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Valley Spirit (Weekly) from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania • 5

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Sjiiit anb Odohtx 22, 1562. Piper Jeremiah Cramer A'm Stake Wt luta Flugte Jacob Shearer Wm i Miller Mii-hsel 1 Spirit unit Whites Wednesday Morning, Oct. 2, 1862. McFurren John Lexher CLrulian i Stoner John Steffy John McSberry Jnin Iavid Beimhoof Washington Hunter William Root is William Shelter John HoUinger IHtuiel Mdler F-a barbaufch Solomon Wotdand Jonrph Zell George Wentling Jacob Deitrick John Walburn George IMtiUh Dn.n (age 24) Hull John ReifxnioV-r Jermiah Lightner Ignatius Zelt bokinon Ciider Christian Lightner William lUker Frederick Steck mail David A I Kuefer Hexekiah Snider John Dual Mkhanl Miller David Haler David Henry David Crider Levi EIetMole Christian Dctwiler John WAYXrSIK-ltO Hoilenberger JoHbua CroutM Wm Morrison wii Trl Klits Jabns Willium Patterson Jamis jr Brtibecker luiac Homon Amos Wst J.rfiaihan Slichter Dairiet Z-iilinger Edas Snivel Houinel I lkk John Minnlrk Dovfd Oyer 8 Horn John Rosenhcrry Keefer Pat lei son Robert Gabler Solomon lwr Haul man Neff Solomon Greiger Jacob -Snider Sa lomon Lehman fS. Bnwu Utabill Mtrtln DavW MoGimiity Heury i GermanReformed Synod.

This body net in the Gorman Reformed Cburqh In this place, on tlie 16 and is still In session. The number of ministeis and lay delegates is large, notwithstanding it was feared that the Rebel Raid, through our town would deter many from coming. i The proceedings have been very harmonious and of much Interest to the church. Stuart's Cavalry. The recent viit of the Rebels having interfered with his last day's sale of the Real Estate of Samuel Rudebaugh, dee that portion of said Estate situated in St Thomas township, consisting of the Farm, and some valuable Thnler Lands will be offered at Public Sale, on Saturday next the 25th to commence at 10 o'clock, at the Farm.

lNe David Rtdgley Richard The Draft The Result. The The iVwuinbtsiimer to upcrirtiid the draft. In Nigh Nicholts Deckei Jaeidi MaimiiV David Kttffcr'Wm 8 Baker Inaso Hboiitt Jacob Hitter JohirO Foils Frsnklin Forbls WJIImm Gipe Jacob Hobistm George IH(an James Beltx David Fmiikdn A'buR CuiU-t isou John Joints John Collum Steren Ibis county, Ih.uiel Wui.derllch, Esq pro IWcknctr Jtiah Trltln Frederick Stoner Henry Keagy Ure lUrneth Win Boikly Tharles A Frick Jaodi FUher liouner Emory Henry A I'abruev Jttoob li LeioW Jtwxib hippy Wm A AtlaniM Jolm Hoellirb Sammd Hawker George 11 Heed William HcnneU'rger Hiram Uirvem.n David Louan David MKT AL TOWNSHIP. carded to perform thedulie of bis appointment on ThtinuUy the Kith at the Court House in this place. lkow we Rive the name of the Croft John Oclwix Labright Christ John Forney Jacob Weaver John Ltrch John David perinaii Samuel (xi ove Almihi' in John ton Benjamin Oyer Joseph Strock Daniel Row John Coble John Miitttr Sainnel Patterron Joseph West Martin VauBuren Linhart Henry Z-iok Henry Martin Joseph IWtmustlerfer David Franer Samuel Eberly Joseph Sliders Heury Mai tin Michael Hull Samuel prsons who have Iweo drafted, in their respec tWe district, to make up the quota of the I Netl Juhn 1 Belts Christian I CRBEff Smith Samuel McKely Davhl Kegenies Amos Kewlm Jdin Hatxten James W.

-If James Rebr Henry Shoemaker J'hn WiugeU Mattiu Cain Jew-e County, under the requisition of the frovern-inent. The term foe which they are reqtilrwl to serve nine mouths. The draft proceeded In and qnbl manner until the whole county wHt completed. A considerable number of ptxjile were pietwnt but no unusual excitement Tin Me in attendance who were drafted seemrd to receive tbe announcement with equanimity or i of TOWXSHIP. Giles James Duiikle George William Fb ming Jbn Sbulu Williaia I Thompson Alexander Ely John Lightner Samuel Htniier Neaton i Deal Adam Wilwo Gh kley Aarou Irwin John St-riha Wiltiaro Campbell Charles McGowan William Stewart Jamea Poiftifl John Hutinire Jacob Junes Sam oe I So ware Wtlliarn it.

John W. Harris Asa Znok Jacob Hitter Samuel ti reeoe Samuel lt'tof Iifmel CHAMBKBSmritQ StiUTlI WARD. Schellhoss A Wolf Adam Taylor Sheller Uuilel Heefner Peter Senseny Jeremiah Henneltergur Christian Diunier Juhn Pa tie nek AD Byers Samuel Wilson Feldman Peter CllAMDCBSBVUO' NORTH WARD. Tipper Hamil ri-lU William l.r John Reinstated. We are pleased to learn that Major J.

C. Austin, of the 12tlth Reg't P. V.f has been reinstated in his position. In our opinion the Major was harshly dealt with In bis dismission, and was the victim of the "fast" way in which some things are done in Washington. A.

Secrftworh Knowing Some people know how to rectify and make good Ci-dml, but many more do not to such as wish to know and have the Cider, we tell them the idow) SharUer George Miller John(of Hver John Oi-er Abraham ('(nhraii William Campbell Harris Forrester Wm(B S) DMmer rhotinu WARRKN TOWyllll Seigrift Wm Grey Petr ColU-rtKon John Bicklev Jaottb Dill in Michael Eichellar Joseph Miller George Krilx la nard Myers William Spidle Adam Yost John Bvcis David Wicker Casper Heckerman Noah McGaffigan Philip Stiidr Peter Hamilton Adam Seibert Jacob Md'oy Ittdtt-rt Pine Ashbury it tin Georae Philips Potter Mvem Jonathan Zimmerman Samuel Gelwix William Jacobs John Weldy Sylvter Secret is Sulphitb or Limx, it is the article used SecrUt Samuel Miller Solomon Duffield Henry Oroft David Eiker Andrew McCurdv James Freeland Joseph Ely John Pine William Yeakle George and to get it and directions for using it, go to Millkr HKNsnBTS Drug Store, it is cheap, ST. TftoMAS nWNSIllP. Duncan. Augustus Huber Jacob only 50 cent to makt a batrti. Bear Jeremiah KhaUer Simon Hysng Abel Miller Joseph MeLnuL'blin David liverg Philip Ci ider Christian Lieut.

D. R. B. Nevin. We in this number of our paper, a very inter A great deal 1ms been ssid nUmt the "cowsr- Defeiettrfei Samuel Sbuman Jacob dic of the Chatnliersbtirgers, It Is said they esting account of a "Trip to Richmond" from Sickman Joph Wentliug S1 onion rmhi have repulsed and routetl this attacking If vers Willi, an tleckman tleory lorui one thousand cavalry with very little litiiin Ventjil Keller Jacob flispafr.

they could have marched triumphantly into Washington. The one false step cost the Nation a loss of blood beyond all prixs.and hundreds of millions of money. Id that terrible moment, when the dark pall of despair fell over the. Nation, the good genius of the President came to his assistance, and Gen'l McClcl-lau was called to the chief command of the army. His tine military mind soon brought order out of confusion, and, In a few months, out of the wreck of But! Run and the new levies, he constiucted au army which was the ad miration of the country.

His plans were laid, after mature consideration, and he had fixed a time, which his military knowledge assured him was the right time, to commence offensive operations with an almost certainty of success, wheu the President, once more yielding tdthe evil counsels of men unskilled in military af fairs Mich arrogant pretenders a Stnnton and Sumner and Wade fi ustrated the whole de sign, divided the array into separate commands, and precipibited the forward movement. The result of this other false step is well known'; a aerie of disasters, commencing with the forced retrettof Banks and culminating in the disastrous defeats of Pojmj, brought the whole army of the Hurt once more a confused and disorganized mass t-back in full retreat upon Washington. No calculation even approximating the truth can be made of the cost in blood and treasure of this mistake. The President takes the responsibility it Is a terrible assumption, but it is fair that he should be he'-d to it Once more, then, McClellan -is called to ihe hid of the army, as the only mau who can save the Nation, after this second criminal blunder of the Administration. It is the duty of tbe press and of the people now to see that he is not again interfered with.

We must he deceived no longer if we would save this Union we mnnt hereafter be no specters of persons. We have already listened too patiently, too hopefully, to the cry of "Honest Old Abe," as if honesty alone coy Id save the Nation from perils without and greater perils within. It is astonishing how long we have hugged the 4 'Hon est Old Abe" delusion to our hearts, lulled by it into false security. "Honest" be may bewe belie va be is bat, now that the veil has been lifted, tbe clou I removed, the great truth appears he lucks ability and firmness he has no administrative capacity, no self-sustaining confidence, and he is obliged to depend upon those around him, his Cabinet and his partisan supporters, for assistance and advice. In them the country has no confidence in his unaided hand the ship is un-Htently and uiiKafe amid the storm and the breakers, and it becomes the duty of a free preK and a free people to ask of him, respectfully but firmly, a change of Cabinet at all events, mid uuder all circumstances, the man Stanton from the War Department.

A clean sweep would be better, but Stanton's removal is indispensable. Otherwise it had been far better bad the President ben wiser and firmer, more enlightened and more judicious, even, if less honest Bince tbe former might, while the latter has not, saved him from being misled and imposed upon, to the great injury of the country, c(! The President is undoubtedly to be pitied but, until he listens more attentively to Che public voice than to scheming politicians, and regards the stern performance of his public duty aS paramount to party considerations in short, until he dismisses Stanton from his Cabinet and ail men from his counsels whose advice has always proved pernicious indeed, until he exhibits more fitness and less imbecility, his honesty should be no shield against just criticism. Patriot and Union. Miller Daniel Glass George Beidle Johu 1 5 Shntser Jtdin Etter John jr Martin Jacob Bollnger Jacob Monn John Kitsmilb-r Kriner Fivderiek Spoon boor' John GuhTt (ieoye Diehl Samuel Stumer John McA lister John Mellitiger John 1 Monn Jeremiah Snder Wm A Hawk Heulien Thompnion Johu Hoftinmi Frederick Ihmao Samuel of 8 Rathe William Peal John Myers Wm Hepfer Daniel Wtirtbingion Isaac 1ast Samuel Hoggs Gerge Funk Augustus Coiwell JiMeph Ditsler Franklin Miller John Wingcrd Adam Poxne Henry Brown Jeremiah Wildens Rinehart Joseph rioi'ierx jmhi Newman Hichard Ihiver John Degrof AugiiHtus Hurkholder William Llghtfoot lioU-rt Keller Samuel Rised Peter Mentxer Abntham White Iaac Run is Jobu Unger William Daniels John Lutx Henry ir 8p onbour Jacb Maban Kinsor Underwixwl Allied Monn Jac. ib Brhwile Peter Potd Willium fJole John ltesre Kruitklio Taylor James Burns George Myers Stmuel Smith liohert Kby John Hutb Michael Y.ickey Oliver Wlngerd Henry Linincer John the Pen of D.

R. B. Kevin, of the 109th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers. Many of our readeis are acquainted with Lieut Nevin, he having resided in thb place some years ago and practiced law at our Bar. His reniinisceuces of the trip are decidedly interesting.

Notxcb to Jurors. Jurors Summoned for the second week of October Term are hereby notified not to attend, as there will be no Court on that week. By order of Hon. J. NILL- Wm.

McGrath. Oct. 22. 62 It. Sheriff.

Bvi Jivcoh Kubn John Hi'm Keiitieu (tourer John nk Andrew Hoce James Me itcr Jtah Htvfner JiMXb of Smith Jacob tcken Oeorpe Creamer Henry Monti Nnpoluoo Poiw Itech Ueorjra I'utfiiiQii Jeremiah iVtkuer David Hi Harchman William Samuel of D. l- kib)tiffh Samuel Giiine Witliiuu John Vrdier Win IK-kett JoLu Duffv TinitRM It tier Samuel St'tp4 Williacn S-Hieimei John H. nry W. Btrnes Oi-air. Samuel Uyue Ji-bn icoIm Hichard iiiof AIcx-indT Tucker Sunuel Kurtx Thomas Moh'h Kohraim II Onnwy JtTNMS Mven tlward How Levi Key A Henry ii Jottcph BirnmEH Sbafcr Samuel Sfull Admn Mnn Jacb Ittirjjfr Gideon Milxner Daniel Oro.torf William Ijowry Curtis Small Matthew Killer Jacob Kitiber Jaetb Milev Albert Miutt Jacob Crotik John U.trflich John lUy John lieiiccker Franklin Midower JtMHpb Cordell lUvid 8a lit? licvi Kfd Jtinri'M U'ck Kinanncl tinnier LUvid Wapaman Jacob HnowbcrutT Obcd Itoek Jonaph klidotir John ljenbaid Henry Freeman Andrew ieanmti Willium Wim-Jacob Small Daniel Howe Drill ie 1 Kn tipper JoMph Knot mem Jticoh HittiiifEer tlcorge l'atterson Tlium Spo'lnrtn Mclchcr Hook Oeora Hint Adam filmier tiMorpa Iteed Willi on Jr Bricker Jacob (Hrlmnli Peter Tr.dr INwi Jah Myers George Ixiwerv Jiicoh Hook Willium 1 arman John Newcomer David Helm John Smith Wm NeiiKt'n P-ttiick Midi 1 felt Gewrire Nunamsker Nicholas Freeman David Butler Jonathan Colt! Daillel Cirbniit.rb IV wis Hastder Jacob ll.trnbinmi Jacob ltti Joua ban Grectmwait Jacob Voolridge Henry Wh timer Peter lirunibaugh Tne National Administration- SotTHAUIToN TOWNSHIP.

trouhle, or at least scared them away, as did the farmers of Adams county. Certain it is there was a strong doire evinced by the Home Guard of Chamliershttrg to meet the enemy in battle anay. There were fifteen hundred stand of arnin, and accoutrements and ammunition tlide KiilTicient to have protected the place, but It in said no one would give permission to dis-tiibnte these arms and accoutiemenls. We copy the above from the Harriubnrg correspondence of the Philadelphia Inqutrrr of the 13th Inst. We are at a loss to know how this truthful correspondent got his information.

The "Home Guard" mustered exactly forty-eight men, with muskets. The rebels numbered about loOO men with and four pieces of lifled cannon. Had onr Home Guard and citizen tried to teare them "as did the farmers of Adams county," would have required no Prophet to predict the result. The "fifteen hundred stand of arms" nu miter ed four hundred packed Away in boxes in a ware around which a rebel guard was placed before one fouith of our citizens knew that the Philistines were upon us. It would have been an act of madness to have made resistance under the circum-itanoes, and would have involved the tt'tal destruction of the town.

The people of our town are as brave as any people. It is usually the habit of cowards to stigmatise others with "cowardice." We intend organizing a Brigade of Scarer to operate in cise of future raids, and would like to get those "Farmers of Adams county" as veteran scarers to join. The position of Brigadier will remain open for the correspondent of the Inquirer. He is the right man for the po sition. Strnwliridge Joseph Niklrk Daniel Dnccr Daniel Stnee George Ktser Jacob rv Hir Ktuer Thomas MeCnne iwibert Butts Thomas Butts Henry tumbjngti H-mry Wkat Extent Should Patriotic Blest Support It There is a party in this country seeking to absorb in its organization all other parties, under the plea that the Nation, being now engaged in a conflict with aimed rebellion, should not divide on political issues, but give a unanimous, unconditional, unquestioning support to the Administration, as its constitutional head, upon whom is devolved the conduct of the war.

This party, which assumes so much for itself, and asks such unheard of concessions from others, has not discarded a single doctrine or dogma, a single prejudice or conceit, which it ha hitherto entertained, but resta its claim to undiluted, universal present political dominion solely on the ground that, having elected Stntpe J'-tin Siumbingh A Martin William Etter Josiah Dh1 George AliUon Cyrus Porter Ievl tWiker David Matov Daniel Yoiiudt Oliver AY Joseph StuuiUuigh Abraham Killinger Levi arfosn Simon Hollar imuel Laidig Christian Sudbury George Keefer William Horst Holtry Jacob Hollar David Stavr Isaac Bricker Jeremiah GillHirt Daniel Htbsr David Cn ssler Geo A Cramer Samuel Miller Daniel Ltch Joseph A HUM TCWJ-U1P, the President, it is entitled to the control of the Government, without opposition from any St.mer David Kiddle Guoive triihnrt Henry Kiner Alfr Keeside Willium Orr John Kiner Micbsel Meredith John Cash man Reubea Keefer Daniel Smith Samuel Hehuck Wm Newcomer Samuel Cover Philip Hetman Adam Greeuawalt Henry Bombeiger Reulien Reytiohta Wm Foiney Sjimuel Kuhns John OCir.rOBD TOWXS1IIP. Fleming Jam II D-nei(lrou ihoniiks 0 Soyder Btnjirniii Garrcn H'is -kiali Talhelm Mmon Chamln! lain David Talbem Peter Hush Andrew A HlieeU HuU-ti linrkboldi-r George SwitHt-i Henry Suivt'ly Jacob Roiiiion hn bitiehart JatneR Orriit Ueortf Popper George Irobrne hn 1( Frederick Jtihit htuiiflfer Andrew Gai ner fimuel Voutx John Stickcll Jwph 11 tker Jac Hai Samuel Oar huu iih Getiro WrtJI.tch Jacob West Thomas Wingerd David Bitner David TiHE MARKETS. Finher Jac(b KUtver Jacob II t'iitventon Henry Pike Daniel Wiilter Adam Garman John liver Emanuel Nowel Gharlefi (I Iine Samuel St 'Vor Samuel BtX'tiner Milton Show lei Ainoi Ptwol Janie Kaufman Diinlel Keefor Jeremiah Unnm Juhn Wilt Jeremiah Miller KiUha Tam mayo Thomas 'i Hymir Ikjwc 8 Snivelv Lemuel i Valentine Daniel 1 Marts Peter Flmn Jidin i Miller Daniel A Phtlipv Jmb 22, lsei. CHAMBKK8BUBG, Oct Corrected We.kljr Kerrin Richard Dice Isaac Fonts Henry Zimmerman Jacob Liedy Kuhn Small John Gnyer Peter utin John Coble Jonathan Hruhaker Daniel Coble Geo Miller Isaac Lightner Solomon DRT RUM. Foutx Michael CampWIl John Dearing Wm McCtain Gil belt Skinner Exra Barclay Piper William Doyle Thomas fui.phvr sraiNO and cocoal.

IIoTyJohnC Junkins Samuel Gege MeKIm John (Campbell Jobu Lyons Levi Campbell Andrew ayl Epbraim Srewait David HockenUny Wm of Harvey Wm Pa nun is Franklin McV'itty Ihilwrt H.ckeiilK'rry Peter L'nn John (L.ib) Harvey McVitty Ed Aril Campl ell Uolwrt CampMl Hugh Piper Solomon Peck Georgn HockeuWriy Johu of Linn John; Far) Arnold Nicholas Tennisons Charles Pea Charles Piper Noah Hockenbeny Jacob Stake Eli Coons Gtorge Piper Wilson Fitidly Rul.ert Gat-tn Baiubart George JuukiuJohn Croiwe Michael MONTUOXiaiT TOWNSHIP. Yotis Lei Slineltouse Charles Hhea A li htiiins John Folkur Jacob Fry Jacob Uohison times Stains George Stoner Christian Mk John Myeis Daniel Ing Samuel Hawl)ecker Daniel Dnttield Atherton Caleb Zx ttle Henry Dell George Stall Daniel Hrh Michael jr Shenebrook Jarnc Hays El ward Hidenbour Daniel Elliott Martin lost en James A Shoop John Brailley Wall Joseph Wenlcliangh Garner David Cutshall William Shank mil Hawlw-cker Daniel Kuhu Snmuel Newcomer David Brian Matbew Stenger Iteniamin Kixne- Lewis Dulebon Geirge Monn John Myers Samuel Siine John Criig Dnvid Hammon John Elliott John Brewttecker Jitcob Hitter Martin Myers Benjamin Dracey William Brandt Conm.1 Walters Daniel Ham man Leonard Richards John Pbilippy William Baxter William LacUens John Hotfor David Wallace Martin Richardson Georire By em Pter Martin Itlinkin David Kuhu Thomas WhitmerJobn Glasler Adam Raney George Deck Michael Friee Ijewis Hege John Driiry James ShiadirJohnT Hiiys Hoi tibaker Johu Ixer Busses Black David Shatxer Wm Hawhccker Samuel Sharp DS Palsgrove Hexeklah Taylor Thomas Ijauton James Hage Daniel Hornlwiker William Games Samuel Ken Martin Clopper John Auid Wm Wingerd John Karper John 1'luL'KBS TOWNSHIP. McDowel Wm Linfnger Adam Glass John Rocmer Henry Gillan David Hays Davtf Hartman Gasper Cromwell Samuel Stenger George Byers Henry Clapf.atdle George Curry Samuel Jonea Teatep John Steck Jacob Arnold Wm A Bivens Joseph Hays John Ringle Daniel Etter George Glee cor (re Hoke Michael Weaver Philip Clapsaddle William Miller Henry Glosser Conrad Greenawalt John Hollar John Christ George Hide John Simpson William Warner William Lininger John Holstein Washington Bivins Martin ('lugton Thomas lyle Thomas Reed Franklin Gearhart David Corfcl Philip 1( Beaver John ho Samuel Gingrich Hoses Over Abraham 8tmitiflf Jacob Keyser William Bushey Michael Deck Gerure McLaughlin Thomns Myers Martin Horner David Unger John Smith Adam McGuire Thomas Johns John Weaver Abraham Bi-uboker Peter Rltchey John Williams James Bouser David vt J.ETTKRKKNNT TOWNSHIP. Bnrkbart Solomon Douglas James Rotz Josiah BrubakerJohn Reifsnider Washington Bender Geo Gloss Lewis Glenn David Eager Daniel Roseubiiry Levi Zeigler Isaac Rhone Solomon McNeal Curtis Rife Henry Ciaiuer Solomon. Fry Jacob jr Stoufer Daniel Gordon George Stenger Solomon Funk John Cramer Jonathan McLellan Wm Rife Frederick of Leedy Wm lVckert Daniel Brown Nicholas Folts John Rife Issae Bi irk holder Emanuel Rife Frederick of John Staver John Rosenberger Samnel Folts Joseph Pogh Hark Talbeltn David ChiukI Oliver Poper Henrys T8 to O0 2S OOtUl 10 0 0 al 16 60 S3 65 4 604.T5 0 00 I E5 10 08 040fl 12 so I 25 0(1 1 60 FLOUR mat FLOUR FLOUR tivpaiu, FLOUR Rue WHEAT WHEAT Red R1K OA 'IS.


SOUP BEANS PA UN PA RED DRIED APPLES. quarter. Assuming this, it a step further, 4ets up a title to "no party ism," and denounces, as sympathizers with secession, any and every political organization that disputes its theory and refused to be absorbed by it. The position it takes is absurd, egotistical and audacious for, whatever its pretensions, the fact is clear enough that it is still only in an Abolitionized and consequently more objectionable form the same Republican party that amalgamated with Know notbingism in 1854, and formed the Chicago Platform in 1860. It is, therefore, ridiculous to suppose that, for any purpose, the Democratic party would consent to be absorbed in its organization.

That it will not, is settled and the only question that remains for decision is, to what extent docs the Democratic party feel itself constrained by patriotic consideration to support the Administration? We acknowledge the President to be the constitutional head of the Government; we are aware of the extreme peril In which the Union is placed and, with this knowledge, we cannot mistake our duty which fa, as weconceive, to render cheerful support to the Administration in all prudent, constitutional efforts to quell rebellion but, as we value our own free doro, to oppose every unconxtiutional effort, no uter what its ostensible object and to frown upon, discourage and denounce every attempt of the party which claims control of the President, to press him from the strict path of duty. We reject the test of unconditional, unquestioning support of the Administration, as antidemocratic and degrading; as treasonable to the country, which we hold in higher reverence than we do the President. If we owe a duty to the Administration in this trying emergency, we owe a still higher duty to our country aud we dare not close our eyes, silence our tongues, or restrain our pens, when measures are proposed which we believe to be dangerous, or when results show that folly and not wisdom has presided over Cabinet councils and guided the Executive band. Implicit, blind, unquestioning obedience is due from slaves but Democrats claim to have constitutional rights, among which is that very Kagle Siimuel Duuiberer Augustus Hade John Baker William Herman Daniel Henry John Miller Ssmucl Stoutier Johu Trace Jacob Yates Daniel Henry Daniel Htrn John Lesher Daniel Robinson Henry Burkholder Daniel Spet George Shetter Solomon Seir Kh Martin Elijah Nugle Wastdngtnn Deardori William Feigoson William Witmore Jacob Burkhf.lder William Carol uh Ibohc 8 Miller Geo of Gelsinger Suumd Crawford John Heagy Henry -Henry Andrew Frederick Samuet Horsh Jacob Dairinget John Tritle John Eberly John Bender John McKenxie Samuel Tritile John Stambangh Geo Bender Joshua Stuuffer Peter Branthaver Snronel Buterfbach Adam Iarufeldt William Walters Peter Ross Samuel Shafer Jeremiah George William Banks William Drace John Wingerd Isaac Hendrix John Rock Daniel (Lab) Cook Henry A Myers George George David Hergierode Michael Vunderaw Daniel Baker Peter Overcash Jeremiah Staly Jieih Lenfiard Emanuel McFerron John Reichard Jacob Hoover Jacob Kriner Daniel 1 Rider John Little George Renfrew Lindsay 1 Snyder John Bender Samuel Row John Kissely John Etter Lewis Zumbro Henry Seii ie rs John Shntser Abner i fUker George Zunibro Jacob Stull John Snider Jacob Strange Aaron Bumbaugh John Etter Henry Fickes Benjamin U. S.

Stamp Duties and Taxes. Messrs. T. B. Peterson Bros.

30C Chestnut St. have just Issued a neat card, (a sum pie of ahich can be eeu at this oince) containing a liMt of "Stamp Duties" imposed by the Act of 1802, which Act went into effect on ihe 1st of October. The card wLl be found very convenient lor reference by all, and It should lie at the desks of storekeepers or any man of bushiest, as it shos at a glance theVtamp duty or tax to be paid on every -thing in everyday huinK, as well as the penalties and fines for trying to evade the provisions of every one of the Stamp Taxes imposed by Congress. This card nill save a worU of trouble to business men, if they have a copy handy for reference. Price 10 cts.

a copy, or three copies for 25 cts. Sent by mail everywhere on receipt of price. The Issue of Postage Stamps. During the last quarter, ending with 8. ptem-ber, the Post Office Department issued to Postmasters one hundred and three millions nine hundred and three-thousand four hundred and twenty five postage stamps, as is shown by the bill or the National Bank Note Company.

These stamps represent the aggregate amount of or -more, than for the quarter ending with the 33h of June. A large proportion of the last issue is yet hi the hands of though, no doubt, half a million of dollars' worth of stamps are in circulation as currency. The National Bank Note Company have furnished postage stamps as well as Treasury note currency far in ad anoe of the contract, and are constantly extending their facilities fur increased daily supplies. Chambcrsburg, OcU ISth.r Editors Valley Spirit and Time. Hon.

Eli Slifer, Secretary of the Commonwealth has telegraphed me as follow DRAFTED MEN CAN REMAIN IN THE COUNTY FOR THE PRESENT." This will doubtless enable those whose business was deranged by rebel robbery, and others whose private affairs require attention, to devote some time to the same. -i Yours Truly A. K. McCLURE. Valentine Jilm He 1 trick Jacob t.

Snider Peter Miller Samuel HollhiKer John Swisher Hiram HHintr-ir David Ijt.itrmrd John Snively Goorire Greene wait Nicholas Stonr John Cordelt Henry Gillan Thomas Burns Patrick Smith Jacob Smith Daniel King Lemuel Tronkleton David Deitrich David Strite David Burger Levi Middonr Georga Vemifhlarfer Henrv Clark lwin Wilt Jacob Peterson Cyrus Proard S.unuel Provinger Daniel Wilbeim Michael vers David Bickley Charlea McLeary James Kuhn Adam Powell John Rtmhart Korge tiood Unvld lif JonephuH White John Rtlner Peter Ftrine Elwrt Sinn ue I Punt Daniel Uiue Hury Philipy 8am net Jr Smith Samuel Gordon John Kt.rer William Jr Ilollitiper Samuel Kibor CorneliuH Gerhart Wm Holts John "Wingeid Tohn Skipj? Lewis Iantx Jacob lhultecker George HrentlinT Jobu HoHtnper Willium Miller Irtaac Stumbniigii Samuel Koust Rett lien Hvkew Daniel Shatsler Jaooh Stothour Samuel Moore Samuel Miller James -Switther Grafton Bar tell Samuel MARRIED. On the 9th by the Rev. 8. McHenry, Mr, Philip C. Orr, to Miss Cohdilla M.

Kohlsa, all of Fayetteville. On the 14th Inet. by the Rev. J. Dicksoti, Mr.

Gkorgc H. Chlb, of Crawford county Pa. to Miss EuzABsm Hazlbtt of this place. On the lth Inst, by the Rv. G.

R. Zchnr-ias. Hi. Jacob KAvmrAirto Mirts L. BarrroN, both of Upper Serasburg Franklin county Pa.

Very at his late residence in' the Borough of Orr town, on the morninr of the 18th inat Capt. James Bard, In the 68th year of his ago. LFBGAX TOWNSHIP. Kendig Levi Wine Isaac Important one, the right of criticising the acts WASHrXGTOjr TOWKSniP. On the 4th inst.

near Grindstone Hill, Jons ZrrzvAN of Bavuria, aged 64 years 4 months and 23 dny. On the 7th Inst, near Murion, Mr. Hkmb'y Stickkli. aged 72 ream 9 months and 17 days. On the 12th inst.

near New Franklin, this county, from woundt received by the aceiden -tal explosion of a shell, Mr. Dan int. McPheb-rkn, afted 20 years 6 months and 2 days. On the 80th nit. in Hamilton towosliip Edward Cuntoh, Son of Michnel and Susan Dinnl, aged 3 years 6 months 15 days.

On the 7th inst. jiear Marion. John Son of George and Margaret Stever, aged 9-years and 4 days. On the 9th intg. by the Rev J.

Stock, Mf. Ctbos GraoBicH of London, Franklin to Miss Emma Jank, daughter of Jacob Eberly Esq', of Cbambersbnrg; Pa. of our public servants, whether the condition of the country is one of war or peace. The support already given to the Administration by the Democratic party, we are constrained to believe, has been too "unconditional." They have gone further than patriotism required they have trusted too long and too confidingly. Without a word of reproaoh, they have winked at sins of omission and com Hollar Jacob Long William A 4 Mowery William Miller Edmund Kennedy Lemuel Hummel Samuel Douglas Alexander FHckinger Henry Holtry Peter Kuhn John Pax ton Joseph Sanders John FHckinger Rich aid Myers Christian -i Holtry Samnel Coleman John Eutzy Charles Hamilton John Gie Joseph HockenbetTT James Ocker David Selbeimer David Snoke Stephen Pise.ll John Gamfer George A Swanger Daniel Long David Bear John Rots John 0 Lone Wm McKnight John Lindsy Epbraim Deal John Stoufer Elias Grove Isaas Rots David Miller Michael Taylor David Reed George Ditzler Emanuel Wyncoop John Jr Reed James 1 Hoeflich John Stoufer Abraham Taylor Jhn Potter William Bear Christian Bear John- -Hummeis Wm Bonebmke Jacob Gall John Harrey Lewis Kechler Wm Hughe Wm Sarbangh Geo Jr Funk Henry of Shank Samuel mission, at blunders and abuses, at weakness -Accident from shell McFerren, residing in Guilford township, this county, was killed on Sunday last, by the explosion of a percussion shell.

Mr. McFerren was endeavoring to open the shell when it exploded, wounding him so severely that he died in a few hours. Burkett Fiederlck Lesher Frederick Iiewher David Fox David (Farmer) Fits Samuel of Wasam George Gtpe Samiiel Jr Coonly Levi Stephy Joseph Hoover Jacob Socks Ferdinand WileeEldon -Carbangh George Bear Ephrafm Nicodemns Samuel West Charles Welsh John Spongier Jonathan EldtmMtlchl Booebiaka John Keadv Jacob "WeUel Jacob McKee John Em ley Lewis Deitrich Matthew ssse NEW ArkVCTiTTCSlfWTMTa Speelman Calvin 4 -i Brown Samuel DeHaven Jno Mowery tmuel after weakness, amounting almost to imbecility, until we find the country upon the very verge of ruin, toppling over the edge of the precipice, almost ready to fall. When the President imprudently listened to the "On to cry of Abolition politicians, the first battle of Bui! Run was fought, resulting in the defeat and disorganization of the Ftdei-al army and so great was the peril, that, had the rebels known the extent of our weakness and Burkholder Joaech 0 Bitner David ESTRAY. C'Aine to the residence of Ihe subscriber, rrictinj in the vilbtge of Quincy, on (he4th'bf October, a KINDLE STKRR.

bot three years oW, with Um left estr out off. Tbe owner is requested loeoree forward, prove property, pay oharriw ot, take frtum ftwT or be will bo deUt with accorrtinE to inw. Another. Accident. Mr.

Joseph Shatxley, an old citisen of this place, accident-ly fell through the hatch-way of the Barn of Mr. Wm. Deardorff. residing near Fayetteville, and was so severely injured that he has since died. Reasman John Bitner Solomon Shockey Isaac Fran te fclem Joaeph Funk Henrj Stoler Adam Kriner Daniel Bashore Emanuel Rebuck Joseph Cover Joseph Rebuck John HAJfTLTOK TOWNSHIP Myers Michael Ridgely Charles Piigh Jacob Kosez Jacob O0R NEAT PRIJrriSG..

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