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The Philadelphia Inquirer from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania • 4

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
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sT A PRICES OF STOCKS. Lneeted iceekly for the Gatette, by n. i ml itchinso.v. Stock and I'xch vtviic B-iokeh. Philadelphia, April 27, 1S27.

FARE DEDUCED TOO TMK LINE FOH NEW iOUK. Via Bordentoum and Washington, 2 mites ItmJ tarriage, in conjunction with the Steasn- boats Pennsylvania and Congress. The steam boat PENNSYLVANIA, Ceptaia Kellum, leaves Arch street whurf every morning, (Sundays excepted,) at o'clock A. M. for Burhiig.

smglon, Bristol, and Bordentowu. Passengers fur New York will take Coach from Bordenlown te Washington, 24 miles, and there take the Steamhost Congress, Capt. Degran, and arrive in New York early the same afternoon. Fare through only 4. For scats apply at the Steamboat Offices, No.

8, Arch street, corner of Front street, or of the Captain on board of the boat, at Arch street wharf. AH bar-gage at the risk of its owner. N.B. Coaches will be in waiting on the arrival of the boat at Bristol, to take passengers lo Trenton, and return again in time to take the boat to Philadelphia, mar 22 BALTIMORE UAIOJV LLA OF STEAM BOATS AJrD COACHES, Bar wat or Newcastle aisd French Town, Leaves Chesnut-street Wharf for Baltimore every day at 12 o'clock noon, and ariives early next morning in time for passengers to take any of the south ern or western siagcs or the Noifolk steam boats. Passengers will be landed and taken off at the Lazaretto, Chester, Marcus-hook, and Craven's Ferry.

All baggage at the risk of its owners. The Union Line of Patkets for the transportation of Goods and Merchandise to Baltimore, is continued as usual by the above route. JAMES LE FEVRE, Agent for the Proprietorl, Bur 6- Office N. W. corner Cliesnut-st.

Wharf. MASONIC HALL HOTEL. fTJHE subscriber very respectfully infoims the public, and particularly those Ladies and Gen tleinen of the United States and of pper Canada, who may intend visiting Montreal, that this elegant and admired Establishment, situated in tbe most airy anj pleasant part of St Paul street (adjoining the Theatre Royal,) lately occupied by Mr. Francis Rasco, having been painted and much improved in. its internal arrangements since the time he left it, is now cpen fur the patronage of the public.

In Die rear, it has a spacious promenade gallery, the entire length of the house, which commands a beautiful view of the River St. Lawrence and the surrounding country, the Island of Helen, the harbour with the shipping, ami the entrance of the La Chine Canal. Its interna! distiibution is upon an extensive scale and the most appruved plan, and the accommodations are of the first order, combining every comfoit and convenience, superior iu all respects te any similar establishment in this city, and not surpassed by any 111 North America. An extensive stack of the choicest Wines, Liquors, has been provided, and the larder shall always be supplied soilh the best and rarest articles the market can furnish, according to the seasi nt. Good servants, waiters and attendants shall also always be provided.

With the eminent advantages this Establishment possesses, added te moderate charges and unremitting attention on the part of the subscriber in every blanch of bis duty to his customers, he flatters himself that the Masonic Hall Hotel ill be favoured with a considerable share of public pa-tronage. JOSEPH TUTTON. Montreal, 21st June, 1S26. fJJ- An extensive l.iveiy Stable is contiguous, built for the convenience of the Hotel, where horses, carriages, can be had at all times, and at the shertest notice. june 2S dtf WISTAR'S COUGH LOZENGES.

PREPARED from tbe original Prescription el the Into Professor Wistar. These Lozenges, so jnstly celebrated for the speedy relief they afford te those afflicted with Coughs arising from Colds, and Influenza, are constantly to be had at FREDERICK BROWN'S Drag and Chemical Store, N. R. corner eel Chesnut and Fifth afreets. Also, to be had as above, Gim Pectoral, Paragoric, Tolu, Ipecacuanha, Magnesia, Lezenees, See.

Ac dec IS-dtf NOTICE. A I.L persons having claims against the late firm cf JOHN ft JOS. LIVEZEY, of Roxborottgh Township, ill please present them to JOSEPH surviving partner, for settlement And also those who may have claims (if any) against the estate of JOHN LIVEZEY, Sen. deceased, will present them te either of the Executors forottle ment JOSEPH LIVF.ZEY, JOHN LIVEZEY, Jr THOMAS LIVEZEY. Fern, llmo.

13th, 1826. nov 14 6m PLAYING CARDS. EAGLES, Irtnry VIH. and Merry Andrew Playing Cards, with spotted and plain backs. Also, Blank Cards for Printing, and Gilt Edgec Visiting Cards, manufactured and for sale by BECK" tf STEWART, 8 W.

eomer ef Third and Walnut streets rjIHE subscribers have just received per ship Al JL gonquin, their spring fashions, executed bv Francis Nugeo, London, together with an titer si ve assortment of Fashionable Fanry Goods, con sisting of as follows: Imperial brown, green, olive, claret Cloths, do. mixed, drab, brown, and slate colored Cassimeres, fanry Marseilles Testings, of 1 new and elegant style, striped satteens, and jeans, of superior qualities, a variety of English silk Hand, kerchiefs, of new and handsome patterns; fancj cravats, an extensive assortment of coloured ant black Gloves, white and brown Linen Dulling Nankeen-colored silk short aud long stockings. Orders for any of the above articles will be pune tually attended to, by ROGERS ft PAGE, Shakspeare Building, Cth and Chesnut sts. N. B.

Also, on hand, Imperial black and bin crape dress Cloths and black and blue Milled Cassi meres. msr To Cotton Manufactitrers and jMachin Makers, FOR SALE, A Double Slide Lathe, with Frame and Drue complete. Shears 13 feet long. Attached to it is a Fluting Engine. Also, a large common Lathe.

The above have been a few months in use, an. will be sold en reasonable terms. Apply'to J. ft W. WINO.

mar 31 No. 8 south Eighth street. WAIM'S Valuable Vermifuge, for the cure 1 Worms, Dysentery and Summer Complaints. Also, Swaim's celebrated warrants genuine. Constantly for sale by JOHN PEARCE, April 10 Fancy Store, No.

76, south Fourth Eastern District of Petmsvlvania. lo si.ii": a fE IT REMEMBERED, that on nineteenth day of April, in tlie fifi'v first year of the independence of the United Slat 1 1 of America, 1827, the Right Reverend Wm. Whii the Reverend Jackson Kemper, Wm. Meredith Horace Binney, a committee of the General C' vention of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in ih United States of America, in the year 1826. of th said District, have deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as roprie- iuis iu me worus lottowing, to wit.

Hymns of the Protestant Episcopal Church, if tne United States of America. Set forth ia Gene ral Conventions of said Church, in the year eurLord, 17S9, 1S08, and 1826." in conformity te the Act of the Congress of th. United States, intituled. An Act for lbs ragement of Learning, by securing the copies maps, i-iiiirn ana noons, to the authors and pre! prietors of such copies during the times therein mec lioned" And also to the act entitled. JS supplementary to an act, en'-' -biicouragemeutot 1 -of Maps, Ctu-oi prietor-t 1 1 ist LV M.4.WVA VILLAGE.

rv The improvements are a BRICK rriVl Ih LI.LINH, 27 feet front, with rirfi ib" hne piazza in the roar; there are inabogany and maple folding an i ide doors; tho hous-j is substantially built, and in the modem stlo. Tlie Cmlcn isnear-ly mi neie, laid out with gravel walks, and well knl with ilia best kinds nf fruit and ornamental trees. Tbuie is Mil ice-bouse, lately built, and now f.ill; there are ulao la-o ha-k lots ot nearly an acre. 1 1 kt.ilda and roach House. '1'bo tenant on the premises will show the proper ty Im those who wish to examine it.

Apply to T. MITCHELL, Conveyancer, sp 20.. Corner ol Third and Spruce streets. FOR SAl.K. ,1 I'aluablt t'urm and Meailoio Land.

A plantation or Tract of land si- 5c" tnate in the township of Lvcibam, iS-Ll 4 1 H'lilingtoii county. Now Jersey, about 14 miles from Philadelphia, 6 lioin Mount Holly, and 3 from tho landings on the Hancocas creek, adjoining lands of St icy Haines and ottiers, containing 292 acres, 1UU of wnicli ij woodland heavily timbered, 40 acre of meadow anj the remainder arable land in a good state of cultivation, lucre is a house, larn anil otlicr bud lings thereon, the farm is well watered anil fenced, chiefly cedar a good apple orchard and other Iruit trees. Also, One other tract of land, about throe-fourths ol smile from the former, adjoining lands of Benj Wilkins ara' others, containing 64 acres, about 40 of hich is fust rate meadow, abounding with the richest nl near the sutfuce. The aforesaid premises will be sold altogether, or in lots and parcels to suit It is deemed unnecessary to give a further dc- scripiion of the property, as any person inclined to purt-haso will view the same, utiirh will be shown to them, by applving to Juhn Osier, on the farm, or John adjacent thereto, or further particulars, til. plca-e apply to the subscriber.

Apiil 10 ws6t No. 325, Market street. WANTED, ARGE room to rent, suitatablo for the ac-J'A. commoJ.uion of a society, or a house bavin? such an apartment, for a tewn ot years. It must be located between Second and Seventh, and between end Pine sticcts.

Apply at No. 137, south Front street. Ln 18 thslutf POR SALE, a ii i. il. nil Ul too lit 'JJ lle 'v 1 "oresl dence of Mr.

lieorgo Lu Ham, deceased, containing two parlours on the first tloor, and four lodging rooms un the second story has also a wash house, and 2 storv building, connected ith a conveuientkitchen and lodging loom over the came; has? a rain water cistern in the jard, with a well improved garden, and a stable to nccemmodate several horses, situated in a gras lot of about two acres, I old. tin the premises there is a number of fruit frees, with an abundance of grape vines, the whole offering a convenient residence for a genteel family; will bo sold on accommodating terms, if applied for immediately. If not sold soon, it ill be rented to a 'od tenant, by the year. Apply to MVPTHEW L. BE VAN, Executor to the Estate of George Ludl.un.

deceased, ap 7.. stuthlOt I ty. i 1 1 I I To lot oniriouiitl rent, a mini 'ier of valuable i 'i iy ii i It vwr lots on the Old York Road, and on Ui slreot, just nbove Coates' veiy im proving part ol ine rsorinein lancrnes iney run about ioO to 110 feet deep to Elizabeth street, 30 fet wide, and have two fronts. Apply to DAVID LEWIS Co. Mar 12 (HI JNo.

I Z7, sooth Ir ml sn ert. TO LUll.hKiiS. TO LET ON GROUND RENT, A Lot on ihe North East comer of Walnut and Twelfth streets, front oa, Wahiut Sly feet, depth 125 to a 20 feet allej'. One other Lot on Walnut street, nt theIi'tanre of 1 18 feet from the North West corner of Eleventh street, front on Walnut SI) feet, depth 133 foet to a 12 feet alley. One other lot on the south side of Walnut street, between Eleventh and Twefth afreets, front on Walnut 47 feet, depth 105 feet.

One other Lot, on the North East corner of Lo cust and Twelfth streets, front on Locust street 1SS fool, depth 100 foet to a 5 feet alley. One other Lot, on the Last side ot I wellth sheet, between Walnut and Locust streets, frnt 80 feet, depth 100 Xeet to an feet alley. One other Lot, on the est sl.leof Umnee street. between Walnut anil LocnBt streets, front P0 feet, depth 80 f'-et to an 8 feet alley. Applv ot No Walnut strei t.

fob 21-dlf Paintings, Engravings, Statuary, fyc. WILL' be received at No. 43, south Third street, two doors from Guard's Bank, where the subscriber has opened a PICTURE MART, for tho sale of all works of art, hether the production of the pencil, graver or chisel. April i.i ltOMAU (J CUIfiK. I ECElVhD and tor sale, 200 baskets DEAUX SWEET OIL.

LE I IIS DESA CTQ UE, ap 6--d 65 south Second street. COTTON. (fo Bales Prime Upland Cotton, list received sf and for sale by WM. G. COCHRAN.

april 1 1--dtf 22 Church Alley B3RINTS. Taunton and Troy blue and white, JL two blue, andf.incv Prints; for sale by THOMAS MARTIN. 4 mo. 20 51, north Front street. COFFEE AND fflo-fi Bass, Mahogany, TortoifC shell.

LP i.y Landing from Mary Anne, enquire of ap 19 -12w HAVEJY SMITH. ENGLISH FLINT TUMBLERS. Hblids. Newcastlo Flint half-pint Tumblers. 5 casks of American quart aud pint Knob Tumblers; 6 casks do.

half-pint, gill, and half-gill do. Just received and for sale bv f' WM. M. MUZ7.EY, Wholesale Glass Warehouse, No. 17, Minor st.

ap 20... SPERM OIL AND CANDLES. -I Jj Gallons Winter Strained Sperm Oil, sid H. 40 14 do. Summer do.

DO boxes Sperm Candles, landing from sloop Union for rale by SHOJIbK if lUjisiiAti, april 21-lOt 26 south Wharves. CORKS, BOTTLES Sf VEMUOILYS. Bales, 30,000 each, elvet 1 ri Corks. 310 groco Bottles, different sizes 100 Hamburg Demijohns, full 6 gallons. For sale by LEWIS DESAVQVE, april II tf tin.

65 south Seeentl street. CHEESE. SMALL lot Goshen Cheese, of best quality, just received and for sale by A J. PALMER, April 20 24, south Wharves. HOSIERY, At JVb.

67. Jurth h'mnt mlreet. A GENERAL assortment of the following des-jiv rriprion, Men White and Mixt Cotton Hose, Women's White, Lead, and Black do. Children and Misses do. lixt ami Winte Cotton Il.df Hose, Brown, Lead and Black do.

Men's Black and Mixt Worsted Hose, Women's White and Black do. Together with a general assortment or Children's and Boys Worsted and Woollen Hose, all of which will bo sold at a low price by yril 9- A. P. WRIGHT. WOOL AND COTTON? li Fa'cs New Oileans Cotton, American 4 Wool various grades.

For sale bv J. St M. BROWN, te M. D. LEWIS, mar 20- 159 Market street HATTERS SALYS, 1 -fls-T Dozen, landing from Brig Shawmut, 1 VF and for sale by J.

C. OLIVER. Nos. grand 19 seuth Fourth street, up-stoira. COOPER fc CLARKE keep constantly on hamt a very eener.d assortment of READY MADE CLOTHING, of every description, such as extra super aud middling Black and Blue Body Coats, Fashionable Green, Plumb and Brown Coats.

Blue, Plumb, Gfoen, Citron and Miicil Frock do. Drab Box and Now Market touts. Blue, Drab and Mixed Bangup do. With a very elegant assui tmeut of Vests and Pan taloons. Also, a ouantitv of Camlet and Plaid Cloaks.

All of which they will dispose at a very low rate. They have also Just received a very handsome assortment of Blua aud Black Velvet Cloths. Fashionable Green, Citron, Plumb and Claret do. Suncr milled Cassiineies, of various colours. Vestinga, consisting of very elegant Ptain Silk Velvet, tut loinntsii, mcucm, ssiacK ana Enirlith Florentine, plain ami figured.

All the above articles will be siade to order at the shertest notice, aud in the most fashionable stile nov 11 dtt ROAN SHOES. Cases spring, half heal and heel Roans, just exJF ff lauding aud for sale ny 7 J. C. OLIVER, Nos. 8 and 10 south Fourth street, up-stairs.

april 3- Bales of Russian Quills, for sale by UACKKK. HUOW.N CO. 4mo 23 66 aouth Front street DOMESTIC aOODS. A A packages consisting of 3-4, 7-9 and 4-4 "rat brown and uleaclied snirtings and sheet ings. Landing and for sale by CHEEVER fc FALE8, Apiil 23 6t 17, south Front street.

TOBACCO. 'it Kegs Kentucky manufactured. 50 hlids. do. Leaf.

For sale by GRNT3 STONE, ap 23 tf 43 Nnrrth Water street. Jcw Orleans Molasses, and Pale Sjiermacctt Oil. "TTUST landing, tho cargo of srh'r John, con- sistiugof 130 casks New Oileans Molasses: and per sloop Union, a few hundred gallons pale spermaceti oil for glass Lamps, fertile by SA.VUJCL C. Bl.TI.YG, April 23 23, south Wharves. DOMEisTiciIooSs.

fl TJ packages Domcmic Goods, now land-ssf JL ing hum tlie sch'rs. Ahira, and Lovely Hope, consisting of 8-4, 7-8, 4-4 and fi.J linurn liitiilitt rtintrs and liHfltnrr from various manufactories, and fur sale by H.VCKEK. BKOWN Co. April 23 dtf No. C6, south Front st SILKS.

1 4S CASES consisting of Black 'and 2Le.jP Striped Sarsnetts, Black and While Crapes. and Embroidered Shawls, just leceived srid sale by 1JAV EiS SMI I apiil 3-1 as soiitn rout street. DOMKSTIC GOODS. BALES Shirtings, Sheetings, land. ing from schis.

Lovely Hope, Palm, Mes senger, this da', and for sale by april 23- No. 41, north Front sheet. IMITATION PORT WINE. fS superior luutatiou Port Wine, 3 just received anil for de by A. U.

MA1.3 1 Oi, april 23-iltf No. 103 south Front street. f7Tk Drums Fisrs, landing from schr. Socra- t. te.

and for sale by i BKHJGtS, april 2l-6t SO south Wharves. CANDLE WICK AND YARN. 1850 Lbs. Candlo Wick, 1800 lbs. Yarn, just received ami for sale bv tiiomas martin, 51 north Knt street.

4nio 15 INDIGO. Cases Bengal Indigo, 23 se.roons Spanish entitled to Debenture. For salo by RICHARD W. WELLS, No. 62, south Front street.

SAIL CLOTH. 3 Bolts Bmzgeu's Duck, just received and J. 9L? for sale by RALSTON Jt I.YMAN, 1 1, south Front street, Who have fir salo a general assortment of RUSSI.1 GOODS. ap 16. POR SALE, OLIVFIRA S( Co.

South Madeira Wine. Gordon's superior do. Howling rich Bordeaux Claret; Port Wine. Superior Duwling's kialad Oil. Imported and for sale 1 'JIIOS.

H. JACOBS, npril 18 tf 19, Dock street. CUT SPRIGS. I NVOICE of Cut Sprigs, of superior quality. Just received and for sale hy PIEL'i, h'VKKS o.

ap 12 No. 185 Market street. UST leceived, and for sale at ELLIS Jc MORRIS'S Drug aud Chemical Store, No. 66, Ches- mit street, Seidhtx Powders, Hooper's aud Anderson's Pills, OilofCubebs, Oil of Croton, Seeds of Croton, F.latine, (Chillerbuck'f Acetat. Morphium, Extract of Sarsaparilla, Vincent's Gotland's Letion, Genuine Toikey Rhubard.

Wistar's Cough I.o7.enge, Gum Pectoral, and a general assortment of English Ixenges, constant ly on hand, and lor sale as above. Jan. 4 dtf Super Steel mixt Cassimeres and Satlinett. Cases very superior Uxbridgo steel mixt Cas-si simercs, 2 cases super fine steel mixt Satli nets. Just received and for ealc very low by IL1CKER BROW.Y CO.

ap 19 No. 56 south Fiont street. SARATOGA WATER, JUST received direct fiom the Springs, and for sale at K. UURAND'S Drttg and Chemical Store, Corner of Sixth and Chesnut streets. Wliere will be found a general assortment of fresh Drugs and Medicines.

Alsn, The Denareotized Tincture of Opium-Acetate of Morphium. Iodine and Hydriodate of Potass, Oil of Cubcbs. Lozenges of Ri-earbon. of Soda and Magnesia, for sour stomach, np 24 tulhstf DR. JACOB BECKER'S CELEBRATED GEJYUIJYE EVE BALSAM.

rilHIS Medicine has stood the test of experience 9 for nearly forty years, and prove! itself the most invaluable remedy ever discovered for the cure of sore and intlamed eyes were it necessary, the proprietor could produce thousands of testimonials to show its specilic elTocts. The public will be particular to observe (to prevent fraud) that none is genuine without the name and signature of the proprietor on each direction. It is offered for sale bv Isaac Thompson, North West corner of Market and Second street. Frederick Drcer, No. 152, south Fourth street, between Spruce and Pine.

Mrs. Berniaud, No. 85, South Second, near Nor. ris's Alley. Pleasant ft Graff, No.

6, north Third street Edward B. Garrigues, North West corner of Mar ket and Sixth streets. Jos. Reakirt, druggist, N.E. corner of Callewhill and Third street.

BENJA. BECKER, Proprietor, Heir and Agent for Elizabeth Becker, the surviving Widow. Price, wholesale, $3 per dozen, and retail at SI cents per cup. TAKE NOTICE. I do certify that I have been an agent for Dr.

Benja, Becker aud Elizabeth Becker, the surviving widow, for 23 years, aud still continue. E. BERNUUD. Philadelphia, Feb. 21, 1S27.

feb SI wfmlm-wsSm Pia Dover, Seaford and Vienna. The Steamboat FRANKLIN, Captain H. Manly, leaves Arch street wharf, Philadelphia, every Sun day, Tuesday and Friday evening, at 6 o'clock, for Dover, (Del.) from which place southern travellers proceed 10 Post Coaches along a line road to sea- ford, on the Nanticoke River, theuce by either tbe steamboat Norfolk, Captain D. W. Crocker, or Philadelphia, Captain E.

Weems, to Norfolk, where they arrive on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning, about 6 o'clock, in time to proceed soutb-waid, by the public conveyances, without detention at IMurlolk. Fare through. Meals included, 812. The Boats of this line are new, substantial and elegant, with commodious births aud superior sc eoinmodations. The route is direct and pleasant.

and all the arrangements of the line are such as will ensuie comfort and expedition to the traveller. JAMES P. MOKK13, Agent. Office first Wharf below Arch street. N.B.

All baggage at the risk of its owners, april 11 tf april 14- UNION LINK FOR NEW YORK. Twettty-Jive mitts land carriage, via 'Trenton, rrmceion, anajeut nrunswicic. By Steamboats Trenton, Capt. A.Jenkins. Tbistlo, Geo.

Jenkins. Baltimore, Douglass. Linrus, AY LINE Steamboat Trenton will leave Chesnut street wharf every morning (Sundays excepted) at 6 clock, and arrive at INew 1 01 11 ny steamboat 1 histle, the same evening, at cioca. Passengers will breakfast and dine on board. Pas sage, s.

NOON LINE. Union Line Steamboat Balti more, leaves the same wharf eiery day (Sundays excepted) at 12 o'clock, sup and lodge at New Hrunsnick, and arrive 111 INew tone by tne steam boat Liunssus, earlv next morning. Parage, $3. EASTON AND NEW HOPE COACH. Starts at the arrival of the Trenton at Bristol, every day, (Sundays excepted,) and returns the same dav.

Passage S3 00. For further information apply at tlie office, foot of Chestnut-street. N. B. Travellers will please lo observe that this is the only line that touches at Elizabethtown Point.

April dtf COMB MANUFACTORY. rBTTIIE subscriber respectfully informs his friends aud the public in general, that he keeps constantly on hand a large assortment of Combs, surh as Tortoise Shell. Tuck. Long, Neck, and Side Combs. A very neat Comb called tho Spanish- or lirazilian luck,, and aide, jvioct 00.

do. do. do. A very large assortment of Ivory Combs, fine, superfine, super superfine, extra superfine. Pocket, double and single.

White Horn Combs, Dressing and Pocket. Which he will dispose of, wholesale or retail, at his Manu factory. No. 135, scuth second street, on the most reasonable terms. WM.

B. FAIRCHILD. Country Merchants will find it their interest to catt ami examine the assortment. ten SCHUYLKILL COAL. CJ CHUYLKII.L Coal of a very superior quality.

KJ for sale at S7, en tho harf of the euoscritier. Also, small or Egg Coal, calculated for stoves, at 6. Apply at tbe Schuylkill Coal utnee, rxo. Miner Street. i li GUN LOCKS I Case containing CO dozen Goa Locks.

Just B. received and for sale hy MAYER ft LOHMAN, Pratt's Wharf. I .1. England manufactured 10 Aiin An An An flllPO elegant assortment for country trade. For sale by Wlll.f UlCPITIY'l' 11 1.

1..., april i tf No. 10 south Wharves. GRtEN FLORENCES. ORE EN Avignon and Demi Florences. Heavy black Levantines and Mantuast White and black French Crapss.

And a variety of staule French Goods. Just receiv ed by II. C. CORBIT, 4mo Sw 40 south second street. SHOES.

TTOSIIUA C. "OLIVER. Nos. 8 and 10 south 99 Fourth street, offers for sale 300 cases Eas tern made Shoes, and a large aud general assort, ment of City made Shoea hich will be sold low. april a- MOROCCO SKLYS.

fjJX Dozen Black Morocco Skins, superior tL quality. 800 do. Hatters' Skins, assorlod colours. Forsaleby JOHN april 2 tf No. 10, south Wharves.

IRISH LINENS, ice. 7 and 4-4 wide Irish Linen. "C7 6-4 to 10-4 wide Table Diapers. 5-4 Sheetings. Long Lawns.

Brow Hollands. For sale by WM. M'KEE ft mar 22.. No. 14, Chesnut street.

SILVER STEEL PEA'EJYIVES. "UST received hy the subscribei RoJger's Im-' proved Penknives, manufactured ou an entire new principle, and may be recommended with confidence, as superior to any article previously in troduced into this branch of Cutlery; equally useful to right or left handed persons. juna rcant-c, ap Fancy Store, No. 76 south Fourth st. DOMESTIC GOODS.

NOW landing from schooners Domestic and as Burrill, from Providence 20S packages Do mestic Cotton and Woollen Goods, comprising an assortment of 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, and 5-4 Brown and White sheetings and shirtings, blue and blue mixt sattinets. See. Fersaleby THOMAS ft AlAJKllJMr 4 mo. 2... 61, north Front street ROBERT C.

KID, COACHMAKEK, York Court, seuth Third street, nearly opposite the Mansion House Hotel. Feb 22-. UST received and for sale by the subscriber! Ladies' Morocco Work Boxes. Misses do. and Wood do.

do. Morocco Thread Cases. do. Pocket Books, Wallets and Note Cases. Silver Twessrs and Tooth Picks.

Fancy Silk and Bead Purses. Fine Scissors, in great variety. Rodger's Silver Steel Razors. Stoel Nut Crackers; Fancy Paper Boxes, he. THOS.

S. AJYjYERS, mar SO tf 141 Chesnut street. DOMESTIC GOODS. JTJST received direct from the manufactories, 197 cases and, bales comprising Brown and Bleached Sheetings and Shillings; SteeJ mixt Blue and Blue mixt Sattinetts, for sale by the package, J. ttM.

BROWJYtfM. D. LEWIS, Smo 2fid 159 Market street OSBORNE'S American WATER COLOURS, for Drawing, WARRANTED to equal the finest Europear Water Colours, manufactured and for-' DAN'L B. SM1T' sVrejr and Chemical Store feb 23 Uksteij Statics Stock. Six per cent.

Loan, ISIS, 1814, IS 15. a 101 per ci nt. lOL'j a iOSi (lo. 103 d. Five per cent, loans, 182) 107.1 a loxj dtf.

flO. do. do. Do. 1S21 Three per routs, 82 a 824 Four and a half per cenl 102J a 103j AIANK STOCK.

U. S. Bank North America Pennsylvania 1201; a 1204 ilo. do. do.

lo. do. 121 aJL'lj ifl.Si a Philatlelphia 07 a Farmers' and Mechanic'! 1 2 4 a IStf Commercial 071 a WMl Mechanics' Schuylkill Northern Libcitics Southwark Kensington Germaiuowa Camden Trenton IvSURAMCE fTOCJt. 40 a 4J for 83 paid 21 a 30 S3 a St 123 a 131 .301 32 112 a 114 lor 25 paid lor 20 paid per rent. for 25 paid per cent.

80 35 a 83 a SO lo. for 30 paid North America 96 a 100 Pennsylvania 1119 a 112 Philadelphia 145 a 150 Vnion 63 a CO ler cent, do. do. lor 0 paid lor SO paid for 40 paid for 60 paid rhcenix I 83 fa4 40 25j Delaware 39 Marine I F.4 a United States 25 fjr25 paid lot 60 paid for 40 paid Atlantic American Fire Pennsylvania Fire Pennsylvania Life City Six per cent stock Five per cent do. Stato Fives Masonic Six per cont.

Five per cent. Delaware Bridge shares Schuylkill Bridge shaves 40 77 26 19 a 43 a SI a 271, a 1H for. pail for 20 paid 1 16 a IIS a 10U a 107J a 105 a 55 a 144 er cent. lo. do.

do. do. 07 100 108 103 0 for SO paid 142 ier rent, do. ilo. Schuylkill Navigation stock 104 a 109 Do.

Six percent, slock 122 a 123 Union Canal shares a 220 Union Canal Loan, 6 perct. 1 1 1 a 112 for 180 paid por cent Lehigh Coal anil Nav. stock 102 a 101 do. do. do.

do. do. do. do. Chos.

Del. Canal stock 73 a 74 Do. Six per cent 105 a 100 Lancaster Turnpike 69 a 60 Cheltenham do. I 70 a SO Gerin.tntown do. I 60 a 60 Frankfurt! do.

I 494 a 504 Bills on London, 60 days I 1 a 1'iJ premium. Amsterdam Paris 40 a 41 cts.iper guilder. 22 a 5.160 per dollar. SEWER IN MULBERRY STREET pVTOTiCE is here' rjiven, so.dcd Proposals JLm (to be indorsed fora sewer in iWul- bcrry street,) will be received by tho City Commissioners, at their oflicp, until the seventh day of May next, inclusive, for digging and throwing the dirt on the bank, by the cubic yard, fur a sewer to be coustiucted in Mulberry street, from Ashton street, on. the river Schuylkill, to Thirteenth street, accord-ir to a plan to be seen at the City Commissioners lice.

The undertaker is to round out the bottom, a 11 complete tlie; dttriiiTt in a workmanlike maimer, i to receive the bricks, at such times and in Jbli proportions as the- Commissioners may require; find the scatfc-lding, tvnd tcinove the earth from the batiks, when and where it may he necessary. Proposals will also be received at the same lime aDd place, fur furnishing 1 ,300,000 hard bricks more or less, suitable for a to be delivered between Thirteenth street an I the river Schuylkill, in Mulberry street, at such times and in such quantities as tho Commissioners may require. Proposals will also receive.) at the same lime and place, for laying two millions of bricks, by the thousand, 700,000 ol" which, ill be of the bricks taken from the Centre building, and perhaps from two to three hundred thousand more of the same kinds of bricks as those from the Centre Square. The bricks will be laid as convenient to the sewer as the nature of the ground will admit of; the undertaker to find all labourers for wheeling and handling the bricks. By order of tbe City Commissioners.

ROBERT II. SMITH, april CilyCleik. A KEtl.l I'V, nfMKDY ron. tiik tilis. THE subscriber is in possession of an infallible remedy-fur distressing disease, tho Piles.

Nothing short of ihe importunity of numbers who have been completely cured by him, has overcome his reluctance to publish this urticle, with the view cf informing the afilirted here can obtain a certain and s.ife lemedy for this complaint, which may be classed the most distressing that flesh is heir to." The present may be termed the age of 11 quark medicines." The subscriber informs the public, that he can be seen until Thursday evening, at J. II. Myer's Steamboat House, North East corner of Chestnut' and Water streets, where certificates may be seen, which are not offered in expectation satisfying the incredulous, but to give testimonies to any labouring under this malady, that he wishes not to impose a pretended cure. JOHN D1TCI1ETT. No.

142 William stteit, New York. N. B. It can be had of my Agenls, in Philadelphia H. A.

Beck Son, N.i." 249 north Front treet; William Bi Idle, No. 142 Market street. P. S. Price $1 per bottle.

april 24-tmh3t VALUABLE MEDICINE FOR COUGHS A.YD C0JYSUMPTW.YS. THE uncommon virtues that Anderson's Cough Drops and Pectoral Powders are ell known to possess, for the cure of Colds, Coughs, and other affections of the breast and lungs leading to Consumptions, is sufficiently proved from the fact that they have now been in use for seven years, and that the demand lor them is still rapidly increasing Thousands have experienced the happy effects of this Healing Balsam, and great numbers have voluntarily given certificates of the benefits received In consumptive complaints of long standing, eveu where their cases were almost hopeless, and "where they had been given up by their physicians as outablc. reference to the certificates accompanying each bottle, given by those of the first respectability, will satisfy every unprejudiced mind of the wonderful cures performed by this valuable medicine. Thousands have shortened their days by neglecting coughs when first attacked, which have soon terminated in a seated consumption, and proved fatal. Scarcely a case of colds, coughs, pain in the side, difficulty of breathing, want of sleep arising from debility, or even consumptions, but inav be relieved by the timely use of this Healing Balaam.

Each dollar bottle of this irtedirine contains about forty doses, which proves them to be a cheap medicine, considering their virtues. For the further satisfaction of the public, the following certificate is olferod for perusal. This is to certify that the subscriber was brought very low by spitting blood, attended with a cough ana catarrh, and mat nothing itllonlod me relief un. til I commenced taking Anderson's Cough Drops the use of which were the means in the hand God of restoim mo again to a comfortable state of health. Aud 1 do further certify, that the wife of Xllr.

INnttian Huntington, living in the same places was afflicted with a very for a number ot years, and that iu 1S23 she was reduced so low that it was thought she must soon be in her grave, as she was scarcely able to walk from her bed to the fire, when sho commenced taking Anderson's Cough Drops, the use of which, in a short time so far restored her, that sho was soon able to do a good day work. 1 can cheerfully recommend ibis medi cine to the public. l'HILO JUDSON, Pastor of the Chinch in Afhford, Conn. Ashford, Sept. 25.

1S26 Sold by J. Thompson. Yarnnll Ji Smith and rcsraall, T. W. Dyott, and Bettle Jenkins, Phi-Jadclphia.

nov lo ws-tberim Ur. Pajchall's X-eetitral Coughs, Colds, THIS Medicine, celebrated for the numerous cares performed by it, is kapt constantly lor sale at VVM. Bl DOLE'S Drug anil Chemical Store, No. 142 Market (treet, Philadelphia; price 25 cents per bottle. ap 28..

SWAIM'S PANACEA, For the cure of Scrofula, or A'irig's Evil, Ulcers. Rheumatism, SujihiliticMcrctuial and Liver Cunwlaints, and most Diseases arising in debi litated e.mstitutiotis, or from an impure state of the Blooit, we. Re. ie. fTpiIlS MEDICINE lias acquired a veryextend- ed and established celebrity both in Hospital and private practice, which ita efficacy alone has supportcdor tAesc seven years past, and its disco very may without extravagance be considered a sa cred boon to the afflicted.

It lias received the com mendationsof the most eminent of the faculty, and has been tested by the experience of thousands. The effect of this medicine is such as not to inter. runt either business or pleasure, and requires only the common restraints of moderation in diet. It is conveyed by the circulating Suids, and corrects their tendencies to all those diseases which originate in vitiated blood, diseased liver, or depraved appetite. It is a safe medicine, and removes all those evils which the unsuccessful use of mercury so often oc casions.

As a purifier of the btood, both in SPRING and has given new constitutions to thou- sands it is by ics operation on tho blood, that such surprising cures have been made, in numerous diseases. one, however, is advisrd to take it, without first fully convincing himself of the truth of what is here stated, and the rectitude of the Propmtor intentions. This medicine has the singular fortune, ajust (rf bule to its great merit, of being recommended by the most celebrated Practitioners of Medicine ia the United States and elsewhere; whereas not one of the spurious mixtures, made in imitation cf it, is supported by the Faculty. This fart offers an argument so plain and conclusive, that it needs only to be mentioned to enforce conviction. CERTIFICATES.

From Dr. N. Chapman, Professor ef the Institutes and Practice of Physic and Clinical Practice in the University of Pennsylvania. President of the Academy of Medicine of Phil idelphia, 4c. e.

I have within the last two years had an opportunity of seeing several casesof very inveterate ulcers which, haviug resisted previously the regular modes of treatment, were healed by the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea: and I do believe, what I nave seen, that it will prove an important remedy in scrofulous, venereal, aud mercurial diseases. CiiAPMAiN, nl. It. Philadelphia, February 16, 1S23.

From Dr. Thomas Parke, President of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, formerly Physician to the Pennsylvania Hospital for forty-five years. At the request of W. Swaim, I hereby certify. that in the feiv cases I have seen his Panacea given, 1 have observed great benefit derived from its use.

and particularly iu the case of C. Tiegomaine, who was, for many years allhcted iin inveterate ub ers that were deemed incurable by some emi- nont surgeons ho bad attended her. In this hopeless situation she was (in September, 1821,) ad untied a patient in tho Pennsylvania Hospital, and had the advice of all the surgeons of that benevolent institution, without leceiving much relief, when she began the use ot the Panacea, which, to the surprise of all ho witnessed its effects, restored her to good health in two months. In Octoler, 1823, she was hscharged from the hospital perfectly cured. From observing the wonderful effects of Swaim's Panacea, iu R.

C. Tregomaine's case, and from se veral well attesteil reports of many of our most eminent surgeons, 1 am induced to believe it is a very useful remedy in chronic, syphilitic, mercurial and scrofulous complaints. THOMAS AHhL, M. JJ. Locust street, Uthmo.

1st. 1324. From Dr. W. Gibson, Professor of Surgery in the University of Pennsylvania, Surgeon and Clinical Lecturer to the Alins-House, Infirmary, I have employed the Panacea of -Mr.

Swaim, in numerous instances, within the last thiee years, and have always found it extremely efficacious, especi ally in secondary syphilis and Bi mercurial disease. I have no hesitation in pronouncing it a medicine of inestimable value. W. GIBSON, M. D.

Ptbruaty 17, 1S23. From Dr. Valentine Mott, Trsfessor of Surgery in the University of New Voik, burgeon 01 thojNew York Hospital, I have rcucatedlv used Swaim's Panacea, both in the Hospital and in private practice, and have found it to be a valuable medicine in chronic, syphilitic and scrofulous complaints, and in obstinate cutane ous affections. Al.K.N 1 ICS 1HUI 1 1.JL. J-cw 1st Mo.

bth, 1S24. From Dr. Wm. P. Dewees.Adj't Professor of Mid wifery in the University of Pennsylvania, Sc.

I have much pleasure in saving I have itnessed the most decided antl happy effects, in several in stances of inveterate disease, frobi Air. Swaim's Panacea, where other remedies had failed one was that of Mrs. Brown. WM. P.

DE WEES, M.D. Philadelphia, February 20, 1S23. From Dr. Alexander Knight, Port Physician of Philadelphia, Sc. Having witnessed the derided efficacy of the medicine called "Swaim's Panacoa," in several cases of inveterate disease, that had resisted the usual remedies, justice requires that I should give my testimony in its favour.

Among other cases that have coma, under my notice, those of Mrs. Hocker, of Kensington, and J. Lambert's child, are the most worthy of notice. In the former case, there was extensive ulceration and caries on the bones of tlie face, that was rapidly extending its ravages to the nose and palate. In the latter, a gangrenous ulceration, commencing on the inside of the cheek, had extended to the outside, and destroyed a portion of the cheek, and threatened its entire destruction.

In bo'!) these cases, the diseases were in a progressive state, although very active treatment had been used, without benefit; bat were speedily arrested in their arogress, and in a short time perfectly cured by the use of Mr. Swaim's Panacea. Ai-ex. Knight, M. D.

Philadelphia, Dec- IS, 1821. From Dr. Samuel R. Marshall, surgeon of the United States' Naval Hospital, New York, have used Mr. Swaim's Panacea in several cases of secondary syphilis, which were sent to the Naval Hospital at Brooklyn, and feel pleased to say wilb complete success.

SAMUEL R. MARSHALL, M. D. Jl'cto York, August 19, 1825. TO THE PUBLIC.

The numerous and multiplying frauds committed on the public, by various mixtures in imitation of this well known medicine, is alone satisfactory evidence of its superior virtue, without any other proof. There are now at least twenty imitations of it; but these imitations are all deficient in one important re- etririre- thoy possess not the virtues of Swaim's Panacea. WM. SWAIM, No. 22 1, Clusnut street, between Seventh and Eighth st.

near the Musome Uau. Sold by the Proprietor, and by Ellis Morris, No. 66, Chesnut street. Fieihsrick Brown, corner of Fifth and Chenut sts. George Guest, eorner of Seventh and Chesnut sts.

E. B. Garrigues and T. Cave, corner of Sixth and Market streets. E.

C. Yarnall ft Market near Front. Frederick Klett, corner of Second and Callewhill. Charles Marshall, Market near Ninth. Isaac Thomson, corner of Second and Market, Messrs.

Wetherill's, corner of Front and Arch. Samuel P. Gnffitts, corner of Eighth and Chesnut Doctor Dyott, corner of Second and Race. And by tbe principal Druggists in the United state i-rtr.

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