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Valley Spirit (Weekly) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania • 2

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
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off this arrangement. He bis resignation the Governor of South Caro The Xegro, Senator. The ambition of Radicalism has been at the Territory of Matagorda; the central division being the State of Texas, He said the asssut of 1 exas to this partition would be re-quired before her admission. The bill was refurred to the Commute on Territories. She faUra pitft lina and the Governor replied io the same last realized.

A negro has reached the po-j COSGRESSIOXAL, PKOCKEDINGS. Monday, Feb. 21, Senate. Mr. Wilson imroduced a joint resolution, declaring the of th8 Fifteenth Amendment, wmch was referred.

Mr. Patterson, from the Retrenchment Committee, reported a bill to abolish the Freedmen's Bureau and provide for the The Connecticut The Committee on Resolutions appointed by the Democratic State Convention, reported a series of admirable resolutions. We print below those which relate to National affairs v.w5uu,.w Mwierui Amna as Sena way, signifying his acceptance. On Thursday, Whittemore had the floor and was addressing the House on his case, when the tor elect iroui jMissHipnt, were presented ami referred to the Judiciary Committee' Ths resolution referring the sition in America next highest to the Presidency. Revels has been admitted to a seat in the United States Senate.

The place once occupied by Jefferson Davis is now Letter from the State Capital. Harrisburo, Feb. 28, 1870. Messrs. Owing to the adjournment of the Legislature over from priday till Wednesday, but little business was transacted during the last week.

Tbe morning session of tha House on Wednesday was devoted to the consideration of bills on the private Calendor. Over one hundred of these were taken up and passed. Among those of interest to your community was one entitled a supplement to the charter of the Cbambersourg Bedford Turnpike also an act to repeal an act Pmnlved. That the Democracy of Con following letter which he had written, was necticut now as In tbe paut, occupy tbe brought to the notice of the Speaker; Senator elect Revels, was considered and defeated, only the Democratic Senators voting for it. Mr.

Revels was then sworn in as Senator, a motion to that effect having ben carried by a party vote of 43 to 8 The Senate adjourned until Monday. filled by the huge form of a burly African, and the Radical leaders are clapping their hands in ecstaey. He is a man who, if he Washington, D. Feb. 24.

Hon. J. O. Maine, fipeaker of the House proud position of tue delanonrs or me irue principles of constitutional freedom, based upon tbe equnliiy of tbe Htates and for tb success of their cause, rely upon the intelligence of the people mid their devo ion totb game ideas illufciraled by the example of the of RejireentiUve A'lr I enclos the tol- The Border Relief Bill, Oar much respected correspondent "Reg-ulus" attacks the border claim bill this morning with his accustomed vigor and ability. Putting aside his objections to tbe bill in Its present shape, we find, on examination of his communication, that there is not a very material variance between him and ourselves, after all.

He freely and fully admits tbe justice of the claims, but insists that the general government shall pay them. In his zeal in behalf of the sufferers of the border, he demands that no time shall be lost in pressing these claims on the government of the United States. He denies the responsibility of the State, aud tbat, then, is the only material question in contro ersy. While we not desire to intrud party considerations into the debate on this important subject, we must be permitted to say that it affords anotherevidenco of the soundness of those principles which formerly obtained io the administration of the government of the United States, and gave life, consistency and justice to the policy of a great party. Tbat sovereignty of the Slates and the limited nature of federal powers, is doctrine absolutely indispensable to justice and to good government, in the practi xiousii.

Bins were introduced by Mr Starkweather, to encourage the lowiug c.mimunioaiioo, aaarsei ay leie-eraua on tbe 23d iuatunt to the Govarnor of were white, would not be regarded by the people a possessed of sufficient capacity to teach a village school. And yet, fanaticism of lirBt-elasH iron steamships.and provide for 8outU Carolina, resigning ray sent in Con fathers in the purs days or tne rtepiiDiic. Kesotvtd, That tbe State or Connecticut is to-da tb same "free and independent relating to Vagrancy ia the county of has footed him into a position, which, in Franklin. Both these bills having previ gress, and tbe telegram accepting me same, Please lay tbera before tbe House, and notify tbem that I am no longer a member of that body. hialu" tbat it bas been for more than two carrying me mans, una uy Mr.

Hoar, for a sys torn of national education. Mr. Jenckes from the Retrenchment Committee, reported a bill establishing a Department of Justice, which was recommitted. Ou motion of Sargent, the Ways and Means Com the better days of the Republic, wa held by ously passed the Senate require but the ap proval of the Governor to become laws. men of giant intellect, such as Calhoun, CHA MBERSBURQ, PA.

Wednesday, Maxell 2, 1870. Tie Border Claims. The publication of the bill for tie payment of tbe losses of tbe border counties, bas called forth very favorable comments from some journal, wbiUt it baa elicited from a few others an exhibition of a spirit of the utmost vindictiveness and iliiberality. The latter have resorted tbe basest means to prejudice tbe public mind against tbe border claimant. One paper and nearly trebles, tbe amount of tbe losses, fixing it at teem million dollars, in order to secure tbe opposition of some sordid soak whose money is their God.

Another ridicules our people as "tbe losers of few potatoes and a little beef," in order to create tbe impression that they are "thieve and robbers" and "swindlers" in asking for tAree millions. Another etidently has the idea that there Curing th afternoon session Lowry's Very respectfully yours, B. F. Whittkmorb. This letter and the accompanying tele Webster, Clay, Pinckney, nayne and Ben mute were directed to inquire into the expediency of seperate legislation for tmintr New Co.

Bill came up in its order on the hundred years, with full power to declare who shall and who shall not be clothed with tbe elective franchise within Its borders, nd when ibis power is forcibly taken away, and Ha ballot-boxes subject to the hireling soldiery of tbe general government, tbe State will have lost its boasted sovereignty and become degraded to tb positions of a conquered province. ton. Alas! how has the American Senat degenerated since then. The dignity which objected Calender. ThU bill provides for fruit distillations.

On motion of Mr. Cessna, ot Education. Mr. Chandler or- fered a resolution of inquiry in regard to se- cret correspondence in relation to the case of Fiiz John Porter, and made some re-murks in support of llie action of the court-martial in that case. Mr.

Wilson spoke in favor of a reopening of the ease, after which Mr. Chandler withdrew bis resolution. Bill were passed authorizing the erection of a bridge across the Delaware at Philadelphia; providing for better security of passengers on ateam vessels, and reorganizing the marine hospital service, The New York and Washington Air Lin Railroad bill was taken up, pending which tbe Senate adjourned. House. Bills were introduced by Mr.

Bingham, to enforce the right of colored persons to vote in the several States by Mr. Johnson, to legalize decrees of discharge in insolvency by State Courts since the passage of tbe Bankrupt Act; by Mr, Burchard, to relieve political disabilities in States ratifying the Suffrage amendment by Mr. Terry, to regulate foreign and coasting trade on our northern boundaries; by Mr, Williard, to prevent tbe furnishing of war vessels or material to foreign powers to be used against insurgent peoples; by Mr. Kellogg, reducing the income tax to three per and exempting $2000; by Mr. Cowles, increasing the tax ou whisky to $1 per gallon, aud by Mr.

Townsend, toequal-ize tbe distribution of currency. Mr. Loughridge's resolution directing the Banking aud Currency Committee to report a the formation of a new county to be called characterized the deliberations of those men, grams were then read, and Whittemore having, by his own act, ceased to be a member of the House, was obliged to quit talking. The House, anxious to shirk the vote on the Pel roli a out of ceruio parts of the counties has given place to the swagger and maudlin iu uioviiuu wujuiiitcv wno uiscuargeu from consideration of the charges against the- loyalty of Representative Hamill, of Maryland, they not being sustained. Mr.

Keiley presented a petition in reference to the-centennial anniversary of IndeDendenee. of Venango, Warren aud Crawford, with talk of a drunken Yates, or th insensate cal working of our American system a system of dual government over a common people. Tbe citizen is to look principally to hia own State for the vindication and Tituaviile in tbe county of Crawford for its county seat, Senutor Lowry is supposed to quacking of a fanatical Drake, or the miser- resolution of expulsion, eagerly sustained th Speaker in this decision. There wer similar to that presented in the Senate. Mr.

Hetulvea, That llie mteeoui ameuameni (so-called) to tbe Coustitutiou of the United Htatea. is in no senxe an amendment to said instrument, but is a radical change thereof, striking at tbe priuQiple of Unite right, wuico lies at tbe base or the compact formed by the various titalea in tb Convention of 17S8; and its forced and fraudulent adop have been very much interested in ths suc ble diatribes of a self-opinionated Sumner, protection of his rights against all forms of some members who, doubtless, felt that it cess of this meiHure. At least he waa des or the negromania of a doting Cameron. violence and injustice, and ne nas a rigni to look to his own State for such protection perately anxious to see it pass the Senate, against tbe usurpation or misconduct of would be an exhibition of considerable ef; frontery for them to vote to expel Whittemore for an offence of which they knew, if few else did, themselves to be guilty. Whittemore thus escaped being expelled.

Indeed, to such an extent has that body been stripped of its dignity that the negro Senator himself has been already most thoroughly disgusted, and is reported as having which it did after a hard fight It ia said bis persistent advocacy of it there, will procure bira a renomination, and conse uuuer reported a bill for the admission of Geargia, which was re-commiited and primed, he giving notice that he would report it back on Tuesday. On motion of Mr. Shanks, of Indiana, the cadetship in-veiitigatiou was directed to be extended so as to include Inquiry into tbe conduct of army aud navy officers in connection with appointments. The Indian Appropriation bill wag cousidered, giving rise a discussion io regard to the Baker massacre and policy of the Government towards the Irj-ditius. Adjourued until Monday.

are a few members of tbe Legislature who federal power, aa wen a againBi oiuer wrongs of which be can justly complain. The State by which, in this connection, we mean the government of tbe State has a most clear and imperative duty charged upon it to see that he suffers no wrong from any quarter without adequate redress. agree, therefore, with our respected tion at the point of tbe bayonet, will be tbe deadliest blow ever struck at tbe sovereignty of lb States and tbe liberties of the people. Resolved, That tb Democracy of the State uow, as heretofore, are tbe atreouous ailvo-calea of a tariff for purpoaea of revenue only. That tbe principle of "protection for lha aake of nrolectiou" ia at war with the quently a re-election to the Senate.

Ita consideration in the House occupied over turned his attention to the study of the But Logan resolved that the House mast rules of etiquette, as well as those which four hours. Messrs. McJunklu and Stone can be influenced by the stale cry of "rebel sympathisers," and it accordingly charges them with being "luke warm loyalists," and were intended and are supposed to govern of Venango aud Warren comities, made able arguments ngitlnat It, at also did stand up to the work at least of passing a Tote of censure. He, therefore, moved th following resolution the body of which he is a member, so that with baring "sold garden truck, and butter he raay be able, both by precept and exam diversified Interests of ths people of tb States, and experience baa shown its tendency to aggrandize a claxa in tbe commu and eczs enough to tbe I men armies Jitsohed, That B. F.

Wblttemor. 1st member from the First District of South ple to instruct some of hi white Radical Carolina, did make appointment to tb brethren as to the proper way to behave themselves. This may be a libel on the nity at tbe expense ana to tne injury oi me producing aud laboring millions, taxing iheir Industry equally in violation of tbe authority of the Constitution and of tbe great principle that should govern this people in their intercourse with the family of recompense them, three times over, for their riSed com patches, and burned snake fences," and with having 'Vid water to the Union soldiers in their boor of need," and ear the climax by asserting that they would Military Academy wnt rot at ana to tbe Naval Academy at Annapolis ia violation of lha law, ami that such appoiultnenui war Influenced by pecuniary conaidera-linna. and tbat bia conduct in tbe premises bas been sucb as to sbow him un wort by of white Senators, but certain it is that the news from Washington a few days ago, indicated that Revels could not eudure the in nations. Resolved, That lb Democracy of Con hate "gladly sold the sam sort of thing for a sett in tbe Housaof Representative, and necticut, by the action of their Mtate Con- veution, in Itxii, denounced tbe legal tender act as a congressional usurpution; an in rebel scrip," Another has the hardihood to publish fringement upon tbe letter ana apirlt ol the Constitution, and in violation of the rights statement that the of all the real es fraction of the rules of the Senate, of which so many of his Radical peers were guilty.

He has never moved in th best society, but he says that he has been accustomed to observe the whites about him in the South, and that they are infinitely superior to Sumner, and Wilson, and Drake, and Yates, in of the people of the States. In 1870. the Su tate destroyed was serenhf-fivethmtmnd dol is, therefore, condemned as onuduct un-worlby of a representative of tb people. The vote was taken, thre being 185 yeas and no nays. Butler did not vote.

Remembering his own little spoon and gold operations in th South, he could not master op courage to condemn the comparatively small offence of th South Carolina carpet bagger, Mr. Whittemore can now go law, and that the nature of the adjudication Dill increasing tbe currency cam up in order, and was adopted yeas 110, nays 74. Among tbe nays were Messrs, Randall, Keiley, Myers and O'Neill. Mr. McCrary introduced a resolution relieving pork packers and lard Tenderers from payment of the manufacturers' tax.

Mr. Butler, from the Reconstruction Committee, reported tbe Senate bill removing disabilities from four to five hundred ex-rebels. On motion of Mr. Whittemore, the House bill, including two thousand oamea, waa adopted a a substitute, Mr. Logan, from the Military Committee, made a report of testimony in regard to the sale of cadet-ships, implicating Mr.

Whittemore, the Representative from the First South Carolina District, the report closing with a resolution for hi expulsion from tbe House. Arier discussion, at th suggestion of r. Butler, a resolution was adopted citing Mr. Whittemore to appear before th bar of tbe House on Wednesday, and show why he should not be expelled. The House then adjourned.

Tuesday, Feb. 22. Senate. Mr. Howard, from the Pacific Railroad Committee, reported a joint resolution, authorizing tbe Northern Pacific Railroad to issue mortgage bonds.

Mr. Wilson, from tb Military Committee, reported the bill to dispose of useless reservations. Mr, Schurz, from the Retrenchment Committee, reported bis Civil Service bill, introduced in Decemder last. Mr. Stewart presented th credentials Messrs.

Farrow and Whltely as Senators elect from Georgia, and moved tbeir reference to tbe Judiciary Committee. After some discussion withdrew tbem temporarily, and Mr.Conkllng, from the Committee on Revis ion of Law. reported a resolution recom ef the personal property is shown by this preme Court oi the ulled states amrms tbe position asaumed by So lSti2, and we reiterate tb declaration tbat there shall be but one currency for the government and for lb people, and tbat on the constitutional curreucy as proclaimed by Audrew tuecimen: "two es, eight dollars, a bats, six dollars, and three sets of furs, we he point of good manners and good breeding. We may expect to see him, therefore, attempting to enforce npon his Radical peers, Jackson, and call npon the admlnlntra- dollars." back to bis pulpit, descant upon the sins of tinn to ah! ua by uonety ana economy in the public service, in tbe restoration of tbat gach is the spirit in which a portion of the necessity of giving a higher tone to currency to the uses of tbe people. the press meets the claim of the people of Resolved, Tbat tbe language or Mr.

Dawea, of Massachusetts, in which he aa- the border counties for payment They use their deputations and of exhibiting a more polite bearing towards each other. If he succeds in the effort, perhaps the people aeru that In the work of government econ no argument. They manufacture their members of Congress and relate his personal experience. If this action of the House puts a stop to this business of trading in cadetships, it will be productive of great good. The poor boys of intelligence will then stand an equal chance with tbe sons of the rich for these appointments.

The advantages to be premises and draw their own conclusions from them, and ignore the real facts alto- may consider that some little ground for dealing more leniently with them for perpe omy, "tbe House could expect no aid from th other end of the Capitol (meaning tbe Senate, or from the other end of the Avenue" (meaning the President), should star-tl llie country, and aroua all good men to tether. trating the outrage of admitting a negro to correspondent, tbat our State authorities should Interpose with all possible vigilance and seal in behalf of the just claims of our citizens upon the federal government, whenever such application shall be made. But the application is not now made and is not pending against tbe government of tb United States. The appeal ia made to tbe State herself, for that relief which tbe plainest principles of justice demand not on tb ground that the Stale is solely responsible, or solely bound in honor and good conscience to make good tha losses occasioned by rebel invasion, but on the other and certain ground tbat the State is an entire end single community, a social association with common interests and duties, and tbat an injury to a part of the inhabitants by external force, ia an injury to tne whole, and should lie borne by the whole. Tbe citizens of the border were not separately insulted when tbe torch was applied to Cham-bersburg, and when the armed and insolent foe swept over tbeir fields.

This State was insulted and smitten. Her honor was offended, her dignity assailed, and her whole people outraged. Is it just, is it reasonable, is it according to that equity which should characterize the conduct of States, tbat the actual loss should be borne by a few, instead of being borne by the whole? The ultimate liability of the Federal government is beside our question, which is a primary on, and not one of secondary consideration. Shall not losses in common cause be accepted as a common burden Shall not th principle of equal contribution according to means, which is the principle of all just taxation, be applied to the question in band? Is it according to sound social morals tbat a few members of tbe community should sustain the entire loss incurred by them aa members of tbe political society Tbe whole question is stated in the proposition that it is the duty of the Stale to defend her citizens whenever tbe ability to do ao exists, and tbat when she fails lo performing this duty she shall indemnify those who suffer by her default. We suppose this to a part, of that social compact which create a Slate, and we repeal that the question whether the federal government bas done her dutv to tbe Stale, is a subsequent and quite different one.

Tbe State may have cause of complaint against the government of tbe Lulled States, for that mismanagement of the war by wbicb tbe liability of tbe Stte to her own citizen, and tha'losses of tbe latter, were occasioned, But who shall make and pres a demand on that government? Tbe citizen or the To put tbi question is to answer it. Let us do our duty to our own citizens, and then will tbe State be in position to demand justice of the general government, and not till then. These counties of the border were the bulwark against which lha tide of invasion spent ita force. It was in this territory that the rebels were brought to a pause in their threatened march on We hare no defence to make of the loyal the United States Senate. ty of our people.

It has been tested tbor It is astonishing how willing the Radical unit io overthrowing a protlnjat administration, which ia conftfliHediy extravagant and reck lea at a lime when all business interests are perishing under their heavy bur derived from an appointment, either to. egbJy by the severest trials through which Senators are to disregard the Constitution West Point, or the Naval School, are great. aav ceoclt eoold be called to pa Not dens, and labor Is being pauperis! with to suit their purposes. The Constitution of mending tbe indefinite postponement of and they ought to be within the reach of withstanding the raid to which they were the United States makes it one of the qua! constancy subjected notwithstanding th iCcatious of a United Slates Senator that invasion which blighted the country, over Intolerable taxation. Resolved, That the now txifore Congress for th purpose of changing tb lawa regarding naturalization, ia a direct attack upon all foreigners aettking tile United Slates as a home for thwiueivea and families.

And the present corrupt and unprincipled leaders of tbe Republican party hav any citixen of th United States. If this disgraceful mode of making these appointments i to continue, no one need apply for ths position unless he has his pockets well he mart bare been a citiioa of tb United Suites fur nine years. Has the negro been which Lee's troop ped, like a simoon tne resolution oi tne aew yorK lgisia ture, rescinding lb ratification of tbe Fifteenth Amendment. Without acting upon the resolution, the Senate adjourned. House.

Mr. Bingham, from the Judiciary Committee, asked to have the Committee discharged from consideration of the charges against Judge Buateed the evidence not being sufficient to warrant bis impeachment. Agreed to. Mr. Julian, from blast: notwithstanding the tcrribie eoana a citizen of tbe United States for nine years? filled with greenbscks.

ing deatmyed th constitutional rights of gratioa which laid oar beautiful town in ashes, the people of the border counties Nine years carry us back to a period before the war. Nobody then claimed cititenhip And it looks as though no strong hope is to be entertained of reforming the members never failed to rnd their bravest and beat the people of all tbe Stales, robbing tbem of tbe (ower to determine the status of th citizen, now seek to degrade the whit immigrant below the level of the native negro. the Public Lauds Committee, reported a bill, which was passed, extending the bene far him. The Ired Scott decision was then the latet opinion of the Court on roaor men to the war to fill up the depleted fits of the Homestead law to children of Resolved, That tbe Iemiantcy of Con ranks of the Union army. Franklin county the subject, and, certainly, it did not reeog deceased soldiers.

Mr. Dawes of sent one-half of her toting population and offered resolutions directing the Committee of Congress, when the fact is remembered tbat th black sheep tbat has just been nnceremoniously driven out of the fold ia a preacher. He seems to be a wolf io sheep's clothing. Why Morrissey, or even Ben Butler, would lave scorned to engage on Rule to inquire whether Mr. MungeD, one-tenth of her rWc population to the war.

of Ohio, does not deserve censure for a Aye, so true and loyal were the people of niw the negro as aeit'ixen. Then came the war, and with it the abolition of slavery, and then came the contest for clothing the negro with citiaenship. The Fourteenth Amendment to tbe Constitution was pro necticut ayropathiwi with th people who struggle for freedom everywhere; and send tbeir cordial greeting to the patriots of Cuba, who are now valiantly contending for their freedom and their right. Boa. James E.

English. The Connecticut Democracy have again speech? printed In the vuiobe" of the 20th iustant The speech reflects upon Senator Chambersborg, that, when the alternative Sumnr, and Mr. Dawea said part of it was in such a scandalous business as this minis was presented to them on the 30th day of July, A. D. rather than contribute posed and adopted, by the Radicals them ter is shown to have soiled his hands with.

The State Treasury. of their money to strengthen and sustain the Rebel cause, ihey preferred to see their indecent and improper, rue resolution, after some discussion was adopted. Mr. Sargent desired to offer a resolution looking to separate legislation for taxing fruit distillation, but Mr. McCarthy objected.

The Legislative Appropriation wer cousidered. Adjourned. Wednesday, Feb. 23. Sesatb.

Mr. Howard, from tbe Committee-on Territories, reported a bill provi selves, to make the negro a citixen. They bat succeeded in making him an elector, and putting him on a plane of perfect equality with the white as to political rights, and The investigation now going on at II arris- home fired by Ruber torches and burned to the ground, and their wives and little ones nominated Hon. James R. English as their candidate for Governor.

He has been twice Governor of the State, but was defeated at the last election by a small majority. There is no man in New England who is bold in higher esteem for probity of character, and burg, with reference to the management of left without a roof to shelter them. With the State Treasury, sinoe it has Wen in Rad now they override the Constitution, under Philadelphia, In these piping times of ical hands, has mad some startling disclo which they bold their own places, in order to sures. An old receipt was discovered of carry their fanatical doctrines to the farthest he will rally around him all the people of each record, they can laugh to scorn, the taunt and sneers of these cowards who strive to belittle the eontributiuos and sacrv made by the people of the border extreme, and gratify their wi-h to see tbe William B. Mann, for 1 1.693, which has been in the vault for two or three years, and Connecticut who are opposed to the profligacy of an administration "which is confess negro elevated to a position of superiority to counted as aah.

It seems tbat Mann has tbe great majority of whit people. edly extravagant and reckless at a time when been that much overpaid fur legal services. Suppose a man were to be elected to tbe Instead of mvnty-fitt thumnml JtJhn being the amount of 'he damages done to all business interests are pcri-bing under United State Senate who was only twenty tbeir heavy burdens, and labor is being pau' Instead of making him pay it back, th Treasurers hat been waiting for him to real estate, as averted by oos of these un peace It will not do to lorget those who stood tli brunt of invasion, aud -were subjected to tha lender mercieaof the hastily gathered militia who lingered on the line to pillage. But "Rcgulus" would send them to preaont tbeir claims at Washington. What say concerning tbe corruption which believe is connected with this bill, we will not undertake lo dispute, bo-cause we know nothing of what be intimities, but tbat scarcely affect th real merits of the cas.

If th fear Ibat the lobby at Harrisburg would pinch these claims too severely, is his reason for transfering them to Washington, the sufferers would fare til enough by th change. Tb lobby at Washington ia ten times a numerous and as voracious as the wolves on Ores' steep. There would be littl left of the nine years of age. How quickly he would periled with intolerable luxation." Here is render more services, and charge enough to be iuforuicd that he mul attain the age of his letter of acceptance scrupulous scribblers, tbe report of the Is it CcmmbnioB fixes the anvwnt at To President and Gentlemen of the tVn- cover ths amount of the receipt. Last week when Mr.

Thomas Nicholson, thirty years before be could be admitted, because that is one of the qualifications pre and this does net include the damage to venlton have been elected Governor of real estate by the present Cashier of th Stat Treasury, was for wlkh an award was made by a special before ths Committee, the vsilt aooount of lb Stat of Connecticut might to aatiafy aoy citizao'a ambition. Having twice bad tbat dialtuguifted honor, I have iell Una propriety and duty to others required line I abouiduot again be your riiuidate; but scribed by the Constitution. Why has not same rule been applied to this-negro as to hi other reqnisi te a Cos mission, to tbe a want of the great State of Pennsylvania coQswted of M. Thus it wiil be seen that the damigs claims if subjected to the tender mercies of in money, 159 io Clearfield Bank KUHOF. Tlii Hordauat Divorce Cate-The Prince of Wales on the Stand-H Royal High.

Bern' "Acquaintance" with the Lady The Court Against the Newspaper. JiiONDou, Feb. 23, 1870, In tbe Mordaunt divorce case to-day the Prince of Wales some of whose leliers to Lady Mordaunt have been published, was called to the witness stand. lord Penzance pointed out that no wit-neis was bound to make to any question an aniwer which would admit that be had been guilty.of adultery. The Prince testified that he waa acquainted with Lady Mordaunt previous to her murnage; made her a wedding present; before the marriage she visited the Princess at Marlborough House she had visited the thotttre company with the Prince and Princess; he aw ber after in 1868 and 1867; be had frequently met Sir Charles and Lady in une, 1887, he met Sir Charie at a pigeon match, on which occasion Lady Miwdaunt scored for both sides, and he epke to her in the course of the match The Prince admitted that occasionally used "Hansom" cab.

He solemnly assev-ernted that there had never been any improper or criminal intention between him-ejf and Lady Mordaunt. This declaration was received by the great crowd of spectators with cheers, which tb Court endeavored to repress, but which wore renewed. Tbe Bench expressed much loyal indignation at tbe publication by the public journal of th letters of th Prine to Lady Mordaunt. Feb, 24. The Times of to-day he an editorial on tbe scene' in the court roam yesterday, at the trial of the Lady Msrdaunt divorce case.

The Times says th error of tbe Prince of Wale is one due to bis carelessness of his reputatiou and heedlessness in the matter of personal Inti-mucies which are forbidden to rovsJtv. Prince Albert's example was faultless, "and the Prince of Wales will learn from it and exemplify a life free even from the semblance of levity. The Times also has an editorial on the subject of ibe recent decision by the Supreme Court of the United States in the of legal tenders, asserting that the decisiou restored English confidence in American justice. Frsnee. Paris, Feb.

24 Tbe action against Gustavo Flourens, for having aided iu the desertion of two soldiers, has been terminated. Tiie prisoner did not appear in court to answer the charge. He was sentenced to three years' imprisonment. Paris, Feb. 24.

Many banquets are held to-day, in honor or the anniversary proclamation of the republic in 1848. The probabilities of tb appointment of Pievoat Paradoi, Minister to Washington ars again questioned. The flow of bullioutotbe Bank of France ooatinues. Tbe amount on hand to-day, is 9,00,000 francs greater than lust week. A grand bail took place at the Tuilerioa lant eveuiug.

Mauy American appeared among the great crowd of people piesent. The French Atlantic Telegraph Company, at their last meeting, declared a dividend of IU per cent, for five months, being from th opening of the line for business, on the of August, 18tii, to January 15th, 1870, the date of tne agroement with the Anglo-American, Atlaulic aud Newfoundland companies. Paris, Feb. 24. A stormy scene occurred fu tbe Corps Legislatlf to-day.

M. Oiiivier announced that the Govern-raunt, in accordance with the liberal course-it had marked out, proposed to abandon wholly the system of placing io th field and supporting official candidates for thi Chamber. This met with great opposition from the deputies of the Right, who burst in to loud cries of disapproval, aud caused a scuuee of con fusion which lasted many rain-utss. M. Oiiiver never hetes persisted in apuaking, and declared that the Govern-munt would not separate Itself from tbat which had been well done during eighteen years, but it could not act contrary to its own antecedent.

It could not present tha spectacle of men arrived at power aud disowning tbeir principles and act. He was continually interrupted while making the explanations, and' it was onlv when censed speaking that order was restored. The Right immediately moved the order of tho day, upholding the system of official candidatures, and a stormy discussion ensued. Oiiivier asked tbat the order of the day be not made a vote of want of confidence. The deputies of the Left declared tout they would support the Ministry, because they were pledged to electoral freedom, but for no other reason.

The question wtis then taken, aud the order of the day, as moved by the Right, was adopted, by a vote of 187 against 56. Much agitation bus been produced by this result, which is considered equivalent to a declaration of waut of confidence in the Ministry. 8TflASGB ISTIMATICXS. Was there any Cnrrnptton ia tha Boml-nallun of Sir. Bradley.

On the day before the nomination of Mr. Bradley, I met a Republican Senator who hai just been visiting the While House to urje the claims of another candidate. He B-cmed in an unusually bad humor, and befor I had said a word to bira about Grant and the Administration he commenced a promiscuous damning of things in general. I asked him what waslbe matter. "'Oh, nothing," said he, "only I wish Grant would pay off his debt in some oilier way than by nominations to the Su-prome bench." He then proceeded to state thut when he entered the President's private room he found Ex-Governor Ward of Nw Jersey there; that was whittling a stick and smoking, and that he aril Wiird were talking about tbat Long Branch property tbat Grant bad asked Ward bow much he thought it was worth that Ward said he didu't know, but he hoped Grant wouldn't sell it.

"No," said Grant, "I don't think I will sell it. It's it very nice property." "The nicestin theStateof New Jersey," said Ward, "and you'd better hold on to it. It's getting better and better evory day." couldn't exactly understand what all this bad to do with the Supreme Bench, for up to this time I bad not beard Mr. Bradley named so I asked what the connection was. "Oh, ithasad sight to do with It," said the exasperated Radical.

"Ward has come on here to get Bradley, of New Jersey, appointed, and I infer from tbe way thoy were talking tbat he has succeeded," The next day Bradley's nomination was sent to the Senate, and meeting my Republican friend in tbe Senate lobby, I reminded him of our talk ou tbe avenue, and said he was right in his guess about the object and success of Ward's visit. "Of course I wag," said he, "and I wish you'd expose thji thing." "I'll do it," said "but it won't do any good. One-half the people in the Republican party have determined to believenotbiug injurious to Grant, and the oilier half are always ready to be persuaded that what would be crime in another President, ia a virtue in Grant," Prom the Wmhingtnn Correspondence of the Cincinnati Inquirer. a Washington lobby, immediate nsvment to real estate alone reaches almost one ml ni years citizenship? Surely, common prudence would tare dictated that the Con notes and 1 100 in other funds. He testified by the State seems to be tbe only means of from your action to-day, which your cm wilte Inform me was exprewd with entire unanimity, it appear that you do not agree wttb me in tha'.

opinion. Against my Inclination, but intlueo fd by the ureucy linn dollars, The are facta whkh no men relieving iusunerer9.jVomm7 J'atnot. stitution should be upheld in this particular, that there was a difference between real and apparent balances of somtimtis two awl dacity can wipe out Messrs. Johnston and Ames of Crawford in its favor. On the motion to Indefinitely postpone its consideration the yeas were 65 and the nays 27 so the bill Is dead for the present session.

It is an old offender, having fir)t made Its appearance here during the session of IS 18, and having been almost constantly agitated from then up to the present. The General Appropriation Bill occupied the attention chiefly, of the House during the aeasiona of Thursday and Frldtiy. Pending ils consideration on Friday, a motion to raise tb salary of the Judges of the Supreme Court was defeated. Th yearly salary of these officers is now $3500, and it was proposed to incresi it to $7000. The friends of this proposed increase contended tbat tbe present salary was wholely inadequate to compensate these Judge for their labors and tbat the service of any one of tbem would in tbe practice of their profession command twice tbat amount.

Taking all tbe fact into consideration the great expense of living, tha eminent qualification of these gentlemen, and the arduous labors they are compelled to perform, it does seem as though th House had done itself little credit by voting down this proposition. In the Senate on Thursday tbe State Treasury bill waa under consideration. On motion of Mr. Butan, the bill waa amended ao a to allow the Treasurer a salary of pm instead of $S000, also to strike out tbe provision requiring him to reside at Har-risburg. Tb Senate adjourned before th bill waa disposed of.

It is not at ail likely any sort of a bill will be agreed upon by the two Houkea this session. Mr. Duncan offered a bill on Wednesday for tb better protection from injury by telegraph companies of ornamental, sbadeand fruit tree. Tbi bill was offered at tbesug-geatiott of parties in your county, who trees have been injured in this manner. On motion of Capt, Skinnor, a bill extending tbe time for th commencement and completion of the Mont Alto Furnac Railroad, was taken np ami passed by the Houm) ou Tnursday, under a suspension of the Bulea.

The Committee appointed at tbe beginning of tbe session to inveatigat th affairs of the State Treasury Department, have been making some startling developeinent. On Thuraday evening they bad chief clerk Nicholson OB tb stand, who teetitled that every dollar in th State Treasury, and a million and a half In addition, belonged to th Sinking Euud, aud that the large appropriations for soldiers' orphans and common schoola had eaten into thia fuud. This how conclusively how tb Radical party has bxeii managing lb finance of tit State. By robbing th Sinking Fund they managed during the Inst election to show a prosperou condition in the affairs of th Htati. when all the wull they were drawing for the purpose of defray ing th expenses of government, up a lund, which tbey are expressly prohibited by law from touching in thia manner.

The law under which theSinking Fund was created, provides that all monies coming Into it shall be devoted to payment of Interest on, and reduction of, the publics debt. Tbi Cuinmitn-e ia in arneM and means to snow up all the corrupt practices of thia branch of the government. We may look for much of an even more startling nature. Th Diamond-Watt Committee is mttkltig slow progress. The Radicals are playing (be old game of sweir-ing repeater and then aaklng the Committee to believ that they voted the Democratic ticket, when each of the perjured villains has been guilty of voting a dozen time for tb Radical candidal.

This tittle dodge was aueeeasfully played In tha Bunn William can last winter. As Diamond's case now stands he bas aclfsrmsjority, but, depend upon it, tb Slavioa, Lamb and Red-dinga, who did the dirty work last year, wilt give enough of perjured testimony to cheat him out of th seat to which be is ao justly entitled. Th "Border Claims Bill" has not yet been reported from Committee. It 1 un-deratood that I bona having it in charge, are making aom important modifications in the features of It, so as to secure for it the approval of certain influential parties. Notwithstanding tb bitter attack of th Pitta-burg and Philadelphia papers, tb movement to pay (bene claims has many sympathizer, as will be shown, when th proposition comes to be voted upon.

It is hard for us here to understand the count of the Philadelphia papers in reference to this bill. These papers hav generally heretofore been friendly in tbeir tone. It may be that they dislike tb bill In tbeshape in which it was originally intended to pass It, and that tb modification now being made wilt hav tb effect of changing tbeir views ia Che matter, Tb course of tb Pittsburg paper can be easily explained. They are interested in th Erie Canal Extension scheme, and are afraid tbat thia bill, if passed, wilt lay hold on certain monies or bonds, which they desire to get possession of. To ward off th possibility of any such thing, they have raised this great hue and cry about "thieve and robbers," "Millions for tbe Border Counties," "th greatest swindle of tb season," ttc It might be well enough for these gentlemen to recollect that those whom they now brand a "thieve and robbers" oueday not long in th pan stood up to defend tbeir ungrateful city, against the same vandal hordes, from whoa depredation are now seeking relief.

When years ago a portion of Pittsburg was ao unfortunate as to be destroyed by a conflagration, the legislature of Pennsylvania made an appropriation for the relief of the sufferers, aud the people of th Border Couuties said j7 tione. Their case was different too from ours. Tbeir loss was Ibe result of accident and found relief from Insurance Companies, Ours was the result of invasion at the bauds of a conituou enemy, and is one of thos cases where Indemnity can not be reached except through th law-making power of tbe Slate. The House meet this evening at Ti o'clock and tbe Senate to-morrow morning at 10, Fbakeu. so that the colored race, so suddenly eman And, instead of the items quoted by the thrrt Kmulrttl thnutaml Associated Prats correspondent samples cipated and enfranchised, might have tbe opportunity to prepare themselves, ly a proper stoly of oar form of government, to of the claims for loss of personal property, of frienda whoa Kind wiahea have gratefully impressed me, I find there ia no other course left for me to pursue than to no-quies in the wilt of ibe convention.

In again becoming vour randMate, I hav no ne tbeonea to propound all my public act are uiatlera of record. My opinions io regard to State flairs are loo well under- He declared that nvy InUir in th. Slit Trtatvry, and a mfflion and a hitf in at ditto, btfamjtd to tint tiakUg fund and it will be found that tbe bulk of thee assist in making law for the nation. Think claims is ma te up of that were stolen tM'it the btr-je appropriation for tuldiiri of a ngro, who never ct a tot until with grain that was fed asd carried away, furni orjibtnt ami common n-hmiU had mtm into stood to mak it iiscaaaary for to refer to in the but year, elevated at onoe to the tare that wa4iMjed by fire, and articles lbera on Ibis occasion, in referent to na this fund. United Slates Senate to legltlat for a tional ailatra, 1 would say I am in favor of of merchandise that were either appropri People of Pennsylvania, tuis is the way tutghty Republic like ours.

Could fanati ated by the Rebels, or consumed by the your Stat Treasury is managed. Thus cism possibly go farther a judtoioua tarln lor revenue, aud oppoaol to a protective tariff, for the sake of protection. I am in favor of the pay meut of both national and State dbts, and to the utmost fames. The malignity that could coin such have these Radicals, who boast of the econ Ia order to satisfy oar reader that is a nt associate for the leaders of "the faLsehooda, to misrepresent and injure a farthing, and of an early resumption of omy with which they have managed tbe fi people who suffered such terrible anxiety of specie payment, wbktb will aetile tb whole nances, abstracted from th Sinking Fund party of great moral ideas," it may be well mind, and such an enormous loss of prop erty daring the rebellion, not only nnprin for them to know something of bis antece uiiucuiiy aa io tne Kind or currency uiey snail be paid in, I am now a I hav been aiuctt Ibe war ended, in favor of (lie restora more than a million and a half dollars, been uting it fur purpom of sjiem.ifios, dents. II was once pator of a negro tion of ail the State in tbe Union to all tbeir tripled and unscrupulous, but it is perfectly Instead of appropriating it to th reduction church in Leavenworth, Kansas.

He was privileges under tbe Constitution, eepeclally diabolical There is a satisfaction in ki. of th public debt, to which it is intended charged with erobexxiiug the Church funds. the tight of repraneulatioo in Con greek. Until tbia I me there cannot be peac or to applied, they have been managing it rag that it has betrayed its weakness by the glaring enormity of i misrepresents: prosperity. In conclusion, I would say in tbe Ian for the purpose of swelling their own private and thereupon sued for libel, but the jury und his alleged libelcr nit giUty.

Here is card, signed by six of th jury, which is and that its libellous articles hate fail .4 to fortunes. Is it not high time that these eonviaoe thinking men of the propriety of refusing to psy these losses. decidedly interesting in this connection "LiVwoTH. Aug. 27.117.

gusg of th freeman's oath, when called upon to discharge any public dutv, "I shall do It io such a manner, as in my opinion, will conduce to tb beat good of tbia Slate and of the United Ktatee, without the fear or favor of any man: So help me Ood." Thanking you again and again for tbia Radicals should be turned out of power? The Snap-Game. The Pittsburgh CtretJ and iKtpatck, VV, tbe uodenMjrtMKt, wr jurvmn io and spme of the Philadelphia papers hate Cessna has had a sort of informal Radical tbe CUM) of lb Htau of Kansas v. JotiB 11. Morn, to which one II. ram K.

wss eomplainiRi whimm. Maid suit was lum-tutrtt by said Kvvaia tn tne form of a been most abuaire, and mast unscrupulous renewed evidence ol your couuuued conn deuce aud regard, I am, Your moat bumble and obedient servant. Convention to assemble in Bedford county, Of course, it endorsed th course of the rep ta their statements. And this too, when James K. Knolish, the fact appears by reference to the laws cniuiual prmwcutiun, (or so aiu-gwl l)bl ia charging Mitt Kevsis wiib embezzling tb funtU of bis ehurcb; wlin faltohood mod resentative from the Sixteenth Congressional the Commonwealth, that eitisens of Pitts District, and recommended him for renomi ding a Territorial Government for Alaska.

On motion of Mr. Spencer, tbe Naval and Military Committees were directed to report on tbe expediency of abolishing the Naval Academy at Annapolis and Military Academy at West Point, and tbe establish-im nt of a system which will make a military or naval education free to all who de-sir it at their wu expense. Mr. Wilson presented the credentials of II. R.

Revels, Senator elect from Mississippi. After some discussion they were received by the Senate, whereupon Mr. Stockton, of N. offered a resolution to refer tbem to tbe Judiciary Committee, with instructions to inquire aud report as to citizenship, fcc, of the candidate. Pending discussion on the resolution, the Senate adjourned.

Hocsk. Mr. Banks had read a note from the Secretary of State, announclngthe deaih, at St. Petersburg, of Hon. Anson Burlin-game, the Chinese Ambassador.

Messrs, Harris, McKee and Pierce, members elect from Mississippi, were sworn in. The bill to prevent polygamy in Utah was taken up, aud opposed by "Messrs. Fitch and Sargent, who argued tbat its enforcement would lead to a bloody and expensive war. The Legislative Appropriation bill was considered until two o'clock, when the case of Mr. Whittemore came An affidavit from Mr.

Whittemore, by Mr. Butler, of was read, in which he declare! thai if time is given him he can prove that be bad never used the money received by him for his own private purpous, and complains that be had no opponuirny lo cross-examine witnesses. When the affidavit was read, Mr. Butler spoke in favor postponing the consideration of the question. Mr.

Logan tbat be had asked Mr. Whittemore to cross-examine Kegler, one of the witnesses, and that Whittemore said he would hav nothing to do with sucb a scoundrel. He said that while the receiving of money for the disposal of the appointment was acknowledged, it made no difference what tbe member had done with it after it was received. moved the previous question, and resolutions postponing the consideration of, the case and directing the summoning of other witness, were defeated by large majorities. The question then recurred on the expulsion resolution, when Mr.

Whittemore appealed to tbe House to extend the time ol action another day. Mr. Logan said be would make no objection, and thu House adjourued, Thubsbay, Feb. 24. Senate.

Tbe House amendment to tbe Political Disability bill waa concurred iu, Ou motion of Mr. Saulabury, the President was asked for information as to the authority by which General Ames acted a Provisional Governor of Mississippi. Mr. Williams offered a resolution, which was adopted without a division, declaring that, in the opinion of the Senate, the existing volume of currency ought not to be increased. Messrs.

Fentou, of New York, and Patterson, of New Hampshire, spoke in favor of funding the debt ai a lower rate of interest, and reduciug thetaxation, Mr. Stock tou's resolution, referring the credentials of Senator-elect Revels, of Mississippi, to the Judiciary Committee, was considered, pending whioh tbe Senate adjourned. House. Th resolution expelling Mr. Wbittemor was called up by Mr.

Logan, who yielded th floor to Whittemore, Mr. Whittemore thereupon commenced to read bis defence, when tbe Speaker interrupted him, and directed tbe clerk to read a communication wbicb Whittemore had sent to tbe desk. The paper was read, notwithstanding efforts by Mr, Whittemore to postpone ita reading until he had finished bis remark. It contained his resignation as a member of tbe House. Tbe Speaker said tbat it was not tbe province of tbe Chair to recognize any but member of tb House, and that it rested with the House to decide whether Wbittemor should be allowed to proceed.

The point of order was raised that a member could not resign without consent of the House, but the Speaker quoted precedents to sbow that a resignation was voluntary, and needed no acceptance. Mr, Farnsworth appealed from the Speak- er'e decision, but motion by Mr. Cox to lay bia appeal ou Ibe lb table was agreed lo. Mr. Farnsworth, with Mr.

Logan's consent, moved to lay the expulsion reaolu-ou upon the table, which was also ngiet-d to. Mr, Logan then offered a resolution censuriug B. F. Whittemore, and declaring bim unworthy of a seat iu the House. Mr.

Butler asked unauimous consent lo have Mr. Whittemore beard on the resolution, but objection was made by Mr. Morgau, and tbe resolution of censure was adopted by a vote of 185 yeas, no member voting nay. The Legislative Appropriation biii was cousidered. Adjourned, Friday, Feb.

25, Senatb. Mr. Howard, 'from the Committee on the Pacific Railroads, reported a bill legalizing the arrangements of the Union and Central Pacific Railroads in regard to their junction. Mr. Wilson introduced a bill to punish prize fighting, tbe U.S.

Courts to take cognizance of the offence. Mr. Howard introduced a fcill to divide the State of Texas into three parts the portion east of San Antonio and Trinity Rivers to constitute th Territory of Jefferson, and that west of the Colorado to be A was one of the Vice Presidents hypneruv, la a carulo psmphlel otliisd burgh and Philadelphia hate already been nation. Why ia this thus? Simply becans of late Indiana Radical State Conven paid by th State for the damages sustained Cessna knew that there were certain refrac tion. As he took his seat on the platform, by them at the hands of Union Soldiers.

a nomoug. "The defendant (Morris) took tbe ground that the libel was true, and pntad to oat aaiutfaction tbat tbe said Hiram K. Kan el bad ambeuSad Certain funds bwluog-tng to b.a cniircti. and baa baa suiitv of tory parties in hi county who would hat he was greeted with round after round of When the bills were pending before tb Legislature to pay those claims, the jour- tried to defeat him, if they had had th cheers. Groahtcki, Geld aad Bands.

alighted suspicion of his intentions, and, tatasbuod, and bad unawcaaaarilj forovd a Bai did not exhibit the virtuous indigna with bis customary shrewdness, he moved quarrel on ma aaii siorria, ttiusoutnpalliug Mm to act In vindication of bis own charac Last week tbe National House of Iiepre- The Bcull-Flndtay Case. Mr. Scull addressed a letter lo tha Com-rnltte declining to proaecut bis claims any further, and thia settles the question, while Findlay retains bis seat. We now desire the Bedlbttl politician composed of John Cessna as chief, and ibe smaller fry, Ruseeil, Williams, Minnich, Connolly, and a few others to tell us what tbey gained by interfering with the Conference lo break it up, and afterwards forcing tbe regular nominee off tbe track We have loet a Senator, and allowed a Democrat to be elected in a district strongly Republican and why? That John Cessna, might override the majority of the District this coming fall. In the lose of a Senator, tbe District has learned that corrupt unprincipled politician cannot override the peopie.

John Cessna when ha promised every district, ward and borough politician of Somerset during tb campaign of a position if tbey would work for bia election, and then failed to fulfill every promise, opt-lied the eye of th voter of Somerset, aud disabled him from practicing a similar fraud in MOD; when be tried to appear so disinterested in the substitution of Scull for Stutzmau. But it will not win Johnny, "a burnt child dreads lire." If you desire the ooatidonce of the people, apeak the truth, and act honest. You will not dare say that you sre not a liar, for if you do we will convict you on the testimony of good responsible men, that you wrote us bare-fared lies. Dony this if you dare, and we will convict you on your own band writing. No, Mr, Cessna, you can't carry this Congressional District in your breeches pocket, though you boasted to us that you could control the nomination, and always "did thos little Ibings." Prepare yourself Johnny, for you have a big job on band for next tall, Futtoo county wants Rapresentative.and of course yon waut to run Jonathan, Bedford want a Congressman, aud of course you want tbat, Franklin wants a Revenue position, and of course you have not tbat to give since Scull waa defeated, Stutzman wants saiUtfactioa to the tuns of five or six hundred voter in Snmeraefc County, and of course you can't help tbat, aud we bav a few prominent Republicans in Fulton, who have an old score to settle about your running Jonathan for Stat Senator last fall ia this County, For tbe present we will close, bot give you the particulars as they occur, Fulton Republican.

old aad Bonds. Yesterday the government Bix-per-centa of 1881 reached 17i, which was tbe price of gold during part of tbe afternoon. In other words, the aixe of 1S8I were at par of gold. A tbi is lb first time since tbe depreciation of our currency first began that government securities of any kind hav commanded tb same price aa gold, tb day deserve to be remembered. Tbe upward tendency in American bonds, both at home and abroad, shows that the resumption of specie payments could be reached at no distant day, had our legislatora any of finance or any desire to better our financial condition.

It is perlectly evident, however, from the recent action of Congress, that th Rcpubllcau party doe not intend to take a single step towards resumption, but prefer to make matters worse than they are by a further increase of the volume of currency. It should not be forgotten that gold need not sink lower than five or six per cent, premium in order to render resumption practicable aud easy, The premium on silver is about live per cent, less than that of gold, and when gold reaches 1U5, the surplus ailver of Canada, and the hoard of sliver In tbe possession of our banks and private citizsns, will be at once brought into circulation. When greenbacks are worth their face in silver, it will be easy to make them at par with gold. The World, Feb, 24th. ter.

tion which now seems to control them. It makes tie biggest difference ia tbe world whose ox is gored. Now the principle is in the matter quietly and secretly, and com-mitted these gentlemen to his support whil aeniauve pasaea ius resolution or Lougbridge, in favor of adding IfiO.OOO.OuO "Io abort, found tbat th allMrod lit! waa traa, ami mat It waa publlabad far rood they were asleep. As he told the editor of tbe volume or irredeemable paper currency. Yeaterday tbe Senat made ita tm ntottvea and jnatjtUbla aiida.

ait uf wbtub It the same. If the LegLdatur of i 369 cuuli the Fulton RepMican, he "always attends protida for the payment of damages sus waa ikmmuh to provs awcura as aouit-Ui in a suit fitr litwL M. Rassis. Foreman to these little things." tneolary on ibe action of the House by passing tb following resolution, offered by Senator Williams: Resolved. That to add to the present Irre No let Somerset, Fulton, Franklin and Adams join in th cry for Cessna's renomi- deemable paper currency of th country tained by th eitixeos of Philadelphia and Allegheny Counties to the amount of tweiv thousand daSars, why should not the Legislator of 1ST pay th damages sustained by our people? We feel satixSed that th "Alti, AanaTROixt, A.

HcsHMoaa, Makksos, K. Fi.rwo." wouia i io render more aitncuit and re-mot th resumption of specie payments nation. Trot him out again. There is no man so enthusiastically admired and so pas to encourage and loat tr the spirit oi simu lation: to aggravate the evils produced bt sionately loved by the people as he. Every Tne ladetsklp-Trader.

freoaent and audden Auotuatioui of valna justice of our claims will be recognised and that this session will not be allowed to pass to depreciate the credit of the nation, and to check tb healthful tendency of legitimate Tbe House of Representative at Wash body know how faithfully he fulfills his promises and redeems his pledge. II by, without protisioo being made for their ington has purged itself of a Httle unclean buslneas to settle down upon asafeand per never deceived a man in his life The aspt payment. manent basis; and therefor, io tb opinion of th Senate, the existing voluma or such rants for ths Assenorship of th District Wt late not hesitated to lay before oar Bess. Let nobody suppose, however, that all th members who "east a stone" at the carpet-bag ministerial member from South eurreney ought not to increaaed. and th competitors for th Gettysburg, readers the insinuations and charges which If this resolve should be lived up to by the Senate there ia an end lo all further infla Cbawbersburg and Bedford Post Offices, bate been leveled at their heads.

There is Carolina are themselves "without sin." tion. Meanwhile the price of gold yester can all bear testimony to the straight-for day went down to 1W4, and the bonda of not a resident of the border counties who will not repel each and all of the charges It was discovered that Rev. B. F. Whitte-more of South Carolina, had sold a West ward, candid manner in which disposed 11 war selling at ut tbe bonds wer thus at a premium io gold.

Th moral of of their respective claims. as being destitute of any foundation what Point eadetship for five hundred dollars. all this ia too plain to need comment. isd ger, Feb. tith.

Io fact, he was foolish enouch to acknowl There will be a unanimous demand on the part of the Radicals of the District for his ever. And they can only entertain the moot sovereign contempt for these peoay-a-iiBars tcko art printing thne in the edge his guilt. Everybody became excited Raeolalloa Aboil. (ha UUfraaehU- reoominatioo orrr the hfl. thtreat.

All the virtuous indignation of lag tiaa Aa lanacuae a.atata, ST. Lot'is, Feb. 84. The Miasoual Sen the members was aroused and bubbtud up TltK tt 'inniksitm lw. hnpe that ow6o call on thrm to pay them ir desisting from these altitcLs.

They ate, by a vote of to 5, pamwl a resolution io in unee at ooca. the Lommitue favoring the lubroiminu to the people of can rest assured that nobody will call for the proposal to a uns rati tne aiMranchisliig eiau tn ibe eoiiatltutlon. This will be. ed to submit the question of female suffrage to a vote of fb people of the State. It is said that tbe Governor will approve of tbe that purpose.

Let them bowl on. Th lionted bv the oiher branch of the leteisla elaiw is just and equitable, and the Legisia lure ami by the peopie, thus giving ture will recognize it as such. ez-coriHMleraiea me rigm to vuie. Letters of aduiiniairalioii were to-day proportion by signing tbe bill. The most of the time of th present Rad granted to Jobu O.

Coptlin ou the estate of St, th late John J. Roe. tl gave bonds io the aum of on million five hundred thous ical Congress is occupied in unearthing its Hos. Asao.t,' died in Petersburg, kst week. Ha was on a 1 to the Csr of Russia, in connection i 'ISlt and dollar as adminiatrator of the estate.

own villainy, and tbe villainy and corruption wttia uai tbe matter under investigation, tbr Mr. Logan, of Illin-jiis, reported a resuiuuon of expulsion, and proposed to "move npon the works" of th eadeuhip-trader immediately. This would have been done at once, and Whittemore would have found himself an ex-member in a jiffy, bad not the "cock eyed spoon speculator" rushed to the rescue. He appealed to the House for time, and Wednesday was fixed as the day for Wbioemora to answer. On Wednesday, action was deterred until the it day.

Bleanwhik, Whittemore resolved to lead ith ti also gav bonda for the same amount aa of former Radical Congresses. God save adminisiratorof the arm of John i. Roe other members of the Chine Embassy, A woman in Oskosb, of inhumanly beating ber liitie step-eon, pu ling big hair out by tbe hsndluil and locking bim up iu an outbuilding, witb no covering but his night shirt, until his feet were frozen, was seutenced to three months' imprisonment. Her name wtis Martha. Large, but ber puuisbmeut was small.

TheQuincy (III.) Herald declares thai a young lady attended one of the largest and mtt fashionable churches in that city, not many Sundays ago, and as soon as she bad entered her pew, began "an indiacrimuiate-auil promiscuous survey of the entire congregation through her opera glass." th Republic. which was cotnpoaed of Jobu J. Koe, with reference to tb business with bkh John u. Copuim anu at. Mammon.

they bad been entrusted by the Emoeror of Thb Fulton It'pM'u an "goes for" Cess China. He took a eold which culminated A Sew Yorker writing "A Text na io red-hot style. Read th article in anoth A railroad conductor, Id Michigan, has been fined twenty five dollar and costa, for pulling a man or! the cars, because be would not pay tbe ten cents extra fare required by the rule of the company from thos nut having tickets. hi One of the Western Governors assured" tbe Legislature in a late message tbat "capital, like water, would always seek its highest level." in a congestive chill, and resulted in death. er column.

"When rogues fall out, Book lor loun cantors." in "young editors" aforesaid are sharpening their pens tn who A tVv Htm.

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