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The Indianapolis News from Indianapolis, Indiana • Page 1

Indianapolis, Indiana
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

i i at I ft t. i WHQLJ. 0 Wwuiauiin. towenwttnw Wan PM mub dv, must be handed la et ike counting before on 'clock. viztrai yATbaIu1 a tf Vortk Tana Alii A puna at toe bi.

Cbarle hotel. AATkI IldaaDg Mock. Iowa. koot epslde Biae tf A KTkl ftool 'Sf Onto St. oook.

Imntadietei, Mia Ihi I 7 AfcTZb fc'MTtxM UlMUfuUli 7 toe vouar ausre. a AM I. pi rsos Hear bmiui. It r.ciaiiiinfflt tu aaa vm ew York gallery. AK1TI eMorern4setotteettMAeYrnart'S It KWii nlogtoaai.

aoa AAT.1 A good (irl tor iunl kauMmi AK1U A nod Ul girl at 1st all xona leaBMeet et. A KTHe To from I At) to 0OO. Wm. a. TKi l.aold Bau BMMig(dBtM bt waau johbb, bi yitt'h ABTlLlS Olrl forfaocral hooaawotCS food watait Vonli Aisbams at.

I 1 1 yr wo, A A fffwi omea. I fARTSl A altoatloB by a rood axsariaocad Baraa. Addraaa 1 Eaat PraH St. aBal TtTATKI taftat dam if area's, Biona raaBsriTBoia Bt. i TOi1 K.1RbBI enaaa aoota.

air; 7 Maaa. aoota. goaaauiara and Iff fir Akl LDWorBMl BatawnBceraaBd dutaca ffff a aaaaatooaaa aaw; 7 aiaaa. ara. ATK To par eh for a boraMd pbaetoa ab (III TrTKI Biloauoii tor aa eurl Boer taa yeara aiprrtoaeaiT.

J. Radclltfg, 74 DoBlop. BB ol WAA1 Cl To boy lr lut ta bold aoout tOtfaJioaa. Addraaa Watar, Raws. Baal Alia Ka ti. at far, emoaa wo.aa. ai tUttTUK ldy partaar wlia from B4UV to a a bixiio. Aoaraaa ro lacua I acu braaea, awa.B I Ail I Two or tbraa BDfornlnhcd rooma, cBtraliy lecwad. Addrw yawa.Bl tl AJTlCI irpay lortuna toiler. 13 N.

MaawtBV, for one wek only.obai lMtlK('lnir ciolhlnf; blrbaat prioca paid. Addxaatiajt. Waaa. Bt. tra.l.6esar.

a Uf WAVlKlr MiualioB, Cumpianl bookkeeper, is'o oajacUoa to tb road call oa J. R. UC. Bttt VP fAJiTRie Parttea taat waotaiManoBa toeail at iba AaMiton ampiraaaat oXUoa. Vaaoe ftlorr, no.

la. i A A rut K.I tils M. lltjtf an4 aaieaniaB (i to aw par am. naire taat bl art atau WABTtLlWamaa tor opaialra work, help wltb waabloc aad Intnla bbA eara of child. rBBtt7illortaiaiBwaraat.

Baa AM IUa Obb Bratlaaa ulmmar for milil Berr rsoaa otbera Deed atply. W. Wood' wummrwait, WAKT SU A young BaaB aaeotry clerk (nail, be ood paomau. rapid aod correct; apply ta Ontliib Ul twotb Mwldiaa aU I AKTEIbapdblie to try tba Coterprtaa, hotel, ftl Maaa. ava.

Street can from depot. medaeed ratea ta aoaroera. rtrawiaaa AIITRU Byarybody Ibat neaoa laboreraof Iff aay kind to call or addraaa taa Amarlcaa ttf It a AJSTttLr Mlutlon or partoarablp by com Iff pateatana worootaMnKaaepersoityrei araaaaa. Accountant. Kawa oHtca.Ba fA.rn.wJ I AMI ho Aa ez parte uoed saaa to select Uaa bar, aad rxparteocea WBoei no ib ovary Aapartmaau OolumbDA Btcr Co Volombtu, B'o X' ab WAaTtIlI Ivary on to ao that Joho kt.

Raty la pitch and rrarel roofer, Keatocky laoianapoUa. 1'aiBla Ua root aaoond coat, Bad repair roof a. 1. lbil WAHTh.1) Ooco pant for farnUbed or oof up Biabed room. iBclodlni parlor, bed rooma, kltcbaa.

cellar aad water, ate no atnaUcblldrea. Addreas Bewa office, ttatl i ARTRl BltaaUoa by a ateady youaa auaa la a prfTBta familr. to take care of Bad do general aoaaework eaa tT uod refar enoe. Addreaa CRawaolnca. Boat WAfilOoa to hava yoaraewiDf macblaea repairad by a competent adjostar, aod war ranted eae year by a leaponalblaoompaay, at Ho.

Maaa. are. Xwmeallc tvM. Co. ul a WAJITRDTeama for railroad work la Darke cooaty, Ohio: pay arery week apply to Kearsey Urabatn.

ca Fletcher bbrpe block, ta Andrew bbaa, Nl Weal South at. ml AJla.I 1 fia public to kaow Vr. A. 3. Mor rls.

deatlat. baa retnoTed bi dental pari on to MS,oppoaiiataaNew Yorkatora; trat claea dontlatry atreaaoaabla ratea. ooa WAJiTavle Wc are dally reeelTtBf the latest atylea Of paper palterai at ttrMaetiDr machiae and paper faablaB parltn; catalorne free. IS Nona Peaotylvanlast. nit VP rAKTKD Board and fnrnialiad or nnlnraisb ad room la a Bral elaaa boardioB bodaa.

for a.iadr. aad child three years old can Tornlab na rcfarepo. fiewt eO ee. I AM k.l Areata for my lata Improved sya tem for cuiiiua draaats: tba moat almpla aad perfect moda bow in aaa; It can ba taught In a raw miaulea. For 'farms addraaa' I Dili on.

Mo. SI Laurel lBdlaaapolla. I IT ANTKD Builneaa. To purchase tba whoia ar half Interest la a bnalneaa. mannlactunnc preferred, wbera lbs aerrlcea of a lira boalntas maa aiiBlAacaa ba profitably aaed relerenoa TTeai aaa Aaareaa i.

jtreaat, nwn. rA1U All peraoaa fcarlnc sftf proparty ta aell or axebaara to eall at 4S Nor lb Dala waraat. and leare deecripudn and make arranre menta wlia a. Wa ars basin oalla for hoaeea asS tola, aaa cas aell Usm. Mills FnUaa wider, at Worth Delaware at.

BB a rANTlir) Dont fall to see the Ufht rdnniac Doaiertlc" swlor machine before yoo bay. Elkbteea rears of practical Baa baa demonstrated tba fact that ft ta tba otvly high armed mac nine adapted to all claaM of work, and It ta to day tha rtooajoited standard of tu pertortty. iMKBeaue. H. at.

IS Wena PeBBsyleaalaat. nit WAV5TED jo for 1 galioa maple tynip too for 1 ponod Imperial taa; Duo fori pound yoBn hyaoa tea. US )rl ib.ot RioeofTee, graea ISo for I lb. of awtdea Rio. gresa loc or 1 caa of oorn lucforl cava af peas.

tieorge J. Hammel iie bob are. AKTkD Madam LiriBgttooai SM Rlaca tells past. preaeBt and tutors events, recon VP ciles quarrel betweea maa and wife also ba twaea sweetheart and rover tails where stolen goads eaa Be found also baa great magaeue poa' BrforbeaUagpaina, Bad relieves some ta a few Btoaieau.aiid lurolsbescbaruof Inctu' Call from to 11 a. m.

I lo p. m. i BBO wJmr iirmii. miiciiL udxai estatb THK INDIA HA lSVlaTMKNT Bankers ana brokers. Dealer la 1 veouaent aecwrlUra, stocks, bonds Bcreal eetate.

West Washington street, aaoond ioor, tront, Wa traaaact a geDeral bank lag bualneva. We receive depoalta In snms of one dollar and apwarda. subject to withdrawal at any time without ao lice, and allow Interest oa' monthly bal Bniasit acootuits of worldnr maa and vresaaa aortcued. i If ffo ars anacctittomed ta tha trao tarsi on of aaalBesa. or It yoa have any surplus meant which pays yoa bo interest, yoa will And tblaoomnany a aafa, pro a labia and oonvauieot medium aad do itvry i diacoaiBt good eommerctsl aad mortgsjre aper.

ktcal foraiaa.axtd loam moaey i pproved aecartty. Aarafully 'Betected Investmeat aerurltlea aad and aeUlag good Interest pAylng real eataia a Opea every day from I a. to p. m. inara welcomed oorreapondeaee solicited, O.

J. H. Himn, Prelat. 1 OHT Redaolng stock; Boot apatdt dowa. Xj ml Sa LOfT A blacc aad tea Uordoa Better; li re Return lo 1M Minerva at.

nst OHT Part of ear ring, near mr the coraer of Jt. Leave at this 1 Mil MM Waahlartoa and Meridian. amce and get reward. ObT Tsra Hags ana culit and tba other aaaeyav hit dear aaaetbyat set, the letters 1.9. and O.

K. ta ifa.AojrustM. 71. In the family circle at Rbf liab's opera bouse, Vredaeeday aiiaraooa. uoerai reward wui pa paifl lor tue return ta as VW.W.

street. rouic Vmbrellaa at lbs Dollar FOUD Reductof stock. Boot ttpsule down. Bi oa BI1 Worn out lis is. wnn aera and Muter.

medegood as aew. 7 Maaa, ava. us ot tOl'M Zlnrara, tba gypy fortuue teller. El IS'. Delaware sL.

for one week Oolr. ab nl "COCIfD Tbecbeapest place to buy tin aad glass wares at boleasle. at bio. at aad boutb Del awareat. JobaA.Lroes.

ts fESSOIAia PKJtBOKAX Dlebold Bate and Lack gea eral ageocy No. Maaonlc Teatple, uh a ERhb'SAX Zlnganulbsgxpsy. fortuoe teUer. A ta S. 1 VI so art at for uue week paly a I FLR D.

oeaxed to be my aeat for gaa regulatora. or to be other wise la. my employ, on Baterdty, February 4, KwAiaQvts, ure rex eilb ox nxss. BALK OR TRADBV4B acre farm mllea west of taoclry.oa tba aauaaal pika. Baaly imMWved.Xva, W.R.

MJck A Co star BS BB) ACCTUI EALS. HUNT A MrCCRDT, real sawata aad gaaaeal aactissesrs. awat Waaalagiaa at. as foixzn KKST aic ff. AJateokk M.

FOKHUlt Bwm toe Uop. 14 tadiAOA DC ltl BI OB FOJt Rliri ruraUfaed room, UC Sortk III "mi Wit KlLNT triUufoUbd rooms. It Hmmchn BrtUBTBB. BBO! KKT Two rooms, doa niBin, 71 Wcat. X1 Km Kl ST riTB roonu IB udaU UatU.

CU Bt iw n(iB BTraun. HIMH tnrnt uli of rooms bb Uid. Prwt Boor, noowrwt Bobbb. bo OR REST rorolHBBd noma for Ujht nooaer rxK REST PloBSBnl rurolBBBd frost room for roU ma. utR.

iniBoti atrcct. I bmb lor i gDUmB a hl micbubb. IUH EAT Fits. Boras, Boubs and lOrcBsrd. mlloa a.

w. of cltr. Oltrar bib! EOa REST Plraaant furnUhad Bod onfur 1 Blabad rooma, ui H. If mldlaa atrrat. ul yoR REST A nicely furnished room Is wngofs Jut.

oiock, io ta, i TJOB RIHT FurBlsbed and uafurnlahad rooms, at lTaaarglBia ave. tll Immediately, nl ot RXT Furnished room, with board, also A a few day Boaraers wanted, ltx K.OBio. an bt FOR RUT Room ea suite, farnUbed or not with every con vealence 7s IC M. York, ul 1 mmu i rurniaoea rooms ror 'X I very alee Bnfurniabed, 74 K.

N. Jersey, nl If OH REST Desk room with telephone accom nwwm, mt rpgih e. mmm ji. jmjss. una bOK KKKT A new plana, cheap, room stoat block, car.

Circle and Market streets, na ol RJLM1 Sa U. no. cigar, pmose mo. nt M1A RAJKT A very deeiraMe front office, on second floor, Black ford a block J. R.

ttoott. RRNT HpleodTd rooma, with or without A. board, fornlshed or sTV Home avenue. nl ot LjOK RilftT Two furnished irout r.xims, lor maa and wife or gentlea.aa, luv West Near York atreet. nstt "CH1K BUT Half of basinesa room, oa MaaaacbBaeiia good fecetloa.

daress B. Kews office. ut FOR BJL5T Nice Jar furnished front room for young tnen. also suite of rooms for man and wife. News.

hi IJHlBRKNT House X0.TM&. Market street. rooma, large stable. Apply to Win. Ripley, fCRRINT Htore room, beat location In city far retail hardware store.

Inquire o( Morris dt JtN. Delaware street. Bill FOR BKT Jarden farm of tea acres. I sod a ball miles west ol ctiy. Call at North Del aware at.

r. Jt. lomnnson. an ni 1TOR Rinw Furbished room for gentlemea. wltb bath room aod every cOBvculenos attached lau West Oblo atreet.

nt a TTOR BXHl House, 11 rooms, stable, lanre jl yam, gooa. BetgiiDornooa.kwper monin. 1. A. flood win, Thorpe block.

an 10R RKST Two furnished room, for gentie men also aniurniaued rooms lor Boosekeep. log. at 117 N. Mississippi street. ul I'OB Rs NT Desirable desk room, ground Hour, on 1'ennsrlvania street, near Washington, Address Desk Room, this office, ui FOX RKST Furnished or unfurnished front rooms, en suite or single, and cheap sleeping rooms, private sjnlly.centrsJ.

K. Onlo. nlol TOR RKST FurBiabed room. In private fami ly, suitabls for gentlemen, location central; beet of references required; W. Illinois, nsel InOK Ka.Nl mall gardes farm and bouse rooma, mllea north of city, on central ava.

K. P. Pain, agent. No. VI E.

Market street, osot 17 Oil RAN A fifteen room bouse, centrally located, adapted to keeping bosrdfrs, would like to sell the furniture. Addreas I WR.KKNT Double palorajtbw pleasant rooma 1 la and td Moors, furnished and unfurnished, water aod steam heal, lis W. New Jersey at. ul ol rooms, furnished or onfurnished, within two aqoarea of Waahlngtoa street. Hi Indiana ave nue, nwm vu JOR RRBT Room bow oocopted by i.

M. 8ta art, mercnani tauor, ro. it nouin sienoian atreet possession given March J.iR. boott, Blackford block. tug.

IOR RUN Two rooms, centrally located: 1 suitable for light housekeeptoe. or within bal block of good board references ratiuired. la quire North Illinois street. not FOR RRNT No. Vance block, front on Wath logton street, no more desirable locality In the city for printing office or other business taquirlag steam power.

Inquire Bralaard Ronton, room a Vance nl a rOR RENT The large bnck buUding on West Maryland street, between Meridian and Illinois, known as the" Elliott three stories bisrb and seventy foot front. Apply to Stewart A Harry. 48 and Ml Booth Meridian 1101' roi aasBasajajaaBjsss HALE Gossamers, at the Dollar Store, Fob FOR SAUC Reducing slock. Boot opslde down. Bloa TJOR BALK A fint daat vloiinoaUo, cheap, a A.

inaianaave. it OR SAlVK Aa ornamental sign lamp pant, at Albert Gall's. nhs 8ALB A two seated carriage, cheap, at XCoUegeave. uitl OR BALK Old papers, 49 oeau per hundred, at Tbe News office. BALK Milk and butter depot, cheap, 47 N.

New Jersey su utol BALK Oprlghi plauo, nearly aew, at a up sulrs. asol BALK A brand new fit baby carriage tor fs. ai ma ri. Delaware at. nst; OR BALK Blacksmith shop aad tools.

North Meridian three miles. Bno! 5 BALK Dry mill wood and saw dust. Tela pnone to carter at ieas miu. 1 uni OB SALE House of four rooms, Brooluide ave Sbuo. Apply S7 Vandee su unh l' BALK baw mill and 2B acres of timber.

Jj. K. lxmoret. Fisher's Bwlich, Ind. nOR BALK Dry kindllug wood, tl per load.

141 B. Alabama. J. L. Blackmaa, wood yard, uh a HORBALK a.

No. J. so. cigar, smoke wo. s.

utt WB BALK Fine walnut desk and coanter. suit able for hotel or office. K. Washington at. ot FOR BALK Wood har crimper at Woodan War store, 4 N.

Illinois su Wringers ra ps rea. FOR BALK IS yard of carpetlag, base burner, nearly new; also, oil stove, cheap. Address 8, this office. nstt FOR BALK The cheapest place 10 buv stoves, Ub and glassware, at ft a. stand Mi 8.

Dela ware su jonn x. x.yons. 11 ujus vii moiHuir paymenia ana West su. convenient lostuost raids. A.

Goodwin, Thorpe block. St FOR BALK A very detlraoleloion NtKaatst between alaut and bt. Clair ats. Lnuuire at Christian Brink's, 48 K. WashUigton tt.

FOR BALK Business, If yon wast to buy or Btll any kind of established business, call 00 Hamlin A Co North Delaware street, tt FOR BALK Good stock of groceries, with lair trade, reasonable rent, ln good business cen ter, isoi oa jtakemeyer, Virginia ave. not BALKA 11 kinds of bnllding lowest market prices, rail and aeena, Kldrtdge dt Alabama dt Maryland as 1 POR BALK On monthly paymente Neat cot taga. s4 Arsenal a splendid house for railroadman. T. A.

Goodwin, a Thorpe bl'k. es FOR BALK Cheap, and reasonable payments doable house. No. tt! Davidson by U. A.

Wargler, real estate and rental agent. No. hi Coburn st. I BALK Fixtures fur a grocery store, in eluding tea aad coffee cans, conee mill also, a good platform sprmgwraAen, covered, iZ7 North Illinois su FOR BALK A first class Vstory traius of tea rooms, oa North Kast su. at the biggeu bargala In this dty st.oos.

W. X. Mick dt K. Market St. XOR BALK Valuable maaufactunng Site, lo cated oa good railroad switco aadoentralto bo si ess.

Coffin, Oreenatreet dt Fletcher, No, jwaro 01 iraoe oouaing. (ja oa 1 OR BALK New organ, very pretty solid blacn walnut eaaea. SDlaadld tone. folly warranted for yaara, for on easy monthly payments, at Fearsoa'g music house, tt N. Pennsylvania sU i.

tiso BALK All overcoat and. aUterettes at; actual New York cost, aad so marked in plain figures, at and 7 West aahlngtoa the Famous Kagie. One price. This house ba no conBectioa whataoaver with any clothing bouse la Muscii), 1 IWR BALK A tlve room bouse, north a est, for sixmo, cash fM. balance la moo inly pay menu, a bargala; also, a number of eottageaaad large houses at various pnoea and good terms also, a well established bakery, with lease on property: also, am all farms near city.

J. W. Brown, is Tiiorpe block. 7 iu Market st. na J0R BALK Fiae bargain oa W.

Karylaadau Large eleven room, east front house on CoUeg Urge tot, ftOl. Fibs etght roosn brick, oa Fsrke ve ft An. Two story frame, bay windows. Inside sbattert. four mantebt, large east front lot, aa Mew Jersey very cheap, piAJO.

fj Kltbl rooen cottsge. Bellefootalne st Blx room oottaga, Bradshaw su, tl 300. Borne extra bargains In fiae property, oa North Tennessee, Dataware ranging UvaUSXB to rjt)oou. pol BALK List of first class farms, by W. E.

40 acres, Jeffersoa eoualy, for aiToss el acre. Marioa county, miles clly t.t a acres, slsrioo eoanty. for irA. 7 0U9 14 acres, Btaeiby oouaty, for 1a acres, Hamilton 00a sty, 14 miles city ISO 1st acres, MoDtgotDery ooaaty, ror io acres, jt mot county, aouta mi MIIM Willi, BUNJIn, acree, Marioa roaaly, grand farat. t.SW IV ee U.ISS) 7 JOS sores, li am tea county, aulas aty lot acres, aaacooaly.4 mllea I agaaapart INDIANAPOLIS, BALK On moatbly payments lat Kddy Bt tsraffffwrrw snap wsugaaaax, BaiaigBs at Avaul sswvbt' wib.

aw i norpa mticc. mm tO UAX .1 "0 LOAN Money Barnard A Bayie. as rpo Wl Money oa mortgage. 0. Uoffltv aroaer.

a a rjt LOAN Money on first mortgage. Wm, H. am moos, is vlrgl nia ave. nael rpOLOAN Mosey to loan on mortgage, Thoav v. Moore, lenoaraef iraoa.

iiAoa LOAB Money oa all article of value at 1 B. Illinois st. Joseph Bolomoo, ub TO LOAN 3 JOW at per private fnnda. Judab A Caldwell, Bt K. Wash.

St. ass LOAS AUD00 on dty or farms. Tba very lowest rates. Oorsnch, Va. are.

ul to LOAB Oa first mortns sums tOM and an wara. m. e. vinton in ion oiock. rpO LOAN We have some money to loaa at a J.

low rate of iBtereat. JobnB. Bpann AOo tas fTO LOAN Monev at six ner farm or dtv property. H. McKay, IOdd Fellows ball, na TO LOAN Private fnnd at a low rate of la teresU Is sums of f2.VU to oa basinesa or naioence property.

tanoa at awott, xuscs ford block. s' TRADE SfiOO wwrtfrjf millinery and bo iiona. sjb, ewsemce. 1 1. FOR TRADK Block clothing and genu furnishing goods, fZAte to M.Oou worth, for 0ty ropeny or farm.

Address 7 central ave. nso I OR TRADK Lot oa Hoyt avenue and fl.OQO caan lor noose Bonn aiao amau rarms lor city praperty and assume or pay cash difference. FOR TRADE A very nice one story and bait frame on N. Pennsylvania street, rooms, for a dwelling on Meridian, Pennsylvania or Delaware, and pay casta difrereace. W.

K. Mick A E. Market atreet. SEKOTAJa RKMOYAL To Ho, as and Booth Delaware street, where I will Keep a full line of stoves, tin and glaaa wares. Do a geaemliob workln tin, sheet Iron and copper.

John A. Lyons. REMOVAL BandaU A Fish, printers, have removed to the elegant and commodious room oa ground floor. In Fletcher A Bbarpet block, Zl South Pennsylvania street, where they have better fscilltlesAhsn ever before for ail work In their line. Fine catalogues and pries lists a specialty.

HOMES AID TBI0L8. T70R BALK Hone, spring wagon and harness, at Rider's stable, 44ii K. Washington su us si A NTKD Horse aad delivery wagon must becneap. with terms, and where same Can be seen, 0, Sew omoe, nl 1 1 WASTKD Two hundred buggies and carriages to repaint and repair repairing neatly and promptly dons all lis. blanches at 111 and lit Kast Market St.

J.J.Kramer. oos FOR BALK Carrlages. finer style, larger variety, better material, more carefully finished than ever built In this city 2d hanjl vehicles cheap repairing and repainting ln best manner, at reasonable figure. Bobbins K.Uorgla tu AJlOTJJOElttlTn, jjlBHES cheapest at the Dollar Store. our thluglet of K.

ILKldridge ACo. OLIVER M. WILbON Law office, Room 14 Brandon block. usot TMBRELLAB and parasols mads and repaired ai Virginia ave. r.

naruy. 10 "1RING your broken umbrellas to Parker's onv At brerja factory. 75 W. Market su nso I Z1NU4 RA, tbe gypny fortuoe teller, 13 North Delaware lor one week only. uh tl Oi, Noils.

I'o. cigar. ftmoke Ho. 3i. lOR LKaSK Motel, neatly A newly furubthed, near Union depot.

Address, Hotel, New office. (J)oano ri SEK'and price the natural waves, bangs aod montlguee sold by Mis K. Fbelan.iet K. Wash i gton su i los HACKS First clam backs and livery of every description to hire at reasonable prices, at Kiplry 's, No. Tl Wv Market su lelephoae or IIA tLABBKS In phonography constantly terming at Hartleys academy: Piitmann system.

Terms very reasonable. Kvenlng classes at 7 M. ausf Jit. O. V.

A. M. All persons Interested in tbe reorganisation of the order are reiuetcd. to meet at l'J North DelaBrare thu evening JAM. M.

VkBK. LADIKls AND EN Tl KM EN, call and seethe large and new aatorlment of maaquerade aults for the big carnival, at Hit Ornnmaan's, KB South Illinois Bulla furnished at reasonable price. uh PKEhCRIPTION'8 earefully and accurately compounded, from pure drags, without omission or substitution, at Bcotfs drugstores, 61 Indiana ava, and sooth end Virginia ave. Telephone at both places. 1 ua aHK Ladles' Society ol the First Baptist cbarch will give a musical and literary entertainment and supper this evening at.

Mrs. Funk hooter's, fis N. Delaware tu, trow to 10 o'clock p. m. AdmlssloB, 2Sc JCfeT RBCK1VED For February The' latest styles ln paper fashions; also, another car load of those favorite light running "Domestic sewing machines, ftl the "Domestic" aewlng machine and paper fashion parlors.

No. ION. Penn yivaaiasu. I YOU WANT i I If yon' want valent4nesor masks, It yon want kid gloves or If yon waat hosiery or underwear. If you want baby carriages, If you want velocipedea or wagons, go to Plumb A Co.t.

UN. Meridian tU ueht rpH CITIZKNB' ODORLESS COMPANY. X.i Officecroom 7 Baldwin block, Corner Market aod Delaware streets. Vaults, sinks, cleaned by their Improved and odorless apparatus. Orders by postal card promptly attended to.

AU places cleaned by tnls cotupauy dlaiufected free of charge. as m.w.f nVKNAb standard Ice cream takes the lead la this dty prices reasonable. Quality un equaled. Don't forget that I am a wholesale milk aad cream dealer, and raise my owa sweet cream, using only the very best for Ice cream. Don forget that I make more fee cream than any other foor bouses i combined, and don't for get to give me a trial.

Furnas, 4 Mas aacbusetts avenue. to 1 POLITICAL. 1 FOR APS KSftOR. Center township, H. W.

White, subject to the republican convention, March 4. IOR ASSESSOR Of Center township, Ren Ran, subject lo the decision of republican nominating convention, to held March 4, lvrl. a FOR JCSTICK OF THK PKACK of Center townahlp. i.M TUford, subject to the republican nominating convention. March 4, 1B8Z.

ut UOR JCBTICK OF THK PKACK of Outer township, Theodore W. Peaae. candidate for reuoniluaMoB. subject to the republican nominat ing convention, March ISA nhs BOCLETX MEETIfSa. MAVONIO Indianapolui Chapter No.

K. A. M. Slated meeting to night at 7 JO o'clock. stork at.

st. decree. isitinr companion vitea. H00A.B Pamar, H. P.

as. ruHit. sec. MA KON IC Called meeting of Oriental lixtse No. too, this (Friday) evenlugat 7 o'clock.

Work Tliirl degree. rain. s.rATita, tt John M. Bamwkix, Sec. o.

K. b. Biated meeting of Queen Kotber Chapter. I. at Msaonlc Temple, this even ing at Visitors welcome.

si. a. uould, w. au Bait E. E.molb, Bee i THE Young Christian Temperance Union will meet this (Friday evening at the home of Mum Dunlon.

North Pehnjtylvao.e at. Members and friends oordtaliy invited. KMua jokoam, pres. E. E.OLIVRB.

Bee. I AO. H. All members of division No 1 are re uue ted to meet at their ball at 7:10 this evening, te make arrangements to attend the funeral of Florence McCarthv at a m. Satur day, from St.

Patrick'a cburcn. Members of divisions 2 and are respectfully Invited to attend, Wat, BflODkBJcii. Pres. P.MOBIABTT.R. 8.


F. Kotloe hereby riven to the members of Metrenolltan Kit campment. No, and Marioa Encampment. No. tn.thal at the regular meeting to be held oa Mon day evening, February BJ, In Grand Encanin meai nail, question or conaoudaung the two eacampmentA.

wtil be conaidered'. Pstriarcht of botn enoauipmeni are earnestly requested to attend, that there may be a full expreasioa opia tea oa the subjects David E. Ramd. C. f.

Jnt. S. WATHotf. Per. scribe.

nl iKPiAfArous, February 12, 11C To the Officers and Members of Victoria Lodge, no. X.M ix.t Brethren In the providence of God are ara St am railed open to luoura the loaa of ode Of oar or et area. Bro. Samuel Job nsoa departed this life on tbe list day of January. A.

D. 14 Therefore, be It Resolved. That in his death tbe brotherhood baa lost a worthy kalsht; tbe wife a devoted husband, aad the children a kind and affectionate father; be It Resolved, That we, as a lodge, do deeply sym pa 1I1 tre with lbs widow sad cbildrea el eurde parted Brother la their sad bereavement be It Resolved, That three reaoiaiiooe be a pre id ef record ia oar too tbat a copy ba presented to the widow, and that taey be published la eae or asereat.oarcHr Bewepaners. AU at auica it reapeciruuy suosniiiea in w. nt 0 t.

aatavHBButa. 1 v. si rvosamtuea. U. w.uaat.

FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 17, 1882. 1 FFLICTF Bead FreegraUe. NO knife; Be cauallci asea. ivna stamp lur.

tieorre Coulle, I txllso spoils. rpO OROCERBI have eemoved to No. SouUi A Meridian at. I 1 K. O.

RaolbTi Wnoleaate grocers' sn ndrlea. DIED. MAJORH Carna. rtsurhter af Btenhea and Ad die L. Majors, aged nine rears aad at months, of membranous rroup, st lOiaBo'clork last alghu Faneral will take place to morrow (Saturday) at It.

from tbe retldeace, Ui park avenue. Service su Joseph charcnL Tbe friends are in viiee 10 sireno. 1 JL PK0TEST. Bcsolitibna Alopted hj the 4vU lljitnlst. ja Utk.

"Salt Lake, FebrnAry IS AtB meetiaf 01 prominent (jennies di itu, last mijnt, the foUowiag preamble find resolqtion were adopted: I Whereas. Tbe lecislktrire of Utah, now in si on In this city, to day adopted a concurrent resolution proteeting agaiimt tha pasts go by congress of any bills duuraachinng polygamuts, but Instead thereof praying congress to eenda committee to Investigate the condltioa of thluge Ul aj tan Resolved. That mid action to merely a Dolvg moot blujr, ia trick to gain, time that If' it 111. .1.1 1. win, wvwe tci ueu sui divine lterToJu6n ln faroC of polygamy and una it to excite the jnames ot the; Mermou people against tbe just authority of the national government; that the fart that three fourths of this legislature are themselves practically polyg amistg' expose the oondiiion of things' in.

Utah without the intrveiition of an inrestlt tingcommitte; that their (action in' this case betrsvs their fear that the disfranchising of po will break" np polygamy, and, there tore, inoicaies precisely wnai con gresa.OTight to do; that tre most reBpectfully urge oii)rrcis not to be deterred from performing 'the good work In which It If engaged' by the proWsbr ot men who are ao knowledged nolygsmists ithemselves, and who adopt this deferential attitude! onlv because their ordinary attitude of defiance will not, ap parently, serve tnem in a mortal emergency that there need be no leaf of oonvnlslon or dis turbance If eonerees now adopts effective measures to tetttle Utah attain; but that, if it doe the aim pleat duties of statesmanship will bave disregarded, at they have too long been, arid the chance Of peacefully settling Utah, affairs will, by thus much, have been placed in jeopardy, i Indleauona. WimrvnMa V.1.m.1 1T TAaniHVlVilCVIIlUI A I STJHHW ee and Ohio TsJJey ana lower lake region, colder, cloudy weather, with enow, northerly veering to easterly winds, and Higher pressure. CFEBEIsT HEWS COKDEXSEIK Ben Hill ia betters I Mardi graa at Xtw Orleans last night. ScoTilleia going on the lecture plat form. I The mih Ury academy at Cheater, burned vesterdsy.

Loaa, $200,000. John Bosaell is understood to hare been offered the Chinese nusaion. The totai loss by the Louisville fire yester day is about $140,000, with losarance ef At St. Louis yesterday 320,000 bushels of wheat were sold for immediate export via New Orleans. The president has accepted the resigns tion of Ward Hunt, associate justice of the anpreme.

I The governor of Virginia has ordered out troops to suppress an oyster war at the mouth of the BapDahannock. air. tsoyce, 01 the vincinnatt DoerJ public instata Lthat electric lielt wires must run under ground. A railroad ticket agent named rank tl. Keen, who was stationed at Pomeroy.

Ohio, has been arrested at Peoria lor embezzlement. John Hichwmrden died at Marion, Ohio, latteyening while under influence of ehlorotonn, submitting to a surgical operation. 1 Thus far at the ifamson revival meet ings at St. Pan! M. E.

tmurch, Cincinnati, there have been aw seekers, ana mo nave professed conversion. 1 President Arthur gave his first state dinner in the White house last night, to which were invited the heads of the foreign le gations inWashington.l rue coioreu juouee singers were last night denied admission to every hotel in Washington, and until after, midnight did not $nd a place to sleep. 1 I Senator Lamar, who waa seriously in jured by being run overj by a earriage last week, appeared in ne senate yesterciay ior the first time since the accident The values of the exports of domestic breadstuffs for the seven months ending January Si, 1882, were for the same period in 1881, $198,509,508. vol a. a.

jueacnam, long laenunea witu Indian aaairs, partieulariy with the Lava bed masrftcres and tha Modoc, died at Washington last night, of apoplexy, aged fiftv six. I Hon. Joseph proprietor of the New Haven and Korthampton railway, and founder of the Yale Sheffield scientific dead, aged ninety years, and leaving $2,000,000. I Bv tha exnloaion of a boiler in Jewell's milts, Brooklyn, yesterday, the engineer. Gilbert Stevens, was killed the pilot on a Fulton ferry boat had leg broken, and a named Kahn had his scalp taken entirely oa.

1 i i A Washington special says the sub committee oa ways and meana looks favorably upon the proposition to reduce the tax on whisky from 90 to 50 cents, oa tobacco from 16 to 12 cents a pound, and on cigars from $6 to $4 per i A young married lady in Constantine, drove out alone to her father's farm house, and administered a horse whipping to a shameless woman kept bf her father, wboee actions have been the cause of scan? daL Public sympathy is on the aide of the young woman. The legality of the consolidation of the C. C. and the C.L VL AD. roads, and leased lines, under thef name of the Ohio, railway, was argued ia the supreme court at Columbus, yesterday on the merits of the case.

The decisionwiU not be rendered for several weeks. 1 In a conference of the house and senate naval committees and prominent naval officers', the recommendation of Chairman Harris, of the house naval committee, that $10,000,000 be appropriated for the construction of seven first class ship ot war of different styles, met with a pretty general favor, and Sir. Harris thinks this recommendation will be enacted into a law. I f. Slavery Is to be abolished in Egypt Commander tfelby 'a luiaailants at Artaki hive been arrested.

1 Ten Jews were beaten! nearly. to death oa the 5th instant at Juchaief, by Bussian i 1 i "i Tenant farmers to dajc performed the agricultural work' on Paraell'a farm at Avondale, county Wicklow. The civil tribunal of tie Seine has given judgment against Emile Zola, the novelist, for using the name oi ajreal personage in a novel, 'i. 1 I 1 The people of Sweden are suffering on account of the mild winter; there not being enongh snow for transportation by sleighs, aa usual. i i.

The Pope is out with another address urging the bold advocacy by the Italian bishops of the temporal Independence of 1 A Vienaf correspondent asserts that over 250 Jewish women have recently been outraged ia varietur pari of Bussia. i At Odessa petroleum was poured en a rasa's hand and fired. Many children were mer cilcasly alanghtered. 1 By an explosion, in the coal mlnee at Trimdon grange, Durham, England, yester day, 120 men were entombed, of whom thirty were rescued. Forty bodies have been recovered.

It ia feared that tha forty men still remaiaing in 1 the pit are. dead. Four pereona were ranoeated in a' mlae two atilee distant from (eul jgas reemltiag fro a the exptosioa. I 1 1 I I I 1 avw mm wa THE NORTHERN PRISON. Th Dertlops Some Interestlns Fignres.

PrtTif Ion ifor th MMners WardcVf Profltj aad PfxnllariUcs. (Bpecialfknatch to The fndianapella New. MiCHiOAJt CITY, February forter yesterday afternoon, by a seriee oi close questions, managed to get some idea! ot tbe pronts 01 ute waraea 01 tne nortnern prison from his garbage contract The questioning was directed mainly to ascertaining what the profits were from the sales of hides, bones, grease, tallow. and barrels. The information ob tained while not exactly accurate, was ae curate enough to reform to be necessary.

According to the market at this time, and the variations from tne markets or last, year are immaterial, the. warden's income from hides, tallow, grease and pork barrels was as follows: 120 bides, 50 pounds each, at 89 barrels of tallow, 200 each, at 6c 6H5 of grease, 100 pounds each, at 7e l.CJl Barrels (waideji '1 estimate). 4 100 I T0fAl.sMt.s....m.saw.eWtaaeetattttte.$328S Ibis eum ef $2,283 doe not include the profit derived from fattening pork on the prison's garbage. Already it is shown, therefore, tbat the percentage ol profit on an investment of $500 iai not inconsiderable, being in fact several thousand per cent This was the maintact brought out during yesterday's examination, in which the governor showed a blant determination to get an inline view of a fl airs. There were some other points made.

It was shown tbat the steward. Robert Sutton, issued provisions to the men without considering that an increase or decreesefbf number, so long as it was not very iargf, made anv difference. He kept no books, lie was able to say that he gave the men three quarters of a pound of beef for a ration aad one half of a twenty ounce loaf; but as to the exact amount of vegetable which should be nsed ia making soup for 000 men he could not say. There was no sys tem, such as prevails in other institutions in other states, of using the scales and cal culating exactly how much food 600 men ought to bave on a definite and prescribed allowance for each man. it was tne custom, according to the to rivet a man soup twice if desiifedJt, and the same plan waa pursued with, regard to bread The result of this style of conducting the kitchen attain was lav gallons, or abouCH bushel, of garbage aent to the hogs each day.

This waste consists principally of corn bread Wheat bread was fed the prisoners twice a day and corn bread once (for dinner). These statements of the steward give color to the report that the bogs did not suner lor want 01 nutri ment i J. D. Cowdin. the clerk, at the gover nor's instance, submitted a statement show ing tbat during 16SI (Murdock, warden) 201,053 pounds of flour and pounds of fresh beef, dressed, had been bought and in 1878 (Mayne, warden) 210,873 pounds of Hour and 17,629 pounds of beef.

It was further shown that the bur 01 fare of the convicts waa an excellent one for its variety. Mention was made of cabbage, onion, potatoes, codfish, earn beef, salt pork and fresh beef. The vegetables were for the moat part from the prison farm, i Tbe convicts are not overworked "or stinted in food, and it the reporter's impression from a general observation and consideration that they enjoyed life. It was also revealed that luxuries, such as molasses, tea, were sold the convicts by the steward at cost, except that five p4r cent for storage waa added. This money ia turned into the stale's treasurv.

according to tha books. Only a few sheep (about forty seven head last tall; were bought last year by tne warden. r': TheTesult of the Investigation of yester day afternoon was the proof tbat the direc tors blindly continued the warden contract without investigating what it was really worth. In view of tie evident large revenue the 'warden derives from it the $300 charge ia small enough to be utterly absurd." The people hereabouts speak highly of Murdock as a liberal man and a valuable acquisition to the community. He.

subscribes to all charities, and to the call of the poor never shuts his ears. He has a large grocery establish ment in bis borne. lie is an. Irishman, and has the popular characteristics of the good natured Irish American politician, self and everybody's friend, without being at all effusive in disDositioo. The prison is well kant The hospital is empty, although there are The largest number ever within the walls was 607.

a short time ago. Tne state owns 100 acres, of which about forty acres outside of tbe prison are under cultivation and from which the vegetables for the prison table are obtained. I. T9 DAT 8 PEOCEEDIJtOS. The investigation this morning showed the management of the prison exceedingly loose.

Robert Sutton, steward, stated that officers ot the prison now ana then obtained meat from the prison without paying for it, though not to a considerable extent The warden, submitted another otder showing this to be in violation of the rules. The steward said he sometimes gave the warden iaeshj meat for his private table, and did not charge hun.altbougli the warden had told 'him to do ao. He did this, because stewards before him did it He was also' allowed old rags from the? work out garments of the prisoner as a perquisite. From their sale he real' ized, he thought, about $20 a year. This perquisite is in clear violation ef the' letter of the law.

iie thought he had supplied, the warden wijth $. worth of meat but Tear, and made no charge for it One Of the directors went opt and weighed i a barrel of grease and tallow, and found the net weight to be about 210 pounds each. This shows that I have underestimated in the table above. The most sensational feature of the morn ing's inquiry waa tbe testimony of Bowers, a man employed to buy cattle. He said be very freuquently took blaak voucher from persons from whom he He took their receipt ia a private book.

He explained" that he did this because it allowed the clerk, to fi'l them up aad thereby give the vouchers a imore ship ehape appearance. He waa given money by the warden to buy cattle, and after making the purchases would go to the clferk and from the receipts in nia private book would have, the vouchers filled "out for the directors' inspection. The opportunity for thieving, it is sppareat, is as wide aa a barn door. uovernor forter. took possession 01 the Bowers' memoranda to compare with vouchers this afternoon.

This state of things 'waa revealed by the; gover no ris discovering different hand writing in the same vouchers. Bowers had the assurance to say that he deemed this a safe and proper practice. Het also said that he did not require blaak vouchers when he made purchasea in Michigan. City, but only when he! bought cattle at' remote points. Cowdin, clerk, stated that the warden had paid $200 for the garbage ia 1881, but there, waa ao entry to show that payment had keen made ia 1 88U Murdoekt wss called to tha stand, bis attorney, John P.

Coffiroth, being present He said that the $100 realized from the sale of pork barrels was from barrels for which ha had no use ia putting up tallow aad grease. tie maaa azotu eigai oexreia ai tauaw Mil. aad grease a month. While they were put ap ia separate barrels, they were sold as grease. If had sold some of it aa low oe $3 a barrel aad as high at $12.

He could not give the amount realized and waa allowed antil this after aoon to produce his beak books His aides bronrhthim ia about 7J cent a pound, and he promised more explicit information, la'tr far the dart He said he had sold cabbbage about 260 head, to his own grocery ia La fayette, but had obtained tne market price for the state. He said he had fattened about 150 hogs, ia 1881. He had bought them at 5 He and sold them at a profit, as tear as ha could figure, of something over $1,500. Thia shows, with the figures given above that so 'far as tha directors have heard from np to this time, the warden has realised about $1,000 oa hia investment of $300. This ia a close approximate at the loweat estimates, as tha warden gen nouse and other ihiars tree and a salary of $1,500.

The position, at tnis moment appear to' be worth about a year. A HORRIBLE ACCID A Larje Ximber of Lives Lost by aa Explosloa i CnESTKK, Pbt, February. About eight o'clock this morning an explosion 00 eurred at the Pyrotechnio worke of Pre feasor Jackson, la this city. Tha building was badly shattered, took fire and was consumed. At leaat fifteen aad probably more live were lost, and many dangerously wounded.

The building was the old home stead of Admiral Porter. A number of colored families lived ia the old Porter mansion. It seems that it first took fire, and while the firemen were playing on the flamee. and a large crowd surrounded them, an explosion occurred, scattering destruction iar ana wiae. ine number ot killed, is between fifteen and twenty.

About twenty were dangerously, and fifty more or less seriously wounded. me dead are being laid in the eity nan, and the wounded cared for in various drug tores, so no accurate list can be obtained now. The following la a list of the killed John Lamptuhg, Thomas Dollison, Thomas Anderson, Alexander Phillips, John Potlick 'Jamea 1 Eestner, George Tsvlor. James Doughtv. Benjamin Gartaide, Perry Williams (colored), An 1 A t.

Loony saroor, tviiuam wooa, xiremen John Daiers and Edward Stropschire. All the killed lived here, Fifty were more or leas wounded, three fatally. Part of the mansion had been used by Prof. Jackson, pyrotechnist for some years aa a place for manufacturing explosive commodities. The firemen, after being assured there w.ere no explosives in the place, went to' work.

Alter playing on the flamee about an hour a nno explosion occurred, xtodies ot men were thrown in everv direction. The ir was filled with rubbish and the ground covered with vic tims, some killed, some, seriously injured and others badly hurt. The dead bodies of men lay coiled on the', ground. Others labored in the agonies of A number, writhing in their blood, mosned piteously for help. Many lay insensible of their surroundings, and others, bruised and bleeding, groped their way fiom the scene of the terrible accident scene beggars description, peo ple prayed in the open streets, and, the shrieks of the dying were appalling, The fire waa abandoned, and everybody, in condition to do so, turned their attention to alleviating the distress.

The houses in the vicinity of the explosion were eon verted into hospitals and the wounded removed thereto. A Kansas Tewai Banted. ST. Lotis. February 11.

A dispatch says tbat the Tillage of Robinson, Kansas, was. almost entirely destroyed by nre yesterday. Tea stores, two hotels the poet office and elevator were burned, and only one store JV1 SISHU1UA. LIUWI) fUVpWV, HUIUMHVTi $25,000. The in originated lathe rear of a stare house.

Adenine to Ball. Kaw Yobk. February 17. Potter, the owner of the old "World" buUdinf, has been balled ia $5,000 to appear before the grand jary. 'Ttr Mts Mtut Wtrk." Glouckotek.

February 17. (reat apprehensions are felt for the safety of St George's baddocking fleet CITYNWa: Robert C. McGill va. 8. A.

Fletcher et aL. involving large real estate interests, ia "on" before Judge If owe. i Herman Ochler will retire from the fire department on next Monday to take service with the Eagle machine works. The attendance at the board of trade meetings continues good. At to day's session several merchants were present who aaa never been on The Pittman Miller jury of tha circuit court, and the Ken iury ih the criminal court, retired yesterday afternoon, and as yet have failed to reach a verdict Leonora Lash has been divorced from' Tito Lash, and Pauline Grace from George Grace.

Abandonment was proven by both plaintiffs. Mrs. Grace waa prohibited from remarrying within two years. The latest report of the visible supply of grain shows: wheat 13.134,223 bushela, aa increase of corn, 17,87,770, decrease, oats, 2,93308, decrease, rye, 1,167,712, increase of barley, decrease of 121,902. The county commissioners declined the 'offer made by ex Treasurer Landers, by reason of its inconvenience, and suggested instead that two honest mea be selected, who shall hear all the evidence aad their finding shall be accepted in lieu of the verdict of a regular jurv.

To this proposition Mr. Landers will answer en tomorrow. L. March wheat cloeed in Chicago yestee Jay afternoon at opened to day at aad cloeed at The market is more or less influenced by the weather, and is what grain men call a "weather market" ether the advance eiace Wednesday will be maintained remains to be seen. local wheat market Is steady little demand.

He old ease of Martin Manion vs. Bishop Chatard and the trustees of St Patrick's church was before Judge Howe to day oa demurrer, and waa taken under advisement Manion loaned Father Fitzpatrick $1,000, which waa used ia building St Pat 9 riek's ebnrch, he wants his money. The demurrer seta up that the defendants are not responsible for Fitzgerald's acta, The water works company decline to accept the contract with the city ia the ahape it bow staada. Special objection is urged against the proviso for a specific standard of water, for the reason that the aational board of health has no standard, and also againat the order that the water firovided must be acceptable to a ehemis whose selection the company has ao choise. i MpraBas Oesrt Daelaiwaa.

The following, "teases were disposed af Februarr 17: Hall's ale and lock company vs. Elias Bigby. Clay C. a Aflirmed. Woods.

J. Alfred Boisn et sX va John B. Simmons. Hancock t'. ('.

AB rased. Woods, Isaac Parker vs. John C. leas at at Henry C. C.

Keveraed. Hows. J. refer 8, rate eeorga Moore, adm'r do bonis noa. Ohio C.

Bevened. Mblack. J. Nathan Arnold vs. Benjafhia Btephenaoa.

Tiaabiogtoa a a. Keveraed. Elliott, J. In the following cases peUtioa for rehearing was ov rru led: lxxiaaa N. liavidaaa etal vs.

John Coehler et at the case of Eaett Morgan v. Jsmeso. Berry et was disBtiated under rote It. s. rf i ENT 1 PTOTCft Tffd rwT.

mlZ VOU.XKI FKa TKAS. UTES? BY TELEOBAH. FOUR O'CLOCK, 1 at Basin 11 1 a aaan 1 nBMisBjBBsBTaWAw GEXERAX NEWS, Srs. SkSTille'i Letter DeiiTere4 llrs. Gxrileldv i.i ClaiTitone Tales Tery Liberal Tlaw SAtrj UVBI wsiv IWtMtM QladatasM TakB a UtoniVlesr, IxisDOw.

February 17. Ia exphtiaiag ia the house of commons his recent aiteraaca in regard to home rule Gladstone said that he held oa the qncstioa of; local govern meat very 'clear and distinct epiuloea though it was unlikely that he would' everf be called to take aetioa a pea them. He conaidered that the deceatralixatioa of par 4. liatnent should be the cardinal rule policy; that local Institutional are a eoorce" of great strength and tha only limit which' ia principle necessary toi them Is art' adequate provision for the sapremaey ef I the central authority. Ha believed that a wise and just way of meeting the demandt for bringing Irish affaire more under Isisli control is not to regard it aa tha first step towards separation, bat rather task the! promoters of the change to formula to the guarantees they propose to giv tor the; supremacy of parliameat He had aever; yet received aa adequate aad Mtisfactory explanatioa oa thia point i i 1 1 Bfn.

Barvtrisa itta. CHICAGO, February 17. Mr. ScovOl i waa interviewed last night by a reporter of the eitv papers. She refused to state wheth.

i er thrletter published veeterdav morning. was written by her or not A ladv com. panion, however, said that aueh a letter! had been written by Mrs. ScovUl. A report comes from Cleveland stating that Mrs.

Garfield has not received Ihe let ter from Mrs. ScorUJe, preying for forgive nesa ei uuiteau. 11 i Shavsna Consnmsnattod. Clbvklakd. February 17 Mra.

Soa ville'e letter, praying forgivennesa fee het 1 1 1 oroiner, uuiteau, waa aeiiverra utia atora tng to Mr, uartieid. BuatsHMS Talln Kw York. February 17 It Gi Daa of the mercantile agency, report 134 failnrea for the week; a somewhat greater number than last week, the increase beinij of speculative failures in grain and cot ton, principally in New Orleans and Jhi eago. in Mew York the principal failure was T. C.

liardy A Co, shipping and com mission merchansa, which is enveloped ia mystery. It is not knowa what they ewe or what the assets will be. Hardy has not Sut in aa appearance since tha failure. The ebta ar mostly abroad. Diatrlbatioa of, f.i'lnm mm.lmm IK Hit southern, 45; middle, 21; Pacific coast aai territories.

13; New York city, 10. 'is 1 1 Three Baaka Suspended St. Lotis. February 17 lit la reported in banking circles that the Macon City nga nana ana tne arraerr and xradereT ank. two small concerns iav Macon, have suspended, but ao iafotV; matioa regarding their condition has been received Here.

The Citizens', bsnk off Georgetown. ia also reported! suspended, and that H. Henderson A grain dealers or paa! wjlle, I1L, bave failed, with liabilitiee ef $8,000 and poor assets ef $3,000. 8 na all pox, AatlJHeaeply ajaet BaalaeatA Chicago. February 17.

Seven aew eaaea of smallpox were reported yesterday aad five deaths. I i The anti monopoly league will betria a crusade againat rent raising, i landlords ea 5 May first f' jl The unesAiaea aad feeling of insecurity 1 caused by tha failure of Keayoa A Co rapidly disappearing, and money is easy I at usual rates. Indications are that tha suspended firm will not resume. A Marderwas CkrUtiaav, Sr. LoxTiS.

Febrnarv 17. Chaes and: Christian Sundemeyer, brothers, of Piack aey township, Warren county, Mew, quatv relied Tuesday evening, over a land sale, ia which both were interested. The former, struck the latter, following up with other I blows, tnruuaa drew a kau aad stab aod 1 if Charles in the abdomen, causing iajv.rie which produced death thia morning. Both j', mea were prosperous farmers. Cttriatiaa was arrested, i i 'I r' Boosing Up the Bailxoada HAKKLiBrso.

February 17. Secretary Duakel, of the department of iaternal af faiis, has placed a list of eeventeea railroad eompaniea doing busiseas ia this Stato in the bands of the attorney geaeraL re questing him to proceed against them, be I canse of failure to return te tha audi tar: general their annual report withla thirty days after the expiration of the inaaciM year. The penalty for each read is i i i i A Blf SalS for MlLWACKEK. February 17 la the air cuit court the Northern transit eoaspaay has begun suit against the Grand trunef'f railroad for damages placed ai $500,004, based upoa breaches of contract Ia 1J7 the Grand trunk contracted with the traa i portaiioa company to form Its eaatera eea necuoa, ana it is auerea oy vao laitsr tnai the railway did not fulfill ita eoatract bf furnishing the requisite a umber ef care. Oi A Totur of laspecrlqi WAJBHlBfiTOV.

February 17. Gea.8Ssr man, accompanied by bea. Poe aad Col. Morrow, will leave oa the first of Marek ior a tour of Inspection of the departateata of Texas, ew Mexico and Arizona, viAitlaf all the principal posts on the frontier el those states. A visit will also be paid ia Yoeemita valley and San; Francisco.

The i tnp will occupy eight or in weeks, I A. 1 Stories of Starvat atJoa Beaewed. CTiiCAftO. rebruary nh. local paper say tbat the governor of Liiaois has re jj eetved information that ia Southera Hli it aois woman and children are dying from if starvation.

The reports, allthouga not ef edited, will be thoroughly fnvestigated. jl ii IS A Patricide BaagwaU PirrBi kg, February 17. A Chreaicla special from ladiana. says: "Jgasea A 11 1 A 1 Li. I.UO lUbCU VA BWUrilAE SIS father, goffered the penalty of death by banging thia morning at 11 clock.

lew Garx la the Badaoa. Albaxy. February 17 The ice beJe here is gorged, aad backwatev has filled the stores and cellars along tha nver front ia thia city aad ia Grwcnbath, opposite, musing quite a heavy loaa. I Dteet mm tast Care. February 17.

Eg Associate ef thia eUU, died euddealr cdfa pesacagef traia at Mt Vaioa, thia meraiag. Kafwtiatlwa Pestpeaed. Paris, February 17. The aegetiatieaa retroecting the Anglo Freach eetaatereiAl treaty are virtually ended fr the preaeat jr I 1 SUtr Kaat ta. Orewwa.

WARarsoTOK, Ftbruary 17. The graal injury has eommeacedthe iavestigatiea ef the star ronta eervice ia Oregea .4 ii i i fv i 1 two Olaa Bler, Kotlaor. 1 Vtvitwa Fahraarw 17Viaaaa ia throat. eaed with a teUl failure af iu water sua i Fir 7 I.

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