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The Frankfort Index from Frankfort, Kansas • 3

Frankfort, Kansas
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Ttt FrastfeHt Index, irtidcfarL Kansas El-way S3 EhoriJ Be Hard -Sarf seed front Westmoreland to SamraerfieLL Thursday. December 1, 1943. TLANDER JS WHO'S WHO yleis aid Yienon structed to make their selections IRYTIG YIQIIIIY EIGEOW E2 EEZES iinasixxz4iznj Yianaer, a on the basis of scholarship, cooperation and leadership in aca ELBZS LOEIAHXt demic and extracurricular ac Mr. and Mr. Dean Enrwll of City.

Hutt Ylaader Obttnarr Mra. Dorothy Gould was horn Mr. and Mrs. FVrrill Tlander of BT. MRS.

CLBO McDONALD Mr. and Mrs. Gale Carpenter spent Thanksgivinr vacation In Nebraska with the Hughie Carpenter family. Mr. and Mrs.

Raymond Brown and son have moved into the Harold Feldhausen bouse. Dinner ruests TtiankMrtving Day Kansas Jan. It. 117 and passed near Clear Fork, Marshall County, way at her horn la Kansas City. Mo Nov- II.

14 at the age of Thanksgivinr Day here at the Edwin Harrison home. Mr. and-Mra Louis Klein aad sod were here from Illinois to visit relatives at Thanksgiving time. Mr. and Mra Frits Benteman.

Jr, and daughter were here from Lawrence, Thanksgiving Day. Mra Nina Jones spent Thanksgiving Day at Waterville with her daughter, Mra Tom Jeffrey and family. Little Bobby returned home with her to spend a couple of daya Mr. John Potter Is being cared for by hia jrranddaughtr, Ernestine. He remains about the same.

Ray McDonald came up Saturday evening to get his wife and two babies. They returned to their home In Tooeka Sunday evening. Robert Hudgins and Wayne Lyons of Topeka spent Sunday at the Rinehart and McDonald homes here. BED CROSS OFFICERS J. F.

Schulte will become the new chairman of the MsrshaH County Red Cross chapter today, succeeding Roy Maldoon, who has resigned, Other officers elected recently, who will take over their new duties June 1st, are: Mrs. Rose Kelley, Frankfort, vice chairman; Mrs. J. T. Schulte, and Mrs.

W. H. Temps, Marysville, treasurer. Fiesta Fiesta 8. D.

Warren, Jeweler. 17-11 years. Her youth and about zu son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J.

Tlander, of Vlieta. is one of seven Bethany College seniors nominated and accepted for recognition In the 1949-50 edition of "Who's Wno Among Students in American Universities and Colleges." Students recognized In the Wno's Who publication represent over 600 colleges and universities. They are nominated by faculty committees of the.r respective schools who are in years of her married life were spent tivities, citizenship and service to school, and promise of future usefulness to business and society. Mr. Tlander, who is a senior in the college of liberal arts and sciences, is majoring in accounting and business.

He has been a member of football and basketball teams and last year was editor of the college the Bnrltirslde neighborhood, with Mrs. Ruby McDonald and Twila were: Mr. and Mrs. Norman ilcDon-aid and children, Jimmy, and Joanle. McDonald, Mr.

and Mrs. Ray McDonald and sona Bobby and Gary southeast of Irving. After the death of Mr, Gould she and her family of three girls and one boy moves to Lawrence, enabling her children to all of Topeka; Little Sheryl and San dra McDonald. Frankfort: A. W.

have a better education. Knaokstedt and son. Boyd of Bige as she was always known is a kind and lovtiur neraon and low and Mra Laura CaJlia, Topeka. Mr. and Mra Harvey Harrison always ready to lend a helping hand.

She leaves te mourn her Classing, her and son. Butch of Topeka spent daughters, Edith Udell or Tempje City, Gladys Stlmmel of Lima, Ohio; Amy Roper of Miami, Florida and her son. Raymond of Kansas City, and ten grand children and two great grandchil dren. She also leaves three sisters. Mrs.

Jennie Anderson, Cleburne; Mra Barbara Erlcsoa. Blue Rapids nd Mrs. Naomi Thomas, Bt. Louis, Mo. Burial was in the family lot i Greenwood Cemetery at Irving.

The American Legion Auxiliary held a very successful Bingo party on Thursday eve. Nov. 17th at the City Hall. Many homemade articles a cute picture and other useful gilts covered tne center table and at one time were playing bingo. A short program was rivn snout o'clock which was greatly enjoyed by all.

The eats department was busy ail evening serving hot dors, donuts and coffee. The drawing! was held at about It o'clock and Noah Carl son won the radio and Alfred Carl son won the dressed Turkey. aJaborg, Kana, upcnt Tbanka-rtviag at the some of their parents, Jar. ana Mra. Ed Tlander.

Mr. and Mr Hal D- RaaaeU and aUaren. Ronald and Phyllis of Emporia apent tha Thanksgiving 'vacation with Mrs. Russell's sis-tar. Mrs.

W. Pwbodr and family. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Suther had a eUener gueats, Sunday: Mr.

and Mra. Clem Suther, Albert and Clara Krankfort and Mr. and Mrs. Law-vance Br inker and children of On-traUa. Mrs.

Eva Frailer of Manhattan pant her Thanksgiving vacation at th home of her parents, Mr. and Jars. A. Currence. Cel.

Leon Dennis and Mrs. Den-aria ot Bradenton, Florida were reeVs last week of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Pea body and son. Dennla.

Mrs. Ida Krai and daaghtera, Mrs. Marie Shower and Mra. JL Durham agent Monday In Topeka with Mrs. MraTs sister.

Mra Anna Okerbloom. Mr. and Mra Laurets Rasmuaaes ad children spent Friday with her si suta sear Olsburg. Norma Web-star accompanied them home for a Mias Rosemary FHegener, who atlases Mu St. Scholaatica Academy ta Atehiaon apent her Thanksgiving nacstiea with home folks.

Mr. and Mrs. Ores Hull spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Km met Warn lea.

Mr- Geonte Raymond and Mrs. Wattle Drummond apent Thanksgiving at the Francis Borgerdlng home. Mr. and Mra. Otho Raamussen and faaarr ef Lawrence spent Thanks-srtriag at the Emmingham and Ras- Mr.

and Mra N. A. Mills spent Wednesday night at the C- H. Schu-Wrt home. Mr.

and Mrs. W. L. Van Fleet spent Thanksgiving day at the Kline home ts Deiphos, Kana Um Bethl Borgerdlng spent the "Thanksgiving vacation at the home ml her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

F. H. Jiorgerding. Sac and Mra. R.

Wlnqulst spent Ssnday at the L- C. Palm- home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lofdahl spent Taaaksgiving at the Kermit Lofdahl him in Manhattan.

Miss Laura Emmingham of Topeka peat Thanksgiving vacation at her home here. Mr. E. A. Raymond and family, George Raymond and Jack Williams attended an oyster supper at the F.

B. Borgerding home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N- A.

Mills of Kan-em City, Mr. and Mrs. Wllber An-elrra, Allen, Lee and Kenneth, Park-willo. Ma; Mr. and Mra I- J.

Mills Oskaloosa, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sanders, Karen and Michael of Meri-en, Mr. and Mrs. Otno Raamussen, Sandra and Laura -of Lawrence; Mr.

and Mrs. Laureti Raamussen, Ronnie, Larry, Kent and Janie, Mra Howard Mills, Stephen, Mr. and Mra. CVu-I Shubert and Norrls spent the Thanksgiving Day at the B. O.

Ras-SBusnen home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Lofdahl spent Sunday visiting relatives in Axtell. Mr.

and Mrs. L. C. Palm and family apent Thinkseiving Day at the r. A.

Chadwlc home in Vermillion. Harold Stroud and son, Jerry of Other ruests were: Mr. and Mr Net proceeds amounted to tzOl.14 and the ladies are very appreciative of the fine support given them. The money will be used to make Vet erans a little happier in the hos pitals. The regular stated meetinr or Blue Valley Chapter was held Tuesday eve.

Nov. IS at the Chapter room. The regular order of business was taken care of and for. the good or the order the worthy matron had planned Past Matrons and Past Pa- ona is. lent.

Each one told some thing of their year and with the help of the Star points, the Matron gave a lovely service, honoring the past officers. Each was presented ith a corsase and the service clos ed with fitting remarks by the Wor thy Matron. A tasty lunch was served at the close of Chapter by the hostesses. Mra Alice George and Mr Alice Cottrell. Jack Forbes and friend of Ktnsas City, Kana, visited a couple of ours at the Wm.

Carney nonie. Sunday. He reports that his grand mother, Mra. Hugh McMillan, who makes her home at the Forbes home is real well and stil active. Mrs Mc be SI years of age Januaiy th.

People In Irvine are glad wel come Mr. and Mrs. Harley Linn in their midst. They are a newly married couple and are at home in an apartment at the home of Mrs. Lyd'a Hull.

Mrs. Linn, before her niairiage was Miss Twiia Haerkamp of pawnee City, Nebr. and Mr. Linn's home was in Vermillion. Mr.

Linn is employed here at the Blue River Sand Gravel Co. Mr. and Mra James Horalek have Harold Stroud and son, Jerry of started building a new horns on their newly acauired nrooertv in East Irving. AOTIOCHNEWS BT EDNA H. COOK Mrne, Mr.

and Mrs. Jack Wrarht of Grand Island, John A. Carlson of Kansas City, and Davton Carlson of Rapid City, 8. D. Mr.

and Mrs. Art VanDorn and Xxeaily. Mr. and Mrs. C.

R- Winquist and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. aaradreth were dinner guests on Thanksgiving Day of Miss Eva and Waiter Palm, .1 Kiss Carol Owen of Topeka spent Thanksgiving Day with her pa'ents. He.

and Mra Chester Owen. Ideal Autumn weather prevailed over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Gough attend' ed the funeral of his uncle. Charles Ferris In Frankfort, Friday after noon, i i Reust District Mr. and Mrs. Tebbotf at -A the ISth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mra LtvVerne Tiller on Sunday afternoon.

MRS. ALBERT GU36B Mr. and Mrs. John MU liken and little soon John. Jr.

and George and Mrs. Frank Hunlnghake of Olney springs, Colorado; also fa Manhattan on business FT1 Mrs. Koscoe laming apuiin. and a serious thought I New Mexico came Tuesday of last Viafrars si the Albert Guise home week to visit over the weekend with Thaataurivinr Day were: Mr. and the ladles narents.

Mr. and Mrs. Mra wrank Huninffhake and Mr. a A. Cook.

The Mil 11 kens returned homo Sunday, and Mrs. Flaming Wntrfclnson: Mr. and Mrs. Dewalne IWi and Terry, Oketo were dinner la remalninr for a longer visit. Mr.

and Mrs. Chan. Walls were in mests; Mr. and Mrs. BUI uramnaii WiiMren railed In tha alteration.

Manhattan for Tbanksgivlnr with Mra Irene Wlllett. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Reust and anfldrn spent the evening at the Mr. and MrsJ Roy Ferris and San dra of Frankfort visited Sunday Miss Donna Mitchell spent her with Mr.

and Mrs. Chas. Gough. rtumaarlvlnx vacation with home THANKSGIVING MBWS! Mr. and Mrs.

Billy Tebbutt and family with JMfcsv returning to Lincoln. Nebr. Soil evanln. her narents. Mr.

And Mrs. Jk. Thanksgiving Get-Together was Bronaugh In Bigelow; Mr. and Mrs-Ed SHfer and the George and Chas. feels? at the Keust scnooi nous wra-1 i evening, Nov.

Xlrd. Almost surer families at O. A. Oook: Donald wwiArA naracent in attendance. Winter family at the O.

n. Griflla A fine program was given, with the hnnfla talrln nart. and all home: Mra Sadie Hopper and Mrs. John mgerly at Jan. Tebbutt home.

doinc very wU. Both the pupils Joe Walker ana Bnwrr Wilson, Washburn College classmates of Lowell Winter were weekend guests and their teacher' are to be congrat-nlated on how nice the school room fcuaml A nice lunch of sandwiches nk. Mtffaa and cocoa was served. at his home her. Misses Joan and Bva Winter were ught-eelng In All seemed to enjoy the evening very Topeka Friday and Saturday.

TfTHAT A PICIUBI the makes thai small blae- detuned durmer playing "drew op im Maao says esnTtoffa. But one day, not too far off, she's going to wast pretty clothes of her own to wear for the beaux she's sure to have. She's going to want ether things, too a aice home where she can entertain, the best education yea can bey for her. Unfortunately -and a serioos thought it all those things cost money. Axe yea doing any thing constructive about it? U.S.

Savings Bonds offer you a foolproof, almost painless way te accumulate a neat egg. Ton eaa buy Bonds automatically, through the Payroll Saving Plan where you work (or, if you i are in your own huaineas or the professions, enroll in the Bond-A-lIonth Plan at your hank). It's so simple, so safe, and so profitable four dollars hack for three, after ten years. And ten years from now, when your little girl is growing up, youH he so glad for your Savings Bond program. Start today! Mrs.

Florence wnltinr accom sir. and Mrs. Frank Bother and panied her daughters, Mrs. Frank amUv nf Vlieta spent Sunday with Webster and Mra Ralph uouia ana mi. -md lira.

Victor Kuninghake. Miss Virginia to Marysville Satur afr. and Mra Guv Sajraser of Kan- day to see Mrs. Edna Booth at the ana City, Mo-, visited at the home Mr. and Mrs.

Otto Polsar and fam- Kanaau nospitai. Later reports briiur word that Mrs. Booth passed away Monday at 1:00 wy, last week. Mrs. eaiwr is T.i...

r- Plnlvnr after a lone illness. The be Tr. and Mra Bill Bramhall and reaved family and relatives have In Valrburv. Nebr. our avmoathy.

Snaday visiting at the Joe Bramhall Mr. and Mrs. cnanes uoarn caned on O. A. Oooks one evening last Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Stanton and Lois week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Winter Automatic saving is sure saving Buy U.

S. Savings Bonds of Oothenbury. snenv tt-os. it-n frit a nt nn home. and Eva were there Sunday evening.

sWr. and Mrs. Woodrow. Reust and ih anil Ur and Mm Bert Stan- HONOR TO ART MTERS Arthur Myers of Centralia, son tM and family drove to Deievan standay and visited -with Mrs: Mr Reust's aurrts, Mrs. of Mrs.

Edith Myers of Frank Beasry Hoslepp and Mrs. Clara Mor- fort, has been honored by the ba The ladles are sisters me Jay hawk Council of the Boy Miss Donna Mitchell had as her Scouts by the appointment to eTinneT guests saiuroax -asi-m Ttaj-iene Brunsback and Dean the position of commissioner. i Virginia. Miss Mad- Wv-rjm Bloomdahl and Bob Churchill This advertisement is sponsored by, the following Business Men of Frankfort TtottT Prit chard, all of Mr. and Mrs.

Carl Keef over nvajikfort: Paul Mitchell and Mr. spent Thanksgivinir Day with I a Tna WitrhelL i.frtl. Konia Bramhall celebrated his niece and family. Mr. and a mrm ltirthrlav on November 14 Mrs.

Henry Ham at Palmer. A birthday cake and a nice dinner Kans. Others present were: w. un nJe Mitchell were Mr. and Mrs.

Russell Ham, Mr. LuBUin at lovely Thanksgving diaxr on Thursday. ana Mrs. and Mrs. P.

M. Balderson of eK. anri fa.milv. Mr. and Mrs.

Blue Rapids, Miss Ila May Horn Janes Shaw, Mrs. Arganbright and ihtM little sons. Mr. and Mra ueo. of Topeka and the new bride and groom, Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Brady and daughter, Elaine and Miss Dmraa were Mrs. RalDh Walters Cyn Ham of Blue Rapids. ur. Jess Walters spent ntTsfivina- at the Francis Stuke km.

near Seneca. asi 1 krocrt ri aril mi ami. a-iivs a 4arfc home Thursday, were: Mra T. Nolan, Ullis; Mr. and Mrs.



D. WARREN BILL'S GREENHOUSE Frankfort Auto Supply First National Bank MARTIN'S CASH HDWE. TUCKER'S MARKET Ford's Beauty Shop COPE'S GROCERY Esslinger Implement Co, DAVE'S RADIO SHOP Ranse Reust Repair Shop FRANKFORT ICE CO. BROOKS WELDING AL SCHRADERS Southwestern BeQ Tele. Co.

M. F. KELLEY Frankfort Recreation Parlor Frank Gunther, Prop. Warders' Barber Shop KUCKELMAN MOTOR IMPLEMENT CO. Ted J.

Knckleman Bolton's Repair Shop JOHNSON'S CAFE Shearer Recreation Parlor Pertnirurton Produce Co. GLYNN'S DRY GOODS Gibson Produce Co. Geo. Gibson, Mgr. PADDEN FURNITURE FUNERAL SERVICE BENTEMAN'S Standard Service KAMPERT DRUG CO.


Gudenkaof, Mgr. Kansas Power Light Co. Meyn Blacksmith Shop SEYMOUR PRODUCE CO. i The Frankfort Implement Co. PAUL GRIFFIN SERVICE BONNELL OIL CO.

HARVEYS CAFE Mrs. Harvey Caldwell, Prop. Hale Bros. Implement Co. Frankfort Service Co.

Harvey CaliweH Twin Beauty Sbjop 1 A. Johnson Son Lbr. Co. BEN FRANKLIN ST023. Kr.

and Mrs. Ralph Clark and children spent Thanksgivlna: In To- naka with relatives. miss wto arnt majned for a lonfrer Visit. 1A fir ajubjTU sj II I ICr. and Mrs.

Clark returned home TliBTsday evening. Friday, word came from Topeka, stating I Rs Carrol had become quite ill. Mrs. Clark rent to Topeka to help care for her daughter. Mr.

and Mrs Howard Hoge txwm and son. Billy and Mr. and Mrs Wallace Ubby, all MarysvilW, visited at tne CSand Twidwell home Sunday This is an official TJ. S. Treasury advertisement prepared under auspices of Treasury Department and Advertising Council.


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