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The Cincinnati Enquirer from Cincinnati, Ohio • Page 4

Cincinnati, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

FORTUNE Is Given Up By Son 111 flnlnr Tn AlM FjltllPr 111 UlUll 1U 1 UUH 1 in business Deals. R. H. Keakirt Passes Claim To Million, Which Capitalist Agreed To Provide in Will. Divorce of Cincinnati Million- Dnll UTV.

TYonrnn Is Modified By Order of Court. Throusli tin older entered in Dothestic IteliittoiiH Court yesterday Robert II. licukirt. I'll years old. New York City, voluntarily rclimiuishes ail rights to a fortune of for whicfl his Llewellyn U.

Reakirt, Cincinnati -h 1 .1 1 ji I und real estate owner, agreed to make provlnion for him In hla will iiikI't the alimony decree entertd by Common 1'lean Judge John A. Caldwell when hia inothe'r, Mrs. Anne Howard 'iteaklit, was fcT'inted divorce March Jn delila-rniely t-igning aaay his rights in a clulm uK'ilni-t his father's estnte the yountr heirs motive Is defined by his futher'a attorney, Milton Sayler, to be imply di'xire to aid his father, for whom he ha the deepest affection, and to rnuhlf the t'lnrlnnatl rapltahxt and to IihikIW proix-rtl'S of the It uku: estate to belter advantage. Thfi.Kli a't young r.euhirt lifts a cloud uhb'h la all' lied have hung mvi his father's real rstatt buldmu ever iii'- the divorce was in-lered. i ytm ago.

To carry out the ouiii, ii. an a aires Attr ui'Plteu t. Jmlge V. llimmin, in Kiiationa Court yeater- I nay. ami the divorce de re aa mod-irt-l so a- to eliminate the fl.QoO.OOO pr Ikh.ii Ins aon.

Diroic Suit Is Recalled. Tin 'unli this a ion la rcealli'd a aenantTon Ij yars ago, when Mrs. Anne Howard Kiakirt tiled suit for a divorce, tibe was Miss Anne Howard, of Dayton. Ohio, and wa married to Jleahin August 1. llfi.

Reakirt was the only son of the late Mrs. Loretta li. fit 1. 1 it nil li'ir to his molher'a vit.t estate, Mrs. Cil'fon, at the lijne, considered the wealtliiert woman in Cincinnati and the holder of more real estate than any other wcmaii in Ohio.

the union, a and a son The Accuslng him of cruelty and neglect Court, failed to agree yesterday In the pear before 1'nited States District for tive year, Ida Kyan, 3078 -Zum- trial of Earl Greenwood, charged Judge John W. I'eck to-day for cn-blelu avenue, Hyde Paik. tiled auit having held up and robbed Fred tence. yealerdiy for divorce nnd alimony from A. J.

Ryan President of the Ilyon Ideal Stain and Blacking Company, to whom ah wiur married at I'ellcvue, last. Hchaahel declared he Identified June 27, 1007. Hhe also seeks Greenwood as the man who held him restoration of her maiden name, up. Greenwood sought to prove an Rogers. alibi.

The Jurors stood 4 to 8 for con-Through Attorney Frank V. Benton, vlctlon, but later to 6 to 8. and Mrs. Rogers says that on numerous remained that way until discharged. oeusions during the last five years Attorney A.

J. Canon defended Green-Ryan struck ami abused her. Ho also -wood and Assistant Prosecuting Altor- nbaented himself from home fre- she aays. staying away for week at a time. They separated the day after last Chrtatma.

she says, and since tnsn uyan nas reiusea io con- tribute anything toward her support, she de-lirc. Mia. ityan sa h-r husband's bunl- nets has branches In St. l-mn. and Lynn, and hi aalary aa Its hcvi a week.

He owns tne Z'lnisti In avenue property, worth Pwmrljr and securities which, ah- declares, are worth "oro That he failed to diaclo- to her that li hid he--n married four times before, and that he misrepresented his fige to lir, treated her cruelly and 'neglected her. la charged by Alma Dren-Ins. lilt Marburg avenue. In a suit filed by Attorney 'C. 8.

Sparks, in hleh alio seek to set aside her marriage to Charles Dressing, Hamer street. She says she was hut years old when she was married to Dressing at Newport, October last, und she declares that Dressing Is 4i years old. or nearly three times her age. and she has learned Hint sh he is his fifth wife. Instead of providing for he prop- erly, fhe declares Dressing estab- that exist there.

Ileeomnu nda-llshed her in a furnished room, whero ilnn the long- she had even of his doga for com- Pr0PO8RIm of abandoning the County nausnicr uien anu ui; nun nun uui ana weaaing ring, she alleges, and years oblwhen his mother filed her suit cnt her home to her parents without for a divorce. Rraklit did not contest, money or clothing. says Dress-mid Mrs. Reakirt was granted a decree ig continually bragged of his con-of divorce. Quests of women.

Oj agreement Reakirt paid her liX.000 alimony, and agreed that at his death their uon fhould receive 1.000.000 Horn hia estate. Thus tne case Decame known as tne Jiiiuoit uouar Alimony use. Mrs. A nn'c Howard Reakirt left Cin-'innntl, and 10 years ago, when Chicago authorities broke up a Hindu "Sun uuthoriiies broke up a Hindu "Sun Cull" there; of which a sister of Mrs. Reakirt was raid to have been a member, report was given out that "mysterious boy" connected with tho eull roally was Robert H.

Reakirt, who, it was declared, was held a prisoner by the Hindu head. This report caused i.lewcllyit B. Reakirt to make a hurried trip to Chicago, where he learned tho story was a hoax and that his son was afe In New York with his mother. Weds "Lad of the Lake." Jiim two months after Mrs. Anne Howard Reakirt obtained her divorce, B.

Reakirt married his second wlfo in tit. Louis, who was Miss Edna O. Shea, of that city, their marriage (ak-tmr place May IM, 11XJ. Reakirt had met Ml.n Shea when hunting and fishing In Wisconsin, she then being the Kuest of Mr. Tlinresa Thompson, 8t.

Ixiuls, whose lodKO adjoined that of Reakirt. Miss Shea was athletically inclined -and fond of outdoor sports, and because of this was known at tho resort as "The Lady of the Lake," May 1, 1M2, the second Mrs. Reakirt filed suit for a divorce and for the cus tody of tlielr son. Again Reakirt mado no contest and the second Mrs. Reakirt obtained a decree and custody of the rhlld.

Alimony, as before, was settled out of Court, and it was reported that olie received the same cash settlement im the first Mr. Reakirt, while the decree provided that their son should share in the estate -equally with an4 provision which might bo made for his elder son, Robert H. Reakirt. Two years ago Robert H. Reakirt became of age.

nnd at that time ho jnado nn assignment of the provision for him In his mother's divorce decren tho Pennsylvania Company For In- durance on Lives and the Granting of Annuities. Since then ho has been look. lug after Ins mother's real estate In- lorests in Xew York Cltv, where rhe uwna several lint -buildlimn Recently Robert II. Keakirt marnied jnss Anne Dixson, daughter of a eullliy Nc.v York realdent, and, a- i or lorillni? to Sayler. the young man deeldeil of his own accord lo re-Kar his father from the obligation to provide M.OOO.OOO for him at death.

Unsolicited By Father. "The action by the son was taken without solicitation by his father," Attorney Sayler said yestepday. "Mr. l.eaklrt. never felt that the all-ii cny agreement "and settlement was cloud upon tho title to any of hia estate holdings, and some of the best lawyers In the city had declared i wa not, and yet some real estate dealers acemcd of tha opinion that it was.

However, he had made no overtures to hia son and waa surprised tho latter sent word he desired take the action. "Younar Mr. Reakirt told me that 1 did not want hia father hampered in any way in ins panelling or bis al estate, and be wanted to relieve ira or ny emDarrassmeni wnicn me erfmement might cause him. Young neaklrt sent for me and I 'met Km made with the tnutiranrnk. Mifflnanil in al.

lt at 'Vh of the clajm." fhuro. w3re aWutely fit atrlnga, te the 4cUn by young Sir. Reakirt He he has tull-confidence hls kaei n.i lha KjalinT KJkt fltiA' ittl sV ids fwtl'er waa hampered In the han-' tiling) of his property' because ef thi win do the -right nwng by Jiltn. Mth i. iioya aro on very rnenuiy icrm aivn father, and 'thev Visit back and rurrit "Robert declartJ hat he felt decree, and that he could handle it to letter advantage if Hie claim aptiiivit i taa liftnd.

1 dj not doubt but thet li- fw la (tTiilt l.o and hia ba v. ill entire estate 'at rd i father a death; or that both Till share liuiirt: omely In it at ary rate, unci both beatise, of Sin-great ufection for Ms father and tho' fart that the latter can bundle to bettor advantage tl'o estate which some day will belong to him and i half-brother, he siuitflat'J, of hi 1 Hj-tt-uivimi, in- oi UCrrd' thC "tPP hM taken, reles-dns; the e(ate from tlm atalnst it tfhich was 'lion the entire 1 Consent To Modification. I The authority to modify the ali-i mony judgment was signed by Mrs. Anne Howard Reakirt and her son, Robert H. Reakirt, and by Mra.

Anno Dixson Reakirt. wife of Robert H. Heakli t. AVIth this was filed the consent of the Pennsylvania Insurance Company also, and Judge C. W.

Hoff man ordered the entries made. L. It. Roukirt Is one of the wealthiest residents of Cincinnati, and hi realty I here are estimated to be worth I more than M.POO.OUO. Ilia father was wholesale druggist, and his mother was.

I Miss Lauretta She received' an Immense estate from her father. and this was enhanced when the cider Mr- Heaklrt died. Later 'she was married to John i5. Gibson, on of the founders of the old Glbapn and teceived additional wealth at his death. At her death a few years ago.

1 HpaL-frr ramM (ntn unl i fortune. He now makes his home in her late residence nue, AH. Auburn. 2020 Auburn ave- Cruelty Charged Bjr Wifa. panions.

Jie nnaiiy relused to pro- yide for her at all, took her dl.mond. Although he carried a laige roll of bila with him. which she alleges he exhibited to others, he refused to glvo her sufficient fund, tn provide for herself and their child. Stella Cain charges In her suit for a divorce and alimony from Albert A. Cain.

741 West Seventh street, filed by Attorney Fred H. Derfus. They were married at Aurora, August 3. 1908. Says She Feared Wrinkles.

THE ENQUIKEli, CINCINNATI, SATURDAY, JANUARY Rulnr for a divorce from Triolma 1 or divorce. Hornet A Mornalte. ouing ior a aiNorce rrom Tnelma i Rumford va. Hutu lum-Davis Merland, 218 West Twelfth frd. For divorce.

Jonea. flarke, Mor-street, telephone operator, Clifford N. T'rr' Merland. 2168 Ohio avenue, florist, 'SSSl Schaller aays she has relused reconciliation Brewing- Company. Kor a receiver.

Cloas with him, telling him that she does not Intend to "be a slsve and stand rflTnT5 over a stovo and cook." as she does JiaJiAXJJ MAltb CUUillS. not want to "bo wrinkled up jvhen "hen trial of tho case of the Ciovern- Ie says that nno la yeara oiu. rie saj mat after their marriage, September' 13 last, she developed a Jealous and quarrelsome disposition and would slap and kiclhim, pull his hair or ririae mm Jecis near at nanu. 8ef on the mercy of the Court. Declaring that she has "fits of Judge reck thereupon Imposed a sen-anger" and has threatened to take her tence of six months in Montgomery own life or his, and stating that sho County Jail at Dayton and fined the deleft him 14 months sgo and went to fendant and costs.

This Is the Toledo, Ohio, Frank Gross is suing heaviest penalty Imposed In Cincinnati for a dlvlrce frjm Xellle Gross. Hoth the petition for divorce filed by Charles Boldt, widely-known manufac- turer, and the rross-petitlon for nliinony filed by his wife, Mrs. Amelia Boldt, 1837 Madison road, were dismissed in a decision announced by Judge Chas. Hoffman In Domestic Relations Court yesterday. Judge Hoffman held Boldt's charge that the final separation1, which took place October 1J.

1912. waf due to bis wife's conduct. lacked corrobora- in. He also stated that Mrs. Boldt's cllegations against her husband were uncorroborated.

The decision affirms a contract of separation contained In a decree oj the Circuit Court In 1911 end refuses Mrs. BoIdt's plea for additional alimony. Under the existing decree and agreement she Is receiving $5,000 a year, but testimony at the trial showed her bus band had presented her with her. home on Madison road and stocks and bonds ich Increase her annual Income to BTpi proximately. $9,600.

the decision states. Attorney Frank Wood, for Mr. Boldt, Immediately filed a motion for a new trial. Charles Matkon. Cleves, Ohio, was Granted a divorce frrnA Melva Howard Matson, Harrison, Ohio, yesterday on allegations of neglect, Oliver V.

Winters, Harrison. Ohio. was found to be guilty of failing to provide ln Domestic Relations Court cterrtay nd ordered to pay his wife -ii iv jim in vt inters, fio a week for the support of their minor child. Winter wai granted a divorce Wednesday on her Vllegatlona of cruelty and Winters' arrest followed the hearing. Beceiver, For Schaller Brewery.

As the result of a suit filed In In- aolvency. Court yesterday by. Michael Keck, Judge Joseph B. Kellcy ap. pointed Michael Hilsinger as receiver for the Schaller Brewing Company Keck.

who la President of the corn- says that since the eighteenth amendment to th. Federal went Into effect the business of In0 company nas pcen lainntr on. and a eonseouencS It has been creased ifor caih t0 lti cu-rrent exoenae. although. It is declared, the company fullr Creditor, have stocknoiaers and Directors as to the, proper manner in which the situation ahould be handled, and a receiver if neeeasary to preserve the inttt.

The company has an authorized capital of 1:00.000. of which 194.300 was i.ivued. axsots easily worth 1150.000, it is declared, whereas It liabilities amount to but it is set forth. Other officers of the company are J. EdwaM Sohn.

Vice I'resident; Michael Huemmer, Secretary, and Carl Schall. Treasurer. eccretarj. and van Schi ''tary Huemmer a Schall filed an anawer. nd Treasurer aHtnittlnr the allegations of the petition and joinins in the prayer for a receivership.

Taken To New York Jeor Trial. Mrs. Ynr.o Vunko. who. wHbier Yunko, both gipsies, was charged with having obtainVd JT.SOn from Nick Stamina, Central avenue storekeeper, under promise to drive away a "spell" from hint, vn taken to Syracuse.

y.t yesterday, where she win stand trial upon a eharse grand larceny there. When the Yunkts were arrested and indicted yie chances nf convlctiofl were such that it was dc- elded to permit them to plead guilty to petl larceny, and each was sentenced to SO days In Jail and flnd. I'(te Yunko was released a week fgo, tut his wife was held because the for her. reelased Yunko, who bad served his sentence, paid his line and that of his wife also. Yesterday Common Pleas Judge Thomaa HDar-y recognized a requisition tor the vnman and Sheriff Ford Bader tqrned her ovcr t0 Officer Jeffery Malone, of Syracuse.

I charging him with having violated Jury Falls To Agree. Volstead act In connection with Judge Thomaa H. Darby's Jury pottscsslon and aale of uiAn M-blakv. wan notified veaterdav trf bd- Schnabcl, 1323. Cutter street, of a watch and t-4 at Fifteenth and Kim streets on the night of November -7 ney Charles H.

Elston represented the state. Ralph, Vritach. indicted upon four charge of robbery, will be placed on inai onuay. ntcn Is alleged to have been the mysterious "lone bandit'" who held up and robbed several saloons and oil filling stations. To Work With Two Juries.

nu, Maui, Jaaaary 51.. Acceptance ef the ataxias that aay of perk, and o-rials la charge of the Municipal lery oa Deer Islaad have ev watchword, lackers, fcaow thy plica. The peaal laetitatUn'a Cea-mlaeloaer aanouoeed to-day the dlaravery ef scheme whereby ooag pigs were hrovaht liana the harbor lit beats, laadrd anr-rrptitleaaly at Deer lalaad aad aubatltalrd far full-grown packer, which were taken away ta market. The smarda. la feasting their porcine charge dally, rhreked pigs as pig, without dlatlneton alse.

The number of naara tallied, but the peuadage tell off eonaldrrably. Taaag plga receded aid pigs until It appeared that the Inmate of the piggery had feund the secret af eternal youth, but the pig-running; plaa wu discovered and the substitutions atepped. mited States District Court several I weeks ago under an indictment Judge Peek also made an order in the suit of tho National l-'ire Insurance Company against Albert granting the plaintiff's motion for a writ to compel Albert and his mother, Mrs. Mary Albert, to appear next Monday at 2 p. m.

before Clerk H. K. Dlllcy, as Commissioner, to give testimony and produce records concerning stolen automobile which. It is alleged. was purchased by Albert, ut ti, National Company reeks Judgment for 13,700, alleged to be the value of thu car.

together witii damages for 11.000. Attornov Max Levy says. Toledo Men Waive Hiarine. Kred 31 years old.

and on nuia hv "UK a in' Mll rn i v. wl 'kt. waived examination yestcr- day when brought before t'nltej Plate Commissioner L'dward M. Hui-Ity fr preliminary hearing. They Kave bond for $3,000 each for their appearance before the next Federal grand Mur I Bankruptcy Notes.

wvn, li II. No. Okeana, r.jV'T Cuuiity. Ohio, farmer, yester day filed in 1'nited Ktatea District Court a roluntsry tetttlon In bank- rut(tev. He schedules liabilities at JII: and assets at (225, all of which, be says, are exempt.

A second and final dividend of between IS and 20 per cent was declared Cincinnati, bankrupt, held yesterday in the office of Referee CJreve. Tho first dividend amounted to SO per cent. PREJUDICE v-' CONTINTJXD FROM FIRST PAGE. quired whether or not a young woman who had started on foot ahead of i.i. t.D.l iiiiii iisij I 1 1 1 yjf a ink mat llu ii i not seen htr en route, Hhe did not arrive that nl.Tht, and the net day a' searching party (ut.

The body was not fouau, however, until the next day. Meantime Dr. Wlnnes had returned to Frankfort, his headquarters. When the Investigation was started tic wj arrested, but soon was freed. II" was a anH tilll.

Itee.l was held to the grsnd Jury. Dr. Wlnnes resigned bis post and went to Harlan, where ho remained with bin family until tho grand Jury could ha Judge Thomaa If. Darby, presiding In Tharles K. Rennett.

years old, To- I(nnnHl at tho port of Jml" i.i leilo. who were arrested at a Vine makino i mia vi iiio muicit-n rveinuy on IT.hlltf.ri" -U I 1 10 11, 1 inu Juries in his courtroom, so that one may take up a new rase while the oilier is deliberating upon a case tried, thereby losing no To this end he had the names of 'U additional prospective Jurors draati from the wheel yesterday, i In the diawing the names of 10 women were taken from the whel in obtaining the 24 needed. 1 wountj visitors JSaKs Report. In Its annual report to Probe jtwae William n. I.ueder yesterday the Board of County Visitors -mmt nds Rencral conditions at Lnngview out uepiores tne cruadii icmll- Hosnlta be woite Jut If ms- nieeting of creditor, of th, bc u'" Toy Manufacturing Company tho ny.


J. Ilvnn. lor divorce and aUmonr. Frank V. llinton, 177,7.

Alma Drcn.ln. vj. Ire-ln. Kor divorce and alimony. S.

Bparka. 17i.06I. Btella Cain va. Andrew A. f'aln or "vorr.

alimony aud custody of rhlld. nsi ateWiian tiehi man. Jr tda (T Jannke. for apaciiic performance of con- xMerland Theima Merland. 1'or dlvorre.

h. vv. Merland. rLl'T U'M' 177.062. William H.

Hlevenann vi fctevenaon al. Knr partuion of eatate. Charles H. HofTmel.ter. 177.

03. F.mina N. lllehla ra. If. against Henry, alias Hurry, Freid man, rumours, nqnor dealer, as re- suined in United States District Court yesterday morning, counsel for Kreld man a(jvsed court' their client had con- clule, to p)end Bumy ttnd throw in a liquor ease.

The costs total Kroiilman's ojur.sel, Howard N. Hag-Innd. of Cincinnati, and Judge William of Pitts" urg. told Jud-e Peck the Government had surprised them with the evidence produced during the trial of the case against Freidman and that they had advised him to bring the trial to Immediate conclusion by chang- lug his plea. They added that Fried- man had no interest In the l.ono of whisky, transportation of which he supervised from a Frankfort (Ky.) dls- tlllery to Cleveland Ohio, but had acted simply as an agent of the purchasers.

They said he received $000 and expenses for his services. 0 Patents Involved in Suit. -appeal anu in me patent Infringement suit of the Victor Talking Machine Company. Cmden. X.

vs. and croup-appeal In the patent the Cheney Talking Machine Company. Crand Rapids, were filed in Vnited States Circuit Court of Appeal yesterday from the jlecree of I'nlted States District Judge C. V. Sessions, Grand Rapids.

The patents In the suit aro Ariose of H. Johnson, one cdverlng certain Im- provements In talking machines, and the other improvements in amplifying horns. Court below held the defendant hart f.i a i iMi.i.ihT.. mnimijiiig norn iiHieni and one or three claims of the talking mnrhln.i nAtent. LTunteH an lniuni.Hnn and an accounting.

Two other claim. the talklna macliino patent were not Infringed, the Court held. It la rrom ima pari ot tne decree the ictor Company in taking Its croas-, uppeai. Ancor Case Ends. ioiu uauiK innTii 10 aurae by th7 decision of the petit Jury in the government's condemnation suit orvuuweu, Cincinnati, for possession of 74 acres of land at Ancor.

Ohio auii inn juage jonn em feck yesterday entered final Judgment In the Th lnrv havinir flrart r. iu.uv the land at 24.fna.I; and the trmount of damages to the residue of the Uroadwcll farm at (Toon Juda-o ordered that he Government pay tne 'ot1 of these two sum, together with iiiurMi vm jeermDur Upon Payment, title to 1 vfMt tllc Sl-te. rted T. 1" tt rney' r' "'iiiru liar UVntLTmTir In Meyer Albert, pawnbroker, who Central waa convicted in I "Pigs Is Pigs!" 7' nTOU'1 1 "n1 V' Cajn- UnnT' neys Clo.s A ll.nehhert anil E. 3.

Jt, rlnnitl th Harry McAfee anu llamabura, rranii Til empsey, ana mere nss ae-n- worth: Franklin. tlmo to complete Its Investigation. He was Meed under 110.000 tail, and kis Private Interests for Id-trial scheduled for Jnnuary 20. "'H boat n1 to 'm? The negro was not Indicted, although Prov transportation facilities on the he was held pendjnj further ohl0 Rlvr- aI yu nun- la al gatlon. Reformatory Guards Dismissed, Soon after the crime was reported, Superintendent W.

H. Moytr, of the State Reformatory at Frankfort, discharged a numher of guards on tho charge that they had been lax In their duties. The State Board of Charities and Corrections Issued a new set of rules governing road camps, which arc sad to be the most stringent ever ncd )nto ln Kentucky, Tc8tlmony ftt into the dcaihof the young woman had beetf, that puards at the prlann camp permit ted convicts lo roam abcut, between the" camp and the scene of the road con- stniotion work they were doing, with- -uar(i. mmcdia ly after tha crime, women C1'JDS pa'1' 01 lMM ui tho gathering of funds to find and Prosecute the slayer. Newspapers also took up the plan and several thousands of dollars were collected.

MILF0RD. Th Pentcnarv eelahratlon of Milfoni I.otiKs r. and a. Jlaaona, which was aiianilea ny mora tnan 3U Masons, eon- ciunen na early yaatarday mornn, wi, olTgrinKS py liav. M.

Hlllsboro Dla. Ketclium, Superintendent trlct M. K. C'hureh. hlE, VJ W'LVl siaaona of Ohio, wm ha chief apeakar, nrt Dr.

It. C. Belt; oldaat Paat Maaier of 1 1 twA 1 JA tars Kriar' Vi at mpw nf 2' from it. foundation in room in tha National HoM January ft. mciwu, frank A.

MeOaa waa toaatmaater at the dinner that preceded tha centenary Hon of Mllford lyonRe led In requeatln "i preiing tne one all present to arlae and stand with bowed to the other and In promoting a cordial g'k TudSJ" wTlll.0nV'T'et.ndlng and whole-hearted co. jUMpii, Common Pleas Court, rutavla; itev. John B. tkey, Dr. H.

B. Holden, former District lecturer. llllanubura: Gcora A. Mau. Ivaland: V.

B. Mir- ,,,,,1,: Norwood; Frederick Kopp and John mephens, I wera praaentod with emblem, of the order I KkeT. Oriranlxatlon ofa Tobacco Growera' Aa- baa bafn effected in Clermont TXZi vmS Miami. John and Charlea Holland: Onto, Turner I ftylor and Frank n.u w. Harlow: Oonhen.

Joseph Marat; Inlon! Kdward klo 'n P.teh.: Monroe. Hri.W and htir IHrkMn'. Bill II sTIOn. Ft. Ha.

Himmarmon; Hata la, Rldney Da vt dimn; Wll- ua and Lowell lla- 8amuel flhairT and and Brown N. w. Bacon was "elected deleswie to attand, ttia Tobaeeo Orowara' Convention ax cm Uoada. veloped a disagreement among the May Sentence Albert To-Day. a COMPANY To Bridge the Hudson epn Xew Yerk City and Xew.

Jersey Is Incorporated Strut- ture Ctst $200,000,000. Albany, N. January 21. Incorporation of the Hudson River Bridge with a cupltal stock of $231,000, was announced at the office ot the Secretary of State to-day. The purpose of tho Incorporators, among whom are George A.

Tost. H. A C. Smith, John H. Love.

Henry D. Valbridge, Thomas H. Slmpeon, I'ul- ton SlacMahon. W. J.

Amend George j. Mnim ana ucorgo r. tho erection of a bridge across the Hudson River between New Jersey and Manhattan. The plan Involves the erection of1 freight and terminals, ele- I "'rriing. lie wlh discuss both sides of xated railways, highway and railroad lhe lmni)glmtloll called forth bridgu and mQ.vlng platforms.

It is by the. bill for the restriction understood that the project will in- of immigration, now pending in Convolve an Investment of 1200.000.000. New York, January with the announcement at Albany to- any ot u.e incorporation ol anniversary at tno iMrst Uva eervlca by the Army ne-son River Brldfe-e Company, plans were Church. Last Fourth street, ctalflcatlon Board won their first announced here for carrying out tho ZLn In "til fi" a when McCoy' ih in the fonn of a birth- ni.irirt nf Colombia Supremo rmv lie proposed bridge across tho Hu-Hon Jliver at- liew York. An Organlzition Committee of of 100 the inembera, Including Chairmen New York nnd New Jersey Bridge and Tunnel Commission, and other widely- known citizens, has been appointed.

The committer Is to develop a voluntary' association. It vss stated, tnder the name of the Hudson River Hriiige and Ortater Port Movement of New York and New Jersey. An-ong he members of the committee arc Majur General John 1 O'Ryan, momaa r. ivyan. v.

imriea ji. u. lurmer uuiFniur viuieu c. cnimu, i Necom'i Carlton and General Cole- mand DuPjnt. The committee, it was 1-1.

-l .1 -I vxiKlle Z.T.Zmr i rum? ui proposed bridge; it was stated, Is estimated to require seven or eight years for com- pletlon. and a total Investment of ubout 200. ufio, OftO. of which approxi- inately one half will be represented by the bridge Itself. This Is virtually five times the cost of the ISrooklyn bridge, which cos J20.000.000.

The length of "he proposed stiuc- lurc would be 10,000 feet, its total width ISO feet and Its height at the center 165 feet. The capacity Is ex pected to bc OO.OXI passengers an hour. 12,000 vehicles an hour and tons. The present capacity of the four fcast River bridges totals passengers, 12,000 vehicles and 18. 000 tons.

SATISFACTION EXPRESSED By Inland Waterways Delegates on Return From Washington. delegates to the confer- 'enees of the Mississippi Valley Asso-j iation in Washington returned to the city yesterday well satisfied with the 'manner In which waterways Improve- ments and other matters pertaining to the general development of tho Middle West were presented to the members of Congress and accepted by them. The Cincinnati delegation was headed by Roiert 8. Alter. Vice President of Zone of the MIssiKnippi'Val-ley A.soclatlon, and a member of the Hoard of Directors of the Chamber of Ctmmerce.

'Perhaps the most impressive rev- elation made at tne meeting devoted Inland waterways lmprov'nients," raid C. Hebble. Kxecutlvo Secretary of the Chamber, who was a member of the delegation, wu the information given by Captain 0car Rarrett, of Cincinnati, who slated that during 15,20, and continuing through 1921, the nnn AAA A It Annr.1 ready being utilired, and It Is expected that as rapidly as other units are completed they will be used to their fullest extent In river service. Proper encouragement of these enterprises. It was pointed would not only Induce private capital to make further investment along those, lines, but also would, be a strong argument to the Government to give greater encouragement and impetus to the Improvement and equipment of tho Inland waterways." LEAGUE IS PRAISED i 7 mer President of Canadian, Council at New York Dinner.

Xv York January 21 V. AV Rnn-oll form.r President of the Prlvv roun.n rrcsldtt the Trhy Coun.ll of Canada, speaking here to-night at a dinner of the Canad'an Club, character- izcd the League of as the most honefui and practical exneriment vni I tried for providing a substitute for War. He said he had spent five weeks in Geneva and he believed the entry of alt great Powers Into the league would guarantee the success of the expert- i nient. "The consideration hlel was finally accorded the views of Canada and other non-European states was one of I the most hopeful and significant 1 ture" 01 ln assemniy. judged as a world organization." he declared i Mr, jioweii saia that Canada, aaan.

c.aieu jiiutni iui ureal Britain and geographically with the United States 1 operation. PRELATE 03 BIDE, Baltimore. January 51. -Cardinal UIWKini enjoyea an utomobile ride of about an hours duration to-day, ac- companlcd by hia physician and a I niembr of his housohld. elt was his first Blntc hl' rurn bout three weeks, ago) from Western Maryland, seriously 111 EXPLOSION KILLS IHEEE.T" Baltimore.

January 21. Frederick C. Carter, of Newark, N. James Kinlcy, of Curtis Bay, and' an unidentified man were killed by the premature explosion of a hand grenade at the Government Ordnance rni. r.

OD" JJepot at CurUs Coy to-day, "Child Labor sponsorc 1 by the Federal Council of KatMa Child Labor Committee, la to 'be observed In Protestant churche throughout the Cnited HtHtes t.vmor- row. IslgnaMon of" a dny to be devoted" to child labor problems a made, Jt is announced by tho Keilcral Council of Churches, because of the present neud of protecting children from exploitation during a time of Industrial depression. Synagogues aro to 0b- serve "Child Labor tav" at services an(. fecial attention to the topic on Men- day ltabbi David I'hlllpson will speak on "The Immigrant Tide" in an address at Rockdftln A vomit T.l. -Voon Class, of Cin.

cnnatl, an organization of Sundaj School teachers, will eehr.i n. 1 UHy pufty I John dlt JHa f.Th"",-JrTj- ordered Secretary Newton ll.V. Raker to cause. January 28. why oenooi lesson lor me rollowlnir Hunday.

Arransemen.s for the am.l- vcrsary arc In chnrge of a committee consisting of Dr. N. J. Hendricks. Miss vv Vi- Hen Mulford.

urd Mrs II it uvi.h UI.U Ji. Jl. Webb. r.ev. John r.obertson, fonnerly mht-ister of City Temple, Glasgow, Scotland, and father of Rev.

Ian Robertson, curate of St. Paul's Cathedral, Cincin nati, hits accepted an invitation to serve as evangelist for the Presby terian Church, and to visit churches of principal cltlea of the United Btates Rev. Mr. Robertson will bealn hia 1 nr.t anniversary of the coming lo wal Avenue Presbyterian Church Xorwood. of Rev.

Wlltlnm Ti is t0 celebrated to-night at the church by a "midwinter basket picnic." Kcfreahmcnts will be served by the brotherhood. It. tharles K. Guthrie, General Secretary of the Kpworth Leaguo of the Methodlat Episcopal Church, Chicago, 111., will speak at a mass meeting of the Kpworth League of Wesley Chapel. Fifth street, near Sycamore street, at 2:43 p.

m. to-inoirow. 'Jesus Christ, the, Same Yesterday, To-day and Forever." Is to be the theme of services at the Christian and Missionary Alliance, road way, to-morrow. EFLIGIOUS. Congregational.

"WHAT IS LEFT FOR THE CHURCH TO Sermon at 11 a. m. Worship Church School, 9:45 s. m. 7:30 M.

I'leasant Hunday Evening Services. Music and Movl a. Address "XATIOXAI. CiOOD SAMARITANS." Illustrated by Biblical film. Also scenic of Canadian Rockies and Philippine WALNUT HILLS CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, Hrsaser I.aae and Laeaat arwoad ar Gilbert ATeane Cars.


SF.VKXTH AM) KLM STREITI'S. DON'T FAIL TO HEAR Prof. William J. Hutchins President of Berea College Central Y. M.

C. Elm and Canal SUNDAY, JANUARY 23, 1921, at 3 P. M. ADMISSION HIKE. Services are to be held at nJti p.

m. Services at the First Vnltarian Con- 'gregstional Church to-morrow morning to l.e conducted by young people 01 the 'church. Herbert F. Koch la to sneak on "Rellplon as a Haven of Rest and as a Race To Be Run." 1 ACCUSED OF SLAYING SON, Chlcagoaa on TrUl "Wanted To Save Boy'i Soul," Alleged Words, I n'lcaK' Jlnuary 2l-FranK on XrM hcre charge of having killed his 17-year-old son, whom he confessed 'having shot j'lto fve his soul." Piano explained fit the time of the shooting, which took pluee last March, that Frank. wta the black aheap 0f his 10 children and that the "boy persisted in evil ways and would not fc h- in a crowd IUUIIU IIIU of young men.

Frank, was then, on parole. Piano upbraided the youth, teho made retort, then started to run. The father nhot him. The father saw "It was to save you, r'rank. I did It to vo your bouI." The boy died Ave days later.

0PFICEKS WIN IN COUBT. Washington, January cm-' lulcers aeeklng to prevent their retirement one J0.nn 7'" restored to the active list. French, who enlisted as a private in lffcil, has sued for an induction an tno 1 1 1. nllnn ihfl hnU Til in ground that action Bu: Ordering ms rcuremeni otmuwi 1. HchtS.

iinnmuii ma vi i REwaious. Catholic. BT. PETKRS CATHEDnAI SJS. Eighth at.

Rer. Michael Mulvlhill, pa-r. Manes at the Cathedral Sunday t.3t Tnd hiiT. ms at 10:39 ::0, :3 and litgn mass ai in. Vaspars and banedictisu at p.

lib ST, LOUIS CHURCH Elshth an Walnut sta. Itev. Hanry M. Bum. pastor.

Maaaaa Bnndava anil hoi dava at a. 111., a. ra. and 10 a. m.

Methodist. CMFTOV Sunday wbaol at M5 e. m. Morning worship at II o'clock. "LIFE'S BKOKKN' HHIPS." Kpworth Lanaue.

7 n. in. Karl llllman. Itadnr. F.vcnlnif ar-mon nl 7:4 p.

m. "TIH5 TWULVE KOUNDATIU.S'8 uK THS C1T." AVOXT'ALE No. SJ Voreat A. John Haysa Aaliain. 8.

8. at :45 a skillful and t.aehem. Krmon at II a. -THK WILL TO UK-t iirvk fhureh at Mmi hour. Midweek sarvice.

Wednesday at 7:45 p. in. Hew Jerusalem. church ok th new JERUSALEM i'nr oak anil in.iow. itev.

i.uuia Hm'li, MornHif fnlri at 11 o'clock, suh-lert. "TUB RAINBOW." Doctrinal ela at elo.e of sarvlce. Hunday at huol at 43 a. m. Lend Ins library opm daily 11 to 3.

ALL MEN WELCOME. 1 million now living will never die for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand. a A Presentation of Scriptural Karls By W. M. WISDOM, of Brooklyn, Xew York.

3 P. M. Sunday Odd Fellows' Temple (Assembly Hall), Seventh and Elm. INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION. CHURCH Motion Picture Equipment i Motion pictures in the church have absolutely proven that they stimulate interest and increase attendance at the various church activities.

Sunday School classes and Sunday evening sen-ices show remarkable attendance increases. Docs your church use this modern help in bringing more people particularly the young folks nearer to the Church influence? Specializing in picture equipment and sen-ice for churches, wc "offer' a particularly attractive, easy payment plan. "A YEAR TO PAY IT PAYS ITS WAY." Ministers, Church Trustees, Sunday School ,5 Superintendents and Church Societies should obtain details. -Visit 'Our Studio Literature int or representative will call on request. The Romell Motion Picture Co.

115, E. Sixth St. Cincinnati, Ohio. Service Make Friends," vHELIQIOCS. Episcopal.

CHRIST CHURCH East rourth betwe-n y-aav. Broadnay. At A. M. Holy At tlZV A.

XUlZi AT 8 I. LAST SERVICE OF THE MISSION" ReT. W. Russell Bowie, ST. paolTcathedral PKVENTM AND srs.

Holy eammunlmi at 7 a School. 1.15 a. ni. iwrvKo li a. by HKV.

V. ItVSSKI.Miow Beet.r ef St. raoTa hun Episcopal. 8T. LUKE'S CHURCH Flnd'nv miliar sta aunday sen it m.

aud a. m. Presbyterian. Knox Presbyterian Church Rev. Herbert Hezleo.

Pastor 11 fl "Thg Pgr, fl wiiiivo 7:45 P. "Has the Moral Man a Chance" FFECtAL MIVH-. Mra. 'iarner Hun ell. viol vlollnmt: Mr Mra.

Wllllnni OruLln. Mm Ohola.n. aoinaiio; Mi-, tralto; Mr. John NH Lilt liar Ulehniiin. i.hiu..i At 4 p.

Calvary i hun j. Vaaper Avondale Presbyterian At .30 A. M. Ilible At 11:00 A. M.

T.plr: "What Shall I Render." JMSK URRR.HANX. ril. Good First Presbyterian Church 14? EAST FOURTH PERMON AT 11 A. M.

"To Meet the World's Ned" I)y the Paator. Rav. David M. Sabbath school, 9:30 a. m.

Christian Endeavor, 7: SO p. Visitors Always Welcome. The Church of the Covenant EIGHTH AND ELM MS. Rev. Frank H.

Stevenson, D. D. llMI a aa icv. wiiiiam a. iviotter Rev.

Wm. Roberts Kruse Mr. Matter Preachea at 11 A. "THE CALL TO Krne Prcarhe at r. "PEHSOiXAL EVAXGLI ISNL" MT.

AUBURN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH JOHN W. CHRISTIE, Mlnl.ter. MORN1NO WORSHIP 11 O'CL'XX Bcrmon tbeme: "The Handicaps of Life" CNIKO WORSHIP, Mr. Schuylar Will tspcuk on onsiup, 1:1 jylar Will tsp "India" New Thought. The Hew Thought Temple tenter McMillan Mt.

und Ai V.alnut lillN. -Mr. May Cornell Miler, I railrr. Sunday morning arvr-n lo. vil "THK HAND WKITI.Mi I Hi; Atrt Sunday arhool, 1:30 a.

im. Adult Dibit class. 9:10 tu 1 a in Hunday evening ervic M. r. Hlollier, aiienlii-r, a OF NUTRITION." EVF.RVIIOV 1NVI1TI).

tT ir.l Library and Tree ni ti; v.nnm. '-Mercantile Library BuilUm rom 10 a. In. to 4 p. in.

r.iluriiajs ir 10 a. m. to 1 p. ra. Lutheran.


"TJ1K MIMSTRY Of I'tIV" At 7 4S "A NAr'K ItOdh." 1 Ine Mualr, Tan Minutes Trnm An Unitarian. First Unitarian Congregational Church Reading Koatl and Lindm. Kerviea of worship at II ducted liy liet youiiK iti.J'W of 'l '1 'Jr address "fiLl.i' A vi; REHT ANU Alt A T.A' UK N-" 1 Herbert K. Koch. Christian.

Walnut Hills Christian Church Loevat lift ween Park Ai. and Kemper Laiif. The pastor. J. J.

preach Hunduy at 11 a. in. md 1. -Morninr; TIk-iii''. "THE 1)1 VI Mi Kvenlnif "TIIK Tlll.vti TIIT I A MAN Oil' OK HbAVI.V" Hutiilay nlitht tiie imtnr 'I first of a aTtta of alx hm.

i'iI nini; ail'lrraaea on ii eating aubjn'-ta. Start In i'li i'. liear tho entire series. t- -viled. Christian Science.

enrlrea Are Held ir tha CHRISTIAN 8'JIKNOE CHI It' llti BuoUay Servlcea. A. M. Uuuei Servlcna at I V. M.

Flrat Chureh Clwuinall. 1015 Par Walnut Hllla; alau Kunday, i V. U-Beadlni rooma, 06 Union Tina Cincinnati. acond Churcb Cincinnati. Maaoulo Tample, Cllf' Reading rooms, branch poin.Rne McMillan aaat of Vine.

Theae Churches are hranclien ol ih Church, th Klraf Chuicli v( CarUU Bclanttat. Hostoa. Mja TJniversalibt. Firt Universalis. Church Essex riace, Walnut Hills, Between McMillan and June Sti.

Unleraallara IS a philosophy are and now. Th Church of th tor thoughtful people. Preaching at 11 Q'tLuk 0 DON SCOTT. Bible Students. IXTEUVATIONAU hi.

Aaaemlily Hall. Odd Reventh and Kim. Public II. I- 3 o'clock lr W. M.

isdom, ef NOW 1.1M"-'- i.vievk;n innivm thk ivi IIKAVEN lif AT HANK'' M' nlll Hait In the tit 1. aiev. ilible Clue study ut l.l' 1'.

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