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Logansport Pharos-Tribune from Logansport, Indiana • Page 1

Logansport, Indiana
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annual VOL XX LOGANSPORT, INDIANA. SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1895. NO-41. IA Stylish Coat or Cape For Half! AVe wouldn't be human if we didn't make mistakes: Our Cloak Buyer a mistake. He bought a largfi lot of Stylish Cloaks late in tho season, because they were cheap it few more than we could handle.

ALF. The tendency is toward a eontinimnco of the present styles. "Wouldn't it be good investment to buy your season's garment now. They're Good. Just Half.

BDSYtt Fourth Street. next 4O5)-411 roadway. Gall and See! Thousands ol Tunes uy means ndestructible Metallic Disks Purity i Volume ol Tone Unequalled- HAD The wonderful Regina ilusicBos. Will play liny tune. I am for Logansport of the genuine, also the new things Bolts, Collarettes, "Btiekles, Czarina Pins, Butterfly Hat Pins, Side Combs, Hairpins, Watch Pockets, Ladies' Guard Chains, Gold Bricabrac, Spectacles of all kinds fitted to the eyes.

SO years' experience in Engraving and all kinds of work done to order at The Jeweler and Optician. 410 Broadway, linker, uf tho handed down a. dfctM tho International Typ States court, ii iu the suit of graphii-al and Other directors to 000 10 have boon fraiuhiK-utly ro- ccivt'il a short lunik went to tho wall. The ruliu.T is a.

pre- codonl amlhokls that, the iliivutors of a obtain do KANSAS Crrv, Fob. J.I.— Philip Mai-tin, a negro boy of IS years, was Imiiged here for killing Eli Stilwoll. laborer, who jostled liim while drunk on iho street on the night of July 4 Kru-tml of S500 Oflurcil. x's 0., Feb. re- liv the i ward of has been offered for the publication of false reports may bo held responsible for obtaining money fraudulently.

Axpv.r.soN', KeK LJ ITarter has a suit against the il hesuys that while driving lie wont, to sloop, and horso left 10 pick out the way. Tho stopped on Iho railroad track arid aKo wont to sleep. The Chicago I'Xptvss did the rest, llarler escaped with a broken Ho bases his complaint oil ground that it was a moonlight nhrht and the en- ginoor should have scon tho horse on the track in timo to ttempt to ItoUl I'p Mull Currlor. 5 Foh. 0'Iiaru.

was arrestod 4 miles south of this city for attempting to hold viii the carrier of a star mail route. Tho carrier sprung from his buggy and escaped with the mail. A posse of farmers immediately started in pursuit of the two wito attempted tha hold-up and O'llara was caught. Company Sued for S10.000. ANDEBSOX, Feb.

S10.000 suit for daninges was filed in the circuit court here against tUo Alexandria Gas company by Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Baptiste Griener for the death of their child. They charge that the child's death was due to improper piping- and the failure of the company to furaish arrest, and conviction ol' tho person or persons who throw the bomb into tho ottkc oi the JUickeye glass works, A Farmer Four WAYNE, Fob, 15, James C. Robinson, a prominent Allen county farmer, is missing.

Mrs. Dr. Sledd a few days ago begun proceedings to recover 61,000 from him. Deputy Sheriff Melehing went out to arrest him and found that Kobiuson was gone to parts unknown with his Up in thu Thousands. Ai'OLis, Feb.

15. The Abattoir company suffered, a loss well up iu the thousands by tire, caused by a gas explosion. An employe named Henry Temperly, who struck the match that caused the explosion, was severely "burned, as was another employe. Aatccd for Ketnilsltlon. INDIANAPOLIS, lad.

Fob. U. GOT. Matthews has been asked to issue a requisition Thomas Parker, under arrest at Richmond, charged with. operating a gold brick swindle.

Jami Johnson, of thinks Parker recently swindled liim out of Grnud Jiii? Falls to Imllct. ELAVOOD, Feb. 13. George Smith, the directory publisher, who was recently arrested on charge of embezzling funds belonging- to the Daily Press of this city, has been released from jail, us the jury failed to indict him. NO EXECUTIONS.

Death Sentences for Hawaiian Traitors Not Yet Carried Out. Ex-Queen Liliuokalnni on Ignorance of Be Found Guilty. Feb. The steamer Mariposa arrived from Sidney and Auckland via, Apia and Honolulu Friday morning, bringing tDe Jollowing advices: Vlacecl on Trial. HONOLULU, Fob.

S. Liliiiokalani ex-queen of Hawaii, was ar- riiigncd on the Stli instant on a chariro of misprision of treason. Tho original charge was treason. She is represented by Paul Neumann. The lirst day was frittered au-ay by the argument of counsel, who objected to the court at every turn.

His objections were overruled in every instance. After the charge was read the matter went over for a day. The case was culled again day before yesterday and the deposed monarch, re fused to plead, so a plea of not guilty was entered. The work ol! examining witnesses gone through with and enough evidence secured to prove to -the impartial observer that she was aware a rebellion was to be started. Tho 7nost damaging evidence that will be brought against her will be her personal diary, which was found iu her residence after her arrest.

Whether this is introduced and made public at her trial depends very much upon the course pursued by her counsel in defending her case. Clevftland'ii ProMont. The ex-queen recorded her thoughts, desires and impressions very freely in her diary. Among the entries made during this summer was one stating: 0, Carter called to-day atid delivered President Cleveland's present to 1 What this present was is not stated. The While the trial of the ex-queen was in progress yesterday she was placed on the stand in her own behalf.

Tho, district examination was confined to the alleged conversation between her and Charles Clark, who testified that he her of the proposed rebellion. She denied that any such conversation took place. After her examination was concluded a statement written by her was filed. It commences with the time she was deposed and goes on to say: "The movement undertaken by the Ha hist month WHS coain.encod without my knowledge, sanction, consent Ulructly or liulli-uctiy. and this fact is, in truth, well known to those who tool; part in It.

roivlvcd-no information from anyone In regard to the arms which were to be pruduceU, nor of auy men who were induced to join in any such uprising. 1 do not Isnow why this Inforumion should bo withheld from mo, unless it wns witli a. view to my persona! safety or us a precautionary "measure. It wouKl not havo received my sanction, and I can assure you, gentlemen or tills commission. Unit i known of any such Intention I would luivodl.ssuaded tho promoters from such venture.

But I will add that, had I known, their socrots would have boen mine and im-io- lately preserved. "That i Intended to chanso ray cabinet and to appoint certain officers of the kingdom, In the ovcnt of my restoration, I will admit, but or anyone known to me, had In part or in whole established a new government is not true. lieforo tho 24th of January, the day upon which i formally abdicated anil called upon' my people to recognize the republic of the only lawful of these islands and to support that government, 1 claim that I had the rifht 10 select a cabinet in anticipation of possibility, and the history of other governments supports this right. 1 was nov Intimidated into but followed the counsel of able and generous friends and well wishers, who advised me that such an act would restore peace and flood will among my people. 1 acted on own free will, and wish the world to know i have asked no immunity or favor for myself nor pleaded abdication as petition for morey.

"1 must deny your to try me in this manner and by a court which you havo called together for this purpose." Will I'robably lliul Her Gullry. The military court will probably bring in a verdict of guilty in the case oi the ex-queen, notwithstanding her denial. Sentence be passed, but it is not believed she will be imprisoned, but will be allowed freedom on her own recognizance. The next case to be tried will bo that of Jonah Kanioaaoic. He was a prince under the monarchy ancTi was to be king in case the rebellion was successful.

The quecu was to abdicate in his favor in order to keep Princess Kaiu- laui from the throne. This fact is well known by all English residents. Willis Objected to Importation. The Yi'arrimoo's departxire for Victoria was delayed for two hours in order to give JoTmstone, Mueller and Cranston, banished men, opportunity to sec thoir respecti'-e consuls. Johnstone talked to British Commissioner llarres, after which, he stated he was satisfied to go.

Cranston saw Minister Willis, protested to the government, claJmiug it had no right to send-men out of the country without first' giving them a trial. The German consul also objected in the case of Mueller. After the steamer sailed Minister Willis boarded the Philadelphia and had a conference with. Admiral, Beardslee. 3The movements of Willis were watched anxiously and it is the government fears he will-call the forces of-the aid in case the irov- ernmenC decides to hang 'WUJard Seward, one of the men condemned by the military court.

IVurned for AttjitklDjj The Advertiser recently published an editorial about the American minister's course which brought forth the following: nDKPABTMKSI Of FOHKIUN HONOLULU. H. February -i. Sir: I have noticed in this morning's is.suo ot the Pacillc Commercial Advertiser aa editorial commenting unfavorably upon the action of the American minister in relation to the deportation of Mr. Cranston.

I desire to call your attention, in this connection, to the fact of our friendly relations to tho government of the United States, and that, therefore, is aeniraltle that due caution be exercised in commenting upon the oUldal conduct of tts representative here, to retrain NOT SATISFIED. from harsh ami unfriendly criticism, anil especially so when reference is made to acts of the president of that country. I have the- honor to be, dear sir, your obedient servant, FKA.VC-JS H. HATCH, Minister Foreign Affairs. To Wallace H.

Farrlr.glon. editor rautllo Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu. It is understood that the foregoing was sent to forestall any objection that Minister Willis might make. Wurlt of Milltiiry Court. I Since the last advices the military I court has tried twenty-one native reb- els.

and V. V. Ashford, John Cummins, John Wise and Capt. Davies. Cummins and Davis both pleaded guilty to the charge of treason.

Tho latter was master of the steamer Wai- manrilo, the vessel that landed the arms for the rebels. The government has liberated John S. Walker, Thomas Kawlins and Henry Swinton on their own recognizance. The men aro charged with conspiracy. It is understood that a number of prisoners, who have business interests, will be liberated after tho departure of the Mariposa.

A well-defined rumor says Admiral lieardsJee has instructions to raise tho flag of the United States over Pearl harbor. It is indicated thntthe United States government will take possession nf the harbor under guaranteed treaty rights and virtually declare a protectorate over thi! islands. Admiral Uennislee is said to he vested with tho authority necessary to carry out the programme. C. C.

Moreno, who Lakes a lively interest in Hawaiian nffnirs, recently wrote to Robert Wileox, ono of the condemned rebel leaders, saying he had been assured by Senator I-Jawley and other prominent that President Cleveland and Minister Willis were both ready to reeog- 'nixe the rebels if they were successful. No IIuvc Talfen Pluco. So far the government has not put into execution any of the death sentences. Sailing on the Mariposa, to-day is William France, who is deported on a charge of conspiracy. Tho leaving February -3, will take several other exiles, including Peterson anil Creighton, ex-cabinet and Wurdenbnrg, ex-Postmaster General V.

V. Ashford and John F. Howler, found guilty of misprision of treason. The government just prior to the sailing of the Mariposa decided to banish Carl convicted of treason, lie is a'son of Judge Widcmann, of the ex-quncn's commissioners to Washington. Annexation is Active.

A number of prominent natives and half-castes are making arrangements to form political clubs all over the island. Annexation is the aim of the organization. The government is collcL'tirfg evidence against Rudolph Sprecklcs, but no move is to- be made in his case until the authorities are absolutely certain he was mixed lip in the rebellion. KulU TTfO Ff-wc CO Feb. dead of Patrick V.

Eagan, of the Sixth cavalry, at Fort Leavcnworth, was found at the bottom of the Home coal mine. He had fallen feet, and in falling had snapped a heavy girder and passed through the top of the CCJTC at the bottom of the pit, cutting a. clean hole the size of the body through the henry oak timbers. Analysis of Vote on liontl WASuIXGTOy, Fob. analysis of the vote upon the gold bond bill in the house Thursday shows that the several parties were divided as follows: the bill, SO; against.

majority against, o. For the bill, 31; against, 03; majority against, 3-. the bill, 10; for the bill, none. A. IMeu HucdciifTeil.

ST. Louis, Feb. employes of the True American, an American Protective association paper, were handcuffed by three masked men at 1 o'clock Friday- morning, aud the subscription, books of the paper stolen. The robbers obtained access to the office through a transom. Fcrdtmind Krpclled.

BUCHAREST, Feb. is semi-of5- ciallv stated that there is no truth in the rumor circulated in Berlin Wednesday evening that Prince Ferdinand, of. Bulgaria, had been expelled from that country and had fled to rrozi-n CAPE Cir.utLES, Feb. is frozen from shore to shore. John Thomas, keeper of the Old Plantation -lighthouse, wastaken from his post Friday morning nearly starred, having had nothing- to eat Aldrich Wants House Sugar Bill Recommitted.

Post Office Appropriation Bill Considers the Naval Appropriation Bill. Is WASUINOTOX, Fob. senate committee on finance has ordered a fa- vornble report on tho bill passed by the house repealing tho discriminating duty on all sugars imported from countries that nay an export sugar bounty. Tho republicans objected to the rc- of the duty because they did not look upon the imposition of the duty us a violation of the treaty rights of and for the further reason that it would be but a change in a general section of a tariff act to which they wore opposed, find which could only be corrected by the elimination of the whole section. They therefore permitted tho democrats to order a favorable report on the bill as it L-ame from tho house.

The action of the committee in reporting the bill was had without any formal vote, but there was an informal expression of views of the members of the committee. Senator Sherman was the only republican who indicated a favorable o. inion of the bill. lliu Kill Uccominllti'il. The bill was reported to the senate during the morning honr and Senator Aldrich at once offered the following: Resolved.

Tiiat Uio bill (H. USiiO) to-etlier with the bill (H. B. now on the senate calendar, be recommitted to tho committee on llnance with Instructions to report back tlio said bill (H. H.

71 tlclll a k' 11 To exempt from duty sugars, molasses, etc." to the senate r.ivorabiy with amendments as follows: 1. To reenaci, the reciprocity provisions contained iu the third section of tue tariff act of October i). ISM. i'. To provide fur the payment of a bounty to the domestic producers of suu'ar in accordance the terms of snid tarlil act of October 0.

To provide for any deilciencie.s In the revenue may arise from the rcmovnl of all duties upon sugar, or from any otliei-'Causes, by duly upon wool and in- cre.isin;: tin; customs duties or the internal revenue taxes upon articles of luxury. WASHINGTON, Feb. the senate Friday Senator Pork-ins Cal.) reported back from the committee ou education and labor the senate bill for the appointment of a. non-partisan committee to collect information and to consider and recommend legislation to meet the problems presented by labor, agriculture and esipital; aud it was placed on the calendar. Senator Harris Tenn.) from the finance committee reported back withoutaraendmcnt the house, bill to remove tho differential duty on sugar; and it was placed On the calendar with a resolution offered by Senator Aldrich It.

1.) to recommit the bill with to report it back with amendments. Senator Butler S. chairman of the committee on interstate commerce called up a resolution heretofore offered by him to make the "pooling bill" the unfinished business aftfr the post office and agricultural appropriation He called it up not for action, but in order to inakc some remarks -upon it. At the conclusion of Senator Butler's statement the resolution went over without action. The senate then, resumed consideration of the post ofJee appropriation bill, the pending question being on the amendment offered Thursday by Senator lilackburn Ky.) to reduce the appropriation for the fast mail from Springfield, to Atlanta and New Orleans JO per cent.

The amendment was navs, 31. An amendment offered by Senator Bricc for the division of the 5190,000 subsidy to the eastern, fast line witli a similar fast line in the running through Ohio, Kentucky. Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Lsuisiana, Texas and Florida, was laid on the table by a vote of 33 to -3. and the post office appropriation bill wak then passed. The agricultural bill was then taken up.

The. first item that led to discussion was an amendment to change law as to the inspection of live cattle, hogs, aud their carcasses and products for exportation. Senator i'latt Conn.) said he did not propose to engage in the repeal of any legislation or in the amendment any act now existing, at tlie dictation of a government. "If Germany wants to retaliate it is a game that two can play. And the way to convince her that her proposed retaliation is properly understood in this country is to make use of the power which we now have, for retaliation on Germany.

I have little respect for the legislation which attempts to conciliate Germany bv imiking our laws satisfactory to House Proceedings. Feb. the house after some routine business the naval appropriation bill for the year ending une 30, 1896, was taken up in committee of the whole. The contents of the bill Vere explained by Tul- bott The total amount carried was 831.507,023; the estimates originally made were Mr. Simpson Kan.) opposed the increase of the na.vy in the "bill, whlish.

he. would cost, inoiila- ing three battleships, se3.iHi.OW. The war between China and had demonstrated that the unarmorodcruiserot the Japanese had proven more than a match for the heavily-armed battle-, ship of China, Secretary Herbert had expressed the opinion in an article published in the North American Kevievv that the cruiser is to be the navnlboat of the future. At, the conclusion, of Mr. Simpson's remarks au agreement was effected by which general debute was to close at 2 o'clock Saturday.

Mr. rendleton advocated the appropriation recommended by the eommittee for the increase of the navy, lie was of the opinion, he said, that the ber-t way to preserve the peace of nations was to be prepared to maintain it. ovoa if wy had to fight for it, In Fnvor of Uoi'p Mr. Wise reported to the houso Friday the senate authorising preliminary iuoniry coneeruing deep iviiior ways between tlitf grout lakes and the Ai.hmtie ocean. 1 Wine, in his report, says that iiK'iiMire oll'ers a practical way to enter upon a work that commend itself to the house as being of the greatest.

importance. Statistics of transportation that r-inee: tho deepening of the channel between Buffalo, Chicago, and Superior tho cost of carriage by water over such, route is on the average only one-nintU of the cost of carrying the same freight by rail. This saving in transportation. charges, by reason of the Jftko service, amounts in round numbers to SI 50.000.000 jmiiimUy. and the commerce committee believe that if such scrvieo can be extended to the seaboard, that.

sum would be very largely increased. For these reasons the pa.ssagc of the neasurc by the house, is urged. NOT SATISFIED WITH REPORT. CmiiMiillro In CHUB Find F.V!<|<MICO Convict. COT.UMHVS, 0., Feb.

The first order of business to come before tho convention when it convened Friday morning was the election of it was postponed until Inter, aud this is taken that, the delegates do not know exactly what they wan to do in the matter of selecting: 1 men to watch after their interests for the next year. The report of committee appointed to investigate the charges of Mark 'Wild against John. Mcl.iride was submitted byT. L- Lewis, of Ohio. It was as follows: committee nppointeJ 10 Investigate the eliai-jres of lirilwry jH'ererrcd by Mar); Wild John Mclirldo Jjolil a moctinK and nJlcrlicnrius ill cvMenc-0 that hail iny on tbc CSSR, leave to report there Is not sulllclciiL evidence to prove bribery." The report is signed by all the members of the committee.

T. T. O'Mallcy, of Ohio, opposed the adoption of the committee's report. He said it was the same old Scotch verdict: "Guilty, but not proven." J. A.

Crawford indorsed O'Malicy's remarks, and moved that the report be referred back to the committee to return a verdict in plain language. Mcl.trido said he would rather be found guilty than to have the convention accept such a report. The report was finally referred back to the committee. The committee retired and was out an hour, but brought in the same report, and were again sent back, and is still in session. convention'adoptcd a resolution asking all members of mine workers to withdraw from military organizations.

TROUBLE NOT YET ENDED. Mexico's J'orclcn Affairs De- Uio Story. Cm- or MKXJCO, Don Ig- nncio Mariscal, minister of foreign relations iti the Mexican cabinet, states, despite reports to the contrary, that the end of the: Guatemalan question is not yet in sight. The secretary indicated that the rcighboring republic is still at its tnctics of evading tin: real fjucMions ir. the dispute with Mexico and endeavoring to gain all the time possible.

FOURTEEN KILLED. KlRht Ollujrs Injured by Jviplosion of Tire Damp In VIKXNA, I-'eb. explosion ol firedamp occurred Thursday night in the J-OUIM; mine, Sealerize, Si- killing fourteen persons and injuring eight. Indian Appointed. Feb.

president has appointed lit. Ilev. Henry Ij. Whipple. IJ.

bishop of to be a member of the board of Indian com- miss'soners, vice Charles C. 1'ainter, deceased. The president has appointed 31'elvin R. of Dulutb" to be a', commissioner to negotiate with the. Chippewa Indians Minnesota, vice William M.

Campbell, resigned. Mr. Baldwin is designated ciiairmaa of the commission. C'onotcrn-jn-r C.VDO.I.AC, Feb. 10.

Mack was arrested herewith a good. supoly of spurious silver dollars. She had, during the day, vUited several siores and passed off on unsuspecting- traders several of her coins. Connrmcd- "iVAsmNGTOX, Feb. senate has confirmed the following nomination: Brig.

Gen. Thomas Howard B-ug-er to be major general..

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