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Alexandria Gazette from Alexandria, Virginia • 2

Alexandria, Virginia
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ALEXANDRIA, YA. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 0. The U.S. Supreme Court set at naught the Constitutiou by deciding that a State can pass laws impairing the obligation of contracts, which it did in the Virginia coupou oases, it is by no means surprising that it should have gone a step further, nn? iu addition to deciding that the Government can break its contracts, decide also that it can make paper a legal tender, though the Constitution provides that uuthiDg shall be but gold and silver. Under this decision there is uothing to prevent the payment of the interest on the public debt, the principal of that debt, and all the expenses ol toe Government with greenbacks; and as greenbacks nothing but the expense of priming them.

and as the people of the country are now compelled to pay double for almost everything they consume, in order to raise gold for those purposes, it is not unlikely that st proposition to that etlect will made, and that it will have much popular support. As the court has dihuraced Virginia by sanctioning repudiation in the coupou cases referred to, and as raiseiy loves company, there is no reason to expect that she would throw much opposition in the way of paying the national debt and abolishing federal taxation by an unlimited issue of paper money, especially when the proceeding has the approval of the highest court in the laud, and the members ot which are Northern men and good republicans. The Nkw York Herald says ''Southern want of Acquaintance with republican principles impede5? much desirable legislation." Such acquaintance as the South has with republican principles it has obtained fioui republicans and their allies in the South, such as Mahone, Chalmers and Cash; from publican newspapers, from the proceedings of the legislatures of Northern States, and from the utterances of prominent republicans in and out of Congress. 1 hose certainly weie the most reliable sources of information the subject, and if the acquaintance derived from such sources has impeded little barm has been done. Since the retirement of Mr.

Elaui Clei eral Mahone must have imported a Northern radical to conduct his houie organ, fc-r surely no Southern man, uo matter what his politics may be, could havo written the lowing words, from the leading editoiial i-i yesterday's issue of that organ "The red-hot Bourbons of the South tried their hands at scuttling thejald ship, and much to their sorrow. The so-called democracy of Virginia to-day is the reuewal of the little vitality left in the bones of secession at Appomattox Couithouse by Gen. Grant. Senators Sherman and Lapham, of the Danville riot investigation committee, took in with avidity yesterday the testimony of the witness Fowler, a federal office holder, to the efleet that the capitation tax and ti.e whipping post were evidences of democratic inclination to trench upon the rights of uegroes, being so ill-informed about the a Hairs of a State just across the river as not to know that white men as well as negroes had to pay the tax before they voted, and were whipped if detected in the commission of a theft. Mr.

John S. Wise has published, in his "master's" home organ, a cruel letter about Mr. Page McCarty, in which, however, he "states that he, Wise, will not fight any more duels, for the reason that he is satisfied "public opinion will not sustain a duelist in any civilized community at the present day." This reason is a good and sufficient oue, but many will think strangely of the fact that Mr. Wise never publicly recognized its force until Mr. McCarty had assailed his political character.

More than twenty-eight million dollars have been invested in manufactories in the South since the commencement of the current year. The manufacturing facilities of the South are so superior to thos-e of the other portious of the country, that to be availed of they ueed but to be seen, and if Northern manufacturers did not make Mich large proOts as they do by means of the protective tariff, all of them would move their plauta to the South in order to reap the Leuetits of those facilities. Tut democratsof Washington are a curious set of people. In the priuted list of their leaders, of the men who select their delegates to the national democratic convention, appear the names of well known subscribers to the Mahoue fund, who adoj ted Mahoneism at its commencement and who have been Mahoneites ever since. The democratic associations of the District of Columbia should overhaul their lists of membership.

General Mahonk still remains monarch of all the federal patronage he surveys in Virginia, but so far as federal patronage outside of Virginia is concerned he is utterly impotent. He recently tried to get a consulate for one of his followers, but failed signally, and now the President has ju9t ''sat upon" another of his applications and refused to reappoint Judge Sener Chief Justice of Wyoming Territory. Capt. Chas. M.

Fauntleroy has been entioned in connection with the command cf the oyster fleet, and no better selection could be made. An old naval officer, a man of firmness and fine sense, his superior could not bo found. FROM WASHINGTON. Correspondence of the Alexanona Gazette. Washington, D.

March 6,1884. '1 he House Ways and Means Committee by a vole of eight to five, a party vote, agreed to day to report favorably the Morrison making a horizontal reduction of -0 per cent, in the existing duties and putting wool, salt and coal on the free list. A proviso with respect to coal is to the effect that it shall not apply to Canada until that country places our coal on the free list. The democrats on the committee thus show that they, at least, are bold enough to stand by their principles and their convictions. It is feared that those of the House are not.

11 is understood to day that Mr. Lowry of the sub-committee of the House elections committee to whom was referred the O'Feriall-1'aul contested election case, will present the report of that sub-committee, which gives the seat to Mr. O'Ferrall, to the whole committee on Monday next, and that the whole committee will adopt it without much loss of time. The House to day after the morning hour resumed the consideration of the naval appropriation bill, Mr. Be)ford making that bill the occasion for injecting an advertisement of a book written by Mr.

Cox into the proceedings of the House, and of saying that Mr. the shadow of the forty ceuturies looking down upou nitu, cried aloud for Laugtry to be with hitn, and make the desert blossom like the rose. The examination of ex-Attorney General eugh was resumed before the Springer committee to-day. Mr. McVeagh testified to the cfl'ect that he felt assured that he would not have the moral support of the Administration in the prosecution of the Star route cases though he was certain of the guilt of the accused, aud that considerations which would not have influenced President Cat field, such for instance as the possible effect of conviction upon party prospects, would not have been without effect upon President Arthur.

The Senate to day, by a unanimous vote, rejected the House amendment to the resolution for an additional appropriation for the Danville riot that amendment limited the expenses to investigations heretofore ordered. A committee ol conference was then ordered. The Danville committee met this morning, but without doing anything adjourned until Monday, in consequence of the indisposition of Mr. ancc. D.

Coleman, ex-Secretury ol the irgiuia finking Fund Commission, who was summoned as a wituess for Mahone, denied the constitutional authority of tho committee to make the investi gatiou, and was paid his witness fees and excused from testifying. Mr. Sims, being deaf, will have questions propounded to him in writing by Mr. Sherman aud will be allowed time to answer them in the same He will then be subjected to a written cross-examination. The coaching of the negro witnesses by the Mahoueites having been detected and published, such coaching is now done iu secret, or before the witnesses reach the Capitol.

The following witnesses will be subpoenaed to appear on Monday: J. C. Richards, Fincastle, a Tho-. J. Wilson, Fincastle, Va 'W.

A. ilorton, Petersburg, George L. Mauley. Tappuhanuock B. Wavi.esborough X.

W. Ciisler, Criglers' ville; Jacob F. Sbaer, Richmond Hartwell Aldemau, Tremont; C. A. lieermans, Bmcksburg in.

H. Goodwin, Afton J. Quinn, I redorickshurg; A. T. Stowett, Abingdon R.

T. Hubard, Richmoud Robt ylie, Secfdon J. S. Browning, Richmond S. M.

Dickey, independence; Job Hauxhurst, Fairfax; Vernon J. Anson, Hicks' I'ord J. Simons, Flovd C. Edward Lewis, Chalk Level; J. B.

Stovall, Danville; H. H. Pen row, address unknown; C. L. Pritchard, John Chubbs, 1J.

A. Blanton, W. F. Bailey, State Senate, Richmoud. The nomination of J.

C. Perry, of New York.for he place of Chief Justice of Wyo rning Territory, vice Judge Sener of Fredericksburg, who has tilled that position creditably for several years past, is supposed here to look very much as if the President is not going to let Mahone deceive him any more about Virginia affairs, and thatheis looking rather to New ork thau to Virginia for support in the next national republican convention, being certain that the office holders iu the latter State, who control affairs there, ill support him whether Mahone tells them or not. Mahone did recommend Sener for rcnomination, aud the Attorney General did say that tho Judge would be reappointed, but as Mahone's power was found to be on the wane in his own State, if uot entirely gone, his endorsement amounted to nothing. '1 he Senate to the morning hour took up the consular bill. At the Keifer investigation to-day the exSpeaker was detected in the grossest falsehoods, and his mendacity rendered so apparent that his best friends hereafter can place no reliance upon anything he may say about matters in which he is personally interested.

He swore, for instance, that he never had anything to do with ouo of his witnesses, though it was afterwards proved by the hotel keeper that he paid that witness's board, aud though he swore he never knew another witness, a ktterof his was produced in which he spoke of the man referred to as an old acquaintance. And yet this is the man the republicans elected Speaker uf tho Jast House of Hoprcsentatives over the really good material they had from which to make a selection. The Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims, ol which the late Kenneth Rayuor was formerly a member, adjourned to-day iu rcspcct to his memory. Senator Gorman has returned from Annapolis whitaer he went yesterday to oppose either the site or tin- leaseof the Chesapeake and ObioCanal. at lutst for the present.

The trustees of the prelered bond holders want to leaso it. LETTER FROM RICHMOND. ISpccial Correspondence of the Alexfunlrla Richmond, March 5, arc now that the legislature will be in session until the end of the mouth at least. It looks in that way now since the democratic caucus to-night resolved that the extra session is necessary. This means that the bill to establish a lunatic asylum in the Southwest will be gotten through.

Senator Newberry is in charge of the measure. Since the Southwest wants it, the opinion is that the wishes of such a good and solid section of the State shall be considered. Many measures are far behind and cannot be passed now unless further time be gained. The leadiDg topic of conversation here today has been the card of Mr. John S.

Wise in which he attempts to reply to the insult given him by Captain Page McCarty in the Cauipaigii last week. Mr. Wise has alternated the few friends who formerly stood up for him. The letter is universally condemned. The people of Richmond have in times past seen and heard a great deal of Mr.

Wise's pugnacious exhibitions. They have sot forgotten that scarcely more than a year ago he slapped old Mr. Massev iu the face because the latter contradicted him in his testimony. When he, a young and powerful man, was rebuked for striking a man who was a preacher and between sixty and seventy i years of age, he gave as his excuse that he would strike a man a hundred years old who charged him with falsehood. Now Captain McCarty charged him and branded him as one who told a falsehood and he retorts by saying he don't believe in duelling.

It is certain that be did not attempt to slap Captain McCarty who is not seventy years old. Now Mr. Wise's friends remember these things and they have owned up to-day that the young man's actious are inconsistent. Captain McCarty and Mr. are verv unlike.

Wise is noisy and overbearing. McCarty is the quiet gentleman under all circumstances. His voice is seldom raised above a uniform pitch. A more uniformly courteous gentleman is rarely met aud therefore Mr. Wise's twaddle intended for the Northern eye causes only ridicule here where Captain McCarthy has been known and honored from childhood.

What can be said of Captain McCarthy is that he is a true Virginian. He has boldly taken up the cause of Virginia and any aflront to his State as a personal afiront. While Mr. Wise's career here for the past ten vears has been one constant greedy struggle "for otlice, Captain McCarty has adhered To his profession, and pursued it in a dignified way. 1 happen to know that as soon as the' democratic victory was achieved Captain McCarty was waited on and asked to accept the nomination for Secretary ol the Commonwealth or anything else lie wanted.

The recognition of his unselfish services in the of Virginia was spontaneous. He, however, promptly and emphatically refused any ullire. Under no condition would he allow his name to lie used in such a connection. The situation, however, can be summed up briefly. Mahone Co.

attempted to run ihe Mahouc party on the bulldozing plat Conn. Page McCarty came to his native State. He stood out against such men, and the party, which attempted to overawe all who dub-red with it. It struck a snag and has seen the prudence of falling back. He has shut them all up.

The ferocious fire-eater is no more. The Mahone parly is like the month ol came in like a lion and went out like a lamb. LEGISLATIVE. In the State Senate yesterday a number of bills were presented, among them one to amend section 1, chaptcr 17o, Code as amended by au act approved January 11, in relation to power of County, Corporat ion, or Circuit Courts to remove causes. Mr.

Thurman otTered a resolution that the Senate, when it adjourned, adjourn to meet to-day at eleven o'clock which was adoptd. Mr. Heaton otl'ered a resolution which was adopted that the Secretary of the Commonwealth forthwith inform this body 1. Who now constitute the Boards of of the respective public institutions of this State. 2.

Their places of residence. Whether they now hold any other office or position of a public character. The object of Mr. lleatou in presenting the resolution is said to be to ascertain whether any of the members of these Boards hold any State or Federal otlice, aud if they do he considers their positiou inconsistant, and they should immediately resign so that the vacancies can be tilled by the Senate. House bill to provide for the working and repaiiing of public roads and bridges came, up as unfinished The various amendments proposed by the Senate were agreed to and the bill passed unanimously.

A uumber of bills were passed, among them, House bill fixing the time within which a suit shall be brought to enforce the payment of couuty, city or town subscriptions to railroad certain cases; and Senate bill providing how couuties, cities, aud towns may give uotice to its holders of coupon bonds proposed to be redeemed. A communication was received from the Auditor of Public Accounts in reference to a resolution of inquiry of the Senate, giving the names and residences of wounded and disabled soldiers. The communication was laid on the table and ordered to be printed. The Virginia Military Institute bill, from the House, was referred to the Committee on Finance, after an unsuccessful move to place it on the calendar. That was the course the University of Virginia bill had to take.

A resolution requesting inquiry as to the powers of the United Stales Court with respect to the West Virginia debt, was rejected. Mr. McCormick introduced a resolution naming, electing, aud constituting the electoral boards of the State for the election of county school trustees, which was ordered to be printed for action on it to day. The Senate agreed to House amendments to Senate bill ou the girls' normal school. Bills were introduced to amend and reenact section 2Sof chapter 1SU of the Code of Virginia, edition of 1S7M, in regard to fees of certain officers; aud to provide for the establishment of a lunatic asylum in Southwestern Virginia.

In the House of Delegates Mr. Kelly offered the following which was adopted Resolved, That the Committee for Courts of Justice be required to investigate ami report to this House whether under the law members attending the extended session of the Legislature are entitled to compensation, fur their services, and whether in case they are not so entitled to compensation, members are compellable to remain in attendance. Bills were passed to authorize a subscription by the county of Frederick, in money or bonds, to the stock or bonds i the Washington, Ohio WesternJKailroad Company; to amend the Code in relation to the inspection of fish for the establishment of a Female Normal School at Farinville; to provide for certificate of election fur certain officers elected by the General Assembly; and to incorporate theLoudoun County Stock Exhibition Company; to authorize Lynchburg city to is3ue bouds not exceeding $150,000 for the purpose of aiding the Virginia and Carolina Railroad Company in the eonstruction of their railroad ceding to the United States jurisdiction over certain lands in the city of Staunton upon which to erect a public building. At the night session the bill relative to the time for the collection of taxes and the penalties to be imposed for non-payment within a certain time, was discussed by Messrs. Barton.

Kelly, Evans of Middlesex, Anderson of Rockbridge, and Ward. The bill was made the special order for to-night at 8 o'clock. Bills were passed to authorize the of Albemarle county to complete delinquent returns as to county levies, and to collect tax-tickets held by said treasurer, but as to which he has settled with the Auditor and Board of Supervisors without returning the same delinquent; to incorporate the Virgiuia Mining, Milling, and Transportation Company, and to enable the Danville and New River Railroad Company to obtain further subscriptions to the capital stock of said company. DIED. At the residence of her daughter, Mrs.

Cattleman, at Herndon, Mrs. MARY S. LEE, widow of Rev. Win. F.

Lee. faneral I will take place to morrow (Friday) from Christ Church at 12 m. THE WISE-McCARTY QUARREL. Great excitemeut exists in Richmond, over the appearance in the Whig yesterday morning of a card published by Mr. John S.

Wise, brought about by an editorial in tbe Campaign, edited by Captain Page MeCarty. The Campaign printed on Friday an editorial as follows "How characteristic of the individual is Mr. Johnny Wise's stump speech on the witness staud! A man occupying a seat in Congress stolen with manufactured votes, himself the very exemplar of Virginia prejudice, braggart tuiJ bully, tT.e hero of thirteen bloodless duels, kicked out ofthe democratic party and selling his little stock fbraius to frozen out of recognition by honest men aurl relegated to the association of the colored men whom he deceives and who are his superiors in nil that makes oven a pretence to manhood Johnny forsooth, talking about villification wiu-u be and bis gang never bad any other capital but villiGcatiou, prejudice and falsehood." As Mr. Wise bad tigured iu a duel and has bad tbe reputation for a bully, who would staud no a duel was looked for as the result of this article. Wise about a year ago slapped tbe face of Rev.

John K. Massey because the latter contradicted his testimony, and when rebuked lor striking a preacher of nearly 70 years old, defended bis act by saying be would strike a man of a buudred years old who dared assert be bad uttered a falsehood. The following is he card that appeared in the Whig of yesterday over the signature of Johu S. Wise: "About twelve months ago, as is well known to many persons, I resolved never again to recognize he practice of dueling. A few weeks ago my political under the forthesccond time removed by the Legislature.

The above conclusion was stated, under oath.ou Monday last. My reasons for so deciding Wrre satisfactory to myself. Those of a private nature are of no concern to the public. The public consideration most potent in my decisiou was that I am satisfied public opinion will not sustain a duelist in any civilized community at the present day. "Henceforth, therefore, I wish it publicly understood that I will not light a duel or be parly to one.

"I make this declaration public because some persons may expect me to resent several assaults of late appealing in newspapers, especially iu tbe paper called the Cam paign. If I had intended to recognize the editor of that paper I would have done so loug for tbe articles last appearing are no worse than many others that have been published. W. Page McCarty can have no difficulty with me. If the Commonwealth's attorney of the town where that paper is published bad don?) his duty, McCarty would have beeu in jail long ago as the utterer of criminal libel.

A poor man here in Richmond was sent fojail some months ago for an offense much less than his. "Since McCarty killed Mr. Johu B. Mordecai he has beeu going about smelliug the blood on his hands ami panting for more, apparently. "Without stake of any sort, he has maliciously sought to provoke difficulties; lirst with General Mahone, then with Senator Kiddleberger, and next with myself.

Some months before he said aught against me 1 was informed that he bad declared his purpose, iu a public place, to seek difficulty with me next. General Mahone and Riddieberger failed to notice him, and I propose to do likewise. What satisfaction can I secure from McCarty? I would not fight a duel. I do not wish his blood, and would be as miserable as he is now if I shod it. If I were to sue him for slander and give the money to some charitable institution, I could not make anything out of him on execution.

"Unmarried, penniless, without any fixed employments, dissipated, with nothing to lose, he seems possessed of a devil, and would no doubt esteem it a mercy for some gentleman to kill him and ea--e a tortured brain and conscience. He may play Sir Lucius OTrigger to his heart's content, boasting of his ancestry, (every one of whom has killed his man,) his family portraits, and honor, but he must find somebody else than mo to kill him. "With a sweet homo filled with merry children. with enough to live comfoitably, with a payimr 1 am happy ami want to live. Iu (iod's uamu, what would a man iike Page McCarty put in stake against this when we stood at ten paces with pistols? Mis abiHo of me has no more effect than a dog's hark in-: at the moon.

His iuvitation coraes too late. Time has been when I might have been fool enough to iudulge in such folly, but with age. and a broader view of lite and its responsibilities and duties, I have bidden farewell forever to the McCarty type of manhood. "What people may thiuk of my courage, by reason of this letter. 1 cannot say.

If they do uot thiuk mo courageous, dueling would never con-! vince them. I know what my friends will say. I sometimes think I would rather risk the charge of cowardice than that of murder. I have tried not to he too severe upon poor McCarty, whose wasted talents and miserable life I truly pity Mr. McCarty was a captaiu in the Confederate army.

He and Wise were college mates. In the Mordecai-McCarty duel some years ago, the former was killed, and McCarty desperately wounded. McCarty was secoud for Reirne, of the Slate, who wound ed E'ain, of the Whig. Wise foueht a duel two years ago, which amounted to an exchange of shots, neither being hurt. According to the etiquette of the code, Wise has been grossly insulted, and has declmed to light.

It is incumbent upon McCarty to do nothing more. Men of the code affirm that further trouble is feared. PROPOSED NEW STATE CAPITOL. The Board of Sinking Fund iu responso to a joint resolution to in quire and report to tho Assembly the probable cost of a building of capacity to accommodate the government officers, sent a communication to the House of Delegates yesterday. The Board says the only two places within the limits of the Capitol Square that have beeu suggested are, the one in the southeast corner of the Square in the angle formed by Bank and Twelfth streets, the site of the court house, which, along with its invaluable records was burnt in 3865, aud the other, its counterpart.

at the southwest corner of the square in the angle made by Ninth and Bank streets. Either side is in a damp locution, many feet below the plateau ou which the Capitol'stands; of most inconvenient access to or from that maiu building, whose beauty would be seriously marred by (-uch unsuitable contigu'ty. Besides this there is not room enough in the Square for any more buildings. We must look outside the Capitol grounds for "a suitable location." The accommodations needed by the existing staff of Government officers are thirty-one rooms. This does not include staircases, closets, and the uiordern equipments of public buildings.

There are but two sites which the Board deems at all suitable? one the square bounded by Tenth, Broad, Eleventh, and Capitol streets, immediately in rear of Jackson's statue; the other is the similar square, bouoded by Ninth, Broad, Tenth, and Capitol streets, immediately in rear of the Washington monument. The first lot is valued at $83,000, including the vacant site of the old City Hall, and the other is valued at $80,000. Either would afford ample room for the required structure. If the city shall insist upon retaining her lot, and the State acquire the other, then the two buildings might be made each.the compliment of the other. The Cagitol grounds, with their trees and waJka might be extended to Broad street from Ninth to Eleventh, and Capitol street closed to busiI might be converted into a parade and I walk parallel with the parade and walk i now on the equare, and thus conduce ly to the beauty of the grounds and the convenience of the multitudes, which on state and festive occasions canuot now.

hnu i standing room. i There is only oue other place which can be obtained, to wit: the lots upon which the St. Claire and the Virginia House now But that site is unsuitable. It runs 130 feet on Grace street and is 163 feet on Ninth a space which would be contracted by some fifteen feet of alley way, necessarily left open on its two interior sides, which is not enough for the size of the building or for light or proper ventilation. It would lit awkwardly as an appeudage to tbe lie square and spoil its proportion ou that side It can be had for about $40,000, as we hear, but would be dear to the State at any nrico as a site for a public building of the character which seems to be contemplated l.y the joint resolution.

The probable cost of a suitable building must depeud upon tbe materials used and the style and completeness of the structure. If of brick aud of a style that would match ibe City Hall of Richmond, it would probably somewhat less than if built of granite or other stone, which some may thuik more suitable for an edifice intended for occupancy by the State. Estimating roughly as we are compelled to do, it may be said that the cost of a three-story building, as we presume tbe resolution contemplates, will be for the building $180,000, for the grounds $260,000. NEWS OF THE DAY. The bill giving the mayor of New York the exclusive power of appointments passed the New York Senate yesterday.

It has taken five days to dig out tbeSorel and Montreal Railroad train which was blocked by snow last week. Hon. Amos Morrill, ex-judge of the Laited States Court for tbe Eastern District of Texas, died yesterday of heart disease. M. O.Yantleet, county treasurer of Huron county, Ohio, disappeared from Norwalk, Ohio, on last Saturday.

His cash account is short The West Virginia democratic State convention will be held at Charleston, Kanawha county, April 10, to elect delegates to tbe uational convention. President Arthur gave a state dinner at the White House yesterday evening to 37 Senators and Representatives who are unmarried or unaccompanied by their wives this winter. Yesterday, near Newport, a work train on the Iron Mountain Railroad was wrecked, killing John Tirum and Thomas White, and injuring Paul Welsenlurtb, Peter Harrison aud Win. Durham. Gov.

Thompson, of South Caroliua has offered a reward of $500, the highest sum permitted by law, for the arrest of W. B. Cash, who shot Town Marshal Richards at Cheraw on the 23d of February, from tho effects of which he died. A dispatch from Rome says that the German, Austrian, Spanish, French and other ambassadors at Rome are receiving instructions to confer with the Italian minister of foreign affairs with a view to asking the United States government to take action against avowed dynamite emissaries. Betty Amelia Maag, 22 years old, and unmarried, cut her throat with a butcher knife uud killed herself in the kitchen of her mother's house, Bridesburg, yesterday, because a wandering fortune-teller had prophesied for her a long aud unlucky existence with a man she would not love.

A meeting of Irishmen at Scrauton, yesterday evening passed resolutions presented by Mayor Powderly, criticising the action of'the United States government in accepting from the British government the use of the Alert for Arctic explorations, stigmatizing it as an evidence ot national weakness and a violation of the constitution of tbe republic. Mr. Kenneth Raynor, solicitor of the treasury, died yesterday afternoon, at the National Hotel, Washington. He was in a comatose condition for some hours before his death, this condition being the result of softening of the brain, produced by a general break-down of the nervous system. Mr.

Raynor was born in Bertie county, N. about 1817. Ho entered into public life in 1S35, as a member of the House of Commons, and was a Representative in Congress from North Caroliua from 1839 to 1845. He was appointed solicitor of the treasury June 30, 1877, from Mississippi, by President Hayes. Mr.

Raynor has occupied quarters at the National Hotel for 42 years. "Marry Mk or Dik Finley Small is an employe of the Sugar Run Tannery at Elkton, and boards with fauiily named Jordan. Elizabetli Galloway, aged nineteen was the servant. Last week Mrs. Jordau's father died and the family went to the fuueral, leaving Small and the servant in charge of the house.

As the funeral was in a distant village the Jordans were obliged to remain away over night. At the supper table Friday night Miss Galloway suddenly remarked to Small that she wanted to got married and asked him if he would marry her. He laughed and said he was not in need of a wife. She replied that 'she wanted a husband and he must marry her." Small made response that it required two to make a bargain of that kind and thought the uirl was joking, but when he again positively refused to be her husband she angrily declared that he would never marry any other woman. Small retired to bed itbout 8:30 o'clock.

He soon fell asleep, but was awakened some time in the night by a bright light shining in his eyes. It came from a lamp held by Misa Galloway, who was standing by his bedside. In her right hand she grasped a larpe butcher knife, which she held us if about to strike. Small sprang up and caught the girl by the wrist and tried to take the knife from her. She declared that she bad come to kill him because he had refused to marry her.

In the struggle the lamp fell to the floor and went out. Small dragged the girl to tho door of his room and succeeded in getting her ont, but ho had not been able to seenre the knife. There was no lock on the door, and as the girl took up a position on the outside and declared that she would wait until ho came out and then kill him, Small was obligf-d to hold the door all the rest of the night. When daylight appeared the servant left her post and went down stairs. Small then dressed and stole away from the house.

When Mr. and Mrs. Jordan returned on Saturday morning they found Misa Galloway standing at the breakfast table with the butcher-knife in her hand. She told them she wa3 waiting until Small came to breakfast, and then she intended to kill him. The girl was taken into custody and was found to be insane.

A young man who had been keeping her company for some time married another girl a few weeks ago, and she has been despondent and low-spirited ever since. The Hancock New York Sun publishes figures, said to be taken from the books of the treasurer of the democratic Dational committee, showiDg that the Hon. Samuel J. Tilden was the largest contributor to the democratic campaign fund in 18S0, his contribution being $51 500. Other large contributors were W.

H. Barnum $40,000, W. L. Soott $43,000, H. B.

Payne $20,000, Oliver H. Payne $31,000. New Governor on Tuesday approved the following bills, among others, which had been passed by the General Assembly To repeal an act entitled an act to detiue I the true boundary line between Maryland aud Virginia, and to designate the bead lands upon the Potomac river, and to prohibit unlawful oystering and dredging in the Potomac river and Pocomoke souod, approved March 1, 1SS2. To ratify and confirm leases by or to the Washington City, Virginia Midland aud Great Southern Kailroad Company, of the companies which composed it, and to authorize the Virginia Midland Railway ru. to renew such leases.

Authorizing tbe trustees of the Proliant Episcopal Theological Seminary und High School in Virginia to acquire and bold additional property. For the protection of fish in tbo waters of the Commonwealth. Providing a statue of limitations for grouud rent. For the preservation of oysters, and to obtain reveuuc for tbe privilege of tiding them within the waters of the Commonwealth. To empower the Superintendent of tho Penitentiary to deliver a convict to the sherill'of Culpeper county for a specified purpose.

Repealing sectiou 4 of an act passed concerning the Dismal Swamp Company. To authorize tbe Council of tbe town of Lumy, iu the county of Page to borrow money. Advantage of Living on the Bokokr. At El Paso Mexican dollars arc worth eighty-five cents in American coiu. At Paso del Xorte, across the river, Auieiicau dollars are worth eighty five cents in Mexican coin.

One morning a car driver started from the American side with a Mexican dollar. On his arrival at the Mexican town he took a drink of chain lightning, which was fifteen cents, and receivod an American dollar in change for his Mexican. On his return to the American side he took a drink of equally bad liquor and received a Mexican dollar for bis Ameihan and so repeating tbe drinks at intervals during the day, and at night he closed up business with the Mexican dollar he started with in the morning. Clara Louise ICellogg is to receive $12,000 for singing twenty nights in a night! Xo wonder she is iu love with J)r. Bull's Cough Syrup, tbe great remedy for coughs and colds, for what would she do wit hout it, if she should be attacked suddenly by hoarseness? Tiie March number of The Southern Hittoricat has boon received from its publishers in Ricbmonil.

Among its contents are: Last Telegruns of the Confederacy, Memoir of General John B. Magruder, Within a Stone's Throw of Independence at Gettysburg, How they Made S. C. "Howl," Story of tbe Arkansas, Operations Before Petersburg, A Morning Call on General Fitzp'ltrii Sabine Pass, Letters from Fort Sumter, Editorial Paragraphs aud Literary Notes. Thk April number of The Manhattan will be a gallery of portraits of Edwiu Booth, representing him in two scenes of "Hamletiu two scenes of Iago, Othello and Lear, the last named being engraved from a picture by Jcrvii Me En tee.

The frontispiece will bo a half-length of Booth, engraved by Velteu. The story, which has never yet beeu told print, of how Wilkes Booth, the assassin of President Lincoln, crossed the Potomac, and where he spent his time from the night of the 14th of April until lie was shot on the morning of the 26tb, will be contributed to the April Contury by Georjre Alfred Townsend. "The iieaiun" for April? tho ladies' fashion book has been received from tho International Company, New York. Last Monday afternoon a barn near tho "Uayfarrn" mansion in tbe vicinity of Gordousville, owned by Maj. Fred Handy was discovered to bo on tire and before any of its contents could bo re.

moved, the whole building and with it 32 aheep, a large quantity of corn, oats, hay aud a lot of new farming implements, were consumed. There was au insurance of upon the building, which, however, will not replace all that was lost. and ague, and kindred diseases, arc all cured by it. For sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally. me wani oi a ronahie diuretic which, while acting as a stiuiulant of tbe kidneyn, neither excites uor irritates them, was long since supplied by Hostetter's Stomach Bitters.

This fine modis cine exerts the requisite degree of stimuW lation upon tbos? organs, without producing irritation, and is, therefore, far bettei adapted for the pose than unmeditated excitants often resorted to. Dyspepsia, fever The want of a relia MONETARY New York, March 6--11 a. wexe quiet and irregular Union Pacific was the inn-it active, opening at declining to and ad vancin? Lackawanua fell oil' from to aud returned to the former figures. Thu changes outside of these shares are slight. Noon arc now quiet and firm.

A I. ex a NOKIA Market. March in fair local demand for Flour. Wheat is without material change in prices and owing to the bad condition of the roads the offerings on 'change today were mall Fultz sold at 109all0 for good, no mixed or longberry beiug offertd prime milling grades continue scarce and would command good figures. Corn is Btrong and active; white brought 67.

No yellow Corn, Eye or Oats wero sold. Produce is without change and growing scarcc with a steady demand. Baltimore, March defd. do consolidated do 2d series? do past due coupons 40: do new 10-40's do new 3a bid to-day. Cotton easy: middling Flour steady with moderate demand.

Wheat? Southern steady and quiet; Western easier and closing dull; Southern red 112all4; do amber 115all7: No 2 Western winter red spot March April May June Corn Southern steady and firm; Western lower and dull; Southern white GlaG2: do yellow GOaGl Western mixed March asked May GOfyaGOV steamer bid. Oata dull aud eas.v Southern 42a45; Western white 43a44; do mixed Pennsylvania 42a4o. Eye firm at 72a73. Other articles unchanged. New York, March quiet.

Money easy Cotton steady: uplands lOT'e; Orleans Flour quiet. Wheat lower. Corn lower. MARINE NEWS. PORT OF ALEXANDRIA, MARCH 1884.

Sun risea 32 I Sue bcls MEMORANDA. Sehr Quillen, sailed fiom Philadelphia for this port 1st. BUTTER, for sulo at 15, 25 and 30 cts. per fcb21 At J. C.


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