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The Fort Wayne News from Fort Wayne, Indiana • Page 12

Fort Wayne, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

12 THE FORT WAYNE DAILY NEWS Wednesday, March 3. LOCAL MARKETS Daily Trade Letter 1 FIOM DOWN SIXTY GENTS PRICE FOLLOWS WHEAT QUOTATIONS ON BIG SLUMP. Wheat is Quoted at $1.30 on the Local Markets Today--The Markets. The uceivr-d decide 1 jar this moining i awoke to find Hour at a pi ice 6Jr a i afternoon on the local market. One of the nnllcis of a standard Real brand announced a GOc tumble today following a gieat decline in a prices.

Wheat stood ut from 51 to $1 32 here toda, bidding all running vei close to these maiks Eggs at 20c xveie another interesting of the a i totlaj Faimeis or the maiket sold cents under tbat mark esteida and today, iinil one ol the jobbers tins morning educed his quotation to 20c and the rest followed him tlobely. Count!) candied eggs bland at 2ii(, letail. City Scales Report. Ilaj-Receipts, -i loaclt, JlZ.OO«j 14 00 Ooin--Keceipts, 9 loads, Oats--Receipts, 1 load, 52c. Conditions on the 'ocal market may be summed up as follows: Ginseng and Golden Seal--There Is no change fiom our latest prices.

are tvtill paying the same puces, but the maiket is weak, and the same is Hue of horse hides, Fins--The general fur maiket is off at 1 leas-t 10 pei i ent and a i weakening is possible. I WEIL, BROTHERS CO. I Local Wholesale Mar- I kets--Buying Prices Mayflower Mills Quotations. (Corrected Todfty by BsS.) bu. Cora--70i.

bu. Oats--54c bu. bu. Barley--6Oc bu. (Selling Prlcw.) Plour--Winter wheat, straight, Silver Dust bbl.

Newveno bbl. Rye bbl. ton. ton. Chop ton.

0. Tresselt 4 Sent' HO bu Oats--50c bu. Corn--60c bu. 00 bu Barley- -70c bu. Prices.) Little Turtle 20 bbl W.ieat Straight bbl.

Winter Wheat Patent (Silver Dollar)-- 00 bbl Spring Wheat Flour (Our 20 Pumpermckle SO bbl. Pure 20 bbl Graham 20 bbl 2S.CO ton. ton. ton. Chop ton Corn Meal cwi.

Corn Meal (Coarse) cwt Cracked uwt. cwt Email 75 ewt. Globe Mills Twelfth District Ship- i ping Prices on Hay, Grain and Seed 37 bu Mew Corn--86c Oats--50c bu Rye-- $1.10 bu. Alslkc Au. Clover 50 mi.

General Markets white, No. 4 white, 2 standard, Chicago Produce. CHICAGO, March 3 --Butter-- Receipts, 9,770 tubs, c'eamery evtias, extra firsts, firsts, packing -Jtock, 18c KEBS-- Receipts, Hi, 071 current ic- ceipts, ordinal lusts, tSc fusts, ISVie, extras, 2.1'ie, checks Oh ties, 1S(- Cheese Twins lu-w, 15'1'C. Young Americas, 16c, longhorns, IGc, bilek, Iftc. Live Poultiy-- TurKejs, nc, chickens, loc springs, IG'ic, roobteis, i geese, 8i10c, ducks, Potatoes.

Receipts, 80 car? Wisconsin and i 35(g42c, led, HSfMOe New York Stocks. NEW YORK, rMaich a demand for leading stocks in the earlj ttading on the stock exchange today, and substantial j-ains were made in many sf-ues Apparonth the German answer to the note of the United States in legard to the maritime war methods exerted Important influence on speculative sentiment and was an incentive for buying 'or both long and shoit accounts Reading rose a i to 145 5 and fractional gains were made in Union Pacific, New Tork Central and New Haven Distillers Securities, which was a weak feature yesterday, opened 'i lower at 74, but rallied to 8. The traction stocks moved up with an increased demand, Third -Avenue rising to and Interborough-Metropolitan preferred to 56'i. American opened 7 fe higher at Southern Paetjlj was supplied freely at concessions, dining to Chicago Northwestern opened a point lower at 121. There was a pronounced improvement in the tiadmg throughout the late fore noon, some brisk advances being noted in some of the leading issues.

Heading rose to United States Steel advanced to 43H. Union Pacific made a gain ot to An upturn was noted in Northern Pacific, which lose to 101 Vi- Prospects of a dividend on Third Avenue caused that to rise to Canadian Pauluc was up Missouri 5 acific 3 4, New York Onlral New Haven 1 and Tennessee Coppei Money is loaning at 3 per cent The market exhibited a tone of unusual stiength in the last hour, and many issues uilecl a point or more above their morning opening. Utah Copper held around against 51 a i at the opening Amalgamated Copper ruled more than a point above its opening price, and the same was title of New Haven. Southern Pacific showed good demand, ruling near S3 after having opened at Canadian Pacific luled about a point above its opening. Steel was also higher.

The market closed steady Governments uncnanged, other bonds Irregular. Chicago Grain and Provisions. CHICAGO, March 3 a opened unsettled on the boaul of tiade today, advanced sharply under good buying and then dropped to profit-taking sold at to $1 45 34 and bai to and July at $1 to $1 and off to $1 Resting spots last night $1 foi May and $1 for July Liv- eipool cable icported spot wheat unchanged there, but Ameiican winters were offered at i The weather in Argentine was unfavorable Corn was higher. Shoits led in the Oats were higher. Pio- visions were iiregular, poik being fiac- tionally 1'igher, whi'e other commodities i lower Opening prices.

Wheat--May, $1 45 to July, $1 to Corn- May, to July, 75c. Oats--May, 55 3 ic: Jul.x, 52 to Gt'fcc. 1'ork--May, $17.35 to $1730, July, $1775 to SI 7 70. Kibs--July, $1010. May wheat leacted 2c fiom the lowest level of the day and closed i a gain of 2c as compared with a resting spot of last night July showed a net advance of and reacted I 3 from the lowest pi ice reached.

Corn gained and oats i up IVic Hog pioducts showed but AUSTRIAN WARSHIPS FLYING TO THE RELIEF FLEET OF SUBMARINES SENT TO AID TURKEY IN THE DARDANELLES. LOXDON, March 3--The conflict between the Turks and the Anglo- Fieneh fleet for possession of the Dardanelles may develop into a three-cor- neied fight, according to a report that Austiian Heet, consisting of six Austro-Geiman submarines, seveial torpedo boats and destroyers left the Austrian naval base at PoHi for the Aegean sea. The attacking fleet is reported to been divided into three parts. One of these is operating in the Dardanelles, another is stationed in the Gulf of SEIOS, throwing shells across the peninsula of Gallipoli, and the third is standing off the entrance of the Dardanelles in the Aegean sea In addition to the 100,000 Turkish massed heavy losses upon the Gel man rear guard by cutting off and annihilating detachments of soldiers. The German transportation sjstem broke down frequently, despite the ostentatious preparations they had made.

The Geimans lost more prisoners in the Przasnysz battle than in any other engagement on the Russian front. The German defeat there will probably compel a retiiement along the greater part of the line Already the Geimans are on the defenbue along most of the front. The Russians are carrying on a vigorous offensive between the Nieman and Vistula rivers. Turks Defeated. PKTROGRAD, Maich S--Counter attacks of the Turks in the trans- Chorak district of trans-Caucasus have been lepulsed with heavy losses, to an official repoit issued by the Russian btaff headquaiters at Tiflis.

The repoit adds, that the Russians alto suceesslul in the region of but that there is no change on the balance of the front Artillery Duel. BUt'IJARKST, Roumania, Maich 3. --Russian artillery is bombarding CzernowitK, the capital of Bukovvina, Constantinople, all the available heavy lhe wet recently driven A i allied fleet. Guns have moved southward from fcuns have been lushed to the remaining forts. It is even said that some of the eleven-inch guns were taken from the cruiser Goeben for use against the also been the forts around Adrianople and from the Tcha- talja forts.

The lull the bombardment, caused by storms, has been utilized bv the Tuiks, who are working erishlv to strengthen in every way the forts that remain intact. The town of Yeni-Cheir has been set on fire by shells and destroyed. A news ngencj dispatch fiom Athens Ktntes a the batteries of Kalid Bahr and Fort Sultania, guarding the narrowest part of the Dardanelles, have been silenced, but this is not officially Oats-- bu. Corn 75c bu. Rye-- 9Bc bu.

Uarley-- bu. (Selling Prices.) Blenchea Straight Winter Flour-- Holl-' daK.J8.00@8 40, Gold Lace, J7.SO^S.20 bbl am Pio bbl. Flour-- $7.50 bbl Pumperniekle Flour-- $7.00 bbl Hj-e Bluur-- $7.26 bbl. Bran- ton Shcrts-- J30.00@32.00 ton Chop Feed-- ton Corn Meal (Bolted)-- si 00 ewt Corn Meal 70'Il 80 e7t Cracked ewt bbi Feed $34 Feed Quotations. by D.

Henderson Co) Timothy 00 ton. Mlxe 1 ton Clover Hay-- Off ton. Corn-- bu, Oats-- bu Barley-- 60iB65c bu. Rye-- 11.00(21. 10 bu Timothy bu Clark Fruit sa-k.

Onions $1 50. Spanish crate. a18al Cobbler Potatoes-. Malaga kg Grape 60 box (64 and 46) Cranberries-- $6 00 bbl New York bbl Hothouse Cucumbers-- $2.60 doz Head Lettuoe-- isc lb et lb. New Shallts-50c do Gieen ppers-65c basket AcNerman- Fresh New York bbl Micmgan 0 25 peck sack Spanish crate California box- Leaf Lettuce--lie lb New York Holland 00 cwt Indiana cwt bbl Turnips--50c bu Fresh Young Onions--Kn doz Beyer Brothers' Quotations (Cmrested Daily by Oeoige Grouse) Jobbers' prices to DmOucers Potatoes bu New York Money, NEW YORK, March 3 --Monej.

on call, per time mone days, per cent ninety days, i9.3 per six months, per cent. Posted rates sterling exchange steady, i actual business in bankers bills at for demand. Prime mercantile paper unchanged. New York Produce. NEW YORK, March 3 --Petroleum- Market steady, crude Pennsylvania, $1 50 steads, 45 jjc Market steady, common, $3 40.

ool--Maiket strong, domestic fleece, pulled, scoured basis-, ISfaTGc. Texas, scoured basis, 63g76c, Hides--Market firm, native steers branded steers, Coffee--Market ciuiet, Hio Xo. 7, on spot New Orleans Celeiy-- 30c bunch Onions-No. 1 yellow, 60e; No. 2 yellow loc; No.

red, 85c; No. 2 red, 20c ye ow Lemons-- $4.00 box. Cranberries-- BO bbl' Fort Wayne Creamery (Corrected by F. W. i Butter- Gold Medal Medal, 30-11.

punts. 10c Gold Cream Butter a A creamery Skin country, 27c S. Bash (Corrected by C. S. Bash.) Green Hides--14c lb.

Cured Hides--17c lb. Cured Calf Hides--18c lb Horse 50. Ginseng Root 0002 50 Golden Seal Jb. Old Rubber--5c lb. Red AVool- 27c lb.

Well Brothers (Coriected by I. AVell.) Wild Ginseng Golden Heal Gieen Hides--14c lb Cured Hides--ISfelSc lb. i Calf lb. Cured Calf Hides--20c lb. Horse Skunk Skins--SOc'SiJZ 00.

i Slflna-- $3 Mukrat Skins --IB Jj40o Opossum Skins- Raccoon Live Stock Market. (Corrsoted Daily by Kckait Packing Cattle--Steers, good, good, cows, good, J3.GOtJi4.Hi bulls, good, Vcai 00. Sheep--Good to choice, 43.6C@3 69. I.ambB-- flood, Sfi.Ot^C.60. to 220 pounds, $6.35, Rice--Market active, domestic, ordinary to prime, 4 3 Molasses--Market firm, open kettle, Raw Sugar--Market quiet; centrifugals, 4.640, molasses sugar, 3.87c, Refined Sugar--Market quiet; fine granulated, B.75®6 OOc, cut loaf, 6 65c, crushed 6 65c, mould A.

6 20c; cubes, 6.00@6.2Bc powdered, 68G diamond 5.76c confectioners' 5.65c, soft No. 1, 5 (No. 2 is 5 points below No. 1, and Nos, 3 to 14 are 6 points lower than the preceding grade.) Potatoes Market irregular; white nearby, $1 Beans--Market marrow, choice pea, choice, red kidney choice, Dried Fruits--Market quiet; apricots choice to fancy, apples, evftpo rated, prime to prunes, 30'i to 60's, 60's to" 100's, peaches, choice to fancy, 6(fS7Hc, seedec. raisins, choice to fancy, Dressed Poultry--Market barely steady chickens, 12(S27c; fowls, 13518c, turkeys 13fi.22c, ducks, 12yl9c; geese, 10S'16c, Live Poultry--Market irregular; chick fens, 4ig.l7c, fowls, turkeys 15iffil7c, roosters, llai3L, ducks, 20c geese, Butter--Market easier, creamery extras creamery firsts, 27(S30c, stat dairj, tubs, 20 1 I yic, process extias ft 24 Clipese--Market steadier, whole milk specials, 16-')ifI7c; whole milk, fancy skims, specials, skims good to choice, skims, poo to fair, Kggs--Maiket ea.Mpi, nearby i i 24'fK25c, nearby blown, fancy, 23c extras, 1 firsts, 20'a20 1 East Buffalo Live Stock, EAST BUFFALO, March 3--Cattle- Receipts, 25 head, maiket active, steady; pilme steers, butcher grades, 8.00.

Calves Receipts, 50 head; market steady; cull to choice, 00. Sheep and Lambs--Receipts, 400 head; market active, choice lambs, $9 25, cull to fair, $5 OOftil 25, yearlings, il.OO, sheep, 7 Hogs--Receipts, 1,700 head; market ad- lie, ofilOc higher, jorlcers, pigs, 7 3 0 4 0 mixed, heavies, roughs, stags, $4 75ft 5.35. little change for the a Cash transactions here were 65,000 bushels of wheat, 56,000 bushels of coin and 50,000 bushels of oats. prices: Wheat-- May, July, Corn-- Ma, 73T4c, July, Oats-- May, July, Pork-- May, J17.37; July, $1772. Lard-- May, July, $10.55.

Ribs-- May, $1187, July, $10.17. Open. High. Low, Close May 1 4S 1 1 42 1 July 1 1 1 1.17% Corn- May 73H 72 4 78 vi July 75 .74 3 4 Oats -Mav 56 7 ''i July 02 51 VB .52 Pork- May .1735 17.40 1710 1737 July 17 75 17 75 17 BO 17 72 Lard- May 10.30 1030 1 0 2 2 10.30 July 10.50 1057 10.47 10.55 Ribs- May 87 9 8T 9 80 9 87 1015 1017 10,10 10.15 Toledo Grain and Provisions. TOLEDO, March 3 --Close--Wheat-Cash, May, $3 46, July, $1.19.

Corn Cash, 75c; May, July, Oats-- Cash and May, July, Rye-- Xo. $1 14. Clover Seed-- Prime cash, March, (8 75 April, $8 50. Alsike-- Prime cash anil Maich, $8.75. Timothy Prime cash, March and April, $312 Daily.

Market Letter. (Furnished by Phillips Sprague, North American Building CHICAGO, March 3 --Many traders look for an opening rally In grains Export sales of wheat on Tuesday -are' set at 1,500,000, and there are claims of two to three million oats. Further progress in the Dardanelles is leported by the allies, but local critics dovibt their earlv successes and question if Russia has a large amount of stored wheat for immediate export. The Herald thinks theie has been bieak enough. The Tribune comments somewhat bearish on wheat.

Failing the ai rival of fresh Dardanelles news, markets should be given a chance to rally on attention from shorts. Provisions are also legarded as in line by arriving at fighting levels Opinions mainly favor the chance that the big bieak is near completion A few are afraid of the Dardanelles influence. Some leading provision shorts i buyers Tuesday. SIXTY-THIRD CONGRESS IS ON ITS FINAL LAP (Continued From Page One.) of all appropriation bills before it anc recessed shortly before midnight tinti: 10:30 today. All of the general supply bills, including the much contested river anc harbor and the Indian bills, have been passed by each house of congress.

The Indian measure, a i 000,000 and almost 50 per cent re-written from the house version, was adopted by the senate early The rivers anc harbors bill in the form of a substitute tor the measure fire reported in the senate after adoption in the house also was passed during the early morning hours, tt carries a sum of $25,000,000 to be expended on existing projects under dnection of the war depaitrnent. The agricultural bill, as amended in the hou-e and senate to deal with rural again was in conference today and it was apparent that the Bulklej amendment protldiug foi the loan of of ment lunds to establish the project be stricken out. Signs Bills, WASHINGTON, March -President Wilson today signed the sundry civil i 'i i 41 9 confirmed. is said that the losses of the British and French in killed and wounded are less than HOO, despite the fierceness of the fire to which the allies' fleet was subjected. A Constantinople dispatch denies that the success of the allied fleet in forcing an entrance of the Dardanelles has compelled a retirement of the Turkish army of imaslon in Egypt.

GERMANS CLAIM jhiiiiinifw wbntin SOME SUCCESSES (Continued From Page One.) Geimans conquered 350 metres of trenches. "French attacks in the forest of Con- sens oye, noith of Verdun, and near Ailley and Apremont, south and east of St. Mihiel, were easily repulsed. "German attacks northeast of Bad- onvillier were again successful and we conquered a considerable amount of Around Tlifi Gci'msn front titivs-iicscl eight kilometres duung the past few days. "Eastern theater of war Near Giocl- no the situation is unchanged.

Southeast of Augustowo the Russians tried to cross the Bobr river but were repulsed, suffering losses. Fifteen hundred Russians were taken prisoners. Other Russian attacks in the district noitheast of Augustowo broke down." French Communique Brief. PARIS, March 3. The official com- munique issued by the war office this afternoon was bi'ief and made mention of but two spheres of action: Tjhe Champagne district and the Argonne foi est.

The French have made a slight in Champagne, it is said and an artillery duel is in progress in the Argonne. The official communique follows "Theic is nothing of importance to add to the communique last night. In Champagne we hold the whole first line of German trenches northwest ol Perthes as far as to the north of Eeausjour and at several points we have advanced beyond this line. "JTtirther progress noted in lasl night's report is confirmed today. "In the Aigonne there has been cannonading.

"On the right of the front there is nothing to report." The French Report. PARIS, March 3. A stubborn battle is raging over a thirty mile front in the Champagne district, where the French and Germans are struggling for the possession of strategic points Both a lost heavily in tha region and at some points both aidef claim victoii. The French ofTlcia dispatches state that the French troops captured a number German artillery supports, as well as trenches and barricades constructed fallen trees and bags of earth. The feature of the fighting along the northern end of the battle line" is heavy a i i fire.

The French and Biitish are now on equal terms with the Germans in the matter of big guns and (he German artillery is kept or the from position to positior avoiding the accurate fire of the allies cannon Storinv continues and ai some points the soldiers are lying in trenches that are nearly half full watci This led to a great increase in the cases of rheumatism anc pneumonia in the hospitals. A severe i is raging over the Vosges At some places the snow is so thicl that soldieis in the opposin! armies fight i seeing eacl other. German Reinforcements. LONDON, Mai rh An Amsterdarr dispatch lo Express says that Em pcroi- William is expected to eo to the the Austrians. A severe artillery duel is in progress there.

Submarine Fired On. THE HAGUE, March The German legation announced today that on March 1 a yacht opened fire i two small guns upon the German subnm- line U-21 in St. George's channel. The extent of damage was not mentioned. I LGHMEIER CASE IN CIRCUIT WOMAN ACCUSED OF CAUSING DEATH OF HER SON IS ON TRIAL.

Suit to Recover $7,500 Is Filed Today-Damage Case to Huntingtcn --Divorce Complaints. It was unofficially leported recently that the U-21 had been lost. Bombard Antivari. LONDON, March' 3--Five Austrian warships entered the port of Antivari at 3 o'clock yesterday morning and bombarded the city and fortress for several hours, it was announced today by the Montenegrin consul general, who received official news of the attack fiom Cettinje. A'aluable stores were burned, the royal jacht sunk and several civilians were killed and Injured.

Attacked by Aeroplanes. DUNDEE, Scotland, March Iritlsh steamer Delblair reports that she attacked off the Essex coast by two hostile aeroplanes that dropped bognbs. This is the first aerial attack upon British merchant ships reported from the Biitish "war zone." The Delblair cariied a cargo of jute from Calcutta. Her captain reported that both aeroplanes were yellow and were the shape of German Taubes. None of the bombs hit the ship.

The Turkish Report. BERLIN, Maich Anglo-French fleet thelled the Turkish forts on the Dardanelles for three hours on Tuesday, without success," sas an official Turkish war office statement received here today from Constantinople by way of Sofia and Vienna over the telegraph. "The fleet was forced to tetrcat by the successful fire of the Turkish batteries. At the Fame time another fleet consisting of four French cruisers and some destroyers shelled the Turkish positions on the gulf of Saros without the least success. Turkish aviators flew over the international -fleet and dropped bombs." "Wales LONDON, March official -press bureau announces that the Leek has been ordered by King George as the badge of the new Welsh guards.

The insignia is to be in the king's colors and bear the motto "Cymbru am Byth" (Wales Forever). French Fleet PARIS, March operations were resumed yesterday," says an official cornmuniqinj issued by the French ministry of m'aiine this afternoon. "A French squadron 'under Rear Admiral Gueupratte operated in the gulf of Saros. The Suffren very seriously damaged Kort Sult'anie, while the Gaulois crippled Fort Napoleon and shelled the Turkish foitiflcations on the river Cavack The trial of Ursula Lohmeier, the woman accused of causing the death of her four-year-old son, John Lohmeier, several months ago, began in the circuit court today. The charge against the woman is manslaughter.

Her husband will be tried on the same charge in the near future, their attorney demanding separate trials. The ease against the woman began early this morning and the state, had practically all of its evidence' in' by 3 o'clock. The state attempted show that the woman had caused the death of her son by. beating and abusing him, breaking his arm, wounding his head, placing him on a hot stove and in other ways injuring him so that infection came into the wounds and death was due to sepsis, or poisoning. It is likely that the case will be completed by late this Pittsburgh Live Stock.

riTTSHUUGH, March light; market steady, (holce, i.TD, prime, $8 Wit 8 70, good, $8 butchers J7 fair, J7.00f(-7 50, common, 75; common to food fat bulls, 7.50. common to good jut cows CO, heifers, veal a jn 50ft 12 00, heavy and thin calves bhoep atid Lamb.s--.Supply light; market steady, prime wethers, $7 50ft 7.75; good 1 7 i fair mixed, i i airJ lambs, $6.00 i--Receipts, 3 double decks; market a i prime; heavlc.s, $7.10, mediums, 7 7 0 heavy veilkt is 7 2 0 7 2 6 pigs, 7 2 0 7 2 5 roughs, heavy SC.OO'fMi 25, stags, 25. Chicago Cash Grain. CHICAGO, 3. -Wheat--No 2 red, 1 i.

No red, Xo 2 haul n-4. Xo 3 hard i 1 $1 -mi 1 Hi- 1 Coin 2 mixed, Xo 2 i ic. No. 2 ytllow. .) v.hlto, 70 No Hi72o.

No 4 70f(v71c, Xo. 4 yellow, Ual.s-Xo. 2 white, No. 2 carrying approximately $127,000.000 and the fortifications measure with appropriation of about Calvary U. B.

Church. The Woman's Missionary societ.v of Calvary U. church will meet tomorrow afternoon i Mrs. Piatt, 11-14 Division street. Baptist Young People's Night.

Tonight will be young people's night at the South Sidfe Baptist church and the pastor will preach a sermon of Intel est upon the topic, "Riding Wild." Some interesting features will be introduced in the praise service, f'holt rehearsal will be had at the close of the sen-ice. Thursday will men's night and an ffl'ort i-j being made to have 100 men in a body present West Crelghton Church of Christ. Evangelist A ictor Doiris preached a stitring sermon last evening on "What Must One Do to Be Tonight his sermon theme will be "Christ's Attitude to the Chinch," and a record attendance is looked for, First Baptist TabernacU. Last a i audience greeted Rev George H. Thompson at the First Baptist church and a.s a result of the revhal there were three oomersions find new members admitted to the church.

Tonight Kcv. Mr. Thompson''! topic will be "The Opon Door," prpceded bv a special musical program. The members of the Arnoma IlihJe class will attend In a body. Friday night i he young pen- pi ft's i Co-Eds to Play Ball.

FURTHER ARRESTS IN ANARCHISTS' PLOT (Continued From Page Fourteen.) a formula followed by Carbone in the manufacture cf bombs. One feature of the whole story which stands out for its romantic and gentle qualities is the pride of Mrs. Polignani in the success of her young husband's "I am so happy," she exclaimed at her home. "I was frightened nearly to death all the time my brave husband was living among those terrible anarchists. I am glad it is all over, but we must be brave, for there are still other dangers to'be faced.

Every night and morning while Amedeo was away living among these lawless men, I used to go to church and pray for his safety." FOR $7,500. D. Crane Begins Suit Against Henry M. Williams. Leonard, Rose Collars are attorney for the plaintiff.

In the Justice Courts. John Doe proceedings for assault and batteij were brought into Justice of tlia Pep co Grabber'," ourt today by George AV. Sciam, alleging thai the John Doe in the case lumped him on Kuieka street a short time ago. The case set for late th's af lei noon. Marriage Licenses.

Earl E. AVyatt, twenty-seven, farmer, Ina R. Warner, twenty-five. William E. Burker, twenty-eight, Ella M.

Nicholson, thirty, Douglas L. Heikes, twenty-three, actor; Helen C. Flood, twenty-three. Court Notes. The Ideal Plumbing, Heating and Electric company has begun suit against Kallel Shaheen to recover $200 on a Hen, William Freuchtenicht ia attorney for the plaintiff.

The Lucas road petition has been dismissed In the circuit court. Henry S. Candee has begun suit against Edw. Cohn to recover $500 on contract. B.

F. Heaton is attorney for the'plaintiff. Ift the case of C. K. AVeynsnd Co.

vs. fhelfort Wayne Trunk Leather company Uie plaln.fift has been awarded judgment in the sum of J304.72, with relief. Benjamin Hartman has been granted a judgment against the Keller-Raymond company in the sum of $59,76. The case of Rachel Farrel vs. Henry M.

Freeman has been dismissed In the superior court. The case of Charles E. Stuck vs. AVil- liam J. Stuck lias been dismissed in the circuit court.

The Commei I'iai National bank has been given a judgment in the sum of $1,226.94 against the Bash Fertilizer Chemical company. George D. Crane has begun suit 1 Herman H. Baatz has begun suit against against Henry M. Williams to recover) Henry Slebeis to recover $175 on account.

with interest. The complaint filed this afternoon by his attorney, J. M. Haley. It is set out that some time ago 7 the defendant engaged the plaintiff to secure for him several loans totaling $51,500, and agieed to pay the plaintiff $7,500 for the service.

Crane says he secured the loan and now wants his money. INVEIGLED HER Marriage, Says William Overly of Her Husband. Charging her husband, AA'illiam Overly, witti having inveigled her into a marriage by pretending he was earning $5 a clay as a peddler, when in fast he was earning much less, Overly has begun proceedings for divorce. The complaint was filed today by her attorney, II. Hanthorn "ittis set out that the couple were married hi 1911, and all she has to show In the way of the necessaries of clothing for her mamed life is a pair of slices and a pair of slippers.

TO HUNTINGTON. Case of Hyltt vs. City and Traction Company Is Venued. The Dead sea is 1,200 feet below the level of the Mediterranean. TITLED WOMAN AIDS IN RELIEF WORK FOR WOUNDED SOLDIERS; front veiv KOOII to witness a series al tacks in west Flanders for which the I Get mans are preparing.

Many fresh Get man troops are pouring into Belt gium. The inhabitants of Liege have i been ordered to billet 20,000, the people of Seraing have been oidercd to quarter 6,000, and Uiuvain must billet 000. There aie alieady 0.000 Bavar- ian troops in Liege. The Russian Version. P1CTROGKAD, March formidable i a of the Polish i of Osouiec has been commenced by Field Marshal Von ilindenburg's army, lying on the Bobr river.

According to semi-oflicial advices the Germans aie expending a vast amount of shells i in the cannonade at Osowlec in ie- foi their defeat by the Russians at Latest reports fiom the front state a (hr German sheila have done very little damage, beyond digging enormous holes in the ground. The heaviest Go man mortars are, bring used in the bombardment, it reported, fiom Warsaw In the raipulhiari.s the attempt of the Austrian forces to pierce the Rua- near Lupkowa and thus relieve has ended in failure. The Austrians have suffered losses a region arid part of the HI my has been compelled to retirip. Scnii-ofllcia'. information relative 0).

The case of William Hyltt vs. the city of Fort "Wayne and the Fott Wayne Northern Indiana Traction company to recover damages in the sum of $75,000 for peisonal injuries has been venued to the Huntinkton county court. The case is one ihat created no little interest here at the time it was filed. The pjaintift says that on Jan. 19, 1914, he was v.

orking on a pole on Calhoun street He received a shock from the city's wires, fell onto the traction company's wires and was so severely shocked that he has been rendered a helpless cripple. He charges negligence in that the companies did noi have tlicir wires insulated. WANTS $2,000 Alimony from Henry Poinsette, Does His Wife. George Poinselte has begun proceedings lor a divoice against Henry J. Poinbette.

She asks alimony in the sum of $2,000, the custody of the children, a week for and a reasonable" allowance for the children. She alleges the husband to be the owner of a worth $3,000. Cruelty is the charge brought in the complaint. R. B.

Dreibelblss is attorney for the plaintiff, Edith Fronefield has commenced, suit against William Webster to recover' on an attachment for money borrowed. F. B. ShoafE is attorney for the plaintiff. The Coshocton Specialty company lias been awarded a judgment in the sum of $405 against the Bash Fertilizer Chemical company.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Reported Dally by the Fort Abstract 127 East Berry Street. City. D. Burns Douglass to Elsie Houk, lot 421 Commercial third addition, for $80. Gustave Kuclier to Cllnton 1( Sowards, lot 3 East Wajne Acre addition, for $475.

Winifred Randall et al. toured C. Diffenclorfer et lot 6 and part of lot 7 Baker's Homestead addition, for $2,500. Winifred J. Randall et al.

to, Richard Puff, lot I Baker's Homestead addition, for $2,900. James F-. Gojiway et ux. to: lot 101 Williams' $1. Eugene S.

Light et ux. to Ellen M. Litchfield, lot AA'ayne Haven addition, for The Middle West Investment company to Joseph ilcKinzie -part of lot 124 Hamilton's fourth addition, for $2,400. John Morris to Catherine M. Con-n ay, lot 191 Williams' addition, for $3,000.

The City Suburban Building company to Thpmas S. Fox et lot 3 Magee's subdivision, for $3,200. Sophia D. Jahn to Frank P. Parnin et part of lot 8 J.

M. Miller's addition, for $5,600. FraiiK P. Parnin et ux. to Sophia D.

lot 27 Old Orchard addition, for $3,2 H. Mejer to M. Meyer, part of lots 425 and 426 Hanna's addition, for $1,200. Country. Clara Hazel Stouder et ai.

to Ira A. Summers et part of section 6, township 30, range 12, for $6,000. Enoch J. Miller et ux. to Herman J.

Salchow et part of section 26, township 31, range 13, for $3,800. AVilliam Ganlcy et ux. to Abe Ackerman, part of section 10, township 30, range 15, for John D. Lamb et ux. to Howard M.

Hobbs, part of section 29, township 31, range 13, for $6,120. AVilliam H. Kisser et ux. to Enoch J. Miller et part of section 16, township 29, range 11, for $3,150.

DOPE LICENSES Four Hundred Applications for Them Have Been Turned Into Revenue Offices. Nearly all of the applications for licenses to distribute and use "dope" in the sixth division of the sixth district of Indiana, composed of Allen, Steuben, bagrange, DeKalh, Noble, Whitle and Kohcitibko counties, have been filed with the government revenue officials here today. Some four hundred or more druggists, dentists and physicians have filed their applications, asking for permission to use and to distribute the stuff for medicinal purposes. THE DEATHS Hahn. Ruth Halm, slxtfcen j'ears old last' July, daughter of the Rev.

Mr. Hahn and wife, of Baltimore, formerly of Fort Wayne died in Baltimore on March 1, The family left Fort Wayne about four years ago. Smith. William A. Smith, aged seventy-two vears, a resident of Kokomo, died Tuesday afternoon at the home of a son, Charles Smith, 163G West Main street, whom he had been visiting.

The widow and eight children survive. The body was shipped to Kokomo today. Monnler. Ethel Esther Monnter, aged seventeen years, died early Wednesday morning at her home, 1016 McKee street. The mother, Mrs.

Joseph Monnier, and three brothers-- a plan goes through to consolidate the Texas Cattle Raisers' association and the Pan Handle body. That was the principal business considered today. Cabaret Dancing Contest. CHICAGO, March girl cabaret dancers were tied today at twen- ty-fii miles in their six-day dance marathon. Bach wears a pedometer as she dances and keeps careful record, steeping 1 out between dances to look at the figures.

The four aie: Miss Claudia Dnna, of the College Inn; Miss Ethel Hill, of the Blaclcstone hotel; Miss Peggy Fears, of the Stratford hotel, and Mrs. Ralph Herz, of the LaSalle hotel. The contest will close Saturday night. CHICAGO, March at i i i i i play baseball (his, spring, the first time in the liKloiy of llio i i i Tonight, high-class dancing at the Anthony. A i a troops.

The Austrians incapable of attacking in open and a endeavored to break itiT.ei-- Sii Victor Christian in Carpathians the resuU of dish, is devoting all her to relief. the i'lfeiior fighting dualities of 1 work for wounded English The duchess was formerly Lady; Evelyn Fitzmaurice, eldest daughter of the fifth Marquis of Lansdowne, 1 advancing in solid formation, an(J as tw() SOIis an( fl ve Her husband succeeded to the title in; .1908 upon the death of his uncle; of the duke's finest estates and haW thrown open to the care of the 1 wounded. The Duchess of Devonshire, wife i Frank John Tan thl nntc r--am 1 A. lit; viL I Al find IVli 4 i i which mowed down. In casern Galioa the situation Is developing with our plans and anticipations." The Geiman forces that defeated at PrKasni'Bz are still retreating, holly pursued by the Russian Cossacks.

The Russians are inflicting had been ill four weeks Back to Old Times. BI, PASO, March modc-in city today went back to old times and again became a border "cow town" of the early days, when hundreds of cattlemen from all parts of the southwest opened the annual convention of the Pan Handle and Southwestern Stpekmen's associations. cattlemen's' pr6tectlve organization of 6,000 members will result If The test und certification of chronometers and other timepieces has been carried on for many years at the Kew observatory in England, at ths -Bcsancon observatory in France and a.t the observatories of Geneva and Neuchatel in Switzerland, but no such tests have been made for the public in this country, except for a few years at Yale university many years ago. This line of work is now started at the bureau of standards In Washington, C. There Is No Question tut that indigestion and the distressed feeling which always coea with it can "be promptly relieved oy taking a before and after each meal.

25o a box, i Meyer Bros. Co. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BOND! CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Phillips Sprague Mfmbtn Chicago Board of N. ft..

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