop-keepers will tak them. Tbe New Tork banks.

It la true, refuse to receive tbem on deposit, aud will not allow balances to be moved In silver by tb Western banks to New Tork. Otherwise the silver dollar moves along aa smoothly aa tb legal tender or National Bank note. The silver dollar Is not boycotted by the people, but by the Kaatern bankers. It will Indeed, be strange If Western and Southern Congressmen UDlte with the banks to drive them out of existence, and thus make a alarming contraction of tb clrculatin medium. Tbe Treasury officials offer a lame excuse for not Baying the bonded debt.

It is a part and parcel of tbe organized war on altver, led by Mr. Jordan, the United States Treasurer, an an old National Bank officer. It Is given out that there will not be a bond call until afte January, because there la not tbe money I the Treasury to warrant It- Tb fact nevertheless, that there is to-day upward of In gold In tbs Treasury, of which ten to twenty millions could readily be ap plied to the redemption of bonds. Just now tb New York banks and bankers are urging that a call be made and payment be tendered In stiver. Tbl they think woo Id further tend to nn popularize ellver.

Hecretary Manning thinks however, the result of such aa act would be disastrous. There would be no trouble about getting tb bond-holder to take the stiver. a It would be paid immediately back In th Treasury again through th customs, Ac, bu tha foreign bolder of American securities. stocks and bonds. would put tbem In tn market to New York at onoe and demand gold for tbem.

This would cans a run on th Treasury that would deplete Itwltbln sixty or ninety days. Tb finances of th country would then be redaeed to tb silver standard and there would follow a great fall ing off In the standard of values, and silver would fall In price below It present standing. Heqnel to the Belt Ilvorc Trial. Tb sequel to th Belt divorce cas to-day prompted tb arrest of Are professional II- nesaes for perjury. Mrs.

Belt was tbe widow Godfrey with whom Congressman Acklen had the escapade. She married Belt, a rich but aated BalUmrirean at a summer watering- place. 11 abandoned her at New Orleans. Pending a suit for divorce testimony was taken In thia city, and a good deal of It, It appears, waa manufactured to blacken Mr. Belt's name.

Horns weeks ago she secured a divorce with alimony, and now th game widow I making It hot for her perjured raallgners. all of whom bare been held to bai for further appearance. Tbe Court of Alabama Claim Moribund. The Court of Alabama latins, which has been a baven for the son of public men as employes and counsel. Is about ready to pu sp its shutters.

I laat ease will be called tomorrow. There may some Incidental mo tions for rehearing, but otherwise tbe labors of tbe Court are at an end. because lb bust nesa before It Is about finished, and further. for th reason that th appropriation for its continuance la exhausted, and It Is not In tbe probabilities that a Pemocratl Hons of Kepre ntatlveswlll revive Ik sateel. of Ilrazil, IndV la In tb city.

George, of Cincinnati. Is at tb Na- lisrrett. Clay County. Indiana. candidate for an Indian Agency, ia la tbe city.

Richard nuntcbeon.of Laporte. Ind-, who has been here several days, goes to New York to-morrow. Tbe Pnet-offlcss at Kim ford. Warn County, and at Bultau. Kanawha Coanty, West Vir ginia, bar been abolished.

A Post-office has been established at D'oliett, Grant County. West Virginia, and amson H. tlmlth commissioned Postmaster. Patrick Farley, of Liberty, Ind, an aspirant forth Postmastprhlp at that place. Is here to labor with Congressman Holman.

The engagement Is announced of Mr. Crlch ton Malcolm to Miss Mamie McFalls. of this city. Tbe marrlag to tak, place In Janu ary. Mr.

Win. B. XHibsno, of Bowling Green, Ohio, and editor of tbe Wood County Democrat, arrived here this evening. He may re main during tbe winter. Hon.

Frank irbrd, of Toledo, Is expected her next week. He baa engaged hi old quarters at and will force hi con test, cas at the earliest possible day. Major Arch McGlnnls.of Bloomtngton, Special Examiner la the Pension Ofllce, has been assigned for permanent labor to Louis- villa, whither he will go to-morrow. Congressman Sensy and wife, of Tiffin. Ohio, will eat Tbanksglviug dinner at home-, and are expected In Washington the first of next week.

Mr. and Mrs. Heney have en gaged rooms at No. 12181 street for the winter. Representative Hill will not brine his fam ily to Washington this winter.

They will remain In Defiance. Mr. Hill ha engaged quarter for tbe winter with Captain ft- H. Baits, of tha Capitol Police Fores, on Capitol HIIL Major J. W.

Fpark. of Mur frees boro. Tennessee, has shipped by express two live possums, which vers canght on the battle field of Murrreesboro. On of these 1 to be presented to th President and th other to Assistant Secretary of Slat Porter for their Thanksgiving dinners. Reports received at th Treasury Depart ment ladlcat a growing scarcity of ten-cent ilver piece la all parts of th country.

In ae- eordauc with Instruction from th Treasury Iepartmnt about g.MMa disss were soloed at the Philadelphia Mint about a week ago. These, however, were found Insufficient to supply th demand, and the bupertntendsut of tb Mlat has since Tsesa laatracted to coin lata dimes all tha onearrent subsidiary sliver coin there way be at tb Mlat. rasaags Salt Fatally Injured. racial. Mar-sTcw to twb axqerara.

Matuaox. Isrx. "Tore be St. A dosen or mora person woo removed from PI tub org to tbl city last spring under promise of steady mploymentln th New Eagl Cotion-rulll will so tb company for damages, they having been discharged oa account of the mill not running. Jama Rowan, well-known boa drayman.

brotaar Of Rev. Patrick Rowan, ot Evaas- vul. while lifting at a ptaao Injured himself internally so badly that It wlli result labia death. ratal ee ideal ta Brakemaa. orai.

iar Tea kxqi tax. Coastorrox; Ohio, Noveatr lb Herbert Baallh. a brakemaa of Denalson, agsd twaaty-four, fell between tn car of a freight train beta to-night aad Waa Instantly killed, but remains will be hroes Ut bam to Coshos-toa for barlaJ. CataUB oftentimes Isada to socissmplioo XuXM Bloods bsuaaparUi before it la Lu istav j.T.r tlonal.l W. if tl ev THE "WKDNESDAY; NOVISIBER 125, 1885.

PALL MALL Eraaks Lotx La tbs City of Cleveland. Startling Story of Sia ia the Higher Schools. Ohssese literature aad Pictures ia tlie Kinds of the Pupils. A Xaatber of TonnstJIrJsiRmlned acl fcqaa4 of Eors Expelled. An Exposition of Sbameful Behavior Hardly Equaled Toy tb Lata Sensation la liondoa.

rxcui liarica to tiii Extract. I.tvri.a.'-D, UUIO, November 24. A most profound senaattoa was caused this evening by the discovery that aevt-ral young ladies aad gentlemen of prominent families la this city aud members of toe iilsh behoof bad been guilty of tbe most lascivious conduct, aad that one of the girls, a beautiful young woman, was la a delicate couditlon throngn ber Indiscretions. The discovery was made accidentally by on of th teachers of the West High Hchool. Th students are in tbe habit of exchanging notes during tbe session boors.

This practice 1 strictly forbidden. A few days ago one of tb teacher happened to see out of tb students, a young man seventeen years of age, and tbe son of a prominent and wealthy citizen of tha Wast hide, throw a note to a young lady near blm. The note was Intercepted and read by the taaeher. What waa ber conater-nation to discover that the note asked for an appointment that evening, and suggested that when they met their conduct should be of the most lascivious aod licentious character. Th note was placed Immediately before th Principal of tha school, snd the young man taken to a private office and subjected to a searching examination by tbe Principal In tb presencu of tb assistant teacher.

The boy, trembling with fear, told th following story, corroborated subsequently by other facts, which certainly shows a depth of depravity rarely met with la society of any kind whatever. II stated that at ut two months ago one of tb boys. member of tbe High School, had got bold of a umber of verses and pictures of a lascivious character. These verses and pictures reached a number of tbe girls. Several of th girls did not seem at all offended at them, but apparently encouraged the young fellow to follow up tbe conduct that the picture and verse suggested.

Tha result waa that three of th young men. tb father of on of tbem being a teacher In tb very and three of tbs lady students, became very well acquainted; so well. In fact, that tbe vers seduced, and the ooterle, all of whom appeared to know each others' secrets, were In th bablt of mealing In secluded Maces, act ingfd'a most shameful manner. The young ladies, two-of whom are slaters residing on tb South Hide, are very handsome, and their people are in excellent circumstances. They are fifteen, sixteen and seventeen year of age.

Tbe young men are all of prominent families, and are about the same ess as the girls. The whole matter was placed In the band of tbe fcuperln tendent of Instruction and Mr. Welman, of the Humane Society. The three youug men will bs expelled, but on account of tbs girls' parents no publicity will bs occasioned by an action afalnat tbem. One of the yonng ladle I aid to be In an In teresting condition, aud to show tbe depravity of th wool a flair does not knowopon which of tbe three young men to place tbe paternity of ber ch lid.

Tb In vestlgatloa did not stop here, and naw facts were rapidly de veloped In another quarter. It waa foaud that a number of coplee of -the verse and the picture, with all their licentious suggestions, had been circulated among the older students of tbs Tremont Grammar ScnooL It I now known that two or thres girls be longing to this school bave been seduced. Tney are only fourteen and fifteen years of age. The boy who rained th girls will also be expelled. To what extent the whole bnai-nesa has gone It Is impossible at this lime to tell.

The tescber tha school where the discovery made have been very reticent about It, and only the most meager facts can bs gleaned. The bunerlnlendent of Instruction, however, has substantiated the facta as given, aud bus also declared bis Intention to make a public exatrpl of the young mn who ruined th girls. One of tbe boys, la glvlDg an explanation a t- bow tbe verses and pictures cam Into bis possession, said that a mechanic residing on Lake a tret bad given him the verses and tbe pictures, and that be Lad at first shown them to th boys only. At laat it was agreed among a few that they would show them to tbe girls. The parents are aJuio.t paralyzed with grief, and the entire comuiuoity la stirred to It depth regarding the inattcr.

WOMAN'S INHUMANITY. Cass of Meat Crnel Treatment sf Schonl-Cirl at Helawars. arrcfai. aisrarcai to rst axuniasa. liiuvatz.

Ohio, November 2C The case of the rltal of Ohio vs. Mra. llllara llunlap, for the cruel manner In which she has been treating ber stepdaughter, occupied all of yesterday before His Honor Mayor Baker and a Jury. After bearing all th testimony the Jury returned a verdict of guilty, and His Honor gave her a 100 tine and thirty day la th County Jail, wbrr she now languishes. The facts of the Case are as follows: A weeks since th H.P.l'.A,o( tbls city, were Informed that A woman on the south side of Main street had beeu In the bablt of cruelly beating and torturing ber lllll tlilrieu-y ear-old stepdaughter.

They liniiiedlaielv called on Aire. L'uulao. hut tlnding tne little girl was at school, tlies liia aeliool-houae, where ane gave the I acta oi the ctse. it seema that airs. Hun lap for some trifling otlenss made the girl go aud feed tbe chlvKeaa wun notnlng but her thin underclothing un.

and when sue had entered ine bouse after this work filled her mouth and hair wun eoft-toam and after partly waahiug it out atarted her to school. 1 lie girl aeut to ber married sister's and finished br toilet an.f then went to achoob At everal times Mrs. Dunlnp has been known to take the little girl by the hair and bump ueud iLnmn me wan ao hard a to break th Mho has bee a known to rurllv cbaftlae the child witit a leather stran. and she ktiowed the bruises on tier li tubs aud bead. Which conaialod of several ruunlng The general opinion of the nubile Is that he woman fully deserved ber punishment.

Tlie feeling over the matter waa interne, and tar and feathers were freely talked or. hen lagan to the County Jail she was followed by a crowd of over lures bund red people, who hooted aud Jeered ber uubl sli was safely housed. Mrs. Dnnlsn Is aald to baa fall conslu of the late hariotle Cuhmau, and previous to this time had borne a good reputation in the community, and wasoue of the leading mem bers ot the Ban ill Churcn. it iaaafetosav that she wlli not commit anymore offense for aom tituc WIEhKKKlJ III DAUGHTER.

Startling Coafeealsa sf aa Old Mas sa Ills Heath-Bed Why He Com stilted th Crins, LoOAxarosr, Ixc, November 2L Clement Graajlngvr. an old man. who has lived la this county all bis life, died suddenly. On hi death-bed confessed that be had murdered is own Ami enter six years ago. Ktie was found dead In a amoke-bouaa at tbs time, and every tblug indicated suicide.

1 ne cms rxtaa states idki is ranripiu criminal relations with ber ne crept up tw ind ber. when she was Daring bolsioe. Drew a halter around her neck and to death, if men curried tne body to luv moke-bouse, end arranged thlnra ft Ktva credence to tus siory of suicide. 1 be girl was twaaty years od. and Uvea with ber tatacr.

Brllllaat Cvsnt at ladtaiapolis. srrcuii rrrcg tbi ut'orisu. Ixdia AroLi. November 24. Oa of very brilliant social event of thia season oecurred tbl evening at tba reception of State Treasurer aad Mrs.

Cooper at their le gaat residence on Norta Pen naylvanla street. ur ivu aasdrrd lavliallona liad been aa-at out. and tbe parlors were aroused with tbe SMSIf.VKtitn and culture of tbe liooawer capital, tjmclal dignit adtied to tne diaitno ttoa ef tbe spieodld mere being praent Vtce-Preldent and Mrs. hsndrlcKv all tbe rttateotnev-rsaud inelr wives and la Sprm Court Jndseaand their wives. MnalR.

dancing aud a luxuriouaiy-aprtad supper Oiled up th suing a enjoy itieuk Waahlsgtsa rollectlsaa. avwciAi, aiaearea to twb sta-Qciaaa. Vi'atuliriiax C. Oulo, November tt. The rase of tbe Mais vs.

Angusin lcbeons for assault wtta Inteat to commit a rape oa at aaaas Jeaat Clara, a highly rsspectable and nret ty young lady of this city, cam op la tbe Common Piss Court yesterday, th Jury retaraiag a verdict of guilty at a late hoar laat algbu Nlcaeonat a young col ored man about twenty year of age, aad hall from London. Ohio. Mia Clark tea till ad that ab was passing; down Tempi street oa ber way to work and Nicbeona came out ot tb alley near her bouse and walked down the street behind ber. Hhe pala no attention to him antll she reached tb school-boaa yard, when be grabbed ber around the waist and ah beeaiae so frightened that fainted away, remaining in aa unconscious condition for som time. Other witnesses 'testified that th brut grabbed tb girt, and they thought hi Intention waa ta drag her off to tbe eoal-hoase.

but was frightened away by the screams of tbe horrified girt and the approach of oitirr parties. Judge Minabali will doubtless give tu rascal a good term la the penliectiarr. Mr. A. Carney, an old and mpected dt-lzn.

dropped dead on toe street In front of lr. Iiraia' residence at elgnt o'clock thia morning from paralysis. Hs was a prominent OUd-feilow. Iu the Common Pies Court yesterday Wra. Msiler was found of burglary, lis bar-glarlzedutt' stor at Cook elation laat summer.

Mr. Lon Thompson, one of our leading citizen a. la reported tn be dying of pneumonia. 'lit Haivatiua Army lit crowing rapidly here. The aeeue at to barrack last sight ass indescrlbaole.

MURDER NEAR HENDERSON. Geerge SatMlsrs subs Ilia Wife tbs Heart Tbs Reaolt of a Family QaarrsL sraclaX DZSFaTCH til SxaCIBCB. Kr axsvili-E, Is November 25 1 A. nJ Information was lodged at Henderson last nigbt by Officer Turaer of a murder committed across tne river and near Loekbart Point, four or five mile above that city. Tbe murderer waa one Gears Sanders, and tb murder was committed about five o'clock In tbe afternoon.

Mr. Bandera, tb wife, was tb victim. This lady was a near relative of Mrs. Kelly, wife of the superintendent of the railroad wharf-boat at Henderson. The only Infor mation to be bad of tb terrible deed waa got from Mr.

Kelly, who. teemed to know but little of th particular himself. Th gist of tha story Is about as follows: Handera cam over the river to Henderson and met Kelly. Hi band were bloody-, 'an upon being Interrogated confessed that be bad had a difficulty with his wife acd stabbed ber lust below th left nipple. Inflicting wound from which be supposed she would die; at any rate, he left ber for dead.

Officers were notified by Kelly of tbe cutting, and search was made, but at a 1st hour nolhln further had been beard from -him. Sanders, it Is said, was at on time a driver of a -beer- wagon in Henderson. I At tbls writing. 2 a. no further partlen Jars of th tragedy have been brought to light.

TifMn'a New Postmaster, arxctab nurATta to thi bxqi-ikkju Tirvtx, Ohio, November 24. A private telegram to Congressman Seney to-night an nounced that Lloyd N. Lease, whom he recommended for tbe posltloo, has been ar- tKtinted Postmaster for thia city. Mr. Lease is a lieinoomi to the core, and hi friends, to a few 01 whom it la only known, are snower- lug their congratulation upon blm.

Mr. Leas served two terms a bheriff of Seneca County, mad a popular oOiclal and was elected and re-elected with a larger majority than any of nls predeoteors or successors. His appointment was bitterly eonteated, and nia aiiccvsa ia retrnraea as a virotia evidence oi Judge Ueney's Influence with the Aduilnislra nouai asuiugion. i Fayette Cennly stock Sale. rectal dispatch to tbi kxuuici.b.

Vashixutox C. November 24. There was a large attendance at the November (lock soles! to-day, and a number of Cincinnati buyer were present. Horse marge! atreetere brought 1M ier bead; drivers. 12j to Situ heavy draft, 17..

to lj: mules, gm to rx head. Koriy brad were sold. There were four hundred head on the eatti market. a llien soiu at as rw per ewu Tootb-ia. ar-ccrar.

brsF-ATca: to tbb bmocibcb. HFBtxoriEi-D, Ohio, November 24. C. I aged and respected resident of Clif ton street, swallowed hi full set of upper teeth In hi sleep last night and ea me nea strangling to death. A puysiclun.

alter bard work, finally extracted Ihsui iron bb tluov aca who a pair oi forceps. Sudden TuVatu. arsciAt, ztisrsTCat to tbs ixacura Washington. November 2-lv Cor nelius Williamson, of this city, aged 2i. died suddenly of heart dlseaa this He csiue here from Knox County, aud leaves a wile sua two cuildrcu.

Fonrth-Claas Poatmaatera. WAnixro D. November 24. The Pofftmnaier-Geue: si in-day appointed the following rourM-claa foatmaaiers: Ouio A a os la. yl vrster Uruobs: A ntlqulty.

Theodoro Winters: lieloit. I'raiik P.M. bueirv l-amerlliie. J. V.

Khambaugh; Long lev. Geo. Mervlu; KocKinna. Ihomaa O. JlrTaceart svracuse.

ihomaa A. Carroll Torch. SI. vt'. Tupper's Plains, H.

H. eiauburu; West ami urine, aaines n. iiioniit. inpi a v. Wallace.

ICC. Mydanrer. Inn. KKXTft-gy Berry, Charles 1. Leuba; Forks or llkhorn, liugiiea: Ginaguw Junction Crittenden M.

Kdniiinds; Jarrelt, Conrad bbader; uoKirl, juosov J. lie Id. Wet ViaiiixiA Auburn. I D. McWhor.

ter; brlacoe Hun. Jeaaf K.Cole: Fnrgaburg, John Kolu: Hlgtiy. 1. Cobb; Navark, James P. Kuffiugton; tied House Kboala, Charles Pate tersou.

City Personals. D. C. CbxntLL, of Flndlay, Ohio, la in tbe i LkSLirHcwiTT, of Buffalo, It a Gibson ar rival, i w. p.

Tt'BKirp, of Clrclevllle, Is at tbe Grand. M. B. Hatck, of ittddlelown, Ohio, i at the Gibson. A.

T. Prnav, of Cleveland. Is registered at the Grand. If ARTMETtn, of clrclevllle, Ohio, 1 at ne iiurufk P. S.

FrrcH, Richmond, I stopping at tae ourneu J. W. MsaiBBkx. of IVnthians, Ky Is at in nurneu A. T.

Baliavtisc, of Cleveland, I a lata Gioaon arrival. I P. J. r.xs wr. of Chicago.

I amour the unnii arrivals. I. Cornell, ot Klndlay. Ohio. 1 a Buck eye at tb Gibsuti.

A. Wnii.A5n.of WestervIUe. I reels tared as me new ouriiet- W. W. ADAMi.

of Mlllersbarg. Ohio. Is tton- pinKsiiiiruiuain. M. V.

Kkt-trr. of Epringfield. Ohio. Is aair tered at the Gibson. H.

J. Ohborx r. of Oxford. Ohio. 1 anions- ins r.inery arrivals.

J. TJDftLrr 11 ALL. cf Paris. France, la a Loup. lai ai tue c-t.

iMcnoiaa. Mb. axn Mrs. J. H.

Ma box, of Cleveland. are at the ru NicUulaa. Pbsrt KnawoBTH, of ralnesvllle. Ohio. I topping at th FJnery.

i G. W. Cox and A. It- Amis, of Flemlsnbnrr. are at Ihs Hotel tmery.

Jons A. BCOTT. of Flndlar. Ohio- drooned In at tbe Mk Nicholas last night. I Wnn advaneai irnt fne fat.

ant Farron, is registered at the Gibson. J. H. Gkttx and wife and Mrs. Wakefield.

DanvlUe, Ky ar at th Kmery. Ma. f. Tl'HXBB and Miss Lucy tsultzer. of ilaysvllte, Ky ar Kmery guests.

Mb. jn Mis. Howard a. JMrrn. of Boch- eaiier.

N. i are at the bu Icbolaa. J. M. WraTCnTT.

of Richmond. well known niaaafaeturer, is at the Grand. Mr. P. A.

Wright, scent of ths Kxuniii at Xenia, Ohio, was la town yesterday. MR. A. M. Cnuvx baa ret urn erf from a fortnlgat'a busl neas vial to tbe Far Mouth.

1- II. Comer, advanrs irrnt of the R. Gardiner Ltrasuattc Company, ia at tbetiio-on. i. ofColumbns.

PreaMantof the Board ot Trad of the Capilai City, is at ths Gibson. MR. TROW. Hnlasr aad W. Raid win.

of Mavsvllle. and P. Whitman, of New Vort. axe at the Burnet. MRR.

CTRTt. Mr. 1 toll la. Wkltmaa and A. M.

van. ZsnssvlUs, regUtsred at Lbs Burset yea tarda r. A Hlld-SunRO ruhlnl ratrfv. maiiitlae Mrs. E.

arson, las Msdr Carson and Mis A. 1. Pu irs ley, are at tb Emery. W. X.

audi to and wife, of Indianapolis. Were at the orand yesterday. Mr. Harding waa here taking depositions la cassia wbica oaniaivraueo, Ma. R.

1L Park, tb American sculptor, who has ben for aumberof years in lta.y, ha returned bom aad 1 stopping here at tbe present tlsus. A ktiTiTit party, consisting of W. W. Mitchell and wife, Misa Mamie Neely, Miss ailnnie Neely. Miss katle Holiday and Mis Louie HoiWsy, are at the Corset.

Oxx-T nickel ceaolue Havana njar Grand. Fasr Robbing a Preacher, srtaatsaritri tatxs'txtnixa Fix plat. Oa to. Nevember2a. John Ander.

son. a colored yoaag man of this city, was today teatenced toon year In the penltoultary fr of a rand larceny. He stole a watru from Wa.l, Cuicln-aalA, a rai a tt sine. ra Uer.

Captala Thorn aad lus two JW tascs Ifawker, from tytoa, exbt lb devil uaaAslstsd by aajr mssculta soiniars at saxth Sopse SEALSKIW in We shall place on sale TO-DAY nst from our manufactory, which lously low fisnrea i 7 at $75.00, 6 at $90.00, at 100.00, at 115.00, art $125.00. These are In fashionable lengths, and the best rallies ever offered since the Introduction of Sealskin A. E. BURKHARDT 113 West Fourth and Syeamor now. Last nigbt the bail waa crowded, a few chippies and a great mass of young fellows being present, with th usual accompaniment of polio.

Tb few Interruption were of the good-natured giggling order, nd no more ruffianism was displayed. Miss Thorn called attention to tiia tact that tney were not collecting enough to pay hall rent, and unless something was done would bave to go without a stove. Hue wanted them to turow in. wne meeting at lb other ball on Central aveune was quiet and orderly aud Waa conducted by Ca plain fcsrte. HEAX Bl'BGUIU.

Robbing Children's of Pennies. When Mr. Samuel Uannaford avrose yester day morning and went to th lower floor of bis residence In Wiutou Placs. he found that burglar had been visiting tb premise during th nigbt. They earn in by way of the hall window, which It seems was unlocked.

about the floor were garmeula. turned lnalde out. and quantiilee of burned matches. Tbeclothing had been carried down-a Lair- from tne sleepiag-roorus and examined at leisure. The yield was i.

and they very coiisiaerately left a street-car ticket aud on-eent In the ptK-ket of a nitirof pants. With nn eve for fancy need le-work, they took an embroidered aillc lambreqnin and a patch-work scarf from tne parlor. Two over-i-iMita were next added to tlie plunder, snd finally they old the meanest thing of the evening when they broke two miaslnnary Jugs in. which the children bad been religiously putting their penults for soma tluis. Digsst Tonr Food If yon want to be healthy.

How can you If your teeth refuse to do their workf Get them put In order, by skillful dentists, and use SUZQIXINT to keep them right. SOZO-IxNT Is tbe best preparation for lb teeth. America BalHllae is a favorite article In American laundries. Try it; you will never use any other. It is Just what you want.

I I LOCAL Koxicza EXCTTgJ rXT OVER A AR TElOrs CCRR fx EvOLAKO-Tbenewspapersof Great Britain are Oiled with account of tb wonderful recovery of a youug man who bad been so 111 with asthma and rheumatism that be was uot able to lie down In bed for nine longyears. This cur was due to the buskers of il i. Lebanon. X.Y. They ay that this.

Ilk nearly all others, was the result of Indigestion, aud that theHbaker Extract of Boot (Slegel's Syrup) effected this won-Jerful cure by restoring the digestive organ to a healthy condition, obviating entirely those disagreeable turns of sick headache, bllioiisne, fcc The Shakers say they have spent fifty years in perfecting tbl remedy for Iyspepla. and that Its streets upon tbe digestive organs ar something wonderful. For disease of tb throat or lung they reo-ommeod the Shaker Tar Capsule. sts-NERVorS, DEBILITATED MES, Ton ar allowed a frre trial tMrtg dayt of the use of Dr. Dye- Celebrated Voltaic Belt with Jslectrle Suspensory Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure of Nervous Debility, loss of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles.

Also, for many other disease. Complete restoration to health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. No risk Is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full information, terms, Ac, mailed res by addressing Voltaic Bklt Marshall, Mich. deC4-ltMtWSul are-Anvzcit to Mothrrs.

MRS. WIVS- LOWHSOOTHIXta SYRl'Phould always ud when children are cutting teeth, it re lieves the little sufferer at once; It prod pecs natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cherub awakes as "bright as a button." It is very pleasant to turn. It soothes the child, soften the gums. allay all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known remedy for dlarrbrcal whether arising from teethlnss or other causes. Twenty-five cent a buttle.

nomwail-lyi ExcgPTioNAt. purity and cleanliness make Parker Hair Ulasam th popular balr restorer very-wberc. Parkers Tonla Is tb best purifier of tb blood. trOtxtiAL Washijcotosw China Tea Set at Cnlted State National Museum 1 repaired ltb 10c Royal Glue." Mend every thing. Drugs, grocers, 4c 10c -SOLID SILVER THIMBLES, 23c, Botld Silver Napklu Ring.

SL AMERICAN JEWKLKY Is, Arcade. lUO4-lf s-SOLID GOLD BINGS AND EAR-DROPS, mounted with th Lefevr Diamonds. SI. AMERICAN JEWELRY Arcade. aTW ATCH ES Gold, IJil to fc25; Silver.

SO to U1 Watches repaired. Come aad see. It. R. STRUEVE.2CS Walnut street ao5-2l r- toft, bunion and Inverted nail re moved without pain or blood, 43 Arcade, up stairs.

DR. CAREY. So-Old Whisky. PARMERTOX. 28S W.

eih. DEATHS. BROADWELT-In Cnmmlnavlll. Tuesday. November LMIh.

at o'clock A. Jose- pnine. oniy oi Marry and Ada Ornad- well, aged year and moniha. Funeral from residence, on Fergu atreet, north oi in' umminavine, i nurxu.iy. clock P.

M. Burial private. INew York Herald pieasecopy.j DAVIS Momlay. November 53d, A. a.

ia vis. in year of tier age. runerai Wednesday, ith, at 2 o'clock 1. M. trvlcea from Trinity M.

xu.viiurcu. nuriai private. McNAMARA At his lata residence. fl John son street. Covington.

George J. theSlst year of his age. Funeral Ihursdny, November 'JU. l'eVi. at -Si o'clock A.

from SU Patrick's Church, with High lla. MELONA Verv at hla home In ovington. Captain George vi Me ton a. In bja year. Nona knew bun but to love Dim, nor named him but to praise.

Pus K.KJS Naomi power, at ber late resi dence, Indian Will. November Itld. at lP. M. Funeral from Armstrong l'bapv-1.

Indian HliL Thursday. November 2th. at 11 A. M. PF.NDERY Hsttle A.

Pendery. Novemher runerai Anursaay, jiiu, at iu A. -i. rnrate. RICE-Snnday, November $2d, Henry, Free man, infant son of Kdward F.

snd r.usl l. Rice, aged 4 months and dajrs. Funeral from reaidenee. Washlucton avenue. Walnut Hills, Wednesday.

November lh. at 1U3UA.U. UurUI private. 22 TKIRNAN Mrs. John Tel man, November -llu.

1 1'. l. uneral will taKe lace Thora- day morning at 9 o'clock, from Si. Stephens vuurcu, voiumoia. WEAST November 2S, Fuel Weast.

ged jrvarrs anu raonin. uneral ai iu a riora, November ZUb.grom bia late reldnce. 2iS est Third street. Burial private. FtSB Granite Memorials at White's.

2ii 6th. speciax. Noncrs. SA nicely furalahsd nam la a strictly private family, wtih hnaie eomforta. cau be a wrwai af ja XKJ too-Fxq We-tf i srtiv.ias aad Saaanag ay R.

ti fat Third street. HAIR DTE. CIlISTADOnO'S 1IAIIS DYE Istb beat. It acts INSTANTANEOUSLY, producing th most natural shades of BLACK or DOES NOT STAiN THE SKIN, aad Is easily applied. PrtcetL la tbe EtaT dressing for tb hair.

Try lb Price tl. J. CRJSTADORO. William Sv York. Interesting pamphlet sent free.

SOCZXTY 3COTZOES. 4 fASONtt'. Annaal meeting of McMillan At A. atav, HI. aad A.

ii-nluilal lock, AiMia of afbue-ra and ramat auasw F. a.o'.L At I a. ass. 4 A or A. SACQTJES.

a Special Ixt of Sealskin Sacques, we offer at the following fabu Garments. Manufacturers, Street. Ciaeimaatl. WILD ITS CLOTHING you -me THERE BL'T ONE PLACE IN CINCIN XAU WHERE YOU CA BUY WILDE'S -i TAILOR-MADE CLOTHING? IT IS THE ONLt UNR1VAIXD CLOTHING SOLD. IT HAS THE CONFIDENCE OF THE PEOPLE.


Slen's First-rate Overcoats, $7, $8 and $10. Mighty Good Overcoats, $15, $18, S20. Black Worsted Overcoats, Satin Sleeves, $15. Men's Black Worsted Sack Suits, 15. Men's $20 Overcoats, the best it is possible to produce for the price.

Wilde's Clothing House Corner Fourth and Tine Sts. i A. D. If ILDJf AXS Manarer. HATS.

C. Choice to Close (Jul1 500 Misses' Trimmed Hats at $1, worth 82 50, $3, $3.50. CO Ladies' Hats at $1.50, worth $3 to $5. 30 doz. Bojs' Felt and Cloth Hats at 50c, worth $1.50 to $3.80.

Boys' Jersey Caps at 25c. Boys' Folo Caps, 50 to 75c. Boys' Cape Sealskin Turbans, $1 and $1.25. Boys' Sealskin Turbans at $1.25 and $2. These are the Best Bargains In Ilat this season will see.


Publish SATURDAY. 21st November. i TIIE ETHICS OF George Eliot's Works, By tb Lte JOH CROMBIE BROWN, Wllh an Introduction By CHARLES GORDON AM Ambor of (isorjs Eliot' Two Marriaxe. On isassb, cista, mit a eta. Seenied to tn mor penetratlnc and finely felt than almost any thins I bsvs rrad in tha sst oi printed comment oa ujr a writ.


TIMKEN SFRISG VEHICLES. WitK SKK7.000 a-- IN UE. aaleat Kiel as YehfcU assa. ait os. puTaoaaa two.

Tyr Srnnai leasjthpa sal wr4 sMlaaHcal ts raatb main lata, aad drSvrsaScsan. Maaafartarrj aaU It aut Wadlag CaurrtatMS nutiSsra aad Hi siTi a 1 my-156tSaMWl GAMES. New Game Just PROGRESSIVE SIX-HANDED EUCBRE Tbs saoat tak lac ram. of tbsseasoa. With fulleiplsuallonoa the score card, itandsoms printed cards, decorated vrUb flKarea.

flowers creau. amnpanj sriB score. If tieslred. (rdera received and Oiled tiy Fashionable t-tat'oDcra. K.

L. CUP.RY BROS 'oartti street. TYPE-wnrrER. CINCINNATI AGKNCT Cemiag-toa SUndaxd Tjpe-Writer. O.

T. WOODnoW A CO. SO. lt -N ALJfUT 8T. Typ-wrttT supplies always oa Band.

tocTV3aMtf-pl REEIGIOTXS IniKST PLl'M sirsel. bstween e'oortta and iftn streeu. jeclal Tuaakfclnr.i service Tuura.lnr, M. OTmon tt. psstsx.

Toae. rn 1 1. aw vwnau, sr aiaa BBW 00 i DRY GBEATEST IN HOLIDAY FANCY DllY 17EAT1IERDVJ STEUEHS V111 Inaugurate a rirantlc sale of Hdtdles, Gents' and Child rrnft jLdnen Handkerchiefs of every description, Ladies and Crenu' tsilS. Handkerchiefs and Mufflers. The most elejfant assortment ever offered at retail.

The most of these floods were purchased front the recent failure of W. "Warren YorU, rriving- au opportunity So make thia the Greatest Sacrifice Sale of the season. 300 dozen Ladies' Colored Iiorder Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 12 l-2c- cheap at 2(Je. i SOO dozen Ladies Colored Border Handkerchiefs at 15c, Iaadies Colored Embroidered and Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at Gentlemen's All-Linen Handkerchiefs at 25 each. In this lot mar be found Initial, Iiordered and flain Handkerchiefs of verj- superior quality.

i Gentlemen's White China Silk Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at 42c, 4-Ic 4c, 32c, 50c, 72e, up to the finest sjoods made. These Handkerchiefs are the best Talue in the country for the money. a as a a a 4BlS) The fewest ana Largess cock ox sue juumers me fiijsi astonishlnTly low prices. i 1 1 116 West Fonrth GOOES. tC HOLIDAY GOODS.

SALE GOODS! nn 170 Race Street, 37 Arcade. and George Sts. i In the Morning. AMTJSEMEIfTS. JHEITCSI T0-NJGUT Urand Extra Thursday Tb Famous Comedienne.

MISS ANNIE PIXLEY OHPAIY mm mmm ON THIRD FLOOR, NOV OPEN. Llany special" articles in' limited quantities which can not be duplicated. We recommend to our customers AN EARLY PURCHASE! Thus securing1 a better selection, fresh goods, and avoiding the crowds attending the last few weeks before Christmas. PUZZLES DISTRIBUTED1 EAGH I.I0RKIKG AT 10 O'CLOCK. the jom Race, Seventh 1 1 N.

B. Make your Purchases AUCTION SAXES. The Great Auction Sale! THIS DAY (Wediiesdsy) BY ROSIN TRAGER, AUCTIONEERS, j. 103 West Pearl Street, Of Majmlneent Dashestan, Per sian. Turkish.

Mecca and In alia Itusrs and Carpets. Em broidcred Table-Covers, Af- frhanistan Tiftps, Brasses, Boxes, vc, Tbl sale ia by the order of iliJSSKS. AIILlltK iiULlu 0 New Tork, in liquidation, And will be sold to the public, and not to th trade exclusively, as is our custom, thus civine every on a chance to buy IHKSit. MAKXIUCEST OOOD! AT LrJK-a TliA HOLES ALE IMPORTATION PRICES. Tfieae coods will be sold tn tbe blrbrsl bid der, wltliout reserve or reenrd to value.

Sale commences at 10 A. Jkl.Dd 2 P. M- prompt. nosix a TRAQEB, CHAS. RADEMACIIKR.

Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of TWFVTT.FOrit DRATT HORSES and AKMSS, at 146 Water strset. KsvsnlMr sain, at a a ciocR, FOR SALE-NEWSPAPER-' NEWSPAPER FOR SALE. THE i RICHMOND WHIG. I Established January, 1S24.

Tba undersigned, actlnc under a decree of tbe Chancery Court of Richmond, of Novem ber 17, win sell trie anove Newspaper, with its Complete Plant and Outfit, and Files from IXi-i, at tb Whig tlulldlnc. in tb clvy of Klcnmona. on tuimuai, Liee. iisna, at 12 o'clock M. Tb paner 1 now beinsT recu- j- pttuu.iivo, rdu ariv aaiuv win iuiu aa passing concern, un information a to terms.

Ac, can be obtained by application to th un. derslcned. The receiver is also authorized to sell privately prior today of sale, and private oner are inyiisa. t. u.

tteoetver, nicDrooua, STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Offics CiKCixxATt Gas-Light aud 1 Coke Company. ClKCIKSfATl, NoveraDer 18, 18S5. To the Stockholders of the Cincinnati aod Coke -VTOTICE 18 HEREBY 1VEN THAT A meetine ot the stockholders of tue tym pany win ie neia at tne orate or tue company, south-west corner hourtri aud Plant streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, on tbe 1Mb day of December, between tne hour of 12 M. and clock P.

for tbe purpose of Totlni UDon the ooestlon of Increaaiue the capita stock of said Company from Ova million Ove hundred thousand dollar to l.iUJ,Uij six million dollars. Bv order of tbe llonrd of Director. nolSdeS HEN RY W. SAOE. reCy.

LEGAL NOTICE. a t.LL PERSONS "Vv-HO ARE INDEBTED Iu the estate of Anna liarbara Kaber. or who tiav any claims against the estate, ar to pre sent them atones to CHARLES I FAbER and JACOB HILL, sou th-eaat corner Linn and Dayton streets. no3iW AMUSEMENTS. I (ALA cavak ua.L.u.

TO-NIOUT, November 'Stth 'irand Calico Carnival! Ilia lady wearibg th pret tiest Calico Dress will receive a handsome pair of (xold-plated Thnrsday. November 2eth Matinee and Champion HtaKr. A. A tkinson itbe rentlemrn who chnlleneed Mr. John M.

Cook, of the Princes Rink, to skate for the championship of Cincinnati); see Cincinnati t.jriamof November 17tri. Friday Nieht, NovemberSrth Prof. Oeorre naresii in uia wona-renowea Jtugn vv ir ana liicrcieAci. Saturday Mat 1 nee. November ZStb A prize- wiii oe given to in nest doj aaaier ox a cold Badge.

Saturday Nleht. November 2th Race ba- tween Hurt Tutty and teonre tramui. HEWPORT BIHK TO-NIGHT! Grand CaUieo Necktie and Anron and Fsscr Dress CarnlvaL orand dinplay of Fire-work and Concert by Rink Band before the Carnivafc. Orand Weddinsr at 'o'clock. A romantic eon pie will be married on ska lev on Ut aitat- 1S( snrtaoe.

aula ursna luamiDtuoni. Admission, 50 Cents. Skates Free. PRINCESS SKATINC ACADEMY 1 THANKSGIVING DAY. Mornlnf bvasiou.

with Moaic Orand Matinee Exhibition of BkatiasT bv MANAGER JOHN COoK. In tas sv.ninc he will tntrodnee. fr tne first Urns In Cincinnati, bis Ureal DCpE ACT. rpbK WALNUT HILL'S liaNK MeMiliaa I aireet, near Para awn us. Polo Polo I LKsaaeebampionsniprame: eicltlngcootavt; Walnnt li.

lis vs. Grand Kiuk team, of Cov- Ing-ton, Wsdoesday. November ii'b. tiraad Irancy Dress Caralval Thursday tveBiue. December 3d, for tne benenlor the rocivty for Prevsntlou of craelly to Animals aod Chil dren.

CaMs and Park-av cars to door. soLKt COVIXOTOX 1J1XIC WEDNESDAY KItiHT, two-wills race for ait eieeant tod JtfeOal uetaeen til memtier of the onio Valley I'olo League. I HtMamissSaU. JI'LISS, Tbe Child or tne Sierras. jU Feauat W.

FourtH and at Dox-ofnes oi tneater. Commencing Sunday Matinee and Evening Hoyt' "Tin a GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. Every Evening ThnfclTlnc and Saturday Matinees. SFFZS sCIiIsSIiTaTwI In the most powerful emotional portrayal of modern Barton, th Workman' ife," In Frank; Harvey' Realist! Flay, WOMAN AGAINST Hire ter than Fedora." N. Next Week UODJESKA.


HOUSE, Wednesday OA 1 1,1. jaondaj, ADR1EN K. Frid.iv MARY STUART. Hat, Mat A YOl? LIKE IT. Sat.

Eve. 12TH SIOHT. Nov. SOth.l One'sek Only Admission First two rows Dress Circle and Orchestra Chairs. $1 50; back rows Dress Orel, reserved and ad mission, tl Balcony, reserved, 75c; admission.

Otic noJ4-lf STHRATEU, Cor. 13ti snd iuo. To-nleht. Matinee Thursdny, gaturdav snd Kunday.the Plotnresquand Romantic Drama. TXX3E1 Interpreted by a powerf nl ot.

Sunday Eva. Pat Koouey New York Star special ty co. IIA.VraI3NS TIIE IS. Matins To-Dsy at 2, also To-Night at So'elk, DAN SULLY'S C0RXEB GK0CEKY Matin to-morrow (Thankgiving. bunday Hoi Hmlth Russsil.

It 2 ORGAN CONCERTS! TalTTiEsIO TTAIiIj. The Trustee of Moslo Hall have eocaired MIj; JENNEATTB HALL, of tb of Music, to Klvea performance on tbe Organ EVERY WEDNESDAY at noon, FREE TO THE PUBLIC, commencing November Zj. A. 1. UUSBOK.N, Clialrmau b.


Every aftern.fn every evenlu during the week. Iwxra operj at 1 and 7: performance commence- 2:30 and a. Mr. DICK CxOKM AN In his 1'raiua of "CONRAD, Or the Hand of a Frietirt." iK.n I fail to visit the two Mammoth Carlo Hail. Admission only and 2uc uo-i VINE 8TREET OPERA-HOUSE.

Every Nlcbt This Week! Tbeonlv anety Show In tbe City. Three Hours of tMiKd Fun sna uiuxnier. rv Ant, nruriant niio iiau'-ties. Swinging First Part, Female tsutuea. and th Comedy, Til DYNAMl'l ERS.

Matin" Taeeday, Thii rsday faturday and buudny. WALNUT HILLS RINK, McMillan near Park ave. Gala attraction for 1 tisnka Ivlnr Matiae and evening, tneSitn of Novetnlwr. 4 asrortanr Announcement ox 51 iaa Nettie Perklua.the nek aovimlMi iuaea of tbe and Porter Clark, cbamuiua of ew Eua-land. Tn above-named artists will also appear Fridav and Hattirdsv afternoons anil avtiv logs, the Jrin and Cable and I nr vo-nne ears to door.

NION SPIRITUALISTS will give a SnevMal F'litertaiuinent TU-NIUlir at A. li. Hall, Hi West JMXtn streeU At tb cicwe Mr. Fletcher will excreta bia tieclfta. Admission.

lie Fletcher's farewell lectures. AMENDED PLAT. AMENDED PLAT NO. 130. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THK Board of Pubfic Works has stree tw a c-hang of plat In Section 3a, t-torra Town- acsip,, iniia ibii auuiimi Plat ling Coamlaaioa by roaoiuuon oi April SO.

IS7. A propoceu cuange is onOisinibe oiliee of tbe Board uf I'm Is sneetings of the board to hear objections and suggestions will be held at to' office of said Board at 10 oVloa-k A. M. of MONDAYS, November 2ad. 9tn, lenw 7tn, 2iU -MS, Januarv h.

and Novtrober auvh. Deoembsr 3d. luth.nth. By order ox the Hoard. F.

PK1NAjMEIER, President. C. T. Blackbcin. lerk.

noi3-MW it ADirixisniAToms kotice -VTOTICE is berebv given that the suo-U3l acrrber baa been duly appulnwd and. ual)ned as adtuintatrator.witn will annexed, oa lb. estate of Mary Uuuu.ui, lat. of llni" Hum Cou my. deceased.

A. D. VJ'lLDilAN. T. M.

Attorner. I rv 1 1 i.

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