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Valley Spirit (Weekly) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania • 4

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Groceries. Dry Goods and Notions. Millinery Goods. Legal Notices. Legal Notices.

Miscellaneous. Tfind Engines. Valley Spiiut. CnAMBEKSBDRO.rA. Wednesday7iec.

5,1877. NAMES OF PERSONS receiving out door relief from the County of Frsnklin, with GUNS and Revolvers. Illustrated Price List free. Uret WetternGun Works. Pitts-burgh, Pa.

nov-21-iw. M. ABBOTT'S H. STOVER'S PROTnOXOTARY'S NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given, to all persons Interested, that the following accounts luive been filed in the Prothonotary'g office, and will be presented to the Court for confirmation, on Thursday, Vie day December, A.

17, to wit: Second and final account of John B. Sollen-berffor, comtnltLee of Susaa' Solleiiberiroe, a lunatic. First and final nccoirht of Wm. Losun, Committee of John Knepper. F'irst and tlualaccount of Jacob YoiiDgassignec of Dnniel Shoemakei.

Firat and final account of Wm. II. Brown, assignee of John (i. Hess and Wife. irstaccount of Martin Jlelatzelman, assignee of Cliristlun Hargleroad.

First and final account of B. F. Winger, assignee of Daniel S. Banihart. First and final account of Wm.


The mot attractive styles f-ver shown in hamborRrmnr. WE CHARGE NOTHING fur trimruiui Hats, designed by the most artistic trimmers and finished by the most careful Millinera, while we defy any competition as regards prices of materials necessary tor trimming. IF YOU WANT TO SAYE from 25 to 40 per cent, ou the prices of your Millinery wear give us one trial and we win secure, your continued patronage WK EimiXGE GODDS fllKERfTLLT. WE NEVER FIND IT ANY TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. TRIMMED HATS BONNETS We have a large selection in our store and we are satmiicd that we can please almost every lady, miss or child with a new stylish lull or winter Hat.

Our Roods are offered this season at specially low prices, and we respccttully invite an examination. ABBOTTS POPULAR MILLINERY HOUSE. OPPOSITE XAT10XAL WOl'SK, CHAMBERSBURG. 1'. S.

Country Milliners should not fail to call when in town. Orders by mail promptly and carefully filled. Ilespectfully, M. ABBOTT- Stoves, Tinware, STOVES AND TINWARE Tin Roofing and Spouting! BIRO CAGES "AND SAD IRONS I Chrnp Rrntt(uieh HaUtSmcU ProfUt. Th way to (five Imrtruina to customers la to rarry tmlnt'ia on rrimomlcatly.

A man who jays a high rent, or baa a heavy lntreaiinent In tun ini-rty In a lilc li he carrH-on hlsbusineaa, Iniist uuiktt up for It in pmflta on parcbuerm. T. A.M0HR. Ili liijf lix-ateil up to 1 up town, rtn tlm oftlpesiof ana lr. Muswrott, wherti isttita Ir.

rtensny are nut liik'h as tin are farther down town, ami ut-lntr a working man blaisstlf and conlurttuf hia buslnesa wonirtul rally iu all ri-Mu, Is alna Ui tverj thing In his line at the vt-ry lowi-st rutis. ila huya for rash, has tamtcht at prices anU lias put plitss, iloa liiuisell. He nuw calls aiieclal attention to the lT)injf Pattern of Htovia from the ol-ebrateit firni of TUutiiAa, Roberts, Mevenson A Philailcljihla Harvet Homo Cowk, the Times Cook, th Kellanne Cook, Superior Hoi Clows KaiiKH, the Oranil Kanire, the ltclle Riiiikw, the Cabinet HatiKe, the Coronet Inker Rae Kurnt-r, the Coroner Mmi-cllnkcr Parlor Hisiter, or Iioulile Heater, the Parlor Cook Koulile Hi-ater, Ijinrel llnae Karner, thn Ittarv Hsht Burtir, the New Coronet, patented )(; Parlor VJui-en Parlor Coook, Tvn jiistd Mtovea, all sues. Also, from the reliable Una of Orr, l'ainutr Routing: tioelsmr Pann Cook, Mull. lug Lit-ht Csk, Ranee, with hot closat; Anchor llsw Burner, illicit Base Burner, Twllli-hl lias itullur.

Parlor Heater, La Belle Ilnse Bunier. All the Cook Stoves of Thomas, Kolx-rl, Kte-Trnson A ln't make have IheCeiehrausi Patent C'omiratl liar i.sle, which realata eontnu'tloo and ej.pau.sluu a llhout bursting. ALL K1NI Or TINWARE. Special attention given to Bell HsnplnR. Pumps of all kinds, among them a new an very superior Cistern Pump.

Agent for the Star Wringer, the cheapest lu the market. Laura, Hbadim, Chihxsys, Ac. Tin Koofiiijf and Spouting made and put on at low rates. Bird Caicea and Smoothing Iron at reduced prua. Don't forget the place for bargains. T. A. HOUR. IjIVES TliK LAST BLOW TO FR1S. I have marked itown wtavs lo price of thirty years ao.

Lowest rates ever sold. Cook Stoves, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Cook Stoves, Ctxik Stoves, Itangcs, Cook Stoves. Cook Stoves. ltauges. Iletlag IMnlng Kootu Store.

Copper, Tin nd Iron Ware, Copper, Tin sod Sheet Iron Ware. Janned, tamp-d and Painted Ware, JsiKUiiie.1, sjiauiped and PaiuUnl Ware. Hollo Ware, Prestervlng KettUsa, Slate Wantela, SUte MauteU, SUite Uaidels. late Shelves and Rrartera. Mate Shelves ami BrarkM.

Wood and Iron Pompa and Hv! ranis. Worst and Iron Pani and Hyilrtuila. Iji.inpa, Shades, Chtmnej-s, Keriweu, (M 4c. Ilouie? Bella, House Bells, Ifoase rVlls. Iron Kettle, Iron Kettles, Iron Kettle.

In short everything In my line at above rat. 25 CARDS. 25 6tyles with name 10 c. Sample3c B. IItbtkd, Nassau, N.Y.

uov 21-4 vy 'ilEE MAMMOTH OUTFIT TO FVERTimnV Cllm free With first order. Ten holtnrxa ilav guiinin. I i i niivKiiir i 11 iM.iu..i..i; 1.., orM ilwankee, Wisconsin. uovJMw AliENTS WANTED FOR CREATIVE SCIENCE or Manhood. Womanhood and their Mutual Inter.

neiations; Lone, its Laws, cower, etc. Agents are selling from IS to 25 conies iluv Send for specimen pages and our flxtm ternis to Agents, and see why it sells luster than any other book. Address, Natiokal PviiLisHiMi Philadelphia, Pa. (nov 21-4w FATHER'S For Cuts, Bruises t. Ppniins, Blind and Bleeding Piles, Rheumatism, Fractured Limbs.

Frosted Limbs and REMEDY. Parts, Pains in the Muscles and Joint, Indolent Ulcers, Discharging Sores, Swelled Lee, Erysip elas and Varicose Veins is Extract or Witch Hazel. Ask for it, because It is liet- ter, stronger and cheaper than any other, and is warranted bv WEEKS POTTER, Wholbsalk Dhfooibt, Via Washington Street, Boston, Muss, UOV 21-4W WANTED An Energetic Man or Woman in every Countv to take the Agenoy for two of the Most Popular Ptiblieationsintheeonntry. Fouro! the Finest Chromos (iixsO inches each) to every Subscriber. The Best Combination Ever Before Offered to Agents, and the Most Liberal Inducements to Subscribers.

Our Fine Publications, Elciraiit Premiums unit xAtffo commissions place us Ahead of all Competitors. Send for Illustrated Circulars and Terms. E. P. L.

RESTELN, Publishers, 717 Snnsom Street, Philadelphia. nov il-iw 10,000 AUENTS WANTED TO SELL I kj THE CURSE AND THE CURL. The most Intense and powciiul blow ever dealt the demon drink, by the reteran author, T. si. Arthur.

A book to startle mid enlighten the people. Vivid pieturesand proofs, how it curses body, sonl, home, society, etc. Unfolds the work of Inebriate Asylums, Gospel Temperance, Woman's Murphy. Prohibit inn, etc. Only ft Its sale is marvellous.

BIBLES with 20O3 Illustrations far exccll all others. frieeJut reduced ii per i t. I Semi for terms. HUBBARD 723 Sansom Phil 'a Pa. nov-Ji-4w.

Medical. A LECTURE TO YOUNG HEX. JuA Pullithed, in a Sealed Envelope. J'riee six cent. A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment anil Rail, leal cure of Seminal Weakness, or Sjierma-torrhuia.

Induced by Self-Abuse, Involuntary Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, and Impediments to Marriage generally; Consumption, Epilepsv, and Fits Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac By ROBERT J. CULVER-WELL, M. author of the "Green Book," Ac The world-renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clmrly proves from bis own expert, ence that the awful consequences of Self-Abuse may be effectually removed without medicine, ami without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials pointing out a mode of cure at once certain and effectual, by which every sufferer, no mutter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. AfTKis Leelurewill prove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent, under seal, in plain envelope, on receipt Of six cents, or two jxailage slami.

Address the publishers, THE CULVERWELI. MEDICAL (Post Office Box, 4ASO) 41 Ann Street, N. V. aprll--ly. Know reading tnij tueituiiable truths eon.

Uined in the best medical lwk ever Issued, entitled VIIUAPI SELF-PRESERVATION I I Sri pFriccenlyli. tkntbyuuil Wlaial on rcwipt of price. It Treats of Exhausted Vitality, Premstnn Decline, jS'arvoui and Physical Dtbiiirr. and the csdksi concomitant His and untold miaenei that result therefrom, and contains more thsp 60 original pre-criptions, any one of which Is worth the price of the book. This book was written by the most tentivt aad probably the most skilful practitioner in America, to whom was awarded a gold tad jew.

riled medal by the National Medical Associailon. A Pamphlet, illustrated with to vary finest bteel Eagravingt a mar- 1 1 I vcl of art and beamy I I sent rail to ill. Bend llaaiiaW for It at occe. Address PEABODY MEDICAL THYSELF INSTITUTE, ISo. 4 Bui.

finch bu, Boston, Mas. octii-ly. FURNITURE, House and Sign Painling. The undersigned gives notice that on aiul at. ter April the lirst, his Fnrniture will be found in the Schoflcld budding nearly opixisite the NATIONAL HOTEL, Main Kt where he will continue to keep a large aswrtmeut of the best aud mo-t FASUIONABLE FURNITURE on hand ami for sale, such as WALNUT PARLOR AND CHAMBER SUITS, COTTAGE, and all other styles! His Farlor suits are pronounced bv all to lie the handsomest and most durable ever brought to Cualuliersliurg.

Pricea and rtyles hi salt all, these Hard Times 'also HOl'SE PAINTING PAPER HANlilNCi iu all their Various Ilnitichea, in the HIGHEST STYLE Of THE ART! Thankfnl for the favors extended in the it I would respectfully ask a continuance ol the same. J. E. SCH0F1ELD.

0 HORSE OWNERS! A Dlt. 4. S1IIFFERT, Veterinary jhLX Surgeon, has iHs-majcjiIiy )(('4. Kf ted on Souih Main near in. l1''1'1- Ground Cbatnbrrshnrg.

VlSr I i'eiin for the purj)ise of opera- ting ou ail (Usiatseo norsi's. and he pledge himselt'to mire most of both external and Internal, tliat this noble ani. mat Is subject to. He has over thirty veal's of peretiee, and I'urlng the war he had nearly ail tha Uie ber (SSI diseased horses under h(s ttmeiit, and had tiip enUni charge of the principal Corral iu this ataui, lie idinw letter from Quartermasters showing llmt I4s erations and treatment gave entire satisfaction, He lias a large stable erected to keep hur.j whllv under treatiiient. Owners of hoi, whlcl, can not lie left with him, can get medicines ami directions to treat them at home.

lie will promptly attend to all calls to visit sick hoises hirand near. Hepledgeshimself Hiatal! horsea will lie scientitlcally tieatvd by hiui, and he re. apectuliy requests hia old customers and the public, to give him a call in his new home. His fcdi'ires will tie moderate autl no one allowed lo go liway (iU.atfsneit. USK DR.

J.fcHlrFEP.T'S SUPERIOR HORSE AND CATTLE POWDMt, ton yjip tit his ultice. He pleages himself that onft i.f tnij powder will do more good where an blood la out of condition, than all the drugs old In the country. From Mares that cannot F(l he pledges himself to take thecoltawayinanymi-Hplacvd sliuite or form without Injuring the mare. Horses and Colts broken to harness or saddle and satisfaction guaranteed, and horsi- trained lor trpumg on reasonable terms. jan lu-ly.

rii HuTT ING STAU.IUXS: Sir I. Waltrv iw Roxao will make their lull Si-asous, coiniiiciwingiin Jfh of August, at Stables, near the Fair Grounds, Peun'a. i Dr. J. SIIIFFERT'3 Trotting Colts, sired by Sir Walter Scott Black Frank, owned by S.

R. Clark. Ambler. trot ted at the Gettysburg Races, July, 177, three successive days, beating borne ot the l-st hois. iU.e; i 5.1 sec.

Colt, owned bv Win. II. II. Viirund sired by Scott, trotted at 'liarrishiirg, Ifiiy, i 4.i see. The Anie; Hun very fust home.

Hay Frank, ow ned by Dr. kiuascivjtt, Is stepper and iiroinlstai to trot well. Flora, ''okissl urrcn, 5 years old, has gained 45 scnil fit tisy, months. Scott, formerly ow ned by Ditniia Ilersh, of this county, now ow hed by a gentleman In North Carolina, bus trotted in 2 sec. nee taken to that State.

auglO- A PHYSIOLOGICAL View of Marriage LwTVIMMVsniPIWsi 4 nw44aa4A srr, Vi i i fl i Uis 1 1 7 ft mrns in. 'JotuwV-jl jnst 'or It-, these. Nl' crns of Eevsvnilnu A r'HISHlt McUlCAI. elDVIStnt Tt Kinirtt FriTate Kiiturs anjina lriifiSsi xecses, or Aeeret iscsa, tiis Abui prict bit (fa. JTL'bLK on th itsov tfimtf.

of Thfoattinl Lung, ia Opium Habit. pric Hictt. "js trill -'-'tttuiT iimrtnurd, tor Ti at Adult nov 7ti y. Irtvt naif B-m tinjf turn tmtj baam or tnftftlrriT-of Hurt flHlMlanJ fi.l.W mlulon, of Menarr. Imrntrtrd Alkt, Iosst Mtt-nbtxfd or 11.

ftstatr tM-r, Atrr UilUVt ni; At Hltivdor, kldnct, l.nnr, fVw, -fciti, dj3 htl.L ijV jMtl la til J'-r ta ,11 1 4wr.fs. .4 nm Hbm4tliari lU'u a FrnduarW V- KrH Bo mefi'tisyv, bv th firvVlF IB S. f.H fjlV.H qntrtf.g UnUEtssnt wit prtttttfi iwti an) mA, rtairw rv towvtnifu -t; f'jv patHjulw. Ssn4 tif renu fur n.ri! j' iinuAt tod Hrrttttf of iiaynjrUMit by Jill, U.1' ti-f liij, trm. MAEEIAGE GUIDE n4 mttWkf At4 Oi fjs.lh SeEtSA, Ofi tu- Of i wJ.b ih kati thaw Pwlol trfsVitf-' y4 troly lfpy tittt mrnr-) mtifi, V.irrj- T.rtv7 ly.

4 OPIUM mi MottiUb. Ktlat fcVjl- BTtsJ- rt- iM! y. frt.j 11 v. S2500 liovMv. lyenr.

Jt u- imi'lll Ij'-S srtf.vss t.Wwth Co. at- Luiiia, Wu. stxrwcioi pWti wati ii c. B4 known world. frrj yJifAfttdt; Ail4fes4.Cui.'tia th amount of money per month attached to their names, tu RESIDENTS OF Mary Fennel ....2 00 Wm.

Banks $1 to Dorothy fsrriBti 6 Henry 1 60 Elizabeth Brtoker 1 John McCoy 1 Ml Msry Brisker 1 Laura, thinshrook 1 60 Mary Melsin I 00 Franees 2 60 Oath. Churchman 2 On Naney Scots. 00 Cath. Weicht 1 60 Wsry A. Uarr 2 60 1 60 Emily 2 OC On Hannah Ailums 1 60 Mary eicht si.

M. Moure Mary Mvers tt Ui 3 00 1 60 1 60 3 OU 4 (SI IS 00 Wm. Brooks 1 50 James Elitatieth Grove 8 00 Marinila I 60 Mr. Inilebaum 1 50 Sarah onter I 00 Alex. 1 60 Surah A.

Myers 1 60 Sarah 00 Richsrd Cook 2 50 Margaret Scott 00 Maiy A. Forties It 00 Palmer 2 00 Margaret Ellen Bowers June Booth Ismes Riwlmel Wm. H. Wol? I 60 Mrs Coleman 6u Msrle Allen 1 6a Cells A. Whites i (sj Stephen Wido 1 60 Siissnna Johnson 2 no Michael Kuts 1 60 Betty Bradford 1 60 Mary Alien 1 60 Reuben Ben.y 1 60 Husun Slreallv 1 60 JnhnJ.Zelile 1 50 Julian Mesds I 6u Csih.

Smith 1 50 Margaret Walt 1 00 irilm Minnies 2 ou Tots! an.ouut of money p'sid ...103 00 PETERS TOWNSHIP. Mary Pstiersnn oo Wm. fsi Ssrsh Miller ft A (SI Ann Smith. 1 60 John F.ckert 4 Sam'l 2 00 Benj. Plowdeu A wile .1 IS) Total SO BuL'THAWPTON' rOWXSHIP.

Charles Myers J2 on Sophia $1 5ft Mis. Pee 2 ui Nancy Shlsely 1 50 Oeorxe Bahnre 2 (Si Wm. Heisier 1 60 Anne Parker o.l Joseph Hillen 1 00 Lawrence Schlosman 2 8" Klisabeth Hillon. 2 on Ssrsli Parker 1 6n Klialta Miller 2 no Rob't Lesri! uu Totsl MO LITROAN TCWKSHIP. J.ihnSirike.

i ,50 HAMILTON TOWNSHIP. Moses Msrtln Ji on Ssmuel George 1 50 Msiy A. Miiiieun. I i Tnomas Brooke 1 60 Oen. Burk .1 5n Toial flu Oo tiREEN Wm.

Kcil Mary Neil A danght'r 8 fiasau 2 Sally Resin 2 John iirsyden.A Henry tfiull 2 Rachiie! Brown 2 MiigiJalena 2 John Reed Jolisn Reed 2 Wm. Norton 3 Kicca Miller 1 Msry A. I 2 Wm. II. Bitner 1 Total TOWNSHIP.

(Si Jesse Comb wife $3 00 (1 Anna Wanner 1 60 0 Uul. Hyle 2 00 00 Kmilv 2 (10 00 Wm, 2 00 Mt Surah McNew. 2 00 (1 Matilda Bums 2 00 ifl Ad. Weiaieh wfa 3 00 10 Jacob 2 (si 0 Joseph Eambro 3 00 (H) Hsniuel s. 1 60 SO PelerSewel 00 60 Msry Hess 1 li Iwn't liestrica 1 611 60 John Black 2 (SI 60 ANTRIM TOWNSHIP.

Mrs Sioner Ii 00 Hargt (10 jeronie r.ina..........M 11 uu Jsmes 2 OU Mrs. 'lulling 2 on Jacob Mcrilei 2 i Msm'l A. Orr 2 Ml Mary Rents I Mrs. Adnra 2 00 Kliulieth 2 00 sisry I'litenger 2 00 tnlsin Burket 2 00 Mary A. blazer 50 Ehtslieth 2 00 Jan Frederick 2 Jos.

Leardorf 1 60 Total 00 MONTOOMEKV TOWNSHIP. Elizabeth I'ewall tl 00 Daniel Wright 2 0" Sam'l Wordebaugh2 00 naniei wnni 2 Jane I Ut Blsir 1 Mary Tracy I 50 Maria 1 6U tiso. W. shsfer 2 (l Nsncy McMinly 41 ut John Hinder sod wile 4 00 Bsml 2 00 Wm.

Drawey 2 00 Rhsh Browning 2 00 no. Rodgera 2 00 A. M. Dsley 2 00 Martin Wiet and wt 4 00 Snsan Reaemaa. 2 IS Maris A rev 1 50 1ST 60 tJLMI.FORD TOWNSHIP.

Ann lirsver t2 Jno. B. Kniiiht JSi 00 Mr. Hellas 2 (i Eliraliem stull I 60 Leah 1 60 Jacob 1 5n A. auu wue ui riu.ixn faltner 1 60 C.

Lliihtner and wife 3 00 Total 1 00 FANNErr township. Csil.erine Coover SI 50 Ann Fogle. Henrv Parker 1 6n Toial 00 00 .12 ts) ST. THOMAS TOWNSHIP. Msrv lle.nni lil'INCT TOWNSHIP.

HlUiiiieih Strand J. Stull ami 00 Mary Kwen 2 00 Hsm'l 2 Jss. l.snvny 2 Dan'l Wagsman 2 Kltxsietn I 6o Msry Wiixsman 1 60 Anna 1 6i A. K. 4 00 J.

KeamaD aad 9 lft Toisl 50 I.ETTEi: S.iraii Bsrbsra Neary. Peter Delhi iieorge BolU Peter KENNV TOWNSHIP. ir F. Forney A 00 3 (si Chsrlmt 1 00 3 (si Henj. Riller A wile 00 uo Jss.

Patterson 2 00 (Si DsiKhlerman 2 00 Matv K. iiaoer 2 is barah K. ivissal 1 60 Georae (si Peiertfeysr A wife 3 00 Toial 60 METAL T0W.1SHIP Thomns llsrry On Manj West 1 U. K. Pennington 2 (s) Uaotge 2 ou $7 50 Taial O.

I. P. each month 00 SliouM lite iai u.yers of Franklia County tad any nf (he abore nsmrd persons undeserving of, or aide (o get along witnoui sau relief, please latortn ha Liierior ol tils Poor of the ea and cinrum- and they wilt t8 stricken from the list. I Hrecr, all letters lo FRANK MEUAFFEY, t'hamhersburg, Ps. 1ST OF CAUSES FOR TRIAL AT the Iee.

Term of Cnurt, commencing ou Momlay Dec. 3rd. IS77, and to continue two weeks second Week. Kuhn Kvstcr's Ailrn'rs Holt 4 Co. Hart.ell rinlvely Ilurkiuililer Kevsar.

(illlMsrt. liargleroail. I.lmlwy. Fisher. White.

McDowell, FrHlerick, et al. Downln' Ailrn'rs. lieaa, et al. Myers. Kara e.

asuue, t.eijser et al. Same, Mckinley. Hear, iicarkai t. Gonlon, tt al. Stover.

ticarlmrt, et aU Hoffman, lusher, et al. Shalter. Oyler, etal. Stoner, et al. Hawlicoker.

Kletn. Wlngerd. Clever. A. T.

SanU It. R. o. Baker Shockey Funk el al. arbnugb Same Same inir Same Mr-Kinley Grlbble (iejuhart Cliamb'g SchiMil Dis trict vs.

C. V. S. Normal School vs. Genrlinrt'sei'rs vs.

U.S. K. A Machine Co, vs. Snlvely v. V.

Jf. BW. of Shln- jseiiseurg vs. Fntliklln va. Clover vs.

Powell's Adra'rs vs. Caldwell, Truste vs. tjaifso vs. l'ates vs. SPECIAL TERV (yamencii0 Dee.

17, IS77-UueWeek. Forrest va. Foal. Inig vs. Flieklnger.

Same vs. Same. Itiink vs. McClure. Mutlhiuny vs.

-c4ipie ire 111s, Comiiany Snrvely Russell A Co. Uccd Auahernuui Finafrork Hartt Wlngerd lalliiher Raby Mutter Bush Trootncr Slngr Smiiu, et aL Rock Ktt ex'r Sing4 Wlutcru Motin Wiugtr Bro. va. va. vs.

vs. vs. Isonirlaa. Kcitfer'a Adm'rs. Richesou, Jlowcruuutor' eg'r.

Snider vs. vs. W001U, et al. vs. Reed.

V. va. vs. vs. vs.

vs. vs. va. vs. va.

va. vs. t.allaher. Minter. Bshv.

Abbott A Bro. Walltvfc. Slngwr. Hancy. McNiiL Relsher.

Slngi-r'a ex'r. Trostle'a adm'tn. Raby. JiitlJ. JOHH A.

HTSSONG, Prcw Uonolary. nov7-t. lF.GIKTER'M persons IV InUTested will take notice that the following Accountants km tiled their account In the Reglsler'a oltlce of franklin county and that the same will lie presented Ui U)e Orphans' Court forciinfli'uiation, Wtducmlay, 0, ,4. 1S77, in Cliautbcrsburg: Final account of John philips, Ei'rof Era in lalo of Wavucaboro dee'd. John Final acNHint of John Hunsccker, trustee of John hclujffner, under will of M.

Bchorfner, htte of Letterfeemiy township. Final acconat of a. M. Skinner, guardian ol Kauautba. Ann Maria.

David F.and hdward niitao, uiinor children of Asia Crouae, late of Fannott ta nshii). Final account of Wj. Voust, Adm'r of James Mahon, dee d. Final account of JeitsjuiaU ABaJn, guardian of Iavld A. alowiand.

Flniil account of A. R. Wenger, eelor of Abraham Wenger, late of LeUtrkwuiy town- khip, deceaaed Final account of John Smith, (nf guardian of Wm. Ash way. minor child of T.

IV, Asliway, late of Peter townstilw. Ftaalaccotint of i. k. Brewer, executor of Rebecca ilgiit, da rased. I iuai ot J(.

essjuer, jdtn'r of Nancy Bender, late ol PeJers It, p. Second aec't ut i. W. Douglass, A lin'raf. 6.

e. i. of Jas. H. Bratton, late of A UaMsWrtibarg, dsp'il.

Acc't of Joe. Price, guardian of Daniel fcrejis, of Washlnirton twp. Final are't of Martin Helntzelman, Adm'r at. A. ot David V.

tilab, ds-d. Asst tos' S. Frwderk'k. Ei'r of Sam'l Frederick, lalJ-irf dix-'d. 4- SKINNER, novstc.

RcgtsUT. NOTICE IS IIEBEBr GIVElf i.1 lliat application ill made to the next fcrasion of the lKlalature. for the repe of sec-liiM lofan Act of Assembly of the lith of April le. relating Ui rcpatraof Countv Jfililgea an far as it riics to rratiklin tounty. acd for extending to Frank lin uourity, an Act npprnv-ed 27th elirwary, 147, retauva to ti jdgKs, etc.

in I aacaaterwounty. DAKIEL OF.l.WICga, JAMES J. W. CRAHi. t.

K. LtHMA V. liovtfUt T. M. kFLSuN.

1 DMIXISTRATION tlceia hereby given that letters of admla, istrution upon the estate of Jonas Hcnkell, luuu of Antrim township, have een granti to the undersigned. Alt jsmoos inilebted to aald estate are reaiiested to make Immediate navnveut. and those having claims aaainst the same to present them, pmperly antlientiiateji for settlement. r. IIENKELL, Stock, Farm aul lloasfhoH.

1 1. i HeKM fr hit all H4if Mil. I From the Fr.inci-vt IVotessur U. II. Tnrp, celebrated American lior tamer, cumim-m-eil a- week I a'j to tame Uie.Petalunja man t-atiT, as ties-! rribet in last Saturday OtrvnH', and every day since has given iuhhc etliibitions of bis if(K-essund program a temporary auipbithea-ue in the rear of the lU'eord stables, on Mark-it street, opposite Seventh.

Yesterday, however, the rnau eater changed the programme, ami attemiitrd to Uuie Taii in so effective a way Tap emerged sorely wounded, and on'v by a miracle with lib life. The nan eater, whose other name it Cognise, ii a dark dapple pray N'ormaa stallion, seven eaM Wtisjiiing In fighting trim IvumU, fiuled in Normandy, France, imported two Ban ao to Illinois, and iwusjht by Joseph Wooden, the Norman horse breeder of PcLiluma, and brought to this State, and decUred by horsemen to be the finest horse of tbe breed ever brought to America. 1 titll broujht to l.Haois he had been an senile animal, but having iudUrretly, atul probably playfully, bitten out a couple of pounds of au lUiuois groom, he was so iujudi-riously and brntally beaten that, a Deacon Iiimcan would say, he experienced a change of heart, all his latent deviltry was developed, aince been the terror of all whom Liir-ai'y has thrown Into hi i company. Mr. Wooden consigned hltu Mr.

Tapp to luve htm cured of this scle little foible. Yesterday, at I o'clock, the exhibition cotiiruetiC-rd iu th presence of about two hundred and progressed until XW, during hich time the horse had been handled by the Professor, driven to bu-gy, and appeared perfectly After bring unhitched he crohobMtd by making a stout rope fast from the felloe of hl nigh fore leg to that of a eft hind leg. au arrangement which permitted him to trot, but prevented Ms go-loping, as also his kneeling down. The h'- tol tear the centre of the circle ai.d tie Profe-sor about midway btwecu him and the enclosing barricade, the horse perfectly subdued under the eye of the commander. Nre person on a eeat In the rear of Tapp a-ke-1 him a (laettiun, and fot one instint Tapp removed hi eye and half turned his head to answer.

In that instant the rrafty brute sprang upon hint like a tiger. There was a yell of horror from the spectator! a ttic bfjrse eaujht the man up by the clothe at the small of his back, shook him as a terrier i a rat, ami flung hint through the air against U.e enclueing picking. llcfore Tapp could regain his feet tlie ferocioua monster was agam upon hiiu, aejing him with, hi by the Utt shoulder and endeavoring to km-el do upon Liu. This the crosa hob-ble prevented him from doing, and the cool PrnOwor, with his shoulder still In the grip the monster' Jaws, struggled to hi feet, and with Lis rijht hand he so held the Ut a to prevent as far as possible lUe aucoeaatul working of the horse's Jaws. The crowd was intensely excited.

Mr. Wuulen aeied a long pole and puked it between Uie Laitrr and Use lower jaw, ami furtlier retarded tiie biting. The friend of Tapp called fot a Run, but there was tio jrtin, and what i re-maikable in a collection of two hundn Call-f do one had a revolver, or the bruit; would have been shot dead Instantly. The ln.rse and lrofeor Tapp continued dghiicg half way around the ring, Woodenoa seats still the fanner' pole. The spectators on the front seals also d.d ail they could to distract man-eater's attention, one lady seiringthe emUh of a man titling next her and beating horse over the Lead ith A.

lly the aid of these dtstractions, Tapp was enabled ly greTi to draw his arm through the horne'a ti hore chenlcg it as it away trnm hiui, unt.i it was entirely wita-cUawa. The shouted to Tapp to jump Ur his but the plucky trainer called for lis and with the mangled left arm darsglins by his At, tkkkd the fetlock of ogaiac that theenterprising animal was again in what Tipp adly calls (objection. list eseiiing was In the alable oSce with a f. ieu.I pouric; an odorous liniment os er his bnUg-d arm, and the man-eater, with all Ms evil passions IcSamed with the Uste of bumd, was romping around hi prliun and eagr r'y a. hing cp for a of any t.tuid p.s Utor that ventured Mar enough to 1 a do at htm.

Tiie jieople will continue to look forward with interest to the aitlution the piobiem of whether Tapp will tame the man-ealer or the man-eaU-r tame Tapp. Biw tWL 1 he eret boiling meat properly is one unknown to tnot Amerh-an cooks. The Idea wsjms fasti'nMl in their heads that fast boiling is ir.dl to thorough cooking of meat. Nothing is more errooeoua than Fast btiilitsg toughens the fibre, expel the Juices of tiie meat and makes the Wndereat sirloin or round a tasteless, chippy, Indigestible dish.

T.i true way to boil beef, corned or fresh, bant, fi-h, flesh or fowl, Is to put It into bo.l-ir.g water, and let It boil hard two or three uanutea only. Thia toughens ail the outside of the so tbat a shell Is formed, like the rrust on a loaf, whk hoUl the Juicr of the s.a as ttiss coating formed the meat simui.i be removed from the Cre and k-p; a uear as possible Just below the boiling point until it ts dune. If it to be served it should be left in the li.juor ia which it is boiled till both are cold. It served warm, w-nre as much as Is needed for the meal, and if prai-ti-wlle, k-are the rest la the liquor to tool.

The toughest piece of the neckor brisk ef, if the ariiual farutshlng it was daroroua, may be niade perfectly delicious by thli long, boiling. met ta ia Mkaat K-'tU-n iJiAiniVf IhuU I hear there is much "fly" iu the wheat tuat waa towed eariy this fait To Correct thU evil I offer the following remedy, whkh I and other have aureessf tested for i good many aeasor. Niw of air-slacked, or wter-lked, lime one to two bushel per a re over the wheat lathe early morning on the dew, or over night on a clear evening, when there rra-jin to exps-l dew or fnt. As It diseoir it will form a ley, which will follow the leaf towards the rot, and destroy the egg or chrysalis of the fly near that point The sower must aly tow the wind, else the lime will be blown back into hi face and eyes am! on hi clothes. A nd he must his hands, faee and nostril with lard, whieU renlereontat't wish the lime innocuous.

I can nly say that I know this to be effect ual as a remr-tv, and that ia no case can It do any harm. Fnastit G. lit kfist. K7. Hat trail ttttttak.

iaili the bars of the gridiron smooth, and tlien greaM) them slightly lay on a sirloin teak weighing about three pounds; put the gridiron over a hot fire; if the fire Is cot clear throw a handful of into it to clear it; broil the stent, turning it frequently, so that it cannot burn, until it is done to the rcjuir e4 degree, do not cut into It to ascertain this, ii it tost it by pressing the tip of the finger npon it, if it up again after the pressure is removed it is rare; if it remains heavy and solid it is well done. Dress with butter an ounce, parley a tahlespoonful when chop-ped tine, pepper a quarter of a salt spoon and iiwn juice a teaspoonful, artistically mixed. The steak should be eaten as soon a pre pared. a Haste tar Cell Fitt. Every eight a going to bed dip the feet into shallow cold water two or three time iuickly, then rub briskly with a coarse towel till dry then take hold of each tad of the towel and draw it back and forth re-How af the foot until a glow ia excited.

VuD ahes and common salt, made coiu-yact with water, will slop the crark of a and prevent the smoke from escaping. OslX'R 1 1 eteellMi. to soften AUTOMATIC Wind Engine FOR PUMPING WATER. Manitfaotui-fil by tho Stover Wind Engine Company, UKKKSl AnTLK, I'KN VSV I. VAN I A.

and mtu-niT, n.MNois. Tiio nutrerous ailvnntniceii that have Iw-en jrmM br trie inrentton of appsinittu anU uiu-cbiuery lor the economte utu nation of wind- power, newi not I ollnleti iou, as our twlers bve Ueeooie 1 ml liar, eltbr Ihroiiifh tbetr reointfor pnietieiil nciUKiiitanee with them lnit-iioun'l In mny aerijoiis, invaluable ajv p.iaoc-a. In tne eat above ts a arnphle picture of ne of the vi-ry best tittt-uiiiii, rust ha evr liecn tntrKltirL It Is a n-vular I'nrni tnlil, to ptiiiipinir water lfr atix k. Tills is stover winiteinrine, whirh proml-lv claims I the only uel uiill to wliloh was avanletl a illplama by the States Cen tennial lonituiMskmi'rs, he rejort on awaros reacts fall si rHU. Jiuiuary Slth, Prsluet Wimi feale.

N.tmeautlt'lrstwnf eshlliitor Mover rns port, Illinois Tiifl atuli-rumeit. havina examim-il the imi. ilm-t tl--rrUM-h r-eom- mf-rils tlie wine totli-1 nltisl stat, Centennial Cow-uiiton lor asraisi, for the following rea sons, vu As a stron ilnratle enirlne, not liale to ct out ol ofili-r, for the folio In- rsifNins Tti wtisl aisiiisl lnaarls, wltuu allosrswf tli leillera. a Inch are roun.l, ar-ttnir a henea. The vane lM-ara ruu a sprinir clutch, which acta mi the crana si of the piunis and instanta-rwmsly stosi the motion.

The turn tahle runs i an antt friction tabi, eoriiirlint l'l chtllcl Iron balls; makna the ai'tlon arnsitive, and al lows ot a comparatively shart van ts-tnic usel. Tha shaft loniriinil itlvhltMl inu, two parts, 1th India rut-tier l-t ween lo ciTliplisate for car. In auruisitie whevl lurr tMs-aune the int avert-ovm- a weiitil on Uie twt side of the mai'hine. The train is made of four pieces of Uiiil-er boltesl Uarether near lie top; this makes a sir-ona; cotmrs iion. Juki CoLaass.

Jmlirt-. Approval of tirnup Juilir-s., Juts Bad fsitaf) l.kMX, Jaana Liiini.L. Is os A true eopy of the rw-ord Fa it A. Klin.

I a. cliief ol bureau of A a arils. I.lven of the I'liiUil Mates CVn- troinal Coinialseiiin. isatul H. Ilsa 1 te. J. Csneaauu wrmry. 1. lor-Huns, turwtor.

ivenerai. This wind ent-tne i. nolo! for lis one mltflit -sty, pMniiin.r, siutplicitv, when put inio eoiiipan-MMi inn inaiiy eini ruction-, of wiudKiacrs. it ha but three Joint, none of which are espowd to the weather, and la verv (-olntiact, stnitirf and stinple; ta-lfiK tree fnuu eimipiieateil machinery, b-ss liaoieto jjel out of order, easily handled and rendered accident prsaif. As our renders may kuow from expert, ence, Biuch has nrcasione-I by the Inadcsjuate rel.tanre of aianywind-mtilstothe biifh trslcM pralne sections In hiro their tiM- the im-st ne.tle.1.

The feiover is so con-lrurte-1 thai If left mnnltifr. ken it eiK-ounu-r a storm or ale it a 111 quickly stop runiiiair. by simply prvseutina- ii-lf elirewie to the wind, and hen Uie tonu sitb-sitlcs will rsniiiuenee uuipii)i atfain, aeeming tola, poumerit with Intclll-i ni'e. tt fan also be to pump a write or small nuantltv (if water, as may Im tit-aired. It 1th a jwitent brake preveuttna the wheel null run-litiia stirs out of the wind, and Is the only mill u.iii(or havtUK Ilia nxhl to usn anti friction bnii.

hich, etiahlma It to turn on axis It Ii. out tin ant of oil, a derided advantage. The wheat pUrs rltwi to the centre of the tower. 1 1st tukBafxeturer rUlm Ui follow lug as the points uu which they lauw their laiutt to supe-rwruy. la Lneir circular they sw lt.

Its mnstrartliHi is tiimple. and Its move. Bieuts are so complete luat it dors not tft-t out of onler. 1. The heel and vase belli la titralirlit line with tta atls.

and liavtnjj ik si.le vane, it must netceawariiy always lace uie lml. a.1. Its movement la steady, noiwetc-as, arid free. 4th, It has hnt three ltnt to tttk the mill, hue others baveas thirty toeiijlov. lo till iiartlruiar we elaiiu a ervwt adraniai-e over ail other mills.

Ath, Tat! fraiue ia erv stnmtf. s.niitle. aa-1 ebsp, aatl so ttwtructett lutt the wheel re volt, ea wiinin eijfnt Incurs of lis centre, ret(uiT. In a very abort haft. Mn.

It has autl friction hall, upon which It revolves upon Ha 11 is, nee lliic no oti, and cna-blitiif It to tura in the silKtitei breeie. 7th. It has a r.iiiatis weixht, by which the werran be larrraard or ulmiiuaiiet! at will. a. The stover romtnanita the usi of anv Biill Inanulwcturetl.

Ma. The wool work baa one roat of paint tie. fore brliif put Vsr finer, bcticc the joints are im. prrvifsis to water. bill, AU our tuills are fully warranted.

This mill has bt--n t-rfor the pettple for vtar, and bns lten at nearly all the lair In lh Weat, Ten and twelve-hatt wheels are uae.1 for general pumpir-B The roaautartarera are the Mover iihI kntrlne outpace, of Oreencsiatle. Fa and orders are niicdeither from ttrts-ncaslle, from l're. ptjrt, IUU10I. Tlse Company to utate to dealers anl others ho hsv leen selling wtnd-mllta, that they liave matU-arraiitfententH here by tliev cool nd the Mover wind in til luce April 1st, IsT, and llava reduced the prices lo aifeuta, and fitter llherul lutlucemeitts tovurh persona or ti all persM-tia desirous of obtaliiiuit a nrtclasa wind power. jaua-im.

Attornejs at Law and Justices. QIIAS. A. MUESSEItOTT, ATTORXE' AT LAW, CHAM BE USUI: ISO, PA. with Brewor A Oehr.

Mukct street. Bear the Court House. hot lt. lr. A I.

I II It JtTICK OF THE riCACE, will attend to all bwine- Intrustetl him. without delay. He ran be found at bis ortlce and reidrnf. So. IU Main street 'nd hotiui of the In.llan yueen Hotel, I ruayJt-tf TT I 11 PHOT OO il A I' 11 11 OL At R.

ItitiOhAlN PlcTlRtS AXU OPAL PHtTiH.BAPHs. hot'srai MnWbnt in INK, CRAY -IN, ilk Ol. Hits. Viltst sn Baosi Imrs fRAMKS AMI sTERtOscDPIC It Pictnrea of all klmls carefully Copied, and emarNfett to any sixe, decS-tf. u.

to Mais mirr I 1 8 It COMMlStilUX MKRVUAXT, iD mtsL ia lil'TTER, Ef.Wts AM) rOlLTUT, si SmTi Sacojio StatiT. P1III.AUEI.PHIA. ae-Cash jssld for Produce or aol.l cm Com-ani-aion. fsep-lf EX "LOPE IA. Rttif FMtioH.

A WANTED. l.Viartlrlea: 3 ertirravlnga. aad lSspleu-(Jjd ins y. The BfcsT BiHiK ef universal knowl-eve in the Ian imrc Now in course of puhil-cation. M'fct TviKS with man sent for Acenl.

1. 4Xvoh ztLi, Iiavi a fhiiadeinbia. J. K. K.

IHOJIPSsisj. Merr of UUTMmrg, Ta. octjl era. 'ALE BIIXS printed ifyat oti at llK Vnur iPitiT urncM. Winger, assignees of Louts II.

llenkell. Account of Theodore Mctiowan. fisudirnpn of John F. Wei leer. JOHN A.

HYSSONG, novlitc. Prothonotary. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY. No 'tlce la hereby given that letters testamen-tary on the estate of John Overaudi, late of Hamilton township, Franklin county, dee'd, have been granted to the undersigned. All per-sons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and these having claims against the same will present them, properly auuieniicaieu, ior settlement.

C. A. SUESSEROTT, nov 14-fit Executor. Publications. "Unquestionably the best 'sustained work of the kind In the World." TT ABPER'S MAGAZINE.

ILLUSTRATED. A'otioet of the Prett. The I veteran Maaatine, which long flKO outgrew its original title of the Monthly Jiuuazme. nas not in the least abateu tne popularity it won at the outset, but baa added to it In many ways, and lias kept firmly abreast of tne times, tnanks to tne enterprise 01 uie puo-lishersand the tact and wisdom of its editors. For whatever Is best and most readable in the literature of travel, discovery, and fiction, the average reader of uiday looks to Harper' Mag-ozine.

Just as expectantly as did the reader of a (uartr 01 a century ago mere is uie same an mlrahle variety of contents and the same fresh. nesa and suggestl veness In Its editorial depart ments now as men. notion journal. TERMS: Postage fretj to all Subscribers in the Cnitert stau-a. HABrKVa M.9zig.

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Its llltistraifonsofeurrent events are full and fresh, and are prepared by our best designers. Luuin ille Courier Journal. liarper't tteekiu should be It every famiiv throughout the land, as a purer, more Interesting, higher toned, better Illustrated paper Is not published In this or any other conutry. Commercial Bulletin, Boston. The Hevis the only Illustrated paper of the day that In lu ewenttal eharaeterWtlcs la reoog- uiACTi a a uaiauuai putier.

aroQKtyn aagte. TERMS: Postage free to all Subscribers In the United Mates. Uabfkb a exklv, one year. J4.00 4.iwinciii(tespreDaymenlof U.S. postage by lu.

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Six Copies one year, witb- uiuriinii.ii,r, Back Numbers can be sunnlied atanvllmc The Volumes of the Week! a commence wlili the wear. When no time is mentioned. It will be understood that wishes to com. mence with the Sumber next after the receipt of his order. The Annual Volumes of arpce's Webklt.

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The Hautr ia tua otran of the fashlonablo world, and the rxpoauifwcf that world's laws: .1 1, 1 A i 1 1 etlquetus, costume, aad social The Ilazar commends itself to every member ui iuc 10 iue cuuiiren py nrou ana pretty picfures. to the voung ladles by Its fash-lon-plates in endless variety, to the nrovidvut matron by its pat terns for the children's clothes, iiawrriaiiiiiiai. wy lis Lasteim itesigns Ior broidereil sllpers and luxturlous dressli gowai. But the reading niatterof the Bazar fa' uniiormitT 01 great excellent, rue paiier has 1 1 ui; uimiiiirc Joyment It affords, aiU haslx-comean establis eil authority with the lanmsc' A inerica, en U.4. TERMS: Postage free to all Subs-riliers lit the United Slates.

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uu each, paid lur by one remittance; or. Six Copies one year, without extra copy, jr Back uts can lie supplied at any time. The Volumes of the Bazar commence with the yeur. When no time is mentioned, It ill be liodijitood liat, the subscriber wishes to com. nu'iuie the number next after the receipt of his orauv.

The Annual Voliiiji s- of IlAP.rta's Bazar, in neatclotn binding, will l.ea'.'iit by express, free ol expense, providtsl the laltt does not ex-ceed one ilollar, for so each. A Jet, comprising Ten Volumes, 011 rwceiptof iiuvJl at the rate of 4i.i6 per freight at expense ttl pureliH-Her. Cloth Casei for each vol time, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, an reipt of $1.00 each. Indexes locach volume scut gratis on receipt of stamp. Subscriptions received for Harpir's Period-icaUtoiily.

ke)L-)er are not to copy tills advertisement afloat iefprets ot'Jef of Harfkr A Bbothkhs. Addre HARPER hftirTft figS New York, nov 14 TIIE SUN NEW '0RK. 1878. 1ST8. As the time anproacln for Uie renewal of suivcri'itionj.

THE M. would remind Its friends aud Niter ery where, that It is again a candidate 'in, je'e consldei-ation and support. UiHin its record or U'irs? ten years It ndita for a continuance o( the Bc'arty ayipa-thy and generous co-operation hich have liitb. crto been extended to tt from every quarter ot the Union. The lioily Nun is a four-page sheet of 2fi colnnins.

price bv mall, post paid, 55 cents a month, or per year. The Huiidny edition of Thx Srs Is an eight-page ait nf columns. While glvlug the news oi tye At alji contains a large aiiioont of literary ami miscekanews JpiMiJ' snechilly prepartKi for IU faa (scdat ias jiat uh rresit siKj-csa. Post paid $lJJO a year. The Weekly Sun.

Who does not know Thk Ifniti Si It circulates thriughout the United Stales, the and beyond. Ninety thousand families grei i g-ph'ome imgi-s weekly, and regard it iu the liiit o' juiite, fo-inscllor and friend. Its news, editorial, agrle 11,4 ral. literary dc-partmanlv make if essentially a Juurnl fur the family and the Terms; Uiie lol-Inr a year, lMist paid. The price, quality con-aiderol, makes it the cheapest new-imiier tiutt-lUhed.

I or clubs of ten, ith 418 vaih we will i extra copy free. Address. JTHLISHER OK THE SUN, XTXT TM7 rrt, Blank Deeds ever offered for sale in this 'ii7fi TVr, can be bad at THtS riCK. Also, Magistrate' and Uonjtahlea. PaPr.

can be bad at THiS 0riCK. Also, liagistratee' and Constable. Blacks all kicds. fah.nk Recuipfa for ciitoS tors of State, toantv. School, fiornncrh TwTTrtdnja ha4nraliwtif.n HlanksT LOOK! LOOK! COODS AT GREAT BARGAINS.

The tiiKlin-slKnisi, Inti'mliuit lo rnnrtun iiis husl- nws to Notions alto(ff(hfr, dsirt- to clraront lilsentirv tia-lt of Cassimers, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslins, anil will th rrfcrit si ll ttiMp nitii-lfsi ut GREAT BARGAINS atnt iiltonl REGARD TO COST. TU fMtMic air invitM to call, anl am (tMiutt lUatthfy may fly on tlivry Imnattn-, G. W. Harmony, Iniliaii Queen Hotel. frl.Hly.

CLOSING ODT BUSINESS. BEST BARGAINS YET OFFERED. ELDEN BRO'S, 27 Main street. DRY GOODS AND Notions. Intmthitr trt iiuEt Htiflmt, wilt off vet fcKH'k Dry UfMMi4 ut AT COST AND LESS THAN COST.


CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. CUTIIS AND CASStMEltlX CLOTHS AND CASSIMEUES. Satlm-ts. Jskm, CottoiiH li s. lilanksfs, 8hasri, guilts, Uiiln-ls, M'illns, ulUot-s NOTIONS 1 NOTIONS Hisslcay, (ilovna.

Itauilnirif Eilrn, I Jifsst, Votlrr-art-ar au ail kinds uf Come at Once and Secure liar gains A purrliasr fur the atitiltt stock ronlil (ri entty tfrtiis. itfp-viii. NEW GOODS! IM MEX.SE STOCK JL'ST OI'EXEDI GOODS At Marvelnusly Low rriiva! 5uJ jtlsi. (ioixl Calico, rnirfect, 3 ccuts. Calico, fij cent.

Itarmiins in liuiiton liiiii.i l-. Wool VUnnrls li.anki MiiiiiUK Miifn-n, Mii-lins, DRESS GOODS in gifnt variety at low i.ricsi. Wr Invite an -i anlnatiin ut iiur HI. At I A-llMKUtS ANU ALPACAS. ltd court.

ltni that pnreliawrs 111 apirrs'iate tlirir iislit) hikI pilc. tjit-ntisit Itrive In CiUinet' U'ack CiroM Grain KilU oftrrjsl In this cunimimlty. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THEM. We am full of DRY GOODS AND XOTIOXS ami hminesa, j. r.

Kttrm a to. lliiviiijr purchasetl Mr. Loitz's interest in the grocery business formed known as Burkhart's, Lttoly Lortz McNulty's, now McNultv, rjroeer, I ant irqiarcl to furnish the public with all kinds of GROCERIES in a Wholesale and Retail way. A full line of such goods as are generally kept in a grocery store, such as Coffees, green and roasted, Sugars, Syrups, Salt Fish of all kinds, Sugar Cured and Country Hams find Bacoii, Queens and Glassware, Cedarware, Buckets, Baskets, Brushes, Brooms, Spices of all kinds, Oils of all kinds, Tobaccos and Cigars of all grades, a full line of of our own manufacture and under our own supervision, which we offer to all persons, as low as can be sold by any other house in the county. Country Produce taken in exchange for goods, or if preferred, will pay cash for Butter, Kggs, Potatoes, Lard, Bacon, CALL AND SEE if we tlo not Soil as Low and as Gooa Goods as can be had in the county.

W. C. McNULTY. may ifrtf KEYSTONE GROGERlf, aVo. 35 Main Street, CIIAMHEliSBUKG.


M'ltKs, i 1811. rLuttt. ALT, KKNsW AUK. TF.AS, rjiAB WAKE, ie. 1 ANN EH til Miles, I ONFKI TloSKUV.

ToHAf tOti: Tor GsixaaT avv Hrlxht and Ihirk, Mataii. Aanva Alt AO NTs rm L1FFTIX HIND'S Blasting and Rifle Powder. A'; li'-n-l Hvk anl DynnmUt. AM. AMI EXAMINE OCU STOCK.

noviltf BRAND SPEER. I A LEU. DEALER IX SADDLERY, HARDWARE, at A II Till SI I (i 8 1 1 am nnw offrrf iiir to the tnu1, kimI imhlic em- ui(tCutiiitrtr tiit biwimh, t-k of iatny in Ihim ln rihI Suvin from Ilnt hnla. 1 (Una tinturfs- fr Mil other not slir-tly ritifntrf.i iti in kimi i am imiy prrimnsl to rl-r ial nt-t to all who may HARNESS MOUNTINGS, of all Uie lattt stvlf ami oaliti-t from Coi.i JAl'ASNKI) t-i ( GII.T: tiutinwtn( all the Uitramt Improved jiattttrnsul HAM KS, HITS, arc'KLES, ili TREES, JtOHKTTE. (JjV.VXlf;.V;.y, KtXdS, P.

1 also carry a full Mutt i.f PATENT LEATHERS, HEAD LINlNt.S, OIL CIX)TIIS consisting of DRILLS, DI CKS AND Alaiv LAP Dl'sTtltR, IfOKsE C'OVLKS. ol'M ni.Allt, Jl.Kt,-s tULLAKs, Willi's, WINKERS, UlHi SKINS, ADDl.R Bl.AMKET. SWE 1 PA lis. l.NCCOLLAK I'Alrs AMH.t. TKKKsj, FLY NETS, nrn spokk.


I.EWI WAMPLKK, Mais hTasrr. 1 11 A BKk-liL KG. riLLIAM C. MCKNIGHT, Brgular Aircnt for the PrirehAse and Sale of REAL ESTATE, CHAMBERSBLRO, riXS'A, noT4-tf. CUP BILIS rBXXiHAMMES, ITOT.

kjr and all kinds of PLAIN AND FANCT i'li WORK ami srttti Bealntsss and dfapatotl It f.illTy grrtl omue. Bs'fore making purchases, and to satisfy yoor-elves that my prices are the LOWEST IN FRANKLIN don't Tall to call at the IRON FRONT BUILDING. WILL, H. EYSTER. tiiar 21U ORDERS from a digtance.for ail kinda of Plain and Fancy JOB PRINTING, prompt, ly attended to.

Sendto the Valluy Spirit, Job of- BOtt o'iUr. novit Adnilnlstrator..

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